Burkburnett High School 2015 Yearbook

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Burkburnett High Schoo 109 W e s t K ra m e r B u rkb u rn e tt, T e x a s 76354 D istrict: 4-4A Division 1 Enro iim ent: 875

940-569-1411 w\A/\A/.burl<burnettisd,org

Danny Tayior - Superintendent Brad O w en - Principal M ichael Baughman - Asst, Principal Sandra Vallon - Asst, Principai


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All it takes Is a few seconds of speaking with Mr. Brad Owen to know ftie excitement tie t)as for learning and being a Bulldog. As the educational 0) leader of BHS. his enthusiasm and drive S to'' 0) excelience is 0=» contagious. H

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As a Bulldog, you must be involved. Jallene Lopez (12) participates in band and serves as ^ Band ~ Council President. S p la y s flute & 3 oboe and Is (£j a section leader. Along with "C UIL flj Academics {Qshe is ranked (h In the top of the senior class.

The true spirit of a Buildog is shown through the smile o f Lori Wiiiiams (12). As ar) athlete in Special Olympics Track and Field as well as Basketball, Lori loves technology so the new iPads have made school even better.


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» > So m e s a y a p ic tu re is w orth

t o d a y ? W h a t d e fin es y o u ? Your

a tlio u so n d w o rd s, but w h a t is th e

lo o ks?

p ic tu re

y e a rs, n o n e of th a t will m a tte r,


re ally sa y in g ?

p ic tu re s

re fle c t?

w a n t o thers to ju d g e

W h a t do

W h a t you

This b o o k is e v e ry o n e 's story. It is

us b y our

w ho w e really ore an d w h a t w e truly

But the truth

w e g iv e . It’s tim e to




aw ay

d r e '- c a l

th e

mirrors a n d so cia l m e d io m om ent a s k ,“W ho


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really?" Th ere is a g re a te r v a lu e

In ten



a p p e a r a n c e , but a p p e a r a n c e is all

w e a r?

nnore than face value

ire all more rn:.!;


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w h a t is no t se e n , The v a lu e is in th e stories,

an d

stan d



show s w h a t m a ke s us unique. This story is o n e w e all lived to g e th e r an d th a t

o ne

d e se rv e s


b e sh a re d . As you w alk



th e se

re m e m b e r,

you m a y think you kn o w

so m e o n e

b ecau se

yo u

se e

th em e v e ry d a y , but you don't. The truth is e v e ry o n e is m ore than

e v e ry o n e has their o w n story. How did yo u g e t h e re ? W h e re

f a c e v a lu e .

w o u ld yo u like to g o ? A nd w h y o re

yo u

th e

p erso n

yo u


-Krista F o rtn e r o nd A n g e l Sims

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1 am a o lu b il U'udcr Being a leader in her youth group at The River Assemblies : r+ of God in C Burkburneft - Q. , Mayce Domenici 3 (12) finds r+ time to take I— CNA classes ^ o f BHS to : prepare for __ her future.



T h e re is m o re t h a n g o in g < to s c h o o i a t B u rk b u fn e tt High S c h o o l t h a n a n y o n e c o u ld u n d e r s t a n d . Do y o u ’e v e r th in k a b o u t it, o r ju s t "^go th ro u g h th e m o tio n s ? n W e a r e p a y in g a t t e n t io n i

'5jto io u r s e lv e s , J -;b u t a r e w e : in o t ic in g o n es! a a ro u n d u s ? ; ^While ilo o k in g ■through this s e c t io n , try i



A p p r e c ia t e w hat yo u' d id n 't n o t ic e th e firs t tim ea r o u n d . Put y o u rs e lf in: th e ir s h o e s ju s t fo r a m o m e n t. Do y o u th in k y o u ; c o u ld have d o n e th e ir jo b s ? A re f syou ready^ :to b e t a k e n back in , :.tim e ? This is a p a r t of o ur h is to ry . This is w h e re we ic a m e fro m . ;This is iw h e re o ur liv e s b e g a n . So, ;as yo u lo o k th ro u g h this ;$ e c tio n lo o k fo r yo u r ifrie n d s , fa m ily , a n d m a y b e le v e n y o u rs e lf,

r e m e m b e r e v e r y waking^ m o m e n t t h a t w a s p u t in to jth is y e a r , W e re yo u t h e r e fo r th a t event th a t e v e r y o n e t a lk e d a b o u t ? if y o u w e r e n 't , s o m e o n e w a s t h e r e p o u rin g th e ir tim e \-l-la le ig h K a r r , L a n e B i d d y a n d h a rd w o rk in to w h a t a re on th e se p ag es,

Working 40+ hours per week, maintaining good grades and finding time to be an editor of the yearbook, Krista Fortner (12) is aiways eager to heip ciassmates, teachers ■ js and her famiiy.

Hom ecom ing w eek is crazy, em otional, and extrem ely stressful. The late nights, hard wori< and hours upon hours of rehearsal all for a four minute sl<it ore worth it. Even though the winner gets no prizes, other than bragging rights, the pressure put on the classes to be the winner is strong. With the determ ination to d efend their cham pionship title from 2014, the seniors had to really bring it this year. "Homecoming w as such an am azing time for all of us. It felt like o g re at bonding time to g et the whole class together. W e all w orked so hard and had a blast doing it. W e alw ays tried to go a b o v e and beyo nd . It w as g reat finishing our last ye ar of high school with o big victory," Shaynah Chouinard (1 2 ) .


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Making a decision that could determine your future like joining the military Is exactly what Adan Donaghey (12) Is ready to d o ."/ want to be In the military and the Marines are at the top of my list "

With the them e of US cities, the senior class told the story of King Kong a k a London Bale stealing the ploybook of the Bulldogs, Using the landm arks that m ake New York City unique the seniors took the cro w d for o tour of Freedom Tower, The Empire State Building, B ro ad w ay, and Times Square. Building the props for such o well known p la c e g a v e the seniors an opportunity to m ake m emories for a lifetime. "Homecoming w as such a b ittersw eet m om ent. It honestly didn't hit m e th at it w as o ver until w e heard our senior song, I realized the last four years w ere com ing to on end but I wouldn't c h a n g e a thing," Ally H ard aw ay (1 2 ), -Brenna R u v a lc a b a > » "Less shirt more cowbell" G arre tt Liffick (1 2 ), Ja c o b B o yce (1 2 ) C harles Burgess (1 2 ) and London Bale (1 2 ) in the SNL portion of the skit. "Tourist" Alex M cG o ho ( 1 2 ) , Stephanie Winkler (1 2 ) and Je ssica Heinz (1 2 ) snap a few m em orable pictures.

Freftiop- Tower

05 cn Being proposed to by Trey Bigford (1 2 ) with a little blue box from Tiffany's, Ashleigh Bow en (1 2 ) soys an onltiusiastic "yes"

Hearing The Music of the Night, Sarah Furman (1 2 ) Dustin Andrew s (1 2 ) perform The Phantom of the O p e ra in the tour of New Yorl< C ity,

"I'm unique because I don't a ct like everyone else. I'm real as a person. I look, a ct and dress the way ttiat I want to not because someone else does." Melanie Koons (12)

<<< Toi<ing a iook a t the ploybook, H ayden IVlcLelland (1 2 ), A iex P atty (1 2 ) and Doiton Andrew s (1 2 ) discuss the go m e pions for the g am e ag ainst Bridgeport. In e xcite m e n t from winning , P ete Boif (12)hoids Brandon Miser (1 2 ) on his shouiders whiie the senior song "How Far W e 've Com e" piays.

< « Showing re sp e c t for 9/11 with 0 m om ent of silence, Brice Janz-Stutz (1 2 ) holds the flag in front of the Freedom Tow er in New York C ity.

AAApiaying the part of Alicia Keys an d Jay-Z , A n g e la Ortiz (1 2 ), an d Brian Hightower (1 2 ), perform the song "New York" to g e t th e cro w d e xc ite d .

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>>>With being one of the isiand's and Burl<'s favorite Alex Dominguez


IShowing Ihis fire


jtwiriing skiils iRizonn Hendrici<s (1 1 ) gives the • au d ie n ce o 'sh o w .

( 11 ) serenades the crow d with his ui<uieie sl<iiis.

/ Artistic, inteiligent and witty, Hannah Peveto (11) i « proves tliat rh being a C "beautiful Q , artist" is a ([) taient thiat 2 motes tier a r+ wondertui P- part of tine ^ Ciass of 2016.


« < B io w in g up from the vo lcan o with her must-see do n ee m oves Sierra O tto (1 1 ) m akes the cro w d go crazy.

vvv Our favorite celebrity co up le Beth and Dog the Bounty Hunter aka R eag an W ise m an (1 1) and Blaze Williams (1 1 ) sto pped by from their busy d a y of fighting crim e to be judges for the Juniors,

» > Giving "under the seo" a w hole new m eaning Shelby Gorvin('l 1) loses to Burk os a Bridgeport player.

What was your favorite memorv of homecoming? « < "Being the (Bridgeport bull) bod guy in the skit and making sure not getting last." Blair H aw th o rn e (l'l)

'''''' Com ing siraighi from Disney, Lilo and Stich (D a n ica M endoza (1 1 ) and D elayne Dickey (1 1 )

» > "Working w ith/getting to know everyo ne" Kimberly W o o d (1 1)

We're kind of a B 16 deal ; Still reco verin g from all the :sand in their shoes an d sun burns on their fa c e s , the Junior ;cia ss brings Hawaii to small tow n Burkburnett for th e 2014 Hom ecom ing skit. Even though .th e y p la c e d se co n d , th ey couldn't be m ore proud. '"Everyone w orked so hard and you co uld se e it really p a y off with th at se co n d p la c e win" i'Kylee A ch eso n (1 1 ) said. : The order of the e ve n ts for 'the 2014 skit w e re n arra te d by .President Blake Sto ckin ger and V .P Ryan Richter. The first e v e n t w as sand c a stle building ;that had the to p grain of sand b k a Diana M artinez (1 1 ) g e t the "W 'over Bridgeport Burk's J a c o b Boswell (1 1 ) nd Aaron C anham (1 1 ) e p re se n te d in the sushi rolling hat required "so m uch skill" and just rolling over.

After th at, it w as off to the ra c e s , being p aired in tw os w ere Burk's Diego M cCullough (1 1 ) an d Shelby G arvin (1 1 ), Ja le y M atteson (1 1 ) and Jo m a r Smith (1 1 ) vs. Katie Alfred (1 1 ) an d Ashlynn Hoff (1 1 ), C o lto n C e rv e n k a (1 1 ) an d A nslee W ad d ell (1 1 ) for Bridgeport Then, w h a t Hawaii is known for, the surf b o ard ch a lle n g e . With Blair H aw thorne (1 1 ) surfing for Burk up ag ainst Bridgeport's London R yalls(11). H aw thorne hod to pull out all the stops to k e e p Bridgeport from getting a victo ry. With a co u p le of shoves an d som e ta c tic a l m o ves Burkburnett c a m e on to p as the winner! Finally, the islands fam ous v o lc a n o e xp lo d e d i But, instead of a mixture of m olten rock an d fe a r. Bab es c a p ta in

T o rayja W h it e ( ll) , Babes C ierra G a r d e a (1 1), Kimberly W o o d ( ll) . C h e e rle ad e rs Haleigh L o f f le r ( ll), Sierra O t t o ( l l ) put on a ja w dropping p e rfo rm an ce . Winning the hearts of the jud ges and the cro w d , se co n d p la c e n eve r felt so good. - K a tie A lfre d



"A life experience that makes me unique is being in band as well as dance. Being in these 01 activities at U) the same time is both (Z _ menfaiiy a n d ^ physically taxing. I ^ wauidnt stof\f) doing either tor the Q world.' Riiey Adams Kurt: C hois (11) “

» > Making history, the Sophom ore cioss poses for a quici< picture to co m m em o rate the fun times they had whiie pretending and actin g os the c a s t of m any of our favo rite W ait Disney movies and tv shows.

At Disney World


7 have lived in Japan, born in Kansas and l/i i iiave been st)ari<fishing C , bungee n jumping from 250 fee/, cliff Hjumping I—.from 50 feef ~ and free "^failing from 350 feet. All "D in ail, fm a !li I Ilf ill seekor.'


For som e students hom ecom ing w e e k c a n be the best e xp e rie n c e of their iife. For others it c a n be the most stressfui and p robiem atic w e e k th at couid h ap p e n . This year the sophom ore class ('17) took on e ve ry person's chiidhood dream by portraying the fun and e xcite m e n t of going to O riando. in the sophom ore skit they p o rtrayed movies such os the Lion King, Aiaddin, Snow W hite, C ind ereiia, Monsters inc., and e ve n the 10 i Daim ations. They aiso m ad e sure to inco rp orate M ickey Mouse and his four best friends. These sophom ore students brought the Disney World e xp e rie n c e to life through one hom ecom ing skit. Yes, it might hove been very h e c tic , and e ve n

stressful, but the sophom ore class pulled it to g eth er a t the end. Com ing in third p la c e proved th at e ve n though its only the se co n d tim e doing the skits p e o p le c a n h a v e fun and work to gether. The prem ise of the skit w as the Bridgeport Bulls stole the p layb o o k of the Bulldogs and sent a ransom note for its return. The sophom ores took the cro w d on a tour through Disney classics os th ey looked for the p layb o o k. All in all you c a n tell that th ese sophom ore students did w hat th ey n e e d e d to do to h a v e an am azing tim e, and put on a g re a t skit for the Burkburnett high school student body. - H ayley H artness B rian ne Fo urn ier

/\AA Playing as the 101 Daim ations, Brianne Fournier (1 0 ), Ashley Stahr(IO ), Lauren Miller (1 0 ),an d Ashlee Bragg (1 0 ),w a g their tails while putting on an am azing show.

AAA Perfecting the Orlando them e, M akayio H ancock (1 0 ), Ja c o b B achert (1 0 ), Brian Johnson (1 0 ), Kaci Trahan (1 0 ),and Carissa tc k k i (1 0 ), m oke sure they c o m p le te the Disney p a c k a g t: Vi/ith incorporating M ickey, Minnie, iJonakJ, Daisy, and G o o fy,

AAA Portraying Aladdin and Jasm ine, Derrick Tournoy (lO )a n d Nikole R eyes (1 0 ) ta ke the cro w d on a m ag ic c a rp e t ride.

Ariel Hannah Fountain, Beast Ethen Bentley, and Belle M adeleine Johnston blow a kiss to the judges. Zoie McKinnis, C aylin Ehlinger, and Connor B achert c o m p le te the fairy tale e xp e rie n ce .

Madison Blair ( 10), A v e ry a n a M cDonald

( 10), M aKenzie Eddins (1 0), and Sierra C o p o ra ie (IO ) Killing it with their d a n c e skills, the sophm ores w o w the judges.

Jo rd an White, Allyson M arek, and M ichaela Trebing remind the cro w d it's never to late to be a kid

^^'^Leading the w a y , Cierra Villastrigo (1 0 ) an d the d w arves m ake their e ritra n ce .

-^AAMastering the look of the Mad Hatter, Brooke Mullins (1 0 ) d ep icts the c h a ra c te r spot on.

^''''Holding a ransom letter from the Bridgeport football te a m , Ja c o b B ach ert (1 0) reads through it in shock and disbelief, to find that, Mitchell Jennings (1 0 ), the Bulldog q u arte rb a ck has been ca p tu re d .

Im a foreign exchange student 0) from CD Madrid, rz Spain. I came to the a USA without i<nowing any Engiish 'J2. and a year iater I can a,' speal< 0 perfect Engiish thani<s to BHS:^ Viera ^ Mondragon




The freshman take over the Oscars! All spotlights w ere on the freshman a t this year's hom ecom ing p ep rally. With the them e Hollywood, the freshman class took to the gymnasium floor as stars arrived for their rendition of the Oscars Celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, The Suprem es, Taylor Swift, and e ve n the infamous p o w er co uple Klmye stopped and posed on the red c a rp e t for endless paparrazi flashes and entertainm ent tv interviews. The real stars of the aw ards show up in enem y colors: the Bridgeport Bulls in m aroon and the alw ays crow d

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7 race go karts and I love it. I got track champion r+ in 2011. c That was a big ate Q. event, i fD travel all 3 over Texas f— and Oklahort)a. Q Ttte furthest place i've "C been is Oj I ubbock, ID Texas," ro Garrison 'irjradiin (9) M

, ■r ,f;lr;broti[ t All''

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favorite, Burkburnett Bulldogs in orange and b lack ,. The ce re m o n y ended with the Bulldogs taking hom e the "Team of the Year" aw ard . Freshman won fourth p la c e out of four skits, but the com petition w as ruthless. They w ere proud a t w hat they had a c h ie v e d as the new co m ers in the school. They didn't n ee d to win to prove w hat a c tu a l stars they really w ere, Zoe Brooks Bre-Yanna G u tie rre z

v v v Kicks high and smiles bright, Sara Birdwell (9 ), A bby Felty (9 ), Jasm ine Sherm an (9 ), Brendee W estbrook (9 ), Alysso Roth (9 ), and Ashlee Jansen (9 ) perform as the opening to the O scars,

« < Hosting the O scars, Addison Lobaugh (9 ) presents aw ards.

Trying to pum p up the c ro w d , Emily Doilos (9 ), Tristan Hood (9 ), an d Koden G o id e n (9 ) flaunt their school pride.


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'What makes me unique is I'm a very forgiving person. And no matter your story, we wiii be friends." Amber Loya (9)

W alking dow n the red c a rp e t, David M o cke y (9 ), Ja y le n C o x (9 ), an d Ja le n White (9 ) po se as The Suprem es.

In The Limelight

2018 CM

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Posing for the paparazzi, Hayden IVicjor (9 ) and Kyleigh Kurszewsl<i (9 ) portray Joe DilViaggio and IViariiyn IVlonroe,

W hen asi<ed how if fe it to d a n c e in fro n t o f th e w hoie sch o o l. C h a se G a y (9) re sp o n d e d : "If w as re a lly n e rve -w re ckin g to d a n c e a n d if also m a d e m e fe e l like I w as a p a r t o f som ethin g b ig g e r

She can't stop and she won't stop, Brittany Vassar (9 ) stays true to her role of IVIiiey Cyrus os she uses her sass on the red carp et interviewer.

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Hayden McLeiland Ally Hardaway

Bryan Lewis Mikalla Blllinger

Esteban Rios Abigail O'Neil

Trey Bigford Ashleigh Bowen

H ayden also p articip ate s in football, bosebail, track and th ea te r, Ashleigli gives b a c k with her invoivem ent in Teens M oke A D ifference Day, volunteering at Hospice and Faith Mission. She p articip ate s v\/ith Pro ject G radu atio n, cheerieo ding, voileybaii an d is the V ic e President of stu d ent Council, These tw o w ere the p e rfe c t pair and are a g re a t e xa m p le of w h a t "More than f a c e value" is all about. -M erced ez Morgan

b > » Mr. Brad O w e n , Mr, am eron C a s tro , Mr. G ra n t Martin, a n d Mr, M ichael 3aughnnan p u sted a nnove to the song ”Tricl<y."

E v e ryd a y in class, th ey are Pressed in "te ach e r clothes" 3nd a p p e a r to be "just e achers", but for lo m eco m ing 2014 th e fa c u lty )f BHS s te p p e d It up and i|hrew dow n In on e p ic Lip ’ ■ync Battle, Throwing b o ck to hits from e 80s and 90s m ixed with a w of to d a y's hits, the o cher skit w ow ed the :row d. During the skit, th ey node their mark on the classics but also on som e hip e w d a n c e m oves.

The te a c h e rs split up Into four groups and p rep a re d to dazzle the cro w d but the te a c h e rs dance m oves w eren't the only thing th at got the cro w d going, it w as their e n e rg y, attitud e, and costum es. The staff of BHS Is more than just a staff: they ore truly a part of the Bulldog H om ecom ing Tradition, - M a r le y C o o k e & M e r c e d e z M o rg a n

There are some people that have Just been a shining light In your life. For me Jeannlne Miller Is that person. Thank you for always loving and praying with me. Congrats on your retirement Love. Ivianci)

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the ball, you g et all of that plus g reat laughs and lifetime mem ories with friends the third w e e k e n d In O cto b er. Mud Volleyball is an even t held e ve ry ye a r a t the Friendship Festival for high school and middle school students to g e t to g eth er and h ave a little fun in the mud. Sponsored by Mrs, Melinda Kleckner, Mud Volleyball's profits support the activities for Business Professionals of

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7 am not afraid of being myself. I may be weird sometimes and I will embarrass myself but then I will laugh about it because I learned to a ccep t ttie fact tt)at I am unique." Sarah Furman (12)

A m erica, This ye a r, instead of cold tem p eratures and rainy skies, the w e a th e r w as hot and sunny with not a cloud in sight, providing for a fe w sunburns and the n eed to find shade," I lo ved diving in the mud and having 'Mia and the G an g n am ed after me," Mia C o o ke sold. By the time the gom es had e n d e d though, e ve ryo n e w as

re a d y to go hom e, shower, and h ave a long nap. Thus ends a fun Saturday, bringing the Mud Volleyball tournam ent to a close and nam ing a new cham p io n: "Mio and the Gong." -Emily A p p le to n

> » G etting in position, Blair Hawthorne (1 i ) and Blaze Williams (11) ore re a d y to block the ball.


» > Setting the ball, Mlkaiio Biliinger (1 2 ) returns it to the other te am .

» > "My favorite part of mud volleyball w as playing in the mud vyith my friends," -Macie ''WnriSoii(9)

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> » R ea ch in g for the ball, Blair Haw thorne (1 1 ) tries to spike the ball while H ayden M cLellond (1 2 ) blocks it.

>>> C hanneling her inner A d e le , P aige Gier (1 2 ) "Rolling in the Deep" mud during the to urnam ent

"The worst p art w as losing, but the best p art w as tackling M eredith G o in s(12) and m aking her e a t mud."- Katie Alfred (1 1 )

<<< Using her volleyball skills, Mia C o o k e (9 ) atte m p ts to s a v e the ball.

"The best port of mud volleyball w as co a ch in g the winning team ." -Arionno C am e rlln (IO )

< « In a little post gom e photo, Paige G ier (1 2), Bre-Yanna G utierrez (1 2 ), Kiondrio Youngblood (1 2) K a y le e Tinsley (9 ), Braxton Bowie (1 1 ), Emily Apple-'-n (1 1 ), an d C h e lse a Bailey-M eares (1 2 ) g e t read y ‘ or n ext round.

Teachera are too (MM '^ O s r h v c

The yearbook staff asked and Matthew in Holcomb r+


( 12 )


answered. fD What makes 3 him unique? r * 'Extrovert, p- easygoing kind of person. Positive U oufiaok on ^ life and help other ^ people stay positive." CO

» > In 1995 as a c c id e n t h ap p e n e d that ch a n g e d the lives of Kevin and M eianie Selvidge’s tamiiy. They w ere a t an intersection and w ere hit on the driver's side of the vehicle. The m edical te am took Mrs. Selvidge’s daughter Merideth out of the c a r first and care-flighted her to C ooks Hospital in Fort Worth. Mrs. Selvidge stated that she had to w ait tw enty-four hours after the a c c id e n t until she got to see her daughter. At the time Merideth w as three years-old. The a c c id e n t left her p aralyzed from the waist dow n. Since she w as so young a1 the time Merideth soil! "bf'irig paralyzed didn't I 1 [IP,; lliroughnul life." M '', lif,' Selvidge has i 'I" ■ ; '!'■'( Ifl'llll'l ioi

During the school ye a r there are very fe w p eo p le you c a n co unt on to be there for you the most. Those p e o p le are the te a c h e rs. They are here before the bell rings e a c h morning and don't le a v e until hours after the final bell rings to end the school d ay. T e ach e rs give up their time selflessly so w e s u c c e e d in life. They don't do it b e c a u se they hove to; they do it b e c a u se th ey c a re . T e achers ore p e o p le too. They hove other things going on in life than just grading pap ers. The n ext tim e you try to go and turn in a late p ap er think ab o u t how m uch work th at odds for them . Most p e o p le go throughout their d a y without giving te a c h e rs credit w here cred it is due. Here a t BHS w e hove very

gifted te a c h e rs th at are willing to shore their talents with others around them . Everyo n e goes through even ts in their life th at m akes them w ho th ey are. Som e of these eve n ts h ave had a m ajor im p act on these te a c h e rs lives. From ending one ch a p te r to starting a new one or life chang ing events. These individuals hove e x p e rie n c e d unique situations in their lives th at m ake them more than fa c e value.

-Krista Fo rtn e r, Brianne Fo urn ier

< « Mr. Mark Sanders served in the military as on RF C om m unications Technician from Sept. 1979 to O ct. 2005. He lived an d w orked in Europe and Asia for ten years. He w as in Saudi A rabia during Desert Storm w here he m et his w ife N atalie, Together they h a v e tw o children, Mr, Sanders joined the military to serve his country, travel, and go to co lle g e with the help of a G ,l bill, Mr, Sanders has beer with BHS for eight years.

"Since August of 1982, I h a v e h ad the privilege an d jo y of "aiiing m yseif a Burkburnett High Schooi te a c h e r. O ve r a span 3f alm ost th ree d e c a d e s I h a v e b e e n blessed dolly to share life vith the best co -w o rkers an d young p e o p le . As a Family and Consumer S c ie n c e te a c h e r, IV e ta u g h t students lifetim e skills to ;n o b ie them to b e h e a lth y ,h a p p y an d p ro d u ctive. As I begin ny retirem ent ye a rs, I am thankful for e a c h one of you th at has h a re d this jo urney with me! It is with fondness an d gratitu de h a t I will rem e m b er e o ch of you. M ay you co ntinue to strive for jx c e lle n c e in all th at you do an d m ay your d a ys be filled with ]|| of G od's v e ry best, desire nothing m ore an d settle for othing less."-Mrs. Je a n n in e Miller 'VV

v vv A fter thirty years of being Superintendent for BISD Mr. Danny Taylor has an n o u n ce d he will retire in D e ce m b e r 2015. Mr, Taylor has lea d the region in Tech n olo g y Im plications and w as n am ed os a finalist for Texas Superintendent of the y e a r for 2013-2014 "I Just moved to Burkburnett from Illinois. I absolutely love It t)ere. I like to randomly cn sing songs T— out loud." OJ Lexi Hall ( 12)

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<<< Mrs. Adrionne Fore and husband David are loving foster parents. They hove four children of their own and h a v e tw o foster children. Mrs. Fore has been te ach in g of BISD for three years now. She soys," Some p e o p le soy its too hard to open your hom e and to just hove to let them go in the end, but the pain the kids go through is more painful than having to let them go."



r ::r :r o

« < As on eight g rad e r Mrs. G loria Bond-Stonford would ska te a t Sand B e a c h skating rink. There is w h e re she m et her la te husband G e n e Bond. S e ve ral ye a rs later in 1978 the skating rink w as put on the m arket for sell. Gloria d e c id e d to buy th e skating rink. She has o p e ra te d th e skating rink for forty plus ye a rs now . She now lea ses the rink to the roller d e rb y skaters. Sand B ea ch also has a swim m ing pool w here Mrs. Bond-Stanford g a v e swimming lessons for thirty-eight ye ars. A fter the w a te r park o p e n e d in W ichita Falls, the pool clo se d dow n due to lack of business. Mrs. Bond-Stanford is m arried to A ndy Standford. She has tw o sons and ten grandchildren. She has b e e n with BFIS for tw e n ty-eig h t years.

« < Mrs. Pam Frances is the Betty C ro c k e r of the scien ce d e p artm en t. She is known for her am azing c u p ca k e s and o p en e d a hom e based business c a lle d Patisserie de Lis. She sells her c o n fe ctio n a ry creations on F o ceb o o k and Twitter with the support of her husband Brian and daughter Lilly. Every w ee k she has o different flavor. She has alw ay s lo ved b aking ,and does it in her spare time.

Let's be honest, high school co n be pretty tough. No, scratch that. Life ca n be pretty tough. For us te e n ag ers w e h ave to hondie restiess nights filled with finishing hom ework, going to work after full d a y of school, having to handle the pressure of playing a sport or being a c c e p te d into co lle g e . It c a n be a lot. It c a n also feel unfair a t times b e c a u se you feel like you're the only one having to d eal with such hardships. But, life is actually fair b e ca u se it Is unfair to e ve ryo n e . Everybo dy is fighting their own battle w hether It is fighting for a B in 0 class or trying to win a w ar with an aggressive disease. Often times, our peers ore going through a hard time

and w e don't e ve n know it b e c a u se they never show their hurt or pain; th ey just continue to smile. How m any of you co n say th at? Everyone's personal battle plays a huge role in their life story. W e are > than fa c e value. A n g e l Sims


Dangerous fe a ts are not anything new to Christian G authier (1 1 ) , but during the summer b efo re 8th g rad e ye a r things got a little too dangerous. Christian an d his buddy w e re riding four w heelers like

usual, but d e cid e d to ta k e a different route. Going 80 mph, Christian found himself fa c e dow n a t a 90 d e g ree turn. W hen he re a c h e d tor the breaks, the breaks failed. He a w o k e to the terrifying sight of his leg w ra p p ed in barbw ire. After unraveling himself from the fe n c e , he w aite d for help. W hen he arrived a t the ER Christian had a blood transfusion as well as sixty stitches. Since then, Christian has undergone three surgeries to try to reco nstruct his leg , Although this incident has left it challenging to run, Christian co m p e te s in m ixed m artial arts. Not only has he o ve rc o m e the traum a of nearly losing his leg but he has also acq u ire d a new sport d espite his injury.

» > I am an e x c h a n g e student from Itally, but my parents are from Seneg al in A frica. I'm born in Italy, and I h a v e b e e n to Se n e g al only once. - N o g aye N diaye, (1 1 ) A year ago. Lane Biddy (12) was a Junior at (/) Nocona r+ H/gfi Schoo/. C i-iis life Q.ch a n g e d as fD he 3 witnessed >-*• losing his l— mother to cancer 6 rt» monf/is ago. Lane is a ^ nn.imberof the ^ yearbook

ft) C'l

stoC i.ind '

(Ain a v/o<'fer '''''' I h a v e n ever liked to d e p e n d on others, so I d e c id e d to g e t a job. Along with going to school I work roughly around 3540 hours a w ee k. -Krista F o r t n e r ( 1 2 ) .

« < I lived in Ja p a n for three years, w hich isn't that co o l but I did g e t deported to A m e rica during the tsunami and I c a n write in Ja p a n e s e . -Alyssa V illan ueva (1 2 )

> » '"No it's not a pager" is a phrase Jerinifer Joss has g o tten jsed to saying. The g a d g e t p la c e d on her hip is on insuiin 3ump n e e d e d to reg u late her blood sugor. The sum m er b e fo re freshm en y e a r Jenn ifer w as a t IVISU ■olieyboii c a m p w hen suddenly she b la c k e d out. A fter being ransp orted to the hospital an d assigned various test, Jennifer sarn e d th at her blood sugar w as a c a ta stro p h ic 678 w hen it hould h a v e b e e n around the 120 ran g e . She w as diag no sed vith d ia b e te s, w hich is a d ise ase w h e re the b o d y is unable to produce enough insulin. Just looking a t her, you w ould h a v e le v e r know n this, b e c a u s e she refuses to let this define who he is. But, instead of being d isco u ra g e d an d sad , she used this to n o tivate herself an d her te a m m a te s. It's quite obvious from all he various b aske tb all, vo lleyb all, an d a c a d e m ic a c c o la d e s hot she has p ro ve d th at she is definitely m ore than fa c e ■alue.

Qm a d iahd-i& am a Q-l-\Alete

iJL aivi a m j

« < IVlany tim es w e ignore the clich e "It's a small world afte r all." But to D o nica IVIendoza (1 1 ) an d A lex Hirata (1 1 ), this sta tem e n t could not b e an ym o re true. Both of them lived in Hawaii w hen th ey w e re in Kindergarten but th ey didn't realize it until their junior ye a r. v v v Being the n ew kid seven tim es c a n be tough, but with your twin it might be a little easier. For Dalton A ndrew s (1 2 ) and Dustin A ndrew s (1 2 ) this is their reality. With their mom being in the United States Air Fo rce, th ey h ave m o ve d around a lot. Just in their life tim e they h a v e m o ve d se ve n tim es, but th ey h a v e found a p la c e c a lle d hom e here a t Burkburnett to finish their high school e d u ca tio n ,

Most of the time, we associate neumatoid Arthritis with older people. But this not the ca se for Jad en Lagunas-Lacey (11). 3cause of the severity he actually has the iotion of staying at home, but he continues to ght through the pain everyd ay to attend ;hool.

What makes Marquis Askew (12) unique is his undeniabie r athletic (N abiiity. 7m going to be 0; U) piaying coiiege Q. footbail after high — schooi. Look 01 out for me!" t -

> 0



When it rn m e s to school th ere ’s one thing that aii of us hove in com m on. The truth is: w e are aii just trying to g et by. Through the homewori< fiiied weel< nights, to the weei<ends th at never seem to iast iong enough, w e as a ciass, as students, as normoi human beings, just w an t to get by. But more than that, w e w an t to s u c c e e d . As w e grow up w e iearn severai definitions of w hat su cce e d in g in iife is. And it varies for e ve ryo n e . But w hat octuoiiy is su cce ss? iHow do w e as students and young adults and te e n a g e rs, define su cce ss? E v e ryd ay just seem s to drag by and all of us dream of a d a y w hen w e won't h ave to wali< the some halls an y longer. W e, for som e

odd reason, im agine w hen w e will e s c a p e this p la c e and head into the real world. W here w e will ultim ately h ave our butts l<icked and succe ss will b e c o m e a m uddled version of w hat w e thought w e knew and w hat w e must relearn and re e v a lu a te o n ce ag ain . But for now, w e're just going to keep going, and k e e p getting up, and k ee p doing p a g e after p a g e of hom ework b e c a u se that's w^^at w e d o . W e strive and struggle and through it oil w e c a n still find the positives in life. W e understand the b e au ty of w hat w e 'v e been given, and w e m ake sure others c a n do as well. W e ore doing w hat hum ans do best: survive. -Zoe Brooks

Success through Hardwork, Positivity, and Support Bailey Leslie(12)

"Things can get a little crazy, but it's good to stay positive, Remember to

^ stay true to yourseif b ecau se you're a diam ond in \he rough Even though it doesn't feel iil<e it,

hings will get better." Technology is a friend. Since I was a iittie boy, it's fascinated ^ me. I've Q ttiought about how ^ to tal<e J^thlngs apart, " figure out how it worl<s EZbnd apply it. When I ^loord about Robotics Ti Club, my Gj heari itlOfQCj fD hJ Ni I.


