CityView Winter 2012

Page 1

Issue no 74










Dec 2012/Jan 2013

cityview Youth employment p8

A day for celebration p10


2 C I T Y V I E W

cityviewmagazine Welcome to cityviewmagazine B U S I N E S S


Small is beautiful



Restoring trust, keeping a competitive edge C I T Y



Vote for your City S U P P O R T I N G


L O N D O N ’ S


Youth employment – an offer you can’t refuse L O R D

M A Y O R ’ S


A day for celebration G R E E N



Girls on film Festive fun ahead N E W S



Going from Green to Gold A R T S



14 15

cityview is the magazine of the City of London Corporation, a uniquely diverse organisation that promotes and supports the City and provides a wide range of services for the City, for London and for the nation as a whole. Unless otherwise stated in individual features, more information on both the magazine and online articles is available from the Public Relations Office address below. The magazine is published twice a year and is also available to download from If you would like a summary of this publication in your language or in an alternative format such as large print, Braille or audio tape, please contact us at The Public Relations Office City of London PO Box 270 Guildhall London EC2P 2EJ


...and finally


020 7332 3099 The magazine is supplemented by cityviewonline – a web-based magazine normally published in March and September and also available to download from our website homepage We welcome, and value, feedback but regret that correspondence cannot be individually acknowledged. MAILING ENQUIRIES cityviewmagazine City of London PO Box 170 Ashford, TN24 0ZX T 01233 214197

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Small is beautiful The importance of small businesses to the City has been highlighted in a new publication by the City Corporation. Tale of Two Cities – facilitating small business in and around the Square Mile describes how the success of small business is crucial for wider economic recovery and job creation in the UK. In and around the City, these micro, small and medium-sized businesses supply goods and services to City firms and their employees. They also contribute to London’s economic growth and the vitality of the Capital’s wider business cluster. Apart from looking to raise the profile of the important role played by SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in the Square Mile and neighbouring areas, the new publication also sets out the work the City Corporation does to help support them and the avenues for future growth open to them. This ranges from helping smaller suppliers to build business relationships to taking ideas and converting them into growing businesses and accessing the right type of capital at the right time. “Of the 13,500 business in the Square Mile, over 98% employ fewer than 250 people,”explained the City Corporation’s Policy Chairman Mark Boleat (pictured bottom right). “Around 11,000 are sole traders or employ up to nine people. “Because of this, one of the City Corporation’s focuses over recent years has been small business support. This includes helping them access the resources they need to succeed – whether in the City itself or in its fringes. For example, we

Hackney Camden


The City


have significantly increased the amount of available space for business start-ups (between 2005-10 we provided more than 130,000 sq ft of new small business workspace) and played a part in creating an environment – Innovation Warehouse at Smithfield – in which entrepreneurs can learn skills and exchange ideas.”

Tower Hamlets



Often the one thing SMEs need is advice. The City Corporation can signpost sources of this. Along with a dedicated section of its website (, the City Corporation also runs the City Business Library, located within the Guildhall complex. This is a huge resource for the smaller business and alongside all the information available, it runs regular seminars, briefing and networking events. The City Corporation also works with organisations that provide guidance to these businesses, such as Capital Enterprise, GLEoneLondon, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, UK Trade & Investment and Business Link. Mark Boleat continued: “Large companies and smaller businesses do not exclude each other; they are mutually supportive. So we will be continuing to keep support for the latter as a key strategic priority for the future.”

