9 minute read

No One Killed SSR

No One Killed SSR? - just like No One Killed Jessica!!

By Lalitha Chellappan

Many amongst us are closely monitoring incidents related to Sushant Singh Rajput’s unfortunate death in India and are looking for the truth to be revealed and, hopefully, justice to be served.

Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death has gained a life of its own in the last three months or so, amidst significant public outrage.

Dismissed as suicide by the Mumbai police and despite the case being handed over to the CBI, no arrests have been made yet nor has homicide been established. Those present at his home during his death have been interrogated but not arrested. Some possible reasons:

4Lack of evidence required to arrest anyone as it may have been destroyed during the Mumbai police’s inquest 4CBI experts are making definite strides but may be refraining from making any official statements as this is likely to come in the way of investigation

Given everything, SSRs untimely death comes across as a case of homicide but the law doesn’t work based on our gut feel or inferences. As we await the AIIMS forensic experts’ viscera report based details to become available in the public domain, we hope that the CBI are acting on a basic premise that he couldn’t have hung himself diagonally from a low height roof, there are no available pictures of the body hanging and that the O shaped ligature mark on his neck looks like a result of strangulation as it’s not close to the chin area on the neck which is what typically happens when the body hangs.

A few ask why so much attention is being given to someone who was probably depressed or on drugs. Can a father who lost a son relate to this kind of apathy? Neither of these accusations are proven, they primarily come from Rhea Chakraborthy - Sushant’s girlfriend, who may well be a gold digger if we were to go by what we are hearing in the media. If she gave drugs to a depressed man in the name of love, should she not be put behind bars simply for this reason? Her presence in his life may have led to his death, which is truly a regret. However, there seem to be other powerful forces behind this death and she was probably just a pawn in the game. It also turns out that Keshav and Neeraj - who should be under close scrutiny as they used to work at Sushant’s residence and were present there when he breathed his last - are now gainfully employed at two Bollywood stars’ residences. Someone tell us what’s cooking now: Pomegranate juice with Ice and a dash of Ecstasy?

If there is ongoing furore in the Indian media regarding justice for Sushant, let’s acknowledge that this is also an attempt in bringing to light possible hideous operations, the drug mafia being just one of the angles being explored. Also coming to light is a possible and an equally serious issue of child trafficking. Of particular mention is the reference to more than one dead body being taken out, from Sushant’s and possibly Disha’s residences, something that’s yet to be verified.

A carefully planned propaganda behind positioning Rhea as the accused number 1 who is a drug queen of sorts cannot be ruled out. We hope this is not intended to divert attention from SSR’s death which per se requires a thorough investigation.

There is another aspect worth mentioning though, which is the somewhat frequent and exaggerated claims of Breaking News items which are at times blown out of proportion by the Indian media. One would expect Breaking News or ‘badee khabar’ as it’s often called by the reporters, to be a significant announcement. It turns out to be something as innocuous as so and so is not the type to commit suicide as their friends have stated so. Some live debates conducted can be completely confusing and frustrating to watch as one party talks over the other. By the end of the conversation you may be left wondering who had the last word. Well, perhaps both, literally.

Reporters, often out of breath, have been seen running after Rhea’s car or lining up outside her residence, repeatedly asking if she gave drugs to Sushant. As if she was going to stop by for a friendly chat with the media to confess she did. The same style of questioning is extended to others who are called for the official interrogation and are subsequently branded as cowards who ran away from the media. Some of this wild goose chase and the exaggerated breaking news claims are certainly avoidable. Similarly, it is an exaggeration to state that the whole nation has questions or that the entire Indian population is seeking justice for Sushant. Note that we are talking about 1.3 billion people.

Some segments of the media and general public are busy blaming the Indian film fraternity as a whole, be it nepotism or the drug angle. Some public figures in the entertainment industry may have consumed drugs, or have had questionable history. However, fingers are being pointed at the film industry as a whole, comprising extremely talented artists who have kept us entertained for decades. Branding everyone that’s part of Bollywood as unscrupulous seems unfair.

Coming back to our subject, Sushant’s family are looking for closure, and so are we. Some have been asking why there is an extended focus on the SSR case when there are many other pressing issues India faces, be it the increasing Coronavirus cases or the decreasing GDP and what have you. Well, to each their own. Drawing comparisons with the problems the

country is facing, with the attention being extended to SSR’s death related investigation and media’s staunch support is like comparing apples to oranges. Just as the alleged offenders can opt not to respond to the media, the media is free to propagate a cause they believe in.

