NONSTOP... the life of a high school student. It is always jam packed, sometimes exciting sometimes boring, but it is always full of memories. It can go by fast or slow but it doesn't stop. Time goes by, students come through these halls and leave them years later. Yet, we can all agree life is nonstop and we all come away changed. There are three major times of every vean summer, school, and school’s out and it is a never ending cycle. For some students summer seems like an extension of the school year. Athletes have two-a-days, band practices their marching, and some students have summer assignments to do. In between our nonstop schedules we seem to still find time for good times and sunshine. By the end of summer we either look forward to school to see our friends, or we dread it because we have procrastinated until the very last second. Yet, time stops for no one and the school year starts again. When the school year finally
begins we get to see our friends, show off new cars, and have to get back in our school routines. During the year the average student’s schedule is packed with practices, late night study sessions, sporting events, and anything we can squeeze in our tiny bits of free time. We get reprieves for holidays, yet we come back and again fill our lives with stress and memories till the end of the year. We go through the year and wonder where ^1 our time has gone. All our tests are done, sports are less vigorous, and both students and teachers can’t wait for the beloved final school bell. At long last we get a reprieve, but soon we will start it all over again. Another year passing and another grade completed. Although high school is exhausting it shapes us into the seople we are or will become, n the end is it worth it? Would you have changed your high school experience? Peyton White & Shaylynn Harmon
iState Qualifiers
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We know what you did...
while they played ” My job w as actually very enriching fo r me. It helped me develop b etter ways of approaching issues and different ways to speak to different kinds o f people. It also made me m ore outspoken. I learned new skills ranging from social situations to what kind o f shoe is best fo r running. I enjov w orking at Cham ps and I plan to w o rk there fo r the rest o f my high school ca re e r,’'s a id Mi’kaila Billingerd I).
The first day of S U M M m
.___I VillanuevaC II), l^an Lewis( 11) and Mary jrlckl rneetan original ___m^r|niBr from The ^Pfiaatam of the Opera on their theatre trip to New ^ orkC ity._,
” 1got really good tips w hile w orking at Sonic this sum m er and som e o f my co-w orkers are fun,” said Hayley HartnessC I I ). ” 1don’t have anything nice to say about my job, but I really enjoy having m oney,” said Brandon Ruddick( 12).
This sum m er the 2 0 13-20 14 ch ee r team too k a trip to cam p hosted by UNT.
” 1w e n t to the C o ke Z e ro 400 in Daytona, Florida V* / ^ t I f'I r-\ ^ ^ L-. ^ I ^ ^ _ witin nny grandpa, uncle and ^cousin,” said Chelsea Bailey-M eares(l l’). ’T h e best thing I did this su m m er w as w ake up on June first and not go to scho ol,” said Colin Step hens(IO ). ”1w e n t to N ew Y o rk and it w as the best w e e k o f my life. It w as very hustle bustle, but also culturally d iverse,” said Allyson H ardm an( 12). "The best thing I did this su m m er w as spend tim e with my fam ily and m eet up with old friends from Japan w h ile I w as in A tlanta,” Said Trinity Davis( 12).
Learning th eir routine the _ ......^ E l i ^ e t h B a le s (l2 ) w o rk s on h e r p e lfo rm a n ce sl<llls.
-------------- Les Ball tim es Workinfe to geth er JR O TC students Kristyn Cagle and running th e mile, T am m y G e rstn e r plan th e schedule.
^ h ly n n Hoff( 10) w aits fo r the re f to m ake a step. call.
Making a block. Chance A rn d t(9 ) takes out an opponent.
Coach Danny N ix gets everything in the book room ready fo r the first day o f schol.
W atching from Listening, Lauren the sidelines DuncanC 12) waits Bryan LewisC 1 I ) to hear the days takes a b r e ■ assignment in yearbook. June Jul;-
"Blacksox is a grind. Its non-stop baseball for two months . You have to love the game and embrace the grind.” Blair HawthorneO 0)
Selling T-shirts to raise money Angela Ortizd I) supports the Blacksox Baseball team during the early days of summer.
Although many students would rather be out in the pool or sleeping in, making a living is what some students do between school sessions. Summer jobs are a great way to earn some extra money, and allow you to adapt to the working environment. It shows kids responsibility and focus. -Hayley Hartness
’The best p.iiM of working at United is nieeting new people .ind being abli- lo 'n,ii<e tliem smik:',” Jacobe CollmvC I I ). June July A ujhi',
m ft: J P I!'!IT ! f t
While talking to Summer Pride participants, Coach Scott ioswell focuses on the fundamentals of football..
Getting up and being on the field by 7:45 am for J hours of grueling, sweat drenching drills 3y choice? That’s the nonstop dedication of the Burkburnett Bulldogs’ football players. Preparing for the football season, players pushed themselves to perfection. Taking on weight training, stamina building, and agility courses were the plans for the players to set up ror Fall. Staffed by the high school coaches, the program involved both high school and junior high players with about 50 students in attendance each day. -Hayley Hartness
U\/hat's the hardest part about volleyball^ "For me it’s the setter, so making sure my sets are perfect so that my spikers can slam the ball.” Emilea Peoples ( I I ) said. lennifer Working together Jen Joss ((II IOgives ) gives Trinity IDavis ( 12) a perfect set for her to spike.
"Getting to play with mv favorite 3eople..my teammates Ashleigh Jowen ( I I ) said.
W h a t 's y o u r F A V O R IT E P A R T A B O U T PLA YTN G V O L L E Y B A L L ?
’’The reason I love rne game so much is because of who my teamates are,” Alyssa Tabion 0 2) said. JuneJiil-
”l’m glad my senior year was spent in the Bulldog Brigade. It was a blast,” Elizabeth Bales( 12)
^ W h e r e T )o 1 Q o ? o e jg iK R t u g A new school year almost here. Some students are excited. Others are dreading the end of their summer fun, but where are the students supposed to go on their first day? to find out students picK up their schedules before the year starts and make any corrections they need. Little did students realize schedules were worked on all summer long by the counselors, registrar, and even principals to ensure everyone got the classes they requested. -Hope Cozby For her first day of school to run smoothly, Madelaine Johnston (9) picks up her first high n' school schedule during the 3r week of August.
r e
Attending teacher conferences and training prior to the school year IS an essential part of back to schoo for all teachers. Mrs.Jeannine Miller and Ms. Kery Cely sign in for a technology workshop two weeks prior to the first day of school.
P a r e 8
Missy M ^ e ld , BISD Curriculum Director, instructs a new group o f BISD teachers and staff. New personnel go through multiple days of training prior to teacher inservice days to be brought up to speed with the goals and structures of the district.. Before students enter the building Tammy Gerstner and Kristyn Cagle diagnosticians plan the schedule.
The Freshman Football team work on blocking drills and technique in the first days of Two-A-Days and kick off thelr^high school football career.
m m e r Band On the field by 7 am, luncl, together at I I and dismissal at 4 ;pm...band two-a-davs are long 'days filled with hard work and patience. Though the brigades 'days are long they are also fun as they build friendships and memories. Their harworl< shows in the end when they win UIL competitions, and wow the crowd at Friday night football games. ___ -Poiqe G/er Breaking up the long days of band camp, superhero day found Jared Moon ( 12) sporting his cape and practicing his moves for the marching season. Working on a set of straight bar curls, Brady Brunson(l2) and Zac HollingsworthC 12) prepare for their senior season of football.
After a hard days practice Briana Hancock( 10) and Shana Garrett( (O) take a rest on the concrete marching field.
Practicing drill fundamentals, the Brigade started each day with marching sets and rh^hm drills.
I ’if f W oKS'l
What was the worst part of two-a-days? "The worst part about Two-A-Days w as the first day of conditioning. 1felt lilce my heart w as about to explode," Rizonn Hendricks( 10) said.
Strength is a big part in a football game. Doing his part for the team, Caleb Jansen ( I) does a set of kettlebells.
all he has into his workout Marquez King ( 12) does so to increase his upper body strength for his upcoming senior season.
June July
Before the beginning of school incoming cadets In the ROTC program are able to get a lead start. During Future Leaders Orientation Week (FLOW) cadets Mrtlcipate In learning the JROTC customs and Resting after his run, Dustin DeCelles ( 12) takes a courtesies, basic drill breather and drinks some water while Joshua movements, PT and Team Agosto ( 10) reports his time. sports. Every cadet that completed FLOW and passed the final test earned a ribbon and are more prepared for the leadership positions during the year.
Finishing another lap, ason Wic k ( l 2 ) continues with his pace to finish his run.
Kicking off the football season, students show off their Hawaiian style on Hula Day. Grass skirts, leis, Hawaiian shirts and of course sunglasses were the dress code for the day on the first Friday of the school year. Showing their school spirit, teachers and students donned their best attire to support the Bulldogs in their game against Gainesville. 'Liieisea -Chelsea naiiey-Meares Bailey-Meares & _ Dakota akota Stull
During class, Jordan Camden ( I I ) , Grantjimenez (10*5, Delayne Dickey Yetter ( 10), Ginnie Potts ( I I ) pause to pose for a quick snapshot.
h o o t s
B r a h . N t ' s D a
In the first game of the season against Gainesville, Bobby Ingram ( 12) sprints down the field.
The offensive line gets ready to take on Gainesville.
; Speaking to the cadets, Lt. Col. Les Ball motivates them for the run ,'they are about to begin.
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Watching as the offense takes the field, Brady Brunson ( 12) anxiously awaits the defensive players to return to the sideline.
T 1
O m r iS jr e it b u i t t h e i r
How did yon feel on the first day? "It was like the last of our childhood before we go into the real world,” Jazzmine Hayes( 12) said.
M m Showing their spirit between classes, Bryson Young ( 12) and Kylee Trahan (12).
Ready fo r the beach and a b reak fo r a q^uick pic, Paige Chunnley (10) supports her Bulldogs.
"I actually wasn’t nen/ous on my first day since I had been coming up here everyday after school since sixth grade," Marah Sanders(9) said.
June July A c ,ust
Ih ^ m o s t ditticuit
Class so ”A t the beginning o f the year I thought Algebra 2 was going to be the hardest class because I’m not good at math,” Krista FortnerO I) said.
Decade Day
3>(K„ Nerd Day
” 1thought that AP Biology was going to be extrem e ly diflRcult *■ because it’s a college course,” 5' Chelsea Bailey-M earesd I) said ” 1thought chem istry was going to be the hardest class I’d have i this yea r,” M ercedez MorganC I I ) said.
^ 1 ^ Superhero Day . M i JP s a id
I laleigh Karr( I I ) w ears blue to support her class. 12
Septem ber
The band plays w hile evet7 one waits fo r the hom ecom ing skits to start.
C am eron C a h a y la ( l2 ) ^ i , Jason A llre d (l2 ) fight crin'f. n the halls o f BHS. i
Old High
. fcAtfredCI 0), Angel SftTis( 11X Ja^%oswe1r( 10), i.auren Duncan(l2), Peyton W hite(R), Rizonn Hendricks(IO) and Elizabeth Perry-(IO)._____________
8 Vote for
!-lomecoming Nominees 125
Everyone’s favorite part of September was
What was the part of homecoming week
Septenpber was a busy month for a lot of people, but I think we ran all agree that ttie best part of the month w.is homt-coming woi k Homecoming week was full of float building skit pi.ictice lasting late into the night Uiuqhter ind of course anticipation for Friday night's game ai>ainst Mineral Wells Th.it's what homecoming is all about right’ Tin big game with stands packed full of people waiting fot kickoff, oversized mums that make you walk funny and Ihi skits early hnday morning that you and yout fiiends ■|>rdcliced for hours All of those things were significant but when you look back on homecoming week of 2013 you'll II mcmbei a lot more than ttial You'll teministe about all the memories you madt ttiat v/eek and you mav evt.n wish you wen back in high school For 'ome people, mote specifically the senior class homecoming was the beginning of the end of high school traditions
,|;A/hile interview ing A rth u r * HamiettC 12), Joshua MallettC 12) :: akes notes.
’’Th e best part o f hom ecom ing w e e k w as w hen my class w o n first place with o u r G rease skit.” Brenna RuvalcabaC I I ) said. ” My favorite part o f hom ecom ing w e e k was the pep-rally because it brought the w hole school together," Madison L e w i s ( l 2 ) said. "The best part o f hom ecom ing w e e k w as not having any h o m e w o rk and I liked the various days w h e re w e got to dress up,” Jared M oon( 12) said. ” 1think the best part o f hom ecom ing w e e k w as the game because I looked really cute and w e w o n ,” Alyssa VillanuevaC 10) said. ”To m e the best part o f hom ecom ing w e e k was the days w e got to dress up. I liked to see all the different outfits people picked out to w e a r,” Danielle Davisd I) said.
Excited students all try to catch a shirt th ro w n JRO TC presents the flags during the from the K FD X Sports G uy Tobin McDuff. National Anthem at a pep rally Septf
Beginning with practice prior to the 2013-2014 school year, the Boomtown Babes transformed their long hours of practice and preparation into a dance that wowed” the crowd. The precision drill that involved specific timing, steps and coordination were a fen favorite
for the year. Danced to the music of Michael Jackson’s ’’Black or White” played by the Burkburnett High School Bulldog Brigade, the drill involved an Illusion created by connected uniforms and alternating patterns. At each venue, both the lome and visiting crowd were
On September 6, 2013 Burkburnett High School in conjunction wltn the Bulldog Football Booster Club honored Mr. Joe Upchurch for his dedcation and support of Bulldog athletics. Mr. Upchurch dedicated his time and talents to the football and powerlifting
teams over the past years. On September 22, 2013 Mr. Upchurch lost his courageous battle with cancer. The Derrick Yearbook Staff would like to offer our condolences as well as continued love and prayers for the entire Upcluirch Family.
Septem ber
impressed by the creativity and talent of the ladies. The Babes are under the direction of choreographer Courtney Branch and director Laurie Hollingsworth.
”1am so proud of the PAL’s this year. They have been so dedicated to making a difference on campus, at the neighboring elementary schools and in the community, Brittany Andrajacic said.
’’Responsibility is the most important thing in PALS,” Parker Halverson said.
T n ^ n in f i Be the change you wish to see in the woru After a long day of team building and leadership class, PALs members S o p to smile and make a memory. >
II Taking a first serve, Kasey Col<er ( I I ) begins the point with a nice shot.
Every team season a important, difficult, and exciting match. Every year the team pulls it together and are determined to play their hardest no matter the outcome. This season it was Burkburnett’s match versus the Vernon Lions. Playing aggressive doubles, Kayla Tucker ( I I ) and Kelsey Sughrue ( I This time many of the work to overcome the Lions. matches came to duece and 'ery i the day. Although the match was a loss it the team played hard and were altogether pleased with their performance and kept their spirits high throughout the rest of the team season.
Using great form and footwork, Aaron Canham ( 10) hits a beautiful shot.
A C E S !!!
Each year the Boomtown Classic proves to be a competitive tournament bringing out the best local volleyball teams and players. This year definitely did not disappoint. Starting off the serve versus Notre Dame, Marley Cooke(9) aced 25 consecutive points to lead the Lady Bulldogs to a win. Going on to win the tourney, the Freshman Volleyball team set the tone for a great season.
Before hitting the ball over, Kaci Trahan (9) and Faith Hollingsworth (9) get in position to set the ball and score.
Septem ber
Making a beautiful shot, Jacob Organ ( 12) hits a running bacl<hand to win a crucial point in the match.
Hanging signs, Autumn JohnsonC 12), Brady BrunsonC 12), and Hayden McLellandC I I ) promote self acceptance during Suicide prevention week.
^ il/MM• • ^«nliuilkln«/■ Flyers were posted all over campus so people know that there are people that care and that they clo belong,
Everybody is encouraged to w rite love on th e ir arm s to help spread the w o rd about suicide prevention.
”1think Suicide Prevention W eek is a good thing, because it spreads awareness and raises the amount of opportunity for someone to get the help they need,” Cassie Sexton( 10; said.
Students gather in the hallway to investigate the crime scene during a Physics lab. Students were given the basics of the crime scene and used their scientific investigation to determine who was the culprit.. -Chelsea Bailey-Meares The freshman girl’s volleyball team gets ready to begin their game in the Cool in Boomtown tournament.
KC Al R£
Up, Up and Away In an effort to promote a drug free campus, students and faculty throughout BHS team-up to show their support for drug prevention by participating In the various themes selected for this year’s Red Ribbon Weel<. The dress-up themes selected for this school-year Included: ’’Nerd Day”- break out your suspenders and get nerdy, Superhero Day”- get ready to suit up and save the day, "Decade Day”- deck out in your grooviest gear, and ’’Celebrity ja y ”- be your favorite star. Each spirit-filled theme recognized throughout the w/eek was meant to promote awareness of the danger’s of drug usage among high school students. The week served as an Initiative to discourage drug dependency and, instead, motivate students to surround themselves with activities that will ultimately have a positive impact on their lives.
k°r"ad S
Between classes, Kody M lllsap(l2) protects the lalls In his Splderman suit.
;a W L d
P h S i b S '^ b b y T a s f n W in k le s
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lin g N c e tn d )/ 18
Septem ber
Dressed to impress, StatserC 12) stands tai Ribbon W eek in his Robin costume.
F o r H o im e c o im iin g
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Stephanie W in k ler (I I) quickly poses for the cam era
blocking out th e ir Batm an and Ninja Tu rtle su p er suits, Jason :A llre d (l2 ) and C am e ro n Cahayla (12) sinow th e ir sup p ort fo r {iRed Ribbon Weel< by gearing up fo r Sup erh ero Day.
Rockin' the Decades... Students and tea ch ers w e re seen rocking out to the styles o f the decades fo r homecoming^week. Many students and one adm in istrato r (u m m m ...M r.^ rad O w e n ) chose the 80’s as th e ir decade to honor. -D a kota Stull Briana Jones ( 12), Evie Vela ( 12), Jazzm ine Hayes ( 12)
Rocking the decades style, Marissa Isaacs (9), Chelsea Bailey-M eares (I I), Kathryn Isaacs ( I I ) , and Principal, Brad O w en get into the spirit o f D ecade Day.
IGetting th e ir nerd on, Trin ity Davis ( 12) C ase y Cannon ( 12) IC aylea A rm stro n g ( 12) Bryson Young ( 12) prove th at the * 'olleyball team has w h a t it takes to be nerdy.
C lo ckw ise: Miss Congeniality aka Morgan Perron 1 ( 12), The Heat aka Adrianne Fore ui lu Rhonda ; Fore, Beth the Bounty Hunter aka Kellie ' rris, and The Village PeonI? ^ka Cameron c_asT! o, Amy Cooke, Cari Huflington, John Blair, and Courtney Mitchell. Senft
Ballerinas Kelse Arlanna Camerll their cue.
and wait for
Walking through Wonderland Haley Hancock(9) helps scarecrow, Jacob Bachert(9), stand upright.
The Wizard of
The freshman class had an amazing performance at the homecoming pep rally. Their skit started off a little rocky after their cd stopped working, but once they started over the crowd couldn't take their eyes off of them. Their skit was humorous and we could all tell how much work they had put into it. In the end all that work paid off because the class of 20 17 walked away with second place. They were within a few points of beating the junior class, who had gotten first. ' across the wm , Lauren Miller(9), Haley -Shaylynn Harmon HahcocK(9), Mitcheinennings(9) and Jacob Bachert (9) prepare for the skit’s finale.
During the finale Mi’Kaila BillingerC I I ), Madison Hancock(I I ) and Blake Alley(l I ) dance with their fellow class mates.
All of the skits on the morning of homecoming day were pretty good but one group stole the show. You all know who I’m talking about, the junior class. Their skit was well organized, creative and most importantly entertaining. They had great props and enthuiasm, but what made them stand out the most was their energy. The freshman were their biggest competition but they were able to pull through and get a well deserved first place. -Shaylynn Harmoi Using great team work Austin Jimenez! I I ) and Abigair O’neil ( I I ) , the Pink Lady, dance in the 20
During the Junior class skit Courtney Weai-y( I I ) dances.
After hearing news from Makayla Hancock(9), Haley Hancock(9) looks concerned.
ry Challenging Burk Blake The wo The sophomores sophomores worked every StockingerC 10), Ashlynn HoffC 10), night lea nighton onthe the days days leading up to Alex HoltzenC 10) and Brandon thp cm They put the hnmorr,mina homecoming skits. lngram( 10) play as the Mineral in a lot of time working on their Wells team. skit and float for the big day. Unfortunately all of their hard work only got them fourth place. -Shaylynn Harmon
The sophomore class chant after finishing their skit. Looking cool, Havden McLellandC I I ), Blake Alley( I I ), Jalen McClainT I I ) watch the opposing team dance.
For their last homecoming skit ever the senior class of 2 0 14 performed High School 'Musical. They put in long hours after school at skit practice and float building, but fell short to the freshman and junior classes skits on homecoming day. Even though they weren’t able to get first they still had a great performance. -Shaylynn Harmon
■ Before the skit Tristan Niles(l2) and Peyton Reinke( 12) wait to perform.
The senior class poses for a picture before the big performance.
/Vhile performing,Jordan ^utledgeC I I ) ancf Bryan . ‘_ewis(T I ) wow the crowd.
Playing the enemy, Mineral Wells, Hayden McLellandCl I), Haley BrockC I I ), Jalen McClainC I I ) and Blake AlleyC I I ) approach the BHS students.
Arguing, Bryson Young( I 2) and Alyssa TabionC 12) try to convince everyone that they’re the real Gabriella. Septem
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Posing for a picture between classes is Cody Bragg (I I) and Haley Brock ( I I )
otem ber
Nurse Lea Ann Hardy is helping pin Carly Cerveny’s ( 12) mum on with Larry W erner (12)
ic k e t t
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HOM ECOM IN The autumn wind and cold temperature did not prevent the excitement of the homecoming crowning festivities. Cnosen by their jeers as representatives of :heir classes, the crowd awaited the announcement. The Bulldog Brigade and Boomtown Babes presented the students during the halftime ceremony. The freshman class selected as Its
prince George Roth (9) with its princess Heather Pickett (9). The sophomore royalty selected was prince Brandon Ingram ( 10) with princess Delayne Dickey ( 10). Sharing the field, Junior royalty prince Esteban Rios ( I I ) and princess Abigail O ’neil. As the final presentations were made. Senior nominees Josh Mallett ( 12) Mandi Saville (12), Brady Brunson (12), Carly
‘K in g fOSH 'JViALLETT ) i -S a v i l l e
& ‘B o b b y ‘B r y s o n
20 1
Cerveny ( 12), Justin Bell ( 2), Bryson Young, li ifoung, Bobby Ingram ( 12) and Alyssa Tabion Crowned as 2 0 13 Homecoming King was Bobby Ingram and Queen Alyssa T^ io n. - Katie Alfred
I ngram ‘Y o u n g
‘B r a d y ‘B r u n s o n C a r ly C erven y
J u s t i n ‘B e l l J tL Y S S A T a b io n
Exhausted after a long week, the junior class practices one more time the night before the pep rally.
From September 23-26 classes gather at different locations to practice and perfect their homecoming skits. Homecoming week is a long and stressfufweek filled with hard work and determination to be the winning class. -Brenna Ruvalcaba
*!perfecting their timing and spacing , Kara Miller " { I I ), Bryan Lewis ( I I ) practice Thursday night.
Challenging eachother to a dance ackson Ford ( 12) J Stout ( 12)
ac^ cJ Septem ber
ee yoy at tha Pole
Gathering with other students at the flag pole, Ginnie Potts ( I I), Angela Ortiz (II), Addison Warren (II), Morgan Perron ( 12) are ready for a great service.
- C h elsea B a iley-M ea res
ding praise and worship, Ryan Blackmon ( 12), Mason Winkles ( I I ) , Abigail O’Neil Leadin ( I I ) , r^kenzie Eddins (9) and Kelcee Eddins ( 12) sing during See you at the Pole.
Septem ber
30 King! And Kings Homecoming games, the Bulldog ..................'F Varsity Football ■ team provecf that taking crowns is art of the job. Bridgeport ligh chool took on the Dogs ogs during d their homecoming game and watched the -Bulldogs 'fc take
home the win. During the following week, the Bulldogs continued with the trend by taking down Mineral Wells. And third time proved to be another charm as Burkburnett took down Krum for their final homecoming win. With three
wins in a row at homecoming games, the Burkburnett Bulldog football team takes the title of Homecoming Kings.
ie repetitive schedaie of tiie every day grip of e Iio o woric
oining in w/orsiiip, Samantlna Horne (9), J^la ones (9), Taylor Dudley ( 10), and Abigail Dold ( 10) sing praises.
