As fluid as an organic body, rather than a strictly organized event, the annual festivity of design in Milan gives the opportunity to present the city dressed in its best outfit.
This issue wants to make homage to Milan by giving a pinch of what this city can offer in terms of design, as a place perfectly fitted to absorb and learn the true essence of this Industry.
Without focusing on the latest passing trends we want to propose a panoramic view touching different realities: traditional artisanship, education, art, new media, food and events.
In this flourishing environment, standing out for young people with fresh ideas is a tough challenge,
as, not only is the competition fierce, but also numerous projects and roles where interesting budgets are
involved revolve around the same group of people.
Nevertheless, it is the hottest spot to access a global market where interesting plans are scheduled, especially in the Middle East and China where Design42Day has a particular focus.