The Coachella Valley Number ‘One’ Desert Local Newspaper
Amelia White as Mrs. Alexander and Adam Langdon as Christopher Boone in the touring production of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” see page 4
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Friday, August 11, 2017 Vol. 10 No. 64
U.S. Top Hospital Eisenhower Medical Center Ranked #1 in Riverside Metro Area for Second Straight Year By KMIR News Staff Rancho Mirage, CA - U.S. News and World Report has released its annual hospital rankings. For the second consecutive year, Eisenhower Medical Center ranks #1 in the Riverside Metro Area and #16 in California (up fi e s ots from last year Hospitals are rated as High erforming A erage or Below Average for each procedure or condition, and there is no o erall assessment across the group. The
analysis in ludes a mi of ris ad usted data on readmission rates mortality and other out omes the o urren e of ommon ty es of health are acquired infections, federally mandated atient satisfa tion surveys and selected hos ital sur ey measures Eisenhower Medical Center was rated High erforming in nine ty es of are the highest number of specialty recognitions earned by a hos ital in the Inland Em ire Eisenhower is one
By Desert Star Staff LOS ANGELES, - Today the Southern California Water Committee SC C laun hes aterNe t an Edu ation and Outrea h rogram in su ort of California aterFi The rogram in luding digital advertising, outreach and so ial media is dri en by the fundamental fa t that Southern Californians have the right to e e t a lean and reliable water su ly not ust for today but also for our children and grandchildren. Now is the time to
demonstrate the strong momentum behind CA aterFi to our de ision ma ers and regional stakeholders,” said Charles ilson e e uti e dire tor for Southern California Water Committee ottom line water is essential to our physical health and well being ater may be e erywhere but we should never take it for granted. SC C is doubling down on support in Southern California.” According to results
of only 48 hospitals in the ountry barely one er ent of hospitals evaluated, that was high erforming in all nine areas of care. Those higherforming s e ialties in lude Abdominal Aorti Aneurysm Re air Aortic Valve Surgery Chroni Obstru ti e ulmonary isease CO Colon Cancer Surgery Heart Bypass Surgery Heart Failure Hi Re la ement nee Re la ement
Lung Cancer Surgery To be re ogni ed as the #1 hospital in the Riverside etro area by U S News and World Report two years in a row is an in redible honor,” says Martin Massiello, E e uti e Vi e resident and Chief O erating Offi er Eisenhower Medical Center. “Eisenhower is the only Coachella Valley hospital ran ed both in the Inland Em ire and in California this recognition underscores the hard work and dedication
of Eisenhower’s physicians, nurses and staff who take e traordinary are of our patients each and every day.” For the 2017-18 rankings, U S News e aluated more than medi al enters nationwide in 25 specialties, procedures and conditions. In the s e ialty areas 152 hospitals were ranked in at least one s e ialty In ran ings by state and metro area U S News re ogni ed hos itals as high erforming a ross multi le areas of are
California “WaterNext” Campaign Kicks-Off At Critical Time
Continues on Page 2
“California is the land of innovation and big ideas,” said Wilson.
Environmental Groups Ask Indiana to Reject Duke Energy Plan coal ash wastewater into a 70mile stret h of the an Ri er “Folks saw what happens when you lea e unstable dirty lea hing ash onds right ne t to a river,” Cassel said. “They saw e a tly what the threat of that is, and decided that they weren’t going to stand for it in North Carolina And I thin we need to absolutely do the same thing in Indiana Cassel said one option referable to u e s a in la e lan is to e a ate the ash and transfer it to dry lined landfills away from streams and ri ers u e is Coal ash from the bottom of the Dan River near the site of Duke Energy’s spill. (Sierra Club) already doing that at plants in both North and South Carolina but has not ro osed By Desert Star Staff to prepare closure plans for But Earthjustice attorney it for the Hoosier State. IN IANA O IS u e oal ash lagoons many of Jenny Cassel said there would The Indiana e artment Energy has a plan to dispose which are leaking and are in be no barrier between the ash of En ironmental anagement of millions of gallons of oal the abash and Ohio Ri er and the shallow aquifers that will onsider u e s lan within ash waste but en ironmental ood lains These lagoons adjoin the rivers. She called that the ne t ou le of months groups are asking policy aren t lined and u e s lan a prescription for pollution, just Waterkeeper Alliance ma ers to re e t it saying ro oses that they be a ed as u e e erien ed in North attorney Pete Harrison said it oses a health ha ard in la e whi h the om any Carolina in 2014 when the u e should ha e learned from Indiana is re uiring u e calls a clean closure. utility aused a massi e s ill of its mista es but instead the
om any wants to drain the oal ash ponds and walk away while the to i waste sits beneath the state s water tables He said it will endanger eo le fish and the ri ers for de ades to ome It omes down to a uestion of u e Energy s attem ts to in h ennies and hel its bottom line Harrison said. “But, you know, our position is, let’s get it right now and deal with this, so we’re not dealing with it for the ne t ten, 20, 30, 100 years.” Cassel sad the state should require safer technology. “They can’t let it stand that u e would lan to ust throw some dirt and otentially a liner on the top of the ash that’s sitting in the water table soa ing wet that they’re not going to stand for their water to be olluted here in Indiana she said Cassel and Harrison both said ee ing to i ash away from water is the only ro en way to re ent ontamination
Expert: Law and Order Approach to Opioid Crisis Ignores Key Truths By Desert Star Staff ES OINES Iowa resident onald Trum is vowing to take a law and order approach to ombating the nation s worsening o ioid e idemi ut mental health e erts say that strategy ignores key truths about the roblem In omments this wee the president told reporters, Strong law enfor ement is absolutely ital to ha ing a drug free society.” Rebe a Farley a id vice president for policy and advocacy at the National Council for Behavioral Health, says re ention and treatment are the bigger eys to su ess She notes that for many eo le addi tion starts at home
“So often it happens be ause of legally res ribed ain medi ations either that were legally res ribed for that indi idual or someone else in their family and they had access to the ills she e lains Farley a id says illi it use of street drugs such as heroin may follow on the heels of an addiction to pain medi ation but stresses that drug enfor ement is only art of a mu h more om le i ture The Uni ersity of Iowa s In ury re ention Resear h Center reports opioid overdoses and deaths are beginning to de rease in the state, while heroin overdoses and overdose deaths are on the rise.
