Desert Star Weekly Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016 issue

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The Coachella Valley Number ‘One’ Desert Local Newspaper




“Sullivancolor� shows (l-r) Nate Bott , Axel Clarke, Jesse Wilder and Chris Paul Overall in Awardwinning musical retelling of the Beatles story see page 10.

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January 27, 2016 Vol. 9 No. 8

Broncos vs Panthers From Career Builder Challenge To The NFL: Playoffs Excited Sports Fans Julie Buehler ;OL :\WLY )V^S PZ IHJR PU [OL Z[H[L VM *HSPMVYUPH MVY [OL Ă„YZ[ [PTL in more than a decade and we now know the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers will face off PU :\WLY )V^S (UK HZ THU` heart pounding moments as the 5-3 WSH`VMMZ WYV]PKLK ;OL CareerBuilder Challenge offered

local sports fans an up-close look H[ [OL OLHY[ VM H JOHTWPVU Jason Dufner had a 2 stroke SLHK NVPUN PU[V [OL Ă„UHS KH` VM the CareerBuilder Challenge, the 7.( *OHTWPVU OHK TVYL than a million reasons to play his best golf, but Saturday he JHYKLK OPZ Ă„YZ[ IVNPLZ VM [OL tournament, Sunday the greens

proved to be less than friendly HNHPU ,U[LYZ +H]PK 3PUNTLY[O ;OL :^LKPZO WSH`LY H KLJHKL younger than Dufner scorched the stadium course for a 65 Sunday, that was a 3-shot improvement from his opening round on the Stadium Course ;O\YZKH` /L JH\NO[ +\MULY VU

Jason Dufner Wins!

the 15th hole and the 2 players LU[LYLK H WSH`VMM ;OLU VU ZLJVUK OVSL VM [OL WSH`VMM 3PUNTLY[O Ă„UKZ [OL ^H[LY Dufner drains the par shot and he wins the $1,044,000 for 1st WSHJL :WLHRPUN VM WSH`VMMZ 5-3 fans were treated to one of the TVZ[ L_JP[PUN (-* *OHTWPVUZOPW

NHTLZ PU 5-3 OPZ[VY` (UK when you have, 2 Hall of Fame quarterbacks going head to head `V\ TPNO[ L_WLJ[ [OH[ )\[ P[ ^HZUÂť[ 7L`[VU 4HUUPUN HUK ;VT Brady that were the stars of this game; it was the Denver Broncos defense that pressured Brady

Career Builder Challenge winner took home $1,044,000

Story and Photos by Pat Krause Jason Dufner won the exciting Career Builder Challenge VU :\UKH`Z ÄUHS YV\UK Jason Dufner lead most of the time with David Lingmerth and 1HTPL 3V]LTHYR NP]PUN JOHZL Last years winner, Bill Haas tried to catch up to the leader but just couldn’t make enough birdies to KV [OL QVI ;OPZ PZ +\MULYZ ÄYZ[ Career Builder Challenge win and OPZ ÄYZ[ [V\Y *OHTWPVUZOPW ]PJ[VY` ZPUJL +\MULY [VVR OVTL $1,044,000 in prize money and -LKL_J\W WVPU[Z

;OPZ ^HZ HUV[OLY UHPS IP[LY ÄUPZO ^OLYL [OL ^PUULY JV\SK have been any of 5 or 6 players as they were all in close to the leader ^P[O VUS` VY WVPU[Z ILOPUK Fan Favorite and former winner Phil Mickelson made a late day charge when he came within a few shots away and ended up PU [OPYK WSHJL ([ VUL WVPU[ 1HTPL Lovemark also came close to the leader but didn’t get the birdies ULLKLK +H]PK 3PUNTLY[O JHTL from behind to tie Dufner for the SLHK PU [OL SHZ[ ML^ OVSLZ ;OPZ ^HZ HUV[OLY `LHY [OH[

ended in a tie and had to have H WSH` VMM 0[ ^HZ NL[[PUN KHYR HZ [OL Z\U ZL[ ILOPUK [OL TV\U[HPU Dufner and Lingmerth played 18 and both ended up with a par and had to go back to 18 for another [Y` ;OL` IV[O LUKLK \W PU [OL YV\NO VU [OLPY KYP]LZ 3PUNTLY[O hit his second shot and it landed PU [OL ^H[LY ;OH[ SLM[ +\MULY with a chance to make a great shot onto the green and win the [V\YUHTLU[ /L SHUKLK MHPYS` JSVZL [V [OL WPU I\[ TPZZLK OPZ Ă„YZ[ W\[[ Continues on Page 2

Jason Dufner with trophy. Photo by Pat Krause

Continues on Page 12

CVRep Lumimary Luncheon

Story and Photos by Pat Krause CVRep held its Luminary Luncheon on January 19th with special guest celebrity *OHYSV[[L 9HL ;OLZL S\TPUHY` luncheons have grown a lot and HYL UV^ OLSK H[ [OL (UULUILYN Center for Health Sciences at ,PZLUOV^LY 4LKPJHS *LU[LY ;OL luncheon is held from noon to 2 PU [OL HM[LYUVVU ;OL S\UJOLVU PZ HS^H`Z H WYLS\KL [V H 8 ( discussion moderated by Don 4HY[PU 4HY[PU PZ H THZ[LY H[ asking the right questions to make the Celebrity guest speak HIV\[ OPZ VY OLY 3PML HUK *HYLLY Charlotte Rae showed the comedic side to her WLYZVUHSP[` 5V[ VUS` PZ ZOL a great actress and singer but had the audience laughing H[ ZVTL VM OLY Z[VYPLZ :OL even used a bad word when she talked about Shelly Berman [OH[ KYL^ H SV[ VM SH\NO[LY :OL always wanted to be a serious

Don Martin, Charlotte Rae and Ron Celona. Photo by Pat Krause HJ[YLZZ 3PML OHZ H ^H` VM W\[[PUN you in the right place at the right [PTL *OHYSV[[L ZWVRL HIV\[ [OL many celebrities she has worked ^P[O V]LY OLY SVUN JHYLLY 7H\S Lynde and Cloris Leachman ^LYL JVSSLNL MYPLUKZ :OL ZHPK some of her good friends were Pearl Bailey, Lena Horne, Eartha Kitt and she asked if the guests

YLTLTILYLK [OL 0JVUPJ ;OLYLZH )YL^LY Rae did a lot of stage work in 5L^ @VYR ILMVYL ILJVTPUN H ;= star in Different Strokes and Facts VM 3PML :OL KPK H SV[ VM T\ZPJHSZ ILMVYL ;= I\[ [OH[ PZ UV[ ^OH[ ZOL PZ TVZ[ MHTV\Z MVY -YPLUKZ Gloria Loring and Marily Maye ZHUN ZVUNZ K\YPUN [OL L]LU[

Donna Theodore, Gloria Loring and Marilyn Maye. Photo by Pat Krause

Other famous faces in the crowd were Joyce Bulifant, Roger Perry HUK 2H`L )HSSHYK HTVUN V[OLYZ CVRep does amazing things in the art form of live theater in their PU[PTH[L [OLH[YL ;OL` ^VYR ^P[O

upcoming actors and children PU [OL =HSSL` >H[JO MVY UL^ plays during the year for a fun L_WLYPLUJL (M[LY [OL S\UJOLVU was over Rae stayed to sign her IVVR ;OL -HJ[Z VM 4` 3PML

Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. at the McCallum

Billy Davis Jr and Marilyn McCoo. Photo by Pat Krause Story and Photos by Pat Krause ;OL 4J*HSS\T ;OLH[YL HUK Jim “Fitz� Fitzgerald presented the Marilyn McCoo and Billy +H]PZ 1Y JVUJLY[ VU 1HU Z[ ;OPZ <W <W HUK (^H` WYVNYHT featured these two ionic singers bringing their best hits to the

Jim “Fitz� Fitzgerald and Wendy Fitzgerald. Photo by Pat Krause

enjoyment of their fans in the JYV^K :LH[Z ^LYL Ă„SSLK [V [OL max with people of all ages that love the music of the lead singers of the legendary group, ;OL [O +PTLUZPVUZ 4J*VV HUK Davis left the group to perform ZVSV JVUJLY[Z PU ;OPZ PZ

the 17th year that “Fitz� has brought entertainment to the 4J*HSS\T ;OLH[YL /L WYLZLU[Z several concerts each year to the 4J*HSS\T ;OLH[YL ^P[O TVYL [V JVTL McCoo and Davis left the 5th Dimensions back in 1975

and have performed as a duo since then and garnered several Grammys and Gold and Platinum Records PU [OLPY SVUN JHYLLY ;OL K\V OH]L ILLU married for over 40 years and became authors with their IVVR <W <W HUK (^H` /V^ >L Found Love, Faith and Lasting Marraige in the ,U[LY[HPUTLU[ >VYSK ( `LHY THYYHPNL in the entertainment industry is a feat unto P[ZLSM ;OL` JVU[PU\L to perform touring and producing CD’s in gospel, Jazz, blues, pop and 9 ) ;OLPY JHYLLYZ OH]L PUJS\KLK Z[HYYPUN YVSLZ VU ;= HUK :[HNL ;OL JVUJLY[ Z[HY[LK ^P[O the band playing a medley of OP[Z I` 4J*VV HUK +H]PZ ;OL K\V JHTL VU Z[HNL ZPUNPUN <W <W HUK (^H` ^P[O [OLPY IHJR\W

ZPUNLYZ 4J*VV KPK H ZVSV VM Midnight Hour with the backup ZPUNLYZ HUK +H]PZ ;OLU +H]PZ did a solo also with the band HUK IHJR\W ZPUNLYZ HUK 4J*VV ;OL (\KPLUJL ^HZ ZLU[ KV^U memory lane with all these wonderful hit songs they have YLJVYKLK V]LY [OL `LHYZ ;OL` have been performing for over 45 years and have kept their fan base and each year have PUJS\KLK TVYL HUK TVYL MHUZ Some of my favorite songs are, (X\HYP\Z >LKKPUN )LSS )S\LZ 6UL 3LZZ )LSS HUK >L *HU >VYR 0[ 6\[ [V UHTL Q\Z[ H ML^ of the many hit songs they have WLYMVYTLK ( WS\Z H[ ZOV^Z [OH[ “Fitz� presents is a musical artist prior to each show for the guests [V LUQV` HZ [OL` LU[LY [OL [OLH[LY ;OPZ ZOV^Z HY[PZ[ ^HZ 4PS[VU 4LYSVZ H :WHUPZO (JV\Z[PJ Guitarist playing his music in the lobby who had people watching him play while waiting for the JVUJLY[ [V Z[HY[

Career Builder Challenge Continued from Page 1

3PUNTLY[O KPKU[ THRL OPZ Ă„UHS W\[ [OH[ THKL +\MULY [OL ^PUULY President Clinton and the members of the CareerBuilders, 7.( Z[HMM HUK TLTILYZ VM +LZLY[ Classic Charities all surrounded [OL ^PUULY VU [OL [O NYLLU 0[ ^HZ 7YLZPKLU[ *SPU[VU [OH[ handed Dufner the trophy after he addressed the crowd and said how happy he was to be a part VM [OPZ ^VUKLYM\S [V\YUHTLU[ Clinton said he had known Bob Hope and was glad the legacy VM JOHYP[HISL NP]PUN JVU[PU\LZ Dufner posed for photos for TLKPH MYVT HSS V]LY [OL ^VYSK



Jason Dufner and President Bill Clinton. Photo by Pat Krause

2nd place David Lingmerth checks out a putt. Photo by Pat Krause January 27, 2016

A Good Plan will Insure Success

By Janice Gough ;OL RL` [V having a good year is getting off to a strong Z[HY[ /VWLM\SS` you put together your goals and your first quarter marketing plan back in December and came out of the NH[L Y\UUPUN PU 1HU\HY` 0M UV[ and you’re realizing now that you’re “behind the eight ball,� don’t waste time worrying about P[ ;OLYL HYL ^H`Z [V JVTWLUZH[L and still get off to the kind of start you need to in order to hit your loftiest goals, even if that means VY 4 First look at your working capital and expected L_WLUKP[\YLZ MVY [OL JVTPUN `LHY



>P[O [OL TVUL` SLM[ V]LY MYVT Ă„_LK L_WLUZLZ JYLH[L H YHPU` KH` M\UK HUK H 4HK 4VUL` M\UK >L HSS ULLK ZVTL[OPUN W\[ H^H` for the unexpected and some M\U TVUL` [V YL^HYK V\YZLS]LZ Begin by writing out your wish SPZ[ ;OPZ ^H` `V\Y ^PSS WYPVYP[PaL and place spending into a better WLYZWLJ[P]L (SZV PUZ[LHK VM buying a lot of unnecessary items you will effectively spend TVUL` ^OLYL P[ PZ ULLKLK TVZ[ People spend a large portion of their money to satisfy emotional ULLKZ +LJPKL PM `V\ ZOV\SK bargain shop to save money VU LTV[PVUHS ULLKZ ZWLUKPUN 0UZ[LHK VM ZWLUKPUN VU that designer dress, avoid the high end stores and go to a YLZHSL ZOVW @V\ ^PSS Ă„UK X\HSP[` and design there for pennies on

[OL KVSSHY )` ÄUKPUN ^H`Z [V cut spending and still get the ZHTL NYH[PÄJH[PVU MYVT NL[[PUN ZVTL[OPUN UL^ PZ H M\U ]LU[\YL Print out month to month calendars to track whether you HYL Z[H`PUN ^P[OPU `V\Y I\KNL[ Don’t get too detailed, make it ZPTWSL 7H` `V\Y [H_LZ HZ `V\ NV HUK UV[ ^OLU P[ PZ K\L Find ways that you may IYPUN PU NYLH[LY PUJVTL >OL[OLY it is a second job or selling things you no longer need, making it a OVII` ^PSS NYV^ `V\Y ^LHS[O (M[LY [OL 3V[[LY` SHZ[ ^LLR many had all had those dreams of becoming instantaneously ^LHS[O` ,]LY` WLYZVU ^OV bought that ticket told me what they were going to do with it ^OLU [OL` ^VU 5V[ VUL WLYZVU ZHPK [OH[ 0 HT NVPUN [V ÄUK [OL

most trusted, knowledgeable Ă„UHUJPHS HK]PZVY [OH[ [OL` JV\SK Ă„UK HUK ^VYR V\[ H WSHU 1\Z[ like celebrity stories of those who have made tons of money and have gone broke, many people receiving large sums of money end up broke, because of out of control spending, little planning, taking care of others, and reverting to old spending OHIP[Z 1\Z[ SPRL [OVZL ^OV HYL not used to fame and start living ‘out of control lives’, those who inherent of unexpected money OH]L UV KLĂ„ULK Z`Z[LT VU OV^ [V ZWLUK P[ ^PZLS` +VUÂť[ I\` PU[V anyone or their stories unless you PU]LZ[PNH[L [OLPY WYL]PV\Z YLJVYK Once they know that you have it, WLVWSL ^PSS Ă…VJR [V `V\ ;OL` HSS believe that your money should IL [OLPY TVUL` )\[ ^OLU P[ PZ

NVUL [OL` ^PSS IL HSZV ;OPUR HIV\[ ^OH[ HJ[P]P[PLZ HUK ZWLUKPUN OHZ NYH[PĂ„LK `V\ most, just so you set aside TVUL` MVY [OH[ SV]L HUK YL^HYK Being broke can be KL]HZ[H[PUN -LLSPUN Ă„UHUJPHSS` ZLJ\YL OLSWZ `V\ MLLS NYLH[LY QV` Don’t be that person who says, ¸0 Z[HY[LK V\[ ^P[O UV[OPUN HUK 0 still have most of it!â€? Find that advisor who is a Voice of Reason, to make your QV\YUL` H ZTVV[O ZHPSPUN [YPW

working at a location outside the association property, most often H[ H THUHNLTLU[ Ă„YT :VTL companies provide a manager who works on site, at a greater JVZ[

;OPZ NP]LZ [OL HZZVJPH[PVU TVYL control of its management staff and less cost than the rates JOHYNLK I` H THUHNLTLU[ Ă„YT MVY [OL Z[HMM P[ WYV]PKLZ ;OL drawback is the opposite side of the coin - the association takes VU [OL JYP[PJHS [HZRZ VM Ă„UKPUN and screening management candidates, and handling them HZ LTWSV`LLZ Choose the management style that best serves the interests of your community, rather than automatically selecting a lowest bidder which TPNO[ UV[ TLL[ `V\Y ULLKZ

Janice Gough is a Financial Advisor in Palm Springs. She can be reached by calling (760)2517724 or (650) 342-7744 or email: Janice@goughinsurance. com. Contact us for our Free book “Growth without Risk� from your Safe money advisor.

Association Management Options By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL



;OL IVHYKÂťZ JOVPJL VM management assistance is one of its most important KLJPZPVUZ ,]LU [OL ]LY` ZTHSSLZ[ HZZVJPH[PVUZ ^PSS ILULĂ„[ MYVT some form of professional THUHNLTLU[ What is a “Managerâ€?? ( THUHNLY JHYYPLZ V\[ [OL association’s day to day operations, advising and providing information to the board and carrying out its policies and instructions regarding the association’s property and Ă„UHUJLZ ( THUHNLY TH` IL an unpaid volunteer or may IL WHPK ;OL THUHNLY TH` IL an association employee, a consultant, or an employee of an V\[ZPKL JVTWHU` 0U *HSPMVYUPH no license is needed to manage (ZZVJPH[PVUZ Z[Y\NNSPUN ^P[O /6(Z the cost of full association management may wish to Volunteer management consider at least financial Many associations use THUHNLTLU[ volunteers for the association’s T H U H N L T L U [ M \ U J [ P V U Z Property Management ;OL TV[P]H[PVU MVY ]VS\U[LLY Property management management is primarily to save involves responsibility for JVZ[ 0U ]VS\U[LLY THUHNLTLU[ keeping up the condition of volunteers place themselves in the buildings and grounds, and the role of an unpaid manager - may include routine inspections ^P[O HSS VM P[Z YPZRZ HUK UV YL^HYK of the property for architectural Volunteer managed associations violations, maintenance items often find it difficult to find HUK YLWHPY ULLKZ ;OL WS\TIPUN volunteers for the board, since leak on a Sunday afternoon and directors work so much harder [OL IYVRLU ^PUKV^ VU ;\LZKH` ^OLU [OL` HYL HSZV THUHNLYZ evening are all part of the routine MVY H WYVWLY[` THUHNLY 7YVWLY[` Financial Management. management, when coupled ;OPZ PU]VS]LZ JVSSLJ[PUN with financial management, assessments, paying the bills, PZ JHSSLK ¸M\SS THUHNLTLU[ š HUK WYLWHYPUN UVYTHS Ă„UHUJPHS Some associations choose to reports, disclosures and OPYL VUL JVTWHU` MVY Ă„UHUJPHS I\KNL[Z ( Ă„UHUJPHS THUHNLY management and another for YHYLS` ULLKZ [V ]PZP[ [OL WYVWLY[` WYVWLY[` THUHNLTLU[ ZLY]PJLZ Management companies often Full management services prefer financial management UVYTHSS` JVZ[ ZPNUPĂ„JHU[S` TVYL because it is more predictable [OHU ZPTWS` OH]PUN VUS` Ă„UHUJPHS and less prone to the extra THUHNLTLU[ ^VYR VM THUHNPUN [OL WYVWLY[` Off-site/On-site. Some accountants also offer Most associations are Ă„UHUJPHS THUHNLTLU[ ZLY]PJLZ managed by a manager January 27, 2016

Portfolio vs. General Manager. Portfolio managers simultaneously work for multiple associations, while general THUHNLYZ ^VYR MVY Q\Z[ VUL Most associations cannot HMMVYK NLULYHS THUHNLYZ (U important question to the portfolio manager is “how many other associations will you OHUKSL HSVUN ^P[O V\YZ&š ( SV^LY management fee can result from a company overloading P[Z THUHNLYZ -VY ZVTL JVZ[ is the only concern, while for others the service is the most important - so ask and make sure your association’s decision VU [OPZ WVPU[ PZ PU[LU[PVUHS ;OL /6( ^PSS NL[ ^OH[ P[ WH`Z MVY

Next week, Part II: Manager qualifications, JLY[PĂ„JH[PVUZ HUK LK\JH[PVU

Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. is a Fellow of the College of Community Association Lawyers and Managing Partner of Richardson Harman Ober PC, a law firm known for community association advice. Submit In-house management. questions to KRichardson@ Larger associations may Past columns at choose to hire their manager All HUK Z[HMM HZ KPYLJ[ LTWSV`LLZ rights reservedÂŽ.



“The Texas Tenorsâ€? at The Mccallum Theatre By Desert Star Staff Palm Desert, California Âś ;OL +LZLY[ :`TWOVU` ^PSS present its third Concert of its 6]H[PVU 00 :LYPLZ WLYMVYTPUN ^P[O ¸;OL ;L_HZ ;LUVYZš VU ;O\YZKH` -LIY\HY` H[ ! W T H[ ;OL 4J*HSS\T ;OLH[YL PU 7HST +LZLY[ >P[O [OLPY ,TT` (^HYKÂŽ winning PBS special currently airing across the country, and their Billboard chart topping HSI\TZ ¸;OL ;L_HZ ;LUVYZš HYL X\PJRS` ILJVTPUN (TLYPJHÂťZ favorite new tenors, as well as, a local favorite performing ^P[O ;OL +LZLY[ :`TWOVU` for a fourth time! Since their whirlwind debut six years ago VU 5)*ÂťZ ¸(TLYPJHÂťZ .V[ ;HSLU[ š ;OL ;L_HZ ;LUVYZ OH]L accumulated a long list of awards, accolades, and excited MHUZ ;OLZL NPM[LK N\`Z OH]L performed more than 1,000 concerts around the world, including a 24-city tour in the <UP[LK 2PUNKVT :OHUNOHP HUK *OPUH ;OL` OH]L collaborated with some of the most prestigious symphonies, performing arts centers, as well HZ RL` HYLUHZ PU [OL <UP[LK :[H[LZ

0[ PZ UV ^VUKLY ^O` WLVWSL all over the world are clearly enjoying their talents as they were recently recognized by )033)6(9+ 4HNHaPUL HZ [OL

*SHZZPJHS (Y[PZ[Z PU [OL >VYSK MVY -YVT )Y\UV Mars to Puccini, Marcus Collins, John Hagen, and JC Fisher treat audiences to a unique blend of country, classical, broadway, HUK J\YYLU[ WVW T\ZPJ ;OL` use breathtaking vocals, humor, and a touch of cowboy charm to create for their audiences an \UMVYNL[[HISL SP]L ZOV^ ¸;OL ;L_HZ ;LUVYZš OH]L used their amazing talents beyond concert halls, having been featured entertainers VU 5)*ÂťZ ;OL ;VKH` :OV^ Hallmark’s Home and Family, HZ ^LSS HZ [OL [O (UU\HS *PULTH[OLX\L (^HYKZ OVUVYPUN HJ[VY 4H[[OL^ 4J*VUH\NOL` Other notable performances OH]L PUJS\KLK 5)( NHTLZ [OL 7)9 >VYSK *OHTWPVUZOPWZ in Las Vegas and a variety of JOHYP[` L]LU[Z 1VOU 4HYJ\Z and JC do believe in giving back and promoting awareness for organizations near and dear to [OLPY OLHY[Z PUJS\KPUN ;OL *OPSK -\UK 0U[LYUH[PVUHS /VTLZ MVY V\Y ;YVVWZ HUK ;OL 4PZZPVU 7YVQLJ[ >OL[OLY P[ IL Z[HNL

television, recording or multimedia projects, these “three friends with a dreamâ€? never MVYNV[ [OLPY YVV[Z Some of the well-known MH]VYP[LZ ¸;OL ;L_HZ ;LUVYZš ^PSS IL WLYMVYTPUN ^P[O ;OL +LZLY[ Symphony will include “God )SLZZ [OL <:(š ¸<UJOHPULK Melodyâ€?, “Music of the Night,â€? and many more well-known MH]VYP[LZ ¸>L HYL [OL Ă„YZ[ :`TWOVU`

ZOV^ ¸;OL ;L_HZ ;LUVYZ š premiered with, as they came VMM ¸(TLYPJHÂťZ .V[ ;HSLU[ š Z[H[LK 7YLZPKLU[ VM ;OL +LZLY[ :`TWOVU` 5HUJ` ;HWPJR ¸;OPZ surely will be an experience and performance no one will want to TPZZ š ;HWPJR JVU[PU\LK For ticket information please JHSS ;OL 4J*HSS\T ;OLH[YL IV_ VMĂ„JL H[ (9;: VY ]PZP[ ^^^ 4JJHSS\T;OLH[YL JVT VY JHSS ;OL +LZLY[ :`TWOVU`

directly at 760-773-5988, or ]PZP[ ^^^ KLZLY[Z`TWOVU` VYN NOTE: The Desert Symphony’s 27th Anniversary Gala will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2016 at The McCallum Theatre. T ickets and Sponsorships are now available by contacting The Desert Symphony or The McCallum Theatre.