After the all clear,the drill ends and students and teachers alike retarn to the ^ businesf of the- ,, ^
Signing the National Anthem at the Homecoming game Kristal PattersonC 12), Hope CozbyC 12), Allyson HardmanC 12), and Betsi Chandler( I I) wave their flags.
Sporting her ’’Deaf for a Day” sticker, Madison Hancock( I I) shows her support with Jaley Matteson( 10).
Deaf To raise awareness of the deaf community i^arla Boswell’s ASL 3 class participated in ”A Day Without A Voice”. All day they were not permitted to speak, but were nstead encouraged to use white boards, pen and paper, and sign to communicate with their teachers and fellow students. This not only allowed students to view the world differently but to use their skills learned in class. As their final activity ASL 3 members took the field to sign The National Anthem prior to the varsity football game. -H ope Cozby
)n the first run of the game, Bryan Lewis ( I I ) trots into the nd-zone in the Bulldogs first win against Bridgeport.
In th eir second hour yearbook class Dakota StulK 10), Shaylynn HarmonC 12), Brenna RuvalcabaCl I), M ercedez MorganC 1 I ), Hayley H artness( I I ) and Krista F o rtn er(I I) are busy organizing papers.
Trying to stop i H irschi’s offense, t Larry W ernerC I ; ' tackles their quarterback.
O ctobc
iking the ball o ver th e r net, Bradv Bru nson ( 12) hopes to score against ainst the opposing team during the Annual Mud Volleyball Tourney.
umping up fo r a Jlock, Kaylea A rm strong( 12) and Trinity Da vi s(l 2) put all they have into a distict game against Hirschi.
Helping clean up
I aro un d the | I 1'
com m unity Jarrod
G ie r( I I ) and Sam ^.Osama(ll) participate in Teens ^ Make a D ifference Day.
,fter scoring on benior Senio r Nignt Night Kyiee Kylee Tira ra n h a n vv (9 ),;, jaiey Jaley ric MattesonC 10), Kaylea ^fter ^rmstrongC F2), C asey C an n o n ( 12) celeb rate together.
Tw inn in g in th eir neon shirts, Kelsey Douglas(9) and Keely -4Clark(9) pose fo r a picture.
Strutting through the halls Rizonn H en d ricks( 10) gets his picture taken^^
Burk what...?
Studeras take time out of their Saturday toNnelp out their community Mch year during the nationally spoYsored Teens Make a Difference Day. Even though It was pouring downlrain that did not stop these stunents from giving their best tojielp clean up our community. They cleaned up trash, worked onypeoples yards, planted flowers, M nted in the park, and helpedl^al civic and cnarlties to bettep^heir facilities These dents were very happy and willing to give back to our community.
Burk /quod
Is there a lot of pressure on the basketball team being No. 4 in the pre season rankings? "No, because rankings change all the time; we have to play like we have to win every game to show everyone we have what it takes to make it to Austin in March” Deondre Ivory ( 12) said.
-Mercedez Morgan
-Rizonn Hendricks Practicing free throws for the season opening game against Abilene Cooper Elijiah Strickland ( 12) and Justin Bell ( 12) get ready for the game.
Helping to decorate for the Hal oween dance at the VFW, Reece Hill ( I I ) Ana Martinez ( I I ) pay attention to the details and take pride in their work
Getting rid of the old cobwebs in 1 decorative cobwebs, Jarrod Adam | ( I I )Sam Osama ( I I ) prepare for t:
Brush on, brush off...As part of teamwork off and on the field, soccer teammatesjarrod Adams ( 12) Tristan Lambert! ( 12) Kody I^illsap Cl 2) Blake Stockinger ( 10) Jaden Lagunas-Lacy paint picnic tables at the park.
Df Paige Gier •W dance.
itarting out with empty trash !)ags, Lt. Col. Les Ball, Alex lA/ood (9), Bre Garrett (9), Thomas Gubernath (10), Christian Anderson ( 10), lamuel Disney (9), Samantha 5urns ( I I ) and Joseph Garcia 9) prepare for their task of treet clean up throughout he community.
Organizing books for FBC Burk’s library Esteban Rios ( I OAlex Holtzen ( I I ) Megan Eddins (10) Morgan Perron ( 12) volunteer their time for literacy.
These volunteers give back to their community by cleaning up tables at Abundant Life Daycare.
O cto b er
Red Ribbion Undoubtedly one of the most favorite weeks of the year, Red ribbon week is a week full of spirit, crazy hair, and matching outfits. Students begin planning their outfits and stunts as soon as STUCO sponsors release the week’s themes. Whether it be as a group or an individual, students and staff alike await each morning to see who has the best, most unique and creative outfit. All the fun of Red Ribbon week brings the staff and students together to say no to drugs as part of the national Red Ribbon week celbrations. - Brenna Ruvalcaba
Camo Cuties, Stephanie Winkler (I I) Jessica Pil<e ( 10) Angela Lamb take a moment to buddy up.
Lakers fans and best friends, Kali Mandeville and ( I I ) Shelby Merriman ( I I ) .
Sporting their Bulldog travel shirts, Taylor Mash“(9) and Dallas Wabbington (9) show unity in their pledge to stay drug free. W earily their matching volleyball shirts, Casey Cannon (12) and Kaylea Armstrong ( 12) demonstrated the teamwork on and off the court.
ust another Tuesday mornin <elli Morris displays the ’’mac scientist” look.
Spiked or braided, Brennan_____ ____ ____ j„„ McClain ( 12) prove that just a little hairspray a some creativity go a long way during Crazy Ha day.
O ctober
You can always be your own buddy as Jared Moon (IZ ) demonstrates. Awww, the love!
Lions and tigers and CHEETAH print, Morgan Perron ( 12), Jessica Carlson ( 12) style it up on Buddy Day.
oing their iIJst at taming teir manes, Ties Ivory , I) Emily iirieeo ( 12) iiradize ckson (9) jirry Knight 0) crowd e camera T a group ot.
Giving a thumbs up for being drug free, Noah Smith ( 10) cel^ rates his team’s World Champ status.
ilad Max, ;nm Math”??? hda Ellett :owing her ihool spirit
San Fran all the way, Devonte Ivory (12) sports his favorite jersey. Octob"
The Lady Bulldo® faced off against the Iowa Park Lady Hawks in this traditionally exciting and hard fought rivalry volleyball game.Trying their hardest, Iowa Park took the match by winning three games to the Bulldog’s one. -Hope Cozby Going for a spike, Kylee Trahan ( 12) throws the ball over for a kill.
Hitting the ball, Autumn Johnson ( 12) displays her talents while aley Matteson ( 10) stays back at :he ready.
Preparing for a big hit, Kaci Trahan (9) jumps for the ball, as Kaylea Armstrong (12) assists on the set
wK' I ih if' m Li
11 ^
lS ___________
Concentrating hard, Christopher Kllle (10) plays his instrument in this year’s band competition.
Watching the drum major out of the corner of their eyes, Emily Sariego ( 12) and Christy Howard ( 10) are focused on their marching and music during their performance time.
piollii is Lclhi©[TTi©W/ c@ll@ir lr@f ©ctob©
IThe Dog Squad full of school sprit supports breast cancer awareness week by wearing pink shirts. Dylan Stubblefield ( 12) Stephanie W inkler ( I I ) Nathaniel Elam ( 10) Joshua Mallet ( 12) Mayce Domenici ( I I ) Kody Millsap(l2) and Sean Clements (12).
Trainers Kaytlyn Boyett (12) and Brie Runeberg ( I I ) showing their support on the field by wearing pink.
PSAT best while jerforming, .auren Shaffer ( 12) is in deep concentration and blocks out crowd noise so that she can remember all of her sets and counts for the show.
Alex Vega (9) gets a book to prepare for the PSAT.
The PSAT is a test that students can take that helps them prepare for the SAT. It’s a practice exam, and very much like the SAT. The PSAT is a test that helps students get into college, and many students take advantage of this opportunity to them for their f
Studying fo r the PSAT, Ryan Richter ( 10) instructs Austin U nderw o od ( 10).
O cto b r =
forward to save the play.
Serving the ball, Khrizma Hampton (9) looks for the spot for an ace.
EYBALL ■nping for , yden .elland’s ) spike, I meron I hayla ( 12) nps for a ! )ck while ;1avaz Lkson looks
Continuing a Burkburnett tradiditon the high school developed eight teams to participate in Mud Volleyball, "lud Volleyball is a time when Deople can get together and lave a great time playing volleyball and in the mud. The students of Burkburnett High School love this time together.
During a match, Larry W erner ( 12) wrestles refi'ee Nathan Hancock ( 12) after a play. ”1 don’t mind getting dirty every now and then.” Larry W erner ( 12/
Watching for points, referee Connor Bales ( 10) strategically waits for a team to score.
’’All I can say about Mud Volleyball is that for the first time the world saw the Doves of Justice take flight... And we soared” Dustin Mitchell ( 12)
N ovem ber li The varsity football team defeats Iowa Park in a district game.
The boys basketball team has onef o f th eir first after school practicesi^ to prepare fo r the upcoming season.
N ovem ber S The varsity volleyball team plays a Chico during the playoffs.
N ovem ber 8 The football team plays at Grahar fo r th eir last district game.
N ovem ber I [jROTC participates in a Veterans Day parade.
N ovem ber li Kylee Trah an ( 12) signs with Louisiana Lafayette University.
N ovem ber it The football team travels to Springtown fo r a playoff game against Kennedale.
^November X M R O TC has an inspection that ■^they spent a lot o f tim e preparing for.
N ovem ber!' ’Catching Fire, the sequel to the Hunger Gam es, cam e out in theatres.
N ovel,
With hard work and dedication Madelaine Johnston(9) and Kody Anderson( I I ) were able to not only go to state, but place well while they were there. Coached by James Moseley and Loy Triana, both stucients represented BHS with pride.
In the chilly fall weather, the ROTC cadets marches In honor of our veterans.
The nursing instructor at Vernon college, showing the students the medical center.
Mrs. Gloria Bond and ^Mrs. Susie Nix with the group of students that chose to participate n the trip to Vernon college.
The Bulldogs, playing Kennedale for the second season in a row in the first round of the [ bring down a ball carrier late in the game. Kennedale advanced in the playofft last year after posting a win against the Bulldogs. This year the Dogs were defeated again but by a smaller marg n. Great season Dogs. Mover
Using a blending sticl< Miranda Jacl<son (12) shades her charcoal drawing
In Joe Cook’s art class are Krystal Young ( I I ) working with clay, and Shawna Blackshear (I I) using paper macne.
Making choices taht will impact your future as a high school senior may seem scary to some but to senior softball standout, Kylee Trahan it was a step she had long awaited. Despite having many offers, Trahan explained that becoming a member of the UTSA team was a natural fit. ”My other main choices were UTSA, but I picked UL because I think they are the best fit for me and also make me great they are my best chance of making it to the softball womens college world series." Trahan said.
etings Reminding students of the dress code rules, Principal Brad Owen and Counselors Gloria Bond and Susie Nix also encourages students to make the right choices for their lives now in hopes that they will all achieve the bright fijtures they are surely capable of.
D iggin'ij In Persevering throughout their season, the BiHS Lady Bulldogs made their way to playoffs where they gave their all against their opponents and ultimately ended their successful journey during the second round of playoffs. The game marked the end of another triumphant season for the Lady Bulldogs. -Lauren Duncan
In an attempt to gain the advantage against their opponent Madison Bla r (9) goes in to spike the ball. 40
S a/q ^ 0|y Qn .yktist Art is creation. When an artist starts a project, whetlier pencil, paint, sculpture, or other medium, they are preparing to make something out of nothing. Although it is many times overlooked, art is much more than doing pro ects. Art class chalenges students to take critisism, problem solve, and think creatively. Art more than just class, It teaches real life skills to benifit every student. -Hope Cozby Working diligently on her drawing is Ayla Ballard ( 12).
Using his finger to smudge, Kirklin Robinson (9) shades his drawing.
Teacher Brittany Andrajack helps Anthony Dunem ( 10) on his drawing.
Kaylea Armstrong ( 12) readily awaits as Trinity Davis ( 12) spikes the ball and gains a point for Burkburnett. Casey Cannon ( 12), Kaylea Armstrong ( 12), Bryson Young ( 12), and Kvlee Trahan ( 12) actively pass to one another during their final playoff game.
Noven';: \
1 fr^
Assisted by dedicated FFA parents lil<e "^ark Batista, Dalton Barfield (09) is get ready to start the bidding.
”l’m at $50 n I wan $55, $55, bid on $55, I’m at $50 v\/ould you go $55, $55” ... It’s auction time for the local chapter of Future Farmers of America. On November 16, 2013 members welcomed bidders and supporters of the program to the annual fall auction. Local businesses and private donors supplied the group with over 100 Items to auction for the chapter. FFA members were on hand to help display items during the auction and help set up service for the bean and cornbread meal. -Chelsea Bailey-Meares
Listening during the debriefing, JROTC Officers are attentive to the comments about their presentations and how to make improvements for their Unit.
On November 2 1, 2 0 13 the BHS JROTC began one of their most important events in years. On this day they were being inspected on effectiveness of the program. The program was observed throughout the day. Some of the events were a cadet mission briefing, classroom instruction, and a 30-step drill sequence. Overall tne cadets and their ^instructors performed ' i beautifully and showed that ^program accepts nothing but excellence. Through unstoppable determination the program shows promise for years to come. Peyton White
Novembf r
Marching in step, the second year cadets perform their drill sequence flawlessly.
Welcoming the buyers to the Annual FFA Auction, BHS faculty sponsor Brad Davis gives the buyers a heartfelt thank you for supporting the program.
ihowing off jonated irtwork, Hannah
■ountain (09) iwaits the calls )fthe luctioneer.
"R O TC is a student led program. This gives the cadets and opportunity to learn how to lead. Being in a eadership position gives cadets m otivation, and makes us want to make our corps, excel, which in turn, will make us succeed." Matihson Jones (12)
"Our JR O T C program is successful, because we have student leaders with the ability to take initiative and make great things happen." Dallas Grubbs (12)
"The BHS RO TC program is successful due to the immense effort put in the students to excel." Jordan Smith (12)
N ovel ,b£i
Awaiti ng their curtain call, Alyssa Villanueva( I I )During Sarah Furman( I I ) and Gavin Ruddick's( I I ) wedding scene, Makenzie Eddins(9) and Hayden ayden McLelland( I I ) pose for a quick pic delivers her lines during Theater's fall production. in the wings.
I ■ I
n e c p n ilx T
A Decen
As the season approaches, the varsity boys and f’irls practice hard mr tlTcir iL- ;r scrimrTifigi-" of ihi’ year. 46
Decem bi
-----------------------------Months of hard work and '-hearsal by the award winning ) HS Theater group came to life j jring ’’Our to w n ” by Thorton / 'ilder. Despite being canceled lod rescheduled due to <eather, the show went on and ■ ■iceived rave reviews. Directed )' theater teacher Tracy Pollard, J>e troupe displayed their 'lents for students, faculty, iirents and townspeople jrtraying life in Grover’s : Drner during 19 0 1. -Haytey Hartness
}ge Manager aka Jacob Bachert (9) reflects on the lives and Jions learned during the years at Grover’s Corner.
Directing the choir, Simon Stimson aka Hayden McLelland (I I), keeps the girls on key and focused on singing softly.
Blowing bubbles, Jackson Ford ( 12) makes nis guest laugh and smile with excitement
Lady Bulldogs soccer lights up the street with their festive float.
Having fun at the party, students 5 and children experience the joys of Christmas a little early.
T is t h e
While supei'visine, Ms. Leslie Coble and Mrs. Erin Hison watch over the StuCo decorations of the school’s Christmas tree. 48
D ecernb r;
Stopping for a quick picture, Moniqua Lee ( 10)
participates with LInited Supermarket’s float.
Smiling for a picture, Caleb Jansen ( I I ) and Kaylee Dobbs ( 10) pose witli this funny guy.
Getting to l<now their little girl, Madelaine Johnston (9) and Andrew Seale ( I I ) help to figure out the puzzle. Getting the sarty started, 'Irs. Pam Francis calls out names so the fun can begin.
Cheerfully smiling. Tori Murphy ( I I ) , Jailene Lopez ( I I ) , and Abbie Kurszewski ( 10) pose for a picture while they wait to greet the children.
What is better than seeing tons of small children smile? At the Headstart party students that participate are able to see this and be proud that they helped this happen. Students are to Duy gifts for the kids to open on Chr stmas and to spend the afternoon hanging out with the child. The children also have the opportunity to meet Santa and get the picture. The best part though is seeing the joy are students are able to bring to others. It is one of the best things BHS does for our community. Peyton White
Talking to their ^ ild, Bailey Brown (12) and Bethany Calloway ( 12) spend quality time with their little boy.
Showing one of the great gifts for the children, Garrett Liffickd I) takes a quick Dicture jefore he rejoining the party.
Showing off her sparkly, vibrant Christmas sweater Paige Harris (9), can’t help but smile.
Completing the look, Antonia Parkey (9) adds bows to her Christmas sweater.
mesier test w eek is usually all i out studying, stressing out and Jt, but the BHS StuCo •anged a festive Christmas ■eater contest to brighten up eryone’s mood. Students and icners wore their favorite iiistnnas sweaters, some hlonable and others
fashionably distastefijl on Wednesday of semester test week. Either borrowed from a relative’s closet or purchased fi-om Goodwill, this attire allowed students to take on semester test with a little fun.
It’s 2 thumbs up for the fun that Christmas sweater day brings from Kayla Tucker
(II ).
-M ercedez M organ D ec-:
^Ni g h t m a r e With marching season over, the color guard should be finished right? Not exactly. After football fields are no longer a part of the regular performance schedule, guard transforms into Winter Guard. Tal<ing their field show and expanding it to become one of their performance pieces. This year at the winter concert the guard danced to music from The Nightmare before Christmas. They used their costumes from
o f
Q u a r d the marching season show 10.31. and added more character to their performance for the holiday concert in December.
V " 'M In perfect un son, Lauren Shaffer ( 12), Anastasia Morton ( I I ) and Morgan Minard (TO) show their skills.
Color guard standing ready to dance to "Deck the Band Halls"
Clockwise-Kaila Frank ( 12) getting re idy to direct Deck the Band Hails, Director Dallas Bayless,Jazz banf! ■ il,lying the 12-Bar Blues and Mandi I'i I h ( 10) wearing her elf hat for the winter concert. (iVlin-l
t h e
£a £ a £a
. . . 'tfoLIDA Y S W IT H C h OIR Show Choir sings a :azz-edition o f ’’Rudolph ‘;he ^ed-Nosed Reindeer”.
Since the beginning of the year, choir has practiced daily on technique, range, and pitch as they come together as a choir. Each indivdual voice is a necessary part of the group, but it is the blending and harmonizing of each voice that mal<es BHS^ choirs’ performance one that is always a showcase of talent. The choirs’ vocal skills were on display during their performance in this year’s
^s the concert came to an end, /arsity and JV choir Delted out their last song, singing'"Winter Song” by Sara Bareille: les.
Christmas Concert at Burl<burnett Middle School. Each choir performed a variety of Christmas carols to celebrate the Christmas season. Under the direction of Mrs. Christina Hallwachs, the choirs were proud to display their talents and spreaci holiday cheer to friends, family and fellow students. -Paige Gier and Bre-Yanna Gutierrez ,JV Choir starts off their first concert of the season with a series of Christmas carols.
■fTaking on a vocally challenging song, Varsity Choir performs "Carol of the Bells" acapella during the Fall Concert.
Every year at the end of the semester, the guitar student play a concert, and show off the skills they have learned over the previous 18 weeks. On December 16, students performed Christmas songs that they had been practicing for weeks to perfect, and play for fellow students, parents, and faculty.
---- Jl-------
-Colin Stephens
fore the Concert be
While at Rider High School's Power Lifting competition Chris Rogers ( 12), Zac Hollingsworth (12), Daniel Castro ( I I ) and Jacob Boswell ( I I ) exceeded expectations. Each of them placed very well at the meet in hopes of qualifying for Regionals.
CX Debate
What are your
Top No Penning up the bunnies, Alejandro Guevara ( I I ) awaits to see if his hard worl< has paid off.
Beginnning with a purchase in late summer to early fall and ending with a series of stock shows from January to March, FFA students prove their dedication to the program with their entries in the local and county FFA shows. The local and county FFA project shows in January display the showmanship of the exhibitors and the hardwork put into their animals and pro ects over the six month perioc. After competing in these shows, students compete in Ft. Worth, San Antonio and Houston for bragging rights and awards. - M. Reed
Taking the lead, Bryson Young 0 2 ) displays her showmanship skills.
Makin eye contact with the udee, JIair FHawthorne (10) ooKs for cues to help guide his entry.
IVjCLS Everv year the chemistry classes nave a competition during Mrs. Kelli Morris’s classes. While studying chemical molecular structure, students are challenged to create a unique mole after they finish the molecular units. To decide the winners, students are given a ballot and allowed to vote for fheir favorite one. Bragging ri.ijhls and tlie bonus points in cl.IS', sen/cd ,r, reward for all 111' ■iKU'fl vVi -.i lv',
(iii ()l) Hoswell
rd TransforMOLE: Braxton Bowie ( 10)
MOLEverine: Noah Smith (10)
>nibitors at 1s year’s ) :af FFA show i play their ,"aras for 1?ir entries.
Try to be nicer, because I'm a souless ginger. -Kaytlyn Boyett
To work by hardest In basketball. -Zachary Rinnant patient witti To To better my tradp..^ -Cnris Gunn I don't believe in New Years resolutions, I don't think you should change who you are because the year did. -Blake Stockinger
I. -Maranda Overstreet
Gain 150 ounds and ^ange my name to
B -
^ a n * ^ Ic h te r
o only focus on t le important tilings in lite and grow as an m diviclual. -Bobby Ingram
MOLEcha Frappuccino Reagan Wiseman ( 10)
Firing up tine crowd during a timeout, the clieerieaders iead the crowd in a chant.
takedown Husldi Billed as the most anticipated match-up of the District 5-3A basketball season, fens were not disappointed. The rivalry between Burkburnett and Hirschi stems from two powerhouse basketball teams along with the geographical proximity of the schools. On the court, the girls and boys teams fece a mentally and physically tough challenge that provides the focus for the
excitement of the crowd. Upon entering the Bulldog y'm, the sounds of the game is eafening. Lead Iw the student section and 'The Reft”, chants, cheers and heckling drive the players’ spirit to win. With district championships and bragging rights on the line, the games never disappoint. Coming out with victories this year, the Bulldogs maintain their reign as Top Dog in the district.
- M Reed
Together they play great defense to stop the other team form scoring, Jennifer Joss ( I I ) , Angel Sims ( I I ) , Casey Cannon (12), and Trinity Davis ( 12).
Point guard Arthur Hamlett ( 12) claying offense against two Hirschi.
Every day, one out of every three high school seniors suffers from n o t being able to even, like, they ju s t ca n ’t anym ore. This condiition is most commonly known as "Senioritis” and it can be considered one of the leadiiip causes of absences among BHS seniors. Symptoms of Senioritis may vaty from student to student, but often include signs such as; absences of up to or exceeding 25 days, an unhealthy use of Twiitter, Inslagram, and Facebook to procrastinate homework, forg ettin g th a t th e re e ver even was h o m ew o rk, as well
as day-to-day wearing of sweat pants and hoodies, otherwise known as "bum m ing it". If you believe that you may be suffering from Senioritis, be sure to consult your bed right away. You may just need another personal day... -Lauren Dtincan
Missing an estimated 36 days throu^iout the school year.JT Aaron" ( I 2) is among the many victims of Senioritis.
N„j o m
)AYr . ”1watched movies with my I friends and went shopping.. You " could say it was a good day.” -Maria Aibareila ( ID)
”Although, I’ve been to Atlanta and I’ve seen Dr.Kings grave, it was Inspiring to see the monument to him in Washington D.C. over the MLK Holiday this year.” -Mr. Lee Seman
hung out with friends.” -Casey Cannon ( 12)
left to right... Kaitlyn Snores ( I I ) . Allyndrea Morgan (10), Thomas Freeman ( IO), Samuel Disney (9), Destiny Leistner ( 12), and Marah Sanders (9)
Talking to the members at manga club, vice president Destiny Leistner ( 12) leads the group in their meeting.
jst back from checking the lock hours list, Chloe Sharp 2) makes a break for the parking lot after learning she’s a the clear.
Being 2cool4skool, Justin Quick ( 12) makes a call to his mom in hopes that his "headache” is severe enough to get him out of class for the day.
