City Resident 42

Page 1



School Applications page 4

Tackling air pollution page 3

Autumn 2017 Issue 42

Childcare for working parents page 4

Lord Mayor’s Show page 9

Liane Carroll Concert page 10


CityResident CityResident is produced by the City of London Corporation, provider of local government, policing and arange of services for the Square Mile and beyond.If you would like a summary of this newsletter in another language or an alternative format such as Braille, large print or audio tape, please contact us. CityResident is available to download at


Bank On Safety Last May, Bank on Safety, the City of London Corporation’s experimental safety scheme, became operational for up to 18 months. This means only pedal cyclists and buses are permitted to cross Bank Junction or travel westbound on Cornhill from 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday. What do you think? We would like feedback about your experiences since Bank on Safety has gone live, compared to how it was previously.

Our consultation survey is available on bankonsafety, until late November 2017. The ongoing monitoring work combined with this consultation and feedback will then be presented to Members of the City Corporation prior to any decision being taken on the permanency of this experiment. MORE INFORMATION bankonsafety

CityResident Town Clerk’s Department City of London Corporation PO Box 270, Guildhall London EC2P 2EJ 020 7332 3099



Stay Safe Recent events are a reminder that a terrorist attack is highly likely and it could happen at any time or place. The threat is currently considered as ‘SEVERE’, and while the police and security agencies are working to protect the public, communities must remain vigilant and aware of how to protect themselves if the need arises. The four minute film, Stay Safe: Firearms and Weapons Attack is available online and highlights the three key steps for keeping safe. If you are caught up in an incident, remember to ‘run, hide and tell’.

See it. Say it. Sorted. Designed by government, police and the rail industry, this campaign aims to raise awareness of the vital role the public can play in keeping themselves and others safe.You may have seen posters promoting the campaign at train stations across the UK. Please report anything unusual either in person to rail staff, by sending a text message to 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40.


Low Emission Programme: One year on Last year, the City Corporation embarked on a three-year programme to establish a Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) in the north of the Square Mile. The aim of the project, which is part funded by the Mayor of London, is to tackle air pollution and associated health risks. The LEN Launch Event in January paved the way for community engagement, including: pop-up informative events, for example ‘Air Quality and Cycling’ on Fann Street in June; volunteers and St Bart’s Hospital ambulance drivers taking part in Idling Engine Action Days; and the opening of Moor Lane pop-up garden on National Clean Air Day. Local businesses have also actively taken part in the Air Quality Champions network, with their first

workshop held in June, and they can bid for funding to help implement measures to improve air quality in the workplace. Although not without its challenges, the LEN has seen a positive response so far and has an exciting year lined up, with implementation of projects aimed at reducing traffic and encouraging use of zero emission vehicles. A pilot project to install charging points for electric vehicles in the Barbican area is set to start in October, alongside an expansion of the ‘Cargo Bike Hire’ volunteer managed scheme currently in place for the Barbican community. MORE INFORMATION @_Cityair



Tackling air pollution June 15 was the UK’s first-ever National Clean Air Day. Social media helped in reaching 46m people with messages about taking action to protect their health from air pollution. Building on this success the City Corporation teamed up with environmental change charity Global Action Plan to support residents. Did you know that… nP ollution accumulates inside cars? Cyclists and pedestrians often breathe cleaner air than drivers n I t is almost always better to exercise outdoors than to avoid going out? nY ou can breathe as much as 50% less polluted air just by taking to the side streets?

Global Action Plan supported local residents in working together with Islington Borough Council to find a solution. Islington Council agreed to:

“I often see buses idling at the edge of our street. I regularly walk pass them bellowing out fumes onto the pavement. I worry about the kids and how it impacts their development. It’s a lot worse in the night and especially in the winter months.” Holloway Estate resident

1. Inform drivers that idling is not permitted in the area. 2. Ask TfL to relay the information back to the drivers. 3. Monitor the area and encourage bus drivers to switch their engines off when stationary by reminding them of the health impacts of air pollution and fixed penalty notices.