Farley a id maintains Health and Human Ser i es ire tor Tom ri e is saying the right things about the nature and causes of the o ioid risis but she says action needs to happen soon. She points to policy changes in Medicaid that could provide relief to thousands. The roblem with edi aid she says is sim le It doesn t ermit ayment for most residential substan e use treatment due to an outdated ayment rohibition built into the rogram she oints out “That needs to change.” Farley a id argues that re ention treatment and re o ery should be the three rimary fo us areas to
Rates of prescription drug deaths in Iowa since 1999 have quadrupled, according to the Injury Prevention Research Center at the University of Iowa. (US Dept. Health & Human Services) urb the o ioid e idemi Ten years ago, there were
59 opioid overdose deaths in Iowa In there were
woes, especially in light of today s limate realities and our recurring drought cycles. California has had nine droughts since 1900, totaling 41 years. After a rushing fi e year drought, this past winter was the wettest in years but California lost the opportunity to capture and store surplus water due to restrictions in the central hub of the deli ery system Nearly billion gallons of water weren’t captured – enough water to supply the cities of Long Beach, Riverside, Santa Ana Anaheim O nard San Bernardino and San iego ombined for one year e ha e to find a way to smooth out the boom or bust y le added ilson California aterFi will ma e our water deli ery system
more e ible and effi ient so we are better able to a ture more water during big storm e ents and sa e it in reser oirs for drier times Established in the Southern California Water Committee is a non rofit non artisan ubli edu ation partnership dedicated to informing Southern Californians about our water needs and our state’s water resources. Spanning Los Angeles, Orange, San iego San ernardino Im erial Ri erside Ventura and Kern counties, the SC C s members in lude re resentati es from business go ernment agri ulture water agen ies labor and the general ubli Visit us at and find us on Fa eboo
California “WaterNext” Campaign Kicks-Off At Critical Time Continued from Page 1
re reation for our families and friends. Our Southern released from a re ent ubli California quality of life isn’t o inion sur ey ommissioned ossible without good obs and by SC C nearly two thirds water is integral to powering er ent of Southern California the businesses that ro ide voters support the project. em loyment in the state It s This strong ba ing for the the reason SC C a di erse ro e t omes after nearly a oalition of business regional de ade of e tensi e re iew and and lo al go ernment law firms study by water uality e erts agri ultural grou s labor unions engineers, earthquake scientists en ironmental organi ations and and independent university water agen ies is ommitted to researchers who all concluded ad an ing California aterFi moderni ing and re routing the “California is the land of water deli ery system was the inno ation and big ideas best o tion to ensure Southern said ilson e should be California has a reliable high fulfilling the California romise quality supply of water. by in esting in and building modern ro e ts li e California We use water daily in our aterFi that use state of homes for oo ing leaning the-art technology to provide and bathing And outside it safety reliability and effi ien y replenishes our gardens and for the state’s water supply.” parks, and provides outdoor
Si ty er ent of California s water su ly omes from the Sierra Ne ada mountains elted snow from these mountains offers us one of the cleanest, freshest sources of water for our families and homes om ared to other water sources that require additional and ostly treatment to ensure they meet stri t drinking water quality standards. ater from the Sierra Ne ada Mountains provides the ba bone su ly for million people in Southern California, the Central Valley and Bay Area. ut the deli ery system mo ing this water to our region is old, ulnerable and in des erate need of im ro ement Additionally, Southern California needs a e ible solution to address its water August 11, 2017
‘Shout Sister Shout!’ Rocks the Pasadena Playhouse
robably the name Sister Rosetta Tharpe doesn’t ring a bell but long before there were women in the world of ro and roll she be ame a star in spectacular fashion. She was born in Cotton lant Ar ansas in and be ame the gos el s first su erstar the reeminent rosso er figure of its “golden age.” Eventually her amboyan e s ill on the guitar and rhythmi showmanshi in uen ed artists li e Chu Berry, Elvis Presley, Little Richard and Johnny Cash. Not bad not bad at all
www desertstarwee ly om
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & MANAGING EDITOR a iebermann __________________________ OFFICE MANAGER Mindy Salas ART DIRECTOR ina Ri era CONTRIBUTORS Beverly Cohn, Janice Gough, Jack Lyons, Kelly G. Richardson, Kevin Powell, amela ri e Risa Angeles Robert insler Shirley Brenon, Theda leinhans Rei hman PHOTOGRAPHERS Pat Krause
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVES Please Call 760-671-6604 ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Arlette Capel Desert Star Weekly alm ri e Suite esert Hot S rings CA 760-671-6604 All ad ertising in the esert Star ee ly news a er sub e t to urrent rate ard The newspaper reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. The entire ontents of the esert Star ee ly newspaper © 2013. All rights reserved.
If you aren t familiar with her musi al ontributions Randy Johnson and Cheryl est bring her to ibrant life in “Shout Sister Shout,” currently playing at the Pasadena Playhouse through Sunday, August 20th. Their show is based on Gayle ald s boo Shout Sister Shout The Untold Story of Rock and Roll Trailbla er Sister Rosetta Thar e It begins with a rousing musi al number somewhere in the nether world somewhere between hea en and earth It turns out that Rosetta (Tracy Nicole Cha man is waiting for God to bring her inside the early Gates Suddenly a mighty oi e informs her that she must return to earth to save the soul of Isaiah ogan Charles who to her disdain, is a disheveled looking white kid who looks li e a bum The oi e of God gives her 24 hours to share her life story with him in order to gi e him ho e and a reason to live. Since it’s God talking, she om lies relu tantly Isaiah isn t im ressed either but he does remember that his mother had lo ed Rosetta s musi her fa orite song being eri ho which Tharpe also wrote. As Isaiah sits on the sideline, Rosetta’s life unfolds. We see her love for God, for the Church and for singing musi that raises the ord e also meet her first husband Reverend Tharpe (Michael A. She erd who turns out to be a er Isaiah on urs and e entually they start to bond He begins to see life through her eyes. She never gives up her lo e for God and musi Through good times and bad she carries on, singing her heart out to the very end. And oh the musi sung by Tra y Ni ole Cha man as Thar e and by a gos el hur h hoir in golden robes who la and shout-out to encourage us in the audience to sing along with them and we do Hallelu ah The show, in two acts, is filled to the brim with gos el songs and ro musi tinged with soul. Tharpe like “Jericho,” Sit own al All O er God s Hea en and more wrote many of the songs erformed Other songs in lude “Shout Sister Shout,” “This onesome Road and ife I Sing About There is also original material by elissa Manchester that includes Somebody s Got to now and hen I oo through ou This production is arti ularly meaningful for Sheldon E s who will ma e his theatri al e it as Artisti ire tor after years with the Pasadena Playhouse. We who lo e theatre wish him a warm hail and farewell
(L-R): Thomas Hobson, Tracy Nicole Chapman and Armando Reinaldo Yearwood, Jr. in Shout Sister Shout! at Pasadena Playhouse. // Photo by Jim Cox Photography Another milestone is the fact that the Playhouse is elebrating its entennial Congratulations on 100 years of theatre from musi als and omedy to drama Soon their Season will begin with the following rodu tions “Our Town,” “Pirates of en an e ordertown Now ing Charles III and one lay to be re ealed at a later date The Pasadena Playhouse is located at 395 El Molino Ave., Pasadena. Ticket prices range from to and an be ur hased on line at asadena layhouse org or by hone at
August 11, 2017
Tracy Nicole Chapman as Sister Rosetta Tharpe in Shout Sister Shout! at Pasadena Playhouse. // Photo by Jim Cox Photography
“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” on Stage at the Ahmanson
(Center) Adam Langdon as Christopher, with the ensemble, discovers hidden letters written by his mother. Photo by Joan Marcus Once in a while, a play omes down the theatri al i e that da les all the senses From ar Haddon s multi le award winning boo omes the stage ersion of The Curious In ident of the og in the Night Time agnifi ently ada ted for the stage by Simon Ste hens and masterfully dire ted by Marianne Elliott, the play is a spectacular theatrical ride. The storyline revolves around 15-year-old Christopher oone a young man with autism layed by Adam Langdon, who delivers a s ellbinding mesmeri ing erforman e Our rotagonist has a brilliant mathemati al mind a able of om rehending the most om le e uations but annot na igate some of the most ordinary as e ts of life including never touching or being tou hed by a human being Tou hing is erboten e en by his arents as su h an innocent social act could ata ult him into a s reaming fit at which point he would roll up into the fetal osition or beat his head with his fists or re ite a solution to a om li ated mathemati al roblem Christopher’s life is turned upside down when he dis o ers that his neighbor s
