SCRPA Magazine Spring 2021

Page 7


Snapshots of programming in SCRPA member agencies le “Cheers Summer vil n to You” Tow

rks & The Su mmerv ille Pa ent wa s recent ly rtm pa Recreation De Ice and chosen by Spark lin g ipient of their rec a as Ta lki ng Ra in n beauti fication “Cheers to You” tow ns chosen, tow 3 of 1 project. On ly to e bu ild 2 Su mmerv ille wa s abl rts wh ich ha s cou l bal outdoor pickle ent hu sia sts a provided picklebal l rs. doo out pla ce to play

Keeping Greenville Green #PlantGV L Keepi ng Greenvil le Green: le The City of Greenvil Pa rks Depa rtment gave away over 200 bare-root saplin gs to o residents du rin g tw different events.

S pa r t a n bu DI Y Chr rg County istmas O r n a men t Kits

Since all the nor ma l hol iday pa rties and events were can cel led due to COVID-19, the Spart anbu rg County Pa rks Depa rtment cam e up wit h a new and different way to safely celebrate the sea son. They ma de and ha nded out nea rly 2,000 DIY Ch ristmas Or na ment Kits. Ea ch kit ha d all the ing red ients ch ild ren needed to ma ke their ow n salt dou gh ornaments, and they were a hu ge hit!

Drive in B Days in Gringo eer The City of Greer hosted several FM Rad io Drive in Bingo Days for Sen iors. This concept allowed loca l seniors to remain safely in thei r cars whi le the BINGO game was tran smitted through a stat ion on thei r car radio. They enjoyed the opportun ity to get out in the com mun ity safely.

Spring 2021 • SOUTH CAROLINA Recreation and Parks 7

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