Contents MAY 2018
Desh-Videsh VOLUME 25, ISSUE 05
Page No
Alarming Trends for
H1B Visas
The 8 Limbs of Yoga
EB-5 Immigrant
Alarming Trends for H1B Visas
With the recent administration change to the Trump presidency, USCIS has modified their regulations as it pertains to immigrants. In particular, H-1B visas have taken the spotlight as more scrutiny from USCIS is being focused on these visas.
The 8 Limbs of Yoga
We all know what Yoga is, right? It’s a great exercise routine to keep fit and become more flexible. If you agreed with the previous statement, take a deep breath and read on because Yoga is so much more. Yoga actually translates to “union” (referring to the unity between the individual
EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program
If you are seeking to invest in the U.S. or are already investing, you may benefit from your investment and become a U.S. Permanent Resident through the EB-5 Visa. Under this program, entrepreneurs (and their spouses and unmarried children under 21) are eligible to apply for permanent residence if they make the necessary investment, comply with the requirements and 6
Investor Visa Program
Must Read Books
Green Energy Tax Savings
Hall of Fame 2018 Awards
Bollywood Today
Desi TV Duniya
Community News
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Desh-Videsh (USPS 024575/ISSN: 1941-2398) is published 13 Times a year (12 regular monthly issues and a special issue in March) by Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. 10116 NW 53rd St., Sunrise, FL 33351-8020 • Telephone: (954) 784-8100 • E-Mail: Copyright 2010 by Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission of Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. The publishers of this magazine assume no responsibility for statements made by their advertisers in business compassion, nor do they assume responsibility for statements/opinions expressed or implied in the columns of this magazine. Subscription Services: Subscription rates are $7.00 for 6 Issues, $12.00 for 12 Issues, $18.00 for 24 Issues, $25.00 for 36 Issues. PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA AND AT ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES
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Ed itor’s V iew Dear Readers, In 1958, in his book A Nation of Immigrants, President John F. Kennedy wrote “America is a nation of people who value both tradition and the exploration of new frontiers, people who deserve the freedom to build better lives for themselves in their adopted homeland.” He also said, “In 1797 a member of Congress argued that, while a liberal immigration policy was fine when the country was new and unsettled, now that America had reached its maturity and was fully populated, immigration should stop--an argument which has been repeated at regular intervals throughout American history.” It is 2018, and the discussion on immigration continues unchanged. Over the last few decades during different presidential administrations, immigration reform continues to be a part of campaign promises and Congressional debates. Unfortunately, the US congress and US presidents have not been able to pass any significant laws. Even though there are several burning issues regarding immigration, the two most important issues many Desh-Videsh readers face are H1B and EB-5 investment visas. In this issue, we present articles from two prominent Florida immigration attorneys, Ms. Manjula Kalidindi, Esq. from the Law Office of Manjula Kalidindi and Ms. Madhurima Paturi, Esq. from The Law Offices of Madhurima B. Paturi, LLC. As we all know and agree, this country is made up of immigrants from all over the world. Immigrants are not the only to benefit from coming to this country, as many in the United States also benefit. Alan Greenspan, ex-Chairman of the US Federal Reserve said, “I’ve always argued that this country has benefited immensely from the fact that we draw people from all over the world.” Of course the debate changes when we talk about illegal immigrants. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), US taxpayers will pay approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal immigrants, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal immigrants. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. Even though President Trump has been one of the most controversial presidents in last several decades, personally I am very hopeful that he will address immigration reform issue more aggressively in the same way he has addressed major tax reform and the denuclearization of North Korea. After reading the article on Yoga in our April issue, many readers have requested more articles on Yoga and its health benefits. In this issue, we are pleased to present an article on “The 8 Limbs of Yoga” by Chahna Tailor, a certified yoga instructor. Before I end my column, I would like to remind readers that the July issue will be our education issue, in which we focus on our youth - particularly valedictorians, salutatorians, or any high achievers in academics but also across all fields. Please submit information about your own students or any students of friends and relatives via the link on Until then, Happy Summer! Raj Shah Managing Editor
~ A Magazine Promoting the Indian Subcontinent Since 1993 ~
I mmigration
Alarming Trends for H1B Visas By Madhurima Paturi, Esq.
