Educational Software Catalogue

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Science Educational Software “Essential tools for every teacher ... software to inspire your students!”

Extensive teacher resources in the form of preset experiments to reduce your workload!

17 experiments cover in detail: • Quantitative & qualitative aspects of equilibrium. • Le Chatelier’s principle. • Data can be viewed as it is generated. • Data can be savedsince or printed for Creating interactive educational software 1985 later detailed analysis.

Interactive whiteboard

compliant software! • Observe changing Concentration graphs. FREE additional teacher

resources available. 100% GUARANTEE!

• Investigate how conditions affect reaction rate graphs.

• Compare both types of graph at the same time.

Free Upgrades


General7Sc. Genetics Ecology Biochemistry Day trial!

Newbyte Educational Software 12 John Street, Dudley NSW 2290, Australia Available for: (0) Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X2and most6733 networks Fax: +61 2 4944 8826 Phone: +61 (0) 4942 Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826 Email: Web Site:

Physics FREE A

Contents Biology: Page Drosophila Genetics Lab 13 eDNA 14 Enzyme Lab 11 Evolution: Genetic Diversity 18 Food Webs: Ponds 17 About us... Food Webs: Woodlands 16 Newbyte provides interactive, stimula ting and time sa you deliver your Pea Plant Genetics Lab 12 ving simulations message to your to help students. Our sim to participate in ula tions allow your virtual experimen students ts, while at the sa with realistic expe Natural Selection Series 16 me time providin riences in science g then method and proc Newbyte is an ed esses. Established ucational softwa Rocky Shore Ecology 15 in 1985, re developer special ising in science sim ulations. Chemistry: 100% GUARAN TEE! 21 day ap All school orders Acid/Base Titrations 2 proval... are automatically on 21 day approv if you are not co al. Try the softwa mpletely happy, yo re, and u can return it Electrochemical Cells 6 Contact us if yo within 21 days of u need an extens purchase. ion. Haber Process 4 Interactive wh iteboard comp Our software inclu liant software! des a Full Site L Gas Equilibrium 3 icence and is fully interactive white boards, networks functional on , data projectors Student Home L Sulfuric Acid Production 5 and laptops. An ad icence is required ditional to allow your stud on their own lap ents to run our tops or home com programs puters. See our pr cheapest way to Physics emium subscriptio get both licenses. n for the Radioactivity Series 10 Macintosh - YE S, our new softwa re does run on th well as Windows. e Mac OSX syst Other Developers em as Sunflower Software 7 FREE addition al teacher reso Register any New Focus Software 8 urces available byte software yo . u have and receive these packages. additional resour These resources in ce s for clude additional te Frost’s Organic Chemistry 9 assessment tasks acher notes and for the VCE an passwords, d HSC, additiona tasks. Register at l student experim : www.newbyte.c The Logical Interface 9 ents and om/registrations .htm

Conferences an

Free Upgrades...

We constantly improve our products even after their release. If you have the current version of our software check our web site for Free Upgrades to the latest sub-version i.e. 6.01, 6.02..

Software Support...

Problems with the software installation or use? Direct support at:

d Workshops fo

STAV Biology, L a Trobe Uni, Feb ruary 21. ICT Conferenc e, Northcote H.S. August TBA. STAVCON, La Tr obe. November TBA.

r 2010

If you would lik e us to display or give workshops at your conference, please call.

How to order...

Schools may order on 30 day account. Fax or post a school order form or use our order form.

“Essential tools for every teacher - software to inspire your students!” Newbyte Educational Software 12 John Street, Dudley NSW 2290, Australia Fax: +61 (0)2 4944 8826 Phone: +61 (0)2 4942 6733 Email: Website:



Premium Subscription


Av a


You and your students can now access over $12,000 worth of Newbyte software at school and home for only $1,648.90 ($1499 ex-GST) per year.



“Use these resources at school and set additional experiments for homework.”

What you get for your yearly subscription: •

Programs can be used at school, at home and installed on the student’s own computers.

