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Nutrition & Public health

EASYFOOD CONVENIENCE FOOD INNOVATION — Contact: Kirsten Jensen Innovation Leader Albuen 39, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 25 40 96 73

Food The customers want wholewheat alternatives, but it is not what they buy • W hy is it we don’t choose whole-wheat when we know it’s the healthy choice? • A re we not well enough informed? • I s it because we know that the children willl not eat it?

There are loads of alternatives with whole wheat, for example whole-wheat pasta, rice and bread. Despite this the customers opt for the white variant.

• Do we think it tastes worse? • Is it more expensive?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Nutrition & Public health

EASYFOOD CONVENIENCE FOOD INNOVATION — Contact: Kirsten Jensen Innovation manager Albuen 39, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 25 40 96 73

Food Get the customers to choose healthy food at gas stations The customers whom today purchase food at gas stations often choose the unhealthy options such as hotdogs, cake or other. When the customers were asked whether they would buy the healthy option, for example whole-wheat sausage rolls rather than white sausage rolls, many answered, ”YES”. Unfortunately this isn’t quite the reality. For example offering whole-wheat baguettes for the hotdogs has been tried, but people do not buy it. The challenge is often that they have already made up their mind before they even enter the shop. • What can we do to change the customers’ habits at gas stations so it’s possible to sell healthy alternatives? • How do we breach the decision they might have made before they even get out of the car?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Nutrition & Public health

EASYFOOD CONVENIENCE FOOD INNOVATION — Contact: Kirsten Jensen Innovation manager Albuen 39, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 25 40 96 73

Food The customers want the healthy food, but the choose the easy solution when they cook We all know that many vegetables, low fat meat and whole-wheat bread/rice/ pasta variants are healthy. • Who buys the healthy options? • W ho doesn’t buys the healthy options? • W hy don’t they buy the healthy options?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Nutrition & Public health

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY HEALTH PROMOTION AND PREVENTION — Contact: Jane Kudsk Health coordinator Klostergade 16, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 72 55

Nutrition Young people do not eat breakfast and often eat an unhealthy lunch

Healthy food habits give energy and improve concentration aiding young people to complete their education. Healthy food is also important for optimal work performance after completing an education. Trials show that if young people, doing youth educations, eat breakfast they have a better chance of completing their education. Meals at school facilitate social interaction and healthy food gives energy to complete classes. Several youth education institutions sell breakfast in the canteen. Individual places even offer free breakfast once or more days a week.

• H ow can we increase the share of young people who eat breakfast? • H ow can vi increase the share of young people who eat a healthy lunch? • H ow can the healthy meals be made cheaper and more appealing? Boern_og_unge/forside.htm

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Nutrition & Public health

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY HEALTH PROMOTION AND PREVENTION — Contact: Jane Kudsk Health coordinator Klostergade 16, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 72 55

Nutrition Psychical surroundings can create certain expectations for the food In the municipality we are working towards getting our canteens and cafeterias ”nøglehulscertificeret” (a brand-certificate given to food products that live up to one or more requirements for salt, fat, sugar or fiber contents), so the healthy choice is obvious and visible. web_version.pdf How can the surroundings be designed, so customers choose the healthy option and so canteens and cafeterias become more attractive places to eat? For example employee canteens in the municipality and cafeterias at local sport halls.

Sport Halls Kolding municipality has for the past two years offered healthy menus in their cafeterias and many places the deep fryer has even been thrown out. The demand for healthy alternatives is growing, yet especially the adult generation associates sport hall cafeterias with fast food, because of their childhood experiences. Many sport hall cafeterias experience that their customer base is shrinking. Expect during big sport tournaments when the turnover is positive. How can we create more life and attract more customers on a daily basis to the healthy menus offered at the cafeterias?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Nutrition & Public health

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY HEALTH PROMOTION AND PREVENTION — Contact: Jane Kudsk Health coordinator Klostergade 16, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 72 55

Nutrition The elderly do not eat enough Many elderly lose their appetite and do not eat enough. It is especially a problem when sickness hits, but also because of loneliness after losing a partner. Homely surroundings, presence and the smell of food can help to increase their appetite. • H ow can nursing homes be improved to help increase the elderly’s appetite and get them to eat enough? AEldre/Har_du_tabt_dig/Forside.htm

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Nutrition & Public health

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY SOCIAL AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT — Contact: Tina Suvr Healt Provider Klostergade 16, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79797251

Health How can we lower the share of people who smoke daily amongst the citizens in Kolding municipality? The longer one smokes, the harder it is to stop and the larger the risk is of harming ones health. Four out of five start smoking in their teens.

