Penina Kenig portfolio

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Corporate Identity

design portfolio

Penina Kenig 917.579.2324

Corporate Identity

Brief: A funky clothing store for teenagers and hippy adults- aimed at being a hangout type of place. Logo should give the message of a cool, trendy, cutting edge, non conformist store and the place to be seen.

Solution: Created a logo using bright color of orange together with grey to make it modern and up-to-date. I chose a font that gives a feeling of a hippy, cool place, and a pictogram that gives you a feeling for its name - hypnosis.

Susan Drake Manager 1275 Oldsmith Drive 800.592.2358

1275 Oldsmith Drive Orlando, FL 58496 800.592.2358 1275 Oldsmith Drive 1275 Oldsmith Drive 800.592.2358

Brief: An online toy store that sells toys and gifts for boys and girls of all ages.

Corporate Identity

Solution: Created a logo using bright and youthful colors. An illustration of an exciting gift box was incorporated into the logo.

728 Forest Hill Rd • Staten Island, NY 03014

Rachelle Wayns President 888.KIDGIFT • • 888.KIDGIFT • • 888.KIDGIFT

Corporate Identity

Brief Cookie Cutter is a baking supply company that manufactures and sells baking equipment for preschoolers.

Solution: Created a typographical logo that reflects the name - Cookie Cutterusing a youthful and inviting font.

718. 327.6058 805 Roosevelt Court

Brief: Design promotional postcards for the company Letraset using fonts and typography.


boo divide


Type Exercises

Advertising Campaign

Brief: To create a series of ads for a eyeglasses store called iWear. iWear specializes in a staff that can help you find the prefect pair for your face They have a big, up-to-date selection to choose from.

Solution: Designed ads with a picture of trendy, exciting glasses with colors that lure you. For the slogans we chose short, catchy lines that sum up what the store is all about.

we care

At iWear you will find the best care needed to help you find your favorite pair of eyeglasses. Come to iWear and see for yourself what ever�one is talking about.

At iWear you will find the best care needed to help you find your favorite pair of eyeglasses. Come to iWear and see for yourself what ever�one is talking about.

At iWear you will find the best care needed to help you find your favorite pair of eyeglasses. Come to iWear and see for yourself what ever�one is talking about.

At iWear you will find the best care needed to help you find your favorite pair of eyeglasses. Come to iWear and see for yourself what ever�one is talking about.

i Wear

i Wear

i Wear

i Wear

i Wear

i Wear

i Wear

i Wear 800.goiwear 800.goiwear

ever�one is talking about. Come to iWear and see for yourself what to help you find your favorite pair of eyeglasses. At iWear you will find the best care needed 800.goiwear 800.goiwear

ever�one is talking about. Come to iWear and see for yourself what to help you find your favorite pair of eyeglasses. At iWear you will find the best care needed 800.goiwear 800.goiwear

ever�one is talking about. Come to iWear and see for yourself what to help you find your favorite pair of eyeglasses. At iWear you will find the best care needed 800.goiwear 800.goiwear

ever�one is talking about. Come to iWear and see for yourself what to help you find your favorite pair of eyeglasses. At iWear you will find the best care needed

Advertising Campaign



come join the


the perfect slice for any occasion! SPECIALIZING IN CAKEPOPS We carry a full selection of cakes, cookies, and pastries. Elegantly displayed, a�������slice is what you want to have on your table.

a�������slice 1537 central ave 516.236.2598

June 4, 2011 - June 15, 2011 866.865.9658

Brief: To create a monochromatic, complementary, and analogous color and to design a stationary set using those colors.

Solution: I used the monochromatic, soft color of blue and its complementary color of orange to create a pretty, floral design.

Color Exercise

Brochure Brief: We are a preschool and agency that works with deaf kids and kids with speech and processing issues. We would like a brochure targeting multi-cultural parents of children with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) or other language learning deficits. When someone looks at our brochure, words that should come to mind are professional, modern, clean, kid-friendly, knowledgeable, warm.