ith the recent administration change to the Trump presidency, USCIS has modified their regulations as it pertains to immigrants. In particular, H-1B visas have taken the spotlight as more scrutiny from USCIS is being focused on these visas. Now, more than ever, employers of H-1B candidates must be diligent in following the regulations, and be aware of new memoranda from USCIS that seemingly is published on a weekly basis.
third party worksite to be approved, petitioners must show by a preponderance of evidence that:
According to the Policy Memorandum, USCIS will be scrutinizing that Petitioners
shows that it will be completed in 1 year, then the H-1B will only be granted for this 1 year timeframe. In addition, and at a minimum, employers must provide contracts, work orders and work itineraries for employees who work at third party locations. However, employers must be aware that simply providing these documents is not enough. Itineraries MUST include the dates and locations of the services to be provided. If services are to be performed in more than one
Much talk has been focused on the USCIS policy memorandum clarifying existing regulatory requirements relating to existing H-1B petitions for those employees working at third party locations. Effective as of February 22, 2018, the policy states that in order for H-1B petitions that involve a
must demonstrate that they have specif ic, non speculative (i.e., a readily ascertainable project) in a specialty occupation for the Beneficiary for the entire time requested on the petition. What this means is that even though the Petitioner usually requests the maximum three years on the application, if the project
location, an itinerary for each location showing the dates of work performed and what services will be provided at each location must be included. Of utmost importance for employers is the fact that USCIS may now deny the petition at the initial stage if the itinerary is not provided. In other words, an employer may not receive
1. The Beneficiary will be employed in a specialty occupation; and 2. The employer will maintain an employer-employee relationship with the Beneficiary for the duration of the requested validity period.
a Request for Evidence from USCIS that would allow a petitioner to submit an itinerary at a later time; the petition may be denied immediately. USCIS has also made it clear that detailed statement of work or work orders signed by an authorized official of the end client, that details the specific duties the Beneficiary will perform, duration of the job, and the hours to be worked, along with the specific project a Beneficiary will be working on should be delineated on any paperwork submitted. Additionally, additional evidence should, as a best practice, be included with the initial petition. This evidence can include technical documentation of a project, marketing or cost benefit analysis, or brochures. Finally, it is also important to note that the Policy Memorandum also applies to H-1B extensions. Petitioners must show that H-1B requirements have all been met during the course of past employment with the same petitioner; otherwise the extension may be denied. While the Policy Memorandum has garnered all of the attention, an employer must also be aware of other enforcement actions USCIS is doing behind the scenes on H-1B visas. For example, USCIS has always had the ability to perform site visits of an employer’s business to verify information contained in the H-1B petition, but now, in a potentially alarming trend, USCIS is going even further to verify an employer’s information: They are demanding beneficiaries of H-1B petitions 18
show up at a USCIS office, often with only one to two days notice. Once the beneficiary arrives for the “interview”, the hearing off icer proceeds to grill the employee for a harrowing 1-2 hours to ascertain any and all information about the employer’s workplace and the project the beneficiary is working on. The types of information a hearing officer can ask the benef iciar y runs the gamut from where is the office located; to who a beneficiary’s co-workers are; to where does the employee live while employed in the position. From t h e re , q u e s t i o n s ca n d e lve into whether the employer has enoug h specialty occupation work available for all beneficiaries; the specific project the employee is working on; or how many employees work in the office at any given time. USCIS may also ask who brought the end client in to the employer. USCIS wants to establish the employer/employee relationship, and show that the employer is the one
who is in control of the relationship. Furthermore, USCIS now has a technical specialist on staff, and this person acts as an additional interviewer by asking the employee software and/or hardware questions about the project. This additional interviewer is a new concept, and shows the great length USCIS will go to ensure all information contained in the petition, and by extension, a Beneficiary’s resume, is accurate. Employers are reminded that they must remain vigilant, and provide all information on the I-129 petition and LCA accurately at the time of filing, as they are attesting that the information contained is correct. Falsifying information can lead to civil or criminal action, and in the case of at least 15 companies, a debarment from applying for H-1B visas for a time period of 1-2 years. In addition, employees with criminal records need to be especially wary, as USCIS may arrest the employee at the time of the interview. It is important to note MAY 2018 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM
that while employers should remain cautious, there is no need to panic. Employers should have a complete, accurate file of all petitions and the backup documentation to support their petitions at all times.