Looking throug 'h manga books,T<aitlyn'Shores!I I) Kaitlyn and Allyndrea Morgan ( 10) focus on what the books have to say.
Hockey33% Snowboarding 15% Speed Skating S% Skiing 3% Bobsled 4% Figure Skating 32% Skeleton I % Curling 4% Biathlon 3%
On Thursday, February 13, Burkburnett High School held their annual NHS Induction ceremony. This is a night to celebrate the academic success of students and share ">lthat success with thei “ parents.
0 ' U R , T « a ‘M 0 ‘N ‘D §
On February 20-22 Burkburnett hosted their annual softball tournament. Three days of base-sliding, homerun hitting, fastball pitching, and game winning strikeouts. These girls go out and do what they love to do. Playing teams from around the area help them prepare for their district season. Eighteen teams entered this year. Coming to the end of the tournament Varsity came in 2nd and JV in 4th. -Mercedez Morgan
New Inductees 20l4:Jarrod Adams, Kody Anderson, Austin Armagost, ack Armstrong, I^ikaila Billinger, <aytlyn Boyett" Snmantha Burns, Betlviny Calloway, Colby Corsaut, Danielle Davis, Claire Galbraith, Meredith Goins, Ian Graves, Dallas Grubbs, Chi is Gunn, February
Nathan Hancock, Allyson Hardaway, Jessica Heinz, Chavaz ackson, Caleb Jansen, Brice ans-Stutz, Courtney Jones, Jenni = oss, Emily King, Bailey Leslie, Jrennan Leslie, Bryan Lewis, ^ Garrett Liffick, Jailene Lopez, AlyMcDonald, Riana McMurrey,
ihoo-t They Score
Shaking the hands of NHS Offlicers Jared Moon, Jazzmine Hayes, Vaidehi Desai, and Brady Brunson IS Inductee Maria Vela. National Honor Society Is a national organization that recognizes outstanding students. Although academic achievement plays a large roll in being accepted in NHS, grades are not what the society is all about. NHS also focuses on scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Each inductee is first invited to this organization through letter. They are called to a meeting where they learn how they can achieve full membership. Each student before a set deadline must get two recommendations from teachers, one of which teaches a core class. Chapter advisor a Miller, Sarah Moore, Tori Murphy, Lee Seman verifies all the biail O’Neil, Alex Patty, Ginnie Potts, information and notifies the 5t')an Rios, Brianna Rooney, Jason student of their invitation to o Imani Rouse, Brandon Ruddicl<, join NHS. After the induction sf n Scroggins, Emily Simmons, J cerimony, a student becomes a tc ElijialiStrlckland, Kelsey full member and can then J' rue, Evie Vela, Maria Vela, Addison participate in group activities. •en, and Cassiano W eir. -Hope Cozby
Continuing with the tradition of post season hoops, Burkburnett again stated it’s dominance in Ciass 5-3A ending the reguiar district seasons as champions. Battling tough opponents iike Granam, Vernon, Iowa Park, and Hirschi, he teams knew that another trip into the playofls was going to take dedication, hardwork and teamwork. Ending their run in the playoffs as Bi-District Champions for the ladies team, and Area Champions for the men’s team, the players finished the season with pride and another winning record.
Signing the BHS Chapter Ledger for National Honor Society is Inductee Imani Rouse.
S u p t f Seotfle Seahowks
Bowl 43-8
Denver Broncos
the R ^ ly o t Ghili Peppers joined Bruno Mars While performina f for the! Halftime show at Super Bowl x m i ^, " Chelsea Bailey-Meares
B R O N G O l^ l
0 1■ N
The Exceptional Learners Club sold cakeballs for the whole week of Valentines’ day. They were $ I per baj; and they sold about -180 cakeballs during the entire week. Ckib members use tlieir for iheir end of the yc.ii iii'.ii
Hope Black ( 10 ) and Bobby James(9) tieing ribbons on the cakeballs.
Keeping his | eye on the ball, Javan Brown (.10) catches durii g the first gam' ! of the seaso ■
L o q / s r s r j ‘T < y £ ^ rt? All dressed up for Valentines Day are Briana Hancock ( 10) and Moniqua Lee ( 10)
Turning in ca n ^ grams to Ms. Iona Alley is Ms. Leslie Coble
Enjoying their goodies are Kali Canada ( 12) and Terry Knight ( 10)
Encouraging each other before another inning, Casey Cannon ( 12), Bryson Young ( 12), Alyssa Tabion (12) give supportive high fives.
Dubbed as ’’Singles Awareness Day” by some and ’’Valentine’s Day” by others, February 14 was celebrated by most students at BHS. Excited to exchange stuff animals, heart candies, chocolates and flowers, the celebration began the week prior with students getting the chance to send candy grams to their crushes, friends, and dates. C a n ^ grams were sold by STUCCO with 140 candy grams being purchased. The tasty lip shaped sucker was just one of the tasty treats exchanged on Valentine’s Day. Just walking through the halls of BHS you can feel the love in the air. -Mercedez Morgan
Having a laugh before batting Faith Hollingsworth (9) jokes with her team mates.
What are you looking forward to most this season? ”1look fo w ard to having majority of the team returning and to start working harder with everyone to get far in the playoffs and hopenjily state again. Ally Hardaway ( 10)
Throwing down another fastball, Brennan Mullins (10) delivers a powerful strike out.
’’I’m looking forward to -i: playing this season and spending time with the team.” -Paige Gier (II)
”1look forward to a playoff run with the best teammates.” -Trey Bigford (I I) Feb;
P |# i going to spend majority of the weel<end of ig breal< Kay ’er Coliseum, are I'll be skating, ;hing hockey, ig, laying around, king and such; ;h is how I spend most weekends. Then \weekend before we come back to school driving Peggy, my car, to Amarillo with my ids so we can go to the games that will be e. I’m not really sure what I’m going to do the time in between those two kends. It'll probably consist of naps at ^lom times during the day, painting and ks,” said Shaylynn Harmon( 12).
"I am taking a nineteen hour road trip to central Rorida to visit family and friends over spring break. I'll go prom dress shopping, to Disney World and celebrate my birthday during the week that I’m there. My family ancf I plan on going to the Braves ana Yankees spring training game as well,” said Chelsea Bailey-MearesC I I ).
’This spring break my family and I are cfriving to San Diego, California. We will be staying at a Navy base. While in California we will explore Sad Diego to fully enjoy the Californian experience. We will also visit the zoo in San Diego and USS Midway. What I am mostly looking forward to is the visit to LEGO Land, possibly the greatest LEGO based theme park ever. After that we will drive back home, stopping at Flagstaff, Arizona before hand. I will spend the rest of my break home relaxing at Sheppard Air Force Base," said Jordan Smith( 12). ) start out I’m : ng to Las Vegas h my family and| at happens in I ^as, stays in I ^as,” said Alyssa I anuevad I).
Showing how dedication and setting personal goals can make an athlete better, the Burkburnett High School Powerlifting team qualified five athletes to compete on March 1 2014 at the Region 6 Division 2 Powerlifting meet in With district competition just a few weel<s away, Clioir prepares daily for their concert and sight reading contest. Also making preparations are soloist and small group choirs.
Jo&fesoti signs witk M:
Basketball just isn’t a sport for Chavaz Jackson. It’s his life. Basketball can cause success and happiness, or heartbreak and grief In this case, the game he loves so much is helping him further his dream to become one of the best to ever step on the court. Chavaz will attend Mary i-tardin Baylor majoring in Exercise Science and v^ants either continue his i).isl- ( i U.1,: career or hel|:) injured pl.iyers recover as a physical -k . '
i:ii Hc'iidricks
Decatur, Texas. Top lifters qualifying for state competition are Alex Joplin ( 12) and Chris Rogers (12). State competition was held March 22 n Abilene Texas. -Statr
;i 14 BPA state Qualifiers: (Left to Right) Hillary i^es ( 12), Destiny Lelstner ( 12), Hope Cozby ( 12), I lily Frazier ( I I ) , Bailey Brown ( 12), and Matthew <ito (9).
Business Professionals of America is an organization created to prepare students for future careers in business. Members have the opportunity to compete in a plethora of different competitions including word processing and even News Broadcasting. This year Burkburnett High School took six students to state. Matthew Otto (9) participated in Computer Security, Holly Frazier ( I ! ) competed in Human Resource Management, Hillary Sykes ( 12) was in Database
Applications, and Bailey Brown ( 12), Hope Cozby ( 12), and Destiny Lelstner ( 12) were on an animation team together. All participates gave their best to their contest. However only Hillary Sykes ( 12) was able to advance to Nationals by achieving fourth place in her event. BPA is sponsored by Mrs. Melinda Kleckner. -Hope Cozby
CXDeba Celebrating their victory and advancing to State CX competition are Ryan Ritcher (10) and Bryce Lewis (10).'
Hard work seems to always Day off especially in Zac Hollingsworth’s case. He is fulfilling his childhood dreams of playing at the next level. He’s going to major in sports science and wants to be a coach and an art teacher. His fashionable fanny packs will be going with him to Wayland Baptist University. - Rizonn Hendricks
i 1 '
After taking his first hand-off, Marquis Betts ( i d ; races to the finish line.
Coming down the track, Michael Brooking ( 10), takes the lead for jumping hurdles. H _ _ _ K a C G
to th e s
Ahead of her competitors, Alexiis Nobles (12) finishes iier last sprint.
te goes to This year, Ryan Richter and ryce Lewis qualified for state nais in C X Debate. The two are cached by Julie Lewis. They ualified by placing second at the )IL Cross Examination District leet at Vernon. The UIL debate ispires and supplies the ompetitors with realistic pplicatlons for their developing <i Is. This year, the competitors ad to form their own opinions n the problem of the United tates’ economic engagement /ith Mexico, Venezuela, and uba. "I am so proud of the oys. They worked so hard and spresented BHS wonderfully," 'jlie Lewis said. UIL C X Debate is a very
structured, fast paced style of debate that requires skilled timing and pacing. I . Constructive: Affirmative, 8 min. C X by Negative, 3 min. Negative, 8 min. C X by Affirmative, 3 min. Affirmative, 8 min. C X by Negative, 3 min. Negative, 8 min. C X by Affirmative, 3 min. 1. Rebuttal: Negative, 5 min Affirmative, 5 min Negative, 5 min Affirmative, 5 min Each member of a team shall deliver a constructive speech and a rebuttal speech. In
rebuttal, either team may present its speakers in reverse order. 3. Preparation Time: *A team shall take no more than eight minutes total elapsed preparation time during a round of debate. -Chelsea Bailey-Meares
’W e now interrupt this class to bring you a special presentation by the Senior class of 20 14 ...I, 2, 3, Hit It!" As a fijndraiser for project graduation, students were offered a unique opportunity to send a special message to a ^ecial someone througn song. Groups of seniors were sent to the special someone to sing a short version of the song chosen by the admirer. Whether it be an invitation to prom, an opportunity to embarrass or an inside joke, the senior class not only had fun doing the singing grams but also raised almost S200 for Project Graduation. -Brenna Ruvalcaba nbarrassed r li%r assmate, Ally irdaway (I I), erra Gardea 0) laughs at e boys ndition of leadbands.”
Being serenaded during English class, Victoria Nadir (9) listens as Chase Malcolm ( 12) Arthur Hamlett (12) and Joshua Mallet ( 12) give it their best.
Turning red while being sang to, Pe)^on White (12) is treated to the acapella version o f ’’Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer by Bryson Young ( 12) Jodeci Ancira ( 12) Emily King ( 12), and Tristan Lamberti (I2X
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
e n io r
§ K IP
m Y???
30 T a k e eve^ chance 'ou get. You don't now when you may get that chance again." Carly Cerveny (12)
28FINAlaS WEEl^!
G 0 ING T ® GDblNA.R¥ ARTS SG H Q O b IN R H ® D E is u \N D ;'n „ „ ih ,S o l.ir X o < ^ o o (i/u ti> M s K BRiA,NA,J®NES(i2l ;( r t H,
Nursing MSU Nurse Practitioner Cindy Boulware A ph lMa y
or yoursel and follow your dreams." Jarrod Adams
I l'S S ir A
ClLr C O m p E te R O T C Fotcefot to jo in m e A r m y oMle^eand as m e M is te d
TexaS A&M University Comus C iristi Kimberly Steward
ru trsm g ,
T ^ e c k iile C lg a n g
o iiic e r o
... .1 rj Joining the Marines
Dallas Grubbs
IThursday Friday Saturday Hon I be afraid to b t ' i l c l ainl c razv all the tinii' bee aiise voii don t w ant to be basic and voii 11 make w av more memories and Ilia\ e IbiK'kfc'ts 1 1 or1 inn. - t:.milv Kins(12)'
> i^
1 1 _ '1
24 25 1.biology, &US HISTORY
27 4
momortb of i t y fldntor
yoarwaa aextat r i ^
playere tralnere. Lauren
tlio n i -'Ufc-ml 111
h a s k o t b i ilL tl ia t was m y f a v o r ite n io m o n t." — IX'oiuliv Ivor\ (!■>)
23 30
/I C omputer § cience vIajob/T vIath minor @
T[ope Cozby N ursing
@ I Political Science Sch.]?6ill6r @MSU U n iversity I Lauren Duncan C3jSSie Burkybile
24 31
^ ^ 4 o tfe jis D 9 y 1
The best way to describe the last day of school is bitter-sweet. It’s something we all wait the entire school year for, but once it’s here and summer has started most students don’t know what to do with all the free time they have on their hands. For the majority of students and staff at
University of "After high school I’m North Texas o’oino’ to The Art Allyson M ir j /» • Institute of Dallas and Hardman M a rke ti^ and Graphic gyei-im aiK optni n i\ Design @ University of oxmi restaurant." Colorado Denver \ in cen t H oclri^iiez Shaylynn Harmon
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W k ty's U^kcy B+4S ncuYifis T of Sturfents
Each year BHS’s Faculty and Staff are charged with selecting the Who’s Who for each department. As the end of the first semester comes to a close, the call for W ho’s Who goes out to all teachers on campus. Naming the best of the best each year for the Burkburnett High School Senior Class of 2014 proved to be a difficult task due to the depth of the talented and intelligent individuals represented in the class. Selected on the criteria of academic/athletic talent, dedication to his/her field, leadership, citizenship and integrity, this year’s W ho’s Who serve as the representatives for each of their respective departments. Each member of the teaching staff nominates a senior tnat represents the epitome his/her academic/athletic discipline. After discussion and voting
within the department, the selection is forwarded to Yearbook Advisor Ms. Mandy Reed so students may be recognized for the honor. Often times departments have mulitple students that fit the billing o f ’’W ho’s Who” but are prompted to narrow the fieic) to one student that is representative of the entire department based on I - 4 years of study. Taken into account are not only grades but also the student’s drive to continue in that chosen field. The BHS feculty and staff congratulate the recepients of the W ho’s Who awards for the Class of 2014. Congratulations!
N loosing
LcLurerL Griffis
- M. Reed
aFJROTC M x L t ik s o 'n J o 'n e s
^oeiaLStucLijBS 6 DovLs '1
W h o ’s Wi : . ,
Snglisk SvaD(yminguez
IV la tk
44iUar^ Sijkes
Science Lorry Uierner
Female CLtk(ete M a iu li S o vlUe
Mxiie CLtklete Zaa-l4(y(jljLngsw(yitk
C(yiisum&r Saience IHirandLaJajC-ksoix
Irifo'rmatio'Ki T eak Destimj L&istner
JotecL M^xyn
J t y u n u L lx s m .
l\ B O J r h (y o k
Fcvrelgix Lojaguoge Kcujljea CLrmstro'ng
Jarrofi CUiams
Tkeater VacjclekL Desoi
Guttar Natkon 44am*<Mi.k
Peijttyn lU kite
d g rL e - u It u r e
J t K i e a l C ll^ a L r a
S kay ly nn 44attn{yn
.Mr.&MissBHS Best iVll Around Students
Jo sh
•Iiisl iII r>('lI
( Mnic i'd ii ( a li.'i \ la
S a v ille
M a lle tt
l}r:i<l\ Hniiisoii
AI \ ssa I a hioii
Snnili Moorc'
.11;i iidoii Sloii I
l)ol)b\ Ingram
A ii I ii in n .loll iison
JT A a ro n
Ja rro d A d am s
Sh aw na A d am so n
Veight Training (9-12)
JodecI A n cira TOSS Country, Babes,
T y le r A guilar
K ayLee Allen
Jason A llred
T en n is(9 -II)N H S
A d am A n d re w s
A u stin A rm ag o st
Kaylea A rm stro n g
C a rte r B ab e r
Alyson B ak e r
Elizabeth Bales
RO T C (9) S o c c e r (9-12)
Football (10-12) Tr ack (11-12) Powerlifting ( I I ) Pals, N H S ( I 2 )
Volleyball (9-12) Basketball (9-11) Softboll (9-12) ST UCO
Basketboll (9-12)
RO TC (9.11,12)
Marching Band (9-12)
Softball (9-12) NHS ( 10- 12)
Ayla Ballard
B lake B a rr
B ro o k e B a rre tt
Justin Bell
Bailey B ittik e r
Ryan Blackm on
. Cross Count ry (9)
Baseball ( 9 - 1 1) RO T C (9-11)
Soccer (9 -/0 Nurs/ng
Basketball (9-12) S T UC O ( 1 1-12)
Baseball, G olf
Football (9 ) Track (9)
J ’tia u re Booth
A lly B o u ch e r
Track (9) AFJROTC
Lacey A lm e n d a re z
( 10- 12)
B ro c k Bolen
S occer(IO )FC A (9 -l2)
1I0 - I2 )N H S (II- I2 )
} Devan Bolton ROTC
B a s k e t b a l l( 9 - I2 ) S T U C O (11-12) S 2 S ( I 2 )
C ind y B o u lw are
Kaytlyn Boyett
B abe s (10-11) ST UCO (9-10)
Softball (9-10) Choir (9-10) T - a i n e r ( l 2 ) NHS (1 2) Babes
ey B BandJ ((9-12) 9-l NHS (11-12) B P A ( I I - I 2 ) Choir (12)
D ako ta Bro w n
C asey C annon
Jessica C arlson
D anielle C arso n
Volleyball (9-12) Basketball (9-12) Softball (9-12)
Babes (9-10) Pals (12)
Theater (9) Bond (9-12)
Devin C ribbs
C o re y Davis
M iranda Casados
C arly Cet^ eny
Sean C lem ents
STUCO. So ccer. Babes
Baseball (9-10) ROTC (9-11)
ROTC (9-1 U
Trin ity Davis
Dustin D eC elles
Vaidehi Desai
Volleyball (9-12) ROTC (9-12) Basketball (9-12) STUCO. NHS
S o c c e r (9-10) ROTC (9-12)
Jordyn FiUill<enbei'y
K.iyI.i Fincannon
Eva Dom inguez
Hope Cozby N H S(ll-l2)Yearboo (12) BPA (10-12) Manga ( l l - l
Ray Douglas
NHS ( 1 1-12) STUCO. UIL A cad em ics
f [ cUiren D u iu ,n
I l(J IJII ' I van-.. '.i)( ml ' . II /UV IH> 78 Seniors
K e lcce Lddins
(■;II) luiih's ■ ’ (.') IIA (V /()) f’ois [I /)
Billy Ev.ins
Si)(lh(ill (•>IJ'
i n ST UCO
Jackson Ford Footlxill CS-1 (■i-i:' kt'v ciiiin i I ' STUCO
Kalla Frank Bond
(eegan Freem an
B rad y G ahagan
Jessica G a rd n e r
Meghan G etch eii
FFA (9-1 I ) Football (9) Baseball (10)
Lauren G riffis
Dallas G ru b b s
i Basketball (9 ) Track I 9-12) Tra iner ( 1 1-12) STUCO. Nursing
Josh ua G u b ern ath
A rth u r H am lett
S o c c e r (9 I D R O T C (10-12) Ba nd (9)
Tra ck (9-12) Cros s Count ry (9-12) Basketball (9-12)
1 Jacob H arris
Ja zzm in e H ayes
D elan ie H innant
Z a c H ollingsw orth
'otboll (9-12) Baseball
Babes (9-10) Pals (12)
S o c c e r ( 9 - 1 1) Ba bes (9-10) S T UC O (10-11)
Football (9-12) Powerlifting (9-12) S2S ( 1 1-12) Pals (12) Track
D e o n d re Ivory
C h avaz Jackson
T ra ck (9 I I ) NHS ( 1 1-12) UIL A ca d em ic s
fBobby Ingram
Jam al Ishm ail
30tba// (9-12) Track ^-12) S T UC O (10-12) ' Basketba/I (9)
RO T C (9-12)
D evon G hiioni
Brand on G re e n
S o c c e r (9-12) ROTC (9-11) Cros s Country ( 12)
Sarah G re e n w a y
Bond (9-12)
Choir (9) A ca p Choir (10-11) AVID (9)
N athan H a n co ck
Allyson H ard m an
Shaylynn H arm on B a sketb all(9-ll) Tennis (10) STUCO. Y e a rb o o k (11-12)
A a ro n H ollom an
Isaiah H o rto n
Steven Hulzenga
Cros s Country, Basketball. Football (10) Tra ck (12)
M iranda Jackson UIL A cad em ics (11-12) NHS ( I I !2)
Autum n Johnson
Basketball (9-12) V r \ PgK. >
Brandon Jones
B re e Jo n e s
Matihson Jones
A le x a n d e r Joplin
Baseball. Cross Country
Basketball (9) Band (10) S T U C O ( l l - l 2 ) SGA (9)
A ca p (9-12) ROTC ( I I-12) Tennis (9) NHS
Footboll (9-12) Powerlifiting ( 1 1-12) Track (9-12)
Bond (9) Football (9-10)
Ba bes ( 1 1-12) 5T U C0 . Theater(1 1-12)
Micke;y Langely
Jasm ine Lara
D estiny Leistn er
D eclan Lew is
C o leb y Lam b
Tristan Lam berti
Football (9-10) ROTC 19 n - l 2 ) B a n d ( 9 - l 2 )
A le x a n d e r Karabel
Em ily King
Jacob Kinnaird
Bond (9-10) Track (10)
Acap Choir
ROTC. Co/or Guard
Madison Lewis Softball 19-11) Traine (II- I2 )S T U C 0 (I2 ) Track (12)
Mitchell MahafTey
C hase Malcolm
Joshua Mallett
Bond (9-10) Ac(if) (9) CuliiKir-y A n (11-12) Cuitar ( 12)
BdskeJbo// (9-/2) I rack. Cros s Country (9) Bosebol/ (11-12)
Jaisa M cClain
Kelley M cCoy Foofba// (9-12) Baseboll (9-12)
Country (9-12) Track (9-12)
f Sic'vcii M ercer
Kody Mills,ip
(911) SiKU'l IU )(>(/ ‘>(/U(i(/ (/,’)
D lis I I ii Mitchell
ii'ii/iis ('/ i:> Hoic (V in
Jason M onlgon iery I U j/u /
Jared Moon Hchu/
12 >
NMS U M 2 ) U l Sck'Mct' X Ol'lHlU'
Sai ah M oore sTuco i n Coif (^-i:uhJsktHt\iii{'^'>
Oieer (10)
Idaliz Morale; Volleyball
Keith M oulton
A le x iis N obles
C ross Country, Baseball, Basketball
Bosketbo// (9)
Megan Parks
R en ee O lln g er Softball (9-
Volleyball (9 ) B abe s (9-12) C ro ss Country,
K ristal Patterso n
Brand i Payne
Band (9-/2) Y e a r b o o k (10-12) FFA (9-12) 525
Volleyball (9-10) Ba bes ( 9 - 1 1)
H arriso n Perez-Jara
Kain O live r
Z an e Painter
ROTC (9 12) Wrestling
Soccer (9-/0) Footbll
Morgan Pe rro n
Eddie Petry
Justin Q u ick
Softball (9-10) ST UCO ( 1 1-12) Pols (12)
S o c c e r (9-12) RO TC (9-1 I)
S o c c e r (9 - 12) Football (9) S TUC O (9 - 12)
Tristan Rankin
Peyton R elnke
ia se b al l( 9- IO > R O TC
Football (9) Baseball (9-11) C ro s s Cou ntr y
Jason Ross
Im ani Rouse
(9-10) Baseball 1) STUCO (12) NH5 ‘ (I2 )U IL(II)
A le ja n d ro R odriguez
M arco R odriguez
V in ce n t R odriguez
C h ris Rogers
Brianna Rooney
FFA ( 9 - 1 1) Baseball (9-12)
S o c c e r (9-12) Cross Cou ntr y (12)
Football, Powerlifting, Track
Band ( 9 - 12) RO T C (9)
Bran d o n R uddick
H annah Ruebel
C h arle s Salas Tenn/s (9) S o c c e r (9-12) C ro ss Country (9-10) RO T C (1 0-12)
Fmtfy Sariego Tennis (9-/0) ROTC (9 -1 1) Band (9-12) Choi r (11-12)
Mandi Saville Soccer (9- i
^ 1K • S 2S (IO -l 2) Nf -IS . f\"
Jordan Smith
Z ach ary Smith
Joshua Soel
Josh Statser
Gu/tar, Choir
Ch oir (9-12) Theater (I0 -II)N H S (II-I2 >
Kim berly Stew ard
Zach Stone
J.Landon Stout
Elijiah Strickland
Dylan Stubblefield
H arley Sullivan
R O T C llh l2 )
Football (9-12) Track
Bosebaff (9-12) Basketball (9-11) S T U C O J K e y Club. NHS
STUC O (9-l2) Basketball (9-12) Pols
Soccer(9-12) Track (9W2)Dog Squod(l2)
Babes (9-101
( 12)
( 12)
Hillary Sykps
lUliul IV in /■ ;' /, i ) I || I'/ I
m f, mi
Alyssa Tabion
Megan Tatum
D re w Tew ell
Vullrylnill (9 12) •.nllluillC) 12) C h r r r
llUM'lHlll (9)
Brenn on Tisdale
C aleb Titus Fooftmll
Kylee Trahan So/tbdll (9-12) _ Volleyball i9.l l.l-
Jazzmine Hayes Chavaz Jackson
Ph o en ix U n d e rw o o d
Jaym es U p ch u rch
Th anya V asq u ez
Football, Powerlifting
S o c c e r (9-10) NHS (9-10) Ba nd (9-11) Cr o s s Cou ntr y (10)
Sjiiayli W ashingto :on i
L a rry W e r n e r Football (9-12) Baseball (9-12)) Key Club ( I I) S TUCO, NHS
Breea n n W e s tb ro o k
Justin W h e a t
:V3bes (9) S o c c e r (9-1 f'l S TUC O (9-12) C h ee r ii (10-12)
,i.h e ’D ara W ilso n
Brad ley W o o d
Kristin W o o d
Bryson Young
ROTC (9-12) Tennis (9-12)
• -Babe z (9-11) C h e e r
Babes ( 9 - 12) Volleyball
Jp )
ST UC O ( I I ) Tra ck ' M 9 , I I , I 2 ) RO T C (9)
V '1
Senior : Class Favorite Mandi ! Saville ,1!
