Mandela Poster Project 95 collection

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But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. Nelson Mandela

ABOUT THE MANDELA POSTER PROJECT In May 2013 a group of designers from South Africa came up with an idea to celebrate Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela’s life by collecting 95 posters from around the world, honouring his lifelong contribution to humanity. In 60 days designers from more than 70 countries submitted over 700 posters. The submissions were curated and 95 exceptional posters that encapsulate Madiba's values and the essence of the initiative were selected to form part of the Mandela 95 Poster Project Collection. It has since been exhibited in South Africa and many other destinations around the world. The collection was sold to Design Institute, South Africa’s national design promotion body and a division of the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). The acquisition has successfully achieved the aim of raising a R1 million for the Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital Trust, thus cementing the design community’s contribution to Madiba’s final legacy wish. The Mandela Poster Project is endorsed by the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda) and is an officially recognised World Design Capital Cape Town 2014 project. The organisers, known as the Mandela Poster Project Collective, work for no personal gain and give freely of their time, expertise and resources.

I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Nelson Mandela

MANDELA POSTER PROJECT COLLECTIVE Brenda Sanderson (Canada) – IxDA Executive Director, Icograda's MD 2005-2012 Celéste Burger – Creative Director at Angelcy Brand Messengers Frances Frylinck – Independent Illustrator & Designer, Based in South Korea Ithateng Mokgoro – Director at Gamatong Enterprise, Curator of TEDxJohannesburg & TEDxSoweto Jacques Lange – Icograda President 2005-07, Partner at Bluprint Design Jennie Fourie – Freelance Copywriter at Creative Language Solutions Karuna Pillay – Partner/Managing Executive at Bluprint Design, Owner PHCCS Kelo Kubu – Director at Gamatong Enterprise, TEDx Ambassador for Africa Marco Cannata – Owner and Creative Head at Downtown Creative Agency Mohammed Jogie – Icograda VP 2007-09, Partner at Morning Star Design Vesna Brekalo (Slovenia) – Icograda VP 2011-2013, Independent Designer at VesnaBrekaloDesign Vuyo Lutseke – Media & Communications Officer at Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital Trust

The time is always ripe to do right. Nelson Mandela


SELECTED DESIGNERS – Abbas Majidi (Iran) – Aimilios Galipis (Greece)

– Diego Giovanni Bermúdez Aguirre (Colombia)

– Alan Grobler (South Africa)

– Dominic Evans (South Africa)

– Albina Aleksiunaite (Lithuania)

– Don Ryun Chang (South Korea)

– Alessandro Di Sessa (Italy)

– Eduard Čehovin (Slovinia)

– Alexis Tapia (Mexico)

– Elizabeth Resnick (USA)

– Ana Ivette Valenzuela (Mexico)

– Ellen Shapiro (USA)

– Ana Paula Caldas (Brazil)

– Fabio Do Prado (UK)

– Anton Odhiambo (Kenya)

– Fabio Testa (Brazil)

– Aubin A Sadiki (Democratic

– Félix Beltrán (Mexico)

Republic of the Congo/South

– Fernando Andreazi (Brazil)


– Frances Frylinck (South Africa)

– Bibi Seck (USA)

– Francesco Mazzenga (Italy)

– Brenda Sanderson (Canada)

– Frida Larios (Honduras/El

– Bruno Porto (Brazil)


– Byoung il Sun (South Korea)

– Gareth Steele (South Africa)

– Carlos Andrade (Venezuela)

– Garth Walker (South Africa)

– Celéste Burger (South Africa)

– Germán Jiménez Pinilla

– Charis Tsevis (Greece)


– Claudia Tello (Mexico)

– Gyula Gefin (Canada)

– COP Youth Congress (Trinidad

– Hervé Matine (France)

and Tobago) – Cristina Chiappini (Italy)

– Hon Bing-wah (China) – Interbrand Shanghai (Sijing

– David Copestakes (USA)

Chen, Hung Hsiang, Miaojie Li,

– David Iker Sanchez (USA)

Chuan Jiang) (China,)

– David Tartakover (Israel) – David Teveth (Israel) – Derek Flynn (Canada)

– Ithateng Mokgoro (South Africa) – Jacques Lange (South Africa)

– Jacqui Morris (South Africa)

– Onica Lekuntwane (Botswana)

– Jasveer Sidhu (Malaysia)

– Onur Kuran (Turkey)

– Javier Bulacio (Argentina)

– Pepe Menéndez (Cuba)

– Jeffrey Rikhotso (South Africa)

– Rafael Nascimento (Brazil)

– Jimmy Ball (USA)

– Rafiq Elmansy (Egypt)

– Joël Guenoun (France)

– Robert L. Peters (Canada)

– José Luis Hernández “Chepe”

– Roberto Vilchis (China)


– Roy Villalobos (USA)

– Juan Madriz (Venezuela)

– Russell Kennedy (Australia)

– Kyosuke Nishiada (Canada)

– Sally Chambers (South Africa)

– Lauriel Coscia (South Africa)

– Sindiso Nyoni (aka R!OT)

– Lavanya Asthana (India)

(Zimbabwe/South Africa)

