Tova Merenstein portfolio

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advertising campaign

We Believe in

We Believe in

We Believe in




We Believe in

We Believe in



We believe we can make a difference in the lives of all the veryy special p children entrusted in our care. We are familyy and we are always y available to provide support, love, acceptance, and a place for your child to grow in ways you would never believe...Special needs never take a break, neither do we!

We believe we can make a difference in the lives of all the veryy special p children entrusted in our care. We are familyy and we are always y available to provide support, love, acceptance, and a place for your child to grow in ways you would never believe...Special needs never take a break, neither do we!

To help support our many successful programs, please contact us at:

To help support our many successful programs, please contact us at:

1400 140 0 Pros Pros rospec pectt Stre pec Stre treet et Lak Lakewo ewood, ewo od NJ od, NJ.. 0870 87011 * 732 732.36 .36 367.0 70099 7.0 099 * ww www.t w thec w.t hecent hec entern ent ernj.o ern j org j.o rg

1400 140 0 Pros Pros rospec pectt Stre pec Stre treet et Lak Lakewo ewood, ewo od NJ od, NJ.. 0870 87011 * 732 732.36 .36 367.0 70099 7.0 099 * ww www.t w thec w.t hecent hec entern ent ernj.o ern j org j.o rg

1400 140 0P Pros rospec ros pectt Stre pec Stre treet et Lak Lakewo ewood, ewo od NJ od, NJ.. 0870 87011 * 732 732.36 .36 367.0 70099 7.0 099 * ww www.t w thec w.t hecent hec entern ent ernj.o ern j org j.o rg

To help support our many successful programs, please contact us at:

To helpp support pp our manyy successful programs, p g , pplease contact us at:

To help support our many successful programs, please contact us at:

support, lov support, love, e, aaccep cceptanc tance, e, and and a pla place ce for for yyour our chil childd to gro grow w in way wayss you you would would neve neverr believ believe... e...Spec Special ial need needss never never take a break break,, neithe neitherr do we! We believe we can make a difference in the lives of all the veryy special p children entrusted in our care. We are familyy and we are always y available to provide

support, lov support, love, e, aaccep cceptanc tance, e, and and a pla place ce for for your your chil childd to gro grow w in way wayss you you would would neve neverr believ believe... e...Spec Special ial need needss never never take a break break,, neithe neitherr do we! We believe we can make a difference in the lives of all the veryy special p children entrusted in our care. We are familyy and we are always y available to provide

support, lov support, love, e, aaccep cceptanc tance, e, and and a pla place ce for for yyour our chil childd to gro grow w in way wayss you you would would neve neverr believ believe... e...Spec Special ial need needss never never take a break break,, neithe neitherr do we! We believe we can make a difference in the lives of all the veryy special p children entrusted in our care. We are familyy and we are always y available to provide



We Believe in

We Believe in

We Believe in

We Believe in

We Believe in

Children We believe we can make a difference in the lives of all the very special children entrusted in our care. We are family and we are always available to provide support, love, acceptance, and a place for your child to grow in ways you would never believe...Special needs never take a break, neither do we! To help support our many successful programs, please contact us at:

1400 Prospect Street Lakewood, NJ. 08701 * 732.367.0099 *

1400 Prospect Street Lakewood, NJ. 08701 * 732.367.0099 *

1400 Prospect Street Lakewood, NJ. 08701 * 732.367.0099 *

Children We Believe in HAPPINESS We Bel elieve elie ieve ve iin n



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with /ƚ ŝƐ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ŚŽŶŽƌ ĂŶĚ ƉƌŝǀŝůĞŐĞ ƚŽ ŝŶǀŝƚĞ ŽƵƌ Ăƚ ŚŽŶ ŶŽƌ ĂŶĚ ƉƌŝǀŝůĞŐĞ ƚŽ ŝŶǀ ĂůƵŵŶŝ ƚŽ Ă ďƌƵŶĐŚ ƌĞƵŶŝŽŶ ı´ĿĮ

with The Rosh HaYeshiva


Binyomin Moskovits


at The Brooklyn Jewish Xperience Ϯϵϭϱ ǀĞŶƵĞ <͕ ĞƚǁĞĞŶ EŽƐƚƌĂŶĚ ĂǀĞ͘ ĂŶĚ ϮϵƚŚ Ɛƚ͘ ƌŽŽŬůLJŶ Ez 11:00 am ƌƵŶĐŚ ƌƵŶĐŚ ńIJijĶĴ ĶŅĮİ ƚŚĞ ZŽƐŚ ,ĂzĞƐŚŝǀĂ 12:00 pm ďLJ ƚŚĞ ZŽƐŚ ,ĂzĞƐŚŝǀĂ



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stationary set


historical poster

d Studi

r Jason

cd design A Welli ng Au

dio Productio

n for Jason

Baker Sight

& Sound St


ton A

ud io P

rod uc t


n al - Al atio l rig tern hts r eserve inst In a g a is d. Unauthori d duplication ze



in g


ng Aud


W ell

A Well i

tion fo Produc

un ht & So g i S r e ak

A Welling Audio Production for Jason Baker Sight & Sound Studios

0A 01 ©2

For Relaxation and Meditation

rdon o G e v e & St d i v a D

on Baker Sigght & Sound Studios

1. Last Year (Wham cover) 2. Walking In The Air (theme from ‘The Snowman’) 3. December Revisited (re-recorded version) 4. Melting 5. Cold (instrumental) 6. A Winter’s Tale (Queen cover) 7. December Amnesia Mix Credits: Produced by Andy Cousin. C edditits:s:s Proodu Cr d ce cedd by b Anddy Co Cous ussin i. 7 De 7. D cembber Amnesia Mix

Re ections

6 A Wi 6. W ntter’s’ Talle (Q Queen cover) 5 Co 5. C ld (in i sttru rume ment nttall) 4. Melting 3 De 3. Dece cemb ce mber mb er Rev evisisisititited ed (re-r -rec rec ecor orde or dedd ve de vers rsio rs ion) io n) 2. Walking In The Air (theme from ‘The Snowman’)) 1.1 La L st Yea earr (W Wha h m co cove ver) r)