(9) S T U C O (1 2)
Evie V ela
Softball (9-12) Volleyball (9-12)
Basketball (9-12) (9-12)
^ II
^ ’-m
m I p K
Logan W ad d e ll
Kayla W a d e
Peyton W h ite
Brad y W h itn e y
Jason W ic k
Football (9) Band (9-10) FFA (9-12)
RO TC (9-12) Band (9 -1 1) Baseball (9-10)
A c a p (9-10) Y e a rb o o k (IO -l2 )T e n n ls(ll-l2 ) NHS (I 1-12)
C hristian W a lk e r
Junior Class Handsome Hayden McLelland
Angela Adam son W h itn e y Allen Blake A lley Kody A n d erso n Richard A n d re w s Jack A rm stro ng
Nathanial Arnold C h else a Bailey-M eares Landon Bale Z ach ary Bales Josh B a x te r M arquis Betts
Bianna Bhuiyan Mikaila Billinger Shaw na B lacksh ear Christina Blanton Jay Bolf Ashleigh Bow en
Jacob Boyce C ody Bragg C o le Brantley Haley Bro ck Billie Bro w n H aley B ru n e r
Jacob Buckniew V icto r Bueno De O liveira C lia n t/ Buriton Jordan B iirn ctt-Sales S .iin a n liia Burns Jordan C.im don
Kalil C anad a Daniel C astro Ross C a stro -B o rc h e rt Justin Caudill Jeffery C e rve n y Betsi C h an d ler
Shaynah C houinard G ra n t C lam p itt Kasey C o k e r Jaco b e C ollins M akayla C o re y C o lb y C o rsa u t
Jason C re e ch Sydney D an derson Brianna Davidson D anielle Davis Andrew/ D e rza p f K ie fe r D evo re
Mayce D om enici Adan Donaghey W in te r D onley Riley Dugan Devin D u n sm o o r G uy Elliott
S u m m e r Ewing T y le r Parson C hase Fehr Jordan Fennessy M ercad es Ferguson Krista Fo rtn e r
Junior Class Favorite Kody Anderson
C hase Fou rn ier Shauna Franklin Holly Frazier C arissa Freem an Sarah Furm an Bodie Gahagan
C laire Galbraith Hannah Gibson Paige G ie r M eredith G oins Ian G raves Katelyn G rim es
Caitlin G rinnell Jessica Guadalupe Alejand ro G uevara G a rre tt G u lk e r C h ris Gunn Adan G u tie rre z
Bre-Yanna G u tie rre z P a rk e r H alverson Madison H an co ck Tedi H an co ck Ally Hardavi/ay Sarah H arris
Hayley H artness Jessica H einz Benjam in H enderson H ope H endrixson Brian Hightovi^er Reece Hill
Shelby Hill Anna Hinton Dolphin H ock Matthev/ H olcom b Jan-O le Holst N ick H utchins
Kathryn Isaacs Jam es Ivory Jesse Jackson Z ach ary Jackson B rice Jans-Stutz C aleb lansen
Austin Jim enez M adison Jonc's Dayton Josely Jennifer joss C liM '.lo |)lie r K .ii.ib e l I l.ileii’h K.it t
Kelsey K ee fn e r P a rk e r Keeling T y le r Kincaid M elanie Koons A n to in ette Kun C hase K u rsze w ski
Shannon Land reth M akayla Leistn er Bailey Leslie Brenn an Leslie Bryan Lew is G a rre tt Liffick
Jailene Lo p ez Micah Lo p ez Kali M andeville Jayla Mardis A n a M artinez Jalen M cClain
Jessie M cDaniel Alyssa M cDonald A le x a n d ra M cGaha H ayden M cLelland K en ned y McManus Hollie McMullen
Riana M cM urrey C h e y e n n e M cQ ueen Shelby M errim an Kara M iller Brand on M iser M atthew M iser
Class o f 2015
. Javier M ontanez M erced ez Morgan Anastasia M orton Kade Mullens Jenna M uller Dennis M urley
Nathan M urphy Tori M urphy Peyton N elnas Abigail O ’Neil R o b ert O ates G ustavo O livarez
Angela O rtiz Sam O sam a Dustin O sborn M aranda O ve rstre e t C ody Patterson A le x Patty
Em iiea Peoples Shelby Peters D akoda i^eterson G rant Piiillips G innie Potts Brittany Pugliesi
Mi( hael K.inion |,ison Kingw/ood
I stc'ban Kios Vi( lo n .i K o ijc rls I illi.in Kodrigucv Mi( ii.K'l Kogcrs
i i
Gavin Ruddick Brie R uneberg Jordan Rutledge Race Rutledge B ren n a Ruvalcaba Krystal Salyers
Juan San Miguel A n d re w Seale A sh lee Shannon Lau ra Sheets Justin Shelby Kaitlyn Shores
Em ily Sim m ons Angel Sims A le x a n d e r Smith Brad y Smith M ichaela Sm ith N icolas Sp illm an-C oncellon
S ie rra Sp urlo ck M adison Steich Kelsey Sughrue C allie Sw ant David Trujillo Kayla T u c k e r
N athan Turnage M aria Vela A lyssa Villanueva Vullnet Voca Austin V ro o m Ad diso n W a rre n
C o u rtn e y W e a ry Lew in W eigI B re tt W h ite Ryanne W h y te C o n n o r W illiam s Lori W illia m s
V icto ria W illiam s Stephanie W in k le r Mason W in k le s Kalib W in te r Krystal Young Shelby Young
Kiond ria Youngblood
lirittancy Hlitoi lU'hecca liollinjjc't Am,incl<i Boiinli j.lC O l) liOSW(
Ur.ixlon liowii' la k e llr o in k 'y
Sophom ores
Michael Brooking W illiam B ro o k s Javan B ro w n M adeline Bro w n C o d y Bryant Joshua B u rn e tt
Mandl Bush Eliza C a m e ro n Juan C am p o s M ichael C am p o s A a ro n C anham C h ris C apes
CJ C arso n Ty C asados Kori C ath erall Maria CerA/antes C o lto n C e rv e n k a A le x C hilenski
Elizabeth C h u m ley H u n te r C la rk B ro d y C o x T ra c e Davis H annah D eason K aren D evo re
D elayne D ickey Kaylee Dobbs Abigail Dold D aniel D om inguez G u illerm o D om inguez T a ylo r Dudley
Sophom r
Anthony Dunem Megan Eddins Justin Edw ard s N athaniel Elam Brittany Ellison A rro n Em m ert
Jacob Em ro AJ Evans Mason E verett Je ff Everson Annie Faber Lauren Ferry
Shandra Foster Ryleigh Frank Th om as Freem an Kolten French Kyle Fudge N ick Fullen
Q uinn Fuller Brian Gaines A m e rik a G am ez C ie rra G ard ea Shana G a rre tt G a rre t Gan/in
Shelby G arvin Christian G au th ier Jam es Gill Dylan G rid e r Shayna Griffin Tho m as G ub ern ath
Pryce H alverson Briana H ancock D am eon H ardy G ra ce H arris Taylo r H ausner Blair H a w th o rn e
A m and a Head A n d re w H enderson Rizonn H end ricks Fheodore H erring shaw Katie H ickm an Z ach ary ITinnant
Ashlynn I loll C h an d ler I logan A k 'x I lo lt/c n lin lt.in y I lo n cy cn il C hnsty I lo w ard M .iiy-O pal I lurl
S o |3 h o iii()i (■
Brand on Ingram V incent Jackson Z a c h a ry Jako b etz G ab e Ja rre tt G ra n t Jim e n ez Jordan Johnson
Keagan Johnson K ad arra h Jones Britanni Joshua A n d re a Ken ned y D aniele Kibby M elissa Kidd
C h ris to p h e r Kille Jacq u ette King T e rry Knight A b b ie K u rsze w ski Savannah Lacoss Jaden Lagunas-Lacy
H aley Lam T a ylo r Lam B ryce Lew is Haleigh LofTler Brand en Logan C h risto p h e r Lo p ez
C ase y Lo vern H a rle y Lucas C a m e ro n Lu eck D iana M artinez C hann ell M asters Austin M athews
Jaley M atteson N ick M cC arthy-N elson Sean M cClelland W e stin M cCoy Justin M cC racken Diego M cCullough
D aw son M cDaniel C h risto p h e r M cDonald D anny M cIntosh C o n n o r M cKeiroy Brittn ey McMullen Joshua M cRae
Kayla Meany D anica M endoza Ashley M iller Morgan Minard Analiyah Mitchell C o le M ohedano
Angelica Mora A llynd rea Morgan Brennan Mullins Hannah Murphy Ty N e w a rk Tristan Niles
Alyssa O rnelas Sierra O tto Brittany O w en s Ricky Padron T y le r P a rk er Blake Parkey
G ab riel Pate Sarah Pellikan Elizabeth Pe rry Sheridan Retry Hannah Peveto Zion Phillips
Jessica Pike Ethan Pruett B raxto n Raleigh Jerem y Ram sey Ryan R ich ter A shlee Rightman
Alyssa R oberts O w en Roberts D ako ta Rogers Julian Rogers A le x Roth Landon Ryalls
K eri Salyers A shley Sandberg Bergen Sautner Madison Scobee A thena Scott-Roth Bryce See
C assand ra Sexton Eric Shelby H ikari Skabelund Malachi Skelton Jam ar Smith N oah Smith
I ristan Spiva Keaton Spradlin C olin Stephens IM.ike S to ckiiig er Brandi Stone Brad ley Stoner
D ako ta Stull Alysa Sw arm Sara Sw ord Brand on T h ayer Stasia Th om p son C o lb y Titus
A im e e T ro u t C aleb T u rn e r Kira Tysinger Austin U n d e rw o o d M arissa U yth oven A shton V allier
D arius Vela A n slee W ad d ell Tiffany W a lk e r Jake W a m p le r G erad W a rre n C e d ric W atts
Lacey W e b b Riley W e iss A le x W e tz e l Ta ray ja W h ite M adison W ie se Roni W illiam s
M artarius W ilso n Paschence W ilso n Vann W ilso n C h a n ce W im b e rly Reagan W ise m an Daniel W o o d
Katie W o o d K im b erly W o o d A le x W rig h t Jeffery Yarg er Sadie Y e tte r Bre n n e n Z aragoza
S o p ho m r
C hristina Ben d er Ethen Bentley Randy Blacl<mon Kaylee B lackw ood Madison Blair Cam ille Blanton
Kelsey Bolduc Daniel lio llo n All Bosw ell Caitlin B o w e r Coltc'n Box C h rislin .i Brady
.1II11( 'I I
A sh lee Bragg Z o e B ro o k s Devin Bro w n G arriso n C ahayla A rian n a C am e rlin Ryan C ap o rale
S ierra C ap o rale V icto ria C ard o n a Julia C h e rry M oore C h ristin e R icard o C isn ero s Keely C lark
M akenzie Eddins Caylin Ehlinger Bridgette Ellyson Eric Em ro Brett Parson Rachel Faulkenbery
Britt Fehr Jacob Fennessy
Ko rtn ey Fincannon KC Foster Hannah Fountain Brianne Fournier
Jack Galbraith M ark G am ez Joseph G arcia Shannon G arcia C hristina G arm on Bre G a rre tt
Catlynn G arth iey C hlo e Gibbs G ran t Griffis Storm ie Griffith Jasm ine G uadalupe Marisol G u tie rre z
Khiem Ha Kara Hall Logan H am m ond Kharizm a Ham pton Haley H ancock M akayla H an co ck
Mikayla Hanson D esm ond H ardy D en ver H a rlo w Jeffrey H arrell Paige H arris Daisy H enry
Brian H erring Dylan Hibdon Rashad H ickm an D arcy Hill Joshua Hodges Jasen Holguin
Faith H ollingsw orth Pe ter H ollom an M ackenzie I lo o k e r D esire e H o o ver Keora H o o ver ‘ijiii.in th a H o rne
i I ( ",hmen
Madison H rab ar Te u ta Idrizi Kanyon Isaacs M arissa Isaacs H aiden Isom Floyd Parad ize Jackson
Bobby Jam es C aleb Jam es Jordan Jam es Jonathan Jenkins M itchell Jennings Sarah Jim e n ez
C o b y Johnson Eve re tt Johnson D estinee Johnston M adelaine Johnston Bryan Jones Jayla Jones
Jeram ie Jones Julie Jordan Jordan Kallio Kaieb Koons Angela Lam b C h ris to p h e r Lam berti
Shelby Langford Elliot Leal T a ka ra Leo rnas T a ylo r Levi^is Te rva rin Lew is U niq ue Love
A n d re s Lugo-G arza R o b ert M ackey Kody Mahaffey Kylee Manning T a ylo r Mash S u m m er McCall
A ve ry an a M cDonald Z o ie McKinnis M akayla McMahili M aycie M cSperitt H u n te r M enasco Brand on M endez
Lauren Miller K risten Miilsap V iera Mondragon V iera Mondragon Megan M onsees C hristine M oore
Emily M oore Ryann M oore Em ily M orris Joseph Morton Sable M orton Brooklyn Moudy
Brool<e Mullins Julia Musial Victo ria N adir Brandon N ealy M atthew O tto Jam es Panhorst
A ntoina Parkey Landon P e acem a ker H e ath er Pickett C o n n o r Piper C o n n o r Potts Josh Potts
C h an ce Pringle John Puentes C ristian Rangel C arlo s Revilla N ikole Reyes Kaira Roberts
M akenna Robertson A le xis Robinson Kirklin Robinson D o m onic Rodriguez Marc Rodriguez M arkos Rodriguez
K eeley Rogers Kyle R ooffener Jordan Ross G eorge Roth Johnny-Joe Routon lason Russell
Kirsti Rutledge Kylie Salyers Marah Sanders Tatum Sappington Keaton Schaefer C hesm un Schnick
Stephanie Schofield S.ir.i Sch ro e d e r C aleb Sh.iffer Jen n ifcr Shoots Madison Sk in n i'r O livi.i Skinnor I 'lin c n
C h ristian Sluder Bryson Smith N athanial Smith Jen n ife r Spillm an Ashley Stahr A le x Stokes
N icholas Stone Lacey Tatum Th o m as Th om p son A n to n io T o rre s D e rric k To u rn ay Kaci Trahan
M ichaela Treb ing AJ Trevin o D ako ta Trujillo Jessy U p ch u rch Sapphire V asquez Selena Vasquez
A le x Vega C ie rra Villastrigo Dallas W abb ington Joshua W ad d ell X a v ie r W a lk e r C h risto p h e r W h ip p le
Jordan W h ite M arley W ie se A n issa W illia m s Land ry W illiam s Megan W illiam s C a m e ro n W ilso n
C o le to n W ilso n Brittany W ingard Lori W in n e y A le x W o o d Peyton W rig h t Jonathan Yelle
Kolby Youngblood
<^eter Holloman, fordan | IWIiite, Camille Blanto|ji4^ Frr
Tona Alley Brittany A n drajack Brad Avens Adri Balis Les Ball Alysia B arr
Allyson Baughman Micheal Baughman Dallas Bayless Patrick Birk Ryan Black John Blair
G lo ria Bond-Stanford Marla Bosw ell Kristyn Cagle Larry C a rte r C am e ro n C astro K ery C ely
Lindsey C luley Leslie Coble A m y C o o ke Melissa C o o p e r R obert D aik e r Johnny Divine
Phillip Dowling Linda Ellett A m y Fisher A d rianne Fore Rhonda Fore Bill Fox
Pam Francis N ancy Frazie r Tam m y G e rstn e r C am illa Griffith Christina H allw achs Lea Ann H ardy
Frill Hinson C an Huffington Shannon Johnston Clint K e rr Mark K lein p ete r A lex Koulavatos
I .lu rie I am b A n thony I ew is J liIIc I ew is Grant M.irtin Kiidy M .irtin iv liM iininc Milk-r
Densie M iracle Missy Mire C o u rtn e y Mitchell John M itchell Be ck y M onteom ery David M ontgom ery
Kelli M orris Jam es M oseley A licia M ulhare Danny N ix Susie N ix Brad O w en
Theater ^ /
Activities Division
. ..■ill b
Activities D ivim
otox^^iociM ^ock
Catchinp the ball, Bobby Ingram ( I 2) runs down tlie fielcl for a first down.
Clubs and Activities
Doing a little Steer wresting, Zac Hollingsworth (. 12) takes down a Gmham player with decisive force.
■aking them lown as a !■earn, the j ilefensive line I lUshes back '■or a negative un.
Every small town in Texas... Every Fall Friday night... Fans gather to cheer and celebrate the tradition of high school football. And Burkburnett football is no different. Crowds of parents, students and friends arrive at Bulldog Stadium and rise to their feet cheered as the team takes to the field. Opening the season on Gainsville’s nome turf, August 30, the team began their journey that finished with a 4-7 recorci and advancing into the playoffe for the fourth straight year. ”lt was a successful year and the team improved each week which lead them to the jiayoffs,” Coach Mark <leinpeter said. Bringing home victories against Bridgeport (40-35), Mineral Weils (24-8), Krum (38-14), and rival Iowa Park (27-21), the Dogs faced tough
opponents and narrow margins in losses like Decatur that came down to a last second field goal by the Eagles ( 4 1-38). The Dogs had a great season led by seniors Caleb Titus, Austin Armagost, Jackson Ford, Larry W erner, Ray Douglas, Zac Hollingsworth, Marquez King, Chris Rogers, Bobby Ingram, Brady Brunson, Alexander o p lin j^ m es Upchurch,Jacob Harris, Zach Stone, and Dakota Brown. With each down, carry, throw and touchdown, this team showed it’s talent, dedication and commitment to a sport and team they love. -Paige Gier
Getting ready to kick a field goal, David k rro n (10) puts it through the uprights.
Tackling the ball carrier, Chase Kurszewski ( I I ) prevents a first down.
Bulldogs quarterback Bryan Lewis (l I ) scores a touchdown in a playoff game.
Stopped at the one yard-line before getting a touchdown, didn’t stop Bulldogs from scoring.
Hearing the crowd cheer them on, Bulldogs push forward ready to score a touchdown.
Varsity Foo'
'J M
■ '
Taking the step from junior high ball to the high school gridiron is a big and welcome leap. Starting with two-a-days that players naven’t faced before, players are integrated into a structured system of practices, team meetings, team dinners and maintaining seven
^ GRIDIRON tne academic classes. Learning to balance time in the classroom and on the field, players who can strike this ba ance become leaders and excel. The freshman team drew tough opponents that handed the team an 0-10 record. The team, both with talent and skill,
continued to battle throughout the season despite their record. TheJV squad saw mixed results with their record and developed their talents with the hopes of getting to play on Friday nights. -Staff
Wrapping up the opponent, Braxton Bowie ( 10) completes the play.
Waiting for the call, Tristan Niles ( 10) relays the play to the team.
Taking down a opponent, the Freshmen Bulldogs tne run.
Tackling and stripping the ball. Derrick Tournay (9) and Xavier Walker (9).
Clubs tincl Activities
Stretching out a cramp. Coaches Rick Butler and Scott Boswell assist a player during the heat of an ALigust game.
Breaking a tackle, Quarterback Wesley Wilson (9) escapes a defensive pursuit for a first down gain.
F JV Footr
Having a laugh between plays Kaylea Armstrong ( 12) Alyssa Tabion ( 12) have a short conversation.
Getting ready to set the ball Kviee Trahan (12) stays on the net.
Clubs and Activities
®“»"PsetSpike Volleyball is a sport that takes hard work, long practices and determination. These were all components of this year’s Lady Bulldog success. th e team started practice early with two a days in August, taking time out of their summer vacation to spend countless hours in the gym. The team practiced every morning before school and every day after school working hara to improve and learn drills. Practice wasn’t easy, it was long hours of concentration and self discipline. With all those long hours spent together, the girls became more like a family rather than a team. They supported each other in every way possible on and off the court. Several of the Lady Bulldogs played their last games on these courts this year as they end
their high school career and begin a new chapter. It’s going to be sad next year going back to two a days without the seniors this year. I got very close to them this past season and it’s not going to be the same. But I wish them the best of luck in everything they do,” Ashleigh Bowen said. With the ending of each season, members set goals for the next year to build on the success of the program such as "talking more and becoming closer as a team,” Emilea Peoples said. The Lady Bulldogs may have had a good season but are always looking forward to improving, working harder, and soing further. -Brenna Ruvalcaba
Between serves Kaci Trahan (9), Jaley Matteson(IO) and Kylee Trahan( 12), listen to their coach.
At the net Trinity Davis ( 12) spikes the ball. Jaley Matteson ( 10) has her back.
Varsity Volleybr
Returning the ball, Stephanie Winkler ( I I ) hits the ball back over the net.
_ ting the ball, Madison Hancock ( I I ) , gets ready to Bump the ball. Backing up her teammate, Katie Hickman ( 10), watches and waits for the ball to be hit to the opposing team.
Clubs ,iM(l Activities
The Lady Bulldog JV and Freshman teams pushed themselves hard this year. The JV team worked hard to impress their coaches and teammates. While they practiced in the morning and after school, they had to build up their confidence and focus to do their best This JV team put their focus into their team, their individual skills and their spot on the varsity team next year. While the JV team practiced, so did the fi’eshman. The freshman team made themselves available for any challenge including moving into a JV position. They worked nard and pushed themselves even to prove the r dedication to the sport and their team.
-Hayley Hartnes
Going for the ball, Katie Hickman ( 10) springs into action while Roni Williams ( 10) Daci<s her up.
5 ’® " ^ Keely Clark (9)
■ Cs
Gel btcll
■ ■ ■ 8!'
II Early mornings, long practices, and late night under the Friday Night Lights aren’t just for those in helmets and shoulder pads. Showing just as much dedication to the tradition of Bulldog spirit are the trainers, cheerleaders and Dog Squad. Some people only notice the football team, but forget the people who are on the side ines promoting team spirit and dedicating their time to keeping our players safe. "he trainers are the line of protection for the players against injury, dehydration and fatigue. Offering water during timeouts, ice for a sprain or a cool towel during the hot practices, the trainers keep everyone in condition to play. me Cheerleaders and Dog Squad offer the support and help involve the crowd in the spirit of the game. Win or lose, these groups celebrate the effort and talents on the field. Wherever the Bulldogs go, each of these members follow, no matter what the conditions.
