Moroso Bon Bon

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Tord Boontje _ 2006 _Cod.


Materiale e finiture / Materials and Finishings / Materialen und Ausführungen / Materiaux et Finitions

Bon Bon Round Side Table - size Ø 50 cm


Multicoloured print on Corian

Green print on Corian



Red Spot print on Corian

Vetro serigrafato nero Tempered glass printed black Aus glass Schwarz gedruck Verre sérigrafé noir

Bon Bon Oval Side Table - size 55x31 cm

Pink print on Corian


Vetro serigrafato bianco Tempered glass printed white Aus glass Weiss gedruck Verre sérigrafé blanc

Green print on Corian



Pink Spot print on Corian

Vetro serigrafato nero Tempered glass printed black Aus glass Schwarz gedruck Verre sérigrafé noir

Bon Bon Oval Side Table - size 60x42 cm

Specchio serigrafato bianco Mirror printed white Spiegel weiss und siebdruck Mirroir sérigrafé blanc Le finiture qui riprodotte sono indicative. Leggeri scostamenti non verranno accettati come reclamo. Finishings may slighly change. Light differences will not be accepted as complaint. Farbabweichungen gegenüber den Mustern sind möglich und müssen akzeptiert werden. Les couleurs reprises sur cette page sont indicatives et de légères différences ne seront pas acceptées comme non-conformités.

Vetro serigrafato bianco Tempered glass printed white Aus glass Weiss gedruck Verre sérigrafé blanc


Tord Boontje _ 2006 _Cod.

Bon Bon Low Round Table - size Ø 90 cm


Multicolor print on Corian

Vetro serigrafato nero Tempered glass printed black Aus glass Schwarz gedruck Verre sérigrafé noir

Vetro serigrafato bianco Tempered glass printed white Aus glass Weiss gedruck Verre sérigrafé blanc

Bon Bon Low Round Table - size Ø 70 cm

Specchio serigrafato bianco Mirror printed white Spiegel weiss und siebdruck Mirroir sérigrafé blanc

Bon Bon Low Oval Table - size 120x85 cm

Purple print on Corian ®

Bon Bon Low Oval Table - size 120x82 cm

Vetro serigrafato nero Tempered glass printed black Aus glass Schwarz gedruck Verre sérigrafé noir

Vetro serigrafato bianco Tempered glass printed white Aus glass Weiss gedruck Verre sérigrafé blanc

Le finiture qui riprodotte sono indicative. Leggeri scostamenti non verranno accettati come reclamo. Finishings may slighly change. Light differences will not be accepted as complaint. Farbabweichungen gegenüber den Mustern sind möglich und müssen akzeptiert werden. Les couleurs reprises sur cette page sont indicatives et de légères différences ne seront pas acceptées comme non-conformités.



Tord Boontje _ 2006 _Cod.






Le basi di tutti i tavoli sono in acciaio verniciato bianco o nero opaco escluso i tavoli con i seguenti codici: 220-221-222-223-230-232234 che hanno la base solo bianca.

Bases are steel with white or black matt powdercoat finish, except codes: 220221-222-223-230-232-234 available white only.

Alle Gestelle aus Stahl lackiert weiss oder schwarz matt aussert die Kode: 220221-222-223-230-232-234 die nur in weiss geliefert werden.

Les bases de toutes les tables sont en acier vérni blanc ou noir opaque, à lexception des codes 220221-222-223-230-232-234 qui sont disponibles uniquement avec base blanche.

OVAL SIDE TABLES Piano in Corian® nei disegni: Pink, Green, Pink Spot (cod.220-221) o in vetro serigrafato bianco o nero (cod.224-225). ROUND SIDE TABLES Piano in Corian® nei disegni: Multicoloured, Greens, Red Spot (cod.222223) o in vetro serigrafato bianco o nero (cod.226-227). MIRROR SIDE TABLES Piano in specchio serigrafato bianco (cod.219228-229).