Brandon Heinz(9) "Always asl< for help if you need it, Take

notes even when you think you don't need to, and if you keep having trouble, talk to a te ach e r about it. Your

teachers ca re about you and

want you to succeed,"

^ « < [

Faith Hollingsworth(IO) "The only w ay you survive high school Is by knowing that a bad grade doesn't define you it isn t the end of tlie world when you fall a test, When you have a setback you have to get b ack

up and

• J

a I*'

keep working hard." Zion P tiiliip s(ll) "I go about e a c h d ay knowing the next one isn't guaranteed. Don t stress over little things and be cognizant of the fa c t that those iess fortunate than you m ay not have the sam e opportunity to e xce l in high school,

's a privilege."

What M akes A G o o d Student Teacher A dvice Shannon Johnston "Finding p ro d u ctive w a y s to hondie stress and seel<ing Inelp while doing it wiii aid a student on tineir journey. A student w iio n eve r gives up an d worl<s very liard to do tiieir best wiii not oniy survive, but uitim oteiy tl^rive in inigii sohooi,"

Loy Triona "A g re a t student is a person w iio lias g re a t re sp e c t and a p p re c ia tio n . R e sp e c t for aii tiio se tinat sacrifice to instiii aii fine e d u c a tio n a s p e c ts a ffo rd e d in not oniy scinool, but iife. A p p re cia tio n for tlie opportunities to mal<e tine most of tinose sacrifice s an d co ntin ue to pass tiio se on to tine future generations!"

Lindsey Cluley "fVlaintain b o ia n ce : i<eep your priorities in ciiecl< so a c a d e m ic s doesn't o verride iieaith , so cial life d o e sn ’t o verride a c a d e m ic s , an d most im portantly, th at popularity doesn't override it all,"

7 lived in Larissa, G reece prior to coming here. I learned two years of the Greek language. I love to fly R/C planes as o hobby as well as skateboard ing.’ Josti Agosto(11)

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YOU M O r? F T H A K Face .Value! are

Earning her black belt in karate two years ago is what r+ makes C Deianie Q , Bates (9) an interesting 3 person.


(D ■D 12 (d Kl

What Would You Tell Your Freshm an Self? "Watch out for Krum in :^013 and math still sucks,' - Noah Henderson

"Being popuior isn't everything so don't worry about it," -Mercedez Morgan

Life is different for e ve ry single one of us. W e oil know that. That m eans e ve ryo n e has a unique and interesting story to tell, v o ic e to be heard, or a life to ohange. Peo p le oan pass by e a c h other e ve ry single d a y never to know who th ey might be or w hat problem s th ey could be facin g . P eo p le are not w hat their a p p e a ra n c e says. They could be the hero or the villain, the b rav e girl or boy who stands up for w hat they b elieve in or the c o w a rd who hides behind lies and crim e. F a ce s don't m atch w ho a person is: it's the quality of the heart th at m akes you.

You can 't tell who a person is by an im age either. W e all h ave goods and evils, and in this d a y and a g e all peo p le are c o n c e rn e d about is their fa c e , or how they a p p e a r to the outside world. As hum an beings w e are not p e rfe c t. There's going to be days you don't look good but in truth you are beautiful for who you are not w hat you look like. Looks could never describ e the heart you own and all the stories you, as o person could tell; not a photo, not a rumor, b e c a u se you are not just "another pretty fa c e ," You ore More than F a c e V alue, D o to d o P eterso n

" I enjoy helping students find their vo ice s in their writings. When students write ab o u t them selves, they b e c o m e more relatable to the a u d ie n c e . As te a c h e r, reaching the rea d e r m akes the

" You are going to make it,

writing c ra ft worthwhile."

and try smiling a little,

- M ichele Barr

-Moranda Overstreet

' Just be yourself and enjoy your friends"

"We are all a little weird an d life is a little weird, an d w hen w e find

Brennan Leslie

so m eo ne w hose weirdness is co m p atib le with ours, w e join up with them and fall in a mutual w eirdness and call it love." - Dr. Seuss

"Everything is going to be okay. If you try your hardest now, you won't regret the things you didn't do earlier " Mikoila Billinger j fjif.K.t' r,i| ',hoci.)lale 'ynu'li

(Provided by K atelyn Grim es)

"There are m any things p e o p le don't know ab o u t me but one of the biggest is my love to write po etry. Writing poem s are a side m e th at p e o p le least e x p e c t, I also play five instruments b e c a u se it is a big passion I've had tor a long tim e and I hope I c a n m ake a c a re e r out of it." -Kiondria Youngblood

"In life I a lw a y s grew up being taught th at looks will fa d e and e ve n tu ally won't m atter an ym o re. That's w hy I strive to be the best person on the inside, Looks w on't lost fo re ver but Intelligence will last a life time."

pC-'ivtflifkr What makes LO Ja co b (N Boswell (11) unique Is his q ) love of powerlifting 5 . "I plan on ^ returning to fl; Reglonals In 3 powerlifting • and maybe make it to sta te : O


-K yle a Eversole " Every d a y I c o m e to school I g e t m ore e x c ite d than most students w ould be. W hen I



c o m e to school I g e t to in te ra c t with o ther p e o p le . I c a n folk ab o u t things I couldn't norm ally talk a b o u t a t hom e, an d it doesn't m atter if I am interacting with a girl or a guy. At hom e, I c a n 't do anything with the p e o p le I live with so I end up holed up in my room, living an anti-social life. I am co n sta n tly yelled a t an d criticized for being anti-social but if I do le a v e my room I g e t b o m b ard e d with u n n ece ssary co m m en ts. And w hen I go out to so cial e ve n ts I "must rem ain with the fe m ales only", but I don't talk to them b e c a u se not too long a g o rumors w e re sp rea d ab o u t m e b e c a u se I w as hanging with a guy friend. With it being senior y e a r for m e now , I h a v e to find a c a re e r, but my p arents w an t m e to be in a c a re e r th ey w ont, like a d o c to r or engin eer. I don't w a n t th at. I w a n t to be in the art field, sp eo ifically vid eo g a m e s. I've a lw a y s to ken their criticism and rules but this is my life. I w a n t to be ab le to ch o o se w h a t I w o n t or n ee d . O ne d a y , I just hop e my parents will g e t th a t through their h ead s. And hopefully that's soon." -Bianna Bhuiyan If you w a n t to know a m ans true c h a ra c te r, p a y attentio n to how he tre ats his inferiors, not h i s J . K Rowling, In a word w h a t defines my true v a lu e is c h a ra c te r; I strive to be kind an d genuine. My m otives ore known only to m e, an d 1try

"You don't hove to be a b o v e a v e ra g e in high school to be successful, but it doesn't hurt," -C o a c h Ryan Black

to use this as e n c o u ra g e m e n t rather than a source of fear. I h o ve b e e n m olded by p ast e xp e rie n c e s w hich h o ve hod o profound e ffe c t on m e. For this reason, w h a t ch a ra cte rize s m e os a person is m y p ast e xp e rie n c e s and, m ore over, how I h o ve re a c te d to those e xp e rie n ce s." - Kody Anderson " I am a very o p en person. O n c e you g e t to know m e well enough I'm a very n ice an d caring person. I am alw ays th ere for my friends an d an yo n e who would n e e d to ven t. I guess you'd say I'm just a helpful person. My dream in life is to b e c o m e a fam o us singer with my band, but don't worry b e c a u s e I h o ve b a c k up plans like artist, c o m ic / graphic designer, an d p o et. To be honest though I'm a d ep ressed person an d I struggle with so cial an xie ty. O ne d a y though I h ope I'll b e ab le to g e t o ve r my fears and be h ap p y with w h a t I end up doing in my future c a re e r an d I will be ab le to h a v e a strong co n n e ctio n with my fans. I w an t to tell all the lonely p e o p le th at th ey are not alo ne. But befo re I do th at I h o ve to help my self so I c a n be strongl" -Krystal Young

W hen I first m oved to Texas, a lot of p e o p le thought I spoke a different lan g u a g e and that I wouldn't be th at e a sy to get along with, but o n ce I started talking I m ad e a lot of friends. -Iris Gison

7 /ie/p m/ grand parents around the My in house. grandma rthad both C her legs a n> amputated. My 3 grandpa works. That's • who l‘ve been with o my whole T3 lite."Q; Carrington ID Manuel (9) fD NJ C7i

New Technology Rises in Buri<

» > "It's a good idea, but could be im plem ented better" soys Ian G raves ( 12)

» > While there ore some Issues with the techn o lo gy, over all it seem s a step In the direction p eo p le need. Chantz Burlton (1 2)

» > "I love that our school ad d e d techn o lo g y to help with our school work, but the techn o lo gy troubles hove increased . I feel like they should h ave te ste d the IPads before handing them out," Ana Martinez (1 2)

"W e’ve got som e pretty co ol things a t our fingertips II k- [>ionie1hean boards, iPods, and te ch labs. W e : 'J nujKj p eo p le who know how to run It, and the M iiiMi.-c iivily working a1 Ihe school and it could all ' !,f)vs Kcjillyn Shores, (12)

Technology has ch a n g e d this ye a r for students here at BHS. The school district has supplied e ve ry student with iPads. The students now hove the cap a b ility to search the w eb , do school work and k ee p up with assignm ents all on their IPads. M any of the free opps h a v e helped students In som e w a y or another. For m any it m eans a book for English or help with

scie n ce studies. There ore m any in the school th at really enjoy this but with all te ch n o lo g y there are co ncern s. Some students co ncern s are the poor co nn ectio n with the WIFI, but with all the g re at things the IPads h ave done this year, has m ode the e a se of less book carrying for all students. -Paige Gier

« < "I think o ve r tim e tlney wiii worl< out the l<inl<s with the WiFi and everyth ing in generoi," said Chrissy B ianton (12)

« < "The te ch n o io g y a t the schooi is i<ind of siov^/ and has b ad co nn ectio n ." Kiondria Youngbiood (1 2 )

« < "They n e e d ciass v\/ork more just p iay g a m e s C iaire G albraith

to integ rate or eise we'ii on them" said (1 2 )

" It has g re at potentioi but the a c tu a i im piem entation of the te ch couid of been better." Maria V e la (1 2)

' X

*^^"i iove the nev\/ te ch n o io g y! it m okes iearning easier." K o ylee Tinsiey (9 )

"The iPad d e v e io p m e n t of 2014 Vi/as 0 iarge sca ie p ro je ct that required a num ber of different de p artm e n ts com ing to g e th er to m ake 'sure e ve ryo n e couid re c e iv e and use iPads. W e d e p io y e d iPods to all students in the district. W e installed all n ew wireless infrastructure across all schools. There w ere a fe w h iccups along the w a y , but all in ail handing iPads to oil students in a 15 day w indow an d bringing all of them online w as ^ on outstanding a c h ie v e m e n t for our district." says Sco tt Hickerson. BISD Tech n olo gy D epartm ent

Ferdinand Eimler (10) is a foreign exchange 1^ student from fsl Germany. 01 Eact) year U) BHS (Z welcomes a students from all aj over the world to learn academics 5». as well as local ana natloriai customs.

» > G ra m m a ria n s uniting against drugs, the English D epartm ent te am s up during Drug Free W eek





Red Ribbon w ee k is one of tine most outlandisli weel<s of ttie w lio ie sclnool ye a r. A weel< fuii of super liero's, Halloween costum es, and e ve ryo n e d e c k e d out in red. As soon os the posters hit the wails with the schedule of the them es, students b eg an planning their outfits. W hen you open the doors to BHS the hallw ays are filled with crazy outfits and hair. Drug Free W eek is a w eek to bring aw are n e ss to the dangers of drugs and alcohol. With them es like "Buddy up against drugs" and "Be Smart. Don't do drugs", the student council uses the w ee k of dress up days to show students that using drugs and alcohol is not the solution to boredom , social status or m aking friends.

to Instead drugs lead depression, isolation and criminal activity. Drug Free W eek serves to e d u c a te students and provide on opportunity for op en dialogue on w ays to p revent drug use. -M erced ez Morgan

Julie Jo rd an (10)

v vv Bulldog Beetleju ice a k a Mr. Brad O w en and Freddie o ka Mitchell Jennings (1 0 ) enjoy co stum e d a y during Drug Free W eek.




.i m


Brittany H oneycutt ('I'l), Ja c o b B o y c e (1 2 ),an d Jo ley M atteson (1 1 )

"/ am a beginning coin collector. t/i The oldest coin 1have c is from the Q . late 1800'S: Brady fD 3 Dehnert (9) c. ro


W earing m atching p a ja m a s, Shaw no Blacksheor (1 2 ) and Riley A dam s (1 1 ) te am up ag ainst drugs.

< < < The Math d e p artm e n t dress iri red to support drug free w e e k , V v v Representing the History Wing Mr, C o b y P ag e , Mr, G ra n t Martin an d Mr, Mark Sanders rock out ag ainst drugs

w v students show their enthusiasm for drug free w eek by w earing their favo rite co stum e on H aiiow een, Setting herself up for a career after high schooi, iHannah Gibson (12) iso Certified Nurses Assistant in the LVN program here at BHS.

OJ 01

03 a cu OJ

U\ D

< « H a v in g o blast a t their ta c k y prom. Brad Avens, Mondy Eddins, Marla Bosweii and Lindsey C luiey support being drug free.

<<< Enjoying a break from the dress co d e , students show ed their spirit during costum e d a y on Friday of Drug Free W eek,

<<< W eicom ing you to the circus is Mrs, Meilnda Kieckner, Mrs Missy Mire and Mrs, N ancy Frazier enjoy them e d ay in the CATE d e p a ri'iie n i

« < W ith a desire to go to co lleg e to get into marine biology Adam Hammond (9 ). When asked why he liked marine biology he said that his inspiration w as Finding Nemo and that he really just liked fish.

> » A person who wonts to help others, Kylee Acheson (1 1), wonts to b e c o m e o physical therapist. The thing that really got her into this c a re e r ch o ice is that she has gotten to see her step mom in action, treating her patients.

^^^Pesiring to travel abroad to Paris, Coleton Wilson (10) wants to study cosmetology with the best of the best

»> A com puter fa n a tic to a co m p uter techn ician, Kathryn Anderson (1 0), is going to ITTech b e c a u se she is, "Really into com puters and how things work,"

Just a few moments with Cazha Anderson (9) and you will know C her love of sports. Q. 05 Track and Field In 3 particular. "I have never lost a race ro in file 400 meter dash 13 or I he 200 aj meter dash." ro



W hen you think of a dream , does your mind go straight to sleep: or do you think abo u t the life you w an t to live? "Dream" is a word th at con m ean so m uch m ore then just it's definition. Only w e con give m eaning to this word. No one person's dream s ore smaller or bigger than an o th e r’s. Everyone's minds are wired differently. O ne person could w an t an e x e c u tiv e position in a high class m arketing co m p a n y w here an o ther m ay just w ont to be a stay at hom e parent. O ne job m ay p a y b etter than the next but none are an y less inventive or im portant than the next. Every c a re e r is a smart one, as long as you put your heart into it. W here do you w an t to go in life? You m ay n ever w an t to le a v e our small hom e tow n of Burkburnett, Texas, Others

m ay w a n t to test the w aters up North or e ve n across the G re a t Pond. It's all ab o u t living your life to the fullest. Who is an yo n e to say th at your dream s are an y less exciting then theirs? The lives th at w e live Is just for ourselves- no one else. Why should w e h a v e to live up to anyo ne's e xp e c ta tio n s other then our ow n. Look in the mirror w h a t do you se e ? Is it who you w an t to b e ? Is the person you are, going to ta k e you w here you w a n t to go? -H alelgh K arr

» > Hoping to become an engineer, Emily Moore (10), is good at science and math. She said that she wants to follow this career becaiise it is a good occupation and she h ^ a few family members in it

vvv The m an with a plan w an ting to go into HVAC or diesei m e ch a n ics or e v e n music oroducing, C o ie Brontiey (1 2 ) aiw o ys has o Dock up plan.

v v v A fter high school Harley Lu cas (1 1 ) is going to go to co lle g e to b e c o m e o nurse. She w an ts to follow her aunts fo o t steps an d help others.

v vv W anting to go straight into the work field, David Jo io w y (9 ) has planned for a roo m m ate to help p a y off a house with him.

<<< Thinking ab o u t staying in the school system , Annie F a b e r (1 1 ) has b een deb atin g abo u t b ecom in g a counselor.

« < Aiming for a b ach e lo r in ort Sierra O tto (1 1 ) plons on pursuing actin g after high school. W hen aske d w hy this w as her plan she resp o n ded with, "It’s o w a y to express myself and h o ve fun doing it," She also shared with us th at Sierra Boggess w as her biggest inspiration.

"I started dancing in Brazil when i was 8 years aid and now I tiave gotten two dancing sctioiarships to ASU and ^ MUNY. Next (Y) summer ill go to Urban ^ Dance Campu^ Infernafional in Germany Q . before college in r tine fall." C Victor BuenoDeOliv O eira (12) ^

People h ave alw ays enjoyed sports. Sports h ave been a favo red pastim e for alm ost os long as humans hove existed. In today's world sports ore a port of our e very d a y life. High schools hove m ad e sports a port of their curriculum, making it e asy for youth to get Into almost any sport they desire. Sports push the youth to be all they c a n be. Sports mold young minds and help prepare them for the challen ges of life, M a n | of the young men and w o m e il who p articip ate 'P e se e xtracurricular a ctlv lti'^ & n d up

their preferred activity. You m ay be sitting next to a future NFL player In your class and not e ve n know It, G etting into high school sports helps some p eo p le find their future job or help them realize w hat they w an t to do with their life, w hether th at future Includes sports or not. Sports discipline and m ake youth hav-e an attitud e d ^ lrab ie to era’p loyers Sporjs ^o n©f:,~'miake r p if t y n d rough Itke ^ th p stereotype^ [suggests. in fa c t, p m m ake |them irfo m odel c ifc e n s Tha't [is th e tfue to c e of an ath le te. You m ay iWnk th a t sports are [just a pastim e but th ey a re m uch More Than F a c e V a lu e , :


going Into a c a re e r baTed on *

7 was the , only ' swimmer for ' Burk my ; sophomore : year and | Junior year ; I was the only gin. i set me record ror BHS ( 200 y a r d Ire e '.ly ie .' B a i le y I o.s Ii p






a "Golf is my passion." Mason Winl<ies (12)

You're doing what? You're writing a bootO That's exactiy w hatSada Mize (9) is ^ doing. She is writing a novei caiied "Outcast."

» > Leading the bulldogs out of their pre-gam e huddle, Hayden McLelland (12) runs with the flag

> > > After an interception, Rizonn Hendricks (11; runs down the field to try to sco re a touchdow n.

''^Players getting inspiration os C oach Boswell gives them a pep-folk.

Fam e O ne te a m . O ne fam ily. O ne passion. T lia t’s wlnot it is for the Buri<burnett Buiidogs' Varsity te a m . Their passion for the g a m e an d their strive to do g re a t is w h a t k ee p s them going. Even through the rough tim es, th ey i<eep it to geth er, it's not all ab o u t the victories. It's not aii ab o u t the giory. They do it for e a c h other an d the spirit of footbaii. W e aii c o m e to g e th e r on those iiveiy faii Friday nights to c h e e r on our te a m . The fans, the school an d the com m unity as a w hole all stand up and rally behind our te a m . No m atter w hat the circ u m sta n c e s Am azing wins, h eartb reaking loses. Falling short or m aking the playoffs w e are all one te a m w e all h a v e one passion. The gom e of fo o tb all. Every p layer is an

ordinary person during the d a y but on Friday night, underneath those lights they d a w n the jerseys and they b e c o m e . O ne fam ily fighting for the passion they h a v e for the g a m e and their brothers n ext to them . This year's season saw m ore losses than wins but it also saw more determ ination than d e fe a t. Stepping into a n ew district with state pow erhouses and deep traditions, the Bulldogs p la y e d e ve ry dow n with the spirit of a te a m an d the fight to be the best. They are fighting for the Friday night fam e .

"I am the third generation to be born in the O United U) States on (Z my d a d ’s a side and the first generation "fO on my mom's side." 0 Co/e Mohedano 0

( 10 )

D enver Harlow & Ryan O ap o raie

H3 > < « Protecting their te a m m a te , the Bulldogs ore fighting for a first down.

AAA Jhe Bulldog d e fe n se gets re a d y as they ore ab o u t to start a p lay.

» > A fter a g re at c a tc h , Marquis Askew -Betts (1 2 ) runs the ball.


Rise To Fame


"/ am a recovering student. I had troubles fhrougt)out sctiool up until now. I am worl<ing as hard as ever to keep up with everyone else and graduate on time." Chance Wimberly



^ "D


^ y?" ^ QJ

Quickly rising to thie top, these players ore tough, and determ ined to be the best. "It's all ab o u t playing like o fomiiyl" soys Sophom ore Nick Stone. They ploy like winners and they co re for e a c h other, and th a t’s w hat keep s them going. Football is their passion, and th at is their drive. The fans and the w hole Bulldog fam ily are the reasons that they keep trying, and su cce e d in g . They feel they hod a g re at season, and it didn't m atter if they

won or lost. They do it for e a c h other, and the school. The young men of Burkburnett High School put their bodies on the line to fight for the c h a n c e to be part of a bigger fam ily. Som ething that's bigger than them selves. They fight for the c h a n c e to be Friday night fam ous. Denver Harlow & Ryan C o p o ra le

» > Junior varsity quarterback □avion Davis, ietting the baii fly iooking for a first down.

I . #3 5!


"nogging o poss in the 70',e, G abriel Bernal (9 ) I' , iifjli for <> Bulldog

C e n te r for the JV Bulldogs, C h a n c e Arndf (1 0 ), prep ares to snap the boll during a drive against G ainesville. ' Looking dow n field for a rece ive r, W eslin Priddy (9 ) iiu3kes llie play.

Taking dow n the ball carrier from the opposing te a m , the Bulldog defense tries to put a stop to the drive.

Kicking tine ball dow n field, D a ko ta M ah affe y (1 0 ) kicks off for the Bulldogs after halftim e.

Being a member of the Bulldog Brigade for the past four years, musical talent is a must but for Hunter W fiitep2). tiis ability ' allows him to 'play almost every instrument


Hustle and « < Setting up, lebro Ashleigh Bow en (1 2 ) gets read y to dig the ball.

■ m CO

W aking up early, playing during school, spending hours a fter school, the Lady Bulldog volleyball te am w orked very hard this season. Even though they didn't m ake it as far as th ey would hove w a n te d in the playoffs, the Lady Bulldogs had on aw e so m e season. The volleyball te am had their ups and downs but they over c a m e m any of them . Being a Lady Bulldog ta ke s h ard co re skill, u n p re ce d e n te d d ed icatio n and the thirst to e xc e l alongside your te a m m a te s. Having to be c a p a b le of b alancing school work and te am w o rk. This years te am w as quite a young te am . Having four seniors, tw o juniors, four sophom ores and

one freshm an. They still p layed outstanding together. Even though the Lady Bulldogs lost four seniors the te a m is still pushing to do g re at next season.

-M a rley C ooke


Jum ping higli, Mia C o o k e (9 ) gets a hard spike on the Huskies,

I'm Japanese, good at art, visited most megopoiis/ popular cities (D.C., Baltimore, Phllly, LA, its Boston, etc). I was the first 0 Japanese American ri'iild In my home " Tori

iNever Quit

Focusing on her serve, Arianna Cam erlin (1 0 ) puts the boil o ver the net for an ace.

«< Sportsmanship and integrity are o iw ays part of ttie Lad y Buiidogs on an d off tlie court.

«< C e le b ratin g , the Lady bulldogs co m e to g e th e r for an o ther point.

« < La d y Bulldogs g e t a p e p talk by their C o a c h Karl C e ly to g e t re a d y win th e g a m e ag ain st the Hirschi Huskies.

i i e n jo ye d getting to play witin e ve ry singie one of my te a m m a te . Beating Iow a Pork and Holliday w ere prob ab ly the best g a m e s of the season, I love oil of those girls and hod the best senior year. » > Ashleigh Bow en (1 2 )

This y e a r w as a growing . season for us. As a te am w e o ver c a m e m any odds. Even though this season didn't end as we w a n te d it, w e a c h ie v e d other g re at things that w e set out for, « < Emileo Peoples (1 2 )

I couldn't hove asked for a b e tte r senior s e a ­ son, W e w ere o young te a m but e ve ryb o d y w o rked hard and p la y e d to g eth er. This w as definitely one of my favo rite seosons, » > Jenn ifer Joss ( i 2 ) This volleyball season as­ sured me in w hat I w an t ' to do for the rest of my life and Tm thankful for the freshm an, jv and varsity for m aking my senior y e a r of m anaging enjo yab le « < Danielle Davis (1 2 ) >

v vv W atch in g the p lay to set up, Lauren Miller (1 0 ) gets re a d y to sw itch with Mia C o o k e (9 ) to g e t to their positions. 7 come to school everyday when I could just stay home.'' Brittany Pugllesi (12)


U) a

JD > In o display of pride the Lad y Bulldogs stand an d honor the A m e rican flag as Notional A nthem plays b e fo re their g a m e .

"o >

vvv Diving for the bail, Caylin Ehlinger (1 0), passes it to her te am m otes.

A C K Many of the ladies who p articip ate in volieybail oiso p articip ate in other sports. Their d ed icatio n to be a student-athlete starts in the classroom with good grades and behavior. To be a student-athlete take s a lot of time and drive to maintain a high standard with both disciplines. Studying and p ra c tic e are essential to being successful. With p ra c tic e som etim es co m es frustration with ones self and the other te am m ates, but the Lady Bullldog Junior Varsity and Freshman te am s w orked hard this ye ar to impress their c o a c h e s as well os their team m ates.

Trying to hone their skills, they w orked both individually and as 0 te am . Encouraging e a c h other on the court os well as on the sidelines. This hard work and d ed icatio n helped them win most of their gom es this ye a r, leading to a successful ye a r. On the court, our Lady's work to gether, co verin g e a c h others b o cks if 0 play go es bod and cheering on w hen it's successful. But this y e a r is not the only time they will use these techniques. All this hard work will hopefully p ay off next y e a r with o spot on the varsity te am .

>>> Celebrating 0 successful point, the team gathers to geth er to do 0 victory chant.

v vv R eaching for the boll, Zoie McKinnis (1 0 ) hits it bock o ver the net.


Nick Spiilman (12) is iieterochor mafic. W that's tiiat?"you asi<. Heterochro I/I mafic is t : having one green eye 0 and one r+ blue eye. T3 0!

» > Sitting on the sidelines. Ja'K atie Hickman (1 1), Caylin Ehlinger (1 0 ) Ashley Stohr (1 0 ) and Anslee W addell (1 1 ) ore read y to get into Ihe QOi ne


jum ped for the boil, Roni Williams (1 1 ) m akes o successful pass.

"I like to listen to music befor a gam e," -Jo'Katie Hickman ( 11 )

"We h ave a team b reakfast b efo re the gom es, then afterw ards w e listen to music," -Alex H oltzen(11)

"We do a pre-g am e ch a n t before e ve ry g am e to pump us up," -Anslee W ad d e ll(11)



ACE « < W aiting a t the net, A sliley S ta h r(IO ) gets re a d y to biocl< tine baii.

Successfully getting Burk a point, C am ille B lan to n (IO ) serves the ball.

K eeping her e y e on the ball P a sc h e n ce Wilson (1 1 ) w aits for the n ext serve.



» > Listening to her te o m a te s, M akoyla H a n c o c k (1 1) w aits for the n ext serve.

So when we asked what made her unique, Briana Hancock (11) said. 'Tm section ieader in the band, ploy trumpet and you shouid take more photos of the band.' You got it Briana. Thani<s for the feedO''.y


03 a


0 > > a.

v vv On their break, the ch e e rle ad e rs co m e to g eth er to ta k e pictures. Late Nights, long days, and keeping the spirits of tans up w here e ve r they go, glory un­ der the Friday night lights isn't just abo u t the football players. Many p e o p le do not realize the hard work and d ed icatio n that goes into cheering or b e ­ ing a m em ber of Dog Squad,

Bulldog spirit, 'Dog Sauad was really fun. We alw ays had fun going to the aam es and rurv ning the flags when we scored g touchdown. The best pgrt about being on Doa Sauod hgd to be doing the T Belleye’ chant wltti oH of the cheerlegders gnd student section' Connor wyygms (12)

"I'm in the Wichita Fails ■Cheerteadlna has alw ays Youth C h e e rle ad e rs and Dog Squad been a major Im pact on my Symphony are all a port of the Friday night Orchestra. We. It's taught me many differ­ This is my ent life lessons and alven me e xp e rie n c e . W ithout their c o n ­ second year mv best friends. Plus, the tributions to the g am es, p ep ral­ and the lies, and school functions, experience coaches Itils year have made It school spirit would not be os i n is amazing extrem ely memorable.*____ !! ~0 and it am azing os it is now. MQddvD'Onofr1o(12) 0 encourages The hard work of these Dog Squad and C h e e rle a d ­ 2 . not only me p e o p le and the d e d icatio n to IT but others ers go to e ve ry go m e, no m a t­ to express ter the rain, the co ld or the their school truly m ake these ■Q themselves h e a t of a Texas Friday night. tw o groups G re a te r than F a c e 01 in music." They pump up the spirit in the V alu e . ID — Dallas -Kiley Armstrong IT) Wabbington air during football g a m e s,p e p rallies, and m oke it fun to h ave NJ

< < < Wrih g re al enthusiasm Winter Donley (1 2 ) and C o urtn ey W eary (1 2 ) e x e c u le a cho er (or flie funs.

After the Bulldogs sco re a to u ch d o w n, G ale n (9 ), Logan O w en (9 ), and Daw son Goins (9 ) run with tlie BUS Flags.

< < < To e x c ite the cro w d , Ashleigh Bow en (1 2 ), Jo rd an R utledge (1 2 ), an d Karo Miller (1 2 ) lift C o u rtn ey W e a ry (1 2 ) in the air during a c h e e r.

V V V Before the start of the g a m e , M o yce Dom enici (1 2 ), Stephanie Winkler (1 2), an d Connor Williams (1 2 ) pose for a picture. I am one of the best skate boarders in Burk." Gage Robbins (9)

<<< Leading the student section, Kara Miller (1 2 ) pumps up the cro w d with a cheer.


< < < A fter a point co nversio n, the Dog Squad an d ch e e rle a d e rs co m e to g e th e r to c h e e r with the fans.

Moving dow n the field after a turnover. Dog Squad m em bers Dawson Goins (9 ), Meredith Goins (1 2 ), Connor Williams (1 2 ), Logan O w en (9 ) and sponsor C am ero n C astro talk ab o u t the g am e

v vv Entertaining the crow d, tine Boom town Babes are a liit at liom e and a w a y .

Vance like Everyone is Watching Baines O o m ltiin L iL © tDi©TirS3litiomof Ikcelleinns© With adrenaiine running through them , the Boom town Babes iine up for their hoif^ime perfo rm an ce during 0 Friday night football g am e. They hove spent countless hours practicing and learning their d a n c e . For onlookers, this looks e asy. It looks e asy b e ca u se of the countless hours of p ra c tic e and polishing. Sp ectato rs don't see the work th at goes into the show. Fo otball a n d co m p etitio n s e a s o n c a n b e so stressful h avin g to p r a c t ic e two tim es a

w eek



"I used to ride bulls. Ive ridden since 7th grade. It's a fun sport, tm a cowboy and tm going to become a Marine." Brandon Miser (1?) in

X5 Cy I r>



P ie c e . Y es. We all g et frustrated at our te a m m a te s, but b efo re e v e ry d a n c e w hen w e c irc le u p to p ra v a n d at the en d of it all I re a lize that w e a re fam ily a n d I w ouldn't tra d e a n v of th e se girls for a n y th in g .' -C ierra G a rd e a

W hen they go out and step on the field, th ey look flaw less. These girl m ake w hat th ey do look effortless. You could n ever tell how m uch effort a ctu ally goes into w h a t they do. And that, is g re ate r than fa c e value -Kiiey Armstrong

Striking a pose to end Ihe pom routine, Ihe Babes I' )W tin ;ir long fiours ol iJiui ill I,' p ay olf with crow d [ill ■'i';iiin oiiU-;rlainrTient

v vv W aiting for tlieir count, Abigaii Doid (1 1 ) and Brittaney Bliton (1 1 ) rehearse tlieir port of tlie woitz before tlieir partners tol<e tine fieid Speeding around the dirt track is something Mii<e Rogers (12) enjoys and had been racing for years.

W arm ing up for th e fall ciinic, Babes and ttie Babes stretch b e fo re th e y tal<e the field I perform to "Thinl<",

Standing in the victory iine, the Babes saiute during the piaying of the schooi song during the hom ecom ing gam e.

A littie sibling fun, Ashiee Bragg ('10) and C o d y Bragg (1 2 ) tal<e a breal< during p ra ctice for a som e goofing around, C o d y w as Ashiee's partner during the "Texas Ladies" haiftime show The Babes present this routine o n ce e very four years.



1 vvv Sporting school colors with pride, Brian Johnson (9 ) pushes on.


State C h am p io n ... that goal did not start in August w hen school b e g an . Instead it w as d e v e lo p e d and cu ltivate d o ver the course of the lost 4 years. Kody Anderson a c h ie v e d his goal of having the S ta te 4A Boys Cross Country gold m edal 'I'm one of d rap ed around his neck in the three N ovem ber. girls who Cham pion. A n am e that advanced sums up oil the training, the to area for the TMEA sw e a t, hot fe e t, and sore choir muscles put into it. Not just competition an yb o d y could win such a for the first Eoch runner pushes 1/1 time in title. three himself with his own struggles, ■0 years.' his own goals, and his own 0 RIana r¥ McMurrey rew ards. W hat you see on the in ( 12) outside is but steam and ■D locom otion. W hat is unseen is OJ the e n d u ran ce to c a re which ID step to tal<0 and w here to fD p la c e it e ve n w hen it doesn't seem possible, e ve n w hen it as seem s th at its worthless to try.