dog ellington has been stabbed with a it hfor The only li ing reature besides his et rat with whom he is able to ma e hysi al onta t he be omes outraged ma ing it his life s mission to find the ul rit His autism does not allow for guile or any indirect method of ommuni ating so he is blunt in uestioning his neighbors as ing id you ill ellington An offi er in estigating the murder touches Christopher who immediately stri es him ater when being uestioned by another offi er be ause of his assault the young man says he isn t sorry be ause the offi er tou hed him It should be noted that his inno ent dire tness in e ts mu h humor into the ro eedings Understanding his boundaries in dealing with his son, Christopher’s dad, tenderly layed by Gene Gillette tells him that his mother had a heart attack and died. This is yet another trauma for this gifted but handi a ed young man to deal with as despite the lacking of physical touching, he lo ed his mother ery mu h y and by he dis o ers letters from his mother that his father has hidden from him It turns out she is indeed alive and well and living in
London with Mr. Shears, husband of their neighbor Mrs. Shears, and owner of the deceased Wellington. So, despite his handicap, Christopher decides to take a train to London and his hairraising ad enture begins The train station scene is only one e am le of Tony Award-winner Finn Ross’ mind blowing ideo design seen throughout the lay It is in this particular sequence that we truly see, through the hundreds of oating intermingling images the
By Desert Star Staff ST. PAUL, Minn. - As the new school year approaches, schools and students are trying to ma e sense of the new transgender toolkit released last wee by the innesota e artment of Education. The guidelines ha e drawn fire from o onents who laim they threaten parental rights and student privacy, while others say they’re needed
to help protect transgender students from bullies Gary Amoroso e e uti e director of the Minnesota S hool Administrators Association, said the scope and purpose of the guidelines isn t well understood but what s im ortant is the relationshi s families build with schools, especially on sensitive issues. “The toolkit is not something that distri ts
are required to use, and it s not something that a distri t must either hoose to opt into or opt out of,” he said It is sim ly a resour e that s a ailable Among the new guidelines are the suggestions that school offi ials not assume the gender identity of a student and not separate classes into boy and girl grou s State edu ation offi ials
onfusion inside his om le brain as he tries to ma e sense of the o erwhelming haos in dealing with something as ordinary as a train schedule. Eventually, despite the physical and mental restri tions inherent in his autism Christo her does find his mother and there is a most fas inating raison d tre ire tor Elliott has ut together a sterling professional supporting cast, which includes aria Elena Ramire as his tea her Siobhan Amelia hite as the oo ie bearing neighbor and Felicity Jones Latta as the mom In addition to the su erb a ting this rodu tion omes to life through an e traordinarily imaginati e rodu tion team which in addition to Finn Ross, also includes production design by Tony Award winner unny Christie lighting by Tony Award winner Paule Constable horeogra hy by S ott Graham and Oli ier Award winner Steven Hoggett for Franti Assembly musi by Adrian Sutton and sound by Ian i inson for Autogra h Under Elliot’s acute dire tion we witness a more abstra t style of theatre where the actors use “sense memory to reate ob e ts with small set ie es rearranged by the a tors to signify a location. Occasionally one of
the actors is actually used as a set piece such as a chair or a ou h rilliant brilliant stagecraft. There is a reason why The Curious In ident of the og in the Night Time be ame the longest running play on Broadway in 10 years, winning fi e Tony Awards si rama es Awards fi e Outer Critics Circle Awards, and the rama eague Award for Outstanding Production of a Broadway or Off-Broadway Play. The reason? This is a highly styli ed engaging lay that will connect with all your senses – a theatrical, lifeaffirming e erien e that you absolutely should not miss P.S. Be sure not to leave after the curtain call, as there is yet another e iting surprise awaiting you. Sense memory Using one s imagination to reate an unseen ob e t or feeling
Ahmanson Theatre 135 N. Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012 Run: Tuesday – Friday: 8:00 pm Saturday: 2:00 pm & 8:00 pm Sunday: 1:00 pm & 6:30 pm Tickets: $25-$130 213.972.4400 or Closing: September 10, 2017
L-R: Gene Gillette as Christopher’s Dad Ed and Adam Langdon as his son Christopher make tentative physical contact for the first time. Photo by Joan Marcus
Back to School with MN’s New Transgender Toolkit
August 11, 2017
say the toolkit is a response to schools’ requests for guidance in dealing with the growing number of transgender students. LGBTQ advocates such as Eva Wood, antiiolen e rogram dire tor for OutFront Minnesota, pushed hard for the guidelines. e ha e an obligation to reate safe and wel oming learning en ironments for them so I thin it absolutely
hel s but it doesn t finish the goal,” she said. “The schools where trans kids tend to have more trouble are robably going to be the same s hools that choose not to adopt it.” A ording to the most recent Minnesota Student Sur ey about er ent or more than high school students statewide - identify as transgender or gender diverse.
Groups Praise Decision to Leave Grand Canyon Parashant Alone By Desert Star Staff HOENI eo le who ri e Ari ona s ubli lands are breathing a sigh of relief that Grand Canyon Parashant National onument is off the ho ing blo after the feds announced Friday that no hanges will be made There are 26 national monuments under re iew and many feared Interior Se retary Ryan in e would re ommend that Grand Canyon Parashant be downsi ed as he did with ear s Ears onument in Utah. Mike Quigley, state director for The Wilderness So iety in Ari ona said he s relie ed at the de ision but worries about the fate of the remaining monuments “Unfortunately, there are other monuments in Ari ona in luding Vermilion Cliffs Sonoran esert and Ironwood
Forest National onuments and others across the country that are equally deserving of such protection and still at risk,” Quigley said. In late A ril resident onald Trum ordered a review of all national monuments of more than million a res that were reated since 1996, with an eye to rote ting the smallest area ossible O onents worry that any lands ta en from the monuments ould be o ened up for ranching, logging or oil and gas de elo ment illions of Ameri ans e ressed their su ort for the monuments during the ubli omment eriod that ended in uly uigley riti i ed the review process as too opaque, and said he hopes all the remaining monuments will be left untou hed
Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument’s pristine cliffs are notable for their fossils and human relics. (Bureau of Land Management) The sooner this e er ise on ludes with the reali ation that rote ted ubli lands and
national monuments should be e anded not redu ed or eliminated the better he said
Zinke’s report assessing all of the monuments is due on August 24.
By Desert Star Staff HANOVER d In a real life a id s Goliath battle at i e Casino Hotel N A Hall of Famer and time N A Cham ion Shaquille O’Neal took on a id Cordish Chairman of The Cordish Com anies in a head to head free-throw om etition The egastar s ogul fight ended in a tie when both made their sudden death shots after draining three of si throws I was sitting on my ou h one night and my hone went off and it was a id Cordish hallenging me to a free throw om etition said r O Neal I said I m in
Sha may be a Hall of Famer but I e got a few more years of e erien e than he does,” said Mr. Cordish It was a fun night but I am ne er one to settle for a tie, so don’t be sur rised if I hallenge him again for a remat h efore the i e Casino crowd got up close and personal with Mr. O’Neal, he and Mr. Cordish hit the asino oor and sur rised guests with s ots on Team a id and Team Sha ue to the tie both teams won big with ea h team member ta ing home ash The event launched the beginning of i ely Sins
a month long romotion inviting guests to Sin to Win more than in ash and ri es ee ly ri es will follow the themes of ride wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, en y and lust A grand ri e will be awarded e ery Friday and Saturday erforman es by burles ue grou The Lalas and Australia’s Thunder from own Under and other special surprise appearances are planned. For more information on how to enter and a full schedule of appearances, isit www marylandli e asino om Source: PRNewswire
The research focused on the o u ations lassified by the U S ureau of abor Statistics and included data for wor ers who are em loyed with organi ations as well as those who are self em loyed “Middle-wage workers are at the greatest risk for dis la ement es e ially
as ra id ad an ements in technology reshape labor re uirements said Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder and co-author of The Talent Equation. “Their only choices are adopting new skills for a higher-paying ob being underem loyed in a lower s ill ob or lea ing the
workforce altogether. Either of the latter options will result in less spending, less investing and signifi ant e onomi hallenges If we want to ade uately re are our labor for e we need to dramati ally increase efforts to re-skill and up-skill workers today.”
Shaquille O’Neal at Live! Casino & Hotel Competition
In a real-life “David vs Goliath” battle at Live! Casino & Hotel, NBA Hall of Famer and 4-time NBA Champion Shaquille O’Neal took on David Cordish, Chairman of The Cordish Companies, in a head to head free-throw competition.
