Saraswati Pujati Issue: Anjali 2010

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Sa r a s wa t iPuj a

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


Editorial Dear Anjali R eaders , It is with great pride and excitement that I pres ent to you the S aras wati P uja 2010 is s ue of the P ujari magazine, Anjali. Anjali has grown and flouris hed from its humble beginnings as a “community news letter” into a full fledged literary magazine with three issues every year. Moreover, for the last several years the Anjali magazine is also available to the rest of the world from the Pujari website. One of the goals of a community newsletter or magazine is to build and booster community pride by showcasing outstanding achievements of its members. Another goal, as we all know, is to celebrate and preserve our Bengali culture and heritage. In this context I would like to share with you (CoverStory: Raj Haaser Itihaas) the surprising clarity with which of one of our veteran members, Shyamoli Das (our beloved Shyamoli di), has narrated the historical timeline of Anjali, the literary magazine of Pujari. My sincere thanks to all Anjali contributors of various ages, who have helped me to build the magazine page by page. I am also glad that we have a very creative and enthusiastic team behind Anjali, who have been a great support to me to take the magazine a step further. This year Anjali has decided to go paperless, and promote ecofriendly approaches through creative steps. Our magazine is also available in CDs and on the net, which will help achieve our goals to some extent. Our next issue will be published during the Baisakhi event, in April 2010. Please feel free to send your articles at: for the forthcoming issue. I hope you all enjoy this issue of Anjali as much as I have. S incerely,

SutapaDatta E ditor, Anjali

পূজারী ও েহইিত r¥d¡l l¡­SÉ kMe f«¢bh£ NcÉju, aMe L¢h p¤¤L¡¿¹ ØjlZ Ll¡e, f­cÉl EfLlZ l©fju£ "f§¢ZÑj¡l Qy¡c ¢WL ­ke Tmp¡­e¡ l¦¢V'z a¡C A­j¢lL¡l j¡¢V­a ¢el¿¹l p¡wú«¢aL B­¾c¡me Q¡¢m­u k¡h¡l f¡­n BS "f§S¡l£' p¡j¡¢SL c¡u Ae¤ih L­l ­qC¢al j¡e¤­ol f¡­n p¡q¡kÉ J pj­hce¡l q¡a h¡¢s­u ­cu¡l BqÄ¡e S¡e¡uz ­qC¢a HL r£ZL¡u¡ ­cnz i¡NÉ J fËL«¢al j¡­l SSÑ¢la hýh¡lz Ai¡hju, Ae¤æa, a£hË ü¡ÙÛ pwL­Vl pjpÉ¡u SSÑ¢la, qÉ¡¢l­Le Lh¢ma - phÑf¢l p¡jfË¢aL i¨-LÇf­el Ll¡mNË¡­p d§m¡u ¢j­n k¡Ju¡ nq­ll fl nqlz a¡l p¡¢l-p¡¢l j«a­c­ql ¢nE­l JW¡ c«nÉ Bj¡­cl i¡h¡u J e¡s¡ ­cuz r¥d¡bÑ S£¢ha­cl f¡e£u S­ml pwL­V c£dÑ "Sm c¡J Bj¡u' p¡¢lhÜ Sj¡­u­al c«nÉ Bj¡­cl ¢h­h­Ll clS¡u Ls¡ e¡­sz fËnÀ SeÈ¡u - HC Tmj­m f«¢bh£l AeÉ¢f­Wl Aj¡hnÉ¡l ¢c­L j¤M ­gl¡­e¡, q¡a h¡s¡­e¡ J B­m¢La Ll¡l c¡u Bj¡­cl JflC haÑ¡u e¡ ¢L? f§S¡l£ a¡C j¡e¢hL q¡a h¡s¡u ­qC¢al ¢c­Lz BqÄ¡e S¡e¡u ¢hnÄ­L - ­qC¢al f¡­n cy¡¢s­u q¡a ­jm¡­e¡lz fË¡bÑe¡ L­l pLm p¡d¡lZ j¡e¤­ol SeÉz - শুভ� ন�ী (পূজারীর তরফ েথে)


Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


Linkin’ ’09 in Limericks Say welcome to two thousand ten To o-nine say goodbye once again What a bear of a year! So we’ll have to now cheer— Be alive; be happy, “amen!” ’twas the year of Barack Obama— The campaign for his race, a drama— and for peace a Nobel?! Many say, “what the *ell— he’ll do more for the world, countrymen!” Don’t you know about global warming? Don’t you heed all the scientists’ warning? The poor blame the rich— “They should pay for this glitch!” ’twas not easy in Copenhagen…. He was proud to pass healthcare reform— With debates galore, that’s the norm. “If you haven’t, you’ll get what we have, that’s a bet— so rejoice!,” said the president’s men.

You’re lucky if you didn’t get Swine flu… Get the shot… does it work? there’s no clue. And who do you believe? You will find no reprieve— For some say they conspire to kill… you! And then died the great Michael Jackson. How sad half the world’s population! And for Tiger Woods’ sake At the end, was no cake— The celeb had a new reputation. Did you see the long solar eclipse? Or the blue moon that night, between sips? A lot more did happen If you weren’t caught nappin’ In o-nine, if you count all your chips. So let’s count all our chips if we can And then count your blessings, young man The recession’s no small task Don’t believe? Then go ask— Call Amartya or ~Amitava Sen

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


জবা েচৗধুরী

�নেছা, বাজাের যাবার আেগ িল� টা

আজ েসই িপসী আসেছন েগৗহাি েথেক পুেরা দশ িদেনর

িনেত ভু েলা না েযন", বেলই এক পাতা

জন�! িবেকল পড়েতই আমরা িতন ভাই-েবান ৈতরী হেয়

ল�া একটা িল� বসার ঘেরর কিফ েটিবেল েরেখ মা

েগলাম িপসীেক এয়ারেপাটর েথেক আনার জন�।

ছু টেলা রা�া ঘেরর িদেক। কাল সর�তী পূেজা। বছেরর

েছােটাকাকার সােথ যােবা আমরা, েসটাই িঠ হেলা।

ঐ িদনিটে আমােদর বাড়ীেত অেনক আত্ম �জেনর

এয়ারেপােটর েপৗেছাবার িমিনট দেশক এর মেধ�ই িপশী

সমাগম হয়। আমার ঠা�মা, বাবা আর দুই কাকা, এই

চেল এেলন। কােলা-সাদায় েমশােনা িসে�র শাড়ী আর

িনেয় আমােদর একা�বত� পিরবার। কােজই মা, দুই

কােলা সান �ােস রাংগািপসীেক আজ অপূবর লাগিছেলা!

কািকমা, আর বাবা-কাকােদর -- সব তরফ েথেক আত্মীে সমাগম হয় আমােদর বাড়ীেত ঐ সর�তী পূেজার সময়। ওটাই �থা। আিম, আমার বড়কাকার

গাড়ীেত বেসই িপসীর �থম ��, "েতােদর িক ��ান?

েমেয় দীপা, আর ভাই রাজু-- আমােদর ঐ আস� েগট-

েকােনা িল� বানািল?" আিম, রাজু আর দীপা এেক

টু েগদােরর িকছু িদন আেগ েথেকই আমােদর উেত্তজ

অেন�র িদেক তাকােত থাকলাম। রাংগািপসী িনেজই

�� হেয় যায় এবাের েক েক আসেছন েসই েখাজ খবর

উনার পাসর েথেক একটা িল� েবর করেলন। আগামী


দশ িদেন েরাজ ই আমােদর একটা িকছু থাকেব, এর মেধ� িপকিনক


একটা খুশীেত

অেনক মামা-মামী, দাদা-িদিদ, েছােটা ভাই-েবােনর

আমরা রাংগািপসীেক জিড়েয়

ভীেড়ও আমােদর নজর থাকেতা রাংগািপসীর ওপর।


রাংগািপসী আসেছন মােনই আমােদর আন� ি��ণ হেয় যাওয়া! রাংগািপসীর সােথ আেস এেত্ এেত্ সব িগ�! েস আকষর্ েতা আেছই। িক� েস সব বাদ িদেলও রাংগািপসীর ব�ি��টা সবার েথেক এেতা আলাদা েয আিম �ধু অবাক িব�েয় িপসীেক েদখতাম সবার অেগাচের!


আধ ঘ�ার মেধ�ই আমােদর �াইভার



বাড়ীেত েপৗেছ িদেলা। বাড়ীেত তত�েণ



আত্ম এেস েগেছন। আমার বাবা খুব শা�, ধীর-িস্হ �ভােবর মানুষ। আমােদর বাড়ীেত �ধু েকেনা, পাড়া-�িতেবশীরা ও

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------বাবােক ভীষন মান� কের। বাবার কথা সবাই েমেন

গাইেত হেতা "খ�ন ভব ব�ন যব ব�ন বি�

চেল- ওটাই আমরা সব সময় েদেখ এেসিছ। �ধুমা�

েতামায়"। আজ বাড়ীেত এেতা েলাক হেল িক হেব-- এ

একজনেক বাদ িদেয়। রাংগািপসী এেল ঐ ছিবটা পাে�

িনয়েমর েকােনা নড়চড় হেব না। সবাইেক হাত-পা ধুেয়

যায়। এই েযমন, একটু আেগই রাংগািপসী চােয়র আসের

বেস পড়েত হেব স��ারিত করেত।

বেস বে�া, "কাল সকােল সবাইেক উেপাস েথেক সর�তী পূেজার অন্জি িদেত হেব।" ঐ উেপাস করাটা বাবার েবশী েপাষায় না। িক� রাংগািপসী বেল কথা। বাবােকও রাজী হেত হেলা!