A Welling Audio Production for Jason Baker Sight & Sound Studios



ela x with the soothi ng soun ds of natu re blend with pe music where acef ul in strum the serenit y of ental music. Da natu re sounds of music and vid & Steve Go natu re since rdon have pion 1982 and thei eered the conc relaxation mu r natu re soun ept sic, meditatio d music has be n music, yoga en sought afte music and he r for use as ali ng music. The first rays of su nl ight pi erce the morn the forest. Th ing mi st, reve e gentle melod ali ng a serene ies of David Go glade hiddden the trees, as th rdon’s piano deep within e sound of bi and electronic rd s keyboardd float an d a bubbling strea awaken s to th through m seem to joi e whisper on n in harmony. a sil ver flute The enchantin and the pu re The meadow tones of Stev g music unfo e Gordon’s acc lds produc in the origi nal na g a qu ietly po oustic gu itar. werful and ca tu re music cla ptivating exp ssic that help erience. This ed to pioneer is the entire Ne w Age Music movement.

sound of a ngs and the w ith bi rd so d d le fil is ic fully blende l mus in strumenta on s have skill st ful, soothi ng ras. The Gord fir ht er e S Si lig th e de th As is . in Th d flute re recorded keyboard an m which we o,, electronic ene, lifting rushing strea the forest sc c gu itar, pian sti en ou ak ac aw m te fro flu r ns ve ai float sil str a l f of ica s m er tive ood I in mus y glade, whisp . In a medita ink in and serenity radiate a mist e dr d ac a an pe n of su e su nbeams ir morni ng ul experienc I bask in the ietly powerf mmended. ht breeeze as one into a qu e bi rds. Reco ntly by a lig th ge of ed s ck ng ro so d lies, ite lil ib er nh in at W un , ul w ith in the cheerf ions impl ic it en Gordon. the affirmat vid and Stev seller for Da y the ad ste a e streams that ues to be babbling of 1982 contin rds and the d album from bi an t , ly es te re ve lo fo flu is r, of s Th gu ita , are the song melodies for r the album t. Free-form r a rela xi ng, The basis fo tional Forest tal sounds fo Na en a oi nm qu ro vi Se en e ed in es ush rd th co ith re w t rs rs othe to “m brothe concer lu red the br e played in s could have keyboards ar inal and nd ig er ou or so siz e re he ar s tu nt ct sy na sizer effe The mellow s, and synthe ting, effect. es, harrmonie yet invigora of the them t os m t bu usic, out” thei r m ing. qu ite refresh ht rig W l — Caro s, bi rds, brook itar, ul sounds --hesizers, gu of its beauttif nt ve sy ga ay st pl s re rdon a National Fo t. Some uum. The Go en alb nm ng ro xi The Sequoi vi la en ing of this re and shimmer rest the backdrop this ddelicate re. Mist y Fo w ind ---for ov isi ng w ith more structu pr ve im ha ly e nt m ge so ile ano estions, pi wh qu d it ts, an , es en te im em flu el met at w ith the of moods. So d sounds flo tiic ing variety melodies an it offers an en d an t, ee sw t too enderrs. Morni ng is no etimes it su rr caresses. Som sometimes it

David & Steve Gordon

Credits: Produced by Andy Cousin.

1. Last Year Last year I gave you my But the very



Walking I (Theme fro n The Air m ‘The Snow Blake) man’ - writt en


by Howard

next day yo

u gave it aw ay save me fro m tears someone spe cial

This year, To I’ll give it to

We’re walki We’re floati The people

Once bitten

and tw ice sh y I keep my dis tance But you still catch my ey e Tell me dear, Do you rec ognize me? Well it’s been a year It doesn’t su rprise me

This year To save me

u gave it aw

Child ren gaz


Taken by su

from tears

I’ll give it to

we fly

very tight I’m riding in the midnigh t blue I’m finding I can fly so high above with you Far across the world The villages go by like tre es The rivers and the hills The forests and the strea ms

I gave you my

heart next day yo

ng in the mo

I’m holdi ng

Last year But the very

There’s a Vic memories in,

ng in the air onlit sky far below are sleeping as

Nobody do

e open mouth rprise

wn below be

someone spe

cial We’re su rfi

A crowded

lieves their


ng in the air We’re sw im mi ng in the frozen sky We’re drifti ng over icy mountai ns floati ng by Suddenly sw ooping low on an ocean Arousing of deep a mighty mo nster from it’s sleep We’re walki ng in the air We’re floati ng in the mi dnight sky And everyon e who sees us greets us as we fly.

room Friends with tired eyes I’m hiding from you And your sou l of ice I really tho ught you we re Someone to rely on Me ? I guess I wa s a shoulde r to cry on A person wi th a fire in his heeaarrt Someone hid den bbut yo you torree me apart Now I’ve fou nd a real lov e you’ll neve r ffool me aga



Revisited December ep my

ke torian tin, I

in the attic. s that I fou nd it up d the thi ng g in side, I fin After lookin I’m hiding. . kiss, a mi stletoe saved from The leaves like thi s.. g lin fee a has me Only nostalgi of year. be the time you, It must Like I mi ss December, Remember side a ntergreen be It’s like a wi m, ea str diamond December, Remember erglow. w and the aft A fall of sno breath away r ou ing tak It could be way, stand in the But the years December, Remember l in side ? make you fee How does it a locket see lentine, I Beneath a Va ng is shini ne, st be the wi I thi nk it mu l it’s all real. Makes me fee rhyme ng seems to Where nothi

epsake dust of a ke life into the To breathe chain on a a fix to ll try I might as we snowflake e, Or a heartach

4. Melting It must be the . Remember.

time of year.

, l thi s alone Should I fee e up the phon k pic I ld shou sh you u up and wi yo l cal I ld Shou as’ ? tm ris Ch ‘Happy ne, I feel so alo one k up the ph should I pic nd, art in my ha Take my he r.. u remembe And ask if yo

Here’s the las

t chance for the last train home er and ever

Lasti ng forev Speeding thr Don’t let wi

ough all the

green lights

nter make yo u colder l at my shou lder Needing yo u is ok tonigh t Be the ange

wSnow falls Melting

l from the sky

Strangers pa

ssi ng by illu mi nate ‘go odbyes’ Snow falls lik e stars fall fro m the skies. . Melting Full moon in the midnigh t blue Shini ng on a cit y made for two Can you im agi ne it were true ? Melting.. Melting

a 6. A Winter’s T

a cit y made for two agi ne it were true ? Melting.. Me lting

, oh are gleaming all, Red skies ng by It’s Wi nter-f an s are floati Sw er, ov flying Sea-g ull s are dreami ng I am ps, mney-to ng chim Smoking nngg?? Am I dreami

5. Cold

drraw in ah The nights in the sky, ye ky moon up There’s a silk n-ups are izi ng, Grow tas fan are Child ren