21,5 % of all adults in Kolding municipality smoke daily (15200 citizens) and 11 % are heavy smokers (7800 citizens).

• H ow can we help promote abstinence, from both cigarettes and water pipe, as the socially acceptable norm amongst young people?

13 % of young people between 16-19 years of age in Kolding Municipality smoke daily (600 citizens)

• W ater pipes are far more harmful than young people think. How can we communicate this to young people and ethnic groups?

Smoking is one of the factors that reduce our health significantly, because of cancer, cardiovascular disease and COPD. It effects life quality, shortens life span with approx. 10 years and costs society enormous resources.

• H ow can we motivate parents who smoke to relate to their role in two senses: 1) to avoid their own children become smokers and 2) support their children if they wish to quit smoking.

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Nutrition & Public health

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY SOCIAL AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT — Contact: Tina Suvr Healt Provider Klostergade 16, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79797251

Health How can we get young people improve their dental health? Children below the age of 12 have relatively few dental cavities in their teeth. They are often helped by their parents and are only allowed limited amounts of candy and soda. From 12-18 years of age the number of cavities increases. Our experience shows us that many young people are careless with daily tooth brushing. The development continues because young people between 18-25 years of age fail to go to regular dental checks.

Children and young people must take care of their teeth for their own sake. It can be very expensive in the long run. • H ow can we get young people to brush their teeth daily? • H ow can we get young people to choose healthier alternatives? • H ow can we get young people to go to regular dental care? Reasons for dental cavities: • High daily intake of sweet carbohydrates - Candy - Soda - Energy drink - Cake • Deficient mouth hygiene (daily tooth brushing and flossing) Ugens%20tal%20for%20folkesundhed/ Ugens%20tal/15_2011.aspx THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Nutrition & Public health

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY SOCIAL AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT — Contact: Tina Suvr Healt Provider Klostergade 16, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79797251

Health How can we get more citizens in Kolding Municipality to sit less and move more? New research from Australia, USA and Canada has shown that if we sit still for long periods at a time daily, it increases the risk of diabetes type 2, cardiovascular diseases, overweight and obesity – even if we do sports and exercise in our spare time. If we stand up instead of sitting on an office chair while working, it corresponds to the same health effect as 100 minutes brisk walking. A study shows that several citizens in Kolding municipality do not move enough in everyday life and a growing number have sedentary leisure activities. There is a need for new circumstances, so more citizens get more mobility into their everyday life. Kolding municipality has taken action:

Arena: All public and private jobs in Kolding municipality with employee groups that are sedentary. • H ow can we get employees to sit less and move more during a day at work? • H ow can it be integrated as a positive part of problem solving – also seen from the managements point of view?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY URBAN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — Contact: Malene Leerberg Developement Consultant Nytorv 11, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 73 84 Morten Harder Hougaard Head of Plan Division Nytorv 11, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 12 23

City life Conversion and densification of the city center Traditionally the city center was considered a trade center where retail creates densification. Changed consumption patterns break tradition and perhaps densification can be created with new methods now.

A graduation project in Architecture & Design from The University of Aalborg (Camilla Høyer, Borchs Gård – et nyt byrum, 2006) includes a number of analyses of ”flows” in the city center. It is pointed out that the pedestrian street zone in Kolding is very spread out and twice as big as in Aarhus measured relative to the cities’ population. But at the same time there are great advantages with being able to move around in the city center freely as a pedestrian.

• W hat can we do to create city densification that will be attractive for a city center? • W hat types of city densification are there to work with? • W hich players are important for this to succeed? And how can they best be set into play?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY URBAN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — Contact: Malene Leerberg Developement Consultant Nytorv 11, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 73 84 Morten Harder Hougaard Head of Plan Division Nytorv 11, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 12 23

City life Life in the city center

Kolding municipality has launched the preparation of a city life strategy. It is based on a number of analyses that among other things point out, that the people of Kolding consider the city center as ”boring” despite that it can be proven that there are a lot of initiatives and there are several happening activities in the city center. (Damvad, Danskernes syn på Kolding, 2011; Damvad, Koldings Attraktivitet som bosætningssted, 2011; Loyalty Insight, Omdømmeundersøgelse blandt borgere, 2012). The city life strategy will create a context and mutual goals for different initiatives and activities, and make all this visible.

