Impact report 2017

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Impactreport 2017



Appitizer Organsation 3 Social venture 4 Content Kitchen 5 Export 6 Development Kitchen 7



Quantitative 9 Qualitative 10 In-depth interviews 11



On the shelfs 13 Sugarfree 14 packaging 15 Certifications 16



De Smaakspecialist is constantly on the move to make responsible food available to everyone. Our enormous passion for food combined with a great deal of knowledge and experience allow us to make valuable impact every single day. We do this together with our customers, partners, communities and a very spirited team of colleagues. Day in, day out. How? By developing, producing and distributing sustainable, nutritious and, most of all, tasty food.

But what exactly is this impact that we together are making? How do we keep track of it? And how do we assure we are actually taking continuous steps towards bringing our dream closer?

That is why, in this impact report, we present an insight into where de Smaakspecialist is right now and where our ambitions lie we aim to realise together with our stakeholders. A never-ending process. A business model which is constantly subjected to change, because yes the needs in the market keep changing. But the

intrinsic connection between impact and business is something that will remain and will stay a driving force for us. Even more so, it strengthens each other and brings that

dream a little closer every day.

In this document we showcase what results have been achieved at organizational- , product- and knowledge& inspiration level in 2017. Yes, we are content with the steps that have been taken. Have they been taken fast enough? In fact, no, because when taking new paths, mistakes are made. Enlightening though. Yet a process which brings a lot of energy every day and one that we are proud of together with the team. We are happy to share the knowledge we have acquired with everyone, just as we love to learn from others. So if you have questions about the route we are currently pursuing and/ or have feedback on how we can do things differently, better or together, do not hesitate to contact me.

Smaakt 18 BioToday 19 RAW Organic Food 20

For now much reading delight,


On behalf of the entire team of de Smaakspecialist,


KidsProef 22 Organic Kitchen 23 Bio Proeflokaal 24

Maarten de Leng – Director Commerce & Sustainability 06-24433978

Organisation Social venture Content Kitchen Development Kitchen

Organisatie Social venture Content Kitchen Export Development Kitchen

“Sustainability is a mindset, not just a paragraph in a mission statement� For de Smaakspecialist, responsible entrepreneurship is the core of decisions that are taken. Realism is important, but this goes hand in hand with added value for society. And yes, money can be earned with this. It is specifically by doing this we can guarantee our continuity in a sustainable way and keep increasing added value. For this matter, the Smaakspecialist has partnerships and is in the process of attaining a B-Corp certification.

B Corps assessment In 2017, the assessment was completed and the standard was, although informally, reached. Now the matter at hand is to record, define and guarantee a number of already existing elements of the daily practice, both internally and externally one. By now, the statutes of the organization have been adjusted in conformity with the requirements.

Learnings Organic Food Helmond An extensive cooperation with the social workplace with colleagues which have a certain labor limitation


Collaborations Partnerships with CSR Netherlands, Consumer platform Nudge and the KNCV Tuberculosis fund transparency.

B Corps B Corps are for-profit organisations certified by the (international) non-profit B Lab, because they meet the rigorous standards for social- and environmental performance, accountability and transparency.

An intensive process wherefore simply resources are to be located. For this, the reliance on partners in the chain acts as influencing factor (especially in regard time) to secure the daily practice back and forth in decree. In brief, within a results-oriented do-organization where speed and action come first, it is wise to approach this process from a different perspective.

B the change

The assessment is a guideline, so the certification is not just a one-off activity, but a starting point to annually connect to new milestones. Ambition: Q1 2018 certified.

Using business as a force for good!

Organisation Content, content, content Social venture Content Kitchen Export Development Kitchen

Every single day our Content Kitchen is busy with inspiring and sharing, both online and offline, both productand market related, both on a b2b and a b2c level. From recipes, videos, promotions and cookbooks to market development research. We do everything in our power for all our customers, partners and communities to fulfill their need for information about nutritious and delicious food. A library with valuable up-to-date content for all stakeholders. All this to inspire and therefore also bringing our ambition a little closer with every step we take. Here is a look at the Content Kitchen highlights of 2017!


