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Rochel Beer



Fall Edition • Issue 52

Ways to make the switch from Summer to School easy RE CO CIPE RN qui ER cke

st w cre ate a nut ys to an d ri t i ous exc itin lun ch e g s STORY




55 years later, NY School Do my children really Family Time Isn’t Just for gets its lost library book need so much school Fun — It Also Has Some back and $1,110 for late fees supplies? Serious Benefits



Do my children really need so much school supplies for just one year of school?


FAMILYT ME Fall Edition • Issue 52









10 Ways to make the switch from summer to school easy

The quickest Ways to create nutritious and exciting lunches

Family time isn’t just for fun — it also has some serious benefits

55 Years later, NY school gets its lost library book back and $1,110 for late fees


It builds self-esteem in children

Children who spend time with their parents participating in activities together build a positive sense of self-worth. When children feel that they are valued by their parents, they feel more positive about themselves. Family activities don’t have to be expensive or luxurious to be meaningful. Take a walk together, go for a bike ride or play a game of basketball in the driveway. The important part is just being together and enjoying each other’s company.


It strengthens family bonds

Families who share everyday activities together as well as share vacations or daily excursions as a group form strong, emotional

The Benefits of

Family Time by Deanna Sletten


e love our families and spend so much effort trying to make money to provide them with a comfortable life- style — but sometimes we forget that giving our kids our time is more important than providing them with cool clothes or the latest technology trends. Even for older kids — who you’d be pretty hard-pressed to get to admit that they want more attention from their parents and siblings — a good solid family hang has serious benefits. Summer break is almost here, and it’s the perfect time for some good old fashioned family bonding. Here’s why you should make QT your top priority.


Fall Edition • Issue 52

ties. Studies have found that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt well to situations as a family.


helps Build a Connection

Spending time together as a family helps busy parents reconnect with their children. Children tend to share more information about their lives while enjoying an activity with you rather than when you ask them “What did you do today?” It is also a time when life lessons, like sharing, fairness and compassion, can be reinforced without conflict. Children grow and change quickly,

Spending time together as a family helps busy parents reconnect with their children

Share your favorite hobbies, sports, books, movies or other favorite activities and build strong family ties for life.


children alike. Children with happy family memories are more likely to create a loving environment for their own children when they grow up. Learning to work and play as a family unit is one of the best lessons children can be taught so they can develop into competent adults and parents.

It develops positive behaviors

Children and adolescents who spend more time with their parents are less likely to experiment with substances like cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana. According to

so family time is a wonderful time to get to know your child better.

The benefits of family time are pretty clear. Strong family bonds are essential for kids’ social and emotional development, and for everyone’s well-being—adults and children. But especially as kids grow, it’s harder and harder to fit in that important family time. Shared meals can help you bond (even if they don’t end up happening at dinner time).

studies done by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse via Arizona State University, teens who have infrequent family dinners are twice as likely to use tobacco, nearly twice as likely to use alcohol and one and a half times more likely to use marijuana.

And so can physical activity. Sharing active play with your family isn’t just a good way to get your heart pumping and burn calories. It’s also a great way to build family bonds. When you play tag, toss a Frisbee, or join in a dance party, you’re creating memories your child will treasure someday—memories of times you spent laugh-

Kids who frequently eat with their families also usually have improved dietary intake compared to those who don’t eat as often with family members.

Create Time for Family Play


It creates happy memories

Family time creates warm memories for parents and

ing and simply enjoying each other’s company.