Head trainer, Paige Hughes, applies antiseptic to an Injury received by Brennan . Mullins (10; during the Gainesville game,
-Bre-Yanna Gutierrez
Above, during a game, the Bulldog cheerleaders pose with a SaraBeth Reed and the mascot.
lA .
After th( jviiii . Courtney Weary ( I I ) , Bayli Wasliiny.lon (12), ,ind Alyssa Villanueva ( I I ) join in ti l' - Aim.I M.iti i . ! '1 Clubs , 111(1 Activies
The Bulldog cheerleaders are ready to "Outshine Old High" at an afternoon pep rail •
Dog Squad members join the bulldogs for a chant to rev up the crowd.
While at a game, Dylan Stubblefield ( 12), Stephanie Winkler ( I I ) , Nick Fu len ( 10), oshua Mallett ( 12), Mayce ':)omenicl ( I I ) , Kody Millsap ( 12), and Charles Salas ( 12), show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
On the sidelines of the field, Braxton Bowie ( 10) and Jacob Boyce ( I I ) , laugh and dance with fellow Dog Squad members.
iring the first quarter of the game, Autumn Johnson ( 12) and Ashleigh Bowen ( I I ) , cheer on the crowd. Dog Squad, Trainers, and Che>
The Boomtown Babes have been a long standing tradition at BHS. Every year a group of extremely talented girls that put their heart into performing for our school begin practice the beginning of August and continue until Regional competition in FAruary. The Babes perform w/eekly during halftime at football games and pep rallys, during home ■^i'.tnct basketball games, and competitions. Along with performances the ladies teach I 11'
Clubs and Activities
at the elementary schools and at two community clinics. There are a variety of dances including pom, kick, and prop routines as well as solos, duets and trios. The Babes rigourous practice schedule range from early 7:30am classes to 9 pm solo and duet practice. The program maintains a level of excellence that makes Boomtown proud to call these ladies part of their own. -Colin Stephens & M. Reed
Proving that they are indeed an award winning dancf team, tne Boomtown Babes perform at ■ Crowd Pleasers Regional Competition in Ke ler, ^ Texas.
■aylor Lewis ?) gets ready 3 play his part ,1the show.
BAND During the 10.31 show, the band creeps on the field.
Every year the BHS band practices, and performs to their Ijllest. They spend a ton of time practicing, and preparing for concerts, contests, and solo and ensemble. The mornings before school, and the afternoons alike, are valued time for people to take advantage of to practice. Every Friday night during the football season, you can catch the band members at football games, playing their best during halftime, and the game alike. Towards the beginning of the school year, the band prepared and performed the Halloween show, known as 10.31. After marching season, they started getting ready for their Christmas Concert. After weeks of preparation, the band performed at the BHS gym on December 17 for their Christmas Concert. Kicking off the second semester, the band begins sectionals so they can start working on their music for UIL sight reading. They work on sections witn director Dallas
Bayless, so that they can be proficient in the UIL competition. Previous to sight reading, the band works on and prepares for their Spring Concert, which is their final exam for band. -Colin Stephens
Dancing to the music of Michael ackson, odeci Ancira ( 12) and Kristin Wood ( 12) entertain the crowd.
Performing the crowd favorite ’’Black & White”, the Babes demonstrate their precision and skill.
I 17
While at Regionals, Coach James Moseley, Kody Anderson, Coach Loy Triana and Madelaine Johnstor. all experienced success.
After a meet, Kayla Meany ( 10), Angela Ortiz ( IT), Jodeci Ancira ( 12) Coach Loy Triana and Alexiis Nobles (12) display the hardware that proves I hr results of dediciilion
lubs .
Early morning practices, that’s Inow cross country runners at Burl<burnett High School start their day. They run on the hottest, coldest and rainiest days; the weather doesn’t matter. They don’t stop until they’ve made it to the finish line. Some people may think cross country isn’t difficult, but the boys and girls that run day in and day out will tell you otherwise. Cross country tal<es an infinite amount of dedication that not many people have. They work hard not just during the cross country season, but
^Ljiers wait for a race they’ve spent all season working :opds on the UIL State starting line. I'
all year around. Overall the cross country team had an extremely successful season. With District and Regional Championships along with UIL Cross Country State Qualifiers Kody Anderson and Madelaine ohnston, the program has a bright future. Shaylynn Harmon
Running hard, Kody Anderson ( I I ) makes his way to the finish line.
C ro ss Count'
/ : r x n
D-O-G till I D-l-E” To the Burkburnett Tennis players, whether it is sizzling hot or thirty degree weather, the show must go on. Both Varsity and Junior Varsity has had to under go severe conditions during this season. However, with trie continual mental strength and the physical conditioning, Burk Tennis has been able to over come adversity as well as making new friends along the way. With the return of a total of three seniors, Jacob Organ, Hillary Sykes, and Peyton White led the team in a competitive match against their bi^est rival, the Vernon Lions. Although these experienced players have returned, the team was very young, but well prepared.
Various exercises and practices have equipped the team to excel. However, good coaching techniques could only bring the team so far. Mental toughness played a huge role in the tennis season. As well as being as being a physical sport, tennis is sport that requires precise techniques and intelligence. -Angel Sims
Cole MohedanoC 10) prepares for n dynamic serve against the Vernon I ions.
Freshmen Averyana McDonald and Alexis Robinson serve up some fun as they compete in a doubles matcii.
Club and Activities
Prep(£irafl©ff1^?^ Coach Newman teaches technique to doubles Kara Miller (1 0 and Hillai-y Sykes ( 12).
'lental toughness and determination is how •\aron Cannam ( 10) plans to outsmart his opponent.
Owen Roberts (9) uses his strength and his agility to force a powerful backhand.
Showing his strength, Eric Emro(9) helps in the cafeteria.
D if f e r e n t
The Exceptional Learner’s Club is a program made for students with special needs when it comes to learning. They help out in the cafeteria, work on the shredding, help with the recycling, and much more around campus. The students in the group may seem different, but they are just like everyone else. They may work a little differently or they may not be able to do certain things because of physical limitations, but they are truly amazing. They are learning skills that they can take with them and use out in the world so they can be independent and confident adults. They work hard at what they do and the hard work pays off.
Practicing his work skills, Zachery Payne( 12).
One of the practice dummies used for students to apply what they have learned in class without the pressure of a live patient.
Taking Cindy Boulware’s( 12) blood pressure is Krista FortnerC I I ).
StruttingTheirScrubs C lubs and Act ivies
Taking a break. Jeffery Yarger( 10) poses for a Dicture with 'Irs. Paige Moore. Teaming up for a faster finish are Stasia ThompsonC 10) and Sydney BartinC 10).
■acticing what they’ve learned on a dummy are Lauren Shaffer( 12) jid Kimberly StewardC 12).
Practicing making a hospital bed are Madison Lewis( 12) and Cassie Burkybiie(l2). Taking care of others and making a career in the medical field are the main reasons students join the nursing program here at BHS. Connecting through Vernon College, BHS students can take nursing to learn the skills needed to become a nurse, doctor or physical therapist. In class students learn ever^hing from the technical to the practical. Classroom time must first be done to learn Ithe Basics of patient care including bedside manner, legal lissues and persona! safety. The classroom is equipped with !two medical dummies for the students to practice on along with student practicing blood pressure and patient transfer further preparing them for the world of medicine. Nursing students are required to do cllnicals at the nursini home to practice what they have learned in the ^classroom. At the end of the course, students test to receive theit Nursing Certification and can graduate witn a career waiting of them. -Hope Cozby ELC Nur^
i n ''
" l -
Applying skills learned in the classroom. Cody Patterson ( I I ) Isaiah Horton ( 12) and Bodie Gahagan ( I I ) work on a project during Auto Tech.
Getting a jump start on a career with hands-on training and real world experience are just some of the benefits of taking Welding and Auto Tech. These classes are designed to allow students to learn the basics of each of these fields and eventually earn certifications that will provide jobs and careers post-high school. ------------ :-------Taught by Mr. AJ. Lewis, students learn how to it make blueprints and the diflTerent types of beads applied during welding. ' ' Taking the class gives me the knowledge to help me become a welder after high school,” Logan Miller ( I I ) said. The class provides instruction in Passing each step in order F is required to become a certified \J| welder. The class has a lot of ---Coolingdown down u K J j | K projects through out the year Cooling metal is is if such as building fences and fire metal Logan Miller Miller * pits. Also they build dog houses Logan ' X. and hay feeders. ((I10) ^ If a career in welding doesn’t appeal to students, BHS has other opportunities like Auto ^ T e ch . Working hands on and getting instruction Ress Mr. David R e« from Mr. David Ress, students learn every inch of assisting Jan-Ole the car and how It works. The major projects In ^sistingJan-Ole Holst ( fr ) 11) this class are breaks, engine and wiring, mis class is a great opportunity learn about cars and the skills to fix them. Mercedez
Using a grinder during class, Peyton Neinas ( I I ) works on a project for welding.
Using team work to get their project done is Blal<e Alley ( I I ) and Brock Bolen ( 12)
Really getting into his work is Bodie Gahagan ( I I ) climbs under the hood.
Fast at work, Brady Smitn ( I I ) :ractices lis beading for his next level of testing.
W elding/Auto Ter
Presenting in front of the class, Dallas Grubbs (12) takes . command of the class.
During a briefing, Avia B a lr f l2 ) • and Matihson v: ones( 12) ' isten to instructions.
Awaiting inspection, cadets stand at the ready while leadership presents the flight to Lt. Col. Ball and Sgt. Fox. During FT, Jason W ick I I 2) finishes his run while LL Col. Les Ball calls oOt= Hmes. 'r'^v
Developing tomorrow’s leaders today through discipline, learning, leadership and pride are core values of Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFJROTC). There are many fecets of the AFJROTC program. Classroom lecture provides instruction on topics such as military chain of command, aerospace and aeronautics, and careers v\/lthln the military. Most AFJROTC want to pursue a career in the military. "Being in AFJROTC allows for me to get as much training and knowledge possible before going into the miliary. I want to attend the Air Force Academy and wish to make this my career,” Andrew Seale ( I I ) said.
Another aspect is physical fitness. Prior to school beginning in August, cadets go through FLOW to prepare them for the year’s PT program. Each week students are challenged to increase their physical fitness through running, calisthenics, and weight training. Cadets participate in field trips to Altus AFB and drill competition at Texas Tech University. Community facets of the program include volunteering for events such as Hangar Holiday, 1C Evans Family Night, and providing community color guard details for many local events including MSU basketball games. -M. Reed
e?. ____ I I
i getting ready to lead their fellow cadets I’s Day parade to honor local veterans.
cI j II
tlio world’sHsta^e,
And all the nion and women iiierely })la\ ers; "lliey have th eir exits and thei r entrances, And one m an in his tim e plays m any parts...”
Students eye stardom This year, the young actors and actresses put their acting sl<ill in the spotlight during their performances of ’’Our Town." The talented performers displayed their talents for two show times in one day. The play illustrates the inevitability of both life and death. It also depicts the loneliness of a person. The play represents the significance of community and fellowship. The students portray the stages of life throughout the entire play. ”’My art reflects my own spiritual journey and it gives me the ability to make peace with the physical world. We all have that feeling that something is
('iis('inl)l(' isa ('onHHiniily and t hat is what thc'cast ofllu' |)la\ slioiihl h(\ I I s not about iiK'or 1. It'sal)()iit usaiul wo.’ \\ hat I lik('about tlicati'i- b('caus(' I <4ot to do what I lov('('v('r\(lay, wliicli is |)('i'fbruiiu^."
missing, a part of the puzzle we haven’t found yet. and so we make our place in this world by adding art to express our inner being.’ Theatre will forever be my home.”, says Sierra Otto (10). ”’An ensemble is a community and that is what the cast of the play should be. It’s not about me or I. It’s about us and we.’ What I like about theater because I get to do what I love everyday, which is performing.” says Michaela Trebing (^ . Theater is about coming together as a family and putting on a great work of art. Chelsea Bailey-Meares
(^ 11
-M icIi.-K'hi IVcliiiiiiC!*)
tfrly talk with her children, gwr the show.
Having a girl-to-girl moment, Sierra Otto ( 10) fixes Emily King’s (12) hair during the act
The at'::
Never let enough Teamwork and hustle are two things the Lady Bulldogs varsity soccer team excel at. With an unrelenting defense the team has shown their athletic ability on the field time and time again. Despite the amount of injuries incurred to a few of the team’s starting players, the attitude displayed by the Lady Bulldogs has been one of resilience and determination throughout a taxing yet rewarding season. Afthough soccer may be considered among one of the lesser known sports at BHS, the girls exceed at making themselves known by exhibiting their skills on the field, beating teams such as Hirschi (3-2J and Decatur (8-0) and closing out the year with another successful season full of challenges and accomplishments.
Making the play and going for the score, Ginnie Potts (I I) fends off a rival opponent Passing the ball to a teammate, Emilea Peoples ( I I ) pushes the ball upfleld.
-Lauren Duncan
Striving to get the ball, Callie Swant ( I I ) leaves it all on the field a il successfully wins the ball for the team.
Gaining an advantage, Madelaine
a, I
' ‘lubs <ind Artivities
*4 Johnston (9) takes on a Hirschi player.
chibiting her true athletic ability, "andi Saville (12) searches for open ^layers to kick the ball to.
Snagging the baiirchfoe Sharp ( 12) defends the goal against an opponent’s attack. Girls Socc-^
Scrimmaging during jractice, the V team perfects their skills.
Stopping a defensive attack, I larrison Perez-Jara ( I 2) gains coiiltol and passes downfield.
" , ----------- -------------
OUR jetting into the mix, Nicl< Fullen 10) and Jarrod Adams ( 12) tal<e >n the Gainesville offense.
Each time a team loses a key player, someone steps up to take his place. After losing six seniors f^rom the varsity team, the players knew that dedication and hardwork were a must this year. The players focus on working together as a team and communicating better on the field. They put in extra time after
1/ school to better themselves on the field. The coaches were proud of the effort is put into each practice, game and tournament Each teammate gives I 10% at every practice and game. There is no " " in team, and these boys really show that when they’re on the field.
'orking on ball control, Cameron Lueck ( 10) id Tyler Domenici (9) practice while Kennon ;ed (9) look son.
JV V Boys socr-
Bm ping'fp at the tip off, Mikaila lillinger ( I) makes an attempt to gain possession of the ball and maintain an ^dv^^ge for the Lady Bulldogs.
H o w have you grown »
clo ser to your team ates this season as a senior? "Even through my
injury, it has always been im portant for me to maintain a positive attitude and p ro ject a
I hi' court, Angel Sims ( I I ) and ” ( 10) move tlie ball toward the
good exam ple being both a captain and a leader for my team .”
‘ ivities
^ o jt u m n jo ^
Guarding the ball fi'om her opponent, Kaci Trahar (9) works aggressively to defend the Lady Bulldog's possession of the ball.
Ball Til’ You Fall
; coring yet another shot against 3wa Parl<, Trinity Davis ( 12; rives the ball into the net with l ackup from Jennifer Joss ( I I ) .
After an exciting season pacl<ed w^ith many intense games, the 2 0 13-2014 Lady Bulldogs varsity baketball team has managed to persevere through it all and ultimately conquer the court with an outstanding attitude as well a heightened sense of te a m w o rk and co m ra d ery. Noticeably found in each game played by the Lady iulldogs, is their ability to worl< together and communicate both on and off the court. Whether it be during one of their practices, or even during a high-stal<es game against a rivarteam, the Lady Bulldogs’ devo tio n and d ed ica tio n to achieve always allows them to shine through despite the outcome of any scoreboard. Tirelessly striving to advance to playoffs for the second consecutive year, the Lady Bulldogs went into each game with a winning mindset and a multitude of strategic plays thanks to their coach, Alex Koulavatos. By bringing everything
they had and inevitably leaving it all on the court, the team’s run at playoffs was a goal they were determined to make a reality this season. With the achievement of their advancement to playoffs, the Burkburnett Lady Bulldogs diligently p e rsiste d through yet another fuffilling season highlighting their overall devotion to the game as well as their loyalty to one another as a team. - Lauren Duncan
G irl’s Varsity Basket'
Every year new memories are made and school records are broken. The dedication that the Burkburnett Bulldogs put into the sport they love shoves v^hen it is time for them to step on the hardwood and give it their all on Tuesday and Friday nights. Sometimes it was pure luck. Sometimes it was a ot of three pointers. But it still took talent, hard work, and practice to came out of nowhere to turn the game around. The Bulldogs had an amazing undefeated season winning the District Championship and giving them a nice road to state in the playoffs. Unfortunaly, the Bulldogs lost to undeafeted #2 ranked Kennadale in a gut wrenching ’ame that came down to the ast few minutes to decide who would advance to the Regional tournament. The Bulldogs finsihed the season with a 28-7 recored as Area Champions. -Rizonn Hendricks Dribbling down the court, Cassiano Weir ( 12) makes a fast break down the court.
Getting a good in-game dunk Chase Malcolm ( 12) throws it down with authority.
Hitting anotlier one of his many threes fronn the 2014 season Deondre ivory ( i 2) adds to the score against Glen Rose during the Buiidog’s playoff run.
Making it hard to see for the opposing 3 ayer Brian Hightower ( IT) and Eiijiah Stricl<land (12) trap the Glen Rose Player so he’ll turnover the ball.
Fighting for the loose ball Justin Bell (12) and Cameron Cahayla ( 12) dive on the floor to secure the ball.
Varsity Boys Basket ''
F“ During a break in tlie action, Ashley Stahr and Brianne Fournier take a minute to pose for the camera.
The Lady Bulldogs are focused during a time out.
^sraaiiiEiu, "My fa v o rite p a rt o f the season was ^hanging out with p e o p le a fter the g a m e ."
Carissa Eckle (9)
W h a t was y o u r f a v o r i t e Overall,
p a r t of t h e s e a s o n ?
y o ii r o p i n i o n
on t h e
season ?
Coach LoyTriana thin!\ the girls d id a grea t Jo b d ev elo p in g into the b ra n d o f ba sketba ll that we play in liigb school. O n e th in g that I can d ejin itel say is that I n ev er h a d to coa ch ejfort. \ "/
After driving by a Graham defender Ashlynn Hoff ( 10) goes up for the lay-up.
During warmups Brittany Honeycutt ( 10) makes sure to hold the follow through.
eoffft and Among obstacles and adversities both JV and Freshmen ^irls basketball have been able to <eep Bulldog tradition. This season’s outcome was measured not on the amount of wins but the size of these girls’ hearts and hustle. The Lady Bulldogs have kept the Burkburnett traditions alive by praying before each game, hands crossed over one another to signify unity. This togetherness shows out on the court. Throughout the entire game players are seen cheering each other on whether watching the game or actually plying in it. Coach Miracle and Coach Triana have instilled in these girls that teamwork is key. When players enter the game as another one runs out, players exchange a towel, handshakes, and a good job. However, even though these girls have fallen short of a few victories, their hustle and heart truly sat them apart. Practice, competition, and drills were all intensified each day as sophomores and freshmen alike pushed each other to their full potential. They knew if they kept a positive attitude good things would come. On January I4tn the JV girls basketball team competed against Graham in a distr ct game. The Lady Bulldogs came out on top by defeating
aking sure nothing gets in her way Makayla ancock (9) drives aggressively to the goal.
Hands ready Faith Hollingsworth (9) prepares to get the rebound.
the Steers by five points. Heart, not talent wins games and this team has truly made the difference by encouraging other sport teams at Burk to never give up. - Angel Sims
Husting offthe court Ashley Stahr (9) and Shelby Garvin grab a towel and hot fives by their teammates.
Taking a rest during half time,Britanni Joshua ( 10) prepares for the second half of the intense game.
JV and Freshm en Girls Basketb :
Do you think practing^ against the varsity helps your team?
Zac Bales ”lt prepares the JV for the next level.”
Who’s your favorite player on the varsity?
Grant Jiminez ’’Elijah because he drops buckets and is the leader of the team.”
Anxiously waiting to get the reboLind, Teri-y Kniglit ( 10) prepares to grab the missed free throw.
Trapping a Grahman basketball player, Cristian Ran°el (9) and Wes ey Wilson (9) make it hard to pass the ball witn the Bulldog's pressLire match Lip zone defense.
Knocking down a nice tliree from an assist from Cristian Rangel (9) Desmonn Bauglnman (9) adds points to his team’s score.
Buildin Tradition n g
It’s never easy being the freshman and JV team on on one of the best teams in the state of Texas. Everybody expects you to be as good as them or better against the competition you’re playing that v/ee<. These players know that everyday in practice they have to go hard every rep, every second, and every time they hit the floor so that next year when they take over the role on varsity the saying, "Nobody Plays Harder” won’t be forgotten. The freshman and junior varsity both had a nice record of 7-1 in district finishing with the title of Bi-District Champions. -Rizonn Hendricks Dunking the ball with two hands Austin Vroom ( I I ) shows his jumping ability during warmups.
very close game, Jalen McClain ( I I ) makes a ‘jtch layup to stretch the Bulldogs lead before ; ng into a double over time game against the 1,'schi Huskies.
Holding his finish, Martarius Wilson ( 10) nails a clutch three pointer in their big district game against Hirschi.
Fighting for the rebound against the Iowa Park Hawks, Trace Davis ( 10) fights for possession of the missed shot.
JV Freshm an Basket'
The dedicated staff annually take on the monumental task of documenting what goes on /ear. fneir goal is to go to every ve events and form the school e book so that in the future students are able to look back and remember the things they participated in during their high school careers. This year the staff has decided^ to do a nonstop theme for the yearbook. This means that we try to capture the busy moments of our students lives here at school and put it all in the yearbook. Showing the ’’nonstop” schedule we have at Burkburnett High. It is a lot of work to take on but in the end we still manage to enjoy what we do. We get to be on the sidelines of sporting events, see what happens in the different activities, and get to know everyone. We spencl our time making the yearbook the best it can be. Therefore the duties of a yearbookian is difficult but always rewarding every year. Nothing is better than sharing your hard work with others i their enjoyment. Its all worth it when its all over for the year, but its always exciting to start the next year.
P o in t S S k o o t
We take more than selves Instead of rolling up their sleeves, Jacob Boswell ( 10) and Rizonn Hendricks (10) get ready to paint signs to advertise the yearbook by rolling up their shorts.
Putting letters in envelopes, Theopnilus Babcock ( 10) gets letters ready to be mailecfout to remind people to order their yearbooks.
Outlining their design, Paige Gier ( I I) and Bre-Yanna Gutierrez ( I I ) get ready to paint their yearbook sale signs.
You guys were great this year. It has been so enjoyable working with you guys. W e are glad to have spent our last year working with and beside you. Keep up the good work and good luck on the book next year. W e know it will be great. Thanks for all the great memories.
)bie Kurszewski (10) presents : i'!r entry to the judges. Posing with her horse, Katelyn Grimes ( I I ) takes a second to take a picture.
i ' 'aiting to be judged, Haley Lam 0) sets her steer for show.
Ir ml
Br^on Young A n cirad l ) ^ Shelby Peters (I I) qpenttte local FFA SLf
leaning his pig, Hunter Brooks jO) gets his pig ready to show :the county show.
The students that participate in the Future Farmers of America, truly have a nonstop year. They live their lives trying live their motto; Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. The students in the FFA program take on an animal to care for throughout the year. They can choose from swine, cattle, rabbits, lambs, goats, horses, and chickens as their project. They compete in many shows including those in Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, at local shows, and in the Wichita County Junior Livestock Show. At the end of their project they either sell them for a profit or give them back to the owner. Altogether they spend their year caring for their animals and learnrng the skills they will need in the arture. -Peyton White Yearb o o k FF/
This wild bunch of golfers dominates River Creek Courses at the end of the school day. Whether playing holes or hitting on the range, Burkburnett’s own 3ar their wav up to the top. For jeing consiaered the lazy mans sport, these students make it seem anything but lazy. But truthfully th ^ give it tneir all taking us to State and beyond. Students develop precision and patience when playing this sport. Golf keeps them active
and helps shape a bright future for them. -Theo Babcock Pictured below are Randy Blackmon (9), Esteban Rios ( I I ) , Alex Wright ( 10), Mason Winkles ( I I ) , Whitney Allen ( I I ) , Ryan Caporale (9), Emily Appleton ( 10), Sapphire Vasquez (9), Haiden F oyd (9), Dalton Barfield (9), Sarah Moore ( 12), Taylor Lam ( 10), Brittany Bittlker ( 10), Katie Anderson (9), and Marah Sanders (9).