Full moon in Shini ng on

the midnigh

t blue

Can you im

Dark nights


like stars fal



See you som


See you som

etime soon the frozen white cit y You know it can’t be jus t anywhere Meet you som ehow Meet you do wn in town Meet you ha lfway in the cit y You know yo u can’t be jus t anyone Dark nights Strangers pa ssi ng by Streetlights illu mi nate go odbyes See you in



standing by I dreami ng feeling, am What a super ng? Am I dreami wo Wo, wo, wo, d peaceful So qu iet an [dreami ng] d bli ssf ul Tranqu il an ] ng mi ea the air [dr of magic in re’s a kind he T ] ng mi [drea t view ien ific gn ma What a truly [dreami ng] ing scene A breathtak palm of [dreami ng] world in the the of ms ea With the dr your hand de chat A cosy firesi [dreami ng] a little that A little thi s, skipping bby [dreami ng] rry laughter me of Sound [dreami ng] on my face ng ati be n Gentle rai [dreami ng] place! traordinary What an ex [dreami ng]

peild is the ho m of the ch And the drea n ma - of the of the hope painting a landscape autif ul, like It’s all so be ah in the sky, ye m higher, mm are zooming Mountai ns and cry m ea scr ls Little gir and spi nning d spi nning, spi nning, an My world is g lin me ree vable, sends It’s unbelie eami ng ng, Am I dr Am I dreami Oooh it’s bli


nesia Mix

7. December Am

magazine layout

as a 100, where fec t score of seed ld have a per and proces sug arss) cou vy in a nimal ica n diet, hea 20. ow bel re typica l Amer sco d e, would duc pro meed in sum w groups con foods aand lo n when two hig herr ound that eve those wit h Scient iists f ly calories, dai of er ber low me num ments, and the sam ist meassure of d smaller wa , the qua lity PI scorres ha other words In es. tag cen body faat per

•– Ď?‹˜‡ ‘”‡• ‡ƒ– ƒ– Ž‡ƒ † –Šƒ– ‘Â? Â?‹˜ l ”‡…‘Â?Â?‡Â?† are a handfu

– Šƒƒ• „‡‡Â? ek, and theere we a s ree zing based ent nt-b ween veg ani pla nt nec tion bet the con n and ut nds abo pou ies d g tud ddin of stu eals and she e of you r me at leaa stt som t is asinchees.. t based die ntpla a s w ard study moving tow Un iversit y Statii stiical ly, One Oxforrd s. s los t igh had the e wit h we meat-eaters soc iaated tm lts found tha adu , wit h 0 est ,00 38 low ly earrl n s the an of nea agges and veg and Is for their n bet ween; in hig heestt BM i-veeget arians sem and s h is trend. vvegett a r ian ation s for th era l explan nts ttheree arre sev in ant iox ida t o be richer meals tend igg ht loss, and Pla ntt-baased P we bot h tied to are n aft er ich bur wh Ď?‹„‡‡”, n calorie a Ď?‹ and n inc rea se in an Â?‡‡† s have seen ‡ „‡Â?‡Ď?‹– •ǥ ›‘— rreseaa rcher ‡”” –‘ ”‡ƒ’ –Š‡ ‘”† ‹Â? sed —– Ǥ Â?‡ƒŽ• Â?Â? diet of proces di ˜˜‡‰ ƒÂ? er words, a orm rig ht. In oth nsf gan tra e ve to g do tto ’t goi n fake meat isn Ž†‹Â?‰ donuts and •––‡’• ˆ‘” „—‹ vega n do ‡”‡ ƒ”‡ Ď?‹˜‡ ”…‡Ǥ ‡” l slim ‘ ƒ•Šƒ ‹‡ Â?–‘ eals that wil ›‘— ‹Â? nt-based m la pla ed anc onal ly bal nut ritt io n : isfy ti aand saa


Pick your protein

ma ss, ppor ts mu scle m and sup s up metabolis veg an Protein rev rce in every include a sou to all ant sm a ort d for so it’s imp ltry or seaa foo or de meat, pou a , stir fry, meal. Jus t tra sallad tils in a taco len or ns ass a ns e pureed bea scoop of bea ver a. Or, use n veg an pas ta prima heck out my whole gra in topping (ch za piz or ead ese hea rty sandw ich spr ole gra inss, th Â?‰ Ď?‹ŽŽ ‹Â? za). Like wh piz ƒÂ?† n • bea ƒÂ?– ‘š‹† wh ite ‹–‹‘Â?ƒŽ ƒÂ?– ‹‘ • ’”‘˜‹†‡ ƒ†† †‡Žƒ› –Š‡ ƒŽ–‡”Â?ƒ–‹˜‡ Ž‘Â?‰‡”” ƒÂ?† Â’ ›‘— ˆ—Ž Ž‡” Â?‡‡ ›ǯŽŽ –Š‡ Ď?‹„‡”ǥ •‘ ger. ret urn of hun

ng veg , said, by goi lot. That sa h s cou nts–a ck of eigght you r c allor ie a mple, a sna ories. For exa cal sh sla y es 260 kel you’ll lik kers provid ck cra b clu ht da and eig y car rot s and cheese ccubes in a dozzen bab pared to 165 caloriess, com s. of hum mu qua rter cup

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Don’t forget the fatds are critical for weight control