One of the City Corporation’s focuses over recent years has been small business support

More information 020 7332 3099

4 C I T Y V I E W


Philip Stephens talks to Treasury Minister Greg Clark

Restoring trust, keeping a competitive edge Greg Clark is in cheery mood when we meet in his Treasury office on the edge of St James’s Park. It’s rare these days that the Treasury can claim a day’s good headlines. But 24 hours earlier George Osborne announced that Mark Carney is to replace Sir Mervyn King as Governor of the Bank of England. The plaudits have been coming thick and fast. Everyone seems to agree that Carney, at present running the Bank of Canada and chair of the international Financial Stability Board, is an excellent choice. A shrewd policy-maker he can also claim hands-on experience during more than a decade working at Goldman Sachs. Osborne had to invest a lot of time in persuading him to apply for the job. He also had to up the salary. Clark has no doubt it was worth it: Carney was simply “the outstanding candidate in the world”. As to the suggestion that such an august institution should be headed by a Brit, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury will have none of it. To the contrary, the City’s strength is its global outlook. The appointment is “a real sign of that very internationalism that is intrinsic to the City of London...that we should be open-minded, we should be meritocratic, that we should choose without prejudice the best person in the world”. Clark himself is among the best and brightest of the middle ranking ministers in David Cameron’s coalition government. Had the Conservatives won an outright majority at the last election he could have expected a seat in the cabinet by now. As it is, as the third ranking minister at the Treasury, he holds a swath of responsibilities running across Whitehall’s traditional divides.

They include banking and financial services reform and regulation in Britain and the European Union, financial stability, City competitiveness, bank lending and access to finance, and oversight of the Financial Services Authority. He is also charged with cities (plural) - the government’s strategy for urban regeneration across England - and with negotiating the European Budget. This is not a portfolio to leave much free time. The starting point of our conversation is the banks. A few weeks earlier Clark had delivered his first big speech to the British Bankers’Association. Surveying the wreckage of the financial crash and scandals surrounding LIBOR and payments protection insurance, he issued a no-holds-barred demand that the financial sector act to rebuild trust. But wasn’t it time, I asked, to put recriminations behind us? After all, the banks need to start lending again and consumers need reassurance. “I put a lot of thought into that speech.....the absolute imperative is for the financial services industry to restore trust not just in this country but around the world”.You could say he is offering tough love. “Financial services are absolutely a lynchpin of the British economy There are around two million people employed in the industry, and they are right across the country.......these are good jobs, quality jobs. We need to invest in them”. But the sine qua non of success is the restoration of trust. If the City was clear-sighted about what had gone wrong and put the right regulatory structure in place, it would steal a march on its international rivals. Many in the industry have grasped this. In his meetings since the summer he has detected “a new spirit abroad among the senior leadership”of the financial institutions. The customer, often forgotten

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during the days of the boom, has returned to centre stage. Isn’t there a danger that the City will sink under the burden of new capital requirements and capital ratios? Clark, responsible for the legislation to put into effect the recommendations of the Independent Banking Commission, says the government has got the balance right. It has been “an exhaustive and meticulous process”. The result was a piece of legislation with a unique structure that would allow regulation to keep up to date with the rapid pace of financial innovation.

Financial services are absolutely a lynchpin of the British economy There are around two million people employed in the industry, and they are right across the country.......these are good jobs, quality jobs. We need to invest in them

This is “not just a solution for the next few years, but one we expect to endure”. And what if the Tyrie Commission calls for the complete separation of high street and investment banking rather than the ring-fencing of operations suggested by the IBC? Clark is careful not to rule anything out, but I am left with the distinct impression the Treasury is not about to change its mind. The other big issue at the top of Clark’s in-tray is Europe - more specifically the eurozone’s plans to create a banking union. The Prime Minister has made it clear that Britain won’t be part of the new set-up. Clark’s job is to make sure that the City is not disadvantaged by this: “We are not going to walk away from our position in the single market in financial services....we are going to make sure that we retain full access.” For all the manoeuvring around the relationship between the new union and the European Banking Authority, Clark is optimistic that an accommodation can be reached that will protect Britain’s voice. His trips to Brussels for meetings of