• W hat can we do to make Kolding’s citizen choose the city center? • H ow can we make the city center and attractive place to be? • How is the city center used? • A nd how can consumer patterns be affected? For example one can work with selected locations, such as town squares or streets. (Tegnestuen Mejeriet, Kolding midtby: Byens rum og byens liv, 2007) THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

KOLDING MUNICIPALITY URBAN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — Contact: Malene Leerberg Developement Consultant Nytorv 11, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 73 84 Morten Harder Hougaard Head of Plan Division Nytorv 11, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 79 79 12 23

City life Arrival to the city center During a workshop in Kolding municipality, about a city life strategy for the city center, it was amongst other things concluded that the arrival to and departure from the city center is poor. Arrival and departure points are from parking lots, train station, bus stops and so on. (note about workshop, juni 2011). The experience of the arrival and the accessibility are significant parameters for the whole experience of whether or not a city center is perceived as attractive. • How can connections, passages and entries to the city center make the city more attractive? • How can connections, passages and entries encourage citizens and visitors to experience and move around in the city? And make them want to return?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

DESIGNCITY KOLDING URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT — Contact: Tina Thomsen Project developer Kolding Åpark 2, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 51 41 73 93

City development Young people do not eat breakfast and they often eat an unhealthy lunch

Designcity is housing, shops and business in a close and happening city district. How can consumers use and live in the Designcity? How do we make it active and appealing 24/7? The consumers we wish to attract are a mix of people at work, inhabitants, students and passersby. Campus Kolding, which includes approximately 6000 students from The Design School Kolding, University of Southern Denmark and International Business College, is a big consumer segment we would like to activate and create a neutral meeting ground for. How can we achieve this?

• W hat will I take to activate the still unfinished city space? • W hat interest them? A stay, a review, play, education, surprises? Furniture or mobility? Changeable or static? • I s there room for individual initiative? • H ow do we activate and engage users? Inspiration:

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

DESIGNCITY KOLDING URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT — Contact: Tina Thomsen Project developer Kolding Åpark 2, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 51 41 73 93

City Development How can we get the citizens to discover, accept and involve the new city district ”Designcity” with Kolding city center? Long story short the goal is to activate the passive waiting time and create an active storytelling. • H ow do we communicate with our surroundings? City citizens, institutions, ect.

We want to create city life, activity and commitment before the final Designcity is completed in 10 years. Create a mental and physical affiliation and merger between the now existing city center and the new Designcity. Likewise we wish that the citizens of Kolding will accept and involve Designcity as a supplement to the existing city center.

• H ow do/might we create awareness? • H ow do/might we create identity • H ow do/might we show our identity? (There is no previous cultural historical experience we can draw from)

One of the tools we use, amongst other things, is working with miscellaneous activities and cultural happenings – ”placemaking”. THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

DESIGNCITY KOLDING URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT — Contact: Tina Thomsen Project developer Kolding Åpark 2, 6000 Kolding E-mail: Web: Direct: 51 41 73 93

City development How do we create a natural link between Designcity Kolding and University of Southern Denmark city spaces via a pedestrian tunnel? Can we create a comment to the professional and cultural environment between the new campus (SDU) and Designcity? The tunnel is a link between not only the SDU Campus and Designcity but also an extended connection to Kolding C. The place is described as Education and Research Institutions – a modern innovation and business life. The tunnel is a public space for the city’s citizens. The tunnels design function and aesthetics consciously relates to the surrounding architecture and city space, and works as a link between business/ city life, design/business and students/ professionals (Suits and hipsters).

• H ow can we create an experience and titillate the curiosity and creativity the area should inspire in people? • W hat experience do we want to create? • A friendly laboratory, umbilical cord, transition, connector?

Facts; Pedestrian tunnel 35 m long, 5,5 m wide, 2,5m high Brushed concrete floor

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

DONG ENERGY ENERGY COMPANY — Contact: Louise Buch Løgstrup Industrial Ph.D. student Kræftværksvej 53, Skærbæk, 7000 Fredericia E-mail: Web: Direct: 99555618

Energy Consumers do not understand their energy bill • H ow can we help the consumers understand their electricity bill better? • H ow can we improve the presentation of the electricity bill to make it more interesting and appealing?

