Desh Videsh Magazine Plan Your Financial Future May 2015

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May 2015

Desh-Videsh VOLUME 22, ISSUE 05



Transferring Wealth to the Next Generation


Passing on wealth is an American tradition that stems back to the early founders of this great country. It is a tradition that relies on the art of storytelling. However, it is also a tradition that, in today’s digiHinduism and Vedic Culture


Hinduism, the oldest of all existing religions, is a genius concept developed by knowledgeable sadhus and disciplined saints. Vedic dharma is a unique practice far above all others. It is a Hindu principle that sets us apart from most religions shown most Desh-Videsh (USPS 024575/ISSN: 1941-2398) is published 13 Times a year (12 regular monthly issues and a special issue in March) by Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. 10116 NW 53rd St., Sunrise, FL 33351-8020, • Telephone: (954) 784-8100 • Fax (954) 944-1958 • E-Mail: Copyright 2010 by Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission of Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. The publishers of this magazine assume no responsibility for statements made by their advertisers in business competion, nor do they assume responsibility for statements/opininons expressed or implied in the columns of this magazine. Photos: © wtamas, Phase4Photography, czamfir / Dollar Club. Subscription Services: Subscription rates are $7.00 for 6 Issues, $12.00 for 12 Issues, $24.00 for 24 Issues, $30.00 for 36 Issues.

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Transferring Wealth to the Next Generation


Hinduism and Vedic Culture


The Importance of a Proper Estate Plan


Mothers Day


ISKCON Bhagavad Gita Contest Won By Muslim Student


South Florida Hindu Temple’s Education Program 48 Top 5 Retirement Planning Mistakes


Immigration Q & A


Bollywood Today


Community News


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Dear Readers, May is a wonderful month when children eagerly await the last days of school, we honor the women in our lives, and look forward to quality family time over the summer. Having just made it through tax season, it can also be a good time to review your financial plan. Planning for your family’s financial future might seem like a daunting task. Maybe you participate your company’s 401k or you set up savings accounts for your children. This month, articles will explore steps to take to ensure you’ve covered all the bases. From estate planning to retirement to all the steps in between, the financial experts featured in this issue serve as a great guide to securing financial peace of mind for you and your family. This month, we also feature the winning essay in the International Foundation for Vedic Science essay competition. Our very own Kiran Rajkumar from Plantation, Florida, was the first prize winner. Read her essay for her perspective on Hinduism and Vedic culture. And of course, we can’t forget that it’s Mother’s Day! Celebrate all the women in your life by honoring all the big and small things they do for you each and every day. This month, two youngsters share their thoughts on mothers. As always, we love getting feedback. We encourage our readers to reach out and share their thoughts! Whether topic suggestions for future issues, questions for our experts, or comments on an article, email us anytime! Send your comments or questions to Raj Shah Managing Editor

Transferring Wealth to the Next Generation By Jeff Helms, CFA Passing on wealth is an American tradition that stems back to the early founders of this great country. It is a tradition that relies on the art of storytelling. However, it is also a tradition that, in today’s digital age of viral social media campaigns and “ten seconds of Internet fame,” is being lost on the younger generation.

Don’t forget the value of storytelling in your estate plan. Consider these points: 1. Storytelling gives the goals of passing along wealth some context. If it’s just a lot of money, heirs cash it in. If they understand what mom and dad went through to create the wealth for future generations, it gives It weight and importance. 2. Storytelling gives the wealth weight. Where did it come from? What challenges were faced? What opportunities were capitalized on? 3. Storytelling inspires stewardship. Instead of making the mistake of simply cashing in the inheritance and paying all the taxes, the heirs feel an obligation to continue the legacy. With this in mind, it is important that you work with a financial planner to establish estate plans. These plans need to minimize taxes. They also need to ensure that all documents and beneficiary designations are properly assigned. Successfully transferring wealth to younger family members requires a system of effective communication that starts at an early stage. Involving Younger Family Members Transferring wealth to the next generation starts with regular family meetings. Family

meetings offer a chance for the family history and legacy goals to be passed down to younger family members. It is important to note that these meetings should occur before the death of a family member. Only through the art of first-hand stories can younger generations achieve a true understanding and appreciation of their family legacy, as well as the wealth that is associated with that legacy and history. A few key benefits of regular family meetings include: • The ability to go over the family business.


A chance to tackle any estate-planning issues.

Establishing an environment of open communication and transparency.