the Ecofin council have persuaded him that Britain has allies among the other “outs”. His talks with Michel Barnier, the Commissioner charged with financial services have persuaded him that others recognise that London’s place carries advantages for Europe. Barnier is “the first to acknowledge that to have within the EU one of the world’s premier centres for financial services is good for the EU as well as for the member state that happens to host it”. Let’s hope Francois Hollande’s government agrees with its French commissioner. By now, Clark’s officials are trying to shoo me out. Michael Heseltine is downstairs, waiting to talk about his grand plan to push out to the regions and cities control of government regeneration funds. What about London I ask? Hasn’t Boris Johnson accused the government of dragging its feet over big planning and infrastructure decisions - expansion of airport capacity for one - that are vital to its international competitiveness. And isn’t the Mayor right when he says that the government is sending out the wrong signal about the City by clamping down on immigration? Elsewhere in Whitehall, the bleak quip is that the government has declared Britain to be “open for business but closed to foreigners”. Clark, I would guess, has some sympathy for Boris’s views. But these are political minefields he is reluctant to enter. Boris, he says valiantly, “does a fantastic job”. And the Home Office has acted to ease the immigration queues at Heathrow. By now, perhaps to his relief, his officials are insistent. It’s time for Clark to turn his mind from City to cities policy.

Philip Stephens is Chief Political Commentator of the Financial Times

6 C I T Y V I E W



Vote for your City Much has happened since 2009, the last time City-wide elections took place. Indeed the City of London has seldom had a higher profile than today.

They represent you on the City Corporation’s various committees, which deal with the day to day running of the City, and in the Court of Common Council, its main decision-making body.

Whether it’s the nation’s economic fortunes, regulatory reform or the City’s role in the summer’s celebrations for the Diamond Jubilee and London 2012 Games and its top ranking as a place to live, work and visit.

As with other elections, registered voters will have the right to apply for a postal vote.You will also be invited to meet the candidates standing for election at wardmotes. These meetings of the wards allow you to put ‘a face to a name’and question candidates to see who would best represent you or the organisation you work for.

The City is unique in having both a resident and worker vote. This is due to the make-up of the Square Mile with around 10,000 residents but a working population of a third of a million (not just in businesses but charities, trade associations, livery companies, churches and other religious bodies and hospital trusts). This makes the March 2013 elections all the more important. These elections will take place across the City’s 25 wards and are for Common Councilmen to represent you in the City of London Corporation. They give you the chance to have your say on how the City’s services are provided. By the time this issue of cityview is distributed, residents and workers in those organisations eligible to vote in City elections should have registered to take part in next March’s vote. These elections are essential for you to help shape the future of the Square Mile. This includes the opportunity to stand as a candidate for election. Guidance for candidates is available at the web address at the end of this article. It is in the City’s best interests for elected Common Councilmen to have as wide a range of backgrounds as possible.

C I T Y V I E W 7

The timetable The issues affecting all voters can be very similar. Ongoing issues facing the City include transport infrastructure, business promotion, streetworks, retail developments, street cleaning, policing, facilities and open spaces. This is just a small sample of the wide range of services that the City Corporation provides and that you can help shape by voting in next March’s elections. Many services also go way beyond the Square Mile to offer London-wide and national benefit such as its support for our local communities (employment, training and education) or our open spaces (Hampstead Heath, Epping Forest) and heritage (the Monument, Museum of London and Tower Bridge). Whatever your particular concerns or reasons for voting, the main thing is to get out and vote. This will be a clear demonstration of your interest in the City’s future and the way it is run. It is also a chance to have a say on the issues facing the City, your organisation or you personally by exercising your democratic right.

For those new to elections in the City, here’s a timetable of events.

26 February Deadline to be nominated as a candidate in the elections

Post election March may see City-wide elections completed for four years but the democratic process continues. All Common Councilmen are here to serve

1 March Complete list of wards in which elections which will be taking place is available together with locations of polling stations

their constituents in their ward.

1 March Complete list of candidates standing for elections is also available

You can contact them at any

These Members sit on a range of committees that cover all aspects of the City of London Corporation’s work and City life.

time to raise concerns or issues that you may have that they can feed into the organisation’s strategy, policies or individual

20 March Wardmotes are held – meetings for each ward at which candidates can be questioned irrespective of whether there will be an election in that ward or not

projects. They are your ‘pipeline’ into the workings of the City Corporation and ensure it responds to what the City wants and needs. There are also regular by-elections and elections for Aldermen (the senior members of

21 March Elections taken place

each ward) that you can vote in as well. If you are interested in seeing

21 March Full results available

what your vote is helping to shape, come along and see how the City Corporation works and looks after the Square Mile. Our

For more information

committee meetings are open to

0800 587 5537

the public as are Court of

Common Council meetings

which regularly attract visitors to


the prestigious Great Hall.

