Get Out and VOTE Fiscal Cliff
2 5
4 2
Elvis Haunting Snowbirds
19 8
DesertSTAR W
Your Community News SOURCE
Indio Pow Wow Pill for Women
November 1, 2012
Vol. 6 No. 44
Ordinance to Secure Rental TOT Passes
Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade
Pictures on Page 14
Home Values Rise DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA - DataQuick has just released their September 2012 residential home sales report showing the Desert Hot Springs continues to see steady improvement in both demand for homes and increases in price. September saw 43 home sales for an average of $93,000 each in DHS. The home price is an increase of 14.9 percent
over September 2011. The increase in average home priced outpaced Riverside County as a while where the average price increased by 10.2 percent. Even more remarkable is that at $66 per square foot (psf), homes in Desert Hot Springs now have an average square foot price similar to those in cities such as Hemet ($64-73 psf)and San Jacinto
($60-$71 psf) and is closing in on cities such as Lake Elsinore and Perris which both share per square foot prices of about $80. The ratio of homes sold to the overall population shows steady demand. In September 2012,DHS saw approximately one home sold for every 600 residents as compared to one home sold for every 970 residents countywide.
Athlete’s Volunteer at FIND COD Student Athletes Lend a Helping Hand PALM DESERT, CA Approximately 40 student athletes from College of the Desert volunteered at FIND Food Bank on Friday, Oct. 26. The students arrived at 9 a.m. and heard an overview about FIND and took a tour of the facility. To lend a helping hand, the softball, baseball and football players sorted food and cleaed up the warehouse.
“I want the students to have this experience and to encourage them to give back to the community,” said Thomas Armstrong, Head Women’s Softball Coach. Board of Trustees Member John Marman with the help of Gwen Ford, FIND Food Bank, helped Armstrong pull the student experience together. “I was very pleased
with the results from our involvement with Breast Cancer Awareness activities last year,” Armstrong said. “It made an impact on the women’s softball team. They really enjoyed the experience and the ladies became more aware of the needs of others.” For more information, call Armstrong at 760-346-8041, Ext. 564.
LA QUINTA, CA - The La Quinta City Council passed an ordinance this week directed towards improving collections of the city’s 10 percent transient occupancy tax (TOT) from vacation rentals in La Quinta. The ordinance is intended to help generate additional revenue for the city as part of efforts to improve its budget in the coming months. With the elimination of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, the city has been working on developing new revenue streams while evaluating future cuts to maintain a balanced budget and avoid depleting reserves. Establishing this program may generate $300,000 of new transient occupancy tax
revenue during the first year, with full implementation estimated to generate as much as $600,000 annually. Up to this point, most short-term vacation rental owners of these rentals have not collected and remitted the
10 percent TOT payment as required by the city’s municipal code. This Ordinance implements current provisions of the Municipal Code as they relate to collecting TOT from short-term vacation rentals. Continued on Page 22
Cabot’s Gets Some Help See Story... Page 16
College Of The Desert To Open Veterans Resource Center PALM DESERT –College of the Desert (COD) will officially open the doors to its brand new BIGHORN Golf Club Charities
Veterans Resource Center with a ribbon cutting and Veterans Day ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 8 at 10 a.m. on the east lawn of the campus’s Cravens Student Services Center located at 43500 Monterey Avenue. The ceremony will feature
a presentation by Dr. C. Douglass Kroll, Professor of History, and tours of the new Center will be available. BIGHORN Golf Club Charities donated $150,000 to help to fund design, construction, furniture, fixtures, Continued on Page 22
E co no m i c F o ru m
The City of Desert Hot Springs is hosting the 2012 Economic Investment Forum and Tour on Friday, Nov. 2 starting at 9:45 a.m. The program offers a continental breakfast followed by a one hour tour of the city aboard Cardiff Luxury Tours. A complimentary lunch will follow the tour with project updates on Pierson Plaza, Dollar General and Wal-Mart among other potential businesses poised to invest in Desert Hot Springs. The keynote speaker will be Nick Wirick of Lee & Associates with a special guest appearance from Championship Boxer Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley.
VOTE! My votes for the Nov. 6 election are not a reflection of the Desert Star Weekly’s ownership, management or staff but are solely my opinions and feelings about the candidates and issues on the ballot. My votes are a direct result of what has happened to me and my family over the past four years. My decision to vote for President Barack Obama is a direct result of Mitt Romney’s stance on the 47 percent of the nation’s “victims” on public assistance. Obama extended federal unemployment benefits for two years during the economic collapse and recovery of 2008-10. My husband was unjustly laid off after doctors declared him disabled from an injury he received while working in the golf course construction industry. If Romney had been president then, we may have been kicked to the curb. I’m giving Obama another four years.
BARACK OBAMA for President / por President
MITT ROMNEY for President / por President My decision to vote for Dr. Raul Ruiz for the 36th/45th Congressional seat is pretty obvious – Mary Bono Mack lost my vote after she attacked Dr. Ruiz for supporting American Indian rights while he was a college student at Harvard Medical School years ago, and misrepresenting Dr. Ruiz being against Medicare. Also, Bono Mack doesn’t live in California anymore, but instead lives with her Florida husband, Connie Mack IV, who is running for the U.S. Senate there. How can a couple represent two states on opposite coasts effectively and adequately? She has lost touch and now she and her Florida husband’s political advisors think they can sling insults and lies in a flurry of campaign ads flooding our airwaves. I’m sick of it. Out you go Mary Mack. You’re not a Bono anymore.
MARY BONO MACK 36th Congressional District Representative
RAUL RUIZ 36th Congressional District Representative I’m voting incumbents out in a few more offices. For U.S. Senate we have two women to choose from: Dianne Feinstein (D) incumbent and Elizabeth Emken (R). While I’ve always been a strong supporter of women in government, this one is a no brainer. I’m voting for Emken because I think it’s time for a change. Feinstein has been our U.S. Senator since 1992, that’s 20 years long enough. And Feinstein refused to debate Emken. Sorry, but Feinstein has to go too.
ELIZABETH EMKEN United States Senator
DIANNE FEINSTEIN United States Senator For State Assembly the choice is between incumbent V. Manuel Perez (D) and Corky Reynaga-Emett (R). I’m leaning towards Reynaga-Emett because she is a woman. I’m allowed to vote for women because I’m a woman, just like party-liners, African Americans and Latinos vote are inclined to rally support for their candidates. In the race for Desert Community College District we have Mary Jane Sanchez against incumbent Charles
V. Manuel Perez Member of the State Assembly
corky reynaga-emett Member of the State Assembly “Chuck” Hayden. I don’t like Hayden because he voted against bringing a COD campus to Desert Hot Springs, but I’m hesitant to vote for Sanchez because she has flaked out on several commitments to the community. How can anyone believe she’ll do what she says when she can’t show up for an event? You choose here.
MARY JANE SANCHEZ Desert College District
CHARLES “CHUCK” HAYDEN Desert College District
For Desert Health Care District I’m clueless. I don’t know anything about any of the candidates so I’m relying on what I learn in the next week to decide. (This editorial was written on Tuesday, Oct. 30 and I still have a week to decide). As for the measures, I’m voting YES on 30 because if schools don’t get the money, they will go into immediate crisis and be forced to close 15 days early, class sizes will increase to 50 students, there will be more teacher layoffs and cuts to school lunch programs. Only Palm Springs Unified School District (PSUSD) has enough revenues to last the year, according to Richard Clapp, president of the board of directors of PSUSD who spoke at a recent State of the School District breakfast on Oct. 26 at Mission Lakes Country Club in DHS. TEMPORARY TAXES TO FUND EDUCATION.
Yes / Si No / No
Editor’s opinion By Jackie Devereaux to fund schools and pay the state debt? Are they hiding behind our children to get funds? I want to fund our schools but not in a cloaked measure to pay state debt. I’m leaning towards a NO vote here.
Yes / Si
No / No
#39 voting YES on taxes for multi-state businesses. If you want to do business in California, then pay your fair share like the rest of us.
Yes / Si
No / No
#40 voting YES on redistricting. It’s about time.
Yes / Si
No / No
I hope you vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6. No matter what your political affiliation, it’s important to have a voice. I hope my opinions, views and feelings about the candidates and issues give you time to reflect, but either way, it’s up to you. Go out and vote!
#31 voting YES to decrease state sales tax revenues.
Yes / Si
#32 voting YES to prohibit unions and corporate contributions to candidates.
#33 voting NO to the insurance companies to set prices.
Yes / Si No / No
#34 voting YES to repeal the death penalty.
Yes / Si No / No
#35 voting YES to increase sentences for human trafficking. HUMAN TRAFFICKING.
Yes / Si No / No
#36 voting YES to revise the three strikes law. THREE STRIKES LAW.
Yes / Si No / No
#37 voting YES to require labeling of genetically altered foods and products.
DesertSTAR W
No / No
66538 Eighth Street, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
FAX: 760-671-6730 Office Hours: 8 – 5, Monday through Friday
publisher Richard M. Perry Editor-IN-CHIEF: Jackie Devereaux OFFICE MANAGER: Mindy Witsiepe SALES TEAM: Abel Lujan ART DIRECTOR: Donald Henderson CONTRIBUTORS: Art Kunkin, Ren Yogamaya, Robert Kinsler, Reno Fontana, Frances Allen, Sherman Fridman, Theda Kleinhaus Reichman, Kevin Powell, Lizett Bond PHOTOGRAPHER: Pat Krause EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Jennifer Braun INTERN: Jorge Romero III ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER: Arlette Capel All advertising in the Desert Star Weekly newspaper subject to current rate card. The newspaper reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. The entire contents of the Desert Star Weekly newspaper © 2012. All rights reserved.
Yes / Si No / No
#38 I’m undecided at this hour. Do we harness ourselves with 12 years of payroll tax increases
November 1, 2012
LocalSTAR Regarding Bono Mack Campaign The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians issued the following statement f ro m Tr i b a l C o u n c i l Chairman Jeff L. Grubbe ON Oct. 27 in response to actions and comments made recently by the U.S. Congressional campaign for Mary Bono Mack: “The Agua Caliente
Band of Cahuilla Indians has always worked hard to maintain a solid, positive relationship with Representative Mary Bono Mack, because we felt that such a relationship was not only important for members of the Tribe, but for the entire community. Until recently, we thought that respect was mutual. “That is why it was all the more troubling that through her words and the actions of her campaign,
to the Editor she chose to disrespect the Native American community in her attacks against Raul Ruiz. “Instead of apologizing for her insensitive comments
and unacceptable campaign behavior, as we hoped she would, Congresswoman Bono Mack is claiming that our concerns are politically motivated. She went even
further this week, and accused our Tribe of being pushed by the Democratic Party to attack her. “The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians is a sovereign nation whose only interests lie with the health and well-being of our Tribe and the communities in which we live. It is our sincere desire to see that the Coachella Valley is represented by a leader who respects all of the people who live here.”
Prop 30: For Red Rubber Balls Everywhere Prop 30 isn’t an educational proposition. It is a financial proposition, and yet it affects education more than any other program. It is a last resort scare tactic to force the people of California into paying more money in taxes, to put ABC chewing gum into the hole in the bottom of the public education life raft. It doesn’t fix anything it doesn’t prevent the money from being diverted to administrative costs, it doesn’t do anything
except stop thousands of teachers from being fired, and countless others like myself, from taking another pay cut. In an effort to prepare for the defeat of prop 30, California has withheld millions of dollars from schools this year. If it passes, the money will be returned, if not, then it will begin a chain reaction of continued cuts across public education. Haven’t we heard this before? Cuts to education, and
Milanovich Family Photo The Desert Star Weekly incorrectly placed a photo of the Milanovich Family from the Dinner in the Canyons event to the “Del Shores Speaks on Sordid Lives” story on page 22 of the Oct. 18 issue. The image should have been of the cast from “Blues for Wiladean,” a new Del Shores movie. We apologize for the error and any inconvenience and corrected the photo on our website at 2012 Holiday Parade The page 3 story in our Oct. 25 issue about the “2012 Holiday Parade” misrepresented Desert Hot Springs Police Commander Dan Bressler statements about the parade. Commander Bressler was not “contending against the parade…” as the story stated but instead cited city and police requirements for a successful and well-managed parade. A follow up story will be published next week. Photo Captions Photo captions in the Oct. 25 issue for the page 6 story, “Palm Springs Women in Film” were incorrect. The photo captions have been corrected on our website at www. to reflect the corrections to read: Patti Gribow holding the award, and Margaret O’Brien, Joyce Bulifant and Diane Martin-Dirkx. We regret the error and apologize for any inconvenience.
yet this time, I feel like there really isn’t anything else to cut. Sure you can fire teachers and combine grade level classes, if you fill comfortable with your child sitting in a class of 44 kindergartners I suppose your student can get by without technology in the classroom. I currently have three computers for 22 kids allowing them each a meager 15 min. a week. That’s okay though, they all have cell phones right? Can’t they learn computer literacy at home? But I can’t tell you to vote for Prop 30 because it doesn’t fix anything. It is a stopgap measure to prevent the worst from getting worse. It provides no reform to fix any of the existing problems. Problems of state channels that funnel educational funding elsewhere, and districts that are such a maze of bureaucracy and staffed with people so far removed from the classroom, but they may as well be in south equatorial Australia. So I can’t tell you to vote for it because it’s bad legislation. However, it is such bad legislation that if it doesn’t pass, our students lose the most. Bigger classes, less school days, mass layoffs of newly credentialed teachers, ( highly qualified, ebullient, and tech savvy teachers at the bottom of the seniority totem pole), delayed facilities repairs, and even less sports equipment. Call it hand ball, call it wall ball, call it fun at recess. The game where competitors take out their academic frustrations
and energetic wiggles on an unsuspecting red rubber ball in front of cheering legions of classmates. If Prop 30 does not pass, frivolities like sports equipment are the next things to go (after art and music of course). So, if you can remember what it felt like to bounce that red ball high over your head, and the rubber thud it made as it touched back down to earth, consider voting in November. If you can remember how dirty your hands got from the skin of the ball as it licked the blacktop, register to vote. If you can remember creating obscure names like waterfalls and poppies and a whole host of other nouns for different ways the ball could bounce that left yard teachers scratching their heads, consider voting for Prop 30. It won’t fix education, but it will prevent thousands of teachers from being laid off and class sizes from doubling. It would keep my salary where it is, sitting modestly just underneath the middle-class demarcation, and save a red rubber balls for millions of students across blacktop statewide. Consider voting yes on Prop 30 for the red rubber balls. Erica Rood is a third grade public school teacher. In her fifth year of teaching, she encourages her students to make their voices heard when they see a need in the community. “Teach because you have nothing to prove and everything to share.”
