DesignThinkers Academy Course Catalogue

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Course Catalogue

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DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

DesignThinkers Academy Course Catalogue


People and teams in organizations are under growing pressure to be more flexible, entrepreneurial and customer centered. These capabilities need to be developed and maintained. DesignThinkers Academy aims to inspire these people and teams by organizing thought-provoking events and lectures, training and personal coaching programs to

help organizations build the necessary capabilities, culture and mind-set. Service Design Thinking enables you to develop and deliver innovative ideas, change and solutions to complicated problems. It is an activity-based process with a strong emphasis on teamwork and co-creation.

Two-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals Course

One-Day Trend Research meets DT Course

DesignThinkers Bootcamp Week

Two-Day Co-creation and DT in Sales Course

Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course

One-Day Visual Thinking Facilitation Sprint Course

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One-Day Customer Journey Mapping Course

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Two-Day Advanced DT Facilitation Course

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Two-Day Employee Experience DT Course

Four-Months Creative Leadership Course

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DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Course List


This high energy two-day course will give you a common level of understanding of the Design Thinking principles, key tools & terminology.

Join a hands-on experience during which you will be “Learning-by-Doing“ how to master the following tools and the Design Thinking principles.

Stakeholder Mapping

Design Research


Customer Journey Mapping

Service Scenarios



Two-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals Course

Design Thinking Fundamentals Course


This high energy one-week course enables you to master many Service Design tools and the Design Thinking principles. A focus of this program will be on exploring the

questions of how to integrate these tools in an organization and how to create buy-in within an organization and with your sponsors.

Stakeholder Mapping



Customer Journey Mapping

Framing Tool


Service Scenarios



DesignThinkers Bootcamp Week

DesignThinkers Bootcamp Week


We designed a ‘Learning-by-Doing’ experience in a twoday classroom setting followed by one Personal Online Coaching session for you to learn how to facilitate Design Thinking workshop sessions for mixed audiences.

The objective of the course is to understand your facilitation skills’ strengths and improve them through a combination of facilitation experiences and coaching.

Facilitation Skills Assessment

Core Design Thinking Workshop Flow

Problem Statement & Reframing

Energy Management

Facilitation Team Management

Facilitating a Design Thinking workshop


Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course

Design Thinking Facilitation Course


This high energy one-day course focus on its hands-on part, ‘Learning-by-doing’. The main tool we will practice during the course is the Customer Journey Mapping.

Stakeholder Mapping

This qualitative design research tool will provide you with customer insights to improve the customer’s experience and put yourself in your customer’s shoes.


Customer Journey Mapping


One-Day Customer Journey Mapping Course

Customer Journey Mapping Course


This two-day program will bring you the latest insights and best practices on how Design Thinking can create value to your human resources management. How can you develop

a strategic employee focussed vision for HR? Or how can you create employee engagement? Interesting challenges where you can use Design Thinking at its best.

Towards a humancentred organization

Design policies & Tools using Personas

Identify Employees’ Moments that matter

Customer Journey Mapping

Service Scenarios



Two-Day Employee Experience DT Course

Employee Experience DT Course


This hands-on, interactive one-day course will give you an understanding of Trend Research principles, methods & tools. Working in teams, you will practice spotting signs of change, analysing what lies underneath and applying

Explore Trend Research cycle

your trend insights within the Design Thinking process. The focus of this course will be on ‘Learning-by-Doing’. It doesn’t explains the DT process in-depth, we assume you already have a basic understanding of it.

Conduct qualitative Trend Research

Apply Trend insights in DT Tools to create Personas


One-Day Trend Research meets DT Course

Trend Research meets DT Course


This two-day course offers you an inspiring combination of academic excellence and a hands-on workshop, with cases from various industries both to explain the theory and to

Key trends and changes in sales

learn how to apply it. You will learn how design thinking, value co-creation, innovation and sales converge, creating new business development strategies with customers.

Explore co-creation opportunities with your customers

DT Tools & Train-thetrainer program


Two-Day Co-creation and DT in Sales Course

Co-creation and DT in Sales Course


This high energy one-day course will introduce you on the basics to integrate Visual Thinking methods and techniques to your daily working activities. Through a various set of exercises, you will learn the potential of using Visual

Basics to create your own visual language

Thinking to better collaborate with your colleagues and you will experience that everyone can start using this new language to communicate ideas, strategies and objectives.