More information about-the-city

8 C I T Y V I E W


L O N D O N ’ S


Youth employment – an offer you can’t refuse One of the biggest issues in the UK at present, as a result of the economic downturn, is the high number of young people out of work. This has continued to grow in recent years. In the first quarter of 2012 alone, there was estimated to be 125,000 people in London aged 16-24 classed as Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEETs), about one in four.Together with Yorkshire, London suffers, at 25%, the worst youth unemployment rate in the UK, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics. The City Corporation has a longstanding policy of supporting London’s communities and helping those in the surrounding boroughs find work. It has now significantly boosted these efforts through a new £3.28m scheme from which grants of up to £100,000 will be made available to all 32 London boroughs to tackle this problem. Get Young People Working – the Youth Offer is an initiative to help 1,000 people across London into employment or apprenticeships. Grants will be used to support the cost of a voluntary sector partner with experience of working with the most disadvantaged young people (and therefore this offer is on top of publicly funded programmes not as a replacement for public expenditure cuts). Launching the scheme, the City Corporation’s Policy Chairman Mark Boleat explained the reasons behind it. “Young people are the lifeblood of London like any great city.They bring ideas, innovation and enthusiasm needed to drive our economy forward. That is why it is vital that the City plays its part in tackling the pernicious problem of youth unemployment facing communities across the capital. “In our experience of supporting London’s third sector we have found that the best outcomes are achieved when boroughs and charities work together to

develop local, flexible strategies. Get Young People Working aims to support grass roots initiatives across the 32 boroughs – each of which has its own specific challenges in this area.” The scheme is funded from the Bridge House Estates Fund (originally set up to fund the upkeep of the City bridges) and the City Corporation’s charity, the City Bridge Trust will make the awards. Already this year the City Corporation has signed up to the Evening Standard’s Ladder for London campaign by agreeing to take on an additional 10 apprentices. In addition, the City Bridge Trust launched its Growing Localities programme, one aim of which was to inspire young unemployed people to look for work training or apprenticeships in horticultural. This is alongside the City Corporation’s existing Apprenticeship Scheme.This involves the organisation bringing City businesses and local young people together, acting as a ‘brokering’service. This can lead to young people in the City and the surrounding boroughs getting work experience over a two to three year period, achieving a recognised qualification, a wage and the chance of a job at the end

In the first quarter of 2012 alone, there was estimated to be 125,000 people in London aged 16-24 classed as Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEETs), about one in four.

C I T Y V I E W 9

of the process. At the same time firms get high quality young people who can learn on the job and make a valuable contribution to their business.To find out more about the City of London Apprenticeship Scheme contact Monica Irvin, Philip Taylor or Catherine Hughes on 020 7332 3911/1212. Running in parallel is the work of the City Corporation’s Employer Engagement Manager who regularly meets with representatives from firms across the City to get them enthused about the idea of

local recruitment and then brokering these firms with charities, schools, universities and other organisations to match students to entry level opportunities and internships. If your firm, charity, trade organisation or other body wants to find out more how to recruit locally get in touch with our Employer Engagement Manager – no obligation or commitment required – on 020 7332 3077 or

The best outcomes are achieved when boroughs and charities work together to develop local, flexible strategies.