November 1, 2012
A Teacher Speaks As a veteran teacher, I have seen startling changes over the years to education. Propositions on the November ballot affect kids. Without a chance to vote, our students will have to rely on our voices to make their needs heard. Below is an article I have written about proposition 30. Would you consider publishing it?
B lo t t e r
On Monday, Oct. 8, between 1:30 – 9 p.m., multiple vehicle burglaries occurred within the retail shopping outlet district located on Seminole Drive in Cabazon. Large quantities of valuable items were stolen, which included credit cards from multiple victims. On this same date, a credit card stolen in one of these burglaries was used at the “GAP” factory store located within the retail district. The stores video surveillance captured the suspect as she purchased items after the vehicle burglary took place. The same suspect used a different stolen credit card at the Target store in Riverside hours later. Once again the retailers’ video surveillance captured the female suspect at the check-out isle and upon her exit from the store. The suspect in these crimes is described as a Hispanic female, 20-30 years old, 5’04” tall, weighing 165 pounds with long dark hair. This retail shopping district in Cabazon has experienced 50 vehicle burglaries with property loss in excess of $100,000 over the past few months. Investigators with Riverside County Sheriff’s Department are seeking the public’s help in identifying this suspect. This investigation is active and we urge anyone with information or who can identify this suspect, to contact Investigator Jacqueline Lane at the Cabazon Sheriff’s Station at 951-922-7100, or the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Dispatch Center at 800950-2444 or email Your identity will remain anonymous.
Thanks for your consideration, Erica Rood Third Grade Teacher, Chime Charter in Woodland Hills, CA
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Ghosts and Legends Business
Is Great Spooky Fun H F
uman beings enjoy a good scare. From or Arranaga and Harvey, their timing the first 1910 “Frankenstein” movie couldn’t be better. Their paranormal tours followed by “Casper The Friendly are almost always sell outs. Operating Ghost,” ” The Adams Family” TV series, Bruce throughout California for the past five years, they Willis in “The Sixth Sense” to today’s number have built a following and fan base of thousands one box office film, “Paranormal Activity 4,” of others who are like-minded and who share people want to contact “the other side.” their desire for paranormal parties in unusual Cris Arranaga and Matthew Harvey are locations. Orange County Ghosts and Legends professional paranormal apparition detectives currently do a number of tours in the Southern or ghost hunters. They are actually more like California area and are constantly adding new the “Men In Black” characters than Dan Aykroyd venues for their clients. OCGAL makes it a point and Harold Ramis in the film “Ghostbusters.” to not focus on the creepy. No Ouija boards, I met these young fellas when they called and asked if they could spend two days at The King’s former home looking for the spirit of Elvis “Himselvis.” Arranaga and Harvey went to great lengths to explain what Orange County Ghosts and Legends (OCGAL) would be doing in their search for the Big E, By Frances Allen promised they would be “invisible.” I got a laugh out of their sales pitch and the following weekend the search for Rock n’ Roll’s most famous entertainer By Reno Fontana was underway in a metaphysical attempt to write a new chapter in the history no black magic, and no witch craft are ever a of Elvis’ former Chino Canyon home. part of their paranormal investigations. In fact, In the mid eighties, music icon and Palm they try to explain away the unexplainable Springs own Sonny Bono, along with talk with scientific answers and equipment. But as show host Morton Downey Jr., taped a night you would expect, that can’t always be done. time TV pilot from The Presley Estate entitled I was standing with Arranaga and his team “Messages From Beyond.” The show stated in Elvis’ entertainment room when Arranaga that Elvis’ home was the “Palm Springs psychic half jokingly said, “Elvis, give us a sign you are vortex of the rich and famous of the world.” here”. Not five seconds later, a stack of 22 chairs “Ghost Hunters,” the hit show on the SyFy and a Chinese screen came crashing down channel, contacted me recently about filming from where I had them stored for the past four a segment here at The Presley Estate. To give years. It was a surreal moment none of us could one an idea how powerful the viewership of believe if we hadn’t seen it with our own eyes. “Ghost Hunters” really is, a couple of years ago or me personally, I don’t know that I the producers told me they filmed a “haunted” believe in spirits walking the earth in lighthouse in the New England area. This a real sense, but I can’t deny the things particular location had been open as a tourist I have seen here at The Presley Estate since attraction for many years and had an average moving in almost nine years ago. On one of about 1,500 visitors annually. After the show occasion, I was alone in Elvis’ 1,000 square aired on SyFy, nearly 30,000 people visited the foot recreation room when I saw the perfect lighthouse during the following 12 months. outline of a man’s shadow walk across the The point to these previous two back wall. It wasn’t a faint shadow. It was paragraphs is to call attention to just dark and bold. Another night, my family and how big the paranormal business has I arrived home to the Elvis compound about become. The “Paranormal” movie one in the morning. The light was on in the franchise is closing in on $200 million in jacuzzi (the jacuzzi is fully enclosed because worldwide ticket sales with “Paranormal Elvis didn’t want helicopters flying overhead 5” scheduled for release Halloween 2013. taking his picture) which was eerie and odd
Money, Business &
__________________________ FIRST NAME
Orange County
November 1, 2012
Cris Arranga and Mathew Harvey because the light WASN’T hooked up. I walked over slowly and the moment I touched the handle on the jacuzzi door..the light went out! Honest to goodness it happened just that way. hen Arranga and Harvey came to the house, they unloaded thousands of dollars worth of equipment. They have the latest in high tech scientific equipment that do environmental readings with speech synthesis applications, high definition cameras that take videos and still photos across the IR, visible, and UV spectrums of light, Ipod Amps that detect static energy charges up to 12 feet away, and EMF meters that measure electromagnetic fields. I can’t be positive but I think I also caught a glimpse of a Gamma Rate Meter and Proton Pack under a tarp in their van that looked like they came straight out of the Ghostbusters warehouse. Will Arranaga or Harvey ever “sense” of Elvis lounging around the pool at midnight and be seen as a barely visible infrared smoky like apparition wearing blue suede shoes? I can’t tell you that, but I can tell you one thing for sure. If Elvis’ spirit is still in the building, sooner or later he’s bound to Rock ‘n Roll across the front of their cameras. The King gave explosive nuclear reactor performances when he was onstage, and any room he walked into he brought to a standstill. That kind of energy is something that will never fade away, especially in the Palm Springs home where Elvis Presley lived for seven and a half years. To contact Arranaga or Harvey send an e-mail to CrisOCghostsandlegends@hotmail. com. To contact the author of this story send your e-mail to
The Star’s Desert SafeHouse of the Desert
“Safe as houses,” it’s an old English expression used even today in British slang to convey the thought that something is certain to happen. Here, in the Coachella Valley, SafeHouse of the Desert is a place of certainty for homeless teens and young adults. Established in 2008, SafeHouse of the Desert provides emergency shelter to runaway, homeless and at-risk youth ages 12 to 17, with its programs offering intervention and outreach services to youth and families in crisis. In Riverside County, about 700 youths each year become too old for placement in foster care. One in four of these youths will become homeless in the next two to four years. Unfortunately, this means SafeHouse has been busy, too busy. Beginning next year, the SafeHouse of the Desert Transitional Living and Permanent Supportive Housing Program will serve older homeless and disabled homeless youth ages 1022 as they progress from the streets into safe and stable housing, Here, these homeless young adults will receive instruction in lifeskills and self-sufficiency. This new program will provide independent apartment living for up to 20 homeless youth adjacent to SafeHouse’s Desert Emergency Shelter
in Thousand Palms. To fulfill its mission, SafeHouse is asking for help to make their transitional living program a success … both in contributions and word-of-mouth. About 200 supporters attended a “Fairy Tale Afternoon” last Sunday in support of SafeHouse at the Rancho Mirage waterfallfeatured estate of supporter Peter Solomon. Solomon not only donated his manse for the catered wine and hors d’oeuvres, he allowed guests to join guided tours of his beautiful home. Entertainment for this afternoon of enchantment was provided by some of the string members of the Coachella Valley Symphony, pianist Tim Bruneau, tenor Christian Quevedo and the prettiest soprano who ever wield a pair of forceps: gynecologist Lisa Lindley, M.D. For more information you can contact SafeHouse of the Desert at 760-343-3211.
Coachella Music Festival If you have spent your entire life in Riverside County, you have never seen a hot food truck, other than at special events such as the Coachella Valley Music Festival & Arts Festival and the Palm Springs Food Truck Festival, which was attended by nearly 10,000 last March. That’s because Riverside County is the only county in the state where these colorfully painted vehicles selling hot food prepared on
Lena Horne Gets Star Photo and Story by Pat Krause
By Frances Allen board are not allowed. However, this may be about to change as the City of Indio plans to revise its food truck law while approving a legal food truck festival Dec. 8 at the Riverside County Fare grounds. Local restaurateurs are not pleased, calling the vehicles “roach coaches” and warning of the quality and environmental problems associated with mobile kitchens. Yet, proper supervision of food trucks may pale as an issue in Indio as the city council is awaiting a proposed ordinance allowing for the shooting of birds in the city. Not all birds would be subject to being shot if they fly over the city limits, the ordinance will be directed to American coot birds, which are duck-like that survive off the grass and water on golf courses. Their waste clouds water features, dirties gold balls and makes greens slippery. Not a minor problem, with some golf courses and homeowner associations claiming to be unwilling hosts to these birds numbering in the thousands. Non-lethal methods, such as putting statutes of coyotes on golf courses and the use of drones are not working, but letting a birdshooter lose on golf course is not a particularly a good idea either; besides, who put all the water features in the middle of a desert, anyway?
Guide Dogs of the Desert Graduation occurs about five times a year; that’s a lot for any school. But class-size at Guide Dogs of the Desert is small and the
graduates are eager to get on with their lives of assisting their blind companions; their two-legged classmates are excited as well. The only thing missing from this year’s event was prom night. Since 1972, Guide Dogs of the Desert, a nonprofit organization located in the small community of Whitewater to the north of I-10, has offered increased freedom, companionship and safety to the blind through the use of a guide dog. Guide Dogs of the Desert breeds, raises and trains guide dogs for the blind and trains their blind clients to work with their dogs – all at no cost to the people they serve. The organization also provides accommodations for 12 students at a time in a dormitory that offers single bedrooms for each student and a shared bathroom for every two students. There is also an auditorium, kitchen and dining room, plus a recreation room equipped with a ‘talking’ computer with Internet access, exercise equipment, musical instruments and a television. Microwaves and laundry equipments are also available. Since its inception 40 years ago, Guide Dogs of the Desert has graduated nearly 1,100 student/dog teams, providing mobility, loving companionship and the “miracle of independence.” But with its services being supplied without costs to its students, public assistance is necessary. For more information about making a donation, being a volunteer or applying for a guide dog call 888-883-0022.
November 1, 2012
The iconic actress, singer and civil rights advocate Lena Horne wa s honored with a star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars on Friday, Oct. 26. Her star is the 348th star awarded to local celebrities that have made their homes in the Desert. She lived in the Old Las Palmas area in the late 1950’s. Horne achieved fame in the 40’s and is best known for her signature song, “Stormy Weather.” She paved the way for many African American women in the entertainment industry. Her star can be found at 139 South Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs
Smokey Robinson Photo and Story by Pat Krause Smokey Robinson held his first Q&A performance at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert on Sunday Oct. 26t. This is his first attempt to connect with his audience by answering questions .Robinson would answer questions that were written in the lobby prior to his show. Many of the questions would include one of his songs. He answered the question and then sang the song. Robinson was looking for an informal Q&A and seemed to get that when the audience would follow along with a song or laugh at the questions or his answers. This is the first of several of his performances that he will try in other venues. One person asked that he sing “My Girls” to a guest that was having a birthday that day. Robinson seemed very relaxed and happy in this format where he could actually
STARSilverScreen Disney DVD’s for the Silver Screen Little Kid in All of Us
Since Halloween has passed and Thanksgiving is yet to come, it’s time to think about Christmas and holiday shopping. Right? At the rate things are going in our modern world, Christmas shopping may eventually start as soon as the Easter Bunny hops off into the sunset. And speaking about the upcoming holidays, what is easier to wrap than a DVD for use as a great stocking stuffer or Chanukah treat, so here are a few suggestions. For the dog lover on your list, a good possibility is the latest in the “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” series. Number 3 is “Viva La Fiesta” and it’s all new on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital in the Combo Pack. In this installment of the Chihuahuas, Papi (voiced by comic George Lopez) is back and he and his four legged family have moved with their human family to a posh-Beverly Hills Hotel. Their new digs even has a luxurious doggy spa, but there is trouble in paradise because Rosa, the littlest puppy, now feels smaller and less special than ever. Papi wants to help his little Rosa tap into her inner strength and his efforts to make her happy and secure will make you smile and laugh and appreciate the importance of family love,
By Theda Kleinhaus Reichman
“Beverly Hills Chihuahua III” “The Great Mouse Detective” be it human or Chihuahua. The Combo also has extra features like “Hangin’ With Papi” that lets the viewer spend the day on the set with Papi and a music video performed by Disney Channel’s Raini Rodriquez. Disc 2 has the DVD feature film as well as a Digital Coy which allows you to watch the movie anytime, anywhere on your computer.