Lam ( 10) takes her second
-■if:t i ' ■ ,
On a clear day at the course, Katie Anderson ( 10) starts off her par at Hole 6. 1-14
On the hitting range, Randy Blackmon (9), Esteban Rios (I I), Mas(f Wright ( 10), Haiden Floyd (9), and Ryan Caporale (9) practice tht6 i
racl<||blim has to ■. 3S ir Ihfc cold, not
loflahaii^ m ous fer, bgipiso because
■yortexllji^^TRjisffli SITkTlTat ___ llro m
!lents to fllljM » w m » ^ r^ iethin§ to cfo. It worfe^our ' It relieves stress. It I an atmosphere of' I and fellowship with a ;; ;ie accoii^.
L-V-. . Starting the race in perfect form, Zac . : ^ ^ Hollingsworth (12) takes off during the Boomtown' Relays. .......
Putting on Hole 2, Whitney Allen ( I I ) watches her ball slowly roll up to the hole.
hit like a girl”
”1love playing with these girls! We are more than a team! We are a family!"-Shelby Garvin( 10)
a whole N E W meaning Even though, the name of the game is ’’softball,” there’s nothing "soft” about it. Our JV softbalTgirls work diligently to become the best players they can. They practice tirelessly in and out of season to perfect their skills. Every student has something they enjoy. Many of these girls would not give up softball for anything. To you it might Just be a game, but to them It’s everything. -Staff
playing sc since the 6th grade; so you could say it’s a passion of mine.” Kristen Alberts ( 10)
Watching the batter, Shelby Langforcr(9) waits for the next ch.
Hitting the ball, Destinee ohnston(9) makes it to first jase for the softball girls.
With their season starting off new; new uniform, new hats, and a new coach, the y ■ optt High School boys’ '■ ’pare ;rrlfic season boys have
Game.” They work their hardest to stay on top of their season. With their blood, sweat and tears In the game, there is no stopping the boys In the ”B” caps. -Staff
Getting warmed up, Blair Hawthorne I
j Powerlifting is a practice that ;-equires extreme patience. Not ^Tiany people can survive through the pain, but the ones ;vvho can, excel in the sport. Students at Burkburnett know ; how to deal with this pain.
Every year the powerlifting team continues a tradition. This year is no different. This tradition consists of strong men that participate in practices ever/day and meets on the weekend mornings. Waking up early in the morning is hard,
especially when you have to lift a lot of weight. Most people can not put up with the task. Such a task is a true test of toughness. Showing how hard work pays off, Chris Rogers ( 12), and Alex Joplin ( 12), will be attending the state powerlifting meet to show how much work they have put
Chris Rogers
198 lb wt class p jjP Regional Qualifier State Qualifier j[^s'
off the jetting ready 3r a hit Iristian ■angel (9) sets ;P'
Catching the ball to get one of the ffrst outs of the same, Alex Wetzel ( 10) tags 1st n /"
i \
On the mound, Brennan Mullins (10) pitches his way to get, yet another out
Watching the play, Blake ^arkey ( 10) practices his swings.
Playing for most 8 f his life, Hunter Brooks( 10) ^r^tching before batting.
”lve been playing baseball since the second grade.” -Nathanial Smith (9)
JV Softball/ Baseba!!/ Power's^^^^
Throwing to second, Brady Brunson ( 12) throws the runner out.
ng a drive, 3, TIrey r Bigford ( I I ) watches the ball drive down the field.
Scooping the ball Alex Patty ( I I ) beats the runner to the base.
Having a meeting on the mound. Coach Craig Ricl<man, Jackson Ford ( 12), and J Landon Stout (12) talk about the upcoming hitter.
I, Mil
iG oingforthe I double play, 'Brandon ■Jones (12) 'throws to !first.
^itching, J Landon Stout ( 12) ihrows the heat to the plate.
ehind the late,Jackson ord Cl 2) vaits for the oitch and atches the 'op up for an ut.
Forming a Tradition Showing textbool< technique, Brady Brunson ( 12) swings for the fences.
Under new coaching, Coach Grant Martin has a great team under his guidance this year. Trying to exceed expectations, the baseball team takes the field every game knowing they can win. It is not easy coming off of losing the first round playoff game last year, but the baseball team is showing otherwise. Baseball, Americas past time, is all about doing your part and trusting your teammates to do the same. The players this season can do that easily. Playing baseball with each other since they were little, experience is this year’s advantage With almost every starting player
returning from last season, you can expect good things from these outstanding players. When players play as a team, great things can happen. You might not see them, rest assured the prizes are tremendous. This years prize was to potentially make history. The Bui dogs haci a great season this year and did everything they could for their successful season. -Jacob Boswell
there's nothing soft about it L Picking up where they left off, the Varsity Softball team opened the 2014 season with a win durine their first scrimmage against Rider. Last year the Varsity girls competed at the UIL State Softball Tournament and hope to make a return to Austin in May. Representing the Bulldogs at the State Tournament is a goal by all the players this year along with personal and team builoing goals, ” Our goal is to work hard together, play hard together, and make it back to state together as a team.” said Parker Keeling ( I I ) . Plagued by injury and a tough pre-district schedule, the team
sticks together to play their best in every game. As the season continues the girls work hard to achieve their goal of going back to State. Entering the year as the favorite to win ciistrict, the team knows that another deep run into the playoffs will require everything they have through teamwork, dedication and talent. - Krista Fortner
Too Fierce, the Varstiry team takes a moment to show their Dersonaiities aefore a ;ame against ider.
After scoring an out against the opposing team the girls congratulate each other.
Aaron, jT 56,77, 166 Acheson. Kylee 90, 95, 156 Adame, Aliyson 96 Adams. Clayton 62, 90 Adams. Jarrod 27. 28, 29, 60, 75, 77, 133, 156, 180 Adams, Riley 90, 153 Adamson, Angela 84, 153 Adamson, Shawna 77 Agang, Rechllte 70 Agosto, joshua 10, 90
Andrajack, Brittany 15,41, 102 Andrews, Adam 77, 156, 177 Andrews, Richard 84 Appleton, Emily 90, 144, 157 Archambeau. Ashley 90 Armagost, Austin 60, 77, 152, 158 Armstrong, Jack 60,84 Armstrong, Kaytea 2, 12, t9, 27, 30, 32, 33, 41, 75,77, I 10, 151, 152 Armstrong, Kiley 90, 153 Arndt, Chance 5, 96 Arnold, Brycen 96, f53, 157 Arnold, Nathanial 84 Askew-Betts, Matt 96, 155 Avens, Brad 18, 102
Baxter, Heather 96, 156 Baxter, Josh 84 Bayless, Dallas 50, 102 Bell, Justin 12,23,28,60,76,77. 137, 154 Bender, Christina 96 Bentley, Ethen 96 Betts. Marquis 68, 84, i52 Bhulyan, Bianna 84 Bigford, Trey 34, 63, 148 Billinger, Mikaila 4, 20, 53, 60. 6 1, 84, 134, 154 Birk, Patrick 102 Bittiker, Bailey 77, 167 BIttiker, Brittany 90, 144, 157 Black, Hope 62, 90 Black, Ryan 102 Blackmon, Randy 96, 144, 157
Boswell, Jacob 13, 53, 67, 90, 142, 147, 152 Boswell, Maria 25, 102 Boswell, Scott 7, 24, 108, 152 Boucher, Aliy 77, 168 Bouiware, Cindy 70,77, 122, 168 Bowen, Ashleigh 7, 12, 84, 110, 115. 152 Bower, Caitiin 96, 153 Bowie, Braxton 54, 90, 95, 108, 115, 152 Box,Colten 96, 155 Boyce, Jacob 84, 115, 148 Boyett, Kaytlyn 33. 55, 60. 77, 114, 152. 158, 169 Brady, Christina 96, !53 Bragg, Ashlee 26, 60. 97, 146, 153 Bragg. Cody 22, 84, 152 Brantley, Cole 84, 87 Brock, Haley 2 1, 22, 84
!ar,"Shawna 4()7t
Caleb Titus, Austin Armagost, Hayden McLelland, acl<son Ford, i^orm Hendricks, Bryan Lewis, ^ 4 ' -arry W ernen Ray Douglas, Zac Hollingsworth, Brennan Mullins, David Barron, Marquez King, /Chase Kurszewski, Jason Allred, Marquis Betts, Chris Rogers, Bobby Ingram, Landon Bale, Kelley ;; n McGoy, eolby Corsaut, Brady Brunsorr; Alexander Joplin, Caleb Jansen, Jaymes Upchurch, Chantz Burlton, Jacob Boswell, Cody Bragg, Daniel Castro, Noah Henderson, Jay Bolf, 'ason (Zac) Ringwood, Chris Gunn, Tyler Kincaid, 5 acob Harris, Zach Stone, Dakota Brown, irandon Ingram, David Tru illo, Paige Blair, Summer Ewing, Lauren Griffis, Madison Lewis, Shaynah Chouinard, Kaytlyn Boyett, Darcy Hill, Brie Runeberg, Craig Rickman, Rizonn Hendricks, Rick Butler, Scott Boswell, Tracy i’ Stringfellow, Coby Page, and Mark Kleinpeter
Tristan Niles, Christopher McDonald, Hunter Clark, Coiby Titus, Javan Brown, Blair Havrthorne, MItcheii Jennings, Eric Shelby, Braxton Bow^e, Kolby Youngblood, Michael Brooking, Connor Bales, Keaton Spradlin, Dylan Grider, Danny Wood, Matthew Holcomb, Christopher Lopez, Colton , ; Xervenka, James Gill, Aaron Hendren, Justin McCracken, Blaze William^
Bryson Young, Kylee Trahan, ■>&Kaci Trahan, Kyi annon, K^tea Armstrong, ennifer Joss, Case Cannon 'Madison Blair, Emi ea Peoples, trinity Davis, ■ ^ Ashleigh Bowen, Alyssa Tabion
*^ e n n e T T Z a ra g b za , A^ncfrew'l^n9erson', Kdlten F re n c li, B ryce Lew is " Aleman, Esmeraldj 96, 153, 156 Alfred, Kalie 13,90, 131. M2, 156 Allen, KayLee 77 Allun, Toby 96 Alleti, Tricia 90. 9B Allen, Whilney 84, M4, M5. 157 Alley, Blake 20, 21, 84. 125 Alley, Tona 6 i, 102 Allred, J.ison 12, 19. 77, 152, 166
Aiv ;• r locji=r! Dnrc 4^ ^9. 7^., 77. 82, 116. 117,
1 i
I■ . 1 174
Babcock, Thoophllus 90, M2 Baber, C.irler 77. 154. 167 Baccaro, Mayk-Loide 90. 156 Bachc'i l, Connor 20. 96, 155 BaclU‘tt, Jacob 20. 47, 96, 97, I 29, I 57 Balley-MearKS, Chelsea 5, .12, i7, 19. 53,65, 84, 142 Baker. Alyson 77 Bale, Undon 84. 147, 152 Bales, Conm?r 35,90. 152 Bales, Elizabeth 5, ft, 77, 15i B.?lfs. Zachaty 84, 154 Bails. Adrl 102
Bail, Isaac 90, 157 Ball. Les 5. 11,29. 102. 126 Ballard, Ayla 41, 77, 126 Bancovitch. Anna 90 Barboza, Alyse 96, 153 Barfield, Dalton 42. 96. 144. 155. 157 Bai nes, Trevor 90. 147 Barr, Alysla 102 Barr, Blake 77. 178 Bj i relL Bro Barr(ent®Wnilfol Barron, David 13,90,91,107,132,152, 156 Barlln, Sydney 90,123 Barton, Madison 90 Bates, Presley 96 BiiUghman, Aliyson 55,102 Baughman, Oesmonn 96, 141 Baughman, MIclieal 102
Blair, John 19, 102 Blair. Madison 40. 96. 152. 154 Blair. Paige 152 Blakley. Auora 90 Blanton. Camille 96. 101. 113. 155 Blanton. Christina 84 Bliton. Brittaney 90 Button, Brittany 153 Bolduc. Kelsey 96
Boltor^ Dsniei 96 r Bolton, Devan 77,16
Bonnin, Antanda 90 Booth, Boswell, All 9<. 156
>5 .
.rooks, Zee 97 , r o w n , Bailey 49, 67, 77, 153, 168 ..rown, Biilie 84 .rown, Dakota 77, 152 ,rown, Devin 97 rown, Javan 62, 91, 146, 152 ■cown. Joseph 78 ..rown, Madeline 9 1 juner, Haley 84, 153 ,ranson, Brady 9, 11, 12, 17,23, 27,61,76, 78, 83, 148, 149, 152, 158, 168 ,ryantCody9l ,uckaJew, Jacob 84 ueno De Oliveira, Victor 84 urtcybile,Cassie7l,78, 123, 153, 169 urtton, Chant2 84, 152
Cameron, Eliza 91. I S3 Campos, Juan 9 1 Campos, Michael 91, 156 Canada, Kail 63,78 Canada, Katil 85 Canham, Aaron 13, 16,91, 121. 153, 156, 157 Cannon. Casey 19, 27. 30. 33. 4 1, 53, 56, 57, 60, 63, 78. no. 152, 154, 170 Capes, Chris 45, 91 Caporale, Ryan 97, 144, 157 Caporaie, Sierra 97. 155 Cardona, Victoria 97 Carlson, Jessica 31, 78, 158, 171 Carson, CJ 91 Carson, Danielle 78. 82. 153 Carter. Larry 102 Casadbs, Ty 9
Clark, Keely 27, 97, 113 Clements, Sean 33, 78 Close, Brittnay 97 Cluley, Lindsey 18, 102 Coble, Leslie 48, 63, 102, 103 Coker, Kasey 16, 85, 157 Colins, Aleighcia 97 Collins, Jacobe 6, 85, 129 Cook, Joe 40 Cooke, Amy 19, 102, 103 Cooke, Marley 16, 96, 97, 113, 155, 156 Cooper, Melissa 102 Corey, Makayla 85, 116, 131, 153, 156 Corsaut, Colby 60, 85, 152, 157 Cox, Brody 9 1 Cozby, Hope 25,67,71,78, 142
- a ®
# -
Davis, Trinity 5, 7, 12, 19, 27, 36, 41, 53, 56, 60, 71,74,78, I I I , 135, 152, 154 De Celles, Trenton 97, 153, 157 Deason, Hannah 9 1 DeCelles, Dustin 10,78, 171 Demel, Matthew 97 Derzapf, AndrevK 85, 154 Desal, Vaidehl 2,61,75, 78, 158, 171 Devore, Karen 91 Devore, Kiefer 85 Dickey, Delayne 10, 22, 23, 26, 90, 91, 153 Dingus, Austin 97, 155 Disney, Samuel 29,57,97 Divine, Johnny 102 Dobbs, Kaylee49, 91, 116, 153 Dold, Abigail 25, 57,91 Dbmen!ci,Ty!er97: Dominguez, Daniel 91
Ginnie Potts, Kaila Frank, Sheridan Retry, Alex Roth, Lauren Shaffer, Taylor Hausner, Keera Hoover, Coleton Wilson, Angela Adamson, Shelby Hill, jayla. Mardis, Tiffany Walker, Sarah Harris, Morgan Mlnard, Caitl[n Bower, Christina Brady, Ana Martinez, Mandl Bush, Lacey Tatum, Samantha Horne, Esmer^^da -Aleman, Emify Moore, jayla Jones, Victoria Nadir, Anissa Williams, Aliyndrea ^Morgan, Danielle Carson, Hannah Ruebel, Alex ChftenskI, Christopher Kilie, - Shana Garrett, Diana Martinez, Emily Sariego, Brycen Arnold, Ryleigh Frank, : Claire Galbraith, Dailas Wabbingtdri, Tai<ara^ Pellikan, Christy Howard, Bailey Brown, Bethany Calloway, Heather Pickett, Kylie Salyers, Jailene Lopez, Megan Williams, Briana Hancock, Chesmun Schnick. Nathan Anderson, Alyse Barboza, Eliza Cameron, Kristai Patterson, Emily Simmons, Brianna Rooney, Abigail O'Neil, Taylor Lewis, Brittany Hernandez, Brett Parson, Britt Fehr, Courtney Jones, Christopher Whipple, Elizabeth Bales, Brianna Davidson, Jonathan Yelle, Skyier Davidson, Marah Sanders, Taylor Mash. Ren Ancheta, Shawna Blackshear, Emiiy Morris, Trenton DeCelles, Christina Garmon, Garret Garvin, Garrett Liffick, Tyler Parson, Andres Lugo-Garza. Austin Mathews, Jared Moon, Jonathan Jenkins, Jack Galbraith, Brandon Green, Coleby Lamb, Matthew Otto, Josh Potts, Riley Adams, Jordan Johnson, Kate Anderson, Trace Davis, Thomas Thompson. Cole Mohedano, Aaron Canham, George Roth, Chase Fehr, Hunter White, Aaron Holloman, Gabriel Pate
>adie Yetter, Kaylee Dobbs, Cassie Burkybile, Zierra Gardea, Kimberly W ood, Meghan Getchell, Vrianna Shaw, Hannah Murphy, Abbie Kurszewski, (UeyArmstrona Madison-HcabajvOelayne-Dickey,%ssa Roberts, Kelcee Eddins, Sarah Furman, Danica Mendoza, Haley Bruner, Kristin Wood, Haleigh Loffler, Makayla Hancock, Faith Hollingsworth, Jodeci Ancira , Rachel Faulkenbery, “laKenzle Eddins, Kharizma Hampton, Brooke j 'lulllns, Angela Lam, Harley Jackson, Marley Welse, 'ladison Welse, Ashley Sandburg, Brittany Blitton, I es*;ica Heinz, Maranda Overstreet, Makayla Corey, ihauna Franklin, Emily Skinner, Emily King, Kayla ■ ■■ ; BraggfGraee Harris, Dates Grubbs,a r Shaefee Slgbbins, Aiexiis Nobles,
(Jms, Samantha 29, 60, 84 ;jsh, Mandi 50, 91, 153 iJtler, Rick 108, 152 i'rn e , Amanda 78, 169
-jp -
aa. 19,34, 35,61, 76,78. 137, Garrtsoft 97 tT : lloway. Bethany 60 - m den,Jordan
49, ,78,1S3, !70 I0.H.84 [j 'neStH|^na2o|97,113
Castro, Cameron 19, 102 Castro, Daniel 53, 85, 147, 152 Castro-Borchert, Ross 85 Catherall, Kori 91 Caudill, Justin 85 Ceiy, Kery 8, 102 Cervantes, Maria 9 1 Cervenka, Colton 91, 152 Cerveny, Carly 22, 23, 70, 78, 83 Cerveny, Jeffery 85 Chandtec Betst'^, 85 Cherry. Julia 97 Chilenski,Alex9l, 153 Chouinard, Shaynah 85,152, 158 Chumley, Elizabeth 11,9 1 Cisneros, Ricardo 97 Ciampitt, Grant 85 Clark, Hunter 91, 152, 156
D Daiker, Robert 102 Danderson. Sydney 85 Daniel, Julia 97. 156 Daume, Trisha 97 Davidson, Brianna 85, 153
#aytets Davis, Brad 42 Davis, Corey 78 Davis, Danielle 13, 53, 60,85. 154 Davis, Davion 97, 155 Davis, Giovanni 154 Davis, Jausiyn 97 Davis, Trace 91. 116, 141, 153, 154
Dominguez. Eva 74, 78, 79 Dominguez. Guillermo 9 1 Donaghey, Adan 85 Donley, Winter 85 Douglas, Kaitlyn 97, 157 Douglas, Kelsey 20. 27, 97, 157 Douglas, Ray 78, 152 Dowling. Phillip 102 Drew. Caitlyn 97 Dudley. Taylor 25. 91 Durunri Laurv.' I
; K’./f. Ofrvin H5
. 7;!, RO, 8^. 14?, 174
Eckle, Carlssa 97, 138, 144, 155 Eddlns, Kelcee 24, 46, 78, 82, 116, 117, 153, 158, 172 Eddins, Makenzle 24, 46, 98, 117, 119, 129, 153 Eddlns, Megan 29, 90,91,92, 153 Edwards, Justin 50, 92, 156 Ehllnger, Caylln 96,98, 154, 155 Elam, Nathaniel 33,92 Eliett, Linda 31, i02, i03 Eiilott, Guy 85 Eillson, Brittany 92 Eilyson, Bridgette 98
Fehr, Britt 98, 153 Fehr, Chase 85, 153 Fennessy, Jacob 98, 156 Fennessy, Jordan 85 Ferguson, Mercades 85 Ferry, Lauren 92 FIncannon, Kayla 78 FIncannon, Kortney 98 Fisher, Amy 102 Ford. Jackson 23. 34, 48, 78, 148, 149, 152, 172 Fore, Adrianne 19, 102 Fore, Rhonda 19, 102 Fortner, Krista 12, 26, 85, 88. 122, 142 Foster, KC 98 Foster, Shandra 92, 157 Fountain, Hannah 43,98, 143, 157
Garrett, Shana 9,92,95, 153, 156 Garthley, Catlynn 98,156 Garvin, Garret 92, 153 Garvin, Shetby60,92,139, 146, 154 Gauthier, Christian 92 Gerstner, Tammy 5 , 8,102 Getcheli, Meghan 79, 153 Ghiloni, Devon 79, 156 Qbbs,Chloe 98, 154 Gibson, Hannah 86 Gier, Paige 9, 27, 28, 63, 86, 142 Gill, James 92, 152 Goins, Meredith 60, 86, 87, 156 Graves, Ian 60,86 Green, Brandon 79, 153, 172 Greenway, Sarah 79, 173
H Ha, Khiem 98 Hail, Kara 98, 155 Hallwachs, Christina 102 Halverson, Parker tS, 86, 158 Halverson, Pryce 92 Hamiett, Arthur 13, 56,69,79, 119, 137, 154 Hammond. Logan 98 Hampton, Kharlzma 34,98, 153 Hancock, Briana 9, 62,63,92, 95, 153, 157 Hancock, Haley 20,21,46, 98, 145, 155 Hancock, Madison 4, 20, 25, 86, 112, 155 Hancock, Makayla 21, 96, 97,98, 113, 139, 153,
Em ro,m cSS,98, i22
Joshua Mallett, Kurt Sweeney, Cassiano Weir, Deondre Ivory, Carter Baber, J’Maure Booth, Rizonn Hendricks, Dustin Osborn, Coach Joe Thannert, Brian Hightower, Kennedy Sheiby, Elniah Strici<land, Chase Malcolm, Cameron Cahayla, Justin Bell, Chavaz Jackson, Arthur Hamiett, Coach Danny Nix
to ?
