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Why This Project?

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Sullivant Bright is part of a larger $10,000,000.00 rehabilitation project (2% of which is devoted to public art) that began in May 2020. Exploration of the existing conditions of the 1.9 mile corridor (Sullivant Avenue from Hague to I-70) began in May of 2020 with evaluation of sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, and signals.

Project engineers determined which portions of sidewalk needed repair and replacement as well as which signals needed to be upgraded. In addition, the City determined which areas needed improved pedestrian crossing infrastructure.

While project engineers examined the corridor for infrastructure improvement, public art and placemaking opportunities were also considered along the corridor, particularly where public art or a placemaking intervention could support a safer pedestrian environment.

This investment is supported by the City of Columbus’ Envision Hilltop Plan, a comprehensive community plan for a stronger Hilltop. The following goals are specifically supported by the Plan: Goal 10: Reinforce and strengthen key gateways into the neighborhood with strategies directly ties to beautifying streets and creating public art;

Goal 13: Prioritize active and shared mobility with strategies touching on pedestrian improvements and amenities; and

Goal 27: Enhance and add amenities to draw new homebuyers.

A series of public art and placemaking investments are recommended on the following pages. Special consideration was given to maximizing the utilization of the right-of-way and to geographic distribution throughout the corridor to ensure equitable access to residents who live along the corridor.

Because Sullivant Bright works within the context of a rehabilitation project, a series of pedestrian amenities are presented. Some of the amenities are the locations in which public art will be placed. In order to consider the public art and placemaking interventions fully, a series of terms are defined below. These definitions are the basis in which the projects are defined throughout the document.

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