Since before e ve n an cien t G re e c e , the runner has pushed himself b eyo nd his limits to spread an id e a: the id ea th at no m atter who you are, no m atter w hat your title or your 'p lace' in life might be, w h a te v e r your goal might be, the next step you tai<e shows a little bit more d e d icatio n , a little bit more hope, and its one step closer than the one befo re it. Running isn't just a sport, its a test of the human b ody and devotion to reach the go al a h e a d . This y e a r the Bulldog cross country te am took the title of C ham pion -

Theophllus Hoppe Babcock

Burk's most enduring Josh Agosto (1 1 ), Austin Underw ood (11). I Jiice Browning (9 ), Nathan Turnage (1 2 ), A ndrew Derzapf (12), Zcirhory Hinnnnt (1 1 ), Danny McIntosh (1 1 ), G rant Jim enez (11), Austin .lim enez (1 2 ), Zach Bales (1 2 ), Ryan Richter (1 1 ), Ijncin Johnson (1 0 ), G iovanni Davis (1 1 ), Kody Anderson (1 2 ), Cole- .Jon* 'S (9 ), show olf Iheir m edals.

vvv To p a c e one's self Is to know one's own strength, Brian Johnson (1 0 ), Austin Jim enez (1 2 ), C o le Jo nes (9 ), G rant Jim enez (1 1 ) show just that.

''^^As a freshm an, everything begins to grow in difficulty requiring m ore effort. Student' like L a n c e Browning (9 ) push them selves a little harder to m ake it p ast harder obstacles


<<< s ta te C h a m p is not an e a sy fe a t, but Kody Anderson ('12) shows how it's d o n e, with enough training an d a good do se of p e rs e v e ra n c e he m okes e v e ry step co un t.

/ live in o military (D family. I love fishing, I love this ^ country and the way if was founded.' C Danny 3 ivicintosh 0 ( 11)

u 01

0 u 1/1 >.


QQ « < C r o s s country is one of m any sports w here the individual's effort and score not oniy defines his othletic abiiity but is also affectin g the te am s progression as o whole. Note Turnage (1 2 ) and Danny McIntosh (1 1 ) put their final strides for the best. S t? . - ■

mi'. ■

« < With the senior class setting an e xa m p le and the juniors becom ing the leaders in training, they show promise of keeping the fire burning. G iovanni Davis (1 1 ), G rant Jim enez (1 1 ), and Ryan Richter (1 1 ) are som e of the prime e xam p les of such students putting their best foot forw ard.

« < Putting her thougtits behind her, M adelaine Johnston (9 ) focuses on running a good ra c e and giving herseif the satisfaction of finishing in a t the front of the pocl<.

7 truly enjoy taking my time out of the day to mate someone else feel special.' Caiflln ^ G rin nell (12) ■o

Photo by Shannon Johnston.


rf l/i


'''''' standing with C o a c h Loy Triana, the Girls Cross Country team shows off their m edals and p iaq u e. A d van cin g os District 4-4A cham pions, the te am qualified for Regional co m p etitio n in Lubbocl<, Texas,

Photo by Richard C le a v e r

Fads About Running Usually Coach wonts the team to drink over o gallon of woiei a (toy. - On average, the teom leaves

for a meet at 3-.30 to 4:00 nm. nre 2 or 3.1 miles IlflESf? ; 'fn=; ; : ' , “:,iu s S K s ly i!e n th u ilto '

j»tone run.

» > Running to strengthen their legs, these six te a m m a te s tie up their sh o e lace s an d go the e xtra mile to w arm up for the ra c e . Plioto by Richard C le a v e r

v v v Racing for o spot, K ayla M eany ('It ), Madison Vornier (9 ) and Carissa Eci<le (10), focus on the course and l<eep a positive outlook on the ra c e whiie maintaining o steady p a c e and g reat running technique. Photo by Pichord Cleaver ,-i

Our favorite Runners Dve running

"There's nothing

T h e b e st p a rt

"The a m o u n t of

"I e n jo y e d the

"Running Is the

"1 really liked how

"My fa vo rite p art

th th e te a m

m o re satisfyin g

w a s know in g you

self s a tisfa c tio n

a cc o m p lish m e n ts

o n e thing I really

th e te a m

w a s the Cross

ic a u s e w e lift

th a n crossin g the

did your b est,

running c a n g ive

w e m a d e as a

e n jo y. It g ets my

c o o p e ra te d

C o u n try R egionals

icti other,

finish line a fte r o

a n d you hod

you is

te a m , as w ell as

m ind off things,

to g e th e r, an d

a n d g ettin g to go

9"ve w o rk e d so

rea lly d ifficult

your te a m th ere

im m e asurab le ,"

m e e tin g p erso n al

kn o w I c a n g e t

also how w e ran

to Lu b b o ck with

rd to a c h ie v e

r a c e ,' M cK e n zie

for sup p o rt, "

M a d e la in e

g oals," Sum m er

s o m e w h e re with

as a w hole."

m y team ," Olivia

5 g o a ls th a t w e

Eddins (1 0 )

C a rissa E c k le (1 0 )

Jo h n sto n (1 0 )

A n ciro (1 0 )

it," M o k c y la W olf

M adison V arn ier

J o h n s o n (9 )



t.' K a y la M eon y


n :]

Photo by Richard C le a v e r

Early morning p ra c tic e is just tine start of cross country worl<outs. You run in the sun, rain, co id , and ineat. iVlany of us don't iia v e fine passion to run: e sp e cially just for the fun of it. Som e students e x c e l a t it on a dolly basis. Running b e fo re school, after school, an d e ve n during school is w h a t som e kids focus on throughout the d a y. Not oil w en t as planned w hen it c a m e to the running an d the m eets; the role of m other nature hit these Cross C ountry girls hard with e xtre m e hot tem p eratures. Even C o a c h Loy Triona stated , "it w as very, very hot. That's all I h a v e to soy ab o u t th at, " Although there w as e xtre m e w e a th e r, mostly h e a t, the Cross Country girls raised their chins, w iped a w a y

their sw e a t, and ran for w hat th ey w an te d , "They are very loyol and hard working indeed," C o a c h Loy Triano said ab o u t the c h a ra c te r and d e d icatio n of his te am . These girls took individuals ond turned it into o seco n d fam ily for the season. This m ad e the girls grow not only as individual athletes but os a te a m which helped te a c h co o p e ratio n and te a m work. They put forth the effort and w en t for the gold. In the end th ey a d v a n c e d to Regional co m p etitio n os a team and M adelaine Johnston (10), a d v a n c e d to state w here she p la c e d 9th overall -Hayley Hartness Annie Faber

"An interesting fa ct is ttiat 1 love mytt)ology from ali different cuifures." Tyler Calderon (9)

w (Z Q.

C D 0

u (/i

0 U w.

S I if

You Only Live OncebutYou Getj There's a lot that c a n be said abo u t this years tennis te am at Burl<burnett High School You could write abo u t how killer they are on the court. They continue to win and bring titles b a c k to our hom e turf. You c a n e ve n talk abo u t how they're number 7th in oil the state of Texas. Yes, all of that is pretty am azing. But off the court, after e ve ryo n e go es hom e, and it’s just an em p ty green court o n ce m ore, that's when the tennis te am really shines. O ne thing the tennis te am hove in com m on this y e a r is the bond they all shore, Addison W arren(12) claim ed her favo rite thing ab o u t this season w as the 'team 's asp e ct', and Kelsey Sughrue(12) a d d e d , "We ore oil so close an d w e really

pick e a c h other up when another is down," Meshing for this te am didn't seem to be a problem . W e all question techn ique though. Will th at be enough? C a n I pull this off? C h an dler GonzalesC-l 1) thinks os he steps out onto the _________ court, "Con I b e a t this person?" That just a p a rt of hum an nature. And although It seem s crazy , our tennis te a m are hum an. W hether they're bringing hom e a trophy, nursing a loss, or lifting up a te a m m ates, the Burkburnett tennis te a m are more than fa c e value,

Can 1

beat this person?'

-Zee Brooks a n d A n g e l Sims

In actio n , doubles partners C o le M oh ed o no (11) serves and Isa a c Boll (1 1 ) w aits for the return.

At the re a d y . C o le M o h e d a n o (1 1) strikes o d efen sive sta n c e , fending he\4ld?^of the c ^ r t , P ad en D elan ey M lt c lB ( 9 ) gets re a d y to s w ln * / lt h all she's got,

AAA M id-serve, Trenton De C e lle s (IO ) stretches high to m ake the kill.

0 Serve Twice

,0 O o O o O O,


It seems the ball is always in the c ther team's court

Winning isn't everytiiing

^ T3

"I love to sing a n d I c a n p la y the pia n o. I've b e e n taking p ia n o lessons sin ce 2009 or 2010:

10 "

O liver (9)

■Q 0

U1 M

^ St

"Don’t just go through the motions ladies. Push e a c h other to be b etter today" w as p re a c h e d by C o a c h Aiex Kouiavatos e ve ry single d a y at p ra c tic e . The Lady Bulldogs Varsity basketball te am drilled the fundam entals of b asketball, but th ey w ere taught how to b e c o m e b etter p e o p le on and off the court. After an upsetting lost to Bowie in their season opener, the Lady Bulldogs regrouped by setting their goals and getting b a c k in the gym , "Repetition is the m other of skill," so e ve ry d a y the p ra c tic e schedule w as the sam e, 3 on O lym pic shooting drill, 0 partner shooting, and block out drill. The o b je c tiv e w as simple; m aster the little things The Lady Bulldogs w en t on to accom pllish their goals and exceed their e xp e cta tio n s.

hr .wing off Iheir "fancy" tioiicj '.fK ' ■before 1he g am e. I'nrM' li, i ickson (1 0 ) and '.hiin (1 1 ) g e l read y A A A

being the team leader and taking lead on tlie floor," Mikaila Billinger ( 12) The girls c a m e out on top against Vernon w here they w en t on an astonishing 21-6 run in the third quarter. All the shooting drills paid oft os the te a m hit 5 c o n se cu tiv e three pointers. They took a huge win o ver Vernon with a final score of 56-42. This te a m w en t u n d e fe a te d in district, and by winning the district title, th ey w ere g u a ra n te e d a g o o d spot for playoffs. After d e fe atin g Minerals Wells in the first round and winning an o ther bi-district title, the ladies w ere d e fe a te d by Bridgeport in the seco n d round. Despite the loss, the ladies w ere ab le to y e t ag ain win a district title; h o w e ve r, they also w on a sp e cia l p la c e in e a c h others' hearts. - Angel Sims an d Zoe Brooks

'''''' With a firm ch e st pass, Koci Trahan (1 0 ) co m p le te s Itie assist to number 14, Arianna Cam erlin (1 0 ),

In on a tte m p t to a d v a n c e the lea d ag ainst Hirschi, Jennifer Joss (1 2 ) sinks in tw o tree throws.

In the p e rfe c t triple threat sta n c e , Ashlynn Hoff (11) p rep are s to shoot, dribble, or m ake a pass.

VantingJo win is.

Senior guard Mikaila Billinger finished off the season with-a. to tal of 214 points sco red. She w as n am ed the 3-A All district MVP for the 2015 season.

Post p layer Danielle Davis (1 2 ) had the highest free throw p e rc e n ta g e of the season, an outstanding ^






Starting senior post p layer Jenn ifer Joss m ad e first te am all district, Jennifer m ad e 11 points off free throws in one g a m e alone.

Senior G uard Angel Sims m ad e first te a m all district, and had a c a re e r high of 18 points ag ainst Mineral Wells.

V icto ria Williams (1 2 ) p layed the post position this season. C om ing off the b e n ch , she g a v e a huge spark to the te a m by com ing in gam es an d getting steals os well as m any rebounds.

7 write music:

PO la

Claire Gaibraith

o; 01

( 12)

03 a

CO Dem anding for the ball in Ithe low post a re a , C h lo e iGlbbs (1 0 ) p rep a re s to 'dom inate the point

ponders for a m om ent w ho to pass the ball to.

> » M aking a strong dribble m o ve to the b aske t, C h annell M asters (1 1 ) finishes the co n te ste d off the block shot.


A'®°"’Above*" The time spent right before a gam e is crucial. Getting m entaiiy p rep ared for the gom e, Brendee Westbrooi< (9 ) tal<es some warm up shots, vvv

Touahffes5^>. %

Tm double jointed.' ( 12) Kade Mullens



0 T


'''''' Taking c o n lo c t and aii, Kristen IVlillsap (1 0 ) drives aggressively to the goal.

Hands in the air, junior posi N o g aye N diaye (1 1 ) prepares: to snab a rebound

^boveAll a M a k in g th e

in teann h e a rd lo u d a n d p ro u d

« < F a m llv « < JV m em bers of the girls basketball te am Carissa Eckle (1 0 ), Ashley Stahr (1 0 ), Brianne Fourriler (1 0), Zole McKlnnls (1 0), Khorizma Hampton (1 0), Sara Schro eder (1 0 ), and N o g aye N dlaye (1 1 ) pose for a picture while supporting the freshm en girls te am play against lowG Park.

« < Focus « < Thinking quickly, but choosing wisely. C e le ste M oore (1 1 ) determ ines who to m oke a pass to during an inbounds play.

Holding the p e rfe c t form with a nice follow through, Zole McKlnnls (1 0) sinks in a free throw.


7 love traveling and trying new tt)lngs. Road trips and adventures are always welcome." 0 °) Madison Si<lnner

Dribbling quickly to the b aske t on a fast b reak, sophom ore guard Sara Schro eder (1 0 ) go es on to sco re tw o points on Hirschi,

lD ^ ^ O' Q:: ^ o

» > Before the g am e, the Bulldogs perform their w arm ups routhes.

v vv After discusshg a play, the Burkburnett boys co m e out of their huddle.

"I love going to concerts, and I go to a fair share of them. I love them because of the energy and vibe |-—■ ^ //le/ give "C off. and 0 everyone is f e e iin g ih^ SUinC’ l h i n q

il wiil never P 00/ a id : ^ /nnlilooi-.', \n , nl j (D

Burkburnett Bulldog varsily leorn rallies to g e fh e r, ^

In e xc ite m e n t of scoring Rrir-in M in h+ n u/p r a goal, Brian Hightower c e le b ra te s.


A fter his fast break, . D a r io n C h O f in (,1 U ; aUH KS


V ^ - 7 'V

The d e d ica tio n th at this ■ I Burkburnett V arsity te a m had , for p laying ball shows that w hen It's tim e to step up and p loy, th ey la c e up their shoes an d give It their all. They

Running dow n th e court, >istian Rangel (1 0 ) dribbles :he boll.

A fter receivin g the boil, Zach Bales (1 2 ) runs to sco re a goal.

b e c a u se I got to p lay against bigger and b e tte r opponents, as well os learn from them," H a yley H artness, Ryan C a p o ra le , M a rle y C o o k e

"I have a passion for fashion, fm constantly r v in iool<ing online for OJ new unique 01 clothesiThis fU may sound a weird, but a^ bunch of ■ instagram accounts S I are a big part of my 01 style." Marley rz Cooke (10) DG 00 >

Going up for the shot, Joien M cC lain (1 2 ) swishes the shot.

Lool<ing for an outlet to pass to, Kelly Thompson (1 1) weighs his options.

» > Going in for a huddle, the team discusses the plays they are going to use.

vvv Blocking the opponent, D w ayne Craw fo rd (9 ) and C o le Jones (9 )p re v e n t him from scoring

^ "0 0 ^ ^ T3

Alex McGaha (12) says "My mom told me thiot I could talk to a tree If I sat still long enoug/i, I am a pretty easy person to get AA/\ G e ltin g p rep are d to pass o/ongw/W' n ,e ball, Theodore Herringshaw (1 1 ) thinks ab o ut who co n sco re for the te am

(T) U-i C'O

'''''' Running dow n the court, C o re y Wright (9 ) rushes as the clo ck quickly runs dow n,

During Iow a Park's throw in, M atthew Might (1 1 ) blocks the opposing player.

t fe

The tradition of e x c e lle n c e of the Burkburnett Bulldog Basketball program truly begins from the bottom up. The strength of the JV and freshm an te a m s determ ine the future of the program , so the brutal regim ent the varsity p layers endured is similar to w h a t is e x p e c te d from both the JV an d freshm an team s. It’s n eve r e a sy being on the freshm an or JV te a m , but this y e a r the hard work and d e d ica tio n did not go u nn o ticed . The freshm an b aske tb all te a m ste p p e d up their g a m e , an d th ey c a m e out u n d e fe a te d for the w hole se aso n. Although the JV b aske tb all te a m didn’t co m e out u n d e fe a te d , th ey w orked hard to push th em selves to sta y m o tiva ted .


Feeling the rush of ad re n a lin e Austin Lu cas (9 ) d o d g es the o pp o nents to go sco re.

The JV and freshm an team s ta y e d fo cu se d . Through successful plays, turnovers, an d c o a c h e s' p e p talk, these players learn ed w hat it takes to be on the Dunkin’ Dogs basketb all te a m . “For m e limits ore like fe ar, and fe a r is often on illusion," Jo rd an White said. Limits didn't stop m any of th ese future varsity players; th ey just took a stand and w en t for w h a t th ey w an te d . As the junior varsity and freshm an te am s continue to work, so does the program . With o fe w m ore years to play for the O rang e an d Black, these players know the traditions continues with them . H a yiey H a rfn ess R yan C a p o ra le M a rle y C o o k e




- i5uibi(v jo ifiy . ■ "My Thumbs are double-joint ed, so I hold ^ my pencil in a very fC unique Q. way" Elliott o: Roldan (9). Q) in ro

CD m

Tm unique because when all of the cheerleaers dressed in tutus and they want mee to ^ w e a r a tutu. ■D I wore a hot dog 0 T costume." r+ -Kara IT Miller(12) ■D QJ O <T> < « A fte r scoring ye t another goal, the lady bulldogs c e le b ra te with hugs and high fives.

corners of the field

Player: Emilea Peo p les(12) Position:Forward Most challenging part:"Being able to see the field and c o o p e ra te with your te am m ates to m ove the ball,"

P ia y e r:M la C o o k e ( 9 ) Pu!>itiGn:P 'Ic.'nse

MosI ch alk.Tn jin q p a ri: "Irylng 1(

]' ■I () ; jf )(ji ( )l i (j[ ni sliou!



>111 'or alw ays

i juyirK! M in l'iw i 'i [ : i i n lii

m,' i Js

( iinJ

1 !■(, <;11 i (!V 1 ) ' I I I u ‘ S "

Player: M eredith G o in s(12) Position:[\/lidfield Most challenging part: "Being a b le to b rea th e and staying tough no m atter w hat sco re is or how b ad you're aching,"

Piayer:G lnnie Potts(12) Position:G oalie Most challenging part: "Having to d e al with 1he hard em olions with inysell and the te am a fle r a big loss w as p re lly tougli,"

> » W a tc h ln g the play, M adelaine Jo h n sto n (IO ) gets re a d y to a tta c k the ball.

» > B re a k in g ankles, Marley C o o k e (1 2 ) go es in for the shot.

"My nickname is Boomer in basebaii rM because im V£> a OlKiahoma' Sooner Fan.' (D -Tyier ^ Parker (11) fO a 0; u u

0 tn J£j ■0 >

ilding a legacy starting in a new district, th e Lad y Bulldogs s o c c e r girls m o ve d do w n from 4A to 3A. G iving the 9 seniors more opportunity to le a v e a re m e m b ra n ce . The girls first big opportunity to show w hat th ey go t w as the Azie to urnam ent. The girls c a m e out 2-1-2, but th at didn't p h ase them . Then for the first tim e in 16 ye a rs the Lady Bulldogs c a m e on top and g o t a win in the big red classic being u n d e fe a te d that w as held in G ainesville

As the girls venture to District th ey hod to play Springtown, D ecatu r, and Hirschi oil three time m aking them ploy 9 gom es in district. Being u n d e fe o ted in district brought joy to the girls until d e e p into district the rivals Burk and Hirschi w en t a t it. Tying both te am s for district with e a c h , With the y e a r com ing to the end, no m atter w h a t the o u tco m e is, through all the m em ories, tears, bruises, and turf burns w e will alw ays rem em ber the y e a r of S o ccer. - K a tie A lfre d

Adversity causes some men tQ breok: others to break records*"

Keeping Each Other's Back


The crisp night air, seeing your breath as you run down the field, feeling the sting of the boil as it hits coid sl<in the sensations th at so c ce r piayers becom e a c cu sto m e d to and thrive on os part of a g a m e that is both m entally and physically dem anding. Preparing for e a c h gom e, e a ch ploy, e a c h pass begins not on the field but in the minds of e a c h of the players. As e a ch ploy Is taught and p ra ctic e d during after school p ra c tic e , the player b e co m e s a part of the plan. The physical dem ands of playing so c ce r enco m p ass running on o ve ra g e 3-5 miles during the course of e a c h g am e as well os the physicoiity of the g am e . In a sport that allows for players to m oke c o n ta c t through ball

tackling and blocking, players must be physically tough and fit. This year's Varsity Boys S o c c e r te am m et each gom e with the sam e d ed icatio n and

determ ination. No m atter w hat the final sco re turned out to b e, this te am continued to support e a c h other and build on the lessons learned on and off the field.

» > Eyeing the field. Hunter Clark

( 11) p repares to throw the ball. I love being outdoors.' -Zachary Jakobetz

(1 1 )

LO ■o 0 -X r+ tn ■D Qj IQ rt) cn iSJ

>>> Running on the field, London Ryalls (1 i ) w a tc h e s a play.

Protecting the goal Kennon Reed (lO ) keeps a lookout.

Alvvo\ s \ iinilont Aaron C an h o m (_1 0 w aits to set up the plo\ vv Making a beeline to the ball A lex V e g a 10) strives to reo ch it b e fo re the other team

\ v\' W arm ing up b e fo re a g a m e Christopher Lam berti (^lO) p ra c tic e s his skills.


Preparing for a heoderi, Mark G am e z (1 0 ), takes control of the play.

« < Blocking and protecting, David Barron (1 1 ) keeps it from the opposing te am .

‘"I can wiggle my eyes." -James Gill m ( 11) IX) Q) U) a V.

» > Clearin g the midfieldl, C a le b Jansen p rep a re s to kick.

« < Kicking the ball to a safer a re a , Connor Williams (1 2) keep s it from the other team .

OJ u u O i/ l lA >.


t's not Both the boys and girls junior varsity team s hove put to geth er their full efforts this ye a r to k ee p up with the g am e . An alre a d y fast and up b e a t sport, the schedule is also constantly changing just as the sport is. C o nstantly having to m ove and be on your toes s o c ce r is all abo ut being on the m ove and keeping up with your surroundings. From switching to d efense to o ffe n c e in a split seco n d the team s are ab le to work to g eth er to a c h ie v e victory and succe ss while

7 have lived in Texas since l<indergarten but I visit Germany nearly every summer," Aaron Canham (11)

having fun. Let's fa c e itt - w hat is the point of playing the g am e if you aren't going to h ave fun I doing it? S o c c e r utilizes and trains you not only physically, but m entally as well. S o cce r te a c h e s youth th at th ey n eed to k ee p pushing forw ard e ve n w hen it seem s as If the odds are against them . S o c c e r not only helps you build as a person but also as a te am , it Is a prime e xa m p le of how If you work to g e th er as a te a m then anything co n b e c o m e possible.

AAA Defending their goal, Dylan Martin (9 ), Justin Edw ards (1 1 ) Ja m e s Panhorst (1 0 ), Ja ck so n Holt (9 ), G ale n Hill (9 )a n d Nicholas Lo w e (9 ) surround their o p po nent.



ri-' ifi ■a '■'j

» > Maintaining control and position, Nicholas Lo w e (9 ) la k e s on an o pp o nent to retain the boll

Being in so c c e r will benefit you your w hole life, giving you a b etter attitud e in the work p la c e , m aking you healthier through e xe rcise and fresh air, and by giving you the leadership th at co m es with being on a te am . -Lane B id d y, H a leigh Karr, Kiley Arm s.frong, K a tie A lfre d

/V Running Dwn the 3ll, G enesis onso (9 )

Preparing for a pass, V iera iVlondragon (1 0 ) dribbies tine baii.

Girls JV PInotos C o urtesy of R icliard C le a v e r

7 love talking to people," Ja co b e Collins (12).

« < Handling the ball with skill and sp e e d , Derrick Tournoy (1 0 ) sprints p ast the defense to w ard the goal.

Taking control of the p lay, Esm eralda Alem an (1 0) strikes dow n the field

lids As with m any athletes in other sports, goif is more to students than just how to swing the club the right w a y or the proper sta n c e or how to follow through. Golf also challenges students to be better, to be precise, and to endure. W hen e ve ryo n e is silent and w aiting for you to m oke a m ove and everything dep end s on you as to w hat happens next. But that's just a part of w hat golf is. Mason Winkles (1 2 ) reflects on w hat he's learned in his e xp e rie n c e in golf: "Don't stress out ab o u t 0 certain situation so m uch to w here that's all you think about. There will be other problem s you'll h ave to fa c e , but that's just part of life. You CAN g e t through it, and you WILL su cce e d ." W hen you look book on

your high school life you might see som e things that m oke you cringe, but w hat you can 't deny is w hat you've learned from those things, from fam ily, from te ach e rs and from e a c h other, Esteban Rios (1 2 ) will carry something C oach Koulovatous o nce said to him: "Frustration stops progression," So w hen you w a tc h an athlete swing their driver just the right w a y , or putt for a birdie, there's a whole lot more behind that next flick of the wrist, something g re ate r than fa c e value. - Theophilus H o p p e B a b c o c k


"I play soccer and in ROTC:Connor Williams ( 12)




T3 aj iQ ft> CTi C?i Returning p layer Randy BlackiTion ( 10) p ractice s wili'i his 9 iron.

''''''W ith co m o and boots on, Dalton Barfield (1 0 ) pitches the unsuspecting ball

N ewly experincing golf this yeor is Christian Trivette (1 1 ). AAA

» > Planning your putt, the final step, this is w here it ends.

<<< Your swing c a n n eve r be to o p e rfe c t, Daiton Barfield (1 0 ), A ve ry Erici<son (1 0 ), Alex W right (1 1 ) wori< theirs to a fine precision

v vv Putting requires the sam e am ount of effort as driving by using precision an d fo rce no m atter hovi/ cio se you are to the hoie, iVlorah Sanders (9 ) p ra c tic e s this life lesson in disguise.


Being a senior, it is your lost ye a r to e xp e rin ce high school sports. G rant Phillips (1 2 ) spikes his range ball and Alex Wright (1 1 ) w a tch e s his own hit measuring his d istan ce. <r !



liJ ir i



Using his 8 iron on the iriving ran g e, Hoiden isom loyd (1 0 ) returns to the iinl<s Dr a se co n d ye a r.

« < Driving his bail using the techn iq ue he's learn ed , A ve ry Erickson (1 0 )

Maroh Sanders (1 0 ) w atch in g as Kaitlln Williams (1 0 ) p ra c tic e s her pitch on the p ra c tic e holes.

•What makes me unique is my mind and my ability to create tt)ings, and doodads to mai<e peopie tiappy or feei something different. -Dai<oda Peterson ( 12)

rs Oi U) re Q. H-

W h a t w a s y o u r in s p ir a t io n W h a t s d iffe re n t a b o u t t r a c k ?

, to jo in traci< ?

Y o u h a v e in d iv id u a l e v e n t s y e t y o u a r e

I e n jo y ru n n in g a n d

re p re se n te d a s a t e ^ , o n e e v e n t c a n e ffe c ^

th e p e o p l e a r e r e a lly

th e r e s u lt s a s a w h o le . "

n ic e .

M a r is s a U y t h o v ln (1 1 )

M a d i s g ^ V a r n i e r (1 0 )

It t e a c h e s y o u s e lf - d is c ip lin e , a n ^ it h a s n o c l a s s p e r io d . I w a s w a n t in g to try h u r d l e ^


M a K e n z ie E d d in s (1 0 )

b e c a u s e I w a s ^ I d I w o u ld b ^ .^ g o o d s in c e I w a s t a ll."


Lorrin P e ig n e (9 )

[Ve ru n n in g l) f ju st ru n n in g to get

g r a d e I w o n th e


b a ll." C o l t e n B o x (1 0 ^

p n d fro m th e n

H e n d r ic k

I < « H u d d le d to geth er, Jadah Le n n o x(9), T arayja White (1 1 ), Lorrin P eig n e(9), and Sara Schro eder (1 0 ) iift e ach o th e rs spirits.

■ ; like playing baseball and going fishing and hunting with my friends and .ins in "D

3 ^ Ct u D.i


i-iunl'er Brooks ('^v

''^ ''Fast in his p a c e , iHayden Major runs the 4x100 reiay.

Pushing through the h eat. Marquis A skew (1 2 ) runs the 100 m dash.

Lunging o ver hurdles, H ayden McLeiiand (1 2 ) and Austin U n d erw o o d (1 1) ra c e against m any co m p etito rs a t the Invitational m eet.

/vv Running do w n th e tra c k , Sraxton Bowie (1 1 ) strives to A/in tlie 800 m reiay.

v vvFo iio w ed by her com pitition, T aray ja W h ite (11) steps up her gam e.

» > W it h the b ato n in hand, M akayia H a n c o c k (iO ) starts off the "On a Saturday night you'll find me on the couch watching classic movies.' Kayiee Tinsley (9)


OJ u\ (Z Q. u


« < Powering to the front. C o le Jones (9 ) keeps his p a c e ste ad y in the 3200m,

Rnmiing the Extra Mile A Path to the Track It ta k e s a lot of determ ination an d p ra c tic e to be abie to run for miles a d a y an d then be put under the pressure an d stress to try your best an d push your bo d y to the m ax oil a t th e sam e time, That’s w h a t th e Burkburnett :Track te a m d o e s e v e ry ye a r. Pushing the limits, an d running I th at e xtra miie to g e t them h o their goais. But th a t isn't oii the tra ck te a m stands for. They stand for p a tie n c e , strength, an d integrity in m any d ifferent w a y s than other sports. "i h ate running,” Said Breonna G a r r e t t ," but i iove it. i first joined in 7th g ra d e for the e x p e rie n c e an d lo ve d it, I love to run in m eets, an d I love the ad renalin e rush."

A lot of p e o p le don't realize it, but tra ck is more than just running, it involves shot-put, pole vaulting, discus, hurdles, an d high jum p. Not your a v e ra g e ath le te co uld w ithstand putting their bodies under th a t am o u nt of training an d agility. T rack is also a w a y to g e t out oil th at e x c e s s e n e rg y like stress an d a n xie ty an d sta y in g re a t sh a p e as well as m aking n ew friends an d being a fam ily a t school. Support an d e n c o u ra g e m e n t co m e with this fam ily an d to them it's not just a sport; It's a lifestyle.

Dakoda Peterson & Ar^nie Faber

Running with all his will, Jessy Upchurch (1 0 ) race s p ast his com pitition in the hurdle jumps.

'''''' G etting w arm ed up for the 4X'100m relay Ja d a h Lennox (9 ) p rep ares for the baton transfer.

Less Talking: Mote Chaldng

"Ever sin ce . was a child i wanted to lieip people. With my niece being diagnosed at 3 weeks old with dormant ieul<emla -concer, and wandertui O work the O doctor's at Cooi<'sdld,l r+ love the I/' thought of g iv in g Intants Y a fighting chance. tQ Everyone m deserves a chance to be ^ something.' Q Mercades Ferguson

Throwing around their w eight Is w hat this te am lives for. 290 lbs on b ench, 500 ibs on squat, and 510 lbs on d e a d lift - just another d a y In the Dog House to the BHS Powerlifting te am . For this determ ined te am of 14 young men, putting the hard work of conditioning and strength training paid off this year. With six lifters qualifying for the Region 6 Division 2 4A powerlifting m eet and one sta te qualifier, this season has provided m any successes. Kolby Youngblood (1 0) qualified for the sta te m eet In the 181 lb class with a season high total of 1235 lbs com bined on b ench , squat and d e a d lift. O ther regional qualifiers w ere London Bale (181 lb class - 1080 lb season high), C o nner Bales (220 lb class - 1220 lb season high). T ra ce Thompson (114 lb class - 585 lb season high), Danny W ood (220 lb class - 1150 lb season high), and Ja c o b

Boswell (275 lb class - 1250 lb season high). Fellow regional top 10 finishers: Youngblood 1st, Boswell -6th, Boles - 8th, Thompson - 8th, W ood - 9th and Bole - 10th. Most bystanders w onder w hy would these athletes put their bodies under such e xtrem e conditions, pressure and possible Injury. "I lift b e c a u se of the ad renaline rush and It's a gnarly feeling," sta ted Ja c o b Boswell. C o ntrary to most people's Ideas, Injuries in this sport are minimal. Mostly b e c a u se of the co a ch in g support and p ro tective equipm ent worn by the athletes: w raps for the knees and wrists, belts for the b a c k , hand chalk and lifting suits for support. As e a c h of these lifters a p p ro a c h the platform , they know they h a v e the best support both from the equipm ent and their supporters, -Advisor


Readying for another roufid, D(.jririy W ood (1 1) fjusil' ' is hirnself for a ' I ;■'".pssful I m-.'i icji prfiss.

» > Under e xtre m e pressure, Daniel C astro (1 2) dem onstrates the strength and determ ination to p o w er llirough.

<<< C om peting in the d e ad lift, Ja c o b Boswell (1 i ) pushes through to lock out on the lift.

vvv Showing th e inner focus and p o w e r it tal<es to be a successful iifter, London Bale (1 2 ) p rep a re s for his finai iift of the round.

<<< W atching intently. C oach Bobby Sapp aw aits the decision from the judges.

W aiting for the jud g es decision, Koiby Youngbiood (1 0 ) presses through the lift.

» > Locl<lng out, C o nn er Bales (1 1 ) shows the form n e e d e d for three g reen lights.

7 wore a diaper to school once. First ttiings first. 1 ^ won ^ Cinderfeila dancing to ^ thie song My O ' l-leart Wiii Go On, and Q . if you didn't either iaugh ^ or cry. you . Z have no ^ sou/," Garrett v. Liffick (12) a*

7 love to With varsity basebaii learn. I love moth and in fuli swing, the players and participate c o a c h e s h ave high hopes for in math UIL. High grades the seaso n ’s progression. But are my fop no one is quite as read y for priority, i the season as the piayers, have Cristian Rongei (1 0 ) says his earned scholastic hopes for the season, "We excellence work hard to g eth er a s a awards in te a m and keep rising ROTC for having the to g ether. I h o p e w e m a k e a i highest GPA long run in the p lay o ffs but I In the Im e v e n ho p in g w e g o I corps.' ) -Samantha further than that. Even if w e jj Burns (12) don't I m ho p ing at the en d

d istan ce . With this dedicatio n co m e s blood, sw e a t and tears all of which brings the boys closer. The baseball team spends the m ajority of their tim e to gether, on buses, at p ra c tic e , in the dugout and on the field. With ail of that time spent to g e th er the boys build a strong bond and friendship th at lasts longer than a season. -Brenna R u v a ic a b a

of the y e a r, w e c a n sa y that e v e ry d a y w hether it be p r a c t ic e or a g a m e w e g a v e it our all a n d w e fought to win." With strong e xp e cta tio n s

for the varsity boys from them selves, coach es and fans, th ey must be d e d ic a te d , m o tivated , and V\/illing to put their time and effort to go the

'■ I i'.4 /it!ng 1o hit, Mason ^retl C'l'l) g e l;, into position In

; i i K j i ; f' I ' . l h ' i l l .