Building communities takes time. And when it comes to communitybuilding long-term results are more important than short-term results especially when regarding for instance range and followers. This doesn’t always go so well with the commercial interests that are present in the market. In addition it is of crucial importance to make the content provision scalable. The role of the Content Kitchen lies particularly at the accessibility to relevant content instead of the daily creation of our own content made by team. Finally: moderation of the various channels is key.


Bio Cookbook de Smaakspecialist

Healthy & Mindful Food in 2025 de Smaakspecialist

Organic Tasting Diner Bio Proeflokaal

Share a perfect day BioToday

Christmas E-Cookbook Smaakt

Organic Pete Tour de Smaakspecialist

Classes KidsProef

Foodvideo’s Smaakt + KidsProef

Organisation Organic food all around the world Social venture Content Kitchen Export Development Kitchen

Our ambition to make organic products available to everyone is a global one. Over the years we have achieved first steps in this ambition by making our organic products available in over 20 countries worldwide. Every year we see positive growth, which brings us ever closer to our global ambition. The world is at our feet!

Cijfers 2017

>20 We export to more than 20 countries

17 Export countries are in the EU

>700 Of our products are available abroad

Our products are worldwide available at: • • •


• •

Large retailers Through distributors Specialty Food & Gourmet shops Wholesalers Online stores

Organisation Development Kitchen Social venture Content Kitchen Export Development Kitchen

The Development Kitchen is the beating heart of the organization. The one and only place where product development, product innovation, data and research come together. The enthusiastic internal and external advisory team translate consumer needs to valuable market information.

From the Development Kitchen The Development Kitchen focuses on three main areas.


Product innovatie

Data Quality

What trends are there in the market? Who is the consumer? Where does the consumer buy organic products? To fulfill which needs and with what conditions? We continuously collect these insights. Complemented with the desires from retail.

We are always on the lookout for interesting new organic products that make a great fit with the insights obtained from research. In short, constantly remaining to surprise consumers with beautiful products, appropriate for the need at hand.

Quality of data is our right to existence. Essential in the current chain collaboration. We specifically choose for the best way and not the easiest one. Our realisation: small details are major.


Program Data Quality Succesfully completed in 2017!

Together with retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and branch organizations, GS1 Netherlands has established the Data Quality 2.0 program to ensure that the quality of product information in GS1 Data Source becomes sustainably reliable. An important part of the program is the control of all new and changed products. GS1 has recently started a new project: ‘Customized Data Quality’. The purpose of this is to help suppliers achieve 100% data quality. In 2017, de Smaakspecialist became the front-runner and leader in the market by successfully completing this program.

Research Qualitative Quantitative In-Depth Interviews


Social listening

Qualitative Quantitative In-Depth Interviews

Commissioned by de Smaakspecialist in August 2017, research agency Beautiful Lives executed a trend report by means of a ‘social listening’ study and desk research with focus on the current trends regarding natural and organic food. Below are the key human insights from the research.

Key insights

1. Nowadays consumers are even more aware and critical of (mature awareness) nutrition and consider themselves more and more as a food experts. The concomitant consumer need remains safe, healthy and honest food.


2. The mature awareness and the critical attitude from the consumer is fed by the prevailing distrust towards the food industry.

3. Within the prevailing distrust towards the food industry, ‘organic’ provides consumer with some sort of certainty and grip on eating safe, healthy and honest food.

4. But also organic products are increasingly perceived in a more skeptical way by consumers.

5. Within this mature awareness regarding nutrition, we can distinguish 3 sub-trends: “cut the crap”, “pure” and “the world is central”.


Consumer Research

Qualitative Quantitative In-Depth Interviews

Besides insight into the current trends at hand, we also want to have insight into the consumer. Because what percent of buyers actually buy organic food? And where do they look for their products in the supermarket? De Smaakspecialist has interviewed hundreds of consumers at various retailers across the Netherlands to find out.

