Audenshaw Primary School Prospectus

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Welcome to Audenshaw Primary School

Dear Parent/ Guardian

We hope you find this prospectus useful and informative. We have tried to include information that you need to know and may want to know. If there are any points on which you require more information then do not hesitate to contact the school. Or visit our website: May I take this opportunity to welcome you and your child, on behalf of all our dedicated staff and governors as we work together towards another successful school year here at Audenshaw Primary School. Mr J P Gray Headteacher

School Govenors Parent Governors

Staff Governor Mrs E Greaves

Community Governors Mr K Tranter (Vice Chair), Mrs E Perfect, Mrs H Weston

Head Teacher Governor Mr J P Gray

Clerk to the Governors Mrs R Lees (Address c/o the school)

Staff Senior Management Team Headteacher: Mr J P Gray Deputy Headteacher: Mrs J Simpson KS1 Co-ordinator: Mrs Jackson

Teaching Staff Infants: Mrs Jackson, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Fox

Mr McManamon, Mrs Nelson, Ms Ellison, Mrs Woodcock

Juniors: Mrs Simpson, Mrs Akers, Miss Wrigley, Mrs Pilling, Mrs Gibbon

L.A. Appointed Governors

Support Staff

Mrs S Basterfield (Chair of Governors) (Address c/o school)

S.E.N. Support: Mrs Greaves

Teacher Governor

Teaching Assistants: Mrs J Smith, Mrs K Baxter, Mrs R Jones, Mrs J Whitham, Mrs S Fox

Mrs E Lowe

Bursar: Mrs K Warren

Councillor M Bailey

Admin Assistant: Mrs J Gill


The School The present building was erected in 1908 to replace the Audenshaw Endowed School which was built in 1783 and rebuilt in 1822. In 1960 the Infant and Junior Schools were amalgamated under one headship, to accommodate pupils from the age of five to eleven years. The accommodation consists of a hall, which is used for Collective Worship, physical education, dining and other activities, seven classrooms, a library and a well resourced IT suite. There are pc’s networked throughout the school enabling access to a wide variety of software and the world wide web. The school is secure with electronic locks on exterior doors and disabled access. The building is well maintained and in good condition and the classrooms are well resourced with up to date equipment. The grounds are well equipped and designed to promote health and sports, play, social interaction, knowledge of nature and how to care for it. There is also a separate enclosed outdoor area for the Reception class. It is bordered on two sides by pleasant tree lined grounds with a Millennium garden, an Early Years planting area, a large playing field, a football pitch and an enclosed wild life area with a pond.

Teaching Staff There are six full time teachers and two part time teachers, each of whom is responsible for the organisation of the curricular needs of his/her own class. The staff are experienced and enthusiastic with considerable skills and expertise in primary education consequently we regularly mentor students from other educational institutions. As a staff, we have the welfare and development of the children at heart. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any worries or problems about your child and his/ her education. We also have five classroom assistants and one S.E.N. support assistant who work with the teachers in helping the children.


Our Aims Junior Department

Our Vision

8:55 am start 12 - 1pm lunch 3.30 finish

We believe that Audenshaw Primary School is a successful school and meets the needs of the school community. In order to build on those strengths, we are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum, quality teaching and quality learning, which in turn will enable our children to develop high standards of achievement. We regard education as a lifelong process.

Teaching time is 23.45 hours per week.

Infant Department 8:55 am start 12.15 - 1.30pm Lunch 3.30 finish Teaching time is 21.3 hours per week.

School Motto

We acknowledge that each person has unique value as an individual and through an inclusive environment we will strive to provide equal opportunities regardless of learning needs, disability, gender or social background.

To provide a happy, safe and secure working atmosphere, for both pupils and staff, where there is concern for the well being of each individual.

To equip children with attitudes, skills and knowledge which will enable them to enjoy their childhood and will serve as a foundation for further development.

Putting Children First •


To prepare for continuing education and personal development a work, at home or at leisure. To create an atmosphere of trust and mutual support in which children can develop intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially and morally as individuals, as members of a group and as members of society. To help children to develop lively and enquiring minds so that they are alert to communicate their feeling in a variety of ways.