About the Author Madhurima Paturi, Esq. is the owner of The Law Offices of Madhurima B. Paturi, LLC located in Orlando, Florida. Madhurima’s practice is solely dedi-
cated to the representation of clients with immigration issues, and has been practicing immigration law for over 10 years. She is a member of the Washington State Bar, American Immigration Lawyers Association, and is the 2018 Treasurer for the South Asian Bar Association. She can be reached at (772) 480-6883 or by email at
The 8 Limbs of Yoga W
e all know what Yoga is, right? It’s a great exercise routine to keep fit and become more flexible. If you agreed with the previous statement, take a deep breath and read on because Yoga is so much more. Yoga actually translates to “union” (referring to the unity between the individual soul with the universal soul) and is an ancient system of 8 different practices. The sage Patanjali is credited with organizing the pre-existing knowledge and compiling it into the Yoga Sutras (threads), providing a systematic approach to creating a divine connection between the conscious and the subconscious. Let us review these eight limbs. 26
The first two limbs, called Ya m a (s e l f - r e s t r a i n t s) a n d Niyama (observances), detail how we should be treating ourselves and others through internal and external purification. The practice of self-restraint is, often times, the most difficult to master since it requires a great amount of discipline when interacting with others. One cannot at tain true inner bliss and serenity without overcoming the most basic material desires that we are so quick to succumb to in Maya, or the illusions of this world. The f ive components of Yama highlight the external dimension of reaching spiritual enlig htenment. On the other hand, thefive elements of Niyama reflect a more inner struggle on that same path. Deep inward reflection allows for the mental discipline needed to overcome distracting or negative thoughts.
you cannot concentrate the mind,” (Patanjali Yoga Sutras). If performed correctly, asana also provides physical benefits by opening up the airways so that we can increase our oxygen intake without obstructing the flow. Asana’s effect on one’s oxygen f low is essential to the next limb of yoga, Pranayama. Pranayama is frequently misinterpreted as the “breath”, but it is actually the force, or energ y, b eh ind t h e breat h , which can be depicted by the movement of the lungs. By controlling the force behind the breath, we are able to clear the mind and get a step closer to achieving a state of concentration. Pratyahara, the fifth limb,is the withdrawal of senses. By eliminating outward stimuli and our attachments to the material/external world, we are able to practice drawing inwards.
These first five preparatory steps enable one to clear the mind and body and facilitate one’s path to reaching ultimate concentration without distractions or disruptions. T h e s i x t h l i m b , Dh a ra n a , concentration, is a fixated attention. This requires one to concentrate on a single object or point. The seventh limb is Dhyana, which is single-pointed concentration held continuously for a length of time. These finals steps, which ultimately lead to samadhi, bliss, are defined by Swami Jnaneshvara as “stages of attention” for “deep absorption,” (SwamiJ. c o m) . S a m a d h i i s t h e u l t i mate goal one must strive for through the practice of Yoga. The eight limbs of yoga are a complete breakdown of how to start and fulfill a meditation practice. Each limb is a necessary precursor for moving for-
The next limb is Asana which are the physical postures, or poses, of yoga. The literal translation of asana is ‘seat’. In Swami Vivekananda’s translation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, “sthirasukham aasanam” is defined as a posture which is “firm and pleasant”. If your body is in an uncomfortable position, it will be difficult to sit motionless because af ter some time, aches can occur in the body. Swami Vivekananda said,“When you are disturbed by the body, your nerves become disturbed, and 28
ward towards a state of bliss. Even though a natural succession has been provided by Patanjali, it is still possible for a person to modify or adapt the steps and work at one’s own pace. Today, yoga is practiced with the majority of the concentration being on the asana practice. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Just by opening up the mind to performing the postures may help a person beg in their journey of selfreflection and transformation. I hope that with a deeper understanding of Yoga, you can appreciate that more than anything, it is a way of life. So, have you “graduated” from your Asana practice at your local yoga studio yet? Perhaps it is time to explore Pranayama or Meditation, with which you can move beyond physical benef its. If so, it is time to connect with someone who can connect you to yourself.
