Desert Shamrock Nov-Dec 2014

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November – December 2014 ~ Arizona’s Original Irish Newspaper ~ Vol. 25, No. 6

Irish Americans Fighting Injustice Call to Action: Arizona gears up for Super Bowl 2015 Starting on page 22

Rescuing People, Rebuilding Lives, Realizing Dreams

young womens trafficking program

Pro Teams Take a Stand


The Desert Shamrock –

Celebrating 25 Years!


e enjoy the legacy of The Desert Shamrock because of the vision and dedication of the founder, Robert E. Graham in 1989; Maureen O’Mahar Rainhart named Managing Editor and President in 1996; and followed by Julie O’Mahar Chiesa as Managing Editor and Publisher November 2002 through 2013. A key contributor, Kathy Wood served as interim Editor and proofreader for several years; read about her wonderful husband, Len Wood, on Page 5. Jim Burke, owner of Industrial Arts, provided the amazing graphic layout for the paper for 16 years. The paper was truly a labor of love for Arizona’s Celtic Community. On that foundation, we are using innovative designs, expanding content, and increasing readership by launching a magazine format and reaching a global audience. Printing one edition in Belfast this year was a highlight. Thank you for the many compliments and encouraging support! Bella Creative with Misty Voitovski and Gena Corcoran lay out the fabulous graphics each edition for publication. The amazing volunteer writers continue to bring Celtic people, topics, and events to share with all of us. Our advertisers remain the life blood. Can’t wait to share surprises in 2015! Photo by Ann Niemann

ARIZONA’S ORIGINAL IRISH NEWSPAPER Serving the Celtic Community 2320 E. Baseline Rd., #148-623 Phoenix, AZ 85042 (602) 568-3455 Visit e-mail: Owner & Editor in Chief • Ann Niemann Publisher • Niemann Publishing, Inc. Art Direction • Misty Voitovski Design & Layout • Gena Corcoran Masthead Design • Elaine’s Design Emporium Contributing Columnists

Brian Hanrahan • Carmelita Lee • Dan Magee Ellen Harrington • Gary Woodside • J Carro Janice Bryson • Kathleen Walters • Katie Caufield Ginder Liz Warren • Lynn Herdman Mascarelli • Maureen & Jack Sullivan Publisher – Julie O’Mahar (2003 - 2013) Editor - Kathleen Wood (2003 - 2008) Publisher - Maureen O’Mahar (1996 - 2002) Founding Publisher - Robert E. Graham (1987 - 1996) Subscriptions are available at $15 per year, prepaid. Please mail your subscription request to the address above. Copyright©2014 - Niemann Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the writers, and not necessarily those of ‘The Desert Shamrock,’ the publisher or the editorial staff. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Publication of advertising herein does not necessarily constitute endorsement of a product or service. Unsolicited materials become the property of Niemann Publishing, Inc. All unsolicited materials are greatly appreciated and carefully evaluated although publication is not guaranteed.

David Wilson, Interpress in Belfast that prints The Irish News

We’re featuring Brian Steele of Irish descent who directs The Phoenix Dream Center (PDC) and its efforts to rescue and rebuild lives caught in human trafficking. It’s a grim topic. I’ve tried to carefully balance presenting enough information to generate a CALL TO ACTION by you, the reader, and yet not too specific for our audience among minors. I am overflowing with specifics and can share with you in a different forum. The young woman on the cover had her rescue initiated by a Circle K manager because he was alert and called the hotline. He didn’t yet know her story that her mother was an addict; the girl came home to find they were evicted, crying she was accosted by pimps to provide housing. In purchasing birth control as a young teen and alone, the manager took the RIGHT action and had her stay in the store until help arrived. She completed the PDC programs and is now a nursing assistant; a success story from Where Hope Lives. Enjoy life and blessings, and a good read in


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November – December 2014

Nov – Dec 2014 ~ Arizona’s Original Irish Newspaper


6 Celtic Artisan: Lynn Herdman Mascarelli 7 Book Review: Ghost Light 20 McClelland Library’s Irish Literature Collection 20 James Joyce Centenary Series continues



The Fight Against Human Trafficking in Arizona


5 Irish Network Phoenix Profile: Len Wood




4 America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs 32 AZ Law Enforcement Emerald Society Shares Respects


29 Referendum: Arizona Scots Making History




11 Irish Tales from Arizona Territory – Christmas Traditions 9 Arizona: Did you know?

Married 71 years

16 A Tribute to Jack Cleere



Dick and Fran Kelahan

NORTHERN ARIZONA 30 Bod yn Gymry...being Welsh: Winter Cometh

8 Patrick Kavanagh’s poem “A Christmas Childhood” 9 Keltic Kitchen: Crock-Pot Irish Stew 18 Winter Solstice Celebrations 31 Friends’ Potato Fundraiser a Success


11 Left Lane Maureen, Part 5, Wicklow Mountains 28 Young Ambassador’s Trip to Northern Ireland



Brian Steele’s Where Hope Lives


next issue sneak peek Arizona Faces of our Celtic Support Youth for the Galway Libby Decker Celtics




12 Chandler-Tullamore Upcoming Events 12 Ellen’s notes from Tullamore . . . 13 Register for Phoenix Sister Cities’ Walk/Run

Show your Support! Join The Count!


Allene Dugan

14 Hurling Continues to Grow in Arizona 15 Arizona Youth Plays Baseball for Ireland Team

I’m 1 in a Million! Seamus McCaffrey

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014



America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs Empowering our nation’s youth Research and Interview by Ann Niemann


s proud Americans, will we honor our Armed Forces, veterans and communities by participating in the “America the Beautiful and BagReadyJobs” effort? Since moving to Cornville, Arizona in 2008, Gary Chamberlain has been instrumental in picking up trash along roadways, determined to do his part in keeping America’s landscapes beautiful. Challenging local communities to “put him out of business,” he turned his passion into a national organization as the founder of Folksville USA. A clean state makes for a great place to live and attracts tourists, which bolsters the economy. Through his organization, the “America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs” effort is being used as a teaching, learning and earning opportunity for our nation’s youth groups. “BagReadyJobs” is funded by community businesses and residents. Already supporters include those in Sedona, Prescott Valley, Prescott, McGuireville, Flagstaff, and Rimrock. Youth groups will learn how to develop marketing, sales, service and billing skills for their services rendered. They negotiate fees with their local businesses and residents for picking up the litter on the highway and filling 33- gallon bags. Working

Courtesy Camp Verde Bugle

with their local Adopt-a-Highway groups, the youth assist them in their efforts to restore the beauty to “America the Beautiful”. The businesses and residents that pledge funding or products to the youth groups will negotiate a fee between $7 and $10 for every trash bag filled to the brim. The nation’s official Adopt-A-Highway group leaders will document the participation of the youth groups and the number of bags they fill, which is then presented to the funding sponsors. In addition to displaying the trash-filled bags on the highway for 4 days as part of creating an awareness, education, and recognition opportunity, the youth groups are required to write an essay to present to those funding their activities and to their local news media organizations. The five essay questions are: What did you learn? What solutions might reverse the occurrence of highway litter and recycling efforts? How does highway litter impact the economy of your community? In addition to the negative economic effects, how does highway litter reflect on

the residents? What will you do to do to make a difference? Those providing funding will pay the youth groups for their services once all of the obligations have been fulfilled. The Cottonwood LDS Boy Scouts earned about $2,000 one year picking up litter four different times at $7 per bag. The AZ Footy Soccer (Sedona) has been earning their funding for their soccer team by helping to clean three miles of highway, earning roughly $2,000 per year at $10 per bag. Education, awareness and participation of schools and students in a four-timesper-year effort is required to change the habits of future generations. “America the Beautiful and BagReadyJobs” litter events are being promoted nationwide on the third Saturday of February, May, August and November. However, many Adopt-AHighway groups support these efforts but may select random dates for their cleanup activities. “America the Beautiful and BagReadyJobs” is the perfect opportunity for city and town leaders to challenge their community businesses and residents to support local youth groups that want to earn their funding. These young adults are our future role models and leaders. Recycling activities and getting some exercise are additional benefits that can be realized through this effort. Gary’s work has been featured in a variety of media; received official recognition by the Arizona House of Representatives in 2013; and honored by Paul Gosar, 4th District, Arizona in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2014. Gary is a Vietnam Army veteran who received both the Silver Star and the Purple Heart for his heroism, chronicled in the book, Search and Destroy, by Keith W. Nolan. He now serves as a member of the American Legion Post 135 in Cornville. His grandmother, Margaret Maggie Adam, was born in 1866 in Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland, immigrating to New York as a young teen. continued on page 17


The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014

By Carmelita Lee


en Wood will blow you away…which is exactly what he did when he demonstrated his talent for that most magical of instruments, a bagpipe, in my quiet downtown office! Even better, he was dressed in formal Scottish attire with all the accoutrements. No pun intended, but what a blast!!! Len is fiercely proud to be the great-grandson of Patrick D. McGrady and Mary Ryan of Donegal, who emigrated from Ireland to Glen Falls, New York through Montreal. It was his Grandmother Whible who got him started playing the pipes when he was about 12. “It was just goofy enough and strange enough to keep me interested,” he laughed, as he explained that he had already tried piano and violin. He played at his grandmother’s Old Irish Inn, a rustic hotel, restaurant and bar, where the jukebox played only Irish music. While in New York, he played with the Adirondack Pipe Bank–a lot to accomplish before moving to Phoenix at the age of 14. After he moved he continued to play the pipes with local pipe bands in Arizona. Still in his teens, he tells the delightful story of meeting some “nice old Scottish people who had formed the ‘Arizona Scottish Society,’ but had never realized the acronym that was associated with their name.” He wondered aloud to his mother why there shouldn’t be Highland games in Phoenix just like there were in other parts of the country. Largely through his own efforts (at age 17) and with his mother’s encouragement and practical help, the first ever Highland Games were held in Encanto Park in 1964 and have been an annual event ever since. They financed trophies and medals from raffling off her delicious homemade cakes. Len was drafted into the Navy and it was there that he met his Kathy, also a piper in the band. Their friendship and respect for one another grew into a deeply committed love as they wrote letters durLen, age 17

De la Salle Pipe Band of Waterford, Ireland at 2013 Festival Celtic in Lorient, France

ing his deployments, and during his last year in the Navy, they married. For their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary they renewed their vows with Father McShane in Donegal. Len and Kathy were delighted to be featured in the priest’s sermon, where he cited the dismal divorce rate in America, then admonished the congregation that “If these two can stay married for 25 years, then so can you!” They traveled to Ireland nine times, often with their bicycles for a closer Irish experience. After the Navy, Len’s career took them to Hershey, Pennsylvania and Atlanta, Georgia, where he would either join or form a pipe band. He and Kathy returned to Phoenix in 1998. Len is especially proud of Kathy’s achievements, and hardly takes notice of his own contributions to Arizona’s Celtic culture. He explained Kathy’s involvement with The Desert Shamrock, and how pleased she was to be a part of it. Kathleen was a co-author, along with Janice Bryson, of Irish Arizona (available through Amazon). Though Kathleen Shappee Wood died in 2008, Len continues to wear his Claddagh wedding ring, and never stops missing her. When asked what he would most like to share with our readers, he said, “Be proud of your Irish ancestors, and proud of Irish achievements. “Among those he cited: bringing religion, civilization and education abroad; and noted that except for a small foray into Scotland in 100 or 200 AD, Ireland never invaded nor colonized anyone. In the New World, the Irish helped build the railroads and were the muscle behind many a project. Len continues to teach bagpipes to individual students and different fire stations around the Valley, and is pipe major of his own band. He is humble, a friendly, likable fellow


Irish Network Phoenix Len Wood Meeting a Legend…

2012 “A Piping Weekend” in Phoenix with the judges: Bruce Gandy, Halifax, NS; Len; John Recknagel, Atlanta, GA; and Charlie Armejo, Tucson

who prefers hugs to handshakes, and who intersperses his narrative with hilarious stories. And as it turns out, music isn’t Len’s only talent. He also sews his own kilts! His company is Leonard Wood Kiltmaker; contact him for yours. see sidebar on page 18

How does a gal named Carmelita claim to be Irish? Scottish, even? Granny Holland’s family hailed from Ennis, County Clare, and Grandpa Maxwell from the Borderlands, Scotland. Her husband’s mother was a Dowdall, and he had a Grandma O’Higgins…ye can’t be more Irish than that!