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meal. nt foo t or to each Fat s from pla isfaction fac y add the sat needed to bec ause the , and theey’re ing pty em mach de as fat s are Fat s delay sto hit ch a rid ida nts, which ods tream . absorb ant iox int o the blo est ive tract includshort of the from the dig all d fal ns ttle ed opt ion s, rica shu bas 75% of A me able pla ntee ect out thr o, ab del and ly ny tl it en ma fru Cur ren C ripe avocad There are ng mum of two l nut but teers, ch link in ly min im n, from u se of resear ds, and nat ura au m mended dai oils ves as the fou see r bec , nt s, ser rrecom e pla hot nut of er duc f ing n pro a var iety ins are sup a number o ÇĄ gs. When and gra g but – ‰ƒ’ vin es, – ole ty, ser ‘Â?— oliv –Šƒ e Wh esi l b …‘… bl an Ď?‹ŽŽ only ob vvegetaa ‘ ‡”ǥ ƒÂ?† Medit err ane ÇĄ ‹–ǯ• ‡ƒ• › –‘ rt er risk of not ƒÂ?‡ǥ •—Â? Ď?Ž‘™ „ƒ•‡† Â?‡‡ƒŽ bet es and hea shr ink them to a low ‘Ž‹˜‡ ‘‹Ž –‘ •‡• Â? ‘ˆ ƒ ’Žƒ Â?–nj †ƒ– ‹‘Â? † ne caa n help ing type 2 dia ‡š– ”ƒ ˜‹” ‰‹Â? igned ases, includ , and t his alo ass a ise get d ly rid c tar e Flo oni dom th of chr eed or excceed earchers ran Un ivversity oil. † • ĥÂ?‡† ls. Reecently one study res that you r fat cel disease. In Ǥ Š‡ Ď?‹”• – ™ƒ ped an index p –™‘ ‰”‘—’• chers develo ‹Â?– ‘ ‘Â?‡ ‘ˆ second research index, ˜‘Ž—Â?– ‡‡‡”• vely, and the y tochemic al exclusive ins is a fantas tic gra raank s the phy ole ” ˜‡ ich u me wh in each meeal to con su Â?‡† ‰”ƒ ‹Â?• Ǥ ÂƒÂ”ÇĄ of meals, wh bs and spices ‘Â?Ž› ”‡Ď? ‹Â? or PI score ••‘† ‹—Â? ‘” •—‰ Includ ing her rcise –‡† –‘ •‡Ž‡…– ‘” ™‹– Š‘—– ly a mea™ƒ • ‹Â?• – ”—… adv ised to exe Â?ƒ ƒÂ?† Ď?Žƒ˜ were ad ƒ”‘ is esseent ial ups ƒ†† ing red ients gro –‘ h ed › s ™ƒ weeks, bot ida nt se pla nt-bas the study, lve w iox of the t d twe ant n e tha of ing e w r the son s sur sho l diets. At Naatur al sea and studies en 8 to ow identica t loss punch. and follo oups–betwe ccon sumption. erf ul weigh in bot h gro red pepper t pack a pow t dec rea sed and cru shed t in group los lic, gra gar , le body weiigh o ger A veg an die wh on, gin e. But the drop like cin nam d s on averag 11 pou nd d nea rly a 40% (excluding experienced i nches, and liquor and more bellly ”‡Ď? ‹Â?‡†

Staart with produce

t it!) while your a t h ig e w e s (and lo

cees in each meal is Includding herbs and spi d aroma and flavor a fantastic way to ad ar, and studies show withouut sodium or sug ngredients pack a ed ing that these plant-bas ch.! los powerful weight ss pun

‰‡” ƒ Â?Â?‘™Â? –”‹‰ ŽƒÂ? Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?ÇĄ ”Â?‡” ˆ‘” ‹Â?Ď? al, a small ‹Â? ƒ „Ž‘‘† Â?ƒ nt-based me , adease. In a pla nts dis ida and iox ng nus ant of agi vides bon d blood ole gra in pro „ –Šƒ– Â?‡‡’ ser ving of wh …ƒ””„• •Ž‘™nj„—”Â? ‹Â?‰ ƒÂ?† s ”ǥ ice Ď?‹„‡ †‹– ‹‘Â?ƒŽ ted . Great cho ula reg els d , and ulin lev nd brown, red sug ar and ins noa , cor n, an s, barley, qui include oat black rice.

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Add a wholee grain

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Season it up

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!) e your at it il h w t h g i e (and lose w


A sian vegggies stir f ried with fresh grated ginger

li pepper over a bed of wild rice topped with nd chili an veggies sautĂŠed in extra virgin Mediterraanean ve live oill with garllic, tosseed with fresh basil, whole grain oli



Fresh greeens tosseed with cilantro and lime

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Other benefit s of a plant-based diet †‘…—Â?‡Â?–ƒ”‹‡• •—…Š ĥ ‘”Â?• ˜‡” Š‡‡ ƒ‹† ‘ˆ † ‹–Š –Š‡ Â‡Â‰Â—Â…ÂƒÂ–Â‡Â‡Â†ÇĄ ƒÂ?† ÂƒÂ–ÇĄ ‹…Â? ĆŹ ‡ƒ”Ž› Â‡ÂƒÂ†ÇĄ ÇĄ Â?Â‹Â˜Â‡Â•ÇĄ Â?‡”‹…… ƒ ‹• „‡‹Â?‰‰ ‡š’‘•‡† –‘ –Š‡ ‡˜‡” ‰”‘™‹Â?‰ „‡Â?‡Ď?‹– • Â? ‰ ‘ˆ ‡ƒ–‹Â? ƒ–‹Â?‰ ’ŽƒÂ?Â–ÇŚÂ„ÂƒÂ•Â•Â‡Â† ™‹ŽŽŽ ƒ‹† ‹Â? ›‘— Â?ƒ‹Â?–ƒ‹Â?‹Â?‰ ‘” Š‡ƒŽ–ŠǤ Š‡ Â?‡†‹…ƒŽ ‡˜‹†‡Â?…‡ ‹• Â?‘™ Â?‰ ›‘—” Š ‹Â? ”‡‰ƒ‹Â?‹Â? ‘†• ’ŽƒÂ?– „ƒ•‡† †‹‡– ‹• ”‡˜‡”•‹Â?‰ Š‘Ž‡ ˆ‘‘ ‰ –Šƒ– ƒ ™Š ‰ Žƒ”‹Â?‰ – ‘”ƒ ‘ˆ Â†Â‹Â•Â•Â‡ÂƒÂ•Â‡Â•ÇĄ ‹‹Â?Ď?ŽƒÂ?Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?ÇĄ ƒÂ?š‹‡–›ǥ †‡’”‡•nj Š‘ ƒ ’Ž‡–Š‘ —’—•ǥ ÇĄÇĄ ‹ƒ„‡–– ‡•ǥ •–‡‘’‘”‘•‹•ǥ ‡–…Ǥ Š‡ Š‹Â?ƒ •‹‘Â?ÇĄ —

u Season it up

s pununch.! ght loss pack a powerfrful weei entnt s pa n reredia b ba t n a l ese pla sed ing t es that th s w th e sho studies st r, anand a g u s su or m u i ffllavor withoutu sod adadd arormam anand t way to meeal is a fafantastic wa


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Eat plentyy of greeens. Keep to a d fruitts and aily quota o 3 veg a da f2 y.