Sliding Into hom e after an am azing double by o te am m ate Robert Knight (9 ) is ca lle d safe.

A fter an am azing hit bringing Biair Hawtinorne (1 1 ), Robert Knight (9 ) an d Aiex P atty (1 2 ) hom e, the boys praise their te a m m ate Aiex W etzel (1 1 ) for a doubie.

«< iWorming up before the :ithird inning, ijAlex W etzel [(11) throws 'he baii to lis te am |ria te s . I

» > Earning an o ther stril<e for the buiidogs, Keiiy Thom pson (1 1 ) throw s one do w n the middie.

ik-P.*-, (CM'

Tagging him out at tlnird, C lio n c e Arndt (1 0) mal<es tlie ta g for a double ploy.

"Half of my family is in the Air Force or actively in the army. I am planning to follow my ^ grandtathe ~G r's footsteps 0 In the Air 1 Force as well.' Channell "V Masters (11) 0) iD fTj Nj

» > Giving the rundown of the order, , Elliott Roldan (9 ) instructs Michael Parker (9 ) on the lineup.

Baseball is starting the season off with can cellatio n s of gam es, p ra ctice s , and tournam ents due to b ad w e a th e r and a ton of snow, the Burkburnett JV Baseball te am thought they'd n ever g e t their season started. They kept their h ead and spirit and c a m e on to the filed like they n ever missed o d a y of baseb all in their life. With a quick ground bail g a m e and a strong hand at b at this te am is alm ost impossible to b e a t. With g reat c o a c h e s they will h ave o killer season and do w hat they love to do. Since m any of these boys grew up playing baseball to g o lh e i, llieir chem isfry in an uiitirookablG lio n d . Knowing I 'd ili others strengtli and A/'■ ! ikiu;s:.f's they help e a c h

other to grow stronger. This te a m has learn ed a lot from one ano ther since the first p ra c tic e , regardless of the o u tco m e of the season , theses boys hard d e d icatio n m akes them a winner. - M e rc e d e z IVIorgan

» > Com ing off the field after making the third out a t the p late, Trevor Barnes (1 1 ) gets re a d y for his at b at.

«< A m eeting of the minds at the mound, C oach Ricl<man coiis for a c h a n g e is strate g y

« < Beating the piay to first, Hayden Major (9 ) uses his sp eed to g e t an single.

V V V Keeping th e p lay e r on b ase , Dovion Davis (1 0 ) l<eeps o w a tc h on the pitcher. « < Sizing up the opponent, Ja x x Bale (9 ) aw aits his turn on the mound.

Delivering another stril<e, Blake Parkey (1 1) blasts a fastball to hom e plate.

<<< Taking their turn at the bat, Connor B ach ert (lO ), Westin M cC o y (1 1) and La n ce Browning (9 ) pull 0 rally against Bowie.

everyone, nice, and just an out going person." Brian Hightower ( 12)

OJ a

i , '.-lil, 'V .

>>> The te am huddles in the dugout while aw aiting for the next play to go up to bat.

to Q -T Ln •D Q; ID ft)

"One year in spring i went to Ttiaiiand. Wliiie there, i rode eiephants, went zipiining iiigti above the ground, and went to a snal<e show that was in a Rambo movie" Nichoias Lowe C^)

vvv Listening while c o a c h Allen tells them w h a t plays to

v vv Attem pting to ta g out a p layer a t the b ase Koci Trahan (iO ), is successful.

w a tc h for.


» > P r e p a re o strateg y for the next batter, [Vlacl<en2ie Hool<er (1 0 ) and Madison Blair ( 10)

Running to first base Ja le y fvlatteson (1 1 ) atte m p ts score.

One Team Varsity Bring in tine season witin a v vv Pitching to tlie opposing te am s batter.M odison Bioir (1 0 ) lio p e to stril<e tliem out.



La d y



Littie Eim. To g ether th ey wori< as a te a m on an d off the field. Though th ey are a te a m e a c h person has sl<iiis th ey w ould like to im prove on throughout th

season. W hen speaking with some of the p layers on of the responses was,"Honestly the most im portant thing is your attitude", says Shelby Langford ( 10 ), Team work and and d e d icatio n is one w a y to d escrib e this years softball te a m . They work to g e th er on and off the field. Each p ra c tic e th ey found n ew w ays to m oke not just them selves b etter, but the te am as a w ho le. As referred to in the title "One Team O ne Dream" attitud e plays a huge role in w hether the te am is successful. The girl plan on ach ievin g g re at thins this ye ar for varsity softball,

'Wtiaf makes me unique is being myseif because i ioving iiffing weigt)ts and being

0) Ui

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C ade Bradiey (9)


-Krista F o rtn e r

C a tc h in g the ball as the o pp o nent fails to hit the ball M acken zie Hooker ( 10 ),

rs rv

W aiting for the pitcher to pitch Faith Hollingsworth (1 0 ) gets in her batting sta n c e .

0 CO > '[/i u fC >

7 truely | believe that I could fit in better anywhiere else In the U.S. except here in Burk. TX.“ i in Eliza T5 Cameron ; 0 ( 11) ^T : r+ (/» ^ -0 - OJ ID i Nj ^ 00

Lets play ball! The smell of the "wiien I caught a line drive fresh cut grass, and diamond laid unexpectedly!, As the season progresses out in chalk and ready to go. The there will be more memorable stands have filled with onlookers ^ moments m ade and friendships to cheer on their winning team , as the umps and team take the field. getting stronger as the team The w eather has not been in favor becom es more than just a group of girls but family. With a this year for JV , with games bond as strong as this the girls already being cancelled or rescheduled. The girls are looking will alw ays look back and cherish the memories they have forward to the new season together on and off the field. despite all this. -Paige Gler and After every gam e whether Bre-Yanna Gutierrez they win or lose the girls are ready to take the field for their new challenge. No matter if it's for practice or a new gam e the girls always give It their all, When asked what their favorite moment of this season has been so far Shelby Garvin (11) said When I went to slide I just stopped and dropped.” another player Ja c e y Keeling (9) said it was Right before their first gam e JV huddles in for a quickgroup picture.

« < Going for the out M ade Swanson (9 ) throws to Daisy Henry (10)

vvv After a team m ate hits to right field Destiny Alberts (9 ) takes off to third,

vvv Before batting M acie Swanson (9) tall<s to co a ch Carl Huffington, " I'm different than others. The fact that I'm me is why, but I can fell you one thing, I f s can take a o ;, hit U) physically and emotionally. Q . M/chae/ Whifelaw (9)


0 LO

< « You're out! Ashlee Bragg (1 1 ) tags-out a Graham girl forvthe second out. -

« < Throwing to Camilie Mathews (9 ) on first Anisty IVlorales (9) goes for the out,

<<< Pitching with stride, Ashiee Bragg (11) tries to strii<e the batter out.

[oi^ As a part of a club or Ilf you're in a club, you're studying in academ ics Iciedicaflng your time to Isomething. Not much different,] istudents find other students with: similar loeaciem ies is Ivery time Iconsumlng. IFrom Crime Istoppers to ■culinary arts ■students jparticlpate in Icompetitions


■ ; listen to Christmas music ali year round." — -Brenna la n d activities, exploring their C Ruvalcaba O ' ( 1 2 ) llnterests and abilities, getting 01 I d e a s of what their goals are in a llife or just finding out what o Ithey're c a p a b le of , f or their lo w n reasons, even if it is just to n jso a k up time, students push 1/1 Ithem selves to find who they

I'D fD

00 P

interests, different ideas and opinions,and evenj different talents. They learn to took not just at :/ themselves but; at ■each other as,w eji| |to find whose efforts will work together most efficiently, b ecause it's not how you look Ithat matters in the end, its jwhat you c a n do, and that is Igreater than fa c e value,

\-Theophllus Hoppe Babcock


X am AttW'c AtWe-f'c-

. I I I

What makes me unique is my athletic and artistic % ability, it's unique if because I've ^ been told (S0’L that you're jQ_l either f athletic or iyri I artistic, but . U [ not both." - Meredith £ Goins (12) ^ ‘T3 fO

M 3

*! .

Danielle Davis (12) says "1am a military child and have c traveled to UF' over 19 countries."


» A lexan d er Schachinger ( 11)

» Ja c k Dewolf (10)

■D 0; rt>

» Ja c o b e e Martin (9)

Success Starts Now i Business Professionals of America Business professionals of A m e rica (BPA) students ore heading for a brigint future. The fo cus and d e d icatio n th ey put into their future is som ething e ve ry student should h ave. Students in BPA learn business skills such as public speakin g and adm inistrative p rocedures to help further their c a re e rs after high school. To display their skills, students c o m p e te in co m p etitio ns of lo cal, regional and state levels. After m any hours of p ra c tic e and instruction, students c o m p e te d and earn e d m any aw ard s for their hard work. Ion G ra ve s (1 2 ) p la c e d first in Parliam entary Procedure, J a c k Armstrong (1 2 ) w as a sta te qualifier and go t 3rd p la c e in JA V A , and 4th p la c e in Information Tech n olo g y C o n c e p ts, Hannah Gibson (1 2 ) got 5th p la c e in A cco un ting and 6th p la c e in Personal Financial M an ag em en t C o n c e p t, and Jo rd an Fennessy (1 2 ) w as also a sta te qualifier an d go t 3rd p la c e in A d v a n c e d W ord Processing. Burkburnett Fligh School is honored to h ave th ese intelligent students representing the Bulldog tradition of e x c e lle n c e . -M a rley C o o k e

Destiny Linderman (11) says Tm very country i and like to ( write my own songs and play 15] guitar’ a

v vv Paige Gier (1 2 ) is showing new student Christian Trivette (1 1 ) to the counselors o ffice.

C a n you rem e m b er who as the first person you saw at :hool? W ho w as the last? 'ho w as the person you an ted to see the m ost? 'hat w as the best an d worst 3ft of your first d a y ? W hen n ew students arrive f BHS, m em bers of S2S ore lere to help ease the ansition of learning a new ampus, m aking new endships, an d n avig ating the st d a y a t school. The new udents w e g a in e d here a t jrkburnett w e re nervous, appy, sca re d , an d fearless, ut they m ad e it through their tst d ay. This y e a r Burkburnett Fligh chool has seen m ore than irty new students in the halls , some being military and

som e m oving b e c a u se their parents jobs. No m atter w hy th ey m o ve d here, th ey are now a Bulldog. W e ta lk e d to som e of the n ew students to h ear ab o u t w h a t thought of their first d a y an d y e a r here a t Burkburnett Fligh School. While talking to som e of the n ew students th ey said how th ey w ere e x c ite d to m e e t n ew p e o p le an d to start n ew things, while other said th ey w e re very nervous ab o u t how e ve ryo n e thought of them . O ver all th ey ore w ere h a p p y th ey m a d e it through their first d a y of being a Burkburnett Bulldog. -M o rie y C o o k e


x j iu r e

Able to experience one of the jifc greatest Q jh r ills of tt)e In Future Farmers of modern A m erica or FFA, students are W* day. Piper n. Rutledge taught abo u t the world of « (9) went farming and ranching along i r para sailing with the opportunity to raise In Gulf 3 Shores. their own livestock. This program te a c h e s th at if ” ■ Alabama. you work hard and don"t give U1 up, hard work will p a y off In ■D the end. The m any students su \n who p articip ate raise animals ro until they ore re a d y to be sold. 00 Doing this gives them huge responsibilities and helps them gain work habits Another key principle in FFA is leadership. Leadership is required in order to ta k e c a re of the anim als as well as to lead and support e a c h other. Students p articip ate in lo cal, co un ty and sta te level com petitions with their exhibits. This ye a r the Burkburnett FFA w as very successful a t the W C JLS,


a rm ees

Cultivating Tomwrow

Market Steers: Class 1; 2nd: Haley Lorn Reserve Champion Steer Division 1; Haley Lam Market Swine

Class #3 Duroc 2nd Haley Lam Reserve Champion Duroc Hunter Brooks Class #5 Hampshire 1st Dalton Barfield Class #7 Hampshire 2nd Camille Mathews Champion White ORB; Taylor Lam Reserve Champion White ORB: Shelby Peters Class #19 York 3rd & 4th Dalton Barfield Class #24 Dork Cross 2nd Hunter Brooks Class #25 Dark Cross 1st Hunter Brooks Reserve Champion Haley Lam Class #33 Light Cross 7th Taylor Lam Light Cross Reserve Champion: Shelby Peters Swine Showmanship Senior Division: Hunter Brooks M eat Goats 5th Lorrln Peigne Market Lambs Class #1 3rd Lorrin Peigne Class #2 7th C h an ce Arndt 11th Shelby Peters Class #3 3rd Jodi Powell Fryer (rabbit) Individual Class Class #2 7th Shelby Peters Class #4 3rd & 8th Logan Owen

» > S m ilin g for the c a m e ra , Shelby Peters (1 2 ) C h a n c e Arndt (1 0 ) g et p rep a re d to show their rabbits a t the W ichita C o un ty Livestock Show,

« < Taylor Lam (1 1 ) getting her go o f p rep a re d for the show and giving a smile for her e xcite m e n t.

vvv Showing off his pig read y for the com petition, Dalton Barfield (10) displays his showmanship skills.

< « Petting his prize pig, Hunter Brooks

( 10) ce le b ra te s ano ther win with his R eserve Cham pion Duroc,

Having to start completly over, Carly Lafhiam (9) moved to Burkburnett tier freshman year.


<<< Preparing her lam b for the show Lorrir^ Peigne (9 ) ositions her p ro je ct to allow the jud g e to se e the hard work she has put in.

« < Keeping her e ye s on the jud ge, Holey Lorn ( 11) prep ares her steer and w as a w a rd e d Reserve Cham pion Steer Division 1,

Bulldog Choir hit the right notes Many p e o p le think singing m oy be eosy, but its horder tlian it lool<s. It tal<es nnonths and montiis to learn and p e rfe c t a single p ie c e . 1 feel Tve been many places such OS


Germany, ranee, and most of rest te of Europe" p - Dillon ^ Collins (9)

a s though it w a s a ___fun e x p e rie n c e , e s p e c ia lly ___ f ^ m v sen ior y e a r. I m really g la d I nnade it to sta te In so lo and en se m b le ' -Kiondrig Y o u n g b lo o d (12).

Students in choir ore e x p e c te d to ta k e tim e out on

their own to p ra c tic e both their music as well os their solfede sight reading. During co n te st season, as well os during the Christm as season which lasts from the first w ee k of school until the choir c o n c e rt a t the end of the sem ester, the choir is student lea d by sectio n leaders These consist of m em bers w ho h ave been there and who know how to lea d in a successful

w ay.

Its a lw g y s stressful at

first, but o n c e w e g et on the stg g e the butterflies gnd n e rv o u sn e ss d isg p p e g r gnd you lust fo c u s on d o in g the c o rre c t sl<ills thgt w eve leg rn ed -Kristen Alberts

With the am bition and drive to g e t a sw ee p stak e s at co ntest, these student will give it their all. They are determ ined to do their best, e ve n if it m eans sacrificing

n IP ■D (D



''Practicing their solfege. Sable M orton(10), A na M artinez(12), and Sapphire V a s q u e z (iO ) focus on Christina I ftwis, Ihe choii director.

Posing ifor a picture lore C laire G alb raith (1 2 ) V RIana ::McMurrey (1 2 ), an d Ja d a h 'Lennox (9 ) who all a d v a n c e d in the TMEA com p etition.

> » like dtecovering n e w e xte n ts of m y voice" -Sapphire V a s q u e z (1 0 )

> » "G etting to do Individual co m p etitio ns like TMEA an d Soto an d Ensem ble" -Riana IvlcM urreyCI 2) » > L e a m in g differen t cultures through m usic, an d m ee tin g nev«^ people"C a rm e n M o red a ('11) » > "Sight re a d in g , but It's a ch allen g e" -Ja co b e e Martin (9 )

h » > During j; their class, C laire 'G a lb ra ith (1 2 ), Tiffany W alker (1 1 ), j'T a ylo r , Housner (1 1 ), " a n d Je ssic a ‘ Pike (1 1 ) sing I their |;j co m p etitio n 0 songs,

« < With p e rfe c t vo w els, the varsity choir sings out,




aw) fl t m r-

Early mornings and late nights are things that aren't new for the best band in the state, the Burkburnett Bulldog Brigade. Spending countless hours performing and perfectin g e ve ry step they ta k e , the Brigade m akes sure w hen you co m e for the Ifootball, you le a ve rem em bering half-time p e rfo rm an ce . This y e a r w e had the honor to h a v e Ginnie Potts (1 2 ) direct the b an d on the field as Drum m ajor. "This ye a r w as exciting and fun, plus it w as 0 g re at w a y to p rep are

7 drive a Chevy Sonic, and ^ Im surprised — its not C totaied... w Yet. i've CD already hit two cars a and a 0 shopping 5 cart at n ‘ Wairriart." -Emily Appleton ■0 (11)

iD fD 00 00


« < W a itin g for the drum line orders Emily SimmonsCI 2) uses her band e xp e rie n c e to win o ver the cro w d . <<< Smiling ear to ear Dallas W obbington (1 0 ) shows how you con ■jcl’iieve tiolh rk (iiiri piny

> » Showing off his skills Hunter W h ite(12) shows that p ra c tic e s does p a y off.

» > J o k in g around befo re the half-time p e rfo rm an ce T ra ce D a v is(1 1) smiles for the c a m e ra .

myself for future leadership." Ginnie Potts(12) said. After m arching season ends, the Brigade keeps themselves busy by looking forw ard to co n ce rts including preparing for the Christm as c o n ce rt and p a ra d e . Finally, as a year wraps up to a close, the busy Bulldog Brigade m ake their final a p p e a ra n c e of graduation. W here some may walk th at very own stage or just like e ve ryo n e else,w ait for the d a y it co m es. -K atie A lfre d

»> Performing her very best Iris G ison(9) puts e ve ryo n e in a w e from her p e rfo rm an ce .

» > Being a real crow d pleaser Ja y la Jo n e s(1 0) m akes the Burkburnett band stand out.

» > I t w ould

» "The aber 3 utine" a k a le sw ord 3 utine.

h a v e to b e th e rifle routine"

( 11 )

( 11 )

W h a t 's x jo tir f a v o r it e p a r t o f t h e ro u tin e ?

You m ay know them by leir sp e ctao u lo r half-tim e erfo rm once, or the fa c t th at le y c a n multi-task d a n cin g nd flag twirling all a t the 3me tim e. The Burkburnett igh School C o lor G u a rd odds air, style an d sophistication to lusical p e rfo rm a n ce s during jotb all seaso n an d during 'inter guard seaso n. G uard is a group of clo se nit students w ho use their rtistry in d a n c e , rifle, sab er nd flags to bring a b o u t visual nd em otional stories. M ade p of mostly fe m a le students, lis y e a r sow the ad dition of :oleton Wilson, the first m ole ludents on co lo r guar, "Weird e c a u se no other guys are on ^ere. And a lot of p e o p le

w ould ask m e ab o u t being in C o lor G u a rd . But one of the b ig g est m isco n cep tio n ab o u t being in C o lor G u a rd is th at it looks e a sy , but its a c tu a lly a lot of d e d ic a tio n an d hard work." (1 0 ) G u a rd m em bers share a bond b e c a u s e of the tim e and em otion put into e a c h of the routines. Tears of jo y and d e fe a t c a n c o m e from the sam e e v e n t. "We try hard. W e really do. W hen w e didn't m ak e finals, literally e ve ryo n e cried," said C la ra N ice (9 ). Y e t m aking it to A re a co n te st is a ce le b ra tio n in itself. The hours of p ra c tic e th at begin in August an d co ntin ue through the y e a r show th at this group is m ore than fa c e value. -Kaf\e A lfre d «< Perfecting their w o o d en rifle routine the Color guard ta ke s their morning to work,

« < Finishing the routine with pizzazz in her step Ja yio Mardis (1 2 ) shows her love her for Color G uard .

< « Filled with passion for the crovs/d C o leto n Wilson (1 0 ) puts on a show for the crov\/d » > In Color G uard , timing is everything and Alex R o t h ( ll) proves it to b e true.

»> Putting together a p ap er m ache' Lilo, Sierra C ap o ro le (1 0) does an e xce lle n t job.


/vv K eeping art class fun is IVIason W inkles (1 2 )

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;* "' / won first ij pla ce in \ - J Crass I Country « Sfofe: is I something 10 s other I Burkburnett [ High Schoc I t student ca i j say, and | Kody \ Anderson t- i (12) has the ! medal, T-shirt^ and place in — the Texas UIL ^ ■fZ Cross Country ^ record books*-> to back it up.^ ■ llii i i i l M

i ^, H33S.—

Art is not what voii see, bnt what it makes others see.

'^^^Being the class clo w n John ^uentes (1 0 ) puts a smile on s v e ry o n e s fa c e ,

^^/'/'Hard a t work is Braxton R ale ig h (1 1)

''^ ''C om in g up with som ething original is Christopher Karobei (1 2 )

v vv Learning the right finger p lace m en t, Andres Lugo-G arza (1 0 ) p ractice s new p ie ce of music.

»> W atching in am azem en t, M ackenzie Hool<er (1 0) admires the w a y Joshua W addell (1 0) plays smoothly on his guitar.

I like most fruits lil<e blue berries, n black r” berries, C ^ ra sp b erries. Qj etc. Thie O only fruit I rD'' can't stand is oranges. Ott^er ttian that. Ico n eat ulher fn.iii-, all "a d (jy ' 'li I hjY!i-‘ Y H^'iinnss

» > D eep into the music, Kristen Millsap (1 0 ) enjoys the sw ee t tunes com ing from her guitar.


■■■ l<’<!i)ding Ihe m usic stie e t, K' lyli.'fc lila c k w o o d (1 0 ) : iiM V. ' -n w h a t e x p e c t il ( l y

> » Excited by learning, Brandon Miser (1 2 ) strums his n ew found tunes on his aco u stic.

No Strings Attached 'V Showing f his guitar ills, Johnny vine strums a song.

This cioss is for the m usically g ifted. The p e o p le w ho w an t to find th em se lve s in music a n d share their passion of guitar with one an o ther. The foiks in guitar are ta le n te d , d e d ic a te d , an d just h a v e a lo ve for m usic. "Music gives

soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the im agination, an d life to everything." says Johnny Divine, the guitar te a c h e r. Music is life for som e. They just lo ve to drift a w a y and d elve into their passion. The

cre a tivity an d im agination of the students in guitar e xc e l. They strive to further their skills an d be an overall b etter player. It m ay be tough, but th ey continue learning the chords and notes until they g e t it just right. And th ey w o n ’t stop until th ey do. Music gives liaht to th ese d e d ic a te d


"/ had serious brain damage when i 0 was a (Z baby, and if has tr QJ effected my CL Q learning ever ■ ■ ■ i since." -Zone n' iP Stufz (9)

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vvv Cleaning off the flux after his w eld, Zach Ringwood (12) focuses on his m achine.

vvv Dem onstrating the proper techn ique, AJ Lewis sets up the mig welding, while C o d y Patterson (1 2 ) iool<s on.


Let the Sparks Fly

The Burkburnett w elding do ss is a c a re e r prep aratio n class. These students use their e le c tiv e time to start p racticin g on the croft they w ont to m oke a c a re e r with in the future. With the fu nd am en tals th ey are taugh t, th ey co n go straight into the work fo rc e after high school. W hen it co m e s to w elding, as with an y other a c tiv ity, the m ore tim e you you spend on learning, the b e tte r your skill level is. As Z a c h R in q w o o d M 2) put it.P r a c tic e m a k e s perfect."

This d o ss also go es to o co m p etitio n in Tulsa O klah o m a. Here, they c o m p e te with their k n o w le d g e in w elding an d how well th ey c a n perform their skills. It w a s

w here vour w eld in g skills re a lly a re . -K a d e M ullens M2)

Though it is pred om inately a m ole business, there are m any w om en. In the w elding class, the girls who go through it get tre a te d just like the men would. "Its su p er fun. I tia ve a lw a y s b e e n a to m b o y so for m e it's fun a n d to m e w eld in g is m y p a ssio n . I c o u ld d o it all d a y lon g a n d n ev e r g et tired . so I d o n t m ind wtio e ls e is in thiere. -M ad iso n J o n e s M2)

With the m any job opportunities this class has to offer, it is not surprising that it is a growing curriculum . M any students h a v e p icke d up their w elding guns and started the trek to b e c o m e g re a t w elders. -Kiley Arm strong

re a lly n ic e to go to c o m p e tito n a n d a c t u a lly se e

« < S tacking dim es, K ad e Mullens (1 2 ) perform s a Tig w eld.


<<<While being shown how to fix 0 b a tte ry holder, Alex Dom inguez (1 1 ), D anny McIntosh (1 1 ), Blake Parkey (1 1 ), and Austin M ath ew s (1 1 ) b ra c e th em selves for the smell.

v vv Setting up for a Tig w eld, Robert O a te s (1 2 ) and Madison Jo nes (1 2 ) fix their gun.

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7 have been to a ton of concerts. including Kiss, Pat Greene. Daughtrey, LMFAO, Buci<ctierry, Josh Turner, John Mayer, Philiip Phiiiips, Miley Cyrus Bangerz, Katie Perry Prism, and many more. -Summer Ewing (12)

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Trained to Do it Ail Not just for water

In being a military brat. I've been to 4 different hiigh sctioois in three I different * states." I Chielsea PBailey-tVlear i

es(12) » > Attending

to Hayden M cLelland (1 2 ), Katelyn Grimes (1 2) ta p e s Inis arm b e tw ee n piays.

» > On the sidelines, Paige Hughes helps the piayers with some m edical attention.

After o hard g am e on the field, I hC'iTias ( .-ijl:'',firnathi (1 1 , che-'k:, liifjridf./!!

Friday niglnts are a big deai for an y footbali ton, winetiner it's fam ily, students, or piayers. But m any don't reoiize tinot witinout tine te am s support of tineir trainers, tiney wouidn't be ab ie to acinieve tineir goals. Though w e hove good tim es and g re at m em ories at football g am es, there is more th at happ ens on the sidelines os well. Concussions, broken bones, and b lack e yes h ap p e n and without the trainers, our student athletes would not be in p e ak condition. An am azing te am of trainers are alw ays on hand and m ake sure that our Bulldogs are safe . They not only d e d ic a te time and effort, but also their h eart into this job, no m atter w h a t the conditions.

The work of a trainer begins long before the players hit the field and ends long after all the fans hove left the field an c the players hove cle a re d the locker room. This te am is responsible for m any fa c e ts of the gom es. Proper hydration, nutrition, conditioning and injury re co ve ry are all parts of the ed u catio n that student trainers re c e iv e and apply. This is w a y more than just an activity, it's a serious job. It take s a lot of hard work and com m itm ent, but a t the end of the d a y , w e co uldn’t be m ore thankful for our trainers here a t school. -

Bre-Yanna Gutierre

v vv During a g a m e . Summer Ewing (1 2 ) p repares for any injuries th at might h ap p en on the field.

« < The night of a big football go m e, the trainers assist the ployers during a tim eout.

Helping out with an injury on M ichaei 30l<ing (1 1 ), K ate iyn G rim es (1 2 ) an d Paige ghes bring him off field. V

< « Kateiyn >

Grimes (12) and Megan Eddins (11)

<<< Brie Runeberg (12)

« < Summer

As an intense g a m e is being p la y e d , C o n n e r Boles (1 1 ) g ets ta p e d by Koyla M eony (1 1 ) b e fo re going b a c k in.

Ewing (12)

I■/.have « < 2014-2015 Trainers K ayla M eony (1 1 ) Kennon R eed (1 0 ) Summer Ewing (1 2 ) D arcy Hill (1 0 ) Kotelyn Grim es (1 2 ) Brie Runeberg (1 2 ) Koiteiyn Eddins (9 ) Paige Hughes M akayio Wolf (9 ) M egon Eddins (1 1 )

optical migraines. About 1 out Of every 200 people get ttiem. i am not allowed to drive." Willow Garrett (9) Q) fC a t/i

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It-s not B?r gnal

7 was dead when / was born. My mom's ” stomach C ruptured and they 'QJ had to do a CL C-section. fD When I was ;I3 pulled out I had no n heartbeat. I in was on oxygen for 'T3 about 30 Qi seconds IQ — when they 'Q finally got a heartbeat. 00 -Logan ^ Owen (9)

The yearb o o k staff spends the ye a r m aking a book th at cap tu res the m emories th at will lost a life tim e. Spending their spore time taking pictures of after school activities or crying over o spread th at is 3 days over due, it is, needless to say, a stressful job to hove. The staff has to be d e d ic a te d , determ ined, d etailed and passionate. They d e v o te their y e a r to the deadlines, spreads, captio n s, and stories to ensure another successful ye arb o o k. The months leading up to final dead line are tiring and tense b e tw e e n the yearb o o k staff but being in part of such on am azing group of p eo p le c re a te s m em ories and

friendships th at last a life time, First ye a r student Kiley Armstrong (1 1 ) says, "This w as m y first y e a r worlcing on y e a rb o o k a n d lio n estly I c a n t im a g in e not not b ein g in it. I've n e v e r lo v e d a c la s s a s m u ch a s I lo v e y e a rb o o k a n d I c a n t w ait to work on it next y ear! "

Although things co n g et hostile to soy the least and w e h ove seen e a c h other at our worst, w e hove a bond and a friendship th at will not e ve r be forgotten. -Brenna

» > "Constantly fighting over who gets to sit in the the green choir. #YeorbookProbs" -Katie Alfred (1 1 )




o n

» > "I a lw a y s w an t to throw my co m p u te r into the wall #yeorbookprobs" -M ercedez M organ (1 2)

» > "When p e o p le give you short quotes w hen you're trying to fill your story. #YearbookProbs" -Emily Appleton (1 1 )



» > "Kiley likes to ta ke pictures of everything, and I'm alw ays the m odel, #YearbookProbs" -Ryan C a p o ra le (1 0 )

v v v Looking for inspiration, Bre-Yonno G utierrez (1 2 ) an d P aige Gier (1 2 ) flip through oid yearb o o ks

At the beginning of the p a g e , Angel Sims (1 2 ) d e cid es which pictures to use 7 am a blogger. I have a tumbir blog, I own a fandom blog and I mainly cover super wholook but I also post quotes and funny texts as well." -Mary-Opal Hurt (11)

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From y o u r editors Th an k yo u g u ys so m u ch for b ein g su ch a n in cre d ib le s ta ff a n d mal<ing this su ch on a m a zin g a n d u n fo rg e tta b le y e a r . G o o d luck on n e x t y e a r's b o o k!

To M a m a Thank yo u for b e in g such a t^'^Taking a quick break om working on picture Icce m e n t, Kiiey Armstrong 1) poses for tlie c a m e ra .

''^^As pians for tine y e a rb o o k iad d er ore being m o d e, the 6tli hour ciass works on the p iacin g of p a g e s.

tre m e n d o u sly inspiring w o m a n a n d for m a kin g su ch a p o sitiv e im p a c t in m y life.

■ ; love to hunt and fish. When I II get out of high school ^ I want to Oj we/d." S Cody ir Patterson 2 ('<2) n IT

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The students in the Exceptio nal Learner's Club (ELC ) are a Integral part of BHS. Students In ELC learn both a c a d e m ic and life sl<llls. From English, m ath and scie n ce to cooking and doing laundry, ELC students learn skills th at will help them live on their own and g et job Speaking of jobs, in their spare tim e, ELC students do job boxes which allow them to acq uire more skills for their future. The spirit of kindness and helpfulness ore a big part of the ELC classroom . The students ore m ore like a fam ily; they m oke c a k e s to c e le b ra te each other's birthday and help e a c h other with hom ew ork. The class Is alw ay s helping e a c h other and m any of the other

t ./“ ft'.,;

students and te a c h e rs a t the school. They also go tw ic e a w ee k to help out In the com m unity and g et hands on e xp e rie n ce s with jobs. The students enjoy cooking and m ake p o p co rn hands for H allow een and c a k e bites for Valentines d ay. The class has m any e xce p tio n a l students who could brighten anyone's d ay. The ELC students prove that e ve ryo n e ere a t BHS is more than fa c e value. -P a ig e G ie r

vvv Helping sell c a k e bites Hope Black (1 1), Stasia Thompson (1 1 ), and Eric Emro (1 0 ) stand in the hall after class with Ms, Kelly

« < The wall of c a k e . The first three d a ys of soles yielded forty nine boxes of c a k e mix.

» > Posing tor a picture C ath e rin e Stubbs (9 ) flashes o big smile.

W h a t do you w a n t to d o a fte r highscho ol ?

vvv "1 w ont to go to co lle g e then join the military" Skylle Elliott


v vv "Join the military" Eric Emro (1 0 )

v v v "Start a Yo utub e channel" Kc Foster (1 0 )

v v v “Travel the world " Dylan Bolton


v vv "I'm not sure w hat I w an t to do" Hope Block

( 11)

v v v "Go for with my b o nd” Krystal Young (1 2 )

v v v "Become a babysitter' Alelghcia Collins (10)

« < Helping with daiiy cho res Si<yiie Eiiiott (9 ) w ash e s the dishes.

v vv iVlal<ing cal<e b atte r A ieig hcio Coiiins (1 0 ) helps mal<e cai<e bites

v vv Sitting in the booi< nooi< R ae 'V e n Perry (1 1 ), Hope Biacl< (1 1 ), and Stasia Thom pson (1 1 ) p lay with Paige Moore's bunny Benny,

I'm spontaneous. I'm quiet and loud, and I love to draw ,,, anything amazing." Brlanna Davidson ( 12)

< « Helping with cho res G avin Biddy (9 ) shreds paper

<V U) a u -j UJ

« < Working together Kc toster (1 0 ) □nd Eric Emro (1 0 ) get their 'iomeworl< done. <<< Sitting in her favo rite spot R ae 'V e n Perry (1 1 ) reads a bool< ab o u t b ees

'vv "Go into :i singing ;aree r S a v in Biddy


v v v "Babysit an d spend tinne with nny family" Stasia Thom pson (1 1 )


vvv The w hole ELC class posing for a group picture.

