giving easily & efficiently
Desmos Non Profit Foundation
Ekavi, Niki, Marina, Myrto, Alexia The Founders
In 2011, after years of living abroad, five friends realized that there was a missing link between people that wanted to help and charitable organizations that were in desperate need. They decided to do something about it.
Staggering need l a c k o f r e s o u r c es a n d charitable organ s for izations
U n e m p lo y m e n t
Slashed wages and pensions
in g n i v i l s k e e r 1 in 3 G f o k s i r t a d n a poverty on social exclusi
Shortages in bas a t s c h o o l s , h o s pi c g o o d s social welfare p itals, roviders
L a c k o f tr u s t in th e th ir d s e c to r
C h a r it a b le o r g a n iz a t io n s n e e d a p la t f o r m t o c o m m u n ic a t e t h e ir needs , e v i t a i t i n i e t Idle priva ck of due to la information
A one-stop-shop for meaningful giving in Greece.
Our mission is to support charitable organizations in Greece by engaging and assisting donors to give wisely, easily & efficiently where it is mostly needed.
We bring efficiency , transparency and professionalism to the third sector, aiming to make giving a way of life .
HOW WE WORK We regularly communicate with charities across the country to document and update their needs. We mobilize donors, individuals and companies, providing informed counsel to give where it is mostly needed. We design projects and programs accross Greece according to donors' special interests and charitable organizations' updated needs. Desmos supports all types of charitable organizations, covering needs of all vulnerable populations in Greece. Through Desmos you can support any cause, anywhere, anytime. The entire range of Desmos activities carries a guarantee of professionalism, efficiency and transparency. Every Desmos effort aims at amplifying private giving to help charitable organizations maximize their impact.
In-kind donations
A new era for giving in Greece
VAT exemption for in-kind donations from companies In January 2014 following a proposal for a legislation ammendment made by Desmos, the Greek parliament voted for the ammendment, making history in the field of charitable giving! In-kind donations from companies to charitable organizations are no longer VAT liable, meaning that large ammounts of goods surplus can be streamed towards those in need.
The exemption refers to goods that are unfit for sale, but not yet unfit for use, such as faulty packaging, seasonal goods or goods with short shelf life.
In-kind donations Desmos Direct is a free, dynamic online platform that revolutionizes the giving process making it easier than ever to help those in need. You can post any item you wish to donate and receive a notification for matching needs. Or you may browse through the profiles and needs of charitable organizations across Greece and support wherever and however you wish. Every transaction you make on Desmos Direct is recorded in your personal giving history. Doing good is just a few clicks away!
In-kind donations Desmos Direct in key results: 654 Users 2,200 Successful Transactions €520,000 Value of goods donated through Desmos Direct
*Best Marketplace Practice Award @ Bravo Sustainability Awards
Financial donations
Create your own giving experience! Whether big or small, every donation may cover important needs. Desmos' team will help you find the appropriate destination for both one-off donations as well as more complex projects, according to your special interests, the donation size, and real time needs. Contact Desmos to be advised where your financial donation will be most helpful and be sure that your contribution will be translated to valuable inkind and in-service support to appropriate organizations across Greece.
Financial donations Examples
A financial donation can cover needs in material supplies, food, medical equipment or renovation works for organizations in the fields of social welfare, health and education in Greece. Even the smallest donation can make a difference!
Tailored Programs
High impact nation wide programs As a response to recurring pressing needs across the country, Desmos collaborates closely with major donors to create tailored nation-wide programs that ultimately impact the lives of thousands of people. Desmos has created 4 such programs:
Desmos for Schools
Desmos Gives Warmth
Desmos for Youth
Have an idea? We can make it happen!
I Care and Act
Desmos for Schools
Supporting schools in remote areas of Greece In 3 years we have supported 69 schools in 44 remote areas of Greece, providing educational equipment for 4,411 students .
Desmos Gives Warmth
To organizations in every corner of our country In the past 4 years we have supported 13,825 people in need in 260 schools, elderly homes
and other charitable organizations during the cold
months of winter, providing 450 tons of heating fuel . Many of the beneficiary organizations were in danger of shutting down due to the low temperatures.
Desmos for Youth Creating jobs in charitable organizations for unemployed youths Desmos created jobs for 15
unemployed youths in 15 charities across Greece . Through
this program, 15 young people had an important headstart in their professional lives, while 50,000 people benefited through their social work!
Desmos is launching the program again and will provide a life-changing opportunity to 11 more young people!
I Care & Act Nurturing volunteerism, solidarity and civic engagement in schools
"I Care & Act" is an educational program that aims to create a culture of volunteerism, active citizenship and solidarity through an interactive, experiential educational course for students of all ages that will ultimately be intergrated in the curriculum of all schools in Greece.
To date more than 20,000 students, teachers and parents in 190 schools in all 13 districts of Greece have
created wonderful projects with significant social impact on their local communities, through this program.
Funding resources Companies 34% Supporters 43%
Individual donors (supporters) 38.6% Charitable foundations (foundations) 30.7% Corporate donors (companies) 30.7% Government funding 0%
Foundations 23%
*Every donation to Desmos is streamed back to the society in multiplied social value, while donors know how every single cent of their donation is spent.
Funding allocation Operational 15%
Projects and programs 85.1% Operational Expenses 14.9%
Projects 85%
*Every donation to Desmos is streamed back to the society in multiplied social value, while donors know how every single cent of their donation is spent.
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