nd cannelllini beaans peenne an •

% drop nea rly a 40 experienced los t inches, and gra in group more bel ly t the whole 8 to average. Bu een on s tw nd –be 11 pou h groups bot in sed dy, t dec rea d of t he s t u end body weigh iet s. At the identicall d t to exerci se and fol low re adv ised A veg an die h groups we i n s . O ver a r e week s, bot on . i g t d p elv tw ine sum con n ly reĎ? on t ond c t ed t o select r and coconu iox ida nt y and the sec Ď?lower, wa s inss t r u oil . exclusively, sure of ant sesame, sun d ked , from s ask olive oil to whole gra ins ay of pla nt oils . The Ď?irs t wa to con sume ext ra vir gin entt ia l ly a me two groups and a var iet is essen of d es, o, e n one cad g oliv i o an avo int ich dom ly ass ter s, ripe volunt eer s Medit err ane of meals, wh earchers ran ura l nut but or PI score hea rt ds, and nat one study res ion s, includ l index, diabet es and disease. In ing nut s, see nt-based opt tochem ica d ing t y pe 2 m. ect able pla ber of es, includ ran ks the phy d stream ood are ma ny del he bloo y but a num ex that ty, onic diseas o th ere ind esi int b chr Th o an ct y l n tra ped o develo k o f no t digest ive lin king rii sk the are er ch s m ear low a fat fro a researchers d as res rid to e rid of Flo them shuttle , bec ause of h ic h h i t c h a Un iversity are super hot ded to ls. Recently iox ida ntt s, w holle g r ain s theey ’re nee W ho absorb ant you r fat cel help shr ink pty ing , and thi s alone can stomach em each meal. g ap, tar get , and Fat s delay on fac tor to cti to Ď?ill that y isfa eas or exceed the sat e it’s trol meal, e y a dd t h ounweight con pla nt-based bec ause t h vess a s t he f critica l for dat ion of a produce ser da nt foods are of hum mu s. h ree vings. When y car rot s and d th Fat s from pla qua rter cup wo f r u it a nd a dozen bab tw vegetable ser ed to 165 in minimum of 260 ly par e es h dai t com f d vid , of s e h rt l sho callor i ca c r accker s pro recom mende er ic a n s f all d ei g ht c lub ck of eig ht es and ut 75% of Am mple, a sna cheese cub Cu rrently abo es. For exa ger. sla sh calori delay the going veg , you’ll likely ret urn of hun at said, by ler longer and Th . lot –a keep you ful and Ď?illing es cou nts r so they’ll you r calori Ď?iber, ant iox ida nts e add itional vid pro se hea rty illl slim : alt ernatives hatt w il th gra ins, the als ole me wh and sat i sfy ed e veg an nt-bas piz za). Lik ld ingg eck out my balanced pla wh ite bea n topping (ch steps for bui nut ritiona lly re are Ď?ive ead or piz za bea ns as a m nsform ha Fierce. He sandw ich spr r use pureed ver a. Or, going to tra you int o Sas y, or pas ta prima fry e meat isn’t in r d fak sti gra sed ad, and ces ole wh diet of pro in a taco sal veg an donuts er words, a ns or lentils need d for a small rig ht. In oth scoop of bea beneĎ?its, you ltry or sea foo to do veg an de meat, pou er to reap the every veg an n aftt er . But in ord meal. Jus t tra a sou rce in calorie bur e in lud veg an meals se inc rea to inc e ma ss, ant por ts mu scl have seen an and so it’s import researchers olism and sup weight loss, s up metab bot h tied to Proteiin rev iox ida nts r wh ich are ant in and Ď?iber, her end to be ric

Don’nt fofrgrete tthhe fat

ealth Flexing for your hea

a meal buuild ing plan

mee and slicced almonds eddamame

pepper cru shed red garlic, and gs on, gingerr, all sea son in like cin nam punch. Natur s los t igh red ients erf ul we t-ba sed ing pack a pow t t hesse pla n r ar, g tha ug s ow r h o sh m u t s o d iu and stud ies hou Ď?lavor witt ho nt a s t ic aroma and meal i s a f a way to add ces in each spi and s d ing herb Includ

Startr with proroduce

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The 5 P ieccee P uzzzle


Skip the wh hit ite ouur an d go for w wholeesomee hole wheat meall. m for a

nd fresh avvocado coorn, an

AAddd a whholel grar in

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opped with black beans, roasted easonedd pico de gallo, top sea

reĎ? ined d liquor and (excluding

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agazine INSIDE m

agazine INSIDE m

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INSIDE magazine

our boody us seess prrote teins in your cells, maintai diet to build n tisssuees, an neew d syntheesizz that maake e new prot it possiblee eins for you to function peerfoorm ba ns. So doon’t sic bodilyy t foorget the m! Y

FATS: Beeliev e itt or not, you need itt organs an . It protects nd serv rvees as yoourr a a back up sourcee for energy. The spice of life: make e sure to a make it tass vor your foo te goooodd, an d, it will nd burn cal ories!

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brochure A KING





rates nce celeb on Experie the he Har Tzi depth of d endless an s es n reat the the vast g urney into us on a jo in Jo . it ic ir human sp our dynam nation as h is w Je e f th id colheritage o ory of viv ill tell a st w es id inu g team of u will be otion. Yo em l fu er ow great men ors and p rtitude of resilient fo e th y atural b spired with the n l imbued al , en m and simple tural itih thhe na i bued w im l l a , n e n l m le great me and siimp rtiti ude of f fo t n e li i iin thhe resi u will be sppiri ed by otiion. Yo m e l u f rf e o w id c livid f viv rs and po ors a story o ll te l il w uides namic team of g as our dy ishh natitioon is w Je e e th f ey into th heritage o n a journ o s u i in J piriiti. Jo of the human sp ss depth and endle ss e n t tn a tes re g ce celebra the vast Experien n io z T r he Ha

. You eir legacy d leave th an e iv e rv ed to realiz desire to su and inspir d se ri rp ost su what will be m t runs and human trai is th ar il how sim ual. an individ to you as s n ea m e story of this in; it is th a mounta f o ry o st of st It is the n, and mo of a natio ry o st a is a king. It F. OURSEL story of Y e th all it is

. URSELF ry of YO tory st st of e th s i nd most all iti natitioon, a a f o y r ry a sto e story of ing. It is a kin in; it is th tain unta o m a f o ry ory It is the st i idual. i div u as an in o y to s what n i mea uns and this an trait r m u h is th ililaar to realize how sim d inspired n a d se ri ost surp cy. You will be m theirir lega nd leave a e iv rv su desire to

pee e k into th e life of th warrior an is great d humble servant of G-d. It is here on Har Tzi on that D avid Ham ech begin els his conq uest of Je ru r salem an turns it in d to hiss fo fortr ress an d living q Fro r m this v u ar te rs. ery lo l cation st ems the an history of ci ie en e t hiss ec eclleectic an d most in life. His li spirin ing fe f is one fr auught wit h triumph pinnacleess , of jo j y and se ar in g p ain and is expressed all inn the hau nting mel odies of h “Tehillim is ”.

