DCMAG n°02

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(c) photography by stas markov

t s i t r vs

t s i t r


Designcollector magazine starts a series of “exquiste corpse“ battles exquisite corpse, also known as exquisite caDaver or rotating corpse, is a methoD by which a collection of worDs or images is collectively assembleD. each collaborator aDDs to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule or by being alloweD to see the enD of what the previous person contributeD. we inviteD selecteD artists to make a cover-art for the work of another artists. that is why we have calleD it “artis versus artist“. each artist where given a week or two to come up with their personal view on the original artwork. the challenge was unexpecteD anD the artists were not prepareD or even haD no iDea what we selecteD for them for the battle. turn the page anD enjoy it!


t r v

x e l -A v o l fro 2


tw s

v a l s i n a -St v o k r a m

be.net/garmonique 3

t r v

l l i -F v o k i h c b a y r 4


tw s

a i n e s K a y a k s t i loz

flic.kr/Discorat 5

t r v

A R -SA e k a l b 6


tw s

g e l O dou

olegDou.com 7

t r v

e i t -Lo 8


tw s

k c -ni h c i v e k h s u s

nicksushkevich.com 9

t r v

a r -Sa e k a l b 10


tw s

g e -Ol dou

olegDou.com 11

t r v

z s a -Luk wski o k a Kul be.net/emptypagestuDio 12

tw s


pacoperegrin.com 13

artist versus artist oleg Dou

sara blake


“i’ve been mesmerizeD by oleg’s imagery for some time now. i never knew quite how to categorize his art for myself. i’ve always gravitateD to more hanDmaDe work even if it’s finisheD Digitally. i feel that same hanDmaDe quality in oleg’s work, Despite its more Digital guise at first glance. in oleg’s worDs, “i’m an artist, but sometimes, some people call me a photographer. it’s not true. i’m an artist who uses photography as a meDium for my works.”” hellozso.com

alexey frolov

“i am looking for something borDering between the beautiful anD the repulsive, living anD DeaD. i want to attain the feeling of presence one can get when walking by a plastic manikin…” olegDou.com

stas markov


the youngest team player on russian graphic anD motion Design scene. since 2010 his interest to exeprimental illustration went up with personal challenges in typography anD new fonts. after he moveD from st.pete to moscow he stays close to motion scene anD has been alreaDy workeD for majority of music names like justice or mujuice. being the Designcollector resiDent alex never stops to explore potentions in new design fields be.net/mrfrukta 14

if the photography is a visual music than stas markov aka garmonique is the Dj working mainly in Dubstep. his photography is unacceptable for perception because it Does not exist anD only the music that suDDenly flashes while watching his works can recreate the hollow anD freezing feeling that comes after you accepteD his art. be.net/garmonique

artist versus artist ksenia lozitzkaya

fill ryabchikov


moDern renaissance man - fill ryabchikov works unDer the nickname “hypnosky“ in illustration anD “overbolDs“ in music. his interest in retro futurism anD sci-fi formeD the early works in illustrations anD grew up later in “fiDget noir” or neu Disco artoworks. hypnosky.com

ksenia aka Discorat is a kiev baseD fashion photographer. her works balance between overexposeD glam anD mysthic goth. this hot cocktail is spiceD with shouting colours anD pure love spreaD all over each shot flic.kr/Discorat


nick sushkevich

french illustrator lotie’s floral style, full of leafy branches anD birDs, is popular with branDs seeking connection with nature. vs lotie.com

lukasz kulakowski

polish Digital artist anD graphic Designer works mainly for aDvertising inDustry be.net/emptypagestuDio vs

moscow baseD fashion anD beauty photographer knows how inDulge the viewer anD buyer nicksushkevich.com

paco peregrin

awarD-winning fashion photographer from maDriD was kinD enough to collaborate with us pacoperegrin.com


o r r a d n a t s y e s d a e o d m n s a i i y k z h t a c ys Bla ck is l a s k o a c b l a B l t ’ b n l l o a d e v o ab finD base. l a g e “l “as is n o e r he D useD n a s r tho eir au h t f o oper e a pr r a s e ag all im



n inks o backl


lr. .tumb r o t c e coll


. e m i t e m a s e t h u t B t . a s t u n o a i u r g e o y r rro ut myst e h t o b b t ’ n sy o d I “ : this r me” o e t h o t m o a b m a y i j h -Yo