7 have really bad asthma. I have c actually cr died four &; times. It was really O horrifying and fra mad ic n yr\ experience, especially for my a; family" Id ( 10) o Jordan Mil. Yelle




Air Fo rce Reserve O fficer Training Corps (A F JR O T C ) - Most p eo p le outside of JRO TC don't really know m uch ab o u t the class e x c e p t th at th ey w e a r their uniform on W e d n e sd ays and som etim es it's blue and other times it's green co m o , but w hat is ROTC really ab o u t? ROTC is a class th at not only te a c h e s military history and current issues in the military, but also discipline and good citizenship, JRO TC is not just a class or simple training b efo re th ey students d e c id e to enlist, they b e c o m e a unit and a fam ily. Peo p le th at w ouldn’t normally be friends are friends: th ey all h ave something in co m m o n. The desire to b e c o m e a b etter citizen through service to their « < Having som e good times at FLOW, Enrique Padron (1 1 ) and Isaac Ball (1 1 ), <<<JROTC m arch e d in dow ntow n W ichita Falls for V eteran's Day,

<<<JROTC re c e iv e the Yellow Rose Serlo m a a w ard .

country. C a d e ts in JRO TC are e x p e c te d to m aintain good grades as well as good physical fitness. The program enco m p asse s classroom time along with PT, Students in the JRO TC program b e c o m e on integral part of the Burkburnett com m unity. Providing the honor guard for sporting even ts and school functions, assisting with Friendship Festival, and representing BHS in drill com petitions are just a fe w of the e ve n ts that students c a n be seen giving to their com m unity, JR O TC is not just ab o u t the work: it is fun as well with pool parties, lock-ins and te am building exercises, Ann/e F a b e r

« < C o l, Ball gets the FLOW kids pum ped for som e e xe rcise .

« < G etting re a d y to set up a fishing booth at John Tower, A m an d a Bonnin (1 1 ),

< « J R O T C at Altus AFB for a crevi/ flight.

AAABrice Jans-Stutz(12)g ivin) Channel! M asters a promotic

f 5

< « " I joined JR O TC b e c a u se I w a n te d to build my leadership skills, an d I w as told it w as fun by both my brother, and friends." C olton De C elles ( 10 )

< « I m in JR O TC , b e c a u s e of m y dad." A m ber G o d in ez (1 0 )


« < G etting prom oted by Andrew Seale Dom onic Smith (1 0 )

< « A n d re w Seale (1 2 )a n d Bryon Jan-Stutz a t the V ets P a ra d e .

<<< In the p ortable, JRO TC m em bers on lock in night

< «The JR O TC c e le b ra te with their Keller Drill C o m petitio n trophy.

<<< G uard stands a t attentio n during one of the Pep Rallys.

<<<" To me JRO TC is a class that's fun, te a c h e s leadership, and responsibility." IVladison Varnier (9 )

Alexis R eed (9 )help s with the cro w d a t Tower Elem entry.

« < Riley A dam s ( 1 1)gets prom oted by Andrew Seale.



■My family crea ted the first carnival ar^d 1got my name in ro a special O way vbecause of 0) O' " (11) ro Rizonn Hendricl<s I I u

Q e: u. <

« < D u rin g the fall production, Ja c o b Bachert (1 0), Paden Mitchell (9 ) and G avin Ruddick (1 2) portray Hansel, G retei and the evil w itch from The Brothers Grim.




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“/ can lick my elbow." -Jean-Rose mond Lambert (9)

With anticip atio n in the air. The production th ea tre l<ids p rep are for their fall show. They hove spent months p erfectin g the blocking, a c c e n ts , and over oil co m e d y of the p lay. This fall season. Production p erfo m ed "The Brothers Grimm Spectulathon" by Don Zolidis. O h m v g o sh , I lo v e th eatre, th eatre is m y life. -A lv ssa V illa n u e v a (12)

A fter the foil show, the th ea tre kids g e t a short break to co m e off of the p e rfo rm an ce rush and p rep a re for future p e rfo rm an ces. But with the arrival of the Spring season and the O ne A c t co m p etitio n, the production group has big plans a h e a d of them .

One A ct is a lw a y s a c h a lle n g e sim ply b e c a u s e there s a little m ore at sta k e. But, at the s a m e tim e, a s a d irecto r, it's m o re rew ard in g b ecau se I get______ the opportunity to not____o n ly c h a lle n g e m vself with grittier m aterig l. but a lso m v a c to rs and te c h n ic ia n s . ___ -Tracy Pollard. Theatre d irector.

Hard work and d ed icatio n really p a y off in the quality of their shows. The Burkburnett thespians are working as hard as th ey co n to go b a c k to sta te , with after school rehearsals and working scen es over and over until its absolutely p e rfe c t, this group m akes it look e asy, -Kiley Armstrong

o ■&«

» > In their scen e , Mitchell Jenn ing s(IO ) and Sophie Miller (9 ) play father and daughter.

Before the start of rehearsal for the one a c t production of A Streetcar N am ed Desire, Alysso Villanueva (1 2 ) poses for the c a m e ra . » > In one of the most iconic scen es in their play, G avin Ruddick (1 2 ), Esteban Rios (1 2 ), Bryan Lewis (1 2 ), and H ayden M cLeiiand (1 2 ) ploy cards.

H a y le y H artness (1 2 ), T a y lo r D u d le y (1 1 ), H aley Bruner (1 2 ), Kira T ysln g er (1 1 ), M aria A lb a re lla (1 1 ), C h rissy B la n to n (1 2 ), V ic to ria W illiam s (1 2 ), A m e rik a G a m e z (1 1 ) Mrs.

v v v A m c r i k a G a m e z ( 11 ) practices takin g cla ssmate V i c t o r i a W i l l i a m s ( 1 2 ) pul se.

R h o n d a Fore ' I'm a good writer, most of my Er^glish teachers think I m great at writing and '•i'm proud of that!" said Kyiie Shawn (9)

l\'LAniw , |! i. i c ' '■ '

I > » P ra cticin g m easuring w e ig h t of o p a tie n t H ayley Hartness (1 2 ) re a d s the w eig h t a n d Kira Tyslnger ( i 1) m a ke s sure their p a tie n t Taylo r D udley (1 1 ) do esn't fall,

Nursing It's a calling not a choice.

Having the quality of helping others Is a reason students look into the m ed ical field. Students hove the opportunity to ta k e the CN A program while still In high school, The program Is o y e a r long class. The first sem ester the students spend tim e In class learning the te ch n ical Infoirnotlon, From basics of patient c a re Including bedside m anner, legal issues and personal safety. Secon d sem ester is putting all the Information you learned In class to use. Students g et the opportunity to do cllnicals a1 Evergreen Nursing Home, There the students ta k e c a re of the residents by helping with dally artlv liln s. Students get to experifei ico working with the resldeiil:. by taking

vital sign sign such as taking blood pressure , pulse and te m p eratures, As students work with the residents th ey a re carefully supervised by the Evergreen staff an d Mrs, Fore. The Evergreen staff are there to help the students with tasks an d to an sw er questions they m ay h a v e . By the end of the ye a r the students h a v e h ad enough e xp e rie n c e and Information th ey n e e d to ta k e the sta te tests to b e c o m e a certified nursing assist. Passing the state tests allows the students to g e t a job an d to further their c are e rs In the nursing field, -

Krista Fortner

Shondro Foster (1 1 ) assist Koylo M eony (1 1 ) with stand ing using o g a te belt, w hile D iego M cCullough (11) m o kes sure th e w h e e lc h a ir is se cu re ,

Hollie M cM ullen (1 2 ), K a y la ■ M e an y (1 1 ), J a c o b B o y c e (1 2 ), C a itlln G rin n e ll(1 2 ). Sh andra Foster (1 1 ), Haleigh Loffler ( 1 1 ) , R e a g a n W isem an (1 1 ), Shelby Hill (1 2 ), D iego M cCullough (1 1 ) C a s e y Lovern (1 1 )

« < P e r fo r m in g blood pressure skill, Haleigh Loffler (11) take Shelby H ill (12) blood pressure.

Helping then patient Haley Bruner (12) and Chrissy Blanton (12) assist M aria Albarella (11) with walking.

< « W orking as a team Hollie M cM ullen (12), Caitlin

7 am an athlete / play a sport all year around. / go from Volleyball then to I Basketball i then to \ Sottbali My life revolves around sports and love said

G rin n ell(12) and Reagan Wiseman (11) log roll their patient Jacob Boyce (12).

Hoff ('’ '!)

m eeting to find out how they c a n b e c o m e full m em bers. To do this, they must get reco m m endatio ns from the v ic e principal, the counselor, and tvv/o te ach e rs. O n ce Mr, Sem en has verified their information, students are invited to the NHS induction ce re m o n y, vi/here they will b e c o m e full m em bers. O n ce ind uctees ore full m em bers, they a tte n d m eetings o n ce a month and c a n p a rticip a te in an y of the group's activities. -Emily A p p le to n

NHS (N ational Honor S o cie ty) is a nationai organization tinat consists of distinguished students from tine junior and senior classes. NHS doesn't just iooi< a t a c a d e m ic ach ieve m e n ts though. They aiso iooi< a t citizenship, co n d u ct, leadership, service, and scholarships. Before the induction cerem o n y e ve r ta ke s p la c e , the m em bers first re c e iv e a letter stating that they h ave b een nom inated to be in NHS, After receiving their letters, mem bers to be are to atten d

'My dad was In the ^military and got C stationed In Q- hionduras Qj and fell In O iave with my mother. As soon as they could they got n married ir and came T3 back to OJ America" Katie Alfred ft ( 11)


>>> Sitting in the m iddle of the tab le is the NHS C h a p te r Ledger for Notional Honor So ciety, w aiting to be signed by the new ind uctees.








<<< New In d u ctees of 2015: (from left to right) Josh Agosto (1 1 ), C o le M ohedano (1 1 ), Emily A p p leto n (1 1 ), M ichael Brooking (1 1 ), Sarah Pellikan (1 1 ), Isa a c Ball (1 1 ), D anico M endoza (1 1 ), Aaron C o nh am (1 1 ), D elayn e D ickey (1 1 ), K a y le e Dobbs (1 1 ), Lauren Ferry (1 1 ), Zion Phillips (1 1 ), Madison W iese (1 1 ), Austin U nderw ood (1 1 ), Ryan Richter (1 1 ), Bloke Stockinger (1 1 ), Bryce Lewis (1 1 ), and A lex Wright

« < Standing a t the podium is Mr. Sem en, the C h a p te r Advisor of Burkburnett's NHS Division.

<<< Preparing to give her sp e e ch to begin the NHS induction ce re m o n y is Ally H ard aw ay ( 12), president of NHS.

7 am independe nt and can fident.. I've been between my mam and my dad my wtiole life. My scars aren’t visible but they are thiere and ttiose who /(now me can see them." -Breece Schaefer

0 r01 U)

a X


( 1 1 ).

« < Smiling for the c a m e ra , NHS Officers (from left to right) Alyssa M cDonald (1 2 ), Addison W arren (12), Karo Miller (1 2 ), Ally H ardaw ay (1 2 ), Kelsey Sughrue (1 2), and Mikaiio Billinger (1 2),

How Did Y@!1]I Feel When You Got Your

» > " lt m ode m e feel proud of myself b e c a u se it sho w ed me th a t m y hard work a c a d e m ic a lly paid off." -K ayle e Dobbs (1 1 )

» > "1 w a s h o n o re d b e c a u s e it w a s th e re a liza tio n o f all th e a c a d e m ic w o rk 1 h a d p u t in o v e r th e first tw o y e a rs of high sch o o l. I felt

invincible." Ryan R ic h te r(1 1)

» > "It m ode me feel acco m p lish e d and th at 1 had earn e d it from all of my hard work" - C o le M ohedano ( 11 )

s never leave Fals behind


C O' Oi Q. fD

a 13: ;£U \Q m

7Ve been all over the world. IVe lived In Germany, Japan, New Mexico, and here in Texas, i've been to Paris, Italy, Mexico City, Florida, and Los Angeles," says Celeste Moore (11).


order to raise a w are n e ss for Everyone needs a pal in life w hether you ore a senior in anti-bullying w e e k . The "Be Brave" vid eo w as shot and high school, or o third grader. directe d by Brlttoni A ndrojack The Peer Assistance and and starred the PALs group as Leadership program here at well as other clubs/teom s on Burk ta ke s pride in lending a cam p us, helping hand. "PALs is the best thing that M embers of PALs w ent through training in order to b e co m e a g re at p e er helper. O n ce com p leting training the helpers then had the opportunity to go to the different e lem en tary schools w here they ploy various g am es with their p o iee in order to shed positive light Into their lives. Not only do the PALs group a c t os p e er helpers, but they also aid In spreading a w are n e ss on som e of the issues within the cam p u s. This ye a r, the PALs group d e c id e d to do a music vid eo in

e ve r h ap p e n e d to me," says Parker Halverson (1 2 ), It Is more than an organization, they are all fam ily. Regardless of diversity or adversity. Pals never le a v e Pals behind, -A ngei Sims

« < In th e "Be Brave" vid eo , ©Innie Potts (1 2 ) a c ts a s a victim of c y b e r bullying. D anielle Davis (1 2 ) c o m e s to tier aid by ensuring-Glnnie tljot

A ctin g a s a bully, iso a c Ball » > (1 1 ) is sto p p e d by H ayden iVicLeiland (1 2 ) w lio tells him th at bullying is n o t a llo w ed here a t Burkburnett.

As their video cam e to o » > their Qwr\ if w ^ a r d Barellles- "Be i # .fs well as encouraging IsichooUo be brave h a rtg e tb o tv /e

> tu d e n V o y „d , W hether it is going to neetings on e v e ry first nonday, pionning for :omnnunity o u tre ach )rograms, or helping a t Faith /lissions, BHS Student Council londles it all. This group of students pecialize in leadership. The nain o b je c tiv e is sim ple; th a t is 0 be a g re a t e xa m p le so th at )ther students will fe e l inspired 0 be the p ro a c tiv e v o ic e hroughout the school as well is in the com m unity. "My favo rite thing ab o u t )0 ing in Stu C o . is being w o lv e d an d volunteering for )vents,“ says P asch en ce V ils o n ( ll) . Stu C o , m em bers horoughly enjo y helping )thers, an d this is w hy th ey are o involved on cam p u s, iponsors Ms,Leslie C o b le and /Irs. Erin Hinson e n c o u ra g e

m em bers to be involved in such e ve n ts such has distributing fo o d at Faith mMssions, visiting the nursing hom es, an d a b o v e all, being resp e ctfu l students -A n g el Sims

With Kindess » >

When 1was three, 1was taken away from my parents and p la ced Into the foster care system. Several fl3 months later 1was reunited again with my Nana 0if says. M ercedez W ' Morgan (12).

cn a 0 u 3


< « S h o w ln g off their Valentines card s for the nursing hom e, Mia C o o k e (9 ), Jale n M cClain (1 2 ), and Alex Hirata (1 1 ) show off their finished p rojects.

T h e S p ir it ■fm a football trainer I fi love to ^ st)OW t^orses and ride ^ trails. I also S shiow ~ Dorper 11' sheep 3 thirough4H: —■ Katelyn Grimes (12). -0 m fD


C h r is t m

JV ro u in d V

a s is



Cliristm as is ab o ut bringing joy and c lie e r to e ve ryo n e , and that's just w hat the Buri<burnett high school did for the Buri<burnett Head Start children. In D ecem b er, the Head Start program held it’s annual Christm as party co m p le te with Santo Clous in the BHS c a fe te ria hosted by Mrs, Pam ela Francis and the high school student sponsors. With the help of a partner the sponsors picl< the nam es of their child off the Head Start roster to provide gifts, hots and gloves, and ap p ro p riate toys for them . For the setup of the c a fe te ria the sponsors and helpers tie balloons to te d d y bears and sit them around Santo's chair for the children to pick up after m eeting him. O n c e e a c h te d d y b e ar has a

balloon th ey tie the left over balloons to the b a c k of the chairs that the children will sit in. E ach sponsor picks up their child's go odie bog from a ta b le on the side of the c a fe te ria . The sponsors ta k e the children to their seats, and that's w here all the activities begin. Activities include opening gifts, m eeting Santo C laus, m aking crafts, and laughing and enjoying their

» > Bringing clieerful joy, Santa pulls out his c a n d y can e s to give to tine oliildren


vvv Smiling a t the child she p icke d , Alex Stokes (1 0 ) enjoys the quality time spent laughing, draw ing and m aking crafts with the Head Start child.

tim e. The Head Start party has alw ay s been o huge success am ong the children, high school students, and parents. -H ayley H artness

» > "It w a s fun w orking with th e kids, I am g ia d th a t th e sch o o l d o e s this for th e children." P o ig e G ie r ( 1 2 ) .

« < "I io v e d w o rking with th e ch ild ren , it felt g re a t to b e a b le to help th o se in n e e d ," C h e ls e a B a ile y -M e a re s

( 12)

Being silly with the boy she sponsored, H eather Pickett (1 0 ) plays p e ek-a-b o o .

AAA Being shown new techniques, W y a tt G rant (9 'i Zion Phillips (1 1 ), and Brian J

Johnson (1 0 ) learn a thing o |S tw o from their Head Start c h |

Pointing out Santo, Aiiyson H ard aw ay (1 2) g ets lier chiid re a d y for l^er time to teii Santa w lia t she w ould iil<e for Christm as

v vv Shoring the fun, Corissa Eckie (1 0 ) and M ad elein e Johnston (1 0 ) laugh and p lay with their child os th ey color and d raw pictures.

W atch in g her child try to ow bubbles, M adison Jo n e s 2) laughs with the little boy e sponsored.

AAAMaking sure her Head Start child looks stylish, Zoe Brooks (1 0 ) puts the S an ta hat on the child to give her o little bit of Christm as spirit.

Impressing the child, Ginnie Potts (1 2 ) lets the little girl show her all her new Christm as gifts.

7 sleep walk too much. I was at my best friends house, and I was having a nightmare where I was running, and next thing I know I was laying In her grandma and grandpa's bed: Amber Sm iih, ''

Creation From Scratch

7 made varsity volleyball Q my freshman C year." C7 Mia Cooke (9J. a o

i. n in -0 £U

W hen most p eop le think of Culinary Arts they think of all the delicious food th at the students in the class g et to m ake, but there is so much more to the doss than just the food. M any do not think abo ut the a c tu a l art of the process. It's not a p lo ce to play around in and goof off. You ore required to h a v e a g re at om ount of responsibility to be in the class. Not only is the class off cam p u s, but it also involves a lot of equipm ent and potentially hazordous situations. Everyone in the class has to work to g e th er in order to c re o te a well m ad e

product. From the prep, to the exe cu tio n of the m eal to the c le a n up, e ve ryo n e works to gether. Instead of having e xtra time on their hands, doing the c le a n up during the in b e tw e e n times c re a te s for more time to be used for eating and enjoying e a c h other's co m p a n y a t the end of the class. The class as a c o lle c tive tends to g e t really close b e c a u se there are so fe w in the d o ss and they are in such close quarters. With e ve ryo n e being so close it m akes for a very fun class to ta ke , -Haleigh Karr » > W ashing a cu cu m b er befo re cutting it for sushi, G u stavo O livarez (1 2 ),


vvv Using toothp icks to keep shrimp straight wile cooking, C h an tz Burlton (1 2),

AAA Preparing the food for their dish that d a y. Chris Gunn

(12), af 'ltd

» > Taking fresh p e as out of the pods. A m an d a Bonnin (11) an d Enrique Padron (11)


Arts? « < A class to enjoy fo o d in and be with friends is tine p e rfe c t p io c e for, G rant Jim enez


« < When Justin McCraci<en (1 1 ) w as asi<ed w hy he w as in culinary he simply s a id ," like fo o d, I enjoy food,"

( 11),

» > Peeling carrots, Ashley Miller (1 1 ), joined th e class to e n jo y her hobby during school.

»> Interested by the p rep aratio n of food, Noah Henderson (1 2 ), joined to learn w h a t all truly g o e s into a m eal.

» > Cutting c ra b m ea t for California Rolls, Haleigh Karr (1 2 ),

" I've been to Hawaii, Alasl<a, New Mexico. Coiorado, Nebrasl<a, New Orieans, Canada, Belize, Cozamel, Montana,. Oklahoma: Bailey Jones (9).

0) U) ro ft.


J a c k G a lb ra ith (1 0 )

W e ore le ones who will re­ will rem em ber tine m em ber laughs, crie i lieartbreal<s, arid break thro )hs. W e ore the ones who b ^ig g life to this build|ng of learrlng W e paint the iwalls wiTn |)ur m em ories and the oir 'breathe our-^tories to ;around us, |V e are .the ones w io grow and learn, 'W e un­ dergo chang esome good and some bod. W e live to tell of who w e w ere. W e pass on traditions and habits. W e c re a te leg acies. W e are the p eo p le of Burkbur|ne1r High School, W e are all difi'Miiiil but here for the sam e reason. Years go by and more |n< leavo I heir mark. This isn’t 'I ‘ : /I A ' If' "^les and les.... ■ ■mrnunity. W here I

, . 4 W . I..I

H. 5

Som e h ave a lre a d y b e en d e ­ cid e d an d som e h a v e ye t to e ve n blossom, , W e as the students an d stafjf of BHS travel on the som e jour-t ney this ye a r. W e will cherish this life w e oil will le a v e behind . b e c a u se it’s part of w h a t madel^ us who w e ore, Oth-^ ers will look upon us i] and im m ediately ju d g e us for the w a y w e live. But th at is life. W e must carry on and e n co u ra g e . W e must live for those w ho m ad e our ] life worth living. W e are the p e o p le of Burkburnett High School, W e c a m e and w e c o n q u e re d . W e stand tall and w e fall dow n. W e are more th an ] m eets the e y e . W e ore more than fa c e value, -Zoe Brooks

M aria A lb a re lla (1 1 )

Who's Who

vvv English

Top Honors for Class of 2015 You Shall Not Pass" (9) Cody Hales

When they entered the halls of Burkburnett High School four years ag o , the Class of 2015 w as read y to m oke their mark on the Bulldog tradition of a c a d e m ic e x c e lle n c e . After countless hours of study, both In the classroom and Independently, these seniors h ave shown their c h a ra c te r, leadership and scholarship. Show casing their talents and Intelligence In the areas of a c a d e m ic s , athletics and performing arts, the 20'15

Foreign L a n g u a g e

Allyson Hardaway

a a a

Social Studies

Jennifer Joss

v v v F e m e B lo o d sw o rth Jo urnalism A w a rd Krista Fortner The F e m e B lo o d w o rth Jo u rn alism A w a rd Is b e s to w e d u p o n a sen ior w h o e x c e e d e d th e co ll of d u ty in y e a rb o o k a n d jo urnalism to e n su re the q uolity p u b lic a tio n of th e l.Je rric k .

R e c ip ie n ts a re n d e d (or Iheir I'.rri, w ork e1h ic, skill a n d d 'id ic o lio n to th e field a s (j w h o le yc*ars re c ip ie n t ", k rj:.!:! I orlnc'r (,i Uk,- po st 3 y o a rs Kri-,!;! hms

1 , . . , . : , c. in U .rjra l p o ll wi the D e rrick . ili‘ ,

. hi.i. i : i l t r i

In x >1.

1' id itii'i-'il I 1'


a iif i II M

I I' II In '11


Angel Sims

Who's Who a w a rd recipients are truly the epitom e of e x c e lle n c e here at Burkburnett High School, These aw ard s ore se le cte d by e a c h d ep artm ent through a nomination and voting process by e a c h of the fa cu lty m em bers. This aw ard s is co nsidered to be the highest a c c o la d e b esto w e d on BHS students and represents the Best of the Best of the Class of 2015. Congratulations!



Kody Anderson

Tori Murphy

V V V Theater

V V V Agriculture

Gavin Ruddick

Shelby Peters

vvv Choir


vvv Band

Riono McMurrey

Brice Jans-Stutz

Ginnie Potts "/ use to live in Aiasl<a and whiie i was there i saw tt)e 01 tailest ^ nountain in ^ the U.S., M t.i M/cten/e/," (9) Camryn Hiday



A rt

Culinary Arts


Caitlin Grinnell

Mereditin Goins

Gus Olivarez

Gregory Keeton

\/vv Fem ale Athiete

vvv Male Athlete

vvv Info, Tech

vvv Journalism

Mikaila Billinger

Hayden McLeiiond

Holly Frazier

Brenno Ruvoicoba

"Aw d a n g l R ic k s to le my

Marquis Askew-Betts

Chelsea Bailey-Meores

g irl a g a in r - E v e ry o n e

"Let's e o t .

■T o w e r, th is is g tio s t rid e r

Richard Andrews

7 can say the alphabet backwards. I am excited to pursue a soccer career m college. It has been a dream of mine and I can't wait for it to fall in place." ( 12) Emilea Peoples

'H a ve you s e e n my b a s e b a ll? "

re q u e s t in g o flyby."

M o ^ lik e ly ^ |> p r e s id e n t & I N

Zach Bales

a r o u n d ffe m a l& >

Bianria Bhuiyan

Trey Bigford

Mikaila Billinger

Shawna Blacksheor

Chrissy Blanton

"Every little tilin g Is g o n n a b e a lr ig h t

A‘.l lit .'iijlt Uowon

C o d y Brago

Cole Brantley

Haley Brock Ifs n o t \ o u i lo b to lil^o n if ,'fs 'n;no'

Haley Bruner

(otvoUano'uiSi? vou

must tirst I V

\o u n g a n d

s t u p id '

Bueno De Oliveira

Cl^arles Burgess

Chantz Burlton

Jordan Burnett

Sam antha Burns

Th ey h a te us c a u se they ain't us.

'Why d o to d a y w h at you c a n d o tom orrow ? "

Be som ething you love

"Don't c ry b e c a u se it's o ver, smile b e c a u se It happened"

a n d un d ersta n d."

Kolil C anad o

l'(Y\ £ ,pene»ceA Alexis Cassidy

Doniei Castro "Wanna g o to a b o o t

Ross Castro-Borchert

Jeffery C erveny

Eiizabetii Chandler

"Life is a sa n d w ich.

W hat makes me unique, my exp e rie n ce s in life I went through, lii<e even being ob/e to move from Daytona B each F io rid o J to Texas, • exploring the world seeing d ifferen t schools, and reachin g my goals. One day^ i'll b e more than unique."

w ide?"

(11) M e rce d e s Mcfvlillian

Grant Clam pitt

Kasey Coker 'PALS n e v e r le a v e PALS b eh in d .'

Maddy D'Onofrio ■ /can d o all things through Ch rist who streng then s m e’- Philippians 4:13

Ja c o b e Collins

M aKayla Corey

Colby Corsaut 'l-iave fun in life, in the e n d you're not alive.

“I lo ve e a c h & e veryo n e o f you. You all a re v e ry sp e c ia l In a g o o d vjay. H ave foltn . when you a re foltr^ful, G o d will I ruler o v er m a n y '

Brianna Davidson

Danielle Davis

Andrew Derzapf

'Be yourself: You'll ha ve true friends.

'Are you co ilin g m e a liar? ' ..Drake Beil

■ / ain't ca llin g you a truther .Jo sh Peci<

Kiefer Devore

M ayce Domenic

Adon Donaghey

Winter Donley

Devin Dunsmoor

Guy Elliott

Summer Ewing

Tyler Farson

■ ; woke u p like this'

“Hannah M on ta n a says n ab o d y is p e rfe c t.b u t yet, t)ere I am'

Chase Fehr

Jordan Fennessy

"‘I went to visit my baby stepsisters, and heiped tier go to sleep by playing video ) games witt) ‘ h e r: ( 12) Ctieyenne Mcqueen

M ercades Ferguson

Krista Fortner

Chase Fournier

'Tell me i can't, then w a tch m e work tw ice as h a rd to

"Sometimes you've g o tta

'With everythin g I do. I just

tali b e fo r e you fly."

try to b e m y se lf-K e v in Durant

p ro v e you wrong."

Shauna Franklin 'Common sense is like d e o d o ra n t. Those who n e e d if don't use i t "

Holly Frazier

Carissa Freeman

Sarah Furman

Bodie G ahag an

Claire Galbraith

Katelyn Grimes

Caitlin Grinnell

If you're not fie rce then, w h at a re you?'

k l i ' j i ' ( •]<'[

Moredilh Goins w olk /'iHi/s U /;<‘M /i l/iVt/ >1’S/I I WOlk thih i

Ion Graves W(>// now

11)0lo a l woik



Jessica Guodoiupe

Alejandro Gue\'oro

G arrett Guike--

"hris Gunn

Bre-Vonna Gutierre:

■• ■'C', e V ^•7.-' e\e'i

ledi Hancock

Allyson Hardaway

/. ''C' i

Hope Hendrixson Tm IM n g for the p resen t a n d the fu tu re doesn t e xist.'

Anna Hinton ‘I love my life, it's all a b o u t m e.'

Sarah Harris


Hoyley Hartness

Jessica Heinz

■A^co scc'ec:-";^ cecc ''e jc ''e^e*cve„ c"o ^* ^''c'cecc ''e ’

■ _'e cc”' c rc"'" .ec"' -ccc-'ce ■ ' ''v

Brittony Hernandez

Brian Hightower

R ee ce Hill

W e all must fa c e the cno /ce bet^\een w h ot is

'Bk- 4 hunnid'

'AnyThmg w orth d oin g :S worth o verdo in g M o d e ra h o n !S fo r c o w c 'O s '

Matthew Holcomb

Nicholas Hutchins

right a n d w h at is easy.'

Dolphin Hock

I f you c o h t g e t o u t o f it. g e t into i t '

-j. "'>r

Parker Halverson

'Se '\.e o’'o i-.

''ec’^ec; c^c V

■It might not be unique or interesting but when I was little I was running with a fork and I tripped and the fork went through my cheei< and I had to go to the emergency room.' (9) Marco Jimenez

Slielby I

Kathryn Isaacs T h e b i g c r o c e . ’i i n i f h

reaiily a th eres no b a ck g ro u n d ’"us e

Brice Jons-STuf^

Caleb Jansen

Austin Jimenez

Courtney Jones

'A diam ond is m ereiy a lump o f co o l thot d id weii un der pressure

'Quantity o ver Q uality '

I f yo ure willing to tal<e o c h a n c e . tt)e view from ttie o ttier sid e is s p e c ta c u la r "

Christoplier Karabel

'Tve saved my neighbors son from getting hit by o car i and i've aiso saved my sisters ate:

Madison Jones

fe e l b e c a u se those who mind don't m a tte r & those who don't m ind "-Dr. ■

Holeigli Karr

Parl<er Keeling

"And the tree was

)8 a n d iife to go:-St<id Row

h a p py..."

Dayton Josefy 3e who you a re & say w hat you

Greg Keeton

Jennifer Joss I'm really not funny. I'm ju st rud e a n d p e o p le think I'm joking."

Melanie Koons

( 12 ) Victoria Wiiiiams

Chase Kurszewsl<i "Keep your h e a d up.sm ile. a n d m ake the w orld w on der what you're u p to.'

Shonnon Londreth

Moniqua Lee

Bailey Leslie "I d id h t Choose the twin life. .

1 n il

' I I I. ' 1 1

laylu Mardis

Ana Martinez

Brennan Leslie t/ie twin iife c h o se m e :

Jolen McClain

Bryan Lewis W hen Hie knocks you dow n g e t b o ck u p :

Jessie McDaniel

AlyssQ McDonald

Aiex M cG aha

Hayden McLelland

7 look fo rw a rd to n eve r seein g you a g a in .'

"Do n o t c ry th a t It Is over,

"I ca m e to 6HS b e c a u s e I was told

sm ile b e c a u s e It h a p p e n e d :

they train stu d e n ts to b e c o m e J e d i Knights.

Riana McMurrey

C heyenne McQueen

Kara Miller "Leaders b eco m e g re a t, not b e c a u se o f their p ow er, but b e c a u s e o f their a bility to e m p ow er others."



For'iCjn^f Logan Miller

Brandon Miser

Tyler Mitchell

M ercedez Morgan

Anastasia Morton

"Life's h a rd , so sta y positive."

I f you o b e y all the rules, you miss oil the fun. '

7 was born in Darm stadt, Germ any a n d lived tiiere for a coup/e years."


St^aron l-iunter

Kade Mullens life 's too short to w an t for som ethin' to h a p p e n . G o m ake it h a p pen ." -Earl D ibbles Jr.

Jenna Muller

C o d y Murdock

Abigail O'Neil

Robert O ates l/sfe n , smile, a g re e , a n d d o w h a teve r you w e re g oin g to d o anyway."

Dennis Murley

G ustavo Olivarez

Tori Murphy

Peyton Neinas

■ ' Well, I guess this is gro w in g up."

"i-lave fun in your c u b ic le . I'll b e w eld in g . '

Angela Ortiz

Maranda Overstreet

'W asobi is not the sam e as 'She is c io th e d with streng th a n d ja lo p e n o s . ’ d ig n ity: a n d she iaughs w i t i m t fea r o f the future. '

I t you're feelin g saucy g e l In shield m ode

Shaun Partri',:njSirive



Alex Patty

Cody Patterson I f It flies it dies, if if hops d ro p s '


Emileo Peoples

Shelby Peters

Dakoda Peterson

'Say It to my f a c e '

'Don't c ry b e c a u se ifs o ver smile b e c a u se if h a p p e n e d .'

7 don't n e e d to m eet your

Grant Phillips

e x p e c ta tio n s, I n e e d to m eet mine.'

g! 1ma J Helper


Brittany Pugliesl

Ginnle Potts

"/ help my grandfather at gunshows by fllmg guns and doing I background checks."

Michael Ramon

Zach Ringwood

Esteban Rios

■With everYtl^ing I d o . I

'Go h a rd o r go home.'

7 sp e n t more time thinking a b o u t this q u o te than studying for senior year.‘

Just try to b e m y se lf'

( 12) Kennedy McManus

Lillian Rodriguez

Michoel Rogers

■O n ce yo uv e ra ced .Y o u

'Anyone ca n d rive, if takes skill to

n eve r fo rg e t if. a n d you never g e t o v er i t '

r a c e .'

