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ConstrucƟ ng and fi nishing the new Istanbul airport A wide range of chemical products was used in the fi rst phase
A wide range of chemical products was used in the fi rst phase.
A view of the whole Istanbul Airport during the construcƟ on stage.
The fi rst secƟ on of Istanbul’s new airport, designed to become the world’s largest, in terms of annual passenger capacity, was offi cially inaugurated on 29 October 2018. StarƟ ng with the soŌ launch and unƟ l full compleƟ on, the airport is expected to be opened in four phases. Phase 1 was completed with 1.4 million m 2 of terminal space, an ATC (Air Traffi c Control) tower, support faciliƟ es and two runways.
Phases 2 and 3, featuring two additional air traffic control towers and two additional runways, will be completed between 2021 and 2022. By 2028, the airport is expected to be fully completed, with the sixth runway, as well as the opening of a satellite terminal. With an annual capacity of up to 200 million passengers, Istanbul’s new airport will offer flights to more than 350 destinations and will also be home to the world’s largest duty-free shopping complex. The 53,000 m 2 shopping complex will consist of six sections, including luxury stores and bazaars.
An unprecedented project Istanbul’s new airport aims to establish itself as a major travel hub and a key player on the world aviaƟ on stage. Once completed, it will be spread over an area of 76 km 2 , and will house the world’s largest terminal under one roof.
“From an airport planning perspecƟ ve, the project is unprecedented, both in terms of its size and the speed with which the project was aƩ empted”, said Dr Thomas Budd, Lecturer in Airport Planning and Management, Centre for Air Transport Management, Cranfi eld University, UK.
Chemical products for a variety of applicaƟ ons Mapei Yapı Kimyasalları A S, the Turkish subsidiary of the Mapei Group, began supplying products to the project in 2016 and conƟ nued in 2017 by providing products and systems for a broader scope of applicaƟ ons. Mapei is a global supplier of building products, with a presence in many countries including Turkey. MAPEFIX VE SF chemical styrene-free vinylester anchor was chosen for bars which had been installed throughout the project. Due to its quicker seƫ ng Ɵ me, this product provided great advantage in comparison with tradiƟ onal epoxy-based chemical materials. MAPELASTIC FOUNDATION two-component, fl exible cemenƟƟ ous mortar was used for waterproofi ng concrete surfaces in the water tanks which were subject to both posiƟ ve and negaƟ ve water pressure. Prior to the applicaƟ on of MAPELASTIC FOUNDATION, PRIMER 3296 acrylic primer with strong penetraƟ ng acƟ on was applied to level off the surface and improve its bonding properƟ es.
MAPELASTIC FOUNDATION was chosen to waterproof concrete surfaces in the water tanks.

AŌ er applying MAPELASTIC FOUNDATION, either MAPECOAT I 24 or MAPECOAT DW 25 was used for the protecƟ on of the waterproofi ng layers during their service life. MAPECOAT I 24 two-component epoxy paint has high resistance to aggressive chemical agents. MAPECOAT DW 25 is a two-component epoxy paint used to form a coating on concrete surfaces that are in contact with drinking water and food products. MAPEPROOF SWELL single component hydro-expansive paste was used to solve the delicate problem of waterproofi ng pipe inlets and outlets. MAPEPROOF SWELL was specially developed to form fl exible, waterproof seals in cracked reinforced concrete or in precast elements with infi ltraƟ on of water.
The Air Traffi c Control tower The site’s landmark Air Traffi c Control tower was designed by Pininfarina and AECOM. The design was selected from six soluƟ ons proposed by internaƟ onal architecture studios, including Zaha Hadid, Fuksas, Moshe Safdie, Grimshaw Architects and RMJM. The project won the presƟ gious InternaƟ onal Architecture Award 2016, promoted by the Chicago Athenaeum (the InternaƟ onal Museum of Architecture and Design) and the European Centre for Architecture, Art Design and Urban Studies. The design concept of the tower features elements evocaƟ ve of Turkish culture and is inspired by the tulip which has been a symbol of Istanbul for many centuries and an important cultural reference in Turkish history. The shapes of the fl ower were redesigned and reinterpreted through Pininfarina’s idenƟ ty, based on its profound knowledge in automoƟ ve design and wind tunnel modelling, as well as on the infl uence inherited from aerodynamic shapes used in aeronauƟ cal design. Mapei’s AQUAFLEX ROOF PREMIUM ready-to-use, water-based polyurethane waterproofi ng membrane was used for waterproofi ng several surfaces in the ATC tower as it is a good soluƟ on for both old and new surfaces with slopes or irregulariƟ es. MAPECOAT I 600 W two-component transparent epoxy primer in water dispersion was used on the surfaces
AQUAFLEX ROOF PREMIUM was used for waterproofi ng several surfaces in the ATC tower. Image by ShuƩ erstock.