About the Author
Chahna Tailor is a certified yoga instructor with backgrounds in occupational therapy and health science. Occupational therapy opened up the doors of knowledge when it came to taking care of the Self first and leading a healthier life. This led her to the physi-
cal practice of yoga. Chahna deepened her practice by training in Rishikesh, India, where she studied the science behind yoga, the breath, and meditation. Chahna also practices personal training, Reiki, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, pranic healing, and sound healing.
EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program
f you are seeking to invest in the U.S. or are already investing, you may benefit from your investment and become a U.S. Permanent Resident through the EB-5 Visa.
Under this program, entrepreneurs (and their spouses and unmarried children under 21) are eligible to apply for permanent residence if they make the necessary investment, comply with the requirements and provide the supporting evidence you will obtain Lawful Permanent Residency. The required investment of $500,000 or $1 million can be invested either in an individual business enterprise or in an EB-5 Regional Center. If the investment is made in a commercial entity that is located in a targeted employment area (TEA) orthe EB-5 project is either in a rural area or in an area that has high unemployment in order to qualify for TEA designation, then the amount of investment can be $500,000. 34
By Manju Kalidindi, Esq.
The required investment of $500,000 or $1 million can be invested either in an individual business enterprise or in an EB-5 Regional Center. MAY 2018 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM
This article is primarily on the direct investment (individual business enterprise). Regardless of whether it is a direct or indirect (Regional Center) investment, in order to obtaining Lawful Permanent Residency, there are a few steps to be followed: 1. An Immigrant Petition needs to be submitted to the USCIS and approved. 2. The Applications for Adjustment of Status in the U.S. will need to be submitted and the USCIS will need to approve the submitted Applications. 3. Upon approval of the Applications for Adjustment of Status in the United States, the foreign investor is granted two years of conditional permanent resident status. 4. A Petition to Remove the Conditions on the LPR status must be filed at the end of the two-years of conditional period. If the foreign investor has fulfilled the EB-5 requirements, then the conditions will be removed and the foreign investor will be an unconditional LPR.
EB-5 requirements for a direct investor will require supporting documents, and it may vary depending on the business industry of the commercial enterprise: Summary Summary Supporting Documents Requirements (Evidence) New Commercial Enterprise
Evidence that you have invested or are actively in the process of investing in a “for profit” new commercial enterprise.
Managing the New Commercial Enterprise Investment
Evidence that you are or will be engaged in the management of the new commercial enterprise (either through day-to-day managerial control or through policy formulation).
Evidence that you have invested or are actively in the process of investing the required amount of capital Evidence that the investment capital was obtained through lawful means. The petition must be accompanied, as applicable, by: • Foreign business registration records; • Corporate, partnership (or other entity), and personal tax returns, or other tax returns of any kind filed within 5 years, with any taxing jurisdiction in or outside the U.S. by you or on your behalf; • Evidence identifying any other source of capital; or • Certified copies of any judgments or evidence of all pending civil or criminal actions, governmental administrative proceedings, and any private civil actions (pending or otherwise) involving money judgments against you from any court in or outside the U.S. within the past 15 years.
Job Creation
Evidence that the new commercial enterprise will create at least 10 full-time positions for qualifying employees.
Job Preservation- Troubled Business
Evidence that the number of existing employees is being or will be maintained at no less than the pre-investment level for a period of at least 2 years. Submit photocopies of tax records; Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification; or other relevant documents for the qualifying employees and a comprehensive business plan in support of the petition.