City of Palm Desert Gets Hoppin’ with Outdoor Swing ‘N Hops By Desert Star Staff 7(34 +,:,9; *HSPM Âś Palm Desert kicks up its heels and swings into full gear in February when the City presents the exciting debut of Swing N’ Hops Street Party – an outdoor extravaganza celebrating swing dance, craft beer, and more in the heart of Palm Desert’s upscale shopping and dining KPZ[YPJ[ ,S 7HZLV )LNPUUPUN at noon on Saturday, February 6, on the street between San 7HISV (]LU\L HUK 3HYRZW\Y Lane, the free, four-hour dance party transports guests to a time when swing was king and L]LY`IVK` KHUJLK

>P[O SP]L T\ZPJ MYVT [OL Jennifer Keith Quintet everyone can boogie woogie outdoors \U[PS W T ^OPSL HSZV LUQV`PUN a variety of microbrews in craft beer gardens hosted by the *VU]LU[PVU =PZP[VYZ )\YLH\ Honoring the timeless marriage between jazz dance and live music, the swing party goers can get their groove on with free dance instruction at the L]LU[ -YVT >LZ[ *VHZ[ Z^PUN to the collection of vintage swing dances – such as Lindy Hop, Shag, Balboa, Jitterbug and the Charleston – those with their dancing shoes on will learn a variety of popular

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TV]LZ HUK ^VU[ TPZZ H ILH[ ;OLYL ^PSS HSZV IL H Z^PUN performance during the event and attendees are encouraged to revive the glamour of the swing era by wearing fun fashion representative of the 1920’s through 1940’s! ( U\TILY VM YL[HPS ]LUKVYZ and pop-up shops will be located along the north side of [OL ISVJR PUJS\KPUN LYH ZWLJPÄJ hair stylings and simple make\W HWWSPJH[PVUZ I` 1 9\ZZLSS ;OL :HSVU MHZOPVU TVKLSPUN by Grayse, yoga pose tutorials by Bikram Yoga of Palm Desert, HipSister showcasing fashionable, functional, and flattering waist cases that replace the bulky fanny pack, and a fun photo booth provided

MYVT [OL :OVWZ VU ,S 7HZLV Party goers can purchase gourmet food from Koutouki .YLLR 00 *VYZV >VSMNHUN 7\JR HUK 9P[HÂťZ 0[HSPHU 0JL ;OLYL ^PSS HSZV IL [OYLL HY[ stations provided by Coachella =HSSL` (Y[ :JLUL MVY MHTPS` M\U HUK JYHM[Z ;OLZL PUJS\KL H MLS[ bow-tie making station, a hair wrap station for women, and a local artist painting a swing era ZJLUL VU JHU]HZ 0U HKKP[PVU El Paseo Cruise Night will be showcasing classic autos from [OL Z^PUN LYH Event Sponsors to date include Presenting Sponsor City of Palm Desert, El Paseo *Y\PZL 5PNO[ ;OL .HYKLUZ on El Paseo, Coachella Valley Brewing Co, Liquid Catering,


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*VHJOLSSH =HSSL` (Y[ :JLUL *= >LLRS` 3HTHY (SWOH 4LKPH .YV\W 4P_ ;OL )\SS Swing N’ Hops Street Party is a featured event of First >LLRLUK [OL JP[`ÂťZ TVU[OS` art and culture program taking place every first weekend 5V]LTILY [OYV\NO 4H` 6[OLY -PYZ[ >LLRLUK L]LU[Z PUJS\KL art shows and auctions, jazz concerts, delectable KPUPUN WLYMVYTHUJLZ H[ ;OL 4J*HSS\T ;OLH[LY HUK H[ *:< San Bernardino Palm Desert *HTW\Z HUK T\JO TVYL -VY more information about Swing ‘N Hops Street Party or First >LLRLUK WSLHZL ]PZP[ O[[W! ^^^ WHST KLZLY[ VYN L]LU[Z Ă„YZ[ ^LLRLUK

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January 27, 2016

New baby giraffe born at the Living Desert Desert, it is especially wonderful [V ^LSJVTL V\Y Ă„YZ[ IHI` VM 2016, a beautiful giraffe calf,â€? ZHPK 4VUYVL ¸)V[O TV[OLY HUK IHI` HYL KVPUN ^LSS š ;OPZ PZ [OL ZP_[O IHI` MVY mom, Dadisi, and seventh calf MVY [OL MH[OLY /LZHI\ +HKPZP JHTL [V ;OL 3P]PUN +LZLY[ in November 2002 from the Oakland Zoo, and all of her JHS]LZ OH]L ILLU IVYU H[ ;OL 3P]PUN +LZLY[ /LZHI\ ^OV JHTL MYVT [OL :HU +PLNV >PSK (UPTHS 7HYR PU HSZV PZ [OL MH[OLY VM (`V ^OV ^HZ IVYU PU 1\S` [V TV[OLY ;\SP “Both Dadisi and Hesabu were sent to our zoo for breeding, based on Species Survival Plan recommendations,â€? said 4VUYVL ¸;OL Z\JJLZZM\S breeding and birth of their babies has helped build the population of this endangered species, which is an important HUK M\SĂ„SSPUN WHY[ VM V\Y TPZZPVU š ;OL 3P]PUN +LZLY[ PZ currently home to a herd of ZL]LU NPYHMMLZ Ă„]L THSLZ HUK two females, all of which are on

L_OPIP[ PU [OL (MYPJHU ZLJ[PVU VM [OL 7HYR 0U [OL SHZ[ `LHYZ the population of giraffes in the wild has fallen dramatically by 60% to less than 80,000 HUPTHSZ Dadisi’s pregnancy was about 15 months, the typical NLZ[H[PVUHS WLYPVK MVY H NPYHMML ;OL IHI` ^PSS UV^ U\YZL MVY nine to 12 months, and begin eating foliage at about four TVU[OZ ;OL NPYHMML ^PSS KV\ISL OPZ ZPaL PU [OL ÄYZ[ `LHY VM OPZ SPML ;OL IHI` NPYHMML OHZ P[Z V^U spot-like markings and no two giraffe’s have the same pattern, similar to humans having unique ÄUNLYWYPU[Z Visitors can get up-close and personal with these majestic animals by participating in the NPYHMML MLLKPUNZ MYVT H T [V UVVU HUK ! [V ! W T ;OL cost is $5 per person or $4 for TLTILYZ ;OL 3P]PUN +LZLY[ PZ VWLU KHPS` MYVT H T [V W T -VY TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU! VY ]PZP[ ^^^ 3P]PUN+LZLY[ VYN

By Desert Star Staff 7(34 +,:,9; 05+0(5 >,33: *( œ 6US` H ML^ ^LLRZ PU[V [OL UL^ `LHY ;OL Living Desert’s giraffe, Dadisi, gave birth to a male calf on

1HU\HY` ZHPK (SSLU Monroe, President & CEO of ;OL 3P]PUN +LZLY[ PU 7HST +LZLY[ *HSPMVYUPH ;OL `L[ [V IL UHTLK JHSM weighing in at 130 pounds and

standing 5 feet 9 inches tall, is anticipated to be on exhibit 1HU\HY` ¸>OPSL ^L HYL HS^H`Z excited to announce the birth VM UL^ IHIPLZ OLYL H[ ;OL 3P]PUN

By Desert Star Staff 7HST :WYPUNZ *( Âś Celebrating its milestone 26th (UUP]LYZHY` *S\I :RPY[Z +PUHO :OVYL >LLRLUK [OL SHYNLZ[ lesbian event in the world, is, once again, upping the volume on your laughter, bringing one of the hottest veterans of Broadway musicals and stand-up comedy MVY HU L_JLW[PVUHS 4<:; :,, evening! Lea DeLaria, popularly known as “Big Booâ€?, the butchest PUTH[L H[ 3P[JOĂ„LSK VU 5L[Ă…P_ÂťZ VYPNPUHS OP[ ZLYPLZ ¸6YHUNL 0Z ;OL New Blackâ€? is bringing a special night of comedy and music to ;OL +PUHO ¸3LH PZ VUL VM H RPUK ;OL Ă„YZ[ [PTL 0 ^VYRLK ^P[O OLY 0 ^HZ Q\Z[ H `V\UN WYVTV[LY /LYL ^HZ [OPZ 3.); WPVULLY [OPZ OV[ I\[JO H YLHS JVTPJ NLUP\Z HUK 0 ^HZ PU H^L ;OH[ ^HZ HSTVZ[ `LHYZ HNV ;OL VUS` [OPUN [OH[ OHZ

changed is that she’s an even hotter butch now than she was then and her genius knows no IV\UKZ 0ÂťT OHWW` [V IL ^VYRPUN ^P[O OLY HNHPU HUK MLLS JVUĂ„KLU[ her singular brand of comedy will jingle some body piercings that evening, “ says Mariah Hanson, MV\UKLY HUK WYVK\JLY VM ;OL +PUHO ( JVTLKPHU HJ[YLZZ HUK QHaa musician, Lea DeLaria is a force [V IL YLJRVULK ^P[O 3LH PZ [OL Ă„YZ[ VWLUS` NH` JVTPJ [V WLYMVYT VU (TLYPJHU [LSL]PZPVU" ZOL THKL history when she boldly declared PU VU (YZLUPV /HSSÂťZ SH[L UPNO[ WYPTL [PTL [HSR ZOV^ ¸0ÂťT a biiiiigggg dyke!â€? Since then, she has released her latest jazz album, House of David: delaria+bowie=jazz, had countless concerts, theater roles, movies and stand-up specials, HUK MV\Y HSI\TZ ^P[O >HYULY )YV[OLYZ :OL PZ HSZV MVY [OL

second year in a row, hosting [OL 6IPL (^HYKZ 0U 4H` [OPZ `LHY :OLZ VM JV\YZL LUQV`PUN H new level of fame now that she’s WSH`PUN º)PN )VV VU 5L[ÅP_Z 6YHUNL 0Z [OL 5L^ )SHJR 3HZ[ year, DeLaria received the ,X\HSP[` 0SSPUVPZ -YLLKVT (^HYK for her work as a cutting-edge performer who has used her talent to entertain and enlighten TPSSPVUZ VM (TLYPJHUZ (U HK]VJH[L VM ZLSM acceptance, she recently shed her clothes as the latest WHY[PJPWHU[ VM :[`SL3PRL<Z ]PKLV ZLYPLZ ;OL >OH[Z <UKLYULH[O 7YVQLJ[ Refusing to be invisible on screen and in life, DeLaria stripped down to her underwear in the name of body positivity to show that style is really about knowing who you are and being H[ ;OL +PUHO¯ PU ^OH[ PZ HSYLHK` -VY TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU HUK VY JVTMVY[HISL PU `V\Y V^U ZRPU billed to be an unforgettable [V W\YJOHZL [PJRL[Z NV [V! ^^^ Be sure to catch Lea DeLaria evening of hilarious comedy! ;OL+PUHO JVT

‘Orange Is The New Black’ Star Lea Delaria

Tens of thousands rally at Walk for Life in San Francisco By Desert Star Staff :(5 -9(5*0:*6 *( ( Nigerian pro-life activist and the man whose undercover videos of Planned Parenthood have YVPSLK *VUNYLZZ HUK YLKLĂ„ULK the abortion battleground rallied tens of thousands of people at [OL [O HUU\HS >HSR MVY 3PML >LZ[ *VHZ[ 1HU ¸;OL` [LSS \Z [OL SPL [OH[ women-- in order to have opportunities and in order for us be successful-- we must have abortion rights,â€? said Obianuju Ekeocha, founder and president VM *\S[\YL VM 3PML (MYPJH ^OPJO rejects international aid tied to

HU[P SPML PUP[PH[P]LZ ¸0 Z[HUK OLYL before you not just as a black WLYZVU VY HU (MYPJHU WLYZVU 0 Z[HUK OLYL ILMVYL `V\ HZ H woman to say we should never have to buy success with the ISVVK VM V\Y IHIPLZ š David Daleiden, the citizen journalist whose undercover videos recorded Planned 7HYLU[OVVK VMĂ„JPHSZ [YHMĂ„JRPUN in the parts of aborted babies, ^HZ [OL Ă„YZ[ ZWLHRLY H[ [OL VUL hour rally at Civic Center Plaza PU :HU -YHUJPZJV ;OL ]PKLVZ led Congress to vote to defund 7SHUULK 7HYLU[OVVK PU 1HU\HY` ¸;OL ]PKLVZ YHPZL [OL IPNNLZ[

question that Planned Parenthood and their allies cannot answer,â€? +HSLPKLU ZHPK ¸;OH[ PZ OV^ VU the one hand in our country the humanity of the baby fetus is not considered to be equal enough to our own in order to be totally WYV[LJ[LK I` SH^ )\[ H[ [OL ZHTL time it is precisely their equal and identical humanity to our own that THRLZ [OLT ZV ]HS\HISL MVY ZHSL š ([ [OL >HSR MVY 3PML 4HZZ LHYSPLY H[ :[ 4HY`ÂťZ *H[OLKYHS :HU -YHUJPZJV (YJOIPZOVW :HS]H[VYL 1 *VYKPSLVUL YLMLYYLK to the videos and to California’s new assisted suicide law saying, ¸;OL IPN X\LZ[PVU PZ ^OH[ KVLZ January 27, 2016

[OPZ ZH` HIV\[ \Z HZ H ZVJPL[` How can we do this to ourselves?â€? ;OL HYJOIPZOVW JHSSLK \WVU WYV life supporters to be Jesus’ “light ZOPUPUN PU [OL KHYRULZZ š 0U[LYTP[[LU[ YHPU HUK H ^OVSLZHSL ZO\[KV^U VM [YHMĂ„J in the financial district for construction of Super Bowl City did not daunt supporters, who Ă„SSLK [OL WSHaH ^OPJO ZOVY[S` before the rally was a sea of \TIYLSSHZ ;OL Z\U JHTL V\[ MVY TVZ[ VM [OL YHSS` Other speakers included 9L] *SLUHYK *OPSKYLZZ ^OV OHZ ZWVRLU H[ HSTVZ[ L]LY` >HSR ILNPUUPUN ^P[O [OL Ă„YZ[ PU

;OL 5L^ 1LYZL` )HW[PZ[ TPUPZ[LY PZ H UH[PVUHS (MYPJHU (TLYPJHU voice for the unborn, marriage HUK MHTPS` ;OL YHSS` JVUJS\KLK with testimony by Emmanuel-1LZ‚Z ,TTHU\LS (Y[\YV (JOH MartĂ­nez--a musical icon in the 3H[PU ^VYSK ¸>L HYL OLYL PU KLMLUZL VM SPML >L OH]L [V KV P[ >L HSS OH]L [V KV P[ š ,TTHU\LS said before speaking in Spanish [V [OVZL NH[OLYLK >HSR MVY 3PML ^HZ MV\UKLK PU I` H NYV\W VM )H` (YLH residents with the mission of changing the perception that HIVY[PVU PZ [OL HUZ^LY ^^^ ^HSRMVYSPML^J JVT



Why Women Are Better Investors Than Men The Male Tendency To Keep Shaking Things Up Can Lead To Bad Results, Says Financial Advisor By Desert Star Staff >OLU P[ JVTLZ [V PU]LZ[PUN many women take a staythe-course approach that research shows can give them an advantage over their male JV\U[LYWHY[Z ;`WPJHSS` TLU HYL TVYL likely to want to shake things up with their investments, and that can be counterproductive, says Mark Chandik, president of FDP >LHS[O 4HUHNLTLU[ HUK H\[OVY of “10 Financial Strategies for the :THY[ 0U]LZ[VYš ^^^ MKW^T JVT “Men love to tinker with [OPUNZ š OL ZH`Z ¸9PZR Z[PT\SH[LZ [OLT ;OLPY I\KKPLZ NP]L [OLT tips or they read an article in the >HSS :[YLL[ 1V\YUHS HUK [OL` ^HU[ [V KV ZVTL[OPUN ¸>VTLU [LUK [V THRL careful choices up front, and [OLU SLH]L [OLPY TVUL` HSVUL 6M[LU ^OLU 0 SVVR H[ H O\ZIHUK HUK ^PMLÂťZ 09(Z 0ÂťSS ZLL [OH[ after 20 years she has accrued substantially more capital than he has, and he was the one doing all [OL HJ[P]L THUHNLTLU[ š One study by SigFig, an online portfolio manager, showed that over a 12-month period ending in early 2015, women investors beat men by a 12 WLYJLU[ H]LYHNL 4LU ^LYL HSZV 25 percent more likely to lose money in the market, the study YLWVY[LK

“Many active investors brag about their latest wins, but just like gamblers, they don’t talk about their losses,â€? Chandik ZH`Z ¸0M `V\ SVVR H[ [OL [H_ return of a typical active investor, and see how much money their investments made for them after [H_LZ `V\ VM[LU Ă„UK H Z[VY` [OH[ÂťZ UV[ ZV JVTWLSSPUN š Several factors probably lure men into thinking that constant churning of the portfolio is the ZTHY[ PU]LZ[PUN VW[PVU OL ZH`Z For whatever reason, the same factors don’t entice women to a ZPTPSHY KLNYLL (TVUN [OVZL MHJ[VYZ HYL! ‹ 4PZ\UKLYZ[HUKPUN NHPUZ HUK SVZZLZ ( THQVY YLHZVU THU` investors – and men in particular – fall in love with active investing is that they have a misguided notion about gain and loss, *OHUKPR ZH`Z -VY L_HTWSL OL says, from 2009 to 2015, many people saw double-digit annual returns and came to regard [OH[ HZ [OL UVYT ;OL` L_WLJ[ it to continue, but such growth PZ UV[ Z\Z[HPUHISL >OLU ^LHR or negative years occur, they need to resist the temptation to abandon a patient approach, *OHUKPR ZH`Z ‹ ;PTPUN [OL THYRL[ :VTL investors become convinced that the secret to good investing is timing – buying and selling a Z[VJR H[ Q\Z[ [OL YPNO[ TVTLU[

“Market timers may score big once in a while, but not repeatedly and not over time,â€? *OHUKPR ZH`Z ¸;OLYL HYL [VV many factors involved, too many [OPUNZ `V\ JHUÂť[ RUV^ VY JVU[YVS You not only have to buy a stock at the right time – just before or after it hits bottom – but you also have to sell it at the right time, K\TWPUN P[ ^OPSL P[ÂťZ Z[PSS OV[ š ‹ ;LJOUVSVN` LUJV\YHNLZ IHK OHIP[Z 6UL YLHZVU [OH[ timing the market has become such a temptation is technology has made buying and selling quicker and easier than ever,

*OHUKPR ZH`Z ¸;VKH` H JSPLU[ can pull up an app on his iPhone while he’s on the phone with me, buy something and then turn around and sell it by the end of V\Y JVU]LYZH[PVU š OL ZH`Z ¸;OL liquidity is crazy and it leads to ZVTL ]LY` IHK OHIP[Z š Chandik says working with a skilled advisor can go a long way toward curbing these bad habits, but that in and of itself PZUÂť[ H J\YL ¸0[ÂťZ LZZLU[PHS [OH[ IV[O [OL client and the advisor have clear expectations from the start,â€? he ZH`Z ¸4HU` WLVWSL MVY L_HTWSL

are under the impression that it’s [OL Ă„UHUJPHS HK]PZVYÂťZ QVI [V ILH[ [OL THYRL[ 5V[ ZV 5V HK]PZVY – at least no ethical one – can WYVTPZL THYRL[ ILH[PUN YL[\YUZ š 0UZ[LHK *OHUKPR ZH`Z the advisor’s role includes understanding a client’s life goals, assessing risk factors and putting together a blueprint that HKKYLZZLZ [OL JSPLU[ÂťZ ULLKZ ¸;OL HK]PZVY HSZV HJ[Z HZ H Z\WWVY[ Z`Z[LT š OL ZH`Z ¸0U times of stress or down markets, the advisor can say, ‘Just hang [PNO[ )L WH[PLU[ :[PJR [V [OL WSHU Âť š

Does Your Household Need a Generator? What to Consider

WYV]PKL M\LS LMĂ„JPLUJ` JSLHU First, determine your wattage power for sensitive electronics, requirements by listing the and a quiet motor that won’t bug running watts and starting watts fellow campers at neighboring for each device you intend to JHTWZP[LZ power at once, and add them ‹ 6U [OL >H[LY! ( IHJR\W [VNL[OLY 6[OLY MHJ[VYZ [V generator can make your next consider are the type of fuel you boating trip a more comfortable prefer and what your generator’s L_WLYPLUJL 1\Z[ IL Z\YL [V primary use will be – whether follow safety precautions -- that’s home emergencies, RV never operate your generator in YVHK [YPWZ VY [HPSNH[L WHY[PLZ HU LUJSVZLK VY ^L[ ZWHJL ;V SLHYU TVYL HIV\[ ‹ ;HPSNH[PUN! *VSK WPaaH -094(5 NLULYH[VYZ ^OPJO never hurt anybody, but you cost about half or less the can do better than that at your price of other leading brands, UL_[ [HPSNH[L WHY[` (UK H IHJR\W ]PZP[ ^^^ ZOVWĂ„YTHU JVT [V generator can assist you with take advantage of a special [OPZ J\SPUHY` LMMVY[ >OL[OLY price offer of 15 percent off by you’re blending up a batch of entering promo code “readersâ€? margaritas, or keeping the chili H[ JOLJRV\[ steaming throughout the day, ([ OVTL HUK VU [OL YVHK Generators can prove useful at home, or while on the road. you’ll be glad to have a source ZVTL[PTLZ WV^LY PZ JYP[PJHS -VY VM SVUN [LYT WV^LY peace of mind and happier trails, ‹ :OVWWPUN MVY H NLULYH[VY! consider a backup generator By Desert Star Staff are becoming a product more For ease of travel, consider a >OLU ZOVWWPUN MVY H NLULYH[VY MVY `V\Y MHTPS` HUK OV\ZLOVSK >P[O PUJYLHZPUNS` ]VSH[PSL JVUZ\TLYZ JOVVZL [V W\YJOHZL lightweight inverter generator make an informed consumer StatePoint weather patterns and a growing Here, Jason Sutton, vice KLZPNULK MVY TVIPSP[` 0U]LY[LYZ KLJPZPVU ^P[O H SP[[SL NYV\UK^VYR reliance on technology, more president of Sales & Service people are becoming familiar H[ -094(5 7V^LY ,X\PWTLU[ ^P[O [OL ILULĂ„[Z VM OH]PUN H VMMLYZ [PWZ MVY Ă„UKPUN H Z\P[HISL IHJR \W NLULYH[VY H[ OVTL back-up generator for your The Desert Star Weekly is one of the few adjudicated publications in the But beyond the importance of household, and advice on Coachella Valley, which means we are officially authorized to run legal immediate back-up power in the NL[[PUN [OL ILZ[ \ZL V\[ VM P[ notices. Each week dozens of courts, law offices, and individuals save event of an outage, a generator ‹ .V *HTWPUN VY /\U[PUN! money by running their legal notices in The The Desert Star Weekly. JHU OH]L THU` V[OLY ILULĂ„[Z PU ;HRL `V\Y JHTWZP[L [V [OL UL_[ your life -- at home and when SL]LS ,]LU PM `V\ÂťYL YV\NOPUN P[ `V\ÂťYL VU [OL NV you’ll be happy to be able to Given the lower prices of charge the gadgets and keep the Email: today’s models, generators T\ZPJ NVPUN H[ `V\Y JHTWZP[L

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January 27, 2016

“Dating The Grown-Up Way� - Barbara Foster

4 Reasons Going Courting Is Even More Romantic - When You Are Over 40 By Desert Star Staff Young love is so widespread each Valentine’s Day that it threatens to deplete Cupid’s Z[VJR VM HYYV^Z But the mythological god of desire might want to keep a supply of those magical darts in YLZLY]L MVY H TVYL TH[\YL JYV^K Single men and women with a few extra decades under their belts – and perhaps a little grey in their hair – also are in the market for romance, and they likely have a better understanding of how to [\YU H Ă„YZ[ KH[L PU[V H YL^HYKPUN L_WLYPLUJL ;OH[ÂťZ ILJH\ZL [OL V]LY crowd knows something about dating that only the wisdom of experience can teach, says Barbara Foster, a women’s studies professor and author of “Confessions of a Librarian: ( 4LTVPY VM 3V]LZš ^^^ [OYLLSV]LZ[VY` JVT W\ISPZOLK I` 9P]LYKHSL (]LU\L )VVRZ ¸0[ÂťZ UPJL [V LUQV` H JHUKSLSPNO[ dinner with someone who gazes into your eyes instead of into a smartphone screen,â€? Foster ZH`Z ¸0[ÂťZ ^VUKLYM\S [V LUNHNL in a conversation with someone whose life experience provides

a seemingly endless supply of JHW[P]H[PUN [VWPJZ [V KPZJ\ZZ š Many older singles, out of the dating scene for awhile, might be YLS\J[HU[ H[ Ă„YZ[ [V ]LU[\YL IHJR PU[V [OL ^VYSK VM YVTHUJL ;OL` may just recently have become single again after being divorced or widowed, and may not appreciate the advantages their years of experience give them, -VZ[LY ZH`Z ¸0 \UKLYZ[HUK [OL OLZP[HUJ` ZVTL WLVWSL OH]L š ZOL ZH`Z ¸;OL` TH` OH]L OHK VUL WHY[ULY for years, and never expected to be unattached and available HNHPU 0[ JV\SK IL [OH[ [OL SHZ[ [PTL [OL` ^LYL VU H Ă„YZ[ KH[L .LYHSK -VYK ^HZ WYLZPKLU[ 0[ÂťZ natural that there might be some ULY]V\ZULZZ H[ Ă„YZ[ I\[ [OH[ ^PSS WHZZ š She speaks from quite a bit VM L_WLYPLUJL OLYZLSM F o s t e r, a d e d i c a t e d adventurer in addition to being an academic, has sought out romance in near and faraway places, from Greenwich Village WHKZ [V [OL JHMLZ VM 0Z[HUI\S ;OVZL L_WLYPLUJLZ WYV]PKLK [OL TH[LYPHS MVY OLY IVVR She says there are several

reasons why dating is more rewarding among the older set: ‹ ( THU ^OV PZ L_WLYPLUJLK with women should be less HU_PV\Z VY JVTWL[P[P]L /LÂťZ likely to be more at ease and can focus on his romantic partner as H WLYZVU ‹ 4H[\YL WLVWSL OH]L spent time traveling, seeking out adventures and becoming L K \ J H [ L K ; O L ` O H ] L memories and feelings to share about their experiences and can converse about a much wider ranger of topics than the plot twists in the latest “Star >HYZš TV]PL (S[OV\NO [OL` WVZZPIS` JHU KPZJ\ZZ [OH[ [VV ‹ ( ^VTHU ^OV OHZ ILLU married or involved is likely to know how to entertain because she’s had the opportunity to play hostess, probably many times V]LY 0M `V\ÂťYL S\JR` ZOL TH` L]LU JVVR -VZ[LY ZH`Z ‹ 4H[\YL WLVWSL RUV^ OV^ to speak in affectionate sentences SVUNLY [OHU ¸SVS š ;OL` HSZV HYL more accustomed to working for what they want, which includes ZOV^PUN `V\ H NVVK [PTL ¸;OL` ZH` `V\[O PZ ^HZ[LK on the young, and sometimes