KEY FACTS nL eaving a vehicle engine running when parked causes unnecessary air pollution. nA ir pollution increases the risk of death from cardiac and respiratory causes. nH igh air pollution is linked to low birth weight and premature births. “It is great to see that the City of London and other local councils are stepping up and supporting residents on improving air quality.” Holloway Estate resident

Holloway Estates sits between Camden Road and Parkhurst Road in North London, an area known for idling buses. MORE INFORMATION

City churchyards The City’s churchyards are historic open spaces with collective significance as a cultural asset. They form the setting for churches and ancient monuments, providing a refuge from the City’s intensity and essential places to rest and enjoy. Many are popular green spaces, however others are underutilised and in need of improvement.

projects which aims to provide high quality, inspiring and sustainable spaces; ensure safe and inclusive places for all the community; provide, in view of the growing numbers of visitors and City workers, enhanced areas to sit, eat lunch, play or relax and prioritise the enhancement of those churchyards in most need.

The City Corporation is working with the Diocese of London and St Paul’s Cathedral to develop a programme of enhancement

We are very much interested in your opinion to help us address possible issues and meet the needs of the community.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? nW hat do you most value about the City Churchyards? nW hat would you most like to change about the City Churchyards? nH ow can we better connect the City Churchyards? nH ow can we increase the amenity value of the City Churchyards? GET IN TOUCH TO FIND OUT MORE AND SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS



Childcare for working parents All three and four year olds living in England are entitled to free early education and childcare for 15 hours a week for a maximum of 38 weeks. In September 2017 the government has increased the funded hours from 15 to 30 a week for children of working families who meet the eligibility criteria. You may qualify if both parents, or sole parent, in a one parent family are: nw orking and earning at least the equivalent of 16 hours per week at the national minimum or living wage n e arning less than £100,000 per annum each n s elf-employed


School applications

You may still be eligible to apply if you or your partner are: n t aking paid time off work, such as maternity leave, paternity leave or sick leave n e mployed or self-employed and one of you receives a qualifying benefit. Visit the government’s Childcare Choices website www. to find out more and to check your eligibility. You’ll receive an 11 digit code if you are eligible, which you take to a childcare provider who is participating in the 30 hours scheme. MORE INFORMATION Family and Young People’s Information Service 020 7332 1002

Primary school Children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 should start primary school in September 2018. Applications are open until 15 January 2018. Junior school Junior school application is for children currently attending infant school or in Year 2 of primary school. Parents with children born between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011 can apply until 15 January 2018. Secondary school Children born between 1 September 2006 and 31 August 2007 will be attending secondary school in September

2018. The application deadline is 31 October 2017. If you miss the deadline you can contact the School Admissions Service on 020 7332 1750. 14-19 University Technical College or studio school Children born between 1 September 2003 and 31 August 2004 (current Year 9) are can apply for a place at a University Technical College or a studio school for the September 2018 Year 10 intake.

MORE INFORMATION 020 7332 1002 schooladmission


Delivering a better SEND service To help them make the best life choices, the City Corporation wants to ensure all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, who live in the City, are aware of the range of services and options available. We are working with children and young people as well as their parents and carers, so that we can develop the very best services around their needs. If you want to share your thoughts

and views, please get in touch and help us to improve how we develop and deliver services.

MORE INFORMATION See our online directory of local services available for children and young people with SEND on For a copy of the City Corporation’s SEND strategy contact Sharon Cushnie on 020 7332 3047


Scams and financial abuse: protecting the elderly Every year billions of pounds are lost to scammers targeting the elderly with cold calls. Some scams even involve intimidation methods to convince victims to part with their personal details and money, promising cash, prizes, services or high returns on investments. Many vulnerable seniors continue to fall victim to this type of, what seems to be fast becoming, the crime of the 21st century. And unfortunately, many victims never actually report their losses, either because they are embarrassed or for fear of retribution. The City Corporation, along with representatives from Trading Standards, City of London Police and other key local partners, is raising awareness about this type of scams and financial abuse with the local community. We are also offering assistance with the installation of trueCall

devices in City residents’ homes. This is a system which blocks out cold calls, from people who are not on someone’s approved list, and allows calls to be monitored remotely by a family member so it’s possible to see who has been calling. MORE INFORMATION safeguardingadults Contact Trading Standards for installing trueCall devices 03454 04 05 06