About the Author
Manju Kalidindi is an immigration attorney andthe founder and principal attorney at the Law Offices of Manju Kalidindi, P.A. in Plantation, FL. Miss Kalidindi is the founder of, a platform where women share their stories about the ordinary and the extraordinary, where just being an individual is celebrated; a platform where men who are making a difference in the lives of women lend their voice. She is the past President of Sahara of South Florida, a South Florida-based nonprofit organization that assists victims of domestic violence, mainly from South Asia. Her pro bono legal work has also benefitted domestic violence victims under the Violence Against Women Act. She has been recognized twice by the Supreme Court of Florida for exceptional pro bono service, and was named the Broward Lawyers Care Attorney of the Month in November 2012. In 2015, she was the recipient of the Community Leader Award by DeshVidesh Media Group. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA); a member of AILA, South Florida Chapter and a member of the Florida Bar. She is a member of the Open Space and Recreation Space Advisory Committee, Town of Davie. 36
Warlight By Michael Ondaatje
From the internationally acclaimed, best-selling author of The English Patient: a mesmerizing new novel that tells a dramatic story set in the decade after World War II through the lives of a small group of unexpected characters and two teenagers whose lives are indelibly shaped by their unwitting involvement. In a narrative as beguiling and mysterious as memory itself--shadowed and luminous at once--we read the story of fourteen-year-old Nathaniel, and his older sister, Rachel. In 1945, just after World War II, they stay behind in London when their parents move to Singapore, leaving them in the care of a mysterious figure named The Moth. They suspect he might be a criminal, and they grow both more convinced and less concerned as they come to know his eccentric crew of friends: men and women joined by a shared history of unspecified service during the war, all of whom seem, in some way, determined now to protect, and educate (in rather unusual ways) Rachel and Nathaniel. But are they really what and who they claim to be? And what does it mean when the siblings’ mother returns after months of silence without their father, explaining nothing, excusing nothing? A dozen years later, Nathaniel begins to uncover all that he didn’t know and understand in that time, and it is this journey--through facts, recollection, and imagination--that he narrates in this masterwork from one of the great writers of our time.
Swimmer Among the Stars By Kanishk Tharoor
In one of the singularly imaginative stories from Kanishk Tharoor’s Swimmer Among the Stars, despondent diplomats entertain themselves by playing table tennis in zero gravity―for after rising seas destroy Manhattan, the United Nations moves to an orbiting space hotel. In other tales, a team of anthropologists treks to a remote village to record a language’s last surviving speaker intoning her native tongue; an elephant and his driver cross the ocean to meet the whims of a Moroccan princess; and Genghis Khan’s marauding army steadily approaches an unnamed city’s walls. With exuberant originality and startling vision, Tharoor cuts against the grain of literary convention, drawing equally from ancient history and current events. His world-spanning stories speak to contemporary challenges of environmental collapse and cultural appropriation, but also to the workings of legend and their timeless human truths. Whether refashioning the romances of Alexander the Great or confronting the plight of today’s refugees, Tharoor writes with distinctive insight and remarkable assurance. Swimmer Among the Stars announces the arrival of a vital, enchanting talent. 40
Aru Shah and the End of Time By Roshani Chokshi
Best-selling author Rick Riordan introduces this adventure by Roshani Chokshi about twelve-year-old Aru Shah, who has a tendency to stretch the truth in order to fit in at school. While her classmates are jetting off to family vacations in exotic locales, she’ll be spending her autumn break at home, in the Museum of Ancient Indian Art and Culture, waiting for her mom to return from her latest archeological trip. Is it any wonder that Aru makes up stories about being royalty, traveling to Paris, and having a chauffeur? One day, three schoolmates show up at Aru’s doorstep to catch her in a lie. They don’t believe her claim that the museum’s Lamp of Bharata is cursed, and they dare Aru to prove it. Just a quick light, Aru thinks. Then she can get herself out of this mess and never ever fib again. But lighting the lamp has dire consequences. She unwittingly frees the Sleeper, an ancient demon whose duty it is to awaken the God of Destruction. Her classmates and beloved mother are frozen in time, and it’s up to Aru to save them. The only way to stop the demon is to find the reincarnations of the five legendary Pandava brothers, protagonists of the Hindu epic poem, the Mahabharata, and journey through the Kingdom of Death. But how is one girl in Spider-Man pajamas supposed to do all that?