Put it in Writing The next step to successfully transfer wealth to generations beyond is to put your family’s plan in writing. The family plan should also include important milestones in your family’s history. History shows us that it is hard to keep a story alive if we don’t have faces,


names, and dates to associate with important achievements. When it comes to writing a family’s wealth plan, success hinges on knowing the smallest of details. Documents that should be put into writing include: • Family life-lessons - These are the stories that have been passed down for generations and should continue to be shared with the future generations to come. • Copies of wills and trusts - It is important that these documents are written and shared to promote the established environment of open communication and transparency. • Summary of investment and insurance accounts - Once again transparency is key to understanding the family legacy. Share the Family Vision Once the family plan is written, it is time to share the plan with all involved family members. Additionally, you should keep the plan in a safe place and let the executor of your will know that it exists. The process of sharing your family plan will help to strengthen family ties and improve communication. Above all, the sharing process is a chance to clearly articulate your goals. If the entire family knows your intentions, then you can help them to avoid petty arguments, which are often caused by a misunderstanding of family goals. 16


When planning doesn’t go as expected, entire family histories, legacies, and inevitably wealth, can be lost. All too often, younger heirs will simply liquidate the estate assets without properly understanding the potential tax benefits or tax traps. By hosting regular family meetings, writing a family plan, and sharing that plan with your family members in an environment of open communication, you can avoid the this pitfall. Now is the Time to Act Now is the time to educate your heirs on how they should treat the assets, so that their future actions best align with your wishes and their best interests. It is never too early to get started. Financial planning and professional guidance from First Coast Wealth Advisors can help you achieve your final wishes and goals. And, above all, it is important that the tradition of family storytelling remains alive and well; only then can you successfully achieve your goal of transferring your wealth, and your legacy, to younger family members. About the Author Jeff Helms is the Managing Partner of First Coast Wealth Advisors, a wealth management and retirement consult-

ing firm in St Augustine, FL. His book, “Generation R: A Retirement Nation at Risk”, explores the challenges facing the Baby Boom generation in securing a comfortable retirement. The book was profiled on Nightly Business Report.

He maintains the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is also a Certified Retirement Coach. Jeff currently serves as Chairman of the City of St Augustine Pension Board.

By Kiran Rajkumar This month, we feature the first place essay in the International Foundation for Vedic Science. In this winning essay, our own Kiran Rajkumar of Plantation, Florida, explored facets of hinduism and vedic culture. Hinduism, the oldest of all existing religions, is a genius concept developed by knowledgeable sadhus and disciplined saints. Vedic dharma is a unique practice far above all others. It is a Hindu principle that sets us apart from most religions shown most prominently in our passion for the environment. The well-known concept of ahimsa inspires us to maintain respect for our planet and its living creatures. Through vegetarianism, Hindus extend the world’s water and grain supply, saving millions of animals from slaughter each year. Hindus consume a simple diet free of meat and seafood, and we take only what we need from nature, leaving India and the world still rich in natural resources. Another appealing topic that attracts so many followers of Hinduism is the art of 20

yoga, a form of exercise as well as a different spiritual path. The physical form of yoga helps the body maintain balance through a sequence of postures and stretches, while spiritual yoga deals with everyday aspects of our life, such as worship, love, and knowledge. Also known as union, yoga is a practice that has spread like wildfire through the western world. Yoga centers are being opened everywhere, classes are being incorporated in schools, and top yoga instructors from India are bringing their eastern yoga philosophy to countries all over the world. In addition to the ancient practice of yoga, the art of meditation is a ritual that is responsible for making Hindus so relaxed and tranquil, since they find inner peace by connecting to a higher realm of existence through meditating. MAY 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM

India is populated and bustling in the city areas, but clearly, the vast population is at peace and content due to their morning rituals of worship, meditation, and yoga. Every year, millions of Hindus and nonHindus flock to our yearly celebrations of Deepavali, Holi, Makar sanskranti, and much more. Each Fall on the darkest night of the year, India is illuminated by billions of diyas, bringing knowledge and prosperity for the New Year and harvest season. The arrival of spring is celebrated widely by Hindus, including the joyous festival of Holi. The entertaining rituals include dancing and singing around a holy bonfire, spraying each other with water and smearing colored powder on our loved ones. These festivities are only the beginning of hinduism’s colorful and enjoyable holidays .Navratri, for instance, is a nine day holiday in worship of feminine goddesses in vedic culture. Men, women, and children dance in a “garba”, a dance in the formation of a circle that includes complex feet and hand patterns. The nights are full of colorful swirling skirts, laughter, dancing, and singing. Vedic culture has one of the finest categories of musical art and dance. There are several types of Indian tribal and folk dances, all based on a religious aspect. One of the most popular forms of Indian classical dance is bhararnatyam. Bharatnatyam originated in southern India thousands of years ago, and consists of hand gestures called “mudhras” and complex feet patterns, all put together in a devotional prayer sung in Malayalam. Bharatnatyam was originally created as a form of worship, being that all the songs narrate the story of the Hindu gods. As a bharatnatyam dancer myself, I reflect that Hinduism has to offer the best form of devotion through art and dance. In dance, the vedic tradition holds equal importance of our male and female god, representing that creation is impossible without masculine and feminine energy. As a Hindu, I strongly agree that our values and teachings are extremely important, but it is not readily available for the younger generations of our community. Hindu education resources are limited in the United States, with such a minor Hindu population. Vedic philosophy is complex and not easy for young children to grasp, and it would be both educational and entertaining 24