o b Ho and

r o l i


hobo anD sailor - a synthesis of militant naval prowess anD relentless thrust of man to freeDom aDventures anD self-improvement. each print is a story of irrepressible people. the story of hobo starts in 1920th. experienceD sailor who gave his soul to the sea Devil unshipeD. but the fate is not kinD to him, he cannot finD the peace far from raging abyss. his new life is a life of a free hobo. we reconsiDer the view of our reality the makes everyone feel gooD about themselves anD be who they really are. our inspiration is inDustrial revolution, lifestyle anD events of past times. if you wear hobo anD sailor - you are the owner of the Delicate taste. hobo anD sailor is a project createD by russian artists sveta shubina anD manar supertramp. to purchase posters, carDs, tees anD knifes please visit their website




series of aDs “classic posters� reveal the habits of hobo anD sailor, true things that are a part of their life. hobo-knife, Dark ale anD pure tobacco play main role in these styliseD posters.


carDs series “travel notes“ createD to celebrate the 1st anniversary of hobo anD sailor. each carD is a physical stop of our heroes During their aDventures. you can check full set anD purchase them on hoboanDsailor.com 21

t s e g n o r t s s i e t h n t e t k e n o Se c the inks backl l l a . finD l base a g e l is“ n “as o e r e h D useD n a s r autho their f o r op e e a pr r a s e ag all im


l r. .tumb r o t c e l igncol on Des


. . . e sibl

s o p t c e f e f e c r n a o t l r o o c p m i o n f o e s s i t a M i r n e -H


T A -FL d o o F

ina D n o k sh a y n ko a n t e l o m s y e g ser

the iDea to shoot fooD in black anD white anD keep it attractive came after keeping work for years in over-saturateD fooD photography inDustry. the concept came later anD it bakeD the main iDea with the thought to use a form, texture anD tone of each proDuct as a key to frame composition. together with sergey smolenko we starteD to research anD create composition for future shots. it was like a game where sometimes the material followeD our rules but most of the time it createD them anD we haD to follow anD finD the proper iDea for each piece. During the research anD shooting we finD ourselves with a huge amount of unique photographs. all of them passeD through our imagination, through the Deep thoughts on symbolism anD the perception of our environment. as the result we got the main reD line stitcheD through the project - the “fingerprints� of man anD woman, male anD female, the iDentifiers of two persons createD the project. the persons that are still exploring anD researching..

weDreamers.ru 24




f o e c n e s b a e e c r r e e i m f a s t a , o o l n g o n s i i c h e t y t i n e a i m Wh rmativ a s n i t s s i t o f n m i af l a w a p n d i d a o h I G , y l s u o e g r go finD base. l a g e “l “as is n o e r he D useD n a s r tho eir au h t f o oper e a pr r a s e ag all im



n inks o backl


l r. .tumb r o t c e coll


d n a g n i n i . h k s c a a s l i b s it a ; r e t o i o l n s i o f s e t s c t d n f i n s i a o a a p , p d r e e e H r v e s n n e ce a but He , as wh ; y s l i r d olo o gau s n o t r said te. e t s e i h h C h nw t i e K t r e b l i G -


0 -10 S L R I G A R A -S KE A L B hellozso.com 30

“the 100 girls series is an ongoing personal project starteD in 2010 as an exercise in portraiture after a series of client jobs that haD convinceD me i DiDn’t want to Draw people ever again. the iDea was that by re-Drawing the same subject matter over anD over, the exercise woulD be more about Defining style, pattern, anD textures, anD less about the subject matter. the human face is the most immeDiately recognizable image to us‚ because it is so familiar we can immeDiately Discern its abstraction, Discrepancies, symmetries or asymmetries, etc. i wanteD to focus less on being realistic anD Discover what i founD interesting about Deconstructing it or re-imagining it in my own style. since starting it, the pace of creating them has become much less aggressive, but i’ve founD that by revisiting the project every few weeks or every few months i’m able to stay in better touch with myself anD how i’D like to Develop as an illustrator. all pieces are pencil, watercolor, anD Digital.”






after starting the 100 girls project i DiD a series of portraits of spanish painters for a group gallery show in australia. after completing it, i realizeD that i haD createD a sort of template for how i saw the female face, but male faces were much more Difficult for me somehow. much like the 100 girls project, i wanteD to Develop my eye for portraiture anD thought by Drawing my frienDs i coulD have some fun, embarrass my buDDies, as well as get in some more practice with portraiture. all of the pieces were createD in a very short timeframe, usually over the course of several hours, Drawn in pencil anD watercolor, anD then finisheD Digitally in photoshop. the last part of the project involveD meeting up with my frienDs to present them with their portrait in person.




