Desi Australia Digital Magazine November 2021 edition

Page 38


YouGo with Rajni - Let’s Be Mindful Series

Letting go of 2021 mindfully

By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra


021 is coming to a close. Another year that has kept the world busy in trying to grapple with the impact of COVID. Multiple lockdowns later, most of us have experienced anxiety, isolation, sadness, suffering, loss of loved ones, grief and the dreadful feeling of ‘not knowing’. As we deal with these challenges, we are also presented with multiple opportunities to engage in introspection and ‘evaluating essentials’. The read ahead takes a look at this year in terms of some precious mindfulness lessons it has taught us, should we want to learn them. Mindfulness helps us define and refine on our sense of identity, judgement of the self, our thoughts and actions. It allows us a clear understanding of what is within our control and what is best ‘let be’. Ever since the pandemic hit us, most of us, with or without realising it, have spent some measure of time reflecting on these aspects and connecting with ourselves at a higher level of consciousness. Shift your focus away from what is not in your control: Lockdowns, border restrictions, work from home, these are some of the trends of covid times that we have had to learn to cope with on the fly. While we have formed a new sync with the ‘new normal’, navigating these uncertain times in a state of permanent hyper vigilance, we have all been made to realise quite deeply, our vulnerability and helplessness in the face of such a calamity. It has also given us an opportunity to recognise those aspects over which we do have control. While there are many mindfulness ideas I have drawn upon to navigate my own experience of the pandemic and resultant chaos, the following are the most fundamental and deeply honest mindfulness mantras that would benefit anyone who tries to Download Our App

follow them. Focus on what you can control: Our breath “If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” Amit Ray Our breath is the bridge that helps us cross the distance between the chaos around us to stillness within. How we breath is how we shape our thoughts, our actions and our days. Short or deep, rushed or calm, the quality and effectiveness of our breath is our choice. Practice deep full breaths as often as you can. Our thoughts “If you realised how powerful your thoughts were, you would never think a negative thought again.” Peace Pilgrim What we think, how we interpret a situation and approach a problem are all in our control. In the words of Make it a practice to consciously guide your thoughts away from worry towards thoughts of positivity and hope. The next time you sense a negative thought starting to form in your mind, STOP right there and rethink – is this thought serving any purpose other than add to your stress? Our response “You may not be able to stop the waves but you can learn to surf.” Jon Kabat-Zinn Our response to any situation is up to us. The moment you realise this reality, you will find yourself more in command of your response to situations. Mindfulness helps in being aware of the present without judgement, it allows us to respond to any crisis in a wise NOVEMBER I 2021

considered manner, never as a reaction. Gratitude “As you rise with the morning sun, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” Marcus Aurelius If there is one lesson navigating the pandemic has taught us beyond any other, it is that of gratitude and humility. Being grateful for the simplest of things – for being able to go out for a walk with a friend, for technology that kept us connected with our loved ones during isolation, for the times when we could go out without having to wear masks – the list is endless. Letting go “Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting, it just means we stop carrying the energy of the past into the present.” Yung Pueblo The only effective way forward from a place of hurt and pain is one where the pain and suffering is left behind. As we get ready to bid adieu to 2021, let us make a conscious effort to detach ourselves from the pain and distress it gave us. Let us step into 2022 with grace and dignity, carrying these mindfulness lessons 2021 has taught us and promise ourselves patience to watch the year unfold neither expecting too much too soon nor allowing ourselves to be distracted from the hope of building a better normal. There YouGo! Let us let go of 2021 mindfully and look ahead to a happier healthier 2022. Yours mindfully, Rajni Follow Rajni on Facebook @YogaWithRajni


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