To promote self-confidence, a sense of personal worth and self esteem.

To give children experience of being active, co-operative members of a caring community by fostering and atmosphere of love, kindness and concern for others.

To help children realise their role in society (home, school community, world) and to develop a caring and responsible attitude to the environment.

To show children standards of excellence and encourage them to achieve the highest potential in their personal talents and gain satisfaction from their own achievements.

To develop an understanding attitude, values and beliefs, including a respect for others religious and moral values and ways of life.

To encourage children, parents and governors to play an effective role in the partnership of the school.

In order to fulfil these aims it is recognised that school is a partnership which requires full participation from children, parents, teachers and non-teaching staff in fostering a warm and secure environment in which children can develop. Reviewed and Agreed July 2011 The school’s motto ‘putting children first’ is clearly evident in its work and pupils are known as individuals within the close-knit community of the school. This gives them the confidence to flourish, both academically and in their personal development.’ OFSTED Report March 2011


What we Teach Curriculum All children follow a broad and balanced curriculum that includes the ten National Curriculum Subjects Citizenship and Religious Education. In line with Government guidelines more emphasis is given to English, Mathematics, Science, and I.C.T. Our broad and balanced curriculum also includes Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education, French and Personal Social and Health Education. Each class completes a dedicated Literacy and Numeracy time each day as outlined in the current framework. The outstanding curriculum results in significant strengths in pupils’ personal development, such as their excellent understanding of how to stay safe and the outstanding contribution they make to the life of the school and the community. OFSTED March 2011

Teachers use a variety of teaching methods including class lessons, group and individual work. In the Foundation Stage children learn through structured practical activities and as they mature, are introduced to more formal work.


Much of the curriculum is covered in the form of carefully planned themes. Every effort is made to match the work at each child’s level of ability and maturity. It is important to remember that children are individuals and do not all develop at the same pace and that they must be valued for what they have achieved. In addition our Junior children have swimming lessons at Medlock Swimming Pool. Within Key Stage One a thematic approach is followed. In Key Stage Two although subjects are taught individually curriculum links are drawn whenever possible.

Special Educational Needs The school creates an inclusive environment; we have a policy within the school of caring for all our children. Every child at some time in their school life may need Special Educational help for any number of reasons. The Staff are aware of this and are able to seek help and guidance on how to deal with problems as and when they occur. These may be emotional, behavioural, learning or related to a medical problem. If at any time you are concerned about your child in any way, do come into school and share your concern with your child’s teacher. In addition our special Needs Co-ordinator Mrs Akers is available to discuss any matters relating to S.E.N.

Safeguarding All the staff in our school are committed to safeguarding all our children We will strive to: •

Provide a safe environment for our children

Parents have right to withdraw their child from Religious Education if they so wish.

Notice and take appropriate action to help any of our children who are either at risk of, or are suffering from, significant harm


Note: All staff are legally obliged to follow up any concerns they may have around child protection. Our designated child protection officer is: Mr J. P. Gray

Religious Education The Tameside Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education is used as a basis for the school’s scheme of work. Religious Education in the form of Bible stories, finding out about faiths, cultures and festivals from around the world is integrated into classroom activities. At Audenshaw we hold a daily act of collective worship which is of a broadly Christian character, reflecting the traditions of Christian beliefs and which has regard for the age, aptitude and family background of our pupils but which is non-denominational.

Detailed records of children’s progress are kept. These are passed on to other schools when children leave us. The Government has introduced its own forms of assessment that are linked to its programmes of work in the National Curriculum core subjects. All children in the school are assessed by the Government’s programme of assessment- i.e. during the reception year and at the end of Years 2 and 6. In addition the school uses national test materials during May in years 3, 4 and 5. (These are not part of the Governments statutory programme.) All assessments are used to inform future planning and provision for children throughout the school.


What we Teach Sporting aims and provision for sport We aim to give each child experience in a wide variety of physical activities ranging from dance to gymnastics and games. In addition to timetabled lessons, there are opportunities for pupils to spend time after school on such activities as football and Tennis. All teams are encouraged to play skilfully, enthusiastically and fairly. The aim of the school is that any child should be given the opportunity to play as many different sports as possible and enjoy them. On occasions we have made use of both rugby, hockey, judo and football coaches to work with groups of children during the school day. This year pupils will also have the opportunity to experience athletics, volleyball, netball, basketball, rugby, football (both boys and girls) and cricket. Infant children will experience a skills based programme of development.