“Play is a magical time for kids and parents,” says Steve Sanders, Ed.D., an author and a professor in the College of Education at the University of South Florida in Tampa, specializing in physical education. “It’s a time when


Fall Edition • Issue 52

As your children get older and become teenagers, it becomes tougher to spend family time with them. It’s mainly because life keeps you busy and your children reach a stage where their friends are the main priority. As a parent, you have to be willing to go down to their level and enter their world. Sometimes you have to be creative or let them decide what they want to do as a family. But never give up on spending family time with your teens, and they may appreciate it more than what they express. According to studies, healthy families make family time for talking and lis-

parents aren’t thinking about other duties of the day and can spend one-on-one time with the child.” Kids love to see Mom and Dad get silly. “We are big fans of chasing each other around the house,” says Julie Marsh, a mother of three in Denver, Colorado. “Recently, my husband ran after me with our three-year-old on his shoulders, threatening to ‘get me’ with her stinky feet. And last weekend, during our baby’s nap, the rest of us rolled around on the dining room floor pretending to be cats.”

Togetherness, Not Teaching One of the big benefits of family time for kids is being allowed to be in charge. Kids love to feel a sense of power and mastery, so it’s critical to let them take the lead when you play. “Your role is to be a facilitator or guide to help your child learn about, refine, and improve physical skills,” says Dr. S. “This creates trust that carries over into other areas of your child’s life.” So allow your child to initiate the games you play together, whether it’s crawling like a cat or kicking a ball. “Learn new skills cooperatively,” says Sanders. He recommends letting your child practice a skill (such as swinging


a bat) several times before you step in with suggestions for improvement. (This goes for big brothers and sisters too). Kids also enjoy the chance to give lessons. “My kids have been trying to teach me to hula hoop and I’ve been trying to teach them to jump rope,” says Scituate, Massachusetts mother Laurie Schneider. “Neither of us have been very successful, but it’s fun!”

Team Time Can Be Family Time A big knock on youth sports is that they take away from family time. This can certainly be true, thanks to frequent evening practices and weekend-consuming tournaments. But traveling to those tournaments together can be a fun family event. Volunteering with your child’s sports team lets you spend some quality time with your player (and your spouse, if you’re both helping out). Or, practices for one child can allow for one-on-one time with another. It takes some creativity, but it can be done—and it’s worth it. We often think that it’s all about quantity when it comes to the time we spend with our kids, whereas it is the quality time that we need to give our family and children. Your kids care less about the hours you spend with them, than how you spend your time with them.

Fall Edition • Issue 52

tening, accepting differences, showing affection and encouragement, sharing chores and decision making, keeping in touch, and making time for each other.


How do the kids fare when both parents work?

When both parents work, some children feel neglected. No matter how hectic your life becomes, you need to set aside time each day for your youngsters. Let them know just how important they are to you, not only through words or gifts but through a commitment of time. Two-parent working families may have more money, but material things and access to costly activities are no substitute for a parent’s time. Encourage your children to talk with you about how your job is affecting your relationship with them; if they are upset that you are spending less time with them than in the past, you need to make an extra effort, perhaps developing a ritual of having them call you at work each day at a certain time.

make time to talk and listen

A family with two wage earners can be a positive influence

Parents often think that it would be tough to talk to their children, who think differently from grown-ups. However, parents tend to forget their own time, as how it was for them when they were young! The people you liked

some of the benefits. Boys and girls will tend to see the world

were mostly those who listened to what you had to say, similarly, you need to listen to what your children have to say. Listening doesn’t mean only hearing the words your child is saying, but also feeling what your child is trying to convey. The author can be reached through the FamilyTime,

on children. Everyone—both children and adults—will enjoy as a less threatening place, knowing that both Mom and Dad are succeeding in the workplace; girls in particular perceive themselves as having greater career options if they have a mother who works. Children also tend to feel proud that their parents have careers. Depending on their after-school child care setting, middle-years children also have greater exposure to other youngsters and new social experiences, which can contribute to their development.