Disney’s “Secret of the Wings,” in a “flitterific” Combo Double Pack, is a 4-disc set that comes with Blu-ray, DVD, Digital Copy and Blu-ray-3D.
$99.00 Offer Expires 12/31/12
“Parenthood”) the adventure into Winter Woods reveals incredible secrets that will change her life forever. She also discovers that she has a Winter Fairy sister named Periwinkle (Lucy Hale from ABC Family’s
“Secret of the Wings”
11400 Palm Drive
The full length animated feature tells the tale of Tinker Bell’s first journey into the mysterious, but exciting Winter World of Pixie Hollow. For Tinker Bell (voiced by Mae Whitman from TV’s
Desert Hot Springs
work together to thwart the dastardly Professor Rattigan (voiced by Vincent Price) who has kidnapped London’s master toymaker. Will they be able to thwart this rat? The 2- disc Combo Pack comes with bonus features that include: “So You Think You Can Sleuth,” “The Making of ‘The Great Mouse Detective’ “ and “The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind” sing-along-song. Lots of fun for all ages. Rated G.
“Once Upon A Time” “Pretty Little Liars”). The Combo also has bonus features that include games and music videos. Rated G.
“The Great Mouse Detective” For adults, there’s Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson; for the younger set Disney provides “The Great Mouse Detective.” In sleuthing circles he is known as Basil of Baker Street. Basil is a master of disguises and he solves crimes with the help of his trusted sidekick. Dawson. In this full length animated feature the two
November 1, 2012
Now it’s time for fairy tales for grown ups. “Once Upon A Time” was a hit on ABC-TV last season and it’s back for Season 2. If you have just discovered this series of tantalizing intertwining fairy tale characters sent into the world of reality you may want
to see Season One which is now available on DVD and Blu-ray. This intriguing world is the creation of the writers of “Lost” who are “once” again inspired to take viewers to a whole new place. The mysteries and adventures take place in a town called “Storybrooke,” a picturesque location where every fairy-tale character you’ve ever known is frozen in time, trapped between two worlds as a result of an evil curse. The 5-disc set contains all 22 first season episodes, plus an abundance of bonus features like “Once Upon a Time Origins” that goes back in time to point out the historic references and origins found in many beloved fairy-tales. You can also enjoy “Fairest Bloopers Of Them All,” deleted scenes and much, much more.
“Once Upon A Time” TV Series
Rock’s Greatest Names
Celebrated Across New DVDs
Several of rock music’s most influential artists are showcased on recently-issued DVD releases. Fans of the Doors, the Who, Queen and the Beatles all have something to celebrate this holiday season.
Artist: The Doors Title: Live at the Bowl ‘68 (Eagle Rock Entertainment)
Credence Clearwater Revival (CCR) and the Doors in the late 1960s marked a welcome expansion of the rock ‘n’ roll universe. On “Live at the Bowl ’68,” the legacy of the Doors comes alive. The film captures singer Jim Morrison, drummer John Densmore, guitarist Robby Krieger and keyboardist Ray Manzarek when they headlined at the Hollywood Bowl on July 5, 1968. In addition to the outstanding concert, there are a wealth of bonus features as well sure to light the fire of fans of the legendary outfit. Information: www.eagle-rock. com
Artist: The Who Title: The Who: Live in Texas ‘75 (Eagle Rock Entertainment)
You might be interested in buying this if you like: The Doors, the Zombies, Jefferson Airplane Tell me more: After a fiveyear period dominated by the Beatles and Rolling Stones, the emergence of Californiaspawned bands such as
Worth Buying By Robert Kinsler 1975, this concert film caught the famed British rockers at the start of their U.S. tour promoting the “The Who By Numbers” album released earlier that year. What a song list; early gems such as “I Can’t Explain” and “Magic Bus” are delivered
You might be interested in buying this if you like: The Who, Cream, dada Tell me more: Rock fans who somehow might have forgotten how mighty the Who were in the ‘60s and ‘70s won’t be fooled again after viewing the mighty “The Who: Live in Texas ‘75” available now on DVD. Filmed at The Summit in Houston, Texas on Nov. 20,
with the same ferociousness as ‘70s rockers such as “Baba O Riley” and “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” The rock opera “Tommy” is well-represented too, with “Acid Queen,” “Pinball Wizard” and “See Me, Feel Me / Listening to You” among cuts from that opus rendered with power here too. Information:
Artist: Queen Title: Greatest Video Hits (Eagle Rock Entertainment) You might be interested in buying this if you like: Queen, Foxy Shazam Tell me more: Got Queen? If not, check out the fantastic two-disc “Greatest Video Hits” collection featuring the
official videos for the British rock quartet’s greatest hits and album tracks. At a length of three hours and enhanced via DTS 5.1 Surround Sound, the videos for “Another One Bites the Dust,” “Tie Your Mother Down,” We Will Rock You,” “Bohemian Rhapsody” and many more never sounded and looked so good. As if that were not reason enough to grab this 33 videos-strong set, there is inspired commentary from guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor as well. Information: www.eagle-rock. com
50th anniversary of the Beatles than to soak in a viewing of “Beatles Stories,” the newlyissued documentary film from director Seth Swirsky. A talented singer-songwriter who has released several albums with his own power pop band the Red Button, Swirsky grew up in the 1960s and fell in love with the Beatles after first hearing their music. In 2004, Swirsky set out with a video camera and sought out a number of other musical and Hollywood heroes to capture their thoughts on the Fab Four. The result is a compelling and entertaining documentary featuring everyone from actors Henry Winkler (“The Fonz” on Happy Days) and Jon Voight to Smokey Robinson, Graham Nash, the late Davy Jones (the Monkees singer died on Feb. 29, 2012), Art Garfunkel and even Beatles producer Sir George Martin.
Artist: Various artists Title: Beatles Stories (Cinema Libre Studio) You might be interested in buying this if you like: The Beatles, Art Garfunkel, Ray Manzarek, Smokey Robinson, Brian Wilson Tell me more: There is not a better way to celebrate the
Steve Winwood At
Fantasy Springs Nov. 17 INDIO, CA – A star performer for nearly 50 years, English songwriter and musician Steve Winwood will grace the stage in the Fantasy Springs Special Events Center on Saturday, Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. Winwood’s genres include blue-eyed soul, R&B, rock, bluesrock, pop-rock, and jazz. A multi-instrumentalist, he plays the electric organ, synthesizers, bass, drums, guitar, mandolin, violin and other strings. He’s an exceptional performer who
has also done notable work as a producer. In addition to his solo career, Winwood was a key member of The Spencer Davis Group, Traffic, Blind Faith and Go. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Traffic in 2004. In 2005, Winwood was honored as a BMI Icon at the annual BMI London Awards for his “enduring influence on generations of music makers.” In 2008, Rolling Stone magazine
ranked Winwood #33 in its 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. Winwood has won 2 Grammy Awards. Currently, Winwood can still be found touring, predominantly in the US and Europe. Most recently he completed a tour of Australia Steve Winwood performs at Fantasy Springs Special Events Center and New Zealand with Steely Along the way, he has James Brown, Muddy Waters, Dan. When he’s not touring also collaborated with and Toots & the Maytals, Phil Collins, with his own band, he still accompanied musicians from Christina Aguilera, salsa greats regularly collaborates with around the globe, including Jimi Tito Puente and the Fania ex Blind Faith band mate, Eric Hendrix (Electric Ladyland), All Stars, Japanese innovator Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour, Stomu Yamashta and African Clapton.
November 1, 2012
percussionist Remi Kabaka. Tickets cost $59, $39, $29 at the Fantasy Springs Box Office or call 800- 827-2946 or at www.FantasySpringsResort. com.
Parades, Non-Stop Flights
Snow Polo
Thanksgiving Day Parade Now that Halloween is over, the natural progression of holiday thoughts focus on Thanksgiving. It’s not only a day for sanctioned gastronomical gluttony and family gatherings; it also marks the opening of holiday parade season. Of course, the most famous turkey day parade is New York’s Macy’s Thanksgiving
Day Parade, with its signature display of gigantic colorful balloon characters being guided through the canyons of Manhattan by teams of rope holding handlers. But the Macy’s parade is not the country’s oldest. That honor goes to Philadelphia which held its first Thanksgiving Day parade in 1920. The City of Brotherly Love’s parade features massive floats, balloons,
marching bands and costumed dance teams as well as Santa’s obligatory appearance. Even sophisticated Chicago gets on the parade bandwagon. More than 400,000 spectators will watch (weather permitting) giant helium-filled balloons and equestrian units mixed in between marching bands and floats. San Antonio offers visitors to its River Walk a holidaythemed parade that takes place in the evening in order to take full advantage of the 1.4 million holiday lights, the lighting ceremony for which precedes the parade and its illuminated floats and colorful costumes. Since 1998, a more somber parade event takes place in Waikiki in November
as thousands of residents and guests gather on the Friday after Thanksgiving to watch a parade commemorating Pearl Harbor Survivors. Marching bands from the mainland join Hawaii’s service bands and military units for a parade down Waikiki Beach in a welldeserved tribute. Regardless of whether it is as much as we would like, there is a lot to be thankful for, and here’s a sincere wish: May the only turkey at your Thanksgiving holiday table be the one on your plate.
Virgin America Nonstop to Palm Springs Local air travelers will have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, even though it may only be seasonal. California-based airline Virgin America has accepted $50,000 from the Palm Springs Airport Commission as an incentive to grow the carrier’s newly announced Saturdayonly nonstop service between Palm Springs and New York City. This is in addition to the airline’s current schedule of direct, one-stop service via San Francisco to New York. This is the 12th allocation of funds from the airport’s marketing program over the past two years to various carriers in order to support new air routes into and out of the Desert. While Virgin’s new nonstop will begin on Dec. 22 and end on the last Saturday in April, airport officials hope that a surge in business will extend Virgin’s presence. That would be good for the airline, but think of the boast it would give to our local convention business. Although it’s an hour’s drive from the Desert, John Wayne Airport in Orange County is a more hassle-free airport than LAX. That’s why the announcement that Interjet, Mexico’s second largest airline,
November 1, 2012
By Sherman Fridman has inaugurated daily service to Mexico City and Guadalajara from John Wayne Airport was greeted by locals who travel south of the border. While this is good news in itself, Interjet deserves recognition for its passengerfriendly efforts, such as removing 30 seats from its A320 Airbus aircraft, thereby limiting the number of passengers per flight to 150. In addition, the airline offers complimentary snacks and premium beverages during flights between Mexico City and Orange County as well as transferable tickets that have no hidden fees or taxes. And, unlike some airlines, there is no extra charge for passengers to select their own seats or to check up to two 55-pound bags per ticket. But the big news, are you ready for this, ladies? Interjet has women-only toilets on all airplanes; other carriers take note.
Snow Polo Teams in Colorado The year is 1985; picture yourself sitting on the deck of a chalet in St Moritz, the beverage of your choice on the table beside you. You’ve skied, you’ve people-watched, you’re not into hiking and it’s too early for dinner … what to do? Someone must have asked that question because that’s when and where snow polo, a modified version of polo, was first introduced, prior to its North American introduction
in 2000. Snow polo teams are comprised of three players (as opposed to four in regulation polo), and play consists of four, seven-minute chukkas with players changing horses after each chukka. To get better traction in winter conditions, the polo ponies are equipped with special cleated shoes, and the snow polo ball is about the size of a grapefruit, bright red and inflatable, as opposed to the small, white, hard-plastic ball used in the regulation game. Snow polo has become very popular among the I-canafford-it-so-I-don’t-need-toask-what-it-costs crowd, and you’ll have a chance to see them, and international polo champions, at the 13th United States Polo Association World Polo Championship to take place Dec. 15-16, at Marlot Park in Aspen, Colorado. And remember, polo isn’t a sport, it’s a lifestyle.
Snow Polo in Colorado
On Exchange Traded Funds Something all Investors Should Own
nvestors have a myriad of investment choices for their portfolio. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF’s, options, futures, currencies, fixed annuities, variable annuities, real estate, REIT’s, private placements, CD’s, T-Bills and on and on. It’s a lot to keep up with as a fulltime professional let alone someone trying to manage their lifetime savings. There are a couple of key reasons why ETF’s should be a part of your portfolio. First, they offer key management opportunities that mutual funds don’t. One of those is that you can buy and sell your ETF at any time the markets are open. You can’t do this with mutual funds. Mutual funds are priced at the end of the day. To process an order, you must place it before 2 p.m. EST. If you place your order after 2 p.m., your trade won’t take place until the close of business the next day. You can place what is known as a stop/loss order with an ETF. Assume you’ve got a sizable capital gain in an ETF. You don’t want to sell too soon but you also don’t want a sudden selloff in the markets to rob you of all your profits. You can put an order to sell your ETF and protect some of your profits if the worst happens. Suppose your ETF was worth $75 and your average cost was $30. You could place a stop/ loss at $60 and protect that other $30 profit in your ETF. If the price dropped to $60, your ETF would be sold at the next sales price. With a mutual fund, you’d likely have no option other than to place an order that might not be filled until the close of the next trading day.
utual funds have a myriad of fees. There can be a sales charge (A shares); deferred sales charge (B shares) where if you don’t own that company’s funds for many years, you’ll pay a fee; or there can be a contingent sales charges (C shares) where the company
Think about it. If you invested $1,000 into an ETF, you’d pay about $1.50 a year in fees. For the right to own a typical mutual fund, that cost could be closer to $30. It doesn’t seem like much money in that scenario, but if you save money over 20-30 working years, the cost difference will be in
anguard likes the moniker of being the low-cost leader and announced that starting in Jan. of 2013, they were reducing the fees for their 22 largest ETF’s to even lower levels. So the war is on. Not to get too confusing but there are hidden expenses with ETF’s also. For example the Schwab US Broad Market ETF costs 30 basis points more to purchase than to sell. That’s called a spread. By the same token, Vanguard’s spread on their similar ETF is 10 basis points. There are many on-line calculators you can use to see this cost illustrated. One we ran was for a portfolio of $250,000 held for 15 years with no sales
charges or redemption fees. An average expense ratio of 2.5% annually in a mutual fund wound up costing the investor $141,000 over those 15 years. n ETF with a 0.15 percent expense ratio in the same example cost only $1,106! That’s one hundred and forty thousand reasons why you should consider ETF’s versus mutual funds. This is one of the most serious mistakes that investors make with their savings. At the start of 2012, there was roughly $24 trillion invested in mutual funds. Out of that, $11.6 trillion was invested in U.S. funds. U.S. ETF’s had a little more than $1 trillion in assets or about 90percent less than mutual funds.