স��ারিত ইত�ািদ েশষ হেতই আমরা েজাড় কদেম �� করলাম সর�তী পূেজার েডেকােরশেনর কাজ। পূেজার প�াে�ল






কেয়কজন দাদা-িদিদেদর সােথ আমরা সবাই ছােদ চেল এখেনা মেন পেড়, যখন �থম �ু েল যাওয়া ��

েগিছলাম, হ�দ্ হেয় িমলম এেলা েকাথা েথেক েযেনা।

করলাম, ঠা�মা আমার সব�েলা বই পূেজার আেগই

এেসই জানােলা কলাপাতা পাওয়া েগেলও খােগর কলম



পাওয়া যাছেছ না। েসই সমস�ার সমাধান হেত অবশ�

বেলিছেলন, মা সর�তী িবদ�ার েদবী, ওর পােয় বই�েলা

েদরী হেলা না, পােশর বাড়ীর মাসীমা বেল িদেলন

েরেখ িদেল েদবীর আশীবর্াে পরী�ায় অেনক ভােলা

েগালবাজােরর েকাথায় েগেল তা পাওয়া যােব, কােজই




ফল হেব। েসই েথেক মা সর�তীর সামেন তার পূেজার িদেন বই েরেখই চেলিছ। এবােরও ��ােন েকােনা পিরবতর ্ েনই। �ধু �াশ নাইেন ওঠার পর েথেক ইিতহাসটা একদম ভােলা লাগিছেলা না। তাই ঐ ইিতহাস বইটা সবার ওপের রাখেবা ভাবিছলাম -- েযেনা মা সর�তীর নজর এিড়েয় না যায়!

িমলন ছু টেলা আবার তিড়ঘিড় হেয়--হ�া, িমলন হেলা একি অনাথ েছেল যােক আমার বাবা বাড়ী িনেয় এেসিছেলন যখন আমার বয়স চার। েসই েথেক েস আমােদর বাড়ীর একজন সদস�। আমার সােথ একই বাবা ওেকও �ু েল ভিতর কের িদেয়িছেলন। রােত �ভাবতঃই আমােদর ঘুেমােত েযেত অেনক েদরী

যিদও দুজেনর কােজই �চ� একা�তা সকেলর দৃি� েকেড় িনেতা, তবুও আমার মা আর বাবার ভাবনার মেধ� একটা পাথর্ক আেছ মেন হত, একটু বড় হেতই েসটা আমার েচােখ পির�ার হেয় েগেলা, েদখলাম, কী ভােব মানুেষর েসবা করা যায়--এ িনেয় বাবার অেনক পিরক�না। আর আমার মােয়র ব��তা ভগবান েসবা িনেয়। আমার মা রামকৃ � িমশণ েথেক দী�া েনন অেনক বছর আেগ, যখন আিম খুব েছােটা। আর েসই েথেক �িত স��ায় অন� অেনক গােনর সােথ আমােদর

হেলা। যিদও রােতর খাবার আমরা সবাই েখেয়িছলাম, িক� ঘুেমােত যাবার আেগ রাংগািপসী এক িবশাল বড় ে� ভিতর খাবার িনেয় এেলন আমােদর জন�। বলেলন, "কাল পূেজা েশষ হবার আেগ আর েকউ িকছু েখেত পারেব না"। আমরা রাংগািপসীর দূরদিশর্তা মু� হলাম। ঘুম েথেক উেঠ সবিকছু েযেনা অন�রকম লাগেলা। বাস�ী রং এর শাড়ীেত আমার মােক অপ�পা লাগেছ। একটু বােদই নজের পড়েলা েমেয়রা �ায় সবাই হলুদ

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------শাড়ী পেড়েছ। আিমও মা েক বললাম আিম শাড়ী পড়েত

অেনক দূর েথেক েযেনা একটা অ�ূ ত শ� বাজেত

চাই। তাই হেলা। মা সােথ িকছু গয়নাও পিড়েয় িদেলা।

থাকেলা। একবার, দু'বার, িতনবার -- শ�টা েযেনা

আমার খুশী তখন েক েদেখ!

ভীষণ কােছ চেল এেলা! আিম লািফেয় উেঠ বসলাম। কী েদখলাম? েস আর িকছু নয়, আমার এ�ালামর ঘিড়।

পূেজার েশেষ আমরা �ায় িতিরশ জন একসােথ বেস অণ্জি িনলাম। এ একটা দা�ন অনুভূিত িছেলা। �সাদ, লাণ্ ইত�ািদ েশষ হবার পর আমরা সবাই িমেল আগরতলা শহেরর িবিভ� �ােবর পূেজা েদখেত েবেরালাম। িনপুণ কারীগরেদর বানােনা প�াে�ল�েলা রােতর ঝলমেল আেলােত �গ�য় মেন হছিছেলা।

আিম েকাথায় তাহেল? কেয়ক মুহূেতর ্ মেধ� আিম বা�েব িফের এলাম। আিম আমােদর ক�া�েনর বাড়ীেত ঘুেমাি�লাম। আর ওটা িছেলা আমার ��! আের হ�া, আজ েতা আমােদর সর�তী পূেজা! তৃ্ ষা, তু তাই েক ঘুম েথেক তু েল ৈতরী কের তেব েসই বাকর ্মা �ু েল যাওয়া! Hey kids, wake up. We need to go...... সকাল তখন �ায় দশটা, আমরা বাড়ী েথেক

সর�তী পূেজার পেররিদন সকালটা ভােলা-লাগা, ম�-

েবেরালাম। পূজারীর সর�তী পূেজা �� হেব এগােরাটা

লাগার টানােপােড়েন কাটেতা। সকােল �ান েসের

নাগাদ। �াইভ করেত করেত কাল রােতর ��টার

আমােদর সবাইেক কলাপাতায় খােগর কলম দুেধ চু িবেয়

কথাই ভাবিছলাম। েসই �ে�র িদন�েলার কত কী বদেল

একশ আট বার সর�তীর নাম িলখেত হেতা। ভােলা

েগেছ আজ। ঠা�মা চেল েগেছন ব� বছর আেগ।

লাগেতা �ধু এই েভেব েয হয়েতা মা সর�তীর আশীবর্াে পরী�ােত অসাধারণ িকছু ফল হেব। ম� লাগার কথা বলার েকােনা েজা িছেলা না আমােদর। ঠা�মা, মা, কািকমা রা েতা আেছন ই -- তারপর আেছন আবার রাংগািপসী!

তারপর চেল েগেলন আমার বাবা, যখন তৃ্ ষা মা� এক বছেরর। আর আজ েথেক পাচ বছর আেগ হারালাম আমার একমা� ভাই রাজুেক। মা আর কা�রা আেছন আমােদর আগরতলার বাড়ীেতই। িমলন এখন িরসাভর ব�াংেক খুব ভােলা চাকরী করেছ। িবেয় কেরেছ েবশ

তার পরিদন রাংগািপসীর সােথ আমােদর সবার

কেয়ক বছর হেলা। আগরতলা েত ওর িনেজরই েদাতলা

িপকিনেক যাবার ��ান হেলা িসপাহীজলায়। বাবা একটা

বাড়ী আেছ এখন। রাংগািপসী এখন িরটায়ার কের

িমিনবাস ভাড়া করেলন। অেনক খাবার প�াক কের

আমার বােপর বাড়ীর কােছই থােকন।

েনওয়া হেলা বাড়ী েথেক, সােথ েগেলা নানা রকেমর ি�ন্ক, মাদুর, ক�ােমরা, আর ব�াডিম�ন েখলার

জািন, আমার েসই েসানালী িদন�েলা আর িফের

সরণ্জা। দশটা বাজেতই সবাই ৈহ ৈহ করেত করেত

আসেব না। িক� একি রােতর সুমধুর �� সবাইেক

রওয়ানা িদলাম িসপাহীজলার উে�েশ�।

আমার কত কােছ এেন িদেলা!

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


Hindu Religion - Dr. Jharna Chatterjee (Ottawa, Canada) is not a religion in the same sense as Christianity is. It is a way of life for a vast number of people whose ancestors used to live in a specific geographical region, the Indus valley. Hindus are diverse – including agnostics, those who believe in God, those who do not, those who believe in worshipping a certain form of Divine entity such as Kali, Vishnu or Shiva and those who believe in life after death and reincarnation, as well as those who do not. Some Hindus are strict vegetarians, some eat fish, milk products and eggs but no meat and some of them eat meat but no beef or pork and so on. Some would never go to any temples (except for sight-seeing) nor participate in any worship, while some meditate on One Infinite, Indescribable and Supreme Reality. Then there are others who believe in millions of deities. The devotees may think of gods or goddesses as their mother (for example, Ma Kali), their beloved (Krishna) or their children (child Gopal or daughter Uma – a reincarnation of Durga). But all of the above - believers and nonbelievers alike can call themselves Hindus! In that sense, tolerance for difference and diversity is built into Hinduism. Amartya Sen, the renowned Nobel Laureate, has described the 'argumentative tradition' of India in great detail (see "The Argumentative Indian"), and mentioned the Hindu sages Javali and Charvaka who even expounded the virtue of materialism and recommended not to rely on anything that cannot be observed or seen or experienced by our senses (for example, after-world and its rewards or punishments according to one's actions). Hindu religious rites are characterized by a significant use of symbolism – like many other

religions. There is a popular misconception that Hindu religion involves 'idol-worship'. Think about the Holy Cross or the Madonna – do Christians hold them in respect because they are simply a cross where a tortured human being has been hung with nails, and Madonna simply an "idol"? Or they pray to these figures because they symbolize something noble like self-sacrifice and compassion for others? Hindus do not worship 'idols'; they worship the ideals these images represent – like the Power of United Energy (goddess Durga), Gracious Prosperity (goddess Lakshmi), Knowledge and Fine Arts (goddess Saraswati), Memory and Learning (Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god), and Benevolent Destruction (Lord Shiva) for the cosmic cycle to continue. Even the animals that accompany these deities represent aspired qualities; for example, the lion carrying Durga on his back represents courage. Ganesha's companion-animal is a mouse representing perseverance, an essential quality for memory and learning to take place. The swan that Saraswati rides on represents the ability to distinguish between the essential and redundant aspects of everything. The swan is also a symbol for purity – nothing unclean like mud can stick to its wings. Both of these attributes are necessary for achieving true knowledge. A wise scholar once compared the Hindu images to “runways from which man’s heavily sense-embodied spirit can take off” on its path to the Infinite. They are the tools that help us to concentrate. The symbols or the multitude of rituals associated with a Hindu puja (worship) are only instrumental to the spiritual ends they seek. Have you ever heard this anecdote about Swami Vivekananda? Once an aristocratic man from a different religious faith ridiculed him for

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Saraswati Puja Issue


worshipping idols. Swamiji did not respond immediately. There was a photo of this gentleman's ancestor on the wall, which he requested to be brought down. Swamiji held the photo in his hands and then asked the assembled attendants to spit on it. When they expressed outrage, he politely asked, “Why? What is the problem? This is only a piece of paper – and not the real person!” The message was clear.