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life. com

Sushi menu California Roll


Veggie Combo


Rice, seaweed, cucumber, avocado, carrots, kani, served with spicy mayo and soy sauce Spicy avocado, tropical & Mexican



Spicy Combo


Tuna Combo


Chef’s Special


Grilled Combo


Cooked Combo


Chef’s Tempura Special


Korman combo


California, raw fish & cucumber

Spicy tuna, spicy salmon & spicy kani cashew

more than just pizza

Brown rice, black pepper tuna & spicy tuna Rainbow, 4 pieces salmon & tilapia Grilled salmon, tuna & tilapia

Spider, black salmon, & salmon skin Vegetables, tempura, kani, rice

more than just pizza

Rainbow, salmon avocado with crunch


Pizza Pizza Pie

7522 Campbell Rd, Suite 108 Dallas, Texas 75248 P: 972.931.9500 E:

Regular pizza with cheese and sauce


Pizza Sticks


Pizza with tomato sauce and regular or cheddar cheese

Build Your Own Pizza


Select your crust: regular, thin, white, whole wheat.

Garlic Strips


Regular toppings mushrooms, onions, peppers, garlic, olives, tomato, jalapeño



Salmon Deluxe Pizza


Mushroom, pepper and onion with melted mozzarella, topped spicy mayo

Garden Salad

desserts 9.00

Crisp iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, green peppers & black olives

Feta Salad


Crisp romaine lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, feta, red onions

Caesar Salad


Crisp romaine lettuce, homemade garlic croutons, parmesan cheese

Sushi Salad


Build your own salad


Rice, seaweed, carrots, avocado, cucumbers, kani, spicy mayo or soy sauce

Greek Salad Pizza


Pesto based dough, topped with lettuce, tomato, carrot, grated feta cheese


more than just pizza

Build Your Own Calzone


Add up to 5 toppings: excludes salmon, veggie meats and pasta


Ice cream




Jumbo Cookie






Boston Cream Pie




Choice of cheese, pizza, broccoli, vegetable, sushi or mushroom


Cheese Cake

Dressings: Caesar, Greek, Nish Nosh, Spicy Mayo, Pesto or Garlic Up to 5 vegetables of your choice.

Pan seared salmon, sautéed mushrooms, onions, green peppers & sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil & garlic


Cinnamon Balls

Soups Soup Of The Day


French Onion Soup




Split pea, butternut squash, mushroom, cream of broccoli, potato Onion soup with cheese and croutons

Soup with vegetables, served in cracker bowl





Soda Can


Milk Shake


Iced Cappuccino


Hot Chocolate




revive your yard


p : 3 4 7. 6 6 1 . 8 5 7 3

Why Hunter Green?

We b e li eve g a rd e n s , p a r ti c u l a rly u rb a n g a rd e n s , provide a bala n c e bet wee n m ode rn living a n d th e c o n n e ctivit y a n d se re n it y of n atu re. O u r g a rd e n s a re d e sig n e d with a fo c us o n th e a r t ful , lush la n dsc a p e a n d a re al m o d e rn d e s i g n of s e n s i b i l i t y. We of fe r s e r v i c e s i n exp e r t p l a nti n g s , c u sto m woodwork , stone work , patios , roof top te rra c es a n d c usto m o utd o o r fu rn itu re. We p ri d e o u rs e lf with d eta il . O u r p l a nts a re c h ose n fro m b ota n ic al inte re st th at we so u rc e from the best g rowe rs . We strive to fo ste r th is c o n n e cti o n with e a c h o utd o o r sp a c e we c re ate.

We are Landscapers with a passion for connecting people to nature.

Our yard has never looked so good as when the Hunter Green team started looking after it. Jeff and his team really love to landscape and it shows in their work! They transformed our yard to make it look more inviting. It is a pleasure to work with t h e H u n t e r G r e e n Te a m !

