The Desert Shamrock Nov-Dec 2015 e-Magazine

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November January––December February 2015 ~ Arizona’s Original Irish Newspaper ~ Vol. 25, 26, No. 12 1

Diamondbacks Celtic Heritage Day

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A Scottish Lord by title (McCollom Clan) and a Knight of Saint Andrew, Kenneth is half Scottish and a quarter Irish from the Riley Clan. Ancestry dating back in the U.S. to Clark of Lewis and Clark with Irish relatives in the Revolutionary War.

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Serving the Celtic Community 2320 E. Baseline Rd., #148-623 Phoenix, AZ 85042 • (602) 568-3455 Visit • E-mail: Owner & Editor in Chief • Ann Niemann Publisher • Niemann Publishing, Inc. Art Direction, Design & Layout • Heidi Barry Will Masthead Design • Elaine’s Design Emporium Contributing Columnists Janice Bryson • J Carro • Vicki Champion Katie Caufield Ginder • Brian Hanrahan • Ellen Harrington Adrienne Leavy • Carmelita Lee • Iain Lundy Lynn Herdman Mascarelli • Leah Rossow Maureen & Jack Sullivan • Marshall Trimble • Kathleen Walters Liz Warren • Jan Whalen • Caroline Woodiel • Gary Woodside Publisher – Julie O’Mahar (2003 - 2013) Editor - Kathleen Wood (2003 - 2008) Publisher - Maureen O’Mahar (1996 - 2002) Founding Publisher - Robert E. Graham (1987 - 1996) Copyright © 2015 - Niemann Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the writers, and not necessarily those of ‘The Desert Shamrock,’ the publisher or the editorial staff. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Publication of advertising herein does not necessarily constitute endorsement of a product or service. Unsolicited materials become the property of Niemann Publishing, Inc. All unsolicited materials are greatly appreciated and carefully evaluated although publication is not guaranteed.


his is a great opportunity for Arizona’s Celtic youth to be published! The Desert Shamrock is accepting articles, poems, and photos from our young, emerging Celtic community and recognizing the rich talent among us. The winners will be announced at the St. Patrick’s Day Faire in Phoenix on March 12. Create original work that you feel would be of interest our Celtic audience. This your chance to share your perspective on a theme from your heritage and become a part of the history and legacy of The Desert Shamrock. RULES • Open to Young Men and Women with Celtic Ancestry • Four age categories: Ages 5-8; 9-12; 13-16; 17-19 • Can submit more than one category; Limit 3 per person • Any suitable family-friendly subject of interest to Celtic audience • Single space typewritten • Articles maximum 800 words; Fiction and Nonfiction Categories

• Poems maximum 400 words (any style) • Title each submission; include name, age; if minors, parent’s name, phone number, and email; student’s email optional • Photos need to be high resolution, 300 dpi preferred [the “originals” rather than compressed photos for Internet or typically from cell phones]

DEADLINE January 5, 2016. Email to QUESTIONS? 602-568-3455 Winning entries will be published in the March-April 2016 edition of The Desert Shamrock. Other entries may be published online at at Publisher’s discretion.

Celebrate with the Celtic Community All Year.


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Contest for Celtic Youth

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2320 E. Baseline Rd., #148-623 Phoenix, AZ 85042


The Desert Shamrock

Cover photos by Ann Niemann, Joel Zolondek, and Serge van Neck.

Digital Shamrock Read online as an e-Magazine at

WHAT’S THIS? If you don’t have an app on your phone to scan these QR codes embedded throughout this edition, go to our website at and click Read More to see these special features!

November – December 2015


Nov – Dec 2015 ~ Arizona’s Original Irish Newspaper


SCOTS 20 Startling Finds in Searching Family History

4 Contest for Celtic Youth


30 Celtic Artisan: Cheryl Senkfor, Jewelry Designer, Knitter of Fine

Diaspora: The First Global


Irish Civic Forum in Dublin

14 Irish Network Phoenix Profile:

24 Left Lane Maureen, Part 11: Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities Trip to Ireland

25 Explore UK + Ireland 28 The First South Carolina Rose has Arizona Roots 29 Arizona Claims on Her

Nancy and Frank Morrall



8 The Accidental Christmas 10 Irish Language Lesson #3 26 Irish Genealogy in the Desert 26 Keltic Kitchen:



18 Chwaraeoncymru or Sports Wales


Salmon Cakes with Dill Sauce

19 Photo Galleries


Diana Gabaldon: Absolutely Fascinating!

10 Ireland & the Potato 18 Gaelic Storm at Chandler Center for the Arts 20 Celebration of Christmas at Dream City Church 21 Nancy Corrigan Exhibit in Ohio 23 Burns Celebrations 25 Christmas at the Castle 25 Explore UK + Ireland at Scottsdale Center for the Arts

27 Events at the Irish Cultural Center & Library 31 Live Music at O'Connor's Pub 35 A Celebration of Bill O’Brien’s Life








Shannon Kelahan-Pierson:

6 Irish Tales from Arizona Territory:

First SC Rose has AZ Roots

6 Arizona: Did you know?

Traveling America

The Desert Shamrock


November – December 2015



Irish Tal e s from Arizona Territory: Traveling America By Janice Ryan Bryson


any Desert Shamrock readers of Irish descent have been able to travel to Ireland to explore the land of their ancestors. How lucky we are to live in an age where we don’t have the harsh travel conditions the early immigrants endured. My family began arriving in America in the 1870s and headed west. I am amazed at their many travels around America. While travel had improved with the advent of the railroads, it was still time consuming with harsh conditions whether by train, stage coach, or horseback. My great-grandfather William Ryan arrived in New York in 1878. He and his cousin John Gleeson spent a few months in New York. Several of John’s siblings had settled in Syracuse and family lore notes that John met his wife Elizabeth when he and William were riding the street car in Syracuse.


Did you know? 25. Arizona has 3,928 mountain peaks and summits—more mountains than any one of the other Mountain States (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming). 26. Mount Lemmon in Tucson, in the Santa Catalina Mountains, is the southernmost ski resort in the United States. 27. All of New England plus the state of Pennsylvania would fit inside Arizona. 28. The coldest temperature recorded in Arizona was 40 degrees below zero at Hawley Lake on January 7, 1971. Read more fun and fascinating facts about Arizona NEXT edition.

Arizona’s Official State Historian, Marshall Trimble has been called the “Will Rogers of Arizona.” He’s a “cowboy PHOTO BY GARY philosopher,” educator, lecturer, author, M. JOHNSON folk singer and stage performer, and appears frequently on radio and television. He created and taught Arizona history at Scottsdale Community College for forty years where he was also Director of Southwest Studies.


William spent some time in the coal region of Pennsylvania and then on to St. Louis. Julia O’Connell Murphy, William’s cousin Billy Murphy’s wife, had traveled from Globe to St. Louis with her newborn son to visit relatives. William escorted her back to Globe taking the train as far as Willcox. They then traveled for five days in a wagon train through hostile Indian country to Globe. William also spent time in Colorado and New Mexico on prospecting trips. John Gleeson traveled Top: Anna and throughout the West before William Ryan (left) discovering the Copper Belle on a picnic with Mine in southern Arizona. unidentified friends Denis Murphy landed in New Right: Denis York in 1880 and after a short Murphy’s daughter time decided he liked the country Josephine was so much he wanted to see more sent from Arizona of it. He headed West, arriving in to school at the San Francisco after a fourteen-day Presentation Convent, Thurles train trip. The cost of taking a train from New York to San Francisco was $75.00 and involved four different railroad companies. While working in Northern California, Denis heard of the silver strike in Arizona Territory and made preparations to travel there. He was able to take a train down the coast of California and on to Yuma. His first view of Arizona was not impressive due to the heat and barren desert he observed. Denis took a stage coach from Yuma through San Carlos and over Pioneer Pass to Globe. His niece Anna Moloney traveled alone at age 16 in New York several years later when travel had improved somewhat. She journeyed by train from New York to San Francisco to visit relatives before traveling to Globe to work in Denis’ butcher shop. The railroad had been expanded from Yuma to Maricopa Wells where she boarded a stagecoach bound from Florence. There she took another coach to Globe. Her brother John traveled from New York to Chicago where he worked in the stockyards as a butcher. After several months, he took the train from Chicago to the end of the line in Safford. Purchasing a horse and saddle, he rode to Globe to join his sister and Uncle Denis. John loved to travel; many times to San Francisco where he met his wife Mary Alice Kelly.

The Desert Shamrock


Finding success in Arizona Territory, a number of my family members were able to travel back to Ireland as early as 1889 to visit family. I count myself blessed that I have been able to take that journey also. Janice Ryan Bryson descended from Irish pioneers who arrived in the Arizona Territory in the 1880’s, she is co-founder of the Irish Arizona Project and co-author of the book Irish Arizona. Janice is a member of The First Families of Arizona, Daughters of the American Revolution and several women’s agriculture organizations, and serves on several Boards.

November – December 2015

Expanding in East Mesa!

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015




ur first Christmas in Ireland was accented by a visit from a former colleague of mine, David Stein, a federal prosecutor. Mr. Stein was shocked to enter our home and see a huge Christmas tree in our bay window. He claimed to not know that some Jews like to celebrate Christmas (especially us Messianic ones…) I had no idea he would be offended, but he seemed to take it in stride. We had a number of interesting celebrations, a big party with my colleagues at the local pub, and a private party with as many rag-tag American tourists and friends as we could find. Among our guests were an American court reporter and her boyfriend, Mr. Stein, a set of twin brothers with no place to go—and four, not two—Mormon missionaries, and a stray American professor. It was a rollicking good party, with the missionaries swilling milk out of wine glasses, and the rest of us … well … One of the missionaries, over six feet tall, had learned to Irish dance as a kidlet, and was our entertainment, along with fine music, both Christian and Hebrew, as it was also Hannukah. We lit our candles and placed them in the bay window. When we awoke on the 24th, Mr. Stein was nowhere to be found. Gone. Just … gone. Not even a note. We had tried our best to entertain this young man, less than half our age, but I think we were boring. Fuddy-duddies. Late that night he called to say he was in Belfast, and would back in a few days. We ourselves were not prepared for what happens during an Irish Christmas holiday… Mr. Stein, didn’t think he would like watching us “do Christmas.” He, being very cultured, decided to go up to Belfast instead, take in the opera, the night life, see some museums. On the train he struck up a conversation with the man seated across from him, a young man about his own age. Dave told Patrick he was a businessman, electing to keep his profession confidential. Good move. They talked and laughed all the way to Belfast. His new friend asked him where he was staying and what he was going to do. Dave told Patrick his plans. Alarmed, the young man said, “No, you aren’t, sorry.” Patrick explained to Dave that the trains were going to stop running about 3 in the afternoon, and one by one, every store, theater, garage, business,

grocery, restaurant – everything– would be closed. He would be lucky to find a place to eat, let alone to sleep. Perplexed, Dave encountered a what-to-do moment. “Not to worry,” says Patrick, “ye’re cumin home wid me. I’ll give ye a night shirt and ye can sleep in

me bed,” he was told, “and ye can eat de Christmas puddin wid oos.” Dave Stein was introduced to another world that day. He was warmly welcomed into a two-room house in a not-so-nice area of Belfast, where 10 adult siblings made a practice of coming home to the parents for Christmas Eve… only, Da was in prison for being associated with the IRA. As Dave sat and talked and shared with this family, he learned that to a person, including all the women, all had served time at one time or another. They were warm, friendly Catholics. They bought him a toothbrush and provided him with a shirt. They took him to