p s n u , r u o l n i o f e c d e h r t e i M w u d o e i h l t l a a n n u i l d u an o s the

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. l base a g e l is“ on “as e r e h eD anD us s r o h aut their f o r e p ro p

kl l bac l a D n fi


lr. .tumb r o t c le igncol s e D n o


, g n i n o a t e k m a y e b p s d e n l i a o . c , s p y s m a n r w o t f n e e t r i e f f fin i d e d d l n i a s W r ou a c -Os


0 w 14 ittere i v Inter ies of tw ogues r al is Se hort di rtists a s like talented with

n o t N A t s a r r a M



the Diversity of my creations is a reflection of my willingness to explore anD master a wiDe range of techniques anD styles. i also like working with “analogue” Devices such as pens, paper, pencils, markers anD mixing up my paper Drawings with Digital meDia. since the main iDea of all my works is emotion, the stories often look surrealistic. i call this psycheDelic surrealism. what has inspireD you last Days? my eternal source of inspiration is my beloveD wife what music inspires you? i have a huge list of favourite musicians. it can be some great classical music, another Day some funky stuff, or experimental what are you currently working on? on a story about cyclops. there will be a graphic poem (yes that’s correct) with some spectacular climax anD enDing your favourite way of relaxation/relief/ hang out? sex, Drugs anD rock’n’roll. wait, no. actually, i extremely love to travel. go places, see things what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? le cinema selon hitchock, truffaut/boy anD bicycle, riDley scott/victor lewis-smith/publicDomainreview.org Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? all my favourite artists are DeaD, that’s all i can say Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? it’s always better to have more knowleDge talent+knowleDge=greatness if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? i woulD lay Down anD Die




view r e t In 140

. W T T A -M E R MOO

matt w. moore is the founDer of mwm graphics, a Design anD illustration stuDio baseD in portlanD, maine. matt works across Disciplines, from colorful Digital illustrations in his signature “vectorfunk� style, to freeform watercolor paintings, anD massive aerosol murals. mwm exhibits his artwork in galleries all arounD the worlD, anD collaborates with clients in all sectors. matt is also the founDer of core Deco anD co-founDer & Designer for glyph cue clothing. tune into the mwm news blog for Daily upDates.



what has inspireD you last Days? matt w. moore what are you currently working on? it’s summertime, so i am mostly focuseD on big outDoor murals. your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? music. nature. conversation. what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? nyc rap. breakbeat electronic. intelligent poetry. what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? anything that my frienDs have on their coffee tables. Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? mc escher. picasso. Doze green. horphe. roiDs. jurne. smash 137. petro. Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? must be a stuDent of life. always learning anD curious. school is not the only path. if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? music. film. poetry.


view Inter 0 14

a n n a i r a M n o s b o Yak freelance photographer who lives anD works in lisbon. works on aDvertising, fashion anD on personal projects. currently stareD her career in Director of photography originally from saint-petersburg

mariannayakobson.com 44

what has inspireD you last Days? strong personalities, nature, music

Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? they are always changing .. rockwell kent.. olD passion

what are you currently working on? personal artistic project on collaboration with anDy De

Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school? it helps somehow, but not that necessary

your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? get lost in the beautiful place anD get Drunk anD sing what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? sounDs of town, ocean

if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? films, architecture

what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? chuck palahniuk/motorama/DieD young. stayeD pretty blog


mariannayakobson.com 46

D A -SA jee a s o Mo

view Inter 0 14

saaD moosajee 18 year olD self taught illustrator anD creative heaD of the slashthree collective. he is currently baseD in Denver, coloraDo anD has workeD for clients like Dell, htc, anD tiger beer.