Phone and email product support, during business hours.

20 high quality Newbyte programs, including Teacher Resources.

Free new programs as they are released

2011 subscription can be used until the end of February, 2012.

Free upgrades during your subscription

No long term contracts to worry about.

Small school discounts.

Latest versions

Real VALUE for money!

Programs include: Evolution: Genetic Diversity

Sulfuric Acid Production

Acid/Base Titrations Drosophila Genetics Lab eDNA Electrochemical Cells

Food Webs: Ponds Gas Equilibrium

Natural Selection - Beetles

Haber Process - Advanced

Pea Plant Genetics Lab Radioactivity - Penetration

Maths Problem Solving Adventure

Radioactivity - Distance

Enzyme Lab

Food Webs: Australian Woodlands

Natural Selection - Peppered Moths

Natural Selection - Frogs

Radioactivity - α Scattering

Save even more money by purchasing 2 or 3 year subscriptions.

Rocky Shore Ecology

Yes, existing customers do get discounts. Small School discounts are available. Available for Windows Only at this time. Windows XP, Vista and 7 compatible.

Acid/Base Titrations Realism, accuracy and performance.

Chemistry Software

“... simple organisation makes the software a joy to use.” Independent evaluation • 5 preset experiments for quick student starts. • 12 student experiments as blackline masters. • Additional teacher • Before and during the experiment change the following components in the diagram:

There is no other titration software like this! Designed for junior and senior students, this simulation encourages the development of skills in scientific method and a clear understanding of titration principles and procedures.

Drop and flow control Indicator Acid or base used


Manually read burette

Help your students develop the scientific skills and save time!

No Mess, No fuss Titrations the easy way

• 16 strong and weak monoprotic, diprotic and triprotic acids. • Investigate 6 strong and weak bases. • 7 indicators can be changed at any stage of the titration. • Choose your own pKa or pKb for any acid or base.

Self-testing QUIZ and Practical Testing! • Self-testing quiz options allow students to practice titrations until confident in the procedures and calculations. • 100 unknown molarities linked with any acid or base produces thousands of practical tests. • Sodium Carbonate also available.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

Gas Equilibrium Gas equilibrium experiments with style. Experimental design made easy.

• Teacher options allow you to control the way in which your students interact with the software. • Before and during the experiment change the following components in the diagram:

Gas changes are easily observed with colour variation in response to NO2 and I2 concentrations.

Gas Concentrations Temperature

Chemistry Software

Control all the variables!

Using the Hydrogen Iodide and Nitrogen Dioxide reactions your students can investigate the physical and chemical factors which influence equilibrium.

Volume Pressure Add an inert gas

Introduce a catalyst

Lock volume or pressure

Extensive teacher resources in the form of preset experiments to reduce your workload!

17 experiments cover: Experiments can be saved at any stage enabling teachers to set up their own experiments

• Quantitative & qualitative aspects of equilibrium • Le Chatelier’s principle • Data can be viewed as it is generated • Data can be saved or printed for later detailed analysis.

• Observe changing Concentration graphs • Investigate how conditions affect reaction rate graphs • Compare both types of graph at the same time.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826


Haber Process - Advanced An interactive approach to a difficult topic!

Chemistry Software

• Investigate the role of equilibrium. • Discover the effect of pressure and temperature. • Determine the importance of catalysts. • Learn the economic importance. • During the experiment control the following components in the diagram: Temperature Pressure

Change Catalysts

Gas Concentrations

Monitor production costs

Students love to control this process and compete to be the best.

Concentration, Reaction Rate and other graphs displayed in real time. • Observe detailed graphs of the process. • Export or print data.

Observe molecular interactions at the catalyst surface. • This is an advanced simulation, not a collection of simple animations. • Observe molecules breaking up and reforming. • A dynamic visualisation of equilibrium to captivate your students. • Step frame by frame to see interactions in detail.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7 and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

Sulfuric Acid Production The Contact Process revealed!