More information on the City Corporation’s work to encourage employment opportunities and to raise aspirations in neighbouring booughs can be found at supportinglocalcommunities

Case study

Like most apprentices Liam Roche

they wouldn’t give me the chance

what I wanted to do but I spoke

membership sales, touring people

had to start at the bottom, joining

to get experience?”

to my mates who said I should go

round the centre, dealing with

for it.”

bookings and telephone enquiries.

the City Corporation-owned Golden Lane Sport & Fitness as a

Liam’s frustration motivated him to

Customer Relations Assistant. “I was

get in touch with a youth worker for

In addition Liam started the day-

His apprenticeship finished, he’s a

never any good at school and

the City Corporation. He was

release training programme. An

fulltime, fully paid-up member of

came straight out of college

contacted by the Adult Education

apprenticeship consists of a formal,

Fusion Lifestyle. He completed his

wanting to take any type of job.

Service who told him about a new

taught, component often taught at

Customer Service NVQ and was

I was really into sports and studied

role at the recently refurbished

a college for a day a week and by

awarded his apprenticeship

it. I couldn’t get a job in that type of

centre, run by sport and leisure

taking on-line exams. There is also

certificate. More importantly, Liam

thing, so I tried for retail – sports

management charity Fusion

the practical, vocational,

has graduated from a purely

shops. They were like ‘you need to

Lifestyle. This meant working on

component which involves

customer focussed role. “Now I’m

get more experience’. So how was

reception and studying to become

demonstrating in the workplace

a lifeguard, and work on loads of

I supposed to get experience if

an apprentice. “It wasn’t really

the range of skills and

different things. I run birthday

competencies expected.

parties, football and they’ve just offered me a new contract. I have

Although Liam hadn’t wanted to

multi-skills and am more useful to

take on a customer role he found

the centre.

that it was this that he was beginning to most appreciate.

“I’m in a better position for going

“I started to get a rapport with

through the experience of being

customers, have a chat with them,

an apprentice. The people I work

have a laugh and they’re happy.

with have all helped me, trained

I enjoyed the responsibility.”

me up, that’s what I like – working

His confidence growing, the

with these people.”

managers were giving Liam more responsibility, looking after

10 C I T Y V I E W


M A Y O R ’ S


A day for celebration Scotland, Sweden, Finland, America, Africa, Hamburg, Mexico, Hong Kong, Japan and Gibraltar – the Lord Mayor’s Show may bring the City together in celebration but it also reinforces the City’s huge international reach. Alderman Roger Gifford’s first full day as Lord Mayor brought the crowds out to cheer on the annual procession and welcome the new person in the role. As ever the Lord Mayor’s own background, interests and business connections were represented and ensured a suitably diverse line-up. These included SEB (the Swedish bank for which he works), the Kingdom of Sweden, Scottish Development International and Sedburgh School. His passion for music, a feature of his appeal for the year, was reflected throughout the Show. This ranged from an Abba tribute band, to the huge drum

pounding from the Mizuho Corporate Bank float to the Herfordshire Show Band and the Worshipful Company of Musicians. A military theme was also threaded through the procession with a strong presence from the Army, Navy and Air Force and their many connected bands, showcasing the Forces in all their splendour and professionalism. Their appearance helped remind the spectators of the importance of the Remembrance Sunday service which followed the next day. Harking back to the country’s massively successful Olympic and Paralympic Games was gold medal winner Jessica Ennis, who took a break from the track to drive the latest F-type Jaguar. The City Corporation’s ownership of open spaces across London was represented with an Epping Forest float.

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This also promoted the launch of the Gifford Wood Appeal, aimed at creating a new area of woodland for future generations. The City Corporation sponsored several community floats including Heba Women, Vision Housing, Say it Loud, while Heart n Soul, was showcased in partnership with City Bridge Trust.

Alderman Roger Gifford is the 685th Lord Mayor He has been Country Head for SEB

The City’s many livery companies were much in evidence including the 2009 Livery Company Masters. They took part under the banner of The Cat’s Whiskers, helping to promote a book on Dick Wittington written by the Lady Mayoress to raise money for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal. An unplanned event was the back wheel of the Lord Mayor’s 250-year-old coach seizing up bringing a halt to proceedings! But nothing stops the Show for long and the Pageantmaster’s vehicle was hastily brought back to take Alderman Gifford the short distance to Mansion House and the welcoming crowds. This marked the end of the day’s proceedings and the start of a busy year ahead for the Lord Mayor now that it has been launched in celebratory style.