For many consumers the electricity bill is a letter that comes in the mail or via. email once ever quarter. Once received it is not studied very thoroughly except to see the price on the bottom line. Challenge: If the consumers try to understand what is written in the bill, it can be hard to understand what the terms and numbers refer to. In addition people often find the bill boring.

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

DONG ENERGY ENERGY COMPANY — Contact: Louise Buch Løgstrup Industrial Ph.D. student Kræftværksvej 53, Skærbæk, 7000 Fredericia E-mail: Web: Direct: 99555618

Energy Get car buyers to choose electric vehicles In the future the energy system in Denmark will increasingly be supplied by electricity produced by wind power. To use this sustainable energy source efficiently and to minimize emission of CO2 it is purposeful to promote the use of electric vehicles. During times of shortage of electricity in the system, the system can benefit from energy stored in the batteries of electric vehicles that are not being used. • H ow can we improve the citizens wish to drive electric vehicles? • F urthermore how do we get the citizens to offer their batteries as available to ’the system’ so ’the system’ can benefit from the stored energy?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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City, Society and Architecture

DONG ENERGY ENERGY COMPANY — Contact: Louise Buch Løgstrup Industrial Ph.D. student Kræftværksvej 53, Skærbæk, 7000 Fredericia E-mail: Web: Direct: 99555618

Energy Get consumers to plan their energy consumption The future’s intelligent energy system will be based on more electricity. This will be a challenge for us as energy consumers if we continue as present. The increasing amount of electricity means that there will be more pressure on the cables, through which the electricity is transported from the place of production to the consumers. In addition an energy system based on a lot of wind power requires the system to be more intelligent, because wind power is not as stabile an energy source as for example coal. You can always add more coal to the furnace and thus balance the energy production with the demand. This is not the case with electricity produced by wind power. The production of wind power electricity depends on the weather and is unpredictable; therefore it requires a more intelligent system to regulate production and consumption.

Simply put, wind power based electricity can be regulated in 2 ways: • by supplementing with fossil fuel during exposure periods • a collaboration with willing consumers to use electricity during periods when there is most energy produced by wind power available in the system. For example to do laundry during the night rather than during exposure periods • H ow can we get energy consumers to understand the system and change their habits so they can cooperate with the system to create a more sustainable energy production?

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Education & Play

MIDDELFART SPAREKASSE BANK — Contact: Kristian Gren Head of IT, communications and marketing Havnegade 21, 5500 Middelfart E-mail: Web: Direct: 27 90 05 11

Economy The elderly do not use credit cards and online banking ”Trick theft” (when a thief tricks you into letting them in your home. Usually by pretending to be a nurse, policeman or just to borrow a phone) often happens to the elderly. The reason for this is, that they often have a lot cash in their homes and have the habit of having a lot of money on them. Amongst Middelfart Sparekasse’s elderly customers it is only half of those in the age group 70-80 years of age and only 43% of those who are 80+ who have a debit card. If the elderly where to increasingly use debit cards and online banking, it would help towards preventing ”trick theft” and at the same time give the elderly a new understanding of the use of modern technology. Middelfart Sparekasse has taken the first steps toward spreading the knowledge to the elderly. This has been done at information meetings held in cooperation with DaneAge Association.

• W hat barriers are blocking the use of debit cards and online banking? • W hich players are important to put into play? • T houghts about concepts directed towards the older generation It is important to stress that Middelfart Sparekasse will continue to maintain the close contact with the customers and the digitalization, which does not mean closing cashier desks and/or whole branches.

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Education & Play

MIDDELFART SPAREKASSE BANK — Contact: Kristian Gren Head of IT, communications and marketing Havnegade 21, 5500 Middelfart E-mail: Web: Direct: 27 90 05 11

Economy Invisible services deprives awareness The services a bank supplies today and our core service – money – is greatly digitalized and therefore intangible for the customers. Furthermore the customers visit the bank less and less and the relationship between the advisers/bank and the customer is therefore weakened. Our challenge is to maintain Middelfart Sparekasse in the customers’ consciousness, so the customers remain loyal. • H ow can we make our services tangible and add ”flesh and blood” to the services that today are characterized by ”bit and bytes”?