– Levente Szabo (Belgium)

– Steve Rayner (South Africa)

– Lin You Ting (Taiwan)

– Sulet Jansen (South Africa)

– Ling-hung Sophia Shih (Taiwan)

– Theo Kontaxis (Greece)

– Lola Coudignac (France)

– Thomas Blankschøn (Germany)

– Luis Yañez (Mexico)

– Travis Kennedy (Australia)

– Majid Abbasi (Iran)

– Unnikrishna Menon

– Marcelo Aflalo (Brazil)

Damodaran (Bahrain)

– Marco Cannata (South Africa)

– Vesna Brekalo (Slovenia)

– Marco Tóxico (Bolivia)

– Vitor Andrade (Brazil)

– Maria Papaefstathiou (Greece)

– Wessel Matthews (South

– Marian Bantjes (Canada)


– Martin Joel (Botswana)

– William Taylor (South Africa)

– Mervyn Kurlansky (Denmark/

– Zarina Mendoza (USA)

UK/South Africa) – Mohammed Jogie (South Africa) – Najeeb Mahmood (India)

Abbas Majidi | Iran Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All Rights Reserved.

Aimilios Galipis | Greece Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All Rights Reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Alan Grobler | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Albina Aleksiunaite | Lithuania Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Alessandro Di Sessa | Italy Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Alexis Tapia | Mexico Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Ana Ivette Valenzuela | Mexico Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Ana Paula Caldas | An admirable man | Brazil Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Anton Odhiambo | Kenya Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Aubin A. Sadiki | Democratic Republic of Congo/South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Bibi Seck | USA Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Brenda Sanderson | Canada Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Bruno Porto | 95x18.07 | Brazil Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Byoung il Sun | South Korea Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Carlos Andrade | Venezuela Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

CelÊste Burger | Before and after | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Charis Tsevis | New African Map | Greece Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Claudia Tello | THANK YOU | Mexico Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

COP Youth Congress | Trinidad and Tobago Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Cristina Chiappini | Italy Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

David Copestakes | USA Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

David Iker Sanchez | USA Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

David Tartakover | Israel Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

David Teveth | Israel Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Derek Flynn (Bruce Mau Design) | Canada Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Diego Giovanni Bermúdez Aguirre | Colombia Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Dominic Evans | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Don Ryun Chang | Freedom | South Korea Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Eduard ÄŒehovin | Slovenia Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Elizabeth Resnick | USA Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Ellen Shapiro | USA Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Fabio Do Prado | Looking to the future | United Kingdom Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Fåbio Testa | The life and times of a great man | Brazil Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Félix Beltrán | Mexico © The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Fernando Andreazi | Y NOT? | Brazil Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Frances Frylinck | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Francesco Mazzenga | Italy Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Frida Larios | Emerging Underworld Serpent Honduras/El Salvador Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Gareth Steele | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Garth Walker | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Germán Jiménez Pinilla | Colombia © The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Gyula Gefin | Canada Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

HervÊ Matine | France Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Hon Bing-wah | huMANity | China Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Sijing Chen, HungHsiang Yang, Miaojie Li, Chuan Jiang | China © The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Ithateng Mokgoro | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Ithateng Mokgoro | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Jacques Lange | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Jacqui Morris | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Jasveer Sidhu | Malaysia Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Javier Bulacio | Argentina Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Jeffrey Rikhotso | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Jimmy Ball | USA Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Joël Guenoun | France © The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

José Luis Hernández “Chepe” | Mexico © The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Juan Madriz | Venezuela Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Kyosuke Nishiada (Bruce Mau Design) | Canada Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Lauriel Coscia | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Lavanya Asthana | India Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Levente Szabo | Belgium Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Lin You Ting | Peace | Taiwan Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Lola Coudignac | France Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Luis Yañez | FREE MANDELA | Mexico © The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Majid Abbasi | Iran Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Marcelo Aflalo | Brazil Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Marco Cannata | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Marco T贸xico | Bolivia 漏 The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Maria Papaefstathiou | Greece Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Marian Bantjes | Mandela Mandala | Canada Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Martin Joel | Long walk | Botswana Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Mervyn Kurlansky | Peace Denmark/United Kingdom/South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Mohammed Jogie | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Najeeb Mahmood | Man.Mandela.Madiba | India Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Onica Lekuntwane | Botswana Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Onur Kuran | Turkey Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Pepe MenÊndez | Cuba Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Rafael Nascimento | Brazil Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Rafiq Elmansy | I married freedom | Egypt Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Robert L. Peters | Canada Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Roberto Vilchis | China Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Roy Villalobos | USA Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Russell Kennedy | Madiba | Australia Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Sally Chambers | Madiba25 | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Vitor Andrade | Brazil Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Sindiso Nyoni (aka R!OT) | The Boxer | Zimbabwe/South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Ling-hung Sophia Shih | Taiwan Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Steve Rayner | 95 Rainbows | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Sulet Jansen | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Theo Kontaxis | Greece Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Thomas Blankschøn | Germany Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Travis Kennedy | Australia Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Unnikrishna Menon Damodaran | Bahrain Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Vesna Brekalo | United as one! | Slovenia Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Wessel Matthews | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

William Taylor | South Africa Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Zarina Mendoza | USA Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

Š The copyright of this work resides with the creator. All rights reserved.

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