Creative thiking & problem solving

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Welcome aboard To this learning session. Guiding Factors: Participate & Learn Explore need to modify.

Insight into Self Behavior

Branch & leaves Visible from distance / Fast Changing

Visible from Distance / Fast Changing

I Attitude Visible if we go Close /

Influenced from Environment

Trunk Visible if we go Close / Slow Changing

Slow Changing

Thoughts Invisible / Very Slow Changing


Invisible / Very slow Changing

Role of thoughts in life Life is an extension of thoughts & they make us feel good

or bad

Just like a robot, body is the servant of mind & obeys its command. Thinking is must to design action plan.

Thinking & thoughts are necessary for: Creative solutions of problems Identifying area of contribution To think positively & act more effectively Thus thinking skill serves as driving skill

Need to Manage Thoughts If you can change how you think, you will change how you Act. If you can change how you act, you will change what you Do. If you can change what you do, then you will change what you Get. If you can change what you get, you will change where you are Going. If you can change where you are going, you will change your Life. So, Change your thinking and change your Life.

A crackpot  A water bearer in China had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which he carried across his neck.  One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.  At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.  For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house.  Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its Utility perfect for which it was made.  But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own flaws, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.

A crackpot • After 2 years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house." The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?  That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house"  Moral: Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all cracked pots. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are, and look for the good in them.

Traits of Negative People

Find it difficult to maintain good & lasting relations. Always feel Bitterness & resort to Resentment. Cause Stress for self & others and lead a purposeless life. Resist change considering it to be uncomfortable & stressful.

To Come out of Negative We Need to be We must try

Less critical Less destructive. Less dogmatic. Less sharp in reactions. Reduce laziness.

Not to get offended easily. Not to be passive. Not feel helpless. Not to give up easily.

To be and remain Positive

Positive attitude: turning problems into opportunities  One day a farmer's donkey fell into a well. The farmer frantically tried to rescue. With no relief, the farmer regretfully concluded that as the donkey was old, and as the well needed to be filled in anyway, he should give up the idea of rescuing, and simply fill in the well. Hopefully the poor animal would not suffer too much.  The farmer asked his neighbors help, and before long they all began to shovel earth quickly into the well.  When the donkey realized what was happening he wailed and struggled, but then, to everyone's relief, the noise stopped.  After a while the farmer looked down into the well & was astonished by what he saw. The donkey was still alive, & progressing towards the top of the well.  The donkey had discovered that by shaking off the dirt instead of letting it cover him, he could keep stepping on top of the earth as the level rose. Soon the donkey was able to step up over the edge of the well, and he happily trotted off.  Life tends to shovel dirt on top of each of us from time to time. The trick is to shake it off and take a step up.

Tips to Manage Thoughts:  Our mind is a Garden, we are the Gardner.  Weed out the waste, Maintain the Good & Bring in the new.  Be a Self-Starter & use Goals as Motivator.



POSI IVE in a Work Environment

How to Stay

 Link Fear of Loss & Hope of Gain with goals for sure success.  Control Dislikes & avoid loss of credibility.

Insight into Innovation & Creativity Innovation is the implementation of new ideas at the individual, group or organizational level

Creativity is the development of ideas about products, practices, services, or procedures that are novel and potentially useful to the organization

Innovation 'Innovation' is the successful exploitation of new ideas. It is the process that gets us new products, new services, new ways of running the business or even new ways of doing business.

The Elephant & seven blind men

Once, long ago, seven blind men and their teacher went to “see� an elephant The teacher directed each of them to different parts of the elephant

Types of Innovation • Business Model Innovation: involves changing the way business is done in terms of values. • Process Innovation: involves the implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method. • Product Innovation, Innovation involves the introduction of a new good or service that is new or substantially improved. This might include improvements in functional characteristics, technical abilities, ease of use, or any other dimension. • Service Innovation, Innovation is similar to product innovation except that the innovation relates to services rather than to products

Even Experts can be Wrong • That’s an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?” (US President Rutherford B. Hayes, after participating in a trial telephone conversation between Washington & Philadelphia in 1876). • “Television won’t be able to hold onto any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring into a box every night (Darryl F. Zanuck, Head of 20th Century Fox, 1946) • “I think there is a world market for about five computers (Thomas J. Watson Sr., Chairman of IBM, 1943)

Requisites for Innovation A culture that contains symbolic rules. Culture

A person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain. A field of experts who recognize and validate the innovation. Person

Elements of Creativity Experts

Components of Innovative personality  Tolerance of Ambiguity: Provides time for difficult problem aspects to be resolved.  Perseverance: Facing obstacles for creative products to occur.  Openness to New Experiences: Willingness to try new ideas.  Willingness to Take Risks: No pain no gain.  Courage & Belief in oneself: Creative ideas need independence of Judgment and Self-esteem to grow.

Creative Thinking  An innate talent that you were born with and a set of skills that can be learned, developed, and utilized in daily problem solving  A creative solution has three attributes:

It is new (otherwise it would not be creative).  It is useful, in that it solves the problem (otherwise it would not be a solution).  It is feasible, even with real world constraints like money and time.

Myths about Creativity 1. The smarter you are, the more creative you are

2. The young are more creative than the old 3. Creativity is reserved for the few – the flamboyant risk takers 4. Creativity is a solitary act 5. You can’t manage creativity

Stages of Creative Thought  Orientation: Defining the problem  Preparation: Gaining as much information as possible  Incubation: The problem, while not appearing to be actively worked on, is still “cooking” in the background  Illumination: The “a-ha” experience; rapid insight into the solution  Verification: Testing and critically evaluating the solution

Stages in the Creative Process



• Verificati on



A Creative Person…  One whose thoughts or actions set up a new domain.  Is Smart having tendency to be more creative.  Usually have a above average knowledge & interests.  Have openness to try & Experience.  Value independence & have a preference for complex things.  Display creative productivity, new inventions, insightful discoveries, artistic works, revolutionary paradigms.  Have flexibility, non-stereotypical behaviors, & nonconforming attitudes.

