Colorado Parks & Recreation Byline Magazine - Spring 2021

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Mile High Youth Corps Offers a Solution to Local Parks and Recreation Department Needs By: Jeslin Shahrezaei, Director / Development & Communications and Michele Kilen, Manager / Foundation & Government Giving, Mile High Youth Corps

As Colorado’s population has multiplied rapidly, so has the dramatic impact on the increase in those seeking respite in Colorado’s outdoor spaces. This increased human engagement also creates enormous impact on the quality and resiliency of trails and waterways; it leads to humans unknowingly spreading non-native invasive species, reducing health of sensitive ecosystems, reducing the sustainability of recreation infrastructure, and eroding the overall condition of public lands. Inspired by the Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930’s, Mile High Youth Corps’ Land Conservation Program is devoted to the improvement and sustainable development of two important resources - our youth and our environment. Through extensive partnerships, Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) delivers high quality projects at a fraction of the cost; providing an average of 150+ youth, ages 18-24, employment each year on over 70 land conservation projects spanning 23 counties. Youth from across Colorado, called Corpsmembers, are assigned to an 8-person crew that works for four to six months on a variety of conservationfocused projects on public lands. These include construction and maintenance of recreational and safety access trails, habitat restoration, fire fuel mitigation, historical preservation and park development projects. MHYC’s Land Conservation Program ensures every young person has 30 • Colorado Byline | Spring 2021

MHYC has a long history partnering with municipalities across the 23 counties in which MHYC works. Partners have included the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation, Denver Parks and Recreation, Foothills Parks and Recreation District, City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, South Suburban Parks and Recreation District-all of which have committed to developing future stewards of Colorado’s natural resources.

abundant opportunities to connect and engage with the outdoors in ways that are inspirational, transformational, and meaningful to them, cultivating the next generation of stewards to watch over and take care of Colorado’s outdoor spaces. Simultaneously, the program opens the door to careers in natural resources by giving youth in underserved communities, hands-on experience and a greater understanding of the industry. Corpsmembers gain technical skills and work alongside land management partners gaining access to the natural world they may not have had before. For many of the young people, this can be a defining moment in their young lives, as they are introduced for the first time to the benefits of stewarding Colorado’s public lands. Many have never camped and few have spent significant time in the forests.

Founded as Year One, Inc., Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) was established in 1992 to address the educational and employment needs of Denver’s youth while connecting them to their community and the outdoors. That first year, 20 youth served Denver neighborhoods through a single 10-week program. Today, MHYC is a comprehensive, year-round model serving 200 young adults annually. Youth, ages 18-24, receive on-the-job training and career readiness programs leading to the obtainment of industry-recognized certifications, an AmeriCorps education award and leadership opportunities to help them achieve their educational and employment goals. These young adults, called Corpsmembers, are employed and trained to serve on community-based projects related to land conservation, energy and water conservation, healthcare or construction. While many Corpsmembers have significant

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