Designer Concept Issue 34 - November 2013

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The family room is the most used room of all, and here the placement of a designer sofa, accompanied with soft lighting enables the family to enjoy gathering with ease. To achieve spaciousness, white color is adopted throughout all the rooms and the sensory is artistic as most people are not comfortable with wide spaces. But the designer here is able to bring out the haute atmosphere and with well-placed mirrors the place is much brighter than before.

Designer name: VANESSA TSHAI Designation: DESIGN DIRECTOR Project location: ANJUNG TIARA, KL Project type: SEMI-D Site area (sq. ft.): 4,000 Completion date: OCT 2013

使用频繁最高的客厅是家庭的互动中心。设计师运用简单的线条, 让空间自由延伸。另外,设计师也建议挑选了一套设计平实的素色沙 发,搭配柔和的光线和部分的镜面反射原理,无需多余的装饰即可烘 托出家的味道,实现屋主对于温馨家园的渴望。 细心观察之下,设计师以白色作为客厅、餐厅和起居室等家庭空间的主 要色调,同时也摒弃了多余的墙壁与天花板的装饰,大量的空间留白减 少视觉的过度负担。搭配大量运用镜面的反射效果,让原有的空间看 起来更加宽敞,在灯光的配合之下创造开敞明亮的整体空间体感。

Simple Lines, Fascinating Design


implicity itself is an art. It does not compete with other designs because it felt that its own design is sufficient enough. But simplicity is not easy to achieve. It takes a designer to understand minimalism to achieve that art sense. 营营役役的生活让简单成为了一种生活时尚。相较于华丽气派的豪宅,简单的线条不仅是一 种风格,也成为了一种生活态度。简约是精益求精不断简化萃选出来的精华。设计师重视质感 的美学的思考,摒弃陈俗与浮夸,选择以内敛的手法延伸生活,呈现出清爽温馨的氛围,使现 代人的工作压力得到了舒缓,达到以人为本的境界。

Photographer: GAVIN

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Modern kitchen is a must, and its non-fussy and clutter-free concept is appreciated by the homeowner. Designed with functionality and enough storage, the kitchen is big enough to put away unwanted stuffs lying in the kitchen. 着重在机能的设计最能符合现代人的生活,但所谓现代简约并不是 简简单单地摆几件家具就好,尤其是在这颇大的空间内。如何兼顾空 间使用者的实用需求,运用建材、光线和色彩的变化呈现空间质感, 才是现代简约风所要表现的空间精神。设计师在餐厅和干厨房运用了 一幅及顶镜子,让其更具现代感,也增加了隐形的储物空间。但为了 令这空间更添生气,设计师在镜子间加入了带有淡纹的木板作为中和 效果,打造出明亮、简约的时尚空间。

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The pond in the courtyard complete the perfect landscape for a relaxing corner of the house, to cleanse the soul and improve health. 阳台是室内与室外的一个过渡空间,是呼吸新鲜空气、沐浴温暖阳光 的理想场所,为生活增添一份悠闲自得的情趣。这房子的先天条件十 分优越,设计师在这里放置一片绿色草坪,再利用玻璃作为篱笆,即安 全且不会阻隔外界景色。庭院的鱼池也是其中一个吸睛之处,完美的 景观和潺潺流水声帮助屋主洗涤心灵、重整思绪,让自己更清爽自在。

The master bedroom is designed with geometry in mind. It is visible on the cushions among all the other furniture for a balanced geometrical feel. Geometric pattern mirrors are a bold attempt but which, it enlarge a room via reflection. The children’s and guest room comes in matching theme. It has ample space for the designer to visualize some fun elements in the room.

几何图形为家居带来灵感。选择不同颜色或材质的几何图形混合搭 配,甚至靠垫上的几何图案,都会时平淡的房间生机蓬发,将卧室中 的立体感表现得淋漓尽致。设计师在床背和天花板上都放了几何图案 的镜子,做出了十分大胆的尝试。这十分有利于自然阳光的折射,确保 室内光线十足。 至于次卧和儿童房,设计师依然选用了相符的主题设计。男孩的浅蓝色 和女孩的粉红色系房间都十分迎合各自的要求。由于空间十分宽敞,设 计师还在房间增添了许多设计元素,充满青春元素之余也十分实用。 Desigva Interior | | T +603 7733 9918/0173693881

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