The Desert Shamrock

their favorite pub and got him drunk. The next morning, under a tiny plastic tree, there was a sock made just for David Stein. He got to celebrate Christmas anyway. Patrick offered to drive him around Northern Ireland for a couple days. They picked up another friend, and to Dave’s chagrin, before they would come upon a checkpoint, the friend would take over driving, and Patrick would fold himself into the trunk! Mr. Stein, the prosecutor, hoped his nervousness didn’t give away his friend! On Shabbat he asked to find the synagogue, and asked Patrick to take him there. “Nigh, we can’t take you there, but we’ll put you near the checkpoint,” he was told, and instructed very solemnly, “When they ask you if you’re a protestant Jew or a Catholic Jew, you must tell them you’re a protestant Jew…” He was welcomed at the synagogue and invited to sit up front. The president of the synagogue was the Crown Chief Prosecutor, who invited him to dinner. He went. The palatial home sat on a cliff above the water, with a sweeping view. On a good day you could see England, he was told. There was much talk of the IRA and the people who were rebellious, and the chief mischief-maker that they were always on the lookout for … was Patrick himself! If only they could catch him! Dave was, of course, silent. The experience was most profound, and had a life altering effect on him. He spent a last night with Patrick’s family, then rented a car and traveled Ireland, coming back to us on New Year’s Eve. “I will never look at a criminal again in the same way,” he said. In fact, back home he began volunteering to teach inmates to read and write. Christmas in Ireland… I miss that happy season. Nollaig Shona agus athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit! HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! How does a gal named Carmelita claim to be Irish? Scottish, even? Granny Holland’s family hailed from Ennis, County Clare, and Grandpa Maxwell from the Borderlands, Scotland. Her husband’s mother was a Dowdall, and he had a Grandma O’Higgins…ye can’t be more Irish than that!

November – December 2015


Flanagan’s Celtic Corner • A variety of items of Celtic, Irish, Scottish and Welsh origins in our shop and online • Personal itinerary planning for you and your fellow travellers to Ireland and Scotland • Affordable genealogy research • Celtic weddings: everything from rings to kilt rentals to venue and/or on-site photography

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18 W. Monroe • Phoenix, AZ 85003

Matt’s grandparents, James Joseph Cunningham and Delia McNicholas, each emigrated from Co. Mayo, Ireland, met and married in Chicago

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015



Irish Language Lesson #3 By Vicki Champion Dia daoibh, a chairde! Is mise Vicki Champion, agus is breá liom Gaeilge! [Djee-ah yeev, ah har-djah! Iss misha Vicki Champion, ah-gus iss braw lum Gwayl-geh!] Hello, friends! I am Vicki Champion, and I love Irish! In this issue, we are going to continue with the third and last lesson of our Lego-block building fun with the Irish language. By now, I hope you have practiced with your cut out “Legos” enough to where you are comfortable and can easily build your sentences with what you have. To review, I like to think of the words and phrases like building blocks—Legos, if you will! I invite you to cut them out with scissors and arrange them on your table, if it helps! Have fun and play! Remember, we had the verb to be in the present tense form of Tá; the past tense, bhí; and the future tense, beidh. These will start your sentence and be Word 1. Word 2 in your sentence will be your mothúcháin (emotions) moe-hoo kahn. Word 3 is your prepositional pronoun to tell us who is experiencing the emotion. Remember, we use the various forms of the preposition ‘’AR,’’ which means ‘’on’’ to accomplish this. 1) These will start your sentence: Present tense: tá (taw, tah)

BIG! s i is Th

Past tense: bhí (vee) Future tense: beidh (bay) 2) These go in the middle: Happiness: áthas (AW-huhs) Doubt: amhras (AV-rus) Anger: fearg (fayr-ig) Shame: náire (Nye-ruh) Tiredness: tuirse (TUR-sha) Disappointment: díomá (DjEE-uh-muh) 3) These prepositional pronouns go at the end: On me: orm (OH-rum) On you: ort (OH-ruht) On him: air (air) On her: uirthi (ur-hee) On us: orainn (OH-rinn) On you all: oraibh (OH-riv) On them: orthu (Ohr-hoo) You now have all your three tenses, plenty of emotions, and all seven of the forms of “AR.” Now, let’s play. Start with a word from the “1” group, follow with a “2,” and end with a “3.” It’s that simple. Examples: Tá ocras orm ( I am hungry). Beidh éad ort (You will be jealous). Bhí ionadh orainn (We were surprised). Tá amhras orthu (They are doubtful/suspicious). Here are a few more sentences with a few new words to add to your collection:

I’m jealous of her – Tá éad orm lei. (Lei-lay) I was angry with you – Bhí fearg orm leat. (Leat-lyat)

That’s it! Sín é! I hope you have enjoyed the lessons for the Mothúcháin! Until next time, slán go foill! Vicki is an intermediate level, ongoing learner of the Irish language. From 2012-2014, she taught 90 Irish-born children ages 4-14, whose parents were in Arizona working for Intel.  She currently teaches an adult class through the Academy of Irish & Celtic Studies at the ICC, where she first studied under Jason Carns.

Ireland & the




tobbeer r2145thth

I doubt that – Tá amhras orm faoi. (Faoi-fwee)

The Entertainer! + The Desert Shamrock = a Unique Marketing Opportunity for St. Patrick’s Day The Desert Shamrock, Arizona's leading Celtic publication, has a firm grasp of the culture of Ireland and everything Irish in the area.

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Contact The Desert Shamrock OR The Entertainer! to take advantage of this new, seasonally powerful combination The Desert Shamrock - Ann Niemann

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The Entertainer! - Brian Muir

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The Desert Shamrock

Arizona Chapter

Sunday November 15th, 2015 The Great Hall at the Irish Cultural Center Doors open at 4 p.m.event starts at 4:30 p.m.

Tickets are $15

Supersized potato buffet 50/50 raffle Raffle baskets Music Performances Potato Stamping Tickets can be bought at the door If you have any questions email Glenda at

November – December 2015

If yo

Frank and Nancy Morrall, Ann Niemann, Mrs. Sabina and President Michael Higgins, Jean Odom, and Ellen Harrington


The First Global Irish Civic Forum in Dublin By Chas Moore


he Arizona Irish community was well represented at the first Global Irish Civic Forum at Dublin Castle June 3-4, 2015. The Forum was hosted by Jimmy Deenihan, Ireland’s Minister for Diaspora Affairs and was sponsored by the PHOTO BY ANN NIEMANN


Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT). It was attended by 200 people working with Irish communities in 17 countries. Deenihan has developed Ireland’s first comprehensive diaspora policy, the “Global Irish” (2015), which recognizes that Ireland has an important relationship with its diaspora that must be nurtured. Deenihan noted that the Irish diaspora landscape is diverse and has changed. “The change is reflective of a shift in the underlying relationship between Ireland and its diaspora which has moved from the individual, with stories and connections maintained at the family level, to more of a national appreciation and an international understanding of our global family as a whole –Minister Deenihan unit, more linked than ever before.” Engaging with the diaspora is about building for the future and he hoped that as a result of the forum, the global Irish family will stand together on issues more than ever before, noting that the government takes our

views seriously. DFAT Minister, Charlie Flanagan, although optimistic Ireland has exited the recession and is now the fastest growing economy in the Eurozone, felt Ireland must now focus on assisting emigrants who wish to return home to work. The Forum had several fascinating panel discussions that addressed issues such as: challenges facing new emigrants; protecting and promoting Irish identity and heritage; and promoting the mental wellbeing of Irish emigrants. A common theme was that today’s emigrants are younger, more educated and face issues that are very different than those of previous generations. They see themselves as “temporary highly skilled workers abroad” and their avoidance of the term “emigrant” is largely due to the historical association of emigration with poverty and discrimination. Their needs are very different than past generations.

The Irish diaspora has moved from the individual family level to more of an international understanding of our global family as a whole unit, more linked than ever before. ­

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015

Deenihan shared that of our groups represented, many deal with various issues of social welfare while at the same time strive to enrich the lives of the Irish abroad. He announced that the Emigrant Support Programme (ESP), which is focused on supporting the Irish overseas, will remain intact despite recent economic challenges. While the first day consisted of panel discussions, the second was more interactive with an opportunity to network and exchange ideas in small workshops on comMaternal grandparents from Co. Kerry, paternal from Co. Clare

munication, fundraising and governance. There were a lot of great ideas on leveraging support, using the media and capacity building. The opportunity to meet others from around the world was the best aspect of the forum. We especially enjoyed meeting our counterparts from South Africa, Britain, Japan, and new friends from businesses and even a mixed race support group. It was fascinating to see how we all shared many of the same problems and how many of the solutions are the same! One of the coffee discussions centered around

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Top: Ann Niemann with founders, Rosemary Adaser and Conrad Bryan, of The Mixed Race Irish Association

Kyle Harrington Agent

Left: Steve Lenox, President, Irish Network USA and Ellen Harrington, President, Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities

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the reality of the diaspora policy being driven by the recent recession and government realizing they had better pay more attention to its “lost children abroad,” as it has a lot to learn from its overseas communities. An incredible bonus to the conference was the reception hosted by President Michael D. and Sabina Higgins at the Áras Uachtaráin (presidential residence). President Higgins’s remarks were very poignant as he mentioned that many generations of his family have emigrated and warmly thanked us for our continuing support. He remarked that emigration has long been a defining characteristic of the Irish people and praised our organizations for providing “sanctuaries of Irishness around the globe”. Emigration is, at its root, he shared, an experience that is intensely personal and very challenging even with today’s technology. While it is possible to be more in touch, communities like ours provide the human touch that truly help many abroad escape loneliness and isolation. Higgins stated he owes a considerable debt to previous generations of Irish emigrants for sacrifices they made that gave opportunities for younger siblings and helped the Irish economy.