Retirement plan make up about 75% of all mutual fund assets. Can you imagine how much more money households would have if just half of all retirement plans switched to ETF’s? Want to give the economy a huge boost? Put all the money that’s going to mutual fund expenses into the hands of individual investors who will in turn spend it at our local merchants, buy more appliances, cars and on and on. Kevin Powell has been a financial advisor for the past 27 years working with clients and businesses nationwide. If you have any comments, contact
By Frances Allen
By Kevin Powell charges an average of 1percent on your account over a period of years. Then there are the disclosed fees. For stock funds those averaged from 1.5 to 2.5 percent in 2010. Bond mutual funds had disclosed fees of about 1.1 percent. There are 12-b-1 fees or advertising or distribution fees. These are usually a quarter to half percent per year. One of the biggest hidden fees with mutual funds is trading fees. The more trading or turnover in your fund, the higher your trading cost. The average trading fee was about 1percent in 2010. Is your wallet hurting yet? Estimates are that mutual funds cost investors from 2 to 3 percent annually and that’s just the cost of owning the shares. That doesn’t include service on your account in many cases. ETF’s have an average expense ratio of 0.15 percent.
the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s money you won’t have for your retirement! ETF’s are seeing a pricing war as more and more investors are learning about these differences and companies are fiercely competing to retain and attract new investors. The latest round of cuts came from BlackRock. They cut the fees on their core S&P 500 Index ETF to 0.07 percent. That’s seventy cents per $1,000! In September, Charles Schwab went after the decade’s low cost leader Vanguard. Schwab reduced their fees to 0.04 percent on its S&P 500 ETF compared to Vanguard’s fee of 0.05 percent on its flagship S&P 500 fund. The good news for Vanguard investors is that they lower fees even further as your account balance increases through the years.
November 1, 2012
Get Fit in 42 By Lizett Bond
At 196 pounds Palm Desert resident Tonita Valencia knew she had to do something. Always slim, a recent surgery had brought about an unprecedented climb in weight. “I just ballooned,” she said. In March of 2010, after losing 30 pounds on her own, she read about Fit in 42 and their motto “Give us 42 and we’ll change your life.” “I’d learned how to eat healthy and lost that weight, now I needed to learn how to tone up,” she said. Valencia said she was ready to surrender to the program and become the perfect student. After four years of college life and unhealthy eating, Alexandra Mozoras, also of Palm Desert, had packed on 50 pounds. “I was just disgusted with what I saw in the mirror,” said
Fit in 42 team Mozaras. A friend had recently completed a Fit in 42 cycle and recommended the program to Mozaras. She signed up and set a goal of losing 20-25 pounds. Fit in 42 is an outstanding peak fitness interval training system designed to increase muscle mass and jump-start
a weight loss regime through intense daily one-hour workouts, six days per week, over a 42 day period. Participants will see selfconfidence soar as roadblocks to better health and vigor are eliminated without a long-term membership requirement. “It takes 21 days to create a new habit,” said Valencia.
Conceived by personal trainers Gerry and Casey Washack, the program is infused with the brothers’ knowledge of and passion for fitness. But the Fit In 42 experience is more than diet and exercise and that’s what sets it apart from every other gym or boot camp. The experience is enhanced using these powerful components: Meditation and Guided Imagery – These tools tap into the subconscious mind, unleashing the power of the brain, a dynamic force that can push past negative, workout-limiting feelings. “The imagery is useful to work through the burning sensation,” said Mozaras. “I would even close my eyes during the workout, I still do.” In learning to block out selfinflicted comments such as “I’m too tired to go on” or “Oh, this hurts,” the next level becomes attainable. “I have used this technique in other situations to get past pain,” said Valencia. “It works.” VO2 Training – Fit in 42 utilizes the concept of maximal oxygen uptake, a factor that can
increase aerobic endurance. This increased endurance burns more fat and calories. From the first week of the program, the VO2 training concept is emphasized. “Each member of the Fit in 42 is introduced to specific cardiovascular exercises designed to increase VO2 output,” said Casey Washack, of Fit in 42. “Week by week the intensity and duration of each exercise are manipulated so the body never adapts, increasing the metabolic effects of each exercise. Music and Lights – In an atmosphere reminiscent of a nightclub, complete with disco light show and laser beams, the mind is trained to reach to the next level through pulsing lights and the beats of the music. “I loved the disco lights,” said Mozaras. “It made it more fun and helped me to hone in on getting my butt kicked.” It all came together for Valencia with a 20 percent loss of body fat at the end of her 42-day session. And her newly acquired skills helped her reach her goal of a slim and trim 132 pounds. “I was 165 when I started Fit
in 42,” she said. “The techniques I learned have helped me to maintain that weight for more than two years.” Mozaros reached her goal and went on to lose an additional 10 pounds. “My body completely transformed, it exceeded my expectations,” she said. “It’s like day and night.” The routines, customized to suit each individual’s body, age, fitness level, injuries and goals, help Fit in 42 participants work smarter and harder than ever before and are changing lives with amazing fitness results. “The program makes sense, it’s doable, they give you the tools,” said Valencia. “There are people of all ages participating and getting fit.” Are you ready to start your journey to better health? Visit the Fit in 42 website for more information, or call 800-846-4242
A Million a Day in TV ads can buy lots of confusion, but it can’t buy facts. The world’s largest pesticide companies - including Monsanto, who produced Agent Orange and DDT, are spending over One Million Dollars a Day to confuse California voters about Proposition 37 - a simple label that will give us the right to know whether or not the food we buy contains genetically engineered ingredients.
READ THE FACTS ABOUT PROP 37: Prop 37 was written to encompass the foods that people eat most frequently - processed packaged foods on supermarket shelves. Pet food containing GE crops such as corn or soy would have to be labeled under Prop 37. 61 other countries currently have labeling laws for genetically engineered (GE) foods which include exemptions. Prop 37 exempts products with no ingredient labels, such as restaurant food and alcohol. By California law, a ballot initiative cannot cover more than one subject: Prop 37 would label meat, dairy, and eggs from animals that have been genetically engineered (GE) themselves. But, because livestock fed GE grain are not themselves genetically engineered, the meat, dairy, and eggs coming from them will not be covered - as per this CA law. There are no genetically engineered animals on the market today, but the first one - a GE salmon, is on its way. It contains a growth hormone gene from a Chinook Salmon and a genetic “on switch”
from an eel-like fish known as the Ocean Pout. Without Prop 37, it will be unlabeled. (For more info: Costs: Labeling didn’t raise costs in other countries when they started labeling their GE foods. Don’t listen to fear tactics by profiteers. There are no incentives for lawsuits: Lawyers can’t make big money from Prop 37, so claims about “shakedown lawsuits” make no sense whatsoever. And there will be no need for lawsuits. Companies will label for genetic engineering just like they label for calories and fat. Don’t believe the lies. California Farmers are FOR Prop 37: Thousands of California Farmers, all the leading businesses in the natural and sustainable food sector, and all the leading labor groups - United Farm Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers, and the California Labor Federation - are saying YES ON 37
November 1, 2012
A genetically engineered food is a plant or animal which has had its DNA artificially altered in a laboratory by genes from other plants, animals, viruses, or bacteria (also referred to as GMO or Genetically Modified Organism). This type of genetic alteration is not found in nature and is experimental.
Thousands of U.S. physicians instruct their patients to avoid genetically engineered foods, due to the health impacts. And Russia just banned GE corn due to a recent study showing cancer and premature death. Don’t you want these foods labeled so you can make your own decisions? VOTE
Nov. 6
Same Great Food
Tasty New Prices!
Italian Specialties
Steaks, Veal & Lamb
Pasta & Sauce Spaghetti, Angelhair, Linguini, Fettucini or Penne served with Meat, Marinara or Tomato sauce or Ali Olio 9 With our own homemade Italian Sausage or Meatballs 13
All our steaks are aged on the premises and hand cut to order. Served with side of House Pasta with choice of Meat, Marinara or Tomato sauce. Includes soup or salad and garlic bread Served on a Sizzle Plate 2 We do not guarantee steaks ordered medium-well to well done.
Fettuccini Alfredo The same recipe that Alfredo’s in Rome uses. Fettuccini cooked al dente in a garlic cream and cheese sauce 12 With 6-ounce grilled Chicken breast 16
Ribeye Steak 16-ounce Ribeye Steak grilled to your specification 19
Pasta Primavera Choice of pasta cooked al dente with lightly sauteed fresh vegetables in a garlic white wine sauce 10 Tortellini Cheese filled pasta served with your choice of Marinara, Meat, Tomato sauce or Ali Olio 11 Gnocchi a la Romano A small pasta made from potatoes served with your choice of Marinara, Meat, Tomato sauce or Ali Olio 11 Lasagna Lasagna pasta layered with a meat and seasoned Ricotta cheese filling with Mozzarella cheese melted over the top. 12 Ravioli Your choice of meat or cheese Ravioli served with your choice of Marinara, Meat, Tomato sauce or Ali Olio 12
Served with side of House Pasta with choice of Meat, Marinara or Tomato sauce. Includes soup or salad and garlic bread
Antipasto Salad The classic Italian “meal in a salad.” Mortadella, Genoa, Surpossata, Capacolla, Provolone cheese, Three Bean Salad atop a bed of mixed greens. For One 9; for Two 17; for Four 30
Salmon Steak Broiled or poached in white wine 15
Cobb Salad Shredded iceberg lettuce topped with sliced turkey, diced hard-cooked egg, bacon bits, diced tomatoes, avocado slices and bleu cheese crumbles, served with a choice of dressings 9 Capri House Salad Mixed seasonal fresh assorted greens with Three Bean salad, pickled beats and served with a choice of dressings Large 6; Small 3
Veal Parmesan Breaded Veal cutlet with tomato sauce and Mozzarella cheese melted on top 18 Rack of Lamb Broiled to your satisfaction and served with Mint Jelly Half Rack 19; Full Rack 28
Crab Cakes Two large crab cakes with herb pesto beurre blanc and roasted red pepper puree on a bed of mixed greens and a tomato basil vinaigrette 15
Neopolitan Salad Sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion; kidney, garbanzo & green beans; tossed with fresh basil, garlic and olive oil vinaigrette 7
Top Sirloin 16-ounce Top Sirloin grilled to your specification 14
Eggplant Parmesan Layered with tomato sauce and Mozzarella cheese melted on top. Served with a side of Pasta. 11
Caesar Salad With fresh grated Parmesan cheese 7 With grilled Chicken 10; Salmon or Shrimp 12; Duck 14
Spinach Salad Fresh spinach drizzled with a tasty balsamic vinaigrette and topped with chopped hardboiled eggs, slivered red onions and bacon bits 7 Topped with large shrimp 12
Steak & Scampi 8-ounce Top Sirloin served with Shrimp Scampi 19
Bracciole John Santucci Sr’s recipe. Rolled flank steak stuffed with Italian cheeses, coldcuts, pancetta, spices and hard boiled egg slow cooked in our classic marinara sauce 15
From the Sea
Duck Salad Marinated duck breast broiled and served atop a bed of mixed greens, slivered almonds, sesame seeds, snow peas, Mandarin oranges and julienne peppers, served with a creamy orange teriyaki vinaigrette 13
Filet Mignon Aged beef tenderloin grilled to perfection. Chef’s 16-ounce cut 28; 8-ounce cut 17
Manicotti or Cannelloni Homemade Crepes stuffed with either a seasoned Ricotta Cheese filling or a seasoned meat filling 12
Sausage & Peppers Our own homemade Italian Sausage sautéed with onions, peppers and mushrooms in tomato sauce, served over a bed of House pasta. 13
New York Steak 16-ounce New York Strip grilled to your specification 19
Halibut Steak Sauteed with butter, lemon juice and parsley 15 Shrimp Scampi Napolitana Scampi sauteed in a garlic and butter sauce served over a bed of pasta 16 Scampi Marinara or Diavolo Shrimp cooked in a classic or VERY Spicy Marinara sauce served over a bed of pasta 17 Fruita di Mare The “Fruit of the Sea.” A combination of fish, scallops, mussels and shrimp in a marinara sauce over a bed of Linguini 15
Italian Restaurant & Steakhouse
November 1, 2012
Served with side of House Pasta with choice of Meat, Marinara or Tomato sauce. Includes soup or salad and garlic bread Chicken Marsala Boneless skinless Chicken breast sautéed in a fresh mushroom and a sweet Marsala wine sauce 14 Chicken Francaise Chicken breast sauteed in a lemon and butter sauce and then browned quickly in the oven with lemon slices 15 Chicken & Scampi Santucci Sr.s’ own creation, Chicken breast, shrimp and mushrooms sautéed in a Marsala wine sauce. 19 Chicken Cacciatore Chicken breast sliced thinly in marinara sauce with mushrooms, bell peppers and onions 15 Chicken Parmesan Our classic Chicken breast, breaded, with tomato sauce and Mozzarella cheese melted on top. 15 Cajun Chicken Sautéed chicken breast with Cajun spices served over a bed of linguini. 15 Chicken Pomodoro Thinly sliced Chicken breast sautéed in fresh basil, tomatoes, garlic and white wine sauce served over a bed of linguini. 15
Indoor & Outdoor Dining Reservations Suggested
760-329-6833 M I R AC L E S P R I N G S R E S O RT & S PA
10625 Palm Drive, 92240 –––– Visit ––––
STARTheater McCallum’s Fitz Cafe PALM DESERT, CA – BENISE – EN FUEGO! kicks off the 14th year of concerts for “Fitz’s Jazz Cafe” at McCallum Theatre and presented by KJJZ’s Jim “Fitz” Fitzgerald on
Friday, Nov. 2 at 8 p.m. Rarely is an artist capable of touching the hearts and souls of people of all ages, cultures and diverse musical backgrounds as Benise
(pronounced Buh-nes-say). Armed with his Spanish guitar and an amazing worldclass band of musicians, Benise pushes the boundaries of traditional flamenco.