School Trips and Residential Holiday The children visit many places of interest linked to the curriculum including lessons at the science and Industry Museum, visits to museums, theatres etc.


In October Year 6 go to Kingswood in North Wales for an adventure/ICT week. A voluntary contribution is requested for all school trips which take place during the school day. However it may not be possible to run a trip if not enough contributions are received. (A copy of the school’s Charging and Remission Policy is available on request).

Sex & Relationships Education Following consultation with parents, staff and governors a policy for S.R.E. has been agreed. Although certain aspects of the human life cycle are taught through the Science National Curriculum, it is also thought necessary to teach aspects of puberty to the older children. Each year the Year 6 teachers show a DVD and hold discussion on ‘Growing Up’ with Year 6 boys and girls, in separate groups. Parents are invited to view the DVD and ask questions beforehand. Whatever education is proposed by the school in this area, it will only be pursued with consent of the parents.

Music An appreciation of music is fostered in a number of forms through concerts, carol services, visits to the Hallé and visiting artists. In addition Tameside Music Service provides instrument tuition in Year 4.

Community We regular support charities both home and abroad and are active in our local community.


When in Scho ol o ur children must :-

1) Show care an peo ple an d prod consi deration for all perty. 2) Always do as member of stathey are aske d by any ff. 3) Not bully, fig language an dht or use offensive behavio ur. 4) Walk when in scho ol. 5) Not wear Jew ellery. 6) No sweets or chew ing gu m.


School Life Admission of School & Home active involvement of parents is a crucial Children into School The aspect of their children’s education, and we Children are generally admitted during the school year in which they attain their 5th birthday. The Authority will authorise the admission of children not attending Nursery School or class at the beginning of the academic year in which they attain their 5th birthday.

value parental support for all school activities.

Parent Teacher Consultations


The school operates a system whereby all parents are able to see their child’s teacher every term. Parents are of course, welcome to come and discuss a particularly pressing problem, when the need arises, outside the times set aside for regular consultation. Termly reports are sent out by teachers in both departments.

School Council The council meets on a regular basis to discuss school and Eco matters. The council is made up of representatives from each class.


‘The school has outstanding links with parents and carers who are extremely supportive of the school’ OFSTED 2011

The school follows government recommendations regarding homework which is set on a regular basis. (The School’s Homework Policy is available on request).

School Uniform

Physical Education

Standards of appearance are important. A smart school uniform fosters a sense of belonging, of unity and also enhances the school in the eyes of the community.

For games and physical education, children need appropriate clothing: •

Winter •

Grey skirt or trousers (no jeans please)

White blouse, shirt or polo shirt.

Dark green jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt.

Summer •

Green and white dress (school style) or, Grey shorts or trousers.

Shops that stock our uniform and book bags include; Panaché, Market St, Droylsden, Sallies 39 Manchester Rd, Denton and Kids Stop, 43 Market St, Hyde.

Black or green shorts and a white T-shirt. We also ask parents to provide a bag to be kept in school during term time in which P.E. clothing may be kept.

All clothing should be clearly marked with the name of the child.

Jewellery •

The School Governors have agreed a NO JEWELLERY POLICY which includes earrings. It is acceptable for the children to wear a watch.

Shoes •

We have an indoor shoe policy and would be grateful if parents recognise this. As long as children change from their outdoor shoes, School will not stipulate the style of footwear worn. (Outdoor shoes should be sensible. No high heels please!)


School Life Absences 1) All children should arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.50am so that they are in time for registration at 8:55am. 2) In the case of absence through illness a letter or phone call should reach school within threes days to explain the reason for the child’s absence. 3) When the child returns to school he/she should bring a letter explaining their absence - even if it is only for one day. 4) Notes concerning dental, clinic, doctor or hospital appointments should be sent in the day before to inform the class teacher. The child WILL NOT be allowed to leave the school unless collected by a designated adult, and the class teacher informed. 5) Absence for an annual family holiday should be made known to the school on the appropriate Holiday form. These can be obtained from the school secretary. (Please note that more than ten School days count as unauthorised absence). 6) Children arriving after 9:05am should report to the school office where they need to be signed in by their parent/carer. Staff will keep a check on absence and lateness. Parents will be informed if we think there is cause for concern.