(Skandinaviska Enskilda Bank) UK since 2000 and specialises in equity and debt

a platform to its chosen charities,

capital markets in London,

the Appeal aims to encourage

Scandinavia and Japan.

and challenge people to give more and do more, to secure the

Married to Clare, he has five

future for the next generation. The

children – Olivia, Fergus, Fred,

appeal will be primarily in support

Thea, Hector and Freddie. In 2004

of the City Music Foundation,

he was elected Alderman for

which provides new opportunities

Cordwainer Ward and in 2008

for aspiring professional musicians

served as Sheriff of the City of

in the early stages of their careers.

London, one of a Sheriff’s main

Other charities include Futures For

roles being to assist the Lord Mayor

Kids, Epping Forest Appeal, The

in his duties.

Harold Samuel Collection and the Lord Mayor’s Scholarship

The Lord Mayor is elected


annually. As well as heading the City of London Corporation, he is an international ambassador, dedicated to supporting and promoting the City as the world leader in international finance and business services. He travels extensively, in liaison with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, fostering goodwill and boosting British trade, particularly the markets and services of the City. The focus for his year is “underlining that service is, and must be, at the heart of the financial services

Blast from the past

industry of the UK. In other words,

For more information on

that the City must serve society –

the new Lord Mayor visit

and be seen to do so.’’

This year’s Show also marked the

lordmayor where you can

75th anniversary of the first live

With this in mind the theme of his

download a copy of his

broadcast of the Lord Mayor’s

charitable appeal for the year is

biography or for a hard copy

Show by the BBC. The Show

‘The City in Society’. It will focus on

contact Public Relations

remains the longest running live

the City as a global centre for

on 020 7332 3099 or

broadcast event. This image shows

philanthropy and the arts, and

the Lord Mayor’s coach leaving

reflect on the City of London’s

For more information on his

Guildhall Yard and entering

major contribution to the society it

chosen charity visit

Gresham street in 1937.

serves in the 21st century. By giving

12 C I T Y V I E W



Going from Green to Gold Green spaces are often regarded as havens in which people can enjoy the peace and tranquil of the countryside. But their large expanses of land can also serve as a backdrop and inspiration for people to exercise, get fit and have fun in the process. This has been clearly demonstrated during the year across the City Corporation’s many green spaces. In keeping with the fact that this year saw the Olympic and Paralympic Games taking place in London, the Open Spaces department launched its own Olympic linked campaign, Green to Gold. This was the result of many months of planning and was aimed at encouraging people to get out and join in activities in their local green space in 2012 to promote health and wellbeing. The project had an enormous impact for the communities that they serve. In recognition of its

efforts to engage with and promote an Olympic legacy, the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) gave the campaign a 2012 Inspire Mark. Alderman Robert Hall, Chairman of the Open Spaces, City Gardens and West Ham Park Committee, was delighted with the extra profile the spaces received because of the campaign.“We were proud to provide green spaces for the communities, athletes and visitors across London in 2012. Indeed we were delighted to host many Olympic and Paralympic athletes who used our green spaces for their training in the run up to the Games!”

Looking after London’s green spaces Along with its support and promotion of the business City and its provision of local government services, the City Corporation also carries out unique functions and services, many provided at no cost to the taxpayers. The City Corporation’s green

The programme of activities for the project has reached far and wide and many families have benefited enormously during the past 12 months. On this spread we have picked out just a few highlights.

spaces are a high profile example of these. The organisation owns and manages more than 200 gardens in the Square Mile itself and also large iconic sites such as Hampstead Heath, Burnham Beeches, City Commons and Epping Forest, attracting over 22.5 million visits a year. Some of these have been owned and managed since 1870 to protect them from development and preserve them as a natural resource. This policy was the inspiration behind the later Green Belt movement. Many have gained the prestigious Green Flag Awards, Green Heritage Awards and several are also Sites of Special Scientific Interest. More information greenspaces

C I T Y V I E W 13

Burnham Beeches Woodland Wonders and outdoor theatre The community around the

Jubilee activities, Halloween

Beeches enjoyed a series of

events and a series of outdoor

events throughout 2012 with over

theatre shows while in October

1,000 children and families taking

the Beeches hosted a very

part. Events included Woodland

popular adaptation of the classic

Wonders week during the June

Brothers Grimm tales.

half term, besom broom making,

Hampstead Heath Green to Gold – Give it a Go Held in partnership with Camden

ponds and Lido and much more.