• Involve your students in this industrial process by allowing them to control it. • Before and during the process change the following parameters: Gas Concentrations Temperature Pressure

Monitor production

Chemistry Software

Highly Interactive Simulation.

Introduce catalysts

Extensive teacher resources in the form of preset experiments to reduce your workload!

Experiments can be saved at any stage enabling teachers to set up their own experiments

Observe the catalyst surface while still controlling the process. • Investigate the molecular interactions on the catalyst surface. • Discover why extra oxygen is used. • Observe the effect of temperature on the catalyst.

Detailed tutorial section

develops student understanding. Areas covered include: • Historical aspects of sulfuric acid. • SO2 production • The Contact Process. • Absorption, storage and transportation.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826


Electrochemical Cells Electrochemical cells in seconds.

Chemistry Software

Simple yet powerful.

Select thousands of cell variations. • Integrated on-screen experiments. • 12 common electrodes including H2. • 100 electrodes for student testing. • 6 solutions with variable concentration. • During the experiment control the following components in the diagram: Electrodes Solutions


Monitor Electrodes

Change your electrode, salt, salt concentration and temperature easily.

Half cell reaction on Screen. Making it easier for you and your students. • Teacher options allow you to control the way in which your students interact with the software. • Your students can even work out the activity series of metals using this software. • When calculating E or E0, you can make it harder by preventing the use of a H2 electrode.

Observe deposition and erosion of the electrodes over time. • So real, make a big mistake and it will break. • Observe detailed graphs of the process. • Export or print data. • Teacher options allow selection of data displayed and printed.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7 and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

Sunflower Software

Ideal for junior high school level, each program in the series includes examples, activities and teachers notes. Developed in the UK, these programs are great for junior science!









Predator Prey

Atoms and Ions




Elements, Compounds & Mixtures

3D Periodic Table

Rates of Reaction

Solids, Liquids and Gases



Earth in Space

Force and Motion

Motors and Generators

Nuclear Physics

Simple Circuits



Each 10 pack also includes two tools which work with the programs, Resource Builder and Data Analyser.


General Science

Award winning MULTIMEDIA FOR SCIENCE. Ideal for Interactive Whiteboards.


Focus on Climate Change A unique interactive learning resource examining issues that affect us all. A cross-curriculum resource.

General Science

Providing a balanced view of the issues, this program encourages students to think about life style choices and suggests ways in which we can all do our bit to conserve the Earth’s energy resources.

Major areas covered include: • Climate Change • Energy Generation & Conservation • Reduce, Re-Use & Recycle

Focus Science Investigations 1 15 fully-functioning interactive experiments including: • Photosynthesis • Yeast respiration • Starch Breakdown by amylase • CaCO3 - HCl reaction • Heat of neutralisation • Strength of an electromagnet

• Bouncing ball experiment • Car stopping distances • Energy stored in a spring • Expansion of a gas • Heating effect of a current • Resistance of wires

Ideal for use with LCD projectors and interactive whiteboards.

Focus Science Investigations 2 23 fully-functioning interactive experiments including: • Osmosis • Transpiration • Reaction of rennin with milk • H202 and catalase • The effect of Penicillin • Sodium thiosulphate Decomp.

• Electrolysis • Heat of combustion of alcohols • Water rockets • Bending a beam • Filament lamp and LEDs • Solar cells

Ideal for use with LCD projectors and interactive whiteboards.

Focus - Key Stage 3 Physics 66 teaching tools in one program covering areas such as: • The Earth in Space • Motion Heat and Temperature • Forces • Light • Electricity • Solids, Liquids and Gases

• Energy • Electric circuits • Magnets • Electromagnets • Heat and Temperature • Expansion

Each topic is accompanied by on-screen instructions, questions and prompts. Interactive animations and simulated experiments are integrated to improve your student’s science skills.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7 and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

Roger Frosts Organic Chemistry Series Ideal for teacher presentation. Designed for interactive whiteboards.