Len and Kathy

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014



Celtic Artisan:

Lynn Herdman Mascarelli In 1986, she was commisPhoto by Paul Ahern sioned to paint Mural during McClelland Irish Library construction n this edition, we honor our beloved Celtic murals of the During the construction of McClelland Irish Artisan columnist, Lynn Herdman Mascarelli. Statue of Liberty in Boys and Girls Clubs in Tempe Library, Lynn painted an incredible mural at She is a multi-talented artist in her own right as and Chandler through the kindness of then director, architect Paul Ahern’s request. It stretched across painter, sculptor, potter, novelist, and more. A very Dennis Marcello. Lynn says it was “fun swinging the courtyard, mounted to the fencing to hide the young-looking woman who claims she is very old, around on the scaffolds.” The murals are no longer construction. Its colors and the ruins depicted were Lynn is passionate about art and life and everything there but customers at Scottsdale’s Sugar Bowl may inspired from an unforgettable visit to Grey Abbey in between. still admire one of her pieces painted in 1997. in County Down, Northern Ireland. When Norman Raised in New Jersey, Lynn was only five years McClelland saw a depiction for the new library, he old when her mother passed away with cancer. It suggested she paint a few drumlins, spoon-like hills was art that helped her emotionally survive. Loving found in lakes and rivers often seen in his homeland snow, Lynn drew a telephone pole in the snow with of County Down. She had fun sneaking in an Acadthe maturity to add a shadow. A visiting artist to emy for Pat McCrossan and the Castle where Patricia her second grade class noticed, praising her for this Prior’s mother is from in Lismore. Our Bill O’Brien detail. Lynn was thrilled with that single encouragewas thrilled when she showed him his ranch and sun ment. She shares, “When I was a child, I drew and brand tucked next to a crumbling castle. sketched all the time...a good pencil was my best Interestingly, Lynn’s amazing fabric art began friend in hard times.” when she joined The Celtic Crafters at the Irish She attended a high school convent boarding Cultural Center. She was reluctant and confessed, “I school then enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served do not sew and told them so. These dear women inas a news columnist/cartoonist; later, she worked at sisted I take their scraps and make pictures. What?” an architectural firm as an illustrator for presentation But that’s exactly what she does, by folding and designs. But she considered art a luxury and put it tucking, shaping and gluing the cloth into Celticon hold to be a part of the sixties’ Kennedy era; she themed illustrations and framed under glass. She has wanted to save the world like so many others and a “penchant for seascapes with lighthouses,” inspired served as a welfare caseworker, a teacher-therapist in by the 250 on Ireland’s coast. She lays out fabric into an institute for emotionally-disturbed children, and rolling mountainsides and cottages, replications of the rest of her life as a high school teacher of history, the saints and especially Saint Brigid’s crosses in all theology, and art. sizes; her latest Celtic cross is five feet tall! Lynn, about age 6 As Lynn explains, “I’ve always been on one side Lynn has always been a wordof a teacher’s desk or the other.” She smith and earned a Masters in Urban Education alternates her from Seton Hall University and antime between other Masters in Theology from the art and writJesuit University of San Francisco. ing. Her first During her last ten years of teachbook, The ing history and political science in Moondead, metro Phoenix, she took high school is a mystery seniors to Europe. Venice above novel set somewhere in Arizona, all remains as a highlight, but the present day. The reader will art was amazing all over Europe; it be drawn into this fast-paced fueled her imagination. Monet, Goya narrative of an unusual former and Michelangelo have inspired her. archeologist-turned-nun who Lynn’s favorite medium is the is asked to assist a fiery Belfastmural, the larger the better. When born detective, confounded by a she was a child, she always “wanted rash of macabre slayings with rethe biggest piece of paper in the ligious undertones. It will launch walls are wonderful!” While in February-March. studying at Queens in Belfast, she Her mother, Mabel Williams, “Irish Ruins and Roses in Moonlight” Ceramics Studio Assistant, studied the murals of the Troubles in was of Welsh ancestry and a family acrylic on canvas Skidmore College, 1987 Derry and County Antrim. line dating back to the 1700s from With guest writer Ann Niemann


The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014

Ghost Light

By Joseph O’Connor

Farrar, Strous and Giroux 2010

Stoneware reminiscent of medieval monastic theme. Clay bathed in bisque wash before firing.

Natural Laguna Red Terracotta clay thrown on the potter’s wheel and shaped. Her own clay stamps with rose designs impressed while the clay is leather hard. Celtic themes with glazes in greens and blues.

the Isle of Anglesley. Lynn is a member of the Welsh League and also writes The Desert Shamrock’s Welsh column. She calls herself the elder in a family of artists. Her son, Christopher, is an illustrator-graphic artist for the Go-Daddy web design team in Scottsdale. His wife, Maren Maclean of the Clan Maclean, as she likes to say and Scottish of course, is a long-time actress with Southwest Shakespeare, has performed with many Phoenix theater companies and serves as an adjunct theater professor at Scottsdale Community College. Lynn continues to create new works in her home studio. “I am grateful in the latter part of my life that I can give myself to the arts, when for so many years I had to put it on hold. I encourage everyone to make a space for art in their lives and have no regrets that you did it. Art graces the soul; it softens the dark edges in our lives.” For the entire article,


Fabric art with granddaughters

Lynn Herdman Mascarelli

Featured Artist

November-December 2014 Great Hall Exhibit, Irish Cultural Center, Phoenix Open to the Public during ICC hours and events

Fabric art with colors of Irish flag in the fields

Pre-Christmas Celebration of Art With Lynn and The Celtic Crafters “First Friday” December 5 ▪ 5-9 pm Chef AJ Voita from Vincent’s on Camelback Tasting plates from $5-15 For details, contact

Shadow box of St. Brigid

The Desert Shamrock

Review by Brian Hanrahan et against an Edwardian backdrop in early Twentieth Century Dublin, Joseph O’Connor’s Ghost Light fictionalizes the real-life love affair between playwright John Millington Synge, author of scandalous The Playboy of the Modern World, and Molly Allgood, a second-tier actor in the stage production of Synge’s three-act play. Toss in an unflattering cameo by Irish Nobel Poet Laureate William Butler Yeats, and Ghost Light takes flight on the wings of O’Connor’s lofty gift for English prose. The tale of an illicit love tryst between the married John Millington Synge and an unmarried and perceived underling, Molly Allgood—stage name Maire O’Neill—is told in two voices: that of Molly Allgood, a broken human living hand-to-mouth, relegated to an alcoholic fugue in the London of 1952; and the voice of youthful actress Maire O’Neill, flush with optimism, mightily smitten with John Synge, in the Dublin of 1908. A poorly kept secret, Synge and Allgood’s burgeoning romance finds them walking arm-in-arm about Dublin and the verdant countryside while local wags snigger about their obvious mismatch of style and substance. Not to be denied, the lovers take rooms in romantic locations where they awaken to open windows filled with brilliant sunshine and wondrous views of heather fields folding away to nearby loughs. A barebones 246 pages, O’Connor’s Ghost Light garnered a brace of bestseller awards in 2011, and beyond. It’s a page-turner, a quick read and fastidiously researched. Molly Allgood’s meticulously maintained letters and diaries of the affair do not survive, having been destroyed upon Synge’s death of Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age 37. Thus the romantic liaisons finitely detailed by author O’Connor are simply as he imagined them. In brief, it’s fiction. Yet no drugstore romance novel abounds here, but simply an author’s noteworthy ability to disassemble historical characters into bewitchingly flawed human beings. The author admits to harboring a mild crush on Molly Allgood, pondering that “she just seemed so complex and lovely. I think I probably fell for her a bit…and it may be the first time that’s ever happened to me with one of my characters.” O’Connor’s résumé includes 2003’s fictional Star of the Sea, a gritty fictional saga of Irish emigration to America aboard a mournful New York-bound coffin ship in 1847, a perilous journey through which untold immigrants found themselves suffering. In 2007, O’Connor followed with the earthy Redemption Falls, a thickly plotted U.S. Civil War tale that has readers reintroduced to one of the forlorn Irish characters from Star of the Sea. In Redemption Falls, readers follow Eliza Duane Mulvey in a fictional best seller reviewed in The Desert Shamrock in 2008. Press releases for Ghost Light note that O’Connor would distance himself from his notorious sister and casual references asserting that “Sinéad O’Connor’s brother has written a book.” Mindful of Sinéad O’Connor’s meteoric descent from world attention, she’s more likely to be known today simply as Joseph O’Connor’s sister.



Book Review

Brian’s great great grandfather arrived in Canada on a coffin ship out of Limerick in 1852. After a year or two in frigid Montreal, he migrated to balmy Wisconsin where he joined dozens of other Irish immigrants to farm in Erin Township, which even today remains replete with Irish surnames.

November – December 2014



Patrick Kavanagh’s poem

“A Christmas Childhood” in Ireland Reprinted with permission by Niall O’Dowd, IrishCentral LLC

My father played the melodion Outside at our gate; There were stars in the morning east; And they danced to his music. Across the wild bogs his melodion called To Lennons and Callans. As I pulled on my trousers in a hurry I knew some strange thing had happened. Outside in the cow-house my mother Made the music of milking; The light of her stable-lamp was a star And the frost of Bethlehem made it twinkle. A water-hen screeched in the bog, Mass-going feet Crunched the wafer-ice on the pot-holes, Somebody wistfully twisted the bellows wheel. My child poet picked out the letters On the grey stone, In silver the wonder of a Christmas townland, The winking glitter of a frosty dawn. Cassiopeia was over Cassidy’s hanging hill, I looked and three whin bushes rode across The horizon - the Three Wise Kings. An old man passing said: “Can’t he make it talk” The melodion, I hid in the doorway And tightened the belt of my box-pleated coat.

I nicked six nicks on the door-post With my penknife’s big blade There was a little one for cutting tobacco. And I was six Christmases of age. My father played the melodion, My mother milked the cows, And I had a prayer like a white rose pinned On the Virgin Mary’s blouse. Patrick Kavanagh was an Irish poet and novelist. Regarded as one of the foremost poets of the 20th century, his best known works include the novel Tarry Flynn and the poems “On Raglan Road” and “The Great Hunger.” Born: October 21, 1904, Inniskeen, County Monaghan, Ireland. Died: November 30, 1967, Dublin, Ireland. []

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The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014

Crock-Pot Irish Stew By Katie Caufield Ginder


ia daoibh a chaired! (Hello friends!) During the busy holiday season, let your crock-pot do the work by preparing this simple, hearty meal. If you do not own a crockpot, the stew can easily be prepared in the oven or stovetop. Enjoy and happy holidays!

Yield 6-8 Servings Ingredients: • 2 pounds boneless beef cubed, browned, and drained • 2 teaspoons salt Photo by Katie Caufield Ginder • 1/4 teaspoon pepper • 2 cups water • 1 small bay leaf • 2 cloves minced garlic • ½ teaspoon dried thyme • ½ teaspoon dried parsley • ½ teaspoon dried rosemary • 2 medium carrots, peeled and cut in 1/2-inch slices • 2 small onions, thinly sliced • 4 medium potatoes, peeled and quartered • 10 oz. frozen peas Directions: Season browned beef cubes with salt and pepper. Place beef in the crock-pot along with water, bay leaf, garlic, thyme, parsley, rosemary, carrots, onions, and potatoes. Cover and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours. During the last hour of cooking, add peas to the stew. Remove bay leaf before serving.

Did you know?

4. Arizona’s disparate climate can yield both the highest temperature across the nation and the lowest temperature across the nation in the same day. 5. There are more wilderness areas in Arizona than in the entire Midwest. Arizona alone has 90 wilderness areas, while the Midwest has 50. 6. The Riordan family established the Arizona Lumber & Timber Co., Flagstaff’s largest employer for 40 years. Friends of President Teddy Roosevelt. Read more fun and fascinating facts about Arizona NEXT edition.

Photo by Gary M. Johnson

Arizona’s Official State Historian, Marshall Trimble has been called the “Will Rogers of Arizona.” He’s a “cowboy philosopher,” educator, lecturer, author, folk singer and stage performer, and appears frequently on radio and television. He created and taught Arizona history at Scottsdale Community College for forty years where he was also Director of Southwest Studies.


Keltic Kitchen


Desert Fare Cookbook

On sale for $10 Pre-pay on our website at, and cookbook with be mailed.

Katie Caufield Ginder lives in Gilbert with her husband and son. Her background is in higher education program management, instruction and faculty recruitment. She enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, cooking, yoga, volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters and learning about her Irish heritage. Katie’s great, great paternal grandfather was from Galway and immigrated to Pennsylvania in the 1860s.

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014



Irish Tales

from Arizona Territory / Christmas Traditions By Janice Ryan Bryson


hristmas in the Arizona Territory bears little resemblance to the holiday we celebrate today. Arizona has numerous celebrations around the state for residents to enjoy that originated in Territorial Days and were created from a blend of Indian, Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo cultures. Father Kino was the first to bring Christianity and the European culture to the area we know as Arizona. He arrived in 1687 and founded one of the first Spanish missions, San Xavier del Bac, about ten miles south of Tucson on the present day

Photo by Janice Ryan Bryson

San Xavier del Bac Mission

Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation. As settlers came up from Mexico, one of the customs they brought to Arizona was La Posada. This celebration included nine days of children’s processions depicting the journey of Mary and Joseph to find shelter (posada) in Bethlehem. Check out Botanical Gardens’ Luminaria celebrations in the city of Tucson and in Phoenix’ Papago Park at; http://www.dbg. org/events-exhibitions/las-noches-de-las-luminarias. Many of us today enjoy having tamales during the holiday season. To make a tamale is a labor of love, born in tradition. The Aztecs invented it and we have been enjoying them ever since. A friend told me that his mother always includes a black olive in her tamales at Christmas time – she says it is a gift from the Christ child. After the American Civil War, Arizona began attracting more settlers looking for mining and ranching opportunities. Christmas was probably just another day to many of the miners on lonely claims or ranchers who settled in isolated areas.


