2013-14 Moto Guzzi California 1400 Touring

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California 1400 Touring ABS Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:



CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Index Finished products........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Alphanumeric index....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Frame............................................................................................................................................................................................11 Table 01.010 - Πλαίσιο........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 01.020 - Μαρσπιέ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Table 01.030 - Σταντ...............................................................................................................................................................15 Table 01.040 - Προστατευτικά............................................................................................................................................... 16 Table 01.050 - Πιρούνι........................................................................................................................................................... 17 Body..............................................................................................................................................................................................18 Table 02.030 - Εμπρός φτερό-ΜΥΤΗ Καριστ.ΙΝΑΣ................................................................................................................. 18 Table 02.050 - Ζελατίνα / παρμπρίζ.......................................................................................................................................19 Table 02.090 - Κάλυμμα ρεζερβουάρ.................................................................................................................................... 20 Table 02.100 - Κεντρικό αμάξωμα......................................................................................................................................... 21 Table 02.120 - Σέλα................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Table 02.130 - Χώρος κάτω από τη σέλα.............................................................................................................................. 23 Table 02.150 - Πίσω φτερό.................................................................................................................................................... 24 Table 02.165 - βαλίτσες..........................................................................................................................................................26 Table 02.170 - ΚΛΕΙΔαριστ.ΙΕΣ................................................................................................................................................27 Table 02.190 - Αυτοκόλλητο...................................................................................................................................................28 Engine........................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Table 03.010 - Κινητήρας-Περατώσεις...................................................................................................................................30 Table 03.020 - Μοχλός ταχυτήτων.........................................................................................................................................31 Table 03.030 - Κάρτερ I..........................................................................................................................................................32 Table 03.040 - Κάρτερ I..........................................................................................................................................................34 Table 03.050 - Φιλτρόκουτο................................................................................................................................................... 35 Table 03.060 - Πεταλούδα..................................................................................................................................................... 36 Table 03.090 - Καπάκι κεφαλής............................................................................................................................................. 37 Table 03.100 - Κεφαλή - βαλβίδες.........................................................................................................................................38 Table 03.120 - Διανομή.......................................................................................................................................................... 39 Table 03.135 - Διανομή κύλινδρος δεξ.................................................................................................................................. 40 Table 03.145 - Διανομή κύλινδρος αριστ...............................................................................................................................42 Table 03.150 - Κύλινδρος - Έμβολο........................................................................................................................................44 Table 03.160 - Άξονας κινητήρα.............................................................................................................................................45 Table 03.170 - Κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων / Επιλογέας / δεσμοδρομικού........................................................................................ 46 Table 03.180 - Κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων - γρανάζια.......................................................................................................................48 Table 03.190 - Λίπανση.......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Table 03.195 - Φίλτρα λαδιού................................................................................................................................................51 Table 03.196 - Κύκλωμα Blow-by...........................................................................................................................................52 Table 03.200 - Αντλίας λαδιού...............................................................................................................................................53 Table 03.230 - Συμπλέκτης.....................................................................................................................................................54 Table 03.290 - μίζας / Ηλεκτρική εκκίνηση............................................................................................................................55 Table 03.300 - Μανιατό / Ανάφλεξη......................................................................................................................................56 Table 03.330 - Εξάτμιση......................................................................................................................................................... 57 13/06/2013

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CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Table 03.340 - Σύστημα μετάδοσης πίσω..............................................................................................................................59 Table 03.350 - Πίσω μετάδοσης / Εξαρτήματα......................................................................................................................60 Suspensions.................................................................................................................................................................................. 61 Table 04.025 - Εμπρός πιρούνι.............................................................................................................................................. 61 Table 04.080 - Αμορτισέρ.......................................................................................................................................................63 Wheels.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 64 Table 05.010 - Εμπρόσθιος τροχός........................................................................................................................................ 64 Table 05.020 - Πίσω τροχός................................................................................................................................................... 65 Brake system................................................................................................................................................................................ 66 Table 06.010 - Αντλία φρένου εμπρός.................................................................................................................................. 66 Table 06.020 - Δαγκάνα φρένου εμπρός............................................................................................................................... 67 Table 06.030 - Αντλία φρένου πίσω...................................................................................................................................... 68 Table 06.040 - Δαγκάνα πίσω φρένου...................................................................................................................................69 Table 06.050 - Σύστημα πέδησης ABS................................................................................................................................... 70 Handlebar - Controls.................................................................................................................................................................... 71 Table 07.010 - Τιμόνι..............................................................................................................................................................71 Table 07.020 - Τιμόνι - Χειριστήρια....................................................................................................................................... 72 Table 07.030 - Χειριστήριο συμπλέκτη.................................................................................................................................. 73 Lights - Instruments..................................................................................................................................................................... 74 Table 08.010 - ΦΩΤΑ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ...............................................................................................................................................74 Table 08.020 - Όργανα........................................................................................................................................................... 76 Table 08.030 - Φώτα πίσω.....................................................................................................................................................77 Tank...............................................................................................................................................................................................78 Table 09.010 - Ρεζερβουάρ βενζίνης......................................................................................................................................78 Table 09.020 - Κύκλωμα ανάκτησης αναθυμιάσεων βενζίνης.............................................................................................. 79 Cooling system............................................................................................................................................................................. 80 Table 10.010 - Ψυγείο λαδιού............................................................................................................................................... 80 Electrical systems......................................................................................................................................................................... 81 Table 11.010 - Ηλεκτρική εγκατάσταση εμπρός.................................................................................................................... 81 Table 11.020 - Ηλεκτρική εγκατάσταση κεντρική.................................................................................................................. 83 Table 11.030 - Ηλεκτρική εγκατάσταση πίσω........................................................................................................................85


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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Finished products Code GU9032802EUC00 GU9032802EUC01 GU9032802EUD00 GU9032802EUD01 GU9032802EUD02 GU9032803AUD00 GU9032803AUD01 GU9032803AUD02 GU9032803CAE00 GU9032803CAE01 GU9032803CAE02 GU9032803EUD00 GU9032803EUD01 GU9032803EUD02 GU9032803USE00 GU9032803USE01 GU9032803USE02



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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Code 006410 013763 015792 015792 145298 224566 237553 244585 248419 248419 248419 248419 248419 248419 254485 254485 254485 254485 254485 254485 273774 285846 292022 294278 294353 2A000028 2A000030 2A000072 2B000031 2B000032 2B000041 2B000056 2B000082 2B000083 2B000090 2B000145 2B000146 2B000147 2B000147000XN2 2B000159 2B000160 2B000219 2B000331 2D000003 2D000004 2D000006 2D000007 2Q000002 411209 414835 414837 414837 434947 436438 478533 487444 487444 560110 567603 575268 580734 581061 582928 584344 598839 621914 621914


No. table 08.010 03.190 03.135 03.145 11.020 03.195 03.200 03.145 01.040 02.100 02.150 03.060 11.010 11.010 02.150 03.050 03.330 06.050 10.010 11.010 01.010 03.100 08.030 08.010 08.010 03.230 03.060 03.230 02.190 02.190 02.030 02.030 02.150 02.190 05.020 03.330 03.330 09.010 09.010 02.150 02.150 09.020 11.020 02.170 02.170 02.170 08.010 02.190 03.030 03.200 03.135 03.145 03.190 03.100 10.010 03.135 03.145 03.030 03.050 02.165 08.010 11.020 11.020 03.330 03.230 03.190 03.195

Pos. 14 18 5 5 21 8 7 32 21 4 13 21 15 26 10 18 11 6 5 30 11 8 9 17 16 1 17 16 18 19 3 4 21 16 20 13 14 1 1 19 15 8 28 2 5 14 38 16 2 9 17 17 9 6 9 23 23 4 10 12 21 14 19 18 15 17 14

Code 622236 639542 641541 641652 641652 641901 642248 654174 654174 672381 825597 825597 825694 825694 829122 829232 829486 829661 82999R 832029 842360 842360 843060 843060 845591 849131 849866 851550 851821 85220R 85269R 856048 856050 856050 856062 856063 856152 857265 857306 857494 858423 858424 858882 859792 859792 860138 860746 860746 872230 872264 872695 872696 872741 872742 872759 872759 873097 873626 873626 873689 873690 873906 873928 874126 874127 874223 874238

No. table 03.050 01.030 03.190 07.020 11.010 11.010 11.020 06.010 07.030 02.190 03.100 03.150 03.135 03.145 03.195 03.120 03.200 03.200 03.040 11.010 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 06.030 03.160 03.150 01.030 01.020 03.230 03.120 06.010 06.010 07.030 09.020 09.020 11.020 03.170 03.060 03.170 06.010 07.030 11.030 05.010 05.020 09.020 06.050 11.020 03.060 03.060 03.100 03.100 03.090 03.090 03.135 03.145 02.170 03.090 03.100 03.150 03.150 03.200 03.120 03.100 03.100 03.190 03.190

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Pos. 6 12 12 2 10 2 26 7 13 24 12 12 22 22 2 13 5 6 1 33 6 6 27 27 3 4 19 8 15 3 11 2 5 4 2 1 15 37 16 38 4 3 1 19 13 5 2 16 4 2 3 4 9 5 4 4 9 6 11 13 14 14 8 9 5 5 15

Code 874293 874482 874567 874601 874601 874646 8746505 874655 874669 874801 874980 875173 875173 875243 875244 876486 877101 8783390001 8783390002 8783390003 878574 878574 878868 878868 879707 879707 879916 879916 879936 879936 879937 879937 879938 879938 879975 879987 880127 880965 880965 883384 883385 883476 883673 883818 884029 884031 884044 886141 886235 886255 886820 886836 886837 886846 8868555001 8868555002 8868555003 886859 886860 886861 8868655 886867 886869 886871 886875 8868810001 8868810002

No. table 03.160 03.200 03.150 03.135 03.145 03.190 03.200 03.195 03.190 03.200 03.030 03.135 03.145 03.160 03.160 03.195 03.200 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.090 03.090 03.090 03.135 03.145 06.020 06.020 02.170 06.020 11.030 03.330 04.080 03.230 02.190 10.010 03.300 02.120 01.010 01.010 03.060 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.050 03.050 03.050 03.170 03.050 03.060 03.050 03.170 03.150 03.150

