2 minute read
Spartanburg County
By Cord Sgaglio, CPRP, CYSA, Athletic Coordinator, Spartanburg County Parks Department
From the ground up, the notion of building a resilient foundation and constructing towards the sky, or some might say the future. This idea is one of the key concepts for Spartanburg County’s Project Play Initiative. Spartanburg County Parks Department is privileged to operate over 30 parks, which houses more than 50 fields. Throughout each year, tournaments and youth athletics of all scales are conducted throughout these facilities. One of the byproducts of these events is a treasure trove of lost and discarded equipment. The utmost diligence is observed when trying to return lost and found equipment, but there is only so much storage space and time that a piece of equipment can be held before disposal. These circumstances led to an idea, and that idea to a plan. The plan eventually grew into Spartanburg County’s Project Play Initiative. Through this initiative, we offer opportunities that otherwise would have been unobtainable. We work directly with our local Youth Athletic Association leaders to help distribute the lost and found items that go unclaimed for over a month. The Project Play Initiative was added to our Youth Athletic Association agreement in the spring of 2021 as an additional means of assistance. Stacey Beeler, President of Spartanburg County District Six Youth Athletic Association, says, “District 6 Youth Athletic Association is honored to be a part of this much-needed program to assist families needing sports equipment and supplies in our community. We have great fields at Tyger River Park to use but if some kids don’t have gloves, bats, helmets, and other gear it’s really hard to play the game. We can do better. Through the efforts of Cord Sgaglio and Spartanburg County, this initiative is looking to be a “homerun”! We appreciate and applaud their efforts and will continue to provide support and promote the program.” It has been a privilege to work with the members of our community as we build a better future. For Spartanburg County, each piece of equipment distributed comes with an opportunity attached; an opportunity to be active, play sports, make a difference, and new friends!