About sexual health… Sexual health services in the Square Mile and across London are improving, to help you get the help you need, where and when you want. Over the next year, sexually transmitted infections testing and signposting will be made available online, as well as at new clinics, to allow easier and faster access, while maintaining high quality services and patient confidentiality. This is part of a London-wide transformation project involving the City and 27 other London Boroughs, to deliver better and more modern sexual health services for all Londoners. We have spoken to a wide variety of patients and clinicians, including patients in the City of London, to shape these changes and come up with options for people to access services online.

A range of free and confidential sexual health services are available to City residents at local GPs, pharmacies, specialist sexual health clinics and teenage-only health clinics. If you need information or guidance about a sexual health concern, you can also visit the NHS Choices website on MORE INFORMATION rachel.morrison@cityoflondon. sexualhealth


Release the pressure Everyone has mental health and it exists on a spectrum: it can be good, bad, or anywhere in between. Some mental health issues, such as stress, anxiety or depression, are extremely common, while others can be more complex. The NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care reports that approximately one in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem in any given year. According to Thrive LDN – the Mayor of London’s new campaign to improve the mental health of all Londoners – 2m Londoners experience some form of mental health issue every year. This equates to 13 people on every bus or more than 100 people on every tube train. If you’re not experiencing any symptoms, it may

well be that your friends, family, colleagues or neighbours are. Release the Pressure is a campaign designed to help improve mental wellbeing. It aims to reduce the stigma attached to everyday issues, such as relationship troubles, money difficulties or work stress. Without anyone to talk to, these can lead to a crisis point. Don’t let yourself, or anyone close to you, suffer in silence. Talking about what’s worrying you, even anonymously to a stranger, can act as a relief valve and will help release some of the pressure.

MORE INFORMATION releasethepressure




Give and take day 13 January 2018


Restart Party 18 November, 12noon-3pm Barbican Estate (Lilac Room)

Do you have a laptop, toaster or electronic toy that needs fixing and don’t want to throw away? Bring your small broken electronics to our Restart Party and learn how to repair them yourself. A fun and free community event where experienced volunteers known as “Restarters” will do their best to teach you how to repair whatever you bring. Please note, there are no guarantees the Restarters will be able to fix the items you bring along.

Give and take days are exchange events promoting reuse and recycling where you can pass on unwanted household items to anyone who would like them. You can bring along any items, provided they are in good condition, including clothes and shoes, books and DVDs, children’s toys, furniture and soft furnishings (like cushions and curtains), kitchenware such as pots, pans, crockery, utensils and small electrical items such as hair dryers, hoovers, toasters. (Small electrical items will be safety tested on the day.)

DROP OFF Drop off items between 10am12noon. Unfortunately we cannot accept items after this time.


Please note that we are unable to accept safety equipment such as car seats, cycle helmets etc. Also, vans are not permitted at the event. Please contact the recycling team for further information. Contact details are below.

City residents can pick up items between 1pm-3pm, please bring proof of address. Non-City residents are welcome to pick up items between 2pm-3pm.

Do you need recycling sacks, food caddy liners or a new food waste caddy? Recycling sacks and caddy liners are delivered to your property at regular intervals throughout the year. If you haven’t got any recycling sacks, caddy liners or need a new food waste caddy please contact your Estate office or call 020 7606 3110. You can also collect recycling sacks and caddy liners from: n Artizan Street Library n The Barbican Library n Shoe Lane Library

Recycling sacks are for use by residents for domestic recycling only. Please only use the caddy liners provided by the City of London to line your food waste caddy. Do not use plastic bags. All recycling bags and food liners are provided free of charge.