A Tale of Two Children One spring afternoon, 18 years ago, two beautiful babies – Sara and Daniel – were born. Sara was fair and weighed 5lbs 2, Daniel dark and 4lbs 7. Their parents exchanged congratulations, happy and grateful for their new and healthy babies. All was well. That is, until about 18 months old… Sara didn’t seem to be listening when her parents spoke to her. And Daniel’s mother noticed he wasn’t babbling happily like other children. They were worried. By second grade, Daniel was driving his parents crazy. He was fidgety, had this aimless look and couldn’t even play nicely by himself. It got worse. Nobody wanted to play with him. They just made fun and he felt hurt and humiliated. His parents were also frustrated because they didn’t understand him either. “What’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you listening?”

But what happened to Sara? A Tragedy that Could Have Been Avoided By fourth grade, Daniel is often violent, involved in fights or seems lost and introverted. He’s falling behind and failing academically. He feels he doesn’t belong. He can’t even figure out basic stuff, like understanding jokes, what his teacher said after “open your English books,” or how to get kids to include him in Dodgeball. It’s really embarrassing for his family. By the time he gets to middle school, he’s developed a pattern that will last for the rest of his academic life. He’s been labeled as stupid, feels like a loser and knows he’s a social failure.But it doesn’t stop there. He hangs out with the wrong kids. Drops out of school. No chance of college. He won’t hold down a job. And you know what happens next. Poor parents. Poor Daniel.No friends. Low self-esteem. And very little hope.


Strivright. “The school where miracles happen daily.”

Pnina Bravman

Set up in 1999 by Sam and Pnina Bravmann – an audiologist, speech language pathologist and certified auditory verbal therapist – Strivright now serves over 500 children every day in all five boroughs of New York. It’s the largest school of its kind in the world.

Solution: Using the colors of their logo, I designed a clean, modern looking brochure. Text was organized in a non-overwhelming, yet informative, professional way. I used pictures that show kids who are happy and learning, together with pictures of staff members that depict a warm, caring atmosphere.

Strivright is really a school that cares about each and every child and makes them shine like a true star.

Miriam’s Mom

Well, Sara has been mainstreamed since the age of 5. She speaks fluently, sings in a choir and leads a perfectly normal teenage life, playing sports, socializing with friends and doing well in school. She has an excellent chance of entering college and literally has a big say in her own future.

Lemons to Lemonade How did it all start? Well, after being exposed to rubella during pregnancy, Pnina gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter, Batsheva. For the first year of her life, the cute little girl seemed to be in perfect health. Alert and adorable, she began talking at 12 months. Perfectly normal. However, her speech did not pick up as quickly as it should. Sam and Pnina immediately noticed something was wrong. Testing confirmed their fears and Batsheva was fitted with hearing aids. The change was remarkable and she became a happy, smiling toddler once again. But that didn’t last long. One year later, the agony returned. “She would see a bird chirping and ask me, ‘Mommy, do you hear that? I don’t hear it any more.” Further testing had revealed a significant drop in Batsheva’s hearing. The Bravmann’s hearts sank. After the initial shock and sadness, they set about looking for solutions. A cochlear implant was the first step. And then they began looking for a suitable framework for their daughter. NO organization could help Batsheva mainstream into the local school system. What were they supposed to do now? Sam and Pnina had no choice. They decided to go it alone. “I kept asking over and over – Why isn’t there a place where kids with hearing, speech-language and processing problems can really grow and develop? Not a special-ed school but a framework where they learn to listen, speak and sing along with mainstream kids.” Such was their determination that today, Batsheva – like Sara – is a healthy, well-adjusted teenager in every way, academically and socially. As Batsheva herself says, “There are no limits to what I can do.”

Award-Winning Brochure!


This brochure was given as a live project to the class of Design Alive and was chosen by the Strivright school to be used.

Strivright to Mainstream Success Pnina and Sam didn’t stop there though. If they could do it for their own child, why not make the dream possible for others? And that’s precisely what they’re doing at Strivright. With a proven system, vast professional knowledge and a dedicated, loving staff, Strivright achieves a 97% success rate in mainstreaming students into regular classrooms. Students with speech-language or processing problems like Sara. And children with deafness or hearing impairments like Batsheva. It doesn’t matter how your kid starts out. It doesn’t even matter whether they can hear or not. Strivright can teach your child to talk, think, listen, express ideas, understand concepts, ask questions, solve problems, sing, dance, play instruments, interact with other children and be fully confident about who they are and what they can do. Which in later years will give them enough confidence in their abilities to go to college and enjoy a full adult life!