Practice visualisations

Apply Visual Thinking to Design Thinking


One-Day Visual Thinking Facilitation Sprint Course

Visual Thinking Facilitation Sprint


This high energy two-day course will help experienced DT facilitators to strengthen their facilitation and design thinking skills through a combination of facilitation experiences and coaching with a balanced mix of

Understand yourself as a facilitator

theory and practice. We designed a ‘Learning-by-Doing’ experience in a classroom setting followed by a Personal Online Coaching session.

Understand group dynamics

Advanced DT Tools


Two-Day Advanced DT Facilitation Course

Advanced DT Facilitation Course


A hyper fast changing and complex world requires our leaders of today to adapt. During this 4 months program you will develop and strengthen your creative leadership skills. As a result you will learn to become a skilled navigator, maintain the overview and challenge and inspire your team-members to deliver top-nudge results in an environment that is best fitted to their needs. The topics we will touch upon are; delivering innovation, working human centred by applying design thinking, driving cultural change within an organization, happiness at work.You will be working within a team of 5-8 people

Creative Leadership

with different nationalities and professional backgrounds on an exciting real-life NGO project with a focus on learning by doing. Therefore only 2,5 days a month you will be on location and the rest of the work is done via online channels, supported by our coaches. The trainers and coaches are all experienced hands-on practitioners. The coaching team is lead by Anne Stenros and Arne van Oosterom. Anne is the former Chief Design Officer City of Helsinki, Design Director at KONE and Professor in design business management and leadership at Aalto University.

Team Dynamics



4-Months Creative Leadership Course

Creative Leadership Course


Arne van Oosterom

Tim Schuurman

Marcello Risolo

Arne, thought leader in the field of Service Design Thinking and founder of DesignThinkers Group and DesignThinkers Academy.

Tim, partner at DesignThinkers and a motivated and energetic senior facilitator within Change Management and Service Design Thinking field.

Marcello brings a multidisciplinary approach to Service Design Thinking projects by bringing strong visualizations skills to the table.

Jeroen van der Weide

Thomas de Bresser

Jeroen is specialized in developing innovative climates in organization: helping people find solutions for business problems and facilitating creative processes.

Thomas spent the last three years in launching an innovation hub with a focus on human centered innovation.

The DesignThinkers Academy offers a unique team of internationally recognized and highly experienced Design Thinking practitioners from the business, design and academic world.

This is an introduction of some of our professional coaches and facilitators. They will share their experiences during the courses offered by DesignThinkers Academy.

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DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Our Trainers


Arnoud Koning

Marjolein van Eersel

David Kester

Arnoud will be your Business Coach. Within Procter & Gamble’s Global Business Services organization, Arnoud set-up a global Design Thinking program.

Marjolein has a solid expertise in embedding innovative mindsets and ways of working in corporate environments, to organize design thinking courses.

David will be your Design Coach. He worked in the creative industries for 25 years and is former Chief Executive of the UK Design Council.

Ralf Beuker

Els Dragt

Ralf will be your Academic Coach. He considers himself as a Strategy Thinking Coach targeting decision makers in the the creative/design oriented industries.

Els is a trend researcher with over fifteen years of experience in spotting and analysing seeds of change for (inter)national clients, from non-profit to commercial.

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DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Our Trainers


The DesignThinking Fundamentals is organized by DesignThinkers Academy. DesignThinkers Academy aims to inspire by organizing thought-provoking events and lectures, trainings and personal coaching programmes to help organizations build the necessary capabilities, cultures and mind-set. The DesignThinkers Academy is initiated by DesignThinkers Group, a leading ‘design driven’ innovation

agency helping organizations around the world making the transition from being strictly product oriented and sales driven, towards being service oriented and human centered. The DesignThinkers Academy Network is an open platform to facilitate and inspire a rich conversation between creative thinkers&doers, to trigger a positive impact on peoples lives, careers and our ever-changing world.

“Design Thinking is the glue between all disciplines.”

Arne van Oosterom, Founder DTAcademy (2012)

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DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

DesignThinkers Academy


Global Head Office Nieuwe Leliestraat 13,1015SH Amsterdam +31 (0)20 471 00 70

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DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

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