MORE INFORMATION giveandtake @GreenSqMile 020 7606 3110



talkback Need for consent For a week from 21 August, the City of London Police ran an innovative campaign to ensure everyone knows when they have sexual consent – and when they do not.

WHAT IS SEXUAL CONSENT? Sexual consent is where a person has the freedom to agree to sexual activity. It is vital the person instigating sex makes sure their partner is participating freely and readily. To have sex without consent is to commit rape.

WHAT IS NOT SEXUAL CONSENT? Dating, flirting, kissing or being friendly or intimate does not mean consent. Consenting in the past or being in a relationship does not mean consent is automatically given in the future. Being married or in a relationship does not mean automatic consent. Both parties have to agree to sex. When someone is asleep or unconscious they cannot give consent. Someone on drugs or too drunk to make decisions doesn’t have the mental capacity to give consent.

If someone is on drugs or is too drunk to consent, stop. Wait until they are sober and ask again.

SEX WITHOUT CONSENT IS RAPE Rape happens to people of all genders and sexualities. About 92% of victims are women and 8% are men. Most rapes occur between people who know each other in some way.

To report a crime call 101, 999 in an emergency only

Man jailed for drug offences A man has been jailed for more than two years for drug dealing, after being caught with 21 wraps of cocaine. The arrest took place during a pre-planned operation, coordinated by the City of London Police communities and partnerships team. Building on concerns raised by the local community, the activity involved the City Police roads policing unit, support group, dogs unit, major investigation team, scientific support unit, and other specialist teams.

In 2016-17, we recorded 70 incidents of rape and sexual assault. Of these, 16 were rapes committed within the City of London, with another 24 reported to us in the first instance before being investigated by other police forces. Of the 16 rape offences which took place in the Square Mile, consent was the central issue in 12 of them – 75%.

Plain-clothed City Police officers witnessed a drug deal taking place on Middlesex Street, immediately south of the junction with Cobb Street. Officers detained the man and he was taken to Bishopsgate police station. At court, Montague was ordered to serve two years and eight months in custody for possession with intent to supply a class A drug, and an additional 12-month sentence for supplying a class A drug, to run concurrently.

The message? Always make sure you get consent.

Sergeant Pete Lucas, from the City of London Police communities and

partnerships team, said: “This operation was a resounding success, and as a result of coordinating the expertise and resources of several different City of London Police units we were able to successfully make multiple arrests. “This is a perfect example of using intelligent, creative, problemsolving methods to respond to concerns from the public, who were worried about criminal activity in their local area and rightly raised the issues with the police. We’d encourage anyone else to do the same. “We hope this sentence, and this operation, makes it clear that we do not tolerate drug dealing within the Square Mile, and will use everything at our disposal – including our relationship with the local community – to bring offenders to justice.”

SOCIAL MEDIA @citypolice @CityPoliceFraud @CityPoliceIFED @CityPolicePIPCU @CityPoliceDogs com/cityoflondonpolice user/cityoflondonpolice




A snapshot of things to do near you in the next couple of months

Ready to volunteer this Christmas?

Christmas and New Year is the perfect time to volunteer. Many local organisations are looking for volunteers to help with a wide range of activities; from making cards to preparing meals for local residents, from wrapping presents for charity to organising fun activities for homeless people. And a whole lot more. Volunteering has never been easier. The Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets can help you find the right role

for you. They will also help you with your application and offer support until you start volunteering. Start expressing your interest now, as Christmas roles are very popular. Call to book an appointment for a face-toface session. MORE INFORMATION

020 7377 0956

City Advice

Supporting Age Concern

A free service offering confidential and impartial advice to help City residents manage their everyday problems, understanding basic rights and wellbeing issues, including: nw elfare benefits, pensions, money or debt n carers support n s upport finding local social and physical activities nc onsumer & employment rights n f amily and relationship legal issues.