Key insights What is, for you, the most important reason for buying organic food? Do you ever buy organic food?

No; Yes;




No artificial additives

Free from pesticides


5 Expert Quotes

Qualitative Quantitative In-Depth Interviews

At the moment, there are many developments and advancements in the field of healthy, nutritious and sustainable food. But which ones are just hypes and which developments are here to last? To cast a look in the future, together with Isabel Boerdam from “De Hippe Vegetariër” (The Trendy Vegetarian) we talked in-depth to 5 experts from the food industry. What is, in their view, healthy & mindful food in 2025?

Key insights

Anneke Ammerlaan

Food trendwatcher “Organic and non-organic slide closer to one another. In addition technology will pertain a more important place. Eventually, even seasonal produce will disappear. Furthermore, the next hype focus on spiritual health and food.”


Daan de Wit

Research Journalist “I think that pure and natural will only gain more importance. There is increasing scientific evidence that we have to go back to how we used to live. We have go back to the basics and make things ourselves in the kitchen.”

Makkie Mulder

Founder Delicious “I think that a flexitarian lifestyle will be an everlasting trend is. Eating more vegetables and grains and discovering all the beauty from new plant based products. Furthermore, the‘no waste’ remains an substantial theme in the future.”

Gerjan Snippe

Biologische boer “I would love to go back to having more focus on the seasons and making traditional vegetables more attractive by geographic area. We are going to be mindful and use our common sense to judge how sustainably grown our food is.”

See all videos and interviews on

Saraï Pannekoek

Sportdiëtist Athelete- and Sports Nutritionist “I hope we have taken steps in the area of advertising (to children) and that more initiatives from the society will arise to stimulate people to make other choices. In addition we should take steps in the area of sustainable food.”

Research Qualitative Quantitative In-Depth Interviews

What does the consumer think of organic food? Following the interviews with we performed with food experts, we were more than curious to hear the opinion and perception on organic food and the future of organic food from our community. We have presented them with a number of inciting statements to get a better understanding and insight of the consumer’s vision on healthy & mindful food in 2025.

Key insights In this jungle of information, I struggle with knowing what healthy eating actually is. I rely on my own gut feeling rather than on scientific based research when it concerns healthy food. I think organic food is healthier. I have been eating less (or even no) meat the past year(s). I also make my choice for food products from a sustainable perspective, with care for people, animals and the environment. I think the food industry is responsible for irresponsible products in the supermarket shelves. I believe that I have an influence on what is available in the supermarket with my purchases. I find a cheap price the most important factor when I do groceries. I think it is logical that organic products are more expensive. To me it is no problem to only be able to buy seasonal Dutch grown vegetables. I think it is possible to feed 9 billion people in the future with organic products.


Strongly disagree

Strongly agree

Products In the shelves Sugarfree Packaging Certificatoin


Our brands in the supermarket

In the shelves Sugarfree Packaging Certification

Smaakt, BioToday and RAW Organic Food have grown into mature brands. The products have a prominent place in the supermarket shelves and beyond. Where do we stand right now when it concerns our products and their availability?

Figures in 2017 113 Product innovaties


1>5.000 We deliver our products to this many places.

>20 We export to this number of countries.

3 million Households in the Netherlands would buy Smaakt or BioToday

Our products are available at: • • • • • •

All supermarket formulas Gas stations Wholesalers Caterers Meal boxes Leisure operations


No refined sugars

In the shelves Sugarfree Packaging Certification

Too much sugar does not fit into a healthy lifestyle. This is why it is our mission to produce the complete product ranges of our brands Smaakt, BioToday and RAW Organic Food completely free from refined sugars. We have looked closely at all products and made a decision per product to either simply remove the sugar(s) from the recipe, to replace the sugar(s) with unrefined alternatives or to rid the product from the range entirely. Unrefined alternatives are for instance honey, maple syrup, certain cereal and fruit syrups and coconut blossom sugar. Meanwhile, we are well on our way in this transition and 87% of our range is already milestone-proof!