Green Energy Tax Savings By Nirali Chokshi
he Earth is such a beautiful planet. We only have one to live on. If you’re paying attention to the news, you will see the government has deregulated environmental protection standards on companies. So what does this mean? It gives companies more rights to abuse the environment and not think of the future consequences to our children or others. And not only that, the US has signed out of the Paris Agreement for climate change, installed fewer standards for car companies which can allow for increased emissions, and removed protection for endangered species and national parks to name a few changes. This all has happened in about a year. For now, at least the new tax bill is on Mother Earth’s side. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 46
has welcomed and granted tax credits to those businesses and individuals who use resources that are less damaging to the earth. As a Business what Tax Incentives do I get? As a business, the IRS grants Energy Investment Tax Credits (ITC) to those that fulfill the requirements of 1) owning or build the equipment 2) placed into service the year you take the tax credit 3) the technology on the equipment satisfies the minimum guidelines. Below is a table provided from on the tax credit for the different types to technology. Now you may be asking, but I don’t pay taxes at the business level? If you’re not a C Corporation, that’s correct! So these Credits will be passed down to you through the K-1 into your personal. But what if you don’t own a business? MAY 2018 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM
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TECHNOLOGY - Business Tax Credit
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(Table from Don’t worry, the IRS has incentives for you too! Energy efficient products for the home are eligible for tax credits if they meet the technical standards for a $500 tax credit - these can apply to items such as heating and cooling equipment, appliances, and lighting. Solar, wind and geothermal equipment has up to a 30% of cost tax credit. And most electric cars can help alleviate your tax burden with a $7,500 tax credit. Ask you tax accountant what kind of tax savings it can have for you as everyone’s situation is different.
Go Green, not only for the environment but to have more money in your pocket.
About the Author Nirali is a CPA working at her family’s accounting firm Chokshi Accounting & Tax Services in Orlando, FL. She graduated with her Masters from University of Central Florida in 2009.
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Sunday, May 20th, 2018
Hindu Temple of Florida,Tampa 5509 Lynn Rd, Tampa, FL 33624
Phone: 321-426-0668
Tuesday, May 22th, 2018
Shirdi Sai Florida Center
South Florida Hindu Temple
4707 S Pleasant Grove Rd, Inverness, FL 34452
13010 Griffin Rd, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330
Thursday, May 24th, 2018
Friday, May 25th, 2018
Phone: 352-860-2181
Phone: 954-252-8802
For Info: Jayesh Patel - 407-460-2020
Hall of Fame 2018 Awards Bollywood celebrities dazzled on the red carpet at the 2018 Hello Hall of Fame Awards earlier this year. Here's a look at some of the winners and their unique and high fashion moments.
Shahid Kapoor: Critics Best Actor of the Year
Sidharth Malhotra: Most Stylish Man of the Year Award
Kriti Sanon:
Rising Star of the Year Award
Deepika Padukone: Entertainer of the Year (Female)
Karan Johar:
Most Versatile Personality of the Year
Gauri Khan:
Ranveer Singh:
Rajkummar Rao:
Excellence in Design Award
Entertainer of the Year Award (Male)
Popular Choice
Rekha: Cinematic Icon of the Year Award
Shweta Nanda: Stylish Woman of The Year
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev: Outstanding Personality of the Year
• • • • • • • • • •
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The South Asian Bar Association of Florida Presents
A Free Citizenship Clinic
free event
Venue: The Hindu Temple of Central Florida 1994 Lake Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707 Date: May 19, 2018
Time: 12.00 noon - 3.00 p.m.
On May 19, 2018, Immigration Attorneys and trained volunteers will be on hand to provide general information on citizenship and assistance in completing citizenship forms. This free event is open to the public and will be held on Naturalization Day from 12 noon - 3 p.m. at the Hindu Temple of Central Florida (1994 Lake Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707).