Benise is also the creative force behind the Emmy Award Winning electrifying multi-cultural World Music and Dance Productions, “The Spanish
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November 1, 2012
Guitar” and “Nights of Fire!” In 2010, Benise performed on the #1 rated show in the United States, “Dancing with the Stars” and toured the U.S. covering 40 major markets. Airing nationally on PBS in 2007, “Nights of Fire!” was an unprecedented and spectacular journey of music and dance through Spanish Flamenco, Cuban Salsa, African Rhythms, Argentinean Tango and Brazilian Samba. Backed by a stage full of musicians, an orchestra, and 12 elaborately choreographed dancers, “Nights of Fire!” captured world music at its best. “The Spanish Guitar” is Benise’s second PBS special, filmed over three years and across 10 countries. It’s an epic tale that integrates live performance with footage of Benise in his voyage around the globe - the cobblestone streets of old Havana, an Arabian desert, the romantic canals of Venice, the oldest bullring in Spain, a quaint Paris café, and the sacred temples of India. Benise’s “The Spanish Guitar” takes us to worlds both faraway and deeply personal, and reminds us that hope can be the healing thread in all of our lives. Leaving his family and friends to move 1,500 hundred miles away from home to Los Angeles with nothing more than his guitar, Benise held in his heart the encouragement from his parents to “work hard and have faith.” After being turned down by almost every
club in Los Angeles, Benise started performing on the streets. It was not uncommon for Benise to put on over 250 shows a year, sometimes playing 2 to 3 events in a single day. Tourists from around the world and native Angelinos alike took to Benise like the “Pied Piper” of Spanish guitar. From there, the path of his music took on a life of its own, effortlessly opening doors along the way to attract musicians, dancers and cirque performers, eventually creating the extended family that is now known simply as his namesake, “Benise.” “When I was younger, I felt the guitar calling to me, challenging me, to play what’s in my heart, to express my feelings in melodies and notes and to make the guitar an extension of my soul. The more I immerse myself into playing and composing, the more I understand that I have so far and so much more to learn.” “This is a great show for the whole family; I really think we have something for everyone,” said Benise. “I hope that people will be inspired--by our story, the music, the production--and have the passion to follow their own dreams.” Tickets are $75, $45, $35 and $25 and are available online at www. or by calling the McCallum Theatre Box Office at 760-340-2787. McCallum Theatre is located at 73000 Fred Waring Dr.
Community EventsSTAR Historical Society
Soup Supper Photos and Story by Bruce Montgomery
The Desert Hot Springs Historical Society met at the Miracle Springs Spa and Resort for its quarterly soup supper on Thursday, Oct. 25. Guest speakers were Tracy Beckman and Ryan Trowbridge, who told the story of their restoration of Hotel Lautner. Trowbridge is an artist who with his friend, Scot Brown, design and build high end metal furniture for restaurants and hotels Guest speakers Ryan Trowbridge and Tracy Beckman primarily in LA and New York. Beckman has her own interior design firm, Tracy Beckman Design. They both have won numerous awards in their respective fields, and the Hotel Lautner has been written up in many publications. Guests come from around the world to enjoy a most unique and special experience in this hotel and spa, which has been ranked in the top five of the United States. Carol and Bordie Johansen enjoy their soup
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November 1, 2012
Golf Cart Parade
Halloween Bash
@ Playoffs
The 48th annual Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade was held on Sunday, Oct. 28. Floats on top of golf carts, bands, decorated golf carts, adults, children and dogs all participated in this family oriented event. El Paseo Drive in Palm Desert was the Parade route with up to 15,000 people watching. The event started in the morning with a pancake breakfast. There were many events for children during the morning. The Palm Springs Air Museum brought older biplanes for a flyover to start the parade at 1 p.m. Awards were given to 85 entries in the parade. The Desert Arc won the Sweepstake Award. Others were the Director’s Trophy won by American Pride; Chairman’s Trophy went to Starlight Dance Studio; School Spirit was won by the class of 2012 for the Homecoming Float. The Community Service Award went to Rotary Action Building-American Pride and the Humor Trophy went to Hometown Heroes-Fire Fighters. Little Monsters Little Angels PreSchool got the Judge’s Trophy and Amelia Earhart Elementary won the Theme Trophy. Second place trophies were awarded in all categories.
Seductive Bunny and...friend?
The 9th annual Halloween Party at Playoffs Sports Bar in Desert Hot Springs was another huge success on Saturday, Oct. 27. Owner and event organizer Eric Pontius hosted the event which again featured a frightfully flavorful mixture of Halloween’s favorite characters. A cash grand prize led the list of highlights.
Is that Cruella DeVille with Frankie looking on?
Bad witch/good witch?
November 1, 2012
Blonde Bombshell.
2013 Lexus ES-350
Long-awaited all-new model is best yet Over the years, Lexus has successfully launched challengers to all the best European imports, and one of the first and best contenders is the ES 350, first launched in 1989. Lexus has now introduced the sixth-generation ES, and this test drive has proven that the carmaker is very serious about increasing pressure on rivals in the class. This new car features the signature Lexus spindle grille, a progressive new design and enhanced handling. Now available with Lexus Hybrid Drive, the ES is sure to impress carbuyers shopping in the luxury hybrid segment. “Since its introduction in 1989, the ES has been the benchmark luxury sedan for quality, reliability, ride comfort and value,” said Mark Templin, Lexus group vice president and general manager. “The new ES 350 and the first ever ES hybrid raise the bar once again.” The ES 350 is powered by a 3.5-liter V6 engine with Dual VVT-i that delivers 268hp at 6,200 rpm and 248 lb.-ft. of peak torque at 4,700. The six-speed sequential-shift automatic Electronically Controlled Transmission with intelligence provides enhanced
driving performance, fuel efficiency and smooth shifts. Low friction materials further improve efficiency and help with the ES 350‘s EPA-fuel economy estimates of 21 mpg city, 31 mpg highway and 24 mpg combined. Both the ES 350 and ES 300h feature a Drive Mode selector. Normal mode provides a blend of performance and efficiency that is suited to everyday driving, while Eco mode favors fuel economy. Sport mode increases powertrain and steering responsiveness, and for the ES 300h, the IP changes from the hybrid power monitor to a tachometer. The ES 300h adds an EV mode which allows short distance drives, at reduced speed, using only the power from the hybrid battery pack. The new ES features a lower profile and clean styling lines from front to rear. All four corners are pulled tightly inward to the wheel arches, creating distinctive proportions. The wheelbase has been lengthened by 1.8 inches, while the overall length of the vehicle has grown by one inch, resulting in shorter overhangs and a more spacious interior.
The new ES bears the new face of Lexus with its distinctive, spindle grille. The “L” design motif is reflected in the LED daytime running lights and combination rear lamps. The ES 350 sports dual exhaust pipes. Inside, the ES features enhanced sightlines and visibility, logically placed controls, and new cabin materials that express a high level of craftsmanship. The modern interior has been designed to provide a sense of openness and security. It’s a very comfortable and luxurious cabin. The cockpit features separate display and operation zones to help keep the driver’s eyes on the road. The instrument panel, with its long, layered look, places the main information display directly in the driver’s line of sight, supplemented by a center-mounted color multiinformation display screen My test car had the optional HDD Navigation System, which includes voice command, an integrated backup camera, an eight-inch screen, and the next generation Lexus Enform system with App Suite. The standard Lexus Premium Sound System
features eight-speakers with Automatic Sound Levelizer, in-dash CD player, USB/ iPod connectivity, and an integrated SiriusXM Satellite Radio receiver. The available Display Audio package adds a seven-inch screen, HD Radio with iTunes tagging, Bluetooth audio, phone transfer, a vehicle information display and a rear backup camera. We were equipped with the 15-speaker 835 watt Mark Levinson audio system, which combines the best of both available systems. Pricing starts at $36,100. All new Lexus vehicles come with a 48-month/50,000
2013 Lexus ES-350 mile basic limited warranty with roadside assistance for 48 months/unlimited miles. Powertrain and restraint system coverage is provided for 72 months/70,000 miles. Rivals include mid-size luxury cars
from Mercedes-Benz, Infinity, Acura and Cadillac. For more information, see your local Lexus dealer or visit
By Vince Bodiford
aLL in the
The Local Community Newspaper is the primary source of information about the local community for
NUMB RS 74 percent
of those surveyed* read a local newspaper each week. Those readers, on average, share their paper with 2.33 persons.
61 percent of
readers read local news very often in their community newspapers, while 48 percent say never read local news online.
They spend about
38.95 minutes 33 percent of
those surveyed read local education (school) news often in their newspapers, while 68 read most or all of their percent never read local community newspapers. news online. reading their local newspapers.
73 percent
27 percent
read local sports news very often in their newspapers, while 70 percent never read local sports online.
51.8 percent of respondents.
40 percent read
editorials or letters to the editor very often in their newspapers, while 64 percent (nearly three quarters) never read editorials or letters to the editor online.
80 percent think
governments should be required to publish public notices in newspapers, with reading public notices very often in their newspapers.
23 percent
The next best source runs a distant second: friends and relatives for
16 percent
of respondents and tv,
13.2 percent. Readers are seven times more likely to get their local news from the Internet
(7.4 percent). Less than
6 percent say their primary local news source is radio.
* Information compiled from CNPA Data
Community Newspapers…
Numbers to Brag About!
DesertSTAR W
Interior 2013 Lexus ES-350
November 1, 2012
STARCommunity Chamber of Commerce Events Compiled by Jennifer Braun Desert Hot Springs – Networking Mixer on Nov. 7 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Party Lab located at 383 North Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. This event is being co-hosted by Wedding Warriors and is expected to be a great night of networking and fun. Bring plenty of business cards and smiles, as this mixer is looking to be an exciting one. The cost is $5 members, $10 potential members. Palm Springs – Ribbon Cutting on Nov. 1 at 10 a.m. at Travelodge located at 333 E. Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs. After 40 years of being known as Travelodge the name is being changed to “The Curve” and that is not the only change. Come see the “new” and exciting renovations and be part of Palm Springs history.
Palm Springs - Lead$ Luncheon on Nov. 6 from noon-1 p.m. at the Kaiser Grille located at 205 S. Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. One hour of “Power Networking,” so bring plenty of business cards. Members and soon to be Members are welcome. Cathedral City – Power Breakfast on Nov. 7 from 7-8:30 a.m. at the Doral Desert Princess Resort located at 67967 Vista Chino in Cathedral City. Red Apple Awards – Honors the Teacher’s of the Year for Cathedral City Schools. Cost is $15 for members with RSVP by the Monday prior or $20 thereafter; Non-Members $20 with RSVP the Monday prior or $25 thereafter. Rancho Mirage – Desert Blood Services on Nov. 1 from 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the SBBCollege located at 34275 Monterey Ave. in Palm Desert.
Photo ID required. Donors are advised to increase their water intake 24 hours prior to donating blood. Palm Desert – Desert Blood Services on Nov. 7 from 8-11 a.m. at the City of Palm Desert Offices located at 73510 Fred Waring Dr. in Palm Desert. Palm Desert - Profit Connection - Leads Luncheon on Nov. 8 at 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce Offices located at 72559 Hwy 111 in Palm Desert. This is a unique opportunity to meet with the limited and tight knit group of professionals associated with the Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce. The cost is $15, which includes lunch and a presentation. Non-members are welcome to attend two events prior to joining the Chamber of Commerce. Please RSVP to Katie Slimko at (760)346-6111
CHARLES ‘CHUCK’ HAYDEN TRUSTEE Desert Community College District:
I AM COMMITTED TO: • Students for Success • Fiscal Responsibility • New COD Education Center in Desert Hot Springs • Diversity of Faculty and Staff • Meeting Community Education Needs • Supporting Lifelong Learning • Promoting Cultural Events for Seniors
Cabot’s Gets Some Help
DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA - Five museum collections managers assisted Cabot’s Pueblo Museum staff in cleaning and rolling 17 Navajo rugs on tubes for proper storage. The CSI: Registrar workshop was part of the Western Museum Association conference meeting this week in Palm Springs. “The expertise and assistance of these visiting registrars is invaluable. On Saturday we accomplished what would have taken us months to do on our own,” said Cabot’s Peggy Pourtemour, Gloria Parra and Christine Freeman lift a rug. Registrar Peggy Pourtemour. “Each year a museum in the conference area is selected for this assistance and Cabot’s was lucky to be chosen this year. Not only did the women work hard with us on preparing the rugs, they solicited donations of archival materials for the project as well,”said Ginger Ridgway, director of Cabot’s Pueblo Museum. Participants Nicole Nathan, Curator of Collections and Registrar, Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland, or Heather Bouchey, Collections Manager, Portland Art Museum, Portland, or Nicole and Heather were organizers of the workshop. Clare Haggarty, Civic Art Collections Managers, LA County Arts Commission Gloria Parra, Collections Manager, Livermore Heritage Guild, Livermore, CA and Christine Freemen, Lead Archivist and Pixar Historian, Pixar, Emeryville, CA. Vacuuming and cleaning a Navajo Rug.
VOTE NOVEMBER 6TH Charles H. Hayden - Incumbent
Paid for by the committee to elect Charles “Chuck” Hayden
(L to R) Peggy Pourtemour, Gloria Parra, Christine Freeman, Heather Bouchey, Clare Haggarty, Nicole Nathan roll out a large Navajo rug.