saaDart.com slashthree.com 47

what has inspireD you last Days? i recently traveleD to malaysia anD was very inspireD by it’s architecture what are you currently working on? i’m currently working on a new personal series anD potentially a project with sony (maybe too soon to speak about it though) your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? my favorite way of relaxing is sitting in my beD anD watching a gooD tv show what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? sigur rós


what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? i browse behance.net almost everyDay, its a constant source of inspiration Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? i can’t name one specific artists, but i’m a big fan of rene magritte anD salvaDor Dali Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? i’m self taught as an illustrator but am going to begin stuDying graphic Design at the rhoDe islanD if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? a doctor


o h w s r e t n i t a u p b e , t r a o p e s r r e w a Th r lo i l e e h y t a o o l l e into hanks t y a t m r o f s n tra nD inks o l k c a all b . finD e s a b gal is“ le s a “ on D here e s u D s an uthor a r i e f th oper o r p a re ages a all im



b or.tum t c e l l co


n u s e h t , o m r h o w f s s r e an h r t t o , e e ho r c a n e e r g e i h l t l n e t u t u s n i e d h t n a o t t r n i a t o o p s s s a w c i lo P o l b -Pa



view Inter 0 14

anton is a portrait, beauty, anD fashion photographer baseD in lonDon, uk. he has won numerous awarDs for his portraits incluDing being nameD ‘ photographer of the year’ in 2006 & 2008 by venture photography. originally born in russia, he grew up in canaDa, anD now lives in the uk with his family.

thisisanton.co.uk 52

what has inspireD you last Days? teD talk by Daniel kahneman, thecreativebook.com, koty 2012 campaign viDeo what are you currently working on? a series of fine art portraits of my son, a collaboration on leeDs fashion show, anD a project shot entirely on polaroiD. your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? tune in, turn on, Drop out. what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? people talking who are more clever than me. mostly auDiobooks. what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? listening to talks on 99u, listening to live seminars on creative live, anD reaDing ipaD wireD Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? painter eDwarD hoper, writer henry miller Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? art school won’t buy you talent, but it will give you the opportunity to builD relationships anD contacts with other artists. if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? viDeo anD film




this two images were proDuceD as a part of collaboration by artemenkov + mayfielD

*luke DiD our back cover

view Inter 0 14

z s a -Łuk wski o k a ł Ku Łukasz kuŁakowski is a graphic Designer with 9 years work experience,he is now working as senior graphic Designer in originate creative, branDing agency baseD in Dublin, irelanD. he is also the owner of a small Design stuDio calleD emptypage. his expertise lays in branDing, illustration anD web Design.

be.net/emptypagestuDio 56

what has inspireD you last Days? on a Daily basis i go to behance or ffffounD for at least an hour for finDing inspiration anD iDeas what are you currently working on? i work a lot for my existing clients Designing packaging anD branDing for Different companies your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? sleeping, listening music, reaDing interesting book, eating gooD fooD anD biking on sea coast what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? bob Dylan, rolling stones, cream anD rhcp what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? taschen logo Design, typography books, olD movies from 70’ anD website with 8bits graphics Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? alex trochut, eboy, frank miller Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? art school won’t buy you talent, but it will give you the opportunity to builD relationships anD contacts with other artists. if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? chef - neeDs to be aware of composition anD creativity, anD also works for Different clients


E L O R A -C t e m Wil

view Inter 0 14

carolewilmet.com 58

what has inspireD you last Days? what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at my new fake fur coat. it’s the exact color of a fake christ- the moment? mas tree. it breaks the bounDaries between clothing & i’m looking for christmas gifts online. my-big-passion fake trees... so inspiring Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? what are you currently working on? i’ve got so many.. it’s cliché but alfons mucha was my a book! quick Drawings to illustrate little everyDay life first artistic shock. these Days i’m a lot into yanni situations. it’ll be out in march anD i really can’t wait. floros’ work, it’s gorgeous it’s a great fun to Do Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? a gooD bath is always welcome. anD a Drink with frienDs no necessarily. i Don’t consiDer myself as being exis more than welcome too (or a pictionnary. the only game tremely talenteD. i think it’s more important to have that i can win) iDeas anD to be motivateD what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? i useD to listen to the raDio while working, but these horrible news everyDay haD such a baD influence on my mooD that i stoppeD

if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? nothing! i’m interesteD in many other things but they’re all in the creative fielD


carolewilmet.com 60

view Inter 0 14

S A T -S y i k s v o k n a St

stas-stankovskiy.com 61

what has inspireD you last Days? visiting new places what are you currently working on? new personal projects your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? music , hiking what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? massive attack

what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? steven king Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? riDley scott Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? nope

stas-stankovskiy.com 62

view r e t n I 140


ekiselev.com 63

what has inspireD you last Days? new view out of my winDow, new summer anD olD gooD music what are you currently working on? working on a two secret projects your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? i like to go out of the city or just riDe a bike to the nearest park what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? the more complex anD unusual, the better


what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? you can check my favourite music on sounDclouD by ekiselev account Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? Definitely a lot but i can’t pick any particular Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? there is no matter for the talenteD artist if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? i think - music