For those who need assistance, the following documentation will be needed: • • • • • •
Government issued ID Passport (even if expired) Green Card Dates of trips out of the United States since receiving Green Card Addresses for the past 5 years Work and employment information for the past five years
For more information, please contact Madhurima Paturi at 772-480-6883 or by email at
Advertisers’ Index ACCOUNTANT ENV’s Accounting...........................................................................................59 ADVERTISING Desh-Videsh Media Group.................................................................. 22-78-79 ASTROLOGER Pandith Mahindra Guruji.................................................................................51 Pandith Sairam...............................................................................................63 Pandith Vivekji................................................................................................66 Radhe Krishna Astrologer..............................................................................83 Sai Kalyan Jyotish..........................................................................................83 ATTORNEYS Consumer Law Office PA................................................................................29 Dehra Miotke..................................................................................................60 Neelofer Syed ESQ........................................................................................31 BANQUET HALLS Hilton Orlando..................................................................................................5 BEAUTICIANS/COSMETICIAN Anju Thaker....................................................................................................59 Parul’s Beauty & Boutique..............................................................................66 BOLLYWOOD/ENTERTAINMENT Da-Bangg.......................................................................................................21 Shreya Ghoshal Live in Concert.....................................................................49 TV Asia USA...................................................................................................43 BOUTIQUES Parul’s Beauty & Boutique..............................................................................66 BRIDAL SHOW Myshadi Bridal Expo..................................................................................47-88
JEWELERS Bhindi Jewelers Inc..........................................................................................4 Devam..............................................................................................................2 Legacy Jewelers.............................................................................................87 Malani Jewelers..............................................................................................85 PS Jewelers.....................................................................................................9 Zevar Jewelers...............................................................................................20 LINEN RENTAL Linen Connection Decor.................................................................................81 MEDITATION New Age Seer Inc...........................................................................................32 P R COMPANY The Arpan Group............................................................................................13 PHOTOGRAPHER/VIDEOGRAPHY Anand Event Services....................................................................................37 Krishna Video & Photo Studio........................................................................83 Navyug Digital Studio & Color Lab.................................................................82 Sona Photography..........................................................................................61 PRIEST Acharya Ramesh Mehta.................................................................................81 Mahesh Gor....................................................................................................81 Priest Chakravarthy........................................................................................82 Priest Ramachandra Bhat..............................................................................82 PRINTING Advanced Graphics Services.........................................................................65 RADIO SHOW Manoranjan....................................................................................................77 Radio Asia......................................................................................................77
DECORATOR Anand Event Services....................................................................................37 Dreams To Reality..........................................................................................25 Linen Connection Decor.................................................................................81 Nikun Events..................................................................................................42 Occasions By Shangri-la..................................................................................3
REALTOR AmeriTeam Realty Inc....................................................................................81 Camelot Realty Services................................................................................69 Circle Home Realty........................................................................................61 Coldwell Banker - Jyoti Laungani...................................................................81 Future Home Realty.......................................................................................82 Island and Resort Realty Inc..........................................................................83 Lalani Realty...................................................................................................83 Lang Realty....................................................................................................69 Remax Unity...................................................................................................67
DISC JOCKEY Dudha Productions.........................................................................................60 Pavan Events.................................................................................................82
RELIGIOUS PROGRAM Ambaji USA...............................................................................................44-45 New Age Seer Inc...........................................................................................32 Sundarkand....................................................................................................52
CREDIT CARD PROCESSING North American Bancard................................................................................ 11
E-COMMERCE Global AMS....................................................................................................71 E-MARKETING The Arpan Group............................................................................................13 EDUCATION Kumon North America GA..............................................................................41 Kumon North America FL...............................................................................55 FINANCIAL SERVICES Smithdeal & Barry..........................................................................................61 FLORIST Anand Event Services....................................................................................37 Dreams To Reality..........................................................................................25 Linen Connection Decor.................................................................................81 Nikun Events..................................................................................................42 Occasions By Shangri-la..................................................................................3 FOOD DISTRIBUTOR Commerce International Inc...........................................................................15 Sky Speed Distributor.....................................................................................57