if religion lessons were incorporated into play activities, crafts, and theatre productions for the younger generations at the temple. As a member of the south Florida Hindu Temple, education stops at age 15. In my opinion, classes should be extended to a college level, so the older youths of the temple do not forget their religion while in University. Another thing I would like to add is that many young Hindus are ashamed of their Indian culture and religion. The majority of the American Hindu population is not motivated to spread awareness of Hindu Philosophy and beliefs. We are apprehensive when questioned about our beliefs, and we are often clueless when someone may ask “Why do you wear a dot on your forehead?” We don’t even know the answer. Vedic culture is considered obscene and foreign in America, and the majority of Hindus in this country refuse to educate America about our rich culture and extensive history. For example, the Jewish population on America is minor, but they have all managed to stay together and spread awareness about the 26

holocaust and have their holidays nationalized. If we get Jewish holidays like Passover off, we should have a free day on Diwali too. Several cultures and religions were unfamiliar to the United States at one point in time, but they have evolved and became integrated into American culture over time. European, Asian, and South American culture is recognized nowadays, but we can’t say the same for Hinduism and Indian culture. If we wear Indian clothes in public, we are observed strangely and other cultures cannot understand our values and beliefs. As Hindus, we need to make ourselves known to the world. A majority of the world just knows India for the caste system, curry, and cows. If vedic awareness is spread, the world will no longer be a place full of violence, pollution, and ill-fated people. Hinduism teaches the importance of having a positive mindset. As you can see in India, there is a smile on everyone’s face; the poorest servant is as jovial as an affluent business man. They have learned to serve their rightful role in the world because it is their dharma. India is s such a lively country filled with smiles, colors, and rich culture for one dominant reason: Hinduism. The relationship between India and Hinduism is like a great mighty tree, with a sturdy, aged trunk rooted into the strong earth of Hinduism. Our way of life keeps India stable and strong, with extended branches growing healthy leaves and bearing fruits and flowers. Hinduism has kept India, the world’s largest democracy of 1.2 billion people in coexistence. The vedic knowledge of our scriptures and sages have influenced the people of India to stay resilient through years of terror and foreign empire’s reign. This religion has existed for 10,000 years, and it is still alive and thriving in the world, and it is our job to maintain and preserve it. About the Author Kiran Rajkumar is a 9th grader in a science magnet program in South Florida. In addition to her studies, she is a long-time pianist and bharatanatyam dancer. She is also a Bala Vihar student at the South Florida Hindu Temple and regularly volunteers for Hindu causes in the community. MAY 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM

By: Joyce T. Mattam, Esq. Do you and your family have a safe and sound estate plan? A common misconception is that a person has to be extremely wealthy in order to have a sound estate plan in place. Such train of thought is not at all the case, especially in today’s society. In today’s world, a proper estate plan is very important in the event of an unfortunate or unforeseen event to protect your family and your assets.

For instance, a proper Last Will & Testament designates a personal representative to handle final matters dealing with the Estate. Without such designation, the law provides courts to choose a representative, which may not always be the best choice. In addition, documents such as a Durable Power of Attorney and Health Care Surro

What documents are important? At the very basic, a person should have a Last Will & Testament in place as part of their estate plan. To put it simply, a will is a legal document that states one’s wishes and one’s intentions after one passes away. These intentions include the distribution and transfer of real and personal property in the event of one’s passing. 30


No Two Estate Plans are Created Equal Depending on the size of your estate, whether or not there are minor children, children from a previous marriage, or potential estate tax consequences, a proper estate plan including various forms of trust documents should be tailored that specifically meets your needs as an individual. About the Author

forms are also impertinent in the event one of no longer able to make financial and health decisions for themselves. Even though you may have these documents in place, if the have not been updated since then, your present wishes may not be carried out.


Joyce T. Mattam, a graduate of the New York School of Law, has been practicing family law in Florida for over seven years. A solo practitioner and owner of The Mattam Law Firm PA, Mattam provides clients with counsel on tax preparation and law, estate planning, and real estate. Visit or call 305-903-2076 for more information.




With Mother’s Day around the corner, some of our youngest community members share their sentiments about their lovely mothers! Happy Mother’s Day! My Mother by Shubham Kansal, Grade 2 My lovely mom Poonam She cooks food Yum-yum She’s Beautiful and tall And loving to us all, She gives us variety of food, Which is very tasty and good She gives me a lot of time, And takes care of me fine. She is the best mom on earth I love her very much

Oh ! my sweet Mom By Karan Patel, Grade 6 Oh ! my sweet Mom, Oh ! my sweet Mom, Loving caring but strict She is my dear mom! She always helps me in studies, And removes all my worries. She makes me walk the thorny path, And guides me to the right path. In the oceans of hardships She guides my life ship. She shows me the whole world, And takes me to the spiritual world I see God in her Now there is nothing to fear. Oh ! my sweet Mom, Oh ! my sweet Mom, Smiling, adoring sweet Mom, She is just my Mom!

