Cloud9 - A birthday present

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Dear Lin, Four years have passed since the first birthday I spent with you. Emotionally it feels like I have been friends with you for far, far longer. We’ve gone through a lot of ups and a lot of downs and I think that that’s what made us such good friends, scratch that, sisters. We even have a ‘place’ we both go when we are happy. In an attempt to make that visual:

HERE IS OUR CLOUD9. Last year’s birthday I wasn’t able to make it to your party because of my operation, so this year I have to party double. On top of that it’s your 21st birthday, so basically: TRIPLE PARTY! Thus I wanted to give you something special. I’ve been thinking about this present for more than a year now, debating to make you a video or a magazine. I finally chose a magazine because we’ve always been talking about it and it’s ultimately what I love to do and I want to share this love with you. I’ve asked some of our friends to help me fill this magazine so you will cherish it for a long time. (Some people just didn’t know what to write or make XD) I hope it’s as awesome as I intended it to be and that you’ll realize how much we all care for you. So when you feel alone, grab this magazine and flip through it. Remember that you are never really alone. That you’re an awesome and lovable person and that we love you just the way you are.


With love, Desirée


Lin facts

Rolling dat d6, casting dem magic missiles! Play tabletop games. -Eiwdn


Adawna’s fortune telling


A glimpse into the future


ADHD Memories Lynyster’s art Friends wall


9 11

11 reasons why I love Lin


HD Productions present a magazine made in 2013 to celebrate Lin Setzekorn’s 21st birthday. Editing Desirée Suoth

Proofreading Sergio Babel, Andrea Post

Layout & Design Desiree Suoth


LIN FACTS: Herlinne Jelita Setzekorn Also known as Lin Female 29-03-1992 Indonesian Game artist Creative Works at Tokyo Cafe Part of ADHD Food lover (Sushi!) Rather has savory than sweet Hates cold Nail biter Ambitious Former panda lover Talking buddy Sweet Loves random Awesome. 3

ADAWNA’S FORTUNE TELLING My sweet, sweet Lin. Desi has left for a brief moment and I, Adawna, Katarina’s sister, have stepped in to give you a little reading. Because of Desi and your connection, I can see into your past, present, and future through my magical ball (the eh.. poorly drawn thing on this page). Although I am also capable of working with Katarina’s cards, I prefer this method. May you have a good life and enjoy.

PAST In a far, dark past I sense that you have had ambitions other than drawing. I feel a vibe from another personality. There once was a little girl; a princess. I believe she was called ‘Veronica’ or something in that order. Although she was a kind princess, she wanted to rule the world. Therefore she had a bit of an attitude. Proud, sassy. But what’s a princess without some spice? Little Veronica was meant for great things.

PRESENT Little Veronica may not ever be mentioned again in your present life, but some of her traits are still there. Ambition was created from the want for world domination. Drive and spirit are still there. You are always kind and maybe not your classic princess but a princess nonetheless. A princess with

spice. That little extra that people like. You are currently searching for answers in life and that’s what keeps you going. All I can say is: you are going in the right direction.

FUTURE The future. Ahh, such a bright, bright future. You will have choices; hard ones, simple ones. Choices that will define you for who you are. There is no wrong choice you will make, though. There are multiple paths you can walk because of these choices but you will always end up in the same spot: happy. This is not everything that is to be said. One of your possible futures is laid out for you on the next page.



A GLIMPSE INTO THE FUTURE Her focus was optimal. Her stylus flew across the smooth surface of the tablet like a figure skater on ice. On the screen in front of her she saw it come to life; the image that was trapped in her mind was given form. She knew that it would seem like it came effortless to those who did not understand but it didn’t matter. She had worked hard and the fruits of her labor had finally paid off. She remembered the struggle, all the way from middle school, and briefly put down her stylus to stare at the magnificent art that had come to life on her screen. How many times had the thought of failure flashed through her mind? How many times had she beat that thought down with the willpower of a true artist. It had been her dream and now she had the freedom and the means to realize it. Names connected with faces and faces with emotions as she remembered those who had supported her and helped her on her journey. She knew that the people those faces belonged to would forever be etched into her heart, keeping her going when the sky turned overcast and swelling her heart when the sun shined into her eyes. “You guys,” she whispered, smiling to herself as the memory of their numerous pardehs and get-togethers snaked through her thoughts. They would all be with her again soon. She’d almost forgotten that it was tomorrow. Time seemed to fly so fast when she was working. Still smiling, she rolled her desk chair back and got up, walking

to the kitchen as silently as possibly. It was late and she didn’t want to wake him or the kids, especially considering the hectic day they had ahead of them. She pulled open the fridge door and first spotted the last slice of the pie that she’d saved. Her lips curled into an involuntary, but radiant, smile as the thought of who had made her the pie took root. In her creative outburst she’d completely forgotten that it was waiting for her. She grabbed the plate, breathing in deeply to savor the incredible aroma of the pie, and closed the refrigerator door before eagerly grabbing a fork. The rich flavors of the pie exploded on her taste buds and an involuntary moan escaped her while she slowly chewed. It was one of the best pies she’d ever tasted and the prospect of another one possibly waiting for her tomorrow made her giddy. She chuckled and from the corner of her eye she glanced at her computer’s screen. Her art was still there, as she knew it would be. It beckoned her to continue working but it would have to wait until after the pie was safely in her stomach. It’s the little things, she thought to herself, putting another bite of the pie into her mouth. Sometimes you just have to enjoy the little things. She calmly walked to her computer and saved her work before turning off her desk light. As much as she loved it, she decided to postpone working until after tomorrow.