;O\YZKH`Z MYVT ! W T H[ :V\[O :\UYPZL >H` -VY TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU call 760-323-5689 or go to TPaLSSZLUPVYJLU[LY VYN Kal David Unplugged on ;O\YZKH`Z H[ W T H[ , 7HST *HU`VU +YP]L -VY info, call 760-322-4422 or W\YWSLYVVTWHSTZWYPUNZ JVT

Barbara Foster maybe romance is, too,â€? Foster ZH`Z ¸*LY[HPUS` `V\UN SV]L PZ ^VUKLYM\S )\[ YVTHUJL MVY VSKLY MVSRZ JHU IL L]LU IL[[LY š (IV\[ )HYIHYH -VZ[LY! Barbara Foster has worked as a college librarian and as an associate professor specializing PU >VTLUÂťZ :[\KPLZ H[ [OL *P[` <UP]LYZP[` VM 5L^ @VYR :OL OHZ published numerous articles on education and travel, as well as more than 200 poems in literary journals under the name )LSSHKVUUH /LY SH[LZ[ IVVR is “Confessions of a Librarian: ( 4LTVPY VM 3V]LZš ^^^ [OYLLSV]LZ[VY` JVT

Health coaching provides alluring opportunities

By Desert Star Staff >OLU JVVSLY ^LH[OLY HYYP]LZ `V( ZJOLK\SLK ]PZP[ ^P[O a physician seems to be set to a [PTLY ;OL KVJ[VY ^OV TPNO[ UV[ even bother to sit down, asks a few perfunctory questions, makes a quick diagnosis and tells the patient to see a nurse for a WYLZJYPW[PVU ;OLU [OL KVJ[VY PZ VMM [V [OL UL_[ WH[PLU[ On average, physicians spend about seven minutes with LHJO WH[PLU[ ;OH[ [PTL JY\UJO may be putting a strain on the doctor-patient relationship, but it’s also among the factors helping to create job opportunities in the NYV^PUN Ă„LSK VM OLHS[O JVHJOPUN Health coaches act as mentors, motivating their clients to make better decisions in their diet and exercise routines, and assisting with stress reduction, all of which can lead to better health and fewer KVJ[VY ]PZP[Z ¸;OL JVHJOPUN PUK\Z[Y` OHZ seen tremendous growth over the last seven or eight years,â€? ZH`Z +Y +PHUH /VWWL MV\UKLY VM (THaPUN 6]LY 0UJ ^^^ HTHaPUNV]LY JVT H OLHS[O JVHJOPUN JLY[PĂ„JH[PVU WYVNYHT MVY ^VTLU “Health coaches can devote more time to people than doctors usually are able to, building a relationship that leads to changes in behavior that can prevent diabetes and other chronic JVUKP[PVUZ š Health coaches, who can come from any background, sometimes work in doctor’s

VMĂ„JLZ VY JSPUPJZ I\[ [OL` HSZV can be found in corporate sites, community venues or working MYVT OVTL :VTL[PTLZ ZLZZPVUZ with clients come over the [LSLWOVUL ¸0[ÂťZ H WYVMLZZPVU [OH[ JVTLZ ^P[O H SV[ VM Ă…L_PIPSP[` š /VWWL ZH`Z “You can work fulltime or parttime, and decide how you want P[ [V Ă„[ PU[V `V\Y V]LYHSS SPMLZ[`SL š No specific educational requirements are needed to be a health coach and a good number of coaches haven’t taken JSHZZLZ [V ILJVTL H JVHJO )\[ [YHPUPUN [OYV\NO VUSPUL JLY[PĂ„JH[PVU programs such as Hoppe’s is H]HPSHISL ;OL [YHPUPUN [`WPJHSS` takes about 60 to 90 days, and the budding health coaches learn about such topics as fitness plans, the science behind healthy foods and how to design a health WYVNYHT MVY H JSPLU[ ¸;OL NYV^[O PU OLHS[O coaching is part of the growth in [OL V]LYHSS Ă„LSK VM SPML JVHJOPUN 0[ÂťZ HU LZWLJPHSS` HWWLHSPUN JHYLLY opportunity for people over 40 who have faced age discrimination since the recession and have grown weary of being rejected I` OPYPUN THUHNLYZ š ZH`Z (YPLSH >PSJV_ WYLZPKLU[ VM ;OL >PSJV_ (NLUJ` >PSJV_ PZ H SP[LYHY` HNLU[ I\[ her agency also has a businessTVKLS SPJLUZPUN KP]PZPVU :OL OLSWZ doctors and other professionals set up their own coaching or health-coaching networks, and she assisted Hoppe in establishing OLYZ ¸;OPY[` `LHYZ HNV [OLYL ^HZ UV

Z\JO [OPUN HZ H SPML JVHJO š >PSJV_ ZH`Z ¸;VKH` P[ÂťZ H O\NL WYVMLZZPVU ;OL TVZ[ YLJLU[ Ă„N\YLZ HYL MYVT 2012, and life coaching was a TPSSPVU I\ZPULZZ PU [OL <UP[LK States that year and nearly $2 IPSSPVU ^VYSK^PKL š /VWWL HUK >PSJV_ ZH` [OLYL are several reasons this is a banner time for the health-coaching PUK\Z[Y` ( ML^ VM [OVZL HYL! ‹ 0UZ\YHUJL JVTWHUPLZ are forcing companies and corporations toward more preventative health care for serious medical conditions, including diabetes, obesity and O`WLY[LUZPVU ‹ 3H^Z OH]L JOHUNLK ZV that physicians are now paid by Medicare for overseeing weight loss and other conditions in VILZL WH[PLU[Z 4LKPJHYL HSZV has been phasing in a plan that links a portion of doctors’ pay [V [OLPY WLYMVYTHUJL ;OH[ WSHU will be completely phased in by 2017, making the need for health JVHJOLZ L]LU TVYL PTWVY[HU[ ‹ ;OLYL HYL HIV\[ TPSSPVU )HI` )VVTLYZ PU [OL < : ^P[O [\YUPUN L]LY` KH` Many of these Baby Boomers will employ health coaches to improve [OLPY OLHS[O HUK ^LSSULZZ >PSJV_ ILNHU [YHJRPUN [OL YPZL in coaching – especially health JVHJOPUN Âś H U\TILY VM `LHYZ HNV “Health coaching has risen 38 percent in the last few years,â€? >PSJV_ ZH`Z ¸>P[O [OL [\YU [V^HYK preventative medicine to cut health costs, as well as the push to address obesity, health coaches will be in an excellent position to January 27, 2016

PALM SPRINGS Seniors on Stage on

create their own health-coaching business or get a job in a clinic, OVZWP[HS VY JVYWVYH[L ZL[[PUN š ;OL H]LYHNL HUU\HS ZHSHY` MVY all types of coaches is $47,900, HJJVYKPUN [V [OL 0U[LYUH[PVUHS *VHJO -LKLYH[PVU 0U [OL < : fulltime coaches make an average of more than $83,000 and parttime coaches average about H `LHY ;OL HK]HU[HNLZ MVY [OL OLHS[O JVHJO HYL JSLHY I\[ [OL ILULĂ„[Z are also great for the clients and [OLPY LTWSV`LYZ >PSJV_ ZH`Z ¸0M WLVWSL HYL OLHS[OPLY [OH[ can lower the insurance costs for [OLPY LTWSV`LYZ š ZOL ZH`Z ¸>P[O some companies, you can get a bonus at work or at least pay less MVY PUZ\YHUJL ;OH[ÂťZ SPRL NP]PUN `V\YZLSM H YHPZL š Hoppe expects the demand for health coaches to continue to NYV^ LZWLJPHSS` HTVUN ^VTLU ¸>VTLU HYL SP]PUN SVUNLY and searching for ways to take better care of themselves from a preventative and nutritional Z[HUKWVPU[ š ZOL ZH`Z ¸/LHS[O coaches will provide them the education and accountability they need to achieve their health NVHSZ š (IV\[ +Y +PHUH /VWWL! +Y +PHUH /VWWL H IVHYK JLY[PĂ„LK obstetrician and gynecologist, is [OL MV\UKLY VM (THaPUN 6]LY 0UJ ^^^ HTHaPUNV]LY JVT H health coaching certification WYVNYHT MVY ^VTLU :OL HSZV PZ an author and speaker who has ILLU MLH[\YLK VU H U\TILY VM ;= ZOV^Z PUJS\KPUN ¸+Y 6a š

Comedy Night Palm Springs Purple Room more PUMV O[[W! JVTLK`UPNO[ MLI IW[ TL VY VY W\YWSLYVVTWHST ZWYPUNZ com or 760-322-4422 Escena Lounge & Grill Live Entertainment FridaySat Nights 1100 Clubhouse =PL^ JVU[HJ[ ,SPZL (YV\O 760-992-0002 Altar Boyz VU -YPKH` (WYPS 8-10, 2016 Fridays and :H[\YKH`Z H[ W T HUK :\UKH`Z TH[PULL H[ W T at 538 North Palm Canyon +YP]L -VY TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU JHSS Sugar -YPKH` 4HY (WY -YPKH`Z HUK :H[\YKH`Z H[ W T HUK :\UKH`Z H[ W T -VY PUMV Sordid Lives -YPKH` -LI 12-14, 2016 Fridays and :H[\YKH`Z H[ W T HUK :\UKH`Z H[ W T -VY PUMV 27th Annual PS File Festival *HTLSV[ ;OLH[YLZ , )HYPZ[V 9K 1HU Z[ [O ;LSLWOVUL! 322-2930 Evening Entertainment H[ >VVK`ÂťZ )\YNLYZ 1Haa *S\I 5 0UKPHU *HU`VU

PALM DESERT The Park After Dark: ;OL

Living Desert 6:30 to 8:30 W T 0UMV! ^^^ SP]PUNKLZLY[ VYN" El Paseo Cruise Night 1st and 3rd Fridays of LHJO TVU[O ! W T -VY info, call 760-346-8965 or LSWHZLVJY\PZLUPNO[ JVT College of the Desert Street Fair Sat 7-2pm & Sundays 7-12pm More 0UMV Kid’s Summer Cooking Camps! Open to ages 7-14! 47875 Caleo Bay Drive

( JHSS >LLRS` 3P]L ,U[LY[HPUTLU[ Nightly Mastro’s Stekhouse 73405 El Paseo 760-6777 El Paseo Cruise Night 1st and 3rd Fridays of each TVU[O MYVT ! W T -VY info, call 760-346-8965 or LSWHZLVJY\PZLUPNO[ JVT Red’s Rock Star Karaoke: ,]LY` ;O\YZKH` UPNO[ MYVT WT [V ! HT For more information, go to ZJOTPK`Z[H]LYU JVT Continued on page 18




(YL `V\ YLTLTILYPUN L]LU[Z from the past, feeling more ZLUZP[P]L 0UZWPYLK HUK WLYOHWZ TVYL PUZPNO[M\S& 0Z [OLYL H ZLUZL of sadness or woundedness? Prayer, meditation, study, retreats are good at this time, allowing gentleness and kindness, more compassion and caring to LTLYNL ;OLZL ]PY[\LZ OLSW \Z when placed at the center of an (X\HYPHU NYV\W HZRPUN \Z [V IL [OL SLHKLY HUK WYVQLJ[ [OL M\[\YL You, the “initiator of all things UL^š ^PSS IL HZRLK

TAURUS @V\YL ÄYZ[ TPZZPVU PZ [LUKPUN to health, your bones, muscles, heart, and not let yourself become fatigues, overwhelmed VY JVSK @V\ T\Z[ \ZL `V\Y practicality to care for yourself ILMVYL V[OLYZ 7LVWSL ^PSS JVTL [V `V\ MVY OLSW ;OL` HSYLHK` OH]L @V\ T\Z[ IL Z[YVUN MVY them and weigh what is best – to provide others with a healing journey, or nurse your physical IVK` IHJR [V WLYMLJ[ OLHS[O :[\K` -\UJ[PVUHS 4LKPJPUL

GEMINI Something benevolent and IV\U[PM\S 1\WP[LY OHWWLUZ between you and the world at large, between you and your ^VYR HUK WYVMLZZPVU @V\ÂťYL


inspired, encouraged and guided [V^HYK HSS [OH[ PZ NVVK >P[O careful study, preparation, and viewing the past in terms of your talents and gifts, pathways open, choices then commitments are made, and abundance settles PU[V `V\Y OLHY[

You relate better with others, especially those close by if you see them as essential KP]PUL ILPUNZ ;OL` ^PSS ISVVT HUK ÅV\YPZO PUJYLHZL [OYP]L WYVZWLY HUK \UMVSK SPRL H SV[\Z You offer them praise and love in HI\UKHUJL *OHSSLUNPUN UV VUL Offering compassionate praiseful CANCER \UKLYZ[HUKPUN PUZ[LHK @V\ ILNPU [V IL UV\YPZOLK ;OL WHZ[ KYVWZ ( UL^ HUK KPMMLYLU[ Z[\K` H^H` daily routine, new structures, LIBRA perhaps new studies have been PU[YVK\JLK [V `V\ ;OL` THRL `V\ MLLS NLULYV\Z HUK JHWHISL <ZL `V\Y PTHNPUH[PVU [V [OPUR -VY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL `V\ MLLS H[ OVTL about what you want to be - what 0[Z NVVK [V L_WSVYL H J\S[\YL VY H career, occupation and vocation time or a reality that is unknown you truly and deeply want to [V `V\ 7LYOHWZ ZOYV\KLK PU W\YZ\L (ZR [OPZ VM `V\YZLSM ;OL secrecy or hidden in dreams and HUZ^LYZ ^PSS Z\I[S` HWWLHY ;HSR PU OPZ[VY` :[\K`PUN [OPZ JOHUNLZ to everyone about your hopes, `V\Y PUULY HUK V\[LY SPML @V\ HYL KYLHTZ HUK ^PZOLZ 0U [OL OHWW` upcoming months you become Z[YVUNLY HUK TVYL YLZPSPLU[ LEO Seek astrological timing for any Z\YNLYPLZ ,H[ ZHSHKZ ^P[O LHJO Each day subtly you become TLHS -PUK [OL *HMt .YH[P[\KL more perceptive, more wise, JVVRIVVR more intuitive and enlightened SCORPIO about those around you, LZWLJPHSS` JV ^VYRLYZ :VTLVUL something, some words or the Don’t go down the road of love of one of the kingdoms, shift investments thinking the you into a deeper awareness of LJVUVT` ^PSS PTWYV]L ZVVU ZWPYP[\HS YLHSP[PLZ ;OPZ JVTLZ Don’t take risks with your money through intimacy, resources, HUK YLZV\YJLZ 0UZ[LHK ILNPU ]PZPVUZ VY KYLHTZ 3V]L PZ QV`M\S serious preparation for a new 0[ PZ HS^H`Z RPUK economy to unfold that will look much different than what we are VIRGO \ZLK [V +VU[ ZWLJ\SH[L 0UZ[LHK get a couple of good books on

greenhouses and bio shelters and use your resources to create [OLZL LU]PYVUTLU[Z :H[\YU JHSSZ `V\ [V IL ^PZL PU [OLZL TH[[LYZ


things in form and matter continue [V KPZHWWLHY ;OPZ TLHUZ `V\ must be very careful with all YLZV\YJLZ LZWLJPHSS` TVUL` @V\ may feel wounded by what you consider as a lack of important [OPUNZ PU `V\Y SPML +V UV[ HSSV^ [OPZ [V IL `V\Y PU[LYWYL[H[PVU @V\ are being prepared for something PTWVY[HU[ 0U VYKLY [V OLSW V[OLYZ You must experience these [OPUNZ ILMVYL O\THUP[` KVLZ :V `V\ JHU OLSW [OLT @V\ JHYY` [OL (X\HYP\Z [HZR >L Z[HUK ^P[O `V\ (SVUN ^P[O [OL HUNLSZ You will be given new

So many different ideas are PU `V\Y TPUK 7LYOHWZ `V\YL [OPURPUN VM TV]PUN MHY H^H` ( WSHJL PU [OL :\U 7LYOHWZ P[Z [V YL[\YU OVTL @V\ ^HU[ H WSHJL ULHY H IVK` VM ^H[LY :VTLOV^ you feel clouded as to where OVTL PZ @LZ 5LW[\UL OHZ `V\ in a boat somewhere, directions PU[V [OL M\[\YL \URUV^U )HZR PISCES PU [OLZL \URUV^UZ ;OL` HYL SPRL JSV\KZ 5V\YPZOPUN `V\ till the next phase of personal YLZWVUZPIPSP[PLZ [OPZ `LHY KL]LSVWTLU[ HWWLHYZ :[\K` Carefully follow through with [OL 0 *OPUN [OLT =PZ\HSPaL L]LY`[OPUN ÄYZ[ Organize all environments, CAPRICORN papers, schedules, agendas and JVTTP[TLU[Z .YHJL HUK ILH\[` -VY [OL UL_[ Ä]L TVU[OZ `V\Y and a new sense of identity will thoughts become happy, LTLYNL ;P[OL NLULYV\ZS` HUK VW[PTPZ[PJ @V\YL \UKLYZ[HUKPUN JVUZPZ[LU[S` [V [OVZL PU ULLK THU` SPML X\LZ[PVUZ @V\ ^PSS ZOPM[ *OHUNL `V\Y LH[PUN OHIP[Z ;OL MYVT ]HN\LULZZ 5LW[\UL [V 7HSLV 0TT\UL KPL[ PZ [\YUPUN V\[ YLHSPaPUN PU[LU[PVUZ MVY .VVK^PSS [V IL ILZ[ MVY HSS VM \Z 9LHK You will bring grace and study, assess and gradually NVVKULZZ [V HSS PU[LYHJ[PVUZ @V\ HKHW[ P[ help others who have lost their ^H` )LNPU ^YP[PUN QV\YUHSPUN Risa D’Angeles is the founder ISVNNPUN HIV\[ `V\Y KHPS` SP]L and director of the Esoteric & You have important things to Astrological Studies Research ZOHYL Institute: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology. She can be reached AQUARIUS at ;OPZ JVTPUN `LHY TH` MLLS SPRL HSS

Family of Man Killed in DHS Collision Speaks Out

By Kitty Alvarado +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *H +VUHSK :JV[[ [OL IYV[OLY of James Scott, one of two men who were killed in a head on collision in Desert Hot Springs on Sunday night says he still can’t ILSPL]L OPZ IYV[OLY PZ NVUL ;OL HJJPKLU[ OHWWLULK Q\Z[ ILMVYL ! W T VU :\UKH` UPNO[ VU 5VY[O 0UKPHU *HU`VU Drive near 19th Street in Desert /V[ :WYPUNZ 7VSPJL ZH` VUL car veered into the other lane



JVSSPKPUN ^P[O [OL V[OLY JHY )V[O drivers were killed and three other passengers were taken to the hospital where they are still YLJV]LYPUN MYVT [OLPY PUQ\YPLZ Donald says this stretch of road is poorly lit and wonders if that may have contributed to the accident but police say there have not been any major accidents on this road in recent years and say conditions did not play a role but have not ruled out human error, medical issues,

mechanical problems or drugs HUK HSJVOVS Donald says he worked with his brother James at the Palm :WYPUNZ 0U[LYUH[PVUHS (PYWVY[ and was just with him the day ILMVYL /L ZH`Z [OL WLVWSL [OL` ^VYR ^P[O HYL SPRL H MHTPS` 1HTLZ ^VYRLK [OLYL MVY V]LY `LHYZ ;VT 5VSHU L_LJ\[P]L director of the Palm Springs 0U[LYUH[PVUHS (PYWVY[ ZLU[ \Z [OPZ statement: ¸4Y 1HTLZ :JV[[ ^HZ H Z\WLY]PZVY MVY H Ă„YT H[ 7HST :WYPUNZ 0U[LYUH[PVUHS (PYWVY[ that provided curbside checkPU HUK ^OLLSJOHPY ZLY]PJLZ /L was a consummate gentleman and worked at the airport for `LHYZ >L HYL ZHKKLULK I` this tragic news, but will always remember his contribution and service to tens of thousands of passengers he served over the `LHYZ š Donald says he will remember his brother’s smile HUK ZLUZL VM O\TVY /L ZH`Z his brother James will always be with them in spirit Names of the other victims OH]L UV[ ILLU YLSLHZLK January 27, 2016


Photo by Richard Reichman 0M `V\ HYL H ¸:[HY >HYZš fan, chances are you will want [V LUQV` ¸:[HY >HYZ! ;OL -VYJL (^HRLUZš TVYL [OHU VUJL VU [OL IPN ZJYLLU >L Ă„YZ[ ZH^ it on the Disney lot prior to the VWLUPUN I\[ 0 KLJPKLK 0 ^HU[LK [V ZLL P[ H[ [OL ,S *HWP[HU ;OLH[YL in Hollywood to check out the JVZ[\TLZ [OH[ HYL VU KPZWSH` 0[ÂťZ HTHaPUN [V ZLL [OL HJ[\HS costumes and to realize just OV^ [PU` *HYYPL -PZOLY YLHSS` PZ (UV[OLY HKKLK H[[YHJ[PVU PU [OL main lobby is a display featuring three main characters in the Ă„ST 9L` [OL MLTHSL SLHK [OL adorable droid BB-8 and Kylo Ren, the sinister Darth Vader ^HUUHIL (SS [OYLL HYL SPML ZPaLK and are made completely out of 3LNVZ >V^ )L Z\YL [V IYPUN your camera or phone so you can take a photo or two with [OLT ;OL UPNO[ ^L ZH^ [OL Ă„ST theatre staff provided light sabers [V IYHUKPZO PU `V\Y WOV[V Prior to the movie there is a laser and music show that will put you in the mood before the J\Y[HPUZ WHY[ HUK [OL Ă„ST ILNPUZ PU ¸H NHSH_` MHY MHY H^H` š ;OL Ă„ST PZ ZOV^U PU +VSI` =PZPVU a high dynamic range laser projection system, and Dolby ([TVZ H ZV\UK Z`Z[LT [OH[ UV[ only surrounds the listener, but also provides additional sounds MYVT HIV]L ;OPZ YLHSS` LUOHUJLZ [OL ^OVSL L_WLYPLUJL On your way out go through the adjacent Disney Studio Store and Ghirardelli Soda Fountain and check out all sorts of souvenirs available for W\YJOHZL @V\ ^PSS HSZV YLJLP]L H MYLL .OPYHYKLSSP JOVJVSH[L JHUK` ;OL ,S *HWP[HU ;OLH[YL PZ SVJH[LK H[ /VSS`^VVK )S]K -VY tickets and information phone +0:5,@ VY NV VUSPUL H[ LSJHWP[HU[OLH[YL JVT



Photo by Richard Reichman 5L^ VU +=+! ;OL JYP[PJHSS` acclaimed martial arts drama ¸;OL (ZZHZZPU š MYVT SLNLUKHY` ;HP^HULZL KPYLJ[VY /V\ /ZPHV hsien (“Flight of the Red Balloon,â€? ¸;OYLL ;PTLZš ^PSS IL H]HPSHISL on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital HD VU 1HU\HY` ¸;OL (ZZHZZPU š [OL KPYLJ[VYÂťZ Ă„YZ[ Ă„ST PU LPNO[ years, was a sensation at the Cannes Film Festival where he ^VU MVY )LZ[ +PYLJ[VY 0[ PZ HSZV ;HP^HUÂťZ Z\ITPZZPVU MVY )LZ[ Foreign Language Film at the [O (JHKLT` (^HYKZ ;OL ]PZ\HSS` Z[\UUPUN TV[PVU picture, set in China in the 9th century, is an action packed blending of historical drama with thrilling swordplay and martial HY[Z 0U [OL Z[VY` HU L_PSLK HZZHZZPU :O\ 8P ¸;HP *OP /LYV š ¸;OL ;YHUZWVY[LYš T\Z[ JOVVZL between love or duty when she receives orders to kill a man *OHUN *OLU ¸*YV\JOPUN ;PNLY /PKKLU +YHNVUš MYVT OLY WHZ[ Bonus features include ¸;OL (J[VYZ! 5V 9LOLHYZHSZ š ¸;OL -PNO[Z )L[^LLU 4HZ[LYZ š ¸( ;PTL 4HJOPUL! ;V ;OL ;HUN +`UHZ[`š HUK TVYL ;OL Ă„ST OHZ a running time of 105 minutes HUK PZ UV[ YH[LK (SZV YLSLHZLK VU 1HU ¸( )YPSSPHU[ @V\UN 4PUK š 0UZWPYLK I` [Y\L L]LU[Z [OL Ă„ST [LSSZ [OL Z[VY` of a teen-aged math prodigy who struggles when it comes to I\PSKPUN YLSH[PVUZOPWZ -YVT :VU` 7PJ[\YLZ YH[LK 7. >HYULY )YVZÂť ¸;OL 0U[LYUš is also now available on Blu-ray HUK +=+ ;OL JOHYTPUN JVTLK` Z[HYZ 9VILY[ +L 5PYV HUK (UUL /H[OH^H`


Movie stars work out and eat right to stay slim and you too can trim down with the help of ¸;OL 7LYMLJ[ 7VY[PVU *VVRIVVRš written by “Happy Daysâ€? star (UZVU >PSSPHTZ HSVUN ^P[O Z[HY