Pos. 2 8 7 26 26 10 1 12 7 10 16 15 15 5 5 7 11 3 3 3 1 1 13 13 11 11 10 10 19 19 20 20 18 18 4 7 8 28 28 2 1 3 3 10 9 3 6 1 6 1 10 1 4 17 1 1 1 1 7 5 5 3 22 12 15 2 2

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Code 8868810003 886883 886884 886885 886886 886908 886934 88693400BM 88693400XN2 886959 886967 886968 887007 887008 887013 887014 887015 887016 887030 887044 887086 887137 887161 887162 887163 887164 8871714 8871724 887248 887252 887254 887260 887261 887264 887282 887300 887300 887302 887303 887311 887318 88733000XNB 88733100XNB 887334 887335 887339 887356 887357 887359 887360 887362 887421 887429 887430 887433 887439 887443 887453 887454 887455 887456 887461 887487 88748700BM 88748700XN2 887488 887489


No. table 03.150 03.150 03.150 03.150 03.150 03.030 09.010 09.010 09.010 01.050 05.020 03.340 03.330 03.330 01.010 01.010 03.060 11.010 03.120 03.120 01.010 04.080 03.135 03.145 03.100 03.100 03.060 03.060 01.010 06.030 01.010 01.010 01.010 01.010 03.060 03.340 03.350 01.020 01.020 05.020 03.020 01.020 01.020 03.090 11.030 07.030 07.010 07.010 04.025 04.025 05.010 11.010 05.010 05.010 05.010 05.010 02.190 08.010 03.100 03.100 03.100 05.020 02.150 02.150 02.150 02.130 05.020

Pos. 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 15 3 13 14 7 9 6 38 10 14 8 1 3 3 2 1 8 9 25 7 26 27 12 37 12 1 1 22 18 19 17 2 1 10 12 9 2 1 29 27 1 32 2 9 7 12 15 15 13 13 13 23 4 4 4 1 8

Code 887490 887491 88749400C1 887495 887510 887512 887513 887517 887518 887519 887522 887524 887529 887530 887534 887535 887536 887537 887540 887547 887549 887550 887554 887555 887556 887566 887567 887568 887575 887578 887579 887582 887583 887584 887585 887586 887589 887590 887625 887627 887629 887689 887696 887697 887698 887719 887728 887757 887762 887764 887786 887795 887796 887798 887802 887805 887808 887816 887823 887829 887830 887831 887832 887835 887836 887865 887875

No. table 06.040 01.010 02.120 05.020 03.020 04.025 04.025 05.020 05.020 01.050 03.340 03.120 05.020 05.020 08.030 08.030 08.030 08.030 08.020 02.130 07.020 07.030 08.010 08.020 06.030 05.010 07.020 07.020 05.020 05.010 05.010 06.050 06.050 06.050 06.050 04.025 03.330 03.330 11.020 06.010 07.030 06.030 06.050 08.010 08.010 01.010 01.010 03.340 05.010 06.010 03.196 07.020 07.020 06.050 02.130 03.090 03.060 03.330 07.020 04.025 04.025 07.010 07.010 11.010 11.010 02.120 05.010

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Pos. 1 24 1 12 12 1 2 24 22 2 4 9 1 2 1 2 1 2 9 4 1 1 18 8 1 14 5 6 16 15 16 15 14 13 12 28 3 4 1 6 11 20 1 12 1 6 17 6 13 1 1 8 9 4 3 2 7 22 16 3 4 8 10 22 23 11 11

Code 887875 887921 887945 887946 887950 887951 887953 887955 887956 887979 887990 88799000BM 88799000XN2 887997 890760 890979 894603 895328 895328 895481 895701 895709 895839 895907 896675 896715 898136 898396 898397 899064 969323 976179 976180 976312 976330 976331 976337 976337 976338 976338 976341 976341 976342 976350 976350 976355 976376 976381 976478 976481 976484 976488 976532 976533 976535 976554 976564 976589 976589 976591 976591 976591 976591 976592 976593 976594 976595

No. table 05.020 08.010 02.165 02.165 03.190 03.190 08.020 11.010 03.090 03.060 02.100 02.100 02.100 08.010 11.010 11.010 11.020 03.020 06.030 11.030 11.020 08.020 02.190 11.020 11.030 11.030 02.090 03.020 03.020 03.190 03.195 03.180 03.180 03.150 03.120 03.120 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.150 03.135 03.145 03.120 03.330 03.120 03.040 03.230 03.230 03.120 03.180 03.180 03.230 03.040 03.230 03.135 03.145 02.130 03.090 06.050 08.030 03.190 03.230 03.230 03.230

Pos. 10 4 7 6 11 1 2 1 12 1 2 2 2 25 31 28 3 2 2 16 17 10 3 10 17 11 4 15 6 4 13 9 17 11 1 4 31 31 30 30 29 29 15 25 25 6 20 2 9 7 8 3 23 22 5 5 10 8 8 2 3 5 3 8 12 12 12

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Code 976596 976597 976614 976614 976649 976665 976674 976674 976680 976681 976696 976703 976899 9769965 9769975 97729R 977527 977916 978059 978415 AP8101595 AP8101595 AP8101595 AP8101944 AP8101968 AP8102159 AP8102239 AP8102349 AP8102377 AP8102524 AP8102671 AP8102765 AP8102902 AP8102913 AP8102998 AP8104329 AP8104666 AP8110053 AP8110077 AP8110093 AP8110094 AP8110094 AP8110110 AP8112600 AP8112811 AP8113003 AP8113004 AP8113004 AP8113070 AP8113755 AP8120001 AP8120001 AP8120030 AP8120030 AP8120030 AP8120030 AP8120178 AP8120405 AP8120416 AP8120531 AP8120531 AP8120557 AP8120573 AP8120592 AP8120594 AP8120615 AP8120712


No. table 03.230 03.190 03.060 11.010 03.120 03.120 03.135 03.145 03.190 03.190 03.230 03.030 03.150 03.010 03.170 03.290 02.170 11.020 07.020 02.120 03.050 03.170 09.010 09.020 06.030 09.020 09.020 03.196 09.020 01.030 11.020 03.196 01.010 02.120 09.010 03.050 09.010 03.020 07.010 05.020 01.010 05.010 01.020 11.030 11.020 06.050 06.050 07.030 06.050 06.040 01.020 02.030 03.050 03.196 06.050 10.010 06.030 09.010 07.030 02.090 02.150 09.010 01.020 02.165 08.010 03.050 11.020

Pos. 12 6 20 8 17 16 24 24 16 14 14 12 10 1 1 1 4 18 11 8 19 11 10 15 15 9 6 7 14 11 23 8 3 4 12 2 24 20 5 3 10 4 8 8 2 18 17 8 19 4 17 2 17 2 9 2 17 5 12 8 16 4 13 11 28 8 27

Code AP8120876 AP8120952 AP8121014 AP8121015 AP8121032 AP8121114 AP8121133 AP8121205 AP8121409 AP8121420 AP8121464 AP8121510 AP8121511 AP8121882 AP8121929 AP8123641 AP8123642 AP8123643 AP8123644 AP8124293 AP8124718 AP8124718 AP8124936 AP8125838 AP8125839 AP8125841 AP8125842 AP8127098 AP8127461 AP8127489 AP8133945 AP8133945 AP8134857 AP8144007 AP8144007 AP8144038 AP8144064 AP8144552 AP8144558 AP8144563 AP8144564 AP8144616 AP8144662 AP8149034 AP8150014 AP8150015 AP8150015 AP8150018 AP8150040 AP8150045 AP8150169 AP8150178 AP8150192 AP8150204 AP8150204 AP8150204 AP8150211 AP8150252 AP8150285 AP8150285 AP8150287 AP8150292 AP8150292 AP8150311 AP8150311 AP8150329 AP8150376

No. table 03.050 03.170 01.030 01.030 11.010 02.150 01.020 07.010 07.030 02.120 10.010 03.330 09.010 06.050 01.020 07.010 07.010 07.010 07.010 11.020 02.150 08.030 11.010 05.020 05.020 05.010 05.010 08.030 02.090 08.010 06.050 07.030 01.020 03.020 06.030 03.050 03.330 02.130 03.330 01.040 08.030 01.040 08.020 02.150 08.010 06.050 08.010 02.165 01.010 08.010 03.350 08.010 01.010 02.150 06.030 08.030 03.350 01.020 03.030 08.010 01.010 01.020 01.040 01.030 09.010 01.010 08.010

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Pos. 21 10 9 10 11 7 7 12 7 9 7 24 3 11 21 4 7 9 6 20 17 4 17 5 4 3 5 7 3 37 16 10 12 9 5 20 17 6 23 17 11 15 3 23 10 8 11 17 23 6 7 13 18 18 14 6 8 11 25 7 22 14 4 14 14 21 33

Code AP8150378 AP8150378 AP8150382 AP8150382 AP8150413 AP8150413 AP8150413 AP8150413 AP8150432 AP8150432 AP8150448 AP8150450 AP8150500 AP8150500 AP8150501 AP8150501 AP8150509 AP8150509 AP8150509 AP8150522 AP8150540 AP8150543 AP8152018 AP8152043 AP8152055 AP8152060 AP8152117 AP8152135 AP8152166 AP8152220 AP8152246 AP8152246 AP8152272 AP8152273 AP8152273 AP8152273 AP8152273 AP8152273 AP8152273 AP8152274 AP8152278 AP8152278 AP8152278 AP8152278 AP8152278 AP8152278 AP8152278 AP8152279 AP8152279 AP8152280 AP8152280 AP8152280 AP8152280 AP8152280 AP8152281 AP8152281 AP8152281 AP8152284 AP8152285 AP8152285 AP8152286 AP8152287 AP8152287 AP8152292 AP8152294 AP8152298 AP8152299

No. table 02.050 02.050 08.020 11.030 08.020 08.030 11.020 11.020 01.010 01.040 01.040 03.050 01.040 03.196 08.030 11.030 11.010 11.030 11.030 08.030 07.020 07.010 01.040 05.010 03.330 02.050 02.120 01.030 03.120 01.030 01.020 02.150 03.340 02.150 02.150 03.170 05.010 05.020 09.010 02.030 01.010 02.150 03.060 03.060 06.050 08.020 11.010 03.050 06.030 03.050 06.050 10.010 11.010 11.010 08.010 09.010 11.010 03.030 02.150 05.020 02.165 01.040 02.120 01.040 01.040 02.150 01.010