Victoria Roberts

Gavin Ruddick

Brie Runeberg

Jordan Rutledge

Brenna Ruvalcaba

Krystal Salyers

'If you a re a sk e d to d o som ething,

o f a mom ent, until it h o co m es o memory.'

d o it really b a d so you n ever have to d o it a g a in -Pans Hilton

■ / go to seek a g re a t p erh a p s.'

'No m a tter whot happens, don't

; i/vos ra ise d fo b e charm ing, no/ sin cere .' " s Prin ce

You n eve r know the value

fo rg e t to smile.'


kevin Sheppard

Laura Sheets

Ashlee Shannon ; r ;oi f

nu) Iht>

f t ’x l t I7M'1 I r i l O t<.'

>i'iin\I I hiivK i) /'ViWon) Is hO ifu;


Emily Simmons

Angel Sims

■K e e p mov/np fo rw a rd '

Turn m e corner.

Brady Smith

Nate Turnage

C ale b Sneath

Amber Van Pelt

Nick Spillman

Victoria Vaugiin

Madison Steich

Kelsey Sughrue

W ho we a re in high sch ooi d o e s n o t d e fin e us a fter."

"Don't h a te m e c a u se you ain't me"

Maria Vela

Kayla Tucl<er

Aiysso Villanueva "Doing w hat you lo ve is freedo m . Loving w h at you d o is happiness."

'Four years ag o I was riding a iiorse with ivlia C o o te ar)d we g o t bucl<ed o ff an d i g o t a double com pound fra ctu re in my arm."


Keniey Hoff

Tyre Wilson

Hunter White

Connor Williams

Lori Williams

Victoria Williams

■We ca n n o t sta rt o ver, but w e c a n b e g in now.

W inning is n o t a som e time thing.

l i f e ’s like o river. Ju st let the b a d things flo a t away."

"Life is too im po rta nt to b e taken seriously."

a n d moke o n ew ending."

It's a n a li th e tim e thing. Winning is a h a b it - so is losing

1 Stephanie Winkler

Mason Winkles ■The p a s t is h isto ry . tom orrow Is a m ystery, b u t to d a y is a g ift, a n d th a fs why w e c o ii it the p r e s e n t :

Kalib Winter

Krystal Young

Shelby Young "Hove I g o n e m ad?" "i'm o f ra id so. You're entireiy boi'iirers But i'ii teii you a se c re t, aii the b e st p e o p le a re

Kiondria Youngblood Mus/c <s I r e CO'^' ’ color'-/ .c :

Kylee Acheson Clayton Adams Riley Adams-Kurtzhals Joshua Agosto Maria Albarella Kristen Aiberts

Katie Alfred Christian Anderson Emily Appleton Kiiey Armstrong Conner Boles Isaac Bali

Anno Bancovitch Trevor Barnes Sydney Bartin Modison Barton Charlie Becker Brittany Bittii<er

Hope Block Brittoney Biiton R e b e cc a Bollinger Am anda Bonnin Ja c o b Boswell Braxton Bowie

Bloke Bromley M ichael Brooking William Brooks Modi Brown Galen Brummett C o dy Bryant

"My love for God. God is my BEST friend, l-le’s tiiere when no one else is. i-ie loves the sinner than I arn." Lacey Taturn (10)


Alex Cf'.iiensk! Ehzabeth Chumiey Hunter ClQ'k Weston Cook 3fOdv Cox Hannah Davidson

Giovanni Davis Trace Davis Hannoh Deason Karen Devore D eiayne Dickev

K av;e e Dobbs Abigail Doid Alex Dominguez GuiLer^io Dorninguez Taylor Dudley

f you could start high schoo all over again, would you? « < "No, b e c a u se 1am h ap p y w here I am and I am satisfied with the e xp e rie n c e s I h ad and I am re a d y to mal<e new ones in the future," Eliza C am e ro n

« < "No, b e cau se I am re a d y to start m y life.' Ashley Miller

» > "Yes, for b e tte r g rad e s and to b e c o m e o b e tte r athlete," C o ib y Titus


» > "No, I wouldn't restart high school b e c a u se though I’ve m ad e a lot of mistol<es I've also m ad e a lot of right c h o ic e s and I'm grateful for that. Amanda Bonnin

7 am adopted. I am going to write the first official Roci< n Roll history book. I've been hit by a car. I love art of any l<ind.' Faith Erhard (11)

. ] * '

Anthony Dunem Megan Eddins Justin Edwards Brittany Ellison Arron Emmert Ja c o b Emro

Faith Erhard Meson Everett Jeff Everson Annie Faber Lauren Ferry Shandra Foster

Kolten French Kyle Fudge Nicholas Fulien Quinn Fuller Brian Games Amerika Gom ez

Cierro G o rd ea Shone Garrett G arret Gorvin Shelby Garvin Christian Gauthier Jam es Gill

Chandier Gonzoles Dylan Grider Thomas Gubernoth Pryce Halverson Briana Hancock McKolynne Hanlon

\ (A ''"'

I'm pretty average. I play video games and hongouf v^ltti friends. Tt)e only Interesting ' ttiing about me is i was In the hospital 6 week:, lost yoarand [ hari (j mojd! opera I ion ')/ ; '' y I li ' ,M |( I


Herringbhaw Jti'Kcilio Hickman M cjtllii'w Hight /(i( H'-'ik .ii A lex Hirata

"When m y p arents w e re dating , th e y w ould m e e t in th e m iddle of their tw o to w ns c a lle d Bergen."

"My family made the first carnies, and they spoke a certain language so people wouldn't know they're getting ripped off, My father's name in this language was Rlzonni, so they took the "I" off and they named me Rlzonn,"

"My g ran d father in M exico had a stroke, but b e c a u se of poor m ed ica l situations dow n there. He couldn't get th e help he n e e d e d . I'm a tribute to him,"

Bergen Sautner "My sister a n d her frien d

Rizonn Hendricks Guillermo Dominguez

p ic k e d it o u t fo r m y nnom,"

Martarius Wilson

"When m y m om w as p reg n a n t, she h eard a song c a lle d T o Zion' an d it realty to u ch e d her, so she d e c id e d to n am e m e a fte r it,"

r yoy ln)(ici ai inniiiliioini do W/haLcW/@y d be

« < "A vacation house for my parents because they deserve it," Taylor Dudley

« < "A college education so that I have a future after the money runs out." Blake arkey

Zion Phillips

h in

< « " l'd h o ve co lle g e paid for. Then go on to buy an d p a y off a n ice house for w h e re i'm going to live. Invest the rest," M ichael Brooking

When I was born the doctor had to break my collarbone so I wouldn't die. Since I was born I can't lift my left J arm higher •* than 90 V degrees. I have been cheerieadInQ since I was 6 and I want tc tryout next year but I'm nervous." Kyieigh Kurszewski (9\

yoy Ibyy

» > " i wouldn't spend it, w ould deposit it into a saving a c c o u n t and w ould then use it to support my future family to ensure my children g et a to p e d u ca tio n a t g reat co lleg es. That would bring m e m ore pleasure knowing my fam ily is set for life than a tem p o rary a c h ie v e m e n t th at doesn't lost." Josh Agosto

« < " T h e first thing I would buy would be a big truck, b e c a u se girls around here like big trucks," Justin Edw ards

What w e are supposed to draw.,.

i I (3rial X A /e id e r Learning skills for the future Peyton Neinas (12) is developing it^is si<ills as a welder, can weld really good. I aiso love to ride dirt bikes."

w IM

Ashlynn Hoff Alexandra Holtzen Brittany Honeycutt Theophilus Hoppe Babcock Christy Howard Mory-Opal Hurt Brandon Ingram Vincent Jaci<son

Z achary Jokobetz Grant Jim enez Joseph Jim enez Jordan Johnson K eagon Johnson Kadarroh Jones Brittani Joshua A ndrea Kennedy

Donieie Kibby Melissa Kidd Chris Kille Abigail Kurszewski Haley Lam Taylor Lam Bryce Lewis Destiny Linderman

Haleigh Loffler Branden Logan Christopher Lopez C a se y Lovern Harley Lucas C am eron Lueck Diana Martinez Channell Masters

Ja ley Motteson Brittney Me Mullen Nicholas M cCarthy Sean M cClelland Westin M cCoy Justin M cC racken Diego McCullough Chris McDonald


Ashley Miller Morgan Minard Co le M ohedono Ce le ste Moore Angelica More Brennan Mullins Hannah Murphy

When anyone asks Taylor Nieboer (11) if she loves cats she laughs and says. . "I'm a huge ca t lady"

Nogaye Ndiaye Ty Newark Tayloi Nieboet Tristan Niles Sierra 01to Brittany Ower^s

Enrique Padron Tyler Parker Blake Parkey Gabriel Pate Sarah Pellikan Elizabeth Perry

R ae'Ven Perry Sheridan Petry Honnah Peveto Zion Phillips Libby Philp Jessica Pike

Sara Posada Jodi Powell Ethan Pruett Braxton Raleigh Ryan Richter Alyssa Roberts

Some days coming to school is harder than others because for Everett H Johnson ^ ( 1 0 ) hunting S season JE motes him want to be jp in the great outdoors rather than inside in a ciassroom.

Madison Sco bee Athena Sco1t-Ro!h Bryce Eric Shelby Moloch! SkeHon

Amber Srrufh JaiTiai Smith Ncicih Smill'i

Tii'.kii 1:;| )iva

Keaton Spradlin Miranda Stanley Colin Stephens Bloke Stockinger D akota Stull Alysa Swarm

Keily Thompson Stosio Thompson Colby Titus Aim ee Trout C a leb Turner Kiro Tysinger

Austin Underwood Morissa Uythoven Ashton Vallier Darius Velo Anslee Waddell Tiffany Walker

G e ra d Warren C edric W atts Rafael W ebb Alex Wetzel Torayja White Modison Wiese

Vann Wilson C h a n ce Wimberly R eag an Wiseman Danny Wood Katie W ood

Kimberly Wood Alex Wright Jeffery Yarger Sadie Vetter Brennen Zaragoza

Expressing himself through different avenues, Connor McKelroy (11) loves to I draw. J skateboard.' and play ' guitar.

Esmeralda Aleman Kathryn Anderson Nathan Anderson C h an ce Arndt Brycen Arnold M atthew Askew-Betts

Connor Bachert Ja c o b Bachert Silvia Baldasso Alyse Borboza Dalton Barfield Teofilo Barrientos

Desmonn Baughman Heather Baxter Ethen Bentley Randy Blackmon K aylee Blackw ood Madison Blair

Cam ille Blanton Kelsey Bolduc Daniel Bolton Alexandria Boswell Nyejha Bowen Caitlin Bower

Colten Box Christina Brady Ashlee Bragg Zoe Brooks Devin Brown Carson Burnett

J . ‘What is your favorite Subject ? r

W hy??? Tm Batman! Hahaha JK. though seriously I'm the only West Coast 6-bo/ In this sc/ioo/. Pretty popular in I he d a n ce c.onvTKinlty. I /ijsf dorif '■Iv'ie that

\i-1e 0/ I lie lA'Wh i'Ait il


am "My tnV 'fil> Mil,!".' 1 'I'

tC F :

"My favorite subject is English because I really enjoy writing," Johnny Johnny Joe Routon (10)


H is to r y 15 %


S c ie n c e

Garrison C a h a yla Arianna Camerlin Brandon Cam pbell f?yon C a p o ra le Sierra C ap orale Victoria Card o na

Dorion Chafin Julio Cherry Brittnoy Close Aleighcia Collins M arley C ooke Skyler Davidson

Antoina Davis Dovion Davis Jausiyn Davis Trenton De Celles M atthew Demel Ja c k Dewolf

Samuel Disney Tyler Domenici Kelsey Douglas Stephen Dulo Carissa Eckle MaKenzie Eddins

Caylin Ehlinger Ferdinand Eimler Bridgette Ellyson Eric Emro Avery Erickson Brett Parson

What do you enjoy most about being a sophomore?

C really en jo y all th e opporTunitles given to me throughout th e school

year. favorite thing about being a sophomore -Jonathan Jenkins (10) j]is that I am one year closer to graduation." ^-Marley Wiese (10)

"My favorite thing about being a sophomore is having more credibility and being taken more seriously as a student -Carissa Eckle (10)


Some people have a hard time ^ learning to | i | speak ^ another language but for Diana Martinez (11) being able to speak 3 languages is just a part of who she is.

O m H in ig i in h K tM


© goOM wsis SIM a My Mom

B a ld a sso


C h ip o lle





Never G iv e Up'


k Ellio t L e a l My Dad





C h risto p h e r My Dad


W h ip p le


Do your tiomework*

C a e s a rs



C le a n it

ctiang e

my w ay


R achel Faulkenbery Brittney Fehr Ja c o b Fennessy Kortney Fincannon Kc Foster Hannah Fountain

Brianne Fournier Hannah Freem en Jo ck Goibroith Mark G am ez Christina Gormon Breonno G arrett

Chloe Gibbs Grant Griffis Stormie Griffith Jasmine G uadalupe Khiern Ha Karo Hall

"I k e e p a dollar coin in my backpack



e h sB isi» m y :!



Using her love of art and design, Haieigh Karr (12) enjoys putting her sidlls to wort in tiie cuiinary arts ^program. A fashiion forward sense of style keeps Haieigh mixing vintage style with modern design.


in h )* M

^ V iH

y o u R

for g o o d luck,”

'i g

Je ssica Hambrook Logan Hammond Kharizma Hampton M akayla Hancock Desmond Hardy Denver Harlow

Jeffrey Harrell Poige Harris Daisy Henry Brian Herring Dylan Hibdon RJ Hickman

Jordan Hightower Darcy Hill Faith Hollingsworth Peter Holloman M ackenzie Hooker Alexis Hoover

Desiree Hoover Sam antha Horne Madison Hrabar Kenyon Isaacs Haiden Isom Floyd Paradize Jackson

C a leb Jam es Jordan Jam es Jonathan Jenkins Mitchell Jennings Soroh Jim enez Brian Johnson

my flute

my music


sh ee ts for

so I c a n

guitar in

p ra c tic e


w hen I


^ need

just b ecau se I w a n t to."


my dance shoes in my bag just in c a se I w a n t to bust a

7 am a daughter of a d ea f woman," ( says Kiley ( Armstrong i (11). Kiley's mom, Tina, is able to hear with the use of cochlear implants Kiley ar)d hei 3 sisters enjoy sports and dance there to S lJp pO i '


what are you watching on Netflix? AMERIOAN H © ee© e STQRY

Gossip Girl

J .g o s s i p g in _

d le e

Breaking Bad Grey's Anatomy

Criminal M inds L i . NHN^



Ovjs ITxmes What makes me unique is that i never give up. I always try harder. ^ Giving up is ® never an S option." ^ Sarah ^ Payton (9)

Ariana firande

Fall Out Boy

The Beaties


Taylor Swift E^ake


Maroon S


T h e B e a tle s





Luke Bryan

■ Rich Homie Quan

Who is

Jeram ie Jones Julie Jordan Jordon Kallio Brooke Kilgore Kaleb Koons Angela Lamb Christopher Lamberti Jo yd o Landwehr

Shelby Langford Elliot Leal Tokara Leornas Taylor Lewis Tervarin Lewis Hunter Lopez Andres Lugo-Gorza Robert M ackey

Dakota M ahaffey Kylee Manning Allyson Marek Austen Martin Tyler Martin Taylor Mash A veryano McDonald Zoie McKinnis

M akayla McMohill Hunter M enosco Brandon Mendez Lauren Miller Kristen Millsop Viera Mondragon Christine Moore Emily Moore

London Moore Ryann Moore Carm en Moredo Emily Morris Sable Morton Brooklyn Moudy Brooke Mullins Julia Musial

"Luke Bryan is my favorite artist because he is quite attractive, and because I really like his songs. One of my favorites w/ould hove to be 'Play if." -Lauren Miller (10) "My favorite artist is Deitrck Haddon becau se I love his voice, and he's very inspirational." -Paradize Jackson (10)

Probably the only student at BHS that can claim Tm Australian yayl" Libby Phllp (11)

Heather Pickett Joshua Potts C h an ce Pringle John Puentes Cristion Rangel Kennon Reed

Carios Revilla Nikole Reyes Koira Roberts Alexis Robinson Miguel Romero Kyle Rooffener

Jordon Ross G e orge Roth Johnny Jo e Routon Travis Russell Kylie Salyers Maroh Sanders

Tatum Sappington Keaton Schaefer Chesmun Schnick Sara Schroeder Scott Seword Madison Skinner

Olivia Skinner Christian Sluder Bryson Smith Domonic Smith Koitlyn Smith Ashley Stahr

( A '( y \ a


I Kcp uV )lican

Sophisticated Sopliomores

Philippians 4:13 "1 can do all things through Christ who strengthens

slied tlieir wisdom with

me," Nicl< Stone (10)

Inspirational "quotes”

7 love

politics. I‘m only 14 but I love paying attention to tt)e government and love debating." Hunter Runetiorg


You must never give Into despair Allow yourselves to slip down that rood and you surrender to your lowest Inslincts, In the darl<est times, hope is something you give yourself. That Is the rTieaning of inner strength," ;’andy Blaci<mon (10)

Dion Stew art Jr Alex Stokes Nick Stone Seth Tanner L a c e y Tatum Austin Threott

Derrick Tournay Kaci Trahan M ichoela Trebing D akota Trujilio Jessy Upchurch Selena Vasquez

Alex V e g a Cierra Villastrigo Dallas W abbington Joshua W addell Quvonna Warren Christopher Whipple

Jordan White Nicholas White Marley Wiese Anisso Williams M egan Williams Cam eron Wilson

Coieton Wilson W esley Wilson Brittany Wingord Lori Winney Alexis W ood Mason Wright

"I am very involved in ROTC. I love the structure and the things we do. I compefe in Judo to stay in shape. I arv enlisting in the i\avy and I also lost over 35 pounds to ready myself for the Navv. /XJL/ro Sheets


Destiny Alberts Genesis Alonso Summer Anciro C azh c Anderson Ja x x Bole Alejandro Borrientos

Kyle Borton Dalton Bayless Brittany Beasley Gabriel Bernal Govin Biddy Koren Biggs

Sara Birdwell Johnny Blevins Dylan Bolton Keianna Booth Sarah Bower C a d e Bradley

Ethan Brewster Dovid Brooks Alexis Brown Lance Browning Cohil Burlton R e b e cc a Burns

Tyler Calderon Kiersten Carlson Eli Carter Alexandra Castro Ryon Catherall Kyle Chancellor

'Being the Kenya-USA foreign exchange student' makes Eugene Wanyama ' (11) unique. 'IJfe experience is ix in g a i diiferer)t . 'Xiur\trix:t'. in

Colton De Celles Brody Dehnert Je n n a Derzapf Emily Dilbeck Bailey Dold Zachary Dudley

Kaitelyn Eddins Skylie Elliott Aaron Ermis Alexandria Espinoza A bby Felty Taylor Flockus

G eo rg e Fox Scott Frazier Dylan French M ichael Gom e Willow G arrett Dylan Garvin

vvp^ld you I w a n t to go to Rom e b e c a u s e I like th e history an d th e y h a v e ireally co o l larchitecture." - Aiiison Ricl<s

7 am a twin to Amber Pickett. I tiave 12 hens, 1 rooster, 1 ■ pig, 3 cats, | 3 dogs and ^ 4 horses aiong with my sisters hermit crab and neon fish." Ashley Pici<ett (9)


"i w ouid go to W ashington D C , b e c a u se th ey h o ve a lot of zoos" -Hannah Pellil<an(9)

.jtj.:- i

1 would h ave to say C o lorad o. I've never been skiing an d I love the snow so I w an t to go." -lan d o n M cDonaldf'?)

whats mg about "The most stressful thing about freshman ye ar to me is that the classes ore harder in high school than in middle school." Kyleigh KurszewskI (9 )

freshm an y e a r?

"Studying for oil of the tests and having a lot of hom ework." Jo e ly Moore (9 )

"It is time consum ing. You m keep track if your time." C c ^ y Wright (9 )

Ml of the tests w e h ave and sports. It'^ e ry tiring." Joylen

oil of the ting lost."


I'm not afraid to knit in pubiic. Wtienever i tiave down time, i knit hofs and ’ scarves and liopefuiiy learn more things to make." I Ginnie Potts ( 12)

The pressyi'e of passing all o' ■our te s t/ to stay in sports jn d gei^nto co llege." Arionn (9 )

Chase G a y Iris Gison Am ber Godinez Dawson Goins Kaden Golden

G u h ^ o it;^ Tm out going and I like maldng peop/e smile." Amber Plcl<ett (9) ^

Bryce Harris Dylan Harris Brandon HeiriZ Tristan Hembree Zachary Henderson A lexander Henson

Com ryn Hidoy C helsey Hill G alen Hili Kenley Hoff Tristan Hood Shane Huizenga

Sharon Hunter Dakota Isaacs S'ephen Jackson David Jolowy Ashlee Jansen M arco Jim enez

Olivia Johnson Bailey Jones Cole Jones Trey Jones Jo c e y Keeling Tim Keeton

Keonte Kendrick Robert Knighi Kvieigh Kurszewski Ashton


Jean-Rosem ond ' ' Ter Long

Carly Latham Koleigh Leovelle Kayrah Lee Randy Lee Jad ah Lennox Kasia-Elizabeth Lizama

Addison Lobaugh M ac Kenzie Logan Eron Long Haylee Long Nicholas Lowe Amber Loya

Austin Lucas Ruben Lugo-Garza David M ackey Kyiee M agee Hayden Major Carrington Manuel

Dylon Martin Maria Martinez Flores M icaela Masters Cam ille M athews Kayle Mathis C a se y M cCleskey


. Keeton Mills


Rochet Mills Sydney Miser G a g e Mitchell Paden Mitchell

What makes Hollie McMullen (12) unique Is 'how much I have changed ice my Ireshman m year. I am ©) now more grown up and '<;JS Jfl;



( jO


Galen Hill woukJ pul inoie money lowords all Hill jiio g iu n is

■,poiIs liolds

' iiul ijvms

Kayle Mathis says she would chang e the food, "We would have off cam pus lunches and a Storbucks in the librar\\'

Soda Mize Joely Moore Anisty Morales Isaiah Munoz Shyonne Newell Ciaro Nice

Damon Nugent Joshua O'Dell Zoliz Oliver Logan Owen Michael Porker-Zwart Soroh Payton

Keiyo P e a c e Lorrin Peigne Hannah Pellikan Ja yd e n Perez Emily Phiilips Am ber Pickett

Ashley Pickett Hannah Porter Jordan Potts Ethan Powell Westin Priddy Aaron Ramos

Alexis Reed Phillip Reich Allison Ricks Am ber Robbins G a g e Robbins Lauren Roberts

iJayden Perez would put vending machines in every haiiway and liave pep rallies for every sport, ^because every sport is just as important to our scliool.

Anisty Morales said she wouldn’t chang e a thing. Everything is oi<ay just the w ay it is. C lara Nice says she would try her best to stop bullying and m ake sure that cyber bullying won’t be an issue.

Being involved in agricuiturai activities is what mai<es Sineiby t Peters (12) , unique, "t . stiow pigs and I am the President of the FFA :


\:%.S "I lik e th e w a r m w e a t h e r , s w im m in g , th e c u t e c lo t h e s . T h e re s n o s c h o o l o r s tr e s s . Y o u c a n d o w h a t e v e r y o u w a n t! K e n le y H o ff(9)

7 absolutely love music. I play the flute and I really love it. I also sing in my churchs ’ ctioir. I love singing. I used to tap dance too so music was pretty much always in my life." Jordan I Potts (9) is Kenthusiastio % about life.

Do you prefer or Summer? I like c o ld w eath er m o re tlian hot. I like sn ow a n d to drink hot te a in the winter tim e. Ja sm in e Sherm an(9)

D©y@y n id# ©If ©yitsW# ? II



Inside " I love being outside because I enjoy fresti

Both "I like to be outside because I get to play soccer."

J o c k s o n Holt (9)


A m b e r L o > ^ (9 )

Hunter Runeberg Piper Rutledge Madaline Sales B re ece Schaefer Kylie Shawn Jasm ine Sherman Bree Sherrill Dylon Simpson

Garrison Spradlin C atherine Stubbs Abi Summers M acie Swanson Carolyn Thomas McKinley Thompson Trace Thompson K aylee Tinsley

Jaqlynn Toalson Andrew Toft Carlos Torres Layne Trout Ja c o b V ansp eybroeck Madison Varnier Brittany Vassar C J Vestal

Christina W ochter Kaitlyn W agner M aegan Walker G abrieile Watson Ti'Opera W ebb Brendee W estbrook Jalen White Shelby White

C o rey Wright Jordan Yelie M atthew Yetter

'■"/ like to be inside, but [frac/c is an outside

7 iove being outside



C a z h a A n d e rs o n (9)

because i iil<e to sl<ate

Tori L a n g (9)

Getting a Jump start on his future. Brennan Leslie (12) _ says that he S I is unique because "I'm taking two college classes as well as my I high school classes.' t^any students at BHS tai<e advantage of dual credit classes.

Stephanie Adams Tone Alley Brad Avens Adri Balis Les Boll Michele Barr

Allyson Baughman Michael Baughman Dellas Bayless John Blair Gloria Bond Marla Boswell

Erin Hinson Laurie Hollingsworth Cari Huffington Shannon Johnston Alex Koulovatos Anthony Lewis

Julie Lewis Rudy Martinez Jeannine Miller Missy Mire John Mitchell David Montgomery

} Moore Bradley Morris Kelli Morris Jam es Moseley Alicia Mulhore Danny Nix

Brad O wen C o b y Page Karen Phillips Erica Pitre Shono Poil< Tracy Pollard

Charles Pyle Mark Sanders Jacq ue line Sanderson Karen Sanderson Sherry Sands Bobby Sapp

il Taylor ndra Vallon

7 used to be in martial arts bott) karate and tae-i<won-d o. / plan on being an animator and I muslcian/c I omposer ' and study in Japan or somewhere in Europe,' Gabrielle Watson (9)

: It sounds like the ending of "The




circu m stan ces


Ideterm ine "who I am." During this iB re o k fa st Ciub" - high school students being aske d , "Who do youi^ school y e a r w e found th at w e are [think you are?" Going through t h e |t id e f in e d by the w a y w e tre a t others,

v « °f"Y o u o r e o m i l l i o n ' ’'’® learn ed

school pondering question am


I really?"


that to

and the life


e xp e rie n c e s th at w e

and has be

'determ ined .

.•- of



us won't


lijfiijw h o w e really are until

m uch


things but e ve ryo n e


alrea d y



\o u * I

million things


e v e ry o n e .■

c h o o s e s to s e e

cho o ses to see the^

th e th o u s a n d

lore not. W e can n o tj.

things yo u a re

although a fe w of us

must e m b ra ce .



thousand things you dwell on the things* we




e m b ra c e




jifigured it out. Who


w e ore now does not m ean thal is w ho w e will alw ay s

[m eets the



l,)e. Life will bring challen g es and

som ething to give,

ch a n g es, Ira g e d ie s and testim onies.

than fa c e value. B ren n a R u v a lc a b a

Everyo n e than we


w hat all hove

w e are more


O U t M M O IW




%■ _ t=


«m T "' “


When I was younger I ran into a wall and now I have a scar on my forehead i like Harry Potter.:)' “ '' Allison Rlci<s (9) ^1 D ll a i


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...to c h a n g e one's life, start im m e d ia te ly ...

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BucMug Qaa&t^,

Cuidm hloMti

Colophon 'he 2015 Edition of th e Derricl< Yeorbool< w a s c r e a t e d b y th e A d v a n c e d Yearbool< Pro d uctio n c la sse s a t Burl<burnett High Scho o i. Krista Fo rtn er, H aieigh Karr, Brenno R u v a io a b a , an d A n g e l Sims s e rv e d as class editors for th e b o ok. Keeping th e c re w on d e a d lin e w a s a d viso r M a n d y Eddins. Soles R e p re s e n ta tiv e T a m m y B ailey a n d A c c o u n t E x e c u tiv e T ra c y N o re n p r o v id e d t e c h n ic a l, c r e a t iv e a n d s a le s a d v ic e ,


4. ^

Balfour Publishing p ro d u c e d th e 184 size 8 b o o k a t th e D allas a n d El P a so , T e x a s fa cilities. This b o ok w a s c r e a t e d using StudioW orks a n d A d o b e P h o to sh o p . All subm issions w e re d o n e via th e inte rn e t. ^ ^ n' Student p h o to g ra p h y w a s p ro v id e d b y Life to u ch a n d C herish Studios. A d d itio n al p ho to s w e re p ro vid e d by R ichard C le a v e r a n d G o rd o n P h o to g ra p h y . Senior a d s p a c e sold for $35 an d business ad s sold for $ 5 0 /b lo ck . Books w e re sold Sp ecial th an ks to th e ad m in istratio n a n d sta ff of Burkburnett High Sch o o l for allow in g us to b e in an d out of classroo m s, particip atin g in our polls, a n d pro vid ing su p p o rt th ro u g h o u t th e y e a r. ur^ioi^h vn u To my y e a rb o o k ia n s .., (I h a te this p a rt) B ren n a, M e rc e d e z , Krista, H ayle y, A n g e l, P a ig e , B re -Y a n n a , an d Hoteigh - You ladies h a v e b e e n a p a rt of m y life for th e p a s t 3-4 y e a rs a n d I c a n 't im ag in e w alkin g into m y classro o m an d not seeing your fa c e s . I lo v e yo u S o o o o v e ry m u ch (e v e n w h e n yo u coil m e n a m e s or hit m e or lough a t m e ) You a re strong^ You a re sm art. Yo u a re m ine! A lw a y s in yo ur c o rn e r a n d a lw a y s yo ur b ig g e st fa n . K atie a n d Theo - You kn ew you w e re g e ttin g in to a n d yo u still c o m e b o c k ! A nd for th a t I am than kful. Yo u k e e p m e ° see w h a t is in sto re for us n e x t y e a r. Lo n e an d D a k o ta - senior y e a r a n d first y®<^'book year.^ ..W h J w e re .g to w ait so long to t a k e this c la s s ? l? l Hoha M uch su c c e s s an d h e a rtfe lt th an ks for yo ur . Emillty (b e c a u s e yo u h a v e b e e n re n a m e d ), Kiley, Z o e, R ya n , M arley, A nnie M adison, a n d Ai n 'w a vsi learning c u rv e a n d yo u all to o k it on with g ro c e a n d hard w o rk. Thank youl To ME an d my 9 .... My lo ve a_,waysj-----------

M addy

I can not being to tell you how proud I am of you and the beautiful young lady you have grown up to be. We love you very much, Love, Mom and KK

B r ic e J a n s - S t u t z ^ ^ ^

I) I N K - I \


(’ A K U V - 0 I I'

940-322-WING (9464)

I'm g la d yo u 're m y b ro th er. Y o u ore a lw a y s willing to help m e w ith h o m e w o rk a n d m y spo rts, I kn o w w e fig ht, but also kn o w w e lo v e e a c h o th er. I lo v e yo u b u b b o . L o v e , M odi

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0 Q


U Jfiy S TO



W in k le s »


H a y d e n M c L e lla n d

Congratulations Hayden on all you have accomplished, We ore so proud of you! Mom, Dad, and Trust in the Lord with ali your h eart, an d do not lean on your ow n understanding. In all your w a ys a c k n o w le d g e Him an d He shall d ire ct your paths. Prov, 3:5-6 W e are so proud of you! Lo ve, Mom, Dad an d Em m aK ate

lo u r tn e y W e a r y ^

^ ^

C o u rtn e y, w a tc h in g yo u g ro w into th e b e au tifu l young w o m a n y o u 'v e b e c o m e , w e co u ld n 't b e m o re proud to b e yo u r big sisters! W e k n o w you1l s u c c e e d in an yth in g yo u d o , W e will a lw a y s b e h e re for yo u. A fter all th at's w h a t b e st friends do!


H u n te r W h ite I I


" 5


Love yo ur big sisters, Sarah a n d Brittney

Je n n a R u v a lc a b a ^

^ ^

■Brenna, it is so hard to w a t c h m y !!ittle girl g ro w up but I am so ijOroud of th e yo u n g w o m a n you n a v e b e c o m e . A lw a y s re m e m b e r ;fhot life is e x p e r ie n c e ,,, so :3 xp e rie n ce life b y le arning from |t, laughing with it a n d living in it '-ove, D ad


M e r e d it h G o in s M ere #22 W e a re so proud of you a n d all yo u h a v e a c c o m p lis h e d . B e lie ve in yo urself a n d h a v e the c o u ra g e to follow your d re a m s. S p re a d yo ur w ings a n d fly. W e lo v e you. D ad , M om , & D aw so n

Jo rd o n

L o n d o n B o le King L o n d o n .O n c e a King alw ays a King am ong the wom en in his life. W e love you. N an ae, Mom, April & Am ber

W h a t w e a re is G o d 's gift to us. W h a t w e b e c o m e is our gift to God. Lo v e , Y o ur fam ily

S o m o n th o B u r n s ^

> ^

M ay ail your d re a m s c o m e true. Sho o t for th e stars! W e lo ve you! D a d , M om , A sh ie y &. Becl<ey

C o le B r a n tle y

Jo c o b e C o llin g

^ ^

Co le Brantley, You will alw ay s be my

^ ^

Our blessing

sunshine. You h ave grown into a very handsom e young m an. There is nothing you can n o t a c h ie v e so dream big and

'I ■


rea ch for the stars. W e Love You

indeed! Congratulations from Mom 8c Dad

Sunshine, Mom, G rand m a, and Lexie

K o sey Tim eS o m eth in g th a t should never be to k e n for g ra n te d , Today w e ch erish th e m o m e n ts th a t w e sp e n t lau g h in g , cry in g , loving o n e a n o th e r a n d m olding yo u into th e fine y o u n g m an yo u a re to d a y . Love, M om a n d D ad

C o / c e r>

"I hope your dream s ta k e you to the corner of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the w indow s of your opportunities, an d to the most sp ecial p la ce s your h eart has e ve r kno w n ,"' Author Unknown W e are so proud of you! Lo ve, Mom, Dad, Aaron and C a d e n

Sh a y n a h C h o u in a r d ^

W in te r D o n le y »

To our dear, sw e e t Shaynah, We are very proud of the beautiful young lady you have b eco m e ,


It's hard to a c c e p t my bab y girl is all grown up h o w ever ca n 't be prouder of the young w om an you've b e c o m e . K ee p G o d first in your life an d l<now th at I'll alw a y s be there for you no m atter w h a t this thing c a lle d Life m ay bring.

i Timothy 4; 12 Psalm 139:14 All our lo v e , M om a n d G ade

Lo ve, M om a

1---------- -----------

A dan D onaghey » M ayce R ae, You're such a precio us gift an d it's b e e n a blessing to w a tc h you m ature into a beautiful young lady! The light you c arry is an inspiration to e v e ry o n e and God has am azing plans for your life. G o m oke your dream s co m e true! Love Dad, Chosity, Mom and John

Sh a n n o n D e e L a n d re th



A d an , my wonderfully silly, fun-loving son. W e ore so proud of you. Continue to love life like you do and you will go for. W e love you. Mom, Heath & fam ily


W a y to g o b u g . A u n t L o re n e , S h a y le e , T o n ia, a n d I a re so proud of y o u . D a d g a v e yo u e v e ry th in g yo u n e e d e d a n d he is so h a p p y yo u a c h ie v e d yo u r g o a l of g ra d u a tin g a n d he Is here w ith yo u , P a p a a n d G ra n n y a re p ro u d of yo u for m a kin g It 12 y e a rs In sch o o l, B u b b a is also p ro u d of yo u .