The Desert Shamrock

He praised upcoming commemorations of the 1916 Rising and the large role the diaspora played in Ireland’s struggle for independence and the new Irish State. He closed by stating how he is not just the President of Ireland, but of the larger international nation, and how he greatly values the global Irish family who are an extraordinary group of people. I presented President Higgins with a handmade card from local Irish artist Pat Sahertian with a thank you from ICLF President Paul Ahern and McClelland Library co-chair Norman McClelland for his past support of the Arizona Irish. As a result of the Civic Forum, the Irish Cultural and Learning Foundation has expanded the relationship established by board members Sean Lee and Patricia Prior, our Consular Liaisons. We have recently received two grants, one for the 1916 Commemoration Series and the second for ESP funding for cultural heritage activities. I presented Minister Deenihan, one of the most celebrated footballers in Ireland, with an Arizona Cardinals keychain as he promised to visit us in the near future. A copy of the “Global Irish” Diaspora Policy and detailed notes from the conference are on file in the McClelland Library. For more information, contact Chas Moore is the Head Librarian of the McClelland Library and previously was Library Director at Mesa Community College. A faculty member for 25 years, he taught Irish music for Study Abroad Ireland. With two master degrees in Information Resources/Library Science and Education, he has traced his Irish genetic homeland to County Laois, the land of the O’More.

November – December 2015



Irish Network Phoenix

Popular Items

Nancy and Frank Morrall By Jan Whalen


hen you visit Mully’s Touch of Ireland, owned by Nancy and Frank Morrall, you will feel a Celtic spirit. Nancy, a Jersey girl, moved to Yuma at a young age and then California where she met Frank, the owner of a web development company, Vision Course Media (www. Frank and Nancy married and she also began working for his company. They share a love of Irish culture and have made many trips to Ireland. When Nancy became the project manager for Frank’s company, he suggested she get her own website to understand their clients. With ancestors from County Donegal and County Mayo, and a love of shopping in Ireland, she created an online Irish store. In 2014, Nancy noticed a vacant space in Old Town Scottsdale. It was perfect for an Irish shop—a dream she’d been holding. Trusting his wife’s intuition, Frank agreed and with a lot of hard work, Mully’s Touch of Ireland opened its doors in June 2014—a contrast to the western shops and art galleries of the district. Thinking back with a smile, Nancy told me, “Nothing I’ve done in the past prepared me for opening this shop. Everything is totally different. I learn from the wonderful people who come into the shop.”

In order to have the perfect mix of Celtic gifts, jewelry, food and clothing, Nancy uses a number of vendors. “Customers request many items. Sometimes, it’s a certain food they miss—teas, a bag of Tayto crisps, or Guinness mustard—things they can’t find in the States.” Winston’s Market in Chicago is Nancy’s meat vendor. Shipments arrive by plane to ensure a supply of bangers, meat pies and blood pudding. She purchases items for the shop each week but loves the New Jersey market. “Every April we go to a market called Ireland Show Secaucus. Venders from Ireland display their products and I get to see the real item, rather than just a picture of it.” Mully’s is a true family business. Nancy’s mother came up with the name for the store; Mully was her dad’s nickname (short for Mulheron) and all three of Nancy’s sons take turns working in the store and on its website. Folks also come Mully’s to touch their Celtic roots. Customers look at the map on the wall and add their names to a flag marking their heritage. Some want to talk about their recent vacation to Ireland; others are planning a trip to the Green Isle. One Irish family, who takes a six-week summer holiday in Phoenix, comes in to purchase staples and to chat. Nancy said, “They love coming to Phoenix because they know the sun will shine every day.”

The Claddagh Ring (Irish: fáinne Chladaigh) This is a traditional Irish ring given which represents love, loyalty, and friendship.

The Wedding Bell Ring this lovely bell when the spirit of discord comes into the marriage. Discord will be broken; the spirit of love renewed. A traditional Irish wedding gift.

Nativity Set With its serene tone, this beautiful collection, which is of heirloom quality, has been designed to capture the peaceful mood of the season.

continued on page 16

Lififee,, ss nee L On O ssoonn L L y ny eess Maan M LIFEOF TORRY YOU OFS YE TH STOR THETE E RI W WRIT TO





The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015


Grandparents: John O’Dowd emigrated 1929 to NY from Castlebaldwin, Co. Sligo and Ellen Greevy from Roscommon 1938.

Colleen O’Dowd Cutler Whether you are buying a new home or want to refinance your current home, call your neighborhood lender Colleen O’Dowd Cutler to get pre-approved.

...continued from page 14

Frank is amazed by the response to the shop. “What we do here is more than make simple transactions. When people come in, they are excited and happy to be here and many just want to talk.” The shop has become a Celtic community center of sorts. In an unhurried atmosphere of hospitality, customers receive ideas on how to connect with groups at the Irish Cultural Center, where to find Irish pubs, and local Celtic events. Sometimes the conversations turn to the early Irish influence in Phoenix—like Shamrock Farms. “When one man turned to leave the other day,” Frank said, “he thanked me for the education he’d just received.” So for that perfect Celtic Christmas gift, shop www.mullystouchofireland. com or better yet, bring your list into Mully’s Touch of Ireland. Just make sure you schedule time to browse, to linger and to feel the old world charm that will certainly touch a chord of memory in your Celtic heart.

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Jan Whalen, MASL, is the award winning author of Rock Solid Confidence and other books on writing your life story. She holds a Masters in Servant Leadership, and has always been a Servant-Cheerleader. She values assisting authors and speakers in discovering their most confident voice. 623-466-5067;


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Emigrated from Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland in 1972

"Nil aon hTintean mar do hTintean fein" (There is no hearth like your own hearth) Oh by the way...I'm never too busy for any of your referrals

Maternal side “Murphy” came from County Cork and father’s side “Morrison” arrived from County Waterford

Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities Ellen Harrington

President, Board of Trustees (480) 600-8509 P.O. Box 4174 Chandler, AZ 85244-4174


The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015

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The Desert Shamrock

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November – December 2015

Watch for the INP member logo on ads!



Chwaraeoncymru or Sports Wales By Lynn Herdman Mascarelli


ccording to George Owen of Henllys, in his Description of Pembrokeshire (1603), cnapan had been "extremely popular in Pembrokeshire since greate antiquitie...". Knapan or Knappan is the Celtic form of medieval football. It had interesting names like folk football, mob football and Shrovetide football...can you picture it? There are sage commentators on the sport who will suggest even this began with the Roman occupation of Britain and a ball game called Harpastum which is described by ancient medical researcher and surgeon, Galen or Claudius Galeinus (c. 200-216), in his On Exercise with the Small Ball as "better than wrestling or running because it exercises every part of the body, takes up little time, and costs nothing." It was "profitable training in strategy", and could be "played with varying degrees of strenuousness." Galen adds, "When, for example, people face each other, vigorously attempting to prevent each other from taking the space between, this exercise is a very heavy, vigorous one, involving much use of the hold by the neck, and many wrestling holds." Many accept that cnapan

was a forerunner to modern rugby union which is "seen by many as a symbol of Welsh identity and an expression of national consciousness," say Davies and Jenkins in the Welsh Academy Encyclopedia of Wales (2008). The most popular sports in Wales are rugby union and football, well represented in the Rugby World Cup and in the Commonwealth Games. Located in Cardiff, the Millennium Stadium is the national stadium with a capacity for over 74,000. Part of the personality of Wales is its sports and Sports Wales explains their agenda in one sentence: “From grassroots sport to the Millennium Stadium, we want to develop a nation of champions.” It hopes to “sustain sporting communities in which the participant is at the heart of our decisions and actions for growing sports participation.” It places a value on first time experiences and teachers who are qualified, confident; schools that understand how sports has the power to “improve a pupil's wellbeing, ability to learn.” It wants “a diverse, passionate and skilled workforce” both paid and voluntary, to

November 2015

7 Red Grammer “Hooray for the World” . . . . . . . . 11am 7 Michael A. Pollack Presents Tower of Power . . . . 7:30pm 20 Gaelic Storm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30pm

December 2015

12 Dmitri Matheny’s THE SNOWCAT . . . . . . . . . . 11am 18 The Texas Tenors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30pm 22-31 Zoppé-An Italian Family Circus . . . . . . . . . Times Vary

January 2016 1-3 15 17 23 29 30

Zoppé-An Italian Family Circus . . . . . . . . . Times Vary Black Violin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30pm TIMBER! A Production of Cirque Alfonse! . . . . . . . 7pm Deana Martin - Honoring Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra 7:30pm Moscow Festival Ballet presents Don Quixote . . . 7:30pm Fiesta Mexico-Americana with Los Lobos . . . . . 7:30pm

February 2016 6 12 14 20 27

The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra . . 7:30pm Tap Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30pm The Summit – The Manhattan Transfer meets Take 6 . 7pm Frankie Avalon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30pm Steppin’ Out LIVE with Ben Vereen & Trio . . . . . 7:30pm

March 2016

This year’s must-read Sonoran Mystery

4 The Second City Fully Loaded . . . . . . . 5 Vicki Lawrence & Mama: A Two Woman Show 8-13 Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Rita Rudner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . .

encourage, inspire and support participants. The professional era of club rugby in Wales has undergone significant change in the past and shares a single top-flight rugby structure with Scotland, Ireland and Italy: the Pro 12 League. The Football Association of Wales runs the national teams, the recreational game and the main cup competitions and has produced the likes of world greats like 110m hurdler, Colin Jackson; and world record setter and marathoner Steve Jones. The Isle of Anglesey is a member island of the International Island Games Association and came in 13th in the medal table with five gold and three bronze medals, won in sailing and athletics. But Sports Wales is much more than rugby and’s basketball, boxing, British baseball, cricket, cycling, darts, golf, horseracing, lacrosse, motor sports and yes, even snooker, which we will discuss in another issue. It would seem the face of women’s footfall in Wales is Seattle Reign midfielder Jess Fishlock, who spoke beforehand of the opening 2017 Women's European Championship qualifier against Austria. In her column for BBC Wales Sport, she said the team had “everyone back fit now, which will be a huge boost for us.” But she also praised the men: “It's brilliant what the men's side are doing...and they are changing the face of football in Wales. You see the passion every time they play. They don't go through the motions and you see that they want to do so well for Wales. When you have a team that shows that much passion, you know that's what our country is all about and that's what makes it special for me. Hopefully we can use it to help us to do the same thing.” Since we’ve been experiencing the “beginning of life as we know it" again for football fans all over the U.S., I wanted to share a little about the dozens of sports in Wales. As an artist, I'm especially interested in their logos: quite brilliant, edgy, and full of color. For author's bio and photo, go to page 35

. . 7:30pm . . 7:30pm . Times Vary . . 7:30pm

As you further explore all that Sports Wales has to offer, take a moment to look at the graphic “art” of their logos.