If attending a Catholic Mass was part of an Irishman’s Christmas celebration in Ireland, it was not possible in many of the newly established camps and towns in early Arizona Territory. In 1870, there were only two priests in Arizona. As mining camps sprang up around the Territory, the priests ministered to the camps by becoming circuit riders and traveled from camp to camp on horseback or horse and buggy. Settlers did work to establish churches of all denominations in the towns being established in the late 1800s. Plans for the first Roman Catholic church in Flagstaff were begun in 1887 and the first Mass was celebrated on Christmas Day 1888. In commemoration of this, the church was named Nativity. A Christmas celebration is held each year at the Riordan Mansion State Historical Park in Flagstaff [see Celtic Directory listing on page 36]. The home was built in 1904 by Timothy and Michael Riordan, owners of Northern Arizona’s largest lumber mill. Their father, Timothy Sr., was one of twelve children born to Denis Riordan and Ellen Murphy in Fonnought, Donoughmore , County Cork, Ireland. The family had been turned out of their home in about 1845 and emigrated to Bradford, England. Timothy Sr. and three of the other children emigrated to America. The celebration at the Riordan home by the historical society is based on an old Irish blessing that captures the heart of the Christmas spirit by offering the warmth and good will of friends. The Irish tradition of a large candle is placed in the front window on Christmas Eve as a symbol of welcome to Mary and Joseph was followed at the home. Orick Jackson’s book, The White Conquest of Arizona, tells of the first Christmas tree in Arizona sometime between 1865 and 1868. His book states that J.N. Rodenburg of Prescott “has the honor of being the first man who conceived the idea of zealously and fervently observing the birth of the Savior in a wild land and providing the first Christmas tree to be erected in Arizona.” Eligible children were rounded up and went with six men into the woods to select the Christmas tree. It was erected in Rodenburg’s house with a call going out to the town

The Desert Shamrock

for presents to ornament the tree. Various crude toys and good were manufactured by the men as gifts for the children. In the later 1870s, Globe celebrated Christmas by planning a party for the children in the town. The Knox and McNelly Saloon gave permission to hold the party in the barroom. All liquor was removed for the occasion and the bar was covered with while muslin curtains. Merchants were asked for donations and $25.00 was solicited for gifts for the children. There were no toys to be purchased in the mining camp so hair ribbons were provided for all the girls and pocket knives for the boys. A committee purchased candy, raisins and nuts to place in tarlatan bags as an additional gift for each child. A pine tree was trimmed with strings of popcorn and colored ribbons. The Sunday school provided a program for the guests. Santa did not arrive and no ministers or priests were present, but Globe’s citizens managed without them. People came and went all evening including lonely miners who rode many miles to attend. Holly wreaths, popular as door decorations in North America, can be traced to early settlers from the south of Ireland. They came to the United States during the famine years. Holly grows wild in the south of Ireland at Christmas time and houses were lavishly decorated with it. Blessing of the New Year to all. Nollaig Shona Duit. Janice Ryan Bryson descended from Irish pioneers who arrived in the Arizona Territory in the 1880’s, she is co-founder of the Irish Arizona Project and coauthor of the book Irish Arizona. Janice is a member of The First Families of Arizona, Daughters of the American Revolution and several women’s agriculture organizations, and serves on several Boards.

November – December 2014

Part 5

from Left Lane Maureen By Maureen Sullivan CTC County Cork, Ireland

1971 the entire centre of the house was destroyed by fire. It has been rebuilt to house the lovely Avoca ay the road rise to greet you, as you drive shops. On the estate is the Powerthe Wicklow Mountains! scourt Waterfall, where the Dargle Go around Dublin City on the M50. River cascades 398 feet into the valley As there are no toll booths, cameras will record your below. Amazing!! license plate as you pass beneath them. When you Leaving Powerscourt, you will take get off the M50, stop at a gas station, take the car the R755, and then turn onto the rental receipt in with you for license plate info, and R759 to Sally’s Gap at the top of the the clerk will help you pay the 3.10 Euro toll. (It Wicklow Mountains. You are traveling needs to be paid at least by 8 pm the following day on the military road built by the Britto avoid late fees.) ish to capture the rebels who fled to the Wicklow Mountains after the war of 1916. The mountains are much different than the rock formations of the Ring of Kerry. The grand scenery of large and rocky mountains is covered with grass, lovely yellow gorse, and the hillsides and roads are dotted with sheep. The sheep can be a problem at times as they lay on the warm edge of the road. They are marked on their wooly backs with bright identifying dyes from each farm, luminous splashes of red, green and blue “punks of the pasture” sporting their latest hair-do’s. That night at the B&B, I asked the lady of the house about the sheep on the roadGillian Stewart, NPWS ways. She said, as if sharing a family secret, “I The Spinc from Camaderry, will tell you something about the sheep that most travelers don’t know. The sheep we now To reach the lovely Powerscourt Estate, turn have are no Irish a’tall; they’re the result of selective south on the M11, exit on R117 and follow the breeding.” I then saw the Irish twinkle in her eyes signs. The Estate, at the foot of the Sugar Loaf and knew I was being put on. “You see, all the stuMountain, is unbelievable, with a house of stately pid Irish sheep were killed by you Yanks. The ones design overlooking the gardens and cobblestone we have left are smart enough to get out of the way.” staircase to the lake! 0n the night of November 4, Next on the itinerary, take the R115 to Glen-


Jack’s parents were born in County Cork, Ireland, settling in 1920’s Chicago.


Driving Tips

dalough and visit Saint Kevin’s Monastery, a land of saints and scholars. Its ruins date back to the 6th century. Most of the present stone buildings date from the 10th and the 12th centuries. The principal remains today are seven churches, a monastic gatehouse, a round tower, numerous Celtic high crosses and a monastic graveyard. The tea room at Glendalough Hotel is excellent. Leaving the Wicklow Mountains, drive to a truly medieval city of Kilkenny. The colorful history of this ancient city can be felt as you walk the maze of narrow streets. Kilkenney Castle is at one end and Saint Canice’s Cathedral at the other extreme end. On High Street, you view the 18th century Tholsel with its distinctive clock tower and arcade. The castle was completed in 1213, overlooking a sweeping bend of the River Nore. It was a symbol of the Norman occupation, and built on the site of the old Kilkenny fortress. The town of New Ross is home to the Dunbrody Famine Ship. It is also the ancestral home of John F. Kennedy, the first Irish-Catholic American president. The locals talk about his visit like it was yesterday, but it was June 1963 that he visited his homeplace. “The most interesting part of Ireland comes when the road turns into a sheep’s path.” To be continued…

Phone: 480-671-0207 • Cell: 847-481-9149 Fax: 480-617-5961 • Travel Europe, Mexico, Cruises & South Pacific

The Desert Shamrock

Maureen and John (“Jack”) are the owners of Sullivan’s Travels, Inc. Maureen has been a travel professional for 23 years, moving their business to Phoenix four years ago.

November – December 2014



Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities’ Upcoming Events


ur newest creative education event is our Wine & Design Evening! Chandler’s own entrepreneur/artist/ singer Laurie Fagen will lead a make-and-take class on Monday, November 17 to be held at

Gangplank in Downtown Chandler, beginning at 7:00 pm. Creations of polymer clay with Celtic designs - Newgrange swirls, and more will form ornaments, jewelry, pins - whatever your creative juices can dream! Make gifts and decorations for the Holidays! Cheese and fruit platters, plus wine, water, soft drinks and hot tea will be served. Cost for the event is $25; payment may be made on our website, www.chandlerirish. org, or mail payment to “CTSC” at P.O. Box 1474, Chandler, AZ 85244-1474. This event will benefit our Student Ambassador Program. The ChandlerTullamore Sister Cities’ Irish

Make-and-Take Art Class Celtic Ornaments

Ellen’s notes from Tullamore...


uring my visit to Tullamore in August, I had the pleasure of attending a National Heritage Week event at the Tullamore Library, accompanied by Tullamore resident Camilla Cullen and her daughters, who were our hosts for the August visit. On a “soft” Irish day, we were treated to a gathering of local Storytellers and Rhymers. Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities was given a warm welcome by

Tullamore Mayor Sinead Dooley! Following is a poem by Tullamore-native Rhymer, Cormac Lally, cited with the poet’s permission. This poem is included in his publication, “Scribbles, Dribbles and Home Grown Nibbles – A Clatter of Poems,” a copy of which has been donated to the McClelland Irish Library. Congratulations to Librarian Mary Stewart and her staff/committee for this enjoyable afternoon!

Connection Holiday Mixer will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 2 from 5:30-7:00 pm at our business sponsor, Coach & Willie’s, 1 East Boston Street in Downtown Chandler. This is a great event - a nice time to meet our members and those interested in all things Irish in an informal setting. CTSC strives to continue our association with Tullamore, Ireland through cultural understanding, economic development, educational exchanges, and community involvement. Hors d’oeuvres are complimentary and there will be a cash bar. Please RSVP “yes” only by phone, email, or website - we need to give C&W a count for the food! See you there! For more information on Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities and events, please contact Ellen Harrington, President, at or 480-600-8095. Visit or on Facebook at “ChandlerIrish.”

Ellen Harrington serves as the President of ChandlerTullamore Sister Cities, as Secretary for Arizona Sister Cities, and is a Board Member of the Irish Cultural and Learning Foundation. Her Irish heritage descends from the Stewarts of County Down, and a recently discovered link to County Cork. Her husband, Pat, is the grandson of Irish immigrants from Castletownbere, County Cork.

The Gathering 2013 The Gathering for me it meant Not those who came and went What grants put pants on seats Totals to exchequer spent To help us gloom and doom defeat Increase our rise to affluent From feeling this eternal Lent To our shores the hordes that left Beguile them back with songs bereft Of any shame, come home and lend Some Euros so the Banks can mend. This year the Gathering for me Was in the green house, in the field My brassica in sumptuous yield My gathered family to feed The smallest hands on spoon and bowl Inquires ‘where does cabbage grow’? And I can bring her out and show The Gathering of what I’d sown.


The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014




K Run


Attention Runners and Walkers! ARIZONA FALLS The Phoenix Sister Cities Ennis Committee is (SRP Canal) hosting its 5th Annual 5K Fun Run/Walk and needs your support. The event benefits 5802 E. Indian School Rd. Phoenix Sister Cities programs and exchanges Phoenix, AZ which foster people-to-people connections through cultural understanding. To register, visit

For more information on the Phoenix Cities Programs, check us out at:

Sponsored in part by




Hurling Continues to Grow in Arizona By Ian Anderson


014 was a big year for Gaelic sports – especially hurling – in Arizona. The Phoenix Gaels and the Flagstaff Mountain Hounds participated in three tournaments over the course of the season: West Coast Sevens in San Diego, Denver Irish Festival (as a combined team), and The Finn Corr Cup in Flagstaff. To celebrate both a banner year of growth and revitalization for Arizona’s Gaelic sports teams and a new friendship between the clubs, the Mountain Hounds hosted the Gaels in a friendly season closer Hurling match on August 24. On a fair-weathered day, the two

teams took to the pitch for an exciting back and forth, hour long match. In the first half, the Gaels consistently scored points from mid-field, punctuated by the occasional goal. The Mountain Hounds initially had difficulty finding a rhythm, but were able to mount a strong comeback going into half time. After the half time switch, the scene was extremely similar to the first half. Phoenix pushed hard again, including hitting several key free points – penalties – to advance their score steadily. Flagstaff managed to weather the storm and mount a strong comeback. Unfortunately for the home team, there just wasn’t enough time for them to completely close the gap, and Phoenix won 16-20 (68) to 14-19 (61) to Flagstaff. Afterwards, both teams retired to Uptown Pubhouse to cheer

Moya Brennan Irish Christmas

An Irish Christmas in America

An unforgettable evening of seasonal music from the Emerald Isle featuring Irish icon Moya Brennan.

A family-friendly performance of Irish ballads, holiday classics, lively fiddle tunes, and thrilling Irish dancing.

Sun., Nov. 30 | 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $34.50–$38.50

Photos by John Goral

the next season and watch a replay of last year’s AllIreland Hurling final. Both teams have big plans for the coming year, including revisiting the three competitions from 2014 and going to the North American County Board (NACB) finals in Chicago. For more information about the clubs, including practice times and future matches, visit their websites at or search for the Phoenix Gaels G.A.A. Club on Facebook. Both clubs encourage and invite new members of any skill level to practice, men and women alike.