The U.S. is Expected to Add Nearly 8 Million Jobs Over the Next Five Years
By Desert Star Staff CHICAGO AN AT ANTA ased on e tensi e analysis of histori al and urrent labor mar et trends Career uilder is ro e ting that obs will be added in the U S from 2017 to 2022 while 302,930 will be lost for a net total of new obs o er this time eriod or er ent growth hile ob growth is e e ted a ross ay le els the study shows that middle wage workers will likely take the brunt of the ob loss and see ob reation ontinue to lag behind other wage ategories ey Findings STE related obs (science, technology, engineering and math ontinue to dominate the list of fastest growing professions while segments of manufa turing and construction will keep e erien ing de lines ow wage em loyment is e e ted to ha e the highest net growth from to
with obs added or a 5.57 percent increase. High wage em loyment will grow 5.14 percent (2,735,885 obs while middle wage em loyment will grow er ent Around half (49 percent or of the obs that will be lost between to are middle wage twi e the amount anticipated for high-wage and low-wage categories. High-wage occupations are e e ted to lose obs or er ent of the total ob loss in the U.S. Low-wage o u ations are e e ted to lose obs or er ent of the total ob loss in the U S For the purpose of this study, CareerBuilder and its labor mar et analysis arm Emsi defined low wage obs as those that ay or less er hour middle wage obs as er hour and high wage as or more er hour
August 11, 2017
Desert Star Weekly Legals
of this Order to Show Cause shall be ublished at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this ounty s e ify news a er ESERT STAR EE A RIVE SUITE ESERT HOT S RINGS CA ated une udge of the Su erior Court ublish uly August S
OR ER TO SHO CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NA E CASE NO SC SU ERIOR COURT OF CA IFORNIA E Tah uit Canyon ay alm S rings CA COUNT OF RIVERSI E TO A INTERESTE ERSONS A SSA A VARA O filed a etition with this ourt for a de ree hanging names as follows a resent Name OHN CHAR ES VE AR E III to ro osed Name U IANNO CA E ERO A VARA O THE COURT OR ERS that all ersons interested in this matter shall a ear before this ourt at the hearing indi ated below to show ause if any why the etition for hange of name should not be granted Any erson ob e ting to the name hanges des ribed abo e must file a written ob e tion that in ludes the reasons for the ob e tion at least two ourt days before the matter is s heduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted If no written ob e tion is timely filed the ourt may grant the etition without a hearing NOTICE OF HEARING a ate August Time am e t S b The address of the ourt is E Tah uit Canyon ay alm Springs, CA 92262, County of Riverside 3.a. A copy
NOTICE OF ETITION TO A INISTER ESTATE OF ENNETH EE RO ETC CASE NO IN To all heirs benefi iaries reditors ontingent reditors and ersons who may otherwise be interested in the I or estate or both of ENNETH EE RO ETC A ETITION FOR RO ATE has been filed by E AR RO ETC in the Su erior Court of California County of RIVERSI E THE ETITION FOR ROATE re uests that E AR RO ETC be a ointed as ersonal re resentati e to administer the estate of the de edent THE ETITION re uests the de edent s I and odi ils if any be admitted to robate The I and any odi ils are a ailable for e amination in the file e t by the ourt THE ETITION re uests authority to administer the estate under the Inde endent Administration of Estates A t . (This authority will allow the personal representative to ta e many a tions without obtaining ourt a ro al efore ta ing ertain ery im ortant a tions howe er the ersonal re resentati e will be re uired to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed a tion The inde endent administration authority will be granted unless an interested erson files an ob e tion to the etition and shows good ause why the ourt should not grant the authority A HEARING on the etition will be held in this ourt as follows at A in e t A lo ated at OASIS STREET IN IO CA IF OU O ECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your ob e tions or file written ob e tions with the ourt before the hearing our a earan e may be in erson or by your attorney IF OU ARE A CRE ITOR or a ontingent reditor of the de edent you must file your laim with the ourt and mail a o y to the ersonal re resentati e a ointed by the ourt within the later of either four months from the date of first issuan e of letters
NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR MEASURES TO BE VOTED ON November7, 2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the following Measures are to be voted on at the Special Municipal Election to be held in the City of Desert Hot Springs, on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, 2017: MEASURE B
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT arguments for or against the measures may be filed with the City Clerk at 11999 Palm Drive, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240, not later than 5:00 p.m. on August 21, 2017. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT polls will be open on the day of said election between the hours of 7:00A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Dated: August 9, 2017 DSW17-1165 August 11, 2017
Jerryl Soriano, CMC City Clerk
AVISO DE ELECCIÓN PARA MEDIDAS QUE DEBEN SER VOTADAS EL 7 de Noviembre de 2017 NOTIFICACIÓN ESTA DADAQue las siguientes Medidas serán votadas en la Elección Municipal Especial que se celebrará en la Ciudad de Desert Hot Springs, el día martes 7 de noviembre de 2017: MEDIDA “B”
to a general ersonal re resentati e as defined in se tion b of the California robate Code or days from the date of mailing or ersonal deli ery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California robate Code Other California statutes and legal authority may affe t your rights as a reditor ou may want to onsult with an attorney nowledgeable in California law OU A E A INE the file e t by the ourt If you are a erson interested in the estate you may file with the ourt a Re uest for S e ial Noti e form E of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any etition or a ount as ro ided in robate Code se tion A Re uest for S e ial Noti e form is a ailable from the ourt ler Attorney for etitioner OSE H OR AS S N GAU A INC STREET U AN CA CNS ESERT STAR EE S FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT THE FO O ING ERSON S IS ARE OING USINESS AS A UINTA COVE RENTA S AVENI A CARRAN A A UINTA CA Ri erside County ST FRANCIS R SAN OSE CA Full name of registrant CHANG HSUAN A AINS ORTH TRUSTEE OF THE AINS ORTH IVING TRUST ATE U ST FRANCIS R SAN OSE CA ASON AN RE AINS ORTH TRUSTEE OF THE AINS ORTH IVING TRUST ATE U ST FRANCIS R SAN OSE CA usiness is ondu ted by TRUST Registrant has not yet begun to transa t business under the fi titious name s listed abo e I de lare that all the information in this statement is true and orre t A registrant who de lares as true information whi h he or she nows to be false is guilty of a rime Signed CHANG HSUAN A AINS ORTH TRUSTEE This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on August 2, 2017. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File No. R NOTICE THIS FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT E IRES FIVE EARS FRO THE ATE IT AS FI E IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNT C ER A NE FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT UST E FI E EFORE THAT TI E THE FI ING OF THIS STATEENT OES NOT ITSE F AUTHORI E THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E IN VIO ATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UN ER FE ERA STATE OR CO ON A SEE SECTION ET SE USINESS AN ROFESSIONS CO E ublish August Se tember S A EN E FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATEENT THE FO O ING ERSON S IS ARE OING USINESS AS S ATCHER H STE RANCHO IRAGE CA Ri erside County N GI AN V STE ISSA UAH A Full name of registrant EVA OR S C N GI AN V STE ISSA UAH A CA usiness is ondu ted by I ITE IA I IT CO AN Registrant has not yet begun to transa t business under the fi titious business name s listed abo e I de lare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares as true information whi h he or she nows to be false is guilty of a rime Signed CRAIG A EN HER I ER ANAGING E ER This statement was filed with the County Cler of Ri erside County on June 23, 2017. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Cler Re order File No R NOTICE THIS FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT E IRES FIVE EARS FRO THE ATE IT AS FI E IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNT C ER A NE FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATEENT UST E FI E EFORE THAT TI E THE FI ING OF THIS STATE ENT OES NOT ITSE F AUTHORI E THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E IN VIO ATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UN ER FE ERA STATE OR CO ON A SEE SECTION ET SE USINESS AN ROFESSIONA CO E ub une uly August S FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT THE FO O ING ERSON S IS ARE OING USINESS AS CHAVE OO SERVICE VISTA CHINO CATHE RA CIT CA Ri erside County Full name of registrant ESUS R CHAVE VISTA CHINO CATHE RA CIT CA usiness is ondu ted by IN IVI UA Registrant has not yet begun to transa t business under the fi titious name s listed abo e I de lare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares as true information whi h he or she nows to be false is guilty of a rime Signed ESUS R CHAVE This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on July 14, 2017. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File No. R NOTICE THIS FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT E IRES FIVE EARS FRO THE ATE IT AS FI E IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNT C ER A NE FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT UST E FI E EFORE THAT TI E THE FI ING OF THIS STATEENT OES NOT ITSE F AUTHORI E THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E IN VIO ATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UN ER FE ERA STATE OR CO ON A SEE SECTION ET SE USINESS AN ROFESSIONS CO E ublish uly August S FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT THE FO O ING ERSON S IS ARE OING USINESS AS IN ERIE COUNTR VIE ROA TE ECU A CA Ri erside County Full name of registrant CHERI NICO ETTE SEIT COUNTR VIE ROA TE ECU A CA usiness is ondu ted by IN IVI UA Registrant ommen ed to transa t business under the fi titious name s listed abo e on I de lare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares as true information whi h he or she nows to be false is guilty of a rime Signed CHERI NICO ETTE SEIT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on July 18, 2017. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File No. R NOTICE THIS FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT E IRES FIVE EARS FRO THE ATE IT AS FI E IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNT C ER A NE FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E STATE ENT UST E FI E EFORE THAT TI E THE FI ING OF THIS STATEENT OES NOT ITSE F AUTHORI E THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS USINESS NA E IN VIO ATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER
UN ER FE ERA STATE OR CO ON A rin i al sum of the note s se ured by the eed SEE SECTION ET SE USINESS AN of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as ROFESSIONS CO E ublish uly August ro ided in the note s ad an es under the terms S of the eed of Trust interest thereon fees harges and e enses of the Trustee for the total amount T S No NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SA E at the time of the initial ubli ation of the Noti e of NOTE THERE IS A SU AR OF THE INFOR A- Sale reasonably estimated to be set forth below The TION IN THIS OCU ENT ATTACHE 注:本 amount may be greater on the day of sale Trustor 文件包含一个信息摘要 참고사항: 본 첨부 문서 E STONE REA ESTATE C A CA IFORNIA 에 정보 요약서가 있습니다 NOTA SE A UNTA I ITE IA I IT CO AN uly A ointed UN RESU EN E A INFOR ACI N E ESTE Trustee COUNT RECOR S RESEARCH INC ReOCU ENTO TA A A ROONG UO NG orded as Instrument No I OR AS ON SA O U ENTONG ITO NA NA- in boo age of Offi ial Re ords in the offi e of A A I U THEO N TR NH the Recorder of Riverside County, California, and T C V TH NG TIN TRONG T I I U ursuant to the Noti e of efault and Ele tion to N EASE NOTE THAT URSUANT TO CIVI Sell thereunder recorded 4/28/2017 in Book Page CO E d THE A OVE STATE ENT as Instrument No of said Offi ial IS RE UIRE TO A EAR ON THIS OCU ENT Re ords ate of Sale at la e UT URSUANT TO CIVI CO E a THE of Sale At the front ste s to the entran e of the forSU AR OF INFOR ATION IS NOT RE UIRE mer Corona oli e e artment lo ated at est TO E RECOR E OR U ISHE AN THE Si th Street Corona CA Estimated amount SU AR OF INFOR ATION NEE ON E of un aid balan e and other harges AI E TO THE ORTGAGOR OR TRUSTOR Street Address or other ommon designation of OU ARE IN EFAU T UN ER A EE OF TRUST real ro erty INEHURST CIRC E ESERT ATE UN ESS OU TA E ACTION TO HOT S RINGS CA NOTICE TO OTENTIA ROTECT OUR RO ERT IT A E SO AT I ERS If you are onsidering bidding on this A U IC SA E IF OU NEE AN E ANATION property lien, you should understand that there are OF THE NATURE OF THE ROCEE ING AGAINST ris s in ol ed in bidding at a trustee au tion ou OU OU SHOU CONTACT A A ER A will be bidding on a lien not on the ro erty itself ubli au tion sale to the highest bidder for ash la ing the highest bid at a trustee au tion does not ashier s he drawn on a state or national ban automati ally entitle you to free and lear ownershi he drawn by a state or federal redit union or a of the ro erty ou should also be aware that the he drawn by a state or federal sa ings and loan lien being au tioned off may be a unior lien If you asso iation or sa ings asso iation or sa ings ban are the highest bidder at the au tion you are or may s e ified in Se tion of the Finan ial Code and be res onsible for aying off all liens senior to the lien authori ed to do business in this state will be held being au tioned off before you an re ei e lear title by the duly a ointed trustee as shown below of to the ro erty ou are en ouraged to in estigate all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held the e isten e riority and si e of outstanding liens by the trustee in the hereinafter des ribed ro erty that may e ist on this ro erty by onta ting the under and ursuant to a eed of Trust des ribed ounty re order s offi e or a title insuran e ombelow The sale will be made but without o enant any either of whi h may harge you a fee for this or warranty e ressed or im lied regarding title information If you onsult either of these resour es ossession or en umbran es to ay the remaining you should be aware that the same lender may hold rin i al sum of the note s se ured by the eed more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, ro erty NOTICE TO RO ERT O NER The sale as ro ided in the note s ad an es under the date shown on this noti e of sale may be ost oned terms of the eed of Trust interest thereon fees one or more times by the mortgagee benefi iary harges and e enses of the Trustee for the total trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the amount at the time of the initial ubli ation of the California Ci il Code The law re uires that informaNoti e of Sale reasonably estimated to be set forth tion about trustee sale ost onements be made below The amount may be greater on the day of a ailable to you and to the ubli as a ourtesy to sale Trustor AURA COR OVA ONTO A A those not resent at the sale If you wish to learn ARRIE O AN AS HER SO E AN SE ARATE whether your sale date has been ost oned and RO ERT uly A ointed Trustee The olf Firm if a li able the res heduled time and date for the A aw Cor oration Re orded as Instru- sale of this ro erty you may all or ment No of Offi ial Re ords in the isit this Internet eb site www sto osting om offi e of the Re order of Ri erside County California using the file number assigned to this