November 1, 2012
Aging is a Treatable Disease By Art Kunkin Mr Life Extension “Some scientists believe that the first immortal human may be living today. Are we on the verge of learning how to live young forever? Are we realizing one of mankind’s most ancient quests? Are we finding what eluded King Gilgamesh of ancient Babylon? Are we about to find Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth? “In 1786, life expectancy was 24 years. Better diets and some medical innovations allowed it to double to 48 years in the next 100 years. Modern medicine has now increased life expectancy to over 76 years. Future medicine promises to increase it to over 100 during your lifetime. “Over half the baby boomers here in America are going to see their hundredth birthday and beyond in excellent health,” says Dr. Ronald Klatz of the American Academy of Anti-Aging. ‘We’re looking at life spans of 120 to 150 years of age for the baby boomers and the generation after the baby boomers.’ “The causes of aging are finally being understood. However, comparatively few people are aware of the many serious scientific efforts, presently underway, aimed at understanding and intervening in the aging process… “There are many very advanced ongoing research projects that are beginning to show promise. One such project is being staffed by a team of South Korean scientists. They report that they have created a newly synthesized molecule named CGK733 that can make cells younger. ‘All cells face an inevitable death as they age. On this path, cells become lethargic and in the end stop dividing but we witnessed that CGK733 can block that process,’ Professor Kim Tae-kook reported. “Kim further stated: ‘We also found this synthetic compound can reverse aging by revitalizing already lethargic cells. Theoretically, this can give youth to the elderly via rejuvenating cells.’ Kim expects that the CGK733-empowered drugs keeping cells youthful far
beyond their normal life span will be commercialized in less than 10 years… “Another activity aimed at future longevity improvements comes from researchers at The Wistar Institute… Scientists have long known that a class of proteins called sirtuins promotes fitness and longevity in most organisms ranging from single-celled yeast to mammals. At the cellular level sirtuins protect genome integrity, enhance resistance to adverse stresses, and antagonize senescence. However, the underlying molecular mechanism has remained poorly understood. The Wistar team, led by senior author Shelley Berger, Ph.D. and Professor Hilary Koprowski demonstrated for the first time a molecular target for a member of this class, Sir2, in regulation of aging in yeast cells. “These are just two of the many ongoing projects. It is easy to conclude that we will find an answer to immortality, perhaps even before the 2045 date suggested by the Time Magazine cover of February 21, 2011. “We know that aging saps our strength and ability to enjoy life; it cripples us and eventually kills us. Tens of millions die from age-related conditions each and every year. (However) comparatively few people know that degenerative aging can be slowed with diet and lifestyle choices, medicines and nutraceuticals…“You need to get started on your personal anti-aging longevity program now
so you will be around to take advantage of all of these developing programs. Join the race to be among the first immortals!” (The paragraphs above are from the book, “Aging Is A Preventable Disease” written by Walter Parks, aerospace engineer and founder of UnknownTruths Publishing Company. This book is available from Amazon Books by email). I would also like to suggest that as part of your personal antiaging program you attend the Tools For Living Longer class now being held at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center on Thursday evenings 7 to 9 p.m. This class has three objectives: 1) To teach scientific and alchemical longevity techniques that may help you live for 200 years or more; 2) To teach techniques of peak performance, personal power and happiness to help you fully benefit from your greatly expanded life span; 3) To teach spiritual as well as psychological methods for your personal development. The Joshua Tree Retreat Center is located at 59700 Twenty Nine Palms Highway. A donation of $5 per class is requested to cover the cost of printing, but no one will be turned away because of a lack of funds. Art Kunkin is the 84-year young journalist who founded the alternative weekly newspaper, The Los Angeles Free Press in 1964 and later became president of the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles after the passing of PRS founder Manly Palmer Hall. A free download of a magazine cover story interview with Art about his research into stopping aging is now available at Art’s eBook, “Life Extension Alchemy: The Secret of Immortality Finally Revealed,” is also available at a reduced sale price of $9 at that website. Another website, www.
November 1, 2012
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STARBody, Mind & Spirit Horoscope November 2012
Aries: Your financial picture should brighten Nov. 8-9 and again by the Scorpio Solar Eclipse is a Super-New Moon on Nov. 13. Best time for career or business opportunities is between Nov. 16 - Dec. 24. Prepare for this now. If possible, lay low from Nov. 22 through the end of the month with communications and travel. With romance, maintain a positive attitude between the Nov. to the end of the month. Taurus: Finances may continue to be on your mind. Lay low regarding signing contracts between the 6th and the 26th. A close relationship should be rewarding and not taxing, you’ll know after the Solar Eclipse on the 13th. The Gemini Lunar Eclipse on the 28th brings change to your communications and partnership status, for the better. Gemini: The first three weeks will bring good times with romance, especially the 8th or 9th. Remain patient from the 6th to the 26th as your ruling planet Mercury is Retrograde. Stay focused, be in top health as a new project may appear from the 13th onward when the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio occurs. Cash flow in and out will be higher this month. The 27th is a very good day. The lunar Eclipse is in your sign on the 28th and brings positive results. Cancer: The last Full Moon on Oct. 29th should have had you feeling good about Life. Are you ready for new Love? The Solar Eclipse
in Scorpio on the 13th may bring more than one opportunity. The weekend of the 17th is a good one. You will shine after the 22nd, address career issues then. Progress picks up after the 26th. The lunar Eclipse in Gemini on the 28th may reveal some information publicly. Leo: Expect some positive news regarding your career on the 8th. The
circulate. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on the 28th helps your career. Libra: Early in the month, your thoughts are all about money. The 8th and the 9th are good days to take a break. After the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 13th, an opportunity may appear to assist your career or job. Real estate may also be interesting. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on the 28th gives your incentive to change, improve your domestic scene. You’ll also be serious about business. Scorpio: Romance is best on the 11th and gets easier after that. The Solar Eclipse on the 13th is in your sign, prepare for new opportunities,
By Ren Yogamaya, M.A. E-RYT 500 Solar Eclipse on the 13th brings new opportunities affecting your domestic life and shared resources. The 16th may show an increase in projects, your productivity. Your home and love life are more important now. Be understanding while Mercury is in retrograde from the 6th to the 26th. The Lunar Eclipse on the 28th will help you to face your priorities. Virgo: Your ruling planet Mercury will be in retrograde from the 6th to the 26th, avoid starting new projects, buying electronics or signing important documents. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 13th helps you to gain information that you have searched for. Romance is best from the 21st through December 13th, a good time to
both personal and public. You could form a new partnership; best not to make a firm commitment until after the 26th. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on the 28th should bring positive news related to finances. Your Best days this month are the 22nd and the 29th. Sagittarius: At the start of the month, you focus on your health and fitness goals, if single, the first week may bring new love. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 13th will pump up your energy, self-esteem and outlook. From the 21st onward the Sun will be in your sign and you will feel a positive shift. A decision regarding your closest relationship or partnership may be needed on the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on the 28th. Capricorn: Find time
this month to relax and have some fun. Put energy into romance that is coming you way, or, what is here now. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 13th may find you in a new spot with new people. Life may become more exciting after the 16th. By the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on the 28th, a new client or project may appear, be ready. Take up meditation or Yoga to bring you the results that your deserve. Aquarius: Your living situation is up for review at the start of the month. The 11th marks a time of new energies coming in. The Solar Eclipse on the 13th brings new, professional opportunities and possible acknowledgements. Be considerate of your friends from the 6th through the 26th. Romance may surprise you on the 28th when the Lunar Eclipse occurs; a new spark may ignite with someone new. Pisces: VIPs will notice if you bring yourself to their attention. Set up meetings and communications this month. The 11th is a good day to revive your optimism. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 13th will help to sharpen your communication skills, but lay low on accepting offers until after the 26th. Your private life may light up by the 28th with the Lunar Eclipse, have fun, socialize and enjoy life. Your best day is the 29th. Ren Yogamaya is a Yoga teacher registered at the highest level with the Yoga Alliance, a Yoga Therapist, a writer, the published author of EAT BY COLOR: Foods, Colors and The Chakras. She is also a syndicated columnist and is a natural channel for Universal Light. She offers solutions and teaches at Dancing Shiva Yoga in L.A. and can be reached at: 760 .567.5850, on Facebook: Ren Rasa Yogamaya
November 1, 2012
Indio PowWow Celebrates
Native American
Thanksgiving Weekend At Fantasy Springs Resort Casino
INDIO, CA – The 31st Indio Powwow comes to the Cabazon Indian Reservation and Fantasy Springs Resort Casino Thanksgiving weekend, Nov. 23-25. Happening inside the resort’s Special Events Center, the powwow brings thousands of tribal and non-tribal people together for a celebration of culture and customs. Historically, Native American tribes have come together annually to trade, socialize and honor feats of bravery Traditional Native American Pow-Wow. and achievement. Fall gatherings celebrated the successful harvest and brought people together to feast, dance, sing and hold ceremonies. The 31st Indio Powwow features tribes from across the United States and Canada who come in elaborate regalia to show their skill in dance and singing competitions. Visitors to the Indio Powwow will have an opportunity to taste Native American foods such as Indian fry bread and shop among vendors for jewelry, weavings and other types of Native American art. Powwow highlights include the Bird Singers and the Grand Entry, when all the dancers form a procession, winding around the arena. The Indio Powwow is a rich part of the Cabazon Band of Mission Indian’s heritage and they welcome everyone to share in this special yearly tradition. Admission is free. The powwow opens on Friday, Nov. 23 from 5 p.m. to midnight. Grand entry is scheduled for 8 p.m. On Saturday, festivities start at 11 a.m., with grand entry scheduled at 1 p.m. and 8 p.m., closing at midnight. Sunday the powwow gets underway at 11 a.m. with the grand entry at 1 p.m., and ends for another year at 6 p.m. Traditional Native American Pow-Wow.
CalendarSTAR Desert Hot Springs – The Elks Lodge is hosting its fourth annual Monte Carlo Casino Night on Saturday, Nov. 17 at the Elks Lodge located at 64680 Pierson Blvd. The event is open to the public and donations of $45 is requested by Nov. 14. After that a donation of $55 will be asked at the door. Your entry fee includes food prepared by Elks Lodge ladies and $200 in gaming chips. Entertainment will be provided by Rebecca Clark, formerly of Legends in Las Vegas. There will be professional dealers at 12 gaming tables and stations. Proceeds from the event to fund youth activities north of the I-10 freeway. For more information, call 760-671-4521 or 760-3296444.
SOLUTIONS TO BONE HEALTH Desert Hot Springs - The public is invited to “Proven Solutions to Bone Health,” presented by Dr. Kenneth C. Howayeck D.P.M. on Wednesday, Nov. 7 from 5:30 -7 p.m. at the Dog Spa Resort & Wellness Center located at 67840 Hacienda Ave in Desert Hot Springs. “Women can lose up to 20 percent of their bone mass in the first five to seven years after menopause. Bone scans available at this event for only $20. Hosted by Paula Terifaj Call or email 714.335.3090 Seating is limited Find out why bone loss is not part of normal aging. How bone is formed and the mechanism that increases calcium absorption. What causes bone loss and joint problems like arthritis. Drug-free solutions for bone replenishment and improved joint function.
GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY Desert Hot Springs – The Palm Springs Unified School District will hold a Groundbreaking Ceremony for Elementary School #18 at 65750 Avenida Jalisco on Friday, Nov. 2 at 9 a.m. The public is invited to this free event Board of Education heads Justin Blake, Richard Clapp, Karen Cornett,
Gary Jeandron and Shari Stewart will be on hand. Superintendent of Schools Christine J. Anderson will officiate the ceremony.
& Events
DOMINIC BALLI Cathedral City – Come to the The Bridge at Calvary Chapel on 32611 Date Palm Drive, Saturday Nov. 3 for the music of Dominic Balli and the American Dream starting at 7:30 p.m. Kids under five free and a small cover charge for adults.
CENTER STAGE Palm Springs - Tickets for the 3rd annual Center Stage benefit concert on Nov. 1 headlined by Megan Mullally & Supreme Music Program with special guest emcee Ross Mathews at the Palm Springs Convention Center. Ticket start at $100 with limited table sponsorships available. For more information , call 760-416-7790 or go to
GARDEN PARTY Palm Springs – The 13th Annual Human Rights Campaign Palm Springs Garden Party will take place on Saturday, Nov. 3 from 3 - 6 p.m., at HRC Federal Club member’s Eric Ellen Bogen’s ‘Abernathy House.’ Tickets are $50 for Federal Club members and $75 for non-members, which includes hors d’oeuvres and hosted bar. To purchase tickets, go to psgardenparty. The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. For information contact Raymond Manci at 760-8641494.
5k-10k RUN/WALK Palm Springs - A nonprofit club for lesbians, gay men, their families and friends, Palm Springs Front Runners and Walkers is hosting a 10K Run, 5K Run, and 5K Walk on Saturday. Nov. 3 at 8 a.m. The course is flat and fast. Raffle prizes and refreshments served after the race. Race day registration starts at 6 a.m. at the Palm Springs High School athletic stadium located on Baristo Road and Farrell Way. Discounted entry is available for students and current members
Compiled By Jennifer Braun & Jorge Romero III of Palm Springs Front Runners and Walkers. Contact Phil Catalli or Lee Walton at 760-320-7858.
THE YOUNG AMERICANS: Rancho Mirage – The Rancho Mirage CulturaAs You’ve Never Experienced Them. Singing, dancing, and family spectacular. Sunday, Nov. 18, 3 p.m. THE SHOW at Aqua Caliente Resort in Rancho Mirage. Reserved seating. Tickets: 800-585-3737. Half price for children and students under 18 years old.
C.O.D CON Palm Desert - The College of the Desert Theatre Arts department is proud to announce the first ever C.O.D. CON, an Entertainment Technology Symposium on Friday, Nov. 2 at 12:30. to 3:30 p.m at “Theatre Too.” The symposium will feature a panel discussion of working professionals within the entertainment industry in the areas of makeup, scenic design, and costume design. The open forum discussion is open to students, educators, and community members interested in working in the entertainment industry. Local organizations will also be on hand to highlight industry opportunities throughout the Coachella Valley. Admission is free, but reservations are required. For more information, call 760-7732565 or 760-773-2574.