“TTeh ehillim”.. express sseedd in th e hauntin g melodie pin i naclles s of his of joy an d seeariinng paiinn annd life fe. His li iis allll fe is one fraught w ith ttrriiuum history o ph, f his ecle ctic and m ost inspir Frrom tthhiis ing ver eryy loccaattti ioon stem e m s the annci turns it in ent en to his ffor tress and lilving qu ech beg egins his ar ters. conques estt of Jeru rusalem an It is here on Har T d zion that at David warrir or an i d H am a el d

AK It is here

on Har Tzi on to this very day is the place where tho usands pil yearly att grimagge allll hours of the day and night ing solaccee findand comfo ort as they y mournfu chant annd f lly jooyously siing his i very co tions of th mposie Tehillim at the foo t of his bu site on M rial ount Zion . See thhis i anciennt i cornerst ic his i tor-one and fe el the laat ateennt insp that lies w iratio in ithin its v ery sacred walls.

T The

that at lliieess wi thin in iitts ver y saccredd ic corn wallls. rnerstone and feel th e la tennt inspir te site on M atiioon at ount Zion . See this ancient h tions of th istore Teh ehillim at the ffooot o chhant and f his is burial joyously sing his v ery comp ing solace ce aannd co osimfor


n as The (also know Hashoah, f te ar the first M he as built by ocaust), w ol H e th el as of Chamber and to Isra d from Pol ve ri ar ho loved w cy of the survivors ng the lega ti ua et rp pe The olocaust. a means of ng the H d lost duri s in ha nd ie ey fr th 5 ones gether by was put to d m an eu ls us al m w entire gns up on , pasting si ay ed w r at in eu an amet had culm that they s artifacts on priceles use ars. Tzion beca over the ye tion of Har ca lo e th se They choo

would that they e Kosel so th to y it im ated tef is situ of the prox . The Mar rs to si vi mhave hiva to sy be sure to spora Yes ia D e th the rneath so much, right unde have lost ough we th al at th bolize l. ays prevai � will alw ah are “Kol Torah te ar f Hasho s at the M ct fa ti ar e knew Among th boy who by a little en tt ri w a ur et made by a tiny sidd eis, a jack B f le A e t th aterial from nothing bu d to use m e was ordere ho w or rtion of th tayl used the po and who to e ah m or T co l er il a Sef rses that w g all the cu in ct pi de Torah

-d. There word of G t heed the n’ es e of do one who for each on in a room es on st ad by d the are also he e destorye d that wer an ol P in the towns ources Nazis . gether resc pulling to e ar r e w y, d plans fo As of toda artifacts an ng yi ca de e now horizon. to save th are on the w museum ne a ng buildi


tha the curses icting all Torah dep d the p d who use Torah an to use ma


oin us in

the fascin ating tale of an ancient m ountain. It is at the fo othill of this mo untain that King Dav begins his id conquest of Yerush alayim fro the Jebusi m te nation of yore an d from th point on th at is most hal lowed and after city sought is given to the Jewis h nation. the epicen At ter of the city is the sacred tem planned an ple d funded by King D avid as he resides in his nearby fortress o n Har Tzi Our journ on. ey takes u s through th of years o ousands f the mou ntains his tory as it


the final re sting place for King David. Th e story w ill lead us from the cient thro anugh its m odern his tory wher years of ex e after ile and op pression th nation co e Jewish mes back in force to their belo and etern ved al homelan d. You w ill visit th beautiful e sites on H ar Tzion th at tell a st like never ory before.

ov o Har T

E xper zion ience

The Har T zion Exper ience is a unique to it highligh ur in the fa ts the thin ct that gs that YO U can acco looking at mplish wh history as an examp ile le. It is an lightening inspiring, experience enthat can n sing and d ot be repli ance antd cated. Yo u will learn abou t an unforg tr u e re si le ettable jou nce. Join us on rney. For more informatio n and to o rganize a tour, pleas personal o e contact r group Elly Meren stein at 05 email elly @hartzion 0-266-147 7 or

of years

of the mo untains h istory as Our journ it ey takes us thro r o u g h thousan resides in ds his nearb y fortress on Har T planned an zion. d funded by King David as the epicen he ter of the city is th e sacred after city te mple is given to the Jewis point on h nation. this most At hallowed and soug the Jebusi ht te nation of yore an d from th begins his is ccoonques at t of Yeru sh alayim fr of this m om ountain th at King D avid ancient m ountain. It is at th e foothill oin us in the fascin ating

like never

before. sites on H ar Tzion that tell a and etern story al homel and. You an will visit nation co the mes back in force to years of ex their belo ved ile and o ppression cient thro the Jewis h ugh its m odern his tory wher David. T ea h beautiful

Fine Italian Cuisine

Granola ..................................................... ǠƂ.žž Homemade granola, Served with milk, milk and fruit, or layered with citrus, honey yogurt and fruit

Imperial Omelet ....................................... Ǡƅ.Ƈƃ 3 egg omelet, spinach, mushrooms, and swiss cheese served with organic greens

Mediterranean Scramble ....................... Ǡƅ.ƃž Eggs scrambled with sautéed roasted red bell pepper, spinach, topped with feta cheese served with organic greens

San Diegan Omelet .................................. Ǡƅ.ƃž Open faced omelet with sour cream, mushroom, cheddar, chives, tomatoes, and feta cheese

TCS Waffle ................................................ Ǡƃ.Ƈƃ Traditional waĝe served with buĴer and syrup, with whipped cream and berries

The TJ Omelet ........................................... Ǡƅ.Ƈƃ Open faced omelet with sour cream, potatoes, chorizo, onions, and cheddar cheese

Veggie Scramble ....................................... Ǡƅ.ƃž Eggs scrambled with sautéed spinach and mushrooms topped with swiss and tomatoes, served with organic greens

Yountville Omelet .................................. ǠƆ.ƀƃ 3 egg omelet, chorizo, creme fraiche, avocado, and cilantro served with organic greens

Italian Nachos ......................................... ǠƆ.ƇƇ Crispy pasta chips, black olives, pepperoncinis, Roma tomatoes, jalapeños, alfredo sauce, mozzarella and parmesan

Hand-Breaded Calamari ........................ ǠƆ.ƇƇ Thinly cut and lightly fried, Served with spicy marinara sauce

Spinach Parmesan ................................... ǠƆ.ƇƇ Cheesy red onions and garlic topped with lemon basil cream sauce, Roma tomatoes and basil

Sicilian Fire Sticks .................................. ǠƆ.ƇƇ Tomato-basil tortillas rolled with Italian foccachia Roma tomatoes, jalapeños and Italian cheeses served with spicy marinara and ranch dressing