ase CR Street Address or other ommon designation of Information about ost onements that are real ro erty U IAN RIVE ESERT HOT ery short in duration or that o ur lose in time to S RINGS CA A N ate of Sale the s heduled sale may not immediately be re e ted at A la e of Sale At the front in the tele hone information or on the Internet eb entran e of the former Corona oli e e artment site The best way to erify ost onement informaat Si th Street Corona CA Amount tion is to attend the scheduled sale. The undersigned of un aid balan e and other harges Trustee dis laims any liability for any in orre tness estimated The undersigned Trustee dis laims any of the street address or other ommon designation liability for any in orre tness of the street address if any shown abo e If no street address or other or other ommon designation if any shown abo e ommon designation is shown dire tions to the If no street address or other ommon designation lo ation of the ro erty may be obtained by sending is shown, directions to the location of the property a written re uest to the benefi iary within days may be obtained by sending a written re uest to the of the date of first ubli ation of this Noti e of Sale benefi iary within days of the date of first ubli a- ate COUNT RECOR S RESEARCH tion of this Noti e of Sale NOTICE TO OTENTIA INC ARNER AVENUE HUNTINGTON I ERS If you are onsidering bidding on this EACH CA HONE property lien, you should understand that there are FA TRUSTEE S SA E INE ris s in ol ed in bidding at a trustee au tion ou Sales ebsite www sto ostwill be bidding on a lien not on the ro erty itself ing om ENNIS HE AN COUNT RECOR S la ing the highest bid at a trustee au tion does not RESEARCH INC TRUSTEE IVISION ublish automati ally entitle you to free and lear ownershi August S of the ro erty ou should also be aware that the lien being au tioned off may be a unior lien If you A N TS No CA TO are the highest bidder at the au tion you are or may No CA VOI NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S be res onsible for aying off all liens senior to the lien SA E The abo e statement is made ursuant to being au tioned off before you an re ei e lear title CA Ci il Code Se tion d The Summary to the ro erty ou are en ouraged to in estigate will be ro ided to Trustor s and or ested owner s the e isten e riority and si e of outstanding liens only ursuant to CA Ci il Code Se tion d that may e ist on this ro erty by onta ting the OU ARE IN EFAU T UN ER A EE OF ounty re order s offi e or a title insuran e om- TRUST ATE uly UN ESS OU any either of whi h may harge you a fee for this TA E ACTION TO ROTECT OUR RO ERT information If you onsult either of these resour es IT A E SO AT A U IC SA E IF OU you should be aware that the same lender may hold NEE AN E ANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the ROCEE INGS AGAINST OU OU SHOU ro erty NOTICE TO RO ERT O NER The sale CONTACT A A ER On August at date shown on this noti e of sale may be ost oned A in front of the Corona Ci i Center one or more times by the mortgagee benefi iary Si th Street Corona CA TC Finan ial trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the In dba Trustee Cor s as the duly A ointed California Ci il Code The law re uires that informa- Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale tion about trustee sale ost onements be made ontained in that ertain eed of Trust re orded on a ailable to you and to the ubli as a ourtesy to uly as Instrument No those not resent at the sale If you wish to learn of offi ial re ords in the Offi e of the Re order of whether your sale date has been ost oned and Ri erside County California e e uted by AR ARA if a li able the res heduled time and date for the NICO SON A ARRIE O AN AS HER SO E sale of this ro erty you may all or AN SE ARATE RO ERT as Trustor s in fa or isit this Internet eb site www nationwide osting of ORTGAGE E ECTRONIC REGISTRATION om using the file number assigned to this ase S STE S INC as nominee for COUNTR I E Information about ost onements that are ORTGAGE VENTURES C A TRANS EST ery short in duration or that o ur lose in time to HO E OANS as enefi iary I SE AT U the s heduled sale may not immediately be re e ted IC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST I ER in lawful in the tele hone information or on the Internet eb money of the United States all ayable at the time site The best way to erify ost onement informa- of sale, that certain property situated in said County, tion is to attend the s heduled sale ate California des ribing the land therein as AS ORE The olf Firm A aw Cor oration ain Street FU ESCRI E IN SAI EE OF TRUST The nd Floor Ir ine California Fore losure ro erty heretofore des ribed is being sold as is e artment Sale Information Only The street address and other ommon designawww nationwide osting om Sindy tion if any of the real ro erty des ribed abo e is Clements Fore losure Offi er EASE E A VISE ur orted to be AC STONE COURT THAT THE O F FIR A E ACTING AS A ER U A UNES UNINCOR ORATE AREA E T CO ECTOR ATTE TING TO CO ECT CA The undersigned Trustee dis laims any A E T AN INFOR ATION OU ROVI E I liability for any in orre tness of the street address E USE FOR THAT UR OSE N To and other ommon designation if any shown ESERT STAR EE herein Said sale will be made without o enant or S warranty e ress or im lied regarding title ossession or en umbran es to ay the remaining T S No CR A N Order rin i al sum of the Note s se ured by said eed No NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SA E of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said OU ARE IN EFAU T UN ER A EE OF TRUST Note s ad an es if any under the terms of the eed ATE UN ESS OU TA E ACTION TO of Trust estimated fees harges and e enses of ROTECT OUR RO ERT IT A E SO AT the Trustee and of the trusts reated by said eed A U IC SA E IF OU NEE AN E ANATION of Trust The total amount of the un aid balan e OF THE NATURE OF THE ROCEE ING AGAINST of the obligations se ured by the ro erty to be OU OU SHOU CONTACT A A ER A sold and reasonable estimated osts e enses ubli au tion sale to the highest bidder for ash and ad an es at the time of the initial ubli ation ashier s he drawn on a state or national ban of this Noti e of Trustee s Sale is estimated to be he drawn by a state or federal redit union or a Estimated Howe er re ayment he drawn by a state or federal sa ings and loan remiums a rued interest and ad an es will inasso iation or sa ings asso iation or sa ings ban rease this figure rior to sale enefi iary s bid at s e ified in Se tion of the Finan ial Code and said sale may in lude all or art of said amount In authori ed to do business in this state will be held addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s by the duly a ointed trustee as shown below of he drawn on a state or national ban a he all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held drawn by a state or federal redit union or a he by the trustee in the hereinafter des ribed ro erty drawn by a state or federal sa ings and loan assounder and ursuant to a eed of Trust des ribed iation sa ings asso iation or sa ings ban s e ibelow The sale will be made but without o enant fied in Se tion of the California Finan ial Code or warranty e ressed or im lied regarding title and authori ed to do business in California or other ossession or en umbran es to ay the remaining
The Desert Star Weekly welcomes news and photos of local interest. Photos and jpg logos should be a minimum of 4x6” at 300 dpi (1800 x 1200 pixels).
AVISO ES ADEMÁS DADO QUElos argumentos a favor o en contra de las medidas pueden ser archivados con el Secretario de la Ciudad en 11999 Palm Drive, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240, no más tarde de las 5:00 p.m. El 21 de agosto de 2017. AVISO ES ADEMÁS DADO QUElos electoralesestarán abiertas el día dichode elección entre las 7:00 A.M. Y 8:00 P.M. Dated: August 9, 2017 DSW17-1164 August 11, 2017
August 11, 2017
Jerryl Soriano, CMC City Clerk
The deadline is each Friday at 5 p.m.