Steps to enhance personal creativity Accept that you can be creative. Question traditional assumptions. Expand your problem-solving styles.  Employ creativity techniques. Practice thinking in new ways.  Explore when your creative thinking is best.

Creativity Killers  Excessive focus on extrinsic motivation.  Limits set by superiors  Critical evaluation  Close, controlling supervision  Competition in a win-lose situation  Control of decision making  Control of information

Creativity Enhancers Encourage risk taking Provide autonomy Encourage productivity “sweat equity” Supportive supervision, climate, and work group Participative leadership.

Tools for Creating New Ideas

Attribute Listing Tools for Creating New Ideas

Brainstorming Visioning

Creative Thinking Techniques • Brainstorming Rules  Expressiveness: Say whatever ideas come to mind without focusing on constraints.  Non-evaluation: No criticism allowed; all are valuable.  Quantity: Produce as many ideas as possible.  Building: Expand on other people’s ideas.

It’s Time to say…

Creative Fun

How things can be handled differently?

The Creative Idea to Enhance the Sales

Innovation to Contribute For the Development

Team Work of Creative People

How we see and react to situations and people?

THE CARROT, THE EGG Good old lessons in teamwork from an age-old fable The Tortoise And The Hare



A Peacock in the Land of Penguins Adapted from a book by BJ Gallagher Hateley & Warren H. Schmidt

Check how much you can see?

This is surely simple

What we see also varies

Enjoy The Illusions

Playing with matches

One triangle (with another one super-imposed over it.)

Playing with matches

Two triangles

Playing with matches

Three triangles

Playing with matches

Four triangles

Playing with matches

Six triangles

Playing with matches

Eight triangles

Pl try to do this




See how simple is this

Now try this

4 SQUARES • The fig shows 4 squares-A,B,C&D. • 1/4th of squares A,B&C is shaded. 1. Divide Unshaded portion of ‘A’ into TWO equal & identical parts. 2. Divide Unshaded portion of ‘B’ into THREE equal & identical parts.

3. Divide Unshaded portion of ‘C’ into Clues FOUR: equal & identical parts.

The solution is not in the form of triangles. The solution lies in the problem itself. 4. Divide ‘D’ into SEVEN equal & identical parts. Clues : The solution is not in the form of triangles.

See this figure?

ď ś Divide the figure below into as many pieces as you can by making four straight cuts with a long knife

• Cuts & pieces

New Challenge

 A company manufactures glassware.  The last step of the process is to wrap glasses individually in used newspapers and then place them in a specially designed box. The box is then sealed.  Management notices low productivity with this last step, observing that workers occasionally stop to read the newspapers?  What can management do to increase productivity?

Solve the problem

• Remove three sticks to leave four

Welcome to An Experiential Session on “Innovative Thinking” By: Mr. Balendu Bajpai Presented by: A P Shubham Services

Description of Human Endowments Sr. no

Self awareness


Independent will


Stand apart from our selves.

It connects us with wisdom of ages & Heart.

It is the ď Ą Is Our Capacity to Power to Act. envision a future state.


Examine our Is a guiding system We are thinking. that tells us when Product of our we move contrary choices. to the Principles.

To create some thing in our mind.


Our motives.

We are reason- able to respond else then our moods and tendencies.

To solve problems synergistical ly.


Our history etc.

We have will power to act upon self

Through this we can improve our

Creative Imagination

 Synergized use of the endowments is must for Personal Leadership.  They help to achieve Human Freedom: The power to choose.  The power to Respond.  The Power to change.  Between stimulus and response there remains a space.  Between that space lies our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Characteristics of Creative People

Personality Traits of Creative People  Persistence  Self-confidence  Independence  Attraction to complexity  Tolerance of ambiguity  Intuitiveness  Have broad interests  Are energetic  Drive to achieve  Love their work Take risks

Domain-Specific Knowledge Develops Via




Contextual Knowledge

Creativity Enhancers      

      

Focus on intrinsic motivation  Creativity goals Developmental feedback  Supportive supervision  Healthy competition  Participative decision making

Hire creative people Enriched, complex jobs Provide resources Clear organizational goals Instructions to be creative No punishment for failure Recognize and reward www.apshubham.comcreativity

Workforce diversity Internal and external interaction Diverse teams skilled at working together Supportive climate Autonomy

   

Organizational culture the promotes innovation Flexible, flat structures Close interaction and relationships with custome Encourage risk taking



• • • • •

Why change? Usually don’t need to be creative Habit Routine Haven’t been taught to be creative

Conceptual Blocks

Formal education often produces…

“right answers”, analytical rules, or thinking boundaries

Experience in job teaches…..

proper ways of doing things, specialized knowledge, and rigid expectation of appropriate actions

Individu als lose the ability to experim ent, improvi se, and take mental detours

How Can Organizations Foster Creativity? Hire creative & diverse workforce

Create the right org. culture

Provide resources esp. time

Set creativity goals

Design complex & challenging jobs

Use diverse teams

Set clear org. goals

Recognize & reward creativity

“Be Creative!�


AP Shubham Services Causing People Development

Contact: MF 3-4, Nariman Point Shopping Centre, Near Rani Sati Temple, City Light, Surat-395007 Gujarat.

Email: Website: Phone No: (0261)4022241/2253406 (M): 9825030959

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