Zachary Hinnant, Ryan Richter, AJ Evans, Austin Jimenez, Zachaty Bales, Nathan Turn^e, Grant Jimenez, Martarius Wilson, Giovanni Davis, Jamar Smith, Trace Davis, Jalen McClain, Andrew Derzapf, Theodore Herringshaw, Austin Underwood, Austin Vroom, Z on Phillips,
Angel Sims, Paradize Jackson, Trinity Davis, Mikaila Billinger, Madison Blair, Jennifer Joss, Autumn Johnson, Kaci Trahan, Channell Masters, Casey Cannon, Chloe Gibbs, Victoria Williams, Danielle Davis Emro, Jacob 92 Evans, Aj 92, 154 Evans, Billy 78 Everett, Mason 92 Everson, Jeff 92 Ewing, Summer 85, 152, 158
Fox. Bill 102 Francis. Pam 49, 102 Frank. Kalla 50. 78, 83, 153 Frank, Ryleigh 92, 153 Franklin, Shauna 86, 153 Frazier, 1lolly 67. 86 Frazier, Nancy 102 Freeman. Carlssa 86 Freeman, Keegnn 79 Freeman, I homns 57, 92 French, Koiven'92, 152 ’ * Fudge, Kyle 92, 156 Fulien, Nlcl< 92, i 15, i33, 156 Fuller, Quinn 92 Furman, S.irah 2,44, 46, 86, 128, i5,l
Gahagan, Bodie 86. i 24, 125 Gahagan, Brady 79, 125, 172 Gaines, Brian 92, 156 Gaibi alth. Claire 2. 3. 60. 86, 153 Galbraith. Jack 98, 153, 156 Gami«. Mark 98,156 Garcia, Joseph 29,98 Garcia, Shannon 98, i 55 Gardea, Cierra 69, 92, 153 Gardner, Jessica 70, 79 Garmon, Christina 98, 153 Garrett, Bre 29,98
Griffis, Lauren 7 i, 74. 79, i52. 158. 172 Griffith, Camilla 102. 103 Griffith. Storniie 98 Grimes. Kateiyn 86, 143 Griiinell. Caltlin 86 Grubbs. Dallas 43. 60. 70. 79. 126. 153 Guadalupe, Jasmine 98 Guadalupe. Jessica 86 Gubernath. Joshua Luke 79
Gulker, Gunn, ChBs SfeW , G u tte rrei, Adan
CuttOTez^er*-Yann» C u tlerrei. Marlsol *8.^ ’
Hancock, Tedl 86 Hanson, MIkayla 98 Hardaway, Ally 2,60, 63, 69,84,85, 86, 150, 158 Hardman, Allyson 5 ,2 5 ,7 1,79 Hardy, Dameon 92 Hardy, Desmond 98 Hardy, Lea Ann 22, 102 Harlow, Denver 98, 156 Hannon, Shaylynn 2 6 ,6 4 ,7 1,79, 142 Harrell, Jeffrey 98 Harris, Grace 92,153 Harris, Jacob 79, 152, 173 Harris, Paige 49, 98, 155 Harris, Sarah 86, 153 Hartness, Hayiey 4,26, 86 Hausner, Taylor 92, 153, 156
Hill, Darcy 98, 152, 158 Hill, Reece 28, 86 Hill, Slielby 86, 153 HInnant, Delanie 79, 167 HInnant, Zaciiary 55, 92, 95, 154 Hinson, Erin 102 Hinton, Anna 86 HIson, Erin 48 Hock, Dolphin 86 Hodges, Joshua 98 Hoff,Ashlynn 5, 10,21,92, 138, 155 Hogan, Chandler 92, 157 Holcomb, Matthew 86, 152 Holguin, Jasen 98 Hollingsworth, Faith 16, 63, 98, 116, 139, 153, 154, 155
Davion Davis, Connor Bachert, Cristian Rangel, Jessy Upchurch, Everett Johnson, Colten Box, Kyle Rooffener, Alex Vega, Austin Dingus, Xavier Walker, Joshua Waddell, Matt Asl<ev/-Betts, Stephen Duia, Grant Griffis, Rashad Hickman, Domonic Rodriguez, Caleb Shaffer, Dalton Barfield, Derrick Tournay, Skyler Davidson, KIrklln Robinson, Robert Mackey, Kody Mahaffey, Keaton Schaefer, Bryan Jones
M.idison Hancock Jaley Matteson,Pa WiJsonjAnsfee Waddell, Alex Hoitzen'.Roni WmiarnSiAshlynn Hoff,Analiyah MitchdtAsWe'^ Rightman,Stephanie Winkler,Katie Hickmao. Oliayes.Jazzmine II, 19, 61, 76, 79, 83, 158 « i lead, Amanda 62, 92 !leinz,Jesslca60, 86, 116 , 153 lenderson, Andrew 92, 152 [ienderson, Benjamin 86 lenderson, Noah 152 llendren, Aaron 152 I lendricks, Rizonn 9, 13, 24, 27, 90, 9 1, 92, 142, 152, 154 endrixson. Hope 86 / 8 , 153
.eaJe^(j8w,-meodore92, 15 I* (56 I'J'TOfiTKatle 92,1 i2, i 13,155 Ick« p lash ad 9 8 , IS5 Ig l^ e r, Brian 86, 137,154
Holloman, Aaron 79, 153 Holloman, Peter 98, 101 Hoist, Jan-Ole 86, 124, 156 Holtzen, Alex 2 1, 29, 92, 155 Honeycutt, Brittany 92, 138, 154 Hooker, Mackenzie 98, 113, 150, 151 Hoover, Desiree 98 Hoover, Keera 98, 153 Horne, Samantha 25, 98, 153 Horton, Isaiah M. 79;^! 24 92, TS3 Hraban Madison 99, 101, 153 HufBngton, Cari 19,102 Hughes, Paige 114, 158 Hulzenga, Stevert 79 Hurt, Mary-Opal 92 Hutchins, Nick 86
Idrlzl, Teuta 99 Ingram, Bobby 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 55, 60, 76, 79, 106, 152 Ingram, Brandon 2 1, 22, 23,90, 9 1, 93, 152 Isaacs, Kanyon 99 Isaacs, Kathryn 19,86 Isaacs, Marlssa 19, 99 Ishmali, Jamal 79, 173 Isom Floyd, Halden 99, 144, 157 Ivory, Deondre 28, 7 1, 79, 137, 154 Ivory, Devonte 31,34 Ivory, James 86
Jansen, Caleb 9,49,60,86, 132, 152, 156 Jarrett, Gabe 93 Jenkins, Jonathan 99, 153 Jennings, Mitchell 20,96,97,99, 152 Jimenez, Austin 20,28,86, 154 Jimenez, Grant 10,91,93,95, 154 Jimenez, Sarah 99 Johnson, Autumn Mae 17,32, 33, 53,76,79, 80, I 15, 134, 154, 158, 174 Johnson, Coby 99, 128 Johnson, Everett 99, 155, 156 Johnson, Jordan 93, 153 Johnson, Keagan 93 Johnston, Destinee 99, 146 Johnston, Madeiaine 8,38,39,49,96,97,99, 118, 119, 130, 156
Sierra Capdfale, Camille Branton,Paige Harris,Antoina Parkey,I^arle>^ Cooke,Sliannon Garcia, Makavia Hancock, Faith Hollingswortn,Brianne Fournier, Lori Winney,Caylin Ehlinger, Asfiley Statir,Kaci Trahan, Lauren Miller, Viera Mondragon
Brianne Fournier, Dakota Trujillo, Ashley Staht*, Lauren Miller, Caylin Ehlinger^ Carlssa Eckle, Sara Schroeder, Haley Hancock, Kara Hall, Zoie McKinnis, Kristen Millsap
Jackson, Chavaz 34, 35, 48, 52, 60, 66, 79, 8CI, 83, 136, 154, 158 Jackson, Harley 46, 79, 153 Jackson. Jesse 86 Jackson, Miranda 40, 75, 79 jacksort, Vincent 93 Jackson, Zachary 86 Jakobetz, Zachary 93 James, Bobby 62,99 James, Caleb 99 James, Jordan 99 Jans-Stutz, Brice 60, 86, 158
Jones, Bryan 99, 155 Jones, Courtney 60, 153 Jones,Jayla 25, 99. 153 Jones, Jeramie 99 Jones, Kadarrah 93, 157 Jones. Madison 86, 156 Jones, Matihson 3, 43, 74. 80, 126 Joplin, Alexander 66, 67. 80, 147, 152, 175 Jordan, Julie 99 Josety, Da^on_86
K Kalllo, Jordan 99 Karabei, Alexander Delane 80 Karabel, Christopher 86 Karr. Haleigh i 2. 86 Keemer, Kelsey 87 Keeling, Parker 87. ISO Kennedy, Andrea 93 Kerr, Clint 102 Klbby, Danlele 93 Kidd, Melissa 93. 156 Kille, Christopher 32, 93, 153 Kincaid. Tyler 87, 152
Lacoss, Savannah 93 Lagunas-Lacy, jaden 29, 93 Lam, Haley 90, 93, 143 Lam, Taylor 93, 144, 157 Lamb, Angela 30, 99, 153 Lamb, Coleby 43,80, 153 Lamb, Laurie 102 Lamberti, Christopher 99, 156 LambertI, Tristan 29, 69, 80, 119, 156, 175 Landreth, Shannon 87 Langely, Mickey 80 Langford, Shelby 99. 146 Lara, Jasmine 80 Leal, Elliot 99 Lee, Monlqua 48, 62. 63 Lelstner, Destiny 57, 67, 75, 80
Emilea Peoples, Katie Alfred, Ginnie Potts, Alexandra McGaha, Evie Vela, Callle Swant, Meredith Goins,Chloe Sharp,Madelalne ohnston^ngela Ortiz, Maranda Overstreet,Jallene Lopez,Shelby ■^eters,Kylee Acheson,Marley Cooke,Mal<ayla Corey,Mandi Saville, Madison Jones
Manning, Kylee 99 Mardis,Jayla87, 153 Martin, Grant 102,149 Martinez, Ana 28, 87, 153 Martinez, Diana 93, 95, 153 Martinez. Rudy 102 Mash, Taylor 30, 99, 153 Masters, Channel! 93, 134, 154 Mathews, Austin 93, 153 Matteson, jaley 2. 25, 27. 32, 90. 9 1, 93, 111, 155 Mayfield, Missy 8 McCall, Summer 99 McCarthy-Nelson, Nick 93 McClain, Jaisa 30, 80. 175 McClain,Jalen2l,87, 141, 154 McClelland. Sean 93
Taylor Hausner,Kayla Meany, Antolna Parkey, Alyssa Roberts, Heather Baxter, Shana Garrett, Emily Moore, Esmeralda Aleman,Victoria Roberts, Catlynn Garthley , Jennifer Spillman, Melissa KiddAli Boswell, Dallas Wabbington , Brooke Mullins, Hlkari Skabelund , Julia Daniel,Stephanle Schofield , Olivia Skinner
Mark Gamez, Adam Andrews, Michael Campos,Aaron Canham,Connor Williams,Jan-Ole Holst, Devon GhIlonI,Brian Gaines,[>lan Stubblefield, David Barron,Justin Quick,Kody Millsap, Vincent Rodriguez,Harrison Perez-Jara, Nick Fullen,Caleb Jansen,Eddie Petryjarrod Adams,Tristan Lamberti King, Marquez 9. 152 Kinnaird, Jacob 80 Kleckner. Melinda 67 Kleinpoter, M,irl< 102. 152 KnighI, ierry 31, 63, 93, 140 Koons, Kaleb 99 Kooii-,. Melanie 87 KouLivatos, Alex 102 Kun, Antoincttf 87 143. 1,53 _ 84, 87, 10^52^
Leslie. Bailey 60. 87 Leslie, Brennan 30. 60. 68. 87 Lewis, Anthony 102 Lewis, Bryan 4. 5. 21, 23, 25. 34. 37, 46, 60, 84, 87, 107, 128, 152 I ewis. Bryce 53, 68, 69, 90, 93, I 52 Lewis, Declan 80 Lewis, Julie 102 Lewis, M.idison 13,110, 114, 123, IS2, 158, 175 Lewis. l aylor99 I 17. 153 tervarlr Llffick, Garrett 49, 60, 07. 153 Loffler, Haleigh 93, 153 logan, Branden 93 Lopez, Christopher 93, 152 I opez, Jailene 49, 60, 87. 153. 156 Lopez, MIcah 87 Love, Unique 99
McQueen, Cheyenne 87 McRae, Joshua 93, 156 McSperItt, Maycie 99 Meany, Kayla 93, 118, 119, 153, 156 Mello, Kaleb 80 Menasco, Hunter 99 Mendez, Brandon 99 Mendoza, Danica 26. 93. 153 Mercer, Steven 80 Merriman, Shelby 30, 87 Miller. Ashley 93 Miller, jeannine 8, 102 Miller, Kara 23, 60,85, 87. 120, 157 Miller. Lauren 20,99, 155 Miller, Logan 124 Millsap, Kody 18,29, 33.80, 115, 132. 156
"O' 16"' i ..4,
f ) ‘
Jack Galbraith, Caleb Turner, Joshua McRae/ilex Vega,E^to HibdoriJ Rooffener, Christopher Lamberti, Kyle Fudge,George Roth,Hunter:^ Ciark,Christian Anderson, Diego McCullough,Kennon Reed,Oerri0 *Tournay,Kody Mahaffeyjosh Potts, Cody Murdock,Cameron ttie Galbraith, Tyler Domenlci.Mayk-Lolde Baccaro.lacobjCTn^y.losep Morton,Everett Johnson,Denver Harlov\^Justln F ' 'Stockinger,Caleb Turner Lovern. Casey 93 Lucas, Hariey 93 Lueck, Cameron 93, 133. 156 Lugo-Garza. Andres 99, 153
M Mackcy, Robert 99,155 Mahaffey,Kody99, 155, IS 6 Mahaflisy, Mitchell 80 Malcolm, Chase 31,69,80, 136, 154. 180 Mallett, Joshua bavltl 12, 13. 23,33.6.9,76,79, « a 83, 115, 116, 119. I54, 176 Mandevllle, Kail 30.87
McCullough. Diego 93. 156 McDaniel. Dawson 93 McDaniel. Jessie 87 McDonald. Alyssa 60. 87 McDonald, Averyana 99, 120, 157 McDonald. Christopher 93. 152 McGaha. Alexandra 31. 87. 156 McIntosh, Danny 93 McKelroy. Connor 93
; -lire, Missy 103 ' 'llser, Brandon 87 ■ 'User, Matthew 87 «chell,Analiyah93,112, 155 “(Itchell. Courtney 19,103 ‘■fltehell, Dustin 35,80, 157 « ie ll,jo h n 103 .-lohedano.Cote93, 120, 153, 157 londragon, Viera 99, 155 ■lonsees, Megan 99 .r-tontanez, Javier 88 i'lontgomery, Becky 103 a<lb(%omery, David 103 .'■tonlgomery, Jason 80, 176 •loon. Jared 9, 13, 3 1, 6 1, 75, 80, 1S3, 180 'loore, Christine 99
Mullins, Brooke 100, 153, 156 Murdock, Cody 156 Murley, Dennis 88 Murphy, Hannah 94, 153 Murphy, Nathan 88 Murphy, Tori 49, 60, 88 Musial, Julia 100
N Nadir, Victoria 69, 100, 153 Nealy, Brandon 100 . 174
Marah Sanders, Emily Appleton, Katherine Anderson, Taylor Lam, Brittany Bittlker, Sarah Moore, Whitney Allen
;oore, Sarah 2, 60, 76, 79, 80, 83, 144, 145, 157, 177 ;3ra, Angelica 94 3rales, Idaliz 80 i3rgan,Allyndrea57, 94, 153 ■:'rgan,Mercedez4, 12, 14, 26,49,88, 142 W s, Emily 100, 153 Jrrls, Kelli 19,30, 103 Jrton, Anastasia 50, 88
Ornelas, Alyssa 94 Ortiz, Angela 6, 24, 88, 118, 156, 158 Osama, Sam 27, 28, 88, 144 Osborn, Dustin 88, 154 Otto, Matthew 67, 100, 153 Otto, Sierra 2, 94, 128, 129 Overstreet, Maranda 55, 88, 131, 153, 156 Owen, Brad 18, 19, 103 Owens, Brittany 94, 153
Nieboer, Kllee 8 l, 177 Nlles,Tristan2l,94, 108, 152 Nix, Danny 5, 103, 154 Nix, Susie 39, 103 Nobles, Alexlis 45, 68, 8 1, I I 6, 118, I I 9, 145, 153
o I Rerree 8 i Olivarez, Gustavo Oliver, Kain 3 9 .8 1 _ O^an,Jacob 17, 8 1
Peterson, Dakoda 15,88 Retry, Eddie 81, 156 Retry, Sheridan 94, 153 Reveto, Hannah 94 Phillips, Grant 88 Phillips, Karen 103 Rhilllps, Zion 94, 154 Pickett, Heather 22,23, 100, 153 Pike, Jessica 30,94 Piper, Connor 100 Polk, Shana 48, 103 Potts, Connor 100 Potts, GInnIe 10, 24, 60, 88, 130, 153, 156, 158 Potts, Josh 100, 153, 156 Pringle, Chance 100 Pruett, Ethan 94
Randy Blackmon, Esteban Rios, Mason Winkles, Ryan Caporale, Dalton Barfield, Blake Bromley, Haiden Isom Floyd, Alex Wright
Panhorst, James 100 Parker, Tyler 94 Parkey, Antolna 49. 100, 155, 156, 184 Parkey, Biake 94, 147 Parks, Megan 8 1 Pate, Gabriel 94, 153 Patterson, Cody 88, 124 Patterson, Kristal 25,81, 142, 153, 177, 183 Patty, Alex 60, 88, 148 Payne, Brandi 8 1, 83 -f*«cemaker, Undon 100= Pelllkaa.^^5amh94, m _ _febple5, Emilea4 ,7 ,88,J3p. f5 ? r i56"^^ Pepez-jai^' .Mafrison 8 1 • 19,7472^31,148.^ 178 Perry,£»zabglh fers. {43, 't-
Quick, Justin 57.79. 81, 156
• K- • ^:y,jfremv ^-5
. ■'
r Oistian 96, lUO, 140. 141. i K.J ..in lililan SI '.v .
Reed.Kennon 133,156, 158 Reed, Mandy 18, 103 . Relnke, Peyton 21,81 Ress, David 124, 125 Revllla, Carlos 100, 157 -Rey-es^Jsllkole.lOO— Richter, Ryan 33, 55, 68, 69, 94, 154 Ricl<man, Craig 148, 152 RIghtman, Ashlee 94, 154, 155 RIngwood, Jason 88, 152 Rios, Esteban 18, 22, 23, 29, 60, 84, 85, 157 Roberts, Alyssa 94, 153, 156 Roberts, Kaira 100 Roberts, Owen 94, 121, 157 Roberts, Victoria 88, 156
Roth, George 22, 23, 97, 100, 153, 156 Rouse, ImanI 60,61, 8 1, 158 Routon, Johnny-Joe 100 Ruddick, Brandon 4,60, 81 Ruddick, Gavin 2,44,46,89 _____auebei,Hamah81,-i53----------------Runeberg, Brie 33,89, 152, 158 Russell, Jason 100 Rutledge, Jordan 2 1,84, 85,89 Rutledge, KIrstI 100 Rutledge, Race 89 88, 144, Ruvalcaba, Brenna 4, 13,26,53,89, 142 Ryalls, Landon 94
Saville, Mandi 12,23,75, 76,81,83, 13 1, 156, 158 Schaefer, Keaton 100, 155 Schnick, Chesmun 100, 153 Schofield, Stephanie 100, 156 Schroeder, Sara 100, 155 --------- Scobee,j!ladisoci-50rS4__________________________ Scott-Roth, Athena 94 Scroggins, Aspen 60,82 Seale, Andrew 49, 89 See, Bryce 94 Selvidge, l^elanle 45,48, 103 Seman, Lee 45,57, 103 Sexton, Cassandra 17,94 Shaffer, Caleb 100, 155 Shaffer, Lauren 33, 50,82, 123, 153, 176 Shannon, Ashlee 89
Shaynah Chouinard, Paige Hughes, Summer Ewing, Kaytlyn Boyett, Brie Runeberg, Lauren Griffis, Darcy Hiii, Kennon Reed, I^adison Lewis
Brice Jans-Stutz, Imani Rouse, Morgan Perron, Autumn Johnson, Angela Ortiz, Mandi Saville, Kody Anderson, Austin Armagost, Keicee Eddins, Allyson Hardaway, Jennifer joss, J Stout, Zac Hollingsworth, Ginnie Potts, Chavaz Jackson, Brady Brunson, Jazzmlne Hayes, Hayden McLelland, Elljiah ‘'StriOTaTi'(^Tai;8iRf DesaT,^slcTCarllon^ Parke^^ ' ” Robinson, Kirklln 41, 100, 155 Rodriguez, Alejandro 8 i Rodriguez, Domonic iOO, 155 Rodriguez. Lillian 88 Rodriguez, Marc 100 Rodriguez, Marco Omar 8 1 Rodriguez, Mari<os 100 Rodriguez, Vincent 71. 81. 119, 156 Rogers, Chris 53, 66. 67, 8 1, 147. 152 Rogs:rv,PAteto^4--------- ■ Rngen.Julian 94 P.oj^crs, y'fi U y 100 Mil h.n'i HH
■'II' N-t i-'/lc VA, mo, i n, 155, 156 |-,i,..iii|.i ^ ■I V., Jr>|,l . . liuih, /
I ’, i
^ O
Skabelund, Hlkarl 94, 156 Skelton, Maiachi 94, 157 Skinner, Emily 82, 153 Skinner, Madison 100 Skinner, Olivia 100, 156 Sluder, Christian 10 1 Smith, Alexander 51, 89 Smith, Brady 89, 125 Smith, Bryson 101 Smith, CIndi 80 Smith, Debbie 103 Smith, Jamar 94, 154 Smith, Jordan 43, 65, 82, 179 Smith, MIchaela 2, 84, 89 Smith, Nathanial 101, 147 Smith, Noah 31,54,94, 157 Smith, Zachary 82 Soel, Joshua Kain 82 Sparkman, Sarah 82 Speiss, Alexander 82 Spillman, Jennifer 18, 101, 156 Splllman-Conceilon, Nicolas 89 5plva.Trislan94"' Spradlin, Keaton 94, 147, 152 Spurlock, Sierra 89 Stahr. Ashley 101, 113, 138, 139, 154, 155 Starling, John 103 Statser, Josh Gene 2, 18, 5 1, 80, 82, 182 Stebblns, Shaelee 82, 153, 179 Stelch, Madison 89 Stelgenwald. Taylor 165 Stephens, Colin 5, 5 1, 94, 142 Steward, Kimberly 70, 82, 123 Stokes, Alex 101,157 Stone, Brandi 94 Stone. Nicholas 101 Stone,Zach8 2. LS2. 179 . Stoner, Bradley 94 Stout, J,Landon 23,60 ,16. |gQ Strickland, eijlah 28,60,82. l37-,i-54rB8 Strlrig fcllo w .-m R yt0 3 ,152 Stubbletield, Dylan 33,82, 115, 156, 179 Stull, Dakota 25T9S; 142 Ju g llM i, IS7 ________________ ^
Sullivan, Harley 82, 179 Swant, Callie 87, 89, 130, 156 Swarm, Alysa 95 Sweeney, Kurt 82, 154 Sword, Sara 95, 153 Sykes, Hillary 3, 67, 74, 82, 120, 157
Salas, Charles 70, 81, 115, 178 Salyers, Kerl 94 Salyers, Krystal 89 Salyers, Kylie 100, 153 San Miguel, Juan 89
Underwood, Austin 33, 68, 95, 145, 154 Underwood, Phoenix 83, 157 Upchurch, Jaymes 13, 83, 152 Upchurch, Jessy 101, 144, 155 Uythoven, Marissa 95
V Vallen, Sandra 103 Valuer, Ashton 95 Vasquez, Sapphire 101, 144 Vasquez, Selena 10 1 Vasquez, Thanya 83 Vega, Alex 33, 101, 155, 156 Vela, Darius 95 ■ Vela,Evle'17: M ,'B 3, T 5r --------------------
Vela, Maria 60,61,89 Villanueva, Alyssa 2, 4, 13, 44, 65, 89, 128 Villastrigo, Clerra 101 Voca, Vullnet 89 Vroom, Austin 89, 141, 154
w W a b ^ ^ Dallas 30, Wa-ddeU. Anstee 91, 9S, tS5
W a d d e t l,lo ^ ^ .» )
W>dniiW«yl> » V .alker,C l;rtsttan4,70,»
W«9liier.J*k«S warn, nmmmt Warren, Gerad 95 Washington, Bayli 83, 182 Watts, Cedric 95 Weary, Courtney 20, 84, 89 Webb, Lacey 95 WeigI, Lewin 89, 157 Weir, Cassiano 34, 60, 136, 154 Weise, Madison 153 Weise, Marley 153 Weiss, Riley 95 Werner, Larry 22, 26, 35, 74, 80, 83, 148, 15
v iM S fs m s im B C iir
w^Sa«lberi,-Ashley HT4T’
Sanders, Marah 11, 57, 100, 144, if i ; Sanders, Mark 103 Sanderson, Jacqutillne 103 Sanderson, Karen 103 Sapplngton, Tatum 100 Sarlego,Emlly32, 81, 153, 179 Sautner, Bergen 94
Thannert,Joe 154 Thayer, Brandon 95 Thompson, Natalie 103 Thompson, Stasia 95, 123 Thompson, Thomas 101, 153 ..-Ilsdal^.Brennoa-82,.i8J------------------Titus, Caleb 82, 152 Titus, Colby 95, 152 Torres, Antonio 101 Tournay, Derrick 101, 108, 155, 156 Trahan, KacI 16, 32, 33, 101, 111, 134, 135, 154, 155 Trahan, Kylee 2, 11, 12, 27, 32, 37, 4 1, 60, 110, I I I , 152, 177 Trebing, MIchaela 101, 129 Trevino, AJ 101
m , Ui] Titum, Lacsy I0I|T53 Tatum, Megan 82 Tayior, Ehll I M ■ '' . I •well. Drew a , '
--vi .- T K
V(«KTara>1a9S -yhtti^.eradySS, I6S, tS2
I 10,83. 126, 183 ■viese, MacBson ?S
yi«« Mariet4&^ittl,.