Dave & Gabriella Mass

Services We truly believe t h a t a r t i s t i c landscaping can beautify your p r o p e r t y, r e v e a l i n g p r i d e o f ow n e rs h i p a n d c re ati n g a n o utd o o r s et t i n g i n w h i c h to re l a x a n d e n j oy. W h eth e r we a re d e sig n i n g a s m a ll b a c k ya rd g a rd e n , reva m p i n g existi n g g a rd e n s o r c re ati n g a n ew p la n f o r y o u r e n t i r e p r o p e r t y, o u r o b je ctive is to in c o rp o rate yo u r n e e ds with th e a p p rop riate pla nt m ate ria l a n d a g g re g ate fo r yo u r particular location. O u r g o a l th ro u g h o u r d e sig n s is to c re ate h a rm o n ize d la n d sc a p e s of l a st i n g va l u e a n d b e a u t y. We c a n m a ke yo u r v is i o n c o m e to l ife .

All year Services C onsultation & desig n proc ess Installation Plant selection S pring & fall clean - ups Lawn m ainte n a n c e, trim m ing , and blowing C usto m pla nte rs fo r eve r y se ason A n n u al tre e pla ntin g

Garden & Lawn Maintenance Reg ula r wee kly m ainte n a n c e is a crucial component in the health and beauty of yo u r g a rd e n a n d p ro p e r t y. We of fe r m a i n t e n a n c e p l a n s t a i l o r- m a d e t o y o u r prope r t y a n d budget. Th e H u nte r G re e n te a m ta ke s a n a ctive role in the health a n d well - being of yo u r p ro p e r t y. O u r c o m p re h e n s i ve m ainte n a n c e pla n in cludes: Spring clean-up Weekly g a rd en m a i nten a nce Weekly lawn m a i nten a n ce Fall clean-up

O rg a n ic g a rd e n fe r tilizi n g a n d pest control Tr e e t r i m m i n g a n d r e m o v a l Hedge and shrub pruning Wate rin g wh ile yo u a re awa y Disposal ser vices (brush and clean) H oliday decoration S o d d in g , se e d in g , to p d re s sin g , lawn detaching , grading


Front Path The construction of this path sta r te d with im por ting stones f ro m M i l a n , I ta l y. T h e sto n e s we re set in a swirl a rou n d Am e ric a n b oxwo o d b us h e s . M in i la m ps we re pla c e d a rou n d th e path to lig ht it u p at nig ht. The finish ing touches spruced up the path with the dark gray pebbles on the side.

Flowery Garden Th is front ga rde n ch a nged a d ra b by cit y h ouse into a beautiful suburban. On the s m all a re a if g ras s a n a ra y of flowe rs a n d b us h e s we re set . Flowe rs we re set o n th e fe n c e a n d wa ll of th e h o u se to m a ke th e g a rd e n look eve n b i g g e r.

Patio Design with Grill M etal fra m ing was constructed to h old th e c e m e nt boa rd sh ell utilize d to h o use th e g rill . A ‘C a lifo rn ia G rey’ sto n e ve n e e r by M S I nte rn ation al, I n c . was a p plie d to th e exte rior of th e g rill c ou nte r a n d its stora ge a r e a s . To k e e p i t i n l i n e w i t h t h e r e s t o f t h e d e s i g n ’ s d é c o r, t h e same veneer was continued in th e o utd o o r flo o r a re a .

Lit Garden Th is com plete front lit ya rd la n dsc a pe was c om pleted in one week . The yard landscaping included a new raised bedding of flowers , fo rm a l h e d g e s , a n d c olo r fu l l i g h t i n g . E a c h y e a r, o u r m a inte n a n c e c rew a d ds seasonal flowers and lighting t o g i v e i t a b u r s t o f c o l o r. T h i s garden is always seen , in the day and at night.

Meet Jeff Jeff

is a landscape designer and creative director living in Brooklyn. H e h as a c e r tific ate of h or tic ultu re from the Brooklyn Bota nic G a rde ns a n d a d e sig n d e g re e fro m RI S D. H u nte r G re e n is th e inte rse ctio n of his experience in ar t and d e sig n a n d h is p as sio n fo r the natural world .

TEXT 3 4 7. 6 6 1 . 8 5 7 3 for all questions or inquiries

Thank you for viewing! Rochel Beer

e: rbeer

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