The media, following Sushant’s and Disha’s deaths, has been drawing our attention frequently to their analysis that the two deaths are linked. There is no information in the public domain providing evidence regarding the call Disha made to Sushant to reveal what happened at the alleged party held at a farmhouse which cost her, and possibly him, their lives. However, there are strong reasons to indicate foul play as quite a few relevant parties have brought this up. Disha’s suspicious death, the missing security camera footage as well as visitor records from her apartment’s security at the gate bear an uncanny resemblance to SSR’s death, likely well-orchestrated by the same gang. One can’t help but think that the woman and the man who ‘knew too much’ were silenced before they could expose anyone, or anything, via the media.

Also making the rounds, albeit surreptitiously and kept away from mainstream media is Steve Pinto’s disappearance. A close friend of Disha Salian’s, Steve has shared crucial information from his Instagram account a day after Disha’s death where he cryptically refers to a Farmhouse and a lot more. This post has since been deleted. What happened to Steve after his posts is anybody’s guess. It is said he died in a road accident, and some say he is underground. We hope it’s the latter. One can also look up videos of ‘The Unknown Guy’ on Youtube that lead to some of these posts that may have been deleted from Steve’s Instagram account.

A shocking claim by made by a lawyer Vibhor Anand on what Disha witnessed at the party which she shared with Sushant, coupled with the cryptic clues shared by Steve Pinto, bring to light an appalling state of affairs that may have led to these deaths if we were to read between the lines. There are videos galore on the net as various individuals are sharing their findings, and the unanimous public verdict is: murder. Both Disha’s and Sushant’s.

It would be worth looking up a Youtube video aired by News Nation that shares a conversation with an eye witness who claims to be at Disha and her fiancé’s apartment as a guest on the night of the party when Disha died. This witness mentioned that Disha was raped and killed at this gathering and then thrown out of the balcony from the 14th floor. The channel has since passed this information on to the CBI to investigate.

Disha’s friends’ blatant refusal to talk to the media, their awkward silence or evasive responses allude to pressure they may be under, just as the fiancé Rohan Roy is underground since, with no visible attempts to find him.

Some of us claim that the sole purpose of media beating this case to death is TRPs. Well, many fans and supporters from the Indian community across the world are standing up in unison as this case has endeared Sushant to the community at large and they would like to know the truth. Let’s be open to the fact that the media are relentlessly pursuing a cause and a number of journalists are risking their lives to shed light and bring justice to a case that otherwise would have been hushed up. They are standing tall against pressure from the high and mighty, amidst threats to shut their channels, while some are sent to prison on account of trespassing. There is a lot more going on than what meets the eye. Call this a media trial or call ‘em the paparazzi, their pursuit for the truth and justice is commendable.

Having watched multiple channels that have been sharing regular updates, hats off to Republic Bharat for fearlessly keeping this battle for justice going. For those that say that the anchors don’t let others talk, usually one would be loud when speaking the truth or stating a complete lie. In this case it seems evident that it’s the former. Their conviction is laudable. They probably know a lot more than what they reveal which explains their frustration when some speakers on this channel argue for the sake of arguing, adopting attack as the best form of defence approach.

All eyes, and hopes, are on the CBI now who are quietly working behind the scenes. We hope this is an impartial investigation and that the extended focus on drugs does not divert the attention that the two likely homicides deserve.

If proven to be true, the allegations being brought forth - whether it’s drug paddling or child trafficking - can have disastrous consequences on the future on the most populous democracy of the world as these have a direct impact on the youth. If we have lost two lives for trying to bring to light any unethical, immoral or illegal activities, their sacrifice should not go waste.

The above information has been gathered from various print and online media channels available in the public domain, coupled with the author’s views based on these. Desi Australia is not in a position to validate any of this. While we cannot vouch for the authenticity of the findings, we join hands in a quest to stand with the media that’s rallying for the truth behind the mysterious deaths of Sushant and Disha, and look to CBI for bringing the guilty to book. Just as SSR’s family lawyer raises concerns over the delay in the investigations, we can only hope that justice delayed is not justice denied. #justiceforssr

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