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ISKCON Bhagavad Gita Contest Won By Muslim Student

Marryam Siddiqui, a young Muslim girl, won first prize in an inter-school Bhagavad Gita competition held in January 2015 in Mumbai. The 12-year-old Class VI student of Cosmopolitan High School won the ‘Gita Champions League’ contest for explaining the teachings of the scripture in the best possible manner. Around 3,000 students participated in the event, which was organised by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon). The 100 mark multiple choice question test evaluates children on their knowledge of the Gita. “I have always been inquisitive about religions, and I often read 44

up on them during my free time. So when my teacher told me about this contest I thought it would be a good chance to understand what the book is about. My parents too supported my idea of participating in the contest,” said Maryam, who received the prize on March 15. A student of Cosmopolitan High School, Mira Road, Maryam studied material that was provided by Iskcon for almost a month before giving the test in English. “I read through the material and tried to understand what the Gita tries to tell us. The more I read about different religions, the more I have realized that humanity is the most important religion that we must follow,” she said. Maryam has always had conversations about religion with her parents. “Our family believes that one needs to respect and accept all religions. No religion preaches hatred or wrong. However, there are some members who have misguided us. Before these have a bad influence on the children, we need to talk to them and make them understand what is right,” said her father, Asif Siddiqui.

While speaking to news agency ANI, Maryam said, “Humanity is the ultimate religion.” The Gita, believed to be the divine advice of Lord Krishna, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is a part of the epic Mahabharata. Its call for selfless action inspired many leaders of the independence movement, including Mahatma Gandhi who referred to the Gita as his “spiritual dictionary.” Teachers at the school are proud of Maryam’s achievement. “The contest is open to students from all religions, so we asked if anyone from school wanted to participate. Maryam is excellent at school exams, and she showed the same excellence at this contest too,” said her teacher, Sapna Brahmandkar. MAY 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM

South Florida Hindu Temple’s Education Program South Florida Hindu Temple’s (SFHT) education program began even before the temple was ever built. The founders of the temple, while working on the temple project, had already realized the importance of educating our youth with the Principles of Sanatana Dharma that they began classes in the home of Dr. Chander Shaykher, who is the guiding light for the Education program. His vision of having an education program that is strong in value-based education has come to fruition and continues to grow at a steady rate.


At the temple’s opening, less than 50 students participated in Balvihar classes. Now over 240 students participate. The journey of this growth is overwhelming due to the commitment of sevaks who have given so much of their time and effort for the children of our community. The program has evolved over the years so that our children spend the first four years of learning the basic principles and values of Sanatana Dharma. In the next four years, they try to understand these concepts and the deeper meaning

of our scriptures. Finally, during the last four years, they put into practice the values they have learned by implementing them in their lives. SFHT’s education program is unique in that it uses books from a variety of Swamis, taking the best available books in the market place for the various ages and evaluating them each year to see if they worked for the children or not. Constant self evaluation is important for our program to be the best it can be.


Our 34 sevaks are the strength of our program, and we truly are blessed to have such a committed group of parents and teenagers who give of their time week after week. Sincere, selfless sevaks are the blessings of SFHT education program. With classes on Sundays and events such as Sports Day, Passage to India, Gita Chanting Competition, and much more, our program is an active program with children from all parts of India. As we have grown to a level of full capacity, we will be opening a second day to accommodate growing needs. Saturday classes will begin in September and will be held from 3:30 - 4:45 pm for Balvihar and 5:00 - 6:00 pm for language classes. We would like to give all new students a special discount for registration before the end of May. To take advantage of this early bird special, please visit, click on “Resources,� print out the form for Balvihar, complete it, and send it to the address on the third page of the form. It is indeed a great privilege to be born a Hindu; however, many of us do not know what that means and even fewer of us know how 50


to teach our children the core values of Hinduism. As parents raising our children away from India, it is our DUTY to teach our children about the rich heritage into which they are born. If we do not do our DUTY, then we can’t expect them to value or respect Hindu culture and heritage. In this country, parents have to make the extra effort to ensure their children learn and understand the Rich Hindu Culture or Sanatana Dharma. Education programs in temples are meant to help parents in this process of raising Good Hindu children. We hope that you will take the first step towards the wonderful experience and make a commitment to your children. Thoughts on the SFHT’s Education Program: “Our Culture is Our Identity - To preserve and promote our heritage and rich culture ,there is no other way than to pass it on to our next generation. Balvihar has been instrumental in, not only, doing so for our kids but also has helped in making them confident and extremely proud of being who they are as children with their roots in the land of Sanatan Dharma. I am extremely grateful and gratified to

be a part of this valuable Program.” Vandana Kaul (Balvihar Teacher & Parent )

what my daughters are learning about Hinduism, our culture and traditions. Its helping them truly understand who they are and being proud of their heritage.”