I do not wish to proclaim that every Hindu who worships a deity always thinks about these ideals. There may be many who do not think and put more emphasis on strictly following the rituals; but there are also those who think and try to understand their true meaning. Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda were such thinkers as well as saints. Ramakrishna believed and taught that different religions were simply many ways to the same Divine. Rabindranath was born in a Brahma family. The Brahma religion originated as an enlightened version of Hinduism, as a movement against some of the dogmatic rituals

and unjust traditions of Hinduism as it was practiced and preached by some people during the early 19th century. Rabindranath was not an orthodox Hindu, but this great philosopherpoet of India wrote numerous devotional poems and songs that resonated with the wisdom found in the Hindu sacred book, the Upanishad. Whether one observes rituals or contemplates the deeper meaning of a religion, I believe that the value of religion is to help one improve the quality of one's spiritual life, to appreciate humanity and the miracle of life. Religion and faith may help some people through difficult times, or help them become more caring or more forgiving. The beauty of Hinduism is that although often determined by one's birth in a given family, still, the ultimate choice of the specific path is up to the individual – within a very wide spectrum. Understanding the goal is a very individual experience just as choosing the path is – as we face the great blessing and challenge called the journey of life.

“We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.”

-Swami Vivekananda

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


"The yoga we practice is not for ourselves alone, but for the Divine; its aim is to work out the will of the Divine in the world, to effect a spiritual transformation and to bring down a divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity. Its object is not personal Mukti, although Mukti is a necessary condition of the yoga, but the liberation and transformation of the human being. It is not personal Ananda, but the bringing down of the divine Ananda -Christ's kingdom of heaven, our Satyayuga -- upon the earth." -Sri Aurobindo

“Though many of the symbolical expressions used in the Upanishads can hardly be understood today or are sure to be wrongly interpreted, yet the messages contained in these, like some eternal source of light, still illumine and vitalize the religious mind of India. They are not associated with any particular religion, but they have the breadth of a universal soil that can supply with living sap all religions which have any spiritual ideal hidden at their core, or apparent in their fruit and foliage. Religions, which have their different standpoints, each claim them for their own support.�

-Rabindranath Tagore (Source: from the Forward by Rabindranath Tagore to The Philosophy of the Upanishads by S. Radhakrishnan)

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


�ামলী দাস িচ� িশি�ঃ �ামলী দাস


LÚT­L ­l¡Ÿ¥l, e£m BL¡n, LeÚL­e W¡ä¡, a¡l j¡­e plüa£ f§S¡z Ly¡pl O¾V¡l BJu¡S, Ny¡c¡ g¥­ml j¡m¡, ­nÄaöï Aï Bl Bh£­ll pjeÄu, ph ¢j¢m­u ­ke n£­al d§pla¡z Bl a¡l p¡­b Bj¡­cl f§S¡l£l f¢œL¡ "A”¢m'z ph¡l Bc­ll f¡œ£, f§S¡l£l ­N±lh, f¢œL¡l pÇf¡¢cL¡l Ae¤­l¡­d ­Nm¡j f¢œL¡l SeÉ fËhå ¢mM­az c¤C h奭a ¢WL L­l¢Rm¡j Bl ­L¡­e¡¢ce L¡NS Lm­j pju eø Llhe¡z ¢L¿¹¥ A­eL hRl B­N ú¥m L­m­S f¢œL¡u Bj¡l SeÉ HLV¡ Lmj M¡¢m b¡La, a¡C f§S¡l£l f¢œL¡u ­mM¡ öl¦ L­l¢Rm¡jz f§S¡l£ e¡jV¡ ­ke ­hn i¡hNñ£l - hý hRl B­N p¡aSe pª¢ø LšÑ¡l j­dÉ AeÉaj¡ HLSe Su¿¹£¢c (ph¡C­ul j¡p£j¡), ¢ae¢V e¡­jl fËÙ¹¡h ¢c­u¢R­me - p¡N¢lL¡, p¡Nl f¡­ll hå¥, Aam¡¢¿¹L-BVm¡¢¾VL p¡N­ll ¢Le¡­l Bp¡z a­h BS ¢WL j­e f­le¡, pjlc¡ j­e qu ­no e¡j¢V H­e¢R­mez ph¡C HL p¡­b "f§S¡l£' e¡jV¡ fR¾c L­l¢R­m¡z Su¿¹£¢cl h¡s£l ­R¡– Q¡­ul Bp­l "f§S¡l£l' SeÈz ¢fR­e a¡L¡­m BS ­Lje ¢hØju m¡­Nz A­n¡L hp¤¤, A¢ja¡i ­pe, ­lM¡ ¢jœ, nÉ¡jm£ c¡p, p¤¤¢Øja¡ jqm¡eh£n A­eL S­el j­el LÒfe¡l fËL¡n HC O­l¡u¡ f¢œL¡z Hlfl ¢hwn na¡ë£l ­N¡s¡u e§ae üfÀ, e§ae cra¡ ¢e­u Hm phÑ …Z pÇfæ L­õ¡m e¾c£ Bl Bj¡­cl p¤¤af¡ cšz O­l¡u¡ "f§S¡l£' l­p l©­f Tm­p EWmz H­m¡ "A”¢m', ­c­n ¢h­c­nl ­mM¡u il¡ f§S¡l£l J­uhp¡CV, k¡ pq­SC h¡P¡m£ pj¡­S ÙÛ¡Z L­l ¢e­m¡z pÇf¡¢cL¡l Ae¤­l¡­d ¢mM­a h­p i¡¢h ¢L ¢m¢M! hý ­cn ¢h­c­n O¤­l¢R, ¢L¿¹¥ Bj¡l j­el ­l¡j¡’Ll Ae¤i¨¢a k¢c L¡N­S Lm­j g¥¢V­u a¥m­a e¡ f¡¢l a¡q­m ­a¡ i¥­N¡­ml ¢c¢cj¢Z q­u k¡hz a¡q­m ¢g­l k¡u N­Òfz Bj¡l

S£heV¡C ­a¡ N­Òf il¡z fª¢bh£l HLfË¡¿¹ ­b­L Bl HLfË¡¿¹ R¥­V k¡Ju¡l j¡­T La NÒfz BS plüa£ f§S¡u j­e f­s k¡u ¢e­Sl q¡­a HLC d¡l¡u, HLC p¤¤­l H­p¢R­m¡ ­nÄaöï plüa£l h¾ce¡z 1969 p¡­m n£­al pL¡­m LÓ¡p e¡C­e ¢jp H­p ­O¡oe¡ Ll­m¡ Hh¡­l plüa£ f§S¡l c¡¢uaÆ 21 Se R¡œ£l Jflz a¡l j¡­e LÓ¡p e¡C­el Jflz ph¡C ­hn O¡h­s ­Nm¡j, L¡lZ Cw¢mn ¢j¢Xu¡j ú¥m, ú¥­ml ¢ial f§S¡ fkÑ¿¹ que¡z ú¥­ml p¡j­e ­h¡XÑ ­jð¡l­cl h¡s£­a f§S¡ Bl ú¥­ml c¡m¡­e M¡Ju¡c¡Ju¡z ph Bj¡­cl c¡¢uaÆ, h¡S¡l Ll¡, W¡L¥l ­Le¡, l¡æ¡ Ll¡, ú¥­ml R¡œ£ Bl A¢ii¡hL­cl M¡Ju¡­e¡ - ph Bj¡­cl O¡­s, a¡l Jfl p¡j­el c¤hRl fs¡öe¡l Q¡f, a¡C plüa£l L¡­RC HLV¡C fË¡bÑe¡ ú¥­ml Nä£ ­ke i¡mi¡­h f¡s q­u k¡Cz ¢LR¥r­Zl j­dÉC BVÑ V£Q¡l H­me e¡Q-N¡­el fËÙ¹¡h ¢e­uz ­LE l¡S£ qme¡, f­l ö­e¢Rm¡j ph¡C k¡­h ¢p­ej¡ ­cM­az h¡s£ ¢g­l kMe ph¡C­L S¡e¡m¡j, ph¡C Ah¡Lz L¡lZ f§­S¡­a A”m£ ­cJu¡ R¡s¡ Bj¡l ­k Bl ­L¡­e¡ AÉ¡¢ƒ¢i¢V b¡L­a f¡­l a¡ i¡h¡C k¡ue¡z j¡ ­h±¢c ­i­hC ­f­m¡e¡, a­h h¡h¡ M¤h Evp¡q ­cM¡­me, L¡lZ Je¡l¡J LÓ¡p e¡C­e plüa£ f§S¡ L­l¢R­mez h¡h¡ hm­me ­k ­L¡­e¡ L¡­Sl SeÉ Q¡C Evp¡q, a¡q­mC ph L¡S pñhz ­hn p¡qp ­fm¡j, ¢L¿¹¥ ka ¢ce H­N¡­a m¡N­m¡, aa ­ke ­Lje q­a m¡Nmz ­n­o ph¡C ¢j­m HLV¡ L¡­Sl ¢mØV °al£ Llm¡j, Bl W¡L¥l ­Le¡l c¡¢uaÆ fsm Bj¡lz ¢ejl¡S£ q­u l¡S£ qm¡jz j¡j¡ Bl j¡Cj¡­L dlm¡jz j¡j£j¡ Bj¡­cl hå¥, a¡C j¡j¡ Ae¤­l¡d ­gm­a f¡l­mee¡z BL¢ce n£­al pL¡­m L¥j¡lV¥m£l fV¥u¡ f¡s¡u ¢N­u n-c¤­uL W¡L¥l ­c­M, e£m n¡s£, p¡c¡ j¤­š²¡u p¡S¡­e¡ HL ­nÄaöï fË¢aj¡l AXÑ¡l ¢c­u Hm¡jzj¡¢V Bl M­sl Af§hÑ j§¢šÑ ­c­M ¢L Ae§i¨¢a qm, fË¢a¢ceC ú¥­ml fl e¡e¡ SÒfe¡ LÒfe¡z j¡ Bl ­h±¢cJ h¡S¡l Ll¡u p¡q¡kÉ Ll­h hm­mez k¢cJ öd¤ j¡m¡l c¡¢uaÆz ah¤J j¡'l¡ ­l¡S cnLjÑ¡ i¡ä¡­l O¤l­a m¡Nmz ­pSc¡ Bj¡­L qm¤c n¡s£

