City of London Programme

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The City of London Programme For the newer EU Member States started in 2003 and is part of the City of London’s EU engagement strategy to support the development of strong long term relationships at an individual and institutional level.

Programme information The City of London Programme started in 2003 and is part of the City of London’s EU engagement strategy to support the development of strong long term relationships at an individual and institutional level. The programme is primarily aimed at financial practitioners, government officials and regulators from the newer Member States of the EU. The ten-week Programme consists of a tailormade intensive City course, followed by a work placement in a City firm, institution or government department. The placement offers a unique opportunity for the participants to gain insight into how the City works and creates constructive relationships with City institutions and government departments. They then become a part of an Alumni Programme. Providing them with annual update briefings and networking opportunities with Host institutions and Alumni from other

The City of London Programme is active in these countries

countries through events, meetings and regular e-mail briefings on City issues. We aim to maintain and strengthen the relationships created during the City of London Programme. A Fellowship Programme aimed at senior Alumni ensures that relationships continue to strengthen. The Programme is being run annually, offering Fellows the opportunity to research an area of interest and expertise. The City of London Programme welcomes and finishes with annual reception events to mark the achievement of our Alumni and thank the Host institutions involved.

Host institutions Over the past ten years the programme has been supported by:


HM Treasury

Allen & Overy


Bank of New York Mellon

JP Morgan

Barclays Capital

London Stock Exchange



Cameron McKenna

NM Rothchild

Chartis Insurance

Norton Rose

Credit Suisse

Pictet Asset Management

Deutsche Bank



Schroder Investment Management


Standard and Poor’s


Standard Chartered Bank

Goldman Sachs

The Institute of Chartered Accountants

Hermes Investment Management HM Revenue and Customs

in England and Wales UBS Investment Bank

Alumni Group at the 10th Anniversary event at Stationers Hall

What do our Alumni say? Miroslaw Kachniewski – Polish Association of

Edina Ključanin – Ministry of Finance, Slovenia

Listed Companies (SEG)

“When I decided to participate in the City of

“The Programme was a very nice idea

London Programme my aim was to deepen

contributing to EU integration. The participants

my knowledge on global issues concerning

had the possibility to get acquainted with the

financial industry, building on my background

operation of the biggest financial centre in

in public finance. Not only did I learn during

Europe, while the prominent persons of the City

the Programme and annual meetings thereof

could hear the views of representatives of extremely different

but I was also able to meet professionals and renowned experts

financial markets – relatively small, created within the last two

from all over Europe and debate on a wide range of financial

decades, being more object than subject of financial markets.

issues. The City of London Programme also gave me a chance

There was a possibility to compare the views of the people from

to meet many fascinating people and explore “the British way

a mature market with the fresh, vigorous approach coming from

of life”. The programme has far exceeded any expectations I

young dynamic economies, which contributed to very interesting

had and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone

debates, held regularly on annual basis. Additionally, “new”

interested in global financial issues.”

Member States Alumni, got a unique platform for sharing their problems and finding solutions.”

Michal Balabanow – PKO Bank, Poland “The Programme is one of the best business

Razvan Orasanu – Former Advisor to the

experiences that could happen to a

World Bank – Romania

professional. It gives you a unique insight to

“I have greatly benefited both from the actual

the day-to-day work of the world’s biggest

course and the fellowship programme. I have

financial institutions. The relationships

learned a great deal about the way the City

established during the stay in London last for a

works. This course was practically useful for me

long time and are extremely useful in further developing the

even though I’m a graduate of the London

professional skills. Last but not least – it was great to be a

School of Economics. The Fellowship was even better. I have focused on infrastructure finance and have developed a way of analysing priorities. The paper branched into a broader approach I have kept ever since. Also, swapping notes with other fellows was important - for example I now understand the way the Hungarians have financed motorways. I am now a student at Harvard Kennedy School and am building my knowledge with further courses on infrastructure. The practical knowledge I’ve learned in London is still something I refer to in my professional career and in my further studies. There are few similar courses that offer access to the top London banks and the wealth of knowledge that this course has offered me.”

Londoner for those few months.”