Pos. 15 6 7 6 4 13 13 22 29 6 7 11 20 3 5 4 20 3 7 10 14 3 5 18 5 5 5 6 7 2 24 24 5 12 6 39 20 14 19 5 35 9 13 25 10 6 12 22 19 15 7 3 19 5 8 2 7 21 5 11 9 12 12 11 13 20 14

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Code AP8152299 AP8152299 AP8152299 AP8152299 AP8152300 AP8152300 AP8152300 AP8152300 AP8152301 AP8152302 AP8152302 AP8152302 AP8152306 AP8152306 AP8152313 AP8152318 AP8152323 AP8152324 AP8152325 AP8152329 AP8152329 AP8152329 AP8152329 AP8152339 AP8152339 AP8152384 AP8152385 AP8152414 AP8152479 AP8152483 AP8161083 AP8201124 AP8201301 AP8201755 AP8201808 AP8201855 AP8202238 AP8206773 AP8210007 AP8220150 AP8220238 AP8220402 AP8221023 AP8221023 AP8221310 AP8221349 AP8224164 AP8224462 AP8706322 AP9150472 B005195 B013036 B013037 B013479 B013479 B013517 B013552 B013552 B0136034 B0136034 B0136054 B0136054 B013661 B013661 B014576 B014576 B015125


No. table 02.120 02.150 06.030 11.010 02.165 03.020 03.330 06.030 01.010 11.010 11.010 11.030 02.165 11.020 03.330 03.340 05.020 05.020 07.020 02.130 03.050 11.020 11.030 02.100 02.150 07.010 01.020 06.020 02.050 01.040 10.010 09.010 06.030 01.010 06.050 02.165 06.050 09.020 03.020 11.030 02.165 09.020 03.050 10.010 08.010 08.010 02.165 11.010 02.165 03.190 02.170 03.230 03.230 03.135 03.145 03.100 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.135 03.145 03.150

Pos. 6 22 12 14 18 11 27 8 33 13 25 9 15 29 10 2 27 26 15 5 4 30 14 3 3 11 6 6 13 8 8 23 16 2 20 3 19 7 19 5 13 4 16 4 34 27 14 27 4 13 13 9 13 14 14 7 21 21 9 9 12 12 16 16 7 7 16

Code B015126 B016425 B016785 B016785 B017633 B017633 B017636 B043864 B044314 B044414 B0630111 B063012 B063013 B063015 B063026 B063027 B063028 B063029 B063030 B063035 B063055 B0630754 B063079 B063080 B063088 B063090 B063091 B063104 B063114 B063116 B06311600BM B06311600XN2 B063117 B06311700BM B06311700XN2 B063131 B063133 B063134 B063139 B063143 B06314300XNH B063158 B063159 B063160 B063161 B063162 B063174 B063174 B063179 B063181 B063182 B063211 B063246 B06325400BM B06325400XN2 B06325500BM B06325500XN2 B063271 B063274 B063289 B063292 B063293 B063295 B063296 B063297 B063302 B063303

No. table 03.150 03.060 03.135 03.145 03.060 03.060 03.100 09.010 05.010 11.010 03.230 03.230 11.030 11.010 11.020 11.020 08.010 08.010 07.020 03.020 01.020 03.170 09.010 09.010 01.010 10.010 08.010 09.010 03.330 02.150 02.150 02.150 02.150 02.150 02.150 11.010 01.020 01.020 01.010 03.010 03.010 03.060 03.060 03.060 03.060 11.010 04.080 08.010 03.196 02.090 02.090 06.050 09.010 02.165 02.165 02.165 02.165 03.030 03.195 02.165 03.330 03.330 08.010 08.010 08.010 02.150 02.150

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Pos. 9 14 2 2 15 24 10 9 17 21 12 12 2 18 11 12 35 36 9 1 26 2 8 6 31 1 19 16 21 1 1 1 2 2 2 37 4 3 20 3 3 18 19 10 11 3 4 2 9 5 7 3 7 1 1 2 2 18 6 8 19 12 20 22 23 8 11

Code B063306 B063307 B063309 B063310 B063328 B063333 B063339 B063343 B063426 B063428 B063430 B063432 B063433 B063434 B063439 B063440 B063442 B063444 B063454 B063461 B063477 B063478 B063508 B063574 B063577 B063578 B063583 B063584 B063587 B063591 B063592 B063593 B063594 B063595 B063596 B063620 B063625 B063626 B063632 B063639 B063642 B063643 B063706 B063709 B063716 B063717 B063721 B063736 B063742 B063751 B063756 B063759 B063778 B063786 B063790 B063791 B063792 B063806 B063813 B063814 B063815 B063819 B06382000YE4 B06382100YE4 B063830 B063831 B063832

No. table 03.010 01.010 01.020 07.030 06.030 03.060 07.020 08.010 11.010 03.195 01.030 08.030 11.020 10.010 02.120 05.010 03.060 01.030 08.030 03.030 03.050 02.090 11.010 02.170 01.040 01.040 01.040 02.170 02.165 01.020 11.010 03.330 03.330 03.330 03.330 03.196 01.040 01.040 02.165 03.020 02.190 02.190 09.010 02.170 01.040 01.040 02.050 02.170 11.010 03.020 08.010 01.050 03.196 01.030 02.050 02.050 02.050 11.030 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 01.020 01.020 02.050 02.050 03.180

Pos. 2 19 9 6 9 5 7 24 24 1 1 8 24 10 7 10 3 5 12 28 9 1 6 7 1 2 3 10 5 29 34 15 16 7 8 4 10 9 8 18 6 7 13 1 19 18 4 8 16 3 26 4 5 4 3 2 1 13 20 21 22 4 19 10 11 10 21

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Code B063836 B063844 B063846 B063849 B063850 B063861 B063870 B063898 B063902 B063903 B063903 B063904 B063905 B063907 B063931 B063932 B063934 B063936 B063938 B063942 B063950 B063956 B063957 B063977 B063978 B063979 B063984 B064001 B064009 B064017 B064018 B064019 B06401900BM B06401900XN2 B064022 B064023 B064024 B064025 B064026 B064027 B064044 B064046 B064047 B064048 B064049 B064050 B064051 B064052 B064053 B064055 B064056 B064057 B064058 B064059 B064060 B064061 B064062 B064063 B064064 B064065 B064066 B064067 B064068 B064069 B064070 B064071 B064072


No. table 03.180 11.010 03.030 05.020 03.030 03.030 02.150 03.030 01.040 03.020 06.030 01.010 03.170 01.020 01.020 02.165 03.195 08.020 01.010 03.195 02.190 03.170 03.050 03.180 03.180 03.180 02.050 01.040 10.010 11.010 03.195 02.100 02.100 02.100 06.030 02.120 02.120 02.190 09.010 09.010 03.350 03.150 03.150 02.170 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 04.025 02.190 02.190

Pos. 33 4 26 21 20 17 14 19 14 10 6 13 27 25 27 10 9 1 34 10 5 28 13 32 31 34 12 16 11 39 11 1 1 1 11 2 3 17 20 21 4 8 1 11 14 17 24 22 18 19 20 23 15 5 6 21 9 10 8 7 12 13 11 25 26 11 12

Code B064073 B064074 B064075 B064076 B064077 B064078 B064079 B06408400XN2 B06408500XN2 B06408600BM B06408700BM B064099 B06409900BM B06409900XN2 B064100 B064101 B064102 B064104 B064105 B064106 B064112 B064113 B064115 B064116 B064117 B064120 B064126 B064127 B064143 B064260 B064261 B064262 B064263 B064265 B064268 B064271 B064290 B064320 CM001904 CM225607 CM225610 CM225615 CM225620 CM225730 CM225740 CM228201 CM228403 GU00823923140 GU00823931055 GU00823931080 GU00823944050 GU01106090 GU01107490 GU01116031 GU01154230 GU01154230 GU01154230 GU01161331 GU01161331 GU01528930 GU01528930 GU01528930 GU01659130 GU01659131 GU03013800 GU03013800 GU03447070

No. table 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.165 02.090 02.090 02.090 02.090 02.030 02.030 02.030 03.230 01.020 04.025 06.030 06.010 07.030 03.170 03.170 07.020 07.020 02.190 06.040 03.330 03.330 02.170 02.190 02.190 03.090 03.090 07.030 01.010 03.230 05.020 02.050 03.196 11.020 11.020 11.020 11.020 11.020 11.020 11.030 01.020 01.030 02.090 01.040 09.010 09.010 09.010 09.020 03.030 03.190 03.196 03.190 03.196 03.030 03.170 03.350 06.020 06.020 03.200 08.010 01.020

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Pos. 13 14 11 12 13 14 20 5 7 5 7 1 1 1 2 5 16 21 3 5 24 25 18 17 23 3 1 2 12 9 8 1 11 2 30 4 17 14 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 28 15 9 22 11 18 17 3 27 2 11 3 10 23 9 3 4 5 12 32 20

Code GU03555250 GU03578432 GU03603060 GU03617710 GU03617710 GU05001630 GU05002130 GU05204930 GU05210631 GU05211030 GU05211131 GU05211231 GU05211331 GU05211431 GU05211530 GU05212031 GU05213631 GU05214031 GU05214231 GU05214431 GU05214630 GU05214731 GU05215031 GU05215631 GU05230531 GU05230831 GU05232431 GU05232631 GU05234230 GU05234631 GU05235531 GU05236231 GU05238131 GU05238231 GU05238431 GU05239330 GU05256930 GU05351230 GU05547030 GU05547130 GU05547930 GU05701430 GU05702530 GU05781630 GU05944530 GU05944930 GU06500200 GU06500600 GU06704700 GU12018900 GU12022600 GU13432640 GU14085900 GU14433400 GU14615901 GU14615901 GU14615901 GU14616150 GU14616150 GU18144350 GU18144350 GU19002020 GU19152200 GU30158900 GU30602861 GU30611460 GU30654626