Mon. & Tue., Dec. 8 & 9 | 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $34.50–$38.50

2014 Concert Series sponsored in part by


To Purchase Tickets: Located in the Musical Instrument Museum • Order online at • Call 480.478.6000 • Visit MIM’s Ticket Office at 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix (Corner of Tatum & Mayo Blvds., just south of Loop 101)


The Desert Shamrock

Ian Anderson is a founding member of the Flagstaff Mountain Hounds and sits on their executive board. After researching his family’s roots in Cork and West Meath, he developed a strong interest in Irish culture. He resides in Flagstaff where he plays hurling and speaks gaeilge – both as a novice.

November – December 2014

Joseph Cunningham, a Paradise Valley resident and Senior at Notre Dame Prep High School, is a member of Ireland’s national baseball team. Joe played at the adult level on the Men’s Senior International Baseball team representing Ireland in the Group C European Championship Tournament in Ljubljana, Slovenia July 29 to August 2, 2014. Ireland was victorious against Norway, Hungary, and Romania before being defeated by Slovenia in the semi-final game. At 18 years old, Joe was invited to work out with members of the Team in June 2014. Following the work out, Sean Mitchell, the Manager of the Irish National Baseball Team, welcomed him to officially join them. Joe played both outfield and pitched for Ireland during the tournament. He said it was an unforgettable experience and looks forward to playing again for Ireland next summer. Joe is the son of Matt and Stephanie Cunningham and grandson of Jim and Judy Cunningham. Peter Kavanagh, President of Baseball Ireland, shares, “It’s great that Joe is being profiled. He’s a true gentleman and a fine young ball player and we’re proud to have had him involved with our National Team at the European Championships this year.” The Irish Baseball & Softball Federation (IBSF)

was founded in 1989 with the primary purpose of furthering the growth and development of Baseball and Softball at all age and skill levels throughout Ireland. The IBSF was also responsible for the development of umpiring (refereeing) for the sports and runs clinics for fully qualified international umpires as well as novices. BASEBALL IRELAND is the recognized National Governing Body of Baseball in Ireland and is responsible for the development and promotion of baseball on the island of Ireland. Adult level baseball in Ireland began to formally take shape in 1995. Visiting coaches from Major League Baseball International (MLBI) provided the much needed instruction to adult players, most of who had only played recreational softball but wished a greater competitive and athletic challenge. Youth baseball was given a tremendous boost by The Philadelphia Green Sox when they traveled to Ireland in 1992. They ran clinics for the youth program which was, until their arrival, quite underdeveloped. They also delivered equipment to field eight youth teams. Much of the interest generated in baseball over

Joe Cunningham

the past few years can be attributed to the dream of a generous sponsor and the development of a purpose-built baseball facility in Clondalkin, West Dublin. Irish-American Peter O’Malley, owner and President of the Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball organization, first met with the IBSF in 1994. Having already developed baseball fields elsewhere internationally, O’Malley donated $140,000. Officially opened for play on July 4, 1998, the facility has a regulation sized adult field (Dodger Baseball Field) and an international standard Little League field (O’Malley Little League Field). If you’d like to know more about Irish baseball or to help with the growth of baseball in Ireland, go to


Arizona Youth Plays Baseball for Ireland Team

Matt’s grandparents, James Joseph Cunningham and Delia McNicholas, each emigrated from Co. Mayo, Ireland, met and married in Chicago

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014



A Tribute to Jack Cleere By Kathleen Walters


rish elder John “Jack” Cleere--Founder of the Northern Arizona Irish Foundation, raconteur [a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way], writer, humorist, carpenter, painter, glider pilot, friend to everyone—died in Flagstaff on July 17. Jack was born in County Limerick, Ireland, into a family of four boys and four girls. Even though he left Ireland 70 years ago, he never lost touch with being Irish. Jack attended a Christian Brothers school where he studied Latin, Irish Gaelic, English, and math. He remembers having to write everything in Latin, translate it to English, and finally put it into Irish—and he never did understand why they had to study Latin. Although he hadn’t spoken Irish since his school years, he still remembered much of it and served as a nativespeaking informant when Irish language classes were taught in Flagstaff. Given Jack’s love of storytelling, it’s not surprising that his favorite subject in school was composition. He loved writing stories, and continued to write stories through the last couple of years of his life. Some of his tales appeared in Flagstaff Irish Newsletters and The Independent Celt. One of Jack’s sisters, Anne, became a nun who studied with Maria Montessori in Ceylon and then

opened the first Montessori School in London. This sister, over 90 years old and legally blind, is still a nun at the Good Shepherd Mission in Singapore. Jack lived in London several years and loved the city despite the discrimination against the Irish that existed after the war. He described looking for a room near Nottingham Castle. “As soon as I opened my mouth, the woman pointed to the sign in the window—‘No Irish or coloured.’” Jack attributed the anti-Irish attitude to the difficult times. He had decided to go to Australia and had already paid the £30 deposit when he met Rosie Huston at an Irish dance at London’s Garryowen Club. That marked the end of the Australian plans, and in 1951 they were married. Unable to find an apartment, they signed up to go to America, arriving in New Jersey in 1953. Jack loved New Jersey, and their son Johnny was born there in 1957. When Johnny moved to Flastaff, Jack and Rose visited the West, and liked Arizona the moment they saw it. “I love the mountains, the deserts—and the Grand Canyon,” he said. A few years ago, he and Johnny took a river trip—“the trip of my life”— through the Grand Canyon. Jack loved to read and was partial to the Irish writers—William Butler Yeats, Thomas Moore, Oliver Goldsmith, Patrick Cavenaugh. He also liked Leon Uris, to whom he paid the ultimate compliment: “He writes as good a book as any Irishman could.” Frank McCourt, author of Angela’s Ashes, received lots of flak for his descriptions of Limerick in the 1930’s, but Jack thought McCourt’s portrayal of the city was right on. “I believe every word he wrote.” Jack said. “He might have jazzed it up a little, but I believe every word.” Jack was able say this to Frank in person when the author gave

a reading at the Grand Canyon ten years ago, and they reminisced about Jack’s first meeting Malachy McCourt (Frank’s brother) at a New York celebration for a fellow Irishman’s acquittal on gun-running charges! Jack and Rose were instrumental in the formation of the Northern Arizona Irish Foundation in 1996, and he served several terms as president. One of his primary accomplishments was to bring different Irish music groups to Flagstaff. And Jack loved bagpipes and even started to learn to play them. Throughout his 18 years in Flagstaff, Jack strongly supported all Irish and Celtic events in the state. We send our condolences to his wife Rose, his son John, daughter-in-law Anita, grandsons Christian, Aiden, and Kaine, and his many, many friends. A celebration of Jack’s life was held in Flagstaff on July 26. Kathleen Walters lives in a log cabin in the woods near Flagstaff. For several years she taught English on the Navajo Reservation and for 30 years owned and operated Aradia, an independent bookstore in Flagstaff. A strong advocate for Adoptee Rights, she wrote Coming Together: An Adoptee’s Story and the fictional Caitlin: Priestess of the Goddess (under the author name Martha Shideler). Kathleen is fascinated by all things Celtic, travels to Ireland and Scotland as often as possible, and edits and publishes the monthly “Independent Celt Newsletter.” In her spare time, she plays the bagpipes.

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Heritage includes grandfather, Joseph Patrick McGurk I, who emigrated in 1926 from Co. Tyrone (Upper Strabane) with his wife, Anna O’Reilly from County Cork, Ireland.

Joseph P. McGurk, Esq. Shareholder

The Desert Shamrock

Grandfather Murphy born in County Westmeath and Grandmother in County Longford, Ireland

November – December 2014

disgraceful! If our residents and veterans don’t defend our veterans’ memorial highways, then they will continue to decay before our eyes. Cottonwood Boys “As long as ‘the few’ and Girls Club (enablers) pick up the litter of ‘those that litter’ (abusers), we will never improve the image of our communities and country,” Gary shares. “The ultimate goal of this process is for members across each community to get involved or there will never be a lasting change in the habits of those that litter. I’m challenging young people and Trash4Cash others who are looking for work to come out and compete. In fact I’d like nothing more than for someone to put me out of business.” Formerly O’Dowd & Associates Mortgage Co. To connect with any Long-time Phoenix Lender of the 50 state Adopt-AHighway Coordinators and information about Whether you are buying a new home or want to refinance your current home, call your neighborhood lender how to be a part of this Pete O’Dowd or Colleen O’Dowd Cutler to get pre-approved. national cause, contact FHA, VA, Conventional and Reverse Mortgages Gary Chamberlain, FolksvilleUSA@, 1599 E. Orangewood Ave. #200 Phoenix, AZ 85020 MB092214 • NMLS# 1007154 • Pete O’Dowd NMLS# 166309 • Colleen Cutler NMLS# 852437 928-202-1186.


...continued from page 4

The O’Dowd Team

Bud Ellis Photography

Point Man, Gary Chamberlain

Having recently returned from a Vietnam reunion in Tucson, Gary is aghast at the amount of trash that he saw between Phoenix and Tucson on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway (I-10). His response is, “It’s


Andrew Mirtich, publican, is son to Annie Mulally, whose family originally hails from County Galway

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My grandmother is from Tiree, an island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014



Winter Solstice Celebrations


his year’s Solstice celebrations at The Irish Cultural Center on Sunday, December 21, 2014 are anticipated to draw a larger attendance than past years, particularly since the occasion falls on the actual evening of December 21, and those attending will not have to deal with rush hour traffic. Solstice, now as in ancient times, marks the longest night of the year, whereby the sun is at its lowest elevation in the sky. The return of the sun from its most southern position on the horizon

has always been of great ceremonial significance. In Phoenix, the occasion is marked by music and poetry. Ribbons are placed on the branches of the special Ribbon Tree, to commemorate those who perished in The Famine. A parade from the hunger memorial on site takes us to the bonfire where the Grove of the Rising Phoenix shares their ritual traditions. Admission prices are: Presentation only $5.00; Food & Presentation $15.00. The gates open at 4:00 pm. Food will be available at 4:30 pm which requires prior reservations; please call 602-258-0109. The Irish Cultural Center, located at 1106 N. Central Avenue, in Phoenix is The Heart of The Celtic Community, and a division of the Irish Cultural and Learning Foundation a 501 c (3) not for profit corporation and is owned & maintained by the City of Phoenix Parks and

...continued from page 5

About those bagpipes! by Carmelita Lee Len Wood is a walking encyclopedia on the subject of bagpipes, and entertained us with both story and legend…like, who knew that there were pipers with the Roman armies when they came calling? In fact, friezes in the Middle East depict that the Hittites played something quite similar. Len says the Pipes had to be one of the earliest instruments, because all it took was one person pulling a hollow reed and blowing through it…the rest, as they say, is history.

Michael Londra’s

Celtic Fire

© Andrew Lenz, Jr., Used by permission.

Sun. March 8, 2015 · 2:30pm On Sale to Members April 28 On Sale to General Public July 7

w w w . C h a n d l e r C e n t e r . o r g • 4 8 0.78 2.26 8 0 18

The Desert Shamrock

The instrument itself is called a piob, the musician a piobair, and the classical form of bagpipe music is called piobaireachd. Don’t ask me how that’s pronounced! Aside from a leather bag, it consists of three drones, one base and two tenors, which make that constant droning sound under the melody. The chanter (blowpipe) has eight holes from which there are nine tones. Bagpipe music has to be memorized, and for you musicians out there, there are no rest notes in it. Imagine that. Add to that combo one talented Piper like Len Wood, and you have an enchanted, even spine-tingling sound. You can find out more about Len at He is available for weddings, funerals, parties and any event you can think of that would be made more noteworthy with those magnificent bagpipes.