Photo by Richard Reichman

JVVRIVVR H\[OVY )VI >HYKLU and nutritionist and healthy YLJPWL L_WLY[ 4VUH +VSNV] <ZPUN [OLPY ZPTWSL JHSVYPL counting system you don’t have to give up the comfort foods you SV]L `V\ JHU LH[ [OLT HSS ;OPZ YL]VS\[PVUHY` UL^ cookbook provides 150 delicious comfort food recipes designed to taste even better than the originals, so this is not a diet plan,

but a book that empowers you to eat the comfort foods you love made with healthy ingredients in the portion size that’s right for `V\ >P[O [OPZ SH]PZOS` PSS\Z[YH[LK cookbook, you have the perfect planning tool to eat what you SV]L ^P[OV\[ V]LYLH[PUN ;OL book also includes a 100-calorie food guide for snacks, sides and TVYL -VY M\Y[OLY PUMVYTH[PVU NV [V ^^^ JHSVYPLJOLM JVT

0M `V\ I\` [OL JVVRIVVR prior to the Oscars, you can make snacks and sides that are fun and healthful to enjoy as you ^H[JO [OL [LSLJHZ[ (UK PM `V\ follow this plan, the “winner� will IL `V\ HUK `V\Y ^HPZ[SPUL 4H` the Force--not the fat--be with `V\

Ogin, Inc. Cordially Invites You To a Community Meeting To Learn about the Latest Innovation in Wind Energy Technology. Tuesday, January 26 5:00pm - 6:30pm Carl May Community Center 11711 West Drive Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240

Find out more about Ogin’s plans to re-power an existing wind farm on Dillion Road next to the Sentinel Power Plant utilizing this exciting new technology. Complimentary Beverages + Refreshments will be provided. For more information contact: Brian Rix January 27, 2016



CENTER STAGE My Sister� - Set in Berlin in the 1930s - on Stage WITH BEVERLY COHN

;OL /VSS`^VVK -YPUNL Festival is an annual event [OH[ ZOV^JHZLZ UL^ ^VYRZ “My Sister,â€? written by Janet :JOSHWRVOS ^VU ZL]LYHS H^HYKZ 0ÂťT Z\YL ^OH[ THKL [OL VYPNPUHS production particularly interesting was that the two actresses; Elizabeth and Emily Hinkler are actually identical twins, which PZ ]LY` \UPX\L JHZ[PUN 5L^ material has been added to the current play, which has been expanded to 95 minutes ^P[OV\[ HU PU[LYTPZZPVU /H]PUN UV[ ZLLU [OL VYPNPUHS ^VYR 0 JHU only comment on its present ]LYZPVU HUK 0ÂťT HMYHPK HS[OV\NO the ideas are well intentioned, the new version is overwritten, Ă…H^LK HUK ZVTL^OH[ KLYP]H[P]L ;OL Z[VY` [HRLZ WSHJL PU )LYSPU in the shadow of an expanding /P[SLY WYLZLUJL 4HNKH ,TPS` /PURSLY ^VYRZ WHY[ [PTL PU H SVJHS OVZWP[HS :OL ZWLUKZ [OL YLZ[ VM her time either lovingly tending to the needs of her sister Matilde, ,SPaHIL[O /PURSLY ^OV PZ ZL]LYLS` handicapped due to cerebral palsy, or singing and telling jokes PU H SVJHS JHIHYL[ 4H[PSKL ^OV is much more insightful than her sister, is housebound and spends her time listening to the radio and writing material MVY OLY ZPZ[LYÂťZ HJ[ +LZWP[L OLY physical challenge, she is very playful and has a great sense of O\TVY ;OL` SP]L PU H Y\U KV^U room with the bathroom down [OL OHSS ;OL` [YLHZ\YL [OL IHY of soap their neighbor Herr Holtz gave them, which they keep near [OL ^HZOIHZPU (S[OV\NO ^L never see him, we learn that he wants to be a Nazi block leader HUK 4HNKH [YPLZ [V H]VPK OPT (JJVTWHUPLK I` [OL ¸7PHUV Player,â€? Barbara Rottman, Magda

ZPUNZ OLY Ă„YZ[ ZVUN PU [OL JHIHYL[ ^P[O H WLUJPSLK PU TV\Z[HJOL ;OL S`YPJZ KLYPKL TLU HUK emphasize that women do very well without them and also touch upon what today we know as JYVZZ NLUKLY 0[ MLLSZ ]LY` T\JO like the famous “Cabaretâ€? without the talent of Liza Minnelli, which 0 N\LZZ PZ UV[ H MHPY JVTWHYPZVU Furthermore, Magda’s version VM ¸-HSSPUN 0U 3V]L (NHPU š ^HZ \UKLY WP[JOLK 6UL JV\SK UV[ help being reminded of the incomparable Marlene Dietrich’s famous torchy rendition of that ZVUN 0M `V\ÂťYL NVPUN [V ZPUN such an iconic piece of material, `V\Âť]L NV[ [V NL[ P[ YPNO[ ;OYV\NOV\[ [OL WSH` Schlapkohl sprinkles in some HT\ZPUN SPULZ Z\JO HZ ¸>OLU 0 ^HZ `V\UN 0 ^HU[LK [V IL H doctor, but my parents forced TL [V IL HU HJ[YLZZ š >OLU Magda looks for some cheese [V LH[ 4H[PSKL ZH`Z ¸0 H[L P[ HSS 0 JHUÂť[ IL HSVUL ^P[O JOLLZL š ;OL` QVRL HIV\[ [OLPY ]LYZPVU of the height of fashion, which would be a woman walking with a monkey on a leash wearing a KPHTVUK JVSSHY (Z [OL HJ[PVU \UMVSKZ ^L hear a lot of exterior noise and the sound of riots in the streets, which we are told is from the /P[SLY `V\[O 4HNKH [HSRZ HIV\[ some of the sicker patients at the hospital being taken away in vans MVY ZWLJPHS [YLH[TLU[ H[ H JSPUPJ Hitlerism is slowly permeating life in Berlin and ultimately she learns what the fate is of those patients taken away in the vans, including OLY MH]VYP[L SP[[SL WH[PLU[ (SS [OH[ PZ SLM[ VM OPT HYL OPZ NSHZZLZ Bye and bye Magda is given a copy of the National Socialists Performers Rules and now has

L-R: Emily Hinkler as Magda with her twin sister Elizabeth as Matilde in Janet Schlapkol’s “My Sister,â€? on stage at the Odyssey Theatre. Photo by Enci Box to revamp her act to conform [V [OVZL N\PKLSPULZ >OLU ZOL tells Matilde that she has to make some cuts in the material, she becomes very angry and KVLZUÂť[ ^HU[ [V KV P[ *OVPJLZ however, are become more and TVYL SPTP[LK 6UL WHY[PJ\SHYS` telling moment is the changing faces of the cabaret audiences, which went from civilian men and women to a room full of brown \UPMVYTZ Hitler, as history tells us, ultimately declared martial law and named himself supreme leader, pressing down on .LYTHU`ÂťZ SPILY[PLZ 4H[LYPHS broadcasted over the radio was supervised by Goebbels and anyone listening to oversees broadcasts would be guilty of treason and could be sent [V H JVUJLU[YH[PVU JHTW (Z freedoms are slowly usurped, Magda makes Matilde give up her beloved radio and well, we all know what the Final Solution

was regarding the infirmed, homosexuals, and European 1L^Z >P[O YLNHYKZ [V [OL [^V directors, Ron Sossi and Paul David Story, the direction, aside from the “historicâ€? story line, did not have Sossi’s usual brilliant [V\JO ;OLYL ^LYL ]LY` SVUN pauses while stage business was L_LJ\[LK P L [OL KYLZZPUN HUK \UKYLZZPUN VM 4H[PSKL :VTL of the lighting was so dark you couldn’t see the action, especially in the opening and JSVZPUN ZJLULZ 4` O\UJO PZ PM Sossi was the sole director, cuts would have been made to the material and the pacing would OH]L ZWLK \W (Z P[ Z[HUKZ P[ÂťZ H ]LY` SVUN TPU\[LZ (NHPU UV[ having seen the original, shorter ]LYZPVU 0 Z\ZWLJ[ [OL SHJR VM Emily Hinkler’s vocal talent not withstanding, it was a much more compelling and a tighter WYLZLU[H[PVU VM ¸4` :PZ[LY š ;LJOUPJHSS` [OL ZL[ KLZPNU

by Pete Hickok truly captures the poverty under which these sisters are living, while the sound design by Christopher Moscatiello took us outside the tiny room in which the girls live, illuminating the growing menace PU [OL Z[YLL[Z +LYYPJR 4J+HUPLSÂťZ lighting design could use some PTWYV]LTLU[

the extraordinary career of the Beatles: Liverpool’s legendary *H]LYU *S\I ;OL ,K :\SSP]HU :OV^ :OLH :[HKP\T (IIL` 9VHK :[\KPVZ HUK [OL ÄUHS SP]L performance on the rooftop of [OLPY (WWSL *VYW VMÄJLZ >P[O manager Brian Epstein serving HZ UHYYH[VY 0U 4` 3PML HSSV^Z [OL audience to get a glimpse inside the world of the Beatles from their point of view, as well as hear some of the greatest songs L]LY ^YP[[LU /PZ[VYPJHS ZL[[PUNZ such as the Cavern Club are established on stage with videos and images which play behind the actors and musicians on a ]PKLV ZJYLLU ;OL ZOV^ PU 7HST Springs is part of a 125 city tour [OYV\NO [OL < : *HUHKH HUK (\Z[YHSPH >P[O [OLPY [PNO[ OHYTVUPLZ flawless renditions, custom– tailored costumes, vintage instruments, Liverpudlian dialect and precise attention to detail,

they recreate the magic of the Beatles, including the Fab Four’s cheeky personalities and familiar VUZ[HNL IHU[LY 0U 4` 3PML [HRLZ the audience back to February ^OLU (TLYPJH ^H[JOLK [OL )LH[SLZ MVY [OL Ă„YZ[ [PTL VU ;OL ,K :\SSP]HU :OV^ WSH`PUN ¸0 >HU[ ;V /VSK @V\Y /HUK š Progressing through their various musical stages, the audience re-experiences the psychedelic LYH VM :N[ 7LWWLYÂťZ 3VULS` Hearts Club Band, the creation of the haunting “Blackbirdâ€? and the raucous rock and roll of ¸9L]VS\[PVU š ;PJRL[Z HYL HUK may be purchased online at ^^^ HUULUILYN[OLH[LY VYN I` WOVUPUN VY H[ [OL [OLH[YL IV_ VMĂ„JL SVJH[LK H[ 5 4\ZL\T +Y 7HST :WYPUNZ *( ;OL IV_ VMĂ„JL PZ VWLU >LK -YP H W ;OL ZOV^ PZ HWWYVWYPH[L MVY HSS HNLZ

Odyssey Theatre 2055 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 Wednesdays – 8:00 pm Feb. 3 & Feb. 24 (Only) Thursdays – 8:00pm Feb. 11, Feb, 18 & March 3 (Only) Fridays & Saturdays – 8:00 pm Sundays – 2:00 pm Closing: Sunday, March 6, 2016 Tickets: $25-$34 Reservations: 310.477.2055 Ext. 2 or

Award-winning musical retelling of the Beatles story

“Sullivancolor� shows (l-r) Nate Bott (“John�), Axel Clarke (“Ringo�), Jesse Wilder (“George�) and Chris Paul Overall (“Paul�); “Windcolor� shows Nate Bott (“John�), Chris Paul Overall (“Paul�), Axel Clarke (“Ringo�) and Jesse Wilder (“George�); “Sgtpepper� shows Nate Bott (“John�), Axel Clarke (“Ringo�), Chris Paul Overall (“Paul�) and Jesse Wilder (“George�). Photo by Michelle Fairless 0U 4` 3PML ( 4\ZPJHS ;OLH[YL ;YPI\[L [V ;OL )LH[SLZ is the award-winning musical IPVNYHWO` VM ;OL )LH[SLZ through the eyes of manager Brian Epstein and features the live music of renowned tribute



IHUK (IIL` 9VHK ;OL ZOV^ is widely considered by industry insiders to be the most unique )LH[SLZ ZOV^ PU KLJHKLZ ;OL multi-media musical comes [V [OL (UULUILYN ;OLH[LY VU -YPKH` -LIY\HY` H[ ! WT

;OL 7HST :WYPUNZ /PNO :JOVVS String Quartet will accompany [OL IHUK VU Z[HNL MVY Ă„]L ZVUNZ More than just a Beatles [YPI\[L JVUJLY[ 0U 4` 3PML NP]LZ the audience a chance to “be thereâ€? at pivotal moments in January 27, 2016

Rancho Mirage Writers Festival booked solid!

Stewart and Barbara Boxer with Helene Galen and Katharine Harrington

By Pamela Price ( IVVR SV]LYZ WHYHKPZL Rancho Mirage was the place to be recently for desert IVVR^VYTZ 4VYL [OHU L]LY ILMVYL [OL ;OPYK (UU\HS 9HUJOV 4PYHNL >YP[LYZ -LZ[P]HS ^HZ a landmark event for literary HÄJPVUHKVZ H\[OVYZ HUK MHUZ Some 38 books and their authors were brought together with over 800 attendees, with the VMÄJPHS WYVNYHT Z[HY[PUN H[ 74 1HU\HY` Z[ -VY [OL UL_[ [^V days, authors spoke about their latest books with ample time for X\LZ[PVUZ MYVT [OLPY H\KPLUJL ;OYV\NOV\[ )HYULZ Noble had a pop-up store at the festival venues, donating a percentage of all proceeds [V [OL 9HUJOV 4PYHNL >YP[LYZ -LZ[P]HS +H]PK )Y`HU[ 9HUJOV Mirage Library’s Director, was on hand to greet guests along with Jamie Kabler, the Festival’s -V\UKLY Z[LWZ H^H` (U LMÄJPLU[

team of 20 parking valets in pink shirts, whisked cars away so that attendees could be swiftly seated in the Library’s Steinbeck, 3VUKVU VY +PKPVU YVVTZ ;OLYL ^LYL UV LTW[` ZLH[Z ^OLU (YP Shavit, author of My Promised Land spoke candidly on issues PTWHJ[PUN 0ZYHLS HUK [OL 4PKKSL ,HZ[ ;OL HM[LYUVVU WYPVY :OH]P[ along with Bret Stephens of the >HSS :[YLL[ 1V\YUHS ZWVRL HIV\[ the timely topic of terrorism and HU[P :LTP[PZT PU ,\YVWL ([ [OL same time Shavit was speaking about his book, in the London Room adventure story authors, Peter Heller, Hampton Sides and Jonathan Gottshall delved into derring-do in their discussion of “ what happens when the human ZWPYP[ PZ W\[ [V [OL [LZ[ š ;OPZ \ILY SP[LYH[L NH[OLYPUN began on January 21st at the (UULUILYN *LU[LY MVY /LHS[O :JPLUJLZ ^P[O (UKYL^ 9VILY[Z H\[OVY VM ;OL :[VYT VM >HY! (

By Desert Star Staff 3(: =,.(: /VSS`^VVK and glamour arrived on the Las Vegas Strip last night with Jennifer Lopez’s premiere performance of her headlining YLZPKLUJ` ¸1,550-,9 367,A! (33 0 /(=,š H[ ;OL (?0: H[ Planet Hollywood Resort & *HZPUV ;OL NSVIHS Z\WLYZ[HY brought the sold-out audience Ă„SSLK ^P[O MHUZ HUK JLSLIYP[PLZ [V [OLPY MLL[ KHUJPUN [V HSS OLY OP[Z ;OL PUJYLKPISL ZOV^ PUJS\KLK guest performances by Ja Rule ¸0ÂťT 9LHSš 5L @V ¸(SS 0 /H]Lš HUK JSVZLK ^P[O 7P[I\SS ¸6U ;OL -SVVYš Experience the interactive Multimedia News Release OLYL! O[[W! ^^^ T\S[P]\ JVT WSH`LYZ ,UNSPZO QLUUPMLY SVWLa WSHUL[ OVSS`^VVK 0TTLKPH[LS` HM[LY [OL show, Lopez celebrated her triumphant debut with an after WHY[` H[ 49 */6> H[ *HLZHYZ Palace, which also served as [OL YLZ[H\YHU[ÂťZ NYHUK VWLUPUN 0U HKKP[PVU [V 3VWLa HUK [OL restaurant’s founder, Michael Chow, celebrities in attendance included Justin Bieber, Ryan

:LHJYLZ[ 9LILS >PSZVU ; 0 9VZPL /\U[PUN[VU >OP[LSL` 2LSS` Osbourne, Leah Remini, Gina Rodriguez, Hoda Kotb, Camilla )LSSL >PSTLY =HSKLYYHTH 9`HU Guzman, Cheryl Burke, Derek Hough, Nicole Scherzinger, 2LLULU 0]VY` >H`HUZ 2PLZaH Pras, and her entire “Shades of Blueâ€? cast including Ray Liotta, :HYHO 1LMMLY` >HYYLU 2VSL Santino Fontana, Gino Pesi and +H`V 6RLUP`P Directed by Nappytabs, the husband and wife team of 5HWVSLVU HUK ;HIP[OH +\TV the spectacular show features Lopez’s hit songs including “On ;OL -SVVY š ¸1LUU` -YVT ;OL Block,â€? “Get Rightâ€? and “Love +VUÂť[ *VZ[ ( ;OPUN š ( [Y\S` unique production supported I` H Ă„]L WPLJL SP]L IHUK HUK 16 dancers, showcasing extravagant costumes and state-of-the-art technology in sets, lighting, video and special effects, the audience experiences Lopez up close and personal, yet larger than SPML :LHTSLZZS` PU[LY^LH]PUN different parts of the life of 1LUUPMLY 3VWLa [OL (J[YLZZ

Thom and Iris Smotrich and David Bryant New History of the Second >VYSK >HY YL]LHSPUN PKPVZ`UJYH[PJ strategic facts that the author VI]PV\ZS` SHIVYPV\ZS` YLZLHYJOLK ;OPZ MHZJPUH[PUN SLJ[\YL ^HZ MVSSV^LK I` ( :JV[[ )LYNZ IVVR )LYN VU 3PUKILYN 0[ ^HZ Berg’s third year opening this successful event that increases in attendance popularity each `LHY ([ [OL JVUJS\ZPVU VM [OL program, guests were invited to the Opening Night party, with a lively book signing, all well choreographed by Barnes 5VISL IVVRZLSSLYZ ;OPY[` eight authors participated this year, with diverse personalities and subjects, from Beverly Johnson, author, actress and [OL MPYZ[ (MYPJHU (TLYPJHU Model to appear on the cover VM (TLYPJHU =VN\L PU to Geoffrey Cowan, president VM [OL (UULUILYN -V\UKH[PVU ;Y\Z[ H[ :\UU`SHUKZ KPZJ\ZZPUN his new book focused on four

Andrew Roberts - Author

TVU[OZ K\YPUN ;OLVKVYL Roosevelt’s 1912 campaign for [OL WYLZPKLUJ` 1HTPL 2HISLY founder, was assisted by Steering Committee Members Melissa Breucks, Julie Childers, :\ZHU *VVR :\ZHU 3 +H]PK +LIVYHO +LQHO (HYVU ,ZWPUVZH

+LIIPL .YLLU ;`YVUL /VMMTHUU +\Z[PU 0UNOHT )VI 9LR\J +PHUL Sagan and Kelly Van Valkenberg ^P[O (UNLS *VUJPLYNLZ ;VT ;Y\OL 1HZVU )Y\LJRZ HUK 9HJOLS /VY^P[a Pam Price contributes to

“Jennifer Lopez: All I Have� At Planet Hollywood

Jennifer Lopez debuts her new Las Vegas headlining residency show JENNIFER LOPEZ: ALL I HAVE at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. Photo Credit - Denise Truscello the Dancer, and the Pop Star - Lopez’s Las Vegas show truly portrays who she is, where she’s ILLU HUK ^OLYL ZOLZ NVPUN ;PJRL[Z HUK =07 WHJRHNLZ for performances through June 2016 are currently on January 27, 2016

ZHSL .LULYHS [PJRL[ WYPJLZ range from $59 to $229, plus applicable tax and fees, and may be purchased online at 13V=LNHZ JVT VY PU WLYZVU H[ [OL 7SHUL[ /VSS`^VVK IV_ VMĂ„JL 7YPJLZ MVY =07 WHJRHNLZ ]HY`


‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹ DesertSTAR


The Career Builder Challenge 2016

Story and Photos by Pat Krause ; O L * H YL L Y ) \ P S K L Y Challenge, formerly the Humana *SHZZPJ HUK ;OL )VI /VWL Chrysler Classic had made ZVTL THQVY JOHUNLZ [OPZ `LHY ;OLYL ^LYL [^V UL^ JV\YZLZ [V [OL YV[H[PVU ;OL 5PJRSH\Z HUK :[HKP\T JV\YZLZ H[ 7.( >LZ[ ;OL /VZ[ *V\YZL PZ [OL :[HKP\T Course and the new Bob Hope Square area is on top of a hill overlooking the driving range HUK [OL JV\YZLZ ;OL ]PL^ VM the Driving range is amazing, a little smaller mountain in the background but still beautiful to ^H[JO [OL NVSMLYZ WYHJ[PJL ;OLYL ^HZ ZVTL[OPUN WSHUULK LHJO KH` ;O\YZKH` was Seniors Day and Friday was >VTLUÂťZ +H` HUK H ISVJR WHY[` PU 6SK ;V^U 3H 8\PU[H :H[ was Patriots Day where Career Builder provided free tickets to V\Y 4PSP[HY` WHZ[ HUK WYLZLU[ Sunday was Kids Day that was free to all kids 15 and under with special activities just for kids in /VWL :X\HYL ;OLYL ^HZ ZVTL Kick-off parties prior to the competition and a luncheon with

Last Years winner Bill Haas. Photo by Pat Krause 37.( *OHTWPVU 1\SPL 0URZ[LY 2015 Solheim Cup Captain and 37.( /HSS VM -HTL TLTILY VU >LK ;OLYL ^HZ WHYRPUN ^P[O buses that take fans to the various courses and go from one course to another so fans could see any WSH`LY [V ^H[JO ;OPZ [OYLL KH` pro-am is well received by the MHUZ 3HZ[ `LHYÂťZ ^PUULY )PSS /HHZ and prior winner and fan favorite Phil Mickelson had many people MVSSV^ [OLT HYV\UK [OL JV\YZL 0[Z HS^H`Z HU`VULZ JOHUJL [V ^PU

here and it has been proven that not always the favorite or most UV[HISL WSH`LY ^PSS ^PU P[ ;OL UL^ )VI /VWL :X\HYL has a lot for visitors that come to the tournament there were vendors from all types of charities [V NVSĂ„UN Z[VYLZ *OHUJLZ [V ^PU WYPaLZ HYL HSS V]LY [OL :X\HYL Career Builder had a large vendor area where guests spun a wheel MVY WYPaLZ 6[OLY ]LUKVYZ KPK the same and many have giveHS^H`Z MVY [OL JYV^KZ -VVK vendors were many and there

PGA-Phil Mickelson, Amateurs Michael Peterson, James Peterson and PGA-Charlie Hoffman. Photo by Pat Krause were places to sit and eat and ^H[JO [OL WSH`LYZ (SS PU HSS [OL` have done an amazing job with [OL UL^ /VZ[ HYLH 0 MV\UK [OH[ the easiest course to navigate from the start was the La Quinta Course as the bus stops close to the action and holes 1,9 and 10 are right there when you get off [OL I\Z 5V[ T\JO ^HSRPUN [V ZLL all the golfers play for people with disabilities or families with young children who do not walk the

JV\YZL VY MVSSV^ H MH]VYP[L NVSMLY ;OL +LZLY[ *SHZZPJ *OHYP[PLZ ;OL JOHYP[HISL WHY[ VM [OL 7.( ;V\Y MVY [OPZ [V\YUHTLU[ OHZ contributed more that 56 millions dollars to Coachella Valley Charities and the Eisenhower 4LKPJHS *LU[LY 4VUPLZ YHPZLK were broad and were given to charities involving Children, Social Services, Food and Safe Haven programs for the needy HUK T\JO TVYL

Spotlight 29 Casino presents an evening of mariachi music

By Desert Star Staff *6(*/,33( *( Âś :WV[SPNO[ 29 Casino is proud to present an evening of incredible mariachi music with Mariachi Festival on -YPKH` 4H` H[ W T ;PJRL[Z HYL VU ZHSL H[ ^^^ :WV[SPNO[ JVT :WV[SPNO[ *HZPUVÂťZ Spotlight Showroom offers the premier entertainment

L_WLYPLUJL PU [OL *VHJOLSSH =HSSL` Mariachi Festival, returning to the Spotlight Showroom for its third year, features three talented Mariachi groups including Mariachi :VS +L 4L_PJV (UH )mYIHYH HUK 4HYPHJOP 9L`UH +L 3VZ (UNLSLZ Mariachi Sol De Mexico, led by the internationally recognized Maestro 1VZL /LYUHUKLa PZ H .YHTT` ĎŽ