Age Concern City of London are pleased to partner with the Brandenburg Choral Festival of London to present Eric Whitacre’s Alleluia. Performed by the Mosaic Chamber Choir and Benjamin Gaughran on Saturday 11 November at 7.30pm. This will be a unique opportunity to see one of the centrepieces of this Grammy-award-winning composer’s repertoire performed at the atmospheric St Giles-in-the-Fields. 50% of the proceeds from all tickets sold by Age Concern City of London and Age UK London will go direct to these two charities, to benefit older people living in the Square Mile and beyond.


For rights, financial or debt advice call 020 7392 2919 If you wish to meet an advisor in person, just drop-in to any of the outreach surgeries. To find out where they are located, see For wellbeing support issues contact Helena 020 7392 2987 07432 736 495



Alice Westlake 020 7091 2593 For tickets visit

City LivingWise Free Healthy Lifestyle Support nM anage your weight with a 12-week series of group sessions nB ecome more physically active, with the support of an exercise on referral programme nR eceive a free NHS health check nR ead the blog for inspirational fitness tips, healthy cooking and more


020 7616 2338


City of London Christmas Market 2017 27-28 November

Get your heirlooms and trinkets valued at the Antiques Roadshow stand, and indulge in some guilt-free shopping at over 100 stalls. Don’t miss the designer Pop up boutique to get your hands on Amanda Wakeley

samples and designer vintage pieces.

Bratwurst served from the Giant Beer Barrel.

And when you need a break, visit the Art Fair or enjoy an express massage in the relaxation station. You can venture into the largest medieval crypt in London for a spot of lunch or Champagne cream tea, or if you fancy something more festive visit the traditional Weihnachtsmarkt in the Guildhall Yard and enjoy a Gluhwein and

This is not just a regular Christmas Market, but a shopping experience with a difference. All proceeds go towards the lifesaving work of the British Red Cross both in the UK and overseas. And if you fancy starting your Christmas shopping early, see what’s on offer in our silent auction at christmasmarket2017


Lord Mayor’s Show

18 November and 16 December

Tower Bridge Exhibition is a perfect day out for the whole family, with each visit jam packed with fun activities. Each month, an entire day is dedicated to family friendly activities, so everyone can discover and explore the hidden stories of this iconic London landmark. Families can also download our free app or grab a copy of the Family Trail booklet meaning everyone can enjoy a day of family fun, exploration and imaginative learning! The drop-in activities take

The procession will start at 11am with over 200 horses and more than 100 floats – carrying over 6,000 people – making the three mile journey from Mansion House, past St Paul’s Cathedral to the

Royal Courts of Justice and back to Mansion House via Victoria Embankment. Don’t forget the fireworks display at 5.15pm. Arrive early to secure the best viewing spot along the river. City roads will be closed to traffic and parking restrictions will also be in place in most parts of the City for the duration of the Show and later in the day for the fireworks.

Tickets available at www.

Family Fun at Tower Bridge

11 November

Starting with the River Pageant, and followed by the Procession, guided walks and fireworks, this annual event offers a wide range of fun and entertainment for the whole family.


place between 10am and 4pm and are free with admission. All activities are open to children of all ages but are particularly appropriate for those aged 6 to 10. MORE INFORMATION families


Enjoy food tastings, book signings and workshops at the Foodiefest with guest appearances from Loyd Grossman and Cyrus Todiwala.





10 January 2018, 7pm

23 - 29 November, 2pm & 7.30pm

Guildhall Studio Orchestra Following last-year’s sell-out concert, award-winning singerpianist Liane Carroll makes a welcome return to the Milton Court Concert Hall stage to collaborate with the Guildhall Studio Orchestra on songs from her new album. The first of its kind in a UK conservatoire, the

Post-Mortem by Noël Coward

Guildhall Studio Orchestra is a genre-fluid, multi-disciplinary and progressive, it places students next to the highest level of professional musicians in a sideby-side setup, with commissioned repertoire from some of the best arrangers working today.