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


¢L­e ¢cmz j¡j£j¡ g­ml c¡¢u­aÆz H­L H­L ph¡C fË¡u …¢R­u H­e­Rz q¡Sl¡ ­j¡­s l¡d¡L«o· j¢¾c­ll f¤­l¡¢qa­L S¡e¡­a, ¢a¢e ¢e­Sl ­R¡V ­R­ml hÉhÙÛ¡ L­l ¢c­mez ­je¤ qm ¢MQ¥s£, h¡yd¡L¢fl alL¡¢l, Q¡Ve£, fy¡fs Bl ¢j¢øz c¡­l¡u¡e l¡S£ qm ¢MQ¥s£ Ll­a, p¤¤c£ç¡c£l j¡ l¡S£ q­me Q¡Ve£ Ll­a, Bl L­uLS­el j¡ hm­me alL¡l£ L­l ­c­hez ph¡C h­m¢Rm¡j Bjl¡ ­R¡Vl¡ ph ­L­V ­ch, ¢L¿¹¥ hsl¡ Bl Bj¡­cl ilp¡u b¡­Le¢ez

¢L¿¹¥ Bj¡l SeÉ j¡ plüa£ Ha fl£r¡ ­l­M¢R­me S¡ea¡j e¡z f§­S¡l B­Nl ¢ce kMe N¡s£l j¡b¡u W¡L¥l ¢e­u E­šSe¡u ¢c­nq¡l¡ q­u ­fy±R¡m¡j, aMe j¡j£j¡l Lb¡u QjL i¡P­m¡z plüa£l f¡­ul e£­Q qy¡p ­eC! a¡q­m ¢L N¡s£l j¡b¡u ­a¡m¡l pj­u f­s ­N­R ¢Lwh¡ fV¥u¡ i¥­m ­N­R ? m‹¡ Bl qa¡n¡u c¤-­Q¡M S­m i­l ­Nmz je¡j£ Bl nL¥¿¹m¡ Bj¡l ­R¡– ­hm¡l hå¥ z Jl¡ Bj¡­L hmm qy¡p R¡s¡C A­eL W¡L¥l quz h¡h¡ ¢fR­e cy¡¢s­u ¢R­mez hm­me a¥C ¢e­SC °al£ Ll­a f¡l¢hz h¡s£ QmÚ, HLV¡ hÉhÙÛ¡ q­hz ­gl¡l pj­u N¢su¡q¡­Vl HLV¡ S¥­a¡l ­c¡L¡e ­b­L h¡„ Bl ­m­fl ­c¡L¡e ­b­L a¥­m¡ ­Le¡ qmz ¢g­l H­p a¡C ¢c­u °al£ qm qy¡pz ­R¡sc¡l …¢m ­Mm¡l ­b­L L¡­m¡ …¢m ¢e­u °al£ qm ­R¡– l¡Sq¡ypz BS j­e Ll­m q¡¢p f¡uz l¡a 11 V¡ aMe, h¡s£ öÜ L¡­l¡l M¡Ju¡c¡Ju¡ ­eC, ph¡C ­Qø¡ Ll­R q¡yp °al£l SeÉz ­pSc¡ h­mC hpm "j¡j¡ ­mLj¡­LÑV ­b­L q¡yp ¢L­e Be­mC nÉ¡jm£ ­M­a öl¦ Llaz' A­eL l¡­a O¤¢j­u j¡l HL X¡­LC pL¡­m E­W fsm¡jz ea¥e n¡s£ f­s, S¥­a¡l h¡­„l °al£ q¡yp ¢e­u ú¥­m q¡¢Sl qm¡jz f§­S¡l j¿», Ly¡p­ll BJu¡S, R¡œ£ Bl A¢ii¡hL­cl ¢i­s f§­S¡ jäf q­u EWm üfÀ f¤l£z f¤­l¡¢q­al Nm¡u "Su Su ­ch£, Ql¡Ql p¡­l, L¥Qk¤N ­n¡¢ia j¤š²¡q¡­l' - je¡j£ L¡­el L¡­R hmm "qy¡pV¡ ¢L¿¹¥ c¡l¦e q­u­R, BVÑ V£Q¡l ¢WL L­l­Re JV¡ ­l­M ­c­hez' LÓ¡p e¡C­el ph¡C­ul j¤­Ml ¢c­L a¡¢L­u ­cMm¡j ph¡l j¤­MC pgma¡l fË¢aµR¢hz j¡'l L¡­R fË¡bÑe¡ S¡e¡m¡j - "j¡ ¢h­cÉ c¡J, h¤¢Ü c¡J, BS­Ll HC A¢i‘a¡ ­ke i¢hoÉ­a Qm¡l f­b m¡N¡­a f¡¢lz' 1969 Hl OVe¡l fË¢aµR¢h H­m¡ 1987 -l HL n£­al pL¡­mz BVm¡¾V¡u °al£ qm c§NÑ¡f¤­S¡ L¢j¢Vz q¡¢p NÒf Bl EµR¡­pl heÉ¡z Hlfl hs¢ce H­p ­Nm, Bl p¡j­eC plüa£ f¤­S¡z ¢L¿¹¥ fË¢aj¡ ­eC, ­lM¡¢cl ­h±¢cl R¡œ£ W¡L¥l °al£ L­l ¢cmz pjlc¡ hm­me OV¡ L­l f¤­S¡ Ll¡ ­q¡Lz ph¡C Evp¡­q ­j­a EWmz ¢L¿¹¥ Bj¡l je f­s

lCm ­pC e£m öï fË¢aj¡l ¢c­Lz ¢L Bl Ll¡ k¡­h, h¡h¡l Lb¡ j­e fsm, ­k Evp¡q b¡L­mC ph L¡S Ll¡ k¡uz h¡h¡l Lb¡ j­e fs­aC j¡j¡­L VÊ¡ˆm Llm¡j, j¡j£j¡­L hmm¡j, j­el pjpÉ¡z j¡j¡l h¡s£l f¡­nC hÜÑe­cl h¡s£, J­cl h¡s£l ­R­ml¡ fª¢bh£l e¡e¡e fË¡¿¹ b¡­L, ­LE b¡­L L¡e¡X¡, ­LE ¢jn­lz j¡œ Q¡l¢ce h¡L£ f¤­S¡, j¡j£j¡ c¤-O¾V¡l j­dÉ L¥­j¡lV¥m£l ­b­L W¡L¥l ¢L­e h¡„ h¾c£ L­l hÜÑe­cl h¡s£­a ¢c­u ¢c­mez ­fÔ­e L­l Ah­n­o plüa£ L¡e¡X¡ ­f±yRmz ­pM¡e ­b­L BVm¡¾V¡z A¢g­p ­g¡e ­f­uC ­c±s¡m¡jz Hu¡l­f¡­VÑl f¡­nl ­N¡X¡Ee ­b­L ¢e­u kMe N¡s£­a a¥mm¡j, aMe l¡a h¡­l¡V¡ h¡­Sz ¢L¿¹¥ h¡„l X¡m¡ M¤m­aC jeV¡ i­l ­Nmzj­e q­m¡ Ha T¡­jm¡ p¡bÑL qmz p¤¤¾cl fË¢aj¡, Bl ¢hn¡m l¡Sq¡y¡pz A­eL l¡­a ö­uJ ­i¡­l R¥Vm¡j W¡L¥l ¢e­u f¤­S¡l fË¡‰­ez fË¡u 150 Se ­m¡­Ll pj¡Nj qmz ph¡C M¤n£, E­šSe¡u ilf¤lz ­ke e£m BL¡­nl j¡­T HL…µR hm¡L¡, a¡l j¡­T ­ch£ plüa£z pjlc¡ NjN­j Nm¡u ­N­u EW­me "iNha£ i¡la£ ­ch£ ej­Ù¹'z B¢j ­S¡s q¡­a ­ch£l L¡­R fË¡bÑe¡ Llm¡j "j¡ ‘¡e c¡J, h¤¢Ü c¡J, f§S¡l£l fË¡‰e ­ke pL­ml ¢jme ­rœ qu'z BSJ 25 hRl f­l ­lM¡¢cl q¡­al ¢j¢ø, ¢f.­L.c¡­pl p¤¤ü¡c¤ ¢MQ¥¢s j¢me qu¢ez BS 25 hRl f­l f§S¡l£l ea¥e hå¥l¡ , ea¥e LjÑ£l¡ f§S¡l£l "l¡Sq¡y­pl' …l¦aÆ h¤T­hzz