Continued from Page 1

relentlessly, causing him to miss throws and be uncharacteristically PUHJJ\YH[L )YHK` MPUPZOLK with 2 interceptions and only [V\JOKV^U VU H[[LTW[Z But what a touchdown it was: 0U [OL Ă„UHS TPU\[L [YHPSPUN I` 8 points, after converting on [O KV^U ;VT )YHK` SVVRPUN



for his NFL-record 7th trip to a Super Bowl found tight end Rob .YVURV^ZRP PU [OL LUK aVUL )\[ the Patriots failed on the 2-point conversation, the Broncos defense held, and Denver will be [OL (-* YLWYLZLU[H[P]L PU :\WLY )V^S ^P[O [OL ^PU ;OPZ PZ [OL [O [YPW MVY t h e B ro n c o s f r a n c h i s e ,

nominated and platinum selling group that have performed to ZVSK ĎŽV\[ H\KPLUJLZ HYV\UK [OL ^VYSK MVY V]LY `LHYZ >P[O H KPZ[PUJ[ ]VJHS YHUNL songwriting and producing [HSLU[ (UH )mYIHYH OHZ KLĂ„ULK the modern Regional Mexican performance and is one of the few acts to garner an international

following that extends beyond 4t_PJV HUK [OL <UP[LK :[H[LZ 0U )mYIHYH YLJLP]LK H 3H[PU Grammy award for “Loca de (THY š ^OPJO ^VU ¸)LZ[ .Y\WLYV (SI\T š :OL OHZ HSZV YLJLP]LK MV\Y “Premio Lo Nuestroâ€? accolades, seven “Premio Furia Musicalâ€? awards, as well three “Premio El Heraldoâ€? trophies for “Best New (Y[PZ[š HUK ¸)LZ[ -LTHSL :PUNLY š 0U )mYIHYH ^HZ H^HYKLK OLY Ă„YZ[ JHYLLY YLJVNUP[PVU OVUVY MYVT Regional Mexican music award ZOV^ ¸7YLTPVZ KL SH 9HKPV š ( powerful voice, a distinctive style, signature sharp eyes, and striking ILH\[` OHZ WSHJLK )mYIHYH HZ [OL ¸8\LLU VM .Y\WLYV 4\ZPJ š Mariachi Reyna De Los (UNLSLZ [OL MPYZ[ HSS ĎŽMLTHSL THYPHJOP NYV\W PU [OL <UP[LK S t a t e s , w a s d i s c o v e re d by mariachi Maestro Jose /LYUHUKLa 4HYPHJOP 9L`UH +L 3VZ (UNLSLZ OHZ HSZV NHPULK MHTL by performing for many celebrities PUJS\KPUN 6WYHO >PUMYL` ;VT *Y\PZL 1VOU ;YH]VS[H :LHU 7LUU President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, among V[OLYZ Don’t miss the dynamic sounds, the rich colorful costumes and the cultural celebration of the

Mariachi Festival in the Spotlight :OV^YVVT VU -YPKH` 4H` ;PJRL[Z HYL HUK HUK HYL H]HPSHISL H[ ^^^ :WV[SPNO[ JVT :[HY ;PJRL[Z ώ VY [OL :WV[SPNO[ )V_ 6MÄJL HUK .PM[ :OVW +VVYZ VWLU H[ W T :OV^ Z[HY[Z H[ ! W T ADDITIONAL UPCOMING SHOWS January 23: Dwight Yoakam February 6 Engelbert Humperdinck February 13 Stayin’ Alive, A Celebration of The Bee Gee’s February 20 The 70’s Time Machine Tour February 26 Paquita La Del Barrio March 5 The Gap Band March 19 Eli Young Band March 26 Happy Together Tour April 8 Los Tigres Del Norte April 23 Keith Sweat May 7 Michael Bolton May 13 Mariachi Festival

[OH[ÂťZ [PLK MVY [OL TVZ[ PU [OL 5-3 6U [V [OL 5-* *OHTWPVUZOPW Coming into this game, the *HYVSPUH 7HU[OLYZ HUK (YPaVUH Cardinals were pretty even Z[H[PZ[PJHSS` )\[ I` [OL LUK VM [OL 1st frame the Panthers, the top team in the NFL, the only team to go unbeaten at home all year long, massed a 17-0 lead over the *HYKPUHSZ ;OL Ă„UHS PU *HYVSPUH H dominating performance by the

7HU[OLYZ *HT 5L^[VU ÄUPZOLK ^P[O [V\JOKV^UZ (UK KVU[ MVYNL[ 0M you want to know more about the two teams playing in the Super Bowl and more about NFL history while raising money for :OLS[LY -YVT ;OL :[VYT [OL valley’s only domestic violence shelter, then please join me H[ [OL 9P[a *HYS[VU ;O\YZKH` UPNO[ MVY -VV[IHSS >LSS

have a lot of fun talking football and NFL Hall of Famer Marshall Faulk will join us as well! You can purchase your tickets /,9, O[[WZ! ^^^ L]LU[IYP[L JVT L MVV[IHSS MVY [OL SHKPLZ [PJRL[Z VY Q\Z[ JVTL [V [OL 9P[a ;O\YZKH` UPNO[ (UK PUJYLKPISL KH` VM ZWVY[Z IV[O SVJHSS` HUK UH[PVUHSS` Source KMIR

January 27, 2016

Tips to Prevent and Treat Cold Sores This Winter

By Desert Star Staff Did you know that the cold sore virus is very common? 0U MHJ[ LPNO[ V\[ VM WLVWSL OH]L P[ (UK PM `V\»]L L]LY OHK one, you already know that an outbreak can be painful and \UWSLHZHU[ 0[JOPUN I\YUPUN tingling, and blisters are some of the symptoms associated with cold sores, and many people are especially susceptible to them K\YPUN JVSK HUK Å\ ZLHZVU Blisters or sores usually appear when your body’s defenses are down -- when you are stressed, or your immune system is weak, making you especially vulnerable this time of `LHY ;OLYL PZ UV J\YL MVY JVSK sores, but you can take steps to prevent an outbreak and manage [OL Z`TW[VTZ /LYL PZ ^OH[ [V know: 7YL]LU[PVU! (TVUN V[OLY harmful effects to skin, excess sun exposure can trigger cold sores, no matter what the

[LTWLYH[\YL PZ V\[KVVYZ 0U [OL cooler months, take steps to limit sun exposure as you would K\YPUN Z\TTLY ;OPZ PUJS\KLZ wearing a lip balm with SPF WYV[LJ[PVU >VYR [V RLLW `V\Y PTT\UL Z`Z[LT Z[YVUN HSS ZLHZVU ,H[ H well-balanced diet, exercise and NL[ Z\MÄJPLU[ YLZ[ L]LY` UPNO[ ( SV[ VM Z[YLZZ JHU HSZV IL H [YPNNLY MVY H JVSK ZVYL >OL[OLY it’s a bubble bath, yoga session, or an evening on the couch ^H[JOPUN ;= THRL Z\YL `V\Y schedule includes some quality KV^U [PTL ;YLH[TLU[! 4VZ[ Z`TW[VTZ NV H^H` PU ZL]LU [V KH`Z Before a blister appears, you may feel tingling or burning on your \WWLY VY SV^LY SPW ;OPZ PZ JHSSLK a “prodrome,” a signal that a cold ZVYL PZ PTTPULU[ ;OPZ PZ [OL ILZ[ time to make sure you have a trusted cold sore treatment on OHUK You can help to ease

symptoms at the site of the sore with a fast-acting formula such HZ *HYTL_ *VSK :VYL ;YLH[TLU[ ;LU WLYJLU[ ILUaVJHPUL YLSPL]LZ pain and itch, while its patented ;YPWSL_ MVYT\SH ^VYRZ [V ZTVV[O HUK ÄSS PU [OL ZVYLZ [V THRL P[ SLZZ UV[PJLHISL 2LLW KY` JYHJRLK lips moisturized with a medicated

lip balm, such as those available MYVT *HYTL_ Remember, the cold sore virus is contagious, particularly during the open sore stage, so wash your hands regularly in order to prevent spreading the PUMLJ[PVU [V V[OLYZ (SZV H]VPK sharing glasses or utensils that

TH` ZWYLHK [OL ]PY\Z :HKS` kissing is also on the list of things [V H]VPK 0U [OL ^PU[LY [HRL L_[YH precautions to prevent cold sore V\[IYLHRZ (UK PM `V\ KV Z\MMLY from these painful symptoms, remember, there are many ways [V LHZL KPZJVTMVY[ StatePoint


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January 27, 2016



MUSIC 2016 sees release of eclectic field of new titles BY ROBERT KINSLER

Listeners with an eclecticminded approach to seeking out new music will love the wide-range of releases released PU LHYS`

are kicking off “Music From the Motion Picture Joyâ€? with *YLHTÂťZ ¸0 -LLS -YLLš HUK [OLU OH]PUN (SHIHTH :OHRLZ ZPUNLY Brittany Howard offering up an enticing new version of the same Artists: Various ZVUN [V Ă„UPZO VMM [OL JVSSLJ[PVU Title: Music From the Motion ;OL Ă„STÂťZ Z[HY 3H^YLUJL HUK Picture Joy (ABKCO) co-star Edgar Ramirez sing an You might like if you affecting version of “Something enjoy: Cream, Ella Stupid,â€? a duet that hit the top of Fitzgerald, Bee Gees the charts for Frank and daughter ;LSS TL TVYL! >OL[OLY VY 5HUJ` :PUH[YH IHJR PU not listeners have seen the 0UMVYTH[PVU! HIRJV JVT +H]PK 6 9\ZZLSS MPST ¸16@š Z[HYYPUN 1LUUPMLY 3H^YLUJL HSS Artist: The Miamis will enjoy the outstanding and Title: We Deliver: original soundtrack featuring a The Lost Band of the mix of songs and instrumental CBGB Era (1974-1979) ZJVYL MYVT [OL TV]PL >OPSL (Omnivore Recordings) there are some classic songs You might like if you [OH[ HWWLHY OLYL ¸;V 3V]L enjoy: Blondie, Shoes Somebodyâ€? from Bee Gees ;LSS TL TVYL! 0U [OL LHYS` HUK ¸0 >HU[ [V )L /HWW`š MYVT 1970s, New York City spawned ,SSH -P[aNLYHSK MVY L_HTWSL a number of seminal new music there are many exclusive and artists including the Ramones, rare selections that add heft to )SVUKPL ;HSRPUN /LHKZ HUK [OL [YHJR JVSSLJ[PVU (TVUN ;LSL]PZPVU 6UL VM [OL JP[`ÂťZ TVZ[ this writer’s favorite touches successful club acts was the

Miamis, a band led by brothers 1HTLZ HUK ;OVTHZ >`UIYHUK[ that failed to ultimately win the mainstream success of its T\ZPJHS JVU[LTWVYHYPLZ 5V^ Omnivore Recordings has issued ¸>L +LSP]LY! ;OL 3VZ[ )HUK VM [OL *).) ,YH š H 23-track collection compiling studio tracks, demos and live [YHJRZ YLJVYKLK I` [OL 4PHTPZ š ([ [PTLZ [OL 4PHTPZÂť ZVUNZ recall the strongest of the era’s WV^LY WVW YLJVYKZ UV[HIS` ¸>L +LSP]LYš HUK ¸(UV[OLY 7SHJL (UV[OLY ;PTLš ^OPSL LSZL^OLYL there is garage rock (the rollicking ¸+HUJPUÂť ;VNL[OLYš VY M\U WVW ¸>L 5LLK H )PNNLY 5H]`š 0UMVYTH[PVU! VTUP]VYLYLJVYKPUNZ JVT

>VY[O ;L_HZ PU .YLLU River Ordinance is celebrating their career with the aptly-titled “Fifteen,â€? an 11-track set of all-original songs highlighting the quintet’s tuneful style of authentic modern-day country T\ZPJ (TVUN [OL TVZ[ memorable songs on the album PZ [OL Ă„KKSL HUJOVYLK ¸9LK -PYL Nightâ€? (featuring guest musician 3PUKZL` +\MMPU [OL JV\U[Y` ballad “Simple Lifeâ€? and the romantic mandolin-flavored ¸,UKSLZZS` š 6U ¸;HSSHOHZZLL š the members begin the song with an impressive a cappella intro showcasing how well their vocals blend even without instrumental HJJVTWHUPTLU[ 0UMVYTH[PVU! .YLLU9P]LY6YKPUHUJL JVT

Artist: Green River Ordinance Title: Fifteen (Residence Music) You might like if you enjoy: John & Jacob, ;LSS TL TVYL! -VYTLK PU -[

Artist: Alan Price Title: Savaloy Dip: Words & Music by Alan Price (Omnivore Recordings) You might like if you enjoy: The Animals, Van Morrison, Paul McCartney’s

early solo work ;LSS TL TVYL! 0[ PZ OHYK to think of many recordings made in the early 1970s that HYL TVYL VYPNPUHS [OHU (SHU 7YPJLÂťZ ¸:H]HSV` +PW š 3VUN considered one of music’s great lost albums, “Savaloy Dipâ€? was issued in 1974 only released on 8-track and quickly recalled by 32-year-old Price, best known as the founding keyboardist of the (UPTHSZ )SLUKPUN YVJR IS\LZ jazz and other styles with a free ZWPYP[ WLYZVUPĂ„LK I` [OL ZV\S meets-spoken word “Smells 3PRL 3LTVU ;HZ[LZ 3PRL >PUL š H Z^PUNPUN ¸@V\ >VUÂť[ .L[ 4Lš and the genre-twisting “Country Life,â€? this is an exciting album that sounds groundbreaking more than four decades after P[Z VYPNPUHS YLSLHZL 0UMVYTH[PVU! VTUP]VYLYLJVYKPUNZ JVT

“The Million Dollar Piano� at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace

By Desert Star Staff >VYSK YLUV^ULK ZPUNLY songwriter and performer Elton John made a triumphant return [V ;OL *VSVZZL\T H[ *HLZHYZ Palace with his all-new show, ¸;OL 4PSSPVU +VSSHY 7PHUV š ([ [OL centerpiece of the performance is the show’s namesake piano, an engineering marvel featuring more than 68 LED



video screens created by @HTHOH Elton John’s band features Nigel Olsson on drums, part of Elton’s original three-piece band, as well as musical director Davey 1VOUZ[VUL ^OV ÄYZ[ YLJVYKLK with Elton in 1971 and joined the IHUK H `LHY SH[LY VU N\P[HY 4H[[ Bissonette on bass, John Mahon on percussion, and Kim Bullard

on keyboards, with a special appearance by percussionist 9H` *VVWLY ¸;OL 4PSSPVU +VSSHY 7PHUVš features iconic hits and classic album tracks from throughout ,S[VUÂťZ PUJYLKPISL Ă„]L KLJHKL career, including a selection of songs from his highly-acclaimed 16 times platinum remastered album “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road,â€? which recently celebrated P[Z [O HUUP]LYZHY` Elton is one of the top-selling solo artists of all time, with 37 gold and 27 multi-platinum albums as well as 58 Billboard ;VW ZPUNSLZ HUK OL OHZ ZVSK more than 250 million records ^VYSK^PKL ,S[VU OVSKZ [OL YLJVYK for the biggest-selling single of all [PTL ¸*HUKSL PU [OL >PUK š which sold 33 million copies, as well as for most appearances on )PSSIVHYKÂťZ (K\S[ *VU[LTWVYHY` chart with his 2013 single “Home (NHPUš THYRPUN OPZ [O LU[Y` /L has also written the music for stage and screen successes Billy ,SSPV[! ;OL 4\ZPJHS ,S[VU 1VOU HUK ;PT 9PJLÂťZ (PKH HUK ;OL Lion King, which was recently January 27, 2016

named the highest-grossing Z[HNL ZOV^ VY Ă„ST YLSLHZL PU [OL ^VYSK (TVUN [OL THU` H^HYKZ and honors bestowed upon him HYL Ă„]L .YHTT`Z H .YHTT` 3LNLUK H^HYK H ;VU` HUK HU 6ZJHY H )LZ[ )YP[PZO 4HSL (Y[PZ[ )90; (^HYK PUK\J[PVU PU[V [OL Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame, the Kennedy Center Honor, Legend VM 3P]L (^HYK 0]VY 5V]LSSV (^HYKZ HUK H RUPNO[OVVK MYVT /4 8\LLU ,SPaHIL[O 00 MVY “services to music and charitable ZLY]PJLZ š :OV^[PTL PZ ! W T ;PJRL[Z YHUNL PU WYPJL MYVT to $250, not including taxes and MLLZ ;OLYL PZ HU LPNO[ [PJRL[ SPTP[ WLY N\LZ[ =07 WHJRHNLZ HYL H]HPSHISL ;PJRL[Z TH` IL W\YJOHZLK I` JHSSPUN (?: ;0? VUSPUL H[ ^^^ (?: JVT VY ^^^ [OLJVSVZZL\T JVT HUK PU WLYZVU H[ ;OL *VSVZZL\T H[ *HLZHYZ 7HSHJL )V_ 6MĂ„JL VWLU KHPS` MYVT H T [V W T 7; For groups of 20 or more, call For additional show

and ticket information, visit *HLZHYZ7HSHJL JVT 3(: =,.(: ;OL Colosseum at Caesars Palace ^LSJVTLZ IHJR ,3;65 16/5 as 2016 performance dates are revealed for his criticallyHJJSHPTLK ZOV^ ¸;OL 4PSSPVU +VSSHY 7PHUV š January 26-27 Tuesday, Wednesday January 29-31 Friday, Saturday, Sunday April 16-17 Saturday, Sunday April 19-20 Tuesday, Wednesday April 22-23 Friday, Saturday April 26-27 Tuesday, Wednesday April 29-30 Friday, Saturday SOURCE Caesars Entertainment



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Utility Construction and Maintenance FIELD OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN I Mission Springs Water District is a water and wastewater utility providing service to the City of Desert Hot Springs and surrounding area. Duties: Performs unskilled and semi-skilled work in construction and maintenance on water production, distribution and storage facilities, and other duties as assigned. Performs carpentry, pipefitting, valve repair, and cement work; operates power-driven equipment and uses a variety of hand tools. Excavates and backfills trenches; cuts and replaces concrete and asphalt; installs sprinkler systems; repairs and adjusts pressure regulators. Locates and repairs leaks and breaks. Cleans mains and flushes water system and hydrants; locates, taps, and installs new customer services. Must be able to carry, push, pull, reach, and lift equipment and parts weighing up to 50 pounds; stoop, kneel, crouch, crawl, and climb during plant maintenance and repair work. This position works outdoors in an environment with exposure to dust, dirt, hazardous materials, and significant temperature changes between cold and heat. Must be able to perform heavy physical labor and to stand and walk for extended time periods. Requires a valid CA driver license and high school diploma. Experience required in skilled construction and maintenance work with underground utilities and pipe laying. A Grade 1 Water Distribution certificate is desirable. The successful candidate must obtain the certificate within 12 months of hire date and a Class A driver license within 6 months of hire date. Experience desired: operation and maintenance of a variety of hand tools, power tools and equipment; knowledge of safe work methods and safety practices, including proper placement of cones, barricades and warning devices and directing traffic flow at job sites. Salary range: $43,436.56 - $55,444.09 Apply online at employment or apply in person at 66575 2nd Street, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240. Closing date: Friday, Jan. 29 at 4 p.m. MSWD is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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Desert Star Weekly Legals




*(30-6950( (<*;065 (+ 5V[PJL PZ OLYLI` given that the contents of the following units will be offered for sale by publication to the highLZ[ IPKKLY MVY LUMVYJLTLU[ VM Z[VYHNL SPLU ;OL H\J[PVU ^PSS IL OLSK VU -LI [O (4 Location: Desert Self Storage 66251 Dillon Road +LZLY[ /V[ :WYPUNZ *( ;LYTZ! *(:/ 653@ FF+LZLY[ :LSM :[VYHNLFFFYLZLY]LZ [OL YPNO[ [V YLM\ZL HU` IPK VY [V JHUJLS [OL H\J[PVU 5HTL VM (\J[PVULLY! 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-0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! )6/,40(5 96<., , 7(+<( >(@ 7(34 :7905.: *(30-6950( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! 1690, (55 36+,: , 7(+<( >(@ 7(34 :7905.: *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 Registrant has not yet begun to transact business \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ true, information which he or she knows to be false, PZ N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! 1690, (55 36+,: ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ MPSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:>

-0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! ;(:2,;; 9,(3 ,:;(;, *(;/,+9(3 *@5 +9 *(;/,+9(3 *0;@ *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! (55 ;(:2,;; *(;/,+9(3 *(5@65 +90=,

*(;/,+9(3 *0;@ *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 9LNPZ[YHU[ JVTTLUJLK [V [YHUZHJ[ I\ZPULZZ \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L VU 6J[VILY 0 KLJSHYL that all the information in this statement is true and JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L PUMVYTHtion which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a JYPTL :PNULK! (55 ;(:2,;; ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:>

-0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! .9,.: 7663 :,9=0*, (5+ 9,7(09 7,(9 :;9,,; /,4,; *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` 4HPSPUN (KKYLZZ! 76 )6? 7(34 +,:,9; *( -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! .9,.69@ )@965 1<;6=:2@ 7,(9 :;9,,; /,4,; *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 Registrant has not yet begun to transact business \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L information which he or she knows to be false, is N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! .9,.69@ )@965 1<;6=:2@ ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU +LJLTILY 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:>

:;(;,4,5; 6- ()(5+654,5; 6- <:, 6- -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, ;OL MVSSV^PUN ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z 796 >(33 -050:/,9: :(5;( *9<A 9+ +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( 92240 Riverside County has been abandoned by [OL MVSSV^PUN WLYZVU Z !(5;6506 96+90.<,A 3(906: :(5;( *9<A 9+ +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( ;OPZ I\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 ;OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z YLMLYYLK [V HIV]L ^HZ ÄSLK PU 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU! 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV declares as true, information which he or she knows [V IL MHSZL PZ N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! (5;6506 96+90.<,A 3(906: ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O the County Clerk of Riverside County, signed by, 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY VU 1HU\HY` -PSL 5V 9 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:>

-0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! *6(*/,33( 9,5; *6(*/,33( 9,5; *64 *(33, ,:;(+6 :<0;,

3( 8<05;( *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! 16:, +6369,: ,:756A( 19 *(33, ,:;(+6 :<0;, 3( 8<05;( *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 Registrant has not yet begun to transact business \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L information which he or she knows to be false, is N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! 16:, +6369,: ,:7056A( 19 ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! *6*6 9,3(?(;065: .(33,90( (; ;@3,9 :;, 90=,9:0+, *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` 4HPSPUN (KKYLZZ! ;(5.,905, :; *6965( *( -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! @05. >(5. ;(5.,905, :; *6965( *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 Registrant commenced to transact business \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L VU 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ who declares as true, information which he or she RUV^Z [V IL MHSZL PZ N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! (55 ;(:2,;; ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:!.05( 3@5,33 :40;/ 05;,9069 +,:0.5: -369( 96(+ 7(34 +,:,9; *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! .05( 3@5,33 :40;/ -369( 96(+ 7(34 +,:,9; *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 9LNPZ[YHU[ OHZ UV[ `L[ ILN\U [V [YHUZHJ[ I\ZPULZZ \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( registrant, who declares as true, information which OL VY ZOL RUV^Z [V IL MHSZL PZ N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! .05( 3@5,33 :40;/ ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/6-

-0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:!796 *65;9(*;69: :(5;( *9<A 9+ +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! 796 *65;9(*;69: :(5;( *9<A 9+ +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! *69769(;065 9LNPZ[YHU[ OHZ UV[ `L[ ILN\U [V [YHUZHJ[ I\ZPULZZ \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( registrant, who declares as true, information which OL VY ZOL RUV^Z [V IL MHSZL PZ N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! (5;6506 96+90.<,A 3(906 79,:0+,5; ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! -05,:; ;6<*/ +,:0.5: (=,50+( 465;,A<4( 3( 8<05;( *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! 40*/(,3 (5.,36 /,95(5+,A (=,50+( 465;,A<4( 3( 8<05;( *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 9LNPZ[YHU[ OHZ UV[ `L[ ILN\U [V [YHUZHJ[ I\ZPULZZ \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L PUMVYTH[PVU which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a JYPTL :PNULK! 40*/(,3 (5.,36 /,95(5+,A ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ MPSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! +,:,9; */(4),9: 6- *644,9*, 7(34 +90=, :<0;, ( +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` 4HPSPUN (KKYLZZ! 7(34 +90=, :<0;, + +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! +,:,9; /6; :7905.: */(4),9 6- *644,9*, 7(34 +90=, :<0;, ( +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! *69769(;065 9LNPZ[YHU[ OHZ UV[ `L[ ILN\U [V [YHUZHJ[ I\ZPULZZ \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L PUMVYTH[PVU which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a JYPTL :PNULK! /,(;/,9 ( *63(+65(;6 *,6 ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ MPSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:>


