Video Crowdsourcing with Userfarm

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VIDEO RULES , EVERYWHERE! Video is the most engaging communication tool. Brands are now broadcasters. 85% of internet audience watch online video. Video is the fastest growing advertising segment. Videos increase time spent on a web page by up to 2 min on average. Videos will help to rank higher with search engines. Viewers of e-commerce video are 85% more likely to lead to a purchase. Video Advertising market in the US is worth USD 7,1bln. Branded video content, video seeding, social video, are growing rapidly. More than

OUR WAY The old video production model is expensive and time consuming. Today you can have 45,000+ filmmakers working for you at a fraction of the price and with the same quality. §  §  §  §  §  §

Diversity: hundreds of creations for you to choose. No limits: we give you access to our huge worldwide creative network. Time saver: turnaround can be as low as two weeks from brief to completion. Appropriate scale: You can run small or large scale projects. Cost-effective: producing videos with Userfarm is highly cost-effective. Low risk: you choose what’s best.

OUR FILMMAKERS We have a deep understanding of our global network of 45,000+ filmmakers: their skills, devices, locations and availabilities. Our production managers classify each filmmaker based on his profiles and past contributions.

Quality Video Amateur: little experience or new Videomaker: active users Filmmaker: chosen for quality and skills Pro Teams: professional production teams

Skills Advertising: TV ads, virals and promo video Fiction: short movies, web series, Animation: animation, illustration and CGI Video Art: music videos and digital art Narrative: documentaries, news reports

SELECTED PROJECTS Our crowd produced a number of high quality, low cost video clips for iconic brands and broadcasters across Europe. For a complete selection of our community’s best videos visit

OUR SERVICE Quantity, Quality or Visibility? We offer 3 distinct solutions:

Call For Videos

Pro Activation

Viral Video Engine

Many Creativities

Highest Quality

Views & Engagement

How: our entire network participates to a call for videos

How: we directly invite only top filmmakers that best suit the brief

How: a full viral eco-system to maximise creation & distribution

Conditions: engaging brief, attractive reward structure

Conditions: very specific video need, not related to visibility

Conditions: web-traffic and and strong Facebook community.

Formats: viral video, on line video ads, mosaic ads, pilots.

Formats: TV video ad, TV shows, interview, crowdumentary, across the world, animations, explainer films.

Formats: viral video, video clips, TV video ad, events & festivals.

CALL FOR VIDEOS Infinite creativity at best price

PRODUCTION PLATFORM We manage video production and contest administration on our own platform. is a state of the art crowdsourcing environment where our community managers liaise with filmand videomakers from across the world in 5 different languages.

CALL FOR VIDEOS Our standard contribution model for a Call for Videos is a 4-week-long contest and delivers 50 quality contributions on average. Brands get diversity, creativity and the freedom to choose.






Brand works alongside Userfarm to express the brief in filmmaker terms.

We invite our filmmakers to participate in the call for videos on our platform.

Filmmakers produce and upload content.

Brands select the winning submissions and obtain full rights on the chosen videos.

We take care of clearances, payments and all administrations.

EXAMPLE Candy Crush Saga Among 60 approved submissions King selected 5 winners. 24 hours after posting the winning video on the Candy Crush Facebook Page there were more than 41,000 shares registered. The post further generated over 48,000 likes and 5,500 comments (all organic, no paid post promotion) resulting in a total of 1.13 million views.

ACTIVATE OUR PRO’S Our best filmmakers around the world at your service




Ian Aryeh






Selected Profiles Our top producers are managed by our in-house production coordinators, which supervise the projects and work alongside brands and filmmakers to ensure that every video produced is of the highest quality.

DIRECT ASSIGNMENTS Assigning the production to our top professional filmmaking crews. Our production managers supervise the project. Brands get quality, speed and value.






Brand owns brief. Userfarm presents top filmmakers and talent from around the world for brands to select.

The chosen filmmaker presents their idea and take on the project. Userfarm works directly with brand and filmmaker.

Scripting, location and talent sourcing, approval by brand.

Filmmakers produce and shoot the video with their crew according to approved plan and budget.

Final cut, clear editing and revision stage, talent and music clearances. Approval by brand.

PITCH Our professional filmmakers pitch their film concepts. We assign the production to the best one(s). Brands get high levels of creativity + top quality.






Brand owns strategy and works alongside Userfarm to express the brief in filmmaker terms.

We invite filmmakers to participate in the call for ideas, concepts, treatments or storyboards.

Filmmakers upload their ideas. Userfarm consolidates a selection of best submissions for brands to choose.

Brands select the best submission(s) which then get the grant and budget for professional production.

Userfarm delivers finished content, including talent and music clearance.

EXAMPLE Windows Phone Microsoft required video to further promote specific features of the Windows Phone platform. We launched a call for ideas and received over 100 submissions from our creative community. We assigned the video production of the selected ideas to two of our best filmmakers. Both videos are among the most popular clips on their YouTube channel and have received great attention and praise around the blogosphere.

VIRAL VIDEO ENGINE Boost engagement and visibility among your target audience

HOW IT WORKS Our branded platform integrates with the main digital properties of the Brand. It creates a viral ecosystem that returns high numbers of views, exceptional levels of engagement and great earned media value.

CONTENT CREATION Johnson & Johnson (Italy 2013)

Our viral video engine harnesses the creative potential of your brand ambassadors that are eager to demonstrate their passion and love for your products through video, resulting in an substantial increase of brand loyalty. Userfarm can build your own branded contribution platform on your website or Facebook page. We call it viral video engine because of its striking effect on delivering a cost-per-view that is significantly lower than traditional paid media.

SHARING & VIEWING And a suite of add-on’s In order to encourage sharing and voting, our contribution platform can seamlessly integrate with any brand’s Facebook Page and be accessed from any mobile device. Optionally it can also plug into a branded YouTube Channel to maximize the viral effect and increase reach-levels of video views. Brands such as Nespresso, Johnson & Johnson and Barilla have already chosen our platform.

Nespresso (Spain 2013)

EXAMPLE Barilla A branded Video Factory allows to constantly open new video contests that drive visibility and engagement and so become a powerful tool to support new product launches. The Barilla video contest delivered exceptional results: §  200+ video submissions §  1,2 million total video views §  50k Facebook interactions

ABOUT US Userfarm is the main video crowdsourcing player in Europe. We’re specialists in crowdsourcing the production of ads, virals and engaging videos for brands, publishers and broadcasters and also offer a unique Viral Tool to boost visibility and engagement. We’ve developed more than 250 projects in 104 countries with our 45,000 filmmakers .


Userfarm Video Crowdsourcing London | Paris | Rome | Madrid +44 (0)20 3432 6273

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