Dinner Arrangements The school meals are of an excellent standard and it is recommended that children who do not go home for dinner have a cooked meal at school. Dinners cost £1.85 per day £9.25 per week at present, which is payable on the first day of the week and should be sent in an envelope with your child’s name and class written on clearly. Cheques are payable to Tameside M.B.C. with your address on the reverse.

Packed Lunches Children may bring a packed lunch to school but it is requested that parents observe the following: • Breakable containers for liquids should not be sent into school. • Food or drink should be of the type that young children can open unaided. • Packed lunches should not include sweets. • Due to lack of space, small lunch boxes please!!! • No hot drinks.

Mid Morning Snacks Snacks are allowed at play times but fruit or vegetables only please. This a requirement of the Healthy Schools standard. In the case of Infants fruit is provided via the Government Fruit Scheme.

Education Welfare Department Depending on their circumstances parents can claim assistance with such matters as the cost of school meals and clothing (forms are available from the school secretary or the welfare department at Tameside Council).

Money for school activities (trips, dinners etc) should be handed to the class teacher at morning registration. Any such money should be in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class on it and the purpose for which the money has been sent. The school cannot be held responsible for any valuables- money, watches etc. that go missing. MOBILE PHONES – Children are not allowed to bring phones into school.

Attendance Figures 2010/2011 There have been 4.8% authorised absences and 0.1% unauthorised absences.

Car Parking Outside Wise Owl Club School Provides before and after school provision for We appeal to parents to exercise great care when driving past the school and when parking outside the school. It is preferable for cars to be parked well away from the areas where children cross the road. Please do not park on the marked areas.

our children and compliments the work of the school. The club is run by Miss J. Hall and is managed in school by Lorraine Dixon. (Tel: 07878458108)

Toys Valuables & Money Toys, valuables and money should not be brought into school.


Audenshaw Primary School HOLIDAY LIST 2011/2012

School Life Audenshaw Primary School 2011 Key Stage 1 Tests

Autumn Term 2011 Monday 5th September Friday 21st October

School Opens School Closes 3.30pm

Half Term Monday 31st October Thursday 22nd December

School Opens School Closes 3.30pm

Christmas Holidays Spring Term 2012 Monday 9th January Friday 10th February

School Opens School Closes 3.30pm

Half Term Monday 20th February Friday 30th March

Level 1



Writing Maths


Summer Term 2012 School Opens Voting / INSET - School Closed Bank Holiday - School Closed School Closes

Level 2+

Level 2B+

Level 3

(1 child)















Statutory Targets L4+ 80% L5 33% (Both targets were exceeded) Level 4 and above




















Level 4 and above

English School Opens School Closes 3.30pm

Easter Holidays Monday 16th April Thursday 3rd May Monday 7th May Friday 1st June

Pupil Total

Statutory Targets L4+ 77% L5 33%
























L3 13%

B 3%






L3 0%

B 3%


(Note: One child with Special Educational Needs didn’t take the tests)

Half Term Holiday Monday 18th June Tuesday 24th July

School Opens School Closes 3.30pm

Summer Holidays Note: The school has 3 teacher training days on 1st & 2nd September and 3rd May. School is expected to reopen on Mon 3rd Sept 2012.



Audenshaw Primary School

Tel: 0161 370 2504 E-mail: Web:

Head Teacher Mr. J. P. Gray Deputy Head Teacher Mrs J. Simpson Chair of Governors Mrs S Basterfield The information contained in this booklet is correct to July 2011. It should not be assumed that there will be no changes affecting the relevant arrangements, on some matter, in particular: a) before the start of, or during the school year in question b) in relation to subsequent years.

Designed and printed by: Design Dynamos Ltd -

Ash Street Audenshaw Manchester M34 5NG

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