January 27, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE

:;(;,4,5; 6- ()(5+654,5; 6- <:, 6- -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, ;OL MVSSV^PUN ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z 2/663 7663 5 7(34 *(5@65 +9 7(34 :7905.: *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` OHZ ILLU HIHUKVULK I` [OL MVSSV^PUN WLYZVU Z ! 57* 33* 5 79,:*6;; 7(34 :7905.: *( ;OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z YLMLYYLK [V HIV]L ^HZ ÄSLK PU 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU! 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ all the information in this statement is true and corYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L PUMVYTH[PVU ^OPJO OL VY ZOL RUV^Z [V IL MHSZL PZ N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! =0**0 -9,5*/ 30774(5 4(5(.05. 4,4),9 ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 0 7\I -LIY\HY` -LIY\HY` +:> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:!265( 0*, 7(34 :7905.: 5 7(34 :7905.: *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` 4HPSPUN (KKYLZZ! 5 *@79,:: 9+ 7(34 :7905.: *(30-6950( -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! )<9(*/(;9 (22(9(7695 5 *@79,:: 9+ 7(34 :7905.: *(30-6950( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 9LNPZ[YHU[ has not yet begun to transact business under the ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL that all the information in this statement is true HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L information which he or she knows to be false, PZ N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! (965 5(;/(50,3 3@65: ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:!:<55@ +<5,: (5;08<,: 4(33 , :<55@ +<5,: 7(34 :7905.: *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` 4HPSPUN (KKYLZZ! 5 :<55@=0,> +9 7(34 :7905.: *( -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! (965 5(;/(50,3 3@65: 5 :<55@=0,> +9 7(34 :7905.: *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 9LNPZ[YHU[ has not yet begun to transact business under the ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL that all the information in this statement is true and JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L PUMVYmation which he or she knows to be false, is guilty VM H JYPTL :PNULK! (965 5(;/(50,3 3@65: ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU +LJLTILY 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! *36<+ 505, 3046<:05, )<996>05. 6>3 *; +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! +(5 -9(52305 +(=0+:65 )<996>05. 6>3 *; +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 9LNPZ[YHU[ has not yet begun to transact business under the ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL that all the information in this statement is true and JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ HZ [Y\L PUMVYmation which he or she knows to be false, is guilty VM H JYPTL :PNULK! +(5 -9(52305 +(=0+:65 ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ MPSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU 1HU\HY` 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` -LIY\HY` +:> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ;/, -6336>05. 7,9:65 : 0: (9, +605. )<:05,:: (:! 7(9(46<5; :*0,5*,: >(@5, 96(+ 7(34 :7905.: *( 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` -\SS UHTL VM YLNPZ[YHU[! +(=0+ .9,.69@ :/,3,7 >(@5, 96(+ 7(34 :7905.: *( )\ZPULZZ PZ JVUK\J[LK I`! 05+0=0+<(3 Registrant has not yet begun to transact business \UKLY [OL ÄJ[P[PV\Z I\ZPULZZ UHTL Z SPZ[LK HIV]L 0 KLJSHYL [OH[ HSS [OL PUMVYTH[PVU PU [OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ PZ [Y\L HUK JVYYLJ[ ( YLNPZ[YHU[ ^OV KLJSHYLZ as true, information which he or she knows to be MHSZL PZ N\PS[` VM H JYPTL :PNULK! +(=0+ .9,.69@ :/,3,7 ;OPZ Z[H[LTLU[ ^HZ ÄSLK ^P[O [OL *V\U[` *SLYR VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` VU +LJLTILY 7L[LY (SKHUH (ZZLZZVY *V\U[` *SLYR 9LJVYKLY -PSL 5V 9 56;0*, · ;/0: -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; ,?709,: -0=, @,(9: -964 ;/, +(;, 0; >(: -03,+ 05 ;/, 6--0*, 6- ;/, *6<5;@ *3,92 ( 5,> -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, :;(;,4,5; 4<:; ), -03,+ ),-69, ;/(; ;04, ;/, -0305. 6- ;/0: :;(;,4,5; +6,: 56; 0;:,3- (<;/690A, ;/, <:, 05 ;/0: :;(;, 6- ( -0*;0;06<: )<:05,:: 5(4, 05 =063(;065 6- ;/, 90./;: 6- (56;/,9 <5+,9 -,+,9(3 :;(;, 69 *64465 3(> :,, :,*;065 ,; :,8 )<:05,:: (5+ 796-,::065(3 *6+, 7\I 1HU\HY` +:> ;Y\Z[LL :HSL 5V ! ;P[SL 6YKLY 5V ! -/( =( 740 5V ! ) 56;0*, 6- ;9<:;,,»: :(3, @6< (9, 05 +,-(<3; <5+,9 ( +,,+ 6- ;9<:; +(;,+ <53,:: @6< ;(2, (*;065 ;6 796;,*; @6<9 7967,9;@ 0; 4(@ ), :63+ (; ( 7<)30* :(3, 0- @6< 5,,+ (5 ,?73(5(;065 6- ;/, 5(;<9, 6- ;/, 796*,,+05. 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(4 73(*, 6- :(3,! >(9+36> 96(+ *6965( *( :;9,,; (++9,:: HUK V[OLY JVTTVU KLZPNUHtion, if any, of the real property described above is W\YWVY[LK [V IL! )3664-0,3+ (=,5<, ;/6<:(5+ 7(34: *(30-6950( (75 ! ;OL \UKLYZPNULK ;Y\Z[LL KPZJSHPTZ any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown OLYLPU :HPK ZHSL ^PSS IL THKL I\[ ^P[OV\[ JV]LUHU[ or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining WYPUJPWHS Z\T VM [OL UV[L Z ZLJ\YLK I` ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ ^P[O PU[LYLZ[ [OLYLVU HZ WYV]PKLK PU ZHPK UV[L Z HK]HUJLZ \UKLY [OL [LYTZ VM ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ MLLZ JOHYNLZ HUK L_WLUZLZ VM [OL ;Y\Z[LL HUK VM [OL [Y\Z[Z JYLH[LK I` ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ ;OL total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale



PZ ;OL ILULÄJPHY` \UKLY ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ OLYL[VMVYL L_LJ\[LK HUK KLSP]LYLK [V [OL undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and ,SLJ[PVU [V :LSS ;OL \UKLYZPNULK JH\ZLK ZHPK 5V[PJL of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the JV\U[` ^OLYL [OL YLHS WYVWLY[` PZ SVJH[LK 56;0*, ;6 76;,5;0(3 )0++,9:! 0M `V\ HYL JVUZPKLYPUN bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee H\J[PVU @V\ ^PSS IL IPKKPUN VU H SPLU UV[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` P[ZLSM 7SHJPUN [OL OPNOLZ[ IPK H[ H [Y\Z[LL auction does not automatically entitle you to free HUK JSLHY V^ULYZOPW VM [OL WYVWLY[` @V\ ZOV\SK also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may IL H Q\UPVY SPLU 0M `V\ HYL [OL OPNOLZ[ IPKKLY H[ [OL auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before `V\ JHU YLJLP]L JSLHY [P[SL [V [OL WYVWLY[` @V\ HYL encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this WYVWLY[` I` JVU[HJ[PUN [OL JV\U[` YLJVYKLY»Z VMÄJL or a title insurance company, either of which may JOHYNL `V\ H MLL MVY [OPZ PUMVYTH[PVU 0M `V\ JVUZ\S[ either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one TVY[NHNL VY KLLK VM [Y\Z[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` 56;0*, ;6 7967,9;@ 6>5,9! ;OL ZHSL KH[L ZOV^U VU this notice of sale may be postponed one or more [PTLZ I` [OL TVY[NHNLL ILULÄJPHY` [Y\Z[LL VY H court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California *P]PS *VKL ;OL SH^ YLX\PYLZ [OH[ PUMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not WYLZLU[ H[ [OL ZHSL 0M `V\ ^PZO [V SLHYU ^OL[OLY `V\Y sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 800-280-2832 for information YLNHYKPUN [OL [Y\Z[LL»Z ZHSL VY ]PZP[ [OPZ 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ^^^ H\J[PVU JVT MVY PUMVYTH[PVU YLNHYKPUN [OL ZHSL VM [OPZ WYVWLY[` \ZPUN [OL ÄSL U\TILY HZZPNULK [V [OPZ JHZL 0UMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale TH` UV[ PTTLKPH[LS` IL YLÃ…LJ[LK PU [OL [LSLWOVUL PUMVYTH[PVU VY VU [OL 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ;OL ILZ[ way to verify postponement information is to attend [OL ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL -69 ;9<:;,, :(3, 05-694(;065 73,(:, *(33! (<*;065 *64 33* 65, 4(<*/3@ 09=05, *( ^^^ H\J[PVU JVT )(99,;; +(--05 -9(770,9 ;9,+,9 >,0:: 337 0: (*;05. (: ( +,); *633,*;69 (;;,47;05. ;6 *633,*; ( +,); (5@ 05-694(;065 6);(05,+ >033 ), <:,+ -69 ;/(; 7<976:, )(99,;; +(--05 -9(770,9 ;9,+,9 >,0:: 337 HZ ;Y\Z[LL +H[LK! 577 ;V! +,:,9; :;(9 >,,23@ +:> ; : 5V *((75! 56;0*, 6- ;9<:;,,»: :(3,7\YZ\HU[ [V *( *P]PS *VKL 04769;(5; 56;0*, ;6 7967,9;@ 6>5,9!@6< (9, 05 +,-(<3; <5+,9 ( +,,+ 6- ;9<:; +(;,+ <53,:: @6< ;(2, (*;065 ;6 796;,*; @6<9 7967,9;@ 0; 4(@ ), :63+ (; ( 7<)30* :(3, 0- @6< 5,,+ (5 ,?73(5(;065 6- ;/, 5(;<9, 6- ;/, 796*,,+05. (.(05:; @6< @6< :/6<3+ *65;(*; ( 3(>@,96U H[ ! 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Desert Star Weekly Legals

5 6 ; 0 * , 6 - ; 9 < : ; , , Âť : : ( 3 , ; : 5 V :7 *( ;P[SL 5V *( =60 ( 7 5 (;;,5;065 9,*69+,9! ;/, -6336>05. 9,-,9,5*, ;6 (5 (;;(*/,+ :<44(9@ 0: (7730*()3, ;6 ;/, 56;0*, 796=0+,+ ;6 ;/, ;9<:;69 653@ 7<9:<(5; ;6 *0=03 *6+, 56;,! ;/,9, 0: ( :<44(9@ 6- ;/, 05-694(;065 05 ;/0: +6*<4,5; (;;(*/,+ @6< (9, 05 +,-(<3; <5+,9 ( +,,+ 6- ;9<:; +(;,+ <53,:: @6< ;(2, (*;065 ;6 796;,*; @6<9 7967,9;@ 0; 4(@ ), :63+ (; ( 7<)30* :(3, 0- @6< 5,,+ (5 ,?73(5(;065 6- ;/, 5(;<9, 6- ;/, 796*,,+05. (.(05:; @6< @6< :/6<3+ *65;(*; ( 3(>@,9 ( W\ISPJ H\J[PVU ZHSL [V [OL OPNOLZ[ IPKKLY MVY JHZO JHZOPLYÂťZ JOLJR Z T\Z[ be made payable to National Default Servicing *VYWVYH[PVU KYH^U VU H Z[H[L VY UH[PVUHS IHUR H check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state; will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described WYVWLY[` \UKLY HUK W\YZ\HU[ [V H +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ KLZJYPILK ILSV^ ;OL ZHSL ^PSS IL THKL PU HU ¸HZ isâ€? condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal Z\T VM [OL UV[L Z ZLJ\YLK I` [OL +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ with interest and late charges thereon, as provided PU [OL UV[L Z HK]HUJLZ \UKLY [OL [LYTZ VM [OL +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ PU[LYLZ[ [OLYLVU MLLZ JOHYNLZ HUK L_WLUZLZ VM [OL ;Y\Z[LL MVY [OL [V[HS HTV\U[ H[ [OL [PTL VM [OL PUP[PHS W\ISPJH[PVU VM [OL 5V[PJL VM :HSL YLHZVUHIS` LZ[PTH[LK [V IL ZL[ MVY[O ILSV^ ;OL HTV\U[ TH` IL NYLH[LY VU [OL KH` VM ZHSL ;Y\Z[VY! .PSILY[V : *HSKLYVU HUK 4HYPH ,K\]PUH *HSKLYVU husband and wife, as community property, with right VM Z\Y]P]VYZOPW +\S` (WWVPU[LK ;Y\Z[LL! 5H[PVUHS +LMH\S[ :LY]PJPUN *VYWVYH[PVU 9LJVYKLK HZ 0UZ[Y\TLU[ 5V VY )VVR 7HNL VM [OL 6MĂ„JPHS 9LJVYKZ VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` *HSPMVYUPH +H[L VM :HSL! 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(4 7SHJL VM :HSL! 0U MYVU[ VM [OL *VYVUH *P]PJ *LU[LY > :P_[O :[YLL[ *VYVUH *( ,Z[PTH[LK HTV\U[ VM \UWHPK IHSHUJL HUK V[OLY JOHYNLZ! :[YLL[ (KKYLZZ VY V[OLY JVTTVU KLZPNUH[PVU VM YLHS WYVWLY[`! ,Z[YLSSH (]LU\L +LZLY[ /V[ :WYPUNZ *( ( 7 5 ! ;OL \UKLYZPNULK ;Y\Z[LL KPZJSHPTZ HU` SPHIPSP[` MVY HU` incorrectness of the street address or other comTVU KLZPNUH[PVU PM HU` ZOV^U HIV]L 0M UV Z[YLL[ address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be VI[HPULK I` ZLUKPUN H ^YP[[LU YLX\LZ[ [V [OL ILULĂ„JPHY` ^P[OPU KH`Z VM [OL KH[L VM Ă„YZ[ W\ISPJH[PVU VM [OPZ 5V[PJL VM :HSL 0M [OL ;Y\Z[LL PZ \UHISL [V JVU]L` title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid [V [OL ;Y\Z[LL HUK [OL Z\JJLZZM\S IPKKLY ZOHSS OH]L UV M\Y[OLY YLJV\YZL ;OL YLX\PYLTLU[Z VM *HSPMVYUPH *P]PS *VKL :LJ[PVU I J ^LYL M\SĂ„SSLK ^OLU [OL 5V[PJL VM +LMH\S[ ^HZ YLJVYKLK 56;0*, ;6 76;,5;0(3 )0++,9:! 0M `V\ HYL JVUsidering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding H[ H [Y\Z[LL H\J[PVU @V\ ^PSS IL IPKKPUN VU H SPLU UV[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` P[ZLSM 7SHJPUN [OL OPNOLZ[ IPK H[ a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you [V MYLL HUK JSLHY V^ULYZOPW VM [OL WYVWLY[` @V\ should also be aware that the lien being auctioned VMM TH` IL H Q\UPVY SPLU 0M `V\ HYL [OL OPNOLZ[ IPKKLY at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned VMM ILMVYL `V\ JHU YLJLP]L JSLHY [P[SL [V [OL WYVWLY[` You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s VMĂ„JL VY H [P[SL PUZ\YHUJL JVTWHU` LP[OLY VM ^OPJO TH` JOHYNL `V\ H MLL MVY [OPZ PUMVYTH[PVU 0M `V\ consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one TVY[NHNL VY KLLK VM [Y\Z[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` 56;0*, ;6 7967,9;@ 6>5,9! ;OL ZHSL KH[L ZOV^U VU this notice of sale may be postponed one or more [PTLZ I` [OL TVY[NHNLL ILULĂ„JPHY` [Y\Z[LL VY H court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California *P]PS *VKL ;OL SH^ YLX\PYLZ [OH[ PUMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not WYLZLU[ H[ [OL ZHSL 0M `V\ ^PZO [V SLHYU ^OL[OLY `V\Y sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 714-730-2727 or visit this 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ^^^ UKZJVYW JVT ZHSLZ \ZPUN [OL Ă„SL U\TILY HZZPNULK [V [OPZ JHZL :7 *( 0UMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ WVZ[WVULTLU[Z [OH[ HYL ]LY` short in duration or that occur close in time to the ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL TH` UV[ PTTLKPH[LS` IL YLĂ…LJ[LK PU [OL [LSLWOVUL PUMVYTH[PVU VY VU [OL 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ;OL ILZ[ ^H` [V ]LYPM` WVZ[WVULTLU[ PUMVYTH[PVU PZ [V H[[LUK [OL ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL +H[L! 5H[PVUHS +LMH\S[ :LY]PJPUN *VYWVYH[PVU J V ;PMMHU` HUK )VZJV 7 ( P[Z HNLU[ *VS\TIPH :[YLL[ :\P[L :HU +PLNV *( ;VSS -YLL 7OVUL! :HSLZ 3PUL " :HSLZ >LIZP[L! ^^^ UKZJVYW JVT ZHSLZ AHOHYH 1V`ULY ;Y\Z[LL :HSLZ 9LWYLZLU[H[P]L ( +:> ; : 5V (75! 56;0*, 6- ;9<:;,,Âť: :(3, @6< (9, 05 +,-(<3; <5+,9 ( +,,+ 6- ;9<:; +(;,+ <53,:: @6< ;(2, (*;065 ;6 796;,*; @6<9 7967,9;@ 0; 4(@ ), :63+ (; ( 7<)30* :(3, 0- @6< 5,,+ (5 ,?73(5(;065 6- ;/, 5(;<9, 6- ;/, 796*,,+05. (.(05:; @6< @6< :/6<3+ *65;(*; ( 3(>@,9 ( W\ISPJ H\J[PVU sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or ZH]PUNZ HZZVJPH[PVU VY ZH]PUNZ IHUR ZWLJPĂ„LK PU Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property \UKLY HUK W\YZ\HU[ [V H +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ KLZJYPILK ILSV^ ;OL ZHSL ^PSS IL THKL I\[ ^P[OV\[ JV]LUHU[ or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining WYPUJPWHS Z\T VM [OL UV[L Z ZLJ\YLK I` [OL +LLK



VM ;Y\Z[ ^P[O PU[LYLZ[ HUK SH[L JOHYNLZ [OLYLVU HZ WYV]PKLK PU [OL UV[L Z HK]HUJLZ \UKLY [OL [LYTZ VM [OL +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ PU[LYLZ[ [OLYLVU MLLZ JOHYNLZ HUK L_WLUZLZ VM [OL ;Y\Z[LL MVY [OL [V[HS HTV\U[ H[ [OL [PTL VM [OL PUP[PHS W\ISPJH[PVU VM [OL 5V[PJL VM :HSL YLHZVUHIS` LZ[PTH[LK [V IL ZL[ MVY[O ILSV^ ;OL HTV\U[ TH` IL NYLH[LY VU [OL KH` VM ZHSL ;Y\Z[VY! /(34(9 */0*(: (5 <54(990,+ 4(5 (5+ (+(3),9;6 1 */0*(: ( 4(990,+ 4(5 (: /0: :63, (5+ :,7(9(;, 7967,9;@ (: 1605; ;,5(5;: >0;/ 90./; 6- :<9=0=69:/07 +\S` (WWVPU[LK ;Y\Z[LL! 3(> 6--0*,: 6- 3,: A0,=, +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ YLJVYKLK HZ 0UZ[Y\TLU[ 5V PU IVVR WHNL VM 6MĂ„JPHS 9LJVYKZ PU [OL VMĂ„JL VM [OL 9LJVYKLY VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` *HSPMVYUPH +H[L VM :HSL! H[ ! (4 7SHJL VM :HSL! (\J[PVU JVT 9VVT >HYKSV^ 9VHK *VYVUH *( ,Z[PTH[LK HTV\U[ VM \UWHPK IHSHUJL HUK V[OLY JOHYNLZ! 5V[L! )LJH\ZL [OL )LULĂ„JPHY` YLZLY]LZ [OL YPNO[ [V bid less than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may be less [OHU [OL [V[HS KLI[ V^LK :[YLL[ (KKYLZZ VY V[OLY JVTTVU KLZPNUH[PVU VM YLHS WYVWLY[`! :6;6 :;9,,; ;/,94(3 *HSPMVYUPH +LZJYPILK HZ MVSSV^Z! :,, ,?/0)0; ¸(š (;;(*/,+ /,9,;6 (5+ 4(+, ( 7(9; /,9,6- ( 7 5 ! ;OL \UKLYZPNULK ;Y\Z[LL KPZJSHPTZ HU` SPHIPSP[` MVY any incorrectness of the street address or other JVTTVU KLZPNUH[PVU PM HU` ZOV^U HIV]L 0M UV street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to [OL ILULĂ„JPHY` ^P[OPU KH`Z VM [OL KH[L VM Ă„YZ[ W\ISPJH[PVU VM [OPZ 5V[PJL VM :HSL 56;0*, ;6 76;,5;0(3 )0++,9:! 0M `V\ HYL JVUZPKLYPUN IPKding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee H\J[PVU @V\ ^PSS IL IPKKPUN VU H SPLU UV[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` P[ZLSM 7SHJPUN [OL OPNOLZ[ IPK H[ H [Y\Z[LL auction does not automatically entitle you to free HUK JSLHY V^ULYZOPW VM [OL WYVWLY[` @V\ ZOV\SK also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may IL H Q\UPVY SPLU 0M `V\ HYL [OL OPNOLZ[ IPKKLY H[ [OL auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, ILMVYL `V\ JHU YLJLP]L JSLHY [P[SL [V [OL WYVWLY[` You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s VMĂ„JL VY H [P[SL PUZ\YHUJL JVTWHU` LP[OLY VM ^OPJO TH` JOHYNL `V\ H MLL MVY [OPZ PUMVYTH[PVU 0M `V\ consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one TVY[NHNL VY KLLK VM [Y\Z[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` 56;0*, ;6 7967,9;@ 6>5,9! ;OL ZHSL KH[L ZOV^U VU this notice of sale may be postponed one or more [PTLZ I` [OL TVY[NHNLL ILULĂ„JPHY` [Y\Z[LL VY H court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California *P]PS *VKL ;OL SH^ YLX\PYLZ [OH[ PUMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not WYLZLU[ H[ [OL ZHSL 0M `V\ ^PZO [V SLHYU ^OL[OLY `V\Y sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this


WYVWLY[` `V\ TH` JHSS VY ]PZP[ [OPZ 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ^^^ H\J[PVU JVT \ZPUN [OL Ă„SL U\TILY HZZPNULK [V [OPZ JHZL 0UMVYTH[PVU about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale TH` UV[ PTTLKPH[LS` IL YLĂ…LJ[LK PU [OL [LSLWOVUL PUMVYTH[PVU VY VU [OL 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ;OL ILZ[ way to verify postponement information is to attend [OL ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL +H[LK 3H^ 6MĂ„JLZ VM 3LZ APL]L HZ ;Y\Z[LL *VYWVYH[L 7HYR :\P[L 0Y]PUL *( -VY 5VU (\[VTH[LK :HSL 0UMVYTH[PVU JHSS! -VY :HSL 0UMVYTH[PVU! ^^^ H\J[PVU JVT 4HYPH *LZLUH ;Y\Z[LL :HSL 6MĂ„JLY ;/0: -094 0: (;;,47;05. ;6 *633,*; ( +,); (5+ (5@ 05-694(;065 >, 6);(05,+ >033 ), <:,+ -69 ;/(; 7<976:, ,77 +:> ;:. 5V ! ;: 5V ! *( -/( =( 740 5V ! (75! 7YVWLY[` (KKYLZZ! *(33, ,47(34, *6(*/,33( *( 56;0*, 6- ;9<:;,,Âť: :(3, @6< (9, 05 +,-(<3; <5+,9 ( +,,+ 6- ;9<:; +(;,+ <53,:: @6< ;(2, (*;065 ;6 796;,*; @6<9 7967,9;@ 0; 4(@ ), :63+ (; ( 7<)30* :(3, 0- @6< 5,,+ (5 ,?73(5(;065 6- ;/, 5(;<9, 6- ;/, 796*,,+05. (.(05:; @6< @6< :/6<3+ *65;(*; ( 3(>@,9 6U H[ ! ( 4 -PYZ[ (TLYPJHU ;P[SL 0UZ\YHUJL *VTWHU` HZ K\S` HWWVPU[LK ;Y\Z[LL \UKLY HUK W\YZ\HU[ [V +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ YLJVYKLK HZ 0UZ[Y\TLU[ 5V PU IVVR WHNL VM 6MĂ„JPHS 9LJVYKZ PU [OL VMĂ„JL VM [OL *V\U[` 9LJVYKLY VM 90=,9:0+, *V\U[` :[H[L VM *HSPMVYUPH ,_LJ\[LK I`! 4(9@ 96)3,: ( >0+6> >033 :,33 (; 7<)30* (<*;065 ;6 /0./,:; )0++,9 -69 *(:/ *(:/0,9Âť: */,*2 *(:/ ,8<0=(3,5; VY V[OLY MVYT VM WH`TLU[ H\[OVYPaLK I` O I 7H`HISL H[ [PTL VM ZHSL PU SH^M\S TVUL` VM [OL <UP[LK :[H[LZ (; ;/, -965; ,5;9(5*, 6- ;/, -694,9 *6965( 7630*, +,7(9;4,5; (; > :0?;/ :;9,,; *6965( *( (SS right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by P[ \UKLY ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ PU [OL WYVWLY[` ZP[\H[LK PU ZHPK *V\U[` HUK :[H[L KLZJYPILK HZ! (: 469, -<33@ +,:*90),+ 05 ;/, ()6=, 4,5;065,+ +,,+ 6- ;9<:; (75 ;OL Z[YLL[ address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: *(33, ,47(34, *6(*/,33( *( ;OL \UKLYZPNULK ;Y\Z[LL KPZJSHPTZ HU` SPHIPSP[` MVY any incorrectness of the street address and other JVTTVU KLZPNUH[PVU PM HU` ZOV^U OLYLPU :HPK sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal Z\T VM [OL UV[L Z ZLJ\YLK I` ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ ^P[O PU[LYLZ[ [OLYLVU HZ WYV]PKLK PU ZHPK UV[L Z HK]HUJLZ \UKLY [OL [LYTZ VM ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ MLLZ JOHYNLZ HUK L_WLUZLZ VM [OL ;Y\Z[LL HUK VM [OL [Y\Z[Z JYLH[LK I` ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ ;OL [V[HS amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is