Guildhall Symphony Orchestra 22 November, 7.30pm

Esa-Pekka Salonen conductor Adrian Leaper conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen LA Variations Mahler Symphony No. 5

Two renowned conductors for the price of one. Tying in with the Barbican’s Esa-Pekka Salonen Composer Focus, the Finnish conductor leads the Guildhall Symphony Orchestra in one of his own compositions,

which has proved popular with audiences and critics alike since its premiere in 1996 by the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Adrian Leaper takes the baton to conduct Mahler’s enduringly popular Fifth Symphony. A technically challenging rollercoaster ride of a symphony that journeys from the throes of darkness to ecstatic joy, it’s thrilling to hear live.

A young soldier dying in the trenches has visions of visiting his surviving family and friends still enjoying wealthy decadent lives in the early 1930s. Written in

ADMISSION Tickets from £10, concessions available 020 7638 8891

Basquiat: Boom for Real Until Jan 2018

The exhibition focuses on the artist’s relationship with music, text, film

and television, placing it within the wider cultural context of the time. Paintings, drawings and notebooks are presented alongside rare film, photography, music and ephemera in a design that aims to capture the dynamism of Basquiat’s practice. These exhibits are brought together for the first time in 35 years, allowing visitors to understand how Basquiat so quickly won the admiration of his fellow artists and critics.


© The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Licensed by Artestar, New York. Photo: Studio Tromp, Rotterdam


Basquiat: Boom for Real is the first large-scale exhibition in the UK of the work of American artist JeanMichel Basquiat (1960-1988). One of the most significant painters of the 20th century, Basquiat came of age in the post-punk underground art scene in Lower Manhattan in the late 1970s and by 1982 he had already gained international recognition.

1930 when he was 31 years old, it is a surprisingly angry and bitter vilification of the ruling classes who seem to have learnt nothing from the mass bloodshed of the WWI.



Gresham College

Londinium, the City’s celebration of its Roman heritage continues. Unearth deep buried secrets and long lost stories as the season of events draws to a close with a spectacular finale.

This Autumn Gresham College is hosting four special lecture series on 20th Century Chinese Art, the Classics, the Russian Revolution and the English Landscape (art and writing). Lecturers include academics and experts Craig Clunas, Edith Hall and Malcolm Andrews.

Dark Earth 22-29 October

Dark Earth is an audio curiosity delving into the City’s ancient secrets. Below the pavements and around the foundations of the City’s offices lies a layer of Dark Earth: the debris from the burning, collapse and decay of Roman buildings. This is the sound of a civilisation teetering on the edge of its downfall.

n ENGLISH LANDSCAPE: THE PICTURESQUE Wednesday 25 October, 1pm, at Museum of London

n LENIN AND THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Wednesday 8 November, 6pm, at Museum of London

nC HINA: NEW NATION, NEW ART, 1911-1932 Monday 20 November, 1pm at Museum of London

n HOMER’S ILIAD VIA THE MOVIE TROY (2004) Thursday 23 November, 1pm, at Barnard’s Inn Hall

It will be the first time Gresham College has run a series on Chinese Art, and the Russian Revolution series commemorates the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. All lectures are free to the public and offered on a first-come, firstserved basis. The College is supported by City of London Corporation and the Mercers. MORE INFORMATION

Beauty and the Bridge: a new exhibition Tower Bridge’s inaugural Artist in Residence, Alex Evans, presents ‘Beauty and the Bridge’, a new exhibition of works created in response to an internationally recognised symbol of London and incredible feat of Victorian engineering. Using Tower Bridge as artistic stimuli and exploring the themes of appearance and disguise, this collection showcases artist Alex Evans’s densely intricate pen and ink drawings as well as his use of mathematic traditions to explore the relationship between architecture, geometry and nature.