For network servers or single computers running Windows 2000/XP and Internet Explorer.


• • • • • • • •

Multimedia with industry-standard ‘Chime’ 3D models. Time-efficient, two minute interactives to fit your lesson. Requires no manual – just click or drag the hotspots. Modular and flexible with a built-in slide sorter. Organic chemistry explained using animation. Amazing coverage for ages 15-18. Whiteboard friendly. Animated mechanisms that are clear as never before.

Computer Dural Channel Oscilloscope. View input from a microphone, or optional interface. TLI CRO provides a traditional oscilloscope view with gain, offset, timebase, and trigger controls.


Chemistry Physics

Multimedia tools with models, mechanisms and interactive equations to help explain almost anything ‘organic’ from fractional distillation to protein synthesis. Try these modules at

• 16-bit acquisition. • 44 kHz sampling rate. Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, and most networks.

• Optional interface with BNC input to connect voltage sources etc. • Ideal for schools and other educational organisations.

TLI Computer Wave Generator Dural Channel Signal Generator. Features: • • • • • • •

Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, and most networks.


Generates waves of variable frequency to 20 kHz. Dual channel output to your data logger, or oscilloscope. Control phase difference between the two wave sources. Simply play through your computer speakers. Use on its own, or with the Computer Wave Lab interface. Use the oscilloscope mode to Add, subtract and multiply waves. Includes WaveGen Interface and cable.

Turn your computer into a powerful Wave Laboratory. Create sine, square and triangle waves. Demonstrate beats, interference and other wave properties with our Computer Wave Lab - the perfect companion data loggers.

Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7 and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826


Radioactivity Series Safe radioactivity experiments!

Physics Each title in the series features realistic experiments and a demonstration mode to help students visualise concepts. Your students have full control over the parameters.



• Examine the effect of α, β or γ radiation. • 12 radioactive sources. • 100 unknown sources for testing. • Barrier thickness from 0.01 to 9 mm. • Preset experiments to get started. • 12 barrier materials, inc. gold and paper. • Data can be exported for later analysis.

α-Particle Scattering • Simulate the work of Rutherford & others. • Investigate the relationships between: metal thickness,particle energy, target atomic number & particle back scatter. • Particle energy from 1 to 10 MeV. • Barrier thickness from 1 to 20 x 10-7m. • Select from 11 barrier materials.

• Observe α, β or γ radiation in air/vacuum. • Background radiation can be turned off. • 12 radioactive sources. • 100 unknown sources for testing. • Preset experiments to get started. • Data can be exported for later analysis. • Select distances from 0 to 210 mm.

Focus Fields 16 interactive topics for senior physics including: • DC motor • Deflection by electric fields • Deflection by magnetic fields • Dynamo • Magnetic field plotting • Electromagnetic induction

• Force on a conductor • Mass Spectrometer • Millikan’s oil drop experiment • Motion in a gravitational field • Thompson’s experiment • Planetary orbits

Interactive models, animated sequences and simulated experiments are integrated with reference sections where theory is explained and relevant formulae are derived.

Focus on Waves 16 interactive topics for senior physics including:

• Absorption of gamma rays • Damped SHM • Diffraction grating • Electromagnetic waves • Oscillations & resonance • Hydrogen emission spectra

• Multiple slit diffraction • Polarization • Ripple tank models • Transverse and longitudinal • Speed of sound measurement • Young’s double slit experiment

Interactive models, animated sequences and simulated experiments are integrated with reference sections where theory is explained and relevant formulae are derived.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7 and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

Enzyme Lab Enzyme experiments in minutes!


10 enzymes including: • catalase. • proteases. • amylases. • lipase. • 5 substrates to choose from. • Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors.

Bio Chemistry

Experiment Lab - Open experimentation simulations.

You and your students control: • Enzyme used and concentration. • Substrate and concentration. • Temperature. • pH. • Inhibitor and concentration.

Designed for senior high school and higher, this simulation develops skills in scientific method as well as a clear understanding of enzyme kinetics.