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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MIDDELFART SPAREKASSE BANK — Contact: Kristian Gren Head of IT, communications and marketing Havnegade 21, 5500 Middelfart E-mail: Web: Direct: 27 90 05 11

Economy Young people’s lacking interest in economy We as a bank have a social responsibility to spread knowledge about economics, while also having a business interest in that our future customers are good customers. • W hat is the reason for the lack of knowledge/interest?

Economy is an odd size for young people now a days. The lack of economy education in school and at home does not help. In addition young people have grown up in a world where money isn’t made of paper, but is merely a number on a screen and an intangible size in the shape of a plastic card. Because of this many young people are economic illiterates. This has grave consequences when the day comes when they have to take care of their own economics.

• H ow can we create interest in economics amongst young people? • W hat medias do young people use and how can we use them? • O ur product/services aren’t particularly ”sexy”. Can we change this? • Y oung people is a difficult segment to define. There is a big difference between communication with a 15 year old and a 20 year old. How can we reach as many as possible? THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Education & Play

FREDERICIA MUNICIPALITY SOCIAL HOUSING DEPARTMENT — Contact: Anni Lindum Education Consultant Sønderparken, Søndermarksvej 74A, 7000 Fredericia E-mail: Web: Direct: 40 24 02 36

Competency Create incentive acquire new skills and to meet new people and learn about new cultures We are working on two housing areas; ”Korskærparken” with approx. 890 leases and ”Sønderparken” with approx. 800 leases. The background for our work with the inhabitants is described In the following documents: Korsk%C3%A6rparken.pdf/$File/Korsk%C3%A6rparken.pdf S%C3%B8nderparken.pdf/$File/S%C3%B8nderparken.pdf

This may sound like an easy and banal assignment, but many residents are burdened by negative social heritage, low income, unemployment etc. and are ill physically and/or psychologically. Approximately 20 % are of other ethnic origin than Danish. • H ow can we despite the challenges motivate the residents to participate actively?

In both areas approximately half of the resident have a gross income of 0-149.999, - DKK. Our job is primarily to create better conditions for the residents, so they get the courage and the incentive to develop their skills professionally as well as culturally, personally and socially.

THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Education & Play

FREDERICIA MUNICIPALITY SOCIAL HOUSING DEPARTMENT — Contact: Anni Lindum Education Consultant Sønderparken, Søndermarksvej 74A, 7000 Fredericia E-mail: Web: Direct: 40 24 02 36

Competency Increase incentive for voluntary work in the areas There are three types of volunteers: 1. Those who help once or twice. We simply call them volunteers. 2. Those who are both volunteers and also leaders of activities such as zumba, homework café and IT training. These volunteers we call voluntary key people

Once the master plans come to an end, the plan is that the residents must take over a lot of the tasks in the areas. Therefore it is important, that we attract resourceful residents, who will make a voluntary effort for the other residents in the area.

3. Those who are like voluntary key people, but who also recruit new volunteers and help other key people start activities. We call them voluntary ambassadors. They mostly have coordinating roles. We have developed an education for volunteers that has gotten more volunteers on broad. They have even formed an association. • H ow can we create even more incentive for residents to become volunteers? THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Social Fund THE EUROPEAN UNION The European Regional Development Fund

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Education & Play

FREDERICIA MUNICIPALITY SOCIAL HOUSING DEPARTMENT — Contact: Anni Lindum Education Consultant Sønderparken, Søndermarksvej 74A, 7000 Fredericia E-mail: Web: Direct: 40 24 02 36

Competency Create awareness of the different ethnic heritages competencies As both areas are characterized by a diversity of residents with different ethnic heritage, it is a challenge to create awareness of all the advantages and competencies that the different cultures hold. We have had success with arranging dining events with dishes from different countries.

• H ow can we get the residents excited about a market, a ”Gettogether” design bazaar, and get them to want to participate with their own goods/services? • How would it look?

The communication with the residents is difficult because of the language barriers. The residents do not particularly seek the information on their own either. They are not actively curious about others cultures, quite the contrary actually. We kind of imagine that we can increase the interest in the differences between and competencies of each nationality, by having a bazaar created by the residents themselves. Some are phenomenal at sewing or IT, others do nails or hair, and so on.

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