661 Total amount of products

The entire assortment of Smaakt, BioToday and RAW Organic Food has been inspected.


182 Product with added refined sugars

From the entire range, originally 182 products contained added refined sugars.

12 New product recipes

These products have been re-developed with a new and improved recipe, free from refined sugars.



Product eliminations

Milestone approved products

For some products it has been decided that they do not correspond with our milestone and that these should be removed from the assortment.

87% milestone proof!

We’re pleased to say that 611 of our products are free from added refined sugars and thus milestone approved, only 50 more to go!


Sustainable solutions in 2018

In the shelves Sugarfree Packaging Certification

Producing products with care and attention to the environment naturally also calls for sustainable packaging. Our goal is for 2018 is to make use of sustainable packaging and, if possible, even biodegradable packaging. Sustainable packaging differs per product, taking into account the different factors. This means that we take a close look at all of our packaging in order to make the right packaging choice that is as responsible as possible for every single product. In 2017, we have already taken a first step towards sustainable packaging with our Bio-PET storage jar from Smaakt.

Storage Jar from Organic PET

What is sustainable? The sustainability of a package depends on various factors.


What kind of product is it and how sensitive is it for certain circumstances?



What kind of protection does the packaging offer for the product (shelf life)?

30% biobased Sustainablility

How much energy does it cost to produce the packaging, what is the size and thickness of the packaging and can the material be recycled?

The Smaakt storage jar is made from PetPower’s organic PET. This means that the pot is made for 30% of bio-based material; a natural source. The composition of organic PET ensures that the quality of the product is sufficiently protected, which benefits the shelf life. Because we want to keep products in a storage pot for as long as possible, this is an important characteristic of the material. In addition, the sticker on the storage jar is made from NatureFlex, which is material from renewable sources. In 2017, the storage jar was used in retail campaigns and online promotions mainly for the purpose of entering into a dialogue with the community about possible sustainable packaging solutions.

Products In the Shelves Sugarfree Packaging Certification

BRC, EKO & Skal We sincerely believe that it is our responsibility to take good care of our earth with attention care, and love for people, animals and the environment. The choices we make are therefore always with well-being of our earth in our mind, and organic food can, in our opinion, have a major impact on that well-being. Organic food must meet strict requirements and therefore subjected to quality controls at the farmer, the producer and in the store.


The BRC food certification offers the organization certainty about controlling the production process of food products and additional products and services such as packaging and transport.


About EKO

The EKO label foundation is an independent private foundation. In addition to being certified organic, producers must also make additional efforts in the area of sustainability. The EKO label makes these additional efforts of organic companies in the field of sustainability visible to consumers and buyers.

About Skal

Our products are certified by the European quality mark for organic agriculture (Skal). With the issue of this quality mark, we make the guarantee of organic products visible to customers and consumers. In this way, Skal contributes to the demonstrable guarantee of the organic sector.

Brands Smaakt BioToday RAW Organic Food


Design 2.0

Smaakt BioToday RAW Organic Food

In the past year, the Smaakt brand has developed greatly. Smaakt is delicious, organic food made from high-quality ingredients. Sustainable nutrition with added value for any moment of the day, every day. This message is supported by a new high-quality brand appearance. Meanwhile, the first packages in Smaakt 2.0 design have already hit the shelves. Furthermore, we have created a lot of content through recipes, food videos, giveaways and a Christmas cookbook.

Figures 26.250+ Social Media follower


New brand design


Storage jar promotions


New product innovations

Food Videos

Saint Nicolas promotion

Christmas Cookbook




For more information, go to

Kitchen Pantry Giveaway’s promotions


Happy & healthy

Smaakt BioToday RAW Organic Food

Good food mood, that’s BioToday. Organic food for a happy & healthy lifestyle, fair food that makes you smile, with a keen eye for the latest trends and on-the-go solutions! In the past year we have not only developed a lot of new products and recipes, but we have also inspired our fans in the field of lifestyle. For example, our brand new food truck drove all around the country for exclusive BioToday tastings at events such as Share a perfect day and various supermarkets.

