10 minute read
Grand Finale of the 150th
Grand Finale of the 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi by the High Commission of India
By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra
2 October 2020 and the days leading up to it witnessed a series of commemorative events organised by the High Commission of India in Canberra as part of the Grand Finale of the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi. The run up events included an online essay competition on ‘Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’, an online quiz and a digital exhibition on the life of the Mahatma Gandhi.
1 October 2020, Online Webinar: on the topic ‘Relevance of Gandhi in the Modern Times’. The key speaker, an eminent Gandhian Dr. Jacob Pulickan,
Director, Gandhi Centre for Rural Development, Swadeshi and Gandhi Darshan, emphasised on the various dimensions of the Gandhian philosophy and their ever-increasing relevance in contemporary times.
2 October 2020, Morning Prayer
meeting at Glebe Park: A morning prayer meeting was led by the High Commissioner, HE Mr Gitesh Sarma at Glebe Park in Central Canberra, which hosts a life-sized statue of Mahatma Gandhi. A number of local dignitaries and prominent leaders of Indian diaspora attended the prayer and paid floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.
Tree plantation ceremony, High
Commission Chancery premises: HE Mr Gitesh Sarma and Mr. Deepak Raj Gupta, MLA representing the Chief Minister of the ACT region along with the local community leaders planted the sapling. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Sarma underscored the direct relevance
of Gandhian values in the present times and the importance of taking the Gandhian values to the next generation. Mr Gupta conveyed the greetings of the Chief Minister Hon Andrew Barr and emphasised on the universal values of Mahatma Gandhi. Former Fijian Minister and Professor Emeritus at the ANU, Prof. Satyendra Nandan read out a special poem on Gandhi.
Rendition of Vaishnav Jan: The tree plantation ceremony was followed by recitation of Gandhiji’s favourite bhajan “Vaishnav Jan” by the ladies of the Mission led by Mrs. Ratnamala Sarma. On the same occasion, prominent local photographer and painter Mr. Sukhwinder Singh Saggu presented a special portrait of Mahatma Gandhi to the High Commissioner. There was also a photo Exhibition on the “Life of Mahatma Gandhi” and a vegetarian Food Festival in the Chancery premises.
A number of Australian dignitaries including prominent Liberal Party leader Mr. Julian Leeser, MP, Chair of Parliamentary Friendship Group of India and Dr. Jim Chalmers, MP, Shadow Treasurer from the main opposition Labour Party conveyed their greetings on this occasion through video messages.
High Tea for a Cause Organised by Born To Shine
By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra
Saturday, 24th October 2020 Hyatt Hotel
Canberra : Born To Shine Organisation held a remarkably successful high tea themed: Parenting In A Diverse Environment bringing together .women, men, and youth from a diverse cultural background with some coming from as far as Sydney. It was such a vibrant experience with many learnings from amazing speakers and panellists who shared their personal journeys, challenges and successes and empowered many who attended both physically and those who connected online. Speakers at the event were from different walks of life, all contributing to the community in more ways than one. Ms Christine Murray, Ms Sue Smith, Dr Alfred Chidembo, Ms Rajni Ghai Malhotra and Ms Bec Miranda. Members on the panel also included Ms Marvellous, Ms Zeni Zambezi, Ms Tendai Chinema and youth panellists : Tawana, Tanatswa, Mona, Letisha. The contributions of the youth panelists resonated well
with the participants and an eye opener for parents to pay attention to the voices of their children amongst other key messages that were raised during the discussions. Through the discussions a team was built to cater for youth programs under the Born To Shine as a follow up activity to address key issues raised by the youth. The event was coordinated by MC for the night Ms Cay Merritt.
Born To Shine is the host of family centred events and this High Tea was one of their successful events considering that the event was earlier postponed due to COVID-19 19 restrictions. The CEO and Founder, Tendayi Ganga acknowledged and appreciated everyone who attended and she looks forward to hosting more events in 2021 and beyond in her quest to reach out to others and help build resilience, happy and healthy families in her community.
Inauguration of the Indian Film Festival
High Commission of India and Spicmacay Australia
By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra
October 29, 2020 : The Indian Film Festival, courtesy the High Commission of India, Canberra and SPICMACAY Australia kicked off with its inauguration at the Chancery premises by the acclaimed film maker Padma Vibhushan Sri Adoor Gopalakrishnan. The festival was inaugurated with the screening of his National Award winning movie “Mathilukal (The Walls)” and a virtual discussion with the director himself. The High Commissioner of India HE Mr Gitesh Sarma launched the event in the presence of Acting High Commissioner of Srilanka HE Mr Senarath Dissanayake, Deputy High Commissioner of India Mr P S Karthigeyan, Ms Maria Cristina Ferris Alves, Minister, Embassy of Brazil and Mr Dharmapala Weerakkody, Minister, High Commission of Sri Lanka.