April 2016

1 The von Trapps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30pm 2 Flamenco Kings starring Los Vivancos . . . . . . 7:30pm /ChandlerCenterfortheArts


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The Desert Shamrock 8/5/15 11:04 AM

WRU ( and Scarlets ( logos used by permission

November – December 2015


Sedona's St. Patrick's Parade promo with Chino Valley HS Band

Frank Leavy and Ireland's Minister of Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring

El Dorado of Sun City group at The Irish Wolfhound. Thanks to Skip Roberts!

Audrey Sullivan, Chair of the Saint Patrick's Exhibit at the Irish Cultural Center

Glenda Walker of Phx; Doug and Wendy Ruckel, Marianne Simpson and David Hartke of Prescott at Brig o’ Doon bridge in Ayrshire, Scotland, the birthplace of Robert Burns

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015



Startling Finds in Searching Family History By Iain Lundy

ther. William was responsible for the birth of my great-grandmother – out of wedhe availability of sites such as lock. Then, while living with his mother coupled with the in a village called Ratho in Midlothian, he success of the TV show “Who Do died aged 45. You Think You Are” has led to an exploThis time the death certificate from sion of interest in researching our family 1882 stated that had suffered from pneutrees – genealogy as it is properly called. monia for 13 days and “delirium tremens” It is a fascinating subject if done propfor three days. What a way to go. And no erly and carefully. The key is to dig up the wonder I like a glass of whisky now and real life stories behind the names of our again. ancestors that are scrawled on marriage So that side of my Irish ancestry had licenses, census documents, and death produced the juiciest scandal so far. But certificates. It is all too easy to simply list another Irish discovery has produced the all the names on a chart and leave it at most incredible coincidence. that. But behind those faded names lie a My paternal grandfather came to million gripping tales. Scotland from the town of DownpatA word of warning. Do not expect The road 150 years later where my great-great-great-grandfather was found dead. rick, County Down. My wife grew up in royalty or aristocracy to show up in your disreputable bunch they turned out to be. Pennsylvania in a family descended from a bloodline. Genealogy is not for the squeamish. After a long and painstaking search, I discovered number of European countries including Germany, Expect eye-popping scandal to come jumping off the the identity of a great-great-great-grandfather on my Lithuania and England. pages at you. Believe me it is far more fun. mother’s side. His name was Peter McSorley, he was I came across one Irishman in her family tree For the past few years I have been engrossed in possibly born in County Tyrone in 1796 and he left who had left his native land, settled in West Virginia genealogy and have put together fairly comprehenfor Scotland in the 1820s when the potato crop was and been shot dead by an Indian. sive family trees for myself and my wife. In my case failing. Peter was a mason by trade and engaged in But way back in the 1700s my wife has a 5xgreat Scotland dominates my family line, but I discovcanal building in the west of Scotland. grandfather by the name of John Crickard. His ered an unexpected Irish influence that none of my So far so interesting – until I discovered that son Michael left his home in Ireland and moved to immediate family knew anything about – and what a Peter had died in April 1860 while working near Staunton, Virginia - John may have gone with him. Fort William. In fact, he And where did they live in Ireland before sailing the had been found dead on Atlantic? Downpatrick, County Down. It’s a small the road. world. I then dug out his The secret is not to accept the names at face death certificate. It read value but to dig deep. I have uncovered many other that he had died on the incredible stories that illuminate our family trees. high road and that the Resources are abundant, family members, libraries, cause of death had been Internet – just be prepared for the unexpected. “exposure to cold and wet Iain Lundy grew up in Ayrshire, while intoxicated”. Oh Scotland, and has worked as a no, the shame of it all. journalist since the 1970s. He and his But worse was to come. wife moved from Scotland to Arizona His son, William Mcin March. His paternal grandfather Sorley (who later changed came from Downpatrick, County his surname to Sorley) was Down, and moved to the west of Scotland as a young man. my great-great-grandfa-


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The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015

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Dave Binsfeld, CIC, ARM

Vice President

Grandmother is from Tiree, an island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland

Mother is Mary Patricia Doyle of the Doyle clan from County Galway, Ireland

Kilt Rental USA Scottish Made Kilts. Rent - Sell - New - Used 15821 N 79th Street, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 1.877.KILT.SHOP 480.460.0907

Thomas P. Murphy, CPA 21639 N. 12th Avenue, Suite 203 • Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Grandmother is from Tiree, an island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland

(623) 581-0375 • Fax (623) 581-9242 Grandfather Murphy born in County Westmeath and Grandmother in County Longford, Ireland

Aviator Nancy Corrigan Exhibit in Ohio A young colleen left Owenduff, County Mayo, Ireland in the 1920s, worked as a maid, nanny, and model in the U.S., bought her own plane, and became only the second woman in the U.S. to earn a commercial pilot’s license. See a temporary exhibit about the determined colleen, Nancy "RightWay" Corrigan, in Cleveland’s International Women’s Air & Space Museum, housed in the Burke Lakefront Airport. The Corrigan exhibit runs through the end of 2015; open 8am-8pm daily, free admission.

Ohio Rose of Tralee Kaytee Szente will attend the Annual Booksale/Pancake Breakfast fundraiser on Saturday, November 7 from 8:30 am to 1 pm at the Cleveland airport. $5 suggested donation.


Read “An Amazing Woman: Right Way Corrigan, Irish America’s Best Kept Secret” by JC Sullivan in the January-February 2016 edition The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015


Diana Gabaldon:


Absolutely Fascinating! Author of Outlander book series now on STARZ TV

Interview by Ann Niemann

Why a novelist?


rizona’s own Diana Gabaldon grew up in Flagstaff. Besides a four times great-grandfather born in Ireland, she is descended from Spain going back to first settling in Santa Fe in 1596. She shares that the same parcel of their property was claimed by Spain, later by independent Mexico, and then America without her family moving a step. “Gabaldon” is the name of a Spanish provincial village known to be primarily Jewish in faith. From this rich heritage, her ancestors eventually moved to the high country of Arizona, where she was born in Williams. A notable link is her family's connection to building the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff. Her great, great grandfather served under Queen Victoria as a Royal Read Part 1 in Artist in the Victoria and Albert the May-June Museum in London. He had died young with a lung com2015 edition plaint, so when his son, Stanley Sikes, developed a similar malady, he and his brother Godfrey, ages 15 and 17, emigrated to the northern Arizona climate. Their home was in Turkey Tanks before Flagstaff was even incorporated. They had a bicycle repair shop and were known to everyone to be “makers and menders of everything.” So when approached to help with the telescope and Clark Dome rotation mechanism, undaunted they succeeded. Since its inception 124 years ago, the Lowell Observatory continues. Pluto was discovered there in 1930. Stanley continued working at the observatory until two weeks before his death at age 91 in 1956. Top right: Grand Canyon, 2013 Below: The Ceramics Galleries in their original splendor 1875, modeler was Godfrey Sykes before his death in 1866.



Diana has always had a “sense of abiding curiosity” and reads a lot of books. At eight years old, she knew she was meant to be a novelist. “It’s not a well-marked career path, so fewer people actually do it.” The first in what now has nine in the series, Outlander was the very first book, completed in 1988. She and her husband had full-time jobs and three children under six. Diana smiles in telling that her colleagues at Arizona State University’s Center for Environmental Studies were “drop-jawed with the process and seized with the idea to write novels too” as a result. She is an owl and her husband a lark, so it worked well for them that once the children were weaned, he managed breakfast and off to school. Diana took the night hours to handle any family needs. Now empty nesters, typically she retires at 9:30 pm, “snoozes” to midnight; works in the quiet until 4:30 am; then sleeps to 8:15 am. A scientist by training, research is second nature and lends itself to the historical accuracy that has enthralled her fans. Dorothy O’Brien, Director of the Celtic Harvest Festival Sedona, is an avid reader and a big fan of the Outlander series. She shares that she would read a particularly fascinating section

Rebecca Hennessy of Surprise, Arizona is the winner of The Desert Shamrock's GIVEAWAY for a signed edition of The Outlandish Companion by Diana Gabaldon! It’s a nonfiction book that explains everything (revised and updated, released March 31, 2015). Special thanks to John Goodwin and The Poisoned Pen bookstore in providing the gift. Visit them at 4014 N. Goldwater Blvd. in Scottsdale.


The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015

Caitriona Balfe from Mohaghan, Ireland; Sam Heughan, Dumfries, Scotland

aloud to husband-scientist Keran. He in turn would research the historical facts given in the text and each time confirmed Diana Gabaldon’s correctness. They enjoy the learning process with great admiration for her work.

Turning books into television episodes Diana describes a difference between the peaks and rhythm of writing chapters versus scripting a television episode. Her “structure grows organically where bits and pieces stick to create chunks of 60-80 pages; I then plug in personages, key events like a battle that becomes a ‘marker’ to orient large chunks.” Five to six chunks are put together against this timeline. With the “rough shape of a book,” she can write faster, researching several alternatives. For example, the viewpoints of a character’s spouse; will he/she be “going along’ to the next locale or “kicking and screaming?” There are no time or space constraints in writing

Burn’s Supper January 30, 2016 @ Omni Resort - Tucson Celtic Music, Cocktail Hour, Silent Auction, Poetry & More

a novel. Diana has an audio version for the blind that took 32 hours to read aloud. However, “TV is a tightly constrained medium and part of a large, collective endeavor.” There is an “expressed thematic and dramatic arc for each episode, but not cliff hangers, with an overarching arc for the season.” In creating the script, the book is broken into separate scenes. The STARZ TV team maps the sequence on a white board, all congruent with “Diana’s world” if not specifically in her writing. The prologue is designed to grab the viewers’ attention and draw them in.