RESTAURANT/CATERING 5th Element Indian Restaurant.......................................................................33 A’TAJ Indian Cuisine.......................................................................................67 Ashoka Indian Cuisine....................................................................................35 Bawarchi Biryani Point Indian Cuisine............................................................58 Pastries N Chaat............................................................................................24 Punjab Kitchen Indian Cuisine.......................................................................14 Rasa Asian Street Food.................................................................................12 Rasoi Indian Cuisine......................................................................................50 Southern Spices Taste of South.....................................................................19 Tanjore Indian Restaurant................................................................................7 SARIS Devam..............................................................................................................2 SCHOOL Kumon North America GA..............................................................................41 Kumon North America FL...............................................................................55 TEMPLE Ambaji USA...............................................................................................44-45
FUNERAL SERVICES Wages & Sons Funeral Home & Crematory...................................................27
TRAVEL AGENCY Plan For Trip...................................................................................................60 Puja Travels....................................................................................................48 Worldwide Travel Inc......................................................................................81
GIFT ARTICLES Ayurveda & Puja Hut........................................................................................9
VISA SERVICES Global Visa Care Services..............................................................................58
GROCERY House of India - Greenacres..........................................................................82 House of Spices.............................................................................................83 Patel Brothers.................................................................................................82
WEB DESIGN Global AMS....................................................................................................71
HEALTH & FITNESS Planet Smoothie Tampa.................................................................................69
WEDDING BUSINESS MARKETING Desh Videsh Media Group Inc...................................................................78-79 The Arpan Group............................................................................................13
HINDUISM Desh Videsh Media Group Inc...................................................................38-39 HOME FURNISHING Gallery Furniture.............................................................................................86 IMMIGRATION LAW OFFICE PSR Services.................................................................................................66 INSURANCE AGENTS AAA Insurance................................................................................................50 American Family Insurance - Lilburn..............................................................81 Bill Daly Insurance..........................................................................................83 SDK & Associates Insurance Service.............................................................59 IT CONSULTING Contract Engineers.........................................................................................67
WEB HOSTING SERVICES Global AMS....................................................................................................71
WEDDING INVITATIONS Elegant Shaadi Cards....................................................................................53 Invites & Events..............................................................................................23 WEDDING SERVICES Anand Event Services....................................................................................37 Dreams To Reality..........................................................................................25 Linen Connection Decor.................................................................................81 Nikun Events..................................................................................................42 Occasions By Shangri-la..................................................................................3 WEDDING STATIONARY Elegant Shaadi Cards....................................................................................53 YOGA Namaskar To You...........................................................................................30
Classifieds Gas Station Job
Office Assistant Job
Live-In/Out Help
We are hiring for our gas station in Lakeland Florida, morning or evening shifts are available, single or couple needed, some gas station / convenience store experience is preferred. Phone: 470-554-5830
In GA near AtlantaDecatur area-Needed office assistant f luent in E n g l i s h - K n owl ed g e i n accounting a plus-Exceptional customer service a must- Able to assist management in multi tasking. Contact:
Need live-in help for a Family of 3 (1 child, 10 years of age) in R o m e , G A . Ve g e t a r ian Cooking, laundr y and other household work included. Call: 706-676-7200
We got 3 gas station / co nvenience store for sale in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Locations are available with property or just lease the store. For more information please call Javid Iqbal @ (479) 353-5229
Holi Hai! Holi Hai! explains why Hindus celebrate Holi, the festival of colors all around the world in the spring season. The book helps children living in America the universal message of the victory of good over evil. Phone: 954-784-8100
We Love Diwali We love Diwali! takes you inside the homes of families living in America where Hindus, Jain and Sikh children together celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. Phone: 954-784-8100
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Chronology of Hinduism The book, Chronology of Hinduism, highlights the rich history of the Hindu religion daing over 10,000 years. Phone: 954-784-8100
Plan Your Wedding in One Day!
MyShadi Bridal Expo The Largest Event of its Kind Expo showcases elegant and modern products essential for Hindu, Muslim, Christian, and Sikh weddings. Over 100 vendors under one roof to save your time and money.
Fort Lauderdale Sunday, August 12, 2018
ORLANDO Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018
Bonaventure Resort & Spa
Hilton Orlando
Noon to 5:00 PM
250 Racquet Club Road, Weston, FL 33326
Noon to 5:00 PM
6001 Destination Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32819
Exclusive Shopping Boutiques Indian and Pakistani Clothing Designer Saree, Designer Blouses, Lehenga Choli, Lehenga and Lacha Saree, Evening Gown, Party Wear, Churidar, Salwar, Tops, Kurti, Tunics & Indo-Western wear
Photo Courtesy: Peter Nguyen Photography
Diamond, Gold & Silver Jewelry Fashion, Costume and Designer Jewelry Men’s attire Sherwanis, Jodhpuris and Kurta Pyjamas
What the Expo Offers • Free Admission and Parking • Free Food Sampling • Interactive sessions • Wide variety of top vendors • Designer runway fashion show
• Find creative ideas and designs for all your events • Interview multiple vendors in one afternoon • Mehndi, hair & makeup demos • Taste scrumptious appetizers and wedding cake • Show discounts only for Expo attendees
Win Two FREE Tickets to India Designer Runway Fashion Show
Register Online: Presented by
Destination Wedding Pavilion
Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. (954) 784-8100
100 Vendor Booths
Platinum Sponsors Bonaventure Resort & Spa (954) 349-5723
MyShadi (954) 784-8100
Hilton Orlando (407) 313-8458
The Arpan Group (703) 651-6670