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


েমােদর গরব পূজার রূপেরখা

Be­¾c¢l p¡Nl q­a EWm f§S¡l£, q¡­a q¡a fË¡­Z fË¡Z ­k¡NÉ ¢cn¡l£ z q¡¢l ¢S¢a e¡¢q m¡S, HLp¡­b L¢l L¡S, fy¡Q ­b­L f’¡n , a¡C q­u¢R BS z Bq¡ j¢l j¢l ­j¡­cl Nlh f§S¡l£ zz

b¡L­h¡ ­j¡l¡ Hi¡­h­a BS nfb L¢l Qmh ­j¡l¡ f¡­u f¡­u BS nfb L¢lz Bq¡ j¢l j¢l, ­j¡­cl Nlh f¤S¡l£zz

HLp¡­b­a JW¡ hp¡ HLp¡­b­a L¡S Qa¥¢cÑ­L f§S¡l£ e¡j deÉ ­j¡l¡ BSz A¢Qef¤­ll p¤¤Se ­p ­k, e¡C ­L¡­e¡ a¡l S¥¢l, e¡Q N¡e Bl Eap­hl a¥hl£ g¥mT¥¢lz Bq¡ j¢l j¢l ­j¡­cl Nlh f¤S¡l£zz eª­aÉ m¡­pÉ q¡­pÉ i¡­pÉ Bjl¡ f¤S¡l£ m¡­S i­u œ¡­p ­n¡­L Bjl¡ f¤S¡l£ B¢R ­j¡l¡ HLp¡­b­a q¡­a q¡a d¢l

h¡­S ­ke jd¤ju h¡q¡¢l hy¡nl£ B¢Qef¤­ll p¤¤Se ­p ­k,­eC ­L¡­e¡ a¡l S¥¢l Bj¡­cl f¤S¡l£, ­j¡­cl Nlh f¤S¡l£ zz ¢nÒfpj BL¡­n­a Q­s ¢cC LÒfe¡­m¡­L f¡¢s e¡Q N¡e ­i¡Se ­Mm¡ Bq¡ j¢l j¢l f¡m a¥­m H¢N­u Q­m ¢fËu f§S¡l£ c¤cÑj p¡qp j­e ¢fR¥f¡ q­a e¡¢l ¢lš²X¡­m ph¤S fln ­j¡­cl f§S¡l£ Bj¡­cl f§S¡l£, ­j¡­cl Nlh f§S¡l£ zz

�� েদেখ মন শুভ� ন� f¢lk¡u£ f¡M£z Ol a¡l qu e¡ LM­e¡z ­p öd¤ My¥­S ­g­l "h¡p¡' r¢Z­Llz ­M¡m¡ X¡e¡l BL¡n p¡ya­l ­hs¡­e¡ - j¤‡ ­Q¡­M ­c¢M Bjl¡ - i¡¢hJe¡ LM­e¡ "BL¡nV¡­L ­m¡f¡V Ll¡ c¡l¦Z c¤¢hÑf¡­L, f¡M£ ­Lje b¡­L ?'

"J f¡M£ a¥C ­Lje B¢Rp ? i¡­m¡ ¢L ? HC ­a¡j¡­cl ¢S‘¡p¡C jÙ¹ HLV¡ Q¡m¡¢Lz ö­ZÉ kMe j¿» fs¡ AÙ» q¡­e¡ aMe ­a¡jl¡ i¡­m¡C S¡e BL¡nV¡­L ­m¡f¡V Ll¡ c¡l¦Z c¤¢hÑf¡­L f¡M£ ­Lje b¡­L ? ¢L¿¹¥ ­a¡jl¡ p¢aÉ p¢aÉ Q¡m¡L ¢L ?

a¡J eJz a¡q­m h¤T­a -----------e£m SÆm¿¹ Ae¡cÉ¿¹ BL¡n­L a¡l p­MÉ ------ h¡yQ­a ­k Q¡u ­p ¢L f¡M£ ? ­p ¢L öd¤C f¡M£ ?' (L¢h e£­l¾cÊe¡b Qœ²haÑ£) Hh¡l BL¡n ­b­L cª¢ø ­gl¡C e£­Q, f¡ ­g¢m j¡¢V­az "HL ­k ¢Rm ­cn' - e¡j a¡l i¡lahoÑz ­pC h¡wm¡l j¡¢V öyL­m, fË¢ai¡l Xy¡p¡ ­p¡yc¡ Nå, h¡a¡­p MÉ¡¢a, BL¡n pª¢øju, S£h¿¹ fË¡Zj¤Ml h¡wm¡l "ehS¡NlZ' ­ly­ep¡y¡z

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


­S¡u¡­ll fl Bh¡l i¡yV¡z p¤¤c£OÑ - AQŠm - A­p¡u¡¢Ù¹Llz Bh¡l L¢Q L¢Q O¡p NS¡mz Qy¡­cl BqÄ¡­e pj¤Ÿ¥l Eš¡mz BR­s fs­R fË¢ai¡l ­S¡u¡lz 70 cn­L a£hËq¡­a B­¾c¡me cje ¢exü L­l ¢cm HL ­jd¡h£ fËSeÈz h¡wm¡u nÈn¡­el öen¡eÚz ­Q¡­M V¥fV¡f hª¢øz Nm¡u cm¡f¡L¡­e¡ Løz L«o­Ll ­pC üfÀ j¡­W j¡l¡ ­N­mJ, f¡­al Nlj, p¡c¡-f§ZÑ ­g¡V¡ i¡a, j­e fs¡u ­pC eØV¡m¢SL Af§ZÑ Bn¡l ¢f¢cjz

"B¢j ------üµR ec£ ­pË¡­a HCj¡œ pÀ¡e L­l H­p¢R Bj¡­L p¡c¡ g¥­ml jae Nlj i¡a ­h­s c¡J, L¡¢je£ pl¦ Abh¡ p£a¡p¡m Bl c¡J p¡j¡eÉ ¢O Rs¡­e¡ j¤NX¡m, HLV¡ V¡VL¡ ph¤S L¡yQ¡mˆ¡, HL ­Nm¡p W¡ä¡ Sm Bl k¢c b¡­L HLV¥L­l¡ L¡N¢S­mh¤ ---------i¡a ­h­s c¡J i¡­al j­dÉ Bj¡l fË¡ZØf¾ce I i¡­al j­dÉ B¢j gp­ml j¡W-L«o¡Z BL¡­nl j¢qj¡ p¡alw ¢nÒf ­c¢Mz' (L¢h p¤¤e£m hp¤¤) Hh¡­l Bl jNS ­d¡m¡C e¡, q­a m¡Nm "jNS f¡Q¡l'z 70/80 - Hl cnL ­b­L ­n¡e¡ k¡¢µRm HL¢V Se¢fËu në "­hËe­XÊe'/ 90 Hl cn­L ph¡l Am­rÉ - AS¡­¿¹ fª¢bh£ q­u k¡¢µRm œ²jnx ­R¡Vz A¢ij¡­el B­h­N Y¡L¡ f­s¢Rm ­pC Qlj paÉ "­NÔ¡h¡m¡C­Spe'z a¥­‰ EµQ¡n¡ ¢e­u H­N¡u 80 Hl cnLz ­Q¡­M e£m üfÀ, q¡aR¡¢e ­cu HL "E‹Æm i¢hoÉa' - e¡j "B-­j-¢l-L¡'z QjL-lP£e-¢N¢jL-NÔÉ¡j¡l, "Xm¡l' - Bl ­Q¡­M Tmp¡­e¡ B­m¡z A¢Q­lC B­j¢lL¡u AeÉj¡¢Vl h¤­L N­s EWm "r¥­c i¡la', "r¥­c h¡wm¡'z ¢hcÉ¡bÑ£ ­h¡T¡C E­s¡S¡q¡S H­p e¡­j pV¡ez "¢nL¡­N¡ ¢L pÉ¡¢äu¡­N¡ C¢äu¡e¡ ¢L HÉ¡¢l­S¡e¡ ­gÓ¡¢lX¡ ¢L S¢SÑu¡ Ju¡¢nwVe ¢L hÔ¥¢jwVez lP h¡c¡j£ L­W¡l pwNË¡j£ ­Q¡M Q¥m L¡­m¡ ­Q¡­M AcjÉ BaÈ¢hnÄ¡­pl B­m¡z' q¡S¡l j¡Cm a¡¢s­u - f§h ­b­L f¢ÕQ­jz AeÉ ­ØV­Vl ja S¢SÑu¡­aJ a¡­cl S£he öl¦ HÉ¡f¡VÑ­j­¾Vz Bmg¡­l–¡ - Ll