“As a parent having grown up in the US, I’m amazed at

Chirag Patel (Balvihar Parent)

Top 5 Retirement Planning Mistakes By Chris Draughton, CFP

Are you planning to fail or failing to plan? As you consider your finances, it is important to ask yourself this question: When it comes to your financial well-being, are you planning to fail or failing to plan? Here are the top five planning mistakes when it comes to your retirement: 1. Taking social security too early: Three out of four Americans claim their retirement benefits early, most of the time as early as they can when they


turn 62. You can increase your lifetime income by as much as 30 percent and increase your take-home pay by 30 percent, simply by delaying your benefits. 2. Outliving your assets: The good ol’ days are now the good ol’ years. The retirement model was originally based on shorter life spans with people living only about 15 years as a retiree. It’s a blessing and a curse, but we’re all living much longer, many people into their


The retirement model was originally based on shorter life spans with people living only about 15 years as a retiree. It’s a blessing and a curse, but we’re all living much longer, many people into their 90s. 1. 90s. Living longer can wreak havoc on a financial plan if you don’t plan for it. 2. Failing to plan: We should call this one failing to dream. Let’s be honest. We all look forward to retirement so can do all those things we didn’t have the time to do as working citizens – travel, play golf, spend time with the grandkids, dine out, go to movies. We’re living longer and we’re healthier than ever which means our lifestyles tend to be more active, and thus more costly, during retirement. This is a starting point at FCWA when working with a client. We start with that dream lifestyle and work our way backwards to help you achieve it.

unexpected medical circumstances that can take a huge chunk out of savings. Also, many of you have heard me preach about the importance of having a long-term care strategy – that’s a key factor to plan for as we live longer. 4. Scheduling your annual checkup: We’re not talking about your annual physical exam. I’m talking about

3. Not having a healthcare strategy: This is a temperamental topic these days, but also reinforces the point that your plan needs to account for medical costs. Aside from expenses you can plan for - copays, prescriptions, and hospitalization – we all encounter 54


1. your annual financial checkup. A lot of changes can occur in a year – unanticipated healthcare expenses, changes in tax laws, rising investment income, changes in familial relationships. About the Author As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chris Draughton serves as First Coast Wealth Advisors Director of Financial Planning and specializes in investment management, asset protection, retirement planning and estate planning. A native of Northeast Florida, Chris is committed to helping clients achieve their personal financial objectives by identifying their unique needs, helping them create meaningful goals, and implementing strategies that achieve results.


Chris serves as the Chairman of the Government Relations Committee for the Financial Planning AssociationÂŽ of Florida. He is active in the community and serves as the President of the Ancient City Lions Club. Chris resides in St Johns County with his wife, Jennifer, and daughter, Olivia.


My son married in January 2013. He got his marriage based 2 year conditional green card in September 2013 and expiring in September 2015. But unfortunately, both willingly took divorce in November 2014 as a final judgment of “Simplified Dissolution Of Marriage”. Can my son still renew his green card after divorce? How and when to proceed for the removal of condition from conditional green card after divorce? There is good news and bad news. The good news is that your son can file to remove the condition on his residence without his wife and after the divorce, and he does not have to wait until the expiration date of his green card. He can file early, as soon as the divorce is final. The bad news is that he still has to prove to USCIS that the marriage he had was bona fide, or in good faith, and not for immigration purposes only. He will need to send in as many documents as possible to show that he did live together with his wife before the divorce and that at the time he married, he intended to live with her as a real husband and wife. I am a permanent resident for 8 years. Can I petition for my mother and father and how long will it take? 58

As a permanent resident, you cannot petition for your mother and father. You must first become a US citizen. After that, you may file for your parents. There is no quota for parents of US citizens, so the visas are immediately available to them. However, there is a processing time. If they are outside the United States, it will take 6 months to 1 year. If they are in the United States, it will closer to six or eight months. My mother was a Green Card Holder of the U.S, but unfortunately due to unavoidable circumstances we did not renew her re-entry permit after she was staying in her home country for a long time. It has been a few years since it expired. I wanted to know if my mother can revive her Green Card and get her permanent status in the US again? I am a permanent resident of the US and have been here for 4 years now. The card was applied for by my sister who is a citizen of the US. I would appreciate if you could let me know if this is possible and if so how I can go about doing this. Can I apply for her? If your mother was outside the US for more than one year (without a valid reentry permit), she is considered to have abandoned her residence. There is no way to “revive”

it. Your sister would have to apply for her again. You cannot apply for her because a permanent resident cannot apply for a parent. Only a US citizen can. However, you can apply for your US citizenship 4 years and 9 months after receiving your green card. It looks like to only have about 9 months to wait. The process itself can take 3 to 6 months. So, in about one year you would be able to file for your mother. I am a US citizen. I want to file for my parents and my brother and sister, who are 11 and 15. Can I do that? Yes, you can file for your parents and your brother and sister, BUT they will not be able to immigrate to the United State at the same time. You will need to file 4 separate petitions. Your parents will be able to come to the United States within about a year of processing time, because they are what is called immediate relatives and are not subject to any quotas. Therefore, their immigrant visas will be immediately available to the as soon as USCIS and the National Visa Center complete their processing. Your brother and sister are in a different category. They are considered 4th preference immigrants and only 65,000 of them are permitted to get green cards every year. This makes for MAY 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM





a backlog of about 12 years at the moment, although the wait times change depending on the number of people who apply for that category. The wait is even longer if you are from Mexico or the Philippines – it is 17 to 23 years, respectively. This is because each country is limited to 7% of the worldwide quota. I was in removal proceedings and the judge ordered me deported because I stayed longer than my visa permitted. My lawyer appealed to the BIA, but I just received a letter that the appeal was denied. I married a US citizen a few months ago. Is there anything I can do to stay here? You have two more legal options left. If the immigration judge committed a serious error in the law that led to the deportation order, and the BIA upheld the Judge’s decision, you may petition for the Circuit Court of Appeals to review your case. That petition must be filed within 30 days of the BIA denial. You may also seek to reopen your case based on your marriage. To do that, you spouse must file a family petition with USCIS first. You only have 90 days after the BIA denial to file a motion to reopen, so you do not need to wait for the family petition to be approved. You do, however, have to provide evidence that your marriage is not a sham. Both options are legally challenging and should definitely not be undertaken without a competent lawyer. The advice in this column may not apply to your specific situation, even if it seems similar in nature. The

only way to obtain legal advice is by speaking with a qualified attorney and reviewing your specific circumstances. If you have any questions, please call me at (954) 522-4115. Edward Boreth is an immigration attorney who has practiced law for 20 years. He is a director of the Citizenship Clinic. He is also an avid cricket fan.


The Bollywood comic drama Queen dominated the 60th Filmfare Awards earning awards in six categories. Vikas Bahl received the award for Best Director and Kangana Ranaut for Best Actress. Vishal Bhardwaj’s tragic Shakespearean drama Haider won awards in five categories including Best Actor for Shahid Kapoor, Best Actress in a Supporting Role for Tabu, and Best Actor in Supporting Role for Kay Kay Menon. Rajat Kapoor’s critically acclaimed film Ankhon Dekhi bagged the Best Film (Critics) prize. The award for the Best Male Actor (Critics) went to Sanjay Mishra for Ankhon Dekhi and the Best Female Actor (Critics) award was given to Alia Bhatt for her performance in Highway. 62


Lifetime Achievement Award: Kamini Kaushal Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Female): Tabu (Haider) Nominees: Amrita Singh (2 States as Kavita Malhotra), Dimple Kapadia (Finding Fanny as Rosalina “Rosie” Eucharistica), Juhi Chawla (Gulaab Gang as Sumitra Devi), Lisa Haydon (Queen as Vijayalakshmi) Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Male): Kay Kay Menon (Haider) Nominees: Riteish Deshmukh – Ek Villain as Rakesh Mahadkar Abhishek Bachchan – Happy New Year as Nandu Bhide/Vicky Grover Ronit Roy – 2 States as Vikram Malhotra Tahir Raj Bhasin – Mardaani as Walt / Karan Rastogi The complete list of nominations and winners: Best Film: Queen Nominees: PK, 2 States, Haider, Mary Kom Best Director: Vikas Bahl (Queen) Nominees: Vishal Bhardwaj (Haider), Abhishek Varman (2 States), Anurag Kashyap (Ugly), Rajkumar Hirani (PK)

Best Music Director: Shankar-Eshaan-Loy (2 States) Nominees: Amit Trivedi (Queen), Anupam Amod/Arko Pravo Mukherjee/Yo Yo Honey Singh/ Mithoon/Pritam(Yaariyan), Himesh Reshammiya/Meet Bros Anjjan/Yo Yo Honey Singh (Kick), Mithoon/Ankit Tiwari/SOCH (Ek Villain)

Best Actor: Shahid Kapoor (Haider) Nominees: Aamir Khan (PK as PK), Akshay Kumar (Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty as Virat Bakshi), Hrithik Roshan (Bang Bang! as Rajveer/Jai Nanda), Randeep Hooda (Rang Rasiya as Raja Ravi Varma)

Best Lyrics: Rashmi Singh “Muskurane ki wajah” (CityLights) Nominees: Irshad Kamil “Patakha Guddi” (HiAghway), Amitabh Bhattacharya “Zehnaseeb” (Hasee Toh Phasee), Gulzar “Bismil” (Haider), Kausar Munir “Suno Na Sangemarmar” (Youngistaan)

Best Actress: Kangana Ranaut (Queen) Nominees: Alia Bhatt (Highway as Veera Tripathi), Madhuri Dixit (Dedh Ishqiya as Begum Para), Priyanka Chopra (Mary Kom as Mary Kom), Rani Mukerji (Mardaani as Shivani Shivaji Roy), Sonam Kapoor (Khoobsurat as Dr. Mrinalini “Milli” Chakravarty)