Mozzarella with Marinara .................. ǠƄ.ƇƇ Breaded in special seasonings. Served with spicy marinara sauce

Bruschetta ................................................. ǠƂ.ƇƇ Garden fresh Roma tomatoes tossed in our lemon basil, seasoned oil with grilled garlic bread

menu design

Grammas special ...................................... ǠƆ.ƅƃ Turkey, mayo, choice of cheese, onion, mayo, avocado, leĴuce, and tomato on sour dough

Cobb Wrap ................................................. ǠƆ.ƃž LeĴuce, turkey, egg, tomato, onion, avocado, cucumber, bleu cheese, honey mustard dressing

Egg Salad ................................................... ǠƄ.Ƈƃ 2 scoops egg salad, leĴuce, and mayo on 9 grain bread

Field Veggie ............................................... Ǡƅ.ƃž Pesto mayo, mozzarella, leĴuce, cucumber, sprouts, tomato, and avocado on wheat bread

Fish Taco .................................................... ǠƆ.ƀƃ 2 mahi mahi tacos with shredded cabbage, sweet onion, serrano lime chile sauce , served with mixed greens

Southwestern Wrap ................................ ǠƆ.ƃž LeĴuce, apple, tomato, tuna, black beans, corn, red onion, bbq ranch dressing

Tomato Basil Sandwich .......................... Ǡƅ.ƃž Mozzarella, mayo, tomato, basil, onion, avocado, feta, and dressing on 9 grain bread

Angel Hair with Artichokes ................Ǡſſ.ƇƇ Angel hair sautéed with Roma tomatoes, garlic, capers, basil, black olives and parmesan

Baked Cheese Tortelloni.......................Ǡſſ.ƇƇ Cheese stuěed tortelloni with a creamy sauce, baked with mozzarella and parmesan

JalapeÑo Ravioli .....................................ǠſƂ.ƇƇ Large pasta stuěed with ricoĴa cheese, in a jalapeño cream sauce with peppers, onions and Roma tomatoes

Bowtie Festival........................................ǠſƁ.ƇƇ Bowtie sautéed with sliced tofu, garlic, red onions, roma tomatoes, asiago and cream sauce

Boston Mac ӕ Cheese..............................Ǡſƀ.ƇƇ Fusilli pasta sautéed with veggies and mushrooms in a cheddar cream sauce, baked with seasoned bread crumbs

Create Your Own Pasta ......................... ǠƇ.ƇƇ SpagheĴi, angel hair, penne, feĴuccine or bowtie, served with choice of sauce (Tomato, Spicy Marinara or Alfredo Sauce)

Pecan Nutty Salad .................................Ǡſž.ƇƇ Fresh spinach, gorgonzola, Roma tomatoes, red onions and crispy onion straws in vinaigreĴe

Classic Caesar .......................................... ǠƇ.ƇƇ Fresh romaine, Roma tomatoes, black olives, red onions, parmesan and garlic croutons in a Caesar dressing

Italian Wedge ........................................... ǠƄ.ƇƇ

2 scoops of tuna, onion, tomato, and leĴuce, on 9 grain bread

Iceberg wedge, candied pecans, gorgonzola, Roma tomatoes and apple slices in a roasted garlic ranch

The Indio .................................................... ǠƆ.ƀƃ Eggs, cheddar, avocado, red onion, on sour dough

Honey Pecan Crusted Salmon .............Ǡſſ.ƇƇ Fillet of grilled salmonwith a honey and chopped pecan topping, served over freshly chopped romaine, sun-dried tomatoes, red onions and capers in a light lemon vinaigreĴe

The Rosa ..................................................... ǠƆ.ƀƃ Egg Whites, mozzarella, tomato, basil, pesto on 9 grain Served with organic greens

House Salad ............................................. Ǡƃ.ƇƇ Dressing Choices: Creamy Gorgonzola, Ranch, Roasted Garlic Ranch, Caesar, House Chianti VinaigreĴe

with ith organic a i greens Egg Whites, mozzarella, tomato, basil, pesto on 9 grain Served

The Rosa ..................................................... ǠƆ.ƀƃ Eggs, cheddar, avocado, red onion, on sour dough

The In Indio dio .................................................... ǠƆ.ƀƃ 2 scoops of tuna, onion, tomato, and leĴuce, on 9 grain bread

Tuna Salad ................................................ Ǡƅ.ƀƃ and dressing on 9 grain bread Mozzarella, mayo, tomato, basil, onion, avocado, feta,

Tomato Basil Sandwich .......................... Ǡƅ.ƃž bbq ran ranch ch ddress ressing ing LeĴuce, apple, tomato, tuna, black beans, corn, red onion,

(Tomato, Spicy Marinara or Alfredo Sauce) served with choice of sauce Spaghe Spag heĴ Ĵii, angel angel hai hair, r penne penne, feĴ feĴucci uccine ne oorr bowtie bowtie,

Create Your Own Pasta ......................... ǠƇ.ƇƇ

Homemade cinnamon roll, served with or without icing

Muffins....................................................... ǠƁ.žž Blueberry, mixed berry, raspberry, mocha coconut, banana nut. Flavors vary daily.

Unlimited Soup ӕ Salad Combo............. Ǡƅ.ƇƇ Unlimited Soup, House or Caesar Salad, and fresh-baked Tuscan bread

Tuna Salad ................................................ Ǡƅ.ƀƃ

Cinnamon Roll......................................... ǠƁ.ƃž

Scones ......................................................... Ǡƀ.žž Our scones are baked fresh daily, and Ěavors vary. Flavors include Mocha Coconut Peanut BuĴer Apricot Almond Mixed Berry Blueberry Strawberry Raspberry Maple Oat Cranberry Orange Lemon Basil English Toěee Rum Raisin

Whoopie Pies ............................................. ǠƁ.ƀƃ Classic two soft cookies with a Ěuěy ęlling. Flavors include Pumpkin Spice, Mocha Coconut, Coconut Cream, Strawberry, Lemon, Classic Chocolate. Flavors vary daily.

menu design

calendar design





sUMMER 5773/2013 t0UR 1


Bunk reward all you can eat at the Leonardo Plaza

Gush Etzion - Omega Zip Line Halu Teiman Dinner (Leagues day #2)


Blind Museum

Warsaw Ghetto * Nojik Shul * Kever R’ Chaim Brisker / the Netziv, Chemdas Shlomo, Sfas Emes, and Imrei Emes * Millet 18 * Gur - Beis Medrash, Matza oven




Kosel Tunnel Tours Southern wall excavations / Herodian quarter Late night bowling at Mishur Adumim