- lpJ­um - J­eV - ¢X­LV¡l i­l ­Nm "C¢äu¡e B­j¢lL¡­e'z Qmj¡e S£h­e ph¤S pw­La ­cu "ph¤S L¡XÑ', AbÑ¡v "NË£e L¡XÑ'z p¡s¡ ¢c­a R¥­V k¡u jez R¡sf­œl ­cnR¡s¡l X¡L ANË¡qÉ Ll¡ pqS qme¡z HLj¤­W¡ ­l¡Ÿ¥l j¡M¡­e¡ ­pC ¢ce…¢m ­p¡e¡m£ QLÚQ­Lz h¡l-¢h-¢LE, LÉ¡¢Çfw - Hl AeÉ ü¡c HC q­m¡ ECLÚ - Hä ¢S¾c¡h¡cÚz f¡¢VÑ jdÉl¡¢œ­a, O­l ¢g¢l ­O¡l ¢e¢n­az ANaÉ¡ ¢g¢l ECLÚ - Hä ¢pX¥É­m ­l¡m Hä lLÚ - lLÚ Hä ­l¡m, S£he ­ke HL SmÙÛ¡e HC qm B­j¢lL¡l ¢q¾c¥ÙÛ¡ez B­j¢lL¡l S£he ¢S¾c¡h¡cÚz AbÑ°e¢aL Eæu­el EnÄ¡p Bl d­l l¡M¡ k¡u e¡z Lb¡u fËL¡n Ll­a , i¡o¡ ­ke k­bø euz N¡mil¡ në ­h­l¡u j¤M ­b­L - "h¤jÚ-h¤jÚ-h¤j,Ú CLe¢jL h¤jÚ !!!' - ØVLj¡­LÑ­Vl f¡lc a¥­‰z Q¡l fËS­eÈl ¢hhaÑ­e 70 cn­L HL¢V h¡­„l Q¥ðLn¢š² Ù¹¢ña L­l, a¡L m¡¢N­u ¢c­u¢Rm j¡ehpiÉa¡­Lz piÉa¡ fc¡eaz ¢hejË nËÜ¡u eaS¡e¤ a¡l L¡­Rz ­en¡u EeÈš ¢e¢nl X¡­Ll ja, ­pË¡­al ja R¥V­R hn£i¨a al¦Z HL fËSeÈz ¢hSu fa¡L¡ a¥­m f¡¾Š L¡­XÑl k¤N¡hp¡ez ­jCe-­é­jl h£ivp BL¡l p¤¤nË£ q­u ­X„V­f BuaÆ¡d£ez q¡­al j¤­W¡u HL¢V Cyc¤s AbÑ¡v j¡LÑ­pl ­c±m­a fª¢bh£ Ll¡ušz Cyc¤s q¡­a Cyc¤s ­c±s, BlJ pqS J jpªZ q­u ­Nmz 90 Hl cn­L "XVÚ LjÚ', "……m', "Cu¡ý', "pgVJu¡l', "­fË¡NË¡j¡l' - në…­m¡ i¡p­R BL¡­n h¡a¡­pz öd¤ a¡C eu, NÔÉ¡j¡­l ­j¡s¡ - QV­L j¡M¡­e¡z HC h¡„ öd¤ ‘¡­el Evp q­u lC­m¡ e¡z p¡Ch¡l L¡­g, QÉ¡Vl¦j CaÉ¡¢cl ­c±m­a, q¡¢pjúl¡u jn…m fËS­eÈl ­h¡T¡l B­NC A¢i‘a¡ qm "H r¢Z­Ll p¤¤M', HC "rZV¥L¥l' Bl "­pC ¢QlL¡m' qJu¡ qme¡z m¡C­hËl£­a ¢N­u q¡a Ry¥­u hC Hl f¡a¡u BP¥m e¡ ­h¡m¡­mJ Q­mz M¡­j i­l ØVÉ¡Çf ­cJu¡ ¢Q¢W ¢e­u ­f¡ØV A¢g­p ­R¡V¡l BL¥¢a q­u ­Nm "Afne¡m'z HL g¥V h¡C HL g¥V h¡­„l ¢L c¡fVz fª¢bh£ qu­a¡ Q­s H­p hpm ­L¡­m mÉ¡fV­fl LmÉ¡­Z - Q­m Hm q¡­al j¤­W¡uz ¢L¿¹¥ fË­aÉL¢V hÉ¢š²j¡e¤o q­u EWm H­LL¢V à£fz pª¢ø qm "HL¡L£­aÆl k¤N' - "HS Ag BC­S¡­mne'z 90 Hl ­no ¢Q¿¹¡jNÀ, Ju¡C-V¥-­L ¢e­u A­ˆl LQLQ¡¢ez ­N¡V¡ fËS­eÈl N¡­m q¡a, ¢Qh¤­L q¡a, j¡b¡u q¡a, Lf¡­m iy¡Sz ¢j¢m¢eu¡­jl fËbj ¢cLV¡ ­L­V k¡u EµRÅ¡p - Evp¡q, Evk¡f­el EŸ£fe¡uz 2008 H Bh¡l BL¡n L¡­m¡ Ll¡ ­jOz S£¢hL¡l A¢ÙÛla¡z A¢eÕQua¡ Rs¡­µR L¡­m¡ ­dy¡u¡­V ­j­Ol jaz h¤L ­Ql¡ BaÑe¡c "¢l­npe'z ­pC An¢e pw­La j­e fl¡u piÉa¡l öl¦­a k¡k¡hl, h¡eS¡l¡­cl Lb¡z B­j¢lL¡ ­ke dy¥L­R, S£he J S£¢hL¡l

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


­My¡­S, p¡S¡­e¡ h¡s£l ÙÛ¡Z hcm O­V f¤a¥m ­Mm¡l jaz HL ­ØVV ­b­L AeÉ ­ØV­Vz Sm - B­m¡ - h¡a¡p - i¡­m¡h¡p¡u Ns¡ pwp¡­ll ¢nLs Ef­s a¥m­a qu eªnwp q¡­az "¢L Bn¡u h¡y¢d ­Mm¡Ol, ­hce¡l h¡m¤Q­l, ¢eu¢a Bj¡l i¡NÉ m­u ­k ¢e¢n¢ce ­Mm¡ L­l - '

"mÉ¡ä Ag C¢jNËÉ¡¾V' - ­cl Nå Bl N­hÑl Ef¡MÉ¡­el qu ­noz BEV­p¡¢pÑw Bl p¤¤eS­l ­cM¡ q­µR e¡z S£hek¤Ü HC jq¡­c­nl cª¢øi‰£ L­l a¥­m­R ü¡bÑfl - BaÈ­L¢¾cÊLz ¢O M¡Ju¡l Bú¡l¡ ¢ca ­k hÉ¡ˆ…¢m , a¡l¡ c¡j¡m ­R­m "­g¡l­LÓ¡p¡l­cl' p¡j¡m ¢c­a ¢qj¢pjz H ms¡C hy¡Q¡l ms¡Cz j¡e¤o c¤x­M HL¡¿¹ HL¡L£, ¢eSÑez ­Q¡­Ml f¡a¡u, q¡­al f¡a¡u Sm¢h¾c¥z "j¤L¥m kMe i¡­p aMe q¡­al f¡a¡u c¤ - HL¢V Sm¢h¾c¥ H­p

j¡SÑe¡ Q¡u üfÀ¢V­L p¢aÉ L­l j¤L¥m i¡p¡u h奢V a¡l ­Q¡­Ml f¡a¡u q¡­al f¡a¡u ---------------------' (L¢h Su ­N¡ü¡j£)

¢L¿¹¥ c£OÑnÄ¡p euz AcjÉ Bn¡u h¤L ­hy­d j¤M a¥¢m BL¡­nl f¡­ez ­Q¡­M i¡­p Ae¿¹ BL¡­n Ec¡š X¡e¡ ­jm¡ - py¡a­l ­hs¡­e¡ l¡SL£u HL f¡M£z "BL¡nV¡­L ­m¡f¡V Ll¡ c¡l¦Z c¤¢hÑf¡­L - ' f¡M£ ah¤J b¡­L f¡M£ ­hy­QJ b¡­L f¡M£ üfÀ J ­c­M - L¡lZ ­p S¡­e "e£s ­R¡V r¢a ­eC, BL¡n ­a¡ hs'z f¡M£l Lb¡¢V g¥­s¡m, e­VN¡R¢V j¤­s¡mz a¡l p¡­b g¥­s¡m HL¢hwn na­Ll C­¾c¡-B­j¢lL¡e­cl Qm¢a S£he f¡yQ¡m£ zz

