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Monarch Butterfly Winter Count Shows Significant Improvement
monarchs was very high,” Quiñonez-Piñón explained.

“One of the highest recorded numbers was in 1997, with 1.2 million monarchs.”

She said experts would need to see an average of 500,000 monarchs over five years to consider the monarch population stable. In California, the public can visit large clusters of monarch butterflies for a few more weeks at Pismo State Beach, Pacific Grove near Monterey, and Natural Bridges in Santa Cruz County.
By Desert Star Staff
Volunteers counted more than 335,000 Western monarch butterflies this winter in an annual survey, a significant improvement over the last few years but still far short of historical numbers.
Observers only counted 2,000 of the iconic black-and-orange butterflies in 2020 and then 250,000 in 2021.
Rebeca QuiñonezPiñón, senior manager of the Climate-Resilient Habitat
Program and monarch recovery strategist with the National Wildlife Federation, said it still represents a 90% decline in numbers over the past few decades.
“In the late ‘80s and the early ‘90s, the count of

This winter, 250 volunteers conducted the butterfly counts at 272 overwintering sites, coordinated by the Xerces Society. The most significant clusters of monarchs were found on private property in Santa Barbara County.
Quiñonez-Piñón said going forward, California needs to work to protect butterfly habitats and continue the fight against global warming.
“Habitat loss and fragmentation, which is completely exacerbated by climate change, and the heavy use of pesticides are the three top threats to the monarch butterfly,” Quiñonez-Piñón outlined. “That’s where we need to focus.”
She and other experts noted people can do their part by planting butterflyfriendly gardens filled with native nectar plants and native milkweed.
Disclosure: The National Wildlife Federation contributes to our fund for reporting on Climate Change/Air Quality, Endangered Species and Wildlife, Energy Policy, and Water.