Bat Yam m

(Leagues day #1)


EREV TISHA B’AV Burnt House / Martef Hashoah / Kever David Har Tzion

Blind / Deaf Museum in Chulon


Bnei Brak - Ma’ayanei HaYeshua Hospital


TISHA B’AV Kinnos led by R’ Yehuda Gebberer Yad Vashem / Kosel


Lublin - Yehivas Chachmei Lublin * Kever of the Chozeh M’Lublin * Majdanek * Lizinsk * Noam Elimelech * Children of Tzarnow Memorial

Ushpitzin * Chevra Lomdei Mishnayos Shul Auschwitz / Birkenau * Sara Schenierer building * Rema Shul *isaak shul * Guest Speaker Tzvi Sperber


Shabbos in Shaarei Chesed with Rabbi Deutsch Friday night at the Great Synogogue Shalosh Seudos at the Kosel stairs • Melave Malka


Erev Shabbos with Rabbi Orlofsky Geula / Meah Shearim OUT SHABBOS

OUT SHABBOS Motzai Shabbos - Bar Kochba caves Melave Malka

19 19

OLD CITY SHABBOS! Erev Shabbos with Rabbi Orlofsky Friday night with Fester at the Kosel

PAINTBALL P A - Kfar Saba a L ate night swim / basketball b ll Late


Chulent at Vered Yericho C

(Leagues day #5)

Walking tour of Krakow * Krakow Ghetto * Motzai Shabbos: Swim / Jaccuzzi * BBQ Melave Malka * Factory of Oskar Schindler * Plazgow camp * kever Tosfos Yom Tov

Erev Shabbos with Rabbi Orlofsky Geula / Meah Shearim Swimming / Sauna at Beit Hachayal

Camp Day Malcha Mall / Kever Shmuel Hanavi (Leagues day #4) Nishma Nishmas as / Kumz as Kumzitz zitz at the K Kosel Thursday y night g chulent

Pizza Hut / BEACH / BBQ (Eitan’s Concert)



Meeting with HaRav Shmuel Aurbach ShlitaWaterskiing - Begin Park Thursday night Chulent at YOILYS

18 18

Negev Trip!






Divrei Chizuk from: R’ Chaim Kanievsky, R’ Shteinman, R’ Chaim Berman, & R’ Gershon Edelstein Shlita Kivrei: R’ Shach, Chazon ish & Rebbetzin Kanievsky




Beach Day

Negev - Nachal David / Ein Gedi - Dead Sea

Vasikin at the Kosel Breakfast at Cafe Rimon - Mamilla Yad Eliezer and Kinyon Rav Shefa (Leagues day #3)

Inter-camp staff game vs. Camp Sdei Chemed



Arrival at Ben Gurion! Orientation with HaRav Binyomin Moskovits Shlita Welcome Buffet • Tear kriah at the Kosel






Wednesday Warsaw



Motzei Shabbos Nachamu Melave Malka / Concert on Har Tzion


CAMP DAY Bunk reward all you can eat at the Leonardo Plaza

Meorot Chizkiyahu Watercaves Ir David

Kever Rachel / Ir chevron / Mearas Hamachpela Bunk skit - Halu Teiman competition





Black Canyon - 6 hour water hike / Repelling Tiveria Promenade / Hurricane tubing Banana boating / BBQ


Golani Army base with Mizakim Giving Tzizis to Chayalim Color war! - Elisha Loeb vs. Shauly Friedman

Horseback riding on the beach / Tornado boating Outdoor swimming / basketball (Leagues day #8) Preparing packages for Chayalim with Mizakim

Kayaking down the Yarden river Kever Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes / late night swim in the Kinneret / leave to Ben Gurion airport

Bris of Yosef Shalom Wolff Camp Ca Day / Malcha Mall / BBQ - Gan Sacher Roly poly balls - sumo wrestle / Chulent R

Masada Mas sada Vasi Vasikin Vasikin * Eila Eilatt * Red Sea * P Party arty B Boat oat * Snorkeling Snorkeling ling * W Wat Water ter s slide lide a and nd r rafts afts * Kibbu Kibbutz utz Ya Yael aell Dr. Dag fish spa Thrillback rides * Avraham Fried Concert in Ashdod!! pa * Ice space * Th hrillba

(Leagues day #6)

Grand sing / swim at Matnas Nevei Yaakov winner announcement / Swim and the winner is... THE RED TEAM!




... ʭʥʬʹʬ ʭʫʺʠʶ

5am Goodbye to flight #1 Tel Aviv mall / breakfast in Cafe Cafe 1pm Goodbye to flight #2

Bunk B Bu unk nk reward rew ewar eward ard d all al you can eat at the Leonardo Plaza Packing day / Bunk pictures / Final Geula trip

Awards - Farewell Banquet

Erev Shabbos with Rabbi Orlofsky Geula / Meah Shearim / Shuk Optional out shabbos

Optional Out Shabbos Melave Malka / (Leagues day #7)

5 Day North Trip!

CANADA CENTER! ies Championships and trophies n Ice skating / swimming / Jaccuzzi / Moshav Meron



TZFAS Arizal’s Mikva / Artists Quarter / Tzfat Shuls Kabbalas Shabbos at kever Rashbi

Shabbos in Moshav Meiron Farewell Shalosh Seudos Motzai Shabbos Na -Nachman dancing!

calendar design Monday january 27 - Orientation with Rav Binyomin Moskovitz shlita - The Kosel Hamaaravi

Tuesday january 28

Medrash tour Winter 2014

Monday february 3 - ATV / Jeeping - Shmooze from the Rosh Yeshiva Shlita

Tuesday february 4

- Zip Lining - Kuzitz at night

- Olive picking / Olive oil making - Night Basketball and Soccer game

Wednesday january 29

Wednesday february 5

- Kever Rachel and Chevron - BBQ in Gan Sakker

- Bnei Brak - Coca Cola factory - Night Shiur

Thursday january 30

Thursday february 6 - Tour of Yeshivat Porat Yosef in the Old city (where R’ Tsion Levy studied and lived) - Bais Yisrael / Mir for chulent

Skiing in the Chermon

Friday january 31

Friday february 7

- Tour of Tzfas - The Arizals Mikva - Artists Quarter

- Geula / Meah Shearim - Friday night Tish

Shabbos february 1

Shabbos february 8

Shabbos in Tzfas

- Shabbos in Shaarei Chesed - Melave malka

Sunday february 2 - Kever of Rav Ovadia Yosef and Rav Tsion Levy - Go Carting / Bowling

For more information please call:

Avraham 054-847-6262

Sunday february 9 Departure

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