TODAY Figures 16.000+


Social media followers


Blogger Event Brekkie Time

Share a Perfect Day

Beautiful inside & out







New product innovations

Events & Tours

For more information, go to


Be pure, eat RAW

Smaakt BioToday RAW Organic Food

RAW Organic Food stands for pure products, bursting with vitamins and minerals! No nonsense, natural and clean, that’s what RAW is all about. They fit perfectly into an active and sporty lifestyle. RAW branding focuses on sport and athleticism and this is communicated through collaborations and sponsorship with athletes. Various athletes have been sponsored with RAW products and clothing, so that they can deliver their optimal sports performance.

Sponsorship Reinout Wiggers

Sponsorship Female Rowing Team




Social Media Followers

New product innovations



Supported Athletes

Giveaway Fitgirlcode

4 RAW Recipes

For more information, go to

Singelloop Breda

7 Giveaways

Impact KidsProef Organic Kitchen Bio Proeflokaal

Kids are the future

Impact KidsProef Organic Kitchen Bio Proeflokaal

De Smaakspecialist believes that when children become aware of responsible food choices, they will take better care of themselves and the rest of the world further on in their lives. Hence the KidsProef initiative! An educational class program about sustainable nutrition for elementary school children. With our KidsProef-tours through the Netherlands, we have enthused dozens of schools. Our KidsProef ambition: to establish the program in all Dutch schools by 2020.



2.450+ 22

Social media followers

Ambassador Sessions & KidsProef-tours

Kids assist at business lunch

Organic Pete’s visit school




KidsProef classes

KidsProef kids

Video Recipes

For more information, go to

Dilemma: How do we get elementary schools enthusiastic to participate in the program, without it being seen as commercial? In what way do you organize the guest lessons on a larger scale? The approach we have chosen by connecting the Organic Kitchen community to KidsProef works. Parents approach the schools as ambassadors to bring the curriculum to the attention and the relevant followers of Organic Kitchen are open to provide lessons through the country.


Cooking in co-creation

KidsProef Organic Kitchen Bio Proeflokaal

Organic Kitchen is the online co-creation platform full of inspiration, information and recipes for a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Together with dozens of partners and food bloggers, we share food facts and the most delicious recipes on Organic Kitchen. We now have a great reach through our various channels and the interaction with the community is fantastic. This contributes to the dream to inspire millions of people daily with all Organic Kitchen partners and bloggers.

Figures 28.750+


Social Media Followers

Most favorite recipe: 1351 clicks

80 Foodiepedia blogs

Most favourite giveaway

Birthday 24Kitchen





For more information, go to

Combekk Cook Workshop

20 Partners


Inspiration pop-up concept

KidsProef Organic Kitchen Bio Proeflokaal

For us, food is passion. It is about tasting, being together, discovering, sharing knowledge and enjoying! With our brands we inspire many people every day to eat organic. But with the Bio Proeflokaal pop up concept, we go a step further. Through this pop-up concept we let people experience the world of organic food in more depth. We can roll out this concept in any form, such as a shop, restaurant, dinner or event. This year, several editions of the Bio Proeflokaal have taken place.


3 Editions


Shop & Restaurant in the old postal office of Breda

10.000+ Visitors

Business Lunch at Annevile estate

18 Events

Organic Tasting Dinner at Anneville estate

Bio Proeflokaalmenu at Eefje

3 million+ Media reach

For more information, go to

BlueCity Rotterdam Healthy and Mindful Food 2025

Dessert With this impact report we have revealed where de Smaakspecialist is right now. A first step in a continuous never-ending process. Through this, we hope to learn, inspire and contribute to a better world for everyone.

Team de Smaakspecialist

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