Pells Pool Leaflet 2018

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Opening times SUMMER SEASON Saturday 5 May to Friday 1 June Weekdays: 7am-9am (adults only) Every day: Noon-7pm Saturday 2 June to Sunday 9 September Weekdays: 7am-9am (adults only) Every day: 10am-7pm

Extended opening On hottest days of the year we may open until 8pm unless already booked for private parties. Check Facebook and Twitter for updates

AUTUMN SEASON Monday 10 September to Sunday 14 October 2018 Weekdays: 7am-10am (adults only) & 3pm-6pm Weekends: noon-6pm

Daily admission prices Early morning adult swim £2.20 Early morning swim season ticket Adult £45 Concession £22 DAY ADMISSION FROM 10AM* Adult £4.50 Children and concessions* £2.20 Under 2s Free Family £11 Book of 10 day tickets £40 (adult) £19 (child and concession*) Happy hour (6pm to 7pm) Adult £2.50; child and concession* £1.10

Important Under-8s must be supervised in the water by an accompanying adult at all times. Children under 10 cannot be admitted to the Pells unaccompanied by an adult.

Season tickets SUMMER SEASON (5 MAY TO 9 SEPTEMBER) Adults £80 (plus early morning swim £112) Adult concession* £42 (plus early morning swim £63) Child £42 One adult & one child £100 (plus early morning for adult £133) Two adults & two children £175 (plus early mornings for adults £217.50) Each additional child £25

Please note There will be a cap on the total number of season ticket numbers sold in 2018. This will be 750 – ie one and a half times the pool capacity – since the ticket gives guarantee of access to pool, even when we are busy.

Saturday 5 May to Sunday 14 October 2018 Saturday 5 May to Sunday 14 October 2018 Pells Infoline 01273 472334

Find us at Brook Street, Lewes, BN7 2BA Pool manager: Phil Ransley

/pellspoollewes @pellspool

Bus & Train info: 0871 200 2233 Brook Street and Spring Gardens car parks Mon-Sat 9am-5pm £1.90.

Charity number 1086741


AUTUMN SEASON Season ticket: Adult £25 Child £12 Day admission: Adult £3.20 Child £2.20 *Current proof will be required for concessions: full-time education, people with disabilities, unemployment benefit, and over-60s. Children are under 16s.

Brook Street, Lewes BN7 2BA

Season dates

Built by public subscription in

We are open every day for our

2018 Pool improvements

Heatwave policy

1860 and officially opened the

summer season from Saturday

Warm showers: thanks to the

We have decided in 2018

We have considered a wide

We will notify people on the

following year, the Pells Pool

5 May to Sunday 9 September.

Jo Holden Charitable Trust, the

to trial a new approach to

range of options and looked

website, social media and

is Britain’s oldest freshwater

We have added a new autumn

pool-side cold showers will be

managing heatwave days.

at approaches taken by other

on our phone answering

public outdoor pool. It

season with daily opening

upgraded and will have warm

pools. Our approach is to

machine of the operation of

originally consisted of two

from Monday 10 September to

water. Showering before pool

The purpose is:

introduce two sessions in

this policy on the evening

Sunday 14 October.

use will mean our water quality

v To allow everyone to enter

place of the continuous 10am-

of the previous day, based

7pm opening.

on experience and forecast

v The first session will be

weather. We will trial this

pools – a subscription pool and a shallower communal pool for the poorer people of the town. The latter was

2018 even longer hours!

is improved and we need use fewer chemicals to keep the water clean.

at some point in the day. v To maintain quality of the water.


system in 2018 and it will run

closed in the 1920s and filled

Our early morning swims

Sun Terrace: we will also

in, leaving the main pool

(7am-9am adults only)

extend the area of new paving

the pool environment and

90 mins to allow staff to

On other days, we may of

which has been extensively

now run on weekdays for

to include the terraced area at

all pool users safely.

clean and maintain facility.

course continue to get full

modernised over the years.

the whole of the summer

the deep end.

One of the largest freshwater

season – and the whole of the

New poolside bench: there

pools in the country, it is still

autumn season (7am-10am

will be a new bench dedicated

fed by water from the Pool’s

adults only too)

to the memory of Robin

We will stay open until 8pm if

Charlton who was an important

no evening booking that day.

own aquifer. Our pool is 50 yards long (46 metres) by


25 yards wide (23 metres) –

We have disabled changing

Pool’ campaign that kept the

3 feet deep at the shallow

rooms and a ramp and

pool open in the 1990s.

end (0.9m) and 6 feet (1.8m)

wheelchair available to

Bring your own cup: for

at the deep end. We also have

provide access to the Pool for

coffee or tea and get 20p price

a children’s paddling pool, a

people with mobility needs.

discount. Please bring your own

tree-lined lawn for relaxing, sun-loungers for hire, a sun


terrace, changing rooms

We rely on your support to

(small lockers on request),

keep the Pells running.

disabled ramp access and

You can donate online

changing room and toilet,

through Local Giving at

plus snacks and hot and cold

drinks from our kiosk.


v To allow staff to manage

v The second session will be 3pm-7pm.

Committee Chairman: Conrad Ryle Press and comms: Rob Read

Trustee Landlords: Lewes Town Council Postal address: Pells Pool, c/o Lewes Town Council High Street, Lewes East Sussex BN7 2QS

only on the hottest days.

and will continue on those days to have a 1 in 1 out.

member of the ‘Save The Pells

containers also to fill up from water fountain. And we’re scrapping using plastic straws.

NB We reserve the right however to introduce the new heatwave policy in the morning before 10am opening. Admission prices will be unchanged.

2018 Events First swim Saturday 5 May The pool opens for the season at noon. One week earlier than usual!

Official Opening Event Saturday 26 May Noon, Free entry before 3pm


v We will then close for

The Pells Pool

Evening (7.30pm) GoTri swim of 350m and a run of 3km all organised by the excellent Brighton Triathlon Club: Wednesday 27th June; Wednesday 18th July; Wednesday 8th August; Wednesday 29th August

Patina party Saturday 16 June Pool party to raise funds for Patina

Midsummer Madness Saturday 23 June 5pm-10.30pm, our fundraiser for local youth charity. Featuring Tongue & Groove, Starfish bands, food/BBQ, bar and a surprise! (NB the pool closes 5pm and re-opens at noon the next day, Sun 24 June)

Last swim of summer season

Macmillan All Out Swim Saturday 15 September Everyone welcome to sign up with Macmillan to swim and raise funds - 2k and 5k both individual and relay for teams. Last year the event raised over £35,000 for Macmillan.

Hold a party at the Pells You can hire the Pool for your

Sunday 9 September

own private party and

Autumn season

use our floats and BBQ area

Monday 10 September to Sunday 14 October

too – contact Phil Ransley

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