;OL ILULĂ„JPHY` \UKLY ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ OHZ KLWVZP[LK HSS KVJ\TLU[Z L]PKLUJPUN [OL VISPNH[PVUZ ZLJ\YLK I` [OL +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ HUK OHZ declared all sums secured thereby immediately due and payable, and has caused a written Notice VM +LMH\S[ HUK ,SLJ[PVU [V :LSS [V IL L_LJ\[LK ;OL undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County where the YLHS WYVWLY[` PZ SVJH[LK 56;0*, ;6 76;,5;0(3 )0++,9:! 0M `V\ HYL JVUZPKLYPUN IPKKPUN VU [OPZ property lien, you should understand that there HYL YPZRZ PU]VS]LK PU IPKKPUN H[ H [Y\Z[LL H\J[PVU You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property P[ZLSM 7SHJPUN [OL OPNOLZ[ IPK H[ H [Y\Z[LL H\J[PVU does not automatically entitle you to free and clear V^ULYZOPW VM [OL WYVWLY[` @V\ ZOV\SK HSZV IL H^HYL that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior SPLU 0M `V\ HYL [OL OPNOLZ[ IPKKLY H[ [OL H\J[PVU you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before `V\ JHU YLJLP]L JSLHY [P[SL [V [OL WYVWLY[` @V\ HYL encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this WYVWLY[` I` JVU[HJ[PUN [OL JV\U[` YLJVYKLYÂťZ VMĂ„JL or a title insurance company, either of which may JOHYNL `V\ H MLL MVY [OPZ PUMVYTH[PVU 0M `V\ JVUZ\S[ either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one TVY[NHNL VY KLLK VM [Y\Z[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` 56;0*, ;6 7967,9;@ 6>5,9! ;OL ZHSL KH[L ZOV^U VU this notice of sale may be postponed one or more [PTLZ I` [OL TVY[NHNLL ILULĂ„JPHY` [Y\Z[LL VY H court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California *P]PS *VKL ;OL SH^ YLX\PYLZ [OH[ PUMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not WYLZLU[ H[ [OL ZHSL 0M `V\ ^PZO [V SLHYU ^OL[OLY `V\Y sale date has been postponed, and if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this WYVWLY[` `V\ TH` JHSS VY ]PZP[ [OPZ 0U[LYUL[ >LI O[[W! ZLHYJO UH[PVU^PKLWVZ[PUN JVT WYVWLY[`:LHYJO;LYTZ HZW_ \ZPUN [OL Ă„SL U\TILY HZZPNULK [V [OPZ JHZL *( 0UMVYTH[PVU about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may UV[ PTTLKPH[LS` IL YLĂ…LJ[LK PU [OL [LSLWOVUL PUMVYTH[PVU VY VU [OL 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ;OL ILZ[ ^H` to verify postponement information is to attend the ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL 0M [OL ZHSL PZ ZL[ HZPKL MVY HU` YLHZVU the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to H YL[\YU VM [OL KLWVZP[ WHPK ;OL 7\YJOHZLY ZOHSS have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the 4VY[NHNLL VY [OL 4VY[NHNLLÂťZ H[[VYUL` +H[L! -PYZ[ (TLYPJHU ;P[SL 0UZ\YHUJL *VTWHU` *HTW\Z *PY )SKN Z[ -SVVY >LZ[SHRL ;? -PYZ[ (TLYPJHU ;P[SL 0UZ\YHUJL *VTWHU` 4(@ ), (*;05. (: ( +,); *633,*;69 (;;,47;05. ;6 *633,*; ( +,); (5@ 05-694(;065 6);(05,+ 4(@ ), <:,+ -69 ;/(; 7<976:, -69 ;9<:;,,: :(3, 05-694(;065 73,(:, *(33 577 ;V! +,:,9; :;(9 >,,23@








auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, ILMVYL `V\ JHU YLJLP]L JSLHY [P[SL [V [OL WYVWLY[` You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s VMÄJL VY H [P[SL PUZ\YHUJL JVTWHU` LP[OLY VM ^OPJO TH` JOHYNL `V\ H MLL MVY [OPZ PUMVYTH[PVU 0M `V\ consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than VUL TVY[NHNL VY +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` 5V[PJL [V 7YVWLY[` 6^ULY ;OL ZHSL KH[L ZOV^U VU this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more [PTLZ I` [OL 4VY[NHNLL )LULÄJPHY` ;Y\Z[LL VY H court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California *P]PS *VKL ;OL SH^ YLX\PYLZ [OH[ PUMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ ;Y\Z[LL :HSL WVZ[WVULTLU[Z IL THKL H]HPSHISL [V you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not WYLZLU[ H[ [OL ZHSL 0M `V\ ^PZO [V SLHYU ^OL[OLY `V\Y sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this WYVWLY[` `V\ TH` JHSS 0U :V\YJL 3VNPJ H[ MVY PUMVYTH[PVU YLNHYKPUN [OL ;Y\Z[LLZ :HSL VY ]PZP[ [OL 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L HKKYLZZ SPZ[LK ILSV^ MVY information regarding the sale of this property, using [OL ÄSL U\TILY HZZPNULK [V [OPZ JHZL *( 0UMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ WVZ[WVULTLU[Z [OH[ HYL very short in duration or that occur close in time to [OL ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL TH` UV[ PTTLKPH[LS` IL YLÅLJ[LK PU [OL [LSLWOVUL PUMVYTH[PVU VY VU [OL 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ;OL ILZ[ ^H` [V ]LYPM` WVZ[WVULTLU[ PUMVYTH[PVU PZ [V H[[LUK [OL ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL +H[L! 1HU\HY` 4;* -PUHUJPHS 0UJ KIH ;Y\Z[LL *VYWZ ;: 5V *( .PSSL[[L (]L 0Y]PUL *( ;++! 4PN\LS 6JOVH (\[OVYPaLK :PNUH[VY` :(3, 05-694(;065 *(5 ), 6);(05,+ 65 305, (; ^^^ PUZV\YJLSVNPJ JVT -69 (<;64(;,+ :(3,: 05-694(;065 73,(:, *(33! 0U :V\YJL 3VNPJ (; 4;* -PUHUJPHS 0UJ KIH ;Y\Z[LL *VYWZ 4(@ ), (*;05. (: ( +,); *633,*;69 (;;,47;05. ;6 *633,*; ( +,); (5@ 05-694(;065 6);(05,+ 4(@ ), <:,+ -69 ;/(; 7<976:, 69+,9 56 *( 7<) +(;,:! +:>


STAR STAR Dog Killing Fields In Sky Valley



The Mountain Fire seen from PPalm Pa Springs. Photo: Scott McPherson/Contributed Image






Desert Hot Springs, CA PERMIT NO 00005

July 17, 2013 Vol. 7 No. 28

desert d es t


Your business remains on their minds when they’re in the market for related products or services.


said in an exclusive interview.

US POSTAGE PAID Schwenn had been personally the dogs. Desert Hot Springs, CA “On May 1, I found an older female (dog) laying out in the sun, too weak to move or drink, breathing hard. I took her to a vet trailing blood to the exam room. She was very emaciated. “The veterinarian said was too far gone. The only option was to humanely end her suffering. I held her, whispered, and cried for her to the end, just like she was my own dog,� Pallesen said. This dog’s death was

in the Desert Retreat Center. Seebowls pages 12 and 13 Local animal advocate fights to Contact rescue dogscoming tto the Joshua “The Tree water and food responsible for ‘hundreds and

Women Prisoners Sterilized W E E K L Y

By Jackie Devereaux

SKY VALLEY - Bernadette Schwenn, 64, a resident of Fan Canyon in Sky Valley, was arrested on Monday, July 1 on charges of animal cruelty. Schwenn lives in a makeshift shanty with no water, no electricity and a pack of Queensland Heeler dogs. Last April, Kitty Pallesen, an animal advocate and writer received a call saying something

may have happened to the woman living in Fan Canyon and that her dogs needed help. ¸0 ^LU[ \W HUK KPK UV[ Ă„UK Bernadette, but found so many dogs with no food or water. I went back every day delivering water and food, not knowing if the woman was dead or alive. I did not know her last name or how to contact her. I started calling different agencies trying to get help for the dogs,â€? Pallesen

NO 00005 were always empty. I counted hundreds’ ofPERMIT dead dogs. 20 or 22 dogs at the camp near Pallesen called Animal July 10, 2013 Vol. 7 No. 27 the road, not knowing there were Control, the ASPCA, the more in an upper camp. Humane Society, PETA, Animal “One night a friend of Samaritans, a County Supervisor, Schwenn’s stopped by with a jug “and every place I could think of. of water. He had not talked to her, Nobody called back. did not know where she was nor “Sky Valley Park’s chapel had any contact information for raised money for a bigger water her. Before he left, he said he did container. I asked the Sky Valley not understand why something Fire Station if they could deliver had not been done a long time water, but their tanks held ago about the situation with the JOLTPJHSZ HKKLK [V Ă„NO[ Ă„YLZ dogs, and that over the years and the water is not suitable for

Janet Napolitano as New UC President

Continues on Page 8


WO`ZPJPHU ^OV [YHJRZ TLKPJHS ZLY]PJLZ HUK JVZ[Z MVY [OL California Prison Health Care 9LJLP]LYZOPW *VYW [VSK [OL *LU[LY [OH[ [OL OLHS[O JHYL JVTTP[[LL YLZWVUZPISL MVY H\[OVYPaPUN [OVZL Z\YNLYPLZ OH]L not seen a single request. The papers obtained by the investigators suggest something T\JO [V [OL JVU[YHY` [OV\NO ^P[O YLJVYKZ PUKPJH[PUN [OH[ WO`ZPJPHUZ JVU[YHJ[LK I` [OL Z[H[L LHYULK PU SVJHS funds to perform those surgeries IL[^LLU HUK

OAKLAND - In response to the next President of the that’s needed to meet its core the news that Homeland Security University of California. Secretary public research, academic and Secretary and former Arizona Napolitano’s tenure at UC begins health delivery missions in the Governor Janet Napolitano will at a time of skyrocketing student years to come. If she does, she become the new President of the tuition, degraded patient care JHU IL HZZ\YLK [OH[ ZOL ^PSS Ă„UK H University of California system, quality, increased privatization willing partner in AFSCME 3299.â€? Kathryn Lybarger, President of of public university resources, AFSCME 3299 represents the university’s largest union— unprecedented debt, unrivaled more than 22,000 Service and AFSCME 3299—has issued the executive excess, and declining Patient Care Technical Workers following statement: taxpayer trust in top University at the University of California’s “While UC staff, students and leadership. While this will be JHTW\ZLZ HUK Ă„]L TLKPJHS patients were largely excluded the unfortunate legacy of her centers. Read our UC Patient Care Whistleblower Report at Editorial www.on Page 22 from the secretive process that predecessor, our that Immigration Im mmi mm mig igrra rat aittio atio tio ion onisRe Reform: efoor efo orm rm m:hope : Iss th thi this his his is the beginning of a new military/police state? led to Secretary Janet Napolitano’s Secretary Napolitano will work HMZJTL VYN W\[WH[PLU[ZĂ„YZ[ Dr. Daun Martin, the CaliforniatoInstitution forUC’s Women arrest the continuing or visit us online at www. appointment, we top appreciate in Corona. TLKPJHS her THUHNLY PU JOHYNL years of public service and modesty problem, and restore the 4HY[PU ZOL HUK 6) VM *OV^JOPSSH *HSPMVYUPHÂťZ June 26, 2013 Vol. 7 No. 25 spiritZHPK of cooperation and respect congratulate her on becoming =HSSL` :[H[L 7YPZVU MYVT .@5 +Y 1HTLZ /LPUYPJO ILNHU [OYV\NO HKKLK [OH[ ZOL looking for ways around the UL]LY H\[OVYPaLK H ZPUNSL [\IHS YLZ[YPJ[PVUZ HM[LY YLZLHYJOPUN Z[H[L ligation during her tenure at the WYVJLK\YLZ HUK VM[LU YLSPLK VU WLUP[LU[PHY` :[H[L JVU[YHJ[Z YLJVTTLUKPUN PUTH[LZ NV \UKLY suggest at least 60 of those [OL RUPML I` ^H` VM JP[PUN [OL surgeries were performed Z\YNLY` H ¸TLKPJHS LTLYNLUJ` š during that span, though, with (JJVYKPUN [V IV[O KVJ[VYZ [OL` Z[H[L WYVJLK\YLZ HWWHYLU[S` ILSPL]LK [OH[ [OL YLZ[YPJ[PVUZ [OH[ ZPKLZ[LWWLK PU VYKLY [V Z[LYPSPaL kept inmates from undergoing women without the proper [\IHS SPNH[PVU WYVJLK\YLZ ^LYL paperwork ever being filed Continues on Page 8 H[ IV[O =HSSL` :[H[L HUK [OL

PALM SPRINGS – Jeff L. Grubbe, Chairman of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians released the following statement on Tuesday regarding the legal ÄSPUN MYVT [OL *VHJOLSSH =HSSL` >H[LY +PZ[YPJ[ HUK [OL +LZLY[ >H[LY (NLUJ` *=>+ +>( PU response to Tribe’s lawsuit to WYV[LJ[ ^H[LY PU [OL =HSSL`!

KLJSHYL V\Y ZLUPVY ^H[LY YPNO[Z ZV ^L JHU IL WYVHJ[P]L PU WHY[ULYZOPW ^P[O *VHJOLSSH =HSSL` YLZPKLU[Z and prevent the Desert Water (NLUJ` HUK [OL *VHJOLSSH =HSSL` >H[LY +PZ[YPJ[ MYVT JVU[PU\PUN to overdraft the aquifer and degrade the quality of existing groundwater,� said Grubbe. PRESORTED is “What is most astonishing

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(75! ;: 5V! *( ;6 5V! *( =60 56;0*, 6- ;9<:;,,Âť: :(3, @6< (9, 05 +,-(<3; <5+,9 ( +,,+ 6- ;9<:; +(;,+ (\N\Z[ <53,:: @6< ;(2, (*;065 ;6 796;,*; @6<9 7967,9;@ 0; 4(@ ), :63+ (; ( 7<)30* :(3, 0- @6< 5,,+ (5 ,?73(5(;065 6- ;/, 5(;<9, 6- ;/, 796*,,+05.: (.(05:; @6< @6< :/6<3+ *65;(*; ( 3(>@,9 6U -LIY\HY` H[ ! (4 PU MYVU[ VM [OL *VYVUH *P]PJ *LU[LY > :P_[O :[YLL[ *VYVUH *( 4;* -PUHUJPHS 0UJ KIH ;Y\Z[LL *VYWZ HZ [OL K\S` (WWVPU[LK ;Y\Z[LL \UKLY HUK W\YZ\HU[ [V [OL WV^LY VM ZHSL JVU[HPULK PU [OH[ JLY[HPU +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ YLJVYKLK VU (\N\Z[ HZ 0UZ[Y\TLU[ 5V VM VMĂ„JPHS YLJVYKZ PU [OL 6MĂ„JL VM [OL 9LJVYKLY VM 9P]LYZPKL *V\U[` *HSPMVYUPH L_LJ\[LK I` *,+90* 205. (5 <54(990,+ 4(5 HZ ;Y\Z[VY Z PU MH]VY VM 469;.(., ,3,*;9650* 9,.0:;9(;065 :@:;,4: 05* HZ UVTPULL MVY 05+@4(* )(52 - : ) ( -,+,9(33@ */(9;,9,+ :(=05.: )(52 HZ )LULMPJPHY` >033 :,33 (; 7<)30* (<*;065 ;6 ;/, /0./,:; )0++,9 PU SH^M\S TVUL` VM [OL <UP[LK :[H[LZ HSS WH`HISL H[ [OL [PTL of sale, that certain property situated in said County, *HSPMVYUPH KLZJYPIPUN [OL SHUK [OLYLPU HZ! (: 469, -<33@ +,:*90),+ 05 :(0+ +,,+ 6- ;9<:; ;OL WYVWLY[` OLYL[VMVYL KLZJYPILK PZ ILPUN ZVSK ¸HZ PZš ;OL Z[YLL[ HKKYLZZ HUK V[OLY JVTTVU KLZPNUH[PVU if any, of the real property described above is purWVY[LK [V IL! *(33, +,3 +0()36 +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( ;OL \UKLYZPNULK ;Y\Z[LL disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if HU` ZOV^U OLYLPU :HPK ZHSL ^PSS IL THKL ^P[OV\[ covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the YLTHPUPUN WYPUJPWHS Z\T VM [OL 5V[L Z ZLJ\YLK I` ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ ^P[O PU[LYLZ[ [OLYLVU HZ WYV]PKLK PU ZHPK 5V[L Z HK]HUJLZ PM HU` \UKLY [OL [LYTZ VM [OL +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ LZ[PTH[LK MLLZ JOHYNLZ HUK L_WLUZLZ VM [OL ;Y\Z[LL HUK VM [OL [Y\Z[Z JYLH[LK I` ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ ;OL [V[HS HTV\U[ VM [OL \UWHPK balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication VM [OPZ 5V[PJL VM ;Y\Z[LLÂťZ :HSL PZ LZ[PTH[LK [V IL ,Z[PTH[LK /V^L]LY WYLWH`TLU[ premiums, accrued interest and advances will inJYLHZL [OPZ Ă„N\YL WYPVY [V ZHSL )LULĂ„JPHY`ÂťZ IPK H[ ZHPK ZHSL TH` PUJS\KL HSS VY WHY[ VM ZHPK HTV\U[ 0U HKKP[PVU [V JHZO [OL ;Y\Z[LL ^PSS HJJLW[ H JHZOPLYÂťZ check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank speciĂ„LK PU :LJ[PVU VM [OL *HSPMVYUPH -PUHUJPHS *VKL and authorized to do business in California, or other Z\JO M\UKZ HZ TH` IL HJJLW[HISL [V [OL ;Y\Z[LL 0U the event tender other than cash is accepted, the ;Y\Z[LL TH` ^P[OOVSK [OL PZZ\HUJL VM [OL ;Y\Z[LLÂťZ +LLK <WVU :HSL \U[PS M\UKZ ILJVTL H]HPSHISL [V [OL WH`LL VY LUKVYZLL HZ H TH[[LY VM YPNO[ ;OL property offered for sale excludes all funds held on HJJV\U[ I` [OL WYVWLY[` YLJLP]LY PM HWWSPJHISL 0M [OL ;Y\Z[LL PZ \UHISL [V JVU]L` [P[SL MVY HU` YLHZVU [OL successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall IL [OL YL[\YU VM TVUPLZ WHPK [V [OL ;Y\Z[LL HUK [OL Z\JJLZZM\S IPKKLY ZOHSS OH]L UV M\Y[OLY YLJV\YZL 5V[PJL [V 7V[LU[PHS )PKKLYZ 0M `V\ HYL JVUZPKLYPUN bidding on this property lien, you should understand [OH[ [OLYL HYL YPZRZ PU]VS]LK PU IPKKPUN H[ H ;Y\Z[LL H\J[PVU @V\ ^PSS IL IPKKPUN VU H SPLU UV[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` P[ZLSM 7SHJPUN [OL OPNOLZ[ IPK H[ H ;Y\Z[LL auction does not automatically entitle you to free HUK JSLHY V^ULYZOPW VM [OL WYVWLY[` @V\ ZOV\SK also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may IL H Q\UPVY SPLU 0M `V\ HYL [OL OPNOLZ[ IPKKLY H[ [OL



Hundreds of female prisoners who were already mothers of multiple children urged to have tubal ligations.

Hundreds given tubal ligations CHOWCHILLA and *6965( 7YPZVU KVJ[VYZ PU *HSPMVYUPH Z[LYPSPaLK ULHYS` 150 female inmates during the JV\YZL VM MV\Y `LHYZ ^P[OV\[ L]LY obtaining proper approval from the state, a new investigation reveals. (JJVYKPUN [V ;OL *LU[LY MVY Investigative Reporting, at least ^VTLU H[ H WHPY VM Z[H[L WLUP[LU[PHYPLZ YLJLP]LK [\IHS ligations during the period of

Janet Napolitano



Local Indian Tribe Defends Water Rights chella Kidney Institute Opens Doors in Coa 7HST :WYPUNZ




desert d es t



Ham Radio Operators Field Day STANDARD

¸>L HYL YL]PL^PUN [OLPY Ă„SPUN [OL ^H[LY HNLUJPLZ JVU[PU\L [V and quality of the groundwater in ;OL *VHJOLSSH 2PKUL` 0UZ[P[\[L PZ KLKPJH[LK [V WYV]PKPUN [OL TVZ[ J\YYLU[ KPHS`ZPZ [YLH[TLU[Z PU H [YHUX\PS HUK JHSTPUN LU]PYVUTLU[ 0[ ^PSS OH]L Z[H[L VM [OL HY[ RPKUL` KPHS`ZPZ Z[H[PVUZ MVY WH[PLU[Z [V YLJLP]L [YLH[TLU[Z 4LKPJHS US POSTAGEthe PAID I\[ ^OH[ ^HZ [Y\L ^OLU ^L Ă„SLK deny there is any issue with [OL *VHJOLSSH =HSSL` MVY KLJHKLZ +PYLJ[VY +Y 5HYLU *OHUKYHZOLRHY 4 + - ( : 5 HUK (ZZLTIS`THU 4HU\LS 7LYLa Desert Hot Springs, CA and their failed stewardship of the +/: *VTT\UP[` HUK *\S[\YHS (ɈHPYZ YPIIVU J\[[PUNZ MVY [^V ZJ\SW[\YLZ :[VY` VU 7HNL +/: *VTT\UP[` HUK *\S[\YHS ( ( the lawsuit remains true today. water. Independent investigations

Tragedy in Arizona W E E K L Y


PERMIT NO 00005 *VHJOLSSH =HSSL`ÂťZ TVZ[ WYLJPV\Z >L JHUUV[ LTWOHZPaL LUV\NO HUK [OLPY V^U KVJ\TLU[Z H[[LZ[ that this is about the future of [V [OL MHJ[ [OH[ [OL SVJHS ^H[LY PZ YLZV\YJL OHZ [V Z[VW š OL ZHPK PU July 3,and 2013polluted. Vol. 8 No. 26 a prepared statement. *VHJOLSSH =HSSL`ÂťZ ^H[LY Z\WWS` being depleted >L HYL HZRPUN [OL MLKLYHS JV\Y[ [V “Both the 2002 and



( :05.3, 4(5 HZ ;Y\Z[VY Z PU MH]VY VM *6<5;9@>0+, )(52 -:) HZ )LULĂ„JPHY` >033 :,33 (; 7<)30* (<*;065 ;6 ;/, /0./,:; )0++,9 PU SH^M\S TVUL` VM [OL <UP[LK :[H[LZ HSS WH`HISL H[ the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein HZ! (: 469, -<33@ +,:*90),+ 05 :(0+ +,,+ 6- ;9<:; ;OL WYVWLY[` OLYL[VMVYL KLZJYPILK PZ ILPUN ZVSK ¸HZ PZš ;OL Z[YLL[ HKKYLZZ HUK V[OLY common designation, if any, of the real property KLZJYPILK HIV]L PZ W\YWVY[LK [V IL! *0,36 (A<3 >(@ +,:,9; /6; :7905.: *( ;OL \UKLYZPNULK ;Y\Z[LL KPZJSHPTZ HU` SPHIPSP[` MVY any incorrectness of the street address and other JVTTVU KLZPNUH[PVU PM HU` ZOV^U OLYLPU :HPK ZHSL will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the 5V[L Z ZLJ\YLK I` ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ ^P[O PU[LYLZ[ [OLYLVU HZ WYV]PKLK PU ZHPK 5V[L Z HK]HUJLZ PM HU` \UKLY [OL [LYTZ VM [OL +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ LZ[PTH[LK MLLZ JOHYNLZ HUK L_WLUZLZ VM [OL ;Y\Z[LL HUK VM [OL [Y\Z[Z JYLH[LK I` ZHPK +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ ;OL [V[HS amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice VM ;Y\Z[LLÂťZ :HSL PZ LZ[PTH[LK [V IL ,Z[PTH[LK /V^L]LY WYLWH`TLU[ WYLTP\TZ accrued interest and advances will increase this Ă„N\YL WYPVY [V ZHSL )LULĂ„JPHY`ÂťZ IPK H[ ZHPK ZHSL TH` PUJS\KL HSS VY WHY[ VM ZHPK HTV\U[ 0U HKKP[PVU [V JHZO [OL ;Y\Z[LL ^PSS HJJLW[ H JHZOPLYÂťZ JOLJR drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, ZH]PUNZ HZZVJPH[PVU VY ZH]PUNZ IHUR ZWLJPĂ„LK PU Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other Z\JO M\UKZ HZ TH` IL HJJLW[HISL [V [OL ;Y\Z[LL 0U [OL L]LU[ [LUKLY V[OLY [OHU JHZO PZ HJJLW[LK [OL ;Y\Z[LL TH` ^P[OOVSK [OL PZZ\HUJL VM [OL ;Y\Z[LLÂťZ +LLK <WVU :HSL \U[PS M\UKZ ILJVTL H]HPSHISL [V [OL WH`LL VY LUKVYZLL HZ H TH[[LY VM YPNO[ ;OL property offered for sale excludes all funds held on HJJV\U[ I` [OL WYVWLY[` YLJLP]LY PM HWWSPJHISL 0M [OL ;Y\Z[LL PZ \UHISL [V JVU]L` [P[SL MVY HU` YLHZVU [OL successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall IL [OL YL[\YU VM TVUPLZ WHPK [V [OL ;Y\Z[LL HUK [OL Z\JJLZZM\S IPKKLY ZOHSS OH]L UV M\Y[OLY YLJV\YZL 5V[PJL [V 7V[LU[PHS )PKKLYZ 0M `V\ HYL JVUZPKLYPUN bidding on this property lien, you should understand [OH[ [OLYL HYL YPZRZ PU]VS]LK PU IPKKPUN H[ H ;Y\Z[LL H\J[PVU @V\ ^PSS IL IPKKPUN VU H SPLU UV[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` P[ZLSM 7SHJPUN [OL OPNOLZ[ IPK H[ H ;Y\Z[LL auction does not automatically entitle you to free HUK JSLHY V^ULYZOPW VM [OL WYVWLY[` @V\ ZOV\SK also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may IL H Q\UPVY SPLU 0M `V\ HYL [OL OPNOLZ[ IPKKLY H[ [OL auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, ILMVYL `V\ JHU YLJLP]L JSLHY [P[SL [V [OL WYVWLY[` You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s VMĂ„JL VY H [P[SL PUZ\YHUJL JVTWHU` LP[OLY VM ^OPJO TH` JOHYNL `V\ H MLL MVY [OPZ PUMVYTH[PVU 0M `V\ consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than VUL TVY[NHNL VY +LLK VM ;Y\Z[ VU [OL WYVWLY[` 5V[PJL [V 7YVWLY[` 6^ULY ;OL ZHSL KH[L ZOV^U VU this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more [PTLZ I` [OL 4VY[NHNLL )LULĂ„JPHY` ;Y\Z[LL VY H court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California *P]PS *VKL ;OL SH^ YLX\PYLZ [OH[ PUMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ ;Y\Z[LL :HSL WVZ[WVULTLU[Z IL THKL H]HPSHISL [V you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not WYLZLU[ H[ [OL ZHSL 0M `V\ ^PZO [V SLHYU ^OL[OLY `V\Y sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this WYVWLY[` `V\ TH` JHSS 0U :V\YJL 3VNPJ H[ MVY PUMVYTH[PVU YLNHYKPUN [OL ;Y\Z[LLÂťZ :HSL VY ]PZP[ [OL 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L HKKYLZZ SPZ[LK ILSV^ MVY information regarding the sale of this property, using [OL Ă„SL U\TILY HZZPNULK [V [OPZ JHZL *( 0UMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ WVZ[WVULTLU[Z [OH[ HYL very short in duration or that occur close in time to [OL ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL TH` UV[ PTTLKPH[LS` IL YLĂ…LJ[LK PU [OL [LSLWOVUL PUMVYTH[PVU VY VU [OL 0U[LYUL[ >LI ZP[L ;OL ILZ[ ^H` [V ]LYPM` WVZ[WVULTLU[ PUMVYTH[PVU PZ [V H[[LUK [OL ZJOLK\SLK ZHSL +H[L! 1HU\HY` 4;* -PUHUJPHS 0UJ KIH ;Y\Z[LL *VYWZ ;: 5V *( .PSSL[[L (]L 0Y]PUL *( ;++! 4PN\LS 6JOVH (\[OVYPaLK :PNUH[VY` :(3, 05-694(;065 *(5 ), 6);(05,+ 65 305, (; ^^^ PUZV\YJLSVNPJ JVT -69 (<;64(;,+ :(3,: 05-694(;065 73,(:, *(33! 0U :V\YJL 3VNPJ (; 4;* -PUHUJPHS 0UJ KIH ;Y\Z[LL *VYWZ 4(@ ), (*;05. (: ( +,); *633,*;69 (;;,47;05. ;6 *633,*; ( +,); (5@ 05-694(;065 6);(05,+ 4(@ ), <:,+ -69 ;/(; 7<976:, 69+,9 56 *( 7<) +(;,:! +:>