No. table 04.080 02.050 07.020 05.010 05.020 03.040 03.040 03.170 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.170 03.020 03.350 01.050 01.050 01.050 03.300 03.300 04.025 02.190 02.190 07.020 07.020 09.020 03.030 03.030 03.020 03.230 03.120 02.165 03.030 03.330 05.010 05.020 03.170 03.200 03.170 03.195 03.200 07.020 05.020 06.040

Pos. 2 9 3 6 7 12 3 8 1 29 25 26 10 7 30 4 12 14 13 18 5 15 16 2 32 35 33 34 26 16 17 21 29 22 23 31 21 5 6 5 8 7 6 32 10 2 12 13 10 6 10 5 11 12 19 8 26 8 6 7 4 14 3 3 4 9 2

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Code GU30714201 GU31003766 GU31003766 GU31003766 GU31159050 GU31256881 GU32577910 GU43262180 GU4FAN000030 GU61270300 GU90271014 GU90271022 GU90271030 GU90271125 GU90271230 GU90353014 GU90401424 GU90405367 GU90412237 GU90412541 GU90706009 GU90706141 GU90706178 GU90706203 GU90706347 GU90706461 GU90706664 GU90718120 GU91120605 GU91120606 GU91120606 GU91120607 GU91180823 GU91551167 GU91600365 GU92201025 GU92201117 GU92201226 GU92201822 GU92232028 GU92249224 GU92252029 GU92605408 GU92606206 GU92606206 GU92606516 GU92630206 GU92630206 GU92630206 GU92630707 GU92660012 GU92660021 GU92660021 GU92787006 GU93180220 GU93222023 GU93304390 GU93306070 GU95005306 GU95005308 GU95005320 GU95005325 GU95008205 GU95008208 GU95008210 GU95008305 GU95008306


No. table 03.300 03.030 03.170 03.350 03.200 03.020 02.050 06.030 03.300 03.030 03.170 03.170 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.170 03.170 03.030 03.040 03.180 09.020 11.010 03.030 03.030 03.040 04.025 05.020 03.350 08.010 03.010 03.040 03.040 03.300 02.050 03.120 03.170 03.170 03.180 03.180 03.180 01.050 03.180 03.300 03.020 06.030 03.300 03.020 08.010 11.010 03.020 03.300 03.030 03.330 02.050 03.170 03.060 01.050 03.050 03.200 04.025 06.030 05.020 09.010 03.290 01.010 08.020 01.010

Pos. 9 22 13 2 2 14 8 10 10 14 30 18 8 27 6 36 12 15 2 20 11 36 29 11 8 31 18 6 3 5 13 7 2 16 15 20 19 19 11 24 7 3 12 13 18 8 23 9 9 16 5 9 25 7 4 23 3 14 13 34 23 25 15 3 32 5 16

Code GU95008308 GU95008308 GU95008308 GU95008308 GU95008310 GU95008313 GU95100116 GU95100709 GU95129100 GU95129100 GU95129240 GU95129340 GU95187006 GU95512081 GU95963062 GU95980319 GU95990023 GU96508066 GU96508075 GU97202355 GU98082475 GU98084314 GU98084425 GU98210616 GU98210616 GU98230850 GU98350210 GU98350310 GU98350315 GU98350416 GU98370412 GU98370516 GU98370614 GU98370616 GU98612216 GU98612320 GU98620330 GU98620335 GU98620445 GU98620455 GU98620560 GU98680225 GU98680360 GU98680440 GU98680460 GU98680545 GU98682316 GU98682316 GU98682320 GU98682320 GU98682320 GU98682325 GU98682325 GU98682330 GU98682414 GU98682416 GU98682420 GU98682530 GU98683530 GU98690245 GU98690440 GU98882416

No. table 01.020 03.020 03.330 06.030 01.010 01.010 03.150 03.030 03.135 03.145 01.030 03.180 03.195 03.030 09.020 03.170 09.020 03.030 03.030 03.170 03.290 03.195 03.030 03.010 06.030 03.300 02.090 03.150 03.120 08.010 06.030 02.090 08.010 11.010 01.030 08.010 03.040 03.040 03.300 03.040 03.300 11.020 01.010 04.025 03.020 01.030 03.040 11.010 03.020 03.040 08.010 01.050 03.020 03.030 02.170 02.165 01.020 01.020 01.010 04.025 07.020 09.010

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Pos. 30 8 6 4 36 28 18 30 32 33 7 28 4 3 12 6 13 5 7 3 2 5 13 4 22 11 6 17 5 30 13 2 31 29 13 5 11 4 3 10 4 25 15 33 7 3 14 35 22 6 29 9 4 24 6 16 23 16 5 30 10 22

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 886836 AP8201755 AP8102902 886837 GU98683530 887719 887013 887086 887014 AP8110094 273774 887261 B063904 AP8152299 GU98680360 GU95008306 887728 AP8150192 B063307 B063139 AP8150329 AP8150287 AP8150040 887491 887248 887254 887260 GU95008313


Frame 01.010 Πλαίσιο 1

Description Telaio Superiore con PI Threaded rivet Hex threaded insert Telaio Inferiore con PI screw M10x30 Seat support Biella supporto motore Biella supporto motore Biella supporto motore Bearing 25x47x12 Oil seal Perno silent block Hex socket screw M12x70 Self-locking nut M6 Hex socket screw M6x60 Washer 6,4x12x1,2 Disc Hex socket screw M10x80 Threaded pin Engine support silent-block Hex socket screw Hex socket screw M10x90 Hex socket screw M10x110* Silent block support bracket Staffa inf. motore con PI Staffa ant. motore con PI Staffa post. motore con PI Washer 13x24x2,5

Qty 1 10 6 1 8 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 8

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Code AP8150432 B064268 B063088 GU95008210 AP8152301 B063938 AP8152278 GU95008310 887264


Frame 01.010 Πλαίσιο 1

Description Low self-locking nut M12* Hex socket screw M12x45 Engine pin Washer 10,2X18X2 Self-locking nut Hex socket screw M10x20 Screw w/ flange M6x16 Washer 10,5x22x2,5 Bush

Qty 2 4 2 11 3 5 2 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 88733100XNB 88733000XNB B063134 B063133 B064101 AP8152385 AP8121133 AP8110110 B063309 B06382100YE4 AP8150252 AP8134857 AP8120573 AP8150292 851821 GU98682530 AP8120001 887303 B06382000YE4 GU03447070 AP8121929 887302 GU98682420 AP8152246 B063907 B063055 B063931 CM228403


Frame 01.020 Μαρσπιέ 1

Description LH rear footrest supp., black RH footrest support al fin,blk RH rear footrests rubber LH rear footrests rubber Footrest pin Hex socket screw M10x1,25 Coil compress. spring Ball d.7 Plate LH rear footrest, grey Hex socket screw M5x20 Plate Stop ring Curved spring washer * Ring nut Hex socket screw M10x30 Rubber spacer Supporto pedana pilota sx con PI RH rear footrest, grey Mat T bush 6,5x8,6x9 Supporto pedana pilota dx con PI Hex socket screw M8x20 Screw w/ flange M6x16 Footrest pin Pedana pilota con PI Sliding block Footrest pin

Qty 1 1 1 1 2 8 2 2 4 1 4 2 4 8 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 6 4 2 2 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30

Code B063591 GU95008308


Frame 01.020 Μαρσπιέ 1


Qty 2 1

Spring Washer

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Code B063430 AP8152220 GU98680545 B063786 B063444 AP8152135 GU95129240 851550 AP8121014 AP8121015 AP8102524 639542 GU98612216 AP8150311 GU00823923140


Frame 01.030 Σταντ 1

Description Piastra cavalletto laterale completa Washer screw M10x45 Lateral stand Perno rotazione cavalletto Nut M12x1,25 Washer Lateral stand plate Coil pull spring * Lateral stand external spring Stand spring protection Button for the side stand Hex socket screw Low self-locking nut Thermal sheath

Qty 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Code B063577 B063578 B063583 AP8150292 AP8152018 AP8150432 AP8150448 AP8152483 B063626 B063625 AP8152292 AP8152287 AP8152294 B063902 AP8144616 B064001 AP8144563 B063717 B063716 AP8150500 248419 GU00823931080


Frame 01.040 Προστατευτικά 1

Description LH front bumper RH front bumper ***SPACER Curved spring washer * Washer 12,2x22x2 Low self-locking nut M12* Hex socket screw M12x80 Screw w/ flange M10 X 1,25 X 40 ***Right bag bumper with I.P. ***LEFT BAG BUMPER WITH I.P. Screw w/ flange Screw w/ flange M8x25 Screw w/ flange Front grille Rivet, female Bracket Rivet, male LH cover RH cover Hex socket screw M5x9 Spring plate m5 Gasket PVC

Qty 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 4 1 1 7 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Code 886959 887519 GU93304390 B063759 GU05547130 GU05547030 GU92249224 GU05547930 GU98682325


Frame 01.050 Πιρούνι 1

Description Swing arm Rubber bellows Hose clamp 3,6x375 Hose clamp 4.5x430 Bush Pin Roller bearing 25x47x17 Gasket ring Hex socket screw M6x25

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

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CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 1 1 2 3 4 5

Code B064099 B06409900BM B06409900XN2 AP8120001 2B000041 2B000056 AP8152274


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Body 02.030 Εμπρός φτερό-ΜΥΤΗ Καριστ.ΙΝΑΣ 1

Description Parafango anteriore grezzo Parafango anteriore bianco Parafango anteriore nero Rubber spacer Rinforzo parafango Bush Screw w/ flange M5x20

Qty Variants 1 1 Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] 1 Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] 4 1 4 4

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Code B063792 B063791 B063790 B063721 AP8152060 AP8150378 GU92787006 GU32577910 GU03578432 B063831 B063830 B063984 AP8152479 B064320 AP8150378 GU91551167


Body 02.050 Ζελατίνα / παρμπρίζ 1

Description Left windshield support Left windshield support Windscreen support Windscreen Hex socket screw M6x20 Washer 6,4x18x2 Cap nut M6x1 Rubber spacer 10x25 Bushing Cover Bush 18x6,5x11,5 Front frame Hex socket screw M6x30 ***COUNTERSUNK SCREW M6X40 Washer 6,4x18x2 Rubber spacer 8x18