Desert Star Weekly Legals PUBLIC NOTICE
su h funds as may be a e table to the Trustee In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuan e of the Trustee s eed U on Sale until funds be ome a ailable to the ayee or endorsee as a matter of right The ro erty offered for sale e ludes all funds held on a ount by the ro erty re ei er if a li able If the Trustee is unable to on ey title for any reason the su essful bidder s sole and e lusi e remedy shall be the return of monies aid to the Trustee and the su essful bidder shall ha e no further re ourse Noti e to otential idders If you are onsidering bidding on this ro erty lien you should understand that there are ris s in ol ed in bidding at a Trustee au tion ou will be bidding on a lien not on the ro erty itself la ing the highest bid at a Trustee au tion does not automati ally entitle you to free and lear ownershi of the ro erty ou should also be aware that the lien being au tioned off may be a unior lien If you are the highest bidder at the au tion you are or may be res onsible for aying off all liens senior to the lien being au tioned off before you an re ei e lear title to the ro erty ou are en ouraged to in estigate the e isten e riority and si e of outstanding liens that may e ist on this ro erty by onta ting the ounty re order s offi e or a title insuran e om any either of whi h may harge you a fee for this information If you onsult either of these resour es you should be aware that the same ender may hold more than one mortgage or eed of Trust on the ro erty Noti e to ro erty Owner The sale date shown on this Notice of Sale may be ost oned one or more times by the ortgagee enefi iary Trustee or a ourt ursuant
August 11, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE
to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law re uires that information about Trustee Sale ost onements be made a ailable to you and to the ubli as a ourtesy to those not resent at the sale If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been ost oned and if a li able the res heduled time and date for the sale of this ro erty you may all In Sour e ogi at for information regarding the Trustee s Sale or isit the Internet eb site address listed below for information regarding the sale of this ro erty using the file number assigned to this ase CA Information about ost onements that are ery short in duration or that o ur lose in time to the s heduled sale may not immediately be re e ted in the tele hone information or on the Internet eb site The best way to erify ost onement information is to attend the s heduled sale ate uly TC Finan ial In dba Trustee Cor s TS No CA Gillette A e Ir ine CA hone T yron Ra elo Authori ed Signatory SA E INFOR ATION CAN E O TAINE ON INE AT www insour elogi om FOR AUTO ATE SA ES INFOR ATION EASE CA In Sour e ogi AT Trustee Cor s may be a ting as a debt olle tor attem ting to olle t a debt Any information obtained may be used for that ur ose IS Number ub ates ESERT STAR EE S
O NER OU ARE IN EFAU T UN ER A EE OF TRUST ATE UN ESS OU TA E ACTION TO ROTECT OUR RO ERT IT A E SO AT A U IC SA E IF OU NEE AN E ANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE ROCEE ING AGAINST OU OU SHOU CONTACT A A ER On at CLEAR RECON CORP., as duly appointed trustee under and ursuant to eed of Trust re orded as Instrument No of Offi ial Re ords in the offi e of the County Re order of Ri erside County State of CA IFORNIA e e uted by OSE T TORRES A SING E AN I SE AT U IC AUCTION TO HIGHEST I ER FOR CASH CASHIER S CHEC RA N ON A STATE OR NATIONA AN A CHEC RA N A STATE OR FE ERA CRE IT UNION OR A CHEC RA N A STATE OR FE ERA SAVINGS AN OAN ASSOCIATION SAVINGS ASSOCIATION OR SAVINGS AN S ECIFIE IN SECTION OF THE FINANCIA CO E AN AUTHORI E TO O USINESS IN THIS STATE AT THE FRONT STEPS TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE FORMER CORONA O ICE E ART ENT SI TH STREET, CORONA, CA 92882 all right, title and interest on eyed to and now held by it under said eed of Trust in the ro erty situated in said County and State des ribed as AS ORE FU ESCRI E ON SAI EE OF TRUST The street address and other ommon designation if any of the real ro erty des ribed abo e is ur orted to CA ub Co y do T S No CA be GENOA ST COACHE A CA The A N NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S undersigned Trustee dis laims any liability for any inSA E I ORTANT NOTICE TO RO ERT orre tness of the street address and other ommon
designation if any shown herein Said sale will be held but without o enant or warranty e ress or im lied regarding title ossession ondition or enumbran es in luding fees harges and e enses of the Trustee and of the trusts reated by said eed of Trust to ay the remaining rin i al sums of the note s se ured by said eed of Trust The total amount of the un aid balan e of the obligation se ured by the ro erty to be sold and reasonable estimated osts e enses and ad an es at the time of the initial ubli ation of the Noti e of Sale is If the Trustee is unable to on ey title for any reason the su essful bidder s sole and e lusi e remedy shall be the return of monies aid to the Trustee and the su essful bidder shall ha e no further re ourse The benefi iary under said eed of Trust heretofore e e uted and deli ered to the undersigned a written e laration of efault and emand for Sale and a written Noti e of efault and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of efault and Ele tion to Sell to be re orded in the ounty where the real ro erty is lo ated NOTICE TO OTENTIA I ERS If you are onsidering bidding on this ro erty lien you should understand that there are ris s in ol ed in bidding at a trustee au tion ou will be bidding on a lien not on the ro erty itself la ing the highest bid at a trustee au tion does not automati ally entitle you to free and lear ownershi of the ro erty ou should also be aware that the lien being au tioned off may be a unior lien If you are the highest bidder at the au tion you are or may be res onsible for aying off all liens senior to the lien being au tioned off before you an re ei e lear title to the ro erty
ou are en ouraged to in estigate the e isten e riority and si e of outstanding liens that may e ist on this ro erty by onta ting the ounty re order s offi e or a title insuran e om any either of whi h may harge you a fee for this information If you onsult either of these resour es you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the ro erty NOTICE TO RO ERT O NER The sale date shown on this noti e of sale may be ost oned one or more times by the mortgagee benefi iary trustee or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Ci il Code The law re uires that information about trustee sale ost onements be made a ailable to you and to the ubli as a ourtesy to those not resent at the sale If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been ost oned and if a li able the res heduled time and date for the sale of this ro erty you may all or isit this Internet eb site STO OSTING CO using the file number assigned to this ase CA Information about ost onements that are ery short in duration or that o ur lose in time to the s heduled sale may not immediately be re e ted in the tele hone information or on the Internet eb site The best way to erify ost onement information is to attend the scheduled sale. FOR SALES INFOR ATION C EAR RECON COR utland ri e Suite San iego California ublish uly August S
to allo ate billion to o ioid addi tion treatment as art of a health are bill that would re la e the Affordable Care A t or Obama are but the re la ement ro osal failed in Congress. Treatment is im ortant treatment is not enough Attorney General Jeff Sessions said last week in Ohio, where he announ ed that a do en federal rose utors will be sent to ities ra aged by the o ioid e idemi to in estigate health are fraud and o ioid s ams Prosecutors, who will be funded by the usti e e artment for three years will wor to root out ill mills and track down doctors and other health care providers who illegally res ribe or distribute nar oti s su h as fentanyl and other powerful painkillers, Sessions said. They will be based in US attorney s offi es in Alabama California, Florida, Kentucky,
Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Ohio is one of the states hit hardest by the o ioid risis with eight people dying of accidental overdose every day. Joining Sessions for the announ ement last ednesday was Ohio Attorney General i e e ine who is leading a lawsuit against fi e drug manufa turers a using them of intentionally misleading atients about the dangers of ain illers and laiming drug benefits not ba ed by s ien e The drug om anies ha e reated a deadly mess in Ohio that they now need to ay to lean u e ine said in ay when filing the suit A growing number of state and lo al go ernments are suing drug ma ers and distributors see ing to hold them a ountable for the opioid crisis.
Opioid deaths in US break new record - government data
By Desert Star Staff The first nine months of 2016 saw a sharp increase in opioid drug overdoses in the US om ared to the prior year, according to new data by the National Center for Health Statisti s NCHS The go ernment is struggling to respond to the crisis. eaths due to drug overdose peaked in the third quarter of last year – 19.7 cases for every 100,000 eo le om ared to in the same eriod the year before a ording to newly released numbers from the NCHS, which is part of the US Centers for isease Control and re ention C C The Centers attributed 33,000 deaths in 2015 to opioid drugs, including legal prescription painkillers as well as illicit drugs like heroin and street fentanyl. O ioid res ribing ontinues to fuel the e idemi
Today, nearly half of all US opioid overdose deaths involve a prescription opioid,” a ording to the C C A new study ublished in the Ameri an ournal of Preventive Medicine says actual o ioid mortality rate hanges are on average 22 percent higher than federal statistics indi ate due to information missing from C C re ords O ioid mortality rate hanges were onsiderably understated in Pennsylvania, Indiana New ersey and Ari ona said the study s author r Christo her Ruhm a health e onomist at the University of Virginia. To US offi ials ha e onsistently raised the alarm about the addi tion risis in the US but a solution is yet to be found On Tuesday, US President onald Trum said he would be holding a ma or briefing on the o ioid e idemi
ast wee the Trum ointed ommission on ombating the drug addi tion risis in Ameri a alled on the president to declare a national emergen y Here is the grim reality the ommission wrote in their letter to Trum Ameri ans onsume more o ioids than any other country in the world. In fa t in the amount of o ioids res ribed in the US was enough for e ery Ameri an to be medi ated around the clock for three weeks.” Ari ona Florida and Maryland have already declared a state of emergen y in res onse to the national e idemi Congress approved nearly billion last year to fund a response to the crisis as part of the 21st Century Cures Act of 2016. A similar amount is e e ted to be a ro ed ne t year Trum wanted Congress a
Google sacks equality memo author, ‘gender stereotypes & conservative politics’ By Desert Star Staff More negative press is plaguing Google, as an em loyee who distributed a politically incorrect internal memo has been fired sparking a gender equality debate in the te h industry ames amore the engineer at Google who om osed the memo has onfirmed that he has been fired in an email He states that he was dismissed due to “perpetuating gender stereotypes,”according to loomberg The memorandum in question was 10 pages and focused on accusing Google of silencing conservative political voices within the organi ation The memo also argued that the shortage of women wor ing in te h and leadership positions was due to biologi al and sy hologi al differences. The controversial o inions be ame ubli o er the weekend and forced Google e e uti es to ta e a
ubli stand on the issues I alue di ersity and in lusion am not denying that se ism e ists and don t endorse using stereotypes,” the memo s first senten e reads as a dis laimer Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, sent a note to Google em loyees onday whi h said that some arts of amore s memo iolate our Code of Conduct and cross the line by ad an ing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace,” loomberg Te h re orted Google’s new vice president for diversity, integrity and go ernan e anielle rown re ortedly distributed a statement to staff at Google ondemning amore s iews while reaffirming Google s perspective on diversity. “We are unequivocal in our belief that di ersity and inclusion are critical to our su ess as a om any rown said. “We’ll continue to stand for that and be ommitted to it for the long haul.”