Adam Blasiak – KNF (Polish Financial

Piotr Komorowski – BGK Poland

Supervision Commission), Poland

“The programme happened in the right place

“Thanks to the City of London Programme, and

and at the right time for my host institution and

particularly the placement with the Public

for me. I contributed my knowledge of Polish

Policy team at Credit Suisse, I got the great

financial market and media to the host

opportunity to move my career forward in the

organisation. In return, I received an excellent

desired direction. The knowledge obtained in

introduction to the universe of bonds and ratings

London allowed me to make a long-awaited change in my role

both of which shape my career ever since I returned. With gentle

within the KNF- Polish FSA, from a ‘coordinator’ to a technical

support and guidance received from the City of London

expert position in the field of markets and post-trading

Corporation, my time in London was productive and highly

infrastructure. The business cards I collected during the

enjoyable. I recommend the Programme wholeheartedly!”

programme and placement often come in handy, too.” Polona Peterle – Ljubljana Stock exchange, Slovenia “Being part of this programme was a great experience; and still is. Having an insight into investment banking in the City and an opportunity to exchange information with experts from our industry around Europe has helped me a lot in my career. It’s great to be in contact with so many interesting people. Thanks to the programme I also got some of my best friends and a wonderful experience of colourful life in London, which is priceless.”

“The programme has far exceeded any expectations I had and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone interested in global financial issues.”

“The Programme is one of the best business experiences that could happen to a professional. It gives you a unique insight to the day-to-day work of the world’s biggest financial institutions.”

The Alumni Group Providing a talented source of local knowledge and experience to the City and City firms

Czech Republic 2003 Roman Havel, Societe General Insurance. Zdenek Hustak, BBH advokatni kancelar, v.o.s. Monika Jurasova, Kooperativa, pojišťovna, a.s.,VIG. Ales Kozelsky, Czech National Bank. Tomas Pilar, Wood & Company Financial Services. Marek Spurny, J&T Bank. Filip Zahorik Citibank. Jiri Taisl, Lawyer. Poland 2004 Wojciech Rzasiecki, Polish Ministry of Finance. Maurycy Michalski, Fitch Ratings. Aleksandra Hanzel, KUKE. Michal Wnorowski, PZU Asset Management. Malgorzata Pawlak-Kalemba, Polish Financial Supervision Authority. Magdalena Jagodzinska, KBC. Malgorzata Feluch, European Commission. Ilona Pieczynska-Czerny, Polish Financial Supervision Authority. Miroslaw Kachniewski, Polish Association of Listed Companies. Monika Markiewicz, Bank Gospodarki Zywnosciowej S.A. Przemyslaw Grajda, PZU Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia 2005 Vilma Macerauskiene, Lithuanian Ministry of Finance. Marius Ciuzelis, MC Wealth Management. Julijus Grigaliunas, EVLI Bank. Ivo Vanasaun, Deloitte Advisory AS. Kristel Vanasaun, NASDAQ OMX Tallinn. Ahto Kink, NASDAQ OMX Tallinn. Ott Jalakas, MBA student. Austris Bahanovskis, Chartis. Andris Parups, Deloitte. Eleonora Zelmene, LAWIN. Hungary 2006 Zsuzsanna Torok, Balint, Kallai and Kende Law Firm. Andras Komar, Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority. Richard Vegh, Budapest Stock Exchange. Dora Sziladi-Losteiner, Hungarian Development Bank Ltd (MFB). Gabor Simonka, Hungarian Financial Intelligence Unit, HFIU. Peter Gyurcsák, OTP. Daniel Sztanko, Deloitte. Gabor Magyari, Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority. Krisztina

Barath, Hungarian Tax and Financial Control Administration, APEH. Andras Horvath, Hungarian Ministry of Finance. Ferenc Pittner, Budapest Stock Exchange. Aliz Zsolnai, Ministry for National Economy. Zsuzsanna Kardos-Vadaszi, Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority. Slovenia and Slovakia 2007 Gregor Zvipelj, Abanka. Primoz Damjanovic, Securities Market Agency. Polona Peterle, Ljubljana Stock Exchange. Stojan Nikolic, Triglav. Mitja Mavko, Ministry of Finance. Edina Kljucanin, Ministry of Finance. Goran Katusin, SID Bank. Jozef Fujda, Allianz. Slavka Polakovicova, National Bank of Slovakia. Tatiana Dubinova, National Bank of Slovakia. Michal Mazary, IOTA. Veronika Prokesova, Ministry of Finance. Romania 2008 Amalia Fugaru, National Bank of Romania. Anca Gabriela Banulescu, Ministry of Public Finance. Anca Ioacara, Romanian National Securities Commission. Beatrice Vlad, Romanian National Securities Commission. Catalin Ionescu, Supervisory Commission of the Private Pensions System. Daniela Neculau-Miclea, National Securities Commission. Dragos Botezatu, Romanian Savings Bank (CEC). Iulia Arianna Durbacel, Insurance Supervisory Commission. Lavinia David, Bucharest Stock Exchange. Razvan Orasanu, Former Advisor to the World Bank – Romania. Simona Muresan (Butoi), Romanian National Credit. Simona Dumitru, Romanian National Securities Commission. Vlad Antoniu, Aviva Group Romania. Irina Rosca, Ministry of Public Finance. Bulgaria 2009 Emilia Penkova, Bulgarian National Bank. Iliyan Dimitrov, Bulgarian Stock Exchange.

