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15 ALICE LANE TOWERS: Raising the bar in corporate head office design By Stacey Rowan The bar has been raised in corporate head

glass and aluminium faรงade. Not only have

office design in South Africa, with the

the standards of design been raised, but,

completion of the 15 Alice Lane Towers,

as a high-rise building, this development

memorable for its iconic building form

has also redefined and reshaped the sky-

composed of two curvaceous towers and a

line of metropolitan Johannesburg.


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Completed in late 2010, 15 Alice Lane Towers now

Set atop a six-storey parking basement structure,

provides ultra-desirable head office space for the

the two towers rise 17 storeys into the Sandton sky.

new occupants, Deneys Reitz Attorneys. Designed by

Located at the western edge of the Sandton Central

Anthony Orelowitz, Raj Patel and Andrew Butcher,

acropolis-like setting, the building’s silhouette,

from Paragon Architects, for co-developers Zenprop

and curved façade, is at its most striking when

Holdings and Tiber Projects, the office tower is an

seen across the lush forests of Johannesburg’s

exceptional high-profile addition to the area of

north-western suburbs.






The glass-and aluminium-clad towers are linked by

aluminium boxes set around deeply incised glass

a dramatic canyon-like, vertical atrium space that


is only six metres wide at its narrowest point. Each tower has glazed wings which cantilever 2.5 m

Walkways and bridges spiral upwards and are ar-

past their gable ends. North and south facades are

ranged in a fan-like pattern, which create a dramatic

wrapped in a highly patterned skin of seemingly

internal environment. These walkways connect

random panes of clear, dark grey, and white trans-

the two towers below an atrium roof with voluptu-

lucent glass. The resulting effect is one of a scale-

ous funnel-like skylights. Internally, the lobby of-

less building, in which it is almost impossible to

fers high ceilings and generous volumes to create

gauge the number of floors. East and West fa-

a sense of opulence on entry, and extends into the

cades are constructed to exclude direct sun, with

many floors of premier office space. The interior

sculptural hand-formed warm metallic-coloured

fit-out for Deneys Reitz was undertaken by Paragon

Main Contractors (Tel): 011 430 7700 (Fax): 086 502 2404 tiber@tiber.co.za 12 Desmond Street Kramerville Sandton


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Interface, the space planning and interior fit-out business in the Paragon Group. Marilize van Dyk,

Occupant’s requirements

Kirsty Schoombie and Leanie Roestorf made up

With the leading law firm’s existing premises no

the Paragon Interface team.

longer big enough for its expanding business, Deneys Reitz needed to move to a larger building.

Viewed from all angles, the building presents a highly

A number of companies proposed their develop-

patterned and highly abstracted surface of architec-

ments to Deneys Reitz Attorneys and ultimately

tural elements that change constantly with the chang-

Zenprop was selected for their ability to deliver to

ing time and atmosphere of the day. Low-energy glass

the practice’s specific requirements and do so at

and basic rules of orientation and common-sense

an appropriate market rental.

detailing assisted in minimising energy usage, together with control and building management sys-

The requirements sought by Deneys Reitz were

tems that are now becoming industry standards

precise: the efficiency and environmental friendli-

amongst responsible developers and tenants.

ness of the building, quality of space and facilities

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for staff and clients, and to be located within the Sandton location. With seven of South Africa’s major law firms all located within a kilometre of each other

Iconic architecture and environmental impact

within the Sandton Central node, the attorneys wanted to stay within this area – which has become

15 Alice Lane is not only iconic in its design, but it

the central financial and legal district of Johannes-

is also pushes the boundaries in the environmental


principles that were used during construction. Careful thought and environmental consideration

The building offers the requisite infrastructure in

was given to every element of the building – from

terms of functional offices complemented by ad-

its position in the heart of Africa’s most vibrant and

equate consulting rooms and an auditorium to

prestigious business hub, to the building’s energy

host seminars.


Alice Lane Office Towers also meets the practice’s

Material selection, the placement of the building

need for future expansion options within the build-

itself and attention to detail were used to achieve

ing. With some 500 staff members the building of-

the best possible energy performance for this

fers the occupants the space they require, with room

high-rise commercial property. Both the eastern

to spare for future expansion.

and western facades are thermally insulated with

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punched windows to reduce glazed areas; and the

Eclipse Advantage Grey and 6mm Armourplate®

northern and southern facades are double-glazed

clear; Armourscreen ® Low Iron 6mm Toughened

to cut energy costs. The design ensures that the end

Safety Glass. This was the first major installation

wings of the northern and southern façades are

of the GraphixArt™ range of glass in an architec-

shaded with blinds to reduce the heat load. The

tural project. The glass was manufactured at Ad-

building’s green nature is highlighted by its loca-

vance Armour Glass in Isando.

tion in an extensive green-scape surrounded by reflective ponds and water elements.

Glass printing technology

Quality clay brick production 15 Alice Lane Towers is one of the latest high-profile, high-rise structures where Oconbrick’s leader-

The project uses glass printing technology new to

ship in quality clay brick production was harnessed.