Strivright – Helping Parents to Produce Successful Kids Holding frequent parent meetings to educate, support and inspire families.

Jack, Joe, and Zack of Strivright.

Providing counseling for parents coping with the emotions and demands of their child’s diagnosis and special needs. Encouraging parents to participate in individual therapy sessions and incorporate goals through their daily activities. Teaching children how to listen to and understand their parents, peers and teachers. Leveraging a fun, creative approach to nurture natural language development.

Abraham is a different child now! Thanks to the school, he talks, socializes, and really shows off his personality! Abraham’s Mom


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Dear Parent

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So What Should You Be Looking Out For? First of all, if your child can hear alright but has difficulty understanding what they hear or acting on instructions, don’t panic. You’ve already made a great leap forward. Many parents just ignore it and carry on as if everything’s okay. It’s not. But here at Strivright, we’re trained to deal with it.

If you catch it early there’s a better chance of saving your child a lifetime of distress.

It’s called CAPD - Central Auditory Processing Disorder.And if you catch it early there’s a better chance of saving your child a lifetime of distress.

When to Get a CAPD Evaluation – The Telltale Signs Here are some RED FLAGS worth paying attention to: ` “She can hear just fine, she’s just not listening.” ` “He gets so frustrated in a noisy environment.” ` “He hardly ever gets it right when I ask him to do something.” ` “He seems so smart yet he’s having such a hard time following in school.” ` “She does great one-on-one, but falls apart in a group setting.” ` “She can’t follow when I read her a story ` “He can’t answer questions.” ` “Yes, he does say ‘huh?’ or ‘what?’ all the time.” ` “I often have to repeat or rephrase things.” A child with CAPD may also seem withdrawn, prefer the company of a younger child or not get the punchline of a joke.

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Don’t say, “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

You can.

You can save your child a lifetime of frustration, stigma and embarrassment.

Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) – “The Invisible Disability” Although a child’s hearing may be normal, children with “central auditory processing disorders” (CAPD) can’t process the information they hear. If the brain is unable to correctly process what is heard, the message is lost or misunderstood. Because many children with CAPD do hear normally, it is often considered “an invisible disability.” Strivright offers you a comprehensive Central Auditory Processing Evaluation isolating the specific area of difficulty. Once we know that, we can plan a treatment strategy specifically for your child. This will ensure focused, goal-oriented therapy and a happy, successful child.

How Strivright Can Help You and Your Child The key is giving your child the right start. Processing problems and hearing loss can cause speech and language delays. Which can then lead to learning difficulties. Social isolation Poor self-image. And limit job opportunities and adult relationships. All of these effects can be significantly reduced or completely eliminated with the right early intervention.

Strivright offers you an early intervention program that works.

I recommend this school to other parents who have found that their child needs help. It’s better to take an early step in the right direction. Brianna’s Mom

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Pnina Bravm

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Magazine Layout

Brief: To create a table of contents page for the Spotlight magazine along with two feature articles. (Both articles were completed within a limited, set amount of time.)

Magazine Layout

Book Cover Design

Brief: Design a series of book covers for people who travel or would like to speak a different language.

Solution: A cover that looks inviting, with nice colors and pretty pictures reflecting the language to be learnt.


Penina Kenig (nee Nusbaum) 732.886.8270 917.579.2324

Education: Photoshop and Design, Torah Academy for Girls Photoshop and Design Advanced, Torah Academy for Girls Graphic Design Foundations, The Bold Edge Graphic Design Advanced, Design Alive

2009 2010 2011-2012 2011-2012

Work Experience: Consortium of Jewish Day Schools (2011- Present) Typeset and Designed children’s workbooks. Freelance Graphic Designer (2012)

Computer Literacy: Proficient in Adobe Photoshop (CS5.5), Adobe Illustrator (CS5.5), Adobe InDesign, (CS5.5) Computer savvy; strong knowledge of Word, Excel, Davka and Print Shop. References available upon request.

Looking forward to working with you, Penina

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