His new work will be displayed inside the Bridge’s South Tower and consists of 2D contour drawings, digital print making, and 3D pieces using mirrors, silk and Portland stone (one of the key materials used in the construction of the Bridge). The exhibition will be on throughout October and is included in the general cost of admission. MORE INFORMATION

The Lost City Of London Paternoster Square until 29 October

As World War II ended, work began on re-building the City. Many Roman remains were unearthed during the devastation of the Blitz, and the Roman and Medieval London Excavation Council was set up to undertake archaeological recording. In this outdoor exhibition, view rarely seen excavation photographs and discover the sites that were uncovered, including the Temple of Mithras, the remains of the Roman fort and City wall. The exhibition goes on to tell the amazing story of the preservation and reconstruction of the Temple of Mithras, from initial efforts to preserve and display it in the 1960s, to the development of the London Mithraeum, the exciting new permanent home for this vital piece of London’s Roman history on the site of Bloomberg’s new European headquarters.

CONTACT US © Alexander James, The great Leveller


Nature Morte Until 2 April

Explore the transience of time and the problem of mortality as the 16th-century tradition of still life meets modern art in Guildhall Art Gallery’s new exhibition Nature Morte. Go beyond the two-dimensional as 100 works of art on the themes of flora, fauna, the domestic object, food and vanitas, invite you to pause and look anew at the human condition. Featuring work by major international contemporary

artists including Michael CraigMartin and Gabriel Orozco, as well as art from London-based artists and the City’s own historic collection.



Town Clerk’s Department City of London PO Box 270, Guildhall London EC2P 2EJ 020 7332 3099

Access Team 020 7332 1995 Adult skills and learning 020 7332 3928 Adult social care 020 7332 1224 020 8356 2300 (out of hours) Artizan Street Library and Community Centre 020 7332 3810 Barbican Centre Box Office 020 7638 8891 Barbican Estate Office 020 7029 3958 Barbican Library 020 7638 0569 Barts Health NHS Trust 020 3416 5000 Billingsgate Market 020 7987 1118 Barts Minor Injury Unit 020 3465 5869 Cass Child and Family Centre 020 7626 6315 Cemetery and Crematorium 020 8530 2151 Children and families 020 7332 3621 020 8356 2710 (out of hours) City Business Library 020 7332 1812 City of London Academy Hackney 020 8525 5440 City of London Academy Islington 020 7226 8611 City of London Academy Southwark 020 7394 5100

General Enquiries 020 7606 3030

SOCIAL MEDIA cityoflondon CityofLondonCorp cityoflondoncorporation cityoflondonvideos

More information on social media

MORE INFORMATION Admission: £8, concs £6 naturemorte

City of London Freemen’s School 01372 277933 City of London Information Centre Walk in only City of London School 020 7489 0291 City of London School for Girls 020 7847 5500 City Police 020 7601 2222 999 (emergency) 101 (non-emergency) City Advice 020 7392 2919 Council tax 020 7332 1882 Council tax benefits 020 7332 3937 Disabled parking permits 020 7332 1548 Elections 0800 587 5537 Environment and planning 020 7332 1710 Environmental Health 020 7332 3630 Golden Lane Estate Office 020 7253 2556 Golden Lane Sport & Fitness 020 7250 1464 Green spaces 020 7374 4127 Guildhall Art Gallery 020 7332 3700 Guildhall Library 020 7332 1868 Guildhall School of Music & Drama 020 7628 2571 Healthwatch 030 0068 3000

Housing 020 7332 1750 Leadenhall Market 020 7929 1073 London Metropolitan Archives 020 7332 3820 Middlesex Street Estate Office 020 7247 4839 Moorfields Eye Hospital 020 7253 3411 Museum of London 020 7001 9844 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Parking 020 7332 1548 Registrar (births, deaths & marriages) 020 7527 6350 / 6351 Shoe Lane Library 020 7583 7178 Sir John Cass Primary School 020 7283 1147 Smithfield Market 020 7332 3092 Spitalfields Market 020 8518 7670 Street cleaning 020 7606 3030 Streetworks – Traffic Management 020 7332 3553 Substance Misuse Partnership 020 7332 1228 Toynbee Hall 020 7247 6943 Trading standards 020 7332 3406 Volunteering Matters 020 3780 5906 / 5904 Waste and recycling 020 7606 3110

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