Qty 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 9

Code B063478 GU98370516 AP8127461 898136 B063181 B06408400XN2 B06408600BM GU98350210 B063182 B06408500XN2 B06408700BM AP8120531 GU00823931055


Body 02.090 Κάλυμμα ρεζερβουάρ 1

Description Plancia chiave Hex socket screw Main switch seal Protezione antenna immobilizer Guancia serb. DX grezzo Guancia serb. DX nero comp. RH pad,white Hex socket screw Guancia serb. SX grezzo Guancia serb. SX nero comp. LH pad,white Rubber w/ insert * Gasket

Qty 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2

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Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd]

Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd]

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4

Code B064019 B06401900BM B06401900XN2 887990 88799000BM 88799000XN2 AP8152339 248419


Body 02.100 Κεντρικό αμάξωμα 1

Description LH side panel, blank LH side panel, white LH side panel, black RH side panel, blank RH side panel, white RH side panel, black Screw w/ flange M5x9 Spring plate m5

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6

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Variants Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc]

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code 88749400C1 B064023 B064024 AP8102913 AP8152117 AP8152299 B063439 978415 AP8121420 886820 887865 AP8152287


Body 02.120 Σέλα 1

Description Saddle Saddle rubber Saddle rubber Pass.saddle connecting plate Hex socket screw Self-locking nut M6 Saddle release cable Cable fixing plate Fork spring Saddle lock fix.plate Pillion grab bar Screw w/ flange M8x25

Qty 1 10 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Code 887488 976591 887802 887547 AP8152329 AP8144552


Body 02.130 Χώρος κάτω από τη σέλα 1

Description Chiusura inferiore vano sella Special screw Battery cover Battery holder Phillips screw, SWP M5x20 Support rubber part

Qty 1 8 1 1 6 3

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Code B063116 B06311600BM B06311600XN2 B063117 B06311700BM B06311700XN2 AP8152339 887487 88748700BM 88748700XN2 AP8152285 AP8152273 AP8121114 B063302 AP8152278 254485 B063303 AP8152273 248419 B063870 2B000160 AP8120531 AP8124718 AP8150204 2B000159 AP8152298 2B000082 AP8152299


Body 02.150 Πίσω φτερό 1

Description Chiusura ammortizzatore DX grezzo Chiusura ammortizzatore DX bianco Chiusura ammortizzatore DX nero Chiusura ammortizzatore SX grezzo Chiusura ammortizzatore SX bianco Chiusura ammortizzatore SX nero Screw w/ flange M5x9 Rear mudguard blank Rear mudguard, white Rear mudguard, black Screw w/ flange Screw w/ flange M5x16 T bush * Telaietto parafango con PI Screw w/ flange M6x16 Spring plate M6 Number plate support Screw w/ flange M5x16 Spring plate m5 Number plate support Lat. reflectors support Rubber w/ insert * Rear reflector, red Nut M4 Reflector support Screw w/ flange M5x16 Kit catadiottri posteriori USA-CDN Self-locking nut M6

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 4 5 1 1 4 2 4 2 4 1 3

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Variants Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc]

Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc]

Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA]

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 23 24

Code AP8149034 AP8152246


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Body 02.150 Πίσω φτερό 1

Description Number plate support Screw w/ flange M6x16

Qty Variants 1 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] 3 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA]

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Code B06325400BM B06325400XN2 B06325500BM B06325500XN2 AP8201855 AP8706322 B063587 887946 887945 B063289 B063632 AP8152286 B063932 AP8120592 575268 AP8220238 AP8224164 AP8152306 GU98682416 AP8150018 AP8152300 GU14615901 B064079


Body 02.165 βαλίτσες 1

Description RH side case assy., white Valigia dx nero comp. LH side case assy., white Valigia sx nero comp. Rear fairing cable Boccola aggancio cavalletto Guarnizione valigia RH support LH support Tubo collegamento con PI BLACK Tubo collegamento con PI Chrome Screw w/ flange M8x20 Piastrina fissaggio valigie Washer Spring plate M8 Rubber spacer Rear reflector, red Self-locking nut m5 Hex socket screw M8x16 Washer Self-locking nut M8 Washer 8,4X13X0,8 Threaded pin

Qty 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 8 8 16 2 2 6 1 2 6 2

Page 26 / 85

Variants Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc]

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Code B063709 2D000003 883476 977527 2D000004 GU98682414 B063574 B063736 873097 B063584 B064048 B064143 B005195 2D000006


Body 02.170 ΚΛΕΙΔαριστ.ΙΕΣ 1

Description Lock kit Commutatore con chiave Tank cap Serratura completa di chiavi Chiave con transponder liscia Hex socket screw Serratura valigia Screw M3x8 O-ring Lock fix.plate TSPEI inox screw UNI 5933 Lock attachment plate Self locking nut m3 Cilindretto serratura con chiave per tappo benzina

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Qty 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 1


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Code 886141 GU05944930 895839 B063819 B063950 B063642 B063643 B064261 B064260 GU05944530 B064071 B064075 B064072 B064076 B064073 B064077 B064074 B064078 887443 2B000083 2Q000002 B064025 2B000031 2B000032 B063813 B063814 B063815 B064117


Body 02.190 Αυτοκόλλητο 1

Description Decal "Aquila" Decal Engine Start Targhetta "Eni" Tyre pressure decal Targhetta "California " dx-sx fianchetti Logo serbatoio DX Logo serbatoio SX "Moto Guzzi" LH decal "Moto Guzzi" RH decal Decal Warning Decalco filetto superiore DX guancia serbatoio Decalco filetto superiore DX guancia serbatoio Decalco filetto inferiore SX guancia serbatoio Decalco filetto superiore SX guancia serbatoio Decalco filetto inferiore DX guancia serbatoio Decalco filetto inferiore DX guancia serbatoio Decalco filetto inferiore SX guancia serbatoio Decalco filetto inferiore SX guancia serbatoio Toolkit Op's handbook I-D-F-E-UK-NL USA-CND Op's handbook I-D-F-E-UK-NL I-F-D-NL-E-UK Decalco fendinebbia RH Guard decal LH Guard decal Noise emission sticker Emission control sticker Carbon filter sticker Tyre pressure decal

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Qty 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd]

Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA]

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 24

Code 672381


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Body 02.190 Αυτοκόλλητο 1


Qty Variants 1 Country:Canadian[CND]

Name plate ices-002

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 3 4 5

Code 9769965 B063306 B063143 B06314300XNH GU98210616 GU91120606


Engine 03.010 Κινητήρας-Περατώσεις 1

Description Engine assy w/hout transm. Rh cover Starter motor cover Starter motor cover Screw w/ flange M6x16 inox Bushing 6,8x8,8x5,8

Qty 1 1 1 1 6 6

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Code B063035 895328 B063751 GU98682325 GU13432640 898397 GU98680460 GU95008308 AP8144007 B063903 AP8152300 887510 GU92606206 GU31256881 898396 GU92630707 887318 B063639 AP8210007 AP8110053 GU05256930 GU98682320 GU92630206


Engine 03.020 Μοχλός ταχυτήτων 1

Description Gear lever I Bussola sinterizzata Gear lever II Hex socket screw M6x25 Rubber pedal Left ball joint M6 Hex socket screw M8x60 Washer O-ring 11,11x1,78 Spacer Self-locking nut M8 Tie rod assembly Nut Nut M6 RH ball joint M6 Nut Lever Tie rod assembly RH ball joint M6 Left ball joint M6 Lever Hex socket screw M6x20 Nut M6x1

Qty 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 886908 411209 GU95512081 560110 GU96508066 GU12018900 GU96508075 GU14615901 GU92660021 GU12022600 GU90706203 976703 GU98084425 GU61270300 GU90405367 874980 B063861 B063271 B063898 B063850 AP8152284 GU31003766 GU01528930 GU98682330 AP8150285 B063846 GU01154230 B063461


Engine 03.030 Κάρτερ I 1

Description Crankcase, grey Pin Pin Pin Stud bolt M8X66 Coupling bush Stud bolt M8x75 Washer 8,4X13X0,8 Flanged nut M8 Oil plug O-ring 20,24X2,62 Complete flange Hex screw M8x25 Spring washer 8x15x0,3 Gasket ring O-ring 7,5X2 Sump gasket Motor oil cup Oil dipstick Gasket Screw w/ flange Oil unload plug M10x1 Gasket 10x18x1,5 Hex socket screw M6x20 Hex socket screw M6x35 Joint Gasket Thermometric switch

Qty 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 5 5 2 2 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 14 4 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30

Code GU90706178 GU95100709


Engine 03.030 Κάρτερ I 1


Qty 1 1

O-ring 17,86X2,62 Gasket 20,1x28x2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Code 82999R GU90412237 GU05002130 GU98620335 976554 GU98682320 GU91120607 GU90706347 976478 GU98620455 GU98620330 GU05001630 GU91120606 GU98682316


Engine 03.040 Κάρτερ I 1

Description Timing system cover Gasket ring 22x35x7viton Cover screw M6x35 Cover Hex socket screw M6x20 Bushing 6,4x8,4x10,5 O-ring 34,65x1,78viton Cover gasket Hex socket screw M8x55 screw Alternator cover grey Bushing 6,8x8,8x5,8 Hex socket screw M6x16

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 9 1 6 6

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Code 886859 AP8104329 886867 AP8152329 886861 622236 886860 AP8120615 B063477 567603 AP8150450 886871 B063957 GU93306070 AP8152280 AP8221023 AP8120030 254485 AP8101595 AP8144038 AP8120876 AP8152279


Engine 03.050 Φιλτρόκουτο 1

Description Guscio superiore scatola filtro Air filter Filter support Phillips screw, SWP M5x20 Intake hose Spring Guscio inferiore scatola filtro Gasket D3 Filtro blow-by Washer Washer for shafts D5 Manicotto cassa filtro Hose clamp D76 Clamp 70x90x9 Screw w/ flange M6x25 T bush Rubber spacer Spring plate M6 Hose clamp D10,1 Fuel pipe 6x10 Plug Screw w/ flange M6x20

Qty 1 1 1 5 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 2 1 1 2

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CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Code 887979 872264 B063442 872230 B063333 887015 887808 8871714 8871724 B063160 B063161 887282 AP8152278 B016425 B017633 857306 2A000030 886846 B063158 B063159 976614 248419 886869 GU93222023 B017633 AP8152278