Wishing you a happy Diwali
On behalf of City of Parramatta Council, I would like to wish our Hindu, Jain and Sikh communities a Diwali that brings happiness, prosperity and joy.
The City of Parramatta is proud to be home to the largest population of people of Indian descent in Australia and we join you in celebrating this wonderful occasion.
Since Diwali is a festival of new beginnings and symbolises victory of light over darkness, I hope that everyone is able to find some positivity and solace this Diwali, especially after the challenges we have faced in the last 12 months.
Although we are unable to celebrate Diwali with group events due to COVID-19, I hope you are able to celebrate with your loved ones.
On behalf of the City of Parramatta, I wish you a safe, prosperous and joyful Diwali.
Cr Bob Dwyer Lord Mayor City of Parramatta
126 Church Street, Parramatta | PO Box 32, Parramatta NSW 2124 P 02 9806 5050 E council@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au
YouGo with Rajni Let’s Be Mindful Series Part 25 : Letting go of 2020 mindfully
By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra
2020 – the year that is going down in history as the year that made the world stop. Almost since the year began, we have looked forward to its end. Because 2020 brought with it things most unpleasant - anxiety, isolation, sadness, suffering, loss of loved ones, grief and the dreadful feeling of ‘not knowing’.
However, this has also been a year of great insights, introspection and ‘evaluating essentials’ for most of us. The read ahead takes a look at this year in terms of some precious mindfulness lessons it has taught us.
Mindfulness helps us define and refine on our sense of identity, judgement of the self, our thoughts and actions. It allows us a clear understanding of what is within our control and what is best ‘let be’. During the past few months most of us, with or without realising it, in some measure or the other, have spent time reflecting on these aspects and connecting with ourselves at a higher level of consciousness.
What is not in our control:
The pandemic has been an unexpected curveball thrown at us without warning and limited ability to tackle it. The world went into lockdown as we tried to make sense of what was happening and how best to cope with it. A global lockdown seemed to be our best defence. Work from home, social distancing, virtual workplaces, online connections – these became a new way of living. Through the past few months of living
the new normal, navigating these uncertain times in a state of hyper vigilance we have all been made to realise quite deeply, our vulnerability and helplessness in the face of such a calamity. It has also given us an opportunity to recognise those aspects over which we do have control. While there are many mindfulness ideas I have drawn upon to navigate my own experience of the pandemic and resultant chaos, the following are the most fundamental and deeply honest mindfulness mantras that would benefit anyone who tries to follow them.
What we can control: Our breath – Our breath is the bridge that helps us cross the distance between the chaos around us to stillness within. How we breath is how we shape our thoughts, our actions and our days. Short or deep, rushed or calm, the quality and effectiveness of our breath is our choice. “If you want to
conquer the anxiety of life, live in the mo-
ment, live in the breath.” , Amit Ray.
Our thoughts – What we think, how we interpret a situation and approach a problem are all in our control. In the words of Peace Pilgrim, “If you realised how powerful
your thoughts were, you would never think a negative thought again.”
Our response – Our response to any situation is up to us. Being aware of the present without judgement, allows us to respond to any crisis in a wise considered manner, never as a reaction. In the words of Jon Kabat-Zinn, “You may not be able
to stop the waves but you can learn to surf.”
Being grateful - “As you rise with the
morning sun, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to
think, to enjoy, to love.” These words by Marcus Aurelius say it all. If there is one lesson 2020 has taught us beyond any other, it is that of gratitude and humility that we as a progressive race were fast losing. Being grateful for the simplest of things – for being able to go out for a walk with a friend, for technology that kept us connected with our loved ones during isolation, for the times when we could go out without having to wear masks – the list is endless.
Letting go – “Letting go doesn’t mean
forgetting, it just means we stop carrying the energy of the past into the present.” ,
Yung Pueblo
The only effective way forward from a place of hurt and pain is one where the pain and suffering is left behind. As we get ready to bid adieu to 2020, let us make a conscious effort to detach ourselves from the pain and distress it gave us. Let us step into 2021 with grace and dignity, carrying these mindfulness lessons 2020 has taught us and promise ourselves patience to watch the year unfold neither expecting too much too soon nor allowing ourselves to be distracted from the hope of building a better normal.
There YouGo! Let us let go of 2020 and welcome 2021 mindfully.
Yours mindfully, Rajni Follow Rajni on Facebook @YogaWithRajni
Experience the benefits of yoga and mindfulness through the following workshops: ✓ Beginner’s yoga ✓ Mindful breathing and meditation ✓ Yoga-in-isolation and de-stressing techniques ✓ Yoga-Zing with Rajni: Fun filled, creativity infused workshops for women and children