November – December 2014


McClelland Library’s Irish Literature Collection and fantasy for children and adults.” states library volunteer and Scottsdale Library Board member Mary Wilber. earning about a culture There is essentially something for is more than finding everyone within the world of Irish out about holidays and literature at the McClelland Irish Lilocations on a map. To underbrary. The accessibility of Irish culture stand a culture is to see it from through the works of contemporary within. While the people of greats like Roddy Doyle, Colm Toíbín, Ireland may not always be physiEdna O’Brien, Ken Bruen, and Anne cally accessible to those of us in Enright are quintessential examples of the desert, a window into Irish the welcoming nature of the Irish. Not culture is. Irish literature invites only are adult contemporary writers the reader into Irish culture to obavailable, but the McClelland Library serve and learn from the intimate has literature holdings for teens, childetails of everyday life. With the Photo by Caroline Woodiel dren and Irish literary classics. mission of promoting Irish and McClelland Irish Library features Even the most daunting of Irish Celtic culture at the forefront of over 6,000 books ranging writers can be accessible. In comeverything we do, the McClelland from classics and rare books to Irish Library’s literature collection contemporary fiction, research memoration of the centenary of the publication of James Joyce’s “Dubhas something for everyone. and genealogy source materials liners,” the library is hosting a series “With Irish writers, you get of events, including two professionally run book all types of literature for all types of readers: literary discussions. The second will be held on November 8 fiction, historical fiction, mystery, domestic fiction

By Caroline Woodiel


from 10:30 am-12:30 pm. “‘Dubliners’ is a wonderful introduction to Irish literature and James Joyce,” Mary Wilber shares. “The short stories are accessible and can appeal to all readers. Don’t let James Joyce intimidate you.” Joyce’s distinct writing style puts his reader in a pair of Irish shoes and allows them to view the world through the eyes of a Dubliner in the early 20th century; a time of great significance to Ireland and her people. The early 20th century is when Ireland became a nation, and Irish culture of today holds many influences from the time of Joyce’s writing. In addition, the newly launched McClelland Irish Library blog, Leabharlann Ex Libris, will contain book reviews, recommendations, and analysis for every reader. To browse McClelland Library books, check out the Irish Cultural Center collection holdings listed in the Phoenix Public Library catalog. Circulating materials can be checked out by current members of the Irish Cultural Center and McClelland Irish Library. For more information on the book discussions, events, blog, and memberships, please visit

James Joyce Centenary Series Includes Adrienne Leavy’s Lecture By Dolores Tropiano



wanted real adventures to happen to myself. But real adventures, I reflected, do not happen to people who remain at home: they must be sought abroad.” – James Joyce, Dubliners “Though their life was modest, they believed in eating well.” – James Joyce, Dubliners “No one would think he’d make such a beautiful corpse.” – James Joyce, Dubliners The McClelland Irish Library has been doing what it was built to do - honoring the great Irish authors and poets. And what better place to do so than in the library modeled after an Irish castle. In September, Valley book lovers had the rare opportunity to dive into the Dubliners as part of a world-wide celebration of the 100-year anniversary of the publishing of the groundbreaking James Joyce book. The first of four events took place during Banned Book Week and was one of several taking place at the McClelland Irish Library in downtown Phoenix in October and November. A crowd of Irish and non-Irish were drawn to the talk. Two more Dubliners book discussions: one taking place on October 11, with another scheduled for November 8; and an Arizona version of Joyce’s famous book called “The Dubliners in Arizona,” featuring local actors and scenes, took place on October 22 at the library.

“I was totally blown away by the response,” said Chas Moore, head librarian for the McClelland Irish Library. “It shows the enduring nature of Irish literature.” Dubliners is considered one of the finest examples of the short-story genre every written. It was a highly controversial book at the time it was first written because of its sexual situations, language, and critique of real situations and real people, many of whom were recognizable to Joyce’s Irish peers. “He was determined to hold a mirror up that would reflect Dublin,” said Adrienne Leavy, who led the discussion titled “James Joyce’s Dubliners: Still Engaging Readers & Writers 100 Years after Publication.” “To tell the truth as he saw it. It was not the kind of book that had been seen before and today it is the gold standard against which many writers compare their work.” Leavy, an Irish-born writer and poet discussed the 15 stories that comprised the book. She shared striking lines and insights in her beautiful Irish accent. Author Janice Bryson of Buckeye just returned from Ireland, but made sure to attend the event. “I enjoy Irish literature,” said Bryson. “And it is nice to

The Desert Shamrock

hear how other people interpret Dubliners.” Paula Cullison loved the intellectual stimulus of the talk. “I enjoy scholarly lectures,” said Cullison, a travel author who lives in Phoenix. “And this one was superb! I am so happy that I came tonight.” Joyce’s window into the world of Dubliners was a look at the life of every man. “In the particular, is the universal,” Joyce would often say. “In the life of any man is the life of every man.” “Joyce was very human,” said Leavy. “He wrote about and understood people’s weaknesses and foibles and didn’t judge them.” Leavy also shared the contemporary spin of the book including the “Digital Dubliners: A Multimedia Edition.” It’s a free book produced by Boston College students that features photos, interactive maps, music, and more. A great resource, it’s designed to enhance the reading of both Dubliners and Dubliners 100, a book featuring the writing of 100 contemporary Irish writers creating their own cover versions of their favorite stories from Joyce’s book.

November – December 2014

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The Fight Against Human Trafficking in Arizona

Arizona gears up for Super Bowl 2015 Research and Interviews by Ann Niemann


he numbers are staggering in our own backyard. The stories are shocking, each one tied to the heart-wrenching plight of a victim. Brian Steele, of Irish descent, and other key leaders in Arizona are taking a stand to fight human trafficking. Brian is the executive director and pastor of the Phoenix Dream Center, which serves the community’s needy: homeless, hungry, addicts seeking recovery, foster children turning 18 years old and aging out of state services, and creating rescue teams to locate and free young women, usually underage, caught in the burgeoning sex trade. It’s a live-in facility with security cameras for protection, working with a variety of local and federal government agencies and the private sector to make a huge impact one life at a time.

Considering the Statistics Between 244,000 and 325,000 American youth are considered at risk for sexual exploitation, and an estimated 199,000 incidents of sexual exploitation of minors occur each year in the United States. [Estes & Weiner, 2001]. 82% underage victims are U.S. citizens The average age a girl enters the commercial sex trade is 12-14 years old. For boys, it’s even younger – just 1113 years old. [U.S. Department of Justice, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children]. 11% in the trade are boys The Department of Justice has identified Phoenix as one of the top human trafficking jurisdictions in the country. An Arizona study shows that the average age of entry for youth into sex trafficking ranges from 13 to 15 years old. [Roe-Sepowitz et al., 2013]. In a recent study of youth in the Arizona Delinquency Service System, 161 youth (under age 18) were identified as having a history of sex trafficking. Nearly 80% were involved in the Arizona Child Welfare System. [Roe-Sepowitz et al., 2014]

An estimated 12,000 per day are viewing child pornography in Maricopa County. Perpetrators are among us; they look like us from all demographics and they could be a neighbor or friend. Internet has exploded the access and availability to the demand. 17 million reports of child pornography in USA 2011, is up 4,000% since 2007 [] Why here? Phoenix Vice Mayor Jim Waring said the city is susceptible to human trafficking and it’s an issue that gets highlighted with events such as the Super Bowl in metro Phoenix February 1, 2015. “It happens 365 days a year but it tends to travel to places with good weather, good transportation and a lot of big events,” he said. “Those are all great things, but we fit the bill on all three.” [Story by Mark Remillard, June 11, 2014]


Phoenix Dream Center I recently toured the downtown facility with Brian Steele, which was a buzz of activity and people in educational classes, eating, socializing, working, among a myriad of screened volunteers and staff. Among these were trafficking survivors. One just 14 years old who was turned out at 10. She is thriving in her new living conditions and gave birth to a son a few weeks ago. Thirty percent (30%) of those rescued are pregnant. Established in 2009, Where Hope Lives, formerly The Rescue Project, is a national leader in the rescue, recovery, and prevention of human trafficking. Safe housing, professional resources for victims, life skills, and education are provided free of charge. Brian is responsible to direct, guide, implement and expand the spiritual, programing, executive, financial and strategic aspects of the Dream Center Ministry. Brian and his wife, Skye-Cherie Steele, have served together in international and doBrian Steele mestic missions for nearly 10 years, and have served in the inner-city, ministry social services field for over 15 years. During their seven years working at the Phoenix Dream Center they have developed a campus revenue increase of over four times the beginning amount, have directly driven the creation and implementation of four different transitional housing programs including the Sex Trafficking, Emergency Family, and Foster Care Programs, created numerous community based outreaches including Youth and Sex Trafficking Prevention Outreaches to Teen Girls as well as greatly increased community and church support of the vision and mission of the Phoenix Dream Center. Born in small town Iowa, Brian grew up learning strong work ethics working hard on a farm. He received a Bachelor degree in Management and worked eight years in corporate America in the field of Engineering. Feeling called to full-time ministry, Brian completed a Masters in Theology and has worked in missions building and ministry development ever since. The Phoenix Dream Center is faith based with several key facets of Christian doctrine when it comes to the core curriculum of their Discipleship Program

The Desert Shamrock

but in a way that there is a non-sectarian approach to the partnership with more than 180 churches that support the organization and its programs. These represent a healthy range of Catholic, Orthodox, Independent, and Denominational churches. Although the high success rates are directly attributable to the Godcentered elements: Life Recovery School 82%; Foster Care 67%; Sex Trafficking 96%; Bible studies and church services on campus are not compulsory for the participants. It’s a busy place with 110 outreaches per week (a vital concept in recovery is the “give back” aspect of helping others); 300 are housed at the Center among the various programs; and 12,000 meals served weekly with a wider reach to include the community’s hungry.

The Fight It’s upwards of $9.5 billion a year in the U.S. alone abducting and selling young girls for sex [John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute]. The Phoenix Dream Center has seen 220 trafficked victims, ages 14-26, successfully complete their programs since this ministry began five years ago. They are “survivors.” Brian serves on Governor Jan Brewer’s Permanent Human Trafficking Council to combat Sex Trafficking, which is co-chaired by Cindy McCain, wife of Arizona’s U.S. Senator John McCain. Brian also is a member of Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton’s 5-Year Human Trafficking Task Force as CoChair of the Victims Services Committee. During this work, he has significantly contributed to HB2454, signed into law on April Photo by Ann Niemann 22, 2014, to combat Cindy McCain and Sex Trafficking in Arizona Brian Steele as well as worked to bring Trafficking Service Providers in the State of Arizona together under a banner of unified community services. Brian will often say, “It’s not exclusively or solely one program, or one curriculum, or one approach that Arizona victims need. What they need, is One Community”. This bill strengthened state law by increasing penalties for human trafficking while improving and enhancing protective measures for the victimized and vulnerable. Service providers to victims are advocating for a

November – December 2014

Polaris ( prepared a list (excerpt on page 24) with some of the signs to watch for to recognize possible victims. Megan Fellows, Communications Director, advises to alert the hotline at 3883737-888 (call or text) and do not try to intervene by which you may endanger the victim and/or yourself.

What’s Next for the Phoenix Dream Center?

Phoenix Dream Center Campus

shift in language. Instead of “prostitutes” or worse, to use the term “prostituted” women, or as is often the case, prostituted girls or boys. Anyone under 18 years of age is now viewed as a victim. Those over 18 but who were coerced; seduced; kidnapped; induced with addictions, emotional or physical threats (sometimes starting as a minor), are now viewed under a different aspect of the law. It’s a sick world out there and now

Help Identify Victims and Report to Hotline

Brian shares, “Everyone can play their part in this, ‘See something, say something’ and call 888-3737-888 to report suspicious trafficking activity. “Beyond that, you can display a trafficking flier in your place of business; it can be downloaded from the City of Phoenix Trafficking Website [see page 24 to tear out and post]. You can also display the hotline number and flier on social media.” Service providers in Arizona are gearing up for the 2015 Super Bowl in Glendale. The recent Arizona State University study with the New Jersey Police and FBI, reports, “The Super Bowl itself does not create the condition in which trafficking flourishes. Rather, it is the traffickers who seek to exploit an increased concentration Interior Decorators donated remodeling to provide unique suites of people in a relativeas a beautiful, safe place for survivors ly limited geographic area that tends towards that we know about it we cannot turn a blind eye. an atmosphere where recreation and See the dramatization of an actual kidnapping by trafself-satisfaction are common and the fickers at the Scottsdale Fashion Center on page 24. availability of discretionary income.” Thorn is a nonprofit “Digital Defenders of “I believe that our overarching point,” Brian Children” organization created by Ashton Kutcher summarizes, “is that the study proves trafficking of and Demi Moore after finding out how young girls children is going on and it is at a completely unaccepare who are being victimized. The analogy is that the table level. The study shows a grotesque appetite for company is the “thorn” to protect the rose blossom of sex with children, and although there was a less than youth. They have partnered with powerful giants like 5% bump in the data from the NJ Super Bowl, that Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter to collabo5% still represented hundreds of victims. If we truly ratively remove the anonymity in Internet solicitabelieve that one child is unacceptable, I say that a 5% tion; create a more hostile environment for predators bump is atrocious.” with tools for law enforcement; and pursue measures to provide protection for minors.

The Desert Shamrock

Brian is committed to the expansion of the work of the Center. We have some extremely aggressive goals we need to reach in the next five years and beyond. Plans are underway to build another facility. The current building (formerly an Embassy Suites Hotel) with 40 survivors will be arranged to house 200 (plus newborns) for Trafficking victims, as it is the most secure. At least 30 more victims have already signaled they want out, but there are not enough beds available at present. To do this, they will first move the Life Recovery Program over to a new campus. The management team is in the process of closing on a property now and hope to be operating in the spring with 400 beds there. A third facility is at the soon-to-be East Valley Sex Trafficking Prevention Center, which will be entirely for prevention activities including Outreach, Education and Awareness. Perhaps your business or congregation can commit to providing one or more of the items needed for one month each year to meet the immediate requests. These are (see details in read more): 1. Toilet paper, paper towels, bleach, dryer sheets, hygiene products for the family 2. Non-Perishables foods, Thanksgiving and

Christmas turkeys 3. Food - Corporations, businesses and some individuals are covered legally by the Federal Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act so near expired (but healthy and in good condition) items may be donated to non-profits, as Costco does to PDC. 4. Vehicles - Minivans and small economical cars; someone to donate time and work on maintenance.