'■Bn&Anissa 101, IS3 .Mbms. Blaze 152 Connor 89, 156 Landry 101 Lort89 -O im s, Megan 101,153 l«jtffi.Roni 95, 112, 113, 151, 155 Wtams. Vict!»1a 8 9 ,154 veM_Cmeron 101 «soojCoteton 101, 153,157
Yarger, jeffis^ 95, 123 VeUe, Jonattian lOT. i53 Yetter, Sadie 10.95. 153 Young. Bi^'son 2, i 1. 12, I <5. 21, 23, 33, 36. 4 1. 54. 63.69. 79.83, no. 143, 150, 152. 184 Young, Krysttf 40. 89 Young, Olivia 83 Young. Shelby 89 Youngblood, Klondria 89 Youngblood. Kolby 101, 152
&r^ez^&rennen ?S, 152 Zaragoza, |ullan I £6
Vood,Atex29, 101 rVood, Bradley 83, 182 iVood, Daniel 66, 95, 147, 152 'Vood, Katie 95 Vood, Kimberly 95, 153 vood, Kristin 46,83. 117, 153. 183 Vright Alex 68,95. 144, 157 N'ri^t, Peyton 101
; Special thanks to Supt. Danny Taylor, Asst. Supt. Robert : Jnderwood, the BISD School Board, BHS Administration: Brad 1 Dwen, Michael Baughman, and Sandra Vallon for your i dedication and support of our program. } BHS Staff Camilla Griffith, Debbie Smith, Sherry Sands, Tona '^lley, Rhonda SimmonsAngie Jordan, Christy Steigerwald, and 'lissy Mire for fielding calls, selling yearbooks, providing 4 ichedules and comic -relietOur computer fix it guys... Chris Lee, Jason Slagle, Jason stutz, Juli Myer, and Joe Guidry, for keeping us up and ■unning...Kerry Pratt a special thanks for finding and retrieving 111our pictures. You kept a lot of tears from falling. Teachers, coaches, team sponsors, and advisors: thank you br the extra pictures, access to the sidelines, and your :lassrooms to capture the memories.
The 2 0 14 edition of the Derrick Yearbook was created by the Journalism I and Advanced Journalism II and III classes at Burkburnett High School. Peyton W hite and Shaylynn Harmon served as editors with Krista Fortner, Angel Sims, and Chelsea Bailey-Meares serving as assistant editors. Advisor Mandy Reed helped •Juide and steer this crew of merry yearbooklans. u? Sales Representativ^Tanhmy Bailey worked to keep us on track and on time. Assisting with technical and poblication issues was Tracey Noren with Balfour Publishing. This year’s book has a slightly different look with 184 pages and an increased book size to 8. This book was published using Studio W orks and Adobe Photoshop on fun!) All submissions to the plant were done via web submission. Copy and caption font w ere Chantilly with additional fonts for headlines and subheads. Colors were selected to indicate the passing of the months: X 9 163, Tea! No. 9, Sunrise Red N a 33, Sllvw N a 81, K^^pbt, i y No. J2, B, iiiiP- iL Reu No. n Blueberry. No. 72, X9233, Jcb . s N c : and X9209. Senior photc^raphy was courtesy of Cherish Studios in Burkburnett, Texas owned by Susie Cleveland and Melody Johnson. Underclassmen photography was rovided by Lifetouch Studios witli Representative Tony 'elez assisting. Sports team photography was taken by Cherish Studios and Gordon Photography. ■~ Ad space^fior-senrorads started 3tS35“for l7'9 a p^ge^ and business ads w ere $50 for the same size. All ads w ere sold and designed by Derrick staffers.
' Katie, your ifectious laughter and fijnny stories were always a great way to end the day; Chelsea, Burk-1, Hawaii-OTso blessed to have \ ou in class. Love ya!; 'acob thanks for being a ,*mmv Faiion Junkie with me. EWW!; Hope, your work ethic, great voice and , M.A/,/ledge of nerdy things made life so much fun this year; Lauren, ’’halstly", huh? I love your smartness! Keep fighting the^bo.^ ocabulary fight! Krista, my child! What would I have done without you? My kids and I love you to the moon and back! ; >re-yafilia, Wfill iOmfilaSncfi pul you logeihel’ oh ihlS list and you arenTorie wrcnout me otner. i nanK you ror your teamwon< t ind patience with the "loud ladles" In class LOL; Shaylynn, graphic designer and Peyton prodder extraordinaire... I can’t Imagine ♦ lass without you next year. I’ll miss your laugh and hockey stories so much; Hayley, we miss you and love you; Rizonn, oh t he lances and crazy antics kept me shaking my head and laughing silently so as to not encourage another show. Goo(y ,iini Dvedi; M ercedez, w rite d .irl; stufl and love ! You’re so incredible and genuine; Kristal, I’m glad your momma didn’t hurt you this year. LOL; Elizabeth, always eager to ike on a challenge & smile while doing it. You’re amazing!; Brenna, I love you even though you call me ugly names, LOL! Goats, Ca “-■■-nrt O iloon R I pt m p hp v n u r n ilp r - n h Mvi- A noal. a true leader and sm art lariv. I u rk v tn all Utt' great thing-, you do next year; CoIJn, at first the girls didn’t think you could U lk|i. /iity you are. Talented, hardworking, dedicated and fUnny. You’re a good one!; Dak ■ tCt; ! ::'0) iqht yOiS ■ iflvr I %ity, you still managed to put it together.
■V/ rdVor’tfc fLnni-;
Zac, Cas •JVC '.(■(•n niy heart from the inside out. Momma loves you. ■ii'Ai.jiiiatai--
Each person, whether they’re a student or faculty member, sees school differently. Some people love it and wish it would never end and others would rather be anywhere else. No matter what category you fall under, each and every one of us has experienced unforgettable moments during our time at Burkburnett High School. It is a place that you won’t be able to forget, even if you try. From the paAed stands on warm August nights to the packed stands on graduation night, each vear of school is a journey anci with each one you learn new things about yourself, community and those around you. From the moment you start preschool, school is nonstop until you graduate in the spring of your senior year. W e spencfa good majority of that time hoping we could grow up, but as soon as we do we want nothing more than to go back. Do whatever you can to make the most of the time you have while you have it. Don’t take any school year, month, week, day or class for granted. Life is nonstop and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Taylor Steigerwald
’You’ve been blessed with the Jifts to make a difference in the j''^orld.....Just believe in yourself’ -ove, Mom, Dad and Matt Voverbs 3:5-6
Brady, W e are so proud of the amazing young man you've become. W e have been proud since the day you were born. You’re smart, strong, l<ind and brave in the face of adversity. You have overcome struggles and they have made you a stronger person. There are no limits to how far you can go in life! Nanny would be proud too! Love, Papa, Mom, Sister & Grandma
From our little snow babies to our grown babies. You tw o will always be our babies.
JT A aro n You have climbed mountains and overcome great obstacles. You make us so proud. W e can’t wait to see hov\/ God’s plan unfolds in your life. Love, Mom, Dad, Drew & Michael ”1know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:1 I (NIV)
Love you always Julian, Love Mom & Dad Love you Always Laci, Love Mom & Dad
From ’’Little Man” to ’’Jbeil ... we are proud of the young man you’ve become! Always remember Phil 4:13 Love, Mom, Dad, Kiersten & Taylor
m en d arez W e like to think that we taught your how to be strong-willed, strong-minded and independent. Now as the Lord blesses us with a beautiful young woman, ready to take on the world, we aon’t want you to go. Since we know you must, we will let you go, with all our Love and with God’s Blessing; "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' eremiah 29:1I Love you jLinches. Love, Dad & Mom
on jy ir Jason, W e love you. Th ere is no w h ere you go that our love w o n ’t follow. W e are so proud o f you. Congratulatiori
C a rte r
s ib
C a rte r, Y o u r w itty, often tenacious personality has always had so much ch a ra cter and integrity. W e adm ire yo ur
Sometimes devil, sometimes angel but always the most awesome grandson we could ask for. W e couldn’t be prouder! With love always, Nana and Papa
attitude to do w hat is right and also yo ur incredible drive to be the best you can be. W e love you! Dad, Mom and MaKenna
Delanie Hinnant Delanie Hinnant Naney, You have always been "Gods Gift” to me. You are definitely my SUNSHINE and will never know how much I love you!! I pray God takes you in his arms and leads you through the 3ath of lappiness! I love you, Mama
Congratulations to our beautiful little girl. God blessed us 17 years ago when you came into our lives. Time has passed so quickly. Remember we love you so much & want only the best for you. Love Dad, Pawpaw & MeMaw
Delanie, You have been such a blessing to us! You always know how to brighten someone’s day just by showing off your amazing smile! We pray you will continue to be blessed as you go on into the next journey! Love Always, Mom & Dad
W e are so proud of you both! Good luck in the future we know ou’ll do great! ove Always, Grammie and Grandpa
Bailey Bittiker These sweet babies are not only friends but cousins as well. W e are so proud of the respectful young adults you have become! W e hope your friendship will continue through the years!! All our love. Your Moms and Dads
Bailey, You are our sweet boy. W e are proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad
B ro ck Bolen We are so proud of you! Love you, Dad, Mom and Brodie
Oevan Bolton W atching you grow ^ has been a great joy. W e are extrem ely proud o fth e young man you have becom e. Alw ays enjoy life and help 'I others along the way.
Always Daddy’s Little Girl. Love, Daddy
Love, Mom and Dad
ulware W e h ave w a tc h e d yo u g ro w in to a b ea u tifu l yo u n g lady! Keep your fo c u s o n G o d and yo u can d o a n y th in g yo u p u t y o u r m in d to! L o v e , M o m , D ad , D a n ie le & T y le r
|:F n
e r a r o ¥ f n Congratulation s Bailey! As this chapter o f yo ur life com es to an end, ano ther is waiting to begin. Th ere is nothing you cannot achieve. So dream big and reach for the stars. I love you m ore and m ore each day. X O X O Mom
Brady, You outgrew our lap but never our hearts. W e are so proud o fyo u ! Love Mom & Dad
I i \ ’
saytlyn, W e can’t believe h o w fast tim e Inas gone. You are graduating! You have ’rown into a beautiful young w o m an . You have w o rk e d so hard and w e are so :)roud o f you. Keep yo u r faith in th e Lord and you will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 \ove Mom, Dad and Kyle
Cameron,' Success Is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. With perserverance, if you dreann it, you can become it. It’s time to live your dream! Phillipians 4:13 W e Love You, Mom, Dad, Ben & Garrison
Am anda Rose, You have always had a huge smile and a trem en dou s heart full o f love and happiness. The traits that will ca rry you far in life. Always and fo re ve r I will be yo ur biggest su p p o rter thru life. Love you bunches. Mom
am er % ahayla C am ero n, W e are so proud o f the young man yo u’ve becom e. Continue to trust and fo llow God In all you d o .L o v e you! Jerem iah 29:1 I G ram m ie & Pappaw
O u r little angel all row n up. You ave accom plished & overcom e so much already. W e are so proud o f you & love you m ore that w ords can express. Looking forw ard to yo ur new accom plishm ents to com e. Mom & Dad
Casey Cannon
i M
You are our baby girl!... A gift from God!... A blessing!. A joy! W e are so proud of you! W e love you all God’s stars! Momma, Daddy & Jathan
Casey, W e have enjoyed w atching you gro w up and change. N o w keep maturing and go strive for m o re in life! W e love you! Dad & Mom
C asey Cannon
Casey & Zac, You can pick your friends but you can’t pick you family..Alvvays cousins, i ■■‘i p .'11f: iendship growing. Keep i> up! Congratulations!
I have no greater Joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.. John 1:4 Zac, W e are so p r o u d of the wondei-fi.il young man that you’ve become. It’s a blessing to know where your heart is. Love Dad, Mom, Biyce e K iit h
Dustin, You have always been strong m inded. W e all kn o w that you will be successful at w h at you do! Just d o n ’t ever forget w h a t is im po rtan t and include the values in everyday life! Love ya! Mom, Dad, Tren to n , Colton
Miranda, You have always been full o f life and d eterm inatio n . You can accom plish anything in life you set y o u r mind to. A lw ays keep that beautiftjl sm ile. W e are Droud o fy o u ’P rin cess”. Love, Mom & Dad
Desai __ ___
Congratulations our dear sweet baby girl! W e can’t believe that you are already graduating high school. You have turned into such a smart and beautiful young lady. W e are so proud of your accomplishments and know that this is ju st the beginning of the bright mture ahead ofyou. We will always be there to support you in any way, and we love you so much! Love, Your Sisters, and Mom and Dad.
Autumn always enjoyed her birthdays! And loved her grandparents dog "Cinnamon”! W e love you Autumn! MeMa & PePa Adams
Jessica, Thank you for being sucli a v vo n O e rfu l daughter, sister, and granddaughter. You are a beautifi-il person on'the inside and outside and are and always will be a blessing to this family! With love always. Mom, Dad, Zach, Tyler and Kiersten. i
K elcee Eddins
It’s been a joy to watch you grow into an amazing young man. Tlie possibilities are endless as you enter the next phase of your life. Never let anything stand between you and your dreams. ”Go Big^or Go hlome!” We love you, Dad, Mom and Presley
Congratulations Kelcee! W EE all Love You dearly! W EE are extremely proud of You! Graduating high school is only the end of a chapter, but your ’’rest of your life” BEGINS here. I Timothy 4 :12 W EE LOVE YOU Past the Moon and Starts! MSMMKBM
B rand o n Brady, it has been great watching you grow up. W e are looking forw ard to seeing the next ch ap ter in your life. Dad, Renae, Bodie, Pops, Granny, Clay and Peggy
Brandon, W e are so proud of the young man you have grown into! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! Love Mom & Dad
W e are so proud of you! W e thank God everyday that He gave us a special young man like you. W e will always be here for you. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Phillippians 4 :13 Love you, Mom, Bryce, Nana, T, Sissy, Justin
Ja m a jjslim a ii
Sarah, You will always be ”My Little Angel Baby!” I am very proud of you! Stay Strong in the Lord and let God direct your path. I love you forever and always!!! Love, Mom Phillippians 4; 13 Jeremiah
O u r little man is all grow n up now . Keep on smiling son. W e are so proud of you. W e love you. Love, Mom & Dad
N athan H an co ck
From the moment you arrived in ttiis world and we saw your beautiful blue eyes, our hearts melted and we knew God had blessed us with an angel on Earth. You will always De out "angel baby.” Love, Mom , Grant, Memaw and Papaw
So very proud o f you Nathan! N ev er give up on y o u r dream s. Tak e Risks. C o n q u e r Fears. A lw ays help th o se in need. May G od Bless You w h e re e v e r you go! And re m e m b e r ”Be Like a Bluebird.” Love Mom, Dad & Haley
Jodeci D are, W e could not be any pro uder o f you than w e are today! You have cham pioned many obstacles and have becom e a w onderful young lady. W love you! ’’For I kno w the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, ’’plans to prospe you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jerem iah 29: 11 Love, Dad, Mom & Family
Lauren, From the moment Dad and I met you, we knew our lives would change forever. You have led us on a journey of discovery. We are so proud of the self-thinking young woman you have become. You will conquer and amaze all. W e love you. Mom, Dad and Haden
see you grow up and leave because you are ou r baby. You have m atured into fine young man. W e are proud o f your achievem ents over the years. R em em b er to follow your dream s and you will su cce e d .Lo ve , Dad, Mom, Emily and Marcus
Autum n Mae, W o rd s will never be able to exp ress the depth o f yo ur feelings o f love, pride and happiness at seeing the kind o f young w om an you have grown into. Keep God first and
everything elese will fall into place. W e love you vety much. Love, Mom & Dad
McClain W e have been there through the good and bad, but we could not be more proud of you as you have grown into a beautiful young lady. Love you, Monn & Dad
. Hov\/ time flies. Seems like only yesterday you came into our lives. I remember you riding in the back of my convertible with your sunglasses on waving at people and ' low you’re driving you own car. And getting ready to start your next step of your ’ ‘ife. We are so proud of you and we love you so much. ' -ove Nana, Papa, Mona, Cowboy, Bryce & Lulu
risten, You are your Daddy’s bpy and will always be no matter what! Always remember ne love you and was very proud of you. Always follow your dreams and don’t ever ^ive up! I’m very proud of the young man you have become. I bve you morethan you’ll ever know. Love, Mommy
Alexander, What a jpy it has been to watch you grow into a fabulous young man. I know there are great things in your future. I am so very proud of you. Love always. Dad ,
Congratulations to the International Presentation of Performers (IPOP) I St place dance winner! Keep your faith (Phil. 4:13) Winning personality, dream big, work hard and success will be yours. You have blessed our life; we ask God to bless yours. The Mallett Family
Early vision of high school year? Big smile, fashionably attired, atache’ case, driving a pick up that’s our Joshua... W e ’re so proud of you! Love, Mallett Family
Lauren S h affer
You are sucl^ a blessing to^ us and we a| so proud of you! Knew i you were special befo;i you were Dorn and th God had GREAT plan!| for you! leremiah 79:1 I You a: amazing! W love you, Mom , Jerry. Dad, Nana, Kaleena, Avery, Ashkl & Mifes
Zane, We are so very proud ofyou. Congrats on finishing one chapter of your life and starting a new one. We love you and know you will do great things! Mom, Dad, Riley Delaney, and Uncle
lo v e you lo the moon & back & a million Sweedish fish. May Jesus get the glory ■”.!M iirt wish. Always rem em ber... Charm is deceitful & beauty is passing, bLit a I.-! ' 1)1( 1, she shall be praised. Prov. 31:30 Love Mom, Dad & Caleb
ifln tlrew s
IK r is ^
You were our "Miracle Baby" and ’’Angel Carroll”. It has been a challenge but one that was worthy to watch you grow to the beautiful young wonnan you have become. Daddy is your Angel ancJ watching your every move. Love, Mom and Daddy
jiam, You have grown into a rennarkable young man! It is hard to believe aduation time is already here for you! W e are very proud of you and love u always!!! You are a joy to us! Love, Mom, Dad & Richard
arah Moore Be a champion for Christ on and off the course. We love you, Dad, Mom, Brenna, Noah & Mal<aylah
Kilee Nieboer Kilee, In all honesty you are my saving grace. Over the years we have actually grown up together. I am so proud to call you my daughter and in your last year of high school just know I always knew you could do it and I love you. Love, Mom
W e are all so proud of the beautiful young lady that you have become. You nave accomplished so much with your hard work and dedication. Continue to dream big and I can only imagine what the future holds. Love you so much! Your /■ ' I fans, Mom, Dad, Doug, Botti, Papa, Kaci, Kennedy, Amy, Macy, Marley, Mia, & Emma I
Blake Barr Blake, W e are so proud of you! W e wish and hope that all your dreams and goals in life get achieved. W e love you!
Charley, you have been a joy to our lives and a blessing to those around you. We are so proud of the man you have become. Follow your dreams and never let them go. You will always be my "buddy”. Love you always! Mom & Dad
e rro n Morgan Rene, I am so very proud of you! Always remain true to yourself, follow your heart, and stay strong in your faith! Shine on Sweet Girl! I love you. Mom
Morgan, Stumbles or Triumphs, you have always made me proud! Daddy loves you!
Morgan, : I love yo i a millioni Swedish;' fish! Siss)'
iEach Stone
Zachary, I wish for you the joys and knowledge of life to come, w sdom instilled : jn you to know the difference between iirignt and wrong. I wish for all the dreams :and hopes you could ever imagine. W e are -50 proud of the young man we see before us. We Love you Mom and Dad
"Your success and happiness lies within you” You have grown to be a strong, independent and beautiful young lady. We all love you and we are proud of the woman you have become. Love Always, Jayson & Debbie S. Kalb & Colt Sullivan
Emily, W e are very proud of you. W e know that you will succeed in everything you put your mind to. Love Mom, Dad, Kathy, Robin and PaPa ’’Com e injonny, Com e In. Supergirl reporting in”
Shaelee >l9flan Stebbins Stubblefield
Our baby boy all grown up, yVe love you! iMom, im & MeeMaw Phil 4: 3
Shaelee, You’ve always independent and have grown into a beautiful person inside and out. You have made me very proud. All through the years. Never stop chasing your dreams and always stay true. I love you heart and soul! Love, Mom
ordan. It seems ike just yesterday that you were starting Pre-K and now you’re graduating high school. We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. We have been truly blessed to have a son and brother like you! Love, Mom, Dad, Noah, and Matthew 1
J Landbn
Jared Moon Congratulations Jared. We love you and wish you continued success in all you do. Love, ' Dad, Mom, and Lauren
Follow your dreams. We love you! Mom, Dad & Max
Jarrod, Life is your stage! Keep your fee on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Mon & Dad are so proud ofv\/ho you are and realizing that faith is your guiding light! We love you !; much, Mom S Dad
From the 6th grade to the 12th, always Faithful to Friday Morning Devotional and Bible study. R em em b e r ’T h e cho ices you mal<e today effect Be the best you. Always give it your best shot. L.iugh until your belly hurts. Most import,itntly keep the main thing T lie Main Thing. We love you and can t w.iil to see wh,It great things you’ll ' -h. Go G e t ’Em! L.ove, Mom,
the man yo u ’ll be to m o rro w .” 2 Timothy" 1:7 For G od hath not given us the spirit c fear; but o f pow er, love, and a sound mind. Love, David & Vickie
Alyssa Tabion O ur beautiful snow white has grown into a beautiful young lady. W e are so proud o f you. You have the world at your feet baby girl. Show ’em what ya got!!! Love, Mom, ason & Gage =.S. W ho loves you m ore than me?
Mom, Dad, Taylor & Jadyn
Sarah, You have grown up to be a beautiful woman. W e are so proud of you. May you be with God! Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seed that you plant. Jeremiah 2 9 :1 1-14 W e Love You Mom, Tubby, Monte & Sabrina, Jesse & Nicki
loffan ^ Waddell iW
proud of the young man you have become! We love you. Mom and Dad
B reean n W e stb ro o k W h a t a beautiful young lady you have b eco m e. You have a sm ile that lights up the room . W e love
you fo re v e r and alv\/ays, Memi, Mom, Brooke, B ren d ee, and Brice ;s 1
oshua Gene, What a gift from God you have been. Remember to keep turning your ear to the Lord always in all of your future plans. I’m so proud of the man you are, as well as the man I know you will be.
Love you much, Mom, Dad and Nana
Brady you’ve always been such a sweet little boy and have grown into a sweet young man. The roacfs in life are rough at times but they make you a stronger person. I know if Nanny was here she would tell you how much she loves you and that she is very proud of the person you are. Stay strong and follow your passion. Love you always, Lisa
Teresa Spencer Memorial In Memory of Teresa Spencer, a 1980 Graduate of BHS. Teresa was a photographer who got her start with the Derrick Yearbook. With all our love, Rick Hatcher, Ross DeGreve, Greg Pendley, Todd Dillard, Jeff Baber, Julie Pruett, Kathy Schroeder, Hart Jeanis, Pam Lane, Sherry Halverson
Bradley, You are our little TaTonka. Congratulatiori
W e Love You! Mom, Dad, C o ry & Katie
am so proud of you Keith. I can’t wait to see where life tal<es you next. The journey has only just begun. Make good choices and the sl<y is the limit. 1love you, Mom.
Kristin Wood
K ristal you were first born and I held you in my arms for the first time, I call you ”my little munchkin.” As I watch you ’ row into a jeautigul "angel of a young woman” you’ll always be Daddy’s Munchkin so dear to my heart. I love you always. Dad
Kristin, We love you. Mom and Dad
JaEQ bJCIiinalH l I
Always remember that all of your dreams can ;Come true... if you have the courage to ‘pursue them, w e are so proud ofyou! Love, '^om, Dad and Julie
Congratulations to both our Graduates. Double the pleasure, double the fun... We couldn’t be more proud! Now is your time to live the life of your dreams.
’’Keep your eyes to the stars & your feet on the ground." Love you more than life, Dad, Mom & Family
B iyso n Y
Rosebud, from the day you were born our family was blessed with joy. We love you to the moon and back. We are so proud of the woman you are becoming. Never forget the at what God brings you to, will bring you through. Love, Grammy, Amy, and Bender ’’You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.” -Albert Camus
Bryson, from the d.iy you were born you have been loved beyond measure. We have watched you j;row from the mischievous grin to the gorgeous young woman you have become. You are a wonderful big sister to Banner & Brayden and they love you so much! Y oli have a loving and I ' i i . ! (‘t G n rl's liyht shine throLigh it in all you do. He has great plans for you! -MiK inly Horn ,ind Dad
You are my # I Princess. Love you much, Pops
x :J