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Principle of Application of herbs in Ayurveda

Principle of Application of herbs in

By Dr Naveen Shukla

Basic Concept of Health and Therapeutics

Ayurveda is the millennia old Traditional System of Medicine (TSM) from India. TSMs lack scientific vigour and systematic methods are the common public perception. But, contrary to this perception, Ayurveda is a systematic, structured, rationalized knowledge system about health and life which operates on robust principle based theoretical underpinnings. These principles are outcomes of long standing keen and methodical observations of a supremely talented and unbiased sect.

Health is said to be functional, dynamic and a harmonious balance among the components of the living being. This state of balance is individual, specific, and is manifested in proper and adequate tissue systems, peaceful state of mind in harmony with its surroundings rendering the individual to defeat the possibility of any pathological challenges.

(Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana: 21/18-19)

An imbalance to health can be caused by two ways i.e. structural and/or functional (D increase or (i) decrease in any of the components of the living being. Therapeutics is nothing but disrupting the pathogenic process. Ayurveda states that an increaseoriented pathogenesis can be managed by administering substances or mean that will effectuate a decrease in those components and similarty a decrease-oriented pathogenesis can be managed by substances that can effectuate an increase in those components within the body.

Against backdrop of this basic understanding, application of herbs in Ayurveda is guided by certain principles. This principle-based application differentiates Ayurveda from other systems of herbal medicine.

1. Pancha Mahabhuta Theory

(Principle of five basic particles establishing similarity between living being and the medicine)

Ayurveda states that all substances of this universe including the components of the living being and the medicines are made up of live basic particles, namely Prithvi, Jal, Agni, Vayu and Akash. Though these terms are roughly translated as Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether, but these translated terms scarcely reflect the concepts beneath these terms, Succinctly, Prithvi, Jal, Agni, Vayu and Akash represent inter alia mass, cohesive force, energy, movement and space. This principle establishes similarity between the living being and the medicinal substances at the molecular level allowing possible engagement among them when brought together. (Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana : 26/10)

Each Mahabhuta is attributed a certain set of properties and actions. The predominance of a mahabhuta in a substance leads to manifestation of some/all properties attributed to the mahabhuta. There are 10 such pairs of properties called as Guna, each pair comprising of 2 opposing properties, like Heavy-Light, Hot-Cold etc. Thus, assessment of mahabhautik status of an herb is critical in its selection vis-a-vis a clinical issue. (Charaka Samhita Sutra

Principle of Application of herbs in Ayurveda

Sthana: 26/11)

2. Samanya

Vishesha Theory (Principle of similar-dissimilar guiding the possible outcome when two substances are engaged together)

When two substances are engaged, similar factors increase and dissimilar factors decrease. Therefore, when an herb is administered it will potentially increase the similar factors within the living being and decrease the dissimilar factors. This fundamentally guides the principle of therapeutics in Ayurveda. One must assess the status of components) in a clinical issue and select a herb with similar attributes if components are undergoing decrease or vice versa. (Charaka Sambita Sutra Sthana : 01/44)

3. Dosha (Regulators) - Dhatu (Building

Units) - Mala (Waste Products)

These are biological manifestations of Mahabhutas, Doshas are most important as they can produce changes in the other two. Thus, every aspect of Ayurvedic therapeutics is expressed in terms of Dosha i.e. whether it pacifies certain gosha or otherwise. Assessment of dosha is done first for a clinical issue and herbs are selected to manags the issue accordingly.

Dosa - Ohatu-Mala are expressed functionally by the 20 properties mentioned above, with a particular dosha having few particular properties like Ruksha(dry), Chala (movement) are the properties of Vata. (Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana : 14/)

4. Rasa (Taste - signifying state of the substance at the inflal stage) -

Vipaka (State of substance after Digestion & Metabolism) - Guna (properties) - | Virya (Potency types) - Prabhava (Effect specific to the substance)

These five concepts are tools of herb assessment and selection in Ayurveda. Each of these concepts signifies mahabhautik states of the substance at different stages of interaction with the living being. There are 6 Rasa, 3 Vipaka, 20 Guna and 2 Virya described in Ayurveda. Prabhava being specific effect of a particular substance is unique to that particular substance and thus no classification could be done. (Charaka Samhite Sutra Sthana: 26” Chapter)

For example - Madhura (sweet) rasa herb, signifies predominance of Prithvi and Jala mahabhuta, which are also predominant mahabhutas of Kapha dosha, Mamsa (muscle) dhatu, etc. Thus, this substance will increase Kapha and Mamsa chalu. It will also decrease the dissimilar doshia i.e. Vata dosha. Therefore, in cases of Kapha and chatu reduction and Vata aggravation Madhura substances are selected.

There are other factors which need to be considered for selecting a herb.

5. Prakriti (Constitution)

Each individual is endowed with a Prakrit that makes him/her possess certain strengths and also some susceptibilities. One must be aware of all aspects of the herbs. For example: Madhura rasa substances will affect a Kapha increase in a Kapha Prakriti person. Thus, prakriti must be considered while selecting a herb for an individual.

6. Kala (Time)

The living being is influenced by solar and lunar energy cycles of the nature. Thus, some herbs are not suitable in some seasons. For example, Kapha is naturally vitiated in Vasanta (spring) season, thus one has to factor out this while prescribing a machura substance in this season. (Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana: 1/62)

7. Adhisthana (Aftinity of a herb)

Some herbs have specific affinity to specific target organ/ systems. These herbs will not produce effect in other organs or systems although the properties might suggest the same. (Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana: 26/13)

These are the main principles guiding the selection of herbs in Ayurveda. There are other principles applicable to herb selection in Ayurveda too. This principle- based, rationalized and structured selection process of herbal medicine in Ayurveda, is truly holistic in nature. It also emphasizes the fact that though it might look simple, the use of herbs for health through Ayurveda requires expert assessment and prescription by a Vaidya.

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The panel consist of Dr Naveen Shukla, the Founder and Director of Nature Care Ayurveda and President of Australasian Association of ayurveda.

Dr Nikhila Venugopal is the Ayurveda consultant and Marma specialist of Nature Care Ayurveda.

For more information or to see a doctor for specific health concern visit our website www.naturecareayurveda.com.au or call us on 0295726990

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