Left: At book signing in Germany [COURTESY OF WWW.DIANAGABALDON.COM] Right: Flashback to Claire's life in 1940's, Tobias Menzies as Frank Randall TOP LEFT AND RIGHT, BOTTOM RIGHT PHOTOS BY PERMISSION FROM PICTURES TELEVISION INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

What's important in life? Family and work, and her religious faith as a Roman Catholic. She credits her long-term marriage to marrying the right person to start out with; and being able to talk easily with each other. Their middle child, pen name Sam Sykes, has published four novels to date in the epic fantasy genre. Arizona is home with their primary residence in Scottsdale and a get-away home in Flagstaff for respite from a demanding travel schedule. Book tours and the added media interviews in promoting STARZ TV’s very successful original series, Outlander, are balanced with time to create. She has written a number of other books and published pieces, and has a new novel underway usually requiring two to three years to research and complete. Her favorite places in Scotland, where Outlander is set, are Inverness and Edinburgh. Highlights are the castle, of course, but also

The Desert Shamrock

“walking the Royal Mile with the 15th century right in front of you.” Listening to Diana is intriguing in itself. Throughout the interview, she casually weaves her words together with interesting nuances. She has a wonderful half-smile that signals she is going to say something partially in jest or insert a witty charm that is delightful. There is a generosity in sharing her time for a local niche magazine like The Desert Shamrock. She had just returned from Germany and yet Diana opened her home to me as we sat chatting in her kitchen. It reflects her values in giving back to her Arizona roots. Truly a fascinating woman! “Pretty close to a photographic memory,” or just being modest because she likely doesn’t need the qualifier, you’ll want to READ MORE about how she organizes research notes, her mammoth personal library, encouragement for writers, how to handle stress as well as success, and public life with a huge fan base...and more photos from STARZ TV’s Outlander!

November – December 2015



Coach on the tip of the Dingle Peninsula

Jaunting cart at Muckross House

Driving Tips

past the massive St. Colman’s Cathedral and on to the Cobh Heritage Museum. Our two-night stay was at the Water’s Edge Hotel.

Part 11

from Left Lane Maureen

Chandler-Tullamore Sister Cities Trip to Ireland By Maureen Sullivan CTC County Cork, Ireland


ay the road rise to greet you!

Group Tour travel to Ireland is best done by a chauffeur driver with a coach that has panoramic windows, air conditioning, and is built for comfort. As you travel, you will be charmed by the wit and humor found in the stories of the region’s history, geography and local folklore. Irishmen are born talkers. And since tradition lives on the lips, this ease of communication will be much to your advantage. “Come Ye Back to Ireland”! For some of the 13 travelers who were part of the Chandler, ArizonaTullamore, Ireland Sister Cities Inaugural Trip, this was a return to familiar land but for the rest it was a new adventure visiting the land of their forefathers. The first four days were independent travel and the last seven days were chauffeur driven. Day 1: Evening flights leaving from the States to Ireland Day 2: Arriving in Dublin from multiple U.S. cities, a small group of early arrivals checked in at the Trinity Hotel and took the full tour of Dublin atop the hop-on-hop-off bus. Their first destination was Trinity College and the Book of Kells. That evening the group shared a lively dinner in the hotel’s dining room. Day 3: The following morning the travelers were greeted by Mary Gibbons, who gives a witty, knowledgeable tour of Dublin, as well as an interesting tour of Newgrange, a monolithic Tomb north of Dublin, which predates the Pyramids! We were able to bypass the visitor center and go right to the Tomb. We made a stop at the lovely “Hill of Tara.” In the late afternoon Mary had the tour bus drop us off in the Temple Bar area. After elbowing


our way into Oliver St. John Gogarty’s famous pub, we shared a wonderful group dinner at Shea’s Irish restaurant. We all enjoyed very tasty fare! Day 4: The big adventure the next morning was taking the Irish Rail train from Heuston Station in Dublin to Tullamore in County Offaly. Our hosts were Sea Dew Guest House in Tullamore. Since Tullamore and Chandler are sister cities we were hosted by the Tullamore City Council. Our afternoon had a gracious greeting from the Council and then visited the Tullamore Dew Heritage Center. In the evening, we went to a wonderful pub, Dan and Molly’s, and were treated to musicians playing 19 different instruments! A very late evening!!! Day 5: Tullamore City Council provided transportation for touring today, which included Charleville Forest Castle, lunch at Killeen’s pub in Shannonbridge, Birr Castle and home to an 1870s still working telescope; and Clonmacnoise, a monastic community dating to 547 A.D. One of the high points was the visit to Durrow Abbey, the oldest active church in Ireland. Transportation graciously provided by Tullamore City Council. Day 6: Today, we greeted Dermot Fogarty, our witty, charming chauffeur driver and our lovely coach. The destination was Cobh, outside Cork City. On our journey south we were able to make a stop at the historic Rock of Cashel. We had lovely Sunday dinner with local families dining out on a Sunday afternoon. Upon reaching Cobh, we went

The Desert Shamrock

Day 7: At breakfast everyone was delighted with the large ship which went past our windows around 1:40 a.m., as all bedrooms faced the bay. Some of the travelers stayed in Cobh to spend more time at the Cobh Heritage Center and the Titanic Museum. The rest of our group boarded the coach for an afternoon in Kinsale. Dermot, our driver took the back road enabling us to see Charles Fort. We had a delightful “Historic Stroll of Old Kinsale.” We enjoyed a lively evening with seafood on our hotel patio overlooking the harbor. Day 8: Our journey today was to Killarney, but we made a detour to see our Sullivan cottage ”Tig Peig” in West Cork. We made a brief stop at the monument where General Michael Collins was ambushed. Once in Killarney, the travelers enjoyed Muckross House, jaunting carts, Ladies View and Moll’s Gap. Our host for the next two nights was Robeen House in Killarney. Day 9: Today was our late start, with a short stop at Ross Castle and then on to Dingle. The day’s visits included the Slea Head Drive overlooking the Blasket islands, Gallarus Oratory dating to the 6th century, and the Dingle Crystal Factory. We had another delightful meal together! Day 10: Our destination today was Galway and

Jack’s parents were born in County Cork, Ireland, settling in Chicago in the 1920s.

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November – December 2015

Day 11: Today was our excursion to the Aran Islands via a ferry from Rossaveal. We biked, hiked, and rode a local van, some of us walking up to Dun Aengus. Tonight, we returned to lively Irish music at Galway’s “Tig Fox.” Day 12: After breakfast we took a driving tour of Galway City. Our destination was Dublin and tonight we would stay at the airport’s Maldron Hotel. We went through the lovely town of Athlone, then stopping at Tyrrellspass Castle for lunch. Our final group pictures were taken in front of the Castle. Day 13: Today we bid fond farewell to Ireland!! This is an overview of a small group trip, which is easily arranged by getting your family or friends together to visit Ireland, the world’s friendliest country! The small group experience lets you travel the back roads, not the motorways. Traveling this way allows you meet the local people and choose the sites and family genealogy you would like to experience. Enjoy Ireland!! “It’s not where the path leads you, it’s what you find along the way.”


Explore U.K. + Ireland Experience the cultures of the United Kingdom and Ireland through dance, music and more.

Akram Khan Company Kaash Tuesday, November 3, 7:30 p.m. U.K. choreographer Akram Khan builds bridges between contemporary dance and classical Kathak rhythms.


our hotel, the Park East. We crossed the River Shannon on the KillimerTarbert Ferry. After a brief stop at the “Holy Well of St. Brigid,” we went to the amazing Cliffs of Moher and spent a good time there.

Direct From Ireland

Maureen and John (“Jack”) are the owners of Sullivan’s Travels, Inc. Maureen has been a travel professional for 23 years, moving their business to Phoenix four years ago.

Christmas at the Castle Saturday, December 5 6-10pm First Annual Christmas Celebration at the Irish Cultural Center An old fashioned Christmas open to all cultures Cost: $5 per person at the gate

Celtic Nights Spirit of Freedom Thursday, January 28, 7:30 p.m. 100 years of Irish independence told through ancient folklore, lyrical melodies and fiery step dancing.

Free Arts-Connect Events Kilts and Bagpipes 101 Saturday, November 7, 6:30 p.m.

Songs and Tales of Wales Thursday, January 7, 6:30 p.m.

What’s So Irish About Irish Social Dancing? Thursday, January 21, 7 p.m.

The Beatles: From Liverpool to Abbey Road Sunday, January 24, 2 p.m. Scottsdale Civic Center Library

See a complete list of events and order your tickets today at

Father Christmas • Musical Performances Ornament & Cookie Decorating • Petting Zoo Tree Decorating Contest • Food Vendors

Season Sponsor The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015



Irish Genealogy in the Desert By Caroline Woodiel


iscovering one’s roots can be a lifelong journey. Every new answer leads to a host of new questions, names, and unknown identities. The stream of never ending ancestors can make genealogy an addictive pursuit. While some find ease in identifying documentation detailing the lives of those that came before them, other researchers aren’t quite as lucky. If you happen to have Irish ancestry in your family tree, odds are you’ll fall to the unlucky side of genealogical roadblocks at some point. “Irish genealogy research has unique challenges due to destroyed and missing records, multiple jurisdictions covering the same areas, and repetitive family naming patterns. You have to know more than a name to locate your ancestor in Ireland. A parish or townland name is often needed to distinguish your John Murphy from the many other John Murphys who lived in the same Irish county,” explains McClelland Library Genealogist Cindy Patricki. “Family lore isn't always 100% accurate, but there are often clues in those stories that have been passed down through the generations.” Enough Arizonans have hit roadblocks in their Celtic family trees that the McClelland Library’s Genealogy Centre has seen an explosion of interest and visitors in the first three years it has been open. “There has been

a strong demand from the first day we opened, but it keeps growing as more individuals from around the state and region find out about us,” says Head Librarian Chas Moore. “Because we have an experienced genealogist and trained volunteers on site, it has become a valuable resource for those writing family histories and conducting genealogical research.” To meet these needs, the library, located at the Irish Cultural Center in downtown Phoenix, has adjusted

Genealogy Workshop at the McClelland Library

the manner in which they assist researchers hoping to discover Celtic roots. “One thing that makes our library unique from other research centers is that we offer one-on-one research assistance with our genealogy volunteers,” states Cindy Patricki. Volunteer research assistance is available daily by appointment in the library’s Genealogy Centre. Appointments with the McClelland Library Genealogist are also available for an hourly fee. For the self-motivated, the McClelland Library Genealogy Centre contains a computer lab with 16

computers available during regular opening hours and online guides and databases to aid in your Celtic genealogy research. The Centre is home to approximately 500 genealogy specific volumes and journals with new resources being added daily. In addition to the genealogy specific research materials, the library’s robust reference collection can aid those wishing to write their family history and understand the lives their Irish ancestors lived. Outside of individual research, the McClelland Library provides educational opportunities for genealogy enthusiasts of all levels. Regular workshops are available throughout each semester to fine tune the skills needed to locate ancestors in the United States and Ireland. Occasional genealogy seminars are hosted by the library and are led by international genealogy experts. Additional education in the form of multi-week courses are also available for those who want to learn as they go and have classroom style instruction. For more information on how to begin genealogy research on your Celtic ancestors, or to find out more about workshops, classes, seminars, and resources available at the McClelland Library, visit www.azirishlibrary. org or call 602-864-2351. Caroline Woodiel is a hobby photographer, border collie enthusiast, and librarian with ancestors of both Irish and Scottish descent. She holds a Bachelor’s of History from the University of Colorado and a Master’s of Library and Information Science from the University of Arizona. Caroline is the Public Services Coordinator for the McClelland Irish Library in Phoenix.