T y le r F a r s o n »

S u m m e r E w in g


Our hearts are full as w e w a tc h you rea ch this milestone. Stay strorig in your faith and l<eep shining your light, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fe ar of the future," Proverbs 3 1 :25

"W h at? You m e a n I c a n p la y in th e Bulldog Brigade?" C o n g ra tu latio n s Tyler. W e lo ve you v e ry m u ch. K e e p smiling your co n ta g io u s smile an d n e ver lose your jo y. -D ad , Mom & Brett.

Love you more, sw ee te st girll Mom, Dad, and Zane

K r is ta F o r tn e r W h a t to sa y a b o u t m y d a u g h te r Krista Fortner. It has b e e ri a jo y to w a tc h yo u g ro w into th e w o m a n you ore t o d a y , Y o u a re b e a u tifu l, sm art, ca rin g a n d v e ry g e n e ro u s with yo u r n a tu re , Y o ur ste p fa th e r a n d I a re v e ry p ro ud to ca ll o u rselves your p a re n ts, /

•-Jt*I s ^ K*'^1?Vii

W e a re so p roud of th e w o n d erfu l y o u n g m an you h a v e b e c o m e . D ad , R e n a e , Brody, Britanny, Pop s, G ra n n y , C la y & P e g g y

Gu//cer »

You have really made me proud and I'm so excited for your future. Love you lots, Morn

.............................................................. ..............................................



P a ig e G

jfiocf/e G a h i a g a n

G o rre tf







are so proud of our little girl. You have grown up to be a beautiful young and very talented young w'oman. We have been blessed to hove you in our lives and look forward to a new adventure with you. r

Love, Mom, Dad, Grandm a and G ran d p a- -

C h r is G u n n How did it g e t so ia te so s o o n ? It's night b e fo re it's a fte rn o o n , D e o e m b e r is h e re b e fo re it's Ju n e , My g o o d n e s s h o w th e tim e has fie w n . How did it g e t so la te so s o o n ? -Dr, Suess Ju st y e s t e r d a y y o u w e re startin g K in d e rg a rte n , -W e L o v e You! M om a n d D a d

B re -Y a n n a »


G u tie r r e z

B re -Y a n n a , It has b e e n a b lessing w a tc h in g yo u g ro w uf & d is c o v e r the w orld o n e d a y a t a tim e . This is just th e b e g in n in g , so k e e p yo u r fa ith & m o k e this w o rid yours! Th an k yo u for b eing a w o n d e rfu l d a u g h te r a n d roie m o d e ! for your sisters. W e a re so p ro u d o f yo u & wil! a lw a y s lo v e yo u , "Infinity & B eyo n d !" - M om , D a d , Y o ie n o & G y a n n o

\T e cli H a n c o c i <

■ P a r k e r H a lv e r s o n ^ W e a re so proud of th e yo u n g la d y you hove b e co m e . It's hard to se e m y b a b y all g ro w n up! N e v e r sto p b e lie v in g In yo ur d re a m s a n d k e e p re a c h in g for th e storsl W e lo v e yo ul M om , D a d , K yle, Briana, a n d yo ur b a b y b o y Jo se p h

? Dream it, then live it, j and alv\/ays keep it I even, Morr^, Dad, Pierce, Perry, Pryce

J e s s i c a H e in z »

K a ra M ille r >


> ^

^ afraid of the branch breaking

My beautiful dancer! I'm so very

b e c a u se her trust is not on the

proud of the young lady you

branch but its own wings.

hove b e co m e and the accom plishm ents you have

Alw ays b elieve in yourself. W e

a ch ie v e d . Keep reaching for your

ore so proud of you and will miss your smiling fa c e ! Best of

dream s, as I know you will. Alw ays know I'm here for youl I'm

luck on your new ad venture.

a proud mom! Love youl Mom

Lo ve, Mom and Mr, Rick

H a y le y H a rtn e s s »


So proud of you buggie for beirig so smart and stayir^g on the right path to success for your future. When you were born I w as blessed with an amazing, brilliant, beautiful girl. Love you. Mom Alw ays and forever

B ry a n L e w is



M a d is o n J o n e s j ,

Bryan, w e love you m ore thorn w ords co n soy, -Mom & Dad “Strive not to be a su cce ss, but rather to be of value."



W e wish you the stregth to fa c e challen g es with c o n fid e n c e ...a lo n g with the wisdom to cho o se your b attles carefully. Listen to your heart and tol<e risks wisely. A lw ays rem em ber how m uch you ore loved W e ore all so proud of youl

-Albert Einstein

A lly s o n H a r d a w a y ^

> >

C a le b Ja n s e n


> Y o u a re an a m a zin g yo u n g m a n a n d w e kn o w it's only tine b eg in n in g , G o d is writing a b eoutifui story in a n d with your iife! W e c a n ’t w a it to s e e tine

"The future belongs to those w ho b e lie ve In the b e a u ty of their dream s." -Eleonor R o o sevelt May you a lw a y s sta y true to your h eart, b e lie ve In yourself, an d e m b ra c e your dreom s. W e ore so proud of the beautiful person you h o ve b e c o m e an d blessed to hove you os our daughter!

n e x t c h a p te rs . Lo v e you so m u ch ll -M o m ,D ad , & A shley

All our Love, Mom and Dad

H a le ig h K a r r ^

> >

A n g e ia O r tiz ,

We are so proud of

You h o ve b e c o m e a

your acco m plishm ents

strong an d beautiful

thus for. You h ave

w om an who I am

fa c e d m any tribulations

proud to coll

and h ave o ve rco m e

jDoughter. I love you

y o u n g la d y th a t is a m e n to r I

them all. I know you will

the m ostestl

fo r y o u r sisters!


ach ieve all of your

Love M om ,Lan ce ,

L o v e y o u , [V lom & D ad


future goals and be

an d the Boy

successful in all you do.

So p ro u d o f y o u b a b y girl. Y o u h o v e g ro w n to b e o fa ith fille d a n d s w e e t

M a d is o n J o n e s ^ ^ ^

Mein Schatz, Mein Liebling, you will be that always in my heart. We are so proud of you, Love, Mom and Randy

:ongratulations! W e are so proud of the young man you h ave b e co m e . Believe in yourseif and l<eep •eaching for your goals. You wiil do m any g re at things in your iife, Aiw oys rem em ber how m uch w e iove you and how proud w e are of you. Love, Mom and Dad

A u s t in J i m e n e z ^ ^ ^ Austin, W e a re so p roud of you! Y o u h a v e b roug ht so m uch jo y to our lives. K e e p follow ing your d re a m si W e lo ve you a lw a y s . M om , M ich ae l, G ra n t, B la ke , M e m e a n d Liz

W e a re so p ro ud of y o u . K e e p it up! W e lo v e yo u, D a d , Po p s, A u d re y a n d G ra n d m a

\D a y t o n

J o s e f/ You've got a friend in me. You got troubles I've got 'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. W e stick together, w e can see it through 'cause you've got a friend in me, love you bubba.

C h a se K u rsze w k si

C h a se K u rsze w sk i

Our 1st grandchild, ori 1 1/20/1996 w e thought r^o w a y could w e love you m ore. W e w a tc h e d you grow into the wonderful, sm art, b ig h earted , caring, hardworking, leve l-h e ad e d young m an you are. Proverbs 3:4-6 "can w e just throw her in the Riber?” Love, P a p a & N ana

C h a se K u rsze w k si »

C haser, W e love you so much, Meme and Pope are so proud of you. Still bagging all the good things out of life. Keep G od first and you future will be bright. Read 2 Timothy 2:3-7


C h a se K u rsze w sk i



B u b b a , Y o u ore so h an d so m e and ta le n t e d . W e h a v e our fights, isn't th a t w h a t b ro th ers a n d sisters d o ?

C haser, W e are so proud of you! Lo ve you bigger than the m oon! You v e oiwoys b e e n ch arism atic, co u rag eo u s, and courteous with a h eart of gold and a smile th at glows! Don't m ess th at ch e ch y hair up! You will do GREAT things! Lo ve, Aunt Baby, Uncie Shanky Kyson & K ab rey

Through th ick a n d thin w e h a v e e a c h o thers b a c k , I h o p e yo u g o fa r in life, I lo v e you turd.

Congratulations Chaser, W e ore proud of you and oil your accom plishm ents! May you have on even brighter future. Love Uncle Jo e , Aunt Tam, Kaleb and Abbie

Lo v e your sissy, Kyleigh

C h a se K u rsze w sk i Son, W e c lo s e d our e y e s but for a m o m e n t a n d su d d e n ly a m a n sto o d w h e re a b o y used to b e . Y o u r sm ile has b rig h te n e d our lives. W e p ra y for p ro te c tio n on yo u r jo u rn e y . Listen to yo u r h e a rt. W e o re so p ro u d of you! L o v e A lw a y s , M om a n d D ad Jo s h u a 1 :9

G a r r e t t L iffic k


B r y a n L e w is



^ ^ ^

H a y d e n M c L e lla n d Hayden & Bryan, You guys have been friends your whole life, W e pray you continue this Garrett, Most people only Hope to meet their favorite musician, we r^sed ours! We re proud! God Bless!

unique friendship of yours for the rest of your lives, M&D McLelland and Lewis

(-m, ]A^ t

R ia n a M c M u r r e y '^


^ ^

Rlana, w e've alw ays m arveled a t how

R ia n a ,

som eone who Is normally shy and reserved, has never hesitated to step

I'm p ro u d of

up and try everything you h ave passion


for. Continue being fearless and alw ays


follow your life's passions, and you will hove alrea d y su c c e e d e d . Love, Mom end Dad

l\ / le r c e d e z M o r g a n »


M ercedez w e are so proud of you and the young lady that you have b eco m e . May all your dream s co m e true. Alw ays follow your dream s and don't ever give up. W e love you so much. Love Nana & Pap a



M a ra n d a O v e rs tre e t »


A le x P a tty »


VVe a re v e ry p ro u d of you! B e h e v e in yo urself a n d a n y th in g is p o ssib le W e lo v e you! M om, D a d C o ie D alto n

p ro u d o f tl^e w o n d e rfu l y o u n g fTiQn y o u h o v e b e c o m e . W a t c h in g y o u g ro w h a s b ro u g h t g r e a t jo y to o u r life W e k n o w G o d h a s g r e a t p la n s fo r y o u W e lo v e y o u ,

- Mom ond Dod -

A le x P a tty A le x , Thank yo u for b e in g a g o o d b ro th e r, i am Proud of you. L o v e y o u . Bub

E m ile a P e o p l e s »


A le x

IS ^ || 1 1

P o ff/> > > You ST' ^ avs ■ ■ '^0 ' c ' ze w

Err 8 0 Yc'-. h o ve Carr’s o o "g w a y frorr, v/hsn you v je 'e

'-'O r

e g:" W e


are sc c o ^ a c f you o'^d v/hcT you ve b e c c rr e .

*y. vVe G'0 50 ve^y

y o ^ O'-

you hove o e c o T 's Y c ^ v s s s ' y c

in " r e _o"o a n a you^

geo s 0"'0 i<ncw yc^ v/ ' "o lev/

farrHy an a yc^ v/iii c e o si^ccess

'hro^g"" ^O' o s^ocess'u, o ve you so v e 'y ~ - c h

Love, 3o o , ^y^cn^, .o rrrn y , W o " & on

K a d e M u lle n s >


'o w ^ o w & N'ov/iVovy


*s r'o^d 'o c s e v e g 'o o u o iio n is o ireao y " 8 'e , Y o ij'v e g o n e frorr a ^ooo'ing c ^e e ye d , bionoe hair c o y v/ith o oop to o ST^ong, loving im oressive mon w m o h u g s gnn. W e o rs oroua o ' you, K s e p Chns’' oenie^ed in your life an d He vyig jia e your o arh Lo ve, D a a ono Mom

— /q ^ f


B la k e A l l e y ^

> ^

Bub, we are so proud of you. We can't believe you're graduating already, We are so proud of the man that you've beoorme, and can't vy/ait to see v\/hat the future holds for you! Love, Mom and Rondi

D u s t in a n d D a l t o n A n d r e w s

Dustin and Dalton, You have been the "new kids' 10 times due to the military, yet you have handled each new adventure with true grit, You may be called "twin" but you two are definitely "One of a Kind", We can't wait to see where your plans lead. Love, Mom 8c Dad


B a le s >


Z a c h , W e a re so p ro ud of th e fine y o u n g m an you have becom e! W e look fo rw a rd to se e in g th e n e x t c h a p t e r in your life, W e lo v e you! Lo ve, M om a n d D ad

K o d y A n d e rso n

> > ^ T h e r e fo re d o n o t c a s t o w o y your c o n f i d e n c e , w h ic h h a s g r e a t r e w a rd . For y o u h a v e n e e d of e n d u r a n c e , so th a t after y o u h a v e d o n e th e will of G o d , y o u m a y r e c e i v e the pro m ise. H e b re w s 10:35-36 W e a r e so p ro u d of youl L o v e , D a d , M om , a n d Sis

S h a w n a B la c k s h e a r

C o d y B ra g g >

You h a v e brought so m uch jo y to our lives. W e are so proud of you! May life surrournd you with all the bright colors an d love th at you bring to oil those around you! W e love you so m uch, Mom, Sh ayla, P o p p y, G ingie, and G randm om m y


C o d y b e a r , W e a r e so I p r o u d of t h e m a n yo u ■ h a v e b e c o m e . The w orld is yours to c o n q u e r a n d th e r e is a b s o lu t e ly n othing yo u c a n ' t d o , R e a c h for th e stars kiddo! W e lo v e y o u so m uch. M o m , D a d a n d A s h le e

You ore our sunshine "Chelsea Bug!" W e ore very proud of the young wom an you have b eco m e, Keep reaching for the stars! W e love you, Love, Mom, Dad, M ichaela, Granny, Pap a, Aunt "D", Brooke & Zachary, Cheryl, Noel, Nelson, Anthony, Daddy

You have o verco m e so many obstacles - you m ake us proud! W e hove been blessed with your quick wit and humor. W e love you very much! Mom, Dad and Adam

A n d re w S e a le »

> Congratulations, Andrew! W e love you beyond measure and ore so proud of you, Your journey has just begun, Just keep reaching for the stars.

M a r ia V e l a ^

> ^

I alw ays w an ted another little girl, and G o d g a v e me you Kayia, "The angels w ere there the night you w ere born," -Love G rand m a and G ra n d p a

So unique and full of life. You ore one in a million, "To the world you m ay just be one person, but to one person you m ay be the world," -Love, Mom, Bubba, & your do ggie sisters

Maria (Mimi), You have and will aiw ays be the twinl<ie in our eyes, We oniy see that twinkle getting brighter alongside your future, W e love you to the moon, stars and beyond,,, Daddy, Momma Nikki 8c oil your Bro's and Sissy's _ ........ ................

L a u ra S h e e ts Four generations of strong w om en. W e hand you the baton, RUN with it. With Love, G reat G randm a Roddy To our daughter Laura, W e ore so proud of you. It’s time for you to m ove on and m oke your own life. W e are so proud of you

I I , ,, r; Mom and Dad

G od put us on Earth not just to be sisters but also best friends, "I get the big room no w ,” Love, Jen

To our Laura, it seem s like just ye ste rd a y w e held you in our arms. Now you are read y to fly. H ave fun. Be h ap p y. Do som ething wonderfuil With oil our love, G rand m a & G ra n d p a Randolph

C o u rtn e y W e a ry


It has b een such a pleasure to w a tch you pursue your dream s, The last few years have been challenging; h o w ever, you h a ve m a n a g e d to co nq uer and for that I am so proud of you. May your sw eet heart a lw ays find happiness. Love, Mom

G r a n t P h iillip s »


D a k o d a P e te rso n »


I g u ess things n e v e r change! W h a t a blessing you h a v e b e e n . Yo u a lw a y s k e e p on smiling. W e lo v e yo u. M om a n d D ad "My how tim e flies. You're my b ab y girl oil grown up." - Mom

A ly s s a V illa n u e v a



W e are so proud of you Alyssa! Love, Dad, Mom, and Ricky

S / T e / b )7 p e fe r s > ^ i^

W e a re so proud of th e y o u n g la d y you h o v e b e c o m e . Your smile lights up a room . W hen g ive n o b s ta c le s you p u sh ed on, a n d w h en you w e re a w inner, you h a d g ra c e . Your tim e os a c a te rp illa r has e x p ire d , Your w ings a re re a d y ! W e lo ve you! M om , M ark & D alton

B r ie R u n e b e r g

> > >

I can't believe it's already time to start letting you go! No m atter where life takes you, w e will alw ays be here for you, my Beauty. May God alw ays guide your path. W ell have tears as you take off, but we'll ch eer os you fly! Love you more than ch ocolate! Mom and Dad

E ste b a n

/?/o s> > >

Esteban it is so hard to b eiieve tlia t you are now a senior. You ore tlie best son o m other could osl< for. i cm so proud of you and ca n 't w ait to see w h a t the future hoids for you. Love, Mom and Lauren

E m ily S im m o n s >



Y o u ore so lo v e d a n d w e a re so PROUD of y o u . Y o u will a lw a y s h a v e our lo v e a n d su p p o rt. M om , D a d , a n d your sisters A d d is o n W a rre n »


You are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. You are a rare jew el. W e are so proud of V- 'u ond w e love you more “ ' you will ever know, Mofii >:inci bad


M ic h a e l R o g e r s

Son, Continue to Ploy and Work Hard! May God alw ays w atch over You and Your dreams! Always your #1 Fans, Love, Mom and Dad

J o r d a n R u t le d g e Jo rd a n , W e a re so th a n k fu l G o d c h o s e us to b e yo u r p a re n ts , Y o u ore su ch on a m a z in g y o u n g la d y ! H a v e faith in G o d a n d yo u rself a n d you c a n a c c o m p lis h a n y th in g . A lw a y s fo llo w yo u r d re a m s . W e a re so p ro u d of y o u a n d lo v e yo u v e ry m u ch i L o v e , M om , D a d & kelsi

B re n n a R u v a lc a b a Brenna, you are a precious gift from God! I am very proud of you. Keep following your dream s and a lw ays know how much you are loved, Jerem iah 29:11 Love, Mom

IB re n n a

R u v a lc a b a »

1 Brenna Lyn, you h a v e grown up too quick. I rem em b er the d a y Mom an d Dad told me I w as going to be 0 big sister I would not be the person I am to d a y without you You are my Anna, S e eester, and Thing 2 Love you to Infinity and Beyond Lo ve, Beth



Acheson, Kylee 30, 128, 179 Adams, Clayton 128, 178 Adams, Stephanie 152 Adams-Kurtzhals, Riley 9, 28, 103, 128. 18 Adamson, Angela 120, 184 Agong, Rechille 120 Agosto. Joshua 23, 46, 109, 128, 131 Albarella, Maria 28, 106, 107, 117, 128 Alberts, Destiny 79, 144 Alberts, Kristen 86, 128 Alem an, Esmeralda 65, 136. 179, 184 Alfred. Katie 17, 98, 108, 128. 179 Allen. Whitney 120 Alley. Blake 120, 172

Baber, Addison 82 Bachert, Connor 11, 75, 136 Bachert, Ja c o b 10, 11, 104, 117, 136, 181 Boiley-Meores, C helsea 17, 96, 112, 120, 173 Boidasso, Silvia 136, 138 Bale, Ja x x 75, 144, 179, 181 Bale, London 6, 71, 120, 162 Boles, Conner 71, 97, 128, 178 Bales, Zach 46, 57, 120, 172, 180 Balls, Adri 152 Ball, Isaac 50, 102, 109. 110, 128, 181 Boll, Les 152 Boncovitch, Anno 128 Barbozo, Alyse 87, 136, 184

Bigford, Trey 6, 14, 73, 120 Biggs, Karen 144, 184 Billinger, Mikoila 14, 16, 24, 52, 53, 93, 109, 119, 120, 180, 183 Birdwell, Sara 12, 144, 184 Bittiker, Brittany 128 Block, Hope 100. 101, 128 Block, Ryon 25 Blackm on, Randy 66, 136, 142, 182 Blacksheor, Showna 28, 120, 173, 184 Blackw ood, Koylee 92. 136 Bloir, John 152 Blair, Madison 11. 76, 77, 136 Blanton, Cam ille 41, 136, 182 Blanton, Chrissy 27, 106, 107, 120 Blevins, Johnny 144 Bliton, Brittaney 45, 128, 184 Bolduc, Kelsey 136 Bolf, Pete 7, 120, 178 Bollinger, R e b e c c a 128 Bolton, Daniel 136 Bolton, Dylan 100, 144 Bond, Gloria 19, 152 Bonnin, A m anda 102, 114, 128, 129

M atthew Askew-Betts, Tristan Niles, Hayden McLelland, Brandon Ingram, Ctirls McDonald, Rizonn Hendricks Bryan Lewis, Mason Everett, Dalton Andrews, Blair Howtiiorne, Adan Donagtiey, Mitctieil lennings, Koiby Youngblood, Joshua MoRoe, Eric Sheiby, Ty Cosodos, Mdrquls A skew, Koiten French, Braxton Bowie, Michael Brooking, Brennan Mullins, Keaton Spradlin, Dylan Grider, Colby Titus, Mott Holcomb, Shaun Partridge, Danny W ood, Chantz Burlton, Ja c o b Boswell, Colton r'erve n ka Noah Henderson, Dustin Andrews, Chris Lopez, Conner Boles, Justin M cC racken, Zach RIngwood, Chris Gunn, Pete Bolf, Blaze Williams, Alex Dominguez, Brennen Zaragoza, Ja m e s Gill,

Brooks, William 68, 73, 85, 128 Brooks, Zoe 56. 113, 136 Brown, Alexis 144 Brown, Devin 136 Brown. Modi 128 Browning, Lance 46, 75, 144, 181 Brummett, Galen 128 Bruner, Haley 106, 107, 120, 184 Bryant, C o d y 128 Bueno De Oliveira, 121 Burgess, Charles 6, 121 Burlton, Cohil 144. 179 Burlton. Chontz 26. 114, 121. 178 Burnett, Carson 136, 184 Burnett, Jordan 121, 162 Burnett, Joshua 128, 129 Burns, R e b e c c a 144 Burns, Sam antha 72, 121, 162 Bush, Mondi 128, 184

Trace Thompson, Diego McCullough, Christian Anderson, Carios Torrei Dylan Martin, Andres Lugo-Gorzo, Josh M cRae, Eugene W onyam a, Brandon Heinz Jackso n Holt, M atthew Yetter, Derrick Tournay, Kody M ahaffey, Colbi Titus, Alejandro Barrientos C a leb Turner. Jo ck Galbraith, Ferdinand Eimler, Jam es Panhorst. Loyn? Trout. C am eron Lueck, JR Lambert

Bryce Lewis

‘When I was little my bone came out of my arm wtilte I was on the trampoline Alyssa Rott) (9)

M akaylo Wolf, Darcy Hill, Brie Runeberg, K ayla M eany, Kennon Reed, Kaitelyn Eddins, Megan Eddins, Kotelyn Grimes, Paige Hughes ^ Davion Davis, Dorion Chafin, Colten Box, Derrick Tournay, Grant Griffis, Domonic Smith, Garrison Sysor^'Snith Stephen Dula, RJ Hickman, Trace Davis, C h a n ce Arndt, G o b e Jarrett Jessy Upchurch, Bryan Jones, Rober! M ockey, Ethen Bentley. Keaton Schaefer, Kody M ahaffey D, Montgomery, G , Martin, B, Sapp, T. Strlngfellow, C , Page, R, Hendricks, S, Boswell, J, Thetford, C . Rickman

Alley, Tona 152 Alonso, Genesis 65, 144, 179 Anciro, Summer 49, 144, 184 Anderson, Cozho 30, 144, 151, 181 Anderson, Christian 128. 178 Anderson Kathryn 30, 136, 184 Andefson, Kody 25. 46, 47, 118, 120, 172 Anderson, Nathan 136, 184 Andfowv DaHon 7, 91. 120. 172, 178 A ndiew v Duslin /, ?1, 120, 172, 178 Andrews. Pirhord 120, 1/3 A[,pl'-‘Ujn Emily 1 7 88. 9B, 109, 128 Arny.tfong, Jock 8,'1 /■rnisUong, Klioy 9H, 99, 1';«, 139 A iiidl, H ,';/•■ /4. 84 136, 178 /•rt,r>|rj, I3fvt,,;n 136. 1.'^9, 1H1. 184 Motqur. ?1, 68. 12H 162, / ■k'"-,v l-'-H ^'^rJtll'lr‘w 1:'/), 1 /H A v fi,'. I'r.-nl /',• If,;.

Barfield, Dalton 66, 67, 84, 136, 182 Barnes. Trevor 74, 128 Barr, Alysia 15 Barr, Michele 15, 24, 152 Barrientos, Alejandro 144. 146, 178 Barrientos, Teofilo 136 Barron, David 28, 63, 178 Bartin, Sydney 128 Barton, Kyle 89, 144, 179 Bartoii, Madison 128 Bates, Delanie 24 Baughmnn, Allyson 152 iioughfnan, Desmonn 56, 136 Boughnion, M ichael 15. 152 [Hixlei, llo olher 136, 184 hcyless, Dallas 152 lUjylo'.s, IDalton 144 154 Beasley, Brillany 144 184 flet.ker, Charlie 128 n(Mill0y. R h e n 11. 136, 1/0 UoMial, Cabriol 36, 144 178 Bliulycin nidnnu 90 120 IUJ lIy C-avln 101 144 Bkl.iy I .inn :’lt

First Row Brett Forson, G e orge Roth, A lex V e g a , Bailey Jones Secor Row Connor Williams, Bloke Stockinger. Nick Fullen. Mike Rogers, Gabriel Bernal Kyle Rooffener , Third Row C o d y Murdock, Christoph' Lamberti, Mark Gom ez Hunter Clark, London Ryalls Tyler Domenici Fourth Row Dylan Hibdon, Justin Edwards , C a le b Jansen, Jo ck DeWolf, Juan C am pos,

Booth, Keianno 144 Boswell, Alexandria 136 Boswell. Ja c o b 25, 71. 128. 178 Boswell, Marla 29, 152 Boswell, Scott 152 Bowen, Ashleigh 6 14 3 8 .3 9 ,4 3 ,1 1 1 ,1 2 0 ,1 8 2 , 183 Bowen, Nyejha 136, 183 Bower, Caltlln 136 Bower, Sarah 144 Bowie, Braxton 17, 69, 128 178 Box, Colten 68, 136, 178 B oyce Ja c o b 6, 28, 73 107 Bradley, C a d e 77. 144, 179 Brady, Christina 136, 184 Bragg, Ashlee 10, 28, 45, 79, 136, 139 184 Bragg, C o d y 45, 120, 173 IVanlley, C o le 31. 120, 162 Brewster. Efhan 144 181 Bridges. Kiono 82 Brock Holey 14. 120 Broniloy, Blake 128 Brooking M ichael 97. 109. 128. 131, 178 Blocks, David 144

C a g le . Kristyn 152 C a h o yla Garrison 137, 178 Caldero n. Tyler 49. 144, 181 Comerlln, Arianno 17, 38. 52, Cam eron. Eliza 78 12S. 129. Cam pbell. Brandon lo7 C am po s. Juan 128. 178 C a n a d a . Kolll 121 C anh am . Aaron o3 64. 109 C a p e s. Christopher 128 C a p o ra le . Ryan 98 137 C ap oro le, Sierra 11. 90 137, C ard o na, Victoria 137 Carlson, Kieisten 144 184

137, 180. 182 184

128 184


carter. Eli 144, 179. 181 ' Carter, Larry 152 j Casados, Ty 128 178 ; Cossidy, Alexis 19 121 Castro. Alexandra 55. 144 180 181. 182 ‘ Castro. C am eron 15, 152 Castro. Daniel 70. 95, 121 , Castro-Borchert Ross 121 Catheroli. Kori 128 Catherali. Ryan 144 Ceiy. Keri 39 152 Cervantes. Maria 128 Cervenko Colton 128, 178 Cerveny, Jeffery 121 Chafin. Darion 56, 137, 178. 180 Chancellor Kyle 144. 184 Chandler, Elizabeth 121 Cherry, Julio 137 Chilenski, Alex 129. 184 Chouinard. Shaynoh 6, 12 1,163 . 178 Chumley, Elizabeth 129 Clampitt, Grant 121 Clark, Hunter 37, 62, 129. 178 Close. Brittnoy 137

Donley, Winter 42. 122, 163, 183 Doty. Andi 15. 152 Douglas, Kelsey 137, 181 Dowling. Phillip 152 Doyal, Bailey 179 Dudley, Taylor 28, 106. 129, 131 Dudley, Z achary 145 Dulo. Stephen 137. 178 Dunem, Anthony 130 Dunsmoor, Devin 122 D'Onofrio, M addy 28, 42. 121. 160, 182. 183 Doii<er. Robert 152 Dallas, Emily 13. 144 182 Davidson, Brianno iO V 121 184 Davidson. Collin 144 Dovidson, Hannah 129 Davidson. Skyler 137 Davis, Antoina 137 179 Dovis. Brad 152 Davis. C o urtn ey 89 144.184 Davis, Danielle 39, 53, 82, 1 10, ' ■ *1. 121 126, 180, 182 Davis, Davion 36. 75. 137 1 78 Davis, Giovanni 46, 47. 129. 180

Kylee Acheson, Madison Jones. Ginnie Potts. Diana Martinez. M arando O verstreet, Kotle Alfred, Alex M cG ah a, A ng ela Ortiz. M okayla C o rey, Meredith Goins, M arley C o o k e, Alysso Roberts, Allyson Morek. Brooke Mullins, Emileo Peoples, Mia C o o k e , M odeloine Johnston, Jailene Lopez, Ashlee Jansen, Sam antha Horne

Eckle, Corisso 10. 48, 49. 55, 111. 1 13. 137, 18G Eddins, Kaitelyn 97, 145, 178. 179 Eddins, MaKenzie 1 1, 44, 49. 68. 137, 143. 184 Eddins, Mondy 29, 152



Faber, Annie 31. 130 Forson, Brett 137, 178. 184 Farson. Tyler 122, 164, 184 Faulkenbery. Rachel 28, 138, 184 Fehr. Brittney 138 Fehr. Chose 122, 184 Felty. Abby 12. 145. 184 Fennessy. Ja c o b 93. 138 Fennessy, Jordan 83. 122 Ferguson, M ercades 70. 122 Ferry. Lauren 109. 130 Fincannon, Kortney 138 Fischer. Amy 152 Flockus, Taylor 145

Madison Steich. Dallas W abbington, Savonno Gourd , Antoina Davis. Bree Sherrill. Am ber Godinez, iris Gison, Esm eralda Alem an, Piper Rutledge, Sara Posada, Emily Moore, Comryn Hiday, Viera Mondrogon, Genesis Alonso. Jordan Potts

'"WHen I was ^ little I would go In to the kitchen, take out everything from the cabnet, and put my ® stuff in the cabnet and baslciy live there." :£ Emily ™ Dilbeci ^ M akoylo Wolf, D arcy Hill. Brie Runeberg, K ayla M eany, Kennon Reed, Kaitelyn Eddins. M egan Eddins. Katelyn Grimes, Paige Hughes Westin Priddy. Col Major. Logan O w en. Carrington Manuel, Isaiah Martinez, Colin Criswell. Elliott Roldan, Koden G o lden, M atthew Y etter, Robert Knight C ho se G a y , Ashton Locoss, Cohil Burlton. Ja x x Bale. Dylan French. Nick Low e, C a d e Bradley, Dowson Goins, M ichael Parker, Eli C arter A ndrew Toft, Dylon Simpson, M arco Jim enez, London M cDonald, Shone Huizengo G e o rg e Fox, T ra ce Thompson. Kyle Barton, Hunter Runeberg

Cluley. Lindsey 23. 29. 152 Coble, Leslie 111, 152 Coker, Kasey 110, 121, 162. 181 Collins. Aleighcio 100, 101, 137 Collins. Dillon 86, 144 Collins, Ja c o b e 65, 121. 162 Cook. Jo e 152 Cook, Victorio Cook, Weston 129 Cooke. Amy 15. 152 Cooke. Marley 57, 60. 137, 179. 182 Cooke. Mia M . 38, 39, 60, 111, 114, 127, 144, 179, 182 Cooper, Arias 82 Cooper, Melissa 152 Corey, Kyle 144 Corey, MoKaylo 1 2 1 179, 184 Corona, Am elia 144 Corsaut. Colby 12 1 124, 18 1 184 Cox. Brody 129 Cox, Joylen 13, 59. 144, 146 Crawford, Dw ayne 58, 181 Criswell. Colin 144, 179

Davis, Jauslyn 137 Davis. Trace 88, 129. 178, 180 De Celles, Colton 103, 145 De Celles, Trenton 50, 137, 181, 184 Deason, Hannah 129 Dehnert. Brady 28. 145, 184 Demel, M atthew 137 Derzapf, A ndrew 46, 12 1 180 Derzapf. Je n n a 145. 182 Devore, Karen 129 Devore, Kiefer 121 Dewolf, Jo ck 82. 87. 137, 178 D ickey, Deloyne 8, 14, 109, 110, 129, 18 Diibeck, Emily 145 Disney, Sam uel 137 Divine, Johnny 93 Dobbs. Koylee 44. 109. 129, 184 Dold. Abigail 45, 129, 132 Dold, Bailey 145, 181 Domenici. M oyoe 4, 43, 121, 163 Domenici, Tyler 137, 178 Dominguez, Alex 8, 95, 129. 178 Dominguez, Guillermo 87. 129, 131 Donoghey, A d an 6, 122, 163. 178

Eddins, M egan 97. 130. 178, 179 Edwards, Justin 64, 65, 130, 131. 178 Ehlinger, Caylin 1 1, 40, 137, 180, 182, 183 Eimler, Ferdinand 27, 137, 178. 181 Ellett, Linda 152 Elliott, Guy 122 Elliott, Skylie 100. 101. 145 Ellison, Brittany 130 Ellyson, Bridgette 137 Emmert, Arron 130, 132 Emro, Eric 100. 101, 137 Emro, Ja c o b 130 Erhard. Faith 129, 130 Erickson, Avery 67, 137. 182 Ermis. Aaron 145, 179, 182 Espinoza, Alexandria 145 Everett, Mason 72, 130, 178 Eversole, Kylea 25, 82 Everson, Je ff 130 Ewing. Summer 95. 96, 97. 122, 164

rniil! Fore, Adrionne 15, 19, 152 Fore. Rhonda 106. 152 Fortner, Krista 5. 20, 98, 1 18. 122, 164 Foster, Kc 100, 101. 138 Foster. Shandro 106, 107. 130 Fountain, Hannah 11, 138. 181. 183 Fourniet. Brianne 10. 55, 138, 180 Fournier. Chose 122 Fox. Bill 152 Fox, G eo rg e 145, 1 79 Francis, Pam 19, 152 Franklin, Shauno 122. 152. 184 Frazier. Holly 119. 122, 179 Frazier. Nancy 29, 152 Frazier, Scott 145 Freem an, Carisso 122 Freem an, Hannoh 138. 143 French, Dylan 145 179 French, Kolten 130, 178 Fudge. Kyle 130 Fullen. Nicholas 130. 178 Fuller. Quinn 130 Furman. Sarah 7. 16, 122. 184

Gohagan, Bodie 122, 164 Gaines, Brian 130 Galbraith, Claire 27. 53, 87, 122, 18 Galbraith. Jo ck 116, 138, 178, 184 G am e, Michael 145 Gom ez, Amerika 106, 130 Gom ez, Mark 63, 138, 178 G o rd ea. Cierro 44. 130. 184 Garmon, Christina 138, 182, 184 Garrett, Breor^no 69, 138 Garrett, Shano 130, 184 Garrett, Willow 97, 145, 184 Garvin, Dylan 145 Garvin, Gorret 130, 184

Grinnell, Caitlin 48, 107, 119. 122 G uadalupe, Jasm ine 138 G uadalupe, Jessica 123 Gubernath, Thomos 96, 130 Guevoro, Alejandro 123 Guffey, Katlyn 82 Gulker, G arrett 123, 164 Gunn, Chris 1 14, 123, 165, 178 Gutierrez, Bre-Yonna 17, 99, 123, 165 Gutierrez, Lourdes 147, 184 Guyon, Arianna 146, 147, 181

Ha, Khiem 138 Holes, C o d y 118, 147 Hall, Kora 138

Hortness, Hoyley 92, 106, 123, 166 Hausner, Taylor 87, 130, 132, 184 Haw/thorne, Blair 8, 16, 17, 73, 130, 178 Heinz, Brondon 22, 147, 1 78 Heinz, Jessica 6, 123, 166 Hembree, Tristan 147 Henderson, Andrew 130 Henderson, Nooh 24, 115, 123, 178 Henderson, Zachary 22. 147 Hendricks. Rizonn 8, 34, 68, 103, 130, 131, 178, 180 Hendrixson, Hope 123 Henry, Daisy 78, 139 Henson, Alexander 147 Hernandez, Brittany 123, 166. 184 Herring, Brian 139 Herringshaw. Theodore 58, 130, 180 Hibdon, Dylan 62, 139, 178 Hickerson, Scott 27 Hickman, Jo'Katle 40, 41, 130. 180, 182 Hickman, RJ 139, 178 Hlday, Comryn 119, 147, 179 Hight, M atthew 58, 130, 180 Hightower, Brian 7, 56, 75, 123, 180

Hoppe B a b co ck, Theophilus 98, 133 Horne, Sam antha 139, 179 Howard, Christy 133, 184 Hrabar, Madison 139 Huffington, Cori 79, 153 Hughes, Paige 178 Huizengo, Shane 147, 179 Hunter, Sharon 125. 147 Hurt, Mory-Opol 99, 133 Hutchins, Nicholas 123

Ingram, Brandon 96, -loo, ’i/a Isaacs, Dakota 147 Isaacs, Kanyon 139 Isaacs, Kathryn 123


Jam ar Smith, Cristian Rangei, Zach Bales. AusTin jim enez, Nathan Turnage, Rizonn Hendricks. Dorion Chafin, Brian Hightower, W esley Wiison, Jalen M cCiain, Grant Philiips, Keily Thompson. Teddy Herringshaw, Andrew Derzapf. Austin Vroom

Angel Sims, Mikailo Billinger, Danielle Davis, Paradize Jackso n, Brittani Joshua, Victoria Williams, Jennifer Joss, K aci Trahon, Arianna Cam erlin, Channell Masters, Chloe Gibbs, Ashlynn Hoff

7 was born in Germany, but I don't speak the language."