She wanted a good night’s rest before all the chaos erupted. In the silence and darkness of the living room, she sagged into the couch. She glanced up at the clock as it ticked past midnight and she realized that this was it. She had friends who were there for her, a steady and loving family, and a stable job that allowed her to output all her creativity as she saw fit. Her life was filled with joy and happiness. This was it. With a blissful smile on her face she popped the last bit of pie into her mouth and slowly sagged more into the couch until she was simply lying on it. What a wonderful life I have. “And what a wonderful birthday I’ll have tomorrow.” In one voice, as if they belonged to a single mind, they whispered, “Happy birthday Lin,” as they watched her drift into an enraptured dream. Tomorrow would be an incredible day for her, they knew. Tomorrow would be her birthday.


ADHD MEMORIES In 2008/2009 we started to hang out together. After a while named ourselves ADHD: Andrea Diandra Herlinne Desirée. Here are a few pictures of days we spent together! Remember all of them?

Picknick in 2010

Arcade 2010

First time together!

Your birthday 2011! :3

Abunai 2009 Dian’s birthday 2011 (lol Mounir)

Dian’s birthday 2009 Abunai! 2011


Den Helder 2009 :3

Desi’s birthday 2011

Christine’s birthday: Walibi 2012! Desi’s birthday 2012

Arcade 2011

Sergio’s birthday 2011

Drea’s birthday 2012 Dian’s birthday 2012

No Parents Party 2012

Sinterklaas 2012 Groningen sleepover 2013

...and many more to come! :D



MESSAGE WALL Here’s a little ‘wall’ where people made and/or wrote you something AWESOME! We hope that you’ll enjoy all of our hard work!

DREA Lin, Hoi! Het is al een aantal jaren geleden dat ik jou voor het eerst heb ontmoet. Was het op de Albert Kuyp markt of was het in mijn dromen? ;D Either way, jij hebt mijn hart gegrepen en sindsdien ben ik jouw beste vriendin gebleven. We hebben samen zoveel mee-gemaakt dat ik helaas een heleboel ben vergeten. Maar dat maakt niet uit, zolang wij er maar voor elkaar waren. :] Jij hebt mij door veel moeilijke tijden heen getrokken en ik heb altijd mijn best gedaan om dat ook voor jou te doen. Soms mis ik de tijden die wij elke week besteedden. Wij gingen dan naar Silverstone om gezellig ITG te spelen, want jij wou net zo goed als ik worden en hebt mij gevraagd jou te trainen. Wij hebben samen geshopt naar nieuwe kleding en je hebt mij helpen kiezen voor een nieuwe jas. Je was er altijd en dat ben je nog steeds. Ik kan aan jou zien dat je een hard werkende vrouw bent, ja, VROUW, want dat ben jij. Jij bent een mooie vrouw die open staat voor een heleboel dingen. Je doet je best om anderen tevreden te houden en daarbij kan je soms jezelf naar beneden halen. Dit is niet erg, want zo ben jij. Je bent wie je bent en dat maakt jij jou! Jij bent degene waarmee ik mijn leven wil de- ehh, oh nee sorry daar ben ik niet voor. ;D Maar jij bent wel een goede vriendin en bij jou kan ik van alles kwijt. Ik heb niet veel meer te zeggen, omdat wij alles al kunnen delen. :] Ik ben blij dat ik je heb ontmoet en dat wij nu verder kunnen, samen met Dian en Desi, en ik hoop dat onze vriendschap niet zal breken. Want dat is wat ons bij elkaar houdt. I love you Lin. <3 Geniet van je verjaardag en zie je toekomst positief tegemoet!


Kissu~~~ Drea <3

DIAN Dear Lin~ Weet je nog dat we elkaar hadden toegevoegd op msn en we opeens urenlang met elkaar begonnen te praten? Onze gesprekken begonnen subtiel met vragen over elkaars familie en afkomst. Ook wisten we dat we allebei gek zijn op bami, hahaha XD! Al snel begon ik je als new friend te zien en begonnen we meer te praten over anime… en uiteindelijk spraken we alleen nog maar over BL en pointy chins HAHA XD (oooh dark pages of our lives, but oh so entertaining XD). I bet you can remember it clearly! Ik vond het een beetje eng om met je te skypen, maar we kregen altijd samen de slappe lach en je hield me tot 4 uur ’s nachts wakker! Maar geeft niet hoor ;D Op een gegeven moment spraken we ook af en ik weet nog goed dat ik nooit kon wachten om je weer te zien, omdat ik altijd zoveel moest lachen met jou! Thank you for that! <3 Soms mis ik die tijden wel~ maar het blijven sweet memories! :3

uiteindelijk allemaal onze eigen weg op. Misschien spreken we elkaar niet meer zo vaak als vroeger, maar ik zie je nog steeds als een van mijn beste vriendinnen die ik nooit zal kunnen verplaatsen voor iemand anders <3.