Keltic Kitchen Salmon Cakes with Dill Sauce By Katie Caufield Ginder



ia daoibh a chaired! (Hello friends!) With the holidays just around the corner, I would like to share with you another wonderful recipe from Nuala Cullen’s new cookbook, The Best of Irish Country Cooking. Ms. Cullen’s Salmon Cake recipe can be served as an appetizer at your holiday party or as a light dinner entrée. I recommend using fresh dill as it nicely complements the rich flavors of the salmon. As indicated in the title, Nuala Cullen’s book features both contemporary and traditional Irish fare. Throughout the book, she shares scenic photos from across Ireland PHOTO BY KATIE CAUFIELD GINDER highlighting its stunning geography. If you’re looking for the perfect hostess gift or Christmas present for your foodie friend, I highly recommend Nuala’s The Best of Irish Country Cooking.

• 1 ½ lbs/675 g salmon • 3 tablespoons finely chopped shallot • 6 tablespoons/75 g butter, melted • 1 egg yolk • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh herbs • Salt and freshly ground black pepper • 1 ¼ cups/140 g breadcrumbs • 1 tablespoon cream, if necessary • 1 egg, beaten • 2 tablespoons each whole-wheat flour and breadcrumbs, mixed • Oil, for frying • fresh green salad, to serve • Chili powder to taste

• Poach the salmon in lightly salted water for 12-15 minutes. Remove any skin and bones and flake the fish. Sauté the shallot in a little of the butter until soft. • Mix together the salmon, shallot, egg yolk, lemon juice, all but 1 tablespoon of the melted butter, the herbs, salt, and pepper. Add the ¼ cup/140 g of breadcrumbs and work well together. Add a spoonful of cream if the mixture is too dry. Flour your hands well, then shape into 4 or 8 cakes, patting them firmly into shape. Dip each one into the beaten egg and then into the breadcrumb and flour mixture to coat. • Heat the remaining butter and oil in a large frying pan and cook the cakes for 5-6 minutes on each side until crispy and very hot. • Meanwhile, to make the sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan, whisk in the flour, and stir until cooked, about a minute. Off the heat, gradually whisk in the hot milk. Bring back to a boil and stir until the sauce thickens. Remove from the heat, add the crème fraiche and dill, and season to taste. • Drain the salmon cakes on paper towel and serve with the dill sauce and a green salad.


READ MORE What's the Difference Between Sour Cream and Crème Fraîche? AND a delicious recipe to make it yourself. Courtesy of


The Desert Shamrock

Serves 4 as a main course or 8 as an appetizer.

For the Dill Sauce • 1 tablespoon butter • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour • 1 cup/240 ml hot milk • 3-4 tablespoons crème fraiche • 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill or 2 teaspoons dried dill • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Katie Caufield Ginder lives in Gilbert with her husband and son. Her background is in higher education program management, instruction and faculty recruitment. She enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, cooking, yoga, volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters and learning about her Irish heritage. Katie’s great, great paternal grandfather was from Galway and immigrated to Pennsylvania in the 1860s.

November – December 2015

















azirish .org 602-258-0109






The First South Carolina Rose has Arizona Roots By Shannon Kelahan-Pierson


hoenix, Arizona is separated from Conway, South Carolina by 2,193 miles. 31 hours. 8 states. Well, that and a university with an undeniably fantastic Marine Science program! You can probably imagine how hard it was to make this transition in my life, to leave my family and friends and the place where my heritage comes to life. Don’t get me wrong, South Carolina has always held a special place in my heart, and I am honored to be part of the growing Irish community in my new home! Fast forward to October of 2014, to an email that I got saying, “South Carolina is now an official Rose of Tralee Center.” It was here! The chance to represent a place so important to my adult life and a culture that has been the pride of my family for decades was finally coming together, and the shock upon hearing the words later in March 2015 that I was the first ever South Carolina Rose will rival none. The Rose of Tralee Regional Festival took place in Portlaoise, County Laois and welcomed myself and the other International, British, Irish, and “Rest of the World” Roses with open arms. Friendships were made instantaneously, and it became apparent just what made this entire program so special.

I had heard stories about Tralee and the International Festival since our 2009 Arizona Rose (and my former Irish dance teacher), Alexis Hodel attended. In all honesty, nothing could have prepared me for that experience, no matter how many of my Arizona Colleen See a recap of and Rose Shannon’s experiences sisters had including on stage at attended! It the Rose Dome! is a twoweek spectacle that started with all 32 of us reporting for duty in Dublin (including Cork, Kerry, Dublin, New Zealand, and Australian girls who were not required to attend Regionals). We travelled across Ireland on the five-day Rose


Tour to see the sights and experience local Irish festivities along the way! Stops included the Newbridge Silverware Showroom, Croke Park, the Mohill Arts and Cultural Festival, Lough Rynn Castle, Lough Key Park, and one of my favorites, Roscommon, where they let each of the Roses shear a sheep if we dared! We also made a stop in Limerick the night before arriving in Tralee and finally got to meet the men of the hour, the 2015

business and person wanted to make sure that you felt at home and that you were enjoying the entire experience, and I can honestly say it was pleasantly overwhelming. It was at this point that we all knew we had been welcomed into the Rose family, and I know that there were several times where I was caught with my mouth open in disbelief! From visiting Bon Secours Hospital to meeting our Escorts and Rosebuds to the Rose Ball later that night, our first day in Tralee was a whirlwind, and we had only just begun! Saturday began with some local outings, for me to the library, later that afternoon was my private interview, and that evening was the Night Parade. Sunday some of us woke up nice and early to do a photoshoot at Banna Beach, followed by church, the day parade, and a traditional “session” at the Meadowlands Hotel featuring the annual Roses versus Escorts sing off! NEY Monday and Tuesday were E, MAEVE MCSWEE OF CHICAGO ROS PHOTO COURTESY PHOTO BY HAROLD PIE the televised selection nights, RSON and it was absolutely unreal to be sitting in the front row Left: My Cinderella moment with in the Rose Dome before my stage Rose of Tralee host night. Every single one of us watched Center: Found the Phoenix with pride as the next one of our Gaels logo outside of Croke sisters took the stage, and when it Park during our tour. was announced on Tuesday night that Right: Pointing out the 2009 Elysha Brennan from County Meath Arizona Colleen and Rose, was going to be our Rose, we couldn’t Alexis Hodel, on the Rose of have been happier! She is the epitome Tralee Memory Walls. of what it means to be a Rose, and we Escorts, for are all confident in her abilities to not only represent a fun night all of us, but Ireland as a whole. of getting I’ve been asked several times over the past few acquainted. months about my opinion of the Rose of Tralee There are program. Is it relevant to today’s modern Irish H K WALS IC no words to dewoman? Absolutely, without a doubt. As someone N M DO ESY OF COURT PHOTO scribe the feeling that you get as a who went to an all-girls high school (hey there XCP! Rose arriving in Tralee. There are lights and decora- Xavier College Preparatory Roman Catholic High tions everywhere, your photo is posted in storefront School in Phoenix), I am very familiar with being windows, there are bets being placed on your name, in a large group of strong women. However, what and people treat you like royalty. Each and every I have found in the Rose of Tralee sisterhood rivals

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015

and friends and the Arizona Irish Cultural Center. I am proud of my Arizona and Irish roots, and know that I owe a part of my success to the people there.


READ MORE Read her account in its entirety. See more photos of her amazing trips to Ireland! PHOTO BY HAROLD PIERSON

At the Family and Center BBQ with my parents and SC Center representatives.


Arizona Claims on Her By Ann Niemann Shannon Kelahan-Pierson is 21 years old and a senior at Coastal Carolina University, completing her Bachelors in Marine Science. This is something she has dreamed of doing since knocked over by a wave when she was just a year old, only a few miles away from where she now lives in Conway, South Carolina! Working as a professor’s assistant, she also co-founded a research program with one of her instructors to give students a chance to conduct their own research at one of the most diverse artificial reefs in the state. She shares that, “Needless to say, the ocean has a large place in my heart! Outside of class, the most important things in my life are my family, friends, and volunteer work. I am very close with my parents and grandparents and one of the things that makes my family so close is how proud we are of our Irish heritage, which initially stems from Counties Armagh and Monaghan.” Shannon studied with Bracken School of Irish Dance for ten years and has performed all over her home state of Arizona. She was an Arizona Irish Lass in 2012, the Arizona Colleen and Rose of Tralee Program for ages 13-17 ( Another part-time job that gets a lot of warm attention is that of a mermaid. No air hoses! Just working with breath holds in the stingray and shark (safe kind) tanks for the public to watch at the Rip-

ley's Aquarium of Myrtle Beach. The mermaids perform shows daily and meet and greet with children afterwards. They also help in the upkeep

of the aquarium and caring for the animals.

Here’s Another Mermaid! At the 2014 Rose of Tralee International Festival, I met a darling young lady and her mum, Helena. Her mermaid costume was incredible and her mother the creative seamstress. Ava Stackpoole, born and bred in Tralee, County Kerry,

The Desert Shamrock


all others. These girls are the pride and joy of their communities, and each is just as accomplished as the next. I couldn’t have asked for better friends, and without this program I never would have had the chance to meet most of them. I have a lot of people to thank for this opportunity, but this entire adventure started with my family

Posing for pictures and signing autographs for locals during our Pub Twinnings in Tralee.

Ireland, had just won first place in the children’s costume competition. We discussed that she is a writer and artist and had recently won a national writing competition. Keep in mind Ava was only 4 at the time of her inspired work; the story is understandably short but she did all the lovely illustrations herself too. Parents will want to bookmark Imaginosity TV with Dublin’s Children’s Museum to watch together with kids. Hearing it read with an Irish accent while turning the pages makes it extra special! She still adores mermaids. This year for Halloween Ava dressed up as a monster mermaid. The body of a beautiful mermaid, but the face of a hideous sea creature. She helped make her mask and it is amazing! Ava is six now and goes to CBS primary school and has joined a choir in Tralee. In the new year, she hopes to start learnDon’t miss Ava’s ing the traditional Irish award-winning fiddle. Her dream is to story, Lisa Pearl learn the harp, but mum Mermaid! told her that she has to start with a musical instrument that she can carry. Good advice! In learning about the connection with Shannon’s role as a mermaid, Helena summed it up, “The South Carolina Rose sounds amazing!” And she is.