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


অিসত নারায়ন েসনগু


¢j ¢e­SJ Ah¡L q­u ¢N­u¢R ­S­e ­k h¡wm¡ i¡o¡l ÙÛ¡Z fª¢bh£l ph…¢m i¡o¡l j­dÉ f’jz jÉ¡ä¡¢leÚ, Cw­lS£, ¢q¾c£ J ØfÉ¡¢en i¡o¡l f­lC qm h¡wm¡z ­k i¡o¡ h­m 23 ­L¡¢V h¡ 230 ¢j¢mue j¡e¤oz AbQ Cw­lS£ i¡o¡ ­kje fª¢bh£ju Hhw phÑ­c­n AÒf-¢hÙ¹l fËQ¢ma, h¡wm¡l fËQ¡l fË¡u f¤­l¡f¤¢l h¡P¡m£l j­dÉ Hhw c¤C h¡wm¡uz k¢cJ c¤C h¡wm¡l B­nf¡­n ­hn ¢LR¥ A’­m J l¡­SÉ h¡wm¡l fËQme i¡m lLjCz Hl L¡lZ, Cw­lSl¡ l¡SaÆ L­l­Re p¡l¡ fª¢bh£ju Hhw ­pC p­‰ ay¡­cl i¡o¡J R¢s­u f­s­R fª¢bh£juz h¡P¡m£l HLj¡œ ¢h­cn Su q­u­R ¢pwqm ࣭f, ¢L¿¹¥ ¢LR¥ ¢LR¥ h¡P¡m£ e¡j, kb¡ - ¢hSu¢pwq Hhw ¢hSu¢pw­ql h¡¢qe£l hwndll¡ R¡s¡ h¡wm¡ i¡o¡l ­L¡e ¢Qq² ­pM¡­e BS ­eCz h¡wm¡ i¡o¡ ¢L¿¹¥ ph¡l L¡­R Hhw ph ­r­œ HLC lLj e¡z c¤C h¡wm¡l L¢ba h¡wm¡ i¡o¡l j­dÉ A­eL f¡bÑLÉz Bh¡l c¤C h¡wm¡lC ¢m¢Ma h¡wm¡l j­dÉJ lLj­gl B­Rz ¢m¢Ma h¡wm¡ q­a f¡­l pwú«a ­Oyo¡ Hhw e¡ ­Oyo¡z ¢m¢Ma h¡wm¡­aJ BSL¡m L¢ba h¡wm¡l hÉhq¡l M¤hC ü¡i¡¢hLz ­kje q­u­R HC ­mM¡¢Vl ­r­œz I¢aq¡¢pL L¡l­Z Cw­lS£ Hhw Blh£ në h¡wm¡l j­dÉ fË­hn L­l­Rz, k¢cJ a¡l p­‰ Bd¤¢eL h¡P¡m£l Bd¡-Cw­lS£ , Bd¡-h¡wm¡u Lb¡ hm¡l j­dÉ A­eLM¡¢e f¡bÑLÉ B­Rz Hh¡l °h¢QœÉju h¡wm¡l ¢LR¥ Ec¡qlZ ¢c¢µR - pwú«a ­Oyo¡ ¢m¢Ma h¡wm¡ "HC ­pC SeÙÛ¡Z - jdÉhaÑ£ fËpËhZ ¢N¢lz Cq¡l ¢nMl­cn BL¡n f­b paa pj£l - p’lj¡Z Smdl fVm pw­k¡­N ¢el¿¹l ¢e¢hs e£¢mj¡u Amˆ«a A¢daÉL¡ fË­cnz Oe p¢æ¢hø he fcpj§­q pj¡µRæ b¡L¡­a ¢pÀ‡ n£am J ljZ£u' pwú«a Lj ­Oyo¡ ¢m¢Ma h¡wm¡ "c¤­NÑne¢¾ce£ h‰ pj¡­S fc¡fÑZ L¢lh¡j¡œ , pL­ml cª¢ø­L BLoÑZ L¢lmz H S¡a£u EfeÉ¡p h¡wm¡­a ­LE A­NË ­c­M e¡C ---------- ¢L hZÑe¡l l£¢a , ¢L i¡o¡l eh£ea¡, pLm ¢ho­u ­h¡d qCm ­ke h¢ˆjh¡h¤ ­c­nl ­m¡­Ll l¦¢Q J fËhª¢šl ­pË¡a f¢lh¢šÑa L¢lh¡l SeÉ fË¢a‘¡l©t qCu¡ ­mMe£ d¡lZ L¢lu¡­Rez' pwú«a e¡ ­Oyo¡ ¢m¢Ma h¡wm¡ "ÙÛ¡eV¡ a¡q¡l i¡l£ i¡m m¡­N, H­Lh¡­l ¢eSÑe, c¤d¡­l ec£l f¡­s La ¢L N¡Rf¡m¡, ec£l S­m Ty¥¢Lu¡ f¢su¡­R, J f¡­s Oe ph¤S Em¤he ------------- Em¤h­el nÉ¡jma¡ ­jn¡­j¢n j¡M¡j¡¢M ¢pÀ‡ ¢eSÑea¡z'

hËSh¤¢m h¡wm¡ (°j¢bm£l Ae¤Ll­Z) "a¥ýy jj j¡dh, a¥ýy jj ­c¡pl a¥ýy jj a¡f O¤Q¡J jlZ a¥ BJ ­l BJz' Dw­lS£ ­Oyo¡ L¢ba h¡wm¡ "B¢j gÓ¡C Ji¡l ¢c­u q¡Js¡ hË£­S EWm¡jz ­VÊe h¡p ­f¢X­ØVÊu¡e ¢O­s fËQä VÊÉ¡¢gLÚ SÉ¡jz f¤¢mn ¢Rm ¢L¿¹¥ L¾­VÊ¡m Ll­a f¡l¢Rme¡z ­ØVn­e ­fy±­R ­c¢M ­k ­VÊe Am­l¢X fÔÉ¡Vg­jÑ CeÚ Ll­Rz B¢j g¡ØVÑ LÓ¡p LÇf¡VÑ­j­¾V Bj¡l ¢lp¡iÑ Ll¡ p£V ­c­M hpm¡jz ­f¡VÑ¡l Bj¡l m¡­NSV¡ h¡­ˆl Efs a¥­m ¢cmz' - (Hl A­eL nëC h¡wm¡u hm¡ k¡u ¢L¿¹¥ Bjl¡ h¢m e¡z) h¡wm¡­c­nl L¢ba h¡P¡m i¡o¡ "Bj¡u X¥h¡C¢m ­l, Bj¡u i¡p¡C¢m ­l AL¨m c¢lu¡u h¤¢T L¨m e¡C ­lz Bpj¡e Q¡Cu¡ cCl¡l f¡­e, cCl¡ Bpj¡e f¡­e, mr hRl f¡l qCm, ­Lq e¡ L¡­l S¡­e AL¨m c¢lu¡u h¤¢T L¨m e¡C ­lz' ab¡L¢ba h¡P¡m i¡o¡lJ A­eL lLj ­gl B­Rz Q¡yVN¡Cu¡ h¡P¡m i¡o¡ ­hn£li¡N h¡P¡­ml L¡­RC A­h¡dNjÉz Bjl¡ k¡l¡ h¡P¡m Lb¡l EµQ¡lZ AöÜ j­e L¢l a¡­cl qu­a¡ ¢Q¿¹¡ Ll¡ E¢Qv ­k öÜ h¡wm¡l j­dÉJ A­eL AöÜa¡ B­Rz k¡l¡ h¡wm¡l h¡C­l ­b­L­Re a¡­cl L¡­e M¤hC m¡­Nz Bjl¡ je­L h¢m ­j¡e, ja­L h¢m j­a¡, ­cM­L h¢m cÉ¡­M¡, ­Oyo¡­L h¢m OÉ¡o¡, à£f­L h¢m ¢cf Bl ¢Qq²­L h¢m ¢Q­æ¡z Bjl¡ n, p, o HC ¢ae¢V­LC h¡¢e­u¢R nz g­m Bj¡l e¡­jl EµQ¡lZ qm "­ne…­ç¡'z h¡P¡m£l ph­Q­u hs EµQ¡lZ f¢lhaÑ­hl Ec¡qlZ q­µR "mLÚnÚj£­L' "mrÈ£' hm¡z C­u¡N¡­L "­k¡N' hm¡z Bl i–¡Q¡¢lu¡­L "i–¡Q¡kÑÉ' hm¡z a¡q­m h¡P¡ml¡ kMe ­Ly­c h¡ L¡y¢cu¡l hc­m "L¡CeÚc¡' h­m aMe M¤h ­c¡o qu ¢L ? Bp­m i¡o¡u ­L¡e öÜ Aö­Ül fËnÀ ­eCz i¡o¡ hÉ¡LlZ j¡­ee¡, hÉ¡LlZC i¡o¡­L Ae¤plZ L­lz c¤x­Ml ¢hou HC ­k h¡P¡m i¡o¡l A¢Ù¹aÆ HC h¡wm¡u Bl ­hn£¢ce b¡L¡l pñ¡he¡ M¤hC Ljz L¡lZ HC ­mM­Ll ja k¡l¡ c¤C h¡wm¡u j¡e¤o q­u­Re Hhw k¡l¡ c¤C h¡wm¡l i¡o¡u f¡lcnÑ£ a¡­cl pwMÉ¡ œ²jnx L­j Bp­Rz Bl HC h¡Pm¡u JC h¡wm¡ hm¡l p¤¤­k¡N J Ljz Bj¡l A­eL Ah¡P¡m£ hå¥l¡ h­m ­k h¡wm¡ q­µR "¢pw-pw' i¡o¡, AbÑ¡v M¤hC ¢j¢øz Bj¡­cl ¢h­no ­N±l­hl ¢hou qm ­k ¢hnÄL¢h lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥­ll c¤¢V L¢ha¡-N¡e ü¡d£e i¡la J ü¡d£e h¡wm¡­c­nl S¡a£u p‰£az Bh¡l h¢ˆjQ­¾cÊl h­¾cj¡aljÚ dÆ¢e­a p¡l¡ i¡la Ae¤fË¡¢Za q­u­Rz nlvQ­¾cÊl

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


­mM¡ k¢cJ h¡wm¡l f¢l­fË¢r­a ah¤J p¡l¡ i¡l­al jjÑ ¢a¢e ØfnÑ L­l­Re ¢a¢e ay¡l Q¢lœ…¢ml j­dÉ ¢c­uzj¡C­Lm jd¤p§ce c­šl q¡q¡L¡l "­q h‰ i¡ä¡­l ah ¢h¢hd lae, a¡p­h A­h¡d B¢j Ah­qm¡ L¢l' - h¡wm¡ i¡o¡l E­Ÿ­nÉC ­mM¡z "­j¡­cl Nlh ­j¡­cl Bn¡, Bj¢l h¡wm¡ i¡o¡z' - HC i¡o¡l SeÉ hý h¡P¡m£ fË¡Z ¢c­u­Rez h¡wm¡ i¡o¡ ab¡ h¡wm¡­c­nl ü¡d£ea¡l SeÉz l¡S°e¢aL hÉhd¡e p­šÄJ c¤C h¡wm¡l j¡e¢pL ILÉ­L hS¡u ­l­M­R h¡wm¡ i¡o¡z

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Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal Shayak Chaudhuri

day, on January 2nd, 2010, a red bird was wandering in the woods. His name was Mr. Cardinal. He hadn't had a wife for three months. Soon, he said, "I must find a bird that can be my wife." On Monday, he walked past a bluebird. He asked her if she would be his wife. The bluebird said, "No." On Tuesday, he went to see the swan, who was swimming softly in the pond. When he asked her to be his wife, she said, "No." On Wednesday, he saw a pigeon picking up worms from grass and asked, "Would you be my wife?" The pigeon said, "No." On Thursday, Mr. Cardinal saw a mallard duck near the water. He asked her to be his wife, but she said no, too. On Friday, he saw a common loon in the lake. He asked if she would be his wife. She said, "No!" On Saturday, Photograph by: Samaresh he saw a red-winged blackbird on a branch, and asked if she would be his wife. She said, Mukhopadhyay "NO!" Sadly, Mr. Cardinal turned around and flew back home, where he sat down in a chair and fell asleep. On Sunday, he woke up and ate breakfast. After a while, he heard a knock on the door. He walked to it and opened it to see a bird with shiny blue eyes, a red beak, glossy red feathers, and a nice appetite. When he asked her to be his wife, she said..."Yes". Soon, they were married and had children. Then, they lived happily ever after.