November – December 2014

continued on page 25


Tear Out and Post

Tear this page out and post in women’s rest rooms, window of a business, near hotels and motels. Be respectful of other’s property and securing any needed permission before attaching. You can download the entire flier to print and distribute from

Resources in Understanding Human Trafficking PG13 – not intended for young viewers

Hear from Survivors: Priscilla


Here are practical ways to join the fight 1. Dedicate your Facebook status to the hotline for a week.


2. Put up hotline flyers in Greyhound bus stations, motels and hotels in your area.

3. Tell 5 friends to put the hotline number in their cell phones. 4. Hand out information about the hotline at concerts, fairs, and community events. 5. Talk about it. Tell your friends, teachers, teammates, co-workers, and family members about this resource.

6. Post the hotline number on your website and/or blog.

Dramatization about Survivor of Scottsdale Abduction

7. Put up hotline posters in the windows of local businesses.


The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014

...continued from page 23

carry on. He shares, “But as important to me as these goals are, at the top for me right now is Skye-Cherie and Levi, my little family. I’m loving being a daddy to Levi so much, and am madly in love with my wife, Skye. We love Jesus, working together to reach the least, last, and lost and expanding the reach and impact of the Dream Center in greater Phoenix.”

5. Volunteers - or 602-346-8723 6. Cash Donations – There’s a long list like our pro teams, Arizona Diamondbacks, Coyotes, and Suns, and others on the Center’s website, which lists most. Brian adds, “I always like to give honor to the smaller, individual cash donors too who make up fully 70% of our annual $1.9M cash budget.” For Irish American Brian Steele in his resolve to help the disenfranchised and the demands it requires, he understands the personal boundaries needed to

You’ll want to

Fighting Injustice: A Call to Action

What must WE Do? The very first thing is to change the “we” to “I” and take upon our ourselves to be proactive.


The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) Hotline is a 24-hour, 7 day a week, tollfree hotline. Specialists can connect victims with law enforcement and social service providers in their local area who can help them get out of exploitative situations and into safe environments where they have access to services, such as emotional support, health care, and legal services. See page 24 for practical ways to join the fight. Beyond Super Bowl, we, no “I” must stay vigilant and engaged in the fight. Someone’s child, maybe my child, needs someone to take a stand, rescue, and help rebuild a life.

Warning to Perpetrators Arizona Pro Sports Team Owners - Not Buying It Anthony LeBlanc, President, CEO, Phoenix Coyotes; Derrick Hall, President, CEO, Arizona Diamondbacks and Jason Rowley, President, Phoenix Suns, both of Irish descent; all take a stand.

How to Help Identify Victims Alert the hotline at 388-3737-888 (call or text). • Claims of just visiting and inability to clarify where he/she is staying/address • Lack of knowledge of whereabouts and/or do not know what city he/she is in • Has numerous inconsistencies in his/her story • Is not in control of his/her own identification documents (ID or passport) [at airport, bus station] • Is not allowed or able to speak for themselves (a third party may insist on being present) • Is under 18 and is soliciting commercial sex acts [alert if minors, especially alone, out early morning hours on streets, at truck stops, casinos] • High security measures exist in the work and/or living locations (e.g. opaque windows, bars on windows, security cameras, etc.) • Is fearful, anxious, depressed, submissive, tense, or nervous/paranoid • Shows signs of physical and/or sexual abuse, physical restraint, confinement, or torture

Dream Centre Belfast The first Dream Center in Los Angeles was founded by Phoenix pastor, Tommy Barnett. His son, Matthew, pioneered the work and it became a pattern to follow. The Phoenix Dream Center serves Arizona and is a part of nearly 200 affiliates birthed worldwide from the original concept. The Dream Centre Belfast is part of Jordanstown Christian Centre (JCC) and serves the homeless, suicidal, drug addicts, alcohol abuse, hurting, self-harming, single mums and vulnerable youth. Associate Pastor Johnny Brown shares, “There are many more areas and needs that we reach out to, and we are seeing results on the streets weekly. The team will eventually reach out to human trafficking but we are limited in resources and workers at present.” Previously, John was the senior pastor of one of the largest Pentecostal churches in Ireland, with a congregation of 700, a large staff, and 50 ministries that went all over the world. “God started giving me a real burden for Belfast,” he recalls. “I didn’t know why at the time, but God was leading me to work with Dr. Cecil Stewart OBE and we are seeing amazing results in church and on the streets of Belfast.” [OBE is Order of British Empire given to Dr. Stewart from Her Majesty the Queen for contribution to nursing homes throughout Northern Ireland.]

Donations are much appreciated. They are currently looking for a building for people to stay over, just like the original Dream Centre as a live-in facility. The goal is, “I see the focus on a building. Not just a building with brick and stone, but the building of integrity, honesty and gratitude among those we impact.” Funding partners and volunteers are needed. “I am challenged everyday by the different obstacles that I face, but I have never been so happy serving God here, and never been so content in the vision that God has given to me. I see JCC growing into a strong vibrant Christ- centred Church with people from EVERY walk of life coming and being renewed. We welcome people from every divide, culture, race, and religion. Through the power of the Word of God and the Spirit of God, we come together as one in Christ, and through the message of hope and grace, people grow in their faith in Jesus. “The Dream Centre Belfast is here to reach, rescue, and to restore.”

Thorn, We are Digital Defenders


646 Shore Road, Whiteabbey, County Antrim, Northern Ireland BT37 0PR Tel: +44 (0) 28 9085 3997; click on Dream Centre

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014


Arizona Profile

J. Richard Kelahan and Francis Bour Kelahan By Carmelita Lee

Francis, “Fran,” was born to German Catholic sign on the front immigrants. She had door says, “An three sisters and three old crab and an brothers. Her father, angelfish live her”... Peter Bour, built many But he cuts a rose for iconic buildings in St. her breakfast tray, and gets Louis, not the least of her juice every morning which was St. Philp Neri before she wakes. She is Catholic Church where the glue that holds them they would later marry, together… “She is so posiand the high school she tive,” Dick Kelahan says, attended. Rosati-Kain “and as beautiful as the Catholic High School is day I met her.” 100 years old and still goThe Kelahans are ing strong. characters, both of them, At 19, Dick applied for gently sparring with a job in a flower shop. He one another. was asked to demonstrate “Put your hand down,” his ability for making a she reminds him. wreath, and this hand“Yes, dear,” he says some lad soon attracted a back, chuckling. It is row of beauties watching hard to imagine them from the mezzanine. One ever fighting. of them was Fran. After Francis Bour was born what Dick called a long Married July 10, 1943 August 19, 1919 – three 19s courtship, from 1938 to on her driver’s license, Dick points out – and 1943 – “Oh, it was not,” said Fran – they married. Joseph Richard “Dick” Kelahan was born on Dick had joined the Navy in 1938, but went to November 6, 1919. college while he awaited active duty. He became a “She robbed the cradle,” he says. marine engineer, and was assigned to the merchant “It’s true,” she says. marines, delivering war materiel to our beleaguered Both turned 95 this year, and have been married allies. Home on leave, Fran and Dick decided to 71 years. marry but came face-to-face with a Missouri law Dick came from a traditional Irish-American which prohibited marriages for five days after getting family of 12 children, where Mother stayed at home, a license. Fran’s pastor, a friend to Harry Truman, and Father, Joseph Kelahan, worked with the Union. brought a motion before the District Court, which in Dick’s grandfather was born in Armagh and emigratturn ruled the law unconstitutional. Their wedding ed to the U.S. at the end of the Civil War. His dad was pulled off within the five days, complete with a was a railroad telegrapher. Dick remembers learning party, and thereafter they left by train for the BrookMorse code and playing with two telegraph machines, lyn Navy yard. the hit of the neighborhood. These two had a secret code to get around wartime censorship. When Dick was in a port he couldn’t tell her where he was, but he would give her the pre-arranged code name, usually the name of a hotel in the city where he was, and she would join him there. At one point Fran learned that Dick’s ship, the USS Hammondsport, had been sunk. It was a long few weeks before she learned it wasn’t true. After the war Dick relocated to San Francisco, where their first daughter Mary Francis was born. His career took them to Chicago and Atlanta, where Betty Ann,



The Desert Shamrock

Dick and Fran on 65th anniversary

Kathleen and Timothy joined the family, and ultimately to Phoenix. Dick and Fran attribute their longevity to staying engaged and active, and their successful marriage to sharing everything, including faith in God and one another. Dick adds, “Look, you may have a fight, but at night you have to go to bed together in the same bed.” They supported each other. They travelled together, and made many friends from around the world. While in Atlanta they sponsored Irish priests to come to Atlanta, and some became lifelong friends. They have friends from every place they’ve lived and from every generation. Daughter Kathleen says, “It’s not unusual to find friends from age 1 to 100 in the house.” The one place Fran would return to? “The front porch.” She and Dick used to sit in a porch swing, holding hands, planning their future. It was her favorite place. Dick’s advice? “Find something to celebrate at least once a month, a birthday, an anniversary, life itself, and then get dressed up, go to a restaurant and celebrate it.”

November – December 2014

Fran Skypes her grandkids every week, and always tells them: “Every day is a new day. Enjoy it, live in it, and don’t worry about yesterday, but enjoy the time you have.” Granddaughters include Colleen KelahanPierson, the 2010 Arizona Irish Lass, and Shannon Kelahan-Pierson, who held the title in 2011. Shannon inherited her grandfather’s love of the ocean and is pursuing a degree in Marine Biology at Coastal Carolina University at Conway, SC. 3 Generations at 2011 Irish Tenors concert

read more and see more photos about the fascinating Kelahans at

With Mary Francis, Annie, Tim, and Kathleen! Hammonsport Crew

St. Phili Neri Church, St. Louis, MO Fran’s father built

Siobhan O’Connor Tobin’s mother, Mary, is from Kilmore, Co. Roscommon, and her dad, Jimmy, was from Ballinmore Bridge, Co. Galway

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014



Young Ambassador’s Trip to Northern Ireland Friends of Saint Patrick, Arizona Chapter By Audrey Sullivan

The Agency’s goals are to encourage the study of the Culture, Language, very year, each chapter in the USA and Canada and History of the Ulster-Scots. This agency is part of the North/South affiliated as Friends of the Saint Patrick Centre Language Body that came from the selects a Young Ambassador. Ages 20-25, these Belfast Agreement of 1998. Two young people are invited to Northern Ireland for two weeks to learn about St. Patrick and the legacy that he other Young Ambassadors, Ciara and has left behind. The Centre located in Downpatrick is Maddy, were placed with Maynard as well. a result of the peace process in Northern Ireland, and We learned about the Ulsterone of the main goals is to promote peace through its Scots Agency and the different kinds cultural and educational exchanges. of arts in Northern Ireland. We had While the Young Ambassadors are in Northern the opportunity to learn about many Ireland they are placed in Internships to learn more different instruments, dance forms, about their interests in hopes that they can learn music forms, and even visual art. about the peace process and the culture. This year I One of the most unusual experiwas lucky enough to be selected as the 2014 Young ences I had was the opportunity to Ambassador from the Arizona Chapter. In May, go to one of the schools. We went to I went to Ireland and met up with the five other Young Ambassadors from Toronto; Milwaukee, Wis- Lurgan Jr. High School and learned about the video journalism proconsin; Minnesota; and Albany, New York. gram that the school had created. I We began our studies at the Saint Patrick Centre was amazed the in County Down students were able create where we learned documentaries, interviews, about the Centre and historical footage that and our goals as was at a professional level. Young AmbasMany of the students’ intersadors. We had a views, documentaries and chance to explore footage have been shown on the interactive the BBC. This year one of exhibits and the their films was nominated incredible gardens. for best documentary by Later we went to the BBC. The students are stay at our apartbuilding software, filming, ment in Newcastle. directing and much more. It was right on the Giant’s Causeway As a teacher, I was impressed beach so one of our by the level of passion, favorite activities was walking along the shore. skill and professionalism that these 11-14 year old On Monday our placements began. I am studystudents were showing. ing Theatre Education with a Minor in Dance, so I We also had the opportunity to visit with a local was put in a performing arts placement. I was placed artist named Dee Craig who took us on a tour of lots with Maynard Hannah at the Ulster-Scots Agency. of the different types of visual art in Belfast. I loved that as well. In addition to all of our placements we had the chance to travel and explore Northern Ireland. We went to the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge and the Giant’s Causeway. They were incredibly beautiful. The weather was bright and sunny. I even got a sunburn, which quite a few people found funny


Learning about Pipe and Drum Bands


The Desert Shamrock

Saint Patrick Centre Gardens

Interior of Saint Patrick Center

since I am the Arizona Young Ambassador. A few of the other outstanding places we went were Titanic Belfast museum and visitors’ centre, Lyric Theatre, Old Bushmills Distillery, Stormont, Belfast City Hall, and The Downpatrick Museum. However my favorite place was Saul’s Church in County Down. I had the most wonderful trip! If you want to read more, check out my blog http://audreysyoungirish Audrey’s Blog

Audrey Sullivan is studying Theatre Education with a minor in Dance at the University of Northern Colorado. She is currently student teaching with Gilbert Public Schools in her final semester before graduating. Audrey is 23 years old and her Irish ancestry comes from four of her great great grandparents: the Sullivans, the O’Goudys, the O’ Fallons, and the Hardys.