Katherine Whiitted W

C o by .lnhn<;on Marty Wilson, Jom ar Smith, Grant Jim enez, ^oc Hinnant, Giovanni Davis. Jordan Ross, Jordan White, Jordan Hightower, Austin Underwood, Teddy Herringshaw, Trace Davis. Matt High!

■r.'ir. Shelby 8, 78, 130, 183 Gauthier, Christion 20. 130 G ay , Chase 14/, 1 79 Gerstner, lom rny 152 Gibbb, Chloe 53. 138, 180 Git)!.(;n, Hannati 29. 83. 12? C:.ier. f'aige 1/ 83, 112. 122. 164 (.|i|, Jornor, OJ, 130. 1/8 ' 'yi-.oti In:, ?.‘3. 88 10'j. 14/, 1 /9, 184 '..r,<liri<;A .'i1 1(13. 147. 1/9 N o iir, Ir jw .o 'i 4/. 4:^ 14/, 1 /9 ^ 4'‘. ni 119. ^?2. 161. ' ,:'if r. \r\! l/<; ■- rvMli-. ' iinnrjif,! '•!) I.U'J 1H1 .! li' i-'/d' itihn

-ilkiii. I^oh 1h2

Hallwochs, Christina 152 Halverson, Parker 123, 165 Halverson, Pryce 130 Hornbrook, Je ssica 139 hlommond, Adam 30, 14/ Hammond, Logan 139 Hampton, Khorizma 55, 139. 180, 184 Hancock Briona41. 130, 184 Honcock, Haley 116 183 hlancock, Mukoylo 10, 41, 69. 139. 182 H ancock, ledi 123. 165 Hanlon, M cKalyim o 130 H uid aw ay. Allyson 6, 14. 11. 109. 111 113, 118, 120. 123. 16/ Ik.itdiiiui'i. Molisso 152 llofdy, Desmond 139 Hardy U-io Ann 152 Ikiilow . l.)«.)nvoi 139 lloru-'ll .Icillroy 139 IkiKi'. Iliyt I' 14/ 1H4 IKiiiiv liyl'in 14/

IKiid', I .M>(• 130 184 ll<i(ii-, IViU}'' I3‘; M'lni'. ■ 111.Ill i:’:<

Carolyn Thomas, Sara Schroeder. Carissa Eckle, Ja yd o Landwehr, A lex Castro, Kristen Millsap, C e le ste Moore. Caylin Ehlinger, Nogaye Ndiaye. Kharizma Hampton. Ashley Stahr. Brianne Fournier, Zoie McKinnis. Brittany Honeycutt Ja 'K a tie Hickman Hightower. Jordan 139. 180 Hill. C helsey 147 Hill. Darcy 97. 139. 1 78, 179 Hill, G alen 42, 64, 147, 148 Hill, R e e c e 123 Hill, Shelby 107, 123 Hinnant, Z ac 46, 130, 180 Hinson, Erin 111. 153 Hinton. ,Anna 123 Hirata Alex 21, 56. 111 130 Mock. Dolphin 123 Hotf Ashlynn 52. 107, 132. 180. 182 Hofi Kenley 127, 147. 150. 182 Holcon’ib. M otthew 18 123. 178 Hollingswoitli. Faith 23. 77, 139, 184 HolHngswoith Louiie 153 Hollonion. I’otei 139 Hol1, Jackso n 64 150 178 Holli’oiv Alexondio 4 1 132 182 Honoycull i'llttony 28. 54 133. 180 IkHXl lilston 13. 14/ tiookoi. Mockon?io 76. 77. 92. 139 Ak-'xis 139 Ik x 'v o i Dosiree 139

Isom Floyd, Haiden 67, 139, 143, 180. 182

Ja ckso n, Stephen 147, 184 Ja ckso n. Vincent 133, 184 Jackso n. Zachary 90 Jo k o b e t:. Z acho’ y 6 2 132 Ja lo w v David 31. 147 Jom es, C a le b 139 Jo nies. Jordon 139 Jans-Stutz Brice 7 102 M9 Jansen ,Ashlee 12. 14". P 9 . Jonsen, C a le b 63. 124 lo7, Jaiit>tt, G a b e 1 "8 180 Jenkins. Jo iiothan 13’ 139

123. 160, 168 182. 184 178 184

'Jennings, Mitchell 10, 28. 104 139 178 I Jimenez, Austin 46 124, 168. 180 'jjimenez. G rant 46. 47 m , 115. 132, 180 i Jimenez, Joseph 133 tJimenez, Morco 123, 147, 179 Jimenez. Sarah 139 Johnson, Brian 10. 11. 46. 58, 59. 1 12, 139. 180 i Johnson. Everett 134. 139 Johnson, Jordon •133, 184 Johnson, Keag an 133 f J o h n s o n , Olivia 49. 116. 147 Johnston, Destinee 139 Johnston, M adeleine 11. 48, 49. 60, 1 1 1 113, I 139 179 '.Johnston. Shannon 23, 152, 153 iJones, Bailey 1^5, 147, 1 78 Jo n e s , Bryon 178 jjo nes. Cole 46, 58. 69, 147 181 Jo n e s , Courtney 124, 184 ' Jones, Ja ylo 88, 139. 184 j Jones, Jerom ie 140 • Jones, Jordan 184 ; Jones, Kodarrah 133 ijo ne s, Madison 95. 1 13. 124. 167. 168, 179

Kibby, Daniele 132 Kidd Melissa 132 Kilgore. Brooke 141 Kille. Chris 133. 184 Kleckner. Marcus 51. 181 Kleckner. Meiinda 29 Knight. Robert 13. 14. 37 72 73 147 179, 181 Koons, K aleb 141 Koons M elcriie 7 124 Koulovatos. Alex 153 Kurszewski Abigail *33 Kurszewski Chose 124 169 Kurszewski Kyleigh 13 28 131. 146 147

Locoss. Ashton 147, 1 79

Lewis. Bryan 14, 34 104 105, 124, 125, 167, 1 78 Lewis, Bryce 109, 133, 178 Lewis, Julie 153 Lewis, Taylor 141, 184 Lewis, Tervorin 141 Liffick. G arrett 6, 71, 121, 124 170. 184 1indermon. Destiny 83, 133 lizam o, Kasio-Elizabeth 13, 14 148, 182 Lobaugh Addison 13. I l l , 148, 182 Loffler, Holeigh 107. 132, 183 Logon Bronden 132 [ ..'uon M ac Kenzie 148 Long bron 148 Long Haylee 148 Lopez, Christopher 133, 178 Lopez. Hunter 141 L-.jpez Jcile ne 2. 124 179. 184 i overn, C a s e y 107, 133 Low e, Nicholas 64, 76, 148, 179 Loya. Am ber 13, 148. 150 Lucos. Austin 59, 148 Lucas, Harley 31, 133 Lueck, Cam eron 133. 178 Lugo-G arza, Andres 92, 141, 178

Martin, Tyler 141 Martinez, Ana 26, 86, 124. 184 Martinez. Diana 133, 137, 179, 184 Mortinez. Isoiah 179 Martinez, Rudy 153 Martinez Flores, Maria 148, 184 Mash, Taylor 141, 184 Masters. Channell 53, 74, 102, 133, 180 Masters, M icaela 148, 182 M athews, Austin 95, 184 M athews, Cam ille 79. 148 Mathis, Koyle 44, 148, 184 M atteson. Jo ley 28, 73, 76. 132, 182 M cCarthy, Nicholas 133 M cClain, Jalen 57, 111, 124. 180 M cClelland, Sean 133 M cCleskey, C a s e y 148 M cC oy, Westin 75, 133 M cC ra cke n , Justin 115, 133. 178 McCullough, Diego 106, 107. 133, 178 McDaniel. Jessie 124 M cDonald, Alyssa 109, 125 M cDonald, A verya n a 11, 141, 183 M cDonald, Chris 133, 178

" i‘m Mexican, Team Android.' Brennen Zaragoza ( 11) Lorno Todd, Brendee W estbrook, Lorrin Peigne, Cozho Anderson, Sydney Miser, Alex Castro. Lauren Roberts. C arolyn Thomas

Left to right: David M ockey (9), D w ayne Craw ford (9 ), Ruben Garza (9 ). Robert Knight (9 ). Ethan Brewster (9 ), C o rey Wright, Phillip Reich (9 ), Jo xx Bole (9 ). Eli C a rte r (9 ), Keeton Mills (9 ). Tim Keeton (9), L a n ce Browning (9 ), C o le Jo nes (9 ), Jalen White (9 ), Elliott Roldan (9 ), Carrington Manuel (9), Austing Lucas (9).

Brooklyn Moudy, Addison Warren, Hannah Fountain, Alex Stokes, Kayla Tucker. Takara Leornas, Deloyne Mitchell, Trenton DeCelles. Sophie Miller, Kosey Coker. Kelsey Douglas, Shelby Miller. Riono McMurrey, Kelsey Sughrue, Kora Miller. Brycen Arnold, Cole Mohedono, Isaac Ball, Colby Corsout, Chandler Gonzales. Marcus Kleckner, Jacob Bochert

© m


m E

V Te n n is b u iiu iii LtfM Doiiey uoid (9 ) Tyler C aldero n (9 ), Katherine Whitted Middle left. C o leton Wilson M O l Ferdinand Elm ler(IO), Andrew Stanford (1 0 ), Zoch D u d le y (9 \T re y Jones (9) Top Left: Carm en M oreda h Am ber Smi^h (11 ), Shelby White (9), Arianno Guyon (9 ), Allison l?icks (9 ), Sierra C a p o ra le (10), Sarah Payton (9), Alexis Robinson (10 )

Jones, Trey 147 Jordan. Julie 28. 140 Josefy, Dayton 124. 168 Joshua. Brittoni 52, 53, 132. 133, 180 doss, Jennifer 21, 39, 52. 53, 118, 124, 18

allio. Jordan 141 arabel, Christopher 91, 124 orr, Haleigh 98. 115. 124, 138. 167 eeling, Ja c e y 44, 78. 147. 184 eeling. Parker 124 eeton. Greg 28. 119, 124 eeton, Tim 147. 181 lendrick, Keonte 147. 184 [ennedy, Andrea 133

La g unas-Lacey, Ja d e n 21 Lam, Haley 85, 133 Lam . Taylor 84. 133 Lam b, A ng ela 141. 184 Lam b, Ashlyn 82 Lam b. C assid y 82 Lam b. C a y le e 82, 181 Lam bert. Jeon-Rosem ond 104, 147. 178 Lomberti, Christopher 63, 141, 178 Landreth, Shannon 124, 163 Landwehr. Ja y d a 55, 141, 180 Long, Tori 38. 147, 151 Langford, Shelby 77, 140 Latham . Corly 148 Leal. Elliot 138, 140 Leavelle, Kaleigh 148 Lee, Koyrah 148. 184 Lee, Moniqua 124 Lee, Randy 148 Lennox, Jodoh 68, 69, 87, 148, 183, 184 Leornas, Takara 141. 181. 184 Leslie. Bailey 22, 32, 124 Leslie, Brennan 24, 124, 151 Lewis, Anthony 153

Lugo-G arzc. Ruben 148, 181 I

M ockey, David 13. 148, 181 M ackey. Robert 141, 178 M ag ee, Kylee 148 Mohoffey. D akota 37. 140, 178 Major, Hayden 13, 68, 75, 148. 179 Manning, Kylee 140 Manuel, Carrington 26, 148, 179, 181 Mardis, Ja v la 89, 124. 184 Marek. Allyson 11, 82, 141. 179. 183 Martin, Austen 141 Martin, Dylan 64, 148, 178 Martin, G rant 15, 29 Martin, Ja c o b e e 82, 87

McDonald, London 148. 179 M cG aho. Alex 6, 58 125, 179 McIntosh. Danny 46. 47, 95, 132 M cKay. Hoven 148 M cKee Brian 148 McKeiroy. Connor 132. 135 McKinnis Zoie 1 1.40 , 55 141 18 0.182 McLelland. Hoyden 7 14 ,1 7 3 4 .6 8 .^ 3 110, 119. 125. 161. 178 McMahill M okayla 14l; McManus Kennedy 126 McMillion M ercedes 12'' 133 McMullen. Brittney 132 McMullen, Hollie 107 143 McMurrey Riana 46, 8- 119 125 ’ ^0 ' M cQ ueen. C heyenne 12? ’ r"" M cRoe, Joshua 133 M eany. Kaylo 48 49 9^ '0^ M en ascc H'j’iter ‘ 40 Mendez Brandon U1 Mendoza Danica 8 2 i 44 '0 9 'c Mendoza. Victor Miller. Ashley 115. 129 13J Miller Jeannine 15 W 153

Miller Kara 43. 109, 121 125, 166, I S l 183 Miller. Lauren 10. 39. 141, 182 Miller. Logan 125 Miller. Shelby 148, 181 Miller, Sophie 13, 51. 104. 148. 181 Mills. Keeton 148. 181 Mills. Rachel 148 Millsop. Kristen 54. 92, 141, 180 Minord. Morgan 89, 132, 184 Mire, Missy 29, 152, 153 Miser. Brandon 7, 44. 92, 125 Miser, Sydney 148. 181 Mitchell, Delayne 148 181 Mitchell, G a g e 148 Mitchell, John 15, 153 Mitchell, Poden 50 Mitchell, Tyler 125 Mize. Soda 34, 149 M ohedano, Cole 35. 50, 109, 133. 181, 184 Mondragon, Viera 11, 141, 179 Montgomery, David 153 Moore. C eleste 55, 110, 133. 180 Moore, Christine 141 Moore, Emily 30, 141, 179, 184

Posada, Sara 134, 179, 184 Potts, Ginnie 60, 88, 110, 113, 119, 124, 126, 146, 179, 184 Potts, Jordon 149, 150, 179, 184 Potts, Joshua 142, 184 Powell, Ethan 149 Powell, Jodi 134 Priddy, Westin 149, 179 Pringle, C h a n ce 142 Pruett, Ethan 134 Puentes, John 91, 142 Pugliesi, Brittany 39, 126 Pyle, Charles 153

Murphy. Tori 118. 125 Musioi. Julio 141

Nadir. Victoria 140, 184 Ndiaye, Nogoye 20, 54, 55, 134, 16 Nealy, Brandon 140 Neinos, Peyton 94, 125, 132, 182 Newark, Ty 134 Newell, Shyanne 149 Nice, Cioro 149, 184 Nieboer, Taylor 134 Niles, Tristan 134, 178 Nix, Danny 153 Nolond, Misty 82 Nugent, Damon 149

Padfon, Enrique 102. 114, 134 P age, C o by 29, 153 Panhorst, Jam es 64, 141, 178 Parker, Tyler 134 Porker-Zwort. Michael 74, 149, 179 Parkey, Bloke 75, 95, 131, 134 Partridge, Shaun 125, 178 Pete, Gobriel 134, 184 Patterson, C o d y 94, 100, 126 Potty, Alex 7, 73, 126, 171 Payton, Sarah 140, 149, 181 P e a c e , Keiya 149 P ea cem a ker, London 141 Peigne, Lorrin 68, 85, 149, 181, 182

Raleigh, Braxton 91, 134



Im I


Emileo Peoples, Ja le y M atteson, Ashlynn Hoff. Ashleigh Bowen. Marley C o o ke. M addy D'Onofrio, Mia C o o k e, Danielle Davis, Jennifer Joss, Kaci Trahon, Arionna Comerlin, Lauren Ivliller

M oKayia H ancock, Cam ille Bianton. Anslee W addell, Poschence Wilson, Roni Williams, Zoie McKlnnis, Coylin Ehlinger, Ashley Stohr, Ja X o tie Hickman. Alex Holtzen

" I'm a complete band nerd. I'm only in band." Christina Garmon ( 10) I"


Emily Dollos. Kyleigh Kurszewski, Kasia Lizama. Jenna Derzopf, Alex Costro, Brittany Vassar, Kenley Hoff, Ashlee Jansen, Lorrin Peigne, M icaelo Masters, Addison Lobaugh


Maiden Isom. Randy Blackm on. G rant Phillips, A lex Wright, Dalton Barfield, Christian Trivette ,Avery Erickson. C o a ch K (not pictured: Aaron Ermis, Esteban Rios, Mason Winkles)

IM Moore, Joely 146, 149 Moore. London 140 Moore. Paige 153 Moore, Ryann 140 Mora. Angftlico 133 Morales Anisty 79. 149 Moreda. Cofm en 87. I/ll, 181 M'.fucin, M ercede/ 24. 98, 111, 125. 170 Mtjrri',. l',roiiley 153 Morns I rmly 138 141 184 Moni',. ,:ii 1 Morion. 184 Morion Sabit) 86 141 Mo'.fl>-!y. ludu-''. I')."’ Moudy hic.iklyi, 141 1H1 Miiihfiin Ml- i-.i Ml/!'."!. ',4 vS l :" i 1/1 Mull-I liT,r,.| v.'S

, iiir,


11 1.11 1/■ '/ ■ !.'•;/]

O'Dell, Joshua 130. 149 O'Neil Al)igail 14 125. 184 O ates. Roberl 95, 125 Olivarez. G u stavo 114 119. 125 Olivot 7o \\7 52. 149 Ortiz, A ngela 7 121. 125, 167. 179. 182 O tto. Molthow 141, 164 O lio Liiortu 8. 31. 104. 110. 134 183 O veistret't Mi.itun(Jo 24 125 1/1. 179, 184 t')y<?tislioi>l Sioiri.) 141 O won Kiad 1. 15 28, 153 i.,)woii logc.in 28 42 43 98 149 1/9 t iwons Billlony 44 134 184

Pellikon, Hannah 149. 184 Pellikan. Sarah 109, 134, 184 Peoples, Emiiea 39 60, 120, 126, 171. 179. 182 Perez, Ja yd e n 149 Perry, Elizabeth 134 Perry. Luther 141 Perry. R ae'Ven 101. 134 Peters. Shelby 84. 1 18. 126. 149. 176 Peterson, D akoda 6 7 .9 8 , 126, 175 Retry, Sheridan 134. 184 Peveto, Hannah 8 132, 134 Phillips. Emily 149 Phillips Grant 67, 126, 175. 180. 182 Pl'iillips, Karen 153 Phillips, Zion 23, 109. 112, 131 134 Phllp. Libby 134 141 Pickett Amber 147, 149 184 Pickett Ashley 145, 149, 184 Pickett, Heathoi 112 142 184 Pike, Je ssica 87. 134 PltK-> Erica 15, 153 Polk. Shan.I 15, 153 Pollaid, Tiocy 104 153 I’otlei Honiioh 149

Ram on. Michael 126 Ramos, Aaron 149 Rangel, Cri$tian 57, 72, 142. 180 Reed, Alexis 103, 149 184 Reed, Kennon 6 2 ,9 7 , 142, 178, 179 Reich, Phillip 149 181 Revilla, Corlos 142 Reyes, Nikole 10, 142 Richter, Ryan 46, 47, 109, 134 Ricks, -Allison 149, 155, 181, 182 Ringwood. Zach 94 95, 126. 178 R io l Esteban 14 66, t04, 126 176. 182 Robbins. Amber 149 Robbins, G a g e 43, 149 Roberts, Alysso 134 179, 184 Roberts, Kairo 142 Roberts, Lauren 149. 181, 184 Roberts. Victoria 12o Robinson, Alexis U 2 181, 184 Rodriguez, Lillion 126 Rogers, Logon 149 Rooeis. M ichael 45, M7, 126, 177, 178 Roldan Elliotts'-' :'4, I7«, IS I R oiiie io Migiiel 142

i^ooffener. Kyle 142, 178 IJorabaw, Alivio 149 'l^oss, Jordan 142, 180 jjoth. Alex 89, 134. 184 ^oth, Alyssa 12, 149. 178, 184 G eorge 14 142, 178, 184 i^outon, Johnny Jo e 136. 142 }?udd, Cam eron 149 ,;?uddick, G avin 104, 105, 118, 126 :?uneberg. Brie 97, 126, 176, 178, 179 i^uneberg, Hunter 142, 150, 179 •Jussell, Travis 142 j?ut!edge, Jordan 17. 28. 43, 126, 177, 183 butledge. Kirsti 184 :?utledge. Piper 150, 179 i?uvaicaba, Brenna 80, 119. 125, 126, 161, 177 i^yalls, London 62. 134, 178

Schaefer. S re e c e 151, 184 Schaefer. Keaton 142, 178 Schnick. Chesmun 142, 184 Schroeder. Sara 55, 68, 142, 180 S c o b e e , fvladison 134 Scott-Roth, A thena 134 Seale. Andrew 103, 126. 174 See. Bryce 134 Selvidge fvlelanie 18. 153 Sem an. Lee 153 Sew ard. Scott 142 Shannon. Ashlee 126 Shown. Kylie 106, 151 Sheets, Laura 126, 174 Shelby. Eric 134 178, 183 Sheppard Kevin 126 Sherman, Jasm ine 12 150. 151, 184 Sherrill. Bree 151. 179 Shores, Koitlyn 26 Simmons. Emily 88, 126. 176. 184 Simmons. Rhonda 153 Simpson. Dylon 151. 179 Sims. Angel 53, 99. 1 18, 126. 180 Skelton. Molachl 134

M arch Sanders, Koitlin Willioms, Allyson Morek. C o a c h K

Stokes, Alex 14. 112, 143, 181 Stone. Nick 36. 142, 143 Stringfellow. Tracy 15. 28, 153 Stubbs, C atherine 100, 150 Stull, D akota 135 Stutz, Zone 94 Sughrue, Kelsey 50, 109, 127. 181 Sumnners, Abi 151 Swanson, M acie 16, 28, 78, 79, 151 Swarm. Alysa 135

Turner. C oleb 135, 178 Tysinger, Kira 106, 135, 183

Underwood, Austin 46. 68, 109, 135, 1E Upchurch, Jessy 69, 143, 178, 183 Uythoven, fvlorissa 68, 135

Tanner, Seth 143 Tatum, L a c e y 143 Taylor, Danny 19 Taylor, Phil 153

UIL State Soloist: Kiondrio Youngblood. Haley H anco ck. Koylee Tinsley, Ja d a h Lennox, Piano McMurrey

I once out shot an army sniper." Ja co b Emro

( 11)

m m Halelgh Loftier, Hannah Fountain, Nyejha Bowen. Ashleigh Bowen. Caylin Ehllnger, Jo rd an Rutledge, M oddy D'Onofrio Courtney W eary, Mikaila Billinger, Shelby Garvin, Kora Miller, Alyssa Villanueva, A veryano M cDonald, Winter Donley, Sierra Otto

j-oles, Modaline 151 olyers, Keri 134 alyers, Krystal 126 .alyers, Kylie 142 •andberg, Ashley 134 j.anders, Maroh 67. 142. 183. 15 |;anders, Mark 18, 29. 153 anderson. Jacq ueline 153 anderson, Karen 153 ands, Sherry 153 app, Bobby 71, 153 opplngton. Tatum 142 autner, Bergen 131, 134 “ hochinger. A lexand er 82

Skinner, Madison 55, 136, 142 Skinner, Olivia 142 Sluder, Christian 142 Smith, Am ber 113, 134, 181 Smith, Brady 127 Smith. Bryson 142. 178 Smith. Debbie 153 Smith, Domonic 10, 103, 142, 178 Smith, Ja m a r 134, 180 Smith. Koitlyn 142 Smith, Noah 134 Sneoth, C a le b 127 Spillman, Nick 40, 127 Spiva. Tristan 134 Spradlin. Garrison 12, 150 Spradlin, K eaton 135. 178 Stohr, Ashley 10. 40, 41, 55, 142, 180. 182 Stanford, A ndrew 82, 181 Stanley, Miranda 135 Starling, John 153 Steich, Madison 127, 174, 179, 184 Stephens, Colin 135 Stew art Jr. Dion 143 Stockinger, Bloke 14. 109, 135, 178


q. X m •D; S Thomas, C arolyn 151, 180. 181, 184 Thompson. Kelly 57, 73, 93, 135, 180 Thompson, McKinley 151 Thompson, Stasia 100, 101, 135 Thompson, Trace 151, 178, 179 Threott, Austin 143 Tidwell, A lexa 82 Tidwell, Ashton 82 Tinsley, Koylee 17, 27. 69, 87, 151, 183 Titus. Co lb y 129, 135, 178 Toalson. Jaqlynn 150 Todd, Lorno 82, 181 Toft, Andrew 150, 179 Torres, Carlos 64, 151, 178 Tournoy, Derrick 10, 143, 178 Trohon. Koci 10, 11. 52, 76, 90, 143, 180. 182 Trebing. Michoeio 11, 143 Triano, Loy 23, 48 Trivette, Christian 66, 82. 83. 182 Trout. Aim ee 135 Trout. Loyne 151, 178 Trujillo. Dakoto 143 Tucker, Koyio 127, 174, 181 Turnage, Nate 46. 47, 127, 180

Vallier Ashton 135 Vallon, Sandro 153 Von Pelt Amber 127 Vonspeyb roeck, Ja co b Varnier. Madison 48 49 68 Vasquez Sapphire 86. 87 Vosquez. Seleno 143 Vassar Bnttony 13 28 ' Vaughn Victoria 12" V e g a , Alex 63. 143. 178 Vela. Danus 135 Vela. Mona 27, 127 174 Vestal. C J 151 Villanueva. Alyssa 2n 104 K

Villastrigo, Cierra 11. 143 Vroom. Austin 127 180

Wabbington, Dallas 42, 88. 143, 179, 184 W achter, Christina 150 Waddell, Anslee 40, 41, 135, 182 W addell, Joshua 92, 143 W agner, Koitiyn 150 W alker, Jam es 82 W alker, Moegon 28, 151 Walker. Tiffany 87, 89, 135, 184 W anyam a. Eugene 144, 178 Warren. Addison 50, 109, 127, 176, 181 Warren, G erad 135 Warren, Quvonna 143

Youngblood, Kolby 71, 143, 178

Williams, Koitlin 67, 151. 183 Williams, Lori 3, 127 Williams, Megan 143 Willianns, Roni 40, 135. 182 Williams, Victoria 53, 106, 124, 127, 180 Wilson, Cam eron 143 Wilson. Coleton 30. 89, 143, 181. 184 Wilson, Mortarius 131. 135, 180 Wilson, Poschence 41, 111, 135, 182 Wilson, Tyre 127 Wilson, Vann 135 Wiison, W esley 143, 180 Wimberly, C h a n ce 36, 135 Wingard, Brittany 143 Winkler, Stephanie 6, 43, 87, 127 Winkles, Mason 24, 66, 91, 127, 161, 182 W inney, Lori 143 Winter, Kalib 127 Wiseman, R eag an 8, 107, 135 Woif, Mokoyla 49, 97, 178, 179 Wood, Alexis 143 W ood, Donny 70, 135, 178 W ood, Katie 135 W ood, Kimberly 8, 135, 184

Zaragoza, Brennen 135, 178, 181 Z avala, O scar 184

"Apparently I am one of the youngest sophmores in my grade. Yeah I'm weird.:D" Alexis H Robinson 5

( 10)



Schaefer, Jonathan Yelle, Kyle Chohcellor, Chris Kille


00 Jordan Jones, Tarayjo White, Hannah Murphy, Ashlee Bragg. Jasmine Sherman, Ja c e y Keeling, Angela Lamb, Aiyssa Roberts, Brooke Mullins, MaKenzie Eddins, Sarah Furman, Heather Baxter, G ra ce Harris. Danica M endoza, Sara Birdwell. Abby Felty, Summer Ancira, Faith Hollingsworth, Marley W iese. K aylee Dobbs Kimberly W ood, Rachei Faulkenbery. Kayle Mathis, M aranda O verstreet. Brittaney Bliton, Haley Bruner, Delayne Dickey, Kayrah Lee, Alyse Barboza. Lauren Roberts, Madison W iese, Cierra G ard e o . Aiyssa Roth, Sadie Vetter,

( B o o m

Watson, Gabrielle 151, 184 Watt'>, Cedric 50, 135 W eary. Courtney 42, 43, 127, 161, 175, 183 W ebb, Rafael 135 Webb, Ti O pera 151 vVeslbrook, Brendee 12, 54, 151, 181 Alex 73, 135 ■/■yhipfykj, '■:hri'',1opher 138, 143. 184 ■Whilo, HuntRr 37, 8B, 127. 161, 184 White. Jalr-.n 1.'5 1':1, 1H1 While, m.rirjn <11 180 'Whilo, i''jK'hol(J', 14'*, '/'/llitn. '.hr,lby 1M 181 ............... . . . ; 4/1. 6ft 69. r ib . 1«/1

t o w


< ^ a 6 e s

W ood, Ryann 151 W oods, Audrey 151 Wright, Alex 67, 109, 135, 182 Wright, C o rey 58. 146, 151, 181 Wright. Mason 143 Wright, Peyton 143

■t.-.niiK. 1'i(j 1fin 1r;l

'li ".v 1M

Yargei Je fle iy 135 Yelle, Joncillian 143. 184 Yollo lordaii 102. 1b1 184 Y 0 tk-)f, M atthew 151 1/8. 179 Y otii't. ‘;.-i.|i(-' i:U), 184 Ymikmi Kiystnl '.’ b, UK.) 1:’ / ■I'l luni] '.hi ’!! 'V I'.’ ,' Vo uii.il.lo n .l, Klondfki 1./ .'4 ? ! 86 12.^ 183

Ashlee Jansen, Shauna Fronkiin, M akayla C o rey, Ja d a h Lennox. Brittany O wens, Kharizma Hampton

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