4 minute read

Priyanca Radhakrishnan

duced several bills that had little chance of passing but were nevertheless symbolic, including Medicare-for-all and other health-care reform plans. She introduced bills aimed at reducing racial disparities in health care, the economy and the criminal justice system.

Harris was just two years into her Senate tenure — but at the top of the candidate list — when Democrats started speculating about who would be best positioned to run against Trump in 2020. Then, at a moment when the Democrats were grappling with how best to represent their increasingly diverse coalition, many party members found a flaw in Harris, who — as a child of immigrants, an HBCU graduate and a woman — had seemed like a good fit.

Harris and Biden once were at odds on criminal justice issues. Finding common ground helped lead him to pick her as his running mate.

Her record as a prosecutor became the subject of intense scrutiny, with key voting blocs — young Black men, older Black voters and far-left voters — concluding in significant numbers that she had not done enough to combat systemic racism in the criminal justice system when she had the power to do so.

Allies argued that Harris was ahead of her time in reducing marijuana convictions, creating a reentry program for nonviolent offenders and trying to use the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office to address other social issues like truancy.

Support flagged, pulled down by shifting campaign messages that never seemed to click with the candidate or voters. The energy around her campaign dissipated, and she could never dislodge deep-rooted Black support for Biden, which limited her ability to expand her base.

When her campaign ran out of money in early December, Harris abruptly withdrew from the race. Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.), who urged Biden to pick a Black woman as his running mate, said he “made it very clear that putting a Black woman on the ticket would be a great thing to do.” Harris was one of several Black women Biden considered, including Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

When he chose Harris in August, the decision was met with tremendous enthusiasm. The campaign raised $34.2 million in the two days after she was added to the ticket.

Source: The Washington post

To each its own, as they say!!

Each word in your life depicts how valuable and consequential your breath is, the moment you are born till the second you leave your soul. What lies in between is pure bliss of hard work, consistency and perseverance.

It would not be wrong to say I am fortunate enough to have a life where I can learn and live different notions. Each day has taught how to be thoughtful and pay gratitude for what we have. When I started penning this down, I thought what better way to write my first article than to reflect the true meaning of life that I am existing with.

Often, we feel in our life, why did this happen? why I did not get what I wanted?

And so on as list is endless. But do we really think there could be some reason for it’s happening. In that phase, we may feel drained and disheartened, but in long run it would make it real. Once I read on Sadhguru’s page…

no one ever denied me anything I need as I never asked nor expected anything from anyone. all that I ever could want was within.

Yes, within you!! You have everything in that mind and body of yours. The thoughts and the process of being happy and worthy is all inside. Start inhaling it every singleday and you will

A journey of yourself!

be living on an edge of happiness and success. It’s not easy in the start but not even impossible as the sweetness of that fruit is admirable.

I started writing few years back not just to write but it was something comingin true sense, a form where I could depict myself and beyond that, it was magical. If you are reading this, I feel it should leave a tiny impact to be where you want to be. Life is small and live it as it comes, who so ever inspires you, chase them to the core. Take every drop of their intellect and energy. With 2020, we have already learnt how to slow down and everything should not be taken for granted. What we have keep it safe and live it, you don’t know when it ends but till it fades make it worth!!

was dreaming of a life with perfection not realising it was within and there was dependent on someone else not feeling I am enough for myself

Neha Chhabra A real estate agent and a professional photographer, depicting life through ink ,Little writer in making nehachhabra86@yahoo.com

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