STUFF THE BUS Palm Desert - Operation SafeHouse is asking the community to help “Stuff the Bus” with much needed items to help take care of youth in need. The Riverside County
Sheriff’s Department Palm Desert Station has partnered with Sunline Transit to stuff a bus at the Palm Desert Sheriff’s Station from Nov. 3 -8. Drop off boxes will also be placed in front of the station for after-hours. Please help children in crisis by donating various cleaning supplies, non perishable foods, feminine products, self hygiene and gift cards to local businesses. SafeHouse offers law enforcement personnel a positive alternative when they encounter a runaway youth or youth in crisis. SafeHouse shelters are located in Riverside and Thousand Palms.
REDH T Halloween
November 1, 2012
Palm Desert - Internationally known magician and desert resident Marvyn Roy will receive the First Annual Golden Senior Award presented by Desert Samaritans for Seniors, sponsored by The Magic Castle on Sunday, Nov. 18 from 3 – 5 p.m. at the 21st Annual Good Samaritan of the Year event. The event, “A Magical Affair,” will be the Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa in Rancho Mirage. The award recognizes Roy’s continuing activities and participation in the community well into his “golden years”, The program includes a reception, with strolling magicians, silent auction and nohost bar. Special chef-inspired desserts will be featured for a live auction. The entertainment features international comedy magician Fielding West and 2011 Open Call winner, ventriloquist/ illusionist Rob Watkins. General admission tickets are $95 and $125 for VIP tickets, which includes a hosted wine reception.
For tickets go to desertsamaritans. org or call 760-837-9066.
WINE TASTING TO BENEFIT ROSIE’S KIDS Indio - Rosie’s Kids is hosting its 2nd annual wine and cheese tasting fundraiser in the 12th Floor Wine Bar at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino on Thursday, Nov. 1 from 6 – 9 p.m. This year participants will be treated to the music of 14-yearold jazz saxophonist, Christopher Astoquillca who plays multiple instruments including piano, guitar, flute, percussion and clarinet but will be showcasing his skills on the sax. Astoquillca already builds arrangements for big band artists and is now starting to build his own musical compositions as well. Rosie’s Kids strives to help offset the high cost of supplies needed to participate in extracurricular activities for children throughout the Coachella Valley, and helps them to become well-rounded
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The business that considers itself immune to advertising, finds itself immune to business. REACH CALIFORNIANS WITH A CLASSIFIED IN ALMOST EVERY COUNTY! Over 270 newspapers! Combo~California Daily WANTED Any Condition Pre 1973 Merand Weekly Networks. Free Brochures. cedes SL, other convertibles, Porsche 356 or (916)288-6019. or 911, Volkswagen Bus,Jaguar XK120 (Cal-SCAN) through E-types. Gas station memorabilia and signs. Other interesting cars consid- GET FREE OF CREDIT CARD DEBT ered. Michael 714-267-3436 (Cal-SCAN) NOW! Cut payments by up to half. Stop creditors from calling. 888-416-2691. DONATE A CAR - HELP CHILDREN (Cal-SCAN) FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/week. Non-runners OK. Tax Ever Consider a Reverse Mortgage? At least 62 years old? Stay in your home & CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! increase cash flow! Safe & Effective! Call Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: Now for your FREE DVD! Call Now 8881-800-864-5784 698-3165. (Cal-SCAN) DONATE YOUR CAR, truck or boat to SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENHeritage for the Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, EFITS. Win or Pay Nothing! Start your ApTax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork plication In Under 60 Seconds. Call Today! Taken Care Of. 888-902-6851. (Cal-SCAN) Contact Disability Group, Inc. Licensed Attorneys & BBB Accredited. Call 877-4906596. (Cal-SCAN)
Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come FAST IRS TAX RELIEF. Do You Owe To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant $10,000 or MORE to the IRS? We Help You Settle Your Overdue Taxes for LESS! Offer: 1-800-864-5960 FREE Consultation! 888-727-6019 (RTC) CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Wipe Out Credit Card Debt! STOP GarnishModels. Free Towing! We’re Local! 7 Days/ ments, Repossessions, Foreclosures & Harassment! Attorney Driven-Nationwide Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 Offices FREE Consultation! Se Habla A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Espanol Call Now 888-414-2641 (RTC) Research Foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax De- SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENductible/Fast Free Pick Up. 1-800-771-9551 EFITS. You WIN or Pay Us Nothing. Contact Disability Group, Inc. Today! BBB Accredited. Call f\For Your Free Book DONATE YOUR CAR, truck or boat to & Consultation. 888-473-0549 (RTC) Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork COMPUTER & LAPTOPS Taken Care Of. 888-902-6851. (Cal-SCAN) MY COMPUTER WORKS. Computer TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/Truck, problems? Viruses, spyware, email, printer Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: issues, bad internet connections - FIX IT 1-800-454-6951 NOW! Professional, U.S.-based techniCASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! cians. $25 off service. Call for immediFree Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: ate help. 1-888-865-0271 (Cal-SCAN) 1-800-864-5784
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT numbers may or may not reach Canada. TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free ANNOUNCEMENTS Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of.. 888-380-8281 (RTC) DID YOU KNOW that Ten Million adults tweeted in the past month, while 164 mil- DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Relion read a newspaper in print or online search Foundation. Most highly rated breast in the past week? ADVERTISE in 240 cancer charity in America! Tax deductible/ California newspapers for one low cost. Fast, Free Pick-up! 888-473-4801 (RTC) Your 25 word classified ad will reach over 6 million+ Californians. For brochure call BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Elizabeth (916)288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) SERIOUS ENTREPRENEURS WANTED. Make money now. Six figures plus possible AUCTION over time, company car program, commisADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION in 240 sions & bonuses. Call for details, to arrange California newspapers for one low cost of interview: (970) 455-4075. (Cal-SCAN) $600. Your 25 word classified ad reaches over 6 million+ Californians. Free brochure CREDIT REPAIR SPECIALIST Have a call Elizabeth (916)288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) 720 score? You can! FREE CONSULTATION888-316-2786 ext102
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. WIN or Pay Nothing! Start Your Application In Under 60 Seconds. Contact Disability Group, Inc. Licensed Attorneys & BBB Accredited. Call 1-888-606-4790
Super Classifieds SELL IT FAST Call (760) 671-6604 Starts at $25 mo. Medical Alert for Seniors - 24/7 monitoring. FREE Equipment. FREE Shipping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/Month CALL Medical Guardian Today 866-944-5935. (Cal-SCAN)
DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Wanted Check us out Online! All Major Brands Bought WINE OF THE MONTH CLUB 1-866-446-3009 –Send the gift of wine all year long! 2 bottles Feeling older? Men lose the ability to each month from award-winning wineries produce testosterone as they age. Call around the world. Call 888-652-9613 and 888-904-2372 for a FREE trial of Progeneget FREE SHIPPING! (RTC) All Natural Testosterone Supplement. HOT-TUB/SPA… Deluxe 2012 Model (Cal-SCAN) Neckjets, Therapyseat, Never Used, WarCanada Drug Center is your choice for ranty, Can Deliver. Worth $5950. Sell safe and affordable medications. Our $1950. (800) 960-7727 licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy Proflowers Send flowers for every occa- will provide you with savings of up to 90 sion! Starting at just $19.99. Go to www. percent on all your medication needs. Call or call 1-888-479-0040 Today 866-723-7089 for $10.00 off your first to receive an extra 20 percent off your prescription and free shipping. (Cal-SCAN) order. (RTC) Over 30 Million Women Suffer From Hair RED ENVELOPE - Unique & Per- Loss! Do you? If So We Have a Solution! sonalized Gifts for All Your Friends & CALL KERANIQUE TO FIND OUT MORE Family! Starting at $19.95. Visit www. 888-690-0395. (Cal-SCAN) for an extra 20 24/7 EMERGENCY RESPONSE $1/day. percent off or Call 1-888-692-9914 (RTC) Living alone? You could fall! Deaths from falls can be avoided. Help is a button HEALTH/FITNESS push away. Lifewatch 1-800-207-4078. (Cal-SCAN) Best prices, huge discounts, Viagraâ„¢ 40 pills $99.00 Get Viagraâ„¢ for less than $3 Attention SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS per pill. Call NOW 1- 888-715-9968 with Medicare. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at No Cost,plus FREE home AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE COV- delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores ERAGE. Prescriptions, Medical, Dental, and bacterial infection! Call 888-699-7660. Vision...! No restrictions! Guaranteed Ap- (Cal-SCAN) proval. Checking account Required. Call Now! 877-787-8578 ATTENTION DIABETICS with Medicare. Get a FREE Talking Meter and diabetic testDo you know your Testosterone Levels? ing supplies at No Cost, plus FREE home Call 888-904-2372 and ask about our delivery! Best of all, this meter eliminates test kits and get a FREE Trial of Progene painful finger pricking! Call 888-781-9376. All-Natural Testosterone Supplement. (Cal-SCAN) (Cal-SCAN) Medical Alert for Seniors - 24/7 monitorFREE QI GONG and Korean yoga classes, ing. FREE Equipment. FREE Shipping. Tao Meditation Center, Sahara Hotel, Nationwide Service.$29.95/Month CALL Desert Hot Springs. Daily M-F 7-8:30 Medical Guardian Today 866-944-5935. am and 7:30-9 pm. Ongoing please call (Cal-SCAN) 310-413-4956 CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills affordable medications. Save up to 90% + 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhance- on your medication needs. Call 1-888-734ment, Discreet Shipping. Save $500! Buy 1530 ($25.00 off your first prescription and The Blue Pill! Now 1-888-796-8870 free shipping.) Rapid DNA / STD / Drug Testing Same Day, CA$H PAID- up to $26/Box for unexpired, No Appointment Needed, Private, 15min. sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. HablaTesting 4500 locations Results in 1-3 days mos Espanol. 1-800-371-1136 call to order 800-394-8690 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Wanted We Pay VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills More! All Major Brands Bought Dtsbuyer. + 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhance- com 1-866-446-3009 ment, Discreet Shipping. Save $500! Buy The Blue Pill! Now 800-213-6202 24/7 EMERGENCY RESPONSE $1/day. Living alone? You could fall! Deaths from CA$H PAID- up to $26/Box for unexpired, falls can be avoided. Help is a button sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Habla- push away. Lifewatch 1-800-207-4078. mos Espanol. 1-800-371-1136 (Cal-SCAN) CA$H PAID-UP TO $27/BOX for unexpired, Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home desealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY livery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. SE bacterial infection! Call 888-855-8320 (RTC) HABLA ESPANOL. Emma 1-888-776-7771.
Diabetes/Cholesterol/Weight Loss Natural Product for Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and Weight. Physician recommended, backed by Human Clinical Studies with amazing results. Call to find out how to get a free bottle of Bergamonte! 888-471-0498 (RTC)
HELP WANTED DRIVERS: NO EXPERIENCE? Class A CDL Driver Training. We Train and Employ! Experienced Drivers also Needed! Central Refrigerated. 1-877-369-7091. www. (Cal-SCAN) ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS needed immediately! $150-$300/day depending on job. No experience, all looks needed. 1-800-561-1762 Our (old, ugly, retired) female is soliciting legal LLP (licensed, libel practitioner) to draft PRO PER tort complaint vs. DHS Senior Center. For consultation, document reviews mail business card to Lloyd, 66685 4 St. #B, DHS 92240. HELP WANTED!!! - up to $1000 WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE!!! MAILING BROCHURES or TYPING ADS ONLINE for our company. FREE Supplies! Genuine Opportunity. PT/FT. No Experience Needed! Music Lessons for All Ages! Find a music teacher! TakeLessons offers affordable, safe, guaranteed music lessons with teachers in your area. Our prescreened teachers specialize in singing, guitar, piano, drums, violin and more. Call 1-888-706-0263! Earn up to $75000!! FT/PT. Positions Available Now. Training provided. Pharmacy/ Dental Discount Plans. Call Now for Special Bonus!!! 1-877-308-7959 ext 231 Driver - $0.03 enhanced quarterly bonus. Get paid for any portion you qualify for: safety, production, MPG, CDL-A, 3 months current OTR experience. 800-414-9569. (Cal-SCAN) Apply Now, 12 Drivers Needed. Top 5% Pay. Need CDL Class A Driving Experience. 877-258-8782. www.Driver4Melton. com (Cal-SCAN) Live like a popstar. Now hiring 10 spontaneous individuals. Travel full time. Must be 18+. Transportation and hotel provided. Call Loraine 877-777-2091 CARPENTRY-CABINETS W/40 YEARS EXPERIENCE SOME LIGHT REMODLEING COVER WEST VALLEY, DHS, SKY VALLEY, PALM SPRINGS AND CATHEDRAL CITY. CALL GUS 760-288-0180 NOW ACCEPTING!!! - up to $1000 WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE!!! MAILING BROCHURES or TYPING ADS ONLINE for our company. FREE Supplies! Genuine Opportunity. PT/FT. No Experience Needed! Movie Extras, Actors, Models Make up to $300/day. No Experience required. All looks and ages. Call 877-824-6260 Drivers Needed Now! Top Pay & CSA Friendly Equipment. Need CDL Class A Driving Experience. 877-258-8782 (Cal-SCAN)
November 1, 2012
90 Laptops, $30 TV’s, $8.50 Smart Phones, $4.50 Jeans, $1 DVD’s. Brand Name Electronics, Apparel, Furniture, Toys, Cosmetics from over 200 leading liquidators. Visit Yearbooks Up to $15 paid for high school yearbooks 1900-2012. www. yearbookusa. com or 214-514-1040 Highspeed Internet EVERYWHERE By Satellite! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dial-up.) Starting at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1-888-718-6268. (Cal-SCAN) Reach over 17 million homes nationwide with one easy buy! Only $1,995 per week for a 20 word classified! For more information go to *LOWER THAT CABLE BILL! Get Satellite TV today! FREE System, installation and HD/DVR upgrade. Programming starting at $19.99. Call NOW 1-800-935-8195 STEEL BUILDINGS: 4 only 20x24, 25x32, 30x40, 45x82.Sell For Balance Owed! Free Delivery! 1-800-462-7930x249
Direct To Home Satellite TV $19.99/mo. FREE-SIX MONTHS UNLIMITED GOLF. Free Installation FREE HD/DVR Upgrade Lovely 3 bedroom furnished mobile only Credit/Debit Card Req. Call 1-800-795-3579 $394. Month (includes space rent) $1500 down. Nice 55 + park next to golf course Yearbooks “Up to $20 paid for high school near store, library, park, Kearny, Arizona yearbooks 1900 - 1988. www.yearbookusa. $14,500. Call (949) 689-9744. com or 214-514-1040. Available Now 2-4 Bedroom Homes Take MIGHTY BITE. The ONLY Proven Over Payments No Money Down No Credit ‘5-Sense` Fishing Lure System! Great for Check Call Now 1-888-269-9192 Fresh & Saltwater Fishing. Kit Includes over 100 Pieces! Only $19.95 (plus S&H.) Call OWNER WILL FINANCE. Bank or seller 1-877-666-2836 Today! (RTC) won’t finance? We help! No qualifying. No credit! Low Down. Call Today! 1-800-563VONAGE Unlimited Calls in U.S. & 60 2734 Countries! NO ANNUAL CONTRACT! $14.99 For 3 Months! Then ONLY $25.99/ Large, lovely newer 3 BR 2BA. Great neighmo. Plus FREE Activation. Call 877-672- borhood, professionally landscaped, block 7148 (RTC) walls, RV Parking. Drive by Alexandria Ct DHS. Call Sharon 951 316 8228 ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get FREE CPAP AGUA CALIENTE Apartments. DHS 66785 Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus 8th St. 1 bedroom $575 2 bedrooms $695 FREE home delivery! Best of all, prevent -private patios, pool and spa, covered parkred skin sores and bacterial infection! Call ing. Call Atrix 760-288-2948. 888-855-8320 (RTC) LA CASA APARTMENTS, DHS 10818 San OMAHA STEAKS - EVERYDAY 2011. Miguel Studios $495 1 bedroom $575 Nice 100% Guaranteed Omaha Steaks - Save quiet complex pool off street parking Call 64% on the Family Value Collection. Atrix 760-288-2948. Now Only $49.99 Plus 3 Free Gifts & right-to-the-door delivery in a reusable SUN VILLA Apartments, DHS 13181 Calle cooler, Order Today. 1-888-461-3486 Amapola. Studios no kitchen (bachelor and mention code 45069KZH or www. pad) $495-$575 Call Atrix 760-288-2948.