Best Playback Singer (Male): Ankit Tiwari, “Galliyan” (Ek Villain) Nominees: Arijit Singh”Mast Magan” (2 States), Arijit Singh “Suno Na Sangemarmar” (Youngistaan), Benny Dayal “Locha-E-Ulfat” (2 States), Shekhar Ravjiani “Zehnaseeb” (Hasee Toh Phasee)



Best Playback Singer (Female): Kanika Kapoor, “Baby Doll” (Ragini MMS 2) Nominees: Kanika Kapoor “Baby Doll” (Ragini MMS 2), Rekha Bhardwaj “Hamari Atariya Pe” (Dedh Ishqiya), Jyoti Nooran/Sultana Nooran “Patakha Guddi” (Highway), Shreya Ghoshal “Manwa Laage” (Happy New Year), Sona Mohapatra “Naina” (Khoobsurat) Best Story: Rajat Kapoor (Ankhon Dekhi) Nominees: Anurag Kashyap (Ugly), Imtiaz Ali (Highway), Nitin Kakkar (Filmistaan), Rajkumar Hirani and Abhijat Joshi (PK) Best Cinematograph.y Award: Bobby Singh and Siddharth Diwan, Queen Nominees: Anil Mehta (Finding Fanny), Anil Mehta (Highway), Mohanan (Miss Lovely), Artur Żurawski (Mardaani) Best Costume: Dolly Ahluwalia, Haider


Nominees:Anaita Shroff Adajania (Finding Fanny), Payal Saluja (Dedh Ishqiya), Rushi Sharma and Manoshi Nath (PK), Rushi Sharma and Manoshi Nath (Queen) Best Actor (Critics): Sanjay Mishra (Ankhon Dekhi) Best Actress (Critics): Alia Bhatt (Highway) Best Film (Critics): Rajat Kapoor (Ankhon Dekhi)









Yogi Jayanti Celebration

Mothers Day

Where: BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

Melbourne When: 05/10/2015, 2:00 P.M Where: Kiwanis Park 951 Kiwanis Island Park Rd, Merritt Island,32952 Contact: 321-288-7717 Host: Indian Association of the Space Coast

Orlando 3rd Annual Walk at Lake Eola Park When: 05/3/2015, 9:08 A.M Where: Lake Eola Park Downtown, Orlando,32801 Contact: Yogi 407-970-5305 A Women’s Forum When: 05/6/2015, 6:30 P.M Where: 310 Lakeside Downtown 301 E Pine St., Orlando,32801 Contact: 407-536-6472 Host: Indian American Chamber Of Commerce Shobana’s Krishana Musical When: 05/15/2015, 7:00 PM Where: Olympia High School 4301 South Apopka Vineland Rd., Orlando,32835 Contact: 407-900-1743 Host: Freedia Entertainment 68

When: 05/17/2015, 4:30 PM 1325 West Oakridge Road, Orlando,32809 Contact: 407-857-0091 Host: BAPS Annual Pic-Nick When: 05/17/2015, 11:00 AM Where: Red Bug Lake Park 3600 Red Bug Lake Road, Casselberry,32707

Walkathon When: 05/3/2015, 4:30 PM Where: BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir 1325 West Oakridge Road, Orlando,32809 Contact: 407-857-0091 Host: BAPS

Anuradha Paudwal Live Show When: 05/23/2015, 5:30 P.M Where: Winter Springs High School 130 Tuskawilla Rd. , Winter Spring,32708 Contact: Ganesh 407-970-5253 Host: HFCF MAY 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM

Contact: 407-695-7113 Host: HSCF Family Picnic When: 05/17/2015, 10:00 A.M Where: Bill Frederick Park 3401 S Hiawassee Rd, Orlando,32835 Contact: Dinkar Mehta Host: Guj Society Of CFL Sunderkand When: 06/4/2015, 6:00 P.M Where: Jewish Community Center 11200 S. Apopka Vineland Rd, Orlando,32836 Contact: Jayesh Patel 407-460-2020 Host: Gujarati Society of Orlando

Tampa Shobanas Krishna When: 05/16/2015, 7:30 PM Where: India Cultural Center (ICC) 5511 Lynn Rd, Tampa,33624 Contact: 901-486-8807 Host: Association of Tampa Hindu Malayalee Baps Charities Walkathon When: 05/24/2015, 9:00 A.M Where: Al Lopez Park 4810 N. Himes Ave., Tampa,33614 Host: BAPS

Anuradha Paudwal Live Show When: 05/22/2015, 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM Where: Rose & Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr Blvd, Fort Lauderdale-33314 Contact: Dilip Nersian 954-494-9982 Host: South Florida Hindu Temple



Gurummaa Meditation Retreat When: 05/13/2015 Where: Radisson Suite Hotel Oceanfront 3101 N. Highway A1A, Melbourne,32903 Contact: Jayam Iyer 727-709-2364 Host: New Age Seer