November – December 2015



Celtic Artisan Cheryl Senkfor Jewelry Designer, Knitter of Fine Metal Wire By Lynn Herdman Mascarelli


think I may have met one of those angels among us. We’ve all heard the expression and my visit to The Creating Spot on Sixth Avenue in Scottsdale perhaps confirmed such individuals are real. Though not of Celtic descent,

The Desert Shamrock

our guest artisan, Cheryl Senkfor, is a jewelry designer and knitter of fine metal wire. Her craft heralds back to the Viking Art and Scandinavian traditions of the ninth and tenth centuries. Our own Irish history tells us of Vikings who not only paid us a visit but entrenched themselves on our shores leaving their influence all over the Isle. Originally an avid fiber knitter of wools and ribbons on large needles, Cheryl was transformed almost miraculously into a different artisan, choosing to use only her fingers to knit precious metal wire into fine jewelry. One day in synagogue filled with people, Cheryl suffered a subarachnoid brain bleed, but still able to move insisted on returning home. She could handle this, she said, but this was not so and an hour later found herself in ICU for eight days carefully monitored while she slipped in out of consciousness but she would survive the 48 hour mark, the 72 hour mark and beyond. Interestingly, in one of her more lucid moments, she pleaded with her neurosurgeon, also a “knitter,” that she be allowed to use her would bring healing, she thought. She was denied but blessed in a most unusual way by what Cheryl describes as a visitation from three holy ones, angels of light, telling her there was much more for her to do with the gifts she’d already been given by God. They vanished but their message transformed her and upon her return home and several months of recovery, she discovered she had been gifted with incredibly finer motor skills and able to knit with her fingers at a much faster pace, using 24, 26, and 28 gauge wires of precious metal. She continues even now to minister to countless others who have heard her story and seek out her solace and words. But back then, Cheryl would leave her large knitting needles and the making of garments behind. Seeking more knowledge, she attended a seminar in Viking Art but its heavy-handed techniques with telephone wire had no appeal. She would develop her own finger knitting of small, personalized pieces of body ornamentation using 14 kt. gold-filled and rose gold-filled, fine silver, bronzes and copper. With her husband and two daughters, she would make a life changing permanent move from cold Cleveland to her second home here in Arizona. The life of an artisan-jeweler was better here; the art shows year round and not just three months in the north. For five years, Cheryl has taken her Woven Angel jewelry to art festivals and shows all over the Valley. Some include the Carefree Art Festival and Art-Fest at the Civic Center in Scottsdale. Every week one can see and purchase her knitted wire works at Scottsdale’s Artisan Market on the canal Thursdays and Sundays. A high point in her crafting career came at the renowned 2014 Tempe Art Festival when she was awarded the highest honors in ornamental jewelry, a lifetime achievement and highly cherished. Though her artisan jewelry is highly visible and well respected, though she enjoys good press and was featured in Art Gallery Magazine; though a broad clientele love and wear her jewelry, she still wishes to be represented in the more high-end art shows and she has not achieved this quite yet. This is her challenge, her goal. Of particular beauty are her wire woven cluster necklaces. Cheryl is all about life and thus we can wear her experience in her Tree of Life pendants and Circle of Life crystals often crafted on lapis woven over with fine silver and gemstones of citrine and black onyx. She is adamant that each piece be knitted and woven only by her. “I am not a factory,” Cheryl told me. Perhaps what is most precious is not the gold and

November – December 2015


silver and precious gems we in find her jewelry but the fact that it is her fingers, touched by angels, that skillfully form each of her works. One may attend classes and visit the studio of Cheryl Senkfor and business partner, Bobby Harr, a fused glass artist, at The Creative Spot, 7127 E. 6th Ave, Scottsdale, Arizona behind Photo Fusion. Cheryl may be reached at, 216-272-1697; or, 480-272-6004. Lynn is a former high school teacher of art, history, and political science. She is a potter, illustrator, muralist in public venues and private homes, and wordsmith. Frequently a featured artist at the Irish Cultural Center, Celtic landscapes intrigue her. Her mom, a Williams, is totally Welsh with ancestry as far back as 1700s and the Isle of Anglesley.

Cheryl Senkfor • 480-272-6004 • Cell 216-272-1697 7127 East 6th Ave, Scottsdale AZ 85251 Find woven angel jewelry on display at the Creating Spot gallery.

10% OFF fused glass or jewelry classes just mention the word shamrock when you sign up or purchase!

The 2005 Arizona Colleen, Heidi's ancestors emigrated from Co. Cork

The Desert Shamrock

November – December 2015




The Arizona Colleen and Rose of Tralee Selection, Arizona Irish Lass and Little Miss Shamrock programs select young ladies of Irish descent to participate as spokespersons at area events. Prize packages for each competition. The Colleen wins a trip to Ireland and $1,000 scholarship. For details, visit or contact Erin Sweeney-Morgan, Chair, 602-373-7931,


ALEES was incorporated in 2004 to promote and celebrate accomplishments of Irish-Americans in law enforcement. Its members, families and friends support ALEES Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) created in 2012 to provide financial assistance to the families of injured and fallen brothers and sisters in Arizona law enforcement. If interested in becoming a member or volunteering, contact us at


Our mission is to promote Scottish culture through art, education, and athletics. Each year we grant scholarships to aspiring and professional Highland athletes, musicians, dancers and/or any other individuals or organizations whose mission, project or program promotes Scottish heritage. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month for drinks, entertainment and Scottish fun! Everyone welcome!


Enjoy the sounds of Celtic music and dance, storytelling, and poetry, wares for sale, workshops by artisans, sheepherding demos, art of falconry, Fairy Village children’s activities, lots of food and drink! New this year Scottish heavy athletics! Adults $15; Teens $5; under 11 yrs. old free.

DAUGHTERS OF SCOTIA DESERT THISTLE LODGE #260 Formed in 2005 to promote Scottish heritage. Ladies of ancestry, married to a Scot or born in Scotland may join. We hold monthly meetings, tea socials, a teahouse at the AZ Highland Games and attend Scottish events. We support Highland dance competition and other charities. Contact: Bethany Tso at 602-770-7565 or


A non-profit corporation, DIWA is committed to improving the health and welfare of Irish Wolfhounds throughout Arizona; encouraging responsible ownership through mentoring and education of its members; and maintaining a source of Irish Wolfhound specific rescue/rehoming contacts statewide. Dues are $20 for a single and $30 for a family membership. For information, contact Christine Davis, President, 602-439-1783; or Pam Clark, Rehoming Coordinator, 928-821-6009;


The nonprofit organization was formed in 2011 to promote positive relationships between Arizona and Northern Ireland. Through education, cultural exchanges and charitable events, the Chapter nurtures St. Patrick’s legacy. Meetings held quarterly at the ICC. Contact: Glenda Walker at 602-277-1376, www.saintpatrickcentre. com


It offers classes in Irish music, dance, and language to children ages 7+ (July 14-18, 2014) and adults (July 15-17, 2014). Come learn something new or improve your current skills with members of Runa and Zac Legér. Classes in fiddle, whistle, guitar, bodhrán, Irish language, dance, and more! Contact: Kari Barton, 928-600-1365,


Our purpose is to bring together individual of Irish descent and others interested in Irish culture through our monthly socials. Everyone is welcome; it is part of our Irish hospitality. The Club meets monthly October through May for dinner and dancing at the Sun City Country Club. Dues are $10 per year. For information or a complementary newsletter, contact Maura McConnell, Secretary, 623-933-3698,


The Desert Shamrock


The mission of the ICC is to provide a link between the people of Arizona and the people of Ireland and other Celtic cultures. The Academy of Celtic Studies and the Celtic Concert Series are major programs. The Center is available for private rentals; call direct to 602-258-0109. Info and tours: 602-392-7850,


Formed in the 1970s to bring together people of Irish heritage in Arizona, the group sponsors social events throughout the year. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the ICC. Contact: Anna O’Hara, President, 480-345-9517


Irish Network Phoenix is under the umbrella of the national IrishNetwork USA organization integrating the IrishNetworks that exist in various cities across the United States. It allows members of the networks to connectwith their peers and to develop relationships that will foster success in their business, economic, cultural andsports ventures. Come to a monthly breakfast or lunch to explore membership; www.facebook. com/IrishNetworkPhoenix;


This bagpipe and drum school is dedicated to excellence in bagpiping as well as camaraderie and fun. All levels of students are welcome! Instructors are brought from Scotland, Ireland, Canada and the U.S. Contact: Eric Poleski, Administrator,, 702-270-8974 home, 702-340-8859 cell, 928-556-3161,


The organization honors the 150-year-old bond of friendship existing today between Mexico and Ireland. Each year, a fiesta celebrates with a dinner saluting those of Irish and Mexican heritage. Contacts: Wm. Howard O’Brien, El Capitán, 480-951-1152,; Hector Corona, Felix Corona and Ernie Patino, El Tenientes (Lieutenants).


The nonprofit organization is dedicated to presenting, promoting, and preserving Celtic culture. Each year we host the Arizona Highland Celtic Festival (July 19-20, 2014), the Jim Thomson U.S. School of Piping & Drumming (July 11-18, 2014), and the Grand Canyon Celtic Arts Academy (July 15-18, 2014). Contact Jude McKenzie,, 928-556-3161,


Formed in 1983, the Committee has the responsibility for organizing the annual Phoenix St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Faire that follows, which are held on Saturday (the closest before or falling on March 17); and the Arizona Colleen Programs throughout the year. It is entirely volunteers and meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the ICC. Contact: Harry Sexton, President, 602-863-9198.


It is one of the largest parades in Arizona! Celebrate being Irish with the entire Valley. Coming up Saturday, March 14, 2015, 10am; route is Third Street south from Sheridan to Moreland, FREE. Contact: John Corcoran, Chair, 623-939-1183,


Fun for the entire family, it showcases Irish music, step dancing, Irish and Celtic arts and crafts, plus traditional Irish foods and beverages. Coming up Saturday, March 14, 2015, 10am-5pm at the Irish Cultural Center and Margaret Hance Park grounds. Contact: Mary Moriarty, Chair, 602-258-0109,


Our organization, a 501(c)(3), exists in order to promote cultural pride in Celtic heritage through education, scholarships, activities, special events and the annual Prescott Highland Games. It is a love of all things Celtic which drives our association. Dues are $10 for single and $15 per couple per year. For information, call Andy Hamilton 928-642-0020 or Jill Nelson 928-443-1422,; P.O. Box 12912, Prescott, AZ 86304-2912;

November – December 2015

Built in 1904 for two Irish brothers, Riordan Mansion is an architectural treasure offering a glimpse into the lives of Flagstaff’s early Irish settlers. The “fairy ring” seen on the outdoor self-guided tour hints at the Irish tradition of providing fairies an outdoor dancing space, preventing mischief inside. For admission rates and hours call 928-779-4395.