Reach over 17 million homes nationwide with one easy buy! Only $1,995 per week for a 20 word classified! For more information (RTC) EL REPOSO Apartments DHS 66334 go to 5th St. Studios $425-$525 1 bed**OLD GUITARS WANTED! ** Gibson, room $595 All utilities included plus PERSONALS Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, basic cable. Gated courtyard, pool & Mosrite, Rickenbacker. Prairie State, MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid laundry. Call Atrix 760-288-2948. D’Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mando- operators, just real people like you. Browse lins/Banjos. 1920’s thru 1980’s. TOP CASH greetings, exchange messages and conPAID! 1-800-401-0440 nect live. Try it free. Call now 1-800-945- CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! AT&T U-Verse for just $29/mo! BUNDLE & 3392. (Cal-SCAN) SAVE with AT&T Internet+Phone+TV and Meet singles right now! No paid operators, Train to become a Medical Office Assistant! get a FREE pre-paid Visa Card! (select just real people like you. Browse greetings, NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Online trainplans). HURRY, CALL NOW! 800-319-3280 exchange messages and connect live. Try ing gets you Job ready ASAP! HS Diploma/ GED & PC/Internet needed! 1-888-407(Cal-SCAN) it free. Call now 1-888-909-9905 7063. (Cal-SCAN) Promotional Prices start at $19.99/Mo for Meet singles now! No paid operators, DISH for 12/Mos. Call Today! Ask about just people like you. Browse greet- ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. Next Day Installation. 800-908-0366 ings, exchange messages, connect *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer SAVE on Cable TV-Internet-Digital Phone. live. FREE trial. Call 1-877-737-9447 available. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenPackages start at $89.99/mo (for 12 months.) Options from ALL major service REAL ESTATE HOMES LEARN ABOUT BOOSTING IMMUNITY providers. Call Acceller today to learn more! EQUAL HOUSING Opportunity – All real Alternative Cancer treatments www.canCALL 1-888-897-7650. (Cal-SCAN) estate advertising in this newspaper is Websites Not Substitute For *WANTED TO BUY* Gibson, Fender, subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of Qualified Licensed Medical Diagnosis, Martin, etc. Guitars 1920-1980s. Old 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal Advice, Treatment Rolex & Patek Phillipe Watches, Navajo to advertise “any preference, limitation or Indian rugs/ blankets, Bohlin Western gear, discrimination based on race, color, religion, ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. Cartier &Tiffany jewelry. TOP CASH PAID!! sex, handicap, familial status or national *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, 1-800-401-0440 origin, or an intention to make any such *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. preference, limitation or discrimination. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualiBundle & Save on your CABLE, INTERNET This newspaper will not knowingly accept fied. SCHEV authorized. Call 888-210-5162 PHONE, AND MORE. High Speed Internet any advertisement for real estate which is in (Cal-SCAN) starting at less than $20/mo. CALL NOW! violation of the law. To complain of discrimi- WORK ON JET ENGINES – Train for 800-291-4159 nation, call HUD toll free at 1-800-424-8590. hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPFAA approved program. Financial aid if TION? Talk with caring adoption expert. You REAL ESTATE LOTS & ACREAGE qualified – Job placement assistance. Call choose from families nationwide. LIVING AIM (866) 854-6156. EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One OWNER WILL FINANCE. Bank or Seller True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6296 Florida won’t finance? We Help! No qualifying. No AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Become Agency #100021542 credit! Low Down. Call Today! 1-800-563- an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified 2734. $$OLD GUITARS WANTED$$ – Housing available. Job placement asGibson,Fender,Martin,Gretsch. 1920’s 20 Acres Free! 60-for-40 acres price/invest- sistance. Call AIM (888) 686-1704 to 1980’s. Top Dollar paid. Toll Free: ment $0- Down, $168/mo. Money Back 1-866-433-8277 Guarantee No Credit Checks! West Texas MEDICAL CAREERS begin here – Online 1-800-843-7537 training for Allied Health and Medical MANTIS Deluxe Tiller. NEW! FastStart enManagement. Job placement assistance. gine. Ships FREE. One-Year Money-Back ADVERTISE Your VACATION PROP- Computer available. Financial Aid if qualiGuarantee when you buy DIRECT. Call for ERTY in 240 California newspapers fied. SCHEV certified. Call 800-510-0784 the DVD and FREE Good Soil book! 888- for one low cost of $600. Your 25 815-5176. (Cal-SCAN) word classified ad reaches over 6 million+ Californians. Free brochure call Finish High School at home in a few weeks. SAVE 65 Percent & Get 2 FREE GIFTS Elizabeth (916)288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) First Coast Academy, 1-800-658-1180x130. when you order 100 Percent guaranteed, delivered to the door Omaha Steaks ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. Family Value Combo. NOW ONLY $49.99. REAL ESTATE RENTALS *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, ORDER Today 1-888-525-4620 use code “GORGEOUS furn. Casita” Palm Spr. *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. 45393JRK or Heavenly! EVERYTHING, Included- Computer available. Financial Aid if qualifather56 (Cal-SCAN) Cable T.V., Internet, Elect., Free use of our fied. Call 800-494-3586 www.CenturaSAWMILLS from only $3997. MAKE & Washer Dryer. Ideal for One Person, but will SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill. consider? We can even help with a partial Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready in need of the other, i.e. elderly mother, AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Become to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.Norwood- father, etc.; 15 feet from the Spa, Pool right an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA 1-800-578-1363 x300N. there , Never pay another dollar for security proved training. Financial aid if qualified deposit’s for utility bill’s. $675.00/Mo + Sec. - Housing available. Job placement as(Cal-SCAN) Dep. 760-416-3117, Dawn No smoking, sistance. Call AIM (866)453-6204 PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOP- drugs, no pets maybe? NOTICE TO READERS California law TION? You choose from families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abby’s LUXURY OCEANFRONT CONDOS requires that contractors taking jobs that One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6292, 2BR/2BA was $850k now $399,900 Re- total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) sort Spa Restaurant Golf Marina www. must be licensed by the Contractors State 24/7 Void/Illinois 1-888-996-2746 License Board. State law also requires that Promotional Prices start at $19.99/Mo for x5464. (Cal-SCAN) contractors include their license number on DISH for 12/Mos. Call Today! Ask about all advertising. You can check the status of Next Day Installation. 800-375-0784 your licensed contractor at or 800-321-CSLB.
Hairstyles to Make You Look Slimmer and Younger next? Your self-esteem would be soaring. Sound impossible? Well it isn’t. To p Hollywood hairdressers have known the secret to making stars look thinner and younger, now you can too. The right hairstyle can turn back the clock. Get an instant face lift by updating your current look. Length, layers and bangs can erase years and wrinkles. All you need is to know the secrets. Length can become your neck’s best friend. The correct length can hide an aging neck. Length below the chin will make
By Judaysia PALM DESERT, CA - What if you could get up tomorrow morning looking fabulous? Then what if you could do it again the next day and the
your face and neck look thinner. Layers make your hair move. They can add height, soften edges and hide wrinkles and pounds. If your face is full, height will slim it down. Bangs are better than Botox. The length of the bang should skim the eyebrow. Bangs soften and draw attention to your eyes. You can even make your hairline look thicker with the right snips on the fringe. Bangs hide lines in the forehead. From The Runway…To the Desert, update your wardrobe this season with some of these
new looks. Jacket: The varsity jacket replaces the pea coat as the sporty top of choice. Add embroidered monograms and clubhouse badges. Winter Whites: White shoes are one of Autumn/Winter 2012’s biggest style statements. Team with ankle grazing black trousers. Pastel Accents: Soft colors instantly enliven winter darks. Try mint green or lilac pieces. Snazzy Trousers: A sharpcut style in shantung silk, velvet or jacquard will be your new star piece.
Crystal Tips: Jazz up a pencil skirt with a smattering of crystals or sequins. Clip Art: Whatever else you wear, a decorative barrette clipped to a messy chignon looks so chic this season. What’s New? Everyone is going dotty for octogenarian artist Yayoi Kusama and the bags she has designed for Louis Vuitton. The bright colorful prints on canvas will be popping up all over the desert this season. Ask Judaysia…Dear Judaysia, I like to update my lipstick every season. I just
cannot wear the dark lip colors of chocolate I have been seeing in the fashion magazines. Can you suggest an alternative? Denise, Rancho Mirage Dear Denise, The Goth look is not for everyone. Try some berry and wine shades. Before you buy, take some time at the make-up counter to look at the new collections. I am sure you will find a shade to update your look.
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November 1, 2012
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STARetc... LA QUINTA PASSES RENTAL TOT ... Continued from Page 1 There are 106 units currently registered with the city under the existing TOT registration requirement; however, there could be as many as 1,000 short-term vacation rental units in the city with only
10 percent of the owners collecting and remitting the required TOT. The ordinance requires homeowners or management companies representing short-term vacation rentals to annually register
rental properties; provide contact information of the homeowner and authorized agent; designate a local contact person that will be available at all times to respond to complaints; post a city-issued certificate number on any advertisements; hand out a copy of a city-prepared “Good Neighbor
Brochure” that will provide guidelines on noise, parking, and maximum number of occupants to transients; and report transient occupancy tax activity of the rental units on a monthly basis. For more information, call the Planning Department at (760) 7777125.
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November 1, 2012
Veterans Resource Center ...Continued from Page 1 and technology for the 1,000 square foot, full-service facility for veterans. “One of the primary issues facing combat veterans is the social isolation they feel when they return,” said Jim Hummer, assistant to the president and executive director of the COD Foundation. “Many veterans have difficulty adjusting to civilian life, much less adjusting to the academic rigor and social atmosphere of an active college campus. Our Resource Center will provide a safe and welcoming environment for military veterans and their dependants to receive information about VA benefits, academic and counseling support, and peer to peer camaraderie.” The Resource Center will house two offices, a reception desk, a study/tutoring area, four computer stations, a lounge area with flat panel television, and access to a printer, copier, and fax machine. The Center will provide easy access to all major student service areas such as Admissions & Records, Financial Aid, the Bookstore, Health Services, and several other special programs. The COD Foundation is working to raise $300,000 for a mental health specialist, academic and job placement counselor, and other necessary equipment and services. Through its Veterans Affairs Program, COD currently provides enrolled veterans and their dependants with access to an Admissions & Records Veterans Specialist, who gives information and guidance with regard to accessing military benefits for educational purposes and basic academic advisement with regard to degree and graduation requirements. “The number of veterans turning to the college for education, training and re-training has doubled in the last five years,” according to Donni Prince, COD Veterans Services Coordinator. Colleges across the nation are experiencing similar increases in numbers because of the drawdown in the military and challenging economy. There are more than 400 veterans who currently attend COD. For more information about ways to help College of the Desert Foundation, call 760-773-2561.
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PHOTO IDs available, Renewals within 30 days expiration from any office
Pool Party!
Spa Swim Club Passes from $3 8 Natural Hot Mineral Springs Pools Showers & Lockers Available Poolside Dining & Drinks
Rates + Day Room sses 2 Pool Pa + tax from $35 m) p (9 am – 4
10805 Palm Drive Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012