November – December 2014

By J. Carro


ope. No way. No. On September 18, Scotland made their decision on the highly anticipated Scottish Referendum vote: should Scotland be an independent country? The no vote had it by just over 55% against independence from the UK. That was just under 5,000 miles and across an entire “pond” away from Phoenix, Arizona where The Caledonian Society of Arizona organized a watch party that garnered both local and international media attention as well as strong support (for both sides) by loyal society members, family, and friends. What did the local Caledonians do? We celebrated in epic southwestern Scottish style. We met at Rosie McCaffrey’s, an Irish pub (neutral ground). We ate. We drank. We listened to music and played trivia games. By the way, did you know that ‘dreich’ means ‘wet’, ‘cold’ and ‘gloomy’? A new poll has revealed ‘dreich’ as Scotland’s favorite word in the Scots’ language. This was news to me, and noted by Don Finch, Society Vice President and Membership chairman, as perhaps proof of Scotland’s love for talking about the weather! I digress. We watched and waited with bated breath. And even though a very informal Arizona vote taken upon conclusion of a Caledonian Society

of Arizona local debate back in August leaned very much in favor of “yes” – we bound together, shared ideas, respected one another’s opinions, and laughed while enjoying each other’s company. Across the pond, the news that Scotland would not be ending its 307-year membership in the UK came with both relief and disappointment to those living in Scotland. The newspapers reported that some were “absolutely gutted” while others were back to work or school as life continued largely as normal. Scotland was making history, and in Arizona, we were sharing in that and also loving the culture. That’s what the Caledonians aim to do each time they get together. The Society meets the second Thursday of each month at the Irish Cultural Center in downtown Phoenix. To sign up for their newsletter and stay posted about all things Scottish, visit

Jackie Carro is the owner of Marketing Ideals Company, a boutique agency offering marketing, public relations and video production services. Celebrating 20 years, the company promotes cultural events in the Valley and has been working with the Caledonian Society of Arizona for nearly 18 of those years.

The Desert Shamrock

Lori Cameron, Iain Walinck, Mark Clark

BBC Live Coverage

Michael McClanathan

November – December 2014


Arizona Scots Making History



WALES: Winter Cometh T

By Lynn Herdman Mascarelli is the season and, as in years past, Wales will honor it with traditions and ritual. Every December at the St. Fagan’s National History Museum, the horse-figure tradition is honored. Mari Llwyd, an observance extinct now in most parts of the country, continues in southern Wales and Glamorgan. A villager walks through the streets carrying a horse’s skull on a pole. If one is “bitten,” they must pay a fine, offer a coin. But there is caroling called eisteddfodde, too. A Mari Llwd group at someone’s door, asking to sing stanzas and enter the house, challenge the opposing group within. A pwnco or singing debate ensues between both; there will be raucous mocking of each other’s singing and drinking a little too much. In the end, the victor, supposedly those who out-sing the other, will be invited inside to feast on cakes and ale and given some coins. There is a final song of farewell and they go their way. Christmas in Wales, y gwyliau meaning holidays, is a twelve-day celebration. With the growth of industrialization, many of its traditions disappeared but there is always the plygain carol service, observed between three and six on Christmas morning with feasting the rest of the day. The singing is exquisite, a capella in three and four-part harmony. This is preceded by a Christmas eve of dancing and singing and in many homes, toffee making. Toffee evening or Noson Gyflaith draws family and friends together for dinner with storytelling and games, but especially pouring a well-prepared pot of toffee on an oiled flat stone. With hands covered in butter, they try to pull and twist the toffee while warm and until golden yellow. Still practiced in the north it was an honored tradition in the coal mining districts of the south. The toffee is also called taffi

5628 E. Thomas Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85018 Bus.: (480) 990-1900 Fax: (480) 481-9551 E-Mail:


or dant or named after the person who pulled it like losin Ansin bach. The 25th Royal Welsh Winter Fair will occur on December 1-2, 2014. One can celebrate Christmas and observe the finest prime stock show in Europe. The finest foods are showcased with demonstrations at trade stands. There are competitions in the Livestock and Hound Show with the showing of cattle, sheep, pigs and horses. Cogginian, Cynnyrch, Gwaith Llaw is the anticipated competition in Cookery, Produce and Handicrafts. Most interesting were the challenges by age for little ones: three decorated star cookies, an edible angel, and an item using mince meat. In handicrafts, 7 year olds are required to create a nativity painting; for older ones, a decorated candle, a knitted scarf. And who would miss Trefnu Blodau & Garddwria© Crown copyright (2014) Visit Wales Mari Lwyd at St. Fagans National eth, the floral art and horticultural competition or History Museum the fashion will be offered a free glass of mulled wine and a Christmas treat. right thing always. “She looked at the three tall fireHoliday foods may include Mrs. Beeton’s Turkey men in their shining helmets, standing among the Soup which takes five hours to make but contains smoke and cinders and dissolving snowballs, and she wonderful savory herbs, a stock made of knuckles said, “Would you like anything to read?” of veal and poultry pieces, some arrowroot and the It was originally intended for radio and recorded “remains” (actual word in recipe) of a cold roast in 1952 by Dylan himself. turkey...resting in peace. Plum pudding includes This year 2014 marks the centenary of his birth a “wineglassful” of brandy, with raisins, currants on October 27, 1914; he is being honored in many and suet. A Christmas cake will consist in the usual places and ways. Perhaps you can hear him reading basics, but there will be treacle, powdered ginger and aloud the simplest of memories for you. If Wales is raisins and iced with the colors of the Welsh flag, reyour homeland... flecting as well the season. Welsh recipes are available It was snowing. It was always snowing in Wales. from Lynn at Hear Welshman Aled Jones But our readers would not be well served without read a delightful excerpt of A a bow to the seasonal prose of Dylan Thomas in his Child’s Christpiece, A Child’s Christmas in Wales (1947) which mas in Wales (1947) by poet tells of a young man’s nostalgia surrounding ChristDylan Thomas mas, the snow, a simpler time. He writes: “I made a snowman and my brother knocked it down and I knocked my brother down and then we had tea.” Lynn is a former high school teacher of art, history, and political And even more poignscience. She is a potter, illustrator, muralist in public venues and ant is his narrative about private homes, and wordsmith. Frequently a featured artist at Miss Prothero when firethe Irish Cultural Center, Celtic landscapes intrigue her. Her men arrived at her home mom, a Williams, is totally Welsh with ancestry as far back as to save it from fire. Dylan 1700s and the Isle of Anglesley. reminds us she said the

Dave Binsfeld, CIC, ARM

Vice President

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014

Ireland and The Potato Fundraiser: a Great Success


he Saint Patrick Centre Arizona Chapter held a fun fundraiser on October 3 to benefit their Young Ambassador Program. Over $1,000 was raised to help send the next Ambassador to Ireland in 2015. Cyndi Sullivan, mother of the 2014 Young Ambassador, Audrey Sullivan, chaired the event. Baked potatoes were the main course along with a salad bar and deserts. The 2012 Ambassador, Sarah Hines; 2013 Ambassador, Kelsey Kelleher; 2014 Irish Lass, Holly Sullivan; 2014 Little Miss Shamrock, Aria Jones; Ciara Archer; and McClelland Library head librarian, Chas Moore, entertained the crowd with songs and dance. Bob O’Neil, formerly of Boston College, told the history of the importance of the potato in Ireland.

Favors included potato pins and recipe cards from the Idaho Potato Council. There was an amazing array of raffle items donated by members of the organization. For more information, visit


Writer’s Workshop with Jan Whalen Saturday, December 13 10:30am to Noon $25 includes book Norton Room, McClelland Irish Library

Everyone has a story! Jan’s latest book gives you an easy way to write your own life story. Character Safari: Remem-ber and Write the Stories of Your Life bridges the gap be-tween WANTING to write and actually WRITING. Class exercises will include opportunity to write 350-word vignette. Top two will be published in the next edition of The Desert Shamrock!

RSVP Pay online at or mail check to 2320 E. Baseline Rd., #148– 623, Phoenix, AZ 85042

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014


Arizona Law Enforcement Emerald Society Shares Respects


he Arizona Law Enforcement Emerald Society mourns the loss of Phoenix Firefighter Gary Johnstone. Gary was a seasoned and cherished PFD member who was also the centerpiece of the PFD Honor Guard as a traditional bagpiper. He has touched many lives throughout his distinguished career and his loss will no doubt leave a deep void in the hearts of his fellow firefighters and first responders. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gary’s family in the trying time and the United Phoenix Firefighters. Rest in peace, Gary. We will take it from here. We would like to also express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Bernie Flynn and we thank him for his years of support. We raise a glass to his memory and may he rest in peace. Visit to learn more about the ALEES organization.

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The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014

Reading Desert Shamrock

Brock Baker reading about Brock Baker

Broktawit from Sweden and Kendra at Ritz Carlton, Scottsdale

Faces of Celtic Youth

Sp on s ore d i n p ar t by

Ages 13-27

You might be published in the next edition of The Desert Shamrock! Send a high resolution photo of yourself with photo caption and credit; along with a maximum 65-word bio: name, age, school or work, hobbies and how you are Celtic (a bit about your ancestry). Send to

D ea dli n e D e ce mbe r 1

E ar ly Bi rd E ntr y Fe e s by Novemb er 30 The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014



Celtic Harvest Festival Sedona Special thanks to Starbucks at Hilton Resort for its donations

Jimmy Deenihan, Ireland Minister of Diaspora with Sarah Hines, and Belfast escort Declan McLaughlin

Pictured with Friends of Saint Patrick Arizona

Scottish American Military Society, Flagstaff

Kevin Byrne, Vice Consul, San Francisco with Irish Network Phoenix


The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014

Photos by Ann Niemann

Award Recipients Senator John McCain, Janice Bryson, and John Hartnett with Ireland’s Vice Consul Kevin Byrne

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2014


Anam Cara Awards and Gala, Irish Cultural Center



Arizona Colleen Programs The Arizona Colleen and Rose of Tralee Selection, Arizona Irish Lass and Little Miss Shamrock programs select young ladies of Irish descent to participate as spokespersons at area events. Prize packages for each competition. The Colleen wins a trip to Ireland and $1,000 scholarship. For details, visit or contact Erin SweeneyMorgan, Chair, 602-373-7931,

Arizona Law Enforcement Emerald Society (ALEES) ALEES was incorporated in 2004 to promote and celebrate accomplishments of Irish-Americans in law enforcement. Its members, families and friends support ALEES Foundation, a non-profit 501(c) (3) created in 2012 to provide financial assistance to the families of injured and fallen brothers and sisters in Arizona law enforcement. If interested in becoming a member or volunteering, contact us at

The Caledonian Society of Arizona Our mission is to promote Scottish culture through art, education, and athletics. Each year we grant scholarships to aspiring and professional Highland athletes, musicians, dancers and/or any other individuals or organizations whose mission, project or program promotes Scottish heritage. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month for drinks, entertainment and Scottish fun! Everyone welcome!

DAUGHTERS OF SCOTIA DESERT THISTLE LODGE #260 Formed in 2005 to promote Scottish heritage. Ladies of ancestry, married to a Scot or born in Scotland may join. We hold monthly meetings, tea socials, a teahouse at the AZ Highland Games & attend Scottish events. We support Highland dance competition and other charities. Contact: Bethany Tso at 602-770-7565 or

Friends of Saint Patrick Centre – AZ Chapter The nonprofit organization was formed in 2011 to promote positive relationships between Arizona and Northern Ireland. Through education, cultural exchanges and charitable events, the Chapter nurtures St. Patrick’s legacy. Meetings held quarterly at the ICC. Contact: Glenda Walker at 602-277-1376,

Grand Canyon Celtic Arts Academy

Los San Patricios de Arizona (St. Patrick’s Battalion) The organization honors the 150-year-old bond of friendship existing today between Mexico and Ireland. Each year, a fiesta celebrates with a dinner saluting those of Irish and Mexican heritage. Contacts: Wm. Howard O’Brien, El Capitán, 480-951-1152,; John Reilly, Captain, 602-242-1555; Héctor Corona, el Teniente (Lieutenant), 602-722-7589; Felix Corona and Ernie Patino, El Tenientes.

Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society The nonprofit organization is dedicated to presenting, promoting, and preserving Celtic culture. Each year we host the Arizona Highland Celtic Festival (July 19-20, 2014), the Jim Thomson U.S. School of Piping & Drumming (July 11-18, 2014), and the Grand Canyon Celtic Arts Academy (July 15-18, 2014). Contact Jude McKenzie,, 928-556-3161,

Phoenix St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Faire Committee Formed in 1983, the Committee has the responsibility for organizing the annual Phoenix St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Faire that follows, which are held on Saturday (the closest before or falling on March 17); and the Arizona Colleen Programs throughout the year. It is entirely volunteers and meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the ICC. Contact: Harry Sexton, President, 602-863-9198.

Phoenix St. Patrick’s Day Parade It is one of the largest parades in Arizona! Celebrate being Irish with the entire Valley. Coming up Saturday, March 14, 2015, 10am; route is Third Street south from Sheridan to Moreland, FREE. Contact: John Corcoran, Chair, 623-939-1183,

Phoenix St. Patrick’s Day Faire Fun for the entire family, it showcases Irish music, step dancing, Irish and Celtic arts and crafts, plus traditional Irish foods and beverages. Coming up Saturday, March 14, 2015, 10am-5pm at the Irish Cultural Center and Margaret Hance Park grounds. Contact: Mary Moriarty, Chair, 602-258-0109,

Irish American Club West Valley

Built in 1904 for two Irish brothers, Riordan Mansion is an architectural treasure offering a glimpse into the lives of Flagstaff’s early Irish settlers. The “fairy ring” seen on the outdoor self-guided tour hints at the Irish tradition of providing fairies an outdoor dancing space, preventing mischief inside. For admission rates and hours call 928-779-4395.

Irish Cultural Center The mission of the ICC is to provide a link between the people of Arizona and the people of Ireland and other Celtic cultures. The Academy of Celtic Studies and the Celtic Concert Series are major programs. The Center is available for private rentals; call direct to 602258-0109. Info and tours: 602-392-7850,

Irish Foundation of Arizona Formed in the 1970s to bring together people of Irish heritage in Arizona, the group sponsors social events throughout the year. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the ICC. Contact: Anna O’Hara, President, 480-345-9517

This bagpipe and drum school is dedicated to excellence in bagpiping as well as camaraderie and fun. All levels of students are welcome! Instructors are brought from Scotland, Ireland, Canada and the U.S. Contact: Eric Poleski, Administrator,, 702-270-8974 home, 702-340-8859 cell, 928-556-3161,

It offers classes in Irish music, dance, and language to children ages 7+ (July 14-18, 2014) and adults (July 15-17, 2014). Come learn something new or improve your current skills with members of Runa and Zac Legér. Classes in fiddle, whistle, guitar, bodhrán, Irish language, dance, and more! Contact: Kari Barton, 928-600-1365,

Our purpose is to bring together individual of Irish descent and others interested in Irish culture through our monthly socials. Everyone is welcome; it is part of our Irish hospitality. The Club meets monthly October through May for dinner and dancing at the Sun City Country Club. Dues are $10 per year. For information or a complementary newsletter, contact Maura McConnell, Secretary, 623-933-3698,


Jim Thomson U.S. School of Piping & Drumming

The Desert Shamrock

Riordan Mansion State Historic Park

Scottish-American Military Society (SAMS), Flagstaff Chartered on April 21, 1981 in North Carolina, membership is open to all Active Duty and Veterans of the USA and the British Commonwealth who are of Scot or Scot-Irish lineage. For more information, contact SAMS Flagstaff Post 2000, George G. Shoemaker, 928-607-1600,


Chandler-Tullamore, Ireland Sister Cities Ellen Harrington, President 480-600-8509,,

Phoenix-Ennis, Ireland Sister Cities Mary Hill-Connor, Committee Chairperson 602-635-9760,

November – December 2014

Colleen Kelly Beaman, Chair 520-743-7979, P.O. Box 42543, Tucson, AZ 85745; and Facebook

Maguire Academy of Irish Dance Classes in Phoenix, Tucson, Dallas, and Houston; (520) 319-0204 Darren Maguire, TCRG, ADCRG


Maschino School of Highland Dance Kari Maschino, 480-242-7760,,, Gilbert, Tempe, Peoria

Michael Patrick Gallagher School of Irish Dance

CELTIC MUSICIANS The Strand Traditional Irish and Irish-American Music, 480-208-4687,,,, Michael Patrick, TCRG, ADCRG, 602-896-4078 Ann Paitel, TCRG 602-316-3199

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My grandmother is from Tiree, an island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland


Tucson-Roscommon, Ireland Sister Cities

Tim Caufield’s Great Grandfather John emigrated from Co. Galway, Ireland in the mid-1800’s

Emigrated from Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland in 1972

Maternal side “Murphy” came from County Cork and father’s side “Morrison” arrived from County Waterford

The Desert Shamrock

Andrew Mirtich, publican, is son to Annie Mulally, whose family originally hails from County Galway

18 W. Monroe • Phoenix, AZ 85003 November – December 2014



CALENDAR NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 [All events are in Arizona USA unless otherwise noted]

Irish Cultural Center (ICC)/ McClelland Irish Library Public Walk-In Hours (Tours, Library & Genealogy)

Wine and Design Evening FUNDRAISER Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities

Saturday, November 1 • 8:30am Valley Presbyterian Church 6947 E. McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley Encore University’s Keynote Speaker Series Tickets: $25 including breakfast;

Monday, November 17 • 7pm Gangplank, in downtown Chandler Cost: $25 includes art and refreshments See story page 12

Tuesday-Saturday • 10am – 3pm Wednesday Evenings (Library only) • 3pm – 8pm Family Storytime ICC Closed Nov. 27-30; Dec. 24-25, 31; Jan. 1 Stories, music, crafts Library Closed Nov. 27-30; Dec. 23-28; Jan. 1-4; Saturday, Nov. 1 • 10:30am to 12:30pm Open Other Hours for Scheduled Classes, Oisin the Brave: Moon Adventure Meetings & Events Irish language matching game 1106 N. Central Ave., Phoenix McClelland Irish Library See ad on page 21

Phoenix-Ennis Sister Cities Run FUNDRAISER

Saturday, November 8 • 8am START Arizona Falls (SRP Canal) 5802 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix This 5K Run & Walk is for everyone! Now through October 27 $20; then $25; Day of: $30 Children: $10 for 6 to 16 years old Register at See ad on page 13

Twice Monthly Ceili (Irish Social Dancing) All ages; instructor & live music Fridays • 7pm – 9pm Nov. 14, 21; Dec. 12, 19; Jan. 9, 16 $6; cash bar

Lynn Herdman Mascarelli, Featured Artist November-December 2014 Great Hall Exhibit, Irish Cultural Center, Phoenix Open to the Public during ICC hours and events See story page 6

“The Cowgirl Who Became a Justice: Sandra Day O’Connor” Interactive Art Exhibition


4th Annual Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities Southwest Tea

Sunday, November 30 Irish Cultural Center

Saturday, November 1 • 11am to 1pm Chandler’s Community Center ballroom 125 Each Commonwealth, downtown Chandler Reservations required. Tickets: Info: Sharon Anderson, or 480-229-4924

Pre-Christmas Celebration of Art with Celtic Crafters & ICC featured artist, Lynn Herdman Mascarelli

Four Shillings Short IN CONCERT “Around the World in 30 Instruments” Wednesday, Nov. 5 • 6:30pm to 7:30pm Foothills Coffeehouse Foothills Library - Glendale Public Library 19055 N. 57th Avenue (in the Roadrunner Room) 623-930-3844;

Inaugural Lecture & Film Series: James Joyce

Arizona Irish Lass Selection

On Display at Sky Harbor Int’l. Airport, Phoenix Terminal 3 in the outer part of the building near Starbucks November 2014 – June 2015 See story in July-August 2014 edition

Saturday, November 15 • 4pm to 5:30pm Irish Cultural Center

Kiss Me I’m Irish Fundraiser Run & Walk

Saturday, November 15 • 1pm to 3pm $12 Irish Library/ICC members; $18 non-members McClelland Irish Library Register online

Friday, October 31 • 6pm to10pm

Tucson Celtic Festival & Scottish Highland Games October 31 - November 2

Getting Started with Irish Genealogy Research Workshop by Miles Davenport

Gerry O’Beirne IN CONCERT Sunday, November 16 Irish Cultural Center, Phoenix

The Desert Shamrock

Stories, music, crafts Sat. Dec. 6 • 10:30am – 12:30pm An Irish Night Before Christmas and Angela and the Baby Jesus Make an ornament McClelland Irish Library

An Irish Christmas in America

Nola Yergen’s Fabulous Costumes

Saturday, November 15 • 8pm Coconino Center for the Arts 2300 N. Fort Valley Rd., Flagstaff

Family Storytime

Saturday, December 6 Fraternal Order of Police Phoenix Lodge 2

Saturday, November 15 • 2pm to 4pm Irish Cultural Center

Gerry O’Beirne IN CONCERT

“First Friday” December 5 • 5-9 pm Chef AJ Voita from Vincent’s on Camelback Tasting plates from $5-15 For details, contact

Arizona Law Enforcement Emerald Society Christmas Extravaganza and Festival of Trees

Book discussion & film: The Dubliners (last story) and The Dead (1987; directed by John Huston, starring his daughter, Angelica Huston Saturday, Nov 8 • 10:30am – 12:30pm FREE; McClelland Irish Library

Little Miss Shamrock Selection

Celtic Halloween Bash Fundraiser

Moya Brennan Irish Christmas Sunday, November 30 • 4pm & 7pm Tickets: $34.50–$38.50 MIM Music Theater, Phoenix See ad page 14

McClelland Irish Library, Phoenix Now through May 23, 2015; $5-$10 Exhibit Tour Tues. – Sat. • 10am – 3pm; Wed. • 3pm – 8pm See story in September-October 2014 edition

EARLY ENTRY DISCOUNT Now through November 30 Fun for the Whole Family, March 15, 2015 FUNDRAISER supports Prostate On-Site Project Glendale, Arizona, See ad page 33


Cindy McCain Speaks Against Human Trafficking

Mon. & Tue., Dec. 8 & 9 • 7pm Tickets: $34.50–$38.50 A family-friendly performance of Irish ballads, holiday classics, lively fiddle, MIM Music Theater See ad page 14

I’m 1 in a Million! EVENT Character Safari Writing Workshop, Write and remember stories of your life, Jan Whalen, Author Saturday, December 13 • 10:30am to Noon $25 includes book; McClelland Irish Library Sponsored by The Desert Shamrock Info:; See story page 31

Annual Winter Solstice Sunday, December 21 • Doors open at 4pm Presentation ONLY: $5 Food $10 with reservation; 602-258-0109 Irish Cultural Center, See story page 18

SAVE THE DATE: 2015 Arizona Colleen and Rose Selection Saturday, February 7, 2015 • 7pm Phoenix Lodge 14424 N. 32nd Street, Phoenix •

November – December 2014

We’re on the hunt for the one million of Celtic descent in Arizona. You know who you are--Irish, Scottish, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, and some other groups that qualify--no matter how far back you have to go in the ancestral line. If you have a wee bit and proud of it, you’re in!

The Desert Shamrock has BIG plans this next twelve months to sponsor a variety of events and to support nonprofits like the Irish Cultural Center and McClelland Irish Library in Phoenix. The more successful the campaign, the more philanthropic we can be, going national and international. Hey, we could even help restore castles!

Show your support! Don’t miss being in The Count!

We’ve set a goal of $5,000. Open to Arizonans and friends worldwide. Not leaving anyone out!

There’s a variety of giving levels:

$1 Count Me In

Register as “I’m 1 in a Million!” We’re counting on our website’s homepage! Once you select this perk, you can increase your contribution to include each person in your family at $1 each. So, a family of five would be $5. Receive a beautifully designed Certificate.

$15 T-Shirt

Receive a commemorative T-shirt and wear it proudly! Plus, receive the perk above.

$25 Subscription & Luggage Tags

Receive one-year print subscription mailed to your home or office and stay connected! And, pack your bags for your next adventure with our luggage tags. Get going! Plus, receive the perks above.

$50 Your Name in Print

See your name in a special section of an upcoming edition of The Desert Shamrock! Plus, receive the perks above.

$100 Newbridge Jewelry

Designed and crafted in Ireland, receive one Celtic piece among a choice of six. Plus, receive the perks above.

500 VIP St. Patrick’s Parade Pkg


You and your immediate family ride in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in downtown Phoenix on Saturday, March 14, 2015; free passes to the Irish Faire that follows. Plus, a T-shirt for each person AND receive the other perks above.

Join the count!

NOW through Nov. 10 Go to and search “Desert Shamrock” Photo: Irish Cultural Center, Phoenix, AZ; Credit: Bob Rink

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