Idea Brainwriting
The Idea Brainwriting is a simple and direct tool to start cocreate new ideas in a team. It pushes everyone to contribute in enriching and making ideas more detailed.
Every team member has to get one copy of the canvas. The activities works in rounds and it may be useful to use a timer to speed up the process. Every round should last 1 minute. 1. First idea: every team member writes on a post-it a first idea to solve the challenge and place it in the gray square; 2. Pass it on: once the first idea is done and the first minute is over, everyone gives the canvas to the next person on the right; 3. Read: quickly, everyone reads the idea just received; 4. Improve: everyone adds one or more new post-its to improve and refine the idea just received; 5. Pass it on: the rounds go on until everyone has received back its first idea; 6. Explain: one person at the time, everyone reads out loud the rich and detailed idea and the authors of the improvements can intervene to explain their additions.
EXAMPLE A team gets together around a table, put in the middle the challenge to be solved and everyone gets a canvas, post-its and markers. One team member is put in charge to the time keeping and the round of ideation can start.