Council this event attracted

This was only one of more than

more than 10,000 visitors. They

125 events held during the year

were spoilt for choice with a wide

(at the time of writing) on the

variety of activities which

Heath, adding up to a

included touch rugby, zumba,

tremendous 12 months of

gymnastics, cheerleading,

outdoor activity for the

football, playgrounds, circuit

community in North London.

training, penalty shoot outs,

(Japanese Paralympians are

water activities in the many

pictured training on the Heath).

Epping Forest Regency, Tudor and Victorian Games The Forest recreated a whole

Temple in Wanstead Park.

host of historic children’s games

Hundreds of local families took

at The View (the new Epping

part in activities including hula

Forest Visitor Centre in

hooping, ring tossing, a tug of

Chingford), Queen Elizabeth’s

war, croquet and much more.

Hunting Lodge and at the

West Ham Park Summer Sport Camp In conjunction with Newham

medals and other Green to Gold

Council’s sport development

goodies such as tennis balls and

team, West Ham Park ran a

frisbees. With the Park being

programme of sports activities

under a mile from the 2012

throughout the summer holidays

Olympic stadium in Stratford,

to encourage children to get out

some were even given the

and join in activities in their open

opportunity to attend an

spaces. More than 1,400 children

Olympic Handball match in the

took part in handball, football,

Olympic Park which, not

rugby, cricket and tennis. As a

surprisingly, they were very

reward for their efforts, and

excited about!

encouragement for future ones,

More information about the Green to Gold campaign

all those taking part were given

14 C I T Y V I E W



Girls on film In a classic example of an

working in the capital,”

exhibition title capturing both

explained the Museum’s Curator

subject and form, Women

of Photography Charlotte

in Focus: Photographs by

Samuels. “It also offers a

Dorothy Bohm is a new exhibition

woman’s perspective on the

now running at the Museum

subject. Often images of women

of London.

in marketing are sexualised or objectivised and Dorothy’s work

Featured as part of the

reveals some of the contrasts,

Museum’s Inspiring London

similarities and discrepancies

gallery, it features 33 colour

that surround us every day.

photographs by celebrated

Dorothy hopes that her work

photographer Dorothy Bohm.

shows that she understands,

Born in East Prussia, she has been

sympathises and identifies with

resident in England since 1939

her subjects - women.”

and is widely acknowledged as a doyenne of British

The photographs look at the

photography - reflected in her

many roles of women in society,

status as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society.

from professional to parent,

seen in public for the first time,

Although she has over seven

and reflect on how women are

giving people an extra incentive

decades of work behind her, the

seen in, and see, public spaces

to come along and see these

images for this particular

like the shops, cafes and streets

life-affirming and thought-

collection were taken from the

of London.

provoking shots.”

1990s to present day. Sharon Ament, who joined the “The aim is to juxtapose

Museum of London as Director in

the images of women that

the summer, said: “I’m delighted

Women in Focus: Photographs

surround us in advertising,

we are hosting this exhibition

by Dorothy Bohm runs at

artworks and shop windows

from such a prestigious artist.

the Museum of London until

with real women living and

Many of these images will be

17 February 2013.

C I T Y V I E W 15



Festive fun ahead With Christmas rapidly

Centre itself. The idea behind the

approaching the Barbican

production is that someone is out

has a full programme of events

to spoil the fun of Christmas –

and activities lined up to

Christmas trees are behaving

entertain all ages.