Colleen Kelly Beaman, Chair 520-743-7979, 1670 N Country Club, Tucson, AZ 85716; and Facebook



CELTIC DANCE SCHOOLS Classes in Chandler, 480-699-2455, Thomas Bracken, ADCRG. | Alexis Hodel, TCRG,

Chartered on April 21, 1981 in North Carolina, membership is open to all Active Duty and Veterans of the USA and the British Commonwealth who are of Scot or Scot-Irish lineage. For more information, contact SAMS Flagstaff Post 2000, George G. Shoemaker, 928-607-1600,

MAGUIRE ACADEMY OF IRISH DANCE Classes in Phoenix, Tucson, Dallas, and Houston (520) 319-0204. Darren Maguire, TCRG, ADCRG


Membership is open to honorably discharged veterans or active duty or reserve military persons who have served or are serving with any branch of the United States or Commonwealth Armed Forces, of Scottish ancestry. We welcome your membership. Currently there are 39 Posts within the United States. Contact: Reg Nelson, 928-443-1422; SAMS Prescott Post 1297, “The Arizona Highlanders,” P.O. Box 2245, Prescott, AZ 86302-2245;


Kari Maschino, 480-242-7760, Gilbert, Tempe, Peoria



Ellen Harrington, President. P.O. Box 4174, Chandler, AZ 85244-4174 480-600-8509,,




Mary Hill-Connor, Committee Chairperson 602-635-9760,

Robert Mulvin, owner, is of Irish and Scottish ancestry

Arizona Convenor: Steve McKinnis 11505 E. Calle Javelina, Tucson, AZ 85748 • 520-290-1268 •

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The Desert Shamrock November – December 2015



NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2015 [All events are in Arizona USA unless otherwise noted]


PUBLIC WALK-IN HOURS (TOURS, LIBRARY & GENEALOGY) Tuesday-Saturday ▪ 10am – 3pm Wednesday Evenings (Library only) ▪ 3pm – 8pm Frances McClelland Genealogy Centre available these hours; Open Other Hours for Scheduled Classes, Meetings & Events 1106 N. Central Ave., Phoenix 85004 See ad page 27


(IRISH SOCIAL DANCING) All ages; instructor & live music; $6; cash bar Fridays ▪ 7pm – 9pm • Nov 20, Dec 18

REMEMBERING THE EASTER RISING: HISTORICAL CONTEXT AND CULTURAL LEGACY Now through June (see ad page 27 for hours) An Interactive Museum EXHIBIT | McClelland Library Co-Cponsored by Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the Consulate Office of San Francisco. Cost: $10 adults, $8 seniors and students, $5 members, and $5 kids ages 5-17. Contact/Info: 602-864-2351;

Saturday, November 7 • 6:30pm FREE • See ad p25 Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about kilts (except the obvious question) and bagpipes! Kilt expert with master bagpiper Michael McClanathan Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts; click on “Discovery”


Friday, November 6 • 6pm to 10pm Pirate Pub Night fundraiser Saturday, November • 7 9am to 10pm Sunday, November 8 • 9am to 5 pm Rillito Raceway Park, 4502 N 1st. Ave Highland athletics, kids area, whisky tastings, clans & heritage, Scottish & Irish dance, celtic food & vendors, Welsh tea room, bagpipes & more See website for ticket prices


Sunday, November 8 • 3:55pm Monday, November 9 • 2:15pm Scottsdale International Film Festival Toni Collette stars in this Irish film about a son who must resort to unconventional means to help his mother recover from a lifelong addiction. $12


November 2015 – March 2016 Scottsdale Public Art, Scottsdale Waterfront—FREE

Sunday, Nov 15 • 8:00pm Crescent Ballroom in Phoenix 308 N 2nd Ave, Phoenix $23 advance - $27 day of Tickets at




Now through April 24 Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA) $7 Adults, $5 Students;


Saturday, November 7 • Check-in 7am; Race 8am Arizona Falls (SRP Canal) 5802 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix Helps support exchange programs including Phoenix-Ennis, Ireland Register:; Info: 602.534.3751;


Sat, Nov 7 • 10:30am to Noon Stories and crafts for entire family. Irish Cultural Center; FREE. Contact: 602-864-2351;


Saturday-Sunday, November 7-8 • 10:30am to 5pm Musical Instrument Museum (4725 E. Mayo Boulevard, Phoenix 85050) Tickets: Adults $35, Teens (ages 13-19) $20, Children (ages 4-12) $15, Children (ages 3 & under) free Two-day music festival with festive food Full Details:



Sat, Dec 5 • 10:30am to Noon Stories and crafts for the entire family. Irish Cultural Center; FREE. 602-864-2351;


Sat, Dec 5 • 10:30am to 12:30pm The Scorching Wind by Walter Macken. Co-Sponsored by Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the Consulate Office of San Francisco. Irish Cultural Center; FREE. 602-864-2351;


Saturday, December 12 • 10:30am to 12:30 pm Cost: $15 members/$20 nonmembers Contact/Info: 602-864-2351; Wednesday-Thursday, December 16-17 • 7pm MIM Music Theater (4725 E. Mayo Boulevard), Phoenix 85050; Tickets: $29.50 - $34.50 Full Details:


Sunday, November 15 • 4-7pm Hosted by Friends of St. Patrick Centre - Arizona Chapter. Benefits the Young Ambassador Program to N. Ireland. Entertainment and silent raffles. Tickets: $15; Children under 12 $5. Includes baked potatoes, meatballs, salads, fruit trays, desserts, and a cash bar. RSVP Glenda Walker,, or 602-277-1376 (after noon). See ad page 10 Friday, November 20 7:30pm Chandler Center for the Arts 250 N. Arizona Ave., Chandler 85225 • 480.782.2680 Tickets: $28, $38 & $44 Gaelic Storm has topped the Billboard World Chart

The Desert Shamrock



Friday, November 20 • Doors open 6:00pm to estimated 10:00pm Greater Phoenix Disability Empowerment Center, 5025 E. Washington St., Phoenix, 85034. Admission: $40 per ticket includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, two drink tickets and $100 in "fun money" for the casino games; Tickets can be purchased online at www. Benefits Justa Center, day resource center for homeless seniors in Phoenix. PR Volunteer is Niamh Sutton originally from Dublin.


four times and earned a reputation as a hard-touring, genre-bending band. See ad page 18


Saturday-Sunday, December 19-20 • 9am to 5pm Musical Instrument Museum (4725 E. Mayo Boulevard, Phoenix 85050). Activities and performances included with paid museum admission. Full Details:


Thursday, January 7 • 6:30pm FREE • See ad p25 Scottsdale Performing Arts Center. Join John Good (Sioni Dda), head of the Welsh League of Arizona.; click “Discover”


Saturday, January 9 • 10:30am to Noon FREE Irish Cultural Center, Norton Room Creating “News” Brainstorming, Research, Securing Permissions, Sidebar Ideas, Guidelines RSVP:, 602-568-3455


Thursday, January 21 • 7pm FREE • See ad p25; click on "Discovery"

VALENTINE’S "LISDOONVARNA" PARTY Saturday, January 30 • 4pm to 10pm • ICC

November – December 2015

Bill O’Brien (William H. O’Brien)

Born February 25, 1923 • Died September 22, 2015, age 92 ½ Our own Arizona Irish Cowboy, Bill O’Brien, died peacefully at home in Paradise Valley, Arizona, at the foot of his beloved Camelback Mountain, listening to family and friends regale him with his own stories and adventures they shared together. And, if you’re wondering, yes, as he always wanted… Bill O’Brien died with his cowboy boots on.

A Celebration of Bill O’Brien’s Life

November 1, 2015 10:30am to 1:00pm Irish Cultural Center 1106 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004 • 602-258-0109 located on the Roosevelt Light Rail station on Central Avenue in downtown Phoenix 10:30 am soft opening, hors d'oeuvres, open mic for short tributes, viewing of the Bill O'Brien Memory Wall, presentation by Hector Corona of a Corona Ranch; Bill's Azteca horse, riderless and with the boots on backwards as is military and cowboy custom

It's Coming! The Extraordinary Life

of an Ordinary Arizona Irish Cowboy.. ...and Storyteller, Entrepreneur, Naturalist, Poet, Philanthropist, Rancher, Farmer, Pilot, Sailor, Falconer, Polo Player, Boxer, Wool Merchant, Archer, Jockey, Dog Breeder, Globetrotter, Practical Joker, Alligator Roper, Bronc Rider…

11:45 am to 1 pm Len Wood (bagpiper) calls to order the formal presentations by Irish dignitaries, friends, and family. In lieu of flowers, the O’Brien Family gratefully thanks you for your heartfelt donation to The Irish Cultural and Learning Foundation, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation, c/o the Irish Cultural Center (contact information above)., direct link to

Old Sunup By Bill O’Brien

He was only a Spanish pony That roamed the rocky peaks, He grazed upon the meadows Drank water from the creeks. He was known among the cowboys As one you’d like to ride For he could catch the fastest steer On any mountainside. He was Sunup to all who knew him And when given his fill of mash, He’d run with his soul like the wind In the race called the 100-yard dash. Not many could find a first place On the dusty road called a track, ‘Cause Sunup had the running grace That put him in front of the pack. He could walk a very narrow trail From sunup to sundown And never miss a step or fail To return you safe and sound. Life was but a game to him For which he had a knack, He liked to have his belly scratched And sometimes farther back. How does one say good-bye To a friend of so many years?

To think that this friend could die Would cost too many tears. So out to the range for the last time Where we had those very good rides To look at our sunset together “While we stood side by side.” “Viejo” I thought as I loosened his cinch And pulled off the old brown saddle, He is just as tall by every inch, “My God what a hell of a battle” I looked at him and he looked at me With his blaze face to the sun, And I thought of all the good times… “Damn we had lots of fun.” I pulled the bridle from his ears And said my last good-bye, Like thanks again for all those years, Better go before I cry. Sometimes I think I see him Out on the range alone, And in my dreams I hear him Trotting his way back home. Years have passed, my bones are tired And my hair has turned to gray, But just as a priest remembers his prayers, I’ll remember Sunup today.

From the hardcover book, Bill O’Brien: The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Arizona Irish Cowboy, by Nikos Ligidakis with Justin O’Brien, coming in Fall 2015 (Pre-orders are available at

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