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Engine 03.060 Πεταλούδα 1

Description Induction joint gasket Gasket Injector Throttle body Tromboncino corpo farfallato Air temp. Sensor Throttle body hose Union pipe SX Union pipe DX LH clamp RH clamp Bussola a T Screw w/ flange M6x16 Screw w/ flange M6x60 Hex socket screw Hose clamp Volume compensatore Volume compensatore LH protection RH protection Screw M5X15 Spring plate m5 Support bracket Silent-block Hex socket screw Screw w/ flange M6x16

Qty Variants 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 6 4 1 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] 1 1 1 6 4 1 2 4 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code B064262 887805 976591 879975 872742 873626 879987 880127 872741 887334 B064263 887956


Engine 03.090 Καπάκι κεφαλής 1


Qty 8 1 8 8 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1

Cover DX RH Head cover Special screw Damper drift RH gasket O-ring 26X2,5 Spark plug pipe Gasket LH gasket LH Head cover Cover SX Vite coperchio testa

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 13

Code 887164 887163 872695 872696 874127 436438 B013517 285846 874126 B017636 873626 825597 887454 887455 887456


Engine 03.100 Κεφαλή - βαλβίδες 1

Description RH head assy w/h valve LH head assy with valve Intake valve Exhaust valve Lower cup Valve gasket ring Valve spring Valve half-cone Upper cup Exhaust pipe stud bolt O-ring 26X2,5 Pin 11,8X10 Cylinder head gasket sp.0,8 Cylinder head gasket sp.1 Cylinder head gasket sp0,6

Qty 1 1 4 4 8 8 8 16 8 4 4 8 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Code 976330 976381 976488 976331 GU98350315 976355 AP8152166 873928 887524 887030 85269R GU14433400 829232 887044 GU91600365 976665 976649


Engine 03.120 Διανομή 1

Description Timing system Roller cage 25x32x12 O-ring 37,82x1,78 Flange Hex socket screw M6x14 Ball bearing 20x47x18 screw M6x16 Washer Spacer Wheel speed sensor, left front Gear kit Spring washer 19x34x1,5 Nut M18x1,5 Tab 4x5 Transmission key 3x6,5 Belleville spring Nut M25x1,5

Qty 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 878574 B016785 887161 872759 015792 842360 B014576 976589 B0136034 879916 879707 B0136054 878868 B013479 875173 B013661 414837 879938 879936 879937 B013552 825694 487444 976674 976350 874601 843060 880965


Engine 03.135 Διανομή κύλινδρος δεξ. 1

Description Pad Tappet Rockers axle support DX Pin D. 2,5 screw M8x30 Plug M6x10 Cam axle Pin Bilanciere aspirazione sx scarico dx Rocker arm adjuster nut Adjuster screw Bilanciere aspirazione dx scarico sx Spacer screw M8 Breather cover cpl. Torx convex big end screw Plate Screw w/ flange M6x25 Belleville spring Shim washer Shim washer Roller Nut M10x1,25 Screw w/ flange M6x120 Plain washer 12x6,1x2 Timing gear sheet oil breather Screw w/ flange Gasket ring 2,62x46,52

Qty 2 2 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 2 2 1 1 1 0

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30 31 32

Code 976341 976338 976337 GU95129100


Engine 03.135 Διανομή κύλινδρος δεξ. 1

Description Camshaft chain Chain guide plate Chain tensioner sliding block Spring washer 5,3X10X0,5

Qty 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 878574 B016785 887162 872759 015792 842360 B014576 976589 B0136034 879916 879707 B0136054 878868 B013479 875173 B013661 414837 879938 879936 879937 B013552 825694 487444 976674 976350 874601 843060 880965


Engine 03.145 Διανομή κύλινδρος αριστ. 1

Description Pad Tappet Rockers axle support SX Pin D. 2,5 screw M8x30 Plug M6x10 Cam axle Pin Bilanciere aspirazione sx scarico dx Rocker arm adjuster nut Adjuster screw Bilanciere aspirazione dx scarico sx Spacer screw M8 Breather cover cpl. Torx convex big end screw Plate Screw w/ flange M6x25 Belleville spring Shim washer Shim washer Roller Nut M10x1,25 Screw w/ flange M6x120 Plain washer 12x6,1x2 Timing gear sheet oil breather Screw w/ flange Gasket ring 2,62x46,52

Qty 2 2 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30 31 32 33

Code 976341 976338 976337 244585 GU95129100


Engine 03.145 Διανομή κύλινδρος αριστ. 1

Description Camshaft chain Chain guide plate Chain tensioner sliding block Spacer Spring washer 5,3X10X0,5

Qty 1 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Code B064047 8868810001 8868810002 8868810003 886883 886884 886885 886886 874567 B064046 B015126 976899 976312 825597 873689 873690 976342 B015125 GU98350310 GU95100116 849866


Engine 03.150 Κύλινδρος - Έμβολο 1

Description Cylinder with piston assy., RH Piston assy Pistone cpl.E Pistone cpl.F Piston ring Piston ring Piston ring Gudgeon bucket Stop ring Cylinder with piston assy., LH O-ring 26.64x2.62 Stud bolt M10x251 Cylinder base gasket Pin 11,8X10 RH chain tensioner LH chain tensioner Chain tension.plug Chain tension.plug Hex socket screw M6x20 Washer 6,25x10x1,5 Washer

Qty 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 8 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5

Code 8868555001 8868555002 8868555003 874293 8783390001 8783390002 8783390003 849131 875243 875244


Engine 03.160 Άξονας κινητήρα 1

Description Crankshaft cpl. Crankshaft cpl. Crankshaft cpl. Thrust washer Connecting rod cpl. Connecting rod cpl. Connecting rod cpl. Connecting rod screw Bearing half-shell 1,535-1,540 Bearing half-shell 1,539-1,544

Qty 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 2

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Variants Technical specification:Colore selezione Marrone[C1] Technical specification:Colore selezione Verde[C2] Technical specification:Colore selezione Nero[C3] Technical specification:Colore selezione Marrone[C1] Technical specification:Colore selezione Verde[C2] Technical specification:Colore selezione Nero[C3] Technical specification:Red sign[RS] Technical specification:Blue sign[BS]

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 9769975 B0630754 GU97202355 GU93180220 8868655 GU95980319 GU18144350 GU05204930 GU01528930 AP8120952 AP8101595 GU90401424 GU31003766 GU19002020 886875 GU05234631 GU05235531 GU90271022 GU92201117 GU92201025 GU05236231 GU05238231 GU05238431 B064112 B064113 GU05234230 B063905 B063956


Engine 03.170 Κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων / Επιλογέας / δεσμοδρομικού 1

Description Transmission, assy Clutch housing, grey Screw w/ flange M6x55 Cover Transmission cage Oil plug M18x1,5 Washer 18,25x24x1 Breather plug Gasket 10x18x1,5 Fuel pipe 5,5x10 Hose clamp D10,1 Gasket ring 14x24x7 Oil unload plug M10x1 Bushing 6,6x9x13 Shift cam cpl. Pin Spacer Circlip Ball bearing 17x35x10 Ball bearing 25x42x9 Preselection complete Spring Bushing Index assy. lever Index spring Spacer Fixing pin Spring

Qty 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Code GU05238131 GU90271014 GU05239330 GU05230531 GU05232431 GU05232631 GU05230831 GU90353014 857265 857494 AP8152273


Engine 03.170 Κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων / Επιλογέας / δεσμοδρομικού 1

Description Spacer Circlip Fifth wheel Fork 1a-3a Fork shaft Fork 5a-6a Fork 2a-4a Circlip Gear position sensor O-ring Screw w/ flange M5x16

Qty 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code GU05210631 GU05215631 GU92252029 GU05212031 GU05214630 GU90271230 GU05211431 GU90271030 976179 GU05211331 GU92201822 GU05213631 GU05214231 GU05214031 GU05214731 GU05215031 976180 GU05214431 GU92201226 GU90412541 B063832 976533 976532 GU92232028 GU05211131 GU05211231 GU90271125 GU95129340


Engine 03.180 Κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων - γρανάζια 1

Description Primary gear shaft Z=17 Drive gears Z=35 Roller cage 26x30x15,6 Gear 5a Z=31 Clearance washer Snap ring 30x1,2SW Gear 3a-4a Z=23-26 Snap ring 30x27,9 Gear 6a Z=30 Gear 2a Z=20 Ball bearing 20x52x15 Driven shaft Gear 1a Z=38 Gear 5a Z=30 Gear 3a Z=31 Gear 4a Z=29 Gear 6a Z=24 Gear 2a Z=34 Ball bearing 25x52x15 Gasket ring 25X40X7 Clutch shaft Gasket ring 25x47x7 Thrust bearing Roller bearing 20x28x13 Idle gear Z=26 Hose Snap ring 25x2 Washer

Qty 1 1 6 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30 31 32 33 34

Code GU05211030 GU05211530 B063978 B063977 B063836 B063979


Engine 03.180 Κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων - γρανάζια 1


Qty 1 8 1 1 1 1

Disc Belleville spring Clutch collar Half ring Fifth wheel Bushing

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Code 887951 GU01154230 GU01161331 899064 874223 976597 874669 976592 434947 874646 887950 641541 AP9150472 976681 874238 976680 621914 013763


Engine 03.190 Λίπανση 1

Description Pipe Gasket Reduction O-ring Bored screw Copper gasket Nipple Gasket O-ring 12,42x1 Oil pipe Pipe Oil pressure sensor Washer 10,5x17x1,5 RH Nozzle O-ring LH Nozzle screw Flat washer 4,2x12x1

Qty 1 2 2 4 3 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 5 3

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Code B063428 829122 GU19152200 GU95187006 GU98084314 B063274 876486 224566 B063934 B063942 B064018 874655 969323 621914


Engine 03.195 Φίλτρα λαδιού 1

Description Oil filter Oil filter union Oil filter Plate Hex screw M6x14 Complete flange Oil pressure adjusting valve Washer Oil pipe O-ring 14x3 Suction pipe Intake oil filter O-ring screw

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Code 887786 AP8120030 AP8150500 B063620 B063778 CM001904 AP8102349 AP8102765 B063179 GU01161331 GU01154230