Thirteen Roses, One Love D.J. Chakraborty

I saw a dozen red roses standing tall, Upon a crystal vase. They were sent by twelve gallant youths, Who resonated praise: The first young man praised my stern solemnity, The second enjoyed my playful spontaneity. The third suitor praised me as an exotic enchantress, The fourth described me as an All-American beauty. The fifth gentleman praised my profound, spiritual nature, The sixth vowed to lead me to Jesus Christ.

The seventh lad was so glad for my inductive reasoning, The eighth praised my deductive reasoning. The ninth gallant praised my quiet, modest disposition, The tenth admired my bold articulation. Bachelor number eleven praised my imaginative creativity, Number twelve appreciated my realistic practicality. I have one rose in my room by the window, Because only you know ‌that I like yellow.

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beauty Is Appealed to All Senses Nairita Nandy

Beauty is Cobwebbed trees playing shadows with the sun The color palate of the sky The violent bloody burst of a volcano The uniformity of chaotic life

Beauty is The moisture of morning dew on aged, cracked feet The unrelenting touch of a baby’s grasp The feeling of letting go as drifting to sleep The wet touch of affection by a grateful dog

Beauty is The hush of water rushing down the falls Loud trickles of leftover rain dripping from the roof Nature’s voice in the silent desert The song of the nightingale, the Siren’s kin

Beauty is The taste of the first snowflake Sweetness of hard earned success The irony of fried ice cream The fresh healing of natural hot springs

Beauty is The sweet scent of hard work The harmonious smell of the ocean and the breeze Waking up to fresh barnyard air The intangible greeting of a blooming flower

Beauty is Appealed to all senses Unexpectedly and spontaneously Or through an acquired taste Lasting or fleeting Beauty is undefined

Veiled Beauty Singh

Sun's early morning strings of light prise open thickened sky polished nails ripping heaven's veil - sleight of hand revealing eye. Seeing adolescent world below Troubled and turbulent escaping childhood, Willing to grow Giving patient consent.

Anticipating wrought obstacles shaped from temporal deeds. providing sporadic miracles incentive to succeed. Content parent watching from afar gifting needed margin door forever left slightly ajar retreat for mortal sin. Step by step, cautiously moving on from immaturityvolatile yet vulnerable dawn searching for purity

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


সুি�তা মহলানবীশ öï a¥o¡l T­l T­l f¡q¡s Ll­R nql S¥­s, p§¢kÑ j¡j¡ …ç ­h­n ­cM­R jS¡ ­q­p ­q­p z a¥o¡l Ts­R ju§M R¡s¡ n£am q­চR hp¤¤ål¡ z Qm­R e¡ Bl ­j¡Vl N¡s£ h­p B­R ­m¡­Ll h¡¢s z n£am a¡­f ph¡C L¡h¤ fË¢a A‰­eC a¥o¡l h¡h¤z Nm¡u håe£, j¡b¡u V¥¢f ­h¡a¡j ­Q¡­M q¡p­R ¢j¢Vz

mð¡ e¡­L - ­Y¡LÚm¡ ­f­V q¡p­R a¡l¡ ph¡l p¡­b L¡¢lNll¡ O­l Y¥­L B­j¡c Ll­R QL­mV j¤­M z S¡e¡m¡ ¢c­u ­p¡e¡ ­c­M m¡m VÊ¡LÚV¡ Bp­R R¥­V i¥jÚ - i¥jÚ - ¢hLV l­h ­WLm ¢N­u JL N¡­R h¡h¤jn¡C ­h¢l­u H­p ¢fR­m ­Nm VÊ¡­Ll e£­Q z a¥m­a ­k k¡u, ­pC f­s a¥o¡l h¡h¤ ­q­pC j­lzz

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


A Pujari Memoir Suporna Chaudhuri

first interactions with Pujari take us back about eleven years ago, when I was an innocent little girl of two years. My mother tells me I was a tiny, headstrong powerhouse on two feet, so I guess it should come to no surprise that my first fifteen seconds of fame involved my aunt somehow procuring a microphone and letting me

pour my heart out in whimsical song! After that, it was decided: no more should I shy away from the life on stage! My time had begun. Over the years, I quickly found myself absorbed in various events, ranging from talent shows to quizzes to innumerable dance programs. Through those countless events, I have found myself surrounded by

a group of people who are fun-loving, generous, and dedicated. The Pujari members never fail to toil day and night without complaints, just so that they can produce memorable presentations that remain sources of pride and joy for all who are immensely involved.

Anjali 2010

Saraswati Puja Issue


Through all of the Pujari activites, I have amassed an amazing group of friends who, to my great surprise, can actually endure my ohso-brilliant wit and my utter lack of tact (to put it frankly)! Although I had tried to avoid those kids when I was younger, as a few of them seemed intimidating at the time, over the years, I have managed to work my way into their own social circles and make my mark.

By hanging out with the girls, I've learned the intricate art of maintaining a steady stream of conversation, no matter what the topic may be. And then, by joining the guys in some of their antics, I've become skilled at playing games like "Keep - Away" in sarees and ghagras, all the while learning to get used to the complimentary bumps and bruises. But what I really want to say about my friends

is that because of them, I have found a loyal set of comrades to joke around with, to occasionally banter with, to share my troubles with, and to simply be content with. Because of them, I firmly believe that whether they know it or not, I will fondly remember them for the rest of my life. I think my favorite thing about all of the events is the atmosphere of energy, excitement, and sophistication that is present whenever a Pujari celebration takes place. Children run around in their pretty garments (which they were stuffed into either willingly or unwillingly), and the adults never cease their chatting as they subtly flaunt their outfits' silken finery or dazzling jewelry. Fathers stand around joking and laughing with one another, free for once from the hustle

and bustle of the office, while the mothers converse in their own large groups, liberated for a short time from their own wars that sometimes occur in places like the kitchen or the laundry room against their kids. We kids are free the whole day, no longer shackled to doing work given by the world's only legal form of torture: school. Music echoes throughout the halls, the aroma of food floats tantalizingly through the air, and there are people making merry as far as the eye can see. It is a genuine festival of joy. Needless to say, Pujari is like a huge joint family for me. My experiences in this organization are stacking up to become what I know will someday be incredible memories.

Executive Committee 2010

Board of Directors Chairperson:


Pabitra Bhattacharya

Kallol Nandi Nachiketa Nandy Prabir Bhattacharya Prabir Nandi Sanjib Datta Santanu Kar Sharmila Roy Sudipto Ghose

President: VP, Finance: Treasurer:

Sudipta Samanta Swapan Mondal Vikram Das

VP, Marketing: Publication Secretary: Public Relation Secretary: Membership Drive Secretary:

Samaresh Mukhopadhyay Sutapa Datta Soumya Bhattacharyya Pranesh M.

VP, Logistics: Event Management Secretary: Food & Services Secretary:

Subhojit Roy Joyojit M. Arnab Bose

Kids Cultural Secretary: Youth Cultural Secretary: Adults Cultural Secretary:

Mayuri R. Sudeshna (Tinny) Datta Sutapa Das

VP, Operations: Decoration Secretary: Webmaster:

Surojit Chatterjee Aradhana Bhattacharya Rupak Ganguly

Pujari’s Decoration

Pujari Volunteers

Theme: The divine goddess Saraswati is descending down to earth in Cultural: her magnificent swan chariot, to enlighten us. Art Form: Fusion of African tribal art and Indian 'Mehendi' patterns.

Pujari’s Decoration Team (2010) Aradhana Bhattacharya, Paromita Ghosh, Abhijeet Hazra, Rupak Ganguly, Surajit Chatterjee, Tumpa Bhattacharya, Sumona Banik, Reema Saha, Sharbari Basu, Indrani Kar , Sutapa Datta, Prabir Bhattacharya, Pranesh Chowdhury, Sonia Nandi, Anupa Chakaravarti & Subir Datta

Sutapa Das, Mayuri Roy, Tinni Datta, Richa Sirkar, Subhasree Nandy, Soma Dutta, Indrani Kar, Jaba Chowdhury, Banhi Nandi, Sonia Nandi, Haimanti Mukhopadhyay, Debasree Dutta, Baishakhi Mukherjee, Sutapa Datta, Sudipto Ghosh, Rahul Roy, Prabir Nandi, Amitava Sen, Byasdev Saha, Tareq, Santanu Kar, Prabir Bhattacharyya, Saibal Sengupta, Arnab Bose, Neil Banerjee, Rupa Banerjee, Pranesh Chaudhury. Front Desk Management: Swapan Mondal, Richa Sarkar, Satyaki lodh, Atul Chaudhuri, Susanta Saha, Vikram Das, Gauranga Banik, Anindya De, Saibal SenGupta

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