January 27, 2016

19 Elite Firefighters Perish in Blaze

perished outside Yarnell Hill, Arizona after the blaze ravaged the town forcing people to evacuate. An estimated 250 homes are KLZ[YV`LK I` [OL MHZ[ TV]PUN Ă„YL that has charred more than 9,000 HJYLZ :[H[L MVYLZ[Y` VMĂ„JPHSZ HYL WYLKPJ[PUN [OL Ă„YL ^PSS JVU[PU\L [V grow this week, as erratic winds and high heat fueling the blaze

Wickenburg Community Hospital is treating at least eight firefighters who were among 22 injured in the line of duty. 6UL VM [OL Z\Y]P]PUN Ă„YLĂ„NO[LYZ reportedly sustained burns to 75 percent of his body. Among the dead was Eric Marsh, 43-year-old superintendent of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, an elite group


desert d es t


Norris, 28; Wade Parker, 22; John Percin, 24; Anthony Rose, 23; Jesse Steed, 36; Joe ;O\YZ[VU " ;YH]PZ ;\YI`Ă„SS " William Warneke, 25; Clayton Whitted, 28; Kevin Woyjeck, 21; and Garret Zuppiger, 27. ( [YPI\[L [V [OL Ă„YLĂ„NO[LYZ grows outside Prescott Fire Station No. 7. Flowers, American Ă…HNZ HUK ZPNUZ PUJS\KPUN [OVZL

;OL Ă„YL PZ X\PJRS` YLHJOPUN tankers, and multiple engines and air tankers were ordered. Earlier Sunday, 50 homes burning with zero containment. in the Buckhorn, Model Creek It is estimated that 500 and Double A Bar Ranch areas Ă„YLĂ„NO[LYZ HYL UV^ IH[[SPUN [OL some 85 miles from Phoenix Ă…HTLZ -LKLYHS H\[OVYP[PLZ ZLU[ were ordered to evacuate. By additional forces to help tackle afternoon the evacuation order the disaster including numerous reached residents in the Peeples water carrying aircrafts. Valley area and in the town of Continues on Page 8 In addition to the 500

By Jackie Devereaux PALM SPRINGS – The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a historic ruling on Wednesday, Jun. 26 to grant same sex marriages across the nation. In their ruling on DOMA and California’s Proposition 8, the justices overturned a previous lower court ruling which declared same sex marriage unconstitutional. Within minutes of the landmark ruling, local hoteliers and wedding planners scrambled to promote Palm Springs as a premiere wedding destination. “The Supreme Court’s

historic action today overturning DOMA and dismissing the appeal of California’s Proposition 8, clearing the way for same-sex marriage in our state is a huge victory for the LGBT community. This is about equal rights and I HT NYH[PĂ„LK [OH[ [OL JV\Y[ OHZ recognized that we are all the same,â€? said Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet. “My husband Christopher and I look forward to same-sex weddings commencing again in the state of California – and rest assured the City of Palm Springs will continue to be a destination committed to celebrating the


“Type 1� status, which the most W E critical E level, KandLis currently Y

August 21, 2013 Vol. 7 No. 36

Desert Businesses Clamor Cla to Attract Same Sex Weddings

institution of marriage, both heterosexual and same-sex,� Pougnet said in a prepared statement “Riverside County is prepared to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and record their marriages immediately after the anticipated direction is received from the state and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Hopefully that day will be here soon,� said Supervisor John J. Benoit. “The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on the matter of Hollingsworth v. Perry, making

Tampering with Evidence Indictments Vanderbilt football player Chris C Boyd

Continues on Page 8

Local Men Charged in Vanderbilt Rape Case By Jackie Devereaux PALM DESERT - The attorney for one of the men charged with allegedly tampering with evidence in a Vanderbilt rape case said his client, Joseph Dominick Quinzio, 20, of Palm Desert, received a video of the alleged rape through his phone as a text message. Criminal Defense Attorney )YL[[ .YLLUĂ„LSK ^P[O [OL 3VZ (UNLSLZ SH^ Ă„YT VM 2LUULY HUK Greenfield admitted that his client, Quinzio, “saw the video

and became very disturbed.� Quinzio, along with Miles Finley, 19, of Bermuda Dunes are friends of Brandon Vandenburg, 20, of Indio. The three young men played football together at Xavier College Preparatory High School in Palm Desert. Vandenburg was arrested MVY Ä]L JV\U[Z VM YHWL HUK [^V counts of sexual battery against an unconscious 21-year-old female Vanderbilt student. Vandenburg is also charged with videotaping the female victim

and passing on those videos to others. The alleged rape and video tapping took place on June 23 in Tennessee. .YLLUĂ„LSK ZHPK [OL ]PKLV was sent to his client. Quinzio and Finley both are charged with tampering with electronic evidence and scheduled to appear in separate courtrooms on Tuesday, Aug. 20 for extradition hearings. “He’s (Quinzio) being accused of somehow tampering with or destroying evidence, and

Have you seen this man?

German son seeks reunion with father By Jackie Devereaux Emin Bernd Alihodic was born on July 21, 1951 in Siegen, Germany and immigrated to the United States sometime in the late 1980s. Alihodic left behind two children and an ex-wife. His son, Jens (Alihodic) Luschnt, 35, came to Palm Springs on Monday, Aug. 12 to search for his biological father with only a

newspaper article describing how his dad was rescued twice off Mount San Jacinto on Feb. 9, 2009 and then again on May 13, 2010. Jens, who speaks little or no English, was adopted by his stepfather at the age of 10 and only knows a little about his biological father from stories his mother told him through the years. “I’d like to know more

about him. How’s he been living all these years,� the younger Alihodic said through a German/ English interpreter. Jens said he started looking for his father about a year and a half ago after meeting the SV]L VM OPZ SPML 2HYPU /\LILYZ /L HUK 2HYPU ^HU[ [V Z[HY[ [OLPY own family soon and through her urging, they traveled to Palm Springs to search for his biological father. Continues on Page 4

nothing could be further than the [Y\[O š .YLLUĂ„LSK ZHPK Nashville, Tennessee Metro police traveled to California in July to interview both Quinzio and Finley about their involvement with the cover up. .YLLUĂ„LSK ZHPK OPZ JSPLU[ ^HZ so disturbed by the video, that he went to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department on Friday, Aug. 16 and reported everything he knew. “Doing the right thing was what prompted him to go to the ZOLYPMM š .YLLUĂ„LSK ZHPK RUV^PUN an investigation was going on. .YLLUĂ„LSK ZHPK VUS` ^OLU

Quinzio showed up to talk to PU]LZ[PNH[VYZ KPK OL Ă„UK V\[ [OH[ there was a warrant for his arrest in Tennessee. “He (Quinzio) was simply sent a text message, unwanted, unsolicited, out of the blue, put in a terrible situation by someone who he thought was a friend,â€? .YLLUĂ„LSK ZHPK Quinzio is being held without bail at the Southwest Detention Center. Finley is being held at the Larson Justice Center in Indio without bail and is also expected to appear in court Tuesday. Both young men are Continues on Page 10

Emin Bernd Alihodic, your son is looking for you!

Healthcare open enrollment ends Sunday

The deadline to sign up for health insurance through the CoveredCA exchange is Sun., Jan. 31. (Cathy Yeulet/iStockphoto) By Desert Star Staff 36: (5.,3,: 0M `V\ ^HU[ to sign up for health insurance and get help paying for it you only OH]L \U[PS :\UKH` [V NL[ P[ KVUL ;OL OLHS[OJHYL THYRL[WSHJLÂťZ

annual open enrollment period JSVZLZ 1HU HUK ^VU[ YLVWLU \U[PS [OL MHSS 0M `V\ KVU[ OH]L insurance, there’s a penalty of about $700 per person at tax [PTL

Peter Lee, executive director of Covered California, says despite massive outreach and marketing efforts, there are still people who haven’t explored [OLPY VW[PVUZ

“People know there is a WLUHS[` )\[ V]LY VUL [OPYK VM those eligible for subsidies that are uninsured do not know subsidies are available,â€? says 3LL ¸;OH[ÂťZ H YLTHYRHISL NHW NP]LU HSS ^LÂť]L KVUL š 0[ÂťZ LZ[PTH[LK WLYJLU[ of Californians are uninsured, a Ă„N\YL ZL]LU WLYJLU[ SV^LY [OHU ILMVYL [OL (MMVYKHISL *HYL (J[ [VVR LMMLJ[ [^V `LHYZ HNV ;OH[ ^VYRZ V\[ [V HU HKKP[PVUHS million people in the Golden State ^OV UV^ OH]L OLHS[O PUZ\YHUJL Lee suspects the penalty will motivate some procrastinators but points out there’s a lot more H[ Z[HRL ¸;OL IPNNLY WLUHS[` PZ [OL YPZR of going without coverage and showing up at the ER and walking out with a $30,000 bill,â€? says 3LL ¸6Y [OL WLUHS[` VM OH]PUN H JHUJLY NV \UKPHNUVZLK š ;V ZPNU \W MVY OLHS[O i n s u r a n c e t h ro u g h t h e THYRL[WSHJL VY Ă„UK H [YHPULK navigator who can help you with the signup process, look online H[ JV]LYLK*( JVT

6th Annual Matthew Varon Luncheon

Yom Kippur War Hero to be Special Guest Says Financial Advisor By Desert Star Staff 9HUJOV 4PYHNL *( Âś ,SP @HISVULR MYVT (M\SH 0ZYHLS H @VT 2PWW\Y >HY /LYV along with his Guide Dog Glen, will be the special guest at the [O (UU\HS 3\UJOLVU VM [OL Matthew Varon Chapter of the 0ZYHLS .\PKL +VN *LU[LY MVY [OL Blind, announced Helen Varon, *OHPY ;OL 3\UJOLVU [V ILULĂ„[ [OL 0ZYHLS .\PKL +VN *LU[LY MVY [OL )SPUK ^PSS IL OLSK VU >LKULZKH` February 24, 2016 at the Desert 0ZSHUK *V\U[Y` *S\I Frank Sinatra Drive, Rancho 4PYHNL 0[ ^PSS VWLU ^P[O H :PSLU[ (\J[PVU VM OPNO LUK P[LTZ

at 10 am, with the luncheon ILNPUUPUN H[ ! HT 3`YPJ Doloratura Soprano Melissa Batalles who will sing selections from opera, Broadway and the (TLYPJHU :VUNIVVR ^PSS WYV]PKL LU[LY[HPUTLU[ 9HKPV /VZ[ +HU 4J.YH[O ^PSS LTJLL ;PJRL[Z MVY [OL L]LU[ HYL >OLU ZOYHWULS OP[ ,SP Yablonek and his unit was nearly wiped out, retreat was never an VW[PVU -HJLK ^P[O V]LY^OLSTPUN odds, he wouldn’t abandon his WVZ[ 0U H WYVSVUNLK IH[[SL with 30 Egyptian tanks, Eli singlehandedly knocked out four enemy tanks, and although his tank was pulverized and his body

By Desert Star Staff (IV\[ WLVWSL sentenced to life without parole for crimes they committed as children may not have to spend the rest of their lives in prison, thanks to a decision on Monday I` [OL < : :\WYLTL *V\Y[ 0U [OL OPNO JV\Y[ banned mandatory life sentences ^P[OV\[ WHYVSL MVY Q\]LUPSLZ Monday’s decision made that retroactive, which means those people now are eligible for reZLU[LUJPUN VY WHYVSL OLHYPUNZ Nate Balis, director of the (UUPL , *HZL` -V\UKH[PVUÂťZ juvenile-justice strategy group, HWWSH\KLK [OL Y\SPUN ¸;OL HKVSLZJLU[ IYHPU doesn’t fully develop until the TPK Z š OL ZHPK ¸@V\UN WLVWSL ought to be treated as youth

who are still changing and who are capable of changing, which means it should be about their development and not about W\UPZOTLU[ š (IV\[ WLVWSL HYL PU *HSPMVYUPH WYPZVUZ PU [OPZ ZP[\H[PVU However, they’re already eligible for re-sentencing after 15 or 20 years, the result of a state law passed in the wake of the 2012 :\WYLTL *V\Y[ Y\SPUN ¸;OL YLZ[ VM [OL ^VYSK [OYV\NO [OL < 5 +LJSHYH[PVU on the Rights of Children, has said sentencing children for an act committed at 15, 16, or 17, to serve the rest of their life in prison - it’s an inhumane sentence,â€? said Daniel Macallair, director of the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice in San -YHUJPZJV ¸*P]PSPaLK JV\U[YPLZ

PU ZOYLKZ OL JVU[PU\LK [V Ă„NO[ >OLU P[ ^HZ HSS V]LY ,SP OHK SVZ[ an arm, his face was riddled with ZOYHWULS HUK OPZ L`LZ KLZ[YV`LK For his bravery, he received the 0+-ÂťZ 6[ 4VML[ JP[H[PVU ;VKH` TVYL [OHU `LHYZ later, Eli has never stopped Ă„NO[PUN ( THU VM ML^ ^VYKZ with a no-nonsense attitude, he has trained himself to be an excellent hiker, tandem biker, Z^PTTLY HUK ZRPLY >OLU HZRLK why a he uses a guide dog, he ZH`Z ¸0UKLWLUKLUJL š (M[LY OPZ last guide dog died, Eli found it KPMĂ„J\S[ [V YLS` VU V[OLYZ [V [HRL him places, so he turned to the 0ZYHLS .\PKL +VN *LU[LY MVY [OL

)SPUK ¸5V[ VUS` JHU 0 ZWLHR [V Glen in Hebrew, but the Center is close to my home and the waiting time so much shorter than in the < : 0 HT ZV L_JP[LK [V IL HISL [V come tell my story and what the *LU[LY OHZ KVUL MVY TL š (SZV WYLZLU[ H[ [OL S\UJOLVU will be Noach Braun, the founder VM [OL 0ZYHLS .\PKL +VN *LU[LY for the Blind, who will be the YLJPWPLU[ VM [OL Z[ (UU\HS /LSLU =HYVU 3LHKLYZOPW (^HYK For more information or to purchase tickets contact Carlos 2PUN H[

Life Sentences for Juveniles Must Be Reviewed




A Course in Miracles discussion and study NYV\W ,]LY` -YPKH` H[ W T H[ 3VTH =PZ[H 9K -VY PUMV Elks Charity Bingo 2 Sessions 5:30-7:30pm, NHTLZ LHJO ZLZZPVU 6WLU [V 7\ISPJ 64878 Pierson Blvd 760329-6444 Come walk with us every >LKULZKH` H[ WT 4LL[ in the parking lot of one on VUL Ă„[ULZZ ^P[O )VII`


Cabaret onthe Greenopen mic signers every :H[ MYVT ! W T H[ +H[L 7HST +Y -VY TVYL PUMV Zumba Gold A go at your pace, Latin dance inspired L_LYJPZL JSHZZ ,]LY` 4VUKH` ! ! HT Christina 760-321-1548 or ;PT Wii Bowling Games ,]LY` 4VUKH` W T Âś Christina 760-321-1548 or ;PT Mahjong an ancient tile game that involves concentration and fun! ,]LY` 4VUKH` WT 0U *OYPZ[PUH VY ;PT Bunco ( KPJL NHTL [OH[ will have you laughing, and yelling “Crapperâ€? when you SVZL (UK L]LU [OL SVZLYZ walk away winners! Every ;\LZKH` WT BINGO – Come join the fun with friends new and old!! ,]LY` ;O\YZKH` WT – Christina 760-321-1548 VY ;PT


A Course in Miracles Discussion and Study .YV\W 6U >LKULZKH`Z MYVT 5VVU W T -VY PUMV 760-564-4853 Open Air Market L]LY` >LK :H[ WT 10pm Riverside County Fairgrounds 800-222-7457 Two Step Tuesday: 7:00PM - 10:30PM [OLQHJRHSVWLYHUJO JVT promotions-and-events


Wii Bowling Games: Every 4VUKH` MYVT W T MVY info, call Christina 760-321 VY ;PT Mahjong an ancient title game: Every Monday from HT WT -VY PUMV JHSS Christina 760-321-1548 or ;PT


don’t do it, and we shouldn’t do P[ š Macallair said California judges always have had discretion on sentencing, because the state January 27, 2016

never had mandatory life without parole for juveniles, even for the TVZ[ ZLYPV\Z JYPTLZ ;OL Y\SPUN PZ VUSPUL H[ Z\WYLTLJV\Y[ NV]

SHAKTI FEST at Joshua ;YLL 9L[YLH[ *LU[LY 4H` .V [V ^^^ IOHR[PMLZ[ JVT Compiled by Clarissa Ayala

CV Rep launches second production of 2016 with “A Class Act�

By Jack Lyons Theatre and Film Critic 0 KV\I[ ]LY` ML^ WLVWSL \UKLY [OL HNL VM Ă„M[` L]LU RUV^ who Edward Kleban was let HSVUL ^OH[ OL KPK MVY H SP]PUN Fame, in any profession these KH`Z PZ Ă…LL[PUN 7YVIHIS` [OL one category exception is ‘show I\ZPULZZÂť :\JO PZ [OL WV^LY VM JLSLIYP[` Ed Kleban was a composer and a lyricist who will always be remembered as the man who wrote the brilliant words to the music of composer Marvin Hamlisch; together creating one of Broadway’s longest and most iconic running musicals back in [OL ÂťZ! ( *OVY\Z 3PULš ¸( Chorus Lineâ€? went on to become the sixth longest-running Broadway show ever, chalking \W WLYMVYTHUJLZ ;OLYL are productions still running somewhere in countries around [OL NSVIL >OV ^LYL [OL JYLH[VYZ VM this Broadway phenomenon? Hamlisch was already an Oscar winning movie composer when he and Kleban were hired by theatre director and choreographer Michael Bennett to write the music and lyrics for [OL M\[\YL ISVJRI\Z[LY ;OLPY JVSSHIVYH[PVU ^HZ H prickly one right from moment [OL` TL[ ,HJO THU ^HZ H top-tier composer and a lyricist PU OPZ V^U YPNO[ ;OL` ^LYL UV[ \ZLK ZOHYPUN JYLKP[Z ^P[O V[OLYZ Kleban made his mark as record producer for thirteen years writing lyrics and composing for others, but always wrote and composed for himself as well; ending up with trunk full of musical material that could fuel several musical WYVK\J[PVUZ >OPJO IYPUNZ \Z [V [OL *= 9LWLY[VY` ;OLH[YL WYVK\J[PVU VM ¸( *SHZZ (J[š [OH[ PZ JYLH[P]LS` and wonderfully staged by CV REP founding artistic director 9VU *LSVUH 3PIYL[[PZ[Z 3PUKH

Kline and Lonnie Price curated the songs and music of Kleban’s canon, but unlike the alchemists of old who failed to produce gold from lead, Kline and Price do indeed, deliver a treasure trove of golden music and lyrics honoring the brilliance of Kleban’s musical compositions; thanks to H ZLUZH[PVUHS LUZLTISL JHZ[ 1LMMYL` 3HUKTHU WSH`Z Kleban with charm, style, and [LYYPMPJ [PTPUN /L ZPUNZ OL dances and he emotionally draws the audience into his nuanced performing orbit by the sheer MVYJL VM OPZ [HSLU[ (Z NVVK HZ Landman is, however, he doesn’t KV P[ HSVUL /L OHZ ZL]LU NPM[LK cast mates who perfectly blend together as they tell the story of Edward Kleban, who left this planet far too early, a victim of TV\[O JHUJLY /L ^HZ Q\Z[ `LHYZ VSK ;OL T\ZPJHS PZ ZL[ PU at a memorial service to Kleban ILPUN OLSK H[ [OL :O\ILY[ ;OLH[YL PU 5L^ @VYR *P[` ,K HWWLHYZ H[ OPZ V^U TLTVYPHS /PZ MYPLUKZ and colleagues remember him HUK [OPUR IHJR V]LY [OL WHZ[ (Z [OL [PTL ZOPM[Z IHJR^HYK the friends reminisce about [OL MHTV\Z ) 4 0 ZVUN^YP[PUN workshop conducted by music 0TWYLZHYPV 3LOTHU ,UNSL HU PTWVZPUN :HS 4PZ[YL[[H [OH[ HSS H[[LUKLK (Z ,K PU[LYHJ[Z ^P[O [OL people in his life, he reveals his coming to grips with his ambition, successes, failures, HUK OPZ YLSH[PVUZOPW ^P[O OPZ ÄYZ[ love Sophie, winningly played I` 1\SPL .HYU`L ;OL VU Z[HNL chemistry and the scenes between Landman and Garnye are both vivid, compelling and WVPNUHU[ (SHZ [OLPY YLSH[PVUZOPW like so many in life, however, is KLZ[PULK [V ZSV^S` KYPM[ HWHY[ Offering solid support in this outstanding ensemble cast PZ 9HJOLS 4 1VOUZVU HZ 3\J` ,KZ SHZ[ ZPNUPÄJHU[ V[OLY *YHPN

Rachael Johnson, Christina Morell, Kristin Towers-Rowles, Craig Cady, Craig McEldowney, Jeffrey Landman. Photo courtesy of CV REP Mc Eldowney plays Charley, a MYPLUK MYVT )40 KH`Z HUK HSZV HZ 4HY]PU /HTSPZJO *OYPZ[PUH Morrell, portrays Felicia, Ed’s boss at Columbia Records where he toiled for 13 years as H YLJVYK WYVK\JLY JVTWVZLY S`YPJPZ[ 2YPZ[PU ;V^LYZ 9V^SLZ plays Mona, one of Ed’s many SV]L HMMHPY WHY[ULYZ *YHPN *HK` portrays Bobby, a friend from [OL )40 KH`Z HUK WSH`Z 4PJOHLS Bennett, the creative force behind the success that became the ISVJRI\Z[LY T\ZPJHS ¸( *OVY\Z

3PUL ;OPZ JVTWHU` VM WSH`LYZ sing, and dance in an exhilarating display of individual excellence ^P[OPU H [LHT MVYTH[ 0[ KVLZU[ NL[ T\JO IL[[LY [OHU [OPZ NYV\W ;OL JYLH[P]L [LHT SLK I` Celona and assistant director and choreographer Mark Esposito feature the expertise of Jimmy Cuomo’s set and projection designs, along with [OL JVZ[\TLZ VM (ZSZH 3LL [OL lighting and technical expertise of Eddie Cancel and his team including sound designer Randy

Hansen and technician Karen .VVK^PU :[HNL 4HUHNLY 3V\PZL Ross keeps this splendid show VU P[ [VLZ ;OL WYVK\J[PVU HSZV is blessed with the musical gifts of music director Scott Storr, and the orchestra that includes: 1LMM )HYPZO Âś >VVK^PUZ" +H]L Hitchings – Drums; Bill Saitta – )HZZ ¸( *SHZZ (J[š WLYMVYTZ H[ *= 9LWLY[VY` ;OLH[YL [OYV\NO -LIY\HY` -VY [PJRL[ information and reservations call [OL IV_ VMĂ„JL H[


OUR MISSION: Sue Sheehan, Cancer Survivor gets a Pink Ribbon


CONSERVATION Partnering with you to ensure that future generations have access to the same resources we enjoy today.


Partnering with you to ensure that future generations have access to the same more atresources we enjoy today.

Learn more at Mission Springs Mission Springs Water Water District District 66575 66575 2nd 2nd StreetStreet Desert Hot Springs, Ca. 92240 Desert Hot Springs, Ca. 92240

Craig McEldowney, Jeffrey Landman, Sal Mistretta. Photo courtesy of CV REP

January 27, 2016



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