Engine 03.196 Κύκλωμα Blow-by 1

Description Serbatoio Blow-By Rubber spacer Hex socket screw M5x9 Tubo a 3 vie Tubo sfiato Blow-By Hose clamp White hose clip D17,5x8 White hose clip D.13,5x6 Tubo ritorno coppa Reduction Gasket

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Code 8746505 GU31159050 GU30158900 GU18144350 829486 829661 237553 874482 414835 874801 877101 GU03013800 GU95005306 873906


Engine 03.200 Αντλίας λαδιού 1


Qty 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1

Oil pump assy. Cover Washer Washer 18,25x24x1 Spring Oil pressure valve O-ring Gasket screw Pin 2x13,8 Oil pump gear Washer 6,4x12 Washer 6,4x13x1,5 Low nut

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 16

Code 2A000028 B064100 85220R B064271 976535 884044 976481 976484 B013036 976564 GU14085900 976593 976594 976595 976596 B0630111 B063012 B013037 976696 598839 2A000072


Engine 03.230 Συμπλέκτης 1

Description Clutch, assy. Clutch disc Clutch command cylinder Gasket ring Hex socket screw M7x16 Hex socket screw M6x10 Screw w/ flange M8x25 Conical spring washer 8,2X15 Clutch drive tapped Bushing Bush Rod L=mm183 Rod L=mm184,5 Rod L=mm186 Rod L=mm187,5 Asta L=mm 1 185 Asta L=mm 185,5 Clutch gear Engine bearing set Screw w/ flange Piattello spingimolla

Qty 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1

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Technical specification:An identification cut[1T] Technical specification:Two identification cuts[2T] Technical specification:Three identification cuts[3T] Technical specification:Four identification cuts[4T] Technical specification:Cinque tagli di identificazione[5T] Technical specification:Sei tagli di identificazione[6T]

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3

Code 97729R GU98082475 GU95008208


Engine 03.290 μίζας / Ηλεκτρική εκκίνηση 1


Qty 1 2 2

Starter motor Hex screw M8x75 Washer 8,4X15X1,5

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code 886255 GU91180823 GU98620445 GU98620560 GU92660012 GU05702530 GU05701430 GU92606516 GU30714201 GU4FAN000030 GU98230850 GU92605408


Engine 03.300 Μανιατό / Ανάφλεξη 1

Description Generator Spacer 8,5x17x13 Hex socket screw M8x45 Hex socket screw M10x60 Nut M10X1,5 Belt Generator lever pulley Nut M16 Washer 16,25x24,5x5 Flywheel magneto key Hex socket screw M8x50 Nut M8x1,25

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Code B064126 B064127 887589 887590 AP8152055 GU95008308 B063595 B063596 884029 AP8152313 254485 B063293 2B000145 887007 2B000146 887008 B063593 B063594 AP8144064 584344 B063292 976376 B063114 887816 AP8144558 AP8121510 GU92660021 GU14615901


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Engine 03.330 Εξάτμιση 1

Description RH silencer LH silencer Staffa supporto silenziatore sx Staffa supporto silenziatore dx Hex socket screw M8x12 Washer Protezione anticalore silenzatore sx cromato Protezione anticalore silenziatore dx cromato Hex socket screw M6x10 Captive nut M6 Spring plate M6 Fascetta D.48 LH exhaust manifold LH exhaust manifold RH exhaust manifold RH exhaust manifold Protezione anticalore collettore sx cromato Protezione anticalore collettore dx cromato Heat shield washer Lamda sensor l. 325 mm Fascetta D.37 Gasket Vite svas. esag. inc. passo grosso Bush Rubber spacer Bush Flanged nut M8 Washer 8,4X13X0,8

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Qty Variants 1 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 10 2 6 2 1 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] 1 1 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 4 8 4 4 4

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 27

Code AP8152300


Engine 03.330 Εξάτμιση 1


Qty 4

Self-locking nut M8

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Code 887300 AP8152318 886968 887522 AP8152272 887757


Engine 03.340 Σύστημα μετάδοσης πίσω 1

Description Transmission complete Screw w/ flange M10x35 Complete driving shaft Guard Screw w/ flange M5x12 Internal spacer

Qty 1 4 1 1 3 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Code 887300 GU31003766 GU01528930 B064044 GU05351230 GU90718120 AP8150169 AP8150211


Engine 03.350 Πίσω μετάδοσης / Εξαρτήματα 1

Description Transmission complete Oil unload plug M10x1 Gasket 10x18x1,5 Breather plug Oil plug M12x1,5 Washer Hex socket screw M8x20 Hex socket screw M8x16

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 887512 887513 887829 887830 B064059 B064060 B064065 B064064 B064062 B064063 B064068 B064066 B064067 B064049 B064058 B064102 B064050 B064053 B064055 B064056 B064061 B064052 B064057 B064051 B064069 B064070 887360 887586


Suspensions 04.025 Εμπρός πιρούνι 1

Description RH hub cpl. LH hub cpl. RH slider Left fork leg Dust cover Circlip Oil seal Ring Spring guide bush Sliding bush Plug Spacer Circlip Sleeve Washer Snap ring Spring Preload tube LH plunger, complete RH plunger, complete O-ring Nut O-ring Plug Screw Washer Lower protection Spacer

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30 31 32 33 34

Code 887359 GU98690245 GU90706461 GU05781630 GU98680440 GU95005308


Suspensions 04.025 Εμπρός πιρούνι 1

Description Upper protection Hex socket screw M5x45 O-ring 46,04x3,53 Reflector, amber Hex socket screw M8x40 Washer 8,4x14,57x1,6

Qty 2 4 2 2 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4

Code 887137 GU03555250 884031 B063174


Suspensions 04.080 Αμορτισέρ 1

Description Rear shock absorber Rear swing arm pin Hex socket screw M6x14 Bush

Qty 2 2 4 4

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Code 887362 887429 AP8125841 AP8110094 AP8125842 GU03617710 887433 GU14616150 887430 B063440 887875 887439 887762 887566 887578 887579 B044314 AP8152043 859792 AP8152273


Wheels 05.010 Εμπρόσθιος τροχός 1

Description Cerchio anteriore con cuscinetti Front wheel ins.spacer Gasket ring 30x47x7 Bearing 25x47x12 Snap ring d47 Tubeless tyre valve Pneumatico anteriore 130/70 Counterweight Disco freno anteriore dx Protezione ruota fonica Wheel speed sensor, left front RH front brake disc Vite te flang. M8x22 Front wheel spindle Distanziale ruota ant. dx Front LH wheel spacer Guida cavo sensore ABS anteriore Hex socket screw M4x10 Sensor ABS Screw w/ flange M5x16

Qty 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Code 887529 887530 AP8110093 AP8125839 AP8125838 GU14616150 GU03617710 887489 GU30611460 887875 AP8152285 887495 859792 AP8152273 886967 887575 B064290 GU90706664 887311 2B000090 B063849 887518 887461 887517 GU95005325 AP8152324 AP8152323


Wheels 05.020 Πίσω τροχός 1

Description Rear wheel(complete) 6x16" Rear wheel spacer Bearing 6205-2rs1 25x52x15 Snap ring d52 Gasket ring 38x52x7 Counterweight Tubeless tyre valve Brake disc screw Wheel speed sensor, left front Screw w/ flange Rear LH whe.ou.spacer Sensor ABS Screw w/ flange M5x16 Rear wheel spindle Rear tyre 200/60-16"x6 Spring drive rubber O-ring 66,40x1,78 Flexible coupling disc Flange Screw w/ flange M10x30 O-ring 56,74x3,53 Spring drive spacer Ball bearing 30x47x9 Washer 25,2X36X1 Wheel spindle nut M25x1,5 Washer 25,2x36x1

Qty 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Code 887764 856048 B064105 858423 856050 887627 654174


Brake system 06.010 Αντλία φρένου εμπρός 1

Description Pompa freno anteriore ABS Brake lever Coperchio completo Diaphragm U-bolt Interruttore freno diagnosticabile Special cap screw M2x12*

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Code 883385 883384 883673 GU01659130 GU01659131 AP8152414


Brake system 06.020 Δαγκάνα φρένου εμπρός 1

Description RH front brake caliper LH front brake caliper Pads pair Pins+Caliper springs Spring Screw w/ flange M10x55

Qty 1 1 2 2 2 4

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Code 887556 895328 845591 GU95008308 AP8144007 B063903 887252 AP8152300 B063328 GU43262180 B064022 AP8152299 GU98370412 AP8150204 AP8101968 AP8201301 AP8120178 GU92606206 AP8152279 887689 B064104 GU98210616 GU95005320


Brake system 06.030 Αντλία φρένου πίσω 1

Description Leva freno posteriore compl. Bussola sinterizzata Hex socket screw M8x75 Washer O-ring 11,11x1,78 Spacer Bush Self-locking nut M8 Molla a torsione Rubber pedal Stop switch Self-locking nut M6 Hex socket screw M4x12 Nut M4 Fork Gear selector fork clips O-ring OR112 Nut Screw w/ flange M6x20 Rear master cylinder Brake oil tank complete Screw w/ flange M6x16 inox Washer 6,5x20x1,5

Qty 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4

Code 887490 GU30654626 B064120 AP8113755


Brake system 06.040 Δαγκάνα πίσω φρένου 1


Qty 1 1 1 1

Rear brake caliper Pads pair Pins+spring kit Air bleed valve

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20

Code 887696 860746 B063211 887798 976591 254485 AP8152280 AP8150015 AP8120030 AP8152278 AP8121882 887585 887584 887583 887582 AP8133945 AP8113004 AP8113003 AP8113070 AP8202238 AP8201808


Brake system 06.050 Σύστημα πέδησης ABS 1

Description Centralina ABS Cluster Insulating cap Piastra supporto centralina ABS Coperchio inferiore ABS Special screw Spring plate M6 Screw w/ flange M6x25 Washer 6,6x18x1,6* Rubber spacer Screw w/ flange M6x16 Cable-guide Tubo pinza post. centralina ABS Tubo pompa post. centralina ABS Tubo pinze ant. centralina ABS Tubo pompa ant. centralina ABS Bleeder kit Washer 10x14x1,6* Oil pipe screw * Bleed valve cap Cable-guide hook Cable-guide D8

