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Desmond Doyle

Vordernberg-Markt, Austria

By chance one summers evening back in 1984 Desmond Doyle sang a few songs at party in Austria, A couple of days later a band approached him and asked him to join as a singer, so he did and a couple of years later and after a few solid LPs CDs and singles, numerous live appearances and TV shows, Radio interviews and power play beyond the Austrian borders, he made a name for himself as a singer songwriter and entertainer. Numerous concerts, festivals and solo appearances followed. Desmond Doyle was born in Clonmel , County Tipperary ,Ireland in 1961 and left Ireland as many others did as a young boy, Ireland was a poor country at the time and way before the Celtic Tiger economy , many had to emigrate, lack of opportunities and unemployment drained the country of a whole generation of youngsters. After living in Wales and England and finishing his first trade as an Electrician, he met his wife Maria on a visit to Austria, and has settled there with his family. He planted the seeds to many cultural and political
