SCRPA South Carolina Magazine - Winter 2020

Page 6


Snapshots of programming in SCRPA member agencies le Beach City of My rt s g in Happen

ation My rtle Beach Recre nce routines. Cli nics, organ ized by eer and beg inner da Ch of ls nta (Above) Youth Cheer me da fun the ren ild ch t gh tau Leader Lisa Lesnick, coa ches. different volunteer er Mi ke Ea ch cli nic wa s led by ach Recreation Lead ills led by My rtle Be Dr & tba ll ills foo Sk th ll tba you Foo the funda menta ls of (Upper Rig ht) Youth ed to tea ch ch ild ren ign des s wa m gra Foltz. Th is pro ic Coord inator wit hout contact. organ ized by Ath let ch ine Pitch Leag ue Ma all ls of youth baseba ll. seb nta Ba ll me Fa da (Bottom Rig ht) e is to tea ch the fun gu lea s thi of us foc ma in s. Ch ris Mi llsaps. The n by volunteer coa che ag ue is co-ed and ru The Ma ch ine Pitch Le

ick or City of Charleston Tr ru Th o Treat Bo tober 30, the (Left) On Friday, Oc creation Re on est arl Ch of City ick or Tr d ste Depa rtment ho ton mp Ha in ru Th o Bo Treat thr u ve dri a s Pa rk, wh ich wa un ity mm Co nt. eve en we Ha llo siness organ izations and bu ile wh dy, can out ed ha nd orated areas recreation sta ff dec d up like of the pa rk and dresse lon g line the te spi cha racters. De iles! sm all saw we , ffic of tra

y SCRPA Anniversar 75K Finisher (R ight) Mount Pleasa nt’s Shell i Davis fin ished the “2020 Vir tua l 75K Ru n. Wa lk. Roll.” in 6.1 hours throu gh a combination of wa lki ng, ru nn ing, bik ing, and rol ler skatin g.

Spartanburg County Slime Day

Aiken Cou Distributi nty Food on

6 SOUTH CAROLINA Recreation and Parks •

(Lef t) Members of the Aiken Cou nty Park s, Recreat ion, and Tou rism depa rtment, alon g with Golden Har vest Food Ban k, Sen ior center volu nteers, and members of the Wagener-Sal ley HS football team dist ributed food to over 200 needy fam ilies in the com mun ity on Aug ust 27.

(Above) There’s happ y and then there’s “oh my gosh! It’s sli me day!” happy. Th is act ivity is always a favorite am on g ou r after school progra m pa rti cipants!

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