Qty 1 1 1 1 2 5 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 10 2 2 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code 887357 887356 AP8150543 AP8123641 AP8110077 AP8123644 AP8123642 887831 AP8123643 887832 AP8152384 AP8121205


Handlebar - Controls 07.010 Τιμόνι 1

Description Steering plate Stem base Screw M8x35 Dust cover ring Axial ball bearing Dust cover ring Ring nut Rubber spacer Return ring nut Steering security plate Stem plug washer Upper plate fixing bush

Qty 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Code 887549 641652 GU03603060 GU30602861 887567 887568 B063339 887795 887796 B063030 GU98690440 978059 GU06500200 GU06500600 AP8150540 AP8152325 887823 B064116 B064115


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Handlebar - Controls 07.020 Τιμόνι - Χειριστήρια 1

Description Handlebar Spring LH hand grip Balancing Gas trasmission delivery Gas trasmission return Throttle with hand grip LH lights selector RH lights selector RH lights selector screw Self-tap screw Lower U-bolt Upper U-bolt Screw Screw w/ flange Interruttore fendinebbia RH rearview mirror LH rearview mirror

Qty Variants 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Country:Canadian[CND] 2 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Code 887550 B064265 858424 856050 B064106 B063310 AP8121409 AP8113004 887339 AP8133945 887629 AP8120416 654174


Handlebar - Controls 07.030 Χειριστήριο συμπλέκτη 1

Description Clutch pump Clutch lever Diaphragm U-bolt Pump cover Clutch pipe Oil pipe screw Washer 10x14x1,6* Float chambe clutch pipe Bleeder kit Interruttore frizione diagnosticabile Black hose 178x4 Special cap screw M2x12*

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 887698 B063174 GU91120605 887921 GU98612320 AP8150045 AP8150285 AP8152281 GU92630206 AP8150014 AP8150015 887697 AP8150178 006410 887453 294353 294278 887554 B063091 B063295 580734 B063296 B063297 B063343 887997 B063756 AP8221349 AP8120594


Lights - Instruments 08.010 ΦΩΤΑ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ 1

Description Spacer Bush Spacer Articulated head M6 Hex socket screw M6x20 Hex socket screw M6x55 Hex socket screw M6x35 Screw w/ flange M6x30 Nut M6x1 Washer 6,4x12,5* Washer 6,6x18x1,6* Washer Washer 6,4x12,5* Gasket ring Headlight Lamp H7 55W 12V Lamp H3 12V-55W RH headlight supp. LH headlight supp. Fog light Lamp 12V-35W H8 Cap Ring nut Light assembly Supporto fendinebbia Block T bush Rubber spacer

Qty 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Code GU98682320 GU98350416 GU98370614 GU03013800 AP8150376 AP8221310 B063028 B063029 AP8127489 2D000007


Lights - Instruments 08.010 ΦΩΤΑ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ 1

Description Hex socket screw M6x20 Hex socket screw M8x16 Hex socket screw M6x14 Washer 6,4x12 Washer 8,5x15x0,8 Cable-guide Front right turn indicator Front left turn indicator Lamp RY10W 12V Turn indicator lens

Qty 5 2 4 7 2 1 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Code B063936 887953 AP8144662 AP8150413 GU95008305 AP8152278 AP8150382 887555 887540 895709


Lights - Instruments 08.020 Όργανα 1

Description Front booby hatch Cover cruscotto Rubber spacer Self-tap screw 3,9x14 Washer 5,3X10X1 Screw w/ flange M6x16 Washer 15x5,5X1,2 Socket support Dashboard Hex socket screw M5x12

Qty 1 1 3 6 3 2 3 1 1 2

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CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Code 887534 887536 887535 887537 976591 AP8124718 AP8150501 AP8150204 AP8127098 B063432 292022 AP8150522 AP8144564 B063454 AP8150413


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Lights - Instruments 08.030 Φώτα πίσω 1

Description Fanale post.dx EU Rh rear light USA-CND Fanale post.sx EU Lh rear light USA-CND Special screw Rear reflector, red Washer Nut M4 Number-plate light Number-plate light Lamp 12V-5W Screw 4,2x16 Rubber w/ insert M4 Plate light support Self-tap screw 3,9x14

Qty Variants 1 1 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] 1 1 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Code 2B000147 2B000147000XN2 886934 88693400BM 88693400XN2 AP8152281 AP8121511 AP8120557 AP8120405 B063080 B063246 B063079 B043864 AP8101595 GU00823944050 AP8102998 B063706 AP8150311 GU95008205 B063104 GU01107490 GU01106090 AP8152273 B064026 B064027 GU98882416 AP8201124 AP8104666


Tank 09.010 Ρεζερβουάρ βενζίνης 1

Description Serbatoio benzina grezzo Serbatoio benz. nero comp. Serbatoio benzina grezzo Fuel tank, white Serbatoio benz. nero comp. Screw w/ flange M6x30 Bush Tank rubber Rubber spacer Guarnizione flangia tappo Distanziale flangia tappo benz. Flangia aggancio tappo benz. Hex socket screw M5x14 Hose clamp D10,1 pipe 5X9 Hose clamp d.9,5 Fuel level sensor Low self-locking nut Washer 5,3x10x0,8 Fuel pump Gasket Fuel filter Screw w/ flange M5x16 Fuel pipe complete with joints Fuel pipe complete with joints Vite TCREI M8x16 Rubber spacer * 3-way union

Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 4 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 2 1

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Variants Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Vehicle colour:Diamond White[Bd] Vehicle colour:Competition Black[Nc]

Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Code 856063 856062 GU01116031 AP8220402 860138 AP8102239 AP8206773 2B000219 AP8102159 GU06704700 GU90706009 GU95963062 GU95990023 AP8102377 AP8101944


Tank 09.020 Κύκλωμα ανάκτησης αναθυμιάσεων βενζίνης 1

Description pipe SAE 30 d.12,7x6,35 pipe SAE 30 d.11,11x4,8 Carbon filter pipe 5x9 Valve Hose clamp 12,5x8 Hose clamp 35620 Joint Hose clamp Joint O-ring 6x1 Joint Bored screw Hose clamp D9,1* 2-way union

Qty 3 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 6 1 2 1 1 3 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Code B063090 AP8120030 AP8152280 AP8221023 254485 886235 AP8121464 AP8161083 478533 B063434 B064009


Cooling system 10.010 Ψυγείο λαδιού 1

Description Oil cooler Rubber spacer Screw w/ flange M6x25 T bush Spring plate M6 Electric fan assy. Pin Spacer Self-tap screw Electric fan cable harness Cooling hood

Qty 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 887955 641901 B063162 B063844 AP8152280 B063508 AP8152281 976614 GU92630206 641652 AP8121032 AP8152278 AP8152302 AP8152299 248419 B063742 AP8124936 B063015 AP8152280 AP8150509 B044414 887835 887836 B063426 AP8152302 248419 AP8224462 890979


Electrical systems 11.010 Ηλεκτρική εγκατάσταση εμπρός 1

Description Box HT coil SX Stud bolt Stud bolt Screw w/ flange M6x25 Coil holder Screw w/ flange M6x30 Screw M5X15 Nut M6x1 Spring Bush Screw w/ flange M6x16 Screw w/ flange M5x12 Self-locking nut M6 Spring plate m5 Coil holder Air temp. Sensor Support plate Screw w/ flange M6x25 Self-tap screw 5x14 Sensore posizione acceleratore Cavo A.T. completo Cavo A.T. completo Cavo A.T. completo Screw w/ flange M5x12 Spring plate m5 Relay 12V/30A Horn

Qty 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Code GU98370616 254485 890760 887421 832029 B063592 GU98682316 GU90706141 B063131 887016 B064017


Electrical systems 11.010 Ηλεκτρική εγκατάσταση εμπρός 1

Description Hex socket screw M6x16 inox Spring plate M6 Instrument support Temp. Sensor Encoder sensor Plate Hex socket screw M6x16 O-ring Rubber spacer Spark plug NGK LMAR8F-9 Fascetta con testa a freccia e ventosa

Qty 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 887625 AP8112811 894603 CM225607 CM225610 CM225615 CM225620 CM225730 CM225740 895907 B063026 B063027 AP8150413 581061 856152 860746 895701 977916 582928 AP8124293 145298 AP8150413 AP8102671 B063433 GU98680225 642248 AP8120712 2B000331


Electrical systems 11.020 Ηλεκτρική εγκατάσταση κεντρική 1

Description Main wiring harness Rubber fuse box Fuse holder box Fuse 7,5A Fuse 10A Fuse 15A Fuse 20A Fuse 30A Fuse 40A Relay 20A Base canalina cavi Coperchio canalina cavi Self-tap screw 3,9x14 Cap Insulating cap Insulating cap Terminal cap Insulating cap Plug connect diagnos ECU Relais support Lock-strap L=180mm Self-tap screw 3,9x14 Plastic rivet Earth cable Hex socket screw M5x25 Fall sensor Rubber spacer Support plate

Qty 1 1 1 3 1 5 2 2 2 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

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Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA]

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 29 30

Code AP8152306 AP8152329


Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

Electrical systems 11.020 Ηλεκτρική εγκατάσταση κεντρική 1

Description Self-locking nut m5 Phillips screw, SWP M5x20

Qty Variants 1 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA] 2 Country:Canadian[CND], United States of America[USA]

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Chassis prefix: ZGULVA02, ZGULVA03, ZGULVC000 Engine prefix:

CALIFORNIA GU105 - California 1400 Touring ABS

Group Code Description Service

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Code 858882 B063013 AP8150509 AP8150501 AP8220150 AP8150382 AP8150509 AP8112600 AP8152302 883818 896715 887335 B063806 AP8152329 CM228201 895481 896675


Electrical systems 11.030 Ηλεκτρική εγκατάσταση πίσω 1

Description Maintenance Relais support Self-tap screw 5x14 Washer Rubber spacer Washer 15x5,5X1,2 Self-tap screw 5x14 Rubber spacer Screw w/ flange M5x12 Battery Relay rubber Kit allarme elettronico Bracket Phillips screw, SWP M5x20 Electronic control unit Injection relay Wiring harness support

Qty 1 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2

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