Yanki lee extending empathy workshop 2 final:

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How does designing with creative citizens on our dying matters address empathy and how is it restorative?

By Yanki Lee @ Restorative Justice Extending Empathy Workshop 2 22nd April 2015, Central Saint Martins, 1 Granary Square, London N1C 4AA

Possible Study


Design Living and Dying

How can design actions enable people to have positive responses to their own death?

1st public public encounter, Fine Dying Pop-up showcase, 1-4 Nov 2013 with study July – Oct 2013

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About DESIS network: • DESIS = (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) • An international network started in design schools • ver 40 DESIS Labs around the world • Objective = to use design thinking to co-create with communities to create societal changes • Since 2006, after an international conference “Changing the Change” conference

• An action research design lab • Advocate a new approach to design: ‘designers as enablers of social change’ • Part of the international network of DESIS • Funded by and located at HKDI (Hong Kong Design Institute)

About HKDI (Hong Kong Design Institute): • Since 2010 • Directly funded by HK Government’s Vocational Training Council • Specialist college • Strong links to industries

About HKDI (Hong Kong Design Institute): With 4 design departments: a. Product & Interior b. Fashion & Image c. Communication & Media d. Design Foundation


design students

About HKDI (Hong Kong Design Institute): HKDI location:

Tseung Kwan O - a new town “a city without street”… as well as their creative responses to communal spaces

+400,000 creative citizens

HKDI DESIS Lab methodology and approach:

• • • •

Everyone can design!

Prof Roger Coleman

Social Design explores the new design practice:

Problem-solving Idea-reframing Moment-capturing Opportunity – imagining Solution – focused Question –driven

Social Design researches

What are the social responsibilities of designers> design schools> design education system?

Possible Study


Draw Our Homes and City



How can design actions enable people to create better home for Themselves?

1st publication: Pattern of Living: High-rise communities, explore how HK citizens live, July 2013 88

Double H Block

Patterns of Living

Tai Po / N.T. East Tai Yuen Estate /

Public Rental Housing


Hong Kong Home Cases



4 Flat size

28.8 m2 28.8






Living Room




Living Room





HOME PROJECT X DESIGNAGE HK Club: Learn how to design our homes, Aug 2014

HOME PROJECT X DESIGNAGE HK Club: Learn how to design our homes

Teachers workshop Students workshop Teaching Programme developed by teachers Public Exhibition

Design Students as facilitators and researchers

Possible Study

OPEN EVERY[THING] Open Design Events for all

How can design actions open new platforms for people to cocreate customized local solutions for sustainable Development?

1st “Open Everything� Event: Open/Social Architecture, co-creation with Cesar Harada and 40+ HK citizens, Jan 2014

2nd “Open Everything” Event:

Ageing in Bergen: a collaborative design experiment to explore interdisciplinary diversity and design citizenship Yanki Lee PhD & Meng Lau Hong Kong Design Institute Eli-Kirstin Eide Bergen Academy of Art and Design (KHiB) Camilla Ryhl PhD Bergen School of Architecture (BAS) Cumulus Johannesburg 22-24 Sept 2014

Can Universal Design practice be truly universal?

The next step of Universal Design • from regulation to innovation • from accessibility to the inclusion • from barriers to sustainability

Life Course approach to Design & Ageing Design for Citizens rather Consumers

Ageing in

3-14 Feb, Norway

Hei! Alle!

1) Provide experiential learning experience for students from a range of disciplines to collaboratively explore universal, inclusive and participatory design methods

2) Engage local communities in thinking about social inclusion and innovation and consequently to co-design new solutions for the future Bergen city

Ageing in Bergen, aims: 1. Interdisciplinary collaborationDesign/Architecture/ Engineering 2. Co-designing with citizens – Residents / Students 3. Design a social event to test ideas and develop proposal for the future Bergen

UD >> From Regulation to Innovation

UD >> From Accessibility to Inclusion

UD >> From Barriers to Sustainability

Moderating Interdisciplinary Diversity > varying definitions of design across disciplines. E.g. "We are engineers and we do not design.�

Moderating Interdisciplinary Diversity > varying definitions of design across disciplines E.g. could not deliver solid solutions

Igniting Design Citizenship Instead of "design for all", we are working on "design with all" and considering the role of citizens with special design skills, designers could even focus on "design by all".

Design for all >>> Design with all UD = diverse definitions of universality borrowed from or inspired by different disciplines?

Design for the Ingenuity of Ageing: New Roles of Designers in Democratic Innovation Y Lee, D Ho & A Tsang (2013), Social Frontiers conference, NESTA, 14th and 15th of November, Shoreditch, London, UK

• Product and service Innovation • Market Innovation Design the • Politicalfor Innovation • Cultural Innovation Ingenuity of Ageing: (Kahn,2013)

New Roles of Designers in Democratic Innovation Y Lee, D Ho & A Tsang (2013), Social Frontiers conference, NESTA, 14th and 15th of November, Shoreditch, London, UK

1. Recognise resources 2. Combining these resources in a surprising way 3. Use these resources to solve some practical problem (RSA 2011)

Design for the Ingenuity of Ageing: New Roles of Designers in Democratic Innovation

Y Lee, D Ho & A Tsang (2013), Social Frontiers conference, NESTA, 14th and 15th of November, Shoreditch, London, UK

Social Design + Democratic Innovation

number of people over 60 (2010)





8.6 m 160 m


12% 160m number of people over 60 (2010)

NORC Naturally Occurring Retired Communities

• ‘contribution to the nation’ • ‘the continuation of labour’

• Actively exclude ‘old age’ and agedness’ or general features of the Third / Fourth Age

The Scientist Study in China

The Nun Study in the US

Designers’ New Role 1:

Make it public – revealing the possible

Designers’ New Role 2:

Drive actions – reimagining the everyday

Designers’ New Role 3:

Create social innovation – exploring social design practice

Possible Study


Design: Ageing & Ingenuity

How can design actions enable people to perceive to ageing (process) creatively?

老 嘢 「 」啦 計



『老 各樣 帶負 義『

「社 社會 大眾

「『 親手 食、


1. 費 DesignAge(HK(club( hMps://www.youtube.com/watch? 2. 「 v=4jI34Z7lGZE&feature=youtu.be(



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