KERACOLOR FF grout was used to grout the joints in in all the ceramic coverings in the project.

as an adhesion promoter and MAPEFLEX PU 40 polyurethane sealant with a low modullus of elasƟ city was chosen for sealing expansion and contracƟ on joints. KERACOLOR FF high performance, polymer-modifi ed, water-repellent, cemenƟƟ ous mortar was used for grouting joints in all the ceramic Ɵ le coverings in the project. ELASTORAPID high-performance, two-component, highly deformable, cemenƟƟ ous adhesive with extended open Ɵ me, was used for bonding ceramic Ɵ les in some piers.
Waterproofi ng the terraces For waterproofi ng the green terraces which cover about 75,000 m 2 in the departures area, PURTOP 400 M two-component, solvent-free, spray applied, hybrid polyurea membrane was the selected product. It has good resistance to alkalis and dilute acids and an elongaƟ on capacity higher than 400%. Besides, it has been cerƟfi ed as conforming to CEN/TS 14416 Standards for resistance to root penetraƟ on, which was mandatory for green terrace applicaƟ on in this project.
Before using PURTOP 400 M, PRIMER SN two-component fi llerised epoxy primer was applied on the substrates.
40 PURTOP 400 M hybrid polyurea membrane was used for waterproofi ng the substrates in the green terraces. Image by ShuƩ erstock.

AQUAFLEX ROOF PREMIUM is a ready-to-use, solvent-free, liquid waterproofi ng membrane, without VOC emissions. Once applied, it forms a seamless membrane, with 400% elongaƟ on capacity, that is resistant to atmospheric agents, UV rays and ponding water. It is also resistant to foot traffi c and may be applied on all walkable areas without an addiƟ onal protecƟ ve layer. Its good mechanical characterisƟ cs remain stable over the years, which makes the product highly durable.
PROJECT DATA PROJECT Istanbul Airport, Istanbul, Turkey ConstrucƟ on period 2016 to 2028 Client IGA-Istanbul Great Airport Design Nordic Offi ce-Grimshaw-HapƟ c Architecture Pininfarina-AECOM Works direcƟ on Horizontal Main contractor Cengiz Mapa Limak Kolin Kalyon Joint Venture
INTERVENTION BY MAPEI Period of the IntervenƟ on 2016-2018 ContribuƟ on by Mapei Supply of products for substrate preparaƟ on, waterproofi ng surfaces in tanks and terraces, chemical anchoring, installing and grouƟ ng ceramic Ɵ les, sealing joints and coaƟ ng walls. InstallaƟ on company Umut YaliƟ m Mapei distributors Umut, Himerpa, Pelenkoğlu Mapei coordinator Emrah Karatas, Mapei Yapı Kimyasalları A S, Turkey Mapei products used Preparing substrates - PRIMER SN, PRIMER 3296 Sealing joints and anchoring - MAPEFLEX PU 40, MAPEFIX VE SF Installing and grouƟ ng ceramic Ɵ les - ELASTORAPID, KERACOLOR FF Waterproofi ng substrates - MAPELASTIC FOUNDATION, MAPELASTIC, MAPEPROOF SWELL, PURTOP 400 M, AQUAFLEX ROOF PREMIUM CoaƟ ngs - MAPECOAT I 24, MAPECOAT DW 25, MAPECOAT I 600 W Finishing fl oors - MAPEFLOOR FINISH 55 Website for further informaƟ on www.mapei.com
This editorial feature is based on an arƟ cle from Realtà MAPEI INTERNATIONAL Issue 74. Images by Mapei, unless otherwise stated.