Shaan Live With Li’l Champs When: 05/29/2015, 8:00 P.M Where: Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton,33431 Contact: 954-590-0955 Host: Paracha Entertainment


Atlanta Metro Mata Ki Chowki When: 05/5/2015, 6:30 PM Where: Global Mall 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross,30071 Contact: Ved Bhatia 678-428-9966 Host: Global Mall Ananda Utsav Celebrating Spring When: 05/9/2015, 11:00 AM Where: Norcross High School 5300 Spalding Drive, Norcross,30092 Contact: Munmun Sen 770-789-2312 Host: Bengali Association of Greater Atlanta, Inc. Sweet Tea Yoga Festival When: 05/9/2015, 9:00 AM Where: The Plaza at Avalon 72

2200 Avalon Blvd, Alpharetta,30009 Host: Johns Creek Yoga Annual Dance Show When: 05/10/2015, 5:30 PM Where: Gwinnett Performing Arts Center 6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth,30097 Contact: Pankaj Bhargava 404-944-3456 Host: Geet-Rung School of Dance & Music Snatam Kaur When: 05/12/2015, 7:30 PM Where: Unity North Atlanta Church 4255 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta,30066 Contact: Host: Unity North Atlanta Church Kathak Utsav 2015 When: 05/16/2015, 6:00 PM Where: Alliance Theater at the Woodruff 1280 Peachtree Street, NE, Atlanta,30309 Contact: 678-918-8281 Host: Aparna Dance Academy

Shreya Ghoshal Live In Concert When: 07/25/2015, 7:00 P.M Where: USF Sun Dome 4202 E Fowler Ave, Tampa,33620 Contact: Vijayan Nair 813-545-9773 Host: SASTA

Swami Chinmayananda When: 05/06/2015, 7:00 PM Where: Chinmaya Mission, Atlanta Contact: 678-615-7088 Host: Chinmaya Mission MAY 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM



Hasya Kavi Sammelan When: 05/24/2015, 4:00 PM Where: Berkmark High School 405 Pleasant Hill Rd NW, Lilburn,30047 Contact: Sudhir Agarwal 770-289-0370 Host: International Hindi Association Ek Sham Surmayi When: 05/31/2015, 4:30 PM Where: Norcross High School 5300 Spalding Dr, Norcross,30092 Contact: 404-644-4057 Host: Dr.Parnerkar Life Management Foundation Festival of Chariots When: 06/5/2015, 6:00 PM Where: Hare Krishna Temple 1287 S Ponce De Leon Ave, Atlanta,30306 Contact: 404-377-8680 Host: Iskcon Atlanta Scientific Teachings of Kriya Yoga When: 06/5/2015, 7:00 PM Where: Holiday Inn Express 2950 Mansell Road, RoswellAlpharetta,30022 Contact: Ramesh Gude 678-358-9004 Host: Kriya Yoga Institute

Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan When: 05/31/2015, 7:00 PM Where: Fox Theatre 660 Peachtree Street Northeast, Atlanta,30308 Contact: Ricky Walia 404-552-0566 Host: CafĂŠ Bombay

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G. Kabani Commercial Consultant Inc.......................................................... 67 Ameriteam Realty Inc........................................................................................ 59 Capital Equity Partner LLC................................................................................ 60 Coldwell Banker - Jyoti Laungani...................................................................... 78 Future Home Realty.......................................................................................... 78 Island and Resort Realty Inc............................................................................. 77 Payal Chhelavda................................................................................................. 7 RESTAURANT/CATERING India Grill + Bar .................................................................................................. 9 Indian Chillies .................................................................................................. 69 SARIS Devam Saris ...................................................................................................... 3 Rupees Sarees ................................................................................................ 77 TRAVEL AGENCY Exploratours...................................................................................................... 21 Legend Travel & Tours....................................................................................... 60 Om Tours & Travel............................................................................................. 71 Puja Travels....................................................................................................... 70 Travel Kings USA Inc......................................................................................... 77 Uniworld Travel Agency..................................................................................... 57 Worldwide Travel Inc......................................................................................... 79 VIDEOGRAPHY Anand Event Services....................................................................................... 12 DCom Studio..................................................................................................... 66 Digital Dream Studio......................................................................................... 59 Krishna Video & Photo Image........................................................................... 79 Navyug Digital Studio & Color Lab.................................................................... 79 Sona Photography............................................................................................. 64 WEDDING BUSINESS MARKETING The Arpan Group .............................................................................................. 13 WEDDING SERVICES Anand Event Services....................................................................................... 12 Anmol Kismet Weddings................................................................................... 67 DCom Studio..................................................................................................... 66 Nikun Events..................................................................................................... 57 Occasions By Shangri-La.................................................................................... 4 WEDDING PORTAL 20 WEDDING STATIONARY Elegant Shaadi Cards ...................................................................................... 55

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Sunday, September 20, 2015 Noon to 5:00 PM

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