South Africa, and innovative facade assembly techniques that minimise scaffolding costs and ensure

More than 1 500 000 Oconbrick clay stock bricks

that more of the building cost ends up in the built

were rolled onto the Sandton site since construc-

product, and less in the building process itself.

tion began. The first delivery was on 1 April 2009, and the last truckload from the company’s Meyer-

Glass South Africa (GSA) supplied the glass from

ton plant unloaded on 4 November 2010. Through

the new GraphixArt™ range. Various glass types were

the 18-month construction period, priority deliver-

used which included 24mm Insulvue®; double

ies to building contractor, Tiber Bonvec, were

glazing comprising Eclipse Advantage Grey with and

done regularly and met deadlines.

without a stripe; Armourplate® Eclipse Advantage Grey 6mm Toughened Safety Glass; complement-

15 Alice Lane Towers was one, amongst many, of

ing Armourplate® single glazing comprising

Oconbrick’s production and delivery challenges, at

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Tel: (011) 795 3556

Fax: (011) 795 3669

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a time when new corporate headquarters, hotels,

Another big order for Oconbrick has been 2.5-million

shopping malls and business complexes were rising

bricks for a mosque, school, clinic and shopping

above the city horizon.

centre in Midrand.

Large clay stock brick orders have included 2-million

Although the current downturn in the building

bricks for ABSA Towers, the bank’s new three-block

construction industry has seen a slowing demand

Africa corporate headquarters in central Johannes-

for bricks, Oconbrick is maintaining production

burg, and roughly the same quantity was required

levels that continue to ensure ‘off-the-shelf’ avail-

for construction work at The Zone commercial and

ability of stock.

shopping centre in Rosebank. Other important projects are the expansion of the Hobart Road re-

“We understand that some clay brick suppliers

tail centre in Bryanston, and the Station Place hotel

have been forced to scale back on production,

and retail complex and Protea Place office block in

leading to some supply shortages, but Oconbrick

Sandton, also designed by Paragon Architects.

continues to have a healthy order book,” says Kemp. “Even though we are not running at full ca-

“These are all high-profile corporate projects

pacity, we are well-equipped to meet all current

which carry specifications for brickwork of equally

and future demand for bricks.”

high quality,” says Nico Kemp, operations director, Oconbrick.

In addition to commercial and private developments projects, Oconbrick’s order books identify

Décor Wallcoverings is engaged in the development, production and distribution of high quality and well thought out wall coverings. We are market leaders in the southern African contract and hospitality market. Thanks to a varied and comprehensive range of colours and designs, our products greatly enhance the appearance of every possible interior in the contract market.

DÉCOR INTERIOR CONTRACTS Décor Interior Contracts is the contractual division of Décor Wallcoverings, and have been involved with the installation of wallcoverings for over 40 years. We have built up a very strong, reliable association with all the major construction, architectural, design and project management companies throughout the country. The following are just some of the major clientele and contracts that we have been responsible for: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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New Head Quarters – South African Intelligence The Hilton Hotel – Johannesburg Melrose Arch Hotel Sandton City Refurbishments Ellerines Group (6 brands) Trevenna Business Park (Pretoria) Waverley Office Park Vodacom MTN Cell C Nedcor Lindsay Keller Attorneys Werksman Attorneys Nokia Nashua Mobile

Our expertise in handling all types of wallcoverings is second to none. Head Office – 201-205 President St, Johannesburg • PO Box 1056, Johannesburg, 2000 Tel: +27 (0) 11 402 1960 • Fax: +27 (0) 11 402 7674 • E-mail: decorwp@global.co.za Cape Town – Wallpaper Inc., The Palms Centre, 145 Sir Lowry Rd, Woodstock Tel: +27 (0) 21 465 6547 • Fax: +27 (0) 21 465 1711 • Cell: +27 (0) 82 920 4174 Pretoria – Cell: +27 (0) 82 594 1594 • Cell: +27 (0) 76 812 2164 Durban – Linda-Lee Smith, 45 Claribel Rd, Morningside, Durban, 4001 Tel: +27 (0) 31 564 7775 • Fax: +27 (0) 86 648 3591 • Cell: +27 (0) 82 780 1368 Eastern Cape – Windovert, 130 Paterson Rd, Northend, Port Elizabeth Tel: +27 (0) 41 484 4670 • Fax: +27 (0) 41 484 5981 • Cell: +27 (0) 82 556 8895 • Cell: +27 (0) 82 954 2743

www.decorwp.co.za We are also proud of our BEE Status with a recognition rating level 3.

Décor stands for quality both in technology and design. A variety of designs and durable materials form the basis of our exclusive and original collections. With this, we optimally satisfy the aesthetic and functional requirements of offices, hotels, financial institutions, and corporates to name a few. Long lasting success is characterised by our constant strive to present the latest trends. One of today’s major trends is the advent of digitally produced and printed wallpapers, which make it theoretically possible to get anything you want. Avant-garde art, ecological, wild and crazy retro designs are some of the latest choices in ART wallcoverings. At Décor Wallcoverings we offer a huge repertoire of great diversity, either from existing collections or bespoke.

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infrastructural projects too – typically schools, uni-

achieved when well-integrated teams meet

versity buildings, and other public educational facili-

around singular challenges. The best design and

ties in the region.

management skills of all involved companies were focused on this project, and exceptional value and

Investing in Johannesburg

skill is embedded in a building that would have been difficult to build at this cost and with this level of technical ambition in a more pressurised

The development of 15 Alice Lane is a continuation of Zenprop Holdings and Tiber Projects’ company strategy to be invested in Sandton, South Africa’s premier office node. Commissioned and built entirely within the hardest economic recession that the world has seen, this building is a statement of faith in the future of Johannesburg, and a measure of what can be

economic environment. <

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