Molecular Zoom - What’s happening in your flask now? Features: • 3 levels of zoom - observe: • Overall molecular activity. • One enzyme molecule and its surroundings. • The active site of the enzyme and how it’s working.

Series Experiment Lab Over 100 experiments at the same time. Features: • Simply choose which parameter to vary and the number of experiments to conduct. • Experiments include pH - Trypsin and Pepsin activity. • Extensive teacher resources. • 9 student starter experiments.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826


Pea Plant Genetics Lab Mendal’s Experiments and more!


Engaging graphics bring this lab to life

Major areas covered include: • Zoom in interactive diagrams • Unlimited generations • Unlimited offspring 4 types of inheritance: • Single gene • Double gene • Incomplete Dominance • Codominance

Students count, categorise and record each plant just like the real experiment, making this a realistic science experience not a second-hand data exercise.

Auto-count option to save time. Students can concentrate on experimental design.

Features of the Greenhouse: • Teacher options control the number of plants which must be categorised before an auto-count is offered • Blackline masters make lesson preparation easy • Reporting student accuracy makes monitoring simple.

Features of the Construction Kit: • 9 mutant genes • Load and save individual plants for testing • Create your own plants! • Use the plant immediately as a parent, saving more time.

Problem solving using Pea Plants! New integrated ‘Construction Kit’.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

Drosophila Genetics Lab Save months of breeding with this powerful software! bring this lab to life.



Engaging graphics

• The flies are so real - they groom themselves • Unlimited generations • Unlimited offspring

Students count, categorise and record each fly just like the real experiment, making this a realistic science experience not a second-hand data exercise.

7 types of inheritance: • Single gene • Double gene • Sex-link gene • Linked gene • Dominant mutations • Lethal gene • Incomplete sex-linked dominance

“It is an invaluable piece of software and has my unqualified and wholehearted recommendation.” Independent evaluation - Curriculum Online.

Auto-count option to save time. Students can concentrate on experimental design.

Features of the Incubator: • Teacher options control the number of flies which must be categorised before an auto-count is offered • Blackline masters make lesson preparation easy • Reporting student accuracy makes monitoring simple.

Features of the Construction Kit: • 26 mutant genes including a lethal & multiple alleles. • Load and save individual flies for testing. • Create your own flies! • Use the fly immediately as a parent, saving more time.

Problem solving using Drosophila! Integrated ‘Construction Kit’.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826


e DNA Genetic Engineering experiments the easy way


Wide range of easy to use experiments.

Major areas covered include: • Restriction Analysis • DNA Fingerprinting • Paternity Analysis • Phylogenetic Trees • Genomic Library • Sequencing • Quality and Concentration Estimation

Conduct many different exercises, with various genomes and enzymes. “Given the quality and breadth of the exercises, eDNA can be the portal to bring more students to enjoy the fascinating and challenging aspects of genetic engineering.” The American Biology Teacher, March 2005.

Extensive Theory Resources to support your students. Features:

• eDNA includes an Exercise Editor • Use the standard chemicals and tools in eDNA • Construct your own genome sequences • Develop your own restriction enzymes • DNA • DNA Fingerprinting • Electrophoresis • Paternity Analysis • Phylogenetic Trees

Features: • Construction of DNA Map • Construction of Genomic Library • eDNA is designed to mimic real-life research with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to get started • PCR • Restriction Enzymes • RFLP • Sequencing • Transcription & Translation • Quality & Conc. Estimation

Create your own experiments!


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

Rocky Shore Ecology Prepare for a field study the easy way

A complete belt-transect study!


Investigate the physical, chemical and biological factors influencing the rocky shore communities of Australia and the UK. An integrated editor allows you to make your own species and transects.


Transect Study

• Many belt-transects to select from • Select from exposed, moderate or sheltered transects • Investigate the effect of pollution • Observe the distribution of a single species, all animals or all species • Realistic diagrams make species identification easy, using common or scientific names • Examine each quadrat. • Distribution Graphs. • Compare Kite Diagrams. • Transect profiles.