Veel succes ook met alles wat je wilt bereiken! Het komt wel goed allemaal, ook met je trip naar Amerika. :3 En last but not least: Ik wens je alle geluk en liefde samen met Brian. Het doet me goed om je gelukkig te zien :3 I love you!

En nee, ik ben niet vergeten je te feliciteren, dus hierbij: HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY GIRL!! You’re officially an adult now, yaaaay! :D. Geniet van je dag! Hopelijk vond je de surprise leuk! :D Dit is ook namens JD trouwens! :3

(PS. I haven’t drawn for a while >.< I tried my best to draw you~!) - Dian

Later ontmoette je ook Andrea en Desi, en ik ben echt blij dat we het vanaf het begin al zo goed met elkaar konden vinden. Nu zijn we best friends als “ADHD” en supporten we elkaar wanneer het nodig is. Lin, ik wil je heel erg bedanken voor al je steun, vooral de laatste paar weken toen ik het heel moeilijk had. Ik probeer ook mijn best te doen om jou te helpen wanneer jij het zwaar hebt. Door de jaren zijn we constant bezig geweest met ‘volwassen worden’ en het vinden van onszelf. We maken beslissingen en we gaan





Thoughts to hand-movement. Graphite onto the paper. Drawing comes to life. -Dwin

Hide with black and white. No longer in present thoughts. Former panda love. </3 -Niwde

Cakes, eggs and sushi, sate, bami, shawarma too! Savoury human. -Ewidn

Shoes walking around. Away goes grumbly tummies. Tokyo Cafe. -Niwd

Easily happy, fair smiles and cheerful laughters. Shines bright like diamond. -Ewdin

These haikus not good, but rather enjoyable. At least I think so. -Edwin


11 REASONS WHY I Y LIN There are a lot of reasons to love Lin, o ur favor ite silly gir l. Far too many to count! R egardless, I’ve managed to sum up my 11 favor ite reasons! I love you, baby!

LIN’S AW E S O M E B OYF R I E N D <3 Fu n f a c ts about Lin!

S h e c l aims she’s 175cm t a l l ! H ow r idiculous is t h at ? X D

H e r f avor ite cuisine i s s e a food. Especially s u s h i ! NOM! :D

S h e i s deathly afraid of



O F A N A N G E L . I’m n o t j u s t



o h g o d my s i d e s X D. S h e i s S O

N e r f g uns, so you k now

saying t h at b e c a u s e I’m h e r

F U N NY. I c a n b e i n t h e m o s t

w h at to do if you want

boyfr ien d ! S h e i s h o n e s t to

te r r i b l e m o o d a n d s h e c a n

s o m e t hing from her XD

a fault a n d i s t h e o n e o f t h e

still make me laugh with her

most ge n u i n e l y s we e t p e r s o n

aw f u l p u n s a n d c l u m s y a nt i c s.

S h e l oves her boyf r iend VE RY MUCH <3


I’ve com e e ve r a c ro s s.



Thos e c h e e k s ! I co u l d p i n c h



S he can handle all the

also finds herself hilarious

she’s h a p py ? M y h e a r t m e l t s

a n d l a u g h s at h e r ow n j o k e s

ever y s i n g l e t i m e.

X D. I c a n o n l y h o pe to b e t h at


s i l l y o n e d ay. A L S O, SHE’S JUST R E A L LY

R E A L LY H OT. I’m j u s t s ay i n’.

ADVENTURE OUT OF ANYT H I N G . I t ’s amazing how she

c a n take the most mundane a c tivit y like doing the laun-


f i l l m e w i t h co n f i d e n ce !


E N T E D.



s h e d e f i n i te l y k n ows h ow to

S e r iously, go look at her ar t.




S h e s h ows t h at s h e c a re s a n d

D A M N TA L -


s o m e t i m e s, b u t i n a c u te,

way s h e h o p s a ro u n d w h e n



so clumsy

e n d e a r i n g k i n d o f way. S h e

a nd smile whi le doing it :D

I t ’ ll blow you away!

S I L LY. S h e’s

them a l l d ay l o n g ! Al s o, t h e

s t resses of wor k and school






H ave yo u s e e n i t ? Yo u c a n’t


h e l p b u t s m i l e to o : D


I t ’s c ra z y h ow m u c h we t a l k . We c a n c a l l fo r h o u r s a n d neve r r u n o u t o f t h i n g s to talk a b o u t. Th e b e s t p a r t i s that we a re 1 0 0 % h o n e s t !

d r y and tur n it into a laugh r i ot. Never a bor ing day!



For when you miss him.




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