ekiselev.com 65

e h t r o l o f c o n e a s c o s h t T . s e i e t h u t r l A b s s g ’ t n i i h w h t t o r t n h o k l g i o m c e t l p o mus e p

es are

ag all im



rs autho r i e h r of t p ro p e

on D klinks c a b all . finD e s a b gal is“ le s a “ n eo eD her s u D n a


lr. .tumb r o t c olle


y e h t e s u s a t c s i e t b r d a e t ’ r n r y e k o r s a e r he o a h y l w l a s e u r f y e o h d t i p y u a t w s e e r ’ th e w r e k f n f i i h e F tt s e l u J -


view r e t In 140

a n -Ha Y E L A H

i pickeD up my first film camera when i was 18 years olD solely for the purpose of impressing a male photographer whom i haD a crush on. it was initially not something i woulD imagine myself Doing four years later. since then, i have photographeD at least 100 young women in every kinD of weather, Dress anD location. it is not something i Do for money but for the elation of Designing a visual scene for everyone to see.



what has inspireD you last Days? i went to the walt Disney museum the other Day anD was actually really inspireD by him anD his DeDication to his art. what are you currently working on? currently i am not shooting or working with photography. i’ve founD taking a few months off always invites back a tiDal wave of inspiration. your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? walking arounD san francisco at night, holDing hanDs anD climbing trees anD sharing sweets with my boyfrienD. what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? gloomy electronic ballaDs seem to Do the trick. banDs like alaska in winter anD au revoir simone. what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? the only thing i’ve been watching are stanD-up comics anD reaDing about new york city. Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? this fluctuates from person to person constantly, but i’m really smitten with mariam sitchinava right now. Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? not at all. i’ve DroppeD out of school three times anD have been Doing lovely. if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? a german language teacher. or learn to builD tree houses professionally.


hanahaley.com 70

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. R -M S U O L O V FRI

mr.frivolous is an artist from lonDon in Desperate neeD of a haircut. the majority of his work is Deliberately DepicteD in felt tip pens Due to the fact that he knows he can get a Double pack of 24 for ÂŁ1 from pounDlanD. some of of his artistic influence incluDe gustav klimt, DaviD bray, aubrey bearDsley, jack kirby, auDrey kawasaki, mike allreD anD last but not least pat butcher. after 15 years mr.frivolous is still a smashing pumpkins fan anD is seeking help for purchasing every single season of the oc DvD box set.

mrfrivolous.com 71

what has inspireD you last Days? not much to be honest. i’ve just been thinking a lot about sewing machines anD listening to grimes. the laDy is fantastic what are you currently working on? at the moment im working on trying to eat the 6 mince pies in front of me (which has now gone Down to 4) your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? i like to go out anD shake my booty or just watch DvD’s anD girly tv shows. sometimes i lay in beD listening to sounDs of rain on youtube what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? anything by smashing pumpkins, 80s pop, rock anD power ballaDs. i listen to art poDcasts too like live free by mike maxwell what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? the last DvD i watcheD a week ago was away we go which was pretty gooD. im obsesseD with comeDy anD romance Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? i have quite a few anD im always Discovering new ones. i really like my DeaD pony’s work Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? not at all. im sure you can become a successful artist without art school. i DiDn’t learn much when i was there. but it was fun if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? i love art way too much so i woulD probably be a curator or a high class gigolo


mrfrivolous.com 73

view r e t In 140

a n e l a d g a -M k e t Lu

nishe.net 74

what has inspireD you last Days? the movie “nothing personal”, writing in my journal, solituDe what are you currently working on? i’m currently taking a break from all creative projects to rethink what i want to Do next anD to recharge your favourite way of relaxation/relief/hang out? watching movies in beD what Do you listen to that fuels your creativity? nine inch nails what are you reaDing/watching/listening to/browsing at the moment? anna karenina/surviving picasso/how to Destroy angels/wikipeDia - painters of the 20th century Do you have a favourite artist, or artists? i aDmire works of tim walker, paolo roversi, sally mann, francesca wooDman, william waterhouse Do you think to be a talenteD artist it’s necessary to finish an art school or something? i think art school helps you grow anD learn the craft but the most important thing is whether you’re passionate about what you Do if not Design/art, what woulD you Do? programming or translation - anything that has to Do with languages except teaching


nishe.net 76

nishe.net 77

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lr. .tumb r o t c olle


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bs o g n o l . t n e m r t e o n t o M e d u a l -C



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