Mobile Population Study Estimate population using the Lincoln Index method. Features: • Calculate the number of whelks using mark/recapture • Randomly capture and mark a number of whelks • Allow enough time for them to mix with the rest • Capture a second sample of whelks • Calculate the size of the whelk population.

Features: The extensive resources include: • Classroom Studies • Computer Aided Studies • Extensive organism profiles Studies include: • Zonation • Adaptations • The Environment

Construct a Rocky Shore Food Web and use up to 45 species.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826


Food Webs: Australian Woodlands Explore the food chains and webs of this unique environment. Idea for junior and senior science!


Contstruct food chains and webs using up to 30 organisms then model the populations.

Major areas covered include: • Construction of food chains and webs is simple • Investigate introduced species and biological control • Learn more about our Australian organisms • Change the web easily during modelling to allow for the introduction of species and a changing ecosystem • Control levels of rainfall as well as bush fires, controlled burning and agricultural use of the land • Various graph types including biomass pyramid

Model your food webs for 25 years.

Natural Selection Series Making a difficult subject easy and fun In the first two programs below your students become involved in a predator-prey simulation in which they are the predators. In Beetles they control predator preferences and population size. Peppered Moths Will a changing environment affect moth appearance? Your students become the predator in a predator-prey simulation. This highly interactive experiences allows them to develop a greater appreciation of the natural selection process.

Frogs Why are Poison Arrow Frogs brightly coloured? Your students become the predator in a predator-prey simulation. This highly interactive experiences allows them to develop a greater appreciation of the natural selection process and mimicry.

Beetles Investigate how predator preference can affect a population of beetles over time. Observe changes in genetic diversity of small and large populations over time.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

Food Webs: Ponds Investigate the dynamic ecology of Australian ponds. Incorporate data logging.



Make your own species.

• Use your own digital photographs. • Web support with additional species. • Investigate introduced species. • Use biological control methods. • Visual feedback when constructing a web. • From simple food chains to complex webs, this software can build and model them all.

Construct food chains and webs using up to 45 organisms and then model the populations. This outstanding software package was designed for project-style student investigations.

“...Newbyte’s Food Webs: Ponds is a model of a living ecosystem and a tour de force.” London Times Educational Supplement - Online.

Model your food webs for up to 2 years. Control pollution levels! Features of Modelling: • Change the web easily during modelling to allow for the introduction of species and a changing ecosystem. Control levels of: • Sewage • Phosphate • Nitrate • Turbidity • Thermal Pollution • Various graph types including biomass pyramid.

Features of Editors: • Change existing species information and diagrams. • Use your own species pictures in the software. • Edit species and physical attributes to match your pond. • Integrate physical data collected about your pond. • Modelling then uses your pond’s physical data and species. • Exchange new species within your class or around the world.

Full Environment and Species Editor. Make your own Species!


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7 and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826


Evolution: Genetic Diversity Visualise this difficult topic!

Evolution and Genetics

Highly visual and interactive,

this software will captivate your students as each scenario unfolds. Encourage your students to discover, through experimentation, how population numbers and allele frequency are affected by:

• Isolation

• Migration

• Disasters

• Founder effect

• Small populations

• Population bottlenecks

• Hardy-Weinberg principles

Designed for senior and junior high school students, this engaging simulation promotes a clear understanding of genetic drift and other diversity principles.

Experiments in the form of blackline masters will save you time and effort.

Features: • Control sea level. • Allow limited or large scale migration. • Cause population bottlenecks with various disasters. • Populate islands with single beetles or groups.

Features: • Options allow Hardy-Weinberg conditions to occur when there is one large island. • Gene frequency can be monitored over the total area or single islands.

While graph and data displays are available, its the visualisation of the genetic variation which will keep their interest.


Available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista & 7, Macintosh OS X and most networks Phone: (02) 4942 6733 Fax (02) 4944 8826

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