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PS Air Museums’ Flower Drop
Continued from Page 1 of the planes veers off, with three remaining in shape. This symbolizes the loss of a pilot. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Release and Return Home of American Vietnam War pows. Vietnam War POWs and Gold Star Families of the Desert will be honored. Gold Star Families are the Coachella Valley families of those killed in action, such as Hunter Lopez.
Vintage warbirds scheduled to fly are B-25 Mitchell Bomber, Two P-51 Mustangs, T-28 Trojan, F8F Bearcat, P-63 Kingcobra,
PT-17 Stearman, and the C-47 Skytrain. Returning this year is the World’s Only Flying PB4Y-2 Privateer, and NEW will be the OV-10. The flower drop honors and memorializes all veterans who lost their lives defending the US. The white carnations honor those who fought in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. The red carnations honor those who died in recent conflicts, including the Persian Gulf, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Along with the carnations, a dozen roses will be added in honor of local Gold Star Families – those local families who lost loved ones while serving our country. Hunter Lopez’s family is the most recent Gold Star Family. Warbird rides are also on sale. Visit PSAirMuseum.org/ Warbird-Rides/ to purchase rides in advance. This year’s Flower Sponsor is Jessup Auto Plaza. “The entire Jessup Auto Plaza team is very excited and proud to be able to help support this important recognition and remembrance of the tremendous sacrifices made on behalf of our country,” said Andy Jessup, Sr., who also serves as a Palm Springs Air Museum Board Member.
“It’s even more personal for our family because we have balances have surged by nearly 20% in the past year, turning them into not only a financial instrument but also an emotional crutch. Luckily, there’s no need to break the bank on psychotherapy to tackle your credit card debt. Instead, a great starting point is receiving a certified counselor’s free debt analysis. three generations of veterans.” Jessup is a retired Air Force Captain and Vietnam veteran. Currently celebrating its 85th year of serving Coachella Valley families, Jessup Auto Plaza is a Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, and GMC dealership spanning three generations as a family-owned and operated dealership. Returning sponsors from previous years are the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation, the Coeta and Donald Barker Foundation, The Chandi Group, the City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs Resorts, Conrad Hilton Foundation, and McDonald’s – The Shalhoub Family. Additional support comes from the Southern California Gas Company, Desert Water, Robert Gilliland, Jr., and the Houston Family Foundation.
We are under the light beams of Gemini, now. Gemini, the 3rd sign of the zodiac, is portrayed as twin brothers. At other times as two columns, Boaz and Jachin, of Solomon’s Temple (and Masonry). The pairs symbolize opposites, polarity and dualism, inherent in our world. The two columns (black and white, left and right, moon and Sun) signify earthly knowledge (B) and spiritual knowledge (J), one the personality, the other the Soul. See the High Priestess card in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
Gemini, the first air sign of the zodiac, is the “thinker”. It is the thinking principle that lifts humanity up from the animal kingdom. Gemini energies alternate and flow in the air –here and there, up and down, and just about everywhere. The mind of Gemini is like a butterfly in a meadow of flowers, never alighting on one for long.
In Gemini there is mental restlessness and constant change that seems contradictory, which it is. Gemini’s task is to demonstrate this duality in our world so that it is in plain sight. Behind this doublemindedness is a spirit seeking to fuse the many varied ideas into one harmonious whole. The display of dualism is Mercury. The fusion of the opposites is Venus. Gemini can be scatter brained or a genius. Geminis are adaptable and expansive, impressionable and intellectual. They are also childlike, quite charming and brilliant.
We have two festivals this week –Shavuot (Harvest) and Pentecost.
Thursday, May 25 is Shavuot – a Jewish harvest festival. It is also commemorating G-d giving the Jewish people the Laws for the Aries Age (The Ten Commandments or