OVAL SIDE TABLES Table top is Corian® in following sublimated ink printed patterns: Pink, Green, Pink Spot (code 220-221) or tempered glass printed on underside with white or black pattern (code.224-225). ROUND SIDE TABLES Table top is Corian® in following sublimated ink printed patterns: Multicolored, Greens, Red Spot (code 222-223) or tempered glass printed on underside with white or black pattern (226-227).

OVAL SIDE TABLES Tischplatte aus Corian® mit folgenden Muster: Pink, Green, Pink Spot (Kod. 220-221) oder aus glass weiss oder schwarz gedruckt (Kod.224-225). ROUND SIDE TABLES Tischplatte aus Corian® mit folgenden Muster: Mulicoloured, Greens, Red Spot (Kod. 222-223) oder aus glass weiss oder schwarz gedruckt (Kod.226227).

MIRROR SIDE TABLES Tischplatte aus Spiegel MIRROR SIDE TABLES weiss gedruch (Kod.219ROUND COFFEE TABLE Top is mirror printed white 228-229). Piano in Corian® (cod.230), (code 219-228-229). in vetro serigrafato bianco o ROUND COFFEE TABLE nero (cod.231) o specchio ROUND COFFEE TABLE Tischplatte aus Corian® serigrafato bianco (cod.236). Table top is Corian® (code (Kod. 230) oder aus glass 230) or tempered glass weiss oder schwarz LOW ROUND TABLE printed on underside with gedruckt (Kod.231) oder Piano in Corian® (cod.232) white or black pattern Spiegel weiss gedruckt o in vetro serigrafato bianco (code 231) or mirror printed (Kod.236). o nero (cod.233). white (code 236). LOW ROUND TABLE LOW OVAL TABLE LOW ROUND TABLE Tischplatte aus Corian® Piano in Corian® (cod.234) Table top is Corian® (code (Kod. 232) oder aus glass o in vetro serigrafato bianco 232) or tempered glass weiss oder schwarz o nero (cod.235). printed on underside with gedruckt (Kod.233). white or black pattern LOW OVAL TABLE (code 233). Tischplatte aus Corian® LOW OVAL TABLE (Kod. 234) oder aus glass Table top is Corian® (code weiss oder schwarz 234) or tempered glass gedruckt (Kod.235). printed on underside with white or black pattern (code 235)

OVAL SIDE TABLES Plateau en Corian® de couleur dessins: Pink, Green, Pink Spot (cod.220221) ou en verre sérigrafé blanc ou noir (cod.224-225). ROUND SIDE TABLES Plateau en Corian® avec dessins: Multicoloured, Greens, Red Spot (cod.222223) ou en verre sérigrafé blanc ou noir (cod.226-227). MIRROR SIDE TABLES Table d'appoint avec plateau miroir sérigrafé blanc (cod.219-228-229). ROUND COFFEE TABLE Plateau en Corian® (cod.230) ou en verre sérigrafé blanc ou noir (cod.231) ou miroir sérigrafé blanc (cod.236). LOW ROUND TABLE Plateau en Corian® (cod.232) ou en verre sérigrafé blanc ou noir (cod.233). LOW OVAL TABLE Plateau en Corian® (cod.234) ou en verre sérigrafé blanc ou noir (cod.235).

BON BON Fodera Ersatzbez

Cover Housse

Cod. 220

Tord Boontje _ 2006 _Cod. m Tessuto Stoff

Fabric Tissu

m² Pelle Leder

Corian® oval side table L.55 H.55

Leather Cuir

Kg P. lordo Bruttogew.