Sibila Grozdanova, Capman Capital. Snejanka Koleva, Ministry of Finance. Denitsa Markova, Financial Supervision Commission. Dessislava Doncheva, EIOPA. Elka Shongova, Financial Supervision Commission. Ina Ventsislavova Raykova, Financial Supervision Commission. Dora Iltcheva, EIOPA. Ralitza Ilieva, EFRAG. Hungary 2010 Andrea Szikora, PSZAF. Orsolya Nagy, PSZAF. Gergely Varga, PSZAF. Endre Torok, Ministry for National Economy. Bela Pataki, Ministry for National Economy. Attila Varga-Balázs, Budapest Stock Exchange. Eva Rez, Budapest Stock Exchange. Monika Jellinek, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich. Andrea Tokodi, OTP Bank. Poland 2011 Piotr Komorowski, BGK. Robert Kowalski, Chancellary of the President of the Republic of Poland. Agnieszka Kijas, Ministry of Finance. Michal Falkowski, Excelian. Tomasz Kapusta, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Weronika Marta Dejneka, PZU SA. Miroslaw Jezowski, KNF. Adam Blasiak, KNF. Anna Oleksów, PKO Bank. Michal Balabanow, PKO Bank. Czech Republic 2012 Bedřich Čížek, Czech National Bank. Martin Malich, Czech National Bank. Ondrej Dusilek, Prague Stock Exchange. Dusan Hradil, Ministry of Finance. Jan Šovar, Ministry of Finance. Jiri Beran, Ministry of Finance. Petr Nuzik, Czech National Bank.

A view from our Host institutions CMS Cameron McKenna LLP,

the normal course of their work. It has been a great learning

Jason Harding, Partner

experience all round and a very valuable exercise in breaking

“CMS has been involved with the City of London Programme since

down barriers - professional and cultural.”

2007. We believe the City of London Programme has made a vital contribution to the development of robust institutions in Central

Goldman Sachs

and Eastern Europe. The calibre of secondees has always been

Goldman Sachs has been a proud supporter of the City of London

extremely high and we applaud its success in helping secondees

Programme for the past several years. We have found the

experience the City of London. We hope that the City of London

programme to be enriching not only for the delegates who gain

Programme will continue to provide such a unique opportunity for

exposure to London as an international financial centre, but also

secondees for many years to come”

for our own colleagues who enjoy learning the approach and business methods of the various delegates joining us from Central

ICAEW, Robert Hodgkinson,

and Eastern Europe. Many delegates who have participated in the

Executive Director, Technical

programme have gone on to serve as leaders in government and

ICAEW congratulates the City of London on the tenth anniversary

industry in their respective countries and beyond - a true testament

of this excellent programme. We have been committed to the

to the success of the programme.

programme since our first involvement in 2006 and have been delighted at how the alumni network has gone from strength to strength. The quality of the programme participants is impressive and their ten week placements have allowed ICAEW to share information and insights and to showcase London’s position as a leading financial centre. Imparting first-hand experience and knowledge of how the City of London works is vital to the development of capital markets around Europe. We are looking forward to the programme enjoying continued success. Deutsche Bank, Daniel Trinder, Global Head of Regulatory Policy “I have had nearly a decade of experience of the programme and it has delivered real benefits for both sides. From our perspective we have had the chance to get fresh thinking and insight into the team and benefited from the delegate’s expertise. At the same time we have been able to provide the sort of practical, hands on experience of the operation of a major international bank that which it is so difficult for regulators to get in

The Financial Service Authority “The FSA has taken part in the Programme since 2005 and has hosted regulators and supervisors from many of the participating countries. The Programme has helped the FSA forge stronger bilateral links with its counterparts in central-eastern Europe and we continue to value the contacts made and the relationships it has enabled us to build”

The City of London Programme Contact details The City of London Programme Economic Development Office City of London PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ Direct line: +44 20 7332 1058 e-mail: City of London Programme

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