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donna eade
I fell in love with photography at a young age. I love the memories and moments they can bring to mind, at the age of 13 I bought my first 35mm film camera. I have two boxes in my wardrobe full of truprint and tripleprint images that I took between the ages of 13 and 23, I love looking through them. You know that question ‘if there was a fire what would you save?’ My answer? Assuming my family were safe, I’d save my photos, they can never be physically replaced. I focus my photography on women because as women we constantly put ourselves down, believe we aren't good enough, not pretty enough, not slim enough and half of us are on constant diets. After I had session I saw myself differently, the girl in the images was pretty, was good enough, she might have been carrying a few extra pounds but I looked good. I have three of those images on my wall to remind me every day that even if I'm not made up like that, it's still me and in the words of L'Oreal 'I am worth it' and so are you.