Cod. 221

Gr. Weight Poids Brut

m³ Volume Volumen


Volume Volume

Corian® oval side table L.55 H.45 Corian® oval side table L.55 H.45 Corian® oval side table L.55 H.45 Corian® oval side table L.55 H.45





Corian® oval side table L.55 H.55 Corian® oval side table L.55 H.55 Corian® oval side table L.55 H.55


55 Kg 8

Cod. 224

m³ 0,20

Glass oval side table L.55 H.55

Kg 8

Cod. 225

m³ 0,20

Glass oval side table L.55 H.45 Glass oval side table L.55 H.45 Glass oval side table L.55 H.45 Glass oval side table L.55 H.45





Glass oval side table L.55 H.55 Glass oval side table L.55 H.55 Glass oval side table L.55 H.55


55 Kg 8

Cod. 222

m³ 0,20

Corian® round side table D.50 H.55

Kg 8

Cod. 223

Corian® round side table D.50 H.45 Corian® round side table D.50 H.45 Corian® round side table D.50 H.45 Corian® round side table D.50 H.45



Corian® round side table D.50 H.55 Corian® round side table D.50 H.55 Corian® round side table D.50 H.55

m³ 0,20


50 Kg 8

m³ 0,20

Kg 8

m³ 0,20

BON BON Fodera Ersatzbez

Cover Housse

Cod. 226

Tord Boontje _ 2006 _Cod. m Tessuto Stoff

Fabric Tissu

m² Pelle Leder

Glass round side table D.50 H.55

Leather Cuir

Kg P. lordo Bruttogew.

Cod. 227

Gr. Weight Poids Brut

m³ Volume Volumen


Volume Volume

Glass round side table D.50 H.45 Glass round side table D.50 H.45 Glass round side table D.50 H.45 Glass round side table D.50 H.45



Glass round side table D.50 H.55 Glass round side table D.50 H.55 Glass round side table D.50 H.55


50 Kg 8

Cod. 228

m³ 0,20

Mirror side table L.60 H.55

Kg 8

Cod. 229

m³ 0,20

Mirror side table L.60 H.45 Mirror side table L.60 H.45 Mirror side table L.60 H.45 Mirror side table L.60 H.45





Mirror side table L.60 H.55 Mirror side table L.60 H.55 Mirror side table L.60 H.55


60 Kg 8

Cod. 219

m³ 0,20

Mirror round side table D.70 H.55

Kg 8

Cod. 236

Mirror round coffee table D.70 H.72 Mirror round coffee table D.70 H.72 Mirror round coffee table D.70 H.72 Mirror round coffee table D.70 H.72



Mirror round side table D.70 H.55 Mirror round side table D.70 H.55 Mirror round side table D.70 H.55

m³ 0,20


70 Kg 12

m³ 0,35

Kg 14

m³ 0,50

BON BON Fodera Ersatzbez

Tord Boontje _ 2006 _Cod.

Cover Housse

Cod. 230

m Tessuto Stoff

Fabric Tissu

m² Pelle Leder

Corian® round coffee table D.90 H.72

Leather Cuir

Kg P. lordo Bruttogew.

Gr. Weight Poids Brut

Cod. 231

m³ Volume Volumen


Volume Volume

Glass round coffee table D.90 H.72


Glass round coffee table D.90 H.72 Glass round coffee table D.90 H.72 Glass round coffee table D.90 H.72


Corian® round coffee table D.90 H.72 Corian® round coffee table D.90 H.72 Corian® round coffee table D.90 H.72


90 Kg 27

Cod. 232

m³ 0,70

Corian® low round table D.90 H.27

Kg 27

Cod. 233

m³ 0,70

Glass low round table D.90 H.27


Glass low round table D.90 H.27 Glass low round table D.90 H.27 Glass low round table D.90 H.27


Corian® low round table D.90 H.27 Corian® low round table D.90 H.27 Corian® low round table D.90 H.27


90 Kg 19

Cod. 234

m³ 0,40

Corian® low oval table L.120 H.27

Kg 19

Cod. 235

m³ 0,40

Glass low oval table L.120 H.27




Glass low oval table L.120 H.27 Glass low oval table L.120 H.27 Glass low oval table L.120 H.27


Corian® low oval table L.120 H.27 Corian® low oval table L.120 H.27 Corian® low oval table L.120 H.27


120 Kg 19

m³ 0,35

Kg 19

m³ 0,35

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