ulti le em loyees sent their opinions over the message boards on Google and e ressed their su ort of firing amore a ording to osts iewed by loomberg Many on the other side of the argument ha e ta en to so ial media to e ress their dissatisfaction with Google s de ision to terminate amore Some say that his firing amounts to silen ing free s ee h in the om any n her initial reaction to the memo rown said she was o en to diffi ult oliti al iews stated by amore in the memo but she left o en the ossibility that Google would enali e him for iolating oli ies set forth by the om any “But that discourse needs to work alongside the principles of e ual em loyment found in our Code of Conduct, policies, and anti dis rimination laws rown wrote loomberg re orted Google was already coping with this issue in court. The US e artment of abor
brought a lawsuit alleging that the te h giant systemati ally dis riminates against women Google denies the laims and says that it does not have a gender gap in pay. However, Google has refused to show the de artment any roof of this assertion In a re ently released demogra hi re ort by the om any males ma e u percent of its workforce and 80 percent of its technical staff. Eri S hmidt the hairman of Google s arent
om any Al habet In was as ed by a shareholder in June if conservatives would be wel omed at a om any li e Google The om any was founded under the principles of freedom of e ression diversity, inclusiveness and s ien e based thin ing S hmidt said a ording to loomberg ou ll also find that all of the other om anies in our industry agree with us.”
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World premiere comedy “Robin Hood” at The Old Globe
The cast of the Globe-commissioned world premiere of Ken Ludwig’s Robin Hood!
(from left) Meredith Garretson as Maid Marian, Daniel Reece as Robin Hood, Andy Grotelueschen as Friar Tuck, and Paul Whitty as Little John By Jack Lyons Theatre and Film Critic The great Neil Simon deservedly earned his soubri uet as the ing of omedy with sheer brillian e and longe ity two om onents that assure one a place in the antheon of Ameri an omedy playwrights. Britain’s Alan Ay bourn earns his antheon honor for his rodigious omedy out ut and brillian e in England Ameri an laywright Ken Ludwig, is currently the country’s reigning genius of omedy far e a s e ifi form of omedy that re uires practitioners that are equal to its sour e material Theatre audien es are most familiar with Ludwig’s two hilarious Tony Award-winning farce rodu tions end e a Tenor and Cra y for ou the latter running for fi e
years on Broadway. His anon of omedies and lays in lude oon o er Buffalo”, “Falsettos”, “The Games Afoot The Hound of the Baskervilles”, “, and Twentieth Century among some twenty other lays There is usually a Ken Ludwig play being erformed e ery night of the year throughout the world a ording to Samuel Fren h In who re resents him in the world of theatre San iego s Old Globe Theatre has the honor of mounting the orld remiere of udwig s newest omedy far e Robin Hood deftly dire ted by longtime stage and TV veteran Jessica Stone. Robin Hood the hara ter embodies all that a eals to the romanti notion that the world loves a hero and his struggle to win his young maiden It also elebrates those waging the good fight in the battle to right the wrongs that take place in
all so ieties In Robin Hood the stories of heroi figures emerged from the troubadours and story tellers of 600 years ago The ui oti night errant on ui ote reated by iguel de Cervantes in 1605, is cut from the same loth as Robin Hood. Both characters, one young and one old, are righting the wrongs as they find them Ludwig gathers all the Robin Hood stories myths and legends, and lovingly and absurdly fashions them into a omedy far e rodu tion that honors the original intention of those unknown writers and their quests for better life for all by deli ering a hilarious and entertaining evening in the theatre via the ehi le of omedy far e If you don’t know the story and legend of Robin Hood then you must ha e grown u li ing in a a e Google it hen I read that the rodu tion would be mounted in the Sheryl and Harvey White enue my first rea tion was how will that iconic adventure story fit into the round onfines of the White Theatre? Puck was right when he stated ‘what fools these mortals be e ire tor Stone leads the skillful creative team of S eni esigner Tim a abee who brilliantly sol es the space staging issues of recreating Sherwood Forest with its trees and streams the Castle of Prince John, and all the other lo ations so well remembered
by the mo ie starring Errol Flynn I didn t need to worry a abee s reati e and terrifi design wor s And so do the ostumes reated by Gregg arnes His Medieval period designs are olorful on the Nobles and appropriate for the archer/ soldiers, and rough-looking for Robin s ohorts The lighting design by ason yons no relation enhan es the moods and the action (yes, there are a tion s enes but it hel s to ha e a i id imagination remember it s a omedy far e erformed by a ast of eight talented a tors Fit atton is res onsible for the original musi and sound design and a ob Grigolia Rosenbaum ni ely stages the sword fighting se uen es And, now for the actors who bring udwig s Robin Hood’ yarn to life. This audience-pleasing production is a true ensemble effort by a ast of rofessional omedy far eurs who know their way around funny material and how to erform it to the hilt E eryone is always in the moment strutting their stuff with air and a sense of sin erity It s a leasure to wat h them reate their magi under the direction and vision of the innovative Ms. Stone. The ast of stars in ludes Andy Groteleuschen as Friar Tuck, who also is the play’s narrator of the story for those that didn t google the Robin
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Hood legend aniel Ree e ortrays Robin Hood r Ree e ma es for a somewhat less roguish but nonetheless a dashing earnest Robin who always rises to the occasion. Meredith Garretson as Marian, is more li e a ta e harge refreshing Joan of Arc Marion, as opposed to Olivia de Ha illand s shy and om liant ady arian A autionary ti ne er underestimate the ower of a redheaded Maid Marian. Ree e and Garretson ma e a wonderful on-stage pair. Paul Whitty as Little John, the steadfast and loyal follower of Robin is a guy I would want on my side when it omes down to the hand to hand ombat stuff And Su elle ala io as oerwynn the lo e interest of ittle ohn adds omedy insight to the proceedings. The two baddies of the e ening s omedy hi in s are Sir Guy of Gisbourne and The Sheriff of Nottingham deli iously layed by anoel Fel iano and Kevin Cahoon, respectively. These two gentlemen are ertified s ene stealers with im e able omedy timing i hael oatman lays the duplicitous Prince John. All of these s illful a tors lay multi le roles in this fast paced and energeti ensemble rodu tion en udwig s Robin Hood erforms in the Old Globe s Sheryl and Harvey White theatre through Se tember
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568-1673 365-0072 Meredith Garretson appears as Maid Marian
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