strangely, there are rumours of grumpy fairies, elves are throwing

One of the highlights for families

baubles at shoppers and there is

will be 59 minutes to save

the mystery of the missing

Christmas. Taking the pantomime

presents…It is up to those taking

idea of audience involvement

part to help save Christmas.

one step further, this will invite audiences to take an interactive

Aimed at those aged seven and

journey around the Barbican

up, this will inspire all intrepid As if all this was not enough there will be a Christmas pop-up shop selling a collection of cards, gift wrap, decoration, stocking fillers and other gifts. And, as ever, there is a range of adventurers and brave parents

other cultural performances and

who might come in useful in

productions at the centre

reaching the high stuff!

unrelated to Christmas for those wanting a break from the

Traditional favourites are also included in the Barbican’s lineup with a matinee double bill of musical stories. Actress

festivities. So whether it is children who are experiencing the full thrill of Christmas or adults who may feel jaded by the season, the

Tamsin Greig introduces a

Barbican will have something for

special screening of classic film


The Snowman and narrates the subsequent performance of

59 minutes to save Christmas runs

Prokofiev’s enduring work Peter

15 December – 6 January.

and the Wolf.

The Snowman/Peter and the Wolf and The Wizard of Oz run

For those of a certain age who

22-23 December.

remember The Wizard of Oz being a Christmas highlight of the television schedules, there will be a special screening. This will include the original vocals and dialogue but accompanied by a sumptuous orchestral

More information

score performed live by the

020 7638 8891

Orchestra of Welsh Opera.

16 C I T Y V I E W




...and finally Loyalty has its rewards

Snowed under?

City of London residents and

While this might be the happiest

workers are being given the

time of the year for some, others

chance to earn rewards as they

can start to feel less positive about

exercise as part of a loyalty card

things. Worries about money,

scheme with Golden Lane Sport

relationships or your job can mount

& Fitness.

up, and when everyone around you is enjoying the holidays it can be

The scheme is designed to

hard to admit that things are

encourage members to exercise

becoming a struggle.

regularly, helping them to be more motivated to attend the gym by offering financial incentives alongside the obvious health benefits of a more active lifestyle.

200 points free to welcome

receive early news such as the

them to the scheme, and

latest group exercise timetables.

The Rewards card is available to

should be able to claim

all casual users of the centre free

approximately every 10th visit

Golden Lane Sport & Fitness is run

But you don’t have to go it

of charge and allows you to earn

free, depending on the item

by sport and leisure management

alone. Toynbee Hall’s City Advice

10 points for every £1 spent, which

redeemed. As well as saving

charity Fusion Lifestyle in

team can provide free,

can then be redeemed against a

money on activities including

partnership with City Corporation.

confidential and independent

range of products including all

swimming sessions and exercise

key activities across the centres.

classes, card holders will also be

More information

sent regular unique promotions

to be redeemed and will


All reward card users are given

advice to anyone who lives, works or studies in the City. They can find out what help you are entitled to, and help you to get the support you need. They can

New City health and social care champion

provide advice about any issues concerning you, including

From next April Healthwatch City

about local health and social

Healthwatch City of London will

employment rights, debt, benefits,

of London will give local people

care services.

be recruiting a new executive and

rent arrears, divorce, childcare,

members in the New Year.

housing issues, budgeting and bank

and communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge

Healthwatch will be part of the

how health and social care

City’s Health and Well Being Board

Further information

accounts and family concerns.

services are provided.

and be able to highlight where

And even if you’re fine but

services are doing well and where


someone you know is going

It will take on the functions of

they could be improved. It will also

the current City LINk and have

be able to alert Healthwatch

Also from April 2013 CityAdvice,

through a difficult time, you can encourage them to contact City

extra roles and powers to

England, part of the Care Quality

the City’s information and advice

Advice for help. We also run a

enable residents and workers to

Commission, to concerns about

service, will be providing health

number of drop-in outreach

share their views and concerns

providers and services.

information and signposting for

sessions where you can speak

residents and workers.

to an advisor face to face. No appointment is necessary.

More information on CityAdvice

See the website for details.

020